What to give a boy for his birthday? Gift for a boy for 11 years

Eleven years is a wonderful age, but usually boys during this period begin to "break away" from their parents, listening more to the advice of their peers. Such a child clearly knows what he wants to receive as a gift, but at the same time, like a small child, enjoys surprises. Having an idea of ​​his character, hobbies, as well as the psychological characteristics of children of this age, it will not be difficult for you to answer the question of what to give a boy for 11 years.

In many families, the child is given the right to choose the gift himself. There is nothing shameful in this - the birthday man, who has received what he has long dreamed of, will be happy and grateful to you.

At this age, boys and girls already understand the value of money, but they do not always weigh their desires against the capabilities of their parents. If a boy "orders" an expensive present for his birthday, the question should not only be whether you can afford the purchase in terms of finance. It is not always worth indulging in momentary whims imposed by the consumer society. It would be nice to find out what caused the son's desire. If this is really his dream, then become a kind wizard and do not be confused by the opinion of others who insist that pampering a child is bad.

What to give a boy for 11 years: a guide to a hobby

Choosing a good gift for an 11-year-old boy often baffles parents, godparents, and other relatives. The task is simplified if you know what the birthday person is fond of. A gift that suits his tastes will be a win-win and can be quite inexpensive. There are several categories of presentations, depending on the type of hobby.

Sports interest

At the age of 11, the boys are quite mobile, they run around with friends on the street all day, many have been attending sports clubs for several years and are really enthusiastically watching football matches on TV. If you are confident in the child's sports predilections, then the gift may be as follows.

  • Bike. Long before the birthday, carefully ask your child what model he would like to have, what color he prefers. A bicycle will be a great gift for a guy, will raise his self-esteem - after all, a shiny new "iron horse" will be shown to his friends-connoisseurs on the same day.
  • Roller or figure skates. A universal gift no matter what kind of sport the child is fond of. Rollers and figure skates should be in the arsenal of tools that are mandatory for physical development. Such a gift for an 11-year-old boy will be a wonderful present from mom and dad or from a godfather.
  • Dumbbells. For general physical development, a sports equipment is simply irreplaceable. When you give the gift, do not forget to tell why it is important to regularly exercise the muscles. It will be useful to praise the child for his craving for sports.
  • Skateboard. This device will definitely appeal to an active boy who likes to spend a lot of time with his friends on the street. If the family budget allows, you can buy a fashionable hoverboard - the child will definitely be delighted.

If a child has been attending a karate or judo section for several years and he really likes to practice, a new kimono or other accessories for his favorite hobby will be an excellent present. An enthusiastic hockey player can be handed a new stick, a football player - a ball, and a young chess player will be delighted with new chess.

For a young "homemade"

For those who like to craft something with their hands, a new constructor or a set for creativity will be a good gift. In children's stores, take a look at the following options.

  • Wood burning set. Such devices were popular in the 80s and 90s. A burning device with a set of panel drawings is a great way to develop perseverance, creative imagination and accuracy. In addition, a handmade picture will be the pride of your little boy. In addition, you can purchase a set of boards on which the outline of the drawing has already been applied. For beginners, this is a nice bonus.
  • Constructor. Puzzling over what to give your son for 11 years? Lego constructors are at the top of the list of the best gifts for children from four to 13 years old. Space ships, underwater installations, fire stations and police stations. Choose a more complex model for a boy of 11 years old, with many small details and functions. The child will be happy to create his own toy world. There are other construction kits, such as magnetic or solar-powered robot kits. When choosing a similar gift for an 11-year-old boy, pay attention to the age marking.
  • Experimental kits. Such a present will appeal to a young naturalist. There are plenty to choose from in this category: these are kits for growing crystals, and kits that demonstrate physical phenomena. The child will be able to independently assemble, for example, an electrical circuit or try himself as an alchemist.
  • Models of technology. It is worth paying attention to models of planes, military equipment or cars made of wood or cardboard. It will be interesting for the boy to make and assemble a collection of tanks from the times of the Great Patriotic War or medieval ships.

Puzzle games for brain gymnastics

A rare boy at the age of 11 is not fond of computer games: strategies, online simulators, quests. Suggest an alternative: logic board games, which are analogous to computer games in reality, also perfectly develop thinking and team spirit. These include all financial: "Monopoly", "Mad money", "Businessman". These include games like Jenga and Jenga-boom, Crocodile, Mafia, Lord of the Mind, Colonizers. Judging by the reviews of the guys on the Internet, such games are interesting for children from seven to 16 years old.

Your son will be delighted if you set aside at least one evening a week for board games with the whole family. Joint leisure helps to strengthen trusting relationships between parents and children and gives positive emotions.

Gadgets are not a luxury

A new smartphone with the necessary set of functions will be a welcome gift from parents for an 11-year-old boy. In addition to tablets and laptops, this category also includes digital cameras, electronic pocket games, and PlayStation set-top boxes. For existing gadgets, you can present accessories: headphones, speakers, game joysticks, a set of wireless keyboards and mice, game disks or a webcam.

If you decide to give your son a smartphone, it is better to go to the electronics store with the birthday boy. A boy at this age often understands technology better than you and can make a completely informed choice - only he has an idea of ​​what color, design, dimensions and functions of the new gadget will suit him.

List of bad gifts

Having studied the reviews of children and parents on various sites and forums, we can highlight the ideas of the most unsuccessful gifts for an 11-year-old boy. What should not be presented as a birthday present or a New Year's gift to a boy at the age of 11?

  • Money. Some families have a tradition of giving money to children. From the point of view of psychology and etiquette, this is wrong. Money is still an adult gift. The gift itself is not so much important for the child as the anticipation of a surprise, uncertainty. And if expectations are met, the effect of donation can be amazing - the boy will remember this for a long time. Money can be given if the child has been saving up for some expensive toy or necessary thing for a long time.
  • Toys for toddlers. At the age of 11, the boy is unlikely to be delighted with a new typewriter or a set of pistols. An interesting option can only be radio-controlled toys, and then if they are very original. For example, a small helicopter or a racing car with different functions.
  • Clothing. Few children dream of getting new shorts or a shirt for their birthday, because you already buy these things as needed. Wardrobe items can be an addition to the main gift.
  • Book. Adolescent children are unlikely to be delighted with such a surprise. If your child is an exception, then it is better to choose from the "Encyclopedia for Boys" series.

Whichever gift you choose for an 11-year-old boy, take into account the age characteristics of the child. In adolescence, boys are very eager to be like adults. They are physically active and prone to adventure and adventure. Be sure to come up with something fun: tie helium balloons to a gift or pack in ten boxes of different sizes. Do everything to make receiving a gift interesting, memorable and leave only pleasant memories.


Of course, on the eve of the birthday of their child, parents are thinking about choosing the best gift, as wonderful as their already grown-up son. The choice of a worthy present becomes more and more difficult every year, because, at first glance, it may seem that the child's wishes are completely meaningless, and the parents want to give something useful and necessary. How to surprise a growing man, what to give his son for 11, 12, 13 years old? If you still have not found the answer, then we will be happy to help you and offer you many interesting options, among which you will certainly find exactly what your child will be delighted with the most!

You have a really difficult mission ahead - to find a good present for the most difficult age, when the hero of the occasion considers himself an adult, but, in fact, is still a real child, and his desires change from day to day. It is on this fine line that you have to balance.

What should be a gift for a son for 11, 12, 13 years old: traditional advice

To be known as advanced parents, you need, before you go shopping for another birthday present, as if by chance ask what your son is most interested in right now. Football or another sport, more modern than video games, fashionable gadgets, etc.? But do not forget that we are still talking about children, so do not give yourself away in any way, play real spies, the gift is simply bound to be an unexpected surprise!

Friends of the birthday boy can be connected to the "reconnaissance operation"; they will gladly hand over to you all the secret desires of the child!

Choosing a gift for your teenage son is a really responsible task that we strongly do not recommend postponing until the last moment. It will be better if you prepare in advance and think carefully about everything. And even words of congratulations. They don't have to be trivial. It is unlikely that your little boy will be interested in hearing about good health, try to play everything into a funny joke. And not trivial, and fun from the first minutes of the holiday.

Gift ideas for 11-13 year old son: interesting toys for teens

Even if your son claims that he has already grown out of childhood toys, he simply has no idea how interesting these toys designed for teenagers can be. Often, adults are also seriously flirting with such models, so do not be too surprised if your husband also hits the game with all interest. By the way, it's a great idea to make the relationship between a son and a father even closer and more trusting.

  • Robot toy in a wide variety of model variations. Such designs on the modern market are presented in such a wide variety that you may even be confused for a few minutes, but professional consultants will certainly help you choose the best option, taking into account the interests of the birthday person. Such a present can be given to a son for 13 years and even a little younger. Believe me, he will appreciate it. What is special about these toys? They are capable of developing a very high speed (up to 5 kilometers per hour) and being controlled at a distance of up to 30 meters, performing over 20 actions. Some models even perceive voice commands, they can imitate a person's mood and memorize predetermined routes.
  • Metal 3D puzzle, presented, again, in all sorts of model variations. A wonderful present that will cause genuine delight on the face of your birthday boy. At the age of 11, you can give your son a puzzle that is not very difficult to assemble; for older teenagers, choose something themed, for example, the X-Wing Star Wars fighter, this will be an especially appropriate choice if your son is a fan of this famous movie epic. The already assembled model will become the pride of the birthday man and a real decoration of the interior of his room.
  • Night-vision device- a real find for a true modern spy. And what boy has not dreamed of becoming a secret agent: elusive and as famous as James Bond? Such a gift will allow secret surveillance not only during the day, but also at night, as true spies do.

The gift that you are going to buy your son for his birthday should fully meet his interests, hobbies. It is not the best decision to present something useful or necessary, because on this day the child is waiting for a holiday, and not something practical. It is unlikely that a high-quality jacket or boots will delight the birthday man, do not take childhood away from his son!

What to give your son for his birthday if he is a lover of outdoor activities

What is interesting for boys at 12 years old? What is the best gift for an 11 year old boy? What might interest a son at the age of 13? Probably, at this age, all boys are the same and love to spend time on the street with their friends for active games. True, now homemade slingshots have been replaced by modern functional gadgets that allow you to really have fun for lovers of active recreation.

  • Modern scooter, which, thanks to its discreet "adult-like" design, is perfect for teenagers. Therefore, you can safely give such a present to a boy for 11-12 years old from parents who care that their child has fun and health benefits in the fresh air.
  • Latest generation skateboard. A 12-year-old son can be presented with this fashionable novelty and be sure that the boy will certainly like it and will become the object of adoration of all his friends. Of course, if your son is fond of street entertainment of a similar nature and never refuses to give a skating master class on a nice fine day. Modern skateboards are a desire for true outdoor enthusiasts. Complement the present with a cool helmet, so you will be calmer and safer for your child.
  • Rollersurf Is a hit of the last few summer seasons and every boy's dream. It is a two-wheeled skate, although it is a novelty, but already enjoys wide popularity. A flexible board that revolutionizes the way a traditional skateboard moves by adding a snowboard-like control to the ride.
  • Hoverboard- perhaps this fashionable thing does not need an excessive introduction. She is equally popular among teenagers and adults alike. So don't be surprised if you sometimes want to borrow a fancy vehicle for a ride from your son.

An excellent alternative to the mentioned scooters and skateboards can be, for example, snowboards, if your birthday falls in the winter. Your son will be no less delighted with the new roller skates or the bike.

Options for interesting gifts for a boy 11-13 years old

To give a son for 12-13 years old, as well as for his eleventh birthday, you can have a huge number of unusual gifts that will pleasantly surprise and delight the guy. By the way, such ideas can be very democratic in price, therefore, after reading our proposals in detail, you can pick up an excellent inexpensive birthday present for your son.

  • Electronic piggy bank. An interesting idea for a future banker who is already going to start building up his capital. A very original design of such a piggy bank is suitable not only for bills, but also for coins, because a real financier knows the value of all money, both large and small.
  • Unusual mug so that morning tea before school becomes a real adventure, for which it is pleasant even to wake up early in the morning. It can be a model in the form of a real Lego constructor or, for example, a variant made in the form of a 3D helmet of Darth Vader. You can use such mugs for hot drinks, so they are not just unusual, but also very practical.
  • Spy pen who writes with invisible ink. How do you read what is written? And for this you need a special UV flashlight that comes with the handle. Now throwing secret notes with friends will become even more fun and interesting.

As such original and at the same time inexpensive gifts can serve, for example, an interesting board game: as a variant of "Scrabble". So your child can have fun and usefully spend time not only with friends, but also with his family.

Presentations for creative kids

Many children by this age have already decided on a hobby and they have quite serious hobbies. And it is not necessary that this is a sport, it can also be something creative, so you will have to look for an appropriate gift:

  • Wood burning set. So your son will be able to create his first masterpieces, which, of course, you will be very proud of. It is worth noting that modern models of such presents are absolutely safe and easy to use.
  • Prefabricated models for gluing, which are gradually turning into real collections that your son will be proud of. Enrich them with one more model: the most interesting and desirable for your child. It can be a tank or, for example, an airplane, a ship or a combat vehicle.
  • Modern constructors(metallic, magnetic or even electronic). You can purchase both large models and very compact ones. The main thing is that the level of their complexity corresponds to the age of the birthday person.

TOP 10 best gifts for a son for 11, 12, 13 years:

  1. Giroskuter.
  2. Skateboard.
  3. Smartphone.
  4. The modern model of the gadget.
  5. Spy kit.
  6. Original mug.
  7. Hike to the water park.
  8. All kinds of constructor options.
  9. Radio controlled models.
  10. Creator's Kit.

The list of original gifts for his son, which will certainly interest him, can be continued for a very long time. We told you only about the most popular and, of course, desirable ideas for any boy at such a wonderful age.

An eleven-year-old boy is already a teenager, with his own inner world, tastes and outlook on life. He no longer considers himself a child, and for good reason - today children grow up quickly and develop even faster. What does the birthday man want for his birthday, how to surprise and please him?

It is important to remember that giving an 11-year-old boy can be both a useful gift and something for entertainment and games, or you can combine both criteria in an unusual surprise that will bring both joy and benefit. The main thing is that the birthday present does not turn out to be boring, but causes surprise and delight! Consider the individual tastes and interests of the birthday person, try to please him, and choose with imagination!


What does every 11-year-old child like, especially a boy? Of course, electronic novelties, technological devices and various gadgets, all this literally attracts modern teenagers by a magnet. If you want to really please the birthday boy and give him a thing that will last a long time - give gadgets!


It is easier for modern children to learn and develop intellectually, because today a myriad of interesting educational games, useful devices and everything that is not only useful for children's intelligence and development, but also exciting are being created.


An 11-year-old teenager needs a lot of movement and exercise to grow up healthy, strong and agile. Therefore, a gift for sports and active leisure is a good idea!

Cool stuff

Every 11-year-old modern child loves unusual toys, gags and creative things. Let such a souvenir not be very practical and not bring much benefit, but it will please and cheer you up, and this is in the first place on your birthday!

What should be a gift for an 11-year-old teenager? Original, bright, cool and unusual, and most importantly - to cause pleasant surprise and delight! Choose wisely and use your imagination, and you can give real joy!

A boy at the age of 11, of course, is still a child, but it is from this moment that his active growing up begins, yesterday's baby gradually turns into a man. At this age, a teenager is improving what he has learned earlier, so it is very important when choosing what to give a boy for 11 years on his birthday, focusing on his interests and inclinations. In this article, we will help you choose the right and desired gift for any little boy, depending on his hobbies and preferences.

The main thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing a gift and congratulations is that the gifted young man is already growing up, while parents, relatives and in general all adults continue to consider him a little boy

How to choose a gift for a child

Choosing a gift is not an easy task, and if it is chosen for a child for his birthday, then the responsibility is double, here the simplest option with a money envelope will not work.

Firstly, in order to really please the birthday man, you need to present something special, which he, perhaps, has long dreamed of, and for this it is advisable to know the circle of his interests.

Secondly, with very rare exceptions, all children love sweets, so a gift for an 11-year-old boy for his birthday in the form of an original cake with photo printing or mastic decorations will definitely suit his taste.

Thirdly, you can surprise and please everyone present at the celebration of this significant event with some unusual surprise, for example, invite the very real magician .

It is easier for parents or close relatives to decide on a gift, since the hero of the occasion will most likely tell them what he wants to receive. But for those who are puzzled by the question of what to give an 11-year-old boy for his birthday, if it is a present, for example, to a friend's son, or perhaps it is intended for a classmate of your child, we offer several options to choose from to please and surprise even the most demanding boy.

A magic tablet in an easy-to-draw format. Pictures that glow in the dark are created with a special stylus - pencils and paints are no longer needed. The intensity of the drawing changes by moving the stylus further away. And to create real masterpieces, use stencils. So the picture will turn out to be original and unique: the field for experiments is not limited!

Living 3D encyclopedias, which are not only useful to look through - it can also be incredibly interesting. The model of the book is combined with a free application for a smartphone and when viewing its pages, the characters take on life and tell a lot of interesting things about themselves.

A toy-trick, the magic of a glowing firefly will captivate any child! Having mastered the basic tricks, he will be able to come up with his own magical performance. An exciting time in training in front of a mirror, pride in a new skill and a lot of impressions.


For those who are seriously involved in any kind of sports, you can search in specialized stores equipment for training: karatekas will have a new one by the way kimono, football players - goalkeeper gloves or football pads , skiers and snowboarders - ski mask , hockey players - skates etc.

A wonderful alternative to sports equipment and accessories - the jumping trainer - fun, interesting, develops coordination and endurance

But, if to choose equipment you need to know some parameters, such as height, weight or size of the one who will wear it, then sport equipment you can safely choose based on its purpose: hockey hockey sticks , dumbbells, boxing pears, basketball and football balls, tennis rackets, ski sticks and much more.

It is also possible that the student is interested in events in the sports world, is a fan of his favorite team or follows the success of a certain athlete, but for some reason he does not go in for sports. In this case, a great surprise can be match tickets or T-shirt with the club logo and the number of the best player.

The boy will be very happy about table football, maybe even more than any sports equipment

Sea battle is another model of an exciting board game, after all, this is still a boy who loves to play

For intellectuals

A wonderful and useful gift for a teenager who seeks to know everything and about everything will be encyclopedia appropriate for his age. The choice of such publications is quite extensive, and it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable one. For example, you can purchase the "Encyclopedia for Teens" or "The Modern Encyclopedia for Boys".

If the child is fond of chess, then, having received an original chess set , he will definitely be satisfied. And lovers of "smash their heads" will be happy if you give them a new brain trainer. It can be different puzzles , puzzle , books with tasks and so on.

A set of a large jigsaw puzzle with 10,000 pieces and a colorful, interesting theme, for example, the jungle is a good gift for a boy for 11 years

They are gaining great popularity now science experiment kits , such as: "Chemical experiments for children", "Young physicist", "Experiments with crystals", "Fundamentals of electricity" and the like. They are a set of equipment and materials for carrying out one or more experiments.

Actual development of the topic ! Another boy's holiday that requires a massive selection of congratulations and presents. .

For lovers of tinkering

When the question arises of what to give a boy for 11 years, if he likes to do something with his own hands, then, first of all, it is worth asking his loved ones what kind of crafts he makes. Perhaps he will be interested in one of the sets for working with wood, for example, for burning out or for cutting with a jigsaw ... You can also offer to collect bird feeder from individual parts, and then paint it.

A win-win gift for a young craftsman will be constructor , you just need to decide on its material and purpose. Today, the stores feature designers, as they say, for every taste and color: wooden, metal, electronic, magnetic, robotic and many others. When choosing from a huge number of models, it is important to pay attention to the level of complexity, since too light ones will not arouse interest in a teenager, and he simply cannot assemble very complex ones.

It would be unfair not to mention LEGO (the Lego City series, for example) - the hit of the newest history of gifts for boys of all ages

For gamers

Almost all modern children love computer games, and if this does not go beyond reason and does not harm their studies, then there is nothing wrong with such a hobby. Therefore, feel free to go to any computer store if you have not yet decided what to give your child for 11 years. A boy for his birthday will be pleased to receive a disc with some novelty of the game world, and licensed version of the popular game " Minecraft"Will definitely not leave him indifferent.

A gaming tablet with a joystick is every boy's dream

Every gamer will appreciate such a useful gadget as game Mouse ... Its difference from the usual one is that it has a more comfortable shape, the hand on it does not get tired during the game, in addition, more buttons are provided on such a mouse. There are other significant advantages for a gambler, so it is better to determine the model of such a device by consulting a specialist in this field.

Will surely come in handy ! There are classic universal gifts for everyone, regardless of age. Books. Choosing a gift for a boy for 11 years, when he already reads fluently, however, mainly at this age, children do it as a matter of urgency. You can instill an interest in reading if you understand ?

Young naturalists

If a child loves to spend time in nature, loves hiking, traveling, river rafting and the like, then as a gift he can be presented with some tourism accessory ... It could be: a small nursery tent , sleeping bag , forehead Lantern, comfortable backpack, original thermos or thermo mug , unusual compass and much more.

This, of course, is not a tent or a sleeping bag or even a headlamp, but it will bring no less pleasure - an alarm clock with an infrared pistol and a target, at which an 11-year-old boy will gladly shoot to silence him, this is the only way to calm him down

It is not difficult to understand what to give an 11-year-old boy if he loves animals very much, for sure he will be delighted with a certificate for training horse riding or just a trip to horse Club... You can also suggest visiting kennel , ostrich farm or country mini-zoo .

An interesting and unusual present will be a small home aqua farm... It combines an aquarium and a vegetable garden. Its complete set includes the aquarium itself and the accessories necessary for its functioning, a container for plants, two types of soil, some types of seeds and even food for fish. But the fish themselves need to be bought separately, which the future farmer, of course, will be happy to choose on their own.

Augmented reality machine. Combines augmented reality technology and first-person shooter. The latest generation machine gun is a new exciting virtual battle experience, different from the usual shooters.

The only soccer ball that is suitable for both outdoor and indoor play. You can turn any surface into an aerial soccer field. With the help of a fan, wind comes in from the bottom of the ball, making the ball float on the floor. And the bright LED lights make the game great even at night.

It seems to many that the older the child, the less difficulties arise with him: it is easier to communicate, you can convince, it is easy to please. But choosing the perfect gift for a 12-year-old girl is as difficult as picking up a surprise for a five-year-old baby.

Or maybe it is more difficult, because at the age of 11-12, a girl moves from the category of children to the category of adolescents. Accordingly, new desires, addictions, hobbies, and a new circle of interests arise.

Teenage girl: what to give for her birthday?

A girl of 11-12 years old is a contradictory and ambiguous creature: on the one hand, she is still a child who loves noisy running games in the yard with her friends, but on the other hand, she tries to imitate her mother or older sister in her attempts to look more mature and feminine. How to please with a gift a person in whom an explosive mixture of a tomboy and a lady gets along?

As with choosing a gift for a child or an adult of any age, you should find out what hobbies, preferences and desires overwhelm the girl at the moment. Modern children so often change their hobbies, start doing something and leave it, listen to one singer today and another tomorrow.

A confidential conversation with the future birthday girl or her parents will help to navigate and not get into trouble with an unsuccessful gift. Among other things, such an interest in the opinion of the girl herself will please her: after all, this is a recognition of her own opinion, her adulthood.

Not only parents, but also children of this age note that money can often be the best gift. It is much more rational to give a certain, albeit small, amount than a gift that turns out to be unnecessary. The girl will be able to add money to the money already accumulated or donated by other relatives and acquaintances in order to acquire something significant for herself: for example, a new phone or a camera.

Even if it is decided to give money, it is advisable to arrange it beautifully - put it in an elegant envelope, do not forget about a postcard and a bunch of flowers.

Option one: developing

The age of 11-12 is a period of active development: girls strive to learn more, learn and comprehend something new.

To help them, you can give them a personal tablet or laptop, which will help them find new information, communicate with their peers not only in their own country, but also abroad, and take online language courses. Life without a personal computer for a modern teenager is becoming incomplete, and it is often not only about communicating on social networks, but also about gaining knowledge, completing assignments, and participating in competitions.

Any of the modern gadgets will be a welcome gift for a teenager:

  • personal laptop or tablet;
  • modern telephone with many functions;
  • e-book for reading;
  • an mp3 player for a person who is fond of music;
  • high quality digital camera.

If a child is given a tablet with Internet access, then it is imperative to install the Parental Control function: this will save the child from unnecessary information, but at the same time will not completely limit freedom on the Internet.

Nobody forbids giving good old books: they will remain the best gift for many years. For a girl of this age, encyclopedias for a lady, the rules of etiquette, or just high-quality fiction that is suitable for her age will be interesting.

The complete edition of the books about the young wizard Harry Potter with accompanying accessories will appeal to an addicted girl, and for someone a huge colorful encyclopedia of the animal world will be welcome. When choosing a book, be sure to consult, if not with the future birthday girl herself, then with her parents.

Various board games can also be classified as developing gifts: strategies that develop logic and thinking ("Monopoly" and the like) are of particular interest.

Option two: decorating

Every twelve-year-old girl already has a young lady who wants to be beautiful and attractive. Adolescence brings with it the first affection, falling in love and walking by the hand.

Watching her mother or girls she knows, a teenage girl seeks to imitate them in her ability to dress stylishly, correctly combine clothes and accessories, and smell pleasantly of light perfume. If the future birthday girl shows such interest, then the following items can be easily included in the list of probable gifts:

  • Clothes and footwear... Nice new clothes will delight a novice fashionista, but in order not to miss the size or color, it is better to purchase a gift certificate in one of the children's clothing stores - then the girl with her mother or the donor will be able to independently choose the blouse or shoes they like.
  • Accessories... This item includes a beautiful bag, a stylish belt or a fashionable hat. An online forum or a magazine for teenage girls will help you choose the ideal option.
  • Decorations... There are many options for such a gift: from high-quality children's jewelry to neat gold earrings - it all depends on the budget of the gift and the wishes of the birthday girl herself.
  • Cosmetics... For a twelve-year-old girl, sets of the "Young Fairy" type may no longer be relevant, but high-quality cosmetics from a specialized store - in stylish jars, "like a mom's", will make you feel like a real lady. Skin care cosmetics - tonics, lotions and creams that help get rid of facial problems can become relevant in adolescence.

Option three: creative

Surprising the birthday girl, let alone pleasantly surprise, is not an easy task, but quite feasible, especially when you consider the diverse range of original and unusual gifts and surprises for a teenage girl.

The choice depends only on the financial capabilities of the donor and the personal preferences of the hero of the occasion. You can choose from a dozen options:

  • A photo session is a welcome gift for all girls of this age, because in front of the camera they can transform into a princess and a fairy, try on a doctor's robe or a flower girl outfit. A nice addition to such a gift can be souvenirs with the best photo: a cup, poster, calendar or T-shirt.
  • For many girls, a welcome surprise will be their portrait - a real one, painted in oil on canvas. It will become not only a decoration of the room, but also a memory for many years.
  • A fascinating journey to an old city or Disneyland, timed to coincide with a birthday, will delight the girl.
  • If the young lady is fond of music, arrange for her to go to a concert of your favorite band or singer. An excursion to a recording studio or to a rehearsal of an orchestra will also be informative for the future singer.
  • Active and athletic girls can be presented with a hot air balloon or wind tunnel, horseback riding or kayaking on the river.

Option four: controversial

Often, in addition to what is necessary, useful and pleasant, parents and other relatives strive to give a teenage girl something special, completely disregarding either the child's wishes or the advice of other people.

Therefore, adults find themselves in unpleasant situations when they are invited to the birthday of an unfamiliar child and do not know what to give. Trying to show originality in such a case is dangerous: there is a high probability of missing and not guessing. Then the birthday girl herself will be in an uncomfortable position, because the rules of good manners will oblige to thank for the gift and rejoice at least “in public”.

In order not to get into a mess, you should not give a girl 11-12 years old:

  • Things "for growth" or things from someone else's shoulder - even if a mink coat is presented, the child is unlikely to be delighted (a girl is unlikely to be able to wear it before the age of 16, and someone's worn clothes can only upset the birthday girl).
  • Things for the household and health - do not give an often ill girl an inhaler or a humidifier. Despite the importance and usefulness of these things, they are unlikely to please the child.
  • Gifts that are not age-appropriate. A girl who has stepped into adolescence will not need doll houses and touching dolls (unless these are collectible porcelain items), as well as expensive adult gold jewelry that a child simply will not appreciate.
  • Out-of-season gifts - a girl with a summer birthday will not appreciate a brand new snowboard, and a girl born in winter will not be happy with a donated swimsuit. Delayed joy is not a good option.

When choosing a gift for a girl of 11-12 years old, you should really evaluate the wishes of the birthday girl, as well as the giver's capabilities: only a sincere and from the heart a surprise can cause a real smile of joy in a teenager.