What gives shine to hair at home. Folk home remedies for hair shine. How to give your hair a glossy shine and volume at home

Often, the reason for dull hair is trite because you do not dry your hair properly. If you use a hairdryer with a nozzle that is too wide, or if you blow the air in a chaotic manner, the hair scales will fluff up, and your hair will look matte.

So, remember the 3 rules of blow-drying to shine your hair:

1. Narrow nozzle - the air flow should be dense and well directed.

2. Dry your hair by holding the attachment at an angle and downward, from the roots to the ends. It is this movement that will smooth the scales and make the hair shiny.

3. Always finish styling with cold air.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a universal remedy for the beauty of skin and hair. To make your hair shiny, prepare a mask of coconut oil - warm it up a little on a steam bath and apply a warm product to your hair. To enhance the effect, you can wear a shower cap. And then just wash your hair as usual.

3. Avocado mask

Avocado is a real storehouse of vitamins and healing oils. Avocado mask is a recipe that even Jennifer Lopez uses regularly! Mash the fruit of a ripe avocado with a fork, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and evenly distribute the gruel along the entire length of the hair. A healthy shine after washing is guaranteed to you!

4. Rinsing with beer

Live light beer is a great way to give your hair a dazzling shine. Clean, wet hair should be thoroughly rinsed in beer. To get rid of the smell, you can apply conditioner after your procedure. In addition, beer not only gives a cosmetic shine effect, but also really nourishes the hair, thanks to the yeast content. Brilliant!

5. Lemon juice

Immediately, we note that this method is not suitable for girls with dry hair, because lemon juice tends to dry them out. But at the same time, lemon juice really knows how to give shine to the hair - it is enough to distribute it along the entire length, leave it for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off with cool water.

6. Gelatin masks

On the Internet you can find tons of recipes for "gelatin hair lamination" - and this, of course, is absolute nonsense. Lamination with gelatin will not work, but giving your hair a beautiful light shine is easy. Dilute 3 tablespoons of gelatin with 4 tablespoons of boiled water. Place the mixture in a steam bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let cool and apply to hair, leave on for 40 minutes and rinse.

7. Rinsing with nettles

"Grandma's" recipes are sometimes very effective! You probably heard that you need to rinse your hair with nettles after washing, but have not tried it. Dry nettle can be bought at the pharmacy - you need to pour boiling water over it, let it brew and rinse your hair. They will finally start to shine!

8. Infusion of basil

Another great homemade shine conditioner is basil infusion. This seasoning is good not only in Italian dishes, but also as a folk remedy for our hair. The recipe is as follows: pour two tablespoons of dry basil with a glass of boiling water, let cool. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with this infusion - and you will be happy.

Every woman has a right to be proud of her sleek and shiny hair. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, because the sun and wind, temperature changes and improper nutrition, as well as impaired blood circulation in the scalp and diseases make the hair brittle and dull. How to make your hair shiny and smooth?

There are several simple secrets, adhering to which, you will not need to solve the problem of giving the curls a healthy look. After all, the most important thing is to prevent the onset of the disease, and not to cure it. Lack of shine and strength in hair is a sign of unhealthy hair that many women ignore. So what should you do?

  • Wash your hair only in warm water, and avoid hot water. This way you will never get healthy hair, but only damage it. The advantage of warm water is that it steams hairs and removes dirt.
  • As for rinsing your hair, you need to do it with cool water - it evens out the steamed curls and gives them shine.
  • Choose your shampoos, conditioners and masks carefully. They need to be washed off very carefully, otherwise a greasy and unhealthy shine will appear, and the condition of the hair will only worsen.
  • Remember to moisturize your hair and apply appropriate masks. The substances in the care products will help restore the structure of the curls.
  • It is better not to comb wet hair. If you are thinking about how to make your hair shiny and smooth, then do not rub it while drying with a towel - the surface of the hair will be damaged and become dull.
  • Do not dry your hair too often with a hairdryer, style it with an iron - it becomes brittle.
  • In frosty and sunny weather, wear hats, otherwise your hair will fade and lose color.

Hair and nutrition

If you think that the condition of the curls does not depend on what you eat, then this is not the case. Eat the right foods to keep your hair shiny. Include protein-rich foods in your daily diet - chicken, fish, beef, cheeses and mushrooms, and dried fruits. For smooth hair, you need food grade gelatin. You will find it in foods that contain vitamin B, such as cereals, vegetables, legumes, and bran.

Should hair be treated?

If you have health problems, then there can be no question of any smooth and shiny hair. In order for the appearance of the hair to become the way you want, you need to carry out general prevention. Drink vitamins and mineral complexes in tablets - their doctors advise those women who are thinking how to make their hair shiny and smooth.

It is better to immediately restore damaged strands, for example, with the help of special medical cosmetics. Substances such as lipids, amino acids or mineral complexes will give your hair shine. Try rinsing them with decoctions of chamomile, rosemary, or thyme.

When the hair is too late to heal, there is only one way out - a haircut with hot scissors. This method "seals" the ends of the hair, and they heal. There is, however, one more way out - the use of oils.

What are the benefits of using hair oil?

First of all, it is the best of all natural remedies that regenerates, moisturizes and tames hair, as well as gives it shine and smoothness. Most often, hair oil is used as a styling agent or for protection after coloring. Different kinds oils affect hair in different ways, but all on the positive side. Let's see how exactly:

1. Burdock oil. It is not only able to fight hair loss, but also relieves excessive oily scalp. True, it is worth rinsing your hair thoroughly, about three times - burdock oil is very oily. In addition to looking healthy, you will get long and thick curls if you use this oil once a week.

2. Cedar oil. It will help you get healthy hair that is manageable when styled. Use this tool, and your hair will shine delightfully, easy to comb, and your hair structure will be protected and smooth.

3. Ylang-ylang oil. This tool will relieve you of brittle hair, split ends, and also perfectly stimulates blood circulation in the scalp - curls will shine.

4. Lemon oil can cleanse oily hair, eliminate dandruff and brittleness, and also give a lively shine.

5. Lemon balm oil normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, so it should be used not only to tone the hair, but also to make it shine healthy.

Besides oils, there are many other ways to make your hair smooth and give it a healthy shine. Which? Let's consider.

Home hair care: beauty secrets

All of the following methods are aimed at independently maintaining the health of the hair. So how to make your hair shiny and sleek? Experts recommend:

Originality in everything, even in hair care.

Many were helped by such home methods, even if somewhat extravagant. Here is some of them:

How does professional hair cosmetics work?

Until recently, this type of cosmetics was considered the prerogative of beauty salons, since it takes care of the curls in the complex. For this reason, the concentration of nutrients in such masks, shampoos and balms is higher than in conventional ones. Why else is professional hair cosmetics so valuable?

1. Hypoallergenic.

2. Economical to use.

3. Long shelf life.

4. The presence of vitamins, oils and minerals.

Where can I get such cosmetics?

Most often, women purchase professional cosmetics from their master - for the reason that it was created to eliminate hair and scalp problems. Only a professional can tell you what to use for shine and smooth hair. As a rule, such products are quite expensive, so find out from the hairdresser how the product works and order it from the online catalog. Prices there will be slightly lower.

What is the best professional cosmetics to choose?

First, these are the brands that we all know. And secondly, you need to carefully study the instructions and know in what cases to choose this or that remedy. Try several products and choose the one that works best for you.

  • L'Oreal Professionnal. This cosmetics not only strengthens the hair, but also makes it smooth. If you are thinking about how to make your hair smooth and shiny, then stop at ammonia-free dyes, shampoos with argnin, almond oil and collagen.
  • Matrix. This brand will be a real godsend for those women who want to give their hair smoothness and shine, protect it during styling or strengthen thin curls. Try strengthening shampoos, masks, and conditioners for shine.
  • Redken. Products from this brand include masks, conditioners, sprays and shampoos that make hair smooth by working on it from the inside.

Here are just a few ways to give your hair a vibrant shine and regain its natural smoothness. Do not forget that all means and methods can be combined, as well as eat right, and then your curls will look royal.

Lack of shine can be caused by a number of reasons - from frequent use of stylers, to perms and improperly chosen care products.

How to make your hair shine at home: start with rinses

Conditioners for dark hair - what to use?

Brunettes can enjoy invigorating coffee not only after showering, but also use it to improve the condition of their hair.

  • Pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of coffee and let it brew. The amount can be adjusted according to the length of the hair. Strain the resulting mixture, apply the liquid warm to the hair.
  • Use a hat to enhance the effect. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with clean warm water and let it dry naturally.

Conditioners for blonde hair - which plants will help?
There is nothing better for blondes, strong chamomile tea.

  • To prepare a rinse, it is enough to brew 2 tablespoons of chamomile in a glass of water. The result is visible immediately. Apply the composition after washing, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Natural masks are the best way to add shine to your hair at home

How to make your hair shine at home with masks? There are many recipes, the most effective are the following:

  • Castor oil mask

Mix 1 tablespoon of glycerin and vinegar with 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Rub into hair, distribute over the entire length. Use a beanie to enhance the effect. Oils are difficult to wash out, be prepared for this. 30 minutes after application, use the shampoo to remove the mask from your hair, remember to keep the water warm.

  • Onions are the best healer

Each housewife has several bulbs in the bins. Rub them or chop them into small pieces. Squeeze out the juice and apply it to your hair. The disadvantage of this mask is the pungent smell of onions, so it is not suitable for frequent use. But you can use it while on vacation or on sick leave. The effect is amazing.

  • Cognac as a reliable way to add shine to hair at home

Grind an egg and 3 tablespoons of brandy until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Apply to hair, rinse off after half an hour.

Stylers with ionization - effectively and quickly add shine to hair at home

Leading manufacturers suggest using stylers and hair dryers with ionization for hair styling.

This function practically does not affect the cost, but with its help you will be able to add extra shine to your hair. When final drying your hair, use the "cold blow" function.

Pay attention that the straightener is equipped with a ceramic surface - this way you will be able to make your styling more gentle and gentle.

How to add shine to your hair at home with professional products?

Cosmetology companies offer clients a complete list of products to restore shine.
Serums for hair proved to be excellent. They have enveloping, revitalizing and nourishing effects. It is recommended to apply them on damp or dry hair.

  • Wash your hair with lukewarm water only. Hot water destroys the hair structure, damages the roots; and, in general, no amount of shine will help your hair if you constantly wash your hair without following the rules of washing your hair.
  • Try to use stylers, hair dryers, curling irons, and so on as little as possible. Rest your hair if you can;
  • Use natural hair care products - for example, periodically use the natural hair masks listed above.
  • Be sure to use a nourishing hair mask that suits you once every two weeks. To do this, you need to decide which brand mask is best for helping your hair look good.
  • If possible, perform the final rinsing of the hair during washing, not with tap water, but with settled water, 2-3 buckets. This can wash away harmful impurities and limescale from the tap water.

This time we decided to tell you what kind of folk remedies for hair shine... On your choice of rinsing and homemade masks.

Rinse your hair after each wash:

  • soft non-carbonated mineral water
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of black tea per 1 liter of water (cook for 5 minutes, then cool), add mint well to the broth
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar in 1 liter of water
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice in 1 liter of water
  • chamomile decoction for light hair, decoction of hops for dark hair and decoction of onion peel for redheads
  • decoction of nettle (3 tablespoons for 2 glasses of water, brew for 15 minutes in a water bath, rinse chilled; gives not only shine, but also helps)
  • decoction of linden (3 tablespoons for 2 glasses of water, brew for 15 minutes in a water bath, rinse chilled)
  • broth of sage (3 tablespoons for 2 glasses of water, brew for 15 minutes in a water bath, rinse chilled)
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of birch leaves in a glass of water (leave in boiling water for 20 minutes, strain, cool)
  • chilled broth of parsley (boil for 10 minutes 50 grams of herbs in 0.5 liters of water)

There are more extreme rinsing recipes to add shine to your hair:

  • light beer
  • exhausted champagne (no bubbles)
  • in one liter of white wine, insist a tablespoon of chamomile, rosemary and horsetail. For rinsing, add 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of boiled water.

How to add shine to your hair with homemade masks

Recipe number 1 - vitamin mask for hair shine

Mix 2 egg yolks with about 5 tsp. olive oil, about 5 tsp an oil solution of vitamin E and 10 drops of vitamin A. Apply to damp hair, massage the head for 5 minutes, distribute the mask along the entire length of the hair, cover with a cellophane cap and a towel. Keep for at least 1 hour, then rinse with warm water and wash with shampoo.

Recipe # 2 - cognac homemade mask for hair shine

Thoroughly mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. cognac and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply to hair under a cap and towel for 20 minutes and rinse with water without shampoo.

Recipe # 3 - almond oil mask for shiny hair

All ingenious is simple - rub almond oil into the scalp and hold for as long as your free time allows, and then thoroughly wash off the oil with shampoo.

Recipe number 4 - fruit mask to add shine to hair

Mash 1 slightly ripe banana to a mushy state and distribute over the entire length of the hair. Hold for 1o minutes and wash off. The delicious aroma of your hair will be a great addition to the shine. To heighten the effect, you can add plain natural yogurt to the banana.

Recipe number 5 - henna and kefir mask

Mix colorless henna with slightly warmed kefir or yogurt until creamy. Apply to hair and leave under film and towel for 30 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

Recipe number 6 - homemade mayonnaise mask recipe

Spread regular mayonnaise through your hair and keep this mask for about 30 minutes. You can experiment with adding various oils to mayonnaise: jojoba, coconut, castor, peach, burdock.

Recipe number 7 - home remedy for shine from black bread

Soak the pulp of rye bread in hot water for 30 minutes, then rub into the hair roots and distribute along the entire length. We wrap our head in warmth and hold for 30 minutes.

Recipe number 8 - mask for shine dark hair

2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of finely ground natural coffee with 1 cup boiling water and let it brew until the water cools down. Then strain and rinse your hair with the resulting coffee water. Leave it on for half an hour under a plastic cap and then wash off with water.

Recipe number 9 - mask for shine blond hair

Brew 2 tbsp. chamomile for 1 tbsp. boiling water. When the broth has cooled, apply it to clean, dry hair under a film. After half an hour, rinse and rinse with cold water and lemon juice at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. juice per 1 liter of water.

Recipe number 10 - mask for shine red hair

The same mechanism as with the mask for dark hair, only instead of coffee, a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice in equal proportions is applied to the hair for half an hour.

Choose from the proposed folk recipes how to add shine to your hair the ones that suit you and use them regularly so that your hair is always beautiful and shiny.

Text: folk remedies for hair shine were collected and courageously tested by Daria Kolitsina for the magazine. All hair is in place and even shiny.

The shine of our hair primarily depends on our health and nutrition. Since all nutrients that our hair needs every day come to the hair roots with blood, and if there are problems with the body, then it directs vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients to more important organs, and they go to the hair last. It is important to eat at least some daily and be sure to drink about two liters of water daily.

Do not forget to nourish your hair with complex hair vitamins, preferably twice a year (early fall and early spring).

Wash your hair with warm water, not hot water, this is one of the reasons for dull hair. At the end, you can rinse with cool water. Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just soap the roots, and when you wash off the shampoo from your head, it will flow through your hair and rinse the length of your hair.

Use only clean combs, curlers, iron, stylers. Otherwise, residues of conditioners, modeling agents and sebum will drip onto the hair. It is advisable to wash the combs once a week with a mild shampoo, and wipe the iron and stylers with alcohol.

When choosing hair care products, look in the composition for such components as lipids, keratin, amino acids, seaweed, herbal extracts, aloe extract, oils, there are even special series for hair shine, which include shampoo, conditioner, mask, leave-in. The main thing to remember is that we select shampoo according to the type of scalp, and masks and conditioners according to the type (condition) of hair length.

What Causes Dull Hair?

Sometimes we ourselves, without knowing it, destroy the shine of our hair with various manipulations and styling agents:

  • perm;
  • frequent use of an iron and curling iron;
  • aggressive exposure to sunlight;
  • shampooing with hard water
  • using excessive amounts of styling products;
  • using dirty combs and rough handling of hair (combing wet hair, washing the head with hot water, using metal hairpins and rubber bands).

Folk home remedies for shining hair

Rinsing hair lemon juice or vinegar... This is the easiest way to smooth your cuticles and add shine to your hair. To do this, add a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar per liter of boiled water and rinse your hair at the very end after shampoo, mask or conditioner. Gently pat the washed hair dry with a towel, do not rub or curl it.

Natural base and essential oils for hair. Each oil has a unique complex nutrients that have a beneficial effect on hair. For hair shine, such oils are best suited: argan, cocoa, coconut, jojoba, avocado, sesame, linseed, olive, macadamia. Essential: ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, myrrh, patchouli, chamomile. You can read about how to use essential oils for hair.

The oils that are used for hair must be cold pressed and of good quality, otherwise it makes no sense to use them for hair, even if they do not harm, then there will be no benefit from them.

Hair shine masks. Homemade hair shine masks help not only to restore shine to the hair, but also to strengthen it, give it softness, elasticity and restore healthy-looking hair.

Mask with vitamins A and E

  • 1 tsp avocado oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
  • 1 yolk.

Mix all the ingredients and you can warm up to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mask to the roots (make a light massage) and spread over the entire length. Hold the mask for about an hour and wash off with shampoo, such a mask can be done once a week.

Hair shine mask

  • 1 tablespoon brandy;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (cold pressed)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 egg yolk.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass container (you can warm it up). The mask can be applied not only to the length of the hair, but also to the scalp, it is advisable to warm it and keep it for 40 to 60 minutes.

Natural henna mask

  • henna spoons (preferably colorless);
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon of brandy;
  • 1 yolk.

Add cognac, henna to honey and mix well, then add yolk, heat in a water bath. We apply the mixture to the length of the hair, for about one hour, it can be insulated. We wash off the mask with shampoo using a balm or mask.

Rinse your hair with herbs after each shampooing, natural herbs restore the balance of the hair, transform the appearance, add softness and shine to the hair and have a cumulative effect, read more.

To maintain the length of the hair in good condition, you can make a cream for the ends of the hair at home, the recipe and reviews can be read.

Purchased hair shine products

Purchased hair sprays or fluids give the hair a shiny and well-groomed look, after such products, the hair instantly gains shine, and dyed hair acquires a rich color.

Today, manufacturers in the field of hair care products offer a huge variety of different sprays - a spray with a brilliant shine, a spray with a healing effect for dry and damaged hair, a spray with protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation.

The shine and shine of the hair after using this light texture is achieved by using the three main natural oils that are found in all Orofluido hair care products - argan, cyperius and flax.

After application, the spray is instantly absorbed into the hair without weighing it down or tangling. Thanks to the natural ingredients that make up the product, the spray is suitable for girls with any type of hair.

Moisturizing spray-shine, heals and moisturizes damaged dry hair. Moroccanoil has created a unique, ultra lightweight, non-greasy formula that preserves and enhances the shine of hair for incredible silky shine and healthy looking hair. Moroccanoil combines traditional techniques with modern needs.

Spey gives hair a glossy shine, and the light spray formula coats hair with a thin protective veil, providing long-lasting flexible hold. Makes hair bouncy and more elastic, and also has powerful thermal protection. Protecting from the negative influences of the external environment, the spray prevents unwanted hair frizz.

The formula contains the component Ceramide A2, which is a building material, an intracellular "cementing" substance. It is able to penetrate deep into the structure of the hairs, giving the strands silkiness, splendor and shine, maintaining beauty and health.

The formula has also been enriched with lemon extract, which is known for its cleansing, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and tonic properties. This component promotes radiance, activates cell regeneration, normalizes water balance, stimulates local blood circulation, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Gel-fluid serum for shine L'Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast Nutriceride Serum Gloss

This serum is intended for colored, highlighted hair. The gel-fluid is based on the Nutriceride technology, developed on the basis of active polymers. The fluid gel is very easy to use and does not require rinsing. The active formula of the serum works favorably on colored hair, emphasizing the contrast of highlighted strands.

This keratin-enriched serum is formulated with an innovative formula. The product gently restores damaged hair structure, nourishes, moisturizes and protects curls from negative environmental influences.

The anti-frizzy components that are part of the serum gently smoothen the hair, make it smooth and shiny, and are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. After using the serum, the hair is easy to comb, as it has an antistatic effect on them.

Two-phase conditioner "Nutrition-shine" Acme Professional Fortesse Sprey Gloss

This cosmetic contains wheat proteins, which contribute to the rapid restoration of split ends and the preservation of the natural structure of the strands. Thanks to its unique composition, the Fortesse two-phase conditioner-spray returns vitality and delightful shine to depleted strands. Also, the components that make up this care product make it easier to dry and comb the hair and give the curls elasticity.

Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go on and you will learn how to restore hair.