What is a goose skin on the body. How to get rid of goose skin at home. Goose skin: what are the reasons

On the skin of each person at least once in life, small verses appeared, and also raised her hair. Gurabins are formed under the influence of certain factors (cold, fear). In normal condition, goose skin disappears at the end of the impact.

But sometimes the pathological reaction remains for a long time. In this case, the disease can be diagnosed - follicular hyperkeratosis. It is important to know why this state appears and how to remove the goose skin.

Characteristic reaction

Goosebumps on the skin can form each person. But follicular hyperkeratosis is due not to the usual impact of cold or other irritating factors. Some people have no chance to manifest themselves from infant age.

In one day, adults or children may noted that the skin has become covered with white vests. It is in the form of such rashes that hyperkeratosis appears. Most often there is a goose skin on his arms, buttocks and hips, legs. Some people have goosebumps in the field of the eyelids.

Hyperkeratosis manifests itself in violation of hair bulbs

Symptoms of the disease deliver discomfort for many patients. At the same time, a person not only notices his unpleasant changes, but embarrasses on the face and body embarrass the surrounding people. After all, skin covers become similar to goose skin. With the development of goosebumps and become even more unpleasant.

Causes of signs in adults

The causes of goose skin in an adult can be different. Some of them are considered physiological, so do not cause anxiety. However, the excitement cause cases when goosebumps do not pass or appear in unusual places, for example, on the back, shoulders.

Several major factors of the occurrence of the pathological condition are distinguished.

  • Goosebumps can be a consequence of an emotional burst. Such a reaction observes people when listening to touching music, sexual excitation.
  • Forming pimples can at the moment of fright or fear, sudden excitement.
  • Under the influence of low temperatures, a goose leather can appear on buttocks, legs, hands and chest. This reaction is due to a sawmother reflex, during which the nerve endings are excited. They are responsible for the reduction of the musculature of the hair follicle.
  • Goose leather under the eyes often appears with a lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Provice goosebumps may be improper nutrition with the use of harmful products.
  • Often, people who have a violated metabolism in the body suffer from such signs.
  • Follicular hyperkeratosis is more often observed on the surface of dry skin with scaffolding pores.
  • The disease may appear in non-compliance with hygiene rules. The upper skin layers contain keratin. It should periodically be inhaling when bathing. But if hygiene is not respected, the hair follicles are cleaned. As a result, goosebumps appear on the neck (most susfector).
  • With more likelihood, you can assume hyperkeratosis in people whose relatives suffer from the disease. After all, he is inherited. The reason is not considered common. However, in this case, the fight against goose skin is particularly difficult. After all, it will not be possible to eliminate the annoying factor. Therefore, a person will have to constantly eliminate the likelihood of goosebumps.
  • Goose skin on elbows or in other areas is observed during pregnancy due to violation of the hormonal background.

Goosebumps can be provoked both negative factor and pathologies in the body

Why do goose bumps in children?

There is often a goose skin in a child. Young children suffer from illness for the same reasons as adults. Most often, problems are observed in children, the rules of hygiene in respect of which are violated by their parents.

In this regard, allocate the main reasons for the appearance of goose skin in a child:

  • impaired integrity of the skin when applying poor-quality cosmetics or excessive use;
  • overheating of the child's body;
  • finding a child for a long time in a wet state (when wearing a diaper).

Also provoke changes can hair deprived, atopic dermatitis.

A feature of the disease in children is a sudden appearance in the winter and disappearance in the summer.

Children are subject to no less than adults

Treatment of the disease

Many do not know not only how to treat goose skin, but in general, you need to get rid of it. If manifestations are not related to temporary effects, then it is necessary to eliminate the disease.

First of all, you need to turn to a dermatologist, a gastroenterologist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist. They must check the functioning of various organs. In the presence of failures, drugs will be invalid. After all, without restoring the work of goose systems will again appear.

Fundamental rules

Before getting rid of goose skin, you must remember the basic rules. When they comply, eliminate goosebumps will be easier.

  • Every day you need to make a contrast shower. In the course of the procedure, vascular walls are strengthened, and the tone of the cover increases.
  • Thickened areas of leather, elbow fold must be scrubbing and cleaned with peeling. The procedure is carried out three times a week.
  • Every three days it is necessary to make exfoliating masks.
  • It is important to rub the affected areas with a towel to increase blood circulation. As a result, the prickly scales are cleaned, and the skin begins to breathe.
  • In the diet, it is necessary to introduce fresh fruits and vegetables. In case of lack of useful substances, polyvitamins are accepted.
  • Skin can be lubricated by ointment acrider and Belosalik lotion.
  • Periodically, you need to visit the sauna and the sauna to exit keratin.
  • To improve the metabolic processes and nutrition of the skin with vitamins, it is recommended to perform wraps.
  • Power should be correct. It is necessary to exclude oily, sweet, sharp and salty food. On the day it is important to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.
  • A positive effect is observed when massageing the skin surface with honey. Also effective is anti-cellulite and vacuum massages.

To reduce the manifestations of goosebumps every day you need to take a contrasting shower

Many people do not know how to treat the goose skin in the child. For children, certain rules have also been developed.

  • In the room where the child is located, there must be moistened air.
  • When bathing in water, a chamomile or a series is added. Water should not be too hot. No need to use cosmetics that can compact follicles.
  • You need to wear a child in accordance with weather conditions.
  • In the summer, it is necessary to apply sunscreen.
  • The diet should be enriched with vitamins.

Salon treatments

Treatment of goose skin is possible with the help of salon methods. They help eliminate goosebumps along with other skin problems.

  • You can remove the problem with peeling. It is necessary to carry out at least 10 procedures. When processing legs, salt composition is used. For hands and bodies, softer cocorates based on coconut pulp or orange are used. With it, it can be cleaned with skin and stimulate blood circulation.
  • It is recommended to use sea algae during wrapping. The skin after the procedure becomes velvety.
  • Cosmetologist can offer massage with a vacuum apparatus or cans. During the procedure, the skin must be moistened.

Skin can be cleaned with peeling

Folk recipes

  • Baths with the addition of chamomile, birch brazing, as well as brewed sage, parsley, birch kidneys are considered useful. Two tablespoons of dry ingredient are taken on the liter of water. After insistence, over the distance, the decoction is poured into the water. Baths need to be taken three times a week.
  • Salt peeling can be used to purify the skin. The mixture is prepared from sea salt (50-100 g), almond oil, jojoba oil and grape bones. The tool is applied to the rough skin, and then washed off.
  • Effective means - wrapping with blue clay. Three tablespoons of the component takes milk and 5 drops of orange oil. It should be not thick and not liquid mass. It is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, which turns into a food film, and on top of a towel. Wrapping is performed for 40 minutes twice a week.
  • You can make a bummer using an apple vinegar solution. It must be mixed with water in proportion 1 to 10. After breaking the body to the affected areas, a gauze impregnated with a solution is placed. It is necessary to change it three times every 10 minutes.

Get rid of goose skin not easy. But with an integrated approach, it is still possible to fix the problem.

Goose leather (in medicine Follicular hyperkeratosis) - small white pimples, involuntarily appearing on the skin from the cold or with strong psycho-emotional excitation. Usually in such cases they say "goosebumps" or "end hair". Arise at any place of the body.

This condition may occur temporarily, and it happens, accompanies a person constantly, which brings significant discomfort, especially women. In this case, some cosmetological manipulations are required, which can be carried out both in the conditions of the medical office and at home.

Why does the goose skin appear and what causes it to appear? The name this phenomenon was obtained due to the external similarity with the skin of the jacket of the goose. Management of this process comes from the spinal cord.

But if this condition accompanies a person constantly, you should consider more carefully provoking Factors.

  1. The deficit of the group A, C, E. If the goose skin arises constantly on his hands, then the reason should be sought in an unbalanced diet.
  2. Problems with metabolism leading to dry skin. Then pores are clogged with keratin and follicular hyperkeratosis occurs.
  3. Heredity. This reason meets less frequently, but if such a state has passed to a person inherited, it is quite difficult to get rid of it, you can only reduce the manifestation.

Goose skin can quite notice the life of its owner, especially concerns young women who are forced to hide this lack of any possible ways from prying eyes.

The causes of the occurrence are already indicated. Now the question can get rid of it. This problem is solved comprehensively.

Peeling. The effect will not be noticeable immediately, but only after ten procedures. It is necessary to apply once every two or three days. For peeling of the skin of hands, from brushes to shoulders, it is desirable to use the flesh of coconut and orange. It eliminates the manifestation of goose skin, and also cleans and feeds your skin moisture.

Wraps. Excellent procedure, especially with seaweed, which are saturated with skin with various trace elements and give the main therapeutic effect. You can diversify this procedure using cranberries, chocolate, honey. It is possible not only in the cabin, but also at home.

Medicia treatment It is assigned when you detect problems with the exchange of substances or a deficit of a certain vitamin. Naturally, you need a doctor consultation. Treatment must be combined with other types of procedures.

Every day hygienic procedures are the most natural and effective treatment. Here the choice of funds is more than wide: balsams, lotions, gels, tonic, etc. Remember the need for morning and evening. Complete the shower it is necessary to lubricate the skin with moisturizing cream.

In the event that the reason for the occurrence of goose leather according to the results of analyzes is the disease of the internal organs, the treatment must be complex and eliminated, first of all, the cause of the disease and then its consequences.

For example, with hyperkeratosis, it is necessary to assign a medicinal diet that replenishes the lack of vitamins, together with fruit peels, which actively clean the skin from keratin. With this approach, the main reason is guaranteed, the normal state of the skin is restored, and the goose skin disappears.


This is a special topic and a separate conversation. Only women suffering from hyperkeratose can understand it. They are deprived of the opportunity to wear open swimsuits or short shorts.

Conduct treatment is better under the supervision of a specialist.

  • A very good effect will be from vacuum and anti-cellulite massages.
  • The bath and sauna is useful, since hot steam expands the pores, resulting in toxins, there is an improvement in blood supply, and the skin becomes softer. With a weekly visit, the positive effect is provided.
  • The diet is important. More vegetables and products with vitamins A, B, C, E, citrus, carrots, spinach, grapes and dairy products.

Compliance with these simple rules will help get rid of goose leather forever.

Are you absolutely not cold and not completely scary, but the skin is still covered with nasty goosebumps?

Congratulations, you encountered a disease that the people got the name "goose skin".

And now let's find out why it appears and can you get rid of it?!

Under the term "goose leather" is hidden follicular hyperkeratosis - a serious illness, which is expressed in the seal of hair follicle located on the human body.

This dermatological problem is a rash, which most often appears on hand, legs, buttocks or neck. In rare cases, it can be seen on other parts of the body, for example, under the eyes or on the chest.

The main causes of follicular hyperkeratose

  1. Genetic predispositionUnfortunately, in 99.9% of cases, "goose skin" is inherited from the parent, who he himself suffers from her.
  2. AvitaminosisThe problem appeared not so long ago without visible reasons? So it does not happen! The reason is, and it lies in the lack of vitamins (E, A and C) and trace elements (zinc and potassium).
  3. Seasonal factorThe most bright "goose skin" manifests itself in the winter when the air in apartments are rehased by the efforts of heating radiators, and the body is reliably stubborn under warm sweaters. In such an atmosphere, the skin simply does not have the ability to breathe as it should, so takes us in such a peculiar way.
  4. Inflammatory processAs a result of frequent depilations, with the subsequent use of fatty lotions and creams on the skin, inflammations appear, which cause further development of follicular hyperkeratosis.

We declare a war follicular hyperkeratosis

Those who are familiar with this defect does not appear, most of all in the world want to know how to get rid of goose skin forever. Let's start with the fact that this process promises to be difficult, so be patient and do not count on an instant result. Moreover, in particularly severe cases, "goose skin" will be returned again and again, you will have to fight her all your life. But beauty is worth such victims, isn't it?!

We have collected the best methods to combat follicular hyperkeratosis. You can also familiarize yourself with them.

Skin smoothing massages

To make follicular hyperkeratosis less noticeable, practice regular massage sessions. For these purposes, a vacuum, anti-cellulite or common massage is suitable.

If you are not prone to varicose veins, try honey massage, it will help get rid of goose leather on the legs. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the massage room, Manti, I am alone and rub the body yourself, thereby improving blood flow and skin saturation with oxygen.

Bath - Second Mother

The positive effect of steam room on the human body is known long ago. With a regular visit to the sauna or bath (1 time per week), your chances of getting rid of "goose skin" will increase twice. And all because under the action of a pair of the upper layer of the epidermis becomes soft and pliable. It is worth walking through the body scrub and the skin will become smooth and tender.

Before you go to the bath, check with the doctor, do you have contraindications to visit it.

Scrubs and Piling - the strongest blow to the "goose skin"

In modern cosmetology there are many exfoliating funds. The most effective are:

  • Peeling with fruit acids or enzymes

Removes dead cells, open the pores, moisturize the skin, improve its structure and color.

  • Hot peeling with sugar cane solve or sea salt

Very potent tool, allowing to cleanse the most deeply and polish the skin. Do not pay attention to the name of the procedure, it has nothing to do with hot agents. Simply while rubbing a salt or cane solution, the skin can also pinch and cripple. Such an effect occurs due to flavored essential oils, which are also part of the peeling.

  • Peeling with sea algae

Satures skin minerals, microelements and oxygen, so that it becomes smooth, soft and velvety.

  • Coffee scrub

For his preparation you will need natural coffee (2 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon) and any essential oil (1 tablespoon). Coffee pour so much boiling water to get Cashier. Leave it to thirty minutes, then add the remaining ingredients to the mass and stirred carefully. Scrub ready!

  • Food Soda Scrub

During the adoption of the soul, interfere with the food soda with a small amount of gel or liquid soap and massaging movements apply this porridge on problem areas. If the skin began to burn much or poking, urgently wash the scrub clean water.

Of course, after the first procedure, the effect will be barely noticeable. But if you use scrubs and peelings two or three times a week, then after the tenth session, the goose skin in the arms or any other part of the body will be almost imperceptible.

Healing wraps

Cleaning the skin with the help of exfoliating means, pamper it with wraps. They are powered and deep moistening of the epidermis.

What to use as a material for wrapping? All the same seaweeds (nutritional effect), grapes (saturation of trace elements and relaxation), cranberries (active humidification) or chocolate (power and pulling effect).

In addition, do not forget every morning and break the problem places with a rigid washcloth or brush every evening. After that, be sure to lubricate the skin with an oil, milk or moisturizing cream, in which vitamins A and E. By the way, you can independently enrich any means. Just buy in a pharmacy vitamins in capsules and squeeze their contents in a tube or a jar with cream or lotion.

Magic baths

  • Oatmeal with skin irritation

There are as many three options for using oat flakes.

According to the first, you need to fill the bath with warm water and pour flakes there (about ten glasses). As soon as they sweat well, the bath is ready for use.

As for the second way, it is also very simple. In the usual woolen sock, pour 2 cups of oat flakes, tie it on the knot and lower in a saucepan with boiling water. When oatmeal is ready, get the sock and diligently spend it all the "goose skin" existing on your body.

Well, the third one! Add oat flakes to swim into the water and take a bath for a quarter of an hour.

  • Pine bath

Type in a bath of hot water (about 38 degrees), melt 60 grams of coniferous extract in it and do not care within 30 minutes.

  • Starch bath

Dissolve the floor kilogram of starch in four liters of cold water and pour the finished solution in a hot bath. Pass in it no more than 15 minutes and rinse the body with clean water.

  • Orange bath

For 10 minutes, boil in two liters of water orange, cut into two parts. The resulting decoction pour into the bath, and use the orange residues as a sponge. Such a tropical bath must be taken about 20 minutes.

After each procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a fat cream or lotion.


  • Fruit-vegetable mask

Within two weeks, apply a mask from the juice of orange, grapes, carrots, spinach and strawberries, taken in equal amounts to sites with "goose skin". Do it three or four times a day.

  • Mask from sulfur and household soap

Mix three mats box (sold in a pharmacy) and one matchbox of grated economic soap (necessarily brown!). Add a bit of warm water (up to the depletion of sour cream) and stir well. This mixture lubricate all places affected by follicular hyperkeratosis. Do it better before bedtime. In the morning, wash the mask with warm water and over the next three days, wipe the skin with a tincture of calendula or triple cologne, but do not wet it.

  • Mask from dill

Fill 2 tablespoons of crushed dill 1 cup of water. Put the mixture on fire and boil for about five minutes. The finished decoction will cool down, strain through the sieve and add a whipped protein. Apply a mask on problem skin into several layers. The next layer can be applied only after the first dry! After the completion of the procedure, wash the mask with clean water.

  • Mask from Parsley

Prepare the infusion of parsley when using the previous recipe. You will also need some oatmeal shredded in a coffee grinder. Mix 1 tablespoon of flakes with 2 cutlery and impose a mixture on the skin for 20 minutes, after which we wash the remnants of the mask with clean water.

Treatment from within

To get a good result and speed up the process of getting rid of follicular hyperkeratosis, it is also necessary to do internal treatment. Put a bowel in order, clean the body with a shock dose of fresh fruits and vegetables, offer a complex of vitamins, refuse the carbonated drinks and drink a lot of green tea or pure water. All this will have a positive effect on the state of your skin.

It will not be superfluous and staying in the sun. Many people suffering from follicular hyperkeratosis, noticed that ultraviolet in reasonable quantities smoothes the skin and significantly reduces the manifestation of the disease.

It remains only to wish you good luck! Be beautiful always!

Follicular hyperkeratosis or, as it is also called "goose leather", is a dermatological disease that may occur in patients of different ages. Most often localized on the hands above the elbow. Set the exact cause of its occurrence is quite difficult.


Follicular hyperkeratosis is the type of dermatitis for which the abundant growth of the corneum layer of the Derma is characterized and his slow down lunch, because of what the mouth of the follicles are blocked and formed peculiar small plaques. The inflammatory process is formed, the rashes can swell and deliver discomfort. It is chronic character and is not amenable to absolute cure.

Visually, pathology resembles a goose skin, for which he received in the people such a name. Most often is formed in the hands of the elbow above, but it can also manifest itself on the legs, buttocks, abdomen and in the area under the knees.

With this disease, the skin becomes very dry and coarse to the touch, small bright red-red roughening nodules appear.

There are 2 types of disease.

  1. I type. For such follicular hyperkeratosasis, the environment of the neck of the hair follicle is characterized by spontaneous plaques and nodules. Localizes on the elbows, knees, as well as in the field of buttocks. The skin is very dry and rough, on the touch looks like sandpaper.
  2. II type. The ducts of hair follicle in this case are blocked by blood or pigment, forming multiple hemorrhagic pimples. Most often occurs on the extensive surfaces of the hips and is similar to irritation.

The reasons

The emergence of so-called "goosebumps" on the skin can be periodic (as a body's response to an exciting factor) or constant. If the "goose skin" is temporary, then the cause of its occurrence lies in the emotional state of the patient.

In this case, before the appearance of "goose skin", a sawotor reflex arises, which is formed in the spinal cord. It is an excessive excitation of peripheral nerve endings, which are responsible for the reduction of the muscles of the hair follicle. The catalyst of this process can serve:

  • stress;
  • cold;
  • excessive positive emotions;
  • fear;
  • sharp temperature difference;
  • experience.

If the follicular hyperkeratosis is constant, then the reasons for its occurrence can serve:

  • lack of vitamins A, D, C;
  • hereditary predisposition to excessive skin regeneration;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • thyroid pathology, pituitary gland, pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • violation of psycho-emotional background;
  • metabolic disease;
  • failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

It may also be observed in children at an early age and be an allergic response of the body to receive medicines. It is often observed in infants - localized in the field of legs and buttocks, is the consequence of the direction of the skin under the diaper and around it.


A dermatologist can establish the presence of follicular hyperkeratose. In order to identify the presence of pathology, it is not necessary to take special analyzes and conduct any laboratory research. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a visual inspection by a doctor.

Visually, this type of dermatitis is manifested in the form:

  • roughness and increased dryness of the skin;
  • the presence of small red pimples;
  • "goose pimples";
  • shipovoid nodules with a red rim at the base of the hair follicle.

Pathology is rather aesthetic, rather than medical character and does not cause any inconvenience to the patient. The exceptions are only cases when the disease was formed against the background of allergic reactions. Then the patient may have a slight itching and redness of the skin.


Get rid of forever from "goose skin" will not work, but to maintain it in a healthy state for a long time and prevent recurrences is quite possible. For treatment, use a number of funds.


These methods of treating and maintaining the skin in the normal state include techniques that do not have contraindications and side effects. They are aimed at improving the state of the dermis, food and its moisturizing.

  1. Vitaminotherapy. The main task of this technique is to fill the stocks of vitamins A and E in the patient's body. For this purpose, they are appointed in pure form (ampoules, tablets) or rubbing the liquid form of vitamins data into the affected parts of the body. Also, for general strengthening the body and the normalization of all systems, vitamin complexes are prescribed - "Alphabet", "Vitrum".
  2. Hormonal ointments. To mitigate the dermis and eliminate inflammatory processes, ointment based on glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. In addition, drugs contain antibiotics that are struggling and preventing the occurrence of secondary infection. With the "goose skin" most often appoint "Acreteers SC", "Kremed".
  3. Retinoides. Vitamin A are presented and are widely used in cosmetology for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Possess a number of advantages - moisturize, feed the dermis, restore its elasticity and elasticity. Also enhance regeneration and reduce wrinkle depth. For the treatment of follicular hyperkeratosisosis, Mazi "Etretutinat", "Isotretinoin" based on retinoids are prescribed.

Aggressive methods

  1. Dermabrasion. A painful method that is a kind of mechanical peeling. The procedure involves removing the upper defective layer of the dermis using a special machine with small abrasive nozzles. In fact, the "grinding" of the skin occurs - the affected area is removed and the skin has a healthy look after healing.
  2. Laser grinding. The technique is similar to the previous one, but less painful. With the help of a laser "burn out" the affected areas of the dermis, on the site of which, after healing, healthy skin is regenerated. In addition to combating follicular hyperkeratosis, it is also used to treat acne scars.

Folk recipes

The most gentle in the treatment of the disease are non-traditional treatments. They carefully eliminate the problem and help the skin remain gentle and velvet.

  1. Yogurt
    Apply a fat homemade yogurt on the affected plot of dermis and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water with neutral soap and gently blocked with a towel. Milk acid eliminates dermal orinal particles, and fats feed the skin. Apply 1 time per day before bedtime 5-7 days.
  2. Pine bath
    50 ml of coniferous essential oil thoroughly move with 200 grams of starch. Pour a hot bath and add the mixture to it, to carefully move everything. Take a bath after a shower daily for 15-20 minutes. The needle extract displaces the skin, and potato starch will allow making gentle peeling.
  3. Grapefruit oil and honey
    3-5 grapefruit oil droplets mix with 3 tbsp. l liquid honey. The composition is applied to the affected areas of the skin, rubbing with light massaging movements for 2-3 minutes. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with water with soap and flush the skin towel. Repeat every day during the week.

In hand ... perhaps, everyone knows what it is. They suffer from goose skin in the main representative of the beautiful gender, and no wonder: it happens very annoying when a man is gentle by hand in a tender minute, and you understand that instead of tender velvety, he feels nasty velvery. Goose skin on the legs also gives girls a lot of troubles: not only that it does not allow to wear a short skirt or shorts and demonstrate so also brings a lot of inconvenience during epilation.

Goose skin on his arms will cease to disturb you if you regularly exudeled dead cells. Provided that you have sufficient funds, sign up to the beauty salon for such a procedure as if you want to save, use it with home analogues: hard scars and chemical peels based on fruit acids will smooth your skin and make it soft and silky. During the applying of the scrub, make a light self-massage, sweeten yourself with circular movements, but do not overdo it. It should be noted that one or two procedures will not give any effect. Only with their regular execution you can enjoy the result.

As a response to the question: "How to get rid of goose leather on the legs?" - Many cosmetologists advise attending a sauna or bath. Sparking has a beneficial effect on the skin, opening the pores and allowing it to "breathe." In addition, due to the hot pair, blood circulation is significantly enhanced, and harmful substances are derived from the body. And if you dare to dive into the cold pool after steaming, it will not only take you an unforgettable feeling, but also give an extra tone of the skin.

Many girls have a goose skin on his hands after visiting a solarium. However, do not forget what to do it is often not recommended. In addition, it should be special care to those who have large moles.

There is another excellent tool for those who dream of silk skin - wrapping. Ideally, it should be applied immediately after exfoliation. After such procedures like algae, chocolate, honey or fruit wrapping, you will for a long time, what is a goose skin on hands. Can be carried out not only in the cabin - for example, at home is quite simple to do

Vacuum and honey massages are shown not only with cellulite. They smooth the skin, improve the influx of blood and thereby remove unpleasant vests.

If all funds described above do not help, we recommend that you visit the dermatologist. In some cases, goose skin may indicate a lack of vitamins of groups A and C in the body. Mineral deficit also provokes a seal on the skin. In order to get rid of the problem, you will most likely have to undergo a course of treatment. Usually it includes elements such as regular taking vitamins and use when washing a pleasant addition to treatment are exfoliating peelings based on fruit acids.