What is a trimester during pregnancy. What you need to know about the trimesters of pregnancy by week, how to behave in the first, second and third? The state and feelings of a woman

Motherhood is a huge responsibility, so in the process of bearing, mothers have a lot of questions. Every girl knows that the gestation period is conditionally divided into trimesters of pregnancy by weeks. This approach is very convenient for specialists and mothers themselves to navigate the deadlines and take into account their condition. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics and symptoms, characteristic changes in the fetus, the state of the pregnant woman, etc.

Newborn baby getting ready for bed after feeding

So, the conception happened and there are now nine months ahead, full of emotions and experiences, pleasant expectation, and sometimes fears. The entire period while the pregnancy lasts is subdivided into a certain number of weeks and trimesters of pregnancy. At the same time, pregnancy management by trimesters involves their division into a certain number of weeks.

Gynecologists calculate according to the obstetric method, while they begin to count the gestation period from the moment of the last menstruation, from the first day of the cycle. The pregnancy calendar for trimesters, as a rule, is built according to the obstetric principle. If we talk about the actual onset of conception, then it occurs 2-3 weeks later, but the exact day when fertilization occurs usually remains unknown.

The process of pregnancy takes a certain time. Immediately after fertilization, the cell goes to the uterine body, its route runs through the fallopian tube, and the implantation process takes a week or a little less, in fact, the egg is fixed to the uterine wall approximately 5-7 days after fertilization.

According to obstetric terms, the trimester schedule is 40 weeks, 280 days, 10 obstetric months, each of which consists of 28 days. There are three trimesters in total. Such a division is incredibly convenient for monitoring fetal development and the pregnant woman herself. To determine the PDR, an obstetric calculation method is also used, and in the future, the gestation period and the preliminary date of delivery are specified already with the help of delivery.

So, how many trimesters in pregnancy, we have already specified - there are three of them. How many weeks are in a trimester? This issue requires more detailed consideration.

  • The first trimester starts from the first obstetric week and lasts until the end of the 12th week of gestation. During this period, the formation of placental tissues takes place, the laying of all systems and organs of the future crumbs is carried out.
  • In the second trimester of pregnancy, which lasts from 13 to 27 weeks, there is an active growth of the fetus and its development.
  • The third stage is characterized by the beginning at the 28-week period. This stage lasts until delivery, it can last up to 41-43 weeks until the baby is born. At this stage of gestation, the fetus is actively preparing for childbirth and life is already separate from the mother's tummy. Also at this time, the internal organs of the baby ripen.

How are the trimesters of pregnancy distributed by week in the table.

Tracking the trimesters of pregnancy by weeks is very convenient for managing a pregnant woman, comparing the compliance of fetal development with accepted standards, etc.

Features of each period

When a mother discovers two stripes on the test, it is quite normal that she has a lot of questions, such as how to count the trimesters of pregnancy or how these periods are divided by weeks, the trimester of pregnancy is how much, etc. It is very important for doctors to know exactly which week of the term goes into mother at the moment. This makes it easier to detect any deviations or inconsistencies in fetal development.

But with regard to the division of trimesters into weeks, there are many contradictions, so such a division is considered to be very conditional. Weeks of pregnancy at each stage are characterized by a different number, i.e., the duration of trimesters varies by week. A different number of weeks is associated with the course of certain processes, for example, by the end of the first stage, the final laying of the fetal organs is completed, at the second stage they actively develop and the crumbs grow, and at the third, all organs ripen, the crumb is rapidly gaining weight and growing, preparing for new life outside of mother's belly.

The first stage of gestation

There are 12 weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy. They begin to count from the moment of the last menstruation, although in fact the conception is considered completed only after the implantation of a fertilized egg, that is, from about the third obstetric week. So, during this period, a new life is born. It is at this stage that an interesting position of the patient is discovered and the doctor can already determine the pregnancy by weeks.

During this period, mommy should be especially careful, because the threat of miscarriage is great. The slightest overload or nervous stress can disrupt implantation, which will lead to improper or insufficient fixation of the fetal egg. The most dangerous periods for a miscarriage are considered to be 3-4 and 8-12 weeks: a 3-4-week period means implantation processes, and 8-12 weeks are dangerous for pregnancy as a period of large-scale hormonal changes.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, mothers face such a condition as toxicosis, swelling of the mammary glands, excessive emotionality and sudden mood swings. The fetus develops quite quickly, because already at 4-5 weeks a tiny heart begins to beat. According to the table of pregnancy trimesters by weeks, the first stage of gestation ends with the twelfth week. And the baby by this time:

  1. The cerebral hemispheres and vertebral structures are laid and formed;
  2. Endocrine structures are already beginning to function actively;
  3. The gender of the crumbs is already formed;
  4. Tooth germs appear and tiny fingernails begin to grow;
  5. Facial features are already being determined, the baby begins to move, only mom is not yet able to feel his motor activity, because the fetus is still too small.

By months, the end of this stage falls on the third or beginning of the fourth month of gestation. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the condition very meticulously. Sexual intimacy is not prohibited, because pregnancy is considered a physiological state, and not a pathology. But delicate and gentle sexual relations are recommended, the partner should avoid sharp pushes and deep penetrations. If spastic pain in the uterus or spotting suddenly appears, then the mother should immediately contact the antenatal clinic. By the way, by the end of the first stage, the girl should already be on obstetric records in the LCD.


It is necessary to include a salad of greens and vegetables in the diet

In the second trimester of pregnancy, which begins at week 13 and ends at week 27, mommy experiences, perhaps, the happiest and calmest period of gestation. She finally managed to get pregnant, the signs of early toxicosis are already passing, the threat of interruption disappears, the tummy has not yet become noticeable, but is starting to grow slowly, and mommy is full of energy and enjoys life. Usually, at this time, the girls literally bloom, gradually, as the crumbs grow, the gait begins to change.

The enlarged uterus begins to press, displacing the rest of the pelvic organs, against the background of which trips to the toilet room become more frequent, heartburn may appear, constipation, etc., begin to disturb. But such manifestations are characteristic of the second half of this stage of gestation. Each girl is recommended to keep a gestation schedule, noting unusual sensations and new manifestations of an interesting position.

Now you should not avoid sexual intimacy with your spouse, because all the threats are behind, there is no toxicosis, so you can safely practice any poses, pampering your beloved man. This approach will only strengthen the marriage bond, and, therefore, bring the spouses together, but only in the absence of any individual contraindications for the pregnant woman. During this period, the first movements of the crumbs, felt by mommy, fall. The placenta, which was formed back in the days of the first trimester of pregnancy, now performs the functions of protecting the crumbs and providing it with the necessary nutrition and oxygen. But still, you should not allow bad habits, since any harmful effect can affect the baby.

Additional factors

At this stage, it's time to go to the dentist if you have problems with your teeth, as well as buy new clothes for your wardrobe and complete important matters at work. After all, very soon, in a matter of weeks, mommy will no longer be up to it.

  • You will have to fall in love with shoes without heels, because the tummy is growing rapidly, and the center of gravity is changing.
  • Also, during pregnancy, you will have to remove the thongs away, replacing them with ordinary cotton panties.
  • From about the 20th week, you can wear a special bandage that will relieve the load from the back, prevent the appearance of pain in the lumbar region and relieve the formation of stretch marks.
  • Now the amount of discharge may increase slightly, but you just need to make sure that there are no unpleasant itchy symptoms, blood impurities or an unpleasant odor.
  • Since the toxicosis has already passed, mothers often have an indefatigable appetite. You need to indulge your desires, but only in moderation, especially with regard to sweets and cakes.
  • The first felt movements may resemble light bubbles. But when the baby begins to move more clearly, then you need to be more attentive to his movements. Too intense tremors may indicate oxygen deficiency.

If earlier mom was forbidden to exercise in the pool or gym, now the doctor is likely to allow such classes so that mom can properly prepare the body for the last trimester and delivery. Mom now needs to walk more often in the air, and ventilate the apartment several times a day.

End of pregnancy

If there is no conception for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist

Dividing pregnancy into trimesters helps mothers navigate when unusual symptoms appear. Something for a particular period is considered the norm, and something is considered a dangerous sign, so mommy will be able to understand in time that not everything is in order with pregnancy. The beginning of the third trimester falls on the 28-29th week, and childbirth will become its logical conclusion. Doctors can calculate the preliminary day of delivery as much as they like, but the child will be born only when it is completely ready for this. Sometimes childbirth occurs even at 44 weeks.

Usually, already from the thirtieth week, the mother is on maternity leave, or even earlier, since such a long-awaited birth is inexorably approaching. Most often, delivery is scheduled for the fortieth week, however, not everyone gives birth on time, especially with multiple gestation. In fact, any diagnosis will show that the baby at the third stage of gestation from 36 weeks is already viable and will be able to live outside the mother's womb. But if the birth happened before 36 weeks, then special medical equipment is needed to get the baby out.

In fact, each trimester is equal to the quarters of the year, that is, it is three months. For the last, third quarter, the baby gains its final height, which can be about 49-52 cm. And its weight reaches about 3.5 kg. These parameters are approximate and are determined by genetic factors, lifestyle and diet in the last trimester before childbirth. It’s just that the main mass gain falls on the last 3 months, so it’s important to observe moderation in relation to food during this period, choose the right food.

What else do you need to know

Now doctors strongly recommend not to overeat and exclude sweets and desserts from the diet. Try to bring more movement into your life, although now they are a little more difficult than usual. At least walk more and wear a prenatal bandage. The baby already hears his mother perfectly and can be frightened by excessively loud sounds, so try to talk to him in a soft voice, and turn on the music quietly and preferably something from the classics.

  • Training contractions of the uterine walls are considered quite normal, helping the uterus to tune in and prepare for labor.
  • They are often confused with true contractions, but the latter are more intense and appear more and more often.
  • An early birth is indicated by a characteristic prolapse of the abdomen, in which the baby shifts down, lowers its head into the pelvic region and rests against the uterine fundus.
  • Also, a sign of early delivery is the discharge of the cervical mucous plug, which protects the entrance to the uterine cavity throughout pregnancy.

Now the main thing for mom is to ensure a quiet life, devoid of violent experiences and stressful situations. Sometimes this period is complicated by some unpleasant conditions that timely diagnosis reveals. These include the development of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, preeclampsia, etc. Therefore, it is important to undergo studies prescribed by a doctor.

Trimester analyzes

In order to identify probable deviations and exclude pregnancy pathologies, the mother periodically undergoes a series of studies and procedures during gestation. Blood tests determine the content of hCG, which, after implantation of the fetal egg, begins to rise, and if the increase occurs slightly, this may indicate an ectopic fixation of the embryo. They also donate blood for various infections such as AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, and evaluate the Rh of the mother and father. Diagnostics also includes studies on pathology and antibodies like toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpesvirus or cytomegalovirus, etc.

When registering for obstetric registration in the LCD, you will need a medical examination by specialists such as a dentist, ophthalmologist, therapist, ENT specialist, etc. The first ultrasound examination is performed at 10-12 weeks, and the second at 20-24. On the second study, you can already see the floor of the crumbs, if he does not turn away and close from the sensor.

In the second trimester, the patient should be tested for TORCH infection. If a woman has not previously conceived, there have been miscarriages or fading, now they can prescribe triple testing for AFP, hCG and chorion. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to timely detect such pathological features in the fetus as the presence of Down syndrome, etc. At the last stage of gestation, ultrasound is usually prescribed at 30-34 weeks. Specialists evaluate the readiness of the baby for birth, presentation, date of birth, blood flow between the uterus and the placenta, as well as fetoplacental circulation.

So, what are trimesters, what they are, we told. Each of these periods is characterized by its own characteristics. The main thing is that a girl needs to be as careful as possible during dangerous periods when there is a threat of miscarriage, and take all tests and ultrasound in time to prevent dangerous deviations and eliminate adverse factors.

The period of bearing a child is 9 months, 40 weeks or 280 days, during which mother and baby have to go through a difficult and difficult path before meeting each other. This period is usually divided into trimesters of pregnancy by weeks, each of which has its own characteristics and symptoms.

Trimesters of pregnancy: how to divide and count In obstetric practice, the entire period of bearing a child is divided into trimesters. Young women preparing to become mothers for the first time do not always understand the meaning of this term, asking questions - what are trimesters, and how many are there in pregnancy?

Do not worry, the trimester is a period of three months, making up 1/3 of the entire period of bearing a child. There are two ways to break down pregnancy into trimesters by week. In the first, simplified method, the maximum period of bearing a child (42 weeks) is divided into three equal parts, each of which includes 14 weeks.

The second method is more rational, according to doctors. Here, the calculation is based on 40 obstetric weeks, divided as follows:

  1. I trimester - from the 1st to the 13th week
  2. II trimester - from the 14th to the 27th week
  3. III trimester - from the 28th week until the birth of the baby

The calculation of trimesters is carried out in order to make it easier and more convenient for obstetricians and expectant mothers to monitor the course of pregnancy, since each period has its own characteristics and symptoms, covering not one specific month, but a whole stage.

Pregnancy trimesters by week: table

Trimesters of pregnancy

In the table you can clearly see how the trimesters are divided and how to count them. It shows that the entire pregnancy is conditionally divided into three important periods, which include three calendar months each. These indicators are the same for each woman, therefore, they do not provide for any individual calculations.

The first trimester is the initial stage at which the conception and formation of the embryo occurs. Sometimes during this period, the expectant mother does not even suspect that a new life is emerging in her body. Most often, the first symptoms begin to appear by the 4th week: a woman notices a delay in the menstrual cycle, and her body reacts sharply to the appearance of a small “blazer” with malaise and nausea.

The second trimester is considered the most calm and prosperous period of the “interesting situation”. By this moment, the body of the expectant mother is fully adapted to the fact that you need to work for two, although the figure of a woman begins to change significantly - a belly appears, shapes are rounded, and the total weight increases.

By this stage, the embryo turns from a “tadpole” into a real little man: all the important organs and systems of vital activity are formed in him, he already knows how to move his arms and legs, suck his finger, bringing immense joy to the mother, who feels the movements of the baby in the stomach.

The third trimester is the most anxious and difficult period. It lasts from 7 months until delivery. At this stage, the woman's body is actively preparing for childbirth, and the baby continues to actively grow and develop. For the development of an infant, the last three months of intrauterine life are an important preparation for independent life, so a woman needs to make every effort to create favorable conditions for the baby to successfully pass the final period of formation.

Despite the fact that each trimester brings with it certain difficulties for the expectant mother, they are all wonderful and beautiful in their own way. Passing each section of the path before meeting with a child, a woman gains invaluable experience that cannot be bought for money.

Knowing what happens to the baby in the stomach in each of the trimesters and being aware of the characteristics of her body at a particular stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be able to prevent complications during childbirth, spend all 9 months in a positive mood.

Pregnancy trimesters (for weeks, the process of carrying a child by a woman was decided by gynecologists in the last century) is the result of the conditional division of 9 months of fetal formation in the mother's womb into periods, each of which lasts 3 months.

During all 3 trimesters, not only the physical development of a small person takes place, but also the constant transformation of the body of a pregnant woman. For the convenience of tracking the condition of expectant mothers, gynecologists have developed a number of standard indicators by which they assess the health of a woman and her child during a scheduled weekly examination.

The trimesters of pregnancy by week are shown in this table.

These assessment factors include:

  • fetal weight (determined by ultrasound);
  • body weight of a pregnant woman;
  • body length of the child;
  • the volume of the belly of the expectant mother;
  • the presence of edema in a woman, pain of a different nature, insomnia, and so on;
  • results of general urine and blood tests;
  • visual examination of the state of the cervix (in the absence of complaints from the future mother, it is performed by gynecologists only in the first and third trimester);
  • the heart rate of a small person in the womb;
  • blood pressure of a pregnant girl.

Thanks to generally accepted indicators, by deviation from them in each trimester, doctors can diagnose the onset of pathology in time and prevent it without harming the health of the mother and child. The most dangerous is the first trimester.

It is during this period that there is a high risk of sudden termination of pregnancy due to the inattentive attitude of the expectant mother to her body (pregnant women do not always find out about their situation from the first days, continue to lead a normal life, lifting weights, not devoting the proper amount of time to sleep, neglecting the principles of proper nutrition and so on).

Dividing pregnancy into trimesters, months, weeks

During these few weeks, ovulation occurs, the fertilization of the egg, as well as its “implantation” into the uterine wall, followed by laying the foundation for the further construction of the human body. The first trimester lasts until 12-13 weeks.

If no abortion occurred during this period, then, provided there are no pathologies in the woman’s health, the sudden loss of a child before the expected date of birth is unlikely. From week 13, the second trimester begins, which, by analogy with the first, has a duration of 3 months. At this time, the child is actively gaining weight and increasing in height, acquiring a human appearance.

At the second stage of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel the first movements of her baby, and also, in some cases, after a planned ultrasound examination, she can already find out her sex (in the second trimester, the child’s reproductive system is already fully formed, which allows the ultrasound doctor to visually guess who the woman is waiting for - boy or girl).

From the 28th week of pregnancy, the third trimester begins.

At the final stage of bearing a child, a woman usually begins to experience discomfort associated with a sharp increase in the load on her body (the weight of the child at the considered period already exceeds 2 kg, and the volume of blood required for normal nutrition of the placenta, which feeds the vital systems of the baby inside the womb, extremely large).

To simplify the perception of information about the division of pregnancy into periods, gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers use a generally accepted table.


Trimester Months weeks
  • first;
  • second;
  • third.
  • 1 to 4;
  • from 5 to 8;
  • from 9 to 12-13.
  • fourth;
  • fifth;
  • sixth.
  • from 14 to 17;
  • from 18 to 21;
  • from 22 to 27.
  • seventh;
  • eighth;
  • ninth.
  • from 28 to 31;
  • from 32 to 36;
  • from 37 to 40.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother and child for each trimester

The trimesters of pregnancy (by weeks the child not only grows in size and increases its weight, but also acquires new skills necessary for later life outside the mother's womb) determine the condition of both the fetus and the pregnant woman.

Understanding what changes in the body are coming during the next trimester, the expectant mother will be able to mentally prepare herself for possible difficulties and make every effort to prevent discomfort.

Trimester Changes in the body of a pregnant woman Changes in the child's body
  • the occurrence of signs of toxicosis, most often manifested already at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences; dizziness);
  • increase in breast size;
  • an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands (in some cases, at this stage of bearing a child, pregnant women complain of pain and a feeling of fullness of the chest);
  • increased urge to urinate (the uterus with an "implanted" fetus presses on the bladder);
  • drowsiness;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • excessive emotionality caused by hormonal changes.
  • formation of the neural tube (the basis for the future central nervous system);
  • the heart muscle begins to function;
  • the beginning of the formation of the spinal column, the brain and its hemispheres, in particular;
  • laying the foundations for the future formation of the eyes, auricles, limbs, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland;
  • the formation of genital organs, fingers on the upper and lower extremities;
  • the beginning of the production of hormones by the endocrine system, as well as the laying of the rudiments of milk teeth in the gums;
  • the baby begins to move inside the mother's womb.
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • possible occurrence of pain in the lumbar region and thoracic spine;
  • discomfort in the hip joints;
  • the likelihood of developing varicose veins (due to rapidly growing weight).
  • increase in height and body weight;
  • the end of the formation of the sexual and skeletal systems of the child's body;
  • active development of muscles and brain;
  • increase in motor activity.
  • increase in the size of the uterus to its maximum size;
  • difficulty breathing associated with increased pressure from below on the organs of the respiratory system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • the occurrence of "false contractions" (a kind of preparation of the uterus for the upcoming labor activity).
  • the final formation of all vital organs and systems of the body;
  • improving the ability to perceive information through hearing and produce respiratory movements;
  • the appearance of taste perception;
  • active hair growth on the head;
  • the formation of a lubricant throughout the body, designed to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal at the time of birth.

Fetal development by weeks and months

Tracking how the fetus develops each month or week of pregnancy helps to reduce the general anxiety of the expectant mother, as well as strengthen her parental feelings regarding her child.

First trimester


A week
1 — 2 Based on the fact that the first day of the menstrual cycle is considered to be the beginning of pregnancy, the first two weeks of bearing a child are conditional, since the actual conception has not yet occurred.
3 The fertilization of the egg occurs, as a result of which the color of the eyes and hair of the unborn child is determined at the gene level. The egg begins its division and moves towards the uterus.
4 (end of 1 month of pregnancy) The fertilized cell implants in the uterus and grows to the size of poppy seeds.
5 The embryo grows up to 2-3 mm in length, while acquiring two poles, where the lower and upper limbs will begin to form in the future. 3 functional layers are formed, which are the basis for the further formation of the vital systems of the body of a small person. The neural tube appears.
6 The formation of the upper and lower limbs of the child and the increase in the growth of the embryo.
7 Increasing the size of the embryo to the proportions of a blackcurrant or raspberry. The division of the child's brain into 3 functional sections. Active shaping of the limbs and laying the foundations for the formation of the ears and nose.
8 (end of 2 months of pregnancy) Formation of external facial features, limbs and vital organs. The beginning of the motor activity of the fetus.
9 An increase in the size of the embryo to the dimensions of the fruit of a plum tree. The formation of the reproductive system of a small person.
10 Active development of the brain. The film membrane between the fingers of the upper and lower extremities disappears. Increasing the strength of the skeletal system.
11 An increase in the size of the fetus and its weight. The gradual acquisition by his body of a human proportional form.
12 The baby grows to the size of a small orange. The external genitalia are formed. Nail plates appear on the fingers and toes.
13 (end of 3rd month of pregnancy and first trimester) The brain regions and organs of vision of the child are actively developing. In the gums of the baby, the rudiments of milk teeth appear. Hair slowly starts to grow on the head.

Second trimester


A week Development of the fetus at a particular stage of pregnancy
14 The endocrine system starts producing hormones. Increases the strength of the chest. As the formation of the upper palate in the child's mouth finishes, he acquires a sucking reflex.
15 The production of specific proteins of a particular blood type begins. The emergence of skills to change facial expressions. Motor activity increases (the expectant mother most often does not yet feel the movements of the fetus).
16 There is an active weight gain, mucous membranes are formed. If the fetus borne by a woman is a girl, then at week 16, the little man will begin to form his own eggs - the basis for the reproductive system.
17 (end of 4 months pregnant) The first fat deposits appear under the skin of the child. He is actively increasing his height and weight while continuing to practice high physical activity.
18 The emergence of the ability to perceive the world around us through the organs of hearing. The formation of an emotional connection between a small person and his parents begins (the child gets used to their voices, hears the mother's heartbeat, and so on).
19 Under the rudiments of milk teeth, molars begin to form. A special mucus appears on the child's body, which contributes to proper thermoregulation.
20 The final formation of the facial features of the child. The emergence of taste perception.
21 (end of 5th month of pregnancy) The skeletal system develops actively and the bone marrow begins to function.
22 Change in the color of the skin (becomes whitish). Hairs form on the face (in particular, eyebrows and eyelashes).
23 The brain and central nervous system are actively developing. The end of the formation of vital organs.
24 The end of the formation of the organs of visual perception, despite the continued absence of pigment (colorless eyes). The child begins to practice a variety of movements, thus studying his body.
25 (end of 6th month of pregnancy and 2nd trimester) Maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of meconium in the intestine.

third trimester


A week Development of the fetus at a particular stage of pregnancy
26 The child forms his own daily regimen, which does not depend on the time of wakefulness and rest of the expectant mother. The respiratory organs are actively formed, preparing for functioning outside the mother's womb.
27 The child learns to open and close his eyes in response to bright light. The baby calms down and falls asleep when gently rocking (a pregnant woman at this time can be in public transport, walk or do household chores). The amount of hormones produced increases.
28 Increase in height and weight.
29 (end of 7th month of pregnancy) Active development of the brain. A child during sleep begins to dream, he has emotions - he learns to be scared and enjoy.
30 The child begins to actively convey to the mother his attitude to external circumstances. For example, he may start kicking if a woman is near the source of the noise.
31 The child increases in all respects, while simultaneously reducing his physical activity.
32 The fetus is located as it will lie in the mother's abdomen until the moment of birth, which determines the type of upcoming labor activity (natural childbirth or Caesarean section).
33 (end of 8th month of pregnancy) The child begins to adapt to the daily routine of his mother, repeating after her periods of activity and rest.
34 The end of the formation of the respiratory organs.
35 A significant increase in the weight of the child. Lubrication on the body acquires a thicker consistency, which will help a small person to overcome the birth canal less painfully.
36 The final stage of the formation of the nervous and immune systems. Subcutaneous fat accumulates.
37 The end of the formation of all systems and organs of the child's body.
38 - 40 (end of 9th month of pregnancy) With head presentation, the baby's head falls into the pelvis of a pregnant woman, which is a sign of the body's readiness for the upcoming birth.

Feelings of a woman as the fetus develops

Pregnancy trimesters by weeks of child development determine not only the physical, but also the emotional state of the expectant mother. In the first trimester, a pregnant woman is overcome by manifestations of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness). Most women lose a lot of weight in the first months and do not yet feel emotional attachment to their child.

Due to hormonal changes in the body, they often cry, laugh for no reason, become more irritable and require increased attention.

As the fetus develops, by the second trimester, toxicosis ends, and the stomach becomes rounded and increases in size, which allows the woman to begin to enjoy her position. The psychological background is evened out and an emotional connection with a small person in the stomach is born (usually it is especially enhanced after the first sensation of the expectant mother of her baby's jolts).

In the third trimester, despite the recurring physical discomfort (swelling, insomnia, frequent urge to urinate), the expectant mother is stable in her emotions, looking forward to meeting her child and enjoying pregnancy. At this stage, girls usually visit a 3D ultrasound in order to take a photo of the baby as a keepsake of the period of his stay in the womb.

Possible deviations

Pregnancy lays the foundation for the future health of the little person. Knowing what abnormalities can be identified in a particular week of intrauterine life of the fetus, the expectant mother will be able to prevent their occurrence by adjusting her lifestyle in each trimester.

Most often, doctors during pregnancy are diagnosed with:

  • down syndrome(a chromosomal mutation leading to dementia and a serious delay in the development of the child);
  • patau syndrome(a genetic mutation whose owners rarely live longer than a year. It provokes deafness, mental retardation and a number of other serious pathologies);
  • heart disease(some of them are subject to surgical correction, others allow a person to live, forgetting about their existence);
  • developmental pathologies of limbs or vital organs(they are not congenital and occur at the stage of laying the foundations of body systems during pregnancy).

First trimester

When the expectant mother maintains an unhealthy lifestyle, in the first trimester the foundation is laid for the subsequent development of diseases.

They are:

Second trimester

The second trimester is dangerous for a small person with development:

  • pathologies of the brain and organs of vision (with a deficiency of lutein entering the mother's body);
  • circulatory disorders (in the absence of rutin-containing products or synthetic vitamins in the mother's diet);
  • dysfunction of the mucous membranes (to prevent this, a pregnant woman should take vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamins of group A);
  • infertility (if the fetus being carried by a woman is a girl);
  • pathologies of the bone marrow and the skeletal system of the body as a whole.

third trimester

During the third trimester, an unhealthy lifestyle or insufficient vitamin enrichment of the diet of a pregnant woman can lead to the development of certain pathologies in the child's body.

For example:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system (for example, an insufficient amount of surfactant - a substance that prevents the lungs from sticking together);
  • disorders of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

Despite the almost complete formation of the child's body and its partial readiness to function outside the mother's womb, a pregnant woman during the third trimester should still be extremely attentive to her health.

Premature birth in the last months of bearing a small person is rarely fatal, but can cause the child to develop a predisposition to serious diseases in the future (for example, lung pathologies or heart disease).

Features of the lifestyle of the expectant mother in each trimester

The trimesters of pregnancy by weeks determine the lifestyle of the expectant mother. Despite the presence of features of the formation of the child's body at each stage of intrauterine life, gynecologists recommend that pregnant women, in order to avoid the development of pathologies in the fetus, adhere to standard recommendations throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

They are:

The trimesters of pregnancy determine the condition of not only the little person in the mother's womb, but also the pregnant woman herself.

Having carefully studied the changes in her body at each of the weeks of bearing a child, the expectant mother will be able to think in advance about options for alleviating possible physical and moral discomfort in a way that is safe for herself and her baby.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the features of the trimesters of pregnancy

To understand and correctly monitor changes in the body, a woman needs a pregnancy calendar. In such a calendar, every week is scheduled, what changes occur in the body and you can track your weight gain, the weight of the baby and see the ultrasound readings.

Carrying a baby under your heart is an important event in the life of any girl. Pregnancy is always a mysterious and at the same time frightening event, and it is also a period of waiting for a miracle. From this article, you will learn what a trimester is and the features of each of them.

Terms of trimesters by week

On average, pregnancy lasts about 38-40 weeks and there are two designations for gestation periods: obstetric and embryonic. The first definition is used most often and is just 40 weeks, since it is sometimes very difficult to track the date of conception.
To understand and correctly monitor changes in the body, a woman needs a pregnancy calendar. In such a calendar, every week is scheduled, what changes occur in the body and you can track your weight gain, the weight of the baby and see the ultrasound readings. It is very good that in our modern world, there are a lot of electronic pregnancy calendars and you can choose the most comfortable calendar just for you.

How are the trimesters of pregnancy divided by weeks

The entire gestation period is conditionally divided into three trimesters. Trimester - three months. In weeks 38 to 42, that's 9 months. At 12 weeks, the 1st trimester ends, the second - at 24 weeks, the third lasts until the approximate date of birth. When determining the period, gynecologists are guided by the obstetric period, that is, the countdown starts from the last menstruation.

Features of each period

  • The first trimester is very important, since at this time the body begins to rebuild to bear the crumbs. At this time, toxicosis often appears, hormonal failure, mood swings and increased fatigue are possible. In the first trimester, the fetus develops the nervous system.

  • The second trimester is special in that at this time the signs of toxicosis disappear, and the stomach takes shape and begins to round. This trimester is considered the most calm.

  • The third trimester is the hardest of all. The child already sees, hears, waves his arms and legs with a vengeance, as if showing that he is tired of being locked up. The baby has already become very heavy and it is difficult for the mother to carry him - his back, legs begin to hurt, fatigue piles up many times stronger. The mood is often decadent and mommy prefers to stay at home or sleep than to go out to people - and this is normal.

Child development by trimesters of pregnancy

After the female egg has merged with the male, a clot of cells is created in one shell, within a week this clot should reach the uterus and gain a foothold there. This whole process takes place during the first month of pregnancy. When the fetal egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, the embryo will begin to develop at an accelerated pace. At week 7, it already outwardly resembles the outlines of a little man, although it is still quite tiny. Until the end of the first trimester, that is, up to 12 weeks, all organs and systems are formed. On days 21-22, when the embryo is about 3 weeks old, his heart begins to beat. Outwardly, it still does not look the same as in adults, but it already fulfills its function. By the end of the second trimester, the baby receives the status of a fetus and is already completely similar to a person, all organs and systems are formed in him, they gradually begin to work. During the third trimester, the unborn child only grows, gains weight and "ripens". The nervous system, digestive system and brain continue to improve after birth.

Changes in the female body by trimester

Immediately after conception, the female body begins to change in such a way that the baby survives and can be born. To do this, a hormonal boom occurs, the level of progesterone in the blood rises, which throughout the pregnancy "adjusts" the female body to the presence of the fetus and suppresses the immune system so that it does not get rid of the child.
The most striking reaction to hormonal changes is nausea and vomiting. Toxicosis usually begins at the end of the first trimester. Each woman individually lasts toxicosis, but for most it stops by the second trimester. By the end of the 2nd trimester, the stomach is already becoming noticeable, the chest is increasing several times.
The third trimester - it is already difficult for a woman to move around a lot, it is difficult to get enough sleep, she wants to get rid of the burden as soon as possible. The body throughout pregnancy prepares for labor. In the last trimester, there are training contractions that resemble real ones, but are not as painful and do not last long, only from time to time. The uterus has increased more than 500 times compared to the first weeks of pregnancy. Age spots appear, areolas darken, skin dries and itches, hair, nails and teeth deteriorate. All due to the fact that the baby needs a lot of nutrients and he takes them from the mother's body. Therefore, during gestation, it is necessary to eat well, and most importantly, eat right. If the deficiency of some vitamins and microelements is too noticeable, then you need to add vitamin complexes, they are prescribed by a doctor.

Prohibitions in each trimester of pregnancy

What is dangerous 1 trimester

At this stage, the most dangerous thing is miscarriage and infectious diseases. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is important to give up bad habits. Switch to a balanced diet. During toxicosis, drink more fluids, consume high-quality foods, eat in small portions, but more often 3 times a day, do not overeat at night, it is generally not advisable to overeat. Monitor your well-being, immediately respond to heavy bleeding and sharp pain. Try to be less in crowded places, use all precautions during epidemics of colds.

What is dangerous 2 trimester

In the second trimester, you need to pay special attention to:
  • Allocations, if their character changes, there is pain when urinating, itching, swelling of the genital organs. The color becomes green, brown or yellow. Curdled discharge is also a deviation from the norm and requires intervention. Help is urgently needed if blood appears, even in small quantities.
  • Strong pains. Head, abdomen, legs, pelvis.
  • Violation of vision.
  • Puffiness. The legs or face began to swell.
  • Excessive weight gain.
  • Frequent nausea or vomiting.
  • Fever, chills, significantly elevated body temperature.
You should also consult a doctor if you cough up blood and it becomes difficult to breathe.

What is dangerous 3 trimester

In the last trimester, preterm birth can be dangerous, especially in the first half of the trimester up to 36 weeks. An early labor activity is indicated - a short cervix, leakage of amniotic fluid, increased uterine tone, labor pains, heavy bleeding. You should also monitor the activity of the baby, if he is excessively active or vice versa, you need to undergo an examination.

Nutrition during pregnancy by trimester

  • 1st trimester - When a woman finds out that a “bubbler” has wound up inside, you need to immediately review your diet and habits. Give up smoking and alcohol, not to mention other psychotropic substances. If the expectant mother takes serious drugs, then you need to determine the risks and what is better to refuse - drugs or pregnancy. With toxicosis, food should be light and well absorbed, contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is right to eat meat and fish, especially low-fat varieties. Chicken eggs, a variety of cereals, vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oils, dairy products, fruits and berries. Drink water, compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices.
  • 2nd trimester - Follow the same diet. You can add more nuts, seeds, bran. Cook various dishes from cottage cheese, add grated hard cheese to soups. All dishes should be consumed boiled or steamed. Refuse fast food, smoked meats, pickled foods, sweet soda, fatty sweets, fresh pastries. Drink enough liquid.
  • 3rd trimester - Continue to eat right, do not increase portions. If toxicosis worries again, then switch to lighter meals. When feeling normal, cook food in the oven, steam, or boil. Raw to eat some vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries. Porridges are obligatory to minimize the threat of constipation. Drink plenty of fluids so as not to provoke swelling, but at the same time observe the drinking regimen.

Each trimester has its own characteristics. The baby develops gradually. The task of the mother is not to harm the fetus while it matures inside, to think not only about herself, but also to take into account the needs of the unborn child.

Analyzes and procedures by trimesters

You need to register in the women's office in the first trimester, preferably before 10 weeks of pregnancy. From the moment of registration and until childbirth, a woman visits a gynecologist at least 2 times a month, if there are no problems with bearing. For the entire period, the following studies are carried out by trimesters:
  • In the first trimester, a blood test is given for sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS / HIV, a general blood test, urine. Another swab is taken from the vagina for tank tests. Blood for biochemistry and hormones, clotting tests. Double test for hCG and PAPP-A. Tests for antibodies to rubella and toxoplasmosis. Ultrasound examination shows where the fetal egg was attached, whether the embryo develops correctly, whether its development corresponds to the established norms and whether there are any deviations.
  • In the second trimester, an ultrasound is performed - it will show how the baby develops, biochemical screening to identify the child's diseases, if any. Whether organs are formed correctly in him, the general condition of the placenta and uterus. Urine and blood are given - a general analysis. Blood for biochemistry, venereal diseases, hepatitis. Smear for infection. Triple test - hCG, AFP and the hormone estriol.
  • In the third trimester, a repeated blood and urine test is taken, at each appointment with a doctor, ultrasound and CTG are performed. Up to 36 weeks, a smear for genital infections. Blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis. Biochemistry up to 30 weeks. Coagulogram and blood for antibodies to toxoplasmosis and rubella on the recommendation of a doctor. With the help of ultrasound, you can see the sex of the unborn child. How does he feel, is there an entanglement with the umbilical cord.

With the help of ultrasound, young parents can see the child in motion, and so consider every line of it and, subsequently, save these frames for a long memory. And the doctor will make sure that the fetus develops correctly.

With the appearance of two stripes on the test, life is radically changing, how to live now and what to do? How is a new life born and what happens in the stomach of expectant mothers during 9 months of pregnancy?

What trimesters of pregnancy exist and what exactly happens in each of them, worries, in fact, only expectant mothers. It is important for doctors to know what week of pregnancy is the most accurate measurement of the term.

In total, there are three trimesters of pregnancy, each for about three months - a total of nine months.

The division into trimesters is rather arbitrary, in each of them the number of weeks is different. So in the first trimester there are 12 of them, and in the second and third, 16 each. This division is associated with the nature of the changes that occur with the baby at one time or another. In the first trimester, the laying of internal organs occurs, in the second, their intensive development and growth of the fetus, and in the third, the emphasis is on weight gain and preparation for life outside the mother's body.

First trimester of pregnancy

What's going on in mom's tummy

As mentioned above, the first trimester includes 12 obstetric weeks, which are counted from the moment the egg meets the sperm in the fallopian tube. From this point on, it will be another two weeks before the fertilized egg successfully reaches the uterus and attaches to its endometrium (outer layer) for further growth and development. They often confuse and start counting weeks from this very moment, but it is obstetric weeks that should be taken for calculation.

If the pregnancy is planned, the girls start doing tests from the very first days of the delay. It's early enough and the test will most likely be negative. For the accuracy of the result, it is better to wait 1-2 weeks and repeat the test. It reacts to the so-called pregnancy hormone - hCG, and it begins to double every 2-3 days from the moment of conception.

When the zygote (fertilized egg) is attached, its intensive development will begin. In the first three months, she will turn into a tiny man with all the necessary internal organs and systems. It will be possible to listen to a beating heart and see with the help of ultrasound how the future baby is somersaulting, moving his arms and legs. By the end of the third month of pregnancy, the weight of the embryo is about 14 g, and the weight from head to calf (KTR - calf-parietal size) can reach up to 9 cm.

How the life of a future mother changes

Not everyone immediately realizes the new situation. You shouldn't be afraid of this. When you see a little man on the ultrasound monitor, or a little later you feel his first movements, the necessary feelings will come.

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most difficult period of pregnancy for some expectant mothers. Although for someone it goes unnoticed, you should especially take care of yourself. Now all the vital organs of the baby are being laid, and the woman's body is adapting to the new position, sometimes causing not the most pleasant responses:

  1. Toxicosis. A frequent companion of the first trimester, although it bypasses some lucky women. Because of it, appetite may disappear and even weight may decrease a little - do not be afraid, the body will then return its own. But of course, it is necessary to be observed by a doctor and inform him about the symptoms. To minimize the consequences of such an unpleasant phenomenon, you should ventilate the premises more often, spend more time in the fresh air, and try to sleep for at least 8 hours. It helps some to gnaw a cracker in the morning without getting out of bed. Toxicosis is a temporary phenomenon, and, as a rule, it disappears by the end of the first trimester.
  2. Gastronomic delights. If previously loved foods can cause disgust up to vomiting and nausea, then strange and absolutely incompatible foods can whet a wild appetite.
  3. Frequent urination. The uterus begins to grow and, accordingly, put pressure on some internal organs, hence the constant urge.
  4. Violation of the digestive tract - constipation or diarrhea, as you are lucky.
  5. Lethargy, weakness, drowsiness. The body is moving to a new working rhythm, it needs time to adapt. This is a normal response to such a serious change. Rest at every opportunity, now learn to take care of yourself and listen to your desires.
  6. Sensitivity in the chest area, even painful sensations are possible. Hormonal changes prepare the mammary glands for breastfeeding. The chest may slightly increase, swell.

Not necessarily all of the above signs should appear in all pregnant women. Someone will feel only a part of them, and someone will not notice any changes in themselves at all. Everything is individual, there are no norms.

So, in the first trimester, a woman should get enough sleep, rest during the day, eat the right and healthy food, giving up fast foods and unverified cafes. You should not visit the sauna during this period and lie in hot water, carry weights and generally overstrain. Smoking and alcohol should be completely forgotten, ideally even at the stage of pregnancy planning!

You can’t overexert yourself, but you can and even need to move. Preferably in company with someone and in the fresh air. And if the tests are excellent and the doctor gave the go-ahead, it's time to do gymnastics for pregnant women and go swimming in the pool.

You should pay attention to the sensations in the abdomen. Sharp pulling pains that do not go away, accompanied by impurities of blood in the secretions, may be evidence of a fading pregnancy and a miscarriage that has begun.

Now we need to take care of ourselves more than ever. Any mild cold can negatively affect the embryo, because the placenta is still at the stage of formation, which means that any microbe can penetrate and cause harm.

Analyzes and examinations in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

To begin with, as soon as there are suspicions of pregnancy, and the test showed a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor. An increase in the hCG hormone in rare cases does not necessarily mean pregnancy, and its poor dynamics may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In the second case, fertilization also occurred, only the embryo for some reason attached itself in the wrong place (in the fallopian tube, on the ovary, in the abdominal cavity ...), while hCG will also grow, but at a slower rate than during normal pregnancy. Therefore, the doctor will first of all send you for a blood test several times in order to firstly confirm the increase in the hormone, and secondly, to track its dynamics in exact numbers. After several such tests, the doctor finally confirms the pregnancy, puts it on record and gives further directions for tests and examinations.

As a rule, they donate blood for all kinds of infections and diseases (AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis ...), they look at the Rh factor (if mom is negative and dad is positive, it will be necessary to donate blood for antibodies every 3 weeks). They will conduct a general analysis of blood and urine, tests for the presence of rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, herpesvirus, and so on. This is necessary to warn mommy from potential dangers. For example, if she does not have antibodies to rubella, then you should especially protect yourself from it, since it can cause irreversible fetal pathologies or even provoke a miscarriage.

It will be necessary to go through a number of specialists - an ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT and therapist. As a rule, at the beginning and end of pregnancy. This is necessary to determine the course of childbirth, for 9 months, due to the ever-increasing load, vision may deteriorate, for example. And poor eyesight is a reason for a planned caesarean section.

At a period of 10-12 weeks, the first ultrasound is usually done (if for some reason it was performed earlier, it will have to be repeated at this time). It is advisable to go to it with your spouse. For many, it is very surprising that for such a short period of time there is a real little man in the tummy - arms, legs, head.

Second trimester of pregnancy

How does the expectant mother feel?

The most fertile period of pregnancy covers from 13 to 28 weeks. Unpleasant symptoms, such as toxicosis or constant fatigue, are already behind us. The tummy is already rounded, but not yet so much that it interferes with movement and the normal rhythm of life.

It's time to switch to shoes with a flat sole, because as the stomach grows, the center of gravity also shifts, balance is disturbed. Thongs should be abandoned in favor of the most ordinary cotton underwear. Maternity stores sell special nursing bras, you can start wearing them now. They have a soft lining, which gives undoubted comfort with increased sensitivity in the chest area. Other clothes are also sold there - outerwear, casual, swimwear, pajamas, etc. The main thing is that the clothes are loose, breathable and there is no pressure in the tummy area.

You might consider wearing a bandage. Usually start from the 20th week to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. However, it should be remembered that the constant wearing of a bandage weakens the abdominal muscles, which means that it will be more difficult to bring it into shape after childbirth. An additional and mandatory measure against the appearance of stretch marks will be the daily use of special moisturizers. Olive oil is perfect as an alternative to expensive cosmetic preparations.

If in the first trimester, for some reason, going to the gym and swimming pool were forbidden, now, most likely, now the doctor will give the go-ahead. And this must be taken advantage of, because how else to prepare the body and the little baby for labor? Walking in the fresh air is desirable every day, and try to ventilate the air in the room as often as possible.

Since the toxicosis was supposed to recede, most likely, a period of constant desire to eat something will begin now. This is a very tricky moment. Of course, it is necessary to indulge desires, but in moderation! It is better to try to avoid cakes and pastries that have absolutely no benefit other than gastronomic satisfaction.

The amount of discharge may increase, there should not be any unpleasant sensations (itching, burning), there should be no bloody impurities. With the advent of the first perturbations, one must observe them. If the baby is not active for a long time, it can be dangerous. There is still a risk of pregnancy fading, therefore, with such signs, you should consult a doctor.

Meanwhile in the stomach

By about the 16th week, the laying of the internal organs of the crumbs and the formation of the placenta are completed. From now on, it will protect him reliably from germs and various infections. But until then, a cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is still a serious danger. It is especially dangerous because traditional methods of dealing with it are inappropriate during pregnancy. Most medicines can seriously harm your baby. So, prevention is better than cure. And if we treat it, then only with the help of a doctor. You should not do this on your own, because even a banal sore throat can be the result of a bunch of completely different diseases.

Between 16 and 22 weeks, the first movements in the tummy are usually felt. For some, this resembles light bubbles, and for some it is akin to the movements of the fin of a small fish. The first movements are felt earlier if the expectant mother is thin or her pregnancy is not her first. When the movements are already clear, that even dad can feel them, you should begin to follow their character. Too intense kicks mean that the baby does not have enough oxygen. You should put aside all your affairs and at least briefly go out and get some fresh air. If the child does not manifest itself in any way for more than a day, you should immediately see a doctor. In the second trimester, the risk of pregnancy fading remains. Usually, babies start kicking when mom lies down for a while without moving. So some pregnant babies are sometimes not allowed to sleep.

During the second trimester, the baby grew to 39 cm, and its weight is about 1 kg. There is practically no room in the stomach for somersaults, however, if the child is not positioned correctly in the womb, he can still change his position. Doctors for this recommend special gymnastics, inclinations and classical music. Music should be listened to in large headphones, pressing them to the lower abdomen. From the 13th week, babies can perfectly hear everything that is happening around. So in addition to classical music (they say it has a beneficial effect on the development of the child), you can talk with the baby, introducing the future dad to this. The baby will learn to recognize your voices and calm down from their sound, both in the tummy and after childbirth.

During the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the baby will do a great job in its development. On ultrasound, you can see a real little man who knows how to frown, smile and even grimace.

Analyzes and examinations in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The second ultrasound according to the plan is optimally performed at 20-24 weeks. If the pregnancy is multiple and it was not established earlier, now this fact will be confirmed. If the baby does not turn away, you can see its gender. Ultrasound is necessary in order to evaluate the work of the internal organs of the crumbs and recognize possible pathologies and defects. The amount of amniotic fluid is estimated, the date of the PDR is specified.

In addition to an ultrasound examination, blood, urine and a smear are taken as standard. If necessary, the doctor may refer to the analysis for TORCH - infections.

If in the past there was a fading of pregnancy, or there are relatives with congenital pathologies, they may be offered to undergo a triple test. In this case, blood is taken from a vein and three important components - hCG, AFP and choriol - are checked for the presence of special markers. This is necessary to assess the risk of diseases such as Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome, for example.

Cordocentesis is another procedure that a pregnant woman can undergo in the second trimester. It is not mandatory and can be assigned if any deviations are identified. Using a special needle, fetal blood is taken from the umbilical cord in order to study it in detail. The procedure is not completely safe, in rare cases, after it there was a miscarriage in pregnant women.

At 23-24 weeks, a doppler is prescribed, although sometimes this happens later - at 30-34 weeks. This study is necessary in order to assess the usefulness of the blood flow, whether the baby’s body is well supplied with blood and whether he has enough oxygen.

Third trimester of pregnancy

What happens in the stomach

It is referred to from 29 to 44 weeks. Yes, it happens that childbirth occurs at 44 weeks! Although usually after 42 weeks, doctors try to stimulate labor as much as possible, because overwearing is a serious threat to both the mother and her baby. The longer he is in the womb, the stronger the bones harden, the crumb itself becomes more and more every day. And the most dangerous thing in this situation is that the placenta, which is necessary for the life of a small organism, nourishing it and supplying it with important vitamins and minerals, begins to age. That is, it ceases to cope with its functions, and this is dangerous, first of all, for the baby's brain.

DDD usually occurs around 40 weeks, but it is rare for a term-on-term delivery. It happens that childbirth occurs earlier, especially if the pregnancy is multiple. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby is already considered viable outside the mother's body. But if the birth occurred for some reason before the 36th week, then special equipment is needed to nurse the baby. The fact is that only from the 36th week his lungs will finally form and he will be able to breathe on his own.

During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the baby continues to add growth, although not at the same pace as before. He will reach about 52 cm and gain about 3.5 kg of weight. Of course, all children are different, and these parameters depend on the genetic characteristics of his parents and on the lifestyle and nutrition of his mother in the last three months. Indeed, in the third trimester, the main weight gain occurs in both the woman and her baby. That is why right now it is so important not to overeat and give preference to the right food. If the baby is too large, they may even prescribe a caesarean section. In addition, excess weight can complicate the health of the mother, who will be harder every day.

What should mom do

From the 30th week, the mother is supposed to go on the long-awaited maternity leave, and if the pregnancy is multiple, then even earlier. The tummy is large enough, but so far does not greatly restrict movement. So you can immediately arrange a professional photo session. Then it will be harder, with each week the weight gain will be more noticeable.

As mentioned above, in the third trimester, the main weight gain occurs. You should not overeat, and empty calories (cakes, sweet pastries) should be completely postponed until better times. If possible, it is better to move more, to be in the fresh air, putting on a bandage if necessary - it will greatly ease the load on the lower back. The pool will be a real outlet for pregnant women in the later stages. After all, it's no secret that all objects seem lighter in water. Similarly, it will be nice to feel the former lightness of women with already large tummies. In gymnastics for pregnant women at such a late date, the emphasis is no longer on strength exercises, but on Pilates. Muscles prepare for childbirth. Particular attention is paid to Kegel exercises - with their help, the muscles of the pelvic floor are trained, which are directly involved in labor. With their help, they become more elastic, and after childbirth they recover faster.

The kid has long heard and even sees (at least distinguishes between light and darkness). He can be frightened of loud sounds, so it is better to forget about noisy parties for now. But the sounds of the voice of mom and dad and pleasant classical music can calm him down.

Now there are many courses for expectant mothers. Now is the time to start visiting them! Many of them are booked in advance, so it’s better to find out everything a month in advance, clarify the schedule in order to start right away. They will tell you about the signs of childbirth, about the process of labor, how to behave, and so on. Knowing this information and giving birth will not be scary at all. Many courses also include lessons on newborn care. Although the best school in the second case would be to take a joint ward with a baby in the maternity hospital and immediately study under the strict guidance of doctors and pediatricians.

Bregston-Higgs practice contractions may begin. This is normal, as the uterus prepares for childbirth. The main thing is not to confuse them with real ones. Training does not increase in strength, the interval between them can jump. But the real ones will definitely be more intense, and the interval will gradually decrease.

Listen carefully to yourself and your baby! Although there is almost no place in the tummy, from time to time it should remind of itself. It is necessary to track the nature of his movements. Your body will tell you exactly when labor should begin. For example, one of the first signs is considered to be lowering of the abdomen. This is pretty easy to track - you can measure the height of your navel above the floor and stick a strip of tape on the mirror in this place, or draw a dot with a marker. And then measure - whether the navel has become below the intended line.

A change in the nature of the discharge can also suggest that childbirth is just around the corner. The release of the cork changes the consistency of the discharge and makes it look like a transparent jellyfish.

The most important thing in this period is to provide yourself with complete peace, protect yourself from stress and fully prepare for the meeting with the baby, both physically and psychologically. You can do meditation. Many people imagine a spacious green meadow with a calm relaxing melody.

Analyzes and examinations in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is carried out at 30-34 weeks. The readiness of the baby for childbirth, its presentation (buttock or pelvic may be an indication for caesarean section) is assessed. They look at the placenta, evaluate the fetoplacental and uteroplacental blood flow. PDR is confirmed, the state of development of the baby is assessed.

In the third trimester, a woman increasingly comes to the consultation. She is weighed and her blood pressure is measured, urine tests are taken every week! This is necessary, because even in 7 days the situation can change radically at such a late date.

Summing up

Pregnancy is an incredibly complex and at the same time thought out to the smallest detail process. In just 9 months, a new life is born in a woman's tummy. A little man is born, able to see, hear, touch, smell ... Being a mother is an incredible happiness and vocation for every woman. In children, our continuation.

Video "How is the conception of a child"