Baby bedding: the kingdom of magical dreams. Diaper fabric: how to choose? Which fabric is better

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Comfortable and comfortable diapers for a newborn baby include all types of flannel, chintz, satin diapers, as well as diapers made of 100% cotton jersey, natural cellulose. Some unscrupulous manufacturers sew diapers from mixed fabrics that contain synthetics and are unacceptable in the wardrobe of a small child, whose skin is very vulnerable in the first months of life.

Types of diapers for a newborn and their purpose

A wide variety of types of diapers for babies, which is presented on the modern market, is justified - after all each type of diaper has its own purpose, and can be used in caring for a baby at one time or another in his life. Before buying diapers for a baby, parents should get acquainted with all types of these items of children's wardrobe in order to decide on the choice and purchase exactly what their child will need. There are more than types of diapers, there are colors, colors, various sets with diapers, designed in the same style, so young parents will have to work hard on the choice. So, the types of diapers:

Fur diapers for a newborn

It - winter diapers which are akin to outerwear, a blanket or a warm envelope for a newborn baby. Fur nappies can later be used as a blanket for a baby, a baby blanket or a play mat. Many models of fur nappies can transform into an envelope , which is much more convenient for walking in the first months of a baby's life. Fur diapers must be fulfilled only from natural wool and are supplied with a corresponding hypoallergenic document. If an envelope or overalls for winter walks is bought for a child, then it makes no sense to buy a fur diaper.

Calico diapers for a newborn baby

It - thin reusable diapers made of chintz - a natural soft material, 100% cotton fiber. When changing, chintz diapers are put on flannel, creating two layers of clothes for the baby, which meets hygienic standards. On very hot days or in a well-heated room, chintz diapers can be used to swaddle crumbs without a flannel backing. In the store, you can choose any color of chintz diapers, as well as any size. These diapers can be used, like bed sheets in a crib like a soft towel after washing or bathing a child.

Flannel diapers for a small child

Flannel nappies are very pleasant to the touch, they are made of 100% cotton fiber , in a special way "puffed up". Flannel nappies absorb moisture well and do not create a "greenhouse effect" on the skin and unpleasant cold for the baby, even when wet. Flannel nappies keep baby's body warm and do not allow him to overheat and hypothermia. This type of diaper can be used like sheets in a baby's crib, like a towel after washing and bathing the crumbs, like a coverlet for sleeping in a very warm room or in summer.

Knitted diapers appeared much later than their chintz and flannel counterparts. Currently, this type of diaper is very popular, as it gives practicality and comfort when used in caring for a newborn baby. Using the knitted diaper is placed on the flannel so that the skin of the crumbs touches a very soft, comfortable, pleasant surface. On a hot day, it is enough to wrap a child in a knitted diaper. When buying, it is necessary to carefully consider the labels on the diapers, or rather, the composition of the fabric - the diaper should be completely cotton. Knitted diapers comfortable with their plasticity - they stretch and take the shape of the baby's body, the child can freely move his legs and arms in such a diaper, she does not tighten the body .

Disposable Baby Diaper

Disposable diapers are currently very popular - they will come in handy for parents to to cover the changing table, to put in a flannel or knitted diaper when swaddling an infant, visiting a pediatrician or massage sessions at a clinic, traveling with a baby, covering the surface of a bed or sofa for carrying out hygiene procedures for a child. Despite their practicality and versatility, disposable diapers cannot completely replace flannel, knitted and chintz diapers. First, it is not very economical ... Secondly, according to hygiene standards, cloth diapers are still in the first place. When buying disposable diapers, you must carefully study the composition: it should include only cotton fiber or natural cellulose , not synthetics. The filler of disposable diapers contains a special powder that, when wet, turns into a gel (like filler of disposable diapers), and wicks moisture away from the baby's skin. Disposable diapers will be good if the baby is born by the summer, and all hot days will sleep without diapers - disposable diaper will not let the baby's skin get wet , and will give a feeling of dryness and comfort for a restful sleep.

Velcro diapers for newborns

These are modern diapers that allow you to swaddle a newborn very quickly and without problems, without creating unnecessary folds and without tightening his body. Velcro diapers can also be disposable - these are sold in special departments, along with other items for the care of a newborn baby, and fabric, made of knitwear, fleece, flannel.

Reusable Waterproof Newborn Diapers

Reusable diapers will help parents by protecting them from accidental "leaks" when visiting a pediatrician, on walks, on the road. On the one hand, such diapers have pleasant velvety or terry cloth surface made of 100% natural threads, on the other hand - a thin oilcloth. Very often, reusable diapers - "waterproof" have antibacterial and anti-allergenic impregnation , which creates additional barriers to bacteria and harmful microbes. Reusable diapers, unlike disposable ones, are much more economical - after use, they are perfectly washed.

How many diapers should I buy for a newborn?

Parents of most newborn babies use disposable diapers from birth, and there is no need to buy dozens of diapers now. Here is the absolute minimum of various types of diapers that a baby may need from birth:

  • - 5 items.
  • Calico diapers- 5 items.
  • Knitted diapers- 5 items. If the parents do not plan to swaddle the baby, then knitted diapers can be skipped.
  • Velcro diapers- 2-3 pieces (fleece and bike). If the baby will not be swaddled, they can not be bought.
  • Disposable diapers 10 pieces are enough for the baby's discharge from the maternity hospital. In the future, the mother will determine how much such diapers are needed, and will buy them if necessary.

Diaper sizes for babies

Experienced mothers advise buying or sewing diapers for babies of rather large sizes, for the comfort and convenience of changing (the baby will soon begin to unfold from small diapers):

  • Calico diapers- rectangular, with sides not less than 0.9m x 1.2m ... Calico diapers, which are useful only from the birth of a baby, are sized 0.85m x 0.9m; 0.95m x 1m .
  • 0.75m x 1.1m or 0.9m x 1.2m ... Very comfortable square flannel nappies with a side 1.1m or 1.2m - they can be used both for swaddling and as a sheet for a baby's bed.

In order to spend time usefully while waiting for the birth of a baby, you need to find a practical lesson. For example, you can sew the necessary things for a newborn with your own hands. First, it will save the family's budget. Secondly, self-made things will absorb positive energy. Finally, sewing is an interesting activity.

What are the best fabrics for sewing baby clothes?

Cotton fabrics are ideal for making baby clothes. In such clothes, a newborn baby will be comfortable. Older children who like to move should choose knitted fabrics. Clothing made of flannel fabric, terry, cotton cloth should be decorated with a collar and cuffs made of elastic knitted fabric.

Remember, the material for making children's clothes should not contain synthetic fibers!

First you need to determine what exactly you are planning to sew to the baby, and in what quantity. The most necessary wearable things for a newly born baby are diapers, undershirts, a bonnet, and, of course, diapers. The latter have now successfully replaced diapers, so they do not need to be sewn. Diapers, taking into account the use of diapers, are enough 5-6 pieces; vest, bonnets - 2-3 pcs. one size, no more. Children grow up quickly, so it is not recommended to sew large quantities of underwear of the same size.

How to determine what size to sew this or that item? The table will help you:

Sizes of clothes for newborns

The table shows that the measurements of each size (chest girth, head and height) differ from each other by a few centimeters, depending on the age of the child. This should be taken into account when sewing children's clothing for future use.

We chose the fabric, decided on the quantity and size, what's next? You need to prepare the fabric for cutting. Although modern technologies make it possible not to decorate the fabric, it is still better to play it safe and wash the fabric in hot soapy water before opening. rinse. dry and iron with a hot iron on both sides.

What seams should be used for sewing baby clothes? Overcasting: hand (buttonhole or oblique), or machine (zigzag or overlock).

How to sew clothes for a newborn with your own hands


Diapers can be warm or thin. Thin diapers are made of soft and not very bright chintz. A thin diaper is a rectangle measuring 90 x 120 cm or 80 x 110 cm. To make ten diapers, you need to purchase 12 meters of calico. Thick diapers are made from flannel or flannel. The finished fabric can be of different widths, from 80 cm to 180 cm. More thin diapers must be sewn. Some expectant mothers sew more than 10 diapers at once.

No special knowledge is required for sewing diapers. The existing fabric needs to be marked into 10 parts, on the edge with a pencil, make a mark in a centimeter. Make cuts with scissors along the marks. Cut the fabric into 10 equal parts. The diaper is sewn very simply - the edges are processed with a zigzag or using an overlock. It is unacceptable for newborns to make diapers with a seam in a hem. If an overlock is not available, the diapers must be swept by hand. Then, be sure to wash the diapers and iron them on both sides with an iron.


For sewing undershirts, you need to purchase a soft natural fabric. The fabric must be washed and ironed before opening. The pattern can be built independently (in this one we told in detail how easy it is to do this), or you can download it on the Internet, print it and enlarge it to the required size.

To sew a vest, the fabric must be folded in half, attach a pattern and circle with chalk. Cut out a solid back without allowances, 2 parts of the shelves. Make all seams outward, overcasting on the overlock from the front side. In this case, you can even do without a sewing machine. Fold back and shelves with the seamy side inward and pin with pins. To chop off sections of all parts. Overcast the top seams of the sleeves, then the side seams. The lower cuts of the undershirt are swept along with the neckline and front cuts of the shelves. All seams must be ironed. The undershirt is ready!


From the very first days of birth, a baby needs a cap. A cap is sewn, like other clothes for a newborn, from fairly soft natural fabrics. Before cutting out the fabric, it should be washed and ironed with steam. The pattern consists of two parts (we told you how to build a hat pattern for a newborn). To cut out parts, you need to fold the fabric with the right side inward. Cap details are cut, excluding seam allowances.

Sewing a cap is very simple. The side parts of the product must be stitched to the middle part. If the fabric is not soft enough, it is better to make the seams outward. A strip of ribana must be cut out 5-6 cm wide, having previously measured the side of the cap and subtracting 2 cm. Fold the strip in half and stretch it slightly to the side of the cap. The same strip should be sewn along the bottom edge, leaving 10 cm for the ties on each side. The seams can be decorated with ruffles or gathered lace.


Summer models of sliders are best sewn from thin jersey. First you need to build a pattern of sliders. If you do not have the skills to build patterns, you can take measurements from the old sliders. The details of the resulting pattern must be transferred to the fabric, previously folded in half with the wrong side out, adding 1.5 cm of seam allowances.

Sew the front and back parts of the sliders and the gusset, then you need to make a step seam and seams on the sides. "Feet" are sewn to the bottom of the sliders. The processing is performed with a zig-zag seam, the excess fabric must be cut off beforehand. The seams on children's clothing should be done neatly. If it is possible to make beautiful seams, it is better to make external seams and process with an overlock. The top of the sliders must be folded over and sewn. Leave a hole on the belt for threading the elastic. The length of the elastic is determined by the circumference of the baby's tummy and is subtracted by 2 cm. The elastic is threaded with a pin, the ends of the elastic are sewn together. The pattern and sewing technology of sliders with straps are presented in this one.


The comfort and safety of the baby will be provided by scratches. Sewing them is very simple and quick. The delicate skin of the baby is preferable to natural cotton fabrics (footer or footer). Consider the option of sewing scratches with outer seams. For two scratches, we cut out 4 parts from the main fabric (kulirka) and 2 parts as elastic ribbons. The size of the part for the elastic is 6 by 10 cm. Do not forget about the seam allowance - 0.5 cm. The parts must be folded with the right sides out and fastened with needles or swept and then processed with an overlock. The elastic must be sewn on the side, turned out and folded in half. Now the gum needs to be swept to the main part, having previously inserted it into the main part. Overlock the seam. So simple and ready to scratch!

Bib bib

A bib, in common use - a bib, will be needed by children from about 3 months of age. On the Internet, you can find two options for patterns for babies - with Velcro and with ties (for example, here). Choose a fabric that is easy to wash and absorbs liquid. The seamy side can be made of oilcloth, and the bib can be made of several layers of fabric (see). Make sure to choose a size that works well for the neck area so that the bib is not too loose and tight.

What else can you sew for a newborn with your own hands?

Making clothes for newborns with your own hands is an interesting and useful activity. You can save time on shopping trips, take into account all the needs of the child and your desires. Undoubtedly, such clothes will be better than those offered by children's stores.

What kind of clothes to choose for a newborn?

The main reason for careful choice when buying things is the characteristics of the baby associated with his skin and the heat exchange system, therefore it is important to choose fabrics that,

Firstly, they will not cause negative reactions on the skin,
secondly, do not create a greenhouse effect.

The main requirement is the natural nature of the material and cotton fabrics, in this case, the best choice. Such material meets all the characteristics necessary to create safe and comfortable clothing for a newborn:


Depending on the type of fabric, they have additional qualities necessary for a particular type of clothing: elasticity, high degree of sorption, special softness or, on the contrary, density, etc.

For the production of clothes for newborns, the market offers such natural fabrics as flannel, calico, chintz, satin, interlock, cambric, corduroy, kulirka and others.
Types of cotton fabrics.
lightweight fabrics:

lightweight fabrics for newborn clothes

The lightest and "not hot" fabrics are cambric, chintz, satin, calico, cooler. Clothes made of such materials are suitable both for home use and for walking in hot weather. The ability of the material to absorb excess moisture will allow the skin to breathe and not sweat.
Thick fabrics:
Ribana and interlock are denser fabrics. They are warm enough, but still not "wintery", both are highly resistant. Overalls, semi-overalls, bodysuits, blouses, sliders prefer to sew from such fabrics.

Interlock is a material "elasticized", but smooth and pleasant to the touch, retains its shape even after stretching.

Ribana is a textured, finely striped, elastic, very soft fabric.

It should be borne in mind that elastin, acrylic and polyester are allowed in cotton clothes, the main thing is to ensure that the amount of synthetics does not exceed the amount of cotton.
Warm fabrics:

Warm fabrics for baby clothes - fleece, terry, footer, velor

For "winter" clothing, which retains heat well and protects newborns from the cold, use both natural fabrics, such as flannel, terry, velor, footer, and semi-synthetic, such as fleece. Street and home overalls, sweaters, pants, turtlenecks are made from such fabrics.

Preference should be given to velor, footer or fleece, because terry and flannel dry for a long time, plus, flannel quickly rolls down. Mahra and flannel are good for towels and diapers.

Wool products keep warm well, but at the same time, they are breathable and hypoallergenic. The only drawback may be tactile sensations, so for babies you should not choose clothes made from 100% wool, as they can prick and irritate the skin, but it is better to opt for things made from semi-woolen fabrics.

Baby bedding: the kingdom of magical dreams

A baby sleeping peacefully in a crib - what could be more beautiful than this sight. Sleep is one of the most important conditions for the health and full development of a child. To make the rest of the little one as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of accessories for sleeping. Which fabric is more suitable for children's bedding, how to determine the size, color and number of sheets and duvet covers - in detail in the article.

Before you go shopping for bedding for a baby, you need to clearly understand what qualities the product should have. Let's try to formulate the basic requirements for baby bedding.

The aesthetics of children's sleeping clothes is also important. After all, falling asleep, the baby always examines the patterns and drawings on the sheet and duvet cover. Therefore, they should be attractive, but at the same time unobtrusive.

What fabrics are best for a baby bed

Analyzing the above criteria, we can conclude that materials made from natural fibers - cotton and flax - will be the best for children's sleeping clothes. It is they who have all the necessary properties to make the baby's sleep comfortable and hassle-free. Let us dwell briefly on the most common fabrics.


Cozy, soft, and most importantly, completely safe matter for the baby's health. Calico sheets and pillowcases can be used even for newborns. The fabric can be dyed or printed - with many interesting colors. The undoubted advantage of chintz is its low price, which allows you to buy several sets of bed linen at once.

The disadvantages of the material include its low wear resistance and the ability to burn out. In addition, chintz gives a significant shrinkage, which should be taken into account when buying.


This fabric meets all the requirements for bedding for a baby cot. It absorbs moisture well, allows air to pass through and does not "float" the baby's skin. A variety of colorful designs and patterns allows you to choose a set to your liking.

But among all the "children's" materials, coarse calico is the thinnest and, therefore, quickly fails. In addition, the fabric is not completely smooth to the touch, but with slight roughness caused by a specific weave.


There is an opinion that ranfors and coarse calico are the names of the same material, which is not entirely true. Fabrics are very similar in many properties, but vary in density. For coarse calico, this figure is 30-40 threads per cm2, and for ranforce it is twice as much. Therefore, it has higher strength and wear resistance.

Ranfors is more pleasant to the touch - its surface is soft and smooth. The fabric is non-electrifying and absorbs liquids well. Many consider this material to be optimal for sewing children's sheets and pillowcases.


A very beautiful fabric with a shiny silky texture that evokes associations with satin. Due to the special weaving of the fibers, it has increased strength and resistance to abrasion.

Interesting fact! It is believed that satin linen can withstand more than 300 washes without changing its appearance. For comparison: a coarse calico bed can be washed no more than 180-200 times.

Satin attracts not only its undoubted beauty, but also the absence of shrinkage during washing, crease resistance and significant hygroscopicity. The only drawback is the high cost of the fabric, but this is fully paid off by its durability.

Warm, soft and hygienic bike is traditionally considered the most baby material. Its feature is a thick double-sided pile, which retains heat very well. Despite its density, the fabric perfectly absorbs moisture, washes easily and dries quickly.

Sometimes a small amount of viscose is added to the material to increase the wear resistance. Undoubtedly, it looks more attractive at the same time, but it has a low hygroscopicity, which is not suitable for children's underwear.


Such fabric is a dense fabric with one- or two-sided pile, made in the form of loops. Due to this, the material has significant absorbency, as well as excellent air permeability, allowing the skin to "breathe".

Mahra keeps its shape well - it does not stretch and does not "sit down". It is unpretentious in care: it is easy to wash and does not need to be ironed. It is better to use this fabric for older children, since the contact of the delicate skin of babies with the nap can cause discomfort.

Important to remember! Your baby's bedding should be changed at least once a week. It should be washed only with special powders for children's clothes that do not cause allergies. Every month it is necessary to deep clean the mattress, blanket and pillows and ventilate them in the fresh air.

Linen materials

In terms of naturalness and safety, flax has no equal. It not only does not cause the development of diseases, but, on the contrary, due to its high antiseptic properties, it is able to heal minor skin lesions. In addition, the fabric is excellent at absorbing moisture and maintaining heat balance.

Nevertheless, linen sheets and duvet covers are rarely chosen for children's beds. Firstly, because of the solid price, and secondly, because of the difficulties in care. Such products wrinkle strongly both during use and during washing. In addition, dense fabric needs to be ironed for a long time, for which young mothers do not always have time.


This material appeared on the textile market relatively recently, but has already won many fans, including among the parents of little toddlers. The fabric is considered not natural, but artificial, since it is obtained through chemical transformations.

However, the fact that environmentally friendly bamboo cellulose is used as raw material makes it possible to use this material for sewing bedding, including for children.

Bamboo sheets and duvet covers not only perfectly absorb moisture, but also neutralize unpleasant odors. Many doctors claim that, with high antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, bamboo fabric helps to improve the body's health and saturates it with energy.

Interesting to know! Bamboo pulp is used not only in the production of woven textiles. It makes wonderful fillers for pillows and blankets. They are hygroscopic and breathable well, and also retain heat remarkably.

Some entrepreneurs produce children's bedding from blended fabrics, adding synthetic fibers to natural fibers. Of course, such materials have increased strength, crease resistance, drape beautifully and do not "shrink" when washed. But low aeration, an inability to absorb moisture well, and a tendency to generate static electricity make them unsafe for babies. And since it is not always possible to distinguish imitation in appearance, when buying, you need not only to study the information on the label, but also ask the seller for quality certificates.

Having decided on the material, it remained not to get into a mess with the coloring, size and number of sleeping accessories. The easiest way is to use the advice of experts:

  • when choosing the color of bedding for a newborn or a child of the first year of life, you should focus on pastel, gentle and warm colors. The pattern on the fabric should not be too large and flashy. Beautiful animals, balloons or toys are best suited. Too bright images will excite the baby, which is unlikely to contribute to sound sleep. For older children, you can buy sheets and duvet covers with characters from their favorite cartoons;
  • when purchasing bedding for a baby, one must not forget about its convenience and safety. The edges must be well finished, and the product itself must not contain unnecessary seams. Particular attention should be paid to the cut of the duvet cover, namely the hole in which the duvet is tucked. If it is in the middle, then the baby can accidentally climb inside and get confused. It is better to choose things with a closure on the side. By the way, in this capacity, it is preferable not to buttons, which the toddler can tear off and put in his mouth, but zippers or Velcro;
  • a child under one year old in most cases sleeps without a pillow, so buying a lot of pillowcases is not worth it: they will not be useful. The same goes for duvet covers. These products hardly get dirty and do not require frequent replacement. But the sheets will need quite a lot, since they are the ones that get dirty in the first place. The best option would be to buy two sets of bed linen and 5-6 extra sheets;
  • it is important to choose the exact size of the linen for the child's bed, so that it fits in all respects to the mattress, blanket and pillow. Failure to do so will cause the fabric to wrinkle or wrinkle, which can irritate your baby's skin. The sheet should not hang freely to the floor: the baby can get tangled in it and fall. It is best to tuck its edges under the mattress or buy a product with an elastic band;
  • bed linen for the child must be appropriate for the season. For the cold season, it is better to stay on a warm bike or terry cloth, and in the summer it is worth laying down calico or coarse calico sets;
  • no need to choose pillowcases or duvet covers with lace, guipure inserts or raised patterns and embroidery for your baby. They are able to leave marks on delicate skin, besides, the baby can get tangled in lace with his fingers.

It's important to know! The children's bedding set includes not only sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases, but also soft sides that protect the baby from hitting the crib bars. The material for these products must also be natural and meet all safety requirements.

Children's fabrics: natural, woolen, cotton materials, we will tell you about the best types of fabrics for baby clothes, diapers, suits and for sewing in our article. There are many different materials, natural, artificial synthetic, which are used in sewing a wide variety of clothes. But when it comes to fabrics for children, increased requirements are imposed on their composition.

Fabrics for children

Among all the products, the nursery is especially appreciated. Cotton, wool, linen and wool are those materials that have the best air permeability, excellent hygroscopicity, are characterized by increased hypoallergenicity and give the most pleasant tactile sensations. Children's cotton fabrics are in special demand, which in turn have many varieties:

  • - light cotton, from which clothes for newborns are sewn, as well as dresses, bedding and underwear, etc.;
  • - dresses, light translucent blouses and bed linen are sewn from this fabric for children's clothing;

  • - pile cotton or woolen fabric, also known as "". It is used when sewing warm dresses, romper suits, undershirts and diapers;
  • the bike is the most famous fabric for warm baby diapers.

In addition to the production of things for children, linen and cotton are also widely used.

It will be useful for you to read about in a separate article on our website, we will tell you the names, types, advantages of all paintings.

Materials for children's clothing

Clothes made of 100% cotton have one significant drawback - they wear out very quickly. Therefore, in the production of woven fabrics, synthetic fibers are added to cotton threads. This increases the strength and wear resistance of products and increases their service life.

In addition, in the manufacture of some things, 100% synthetic materials are used, for example, polyamide or polyester. The question arises, "What kind of material is this in children's clothing?"

Polyester is made from polyester fibers. It is characterized by high strength and durability, but at the same time completely impermeable to air, not allowing the skin to breathe. Thus, a child who is actively moving and at the same time sweating intensely, quickly becomes wet, since moisture is not removed to the outside. It is not recommended to use such fabric for sewing clothes for children. However, polyester and other synthetics can be used for children's clothing, which will be better for the health of the child.

Recently, neoprene children's clothing has become more and more popular. It is a waterproof material, resistant to fading, mechanical and chemical influences. Products made from it repel dust and dirt, wear for a long time and keep their shape well.

Among synthetic fabrics, when sewing things, it is used made from cellulose. It is the most natural of all man-made materials and has many of the properties of cotton. This fabric makes beautiful, light dresses, T-shirts and other products for babies.

Children's cotton and knitwear

In addition to distinguishing between natural, synthetic and mixed types of fabrics for children's clothing, they are also subdivided into actually woven fabrics and knitwear. Knitted fabric also differs in the composition and method of weaving the fibers. For its intended purpose, it is used in the manufacture of outerwear and underwear.

Its properties are not inferior to woven cotton fabric. It has excellent air permeability, hygroscopicity, good heat-shielding properties.

Children's cotton pekhorka fabric is a practical material that stretches perfectly, fits almost perfectly on the figure and does not hinder the child's movements.

Most often, in the manufacture of knitted clothes, a wader, interlock, footer and ribana are used. The description of these fabrics for children's clothing can be given as follows:

  1. - thin cotton fabric with characteristic "pigtails" on the front side. The material is ideal for making summer clothes: T-shirts, shorts and dresses. The structure of the fabric allows the baby's body to breathe without overheating.
  2. - is a double-sided fabric, smooth on both sides, resistant to deformation. It is used when sewing children's clothes for the autumn-winter period: golfs, sweatshirts, jumpers.
  3. - material with a smooth front and soft, brushed seamy side. It is used for making children's rompers, warm blouses, pajamas and overalls.
  4. - knitted elastic fabric, which is widely used in sewing children's underwear, pajamas and nursery clothes.

These are not all fabrics that can be used when sewing products for children. The final choice of materials depends on the purpose of the item and the season for which it is sewn.

In another section of the site there are interesting articles:

Important! European studies have shown that polyurethane can be hazardous to children's health. This synthetic material is responsible for respiratory and asthma diseases and may contain carcinogenic chemicals.

Watch the story about materials for children from channel 1: