If the younger son marries before the older sister. Wedding signs for a long, happy life

The British consider it a bad omen that the initials of the future newlyweds coincide. It is believed that they cannot marry in any way. In the Caucasus, they also believe in such a sign. Previously, matchmakers began their work by finding out the names and surnames of the bride and groom. If it turned out that the initials of the couple coincided, then the matchmaking was canceled and they began to look for another candidate for a guy or girl who wanted to get married. In our country, it is considered a bad omen if the first letter in the bride's name coincides with the first letter of the groom's surname. It is believed that the relationship of such a couple will not last long. In order to prevent such a marriage from taking place, the girl and the guy were taken to different cities so that they could not secretly marry.

In the Caucasus, the groom must come to fetch his bride on horseback. If he comes on a mare, then this couple will never have sons.

The appearance of a rainbow in the sky was considered an excellent omen on the wedding day. Nowadays, they make a rainbow themselves. It is made from ribbons and balloons. It is believed that if you walk under a rainbow, you will be happy for the rest of your life. The newlyweds and guests of such a wedding have a unique opportunity to stand under such a homemade rainbow.

There are very common signs these days. The bride and groom need to throw coins under their feet when they leave the registry office. It is believed that in this case the family will be rich. In order for the family to have many children, the newlyweds are showered with rice and hops.

In our country, newlyweds are always greeted with a loaf and salt. This custom is intended not only to bring good luck and wealth to their home, but also serves to find out which of this young couple will be the main one in the house. The bride and groom must take turns biting off the loaf, and the one who bites off the largest piece will become the head of the family. After it was found out with the help of a loaf who would be the head of the family, a plate was thrown at the feet of the young. It was believed that if she broke into many pieces, the family would be happy. If the plate remained intact, then the husband had to break it with a kick. He also had to try to break the plate into a very large number of fragments. In Hungary, the future head of a young family was identified with the help of a fried goose. The bride and groom simultaneously took hold of the legs of this bird and tried to tear them off. Whoever did it first, he, according to omen, became the head of the family.

In Slovakia, they came up with a very good way to make a marriage the most durable even before the wedding. During the wedding, the newlyweds should sit with their little fingers clasped. You can't even separate your fingers for a second. It was believed that if a couple can perform such a ritual, then they will never part. In order to ensure a long life for the Celtic family, the bride was married wearing a long fringed shawl. It was believed that the length of the fringe determines the length of a future happy life. In England, on their wedding night, the bride had to put her stockings crosswise to each other. If you do not wear a stocking, you can tie a satin ribbon on each leg before registering a marriage. In the evening you take them off and you can put them on. crossed among themselves.

You shouldn't announce your marriage in one block, and get married in another. It is believed that this will bring misfortune to the future family.

It is best to get married in the afternoon. Such marriages promise to be more successful.

After the young have become husband and wife, they need to look in the mirror at the same time. This will bring them general happiness.

Everyone knows that dishes beat for good luck. So the first glass from which the young husband and wife will drink must be broken.

To make the life of the young people sweet, after registration they must be showered with sweets and sweets.

The bride cannot look in the same mirror with another girl at the same time. It is believed that in this case they will love one man.

If it rains on your wedding day, this is a good omen. It washes away all past sins and helps you start life from scratch.

It was believed that the rite of matchmaking should not be carried out on Friday and Wednesday. Also, such a ceremony could not be carried out on all days of the month. The most successful days for matchmaking were those that fell on the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th of the month. It was also very successful to get married on the 27th, since this number is considered “distant”, and we all remember Russian folk tales, in which this meaning is often mentioned. It was believed that the best time to get married or get married is autumn.

Forks or knives should not be presented to the newlywed wedding party. It is believed that in this case, there will be many quarrels in this family.

It is customary to stock up on amulets for the wedding. Onions and garlic, bells and threads with needles play well in this role. You must put a coin in the groom's right shoe. The bride should put salt in the pocket of her dress. Also, in order to protect the bride from the evil eye, it is necessary to stick needles without ears or pins without heads into the bride's clothes. All this must be done so that they cannot damage a young family or jinx their happiness.

You can also drive more nails into the front door jamb. They must be placed crosswise. You can also tie a woolen thread around the bride's waist, which will help protect her from the evil eye and bad thoughts of others. In order to avoid cheating or cheating on her husband, the bride had to make a few stitches on her nightgown. In order for the bride's sisters to get married quickly, the girl had to pull the corner of the tablecloth on the table before leaving the house.

In order for the bridesmaids to get married quickly, they went to the bathhouse with her and had to whip her with a broom.

The bells used to decorate wedding processions do more than just make them look festive. They also serve to drive away evil spirits. It is believed that all undead cannot stand the ringing of bells.

In order for the family to be friendly, an open lock had to be put under the threshold of the house. This had to be done at the moment when the newlyweds were leaving the church. When the newlyweds stepped over the threshold of their house, the lock was locked with a key, and the key itself was thrown into the river or well. It was believed that after this the family would never break up.

It is considered very bad omen to drop the ring when exchanging rings. There is an opinion that after this the family will definitely part. Also, there is a sign according to which a husband should put a ring on his wife to the very base of his finger, so that she does not take the upper hand over him in their family life.

For a very long time it was a bad omen for a younger sister to marry earlier than an older one. Still in India, a younger sister cannot marry first. But people are trying in every possible way to get around this tradition. If the younger sister nevertheless got married first, then the older one should come to her wedding and dance there barefoot. Only in this way she will not be left alone. If the younger brother married before the elder, then the second had to be at the wedding in a wreath, otherwise he may not marry for ten years.

We would like to present you a few more folk signs on the occasion of your wedding day:

You can't get married on the day of your angel. The marriage will be miserable.
If it snows on the wedding day, then the young family will be joyful and happy.
In the evening - a girl, by midnight - a young wife, by evening - a hostess.
If you get married on Monday you will be rich, on Tuesday you will be healthy, Wednesday will bring happiness, Thursday will be fraught with difficulties, on Friday you will not get married at all.
All guests should wear knitted belts over their clothes. Then the evil spirits will not be able to get to the wedding.
You can't be best man more than ten times, you never get married.
If you lose your wedding ring, you will lose your spouse.

For a Slavic bride, when braiding her braids, parting was done with an arrow, which was a symbol of love. The comb with which she was combed had to be dipped in wine, a symbol of rain. The next day, with this arrow, it was necessary to remove the veil from the young wife at guests, this helped to bring numerous offspring.

You can try to define the character of your future spouse using fruits. Watch what kind of fruit your other half prefers to eat. If this is an apple, then the character of the chosen one will be solid. He will have rare romantic moods, but the marriage will be stable.

If your chosen one has chosen a pear, then she is a loving and passionate nature. There is a lot of charm in it, you will carry it in your arms all your life. But you need to watch what you say, such girls are very touchy and hold grudges for years.

Anyone who prefers bananas is good in all respects, it is impossible to resist him. But such a person does not tolerate criticism.

Girls who choose strawberries will be great housewives. They will easily create coziness in any home.

But those who prefer oranges are very mysterious natures. These people are very humble and difficult to reach. They have many secrets and secrets. But if you can win the trust of such a person, you will see that he is very smart, has a good sense of humor and has a lot of creativity. In an intimate relationship, you will unravel such a partner throughout your life.


In Eastern families (such as mine), the order is often established that older siblings should marry first, and then all other children in order of seniority. I am a younger brother, but I feel an urgent need to get married, which I told my parents about. But they deny me this, saying that I cannot marry before my older brother, claiming that this method is in accordance with Islam and is Sunnah. My brother is not going to get married anytime soon. And I really want to marry a religious girl who will help me avoid sin and become a righteous Muslim. What should I do in such a situation?


Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakyatukh!

The hallmark of a Muslim is that he always obeys the laws of the Most High and what religion teaches. This is the guarantee of his success in this and future life.
Social and cultural traditions that are contrary to Shariah should be abandoned. The above-mentioned custom applies to similar things, when the younger children are not allowed to marry earlier than the older ones. From time to time, such traditions become the cause of violation of the fundamental principles of Sharia, prescribing the preservation of chastity. As a result, an increasing increase in our time of illegal relations between Muslim boys and girls. A situation may arise when the younger son (daughter) feels a more urgent need to marry, while the older one is not yet ready or unable to do so. Therefore, parents should abandon such a vicious practice when they do not allow younger children to marry only because the older brother (sister) is not yet married (not married).

In a situation like this, you should try to get what you want while respecting your parents. If they refuse you, try to get your older brother to help, explain the situation to him, ask him to tell your parents that he is not going to marry, so it would be better to marry the younger brother first. Perhaps, seeing that your brother cedes to you the right to marry first and is not offended that you will do it before him, your parents will give in to you.

And, of course, make dua all the time, for, truly, the hearts of your parents, like everything in this world, are under the control of the Almighty.

And Allah knows best.

The "kosher" way of meeting Jewish boys and girls is called "shidukh" (matchmaking). The decision to marry (marriage) is not made hastily, as if on a whim. It is usually preceded by an acquaintance between the future spouses and their families. This acquaintance has a number of goals. During meetings and conversations, both parties mutually learn the character, habits, demeanor and much more about the person with whom they plan to live their whole life. We offer you excerpts from the talks of the Rebbe King Moshiach about "shidukh".

Search shidukh:

· You need to look for your mate with great energy, like a lost one, and not sit idly by.

· You should resort to the help of a good shadkhan (mediator), who is known in the religious world and has already done at least three shiduhs.

· Search should be modest but energetic.

· You have to try over and over again and not skimp on travel to meetings.

· Parents should provide assistance in finding and influencing children.

· You need to marry your son before buying a house.

Sgulot (miracle cures):

· There must be a firm resolve to keep the Sabbath, kosher and family cleanliness laws.

· Do not fall into despair because a shidukh cannot be found for a long time.

· Add in Torah study.

· It is necessary to establish a constant time for studying Hasidism.

· Do not think about the difficulties in finding a shidukh. Accelerate it by studying ChiTaS and giving tsdoki before morning prayer.

· Financially help girls who need shidukh.

· Women need to light Shabbat candles.

· You cannot engage in the ideas of practical Kabbalah and palmistry to find the shiduch.

· Choosing to study in a yeshiva that fights against the study of Hasidism hinders finding a shidukh.

The main and the secondary in the search for a shidukh:

· You need to give in on secondary issues.

· The main thing in shidukha is the fear of heaven (fear of God), the Torah and the commandments.

· It is impossible to find out all the smallest details, because a person does not know what is in the heart of another.

· You should know that there is no perfect person. After the wedding with a husband and wife, great changes take place, so it is difficult to predict everything in advance and it is necessary to rely on the Almighty when making a decision.

· Do not check too thoroughly, beyond measure. You should consult with old Hasidim who have experience and they can objectively assess the situation.

· The main thing is not origin, but modesty and piety.

The housing issue should not play a role in the search for a shidukh

· Hundreds of shidukhs have already successfully taken place between the Sephardic and Ashkenazi.

· As for the question about the groom's beard: this is a commandment, and it cannot be that she could interfere in the search for a shidukh.

· An obstacle for the shidukh is the girl's unwillingness to cover her head after the wedding.

· If the groom wants to bring the bride closer to Jewishness after marriage, then you need to know that marriage is not a means of education, in particular in such important things. Let her try to live the Torah for several weeks, and it will be like a test.

· There should not be a big age difference.

· Stuttering is not an obstacle in shiduha.

· A wig for a woman after the wedding is a necessary condition for marriage and without it it is impossible.


· If the name of the bride coincides with the name of the groom's mother, then one more name must be added to one of them before the end of the shidukh.

· If the names of the mother of the groom and the mother of the bride are the same, then have one of them add another name.

· Do not add or change a name without an important reason.


· It is allowed that two brothers marry two sisters, only it is necessary that they do not live in the same area.

· If a cohen's daughter marries a nekohen, the groom must learn a short treatise of the Talmud before the wedding day.

· If the younger sister gets married earlier than the older one, then she must ask her for forgiveness and get her consent in writing or in front of 2 witnesses. If the younger sister gets married before the older brother, she must ask him for forgiveness in front of 3 witnesses.

· When a younger brother marries before an older one, he must forgive from the bottom of his heart.

A meeting:

· You should try to learn well about the character of your partner.

· It is necessary to try to hide about the meeting until the final decision is made.

· The attraction of the heart is not secondary in the shidukha and should take place in the first encounters. If there is a negative feeling, then you need to take this into account.

· Besides the calculation, there must be a positive feeling. If there is no feeling at the moment, then it is too early to make a decision.

· To clarify the feeling, you can hold another meeting, or vice versa, take a break for 1-2 weeks.

· If there are two approximately identical candidates, then preference should be given to the one to whom the heart is attracted. In this case, lot cannot be used.

· If the shidukh gets upset after both parties have agreed, then they need to ask each other for forgiveness in the presence of 10 people.

Wedding time:

The most suitable days for a wedding: 15-30 Tishrei, the month of Kislev, 1-15 Shevat, the month of Adar, 1-12 Nisan, 1-13 Tamuz, 11 and 15 Av, the month of Elul.