Physical development and functional state of preschool children. Physical development of the child


It is known that physical development, together with other indicators of children, is an essential indicator of the health status of children. The state of physical development depends on innate characteristics, as well as on the environmental conditions in which the organism grows and forms. Trained medical workers should be allowed to conduct an examination of the physical development of children, in particular anthropometry, since the technique and methods of anthropometric measurements require certain knowledge and practical skills.

Measurement of children in the first year of life is carried out in the supine position with a horizontal stadiometer. The child is placed on his back in such a way that the head firmly touches the top of the head to the crosswise bar of the stadiometer. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same vertical plane. The assistant fixes the child's head tightly. The legs should be straightened by light pressure with the left hand on the knees of the child. With the right hand, they bring the movable bar of the stadiometer tightly to the heels, bending the feet to a right angle. The distance between the fixed and the movable bar will correspond to the height of the child.

Measurement of height in children over one year old is carried out in a standing position with a stadiometer. The child stands on the platform with his back to the vertical stand, in a natural, straightened position, touching the vertical stand with heels, buttocks, interscapular region and the back of the head, hands are lowered along the body, heels together, socks apart. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same horizontal plane. The movable bar is applied to the head without pressure.

Determination of body weight in young children is carried out on scales with a maximum permissible load of up to 20 kg. The diaper is weighed first. It is placed on the weighing tray so that the edges of the diaper do not hang over the tray. The child is placed on the wide part of the tray with his head and shoulder girdle, legs on the narrow part of the tray. If the child can be seated, then he is seated on the wide part of the tray with his buttocks, legs on the narrow part. It is possible to place the child on the scales and to remove them from them only with the balance beam closed, standing not on the side, but directly from the side of the balance frame. Weight readings are counted from the side of the weight where there are notches or notches (the lower weight must be placed only in the notches available on the lower scale). After recording, the weights are set to zero. To determine the weight of the child, subtract the weight of the diaper from the scale readings.

Weighing of children under one year old in preschool institutions is carried out every 10 days, from 1 to 3 years old - once a month.

Measurement of the chest circumference is made with a centimeter rubberized tape in a state of calm breathing (pause, and older children when inhaling and exhaling). The tape is applied at the back - at the corners of the shoulder blades, and in front - at the level of the lower edge of the nipples.

In addition to anthropometric measurements, muscle tone, tissue turgor, the nature of fat deposition, etc., are noted. navel, on the back - under the shoulder blades, on the limbs - on the outer surface of the thigh and shoulder, on the face - in the cheeks). Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous layer, one speaks of normal, excessive and insufficient fat deposition. Attention is drawn to the uniform (throughout the body) or uneven distribution of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Determination of soft tissue turgor is carried out by squeezing the skin with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and
of all soft tissues on the inner surface of the thigh and shoulder, with all this, a feeling of resistance or elasticity is perceived, called turgor. If the turgor is reduced, then when squeezing, a feeling of lethargy or flabbiness is determined.

Muscle tone is determined using passive flexion
and extension of the upper and lower extremities. Muscle tone is judged by the degree of resistance that occurs during passive movements, as well as by the consistency of muscle tissue, determined by touch. In healthy children, muscle tone and mass in symmetrical places should be the same.

These descriptive traits are rated for their severity as "small", "medium", and "large".

An individual assessment of physical development is based on a comparison of his anthropometric data with regional standards developed by the method of regressive analysis. The use of standard or dental tables allows you to give a differentiated description of the physical, development of the child and highlight children who need constant monitoring and specialist advice.

Lagging in physical development can be due to a number of reasons that need to be identified by the doctor of a preschool institution. The hereditary-constitutional factor is of some importance. Chronic infections and intoxications, primarily rheumatism, tonsillogenic cardiopathy, chronic pyelonephritis, hypothyroid dwarfism, are more often the cause of unsatisfactory physical development. We can talk about nanism only if the growth rate is more than 10% below the standard.

A detailed examination of the child reveals the features of his skin, lymphatic system, and skeletal system. Scoliosis or a funnel chest may be present in preschool children. Timely detection of this pathology prevents the development of disability in the future. All children with suspected pathology of the musculoskeletal system should be referred for consultation to an orthopedist, corrective gymnastics is indicated.


the boys


Physical development


Above average average

Below the average


Body mass

small .. l

3 G.












Body height

small ..

small ..


small ..

small ..



small ..


small ..



small ..


small ..


Chest circumference

small ..



1. Methods of research and assessment of the health status of children and adolescents

2. Methods of research and assessment of the physical development of children and adolescents

3. Hygienic assessment of the organization of physical education in children's institutions

4. Hygienic foundations of the educational process in children's institutions.

5. Diagnostics of children's readiness to study at school

6. Hygiene of the educational process in a comprehensive school

According to the WHO (1990), the state of children's health is one of the most pressing problems in the world. Its importance is largely due to the progressive degradation of the environment. The child's body, which is in the process of development, is more susceptible to the influence of both favorable and unfavorable factors; it reacts more quickly and sharply to changes in the environment. When studying the influence of various factors, it is important to determine their complexes of influence, as well as to find out how, when they are combined, the influence of each factor is modified. The integral result of the impact of the environment on the child population is the level and quality of children's health. The pediatrician must be able to determine these two indicators, to determine the health status of DIP.

Health is a criterion for --------- the relationship of the child's body with the environment. It is formed under the influence of a complex complex of biological, environmental and social factors.

Therefore, for hygienists the closest in spirit is the definition of health adopted by the WHO Charter "Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, characterized by a dynamic balance of the body with the environment, as well as the absence of diseases and physical defects in it."

Health, as a measure of vitality, the body's ability to function optimally, is characterized in this case not only by the absence of clinically pronounced symptoms of diseases, but also by the absence of their initial manifestations, pre-disease states, and the so-called “minor pathology”, which are often detected at the functional level, easily reversible changes, indicating a decrease in the general resistance of the body to the effects of adverse environmental factors.

The indicators of health (morbidity, mortality, disability, etc.) revealed by the results of demographic studies are just the visible tip of the iceberg, the underwater part of which is made up of pre-pathological (prenosological) conditions reflecting the stages of movement from health to illness. The study of these conditions as the basis for determining the "level" of a healthy child's health is the subject of hygienic diagnostics ("hygienic monitoring"), which studies the environment, health and the relationship between them. It is the health of the collective that acts in this case as a criterion for prenosological diagnostics, a “marker” of the negative impact of the environment on a person, a criterion for the effectiveness of all preventive work carried out by the bodies of the sanitary-epidemiological service.

In order to bring primary prevention closer to the main task - to increase the life expectancy of people, hygienic diagnostics, having 3 objects of study (health status, environment, their relationship), is designed to identify the stages of the health scale

Full health

Practical health


This is necessary to prevent the transition of states to various diseases.

The interaction of hygienic diagnostics and clinical examination should be carried out in 4 stages

Stage 1 - studying the ecological situation, living conditions, lifestyle

Stage 2 - medical examination

Stage 3 - wellness activities

Stage 4 - dynamic dispensary observation

A comprehensive assessment of the nature of the development and state of health of a child requires mandatory consideration of the physical and neuropsychic development, the degree and harmony of the usefulness of the functional state of his body.

The availability of diagnostic methods for pre-pathological (prenosological) conditions, a quantitative assessment of the depth and degree of reversibility of these processes, can become the scientific basis for such preventive measures that will correspond to the tasks of primary and secondary prevention. Based on this, prevention becomes aimed not at preventing specific diseases, but at reducing the likelihood of their development in general. There are the following factors affecting the health status of children and adolescents.

Factors shaping the health of the child population

| | Socially | |

| | economic | |

| | conditions | |

| Environment | Heredity | Physical |

| | | education |

| Food | | |

| Conditions of life | Condition | Regime of the day |

| | health | |

| | children's | |

| | population | |

| | Indicators | |

| | mortality | |

| | incidence | |

| | disability | |

| | physical development | |

| | | Conditions of training |

| | Medical and sanitary | |

| | I help | |

It is necessary to pay attention to the role of such factors influencing the formation of health as biological (mother's age, state of her health, body length, number of births, birth weight, presence of abnormalities in the act - ---------- - and early postnatal periods, etc. 0 and social (apartment area, per capita income, parental education, social and family upbringing of the child, daily routine, including the duration of sleep and stay in the open air).

2. Medical control over the state of health of children.

One of the most important tasks of a pediatrician is to control the formation and dynamics of the health status of DIP.

Control over the dynamics of the state of health is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 14. 03. 95 No. 60 "On approval of instructions for conducting preventive examinations of children of preschool and school age on the basis of medical and economic standards"

Monitoring the state of health today is carried out on the basis of mass screening tests and represents a new principle for organizing in-depth examinations of children and adolescents. It is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1 - examination of all children according to a screening program, which is carried out mainly by a nurse of a children's institution; 7

Stage 2 - examination of children, performed according to screening tests, by a doctor of a children's institution;

Stage 3 - examination by narrow specialists of the polyclinic of children sent from a preschool institution (school) for consultation.

This principle of organizing a medical examination provides a significant increase in the role of average honey. the staff of the children's institution in monitoring the state of health of children, and also ensures the rational use of the working time of doctors and narrow specialists with a differentiated control over the state of health of children.

The screening program includes:

1. Questionnaire test - a survey of parents or students using a special questionnaire. The survey is aimed at identifying anamnestic data and complaints characteristic of changes in the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary systems, as well as typical for diseases of the nasopharynx and allergic diseases and conditions (Appendix 1).

In this questionnaire, in the form of simple questions, the main “key” complaints that arise in children and adolescents in the presence of deviations in the state of health according to the leading systems are grouped. When examining preschoolers and students in grades 1-4, the questionnaire is filled out by parents, from grade 5 - by the students themselves.

The questions are aimed at identifying possible pathology from the nervous system - possible pathology from the cardiovascular system, - from the nasopharynx, - the digestive system, - the kidneys, - allergies.

The results of the questionnaire survey are summarized by the nurse, who marks with a plus sign (+) the numbers of questions to which a positive answer was received. After that, the doctor of the children's institution analyzes the results of the survey and selects the children in need of examination, and after their examination decides whether it is necessary to consult narrow specialists for additional examinations.

2. Individual assessment of physical development using regression scales.

3. Measurement of blood pressure (in junior schoolchildren - taking into account age corrections for a standard cuff) to identify hypertensive and hypotonic conditions.

Objectification of blood pressure values ​​in children aged 8-12 years is achieved only when using “age” cuffs or additional calculations, adjusted for the size of the shoulder circumference of each child, which is closely correlated with body weight. The values ​​of the corrections, standardized on the basis of an individual assessment of the physical development of children, are shown in the table:

Corrections (in mm Hg) to the numbers of systolic * pressure obtained when measuring with a standard cuff (for children 8-12 years old with different body weights)

Table 1

| Age (in | Body weight | | |

| years) | by | | |

| | relation to | | |

| | standard | | |

|8 |+ 10 |+ 15 |+ 5 |

|9 |+ 10 |+ 15 |+ 5 |

|10 |+ 10 |+ 15 |0 |

|11 |+ 5 |+ 10 |0 |

|12 |+ 0 |+ 5 |0 |

|13** |0 |0 |0 |

Note: * - figures of diastolic pressure should be considered without corrections, since differences in the value of diastolic pressure when changing the standard and age cuffs are insignificant.

** - in children 13 years of age and older (regardless of body weight), the true blood pressure figures when changing the standard and age cuffs do not differ.

Blood pressure is measured in the generally accepted way - sitting, on the right hand, after a 10-minute rest, according to the Korotkov method. For greater accuracy, it is recommended to measure 3 times with fixation of the indicators of the last measurement.

Identification of disorders of the musculoskeletal system using a combined visual instrumental examination.

Test for detecting posture disorders. eight

This test examination is carried out by the doctor of the child care institution and includes an examination of the child with the answer to 10 questions of the test card (Table 2).

table 2

Posture test card

| 1. Obvious damage to the organs of movement | Yes No |

| associated with congenital malformations, | |

| injury, disease | | |

| 2. Head, neck deviated from the average | Yes No |

| lines: shoulders, shoulder blades, hips | |

| installed asymmetrically | |

| Chest of the "shoemaker", | Yes No |

| "Deformed" | |

| 4. Excessive reduction or | Yes No |

| increase in physiological curvature | |

| spine: cervical lordosis, | |

| thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis | |

| 5. Excessive lagging of the shoulder blades | Yes No |

| 6. Excessive protrusion of the abdomen | Yes No |

| Violation of the axes of the lower extremities | Yes No |

| (O-shaped, X-shaped) | |

| 8. Waist Triangle Inequality | Yes No |

| 9. Valgus heel position or | Yes No |

| both heels | |

| 10. Obvious deviation in gait | Yes No |

The survey is carried out in the following order:

Full-face inspection. Position - arms along the body. The shape of the legs, the position of the head, neck, the symmetry of the shoulders, the equality of the waist triangles (the waist triangle is a triangular gap between the inner surface of the arms and the body, with the apex of the triangle at waist level, normally the triangles should be the same in shape and equal in size) ...

Side view. Position - arms along the body. The shape of the chest, abdomen, shoulder blades protrusion, and the shape of the back are determined.

Inspection from the back. Position - arms along the body. The symmetry of the angles of the shoulder blades, the shape of the spine, the shape of the legs, the axis of the heels (valgus, varus, normal) are determined.

At the end of the examination, the child is asked to take several steps to identify possible gait disturbances.

During the examination, a test card is filled in, according to which an assessment of the identified posture disorders is given:

Normal rating - negative answers to all questions

Some deviations requiring supervision of a school-preschool pediatrician - positive answers to one or more questions from 3 to 7 numbers inclusive

· Significant violation of posture - positive answers to 1, 2, 8, 9, 10 questions (one or more). Children assigned to this group are subject to compulsory referral to an orthopedist.

Test to identify true scoliosis.

True scoliosis includes only those that are accompanied by torsion, or rotation of the spine about the axis, in which the spinous processes of the vertebrae deviate to one side or the other from the middle strip, forming a bulge visible when the trunk is tilted.

The main technique for detecting true scoliosis is considered to be an examination with flexion of the spine and tilt of the body forward: the tilt of the body is carried out slowly, with all this, the arms hang freely downward, the legs are straightened. In the presence of scoliosis, an asymmetric rib bulging in the thoracic region and a muscle ridge in the lumbar region are determined.

For a more accurate detection of the torsion of the vertebrae, the examination should be carried out in two positions: front and back.

When viewed from behind (the child stands with his back to the doctor), tilting the child's torso away from him, one can reveal the torsion of the spines in the thoracolumbar spine.

Flatfoot test - plantography

Detection of premyopia using A.A. Malinovsky's test

This test is used in preschoolers aged 6 years and students in grade 11.

Usually, the examination of visual acuity, carried out according to the special diagnostic tables of Sivtsev-Golovin, mainly reveals the presence of an already developed pathology of vision. A.A. Malinovsky's test allows you to identify children with a predisposition to myopia.

The detection of premyopia using the A.A. Malinovsky test includes 2 research stages.

Determination of visual acuity (according to the generally accepted method)

· Identification of children with premyopia among the contingent with normal visual acuity.

Examination technique: after determining the visual acuity in the usual way, a lens is brought to the child's eye with normal acuity, the strength of which corresponds to the average refraction of the eyes for children of this age, and visual acuity is determined again (in the conventional way according to letter tables, the child sits on a chair at a distance of 5 m from the table (each eye is examined separately, with the other eye closed with a shield. For testing, use lenses + 1.0 D in a children's frame, with a distance between the optical

Evaluation of results:

t the child, looking through the lens, reads correctly 9-10 lines of the table - negative test

t the child, looking through the lens, cannot correctly read the letters 9-10 lines or even distinguish them at all - the test is positive (increased age-related refraction - pre-myopic state)

Children with premyopia are considered a “risk group” for myopia, as they are 80 times more likely to develop myopia than others. These children should be referred to an ophthalmologist for special observation and periodic monitoring. The examination with the Malinovsky test is carried out by a nurse of a children's institution. Children with a negative Malinovsky test can be tested for visual acuity at school once every 3 years, i.e. in grades 4-7-10. Test for detecting color vision disorders (for schoolchildren).

Disorders of color perception play a role in choosing a profession (driver, apparatchik, etc.), and, being often hereditary, they are more often detected in boys.

For the study of color vision, special Rabkin's polychromatic tables are used. In these tables, faces with normal color vision are distinguished from circles of different colors, but the same.

For use, only polychromatic tables I-XIII are used (the first series is the main one). The study is carried out in natural light (the subject sits with his back to the window, the researcher - facing the window). Tables are presented vertically from a distance of 1 m for 5-6 seconds. each one.

Evaluation of the results: the incorrect distinction of even individual tables is an anomaly of color vision. The student is sent for a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

The study of color vision is carried out in the 4th grade of the school on the eve of the career guidance choice.

Laboratory screening tests for screening proteinuria and glucosuria.

Protein and glucose in urine are determined by a nurse of a children's institution using special diagnostic reactive strips, by the color change of which they judge the presence and even their approximate concentration in the urine.

All children with traces of protein in the urine are sent for additional examination to identify the causes of proteinuria, and with traces of glucose in the urine for consultation with an endocrinologist.

Improving the quality and information content of medical examinations is also achieved by preliminary conducting laboratory tests for all children: a general analysis of blood and feces for eggs of worms (no more than 2-3 weeks before the examination), but today these recommendations are only desirable.

The program of medical examinations of schoolchildren includes a functional test of the cardiovascular system with stress to determine the degree of its fitness and possible stress during physical culture and sports. Children 8-10 years old with a load are offered 20 squats, 10-11 years old 25 squats, boys 12-14 years old - 30 squats in 30 seconds.

Depending on the nature of the shifts after functional tests, a favorable and unfavorable reaction of the cardiovascular system is distinguished.

A favorable reaction is considered to be an increase in heart rate within 50-70% of the initial level, an increase in systolic pressure by 10-15 mm, a moderate increase in pulse pressure by 20-35 mm and restoration of all indicators within 2-3 minutes.

An unfavorable reaction is considered to be a significant (more than 70%) increase in pulse rate, a decrease in systolic and pulse pressure compared to the initial level, or a sharp increase in systolic pressure (by 25-40 mm or more) against the background of an increase in diastolic, with a slow recovery period. A decrease in pulse rate and systolic pressure during the recovery period (2-3 minutes) below the baseline data is also considered as an adverse reaction.

3. Comprehensive assessment of the health status of children and adolescents. Health criteria and groups.

A comprehensive assessment of the state of health of children was introduced by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 60 of January 19, 1983 "On the further improvement of outpatient care for the children's population in cities", is given on the basis of taking into account the results of medical examination and current monitoring of the child, by analyzing 4 main criteria of health :

The presence or absence of chronic diseases at the time of examination and the degree of their clinical manifestations;

The functional state of the main organs and systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and other resistance of the organism, manifested by the number and duration of diseases according to the number of cases reported in the previous year by the time of the medical examination;

The level of physical and neuropsychic development and the degree of their harmony.

In accordance with the specified criteria, a health group is determined for each individual.

Table 3.

Distribution of the surveyed by health groups

| Group | Chronic | Functional | Resistance | Physical and |

| pa | pathology | state of the main | and reactivity | neuropsychic |

| | | systems and organs | organism | eskoe |

| | | | | development |

| 1 | None | No deviations. | Sharp | Good |

| | | Single caries | disease for | (normal), |

| | | teeth | preceded | harmonious |

| | | | th observation | physical |

| | | | period | development. |

| | | | absent | Nervous |

| | | | or leaked | esky status |

| | | | occasionally, | matches |

| | | | easy | age |

| 2 | Absent | Availability | Incidence | Normal |

| | | functional | frequent and | (1 tbsp.) |

| | | deviations

| long | worsened (2 |

| | | (lowered | e acute | Art.) | eleven

| | | hemoglobin, | subsequent |) or total |

| | | hypertensive and | lingering | delay |

| | | hypotonic | convalescent | (4st) |

| | | reactions, etc. | nym period - | physical. development |

| | | Dental caries - | lethargy, | |

| | | subcompensated | increased | normal |

| | | I form, anomaly | excitability, | or blurry |

| | | bite | sleep disturbance | pronounced |

| | | | and appetite, | lag |

| | | | subfebrile condition | neuropsychic |

| | | | etc. | eskogo |

| | | | | development. |

| 3 | Availability | Availability | Incidence | All Grades |

| | chronic | functional | - rare, | FR. |

| | pathology in | deviations in | mild to | Normal |

| | stage | pathological | character | or with blurred |

| | compensation, | modified system | flow | pronounced |

| | congenital | organ without | exacerbation | upholding |

| | developmental defects | clinical | main | neuropsychic |

| | organs and systems | manifestations, | chronic | eskoe |

| | | functional | diseases | development |

| | | deviations in others. | without | normal

| | | organs and | expressed | or lagging behind |

| | | systems. Caries | deterioration | |

| | | teeth - | general | |

| | | decompensated | state and | |

| | | form. | well-being. | |

| | | | Rare |

| | | | intercurrent | |

| | | | e diseases | |

| 4 | Availability | Availability | Incidence | All Grades |

| | chronic | functional | - frequent | physical |

| | pathology in | deviations | exacerbation | development. |

| | stage | pathologically | main | neuropsychic |

| | subcompensation | changed | chronic | eskoe |

| | congenital | organ, system and | disease | development |

| | developmental defects | other organs and | rare and | normal |

| | organs and systems | systems | frequent acute | or lagging behind |

| | | | diseases with | |

| | | | violation | |

| | | | general | |

| | | | state and | |

| | | | well-being |

| | | | after | |

| | | | exacerbation or | |

| | | | with a lingering | |

| | | | convalescent | |

| | | | nym period | |

| | | | after | |

| | | | intercurrently | |

| | | | th disease | |

| 5 | Presence of severe | Severe | Morbidity | All degrees

| | chronic | or congenital | - frequent | physical |

| | pathology in | functional | severe | development. |

| | stage | deviation | exacerbation | neuropsychic |

| | decompensation or | pathologically | main | eskoe |

| | severe | altered | chronic | development |

| | congenital | organ, system, | disease, | normal |

| | vice, | others. organs and | frequent acute | or lagging behind |

| | predetermining | systems | diseases | |

| | disability | | | |

| | individual | | | |

Children of the I health group are observed by a doctor at the usual times established for preventive medical examinations of healthy children.

Children of the II health group (“risk group”) are observed by a doctor at the time specified for each child, in accordance with the degree of risk in relation to the formation of chronic pathology in them, the severity of functional relationships and the degree of resistance.

Often ill children, children who have suffered acute pneumonia, Botkin's disease, etc., although they belong to the II group of health, during the period of convalescence are taken into dispensary registration according to f. No. 30.

Children of III, IV, V groups are taken for dispensary registration according to f. No. 30 and the order of their medical care is determined by special guidelines (M. 1968, 1974, Kharkov, 1982; Frunze, 1985).

According to the results of the assessment of the state of health, the level of physical development and physical fitness, the examined persons are allocated to medical groups. regulating the volume of their physical education course. The medical characteristics of these groups are given in Table 4. When removing a medical group, the doctor must answer the following questions:

Can the subject fulfill the requirements of the curriculum for physical education, or does he need restrictions and what?

Does the examined person need physical exercises for therapeutic purposes (corrective gymnastics, etc.)?

Can the subject be engaged in sports sections, participate in training sessions and competitions, in what conditions and under what conditions.

Table 4

Groups for physical education courses

| Naymenova | Allowed events | Medical |

| nie | | characteristics of the group |

| group | | |

| Main | Classes in the program | Persons without deviations in |

| | physical education in | physical development, | |

| | full | health status, and |

| | Submission of standards BGTO, TRP I, | also persons with |

| | TRP II stage | insignificant |

| | sequentially. | deviations in the state |

| | Classes in one of | health, but with |

| | sports sections (general | sufficient physical |

| | physical fitness, | fitness. |

| | athletics, | |

| | gymnastics, etc.), | |

| | participation in the competition | |

| | one sport. | |

| Prepare | 1. Classes under the program | Persons with |

| telny | physical education with | minor deviations |

| | condition of a more gradual | in physical development and |

| | passing them with a delay | health status without |

| | passing control | sufficient degree |

| | tests and standards BGTO, TRP | physical |

| | Stage I for up to 1 | readiness. |

| | year, delivery of the rules of the TRP II | |

| | steps with a special | |

| | doctor's permission. | |

| | 2. Classes in the general section | |

| | physical fitness. | |

| Special | Occupations by special | Persons with |

| th | program or individual | significant deviations in |

| | types of government | health status |

| | programs, and the term | permanent or |

| | preparation is lengthened, but | temporary, not |

| | standards are reduced | interfering with the implementation |

| | | regular program | |

| | | production work, |

| | | but are |

| | | contraindication to |

| | | classes on | |

| | | state |

| | | programs in general |

| | | groups. |

The doctor should prohibit physical education classes in extreme cases when he doubts their benefits and success. Depending on the state of health of the child, the doctor, after consulting with specialists, prescribes specific types of exercises, determines their duration and systematically monitors the reactions and health of children. 13


1. Hygiene of children and adolescents, ed. V.N. Kardatenko - M. - Medicine - 1980 - p. 41-115

2. Guide to laboratory studies on hygiene DIP - ed. V.N.Kardashenko - M., Medicine - 1983 - S. 7-51

Bibliographic description:

I.A. Nesterova Health and physical development of children [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

Consider the relationship between the health and physical development of children, which is one of the key indicators of a child's health. The necessity of regular assessment of the level of physical development of a child in order to overcome possible diseases at the early stages of their onset has been substantiated.

The importance of the physical development of children

Health and physical development are closely related. In children with existing health problems, physical development is slowed down or significantly impaired. The physical development of children is presented in the aggregate of morphological and functional signs of the body in their relationship in childhood. It is inextricably linked with the education of craving for a healthy lifestyle.

The problem of the health and physical development of children has been widely studied in medicine. Back in the 19th century, Russian scientists F.F.Erisman and N.V. Zak established that the physical development of children and adolescents from privileged circles is much higher than their peers from low-income families.

During the Soviet period, such scientists as A. N. Antonova, M. D. Bolshakova, M. A. Minkevich, E. P. Stromskaya, L. A. Sysin, L. L. Rokhlin wrote about the health and physical development of children. , V. O. Mochan and others. At present, the problems of child development and health have received much attention in the works of such specialists as: V. V. Golubev, A. Baranov, N.V. Ezhova N.P., Shabalov and others.

Indicators of physical development of children

The health and physical development of children depends on the physical form and how often the child plays sports. An important role in assessing the health of children is played by indicators of the physical development of children.

The physical development of children is understood as a set of morphological and functional characteristics of the body, such as:

  1. height,
  2. chest circumference
  3. lung capacity,
  4. arm muscle strength, etc.

The physical development of both the child and the adult is directly related to the activity of the body systems:

  1. cardiovascular,
  2. respiratory,
  3. digestive,
  4. musculoskeletal, etc.

The state of the above systems is an indicator of the child's physical development. It has been established that, on how the child is developed physically depends on the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences, disease resistance. Thus, the physical development and health of the child are interrelated and affect each other.

Many valeologists note that physical development as a category of health is directly related to the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal and other systems. This is undeniable. However, we must not forget that the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences, disease resistance and, accordingly, the state of internal organs depend on the level of physical development.

The physical development and health of the child are interrelated and affect each other. Physical development reflects the processes of growth and development of the body and is one of the most important indicators of children's health.

Currently, more and more talk about the acceleration of the child's body. It has unpredictable effects on the health and physical development of children. Acceleration is an accelerated rate of development called an organism. In science, more than one theory of acceleration coexists. It is believed that this is the result of a general trend in the biology of modern man, which arose under the influence of scientific and technological progress. This is a change in nutrition, an increase in solar activity, a change in climatic conditions, urbanization, violations of genetic isolation (interethnic marriages), radiation from household appliances, etc.

Growth and weight are most often considered indicators of a child's physical development. They are assessed by comparing the size of his height with the norms presented in standard tables. Such tables are periodically compiled on the basis of mass surveys of children in certain regions with their own geographical, social and economic characteristics.

The child's body is characterized by rapid growth and continuous development. According to N.V. Yezhova in medical science distinguishes a number of periods of child development, which are reflected in the figure below.

Periods of a child's life

The physical development of a child is influenced by many factors:

  1. Heredity, in which not only the genes of the parents play an important role, but also the race and genes of many generations of ancestors.
  2. Nutrition for a child that meets the physiological needs of the body. An unbalanced diet often leads to a deficiency or excess of certain substances, the development of various diseases.
  3. Environmental conditions and childcare.
  4. Hereditary diseases, the presence of certain chronic diseases, severe trauma or infectious diseases.
  5. Correctly distributed physical activity, physical activity of the child, his psychological and emotional state.

Most often, the growth of the body ends by the age of 16 - 18 years.

Physical development is a process strictly subject to certain biological laws.

One of the most important laws of the physical development of children is that the younger the age, the more actively the growth processes occur. Based on this, it can be argued that the most active way the body grows in utero. For 9 months, the baby's body grows from a few cells to an average size of 49 - 54 cm in height and 2.7 - 4 kg of weight. During the first month of life, the child grows by about 3 cm and gains weight 700 - 1000 g. On average, by the end of the first year, the child weighs about 10 kg and has a height of 73 - 76 cm. With increasing age, the increase in the physical development of the child decreases.

Another important law of the growth of the child's body is the change in the periods of extension and rounding. The so-called stretching periods are followed by rounding periods - each period lasts about 1.5 - 3 years. The most pronounced periods of rounding at the age of 3 - 5 years, and periods of extension - in adolescence.

Monitoring the indicators of the child's physical development is necessary at every stage of development. It must be remembered that any disease affects the physical development of the child, disrupting it.

Assessment of the physical development of the child

To identify indicators of health and physical development of children, an analysis of indicators and calculations are carried out to identify various indices.

The assessment of physical development is carried out by comparing the individual indicators of the child with the normative ones. The first (basic), and in many cases the only method for assessing the physical development of a child is to conduct anthropometric studies and evaluate the data obtained. In this case, two main methods are used, presented in the figure.

Methods for assessing the physical development of children

Let's consider each method for assessing the health and physical development of children separately.

The method of approximate calculations is based on knowledge of the basic patterns of increase in body weight and length, chest and head contours. The corresponding standard indicators can be calculated for a child of any age. The admissible interval of deviations of the actual data from the calculated ones is ± 7% for the average indicators of physical development. The method gives only an approximate picture of the physical development of children and is used by pediatricians, as a rule, in the case of providing medical care to children at home.

The method of anthropometric standards is more accurate, since individual anthropometric values ​​are compared with the normative ones for the age and sex of the child. Regional tables of standards can be of two types:

  1. Sigmal type.
  2. Centile type.

When using tables compiled by the method of sigma standards, the comparison of actual indicators is carried out with the arithmetic mean (M) for a given sign of the same age and sex group as the child we observe. The resulting difference is expressed in sigma (δ - standard deviation), determining the degree of deviation of individual data from their mean.

The results are assessed as follows: with average physical development, individual values ​​differ from age standards (M) by no more than one sigma in one direction or another.

Depending on the size of sigma deviations, 5 groups of physical development are distinguished. They are shown in the figure below.

Physical development groups according to the size of sigma deviations.

Consider an example: The average height of 10-year-old boys is 137 cm, the standard deviation is 5.2 cm, then a student of this age with a height of 142 cm will receive an estimate of growth in sigma fractions equal to

142 – 137 / 5,2 = 0,96,

that is, the student's height is within M + 1σ and is assessed as average, normal height.

The final data obtained for each sign of physical development, in sigma terms, can be graphically represented in the form of the so-called anthropometric profile, which is performed graphically and shows the differences in the physique of a given person from other persons. This method is widely used in dynamic medical monitoring of the physical development of children, athletes, military personnel and other groups of the population.

When using tables compiled according to the centile standards method, it is necessary to determine the centile interval, which corresponds to the actual value of the trait, taking into account the age and gender of the patient, and give an assessment. The method is not mathematized and therefore better characterizes the series of variations in biology and, in particular, in medicine. It is easy to use, does not require calculations, fully allows assessing the relationship between various anthropometric indicators and therefore is widely used in the world.

At present, knowing the sex, age of the child and having determined the anthropometric characteristics, it is possible to find out the degree of deviation of his physical development.

Centil - a certain proportion or percentage of the corresponding trait in children, depending on age and gender. This is a quantitative indicator of the physiological boundaries of a given trait.

Values ​​in the range of 25-75 centiles (50% of all children) are taken as average, or conditionally normal, values. The interval from 10 to 25 centiles characterizes the area of ​​values ​​below the average, from 3 to 10 centiles - low, below 3 centiles - very low and vice versa, the interval from 75 to 90 centiles - the area of ​​values ​​above the average, from 90 to 97 centiles - high, above 97 centiles are very high. Above 75 and below 25 centiles, there are border zones of quantitative characteristics of length and body weight, requiring caution in assessing the risk of serious deviations.

Indicators outside the 97th and 3rd centiles reflect clear pathology or disease.

Each result obtained when measuring length or body weight can be placed in the corresponding area, or "corridor", centile scale, which allows you to assess the physical development of the child: average, above average, high, very high, below average, low and very low ... If the difference in "corridors" between any 2 of the 3 indicators does not exceed 1, we can talk about harmonious development. If this difference is 2 "corridors", development should be considered inharmonious, and if 3 or more - disharmonious, i.e. evidence of clear trouble.

When observing and measuring a child, the pediatrician gives an opinion on the physical development and recommendations in case of a deviation from the norm.

But for an adequate assessment and timely correction of your child, the doctor should be familiar with:

  1. with the previous development of the child,
  2. with previous diseases,
  3. with the presence of the characteristics of the child.

Parents should closely monitor the physical development of the child in conjunction with the pediatrician. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of diseases in time, such as endocrine diseases, metabolic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

The assessment of the physical development of the child takes place in strictly regulated periods indicated below.

So, control over the physical development of a child and his assessment are extremely important in today's extremely difficult environmental conditions. It is also necessary to emphasize the fact that the physical development and health of the child are interrelated indicators. Healthy children have adequate indicators of physical development. If the child has any diseases, then they worsen the indicators of physical development.

Constant monitoring of the physical development of children is necessary, it allows you to identify many diseases in the early stages, even before the onset of complaints about the health of the child or his parents.


  1. Golubev V.V. Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene of Preschool Children - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011
  2. Ezhova N.V. Pediatrics - Minsk: Higher School, 1999
  3. Zhidkova O. I. Medical statistics: lecture notes - M .: Eksmo, 2011
  4. Zaprudnov A.M., Grigoriev K.I. Pediatrics with children. - M .: GEOTAR- Media, 2011
  5. Pediatrics. National leadership. Short edition / Ed. A. A. Baranova. - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2014.
  6. Pishcheva M.V. Denisova S.V. Maslova V.Yu .. Fundamentals of pediatrics and hygiene of children of early and preschool age - Arzamas: AGPI, 2006.
  7. Heavy O.V. Pediatrics. - New book, 2010.




Abolished on the basis of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Belarus of 23.06.2017 N 290.

1. To approve the attached standard indicators of physical development and fitness of preschool children in the Republic of Bashkortostan (hereinafter - testing standards).

2. The State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

bring testing standards to subordinate organizations;

annually analyze the health status, physical development and fitness of preschool children and submit information to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

3. Administrations of districts and cities to take the necessary measures to organize the physical education of preschool children.

4. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the social and humanitarian department of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Prime Minister


by order of the Cabinet of Ministers
Republic of Bashkortostan
dated May 30, 2000 N 510-p

Indicators of testing the physical development of preschool children

1. Weight-height indicator

│ Age, │ Weight, kg │ Height, cm │
│ years ═════════┤
│ │ boys │ girls │ boys │ girls │
3 13,7-15,3 13,1-16,7 92-99 91-99
4 15,3-18,9 14,4-17,9 99-107 96-106
5 17,4-22,1 16,5-20,4 105-116 104-114
6 19,7-24,1 19,0-23,6 111-121 111-120
7 21,0-24,1 20,6-28,3 117-128 117-128

2. Vital capacity of the lungs

│ Gender │ Age, │ Vital │
│ │ years │ lung capacity │
│ │ │ (ml) │
boys 3,500-800
4 650-1000
5 1100-1500
6 1500-1800
7 1700-2200

Girls 3 400-800
4 650-1000
5 1100-1400
6 1300-1800
7 1500-2000

3. Muscle strength

│ Gender │ Age, │ Muscle strength │ Muscle strength │ Dead weight │
│ │ years │ of the right hand, kg of the left hand, kg strength, kg │
Boys 3 3.4-6.2 3.1-5.5 13.5-19.6
4 3,9-7,5 3,5-7,1 17,6-22,4
5 6,5-10,3 6,1-9,5 19,7-28,1
6 9,6-14,4 9,2-13,4 28,9-37,4
7 11,6-15,0 10,5-14,1 28,7-39,9

Girls 3 2.6-5.0 2.5-4.9 12.4-17.2
4 3,1-6,0 3,2-5,6 14,5-19,7
5 4,9-8,7 5,1-8,7 16,3-22,5
6 7,9-11,9 6,8-11,6 24,5-32,9
7 9,4-14,4 8,6-13,2 25,0-35,0

Indicators of physical fitness of preschool children

│ Indicators │ Gender │ Age │
│ │ ├═════════┬══════════┬═══════════┬═══════════┬══════════┤
│ │ │ 3 years │ 4 years │ 5 years │ 6 years │ 7 years │
Running speed М 3.5-2.8 3.3-2.4 2.5-2.1 2.4-1.9 2.2-1.8
10 m from the stroke D 3.8-2.7 3.4-2.6 2.7-2.2 2.5-2.0 2.4-1.8

Running speed М 11.0-9.0 10.5-8.8 9.2-7.9 8.4-7.6 8.0-7.4
at 30 m from D 12.0-9.5 10.7-8.7 9.8-8.3 8.9-7.7 8.7-7.3
start (sec)

Jump up from M - - 20.2-25.8 21.1-26.9 23.8-30.2
places (cm) D - - 20.4-25.6 20.9-27.1 22.9-29.1

Long jump M 47.0-67.6 53.5-76.6 81.2-102.4 86.3-108.7 94.0-22.4
standing (cm) D 38.2-64.0 51.1-73.9 66.0-94.0 77.7-99.6 80.0-123.0

Range M 1.8-3.6 2.5-1.1 3.9-5.7 4.4-7.9 6.0-10.0
right throw D 1.5-2.3 2.4-3.4 3.0-4.4 3.3-5.4 4.0-6.8
hand (m)

Range М 2.0-3.0 2.0-3.4 2.4-4.2 3.3-5.3 4.2-6.8
left throw D 1.3-1.9 1.8-2.8 2.5-3.5 3.0-4.7 3.0-5.6
hand (m)

Range М 119-157 117-185 187-270 221-303 242-360
throw D 97-153 97-178 138-221 156-256 193-311
medicine ball
(1 kg) due
head (cm)

Running speed
90 m 30.6-25.0
at 120 m 35.7-29.2
150 m


It is known that physical development, together with other indicators of children, is an essential indicator of the health status of children. The state of physical development depends on congenital characteristics, as well as on the environmental conditions in which the organism grows and forms. Trained medical workers should be allowed to conduct a survey of the physical development of children, in particular anthropometry, since the technique and methods of anthropometric measurements require certain knowledge and practical skills.

Measurement of children in the first year of life is carried out in the supine position with a horizontal stadiometer. The child is placed on his back in such a way that the head firmly touches the top of the head to the transverse bar of the stadiometer. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same vertical plane. The assistant fixes the child's head tightly. The legs should be straightened by light pressure with the left hand on the knees of the child. With the right hand, bring the movable bar of the stadiometer tightly to the heels, bending the feet to a right angle. The distance between the fixed and movable bar will correspond to the child's height.

Measurement of height in children over one year old is carried out in a standing position with a stadiometer. The child stands on the stadiometer platform with his back to the vertical stand, in a natural, erect position, touching the vertical stand with heels, buttocks, interscapular region and the back of the head, hands are lowered along the body, heels together, toes apart. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same horizontal plane. The movable bar is applied to the head without pressure.

Determination of body weight in young children is carried out on scales with a maximum permissible load of up to 20 kg. The diaper is weighed first. It is placed on the weighing tray so that the edges of the diaper do not hang over the tray. The child is placed on the wide part of the tray with his head and shoulder girdle, legs on the narrow part of the tray. If the child can be seated, then he is seated on the wide part of the tray with his buttocks, legs on the narrow part. It is possible to place a child on the scales and remove them from them only with the balance beam closed, not standing on the side, but directly from the side of the balance beam. Weight readings are counted from the side of the weight where there are notches or notches (the lower weight must be placed only in the notches available on the lower scale). After recording, the weights are set to zero. To determine the weight of the child, subtract the weight of the diaper from the scale readings.

Weighing of children under one year old in preschool institutions is carried out every 10 days, from 1 to 3 years old - once a month.

Measurement of the chest circumference is made with a centimeter rubberized tape in a state of calm breathing (pause, and older children when inhaling and exhaling). The tape is applied at the back - at the corners of the shoulder blades, and in front - at the level of the lower edge of the nipples.

In addition to anthropometric measurements, muscle tone, tissue turgor, the nature of fat deposition, etc. are noted. on the back - under the shoulder blades, on the limbs - on the outer surface of the thigh and shoulder, on the face - in the cheeks). Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, one speaks of normal, excessive and insufficient fat deposition. Attention is drawn to the uniform (throughout the body) or uneven distribution of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Determination of soft tissue turgor is carried out by squeezing the skin with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and
all soft tissues on the inner thigh and shoulder, while a feeling of resistance or elasticity is perceived, called turgor. If the turgor is reduced, then when squeezing, a feeling of lethargy or flabbiness is determined.

Muscle tone is determined using passive flexion
and extension of the upper and lower extremities. Muscle tone is judged by the degree of resistance that occurs during passive movements, as well as by the consistency of muscle tissue, determined by touch. In healthy children, muscle tone and mass in symmetrical places should be the same.

These descriptive traits are rated for their severity as "small", "medium", and "large".

An individual assessment of physical development is based on a comparison of his anthropometric data with regional standards developed by the method of regressive analysis. The use of standard or dental tables allows you to give a differentiated description of the physical, development of the child and highlight children who need constant monitoring and specialist advice.

Lagging in physical development can be due to a number of reasons that need to be identified by the doctor of a preschool institution. The hereditary-constitutional factor is of some importance. Chronic infections and intoxications, primarily rheumatism, tonsillogenic cardiopathy, chronic pyelonephritis, hypothyroid dwarfism, are often the cause of unsatisfactory physical development. We can talk about nanism only if the growth rate is more than 10% below the standard.

A detailed examination of the child reveals the features of his skin, lymphatic system, and skeletal system. Scoliosis or a funnel chest may be present in preschool children. Timely detection of this pathology prevents the development of disability in the future. All children with suspected pathology of the musculoskeletal system should be referred for consultation to an orthopedist, corrective gymnastics is indicated.

the boys girls pulse breath hell
the weight height the weight height
1 year 11,5-13,8 82-87 11,7-13,5 80-87 120-125 35
2 year 12-14 85-92 11,8-14,0 82-90 110-115
3 year 13,8-16 92-99 13,6-16 91-99 105-100 28
4 year 15,8-18,5 98-107 14,5-17,5 95-108 100-106
5 years 17,6-21,7 105-116 16,9-19,9 98-112 100
6 years 19,6-24,2 111-121 18,8-23,8 111-116 90-96 26
7 years 21,6-28,2 118-139 21,8-27,4 118-129 85-90
8 years 80-87
9 years 80-85
10 years 78-75 20
12 years 75-72
13 years 72-82
14 years old 72-76 17

Physical development

Above average average

Below the average

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Body mass
18,7> 18,6-17,3 17,2-14,1 14,0-12,6 12,5<
18,4-16,9 16,8-13,8 13.7-12,4 12,3<
19,1> 19,0-17,8 17,4-14,7 14,6-13,1 13,2<
18,7> 18,6-17,7 17,6-14,2 14,6-13,3 12,9<
19,6> 19,5-18,3 18,2-15,3 14,1-13,0 13,8<
18,9> 18,8-17,5 17,4-14,7 15,2-13,9 13,5<
21,1-19,7 19,6-16,0 14,6-13,6 14,3<
20,4> 20,3-18,3 18,2-15,7 15,9-14,4 14,1<
22,9> 22,8-21,0 20,9-16,8 15,6-14,2 14,8<
21,9> 21,8-20,2 20,1-16,6 16,7-14,9 14,9<
23,9> 23,8-22,1 22,0-18,1 16,5-14,9 16,1<
23,8> 23,7-21,8 21,7-17,6 18,0-16,2 15,5<
25,0> 24,9-23,2 23,1-19,5 17,5-15,6 17,5<
25,9> 25,8-23,5 23,4-18,6 19,4-17,6 16,1<
26,7> 26,6-24,7 24,6-20,3 18,5-16,2 18,2<
27,5> 27,4-24,9 24,8-19,7 19,6-17,6 17,5<

Body height

Chest circumference



1. Methods of research and assessment of the health status of children and adolescents

2. Methods of research and assessment of the physical development of children and adolescents

3. Hygienic assessment of the organization of physical education in children's institutions

4. Hygienic foundations of the educational process in children's institutions.

5. Diagnostics of children's readiness to study at school

6. Hygiene of the educational process in a comprehensive school

According to the WHO (1990), the state of children's health is one of the most pressing problems in the world. Its importance is largely due to the progressive degradation of the environment. The child's body, which is in the process of development, is more susceptible to the influence of both favorable and unfavorable factors; it reacts more quickly and sharply to changes in the environment. When studying the influence of various factors, it is important to determine their complexes of influence, as well as to find out how, when they are combined, the influence of each factor is modified. The integral result of the impact of the environment on the child population is the level and quality of children's health. The pediatrician must be able to determine these two indicators, to determine the health status of DIP.

Health is a criterion for --------- the relationship of the child's body with the environment. It is formed under the influence of a complex complex of biological, environmental and social factors.

Therefore, for hygienists the closest in spirit is the definition of health adopted by the WHO Charter "Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, characterized by a dynamic balance of the body with the environment, as well as the absence of diseases and physical defects in it."

Health, as a measure of vitality, the body's ability to function optimally, is characterized in this case not only by the absence of clinically pronounced symptoms of diseases, but also by the absence of their initial manifestations, pre-disease states, and the so-called “minor pathology”, which are often detected at the functional level, easily reversible changes, indicating a decrease in the general resistance of the body to the effects of adverse environmental factors.

The indicators of health (morbidity, mortality, disability, etc.) revealed by the results of demographic studies are just the visible tip of the iceberg, the underwater part of which is made up of pre-pathological (prenosological) conditions reflecting the stages of movement from health to illness. The study of these conditions as the basis for determining the "level" of a healthy child's health is the subject of hygienic diagnostics ("hygienic monitoring"), which studies the environment, health and the relationship between them. It is the health of the collective that acts in this case as a criterion for prenosological diagnostics, a “marker” of the negative impact of the environment on a person, a criterion for the effectiveness of all preventive work carried out by the bodies of the sanitary-epidemiological service.

In order to bring primary prevention closer to the main task - to increase the life expectancy of people, hygienic diagnostics, having 3 objects of study (health status, environment, their relationship), is designed to identify the stages of the health scale

Full health

Practical health


This is necessary to prevent the transition of states to various diseases.

The interaction of hygienic diagnostics and clinical examination should be carried out in 4 stages

Stage 1 - studying the ecological situation, living conditions, lifestyle

Stage 2 - medical examination

Stage 3 - wellness activities

Stage 4 - dynamic dispensary observation

A comprehensive assessment of the nature of the development and state of health of a child requires mandatory consideration of the physical and neuropsychic development, the degree and harmony of the usefulness of the functional state of his body.

The availability of diagnostic methods for pre-pathological (prenosological) conditions, a quantitative assessment of the depth and degree of reversibility of these processes, can become the scientific basis for such preventive measures that will correspond to the tasks of primary and secondary prevention. Based on this, prevention becomes aimed not at preventing specific diseases, but at reducing the likelihood of their development in general. There are the following factors affecting the health status of children and adolescents.

Factors shaping the health of the child population

| | Socially | |

| | economic | |

| | conditions | |

| Environment | Heredity | Physical |

| | | education |

| Food | | |

| Conditions of life | Condition | Regime of the day |

| | health | |

| | children's | |

| | population | |

| | Indicators | |

| | mortality | |

| | incidence | |

| | disability | |

| | physical development | |

| | | Conditions of training |

| | Medical and sanitary | |

| | I help | |

It is necessary to pay attention to the role of such factors influencing the formation of health as biological (mother's age, state of her health, body length, number of births, birth weight, presence of abnormalities in the act - ---------- - and early postnatal periods, etc. 0 and social (apartment area, per capita income, parental education, social and family upbringing of the child, daily routine, including the duration of sleep and stay in the open air).

2. Medical control over the state of health of children.

One of the most important tasks of a pediatrician is to control the formation and dynamics of the health status of DIP.

Control over the dynamics of the state of health is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 14. 03. 95 No. 60 "On approval of instructions for conducting preventive examinations of children of preschool and school age on the basis of medical and economic standards"

Health monitoring is currently carried out on the basis of mass screening tests and represents a new principle for organizing in-depth examinations of children and adolescents. It is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1 - examination of all children according to a screening program, which is carried out mainly by a nurse of a children's institution; 7

Stage 2 - examination of children, performed according to screening tests, by a doctor of a children's institution;

Stage 3 - examination by narrow specialists of the polyclinic of children sent from a preschool institution (school) for consultation.

This principle of organizing a medical examination provides a significant increase in the role of average honey. the staff of the children's institution in monitoring the state of health of children, and also ensures the rational use of the working time of doctors and narrow specialists with a differentiated control over the state of health of children.

The screening program includes:

1. Questionnaire test - a survey of parents or students using a special questionnaire. The survey is aimed at identifying anamnestic data and complaints characteristic of changes in the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary systems, as well as typical for diseases of the nasopharynx and allergic diseases and conditions (Appendix 1).

In this questionnaire, in the form of simple questions, the main “key” complaints that arise in children and adolescents in the presence of deviations in the state of health according to the leading systems are grouped. When examining preschoolers and students in grades 1-4, the questionnaire is filled out by parents, from grade 5 - by the students themselves.

Strong physique is also 100% of boys and 100% of girls 2-6 years old have a very weak physique. Such low values ​​of indicators indicate the low development of preschool children, which can be caused by the action of numerous factors. In the future, continue the further study of anthropometric parameters in schoolchildren of 7-16 years old to establish the physical status of the school and ...

This adaptive rate has been passed down from generation to generation. Thus, the variability of a whole complex of mutually related features is controlled. Let us consider this using the example of the physical development of children of preschool and primary school age, belonging to various groups of the indigenous and old-time population of the North of Russia. According to T.V. Chiryatieva, children of the Khanty at the age of 3–7 years ...

Mastering motor skills, knowing how to navigate in the environment, actively overcome difficulties encountered, showing a desire for creative searches. The theory of physical education of preschool children is continuously developing and enriched with new knowledge obtained as a result of research covering the diverse aspects of child education. Research data, ...


Relevance of the research topic.
Raising a healthy generation with the harmonious development of physical qualities is one of the main tasks of modern society. In any society built on humanistic and democratic principles, human health is the highest value, the most important property of the state, it is an indisputable priority, a guarantee of the viability and progress of society.

Unfortunately, in our country, there is a clear tendency towards a deterioration in the health status of children. The results of in-depth medical examinations show that a significant part of children attending preschool institutions have various health deviations and are lagging behind in physical development. This indicates that the problems of raising a healthy child were and remain relevant in the practice of public and family preschool education and dictate the need to search for effective means of their implementation.

In recent years, many scientific works have appeared in Russian literature on the solution of various problems in the upbringing of preschoolers. This is due to the fact that a number of unfavorable socio-economic changes that took place in our country at the end of the twentieth century, first of all, affected the younger generation and especially preschool children. According to a number of scientists, at present, significant contradictions have arisen between the declared goals of physical education, physical training of the younger generation and the real capabilities of the state for their implementation for each person.

The formation of children's health, the full development of their body is one of the main problems in modern society. During preschool childhood, the child lays the foundations for health, all-round physical fitness and harmonious physical development. At the same time, the existing system of preschool education takes into account only the sanitary and hygienic standards of the child's living conditions and leads to the rationing of motor qualities and skills.

Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.

Life in the city, unfavorable environmental conditions, insufficient physical activity, lack of fresh air, unfortunately, in the most unfavorable way affect the child's body. Therefore, it is so important to pay great attention to physical culture. Physical education activates the immune system, increases the resistance of the child's body to various kinds of diseases.

Preschool age is the most important stage in the physical development of a child. It is at this time that the most important systems of the body are intensively formed and take place. At this time, the child continues to gain weight and grow (although not as quickly as after birth), so it is worth paying attention to instilling basic hygiene skills, developing physical activity, and also carrying out all kinds of tempering procedures with children. It is important to remember that all the shortcomings and gaps in the child's physical development in the future are much more difficult to correct than to form them initially.

Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing physical development. The value of outdoor games is that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions and that children improve and consolidate various movements.

Outdoor games to a much greater extent than all other forms of physical culture meet the needs of a growing organism in movement. Play is always associated with personal initiative, creativity, imagination, causes an emotional uplift, meets all the laws of a developing organism, and therefore is always desirable. It becomes the child's first vital need, to the satisfaction of which he himself very much strives.

All of the above gives grounds to conclude that the formation of physical development is an urgent task in the upbringing of preschool children. Based on the relevance of the issue of the influence of outdoor games on general and physical fitness, we can formulate problem, which is as follows: do outdoor games affect the development of physical fitness and how are the conditions for organizing outdoor games in a preschool educational institution implemented?

Object our research will be the degree of physical development of preschoolers. Subject research is the influence of outdoor games on the degree of physical development.

Target of our research - to reveal the features of the physical development of preschool children.

To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:

Hypothesis: indicators of physical development will be higher if a system of outdoor games is carried out with children.

For fruitful work and the achievement of the tasks set by us, we used various research methods in our work: study and analysis of literature, observation, conversation with children, experimental work, and conducting the games themselves.

Empirical base of research... In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study, the practical part of the study was included.

The development and testing of the influence of outdoor games on the formation of physical development was carried out on the basis of MBDOU d / s No. 22, Meleuz. All studies were carried out in group 5, the payroll of 21 people.

The theoretical significance of the study: the question of the influence of outdoor games on the formation of the physical development of children is sharpened.

The practical significance of the study. The obtained results, conclusions and scientific and methodological recommendations can be used by teachers, psychologists who work with children in preschool institutions. They relate to physical fitness. And also the significance of our research lies in the development of recommendations that can be used by parents and educators for the development of physical qualities in senior preschool age with the help of outdoor games.

The research work consists of three parts, reference, conclusion, bibliography and applications.

In the theoretical part, a study of the problem of physical development of older preschool children was carried out, and also the methodology of managing outdoor games in a preschool educational institution was studied.

In the empirical part, the diagnostics of the effectiveness of the experimental work on the formation of the physical development of older preschool children by means of outdoor games was carried out, the method of education of physical qualities in preschool children was studied, the diagnosis of physical fitness of 5-6 years old children was carried out, and a comparative analysis of the research results was given.


1.1 Preservation of health of preschool children in conditions of physical education

Preserving the health of preschool children can be called a priority area of ​​activity for the whole society, since only healthy children are able to properly assimilate the knowledge gained and in the future are able to engage in productive and useful work.

The need to maintain health must be formed from childhood, when the body is plastic and easily amenable to environmental influences. The desire to be healthy, to grow up beautiful, active, to be able to serve and behave in such a way as not to harm themselves and others is strengthened in children. With the help of an adult, the child realizes: in order to be healthy, you need to do physical exercises every day, get hardened, do exercises, observe the daily routine, eat healthy food, monitor the cleanliness of the environment and premises, and observe the rules of hygiene.

During physical exercises, children receive elementary ideas about the structure of their own body, the functions and purposes of internal organs and body systems. Through a system of special exercises and games, children learn about the signs of health, learn to defend themselves against germs, avoid dangerous places, and, if necessary, provide themselves and others with basic help. The sooner the child realizes the need for his direct involvement in the riches of physical culture, the sooner he will form an important need, reflecting a positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life.

Throughout preschool childhood, the continuous preservation of children's health is carried out in conditions of physical education, as evidenced by the indicators of the general physical fitness of children (Appendix A). In preschoolers from 5 to 7 years old, the strength of the body doubles: in boys it increases from 25 to 52 kilograms, in girls from 20.4 to 43 kilograms. Speed ​​indicators are improved. The running time by 10 meters on the move is reduced for boys from 2.5 to 2.0 seconds, for girls from 2.6 to 2.2 seconds. General endurance indicators change. The distance covered by boys increases from 602.3 meters to 884.3 meters, girls from 454 meters to 715.3 meters.

The preservation of the health of a preschooler is influenced by various means and methods of physical education. For example, exercises aimed at developing the ability to quickly perform movements are an effective means of developing speed. Children learn the exercises best at a slow pace. The teacher must ensure that the exercises are not lengthy, monotonous. It is advisable to repeat them in different conditions with different intensities, with complications, or, conversely, with a decrease in requirements.

Of particular importance in the process of preserving the health of preschoolers are game motor tasks, outdoor sports games, sports entertainment that are always interesting for children, they have a great emotional charge, differ in the variability of the component components, and make it possible to quickly solve motor problems. Children learn to come up with motional content for the proposed plot, independently enrich and develop play actions, create new storylines, new forms of movement. This eliminates the habit of mechanical repetition of exercises, activates, within accessible limits, creative activity for independent comprehension and successful application of familiar movements in non-standard conditions. Gradually, collective creativity, organized by an adult, becomes an independent activity of children.

At the present stage of the development of education, there are several concepts of the physical development of preschool children, aimed at preserving their health. The philosophy of this or that program is based on a certain view of the authors on the child, on the laws of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of the personality, protect his originality and reveal the creative potential of each pupil. The development of children's physical activity should take the form of their introduction to physical culture as a natural component of human culture.

T.N. Doronova, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, in her program "Rainbow" pays attention to the upbringing and development of kindergarten children, the main component she gave preference to the most important subject of upbringing - physical culture. Human health depends on how the work with children in physical culture will be organized. In preschool childhood, a child should feel muscle joy and love movement, this will help him carry the need for movement throughout his life, join sports and a healthy lifestyle. T.N. Doronova revealed the means and forms of physical education. These are hygiene factors, hygiene of the nervous system, exercise. Preventive, developmental, therapeutic, rehabilitation orientation in the selection of physical exercises.

The program of the group of authors led by L.A. Wenger "Development", which contains two theoretical positions. The theory of A.V. Zaporozhets about the very value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to a humanistic understanding. And the concept of L.A. Wenger on the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of figurative means of solving problems specific to the preschooler. This program does not contain tasks for the physical development of the child.

V.T. Kudryavtsev - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, B.B. Egorov - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences defined the idea of ​​an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the issue of physical education of a preschooler, and a developing pedagogy of health improvement arose in 2000. Their programmatic manual reflects two lines of health-improving and developing work:

They criticize the well-established approach to physical culture and health-improving work of preschoolers, talk about the need for a radical revision of the existing methods of physical education in preschool institutions and schools. V.T.Kudryavtsev and B. B. Egorov point to a number of contradictions that exist at the present stage.

The general goal of this programmatic and methodological material is to form the motor sphere and create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's health on the basis of their creative activity.

In the program "Fundamentals of the safety of preschoolers" by V.A. Ananyev, the author sets the tasks of developing children's physical activity, they need to be taught to take care of their health and the health of others, to develop personal hygiene skills, to give knowledge about healthy food, to orient children to a healthy lifestyle, to give elementary knowledge about what an infectious disease is, what needs to be done so as not to get infected. Ways of solving problems: classes, games - classes, visual activities, walks, hygiene procedures, tempering events, games, sports events, holidays, conversations, reading literature, the use of emotionally attractive forms. Work with parents aimed at improving the health of children and developing their physical activity.

In addition to the programs, methodological aids on the problem under study were analyzed. They are widely represented in pedagogical theory. The most valuable, in our opinion, are the manuals that represent several means of improving the health of children in a kindergarten, containing detailed characteristics of non-traditional methods of improving. Such textbooks include works by Yu.F. Zmanovsky and his colleagues, methodological recommendations of A.I. Barkan, L.I. Latokhina, B.V. Shevrygina, N.V. Tsybulya, T. D. Fershalova and others.

So, the analysis of the content of modern programs for preschool institutions to preserve the health of children allows us to conclude that, despite the differences in concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children, in the content of each program the authors recognize the problem of preserving the health of children as a priority. and it is given the highest priority. The programs propose to be active in the work of not only teachers, but also children and parents themselves.

Thus, we can single out the general tasks of preserving the health of children, characteristic of all analyzed programs for preschool institutions:

  1. Teach children to define their state and feelings.
  2. Form an active life position.
  3. Form ideas about your body, body.
  4. Learn to strengthen and maintain your health.
  5. Understand the necessity and role of movement in physical development.
  6. Teach safety rules for exercise and various activities.
  7. To be able to provide basic assistance in case of injuries.
  8. Form an idea of ​​what is useful and what is harmful to the body.

1.2 Physical development of preschool children

It is well known that the health potential is laid in the human gene pool and is inherited, but the completeness of the realization of this potential depends on the person himself, the natural and social environment of his habitat. We consider health and the vital integrity of the organism based on it as an object of projecting, expanding and enriching the perspective of the child's psychosomatic capabilities. Since the physical activity of preschool children is the foundation for the full formation of the child's personality and the preservation of his physical and mental health.

The main goal of physical development is the stable, constant physical state of children, which can then be reproduced in the mode of self-development. For this, all conditions must be created in the kindergarten. Firstly, health corners are created in groups, where physical education equipment necessary for a given age group of children is located: a sports complex, exercise equipment, massagers, etc. Secondly, on the territory of the preschool institution they equip a playground for outdoor games, treadmills, "obstacle courses", pits for long jump, throwing targets, etc. Thirdly, in an educational institution they are equipped with various sports equipment (balls, hoops, benches etc.) gym. In order to foster children's interest in physical activity, physical education classes of various forms and content, minutes, morning exercises and exercises after sleep, should be used. A lot of time is spent on outdoor exercise. Particular attention in health related work to the physical development of young children is due to a number of reasons. It is well known that at an early age there is an intensive physical development of children, the formation of functional systems of the child's body. This means that it is at this age that the development and expansion of the physical capabilities of children should be pedagogically and psychologically cultivated on the basis of the principles of health improvement pedagogy. Practical observations of the state of health of frequently ill children show that about 40% of them have deviations in physical development: underweight, muscle deficiency, decreased or increased muscle tone. Physical education classes with young children, conducted in a group room by a teacher, do not provide full-fledged physical activity, since the appropriate temperature regime is not always observed, there is no appropriate clothing for children, there is not enough space for outdoor games, and the teacher's qualifications in the field of physical education are insufficient. The search for effective forms of physical development of children led to the idea of ​​organizing the motor activity of young children on the basis of a developmental approach (V.T. Kudryavtsev) - familiarizing children with physical culture as a natural component of social culture.

Consider the principles of developing health-improving work with preschoolers:

  • development of creative imagination;
  • the formation of meaningful motor skills;
  • creation and consolidation of a holistic positive psychosomatic state in various types of activities;
  • the formation in children of the ability to cooperate and empathize.

According to the above-described principles of developing health-improving work, the introduction of kids to the use of physical exercises, the technique of their implementation, involves not only mastering specific movements, but also the ability to control them, rationally apply them to solve motor tasks in play and life situations. The development of motor activity is carried out in communication with adults and peers. To keep children interested in mastering the basic types of movement, classes have their own plot, are integrated, and allow communication with cognitive processes. So in the fall, children can pick leaves, mushrooms; in winter, "rabbit children" can frolic in the snow; in the spring, along with the animals, you can look for spring flowers. In the first year of study, children begin to master such types of movement as walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing. All classes are built on the basis of an individually differentiated approach as a system-forming means of improving children's health, which allows each child to perform exercises absolutely correctly, taking into account its characteristics, to pay attention to the quality of its implementation. This makes it possible in older preschool age to master complex types of basic movements faster. Toys serve as a stimulus for motor activity (catch the ball, crawl to the mushroom, catch a bunny, etc.)

Evaluation of the solution to a motor task allows you to transfer the child's pleasure from the procedural side of actions to the joy of what has been achieved. Babies have a huge number of temporary connections that are directly related to the formation of voluntary movements, which are formed by imitation. This ability helps them to quickly master the movements ("We are butterflies, chickens, forest animals") and forms a creative imagination. Positive emotions, emotionally intense activity are the main components of physical development. The introductory part of each lesson should give the child an emotionally stimulating attitude for the whole lesson: “You guys, smile, Everyone is behind me. Today we will go to the forest - And we will find the chanterelle there! "

During the development of motor functions, sound, rhythmic and speech stimuli are used. Of particular importance is a clear speech instruction, which normalizes mental activity, improves speech understanding, and enriches the vocabulary. All types of movements are also accompanied by a poetic text, since rhythm, rhyme - not only educate auditory attention and perception, but also organize the rhythm and tempo of movement. Performing certain movements, the child learns to pronounce them, connecting not only pronouncing, but also counting. From the second half of the year, some lessons should be conducted with music.

Emotional coloring of the conducted classes stimulates the desire of children to engage in physical activity, especially in inert, inactive children.

Each complex of the program uses breathing exercises. Correct breathing stimulates the work of the heart, brain and nervous system, contributes to the ability to manage oneself. In the classroom, much attention is paid to teaching the child to breathe through the nose.

When children master the basic types of movements, attention is paid to posture, the correct position of the body, head, maintaining balance, which contributes to the formation of an accurate motor skill, motor memory.

The program pays special attention to the development of fine motor skills in playing activities, finger games are used. Such classes are emotional, exciting, contribute to the development of speech and creative activity of children. Many games require both hands to develop spatial representations (up and down, back and front). Finger games, selected in the program, reflect the realities of the world around them - objects, animals, people, which is necessary for the development of the creative imagination of preschoolers.

Conclusions on the first chapter

In preschool age, the development of the child is dynamic and at the same time uneven, although in general at a relatively high rate. A characteristic feature of this age is significant individual differences in the rates of age development. This makes great demands on the pedagogical process, and especially on the activities of a physical education teacher in preschool institutions. To study the theory and methods of physical education of preschool children, knowledge about the age-related characteristics of the development of the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system, morphological and functional changes in the muscular system is important.


2.1 The role of play in the physical development of the child

A child is a growing and developing creature. His physical activity and giftedness, the acquired motor skills and dexterity determine his physical development. The importance of play in the physical development of a child can hardly be overestimated. In games, the emotional sphere, the child's motor activity, the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners develop, attention develops. Play has a big impact on children's desire to move, and physical skills are only improved through movement. Performing movements in play activities, kids enrich their motor experience, they develop such physical qualities as agility, speed, endurance. Due to the variety of movements in games, the child's entire body is involved in work: the heart rate increases, breathing deepens, metabolism increases, which generally heals him.

The theoretical foundations of play as the most important means of comprehensive education of children were laid by the research of such scientists as L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, E. P. Fleerina, E. A. Arkin ; later the game was devoted to the work of R. Ya. Lekhtman-Abramovich, N. M. Aksarina, A. P. Usova, V. P. Zalogina, T. A. Markova, P. F. Kapterev and others. The basic requirements for the direction of play in young children are also revealed in the works of N.M. Askarina, F.A.Fradkina, S.L. Novoselova, E.V. Zvorygina, and others.

Many preschool institutions work according to the basic general educational program "Tiny", edited by G. G. Grigorieva.

"Baby" is a program for raising a child from birth to three years old, which reveals the general patterns of human development at an early age and gives recommendations for the full development of a baby.

The program is designed in the spirit of the ideas of humanizing family and social education of young children. The program provides for a multilevel, individually differentiated approach to the child. The program is based on principles that recognize the child's right to be an individual. It is the development of personal qualities, such as independence, curiosity, initiative, that is central to the program. The main principles are respect for the child, attention to his needs, desires and interests, the development of his self-esteem, independence.

The program consists of several sections, covering the most important aspects of the development of infants and young children. Many of these sections are traditional for domestic programs: physical education, health protection and promotion, movement development, self-service skills, speech development. Other sections reflect new developments in the field of pedagogy (for example, the section on environmental education of young children).

For the first time in the framework of the upbringing program, a section on the psychological preparation of parents for the birth of a child is presented quite fully. In addition to traditional medical advice, it tells about the stages of intrauterine development of a child in an interesting and accessible form, emphasizing how important it is to communicate with the baby even before his birth.
The "Baby" program is a new generation program, undoubtedly necessary and useful for parents and educators.

The purpose of the program: creating conditions for the physical development of young children by means of play activities.

Preschool institutions have the following tasks:

Create conditions and environment favorable for the child's involvement in motor-play activities.

To contribute to the accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children, the development of physical qualities, the need for the motor activity of children in the joint organized activity of children and the teacher.

Ensure the continuity of social and family education in matters of physical development of young children.

Analysis of the physical development of children showed:

that the majority of children 68% have 2 health group

with I health group - 4 children, 16%

with II health group - 11 children, 68%

with III health group - 1 child 6%

56% walk confidently, climb elevated objects, and can overcome small obstacles; show a positive emotional attitude, interest in motor activity.

30% have not developed motor skills in climbing, jumping, poor working capacity, while performing exercises they act only by imitation.

Only 14% of children are active, independent, self-motivated, well-versed in space, can do physical exercises at the words of an adult.

To enrich the subject-spatial environment, you need to start with the replenishment of toys, manuals and equipment that contribute to the motor activity of children. All this must be arranged so that children can freely use carts, strollers, cars, balls, "health paths", non-traditional equipment, etc. Children are especially pleased with non-traditional equipment, which is very colorful and bright, in the manufacture of which a great contribution parents bring in. It is used not only in a group, but also on the street. In practice, we made sure that toys and aids for games (flags, balls, ribbons, etc.) should be bright, colorful, and have a variety of shapes.

The play space should be organized in such a way as to encourage children to play and children have the opportunity to play both individually and in a small group.

Changing the physical culture and playing environment in a group, it is necessary to use a very small number of simple aids, but arrange them in different ways. It was noticed that kids are happy to stretch on their toes to touch a ball or a rattle, play hide and seek with a bunny, or show the “cockerel” how to walk along the paths. To teach children to orient themselves better, it is necessary to change toys, gradually replenish them with new ones, coming up with interesting play exercises in order to achieve variety in their use.

Pay great attention to creating psychological comfort in the group:

To bring children closer together, to support positive relationships, use a variety of common games "Let's go to the forest", "Hen and chickens", "Parsley on a visit" and others. And within the framework of personality-oriented interaction, the following recommendations must be adhered to:

  • if the child does not cope with something, support his desire to achieve a result;
  • there is no need to assess the child (personality) negatively, this painfully hurts his pride, reproaches suppress initiative, give rise to self-doubt;
  • in case of failure, encourage the child, instill confidence in his strength ("You already know how to do a lot. I am sure that you will learn this too. See how it is done. Try again");
  • do not compare the failure of the child with the success of other children;
  • we must try not to enter into arguments with the child, but to help him cope with himself when he is stubborn;
  • give the child the right to choose what he will do, accepting and understanding the child's point of view.

In a group, observe the children, if necessary, provide assistance, provide each child with a place for movement, protect this space, reduce tension, stiffness, separation of children with a smile, encouragement. To awaken motor-play activity, use indirect methods of influence (play nearby, delicate connection to the game, questions, advice, address on behalf of the character, etc.) "We have pity on the bunny."

Joint organized activity of children and a teacher.

Physical education classes (SanPin should be carried out in a group, in a gym; 2 times a week with the use of musical accompaniment with the inclusion of game characters Bunny, Mishka, Solnyshko. Kids, overcoming various obstacles on the way to a fairy-tale hero, for example, a cat (step over a stream, fly on an airplane, ride a train, etc., rejoice when they find her with an unexpected surprise, such as rattles or sultans)

When organizing physical education classes, focus on the individual characteristics of each child and adhere to the following principles:

The principle of differentiation and individualization: unites children into subgroups and identifies children for individual lessons.

The principle of the microsociium - during physical education, the mental, intellectual capabilities of the child are activated, certain attitudes towards himself and others are formed in him;

The principle of optimality - physical and mental overload is not allowed, and physical exercises should have a stimulating effect on the child's body;

The principle of variability - not only physical exercises are used in the classroom, but conditions are also created for their implementation, affecting sensory sensations, speech, fine motor skills, intelligence;

The principle of the developmental orientation: cognitive activity, speech, attention, memory, psychophysical and coordination abilities develop by means of physical culture.

During the day, it is necessary to create conditions for active physical activity. To do this, you need to use a lot of round dances, games, fun, which are collected on the model of folk games. Kids are very fond of outdoor games and it is necessary to offer children different options for carrying out the same game. “Parsley is our guest” (to enrich the idea of ​​vegetables, a version of the game: next time Parsley can bring toys or fruits).

Morning exercises can be carried out in a playful way with objects (cubes, rattles, handkerchiefs, with wooden spoons, etc.) and without objects.

During the walk, it is necessary to organize outdoor games and physical exercises ("Catch Me", "Yellow Leaves", "Train") aimed at orienting children in space, developing the physical qualities of children. Developing educational situations "Get a bunny", "Go through a stream", "Chickens in the garden" are used.

Invigorating gymnastics (after a nap) is carried out with elements of self-massage, while it is necessary to teach children to knead their fingers, carrying out circular movements around each finger; intensive movement of the thumb back and forth, up and down, in a circle with the help of the artistic word "Magpie-white-sided", imitation of movements, comparisons "Eyes", "Goza-dereza"

Special breathing exercises ("Bubbles", "Blow on the boat", "That's how big we are", "Smell a flower", "Pipe", "Funnel" (create a funnel: blow into the water through a tube)).

Much attention is paid to the prevention of flat feet and the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the game situations "Along a flat path", "Magic boxes", "Health rug" "Horns", "Eyes", "Magpie white-sided" are used.

Fun games "Fly", "Turntables" Surprise games and game exercises "Hide and Seek", "Our legs have walked top-top-top ...", "My cheerful ringing ball", "Catch the ribbon", "Soap bubbles", etc. . contribute to the formation of independent motor activity of children;

To maintain the emotional mood of children, it is necessary to include folklore tunes, nursery rhymes, pestushki, jokes.

For example, consider "Jokes".

As the researchers of poetic folklore for little ones note, all the most important components of the game are combined in the nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes:

word creation, visualization, rhythm and instruction. Even more of these features are seen in jokes. Jokes differ from pestushki and nursery rhymes in that they are not associated with any game movements. But they have some kind of fairy tale plot. These works are intended for children of the 2nd - 3rd years of life, who have already accumulated certain ideas about the world. The baby's knowledge of the surrounding objects and phenomena is associated with his knowledge of man and human activity. That is why in folk works all animals act like people, their actions are evaluated from the point of view of human logic. For example:

Dog in the kitchen

He bakes pies.

Cat in the corner

Crackers are crushing.

Cat in the window

The dress is sewn.

Hen in boots

Sweeps the hut.

To enrich the play experience of children, the following techniques are used:

  • supporting the child's initiative, encouraging actions makes him want to repeat some exercise again (walk along wide and narrow paths, step over a leaf, catch up not only a big, but also a small ball, throw not only a bag of sand, but also a “snow lump "), and repeated repetition of movements improves the quality of their performance.
  • introduction of a playable character, enrichment of game plots. Taking into account the peculiarities of an early age, it is difficult for kids to accurately perform movements according to the teacher's word, we offer play situations that encourage the child to perform various movements, for example, the doll Katya rolls the ball, and now the ball will roll to Seryozha; or a cat is playing with mice, and now the children will be mice.

All work is planned in close cooperation with kindergarten specialists.

- the teacher-psychologist promotes the activation of the motor activity of children by psychological methods and means;

- physical education instructor - coordinates the work on the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

- musical director - includes elements of health-preserving technologies in jointly organized activities.

Funny outdoor games are our childhood. Who does not remember the invariable hide and seek, traps, tag. When did they arise? Who invented these games? There is only one answer to this question: they were created by the people, just like fairy tales and songs. I also use folk games in my classes such as: Geese-swans, blind man's buff, brood hen and chickens, etc. Playing blind man's buff teaches children to restrain their emotions, the child tries not to make any sounds, to move on tiptoes. Develops the game dexterity, hearing, dodging, improves the skills of orientation in space. Play is, according to a very common opinion, rest; it restores strength, entertains a person, renews him emotionally and physically. For the first time, folk games were created. KD Ushinsky wrote about their value: To come up with a child's game, that is, perhaps, one of the most difficult tasks of an adult ... In my work, I try to diversify games by adding new elements of a game that is already familiar to them, thereby complicating it. For example, in the game "Trap", the caught child will have to complete any sporting task - to run to a certain place, clap his hands and come back.

In play, the child does not learn to live, but lives his own life, learns from his own experience what is good and what is bad. Games for children are valuable in a pedagogical attitude, have a great influence on the correction of mental processes, character, development of moral feelings, physical strengthens the child. The game develops what the child will need in his adult life. Outdoor games are a source of joyful emotions with great educational power (Appendix B).

In his practice, the teacher tries to use outdoor games, while attracting more inactive children in order to promote the development of leadership and physical activity in an inactive child.

Play is the natural state of a child, his main occupation. Funny outdoor games are our childhood. But these truths are forgotten by many. Educators very rarely use outdoor games. This is due to the lack of time, wrong leadership. Sometimes teachers do not conduct outdoor games, as they consider it a waste of time. And therefore, children in older groups often play little, because they do not have the skills of independent play activity. Therefore, the role of the teacher should be diverse: the teacher should influence the content of the game, help children to implement their plans, regulate relationships. In no case should the teacher be indifferent to the play activities of children. Another problem is when play in the educational space is increasingly displacing classes.

So, there is no play among preschoolers - there is no interest in learning among schoolchildren. This truth is known to everyone, but in practice it is ignored. And this is understandable; I want to quickly "learn" to show the parents that the child already knows everything. It comes to the point that it happens that parents are against playing in preschool institutions, they consider them a waste of time. There is a transformation of public opinion: the rejection of the game in favor of learning. And unfortunately it is. The leading representatives of culture: G.A. Vinogradov, E.A.

2.2 Outdoor games as a means and method of physical developmentbaby

Recently, both in kindergarten and in the family, much attention has been paid to the sensory and mental development of children. However, it turned out that physical development for some reason faded into the background, although it is the high level of physical development of children that is one of the most important conditions for the successful psychological development of the younger generation. Freedom of movement is extremely important for children. Properly organized and age-appropriate physical education will help to diversify outdoor games for a walk. They help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the respiratory system of babies, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and improve cardiovascular activity.

When distributing games by day, week, month, etc. the educator plans to use a diverse motor material, its repetition and variability, providing a system for improving motor skills.

In the formation of a versatile personality, outdoor games are given the most important place, they are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a healing effect on the child's body.

In the game, he exercises a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activate respiration, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The health-improving effect of outdoor games is enhanced when held outdoors.

It is extremely important to consider the role of the growing tension, joy, intense feelings and continuing interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. A child's passion for play not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an irreplaceable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing constrains the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, consciously act in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the available motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and those of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting-rhymes, and play ideas. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious fulfillment forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline and justice are formed in the game. For outdoor games, the presence of moral content is characteristic. They foster goodwill, the desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, outdoor games are associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a feeling of freedom. Outdoor play teaches sincerity and camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality. Outdoor games favor the development of creativity in older preschool children. According to L.M. Korovina, children 6-7 years old can, with the appropriate guidance, come up with options for a game they are familiar with, complicate its content, and supplement the rules. In the future, children come up with short games based on plots of literary works, fairy tales, and at a higher level of intellectual and creative development, they can create outdoor games based on plots invented by them. The games improve the aesthetic perception of the world. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech, the beauty of the surrounding world, the sublimity of human feat, the heroism of labor, refracted by the child's fantasy in playful fairy-tale images, they enter deeper into the minds of children, are fixed as a role model, form their ideas about civic duty, honor, courage. Outdoor play prepares the child for work: children make play attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work activity.

Thus, outdoor games are necessary for the unity of psychophysical, intellectual, moral, emotional education; to achieve complete harmony with yourself and with the world around you; for the possibility of realizing freedom and choice of actions, which is necessary for high-quality training of children.

Physical education of preschoolers plays an important pedagogical role. It fosters a healthy mind in a preschooler, helps him in the future, to achieve success, to be physically prepared for difficulties. Physically educated preschoolers become healthy people and full-fledged citizens in society.

The special importance of outdoor games is that they are widely available to people of all ages. Outdoor games, despite the huge variety, reflect such common characteristics as the relationship of the players with the environment and knowledge of reality.

Conclusions of the second chapter

Among other ages, preschool age is especially important, since at this age the foundation is laid for the physical development, health and character of a person in the future.

It is difficult to draw a strictly fixed boundary between separate periods of childhood, but among other ages, preschool age is especially important. At this age, the foundation is laid for the physical development, health and character of a person in the future. In preschool age, the genetic characteristics of children are clearly outlined. This period of childhood is characterized by the gradual improvement of all functions of the child's body. A child of this age is extremely flexible. The influence of the muscular activity of the organism becomes even more important, since movement is a biological requirement of a growing organism.

The motor qualities of children are characterized by the genetic properties of the neuromuscular apparatus, at the same time they reflect the conditions of upbringing, the influence of the environment. This approach to the assessment of motor qualities allows us to understand the reasons for the uneven formation of motor abilities in children and the obligatory provision of appropriate conditions for their all-round physical development.

It is necessary to encourage the child's physical activity, since high energy consumption contributes not only to recovery, but also to accumulation, which is the main factor for ensuring the growth and development of the body.

Outdoor play is characterized as a multidimensional, complex in terms of impact, pedagogical means of education. Complexity is expressed in the formation of motor skills, the development and improvement of vital physical, mental and moral-volitional qualities.


3.1 Organization and research methods

To achieve this goal and the implementation of tasks, we conducted a study on the basis of MBDOU d / s No. 22, Meleuz.

Children of group No. 5 were examined in the amount of 21 people.

The purpose of the experiment is to prove that outdoor games are the most effective means of developing physical development in children.

Research objectives:

  1. To reveal the features of preserving the health of preschool children in conditions of physical education.
  2. Analyze the role of play in the physical development of a child.
  3. To study the influence of outdoor games on the physical development of a child.
  4. Conduct an empirical study of the influence of outdoor games on the physical development of a child.

Working on the theoretical part, we came to the conclusion that the formation of the child's physical development will depend on the systematic, planned work of the educator. Therefore, through the combined efforts of educators and parents, it is possible to form good physical fitness in children and a steady interest in physical culture.

The hypothesis of our research work assumes that the indicators of physical development will be higher if a system of outdoor games is carried out with children.

Research program:

Stage 1 Ascertaining experiment

Revealing the level of physical development of children

  • Babysitting
  • Chatting with children

Stage 2 Formative stage of the experiment

Stage 3 Control experiment

  • Babysitting
  • Chatting with children
  • Statistical data processing

3.2 Research results and analysis of the data obtained

  1. Ascertaining experiment

In order to identify the level of physical development, we conducted a study of the physical fitness of children according to the following criteria, which were developed in the studies of T.V. Antonova. (program "Origins"):

Health (A)

  1. Does he want to do interesting things, can he find them himself.
  2. Strives for contacts, shows goodwill in communication with adults and peers, adequacy in behavior, emotional responsiveness.
  3. Strive to master new things (obtaining information, games, ways of acting with various objects)

Manifestations in physical development (B)

  1. Maintains static balance (from 15 seconds), standing on the line (the heel of one leg is adjacent to the toe of the other leg).
  2. Throws up and catches the ball with two hands (10 times or more)
  3. Long jumps from a place, landing on both legs without losing balance.
  4. Runs freely, quickly and with pleasure, runs a distance of 30 meters from the start, deftly runs around objects encountered without touching them.
  5. Throws a tennis ball or any small ball, bump, snowball and other comfortable hand 5-8 meters.
  6. He has good control over his body, maintains the correct posture.
  7. The incidence of diseases is decreasing, they are relatively easy, without complications.
  8. Active, eats and sleeps well.
  9. Observes the rules of personal hygiene, exercises reasonable care in potentially dangerous situations.

We considered the assessment of physical fitness as a holistic process, organically combining constant observations of the child in the process of life and physical education. The importance of observing the motor activity of children, both in the process of independent activity and in organized forms of work, was explained by the fact that they made it possible to note the variety of types and methods of performing movements, took into account the peculiarities of the emotional - volitional and cognitive spheres of development. They also monitored children who were inactive, withdrawn, lagging behind in physical development, and, conversely, over hyperactive children with increased excitability. This analysis provided fairly objective information not only about the motor skills of individual children and groups.

We reflected the level of development of physical development in table 1.

Fitness levels
P / p No. FULL NAME. high level average level low level
1. Kuzmina L. 1
2. Osovik L. 1
3. Kozyreva S. 1
4. Lipunova M. 1
5. Zimin G. 1
6. A. 1
7. Plyukhina S. 1
8. Filkin Yu. 1
9. Gorbunova N. 1
10. Serebryakov A. 1
11. A. 1
12. Ilyasov D. 1
13. Kucherbaev Sh. 1
14. Ivanov G. 1
15. Sergeeva K. 1
16. Kravchenko I. 1
17. Zaichikova N. 1
18. Garifullina Z. 1
19. Latypova A. 1
20. Dyatlova S. 1
21. Zaripova G. 1

19% - 4 children have a high level of physical fitness

31% - 7 children have an average level,

and 50% - 10 children have a low level of physical fitness.

The research results are also shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 The level of physical fitness of children

In order to reveal the knowledge of children about outdoor games and their attitude to them, we held a conversation with children. The children were asked questions:

  1. What outdoor games do you know?
  2. What games can you play while walking and in a group?
  3. What games do you like to play more?
  4. What games do you play at home?
  5. What games do you think can be played at school and when?

But only 3 (13%) children know a lot of games and play both at home and in kindergarten. Six children (25%) think that it is possible to play outdoor games on the street, but they prefer to play Family or Mothers and Daughters.

The remaining twelve children (62%) find it difficult to say which games and where to play.

We reflected the answers of the children in table 2 and in figure 2

Of course, children need to be physically prepared, but not with the help of special activities. It is very important to form physical fitness with the help of outdoor games, because they are considered as the most important means of physical and all-round development of children.

  1. Formative experiment

Thus, we came to the conclusion that children do not have enough class time to consolidate their motor skills and therefore they need to play more with children, because in the game, the skills acquired in the lesson are consolidated and practiced.

Consequently, the indicators of physical development will be higher if a system of physical games and exercises is carried out with children.

Sufficient saturation of children's free time with outdoor games contributed to their general and all-round development. In addition, appropriately selected outdoor games, especially games in the air, contribute to health improvement, strengthening the child's body, hardening and thereby preventing diseases.

Correctly organized use of outdoor games contributed to the development of good physical fitness, initiative, imagination, independence in preschoolers, the development of basic hygienic skills, actively contributed to the formation of such socially valuable moral and volitional qualities of the individual as patriotism and internationalism, collectivism, purposefulness, perseverance, courage, determination ...

One of the ways to develop motor skills and abilities among preschoolers was the use of outdoor games. They have taken a leading place in meeting the biological needs of the preschooler in movement. It was in outdoor games that children got a unique opportunity to maximize their own activity and creativity, eliminate the deficit of movements, realize themselves and assert themselves, receiving a lot of joyful emotions and experiences.

The systematically conducted games formed character, will, brought up patriotic, international feelings. For the formation of physical development, we have developed a plan for outdoor games with children. By creating the plan, we aimed to increase the activity and overall performance in children; to the formation of motor skills and abilities; to the formation of interest in systematic physical exercise.

In games, we tried to develop the physical strength of children, intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative. Satisfying the natural cravings of children for physical activity, we aroused in them the joy of joint efforts, contributed to the strengthening of friendship and comradeship.

In games like "traps", children, running away, catching up, dodging, maximally mobilized their mental and physical strength, while they independently chose methods that ensure the effectiveness of game actions, improving psychophysical qualities.

Games that required inventing movements or instantly stopping the action on a game signal encouraged children to create individually and collectively (coming up with combinations of movements, imitating the movements of vehicles, animals).

In games such as "Freeze", "Stop", "The sea is worried," they demanded that the players stop moving at the appropriate signal, while the children had to keep their facial expressions and muscle tension in the body in such a position in which they were caught by the game signal. Spirituality and expressiveness of movements in such games were extremely important.

Ball games played a particularly important role.

Playing ball games: "Roll - do not drop", "Throw - catch", "Hit the ball", "Catch the ball", "Who is next", "Sharp and fast", "Trappers with the ball" developed coordination in children movements, forming a sense of rhythm in them.

Outdoor games:"Catchers with the ball", "The ball to catch up", "The ball under the bar", "Catch the ball", "Learn to control the ball"

Children, while playing, performed various manipulations with the ball: aiming, hitting, throwing, throwing, connecting movements with claps, various turns, etc. These games developed the eye, motor coordination functions, and improved the activity of the cerebral cortex. Bouncing the ball raised the mood, relieved aggression, helped to get rid of muscle tension, and caused pleasure in children.

Pleasure is freedom of movement from muscle tension.

Games with elements of competition required correct pedagogical guidance, which presupposes the observance of a number of conditions: each child who participated in the game must have good motor skills (climbing, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which they compete in the game. This principle was fundamental in relay games. The activity of children was objectively assessed when summing up the results of the game: it was necessary to assess the child's achievements in relation to himself, that is, his own achievements, because each child has its own characteristics, its own capabilities, determined by the state of health, sensory and motor experience.

Thus, playing and realizing various forms of activity, children learned about the world around them, themselves, their bodies, their capabilities, invented, created, while developing harmoniously and holistically.

The best use of the motor experience of children (when teaching physical exercises) was facilitated by the formation of the creative orientation of their activity when teaching physical exercises in outdoor games.

The beauty of movement manifested itself in perfect physical control that allows the body to dominate space and time.

And, finally, by playing, the children satisfied their natural need for movement. It is known that when the need for movement is satisfied, the free power of imagination can develop.

Searching for solutions to certain motor problems in outdoor games, children acquired knowledge on their own. The knowledge gained by one's own efforts was assimilated deliberately and was more firmly imprinted in the memory. The solution of various problems gave birth to children's confidence in their own strength, caused joy from independent small discoveries.

With the skillful guidance of the educator by the outdoor game, the creative activity of children was successfully formed: they came up with versions of games, new plots, more complex game tasks.

Each player had to know his task and, in accordance with it, fulfill an imaginary role in the proposed situation. Entering the role formed in children the ability to imagine themselves in the place of another, to mentally reincarnate into him; allowed to experience feelings that in everyday life situations may not be available. Since the game includes active movements, and movement presupposed the practical development of the real world, it provided continuous research, a constant influx of new information.

To teach children to play outdoor games, we read and analyzed fiction, memorized counting rhymes.

They were aimed at forming a conscious attitude to physical education and sports.

No less important in the formation and physical development of a child is the independent motor activity of children during the day. When they study on their own, children focus their attention on actions leading to the achievement of a fascinating goal. In order to achieve its successful implementation, children change their methods of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate.

Observing children in independent motor activity, we offered children the correct way of action so as not to delay useless efforts, and, on the contrary, provided independence in solving a game problem or even made the task more difficult in order to induce useful physical and mental efforts.

They also used elements of sports games - volleyball, basketball, table tennis. They led children to learn the rules of these games and to master some of the simplest elements in order to physically prepare children for sports. Having mastered the correct techniques, the children were able to organize games with competition on their own. Observing the course of the game, we made the necessary adjustments.

An important place in the independent activity of children was occupied by outdoor games and games with rules. While playing, we developed creative initiative, organizational skills, developed criteria for assessing the behavior of participants and the implementation of the rules, contributed to the rapprochement of children.

By offering children outdoor games, our task was to teach children to play independently and with pleasure. Children were given an idea of ​​the content of the game, the sequence of play actions, the location of the players and attributes, the rules of the game. We asked one or two clarifying questions to make sure the guys got it right. Most of the time was given to specific play actions of children. At the end of the game, the actions of those guys who showed certain qualities were positively assessed: courage, dexterity, endurance, comradely mutual assistance.

In the process of developing physical fitness of children, the following forms of work with children and their parents were used: they held sports events and evenings of leisure, consultations for parents on the physical education of children, selected materials for parents, which were reflected in folders - transfers, created a library for parents on physical preparing children. We reviewed children's physical activity, recommended parenting literature on physical fitness for children, and recommended games for parents to play with their children and teach them how to play on their own.

Every month we spent leisure evenings with the children, based on the outdoor games already familiar to children. With the help of evenings of leisure, we developed in children the ability to use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to teach them to take initiative in various types of activity. In the process of playing, the children performed the movements learned in physical culture lessons. The children really liked all the evenings of leisure, they were looking forward to the next evening of leisure. And observing the children in the process of playing, we saw that the children were able to organize the game themselves, played it very excitingly and followed all the rules.

In order to help children fall in love with active games and physical exercises, we held a game-competition with the graduates of the kindergarten "Merry Starts". We tried to make the guys strive to improve their achievements, while showing endurance, courage, initiative and decisiveness. The achievement of our goal was facilitated by such games as "Water", "Squirrel with nuts", "Cuttlefish", "Gorodki". By playing these games, children developed a readiness for any activity, if it brings joy. This joy was associated with the implementation of the rules of the game, the development of new movements, roles, the development of dexterity and speed of movements. Initially, children were offered familiar games ("Fisherman and Fish", "Gorodki") or new, but simple outdoor games (for example, Kapkany) or organized team competitions. Each game, such as "Artists", "Vodocherpalka", "Aquarius", in which the bitterness of defeat was not perceived by children as a personal failure. After many children felt that if you focus and try hard you can win. We taught children to be generous to the losers, to treat rivals with respect, to be fair and honest. The children were very pleased with the "Merry Starts", they got a lot of positive emotions, because as a result of the competition between preschoolers, friendship won.

To do this, we solved the issues of raising a healthy child in close contact with parents, because the foundations of children's physical health are laid in the family. Without family help, the physical training of children organized in a preschool institution cannot be successful. Therefore, we tried to give parents a complete picture of the dynamics of physical development and the state of health of their child. In planning such work, a questionnaire was of great help. .

In order for the work on the use of outdoor games to be more successful, we have connected parents to help.

In November, we held a parents' meeting on the topic: "Health is our common concern." (Appendix B)

We told parents about the state of health of preschoolers, and about the interaction between the kindergarten and the family. A nurse was invited to the meeting, and she told the parents about the physical activity of children and the way to increase it - outdoor games. We believe that the parent meeting went well, and the parents agreed to come to the kindergarten in the future and take part in joint activities with the children.

During the New Year holidays, we held a “Day of Health” with the aim of promoting the health of children, preventing their fatigue. For this day, we have canceled all training sessions. The motor regime of children was supplemented with games, musical and sports entertainment, physical education.

When organizing the "Day of Health" (Appendix D) in kindergarten, work with parents was of great importance. In advance, we placed an announcement about the upcoming Health Day in the information corner and invited parents to take part in some activities (a walk to the stadium of a nearby school to get acquainted with the school grounds). And, as practice has shown, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among parents contributed to the fact that parents began to try to pay more attention to their health and the health of their children: they began to engage in physical education with them and enrolled children in sports sections.

Because in February, our country celebrates the "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland", we decided to hold a holiday with the dads "Knight's Tournament" (Appendix D).
The sports festival has become a great event for children and adults. The holiday was interesting and exciting. We created a cheerful, joyful mood in children and parents, stimulated the activity of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics and capabilities, provided an opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of pleasure from the games performed, as well as joy from the successes of his comrades.

Conducting a consultation on the topic "Raising Children Healthy" in March, we set ourselves the goal: to give parents knowledge about the physical development of children, to tell them about physical education in kindergarten. They told the parents that sufficient time is allocated to physical exercise and outdoor games in the preschool institution during the day:

- Morning exercises - 8 - 10 minutes;

- Physical education minutes - 2 - 3 minutes;

- Physical education classes - 15 - 30 minutes;

- Outdoor games - 20 - 30 minutes;

- Physical education (2 times a month) - 20 - 30 minutes;

- Physical culture holidays (2-3 times a year) - 30 - 90 minutes; and also that raising the need for children to move daily, to do physical exercises from an early age, one can lay solid foundations for good health, harmonious development of the child.

Parents were asked to engage in outdoor and sports games in their daily life all the time.

During the year, we have created a thematic folder for parents - the "Sports Corner at Home". She helped answer such questions of parents as: "How to raise a child active and dexterous, courageous and resourceful?" "How can you help him prepare for school and life among other people?" "How to organize physical education in the family?"

We explained to parents that there are many ways to ensure the physical development of children and physical activity of children: joint outdoor games and physical exercises, hardening, exercises, classes in sports clubs, family tourism, etc. But the most optimal results in the physical development of a child are 5-7 years at home can be achieved by combining joint outdoor games with classes at the home health and fitness center, which includes a variety of sports equipment and simulators. At the same time, the child will receive a unique opportunity for self-training and self-study, regardless of the schedule of the sports section, weather conditions, the mood of peers-partners in games, the availability of free time for parents. They talked about how to organize a game using a sports home complex, gave examples of games:

"Hit the target" or "Hunting Indians on the prairie", "Catch-throw, don't let fall!", "Who's faster to the flag", "Squirrels in the forest"

Thus, the holding of joint sports events helped parents and children begin to engage in physical education and a healthy lifestyle, developed physical qualities and skills and, which is especially valuable, contributed to the self-realization of everyone and the mutual enrichment of everyone.

  1. Control experiment

The results of the conducted formative experiment were investigated by us in the third, final stage - the control experiment.

In the control experiment, we set ourselves the task: to determine the degree of effectiveness of outdoor games in the formation of the child's physical development. The results obtained indicate their positive effect on older preschool children. Based on the generalization of the materials of the statement, we conducted a repeated study of the level of physical development of the child. For the control experiment, we used the same techniques, i.e. first, we had a conversation with the children about outdoor games, then we identified the level of physical fitness of the children.

  • Babysitting
  • Chatting with children
  • Statistical data processing

In order to identify the level of physical readiness of children after the work with children, we again conducted a study of the physical fitness of children according to the same criteria as in the ascertaining experiment.

The research results are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 3.

Fitness levels
FULL NAME. high level average level low level
Kuzmina L. 1
Osovik L. 1
Kozyreva S. 1
Lipunova M. 1
Zimin G. 1
A. 1
Plyukhina S. 1
Filkin Yu. 1
Gorbunova N. 1
Serebryakov A. 1
A. 1
Ilyasov D. 1
Kucherbaev Sh. 1
Ivanov G. 1
Sergeeva K. 1
Kravchenko I. 1 1
Garifullina Z. 1
Latypova A. 1 1
Dyatlova S. 1
Zaripova G. 1

Fig. 3 The level of physical fitness of children

We analyzed the results and got the data:

25% - 4 children have a high level of physical fitness

62% - 14 children have an average level,

and 13% - 3 children have a low level of physical fitness.

In order to identify the knowledge of children about outdoor games and their attitude to them, we conducted a conversation with children (table 4).

We reflected the children's answers in Table 4 and Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Results of the control experiment (conversation with children)

After analyzing the answers, we got the following data:

All children love outdoor games and want to play.

Six children (25%) can organize the game themselves, both in a group and for a walk.

Twelve (62%) already know a lot of games and play both at home and in kindergarten.

Of these, only three children (13%) find it difficult to say which games and where to play.

Analysis: thus, it turns out that all children began to understand the meaning of outdoor games, know them and will be able to organize the game on their own.

Conclusions on the practical side

Comparing the results of the ascertaining and control experiment, we found out that the level of physical fitness of children increased in comparison with the results of the ascertaining experiment. This means that the work planned and carried out by us turned out to be effective. The final results in terms of indicators of the level of physical fitness of children are presented in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5. The final results of the ascertaining and control experiments

We see that the indicators have improved significantly, the low level of 50% decreased to 13%, the average level of physical fitness of children increased from 31% to 62%, the high level of physical fitness of children increased from 19 to 25%.

It can be concluded that outdoor games really serve as a means of forming the physical fitness of children.

And as practice has shown, the physical development of a child is successfully formed under the condition of close interaction between teachers and parents. Therefore, parents and educators working with older preschool children should be given advice on the benefits of physical activity of children, joint games with children, because games bring together, strengthen the emotional bond between parents and children.


This work has considered: the physical development of preschool children; the role of outdoor games in the physical development of preschoolers. The experience of using outdoor games in MDOU for the physical development of preschoolers has been studied.

Summarizing scientific and practical data, the theory of physical education reveals the essence of the tasks that must be solved in the process of physical education, determines the fundamental approaches, effective means and methods for the implementation of these tasks, identifies and develops the optimal forms of building the process of physical development in relation to the main stages of age-related development of the child and the conditions of his life.

The sooner the child realizes the need for his direct involvement in the riches of physical culture, the sooner an important need will form in him, reflecting a positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life.

Thus, a reasonable choice of content and methods for the development of physical qualities is an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of physical education.

The correct organization of the child's motor activity in everyday life contributes to the improvement of his psychophysical health.

Improvement of motor skills in everyday life provides conditions for the activation of independent motor activity of the child. It is the child's independent and creative use of motor experience in physical exercises and outdoor games for a walk that contributes to the development of personal and psychophysical qualities; increases interest in motor activity, activates the mental and emotional spheres. The organization of motor activity should take place in a friendly, joyful atmosphere.

Outdoor games are an irreplaceable means of replenishing knowledge and ideas about the world around them, developing thinking, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When carrying out an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. In the course of the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation, improvement, but also the formation of new personality traits. An active game with rules is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to Lesgaft's definition, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts. The specificity of the outdoor game consists in the child's lightning-fast, instant reaction to the signal: "Catch!", "Stop!", "Run!"

The preschooler realizes freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of forming physical readiness for learning at school. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child's all-round development.

Thus, playing and realizing various forms of activity, children learn about the world around them, themselves, their bodies, invent, create, and at the same time develop harmoniously and holistically.

Outdoor games and physical exercises are carried out by the teacher at different times of the day in accordance with the generally accepted regime: in the morning, in the middle of the day and on an evening walk.

When distributing games by day, week, month, etc. the educator plans to use a diverse motor material, its repetition and variability, providing a system for improving motor skills.

When drawing up a calendar plan for outdoor sports games and physical exercises, one should take into account the time of the year, the state of the weather, the need for a variety of movements and motor actions. The teacher pays special attention to the development of the child's independence and creativity in his motor activity during a walk, due to which the child develops initiative, increases self-organization skills, creates optimal conditions for self-expression, improving psychophysical and personal qualities.

Play is one of the most important means of physical education for children. It contributes to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child. All-round physical development of the child is ensured with the help of outdoor games.

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective complex solution of health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks.

Active movement, conditioned by the content of the game, evokes positive emotions in children and enhances all physiological processes.

Situations on the playground, which are constantly changing, teach children to use motor skills and abilities appropriately, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities are naturally manifested - speed of reaction, dexterity, eye, balance, skills of spatial orientation.

Outdoor games broaden the general outlook of children, stimulate the use of knowledge about the world around them, human actions, animal behavior; replenish vocabulary; improve mental processes.


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