Uniforms and insignia of civil servants of the central office and territorial bodies of the Rosselkhoznadzor (2012). On the approval of the rules for wearing uniforms for state inspectors of the central office and territorial

font size

ORDER of Rosselkhoznadzor dated 09/13/2007 206 ON APPROVAL OF THE RULES FOR WEARING UNIFORM CLOTHING FOR STATE INSPECTORS ... Actual in 2018

III. Insignia officials Rosselkhoznadzor

16. As insignia for class ranks for federal government civil servants Federal Service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision (hereinafter referred to as employees, Rosselkhoznadzor), shoulder signs are installed.

The shoulder marks are a quadrangle with parallel sides and a rounded top edge. Sizes of shoulder marks: length 14 - 16 cm (for women - 12 - 14 cm), width 4 cm.

Shoulder badges of actual state advisers of the Russian Federation and state advisers of the Russian Federation are made of special weaving braid, shoulder badges of state advisors civil service Of the Russian Federation, assistants of the state civil service of the Russian Federation and secretaries of the state civil service of the Russian Federation with a smooth field. The color of the shoulder markings field is set to dark gray.

On the field of shoulder marks are:

The real state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 3 embroidered emblems of the Rosselkhoznadzor;

The real state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class - 2 embroidered emblems of the Rosselkhoznadzor;

The active state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class service - 1 embroidered emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

On the field of shoulder signs for advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation and referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation - there are three, two or one transverse strips of silver color 5-7 mm wide and 1 - 3 metal stars with a diameter of 20 mm in silver color with a silver shine between rays. There is a star in the center of the star smaller, filled with green enamel. The bottom strip is located at a distance of 10 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder plate, the distance between the strips is 5 mm:

The advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 3 stripes and 3 stars;

The advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation have 2 classes - 3 stripes and 2 stars;

The advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation have 3 classes - 3 stripes and 1 star;

The referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 2 stripes and 3 stars;

The referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of 2 classes - 2 stripes and 2 stars;

The referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation have 3 classes - 2 stripes and 1 star.

The stars on the shoulder signs are located along the longitudinal axis of the shoulder signs. All shoulder insignia have green edging on all sides except the bottom. In the upper part of the shoulder signs there is a uniform button with a diameter of 14 mm, on the removable shoulder signs under the button there is a silver emblem (small) of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Shoulder signs are made of two types: sewn on - for winter coats for men and women, suits for men and women; removable - for other items uniforms.

17. To distinguish employees in the line of duty on representative, official and special uniforms, the wearing of the sleeve insignia of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor in the form of a green outline shield on a dark gray field with the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor depicted on it in the form of a silver image is established a two-headed eagle crowned with three crowns united by a ribbon, supporting with its paws a rectangular shield sharpening from top to bottom on its chest dark green... The shield contains a silvery image of a pillar of laws superimposed on two crossing ears golden color... Above the emblem there is a silvery inscription "Rosselkhoznadzor".

The sleeve badge is sewn on the outside of the left sleeve at a distance of 80 mm from the top point of the sleeve to the badge.

18. Service badge - 70 x 90 in size, made of gold-colored metal and is a figured shield with semicircular cutouts in the lower part. The main color of the shield is green. The shield depicts the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor. Under the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor there is an image of a red ribbon with the inscription "Rosselkhoznadzor" in golden letters. At the bottom of the service badge serial number character, consisting of five digits, of which the first two digits are separated from the following by a "-".

19. The civilian cockade is a convex silver rosette round shape with corrugated surface and serrated edges, with two concentric circles, medium - of blue color and the inner color is red.

20. Silver-colored metal buttons with the image of the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor. The buttons are available in two sizes: 22 and 14 mm.

Document's name:
Document Number: 578
Type of document: Rosselkhoznadzor order
Host body: Rosselkhoznadzor
Status: Inactive
Date of adoption: September 29, 2014
Effective date: 04 January 2015
Expiration date: 04 January 2016

On the lists of positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, posts subordinate ...



On the lists of positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, territorial bodies Of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, positions subordinate to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, when appointing to which citizens and in whose replacement are federal state civil servants and employees of these organizations are required to submit information about their income, property and property obligations, as well as information about income, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children

Abolished from January 4, 2016 on the basis of
Rosselkhoznadzor order of December 1, 2015 N 870

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 52, Art. 6228; 2011, N 29, Art. 4291, N 48, Art. 6730; 2012, N 50, Art. 6954, N 53, Art. 7605; 2013, N 19, Art. 2329, N 40, Art. 5031, N 52, Art. 6961), pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 year N 557 "On approval of the list of positions of the federal public service, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which federal civil servants are required to submit information on their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, property and property obligations their spouses and minor children "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 21, Article 2542; 2012, No. 4, Article 471; No. 14, Article 1616; 2014, No. 27, Article 3754), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2013 N 309 "On measures for the implementation of separate x provisions of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 14, Art. 1670, N 23, Art. 2892, N 28, Art. 3813, N 49, Art. 6399; 2014, N 30, Art.4286)

I order:

1. To approve:

1.1. The list of positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which, federal state civil servants are required to submit information on their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, property and property obligations of their spouses and minor children, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order.

1.2. The list of positions of the federal state civil service of the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which federal state civil servants are required to provide information on their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, on property and property obligations of their spouses and minor children, in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.

1.3. The list of positions subordinate to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which employees are required to submit information about their income, property and property obligations , as well as information on income, property and property obligations of their spouses (spouse) and minor children, in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order.

2. To recognize as invalid the orders of the Rosselkhoznadzor:

- dated April 7, 2010 N 110 "On the submission by citizens applying for positions of the federal state civil service of Rosselkhoznadzor and its territorial departments, and federal state civil servants of Rosselkhoznadzor and its territorial departments of information on income, property and property obligations" (registered By the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 14, 2010, registration N 17811);

- dated September 20, 2013 N 472 "On approval of the List of positions in organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, when appointing to which citizens and when replacing which employees are required to submit information about their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 7, 2013, registration N 30325).

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

S. Dankvert

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 8, 2014
registration N 35101

Appendix No. 1. List of positions of the federal state civil service of the Federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which federal state civil ...

Appendix N 1

The list of positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which, federal state civil servants are required to submit information on their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, property and property obligations of their spouses and minor children

Main job group

Main job group

Head of Department of the Federal Service

Deputy Head of Department of the Federal Service

Main job group

Main job group

Assistant to the Head of the Federal Service

Leading position group

Leading position group

Head of department in the management of the Federal Service

Deputy head of department in the management of the Federal Service

4. Separate positions of the federal state civil service of the central office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance

4.1. Department of Veterinary Surveillance in Foreign Trade Operations and Transport

Chief Specialist-Expert of the Department of Veterinary Control in Foreign Trade Operations and Transport

Leading specialist-expert of the Department of Veterinary Control in Foreign Trade Operations and Transport

Chief Specialist-Expert of the Department for Supervision of the Circulation of Medicines for Veterinary Use

Leading specialist-expert of the Department of Supervision of the Circulation of Medicines for Veterinary Use

4.2. Department of Land Supervision, Legal and Information Support

Chief specialist-expert of the Department of Legal Support

4.3. Department of Finance and Operations Support

Chief Specialist-Expert of the Planning and Economic Department

Leading specialist-expert of the Planning and Economic Department

Chief Specialist-Expert of the Internal Financial Control Department

Leading specialist of the 3rd category of the Department of Internal Financial Control

Leading Specialist-Expert of the Funding Department

Chief Specialist-Expert of the Department for Procurement and Economic Activities

Leading specialist of the 3rd category of the Department for Procurement and Economic Activities

4.4. Internal Veterinary Surveillance Department

Chief Specialist-Expert of the Laboratory Control Department

Appendix N 2. List of positions of the federal state civil service of territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which federal ...

Appendix N 2

The list of positions of the federal state civil service of the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which federal state civil servants are required to provide information on their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, on property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children

I. Positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance at the interregional level

Main job group

Main job group

Deputy Head of Territorial Administration

Leading position group

Leading position group

Leading position group

Leading position group

Leading position group

Senior position group

Senior position group

Chief specialist-expert

Leading specialist expert

Specialist expert

State inspector

Senior position group

Senior position group

Senior specialist of the 1st category *

Senior Specialist 2 category *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Senior Specialist 3 grade *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Junior group of positions

Junior group of positions

Specialist of the 1st category *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Specialist of the 2nd category *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Specialist 3 grade *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

II. Positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision in the subject of the Russian Federation

Main job group

Main job group

Head of Territorial Administration

Leading position group

Leading position group

Deputy Head of Territorial Administration

Head of the Department of Territorial Administration

Deputy Head of the Department of Territorial Administration

Leading position group

Leading position group

Assistant to the head of the territorial administration

Leading position group

Leading position group

Chief State Inspector

Senior position group

Senior position group

Chief specialist-expert

Leading specialist expert

Specialist expert

Senior State Inspector

State inspector

Senior position group

Senior position group

Senior specialist of the 1st category *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Senior Specialist 2 category *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Senior Specialist 3 grade *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Junior group of positions

Junior group of positions

Specialist of the 1st category *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Specialist of the 2nd category *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Specialist 3 grade *
* Positions, the performance of official duties for which provides for: the implementation of permanently, temporarily or in accordance with special powers of the functions of a representative of the government or organizational and administrative or administrative and economic functions; provision of public services to citizens and organizations; implementation of control and supervisory activities; preparation and adoption of decisions on the distribution of budgetary allocations, subsidies, interbudgetary transfers, as well as the distribution of a limited resource (quotas, frequencies, subsoil plots, etc.); state property management; implementation of public procurement or issuance of licenses and permits; storage and distribution of material and technical resources.

Appendix N 3. List of positions subordinate to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, at ...

Appendix N 3

The list of positions subordinate to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which employees are required to submit information about their income, property and property obligations , as well as information about income, property and property obligations of their spouses and minor children

I. Federal state budgetary institutions

1. Director.

2. Deputy Director.

3. Chief accountant.

II. Federal state unitary enterprises

1. Leader.

2. Deputy Head.

3. Chief accountant.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:

Russian newspaper,
N 293, 24.12.2014

On the lists of positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, positions subordinate to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance , upon appointment to which citizens and upon whose replacement federal state civil servants and employees of these organizations are required to submit information about their income, property and property obligations, as well as information about income, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children (invalidated from 01/04/2016 on the basis of Rosselkhoznadzor order of 12/01/2015 N 870)

Document's name: On the lists of positions of the Federal State Civil Service of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, positions subordinate to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance , upon appointment to which citizens and upon whose replacement federal state civil servants and employees of these organizations are required to submit information about their income, property and property obligations, as well as information about income, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children (invalidated from 01/04/2016 on the basis of Rosselkhoznadzor order of 12/01/2015 N 870)
Document Number: 578
Type of document: Rosselkhoznadzor order
Host body: Rosselkhoznadzor
Status: Inactive
Published: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 293, 24.12.2014
Date of adoption: September 29, 2014
Effective date: 04 January 2015
Expiration date: 04 January 2016

Rosselkhoznadzor / Regulations

federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision

Territorial administrations ... TU on Altai Territory and the Altai Republic TU for the Amur region TU for the Belgorod region TU for the Bryansk and Smolensk regions TU for Vladimir region TU for the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions TU for Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions TU for the Trans-Baikal Territory TU for Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia TU for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania TU for the Kaliningrad region TU for the Kaluga region TU for the Kamchatka Territory and the Chukotka AO TU for Kirov region and the Udmurt Republic TU for the Kostroma and Ivanovo regions TU for the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea TU for Krasnoyarsk Territory TU for the Kurgan region TU for the Magadan region TU for the Murmansk region TU for the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Mari El TU for the Novgorod and Vologda regions TU for the Novosibirsk region TU for the Omsk region TU for the Orenburg region TU for the Oryol and Kursk regions TU on Perm Territory TU for the Primorsky Territory and Sakhalin Region TU for the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva and the Kemerovo Region TU for the Republic of Bashkortostan TU for the Republic of Dagestan TU for the Republic of Ingushetia TU for the Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk Region and Nenetsky JSC TU for the Komi Republic TU for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol TU for the Republic of Mordovia and the Penza region TU for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) TU for the Republic of Tatarstan TU for Rostov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and the Republic of Kalmykia TU for the Ryazan and Tambov regions TU for Samara region TU for St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Pskov regions TU for Saratov region TU on Sverdlovsk region TU for the Stavropol Territory and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic TU for the Tver Region TU for the Tomsk Region TU for the Tyumen Region, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk AO TU on Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region of TU on Chelyabinsk region TU for the Chechen Republic TU for the Chuvash Republic and Ulyanovsk Region TU for the Yaroslavl Region


This section contains current versions of regulatory legal acts (laws, orders, decrees, decisions The Supreme Court RF, etc.), which are of interest to specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and phytosanitary.

Additional information You can get it by asking a question in the "Electronic reception" section.

Order of September 13, 2007 N 206

"On approval of the rules for wearing uniforms for state inspectors of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor"

Section I.

On the approval of the rules for wearing uniforms for state inspectors of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor

In accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 327 ("Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 2004, July 15; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 33, Art. 3421 ; 2006, N 22, Art. 2337; 2006, N 26, Art. 2846; 2006, N 48, Art. 5035; 2006, N 52 (part III), Art. 5587), I order:

1. To approve and put into effect the Rules for wearing uniforms for state inspectors of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor in accordance with the appendix to this Order.

2. I reserve control over the execution of this Order.

Section II.

Rules for wearing uniforms for state inspectors of the central office and territorial bodies of the Rosselkhoznadzor

Basic Provisions

1. These Rules for the wearing of uniforms for state inspectors of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor are developed in accordance with the Regulation on the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 327.

2. Federal state civil servants of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor who fill the positions of the federal state civil service "Deputy Head of the Federal Service", "Chief State Inspector", "Senior State Inspector", "State Inspector" have the right to wear uniforms.

3. These Rules are binding on all federal state civil servants of the central office and territorial bodies of the Rosselkhoznadzor specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules (hereinafter referred to as employees).

4. All uniforms must comply with established patterns and descriptions, be carefully fitted and be kept in perfect condition.

5. The uniform of employees is established:

  • representative (weekend) dress code;
  • service uniform;
  • special (field) uniform.
  • Each of these forms is subdivided into summer and winter.

    6. The uniform of the Rosselkhoznadzor employees is worn:

    6.1. Representative (weekend) uniform - upon receipt of state awards; on holidays; at solemn or anniversary meetings; at official receptions.

    It is allowed to wear a representative (weekend) uniform while on vacation, on weekends, as well as during free time from service on other days.

    6.2. Service uniform - on duty and in free time from service.

    6.3. Special (field) uniform - on duty in special conditions.

    7. Dress code for male employees:

    7.1. Executive (weekend) dress code:

    • summer - cap dark gray (for employees the highest group positions - light gray) color, dark gray suit (for employees of the highest group of positions - light gray), white shirt, black tie, black low shoes;
    • winter - a fur hat with earflaps, a dark gray winter coat with fur collar(the fur of the collar must match the fur of the headdress), a dark gray scarf or a dark gray comforter, a dark gray suit (for employees of the highest group of positions - light gray), a white shirt, a black tie, men's boots (half boots) black, black gloves.

    7.2. Service uniform:

    • summer - a dark gray cap or a dark gray garrison cap, a dark gray suit, a gray-blue shirt, a black tie, black low shoes;
    • winter - a fur hat with earflaps, a dark gray winter coat with a fur collar (the fur of the collar must match the fur of the headdress), a dark gray scarf or a dark gray comforter, a dark gray suit, a gray-blue shirt, a tie black, boots (ankle boots) for men in black, gloves are black.

    7.3. Special (field) dress code:

    • winter - a fur hat with earflaps, a special insulated dark gray suit or a special insulated dark gray fur suit, a dark gray scarf, a special summer dark gray suit jacket, special boots with high berets winter black, high boots, gloves special black, fur mittens.

    7.4. It is allowed to wear:

    v summer time:

    • - a casual dark gray jacket with dark gray trousers with a shirt gray-blue, a black tie, a dark gray cap or a dark gray garrison cap;
    • - a white or gray-blue shirt with long or short sleeves, a black tie with dark gray trousers, a dark gray cap or a dark gray garrison cap;
    • with a summer uniform in cold weather, and with a winter uniform in warm weather - a dark gray raincoat with a cap.

    8. Dress code of women - employees:

    8.1. Executive (weekend) dress code:

    • summer - a dark gray pill-hat (for employees of the highest group of positions - light gray), a dark gray suit (for employees of the highest group of positions - light gray), white blouse, black tie, black shoes;
    • winter - a Kubanka fur hat, a dark gray winter coat with a fur collar (the fur of the collar must match the fur of the headdress), a dark gray scarf or a dark gray comforter, a dark gray suit (for employees of the highest group of positions - light - gray) color, white blouse, black tie, black women's winter boots, black gloves.

    8.2. Service uniform:

    • summer - a dark gray pill-hat or a dark gray garrison cap, a dark gray suit, a gray-blue blouse, a black tie, black shoes;
    • winter - a Kubanka fur hat, a dark gray winter coat with a fur collar (the fur of the collar must match the fur of the headdress), a dark gray scarf or a dark gray comforter, a dark gray suit, a gray-blue blouse, a tie black, women's winter boots are black, gloves are black.

    8.3. Special (field) dress code:

    • summer - a dark gray garrison cap, a special summer dark gray suit, special black low shoes or special boots with black high ankle boots;
    • winter - a Kubanka fur hat, a special insulated dark gray suit or a special insulated dark gray fur suit, a dark gray scarf, a field jacket summer suit dark gray, special winter boots with high ankle boots, high fur boots, special black gloves, fur mittens.

    8.4. It is allowed to wear:

    in summer time:

    • - a casual dark gray jacket with a dark gray skirt or trousers with a gray-blue blouse, a black tie, a dark gray garrison cap;
    • - a gray-blue or white blouse with long or short sleeves, a black tie with a dark gray skirt or dark gray trousers, a dark gray garrison cap;
    • with a summer uniform in cold weather, and with a winter uniform in warm weather - a dark gray raincoat with a pill hat.

    9. For the uniforms of employees, a dark gray color is established, for representative suits of employees of the highest group of positions - a light gray color.

    10. In a representative (weekend) uniform, a jacket (jacket) is worn with orders, medals or strips with ribbons of orders, medals, as well as badges.

    In an official uniform, strips with ribbons of orders, medals and badges are worn on the jacket (jacket).

    • - wearing uniforms, shoes and insignia of unidentified samples;
    • - wearing badges on the uniform that are not provided for employees of the Rosselkhoznadzor;
    • - wearing uniforms by persons who are not entitled to them;
    • - mixing of items of uniform for summer and winter, as well as uniform and civil.

    Description of the uniform of officials of the Rosselkhoznadzor

    12. The uniform consists of the following items:

    12.1. Male set:

    • - a suit (jacket, trousers) made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - a suit (jacket, trousers) for employees of the highest group of positions from fabric light gray with sewing on the collar, with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - shirt made of white or gray-blue fabric with long sleeves with shoulder signs;
    • - shirt made of white or gray-blue fabric with short sleeves with shoulder signs;
    • - a hat with earflaps made of black astrakhan fur for employees of the highest group of positions with a badge;
    • - a hat with earflaps made of tsigeyka fur in dark gray color for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions with a badge;
    • - a cap of light gray color for employees of the highest group of positions with sewing on the band and visor and a badge;
    • - a cap of dark gray color for employees of the highest group of positions with sewing on a band and a badge;
    • - a cap of dark gray color for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions with a badge;
    • - black low shoes for summer and autumn;
    • - boots (ankle boots) for men, winter (with fur), black;
    • - high fur boots;
    • - black tie;
    • - black gloves;
    • - fur mittens;
    • - dark gray comforter;
    • - dark gray scarf.

    12.2. Female kit:

    • - winter coat made of dark gray woolen fabric on an insulated lining with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - dark gray raincoat with sleeve and shoulder markings;
    • - a special insulated dark gray suit with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - a special suit insulated with a fur of dark gray color with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - a suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - a suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) for employees of the highest group of positions made of light gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - casual semi-woolen jacket made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - a special summer suit made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
    • - blouse made of white or blue-gray fabric with long sleeves with shoulder signs;
    • - a blouse made of white or blue-gray fabric with short sleeves with shoulder signs;
    • - Kubanka hat made of black astrakhan fur for employees of the highest group of positions with a badge;
    • - a Kubanka hat made of dark gray tsigeika fur for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions with a badge;
    • - hat-pill felt light gray for employees of the highest group of positions, with a badge;
    • - hat-pill, felt dark gray, with a badge;
    • - garrison cap made of dark gray fabric, with a cockade;
    • - black shoes for summer and autumn;
    • - special black low shoes for summer and autumn;
    • - special boots with high berets black for summer and autumn;
    • - women's winter boots (with fur), black;
    • - special boots with high berets winter black;
    • - high fur boots;
    • - black tie;
    • - leather belt (or leatherette) for black trousers;
    • - black gloves;
    • - special black gloves;
    • - fur mittens;
    • - dark gray comforter;
    • - dark gray scarf.

    13. Uniforms for male employees:

    13.1. A suit (jacket, trousers) for office men for employees of the highest group of positions is made of woolen or semi-woolen fabric of dark gray color, a suit (jacket, trousers) for executive (output) men for employees of the highest group of positions is made of light gray fabric.

    A jacket of a semi-adjacent silhouette, double-breasted, with an offset side fastener, has six uniform buttons of a silver color, arranged in two rows, a turn-down collar and lapels, a green edging along the edge of the collar, on the collar there is a special pattern of silver sewing. Sleeves with a cuff 8 cm wide, on the top of the cuff - green edging. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Shelves with horizontal side slit pockets with flaps. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn.

    Straight trousers, by side seam- green edging, along the edges of which green stripes 2 cm wide.

    13.2. A suit (jacket, trousers) for men for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions is made of woolen or semi-woolen fabric of dark gray color.

    The jacket is a semi-adjacent silhouette, single-breasted, with a fastener on four silver-colored uniform buttons, a turn-down collar and lapels. Sleeves are set-in two-seam. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Side pockets - horizontally located, welt with a flap. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn.

    Straight trousers, green piping along the side seam.

    13.3. Everyday semi-woolen jacket is made of dark gray fabric, single-breasted, with a fastener for seven shaped buttons, with turn-down collar... On the shelves patch chest pockets with flaps. Back with a yoke. Single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs with slits. Flaps of pockets, cuffs and a belt are fastened with uniform buttons. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. The jacket is worn with trousers outside.

    Shoulder signs are worn with the jacket.

    13.4. The men's straight silhouette raincoat is made of dark gray raincoat fabric, on a warmed lining. Set-in sleeve. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Turn-down collar, detachable yokes on the shoulders; in the embossed seams on the shelves, armhole and side seam and detachable shoulder yokes, fly yokes are fixed. Slant pockets, welt with a leaf, stitching. Belt with plastic buckle. Belt loops on the shoulders for wearing shoulder signs. On the sides, yokes, leaves, collar, sleeve, bottom of the product, belt - finishing line at a distance of 0.1 - 0.5 cm from the edge.

    13.5. Double-breasted winter coat, with a turn-down fur collar and lapels, with three shaped buttons on each shelf. Shelves with lateral slit pockets. The back has a seam in the middle, ending with a slot, a strap is sewn along the waist, consisting of three parts, the middle part of the strap is attached to the side parts with four small shaped buttons (two at each end). Set-in sleeves with cuffs. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. On the coat, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn.

    13.6. Shirts made of white or blue-gray fabric, with a turn-down collar, with a cut-off stand, breast patch pockets with flaps, with a belt. Belt with slits and two buttons on the sides. Front with a slit to the bottom. Back with a yoke. Sleeves are long with slits and sewn-on cuffs, or straight short sleeves with cuffs. The front of the shirt, flap, belt, cuffs are fastened with buttons. On the shoulders there are belt loops for wearing shoulder signs.

    13.7. A representative cap (weekend) for employees of the highest group of positions is made of the same fabric as a representative uniform (weekend). Consists of an oval bottom and four walls, a cloth or velvet band of green color, a visor. Along the edge of the bottom and the upper edge of the rim, the edging is green. On the front on the band of the cap is a general civil badge, and on its sides there is a silver embroidery of a special pattern. Top covered visor patent leather, and the bottom with suede or woolen cloth black color. A silvery embroidered ornament is attached along the outer edge of the visor. Above the visor, a braided silver cord is fastened to the band with two uniform buttons.

    13.8. A service cap for employees of the highest group of positions is made of the same fabric as a service uniform, similar to a representative cap (weekend), but without sewing on the visor.

    13.9. A cap for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions is made of the same fabric as the uniform. Consists of an oval bottom and four walls, a cloth or velvet band of green color, a visor. Along the edge of the bottom and the upper edge of the rim, the edging is green. On the front on the band of the cap is a civilian cockade. Black lacquered visor. Above the visor, a braided silver cord is fastened to the band with two uniform buttons.

    14. Uniforms for women - employees:

    14.1. A female office suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) for employees of the highest group of positions is made of dark gray woolen or half-woolen fabric, a representative (output) female suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) for employees of the highest group of positions is made of light gray fabric colors.

    The jacket is semi-adjacent, double-breasted, slightly elongated, with an offset side fastener, has six shaped buttons arranged in two rows. The collar and lapels are turn-down, the collar is edged with green cloth, on the collar there is a special silver-colored sewing pattern. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn.

    14.2. A suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) for women for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions is made of woolen or semi-woolen fabric of dark gray color.

    The jacket is semi-adjacent, single-breasted, slightly elongated, with an offset side fastener, has six shaped buttons arranged in two rows. Turn-down collar and lapels. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn.

    Straight cut skirt. Pants may be worn instead of a skirt.

    14.3. Everyday half-woolen jacket is made of dark gray fabric, single-breasted, with a zipper, with a turn-down collar, with elastic tape in the area of ​​the side seams on the belt, lined to the bottom. Shelves with patch chest pockets with flaps, yokes and vertical reliefs and two side pockets in a leaf, located at an angle. Back with a yoke. Single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs with slits. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Regular buttons fasten the cuffs.

    Shoulder badges of the established pattern are worn with the jacket.

    14.4. Women's raincoat made of dark gray raincoat fabric, straight silhouette with a belt on a buckle. On the shelves there are welt pockets with a patch leaflet, fly-off yokes fastened with a button. Back with a middle seam and a pleat, a fly-off yoke. Set-in sleeve. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. The clasp is hidden. On the shelves, yoke, leaves, collar there is a finishing line 0.1 - 0.5 cm from the edge. Belt loops on the shoulders for wearing shoulder signs.

    14.5. Women's winter coat in the style of a man's, but with a fastener on the left side.

    14.6. Blouses (shirts) made of white or blue-gray fabric, with a turn-down collar, with a cut-off stand, breast patch pockets with flaps, a one-piece belt. Front with a slit to the bottom and darts. Back with a yoke. Sleeves are long with slits and sewn-on cuffs, or straight short sleeves with cuffs. Front shirts (blouses), flaps, belt fastened with buttons. On the shoulders there are belt loops for wearing shoulder signs.

    14.7. Hat-tablet felt representative female for employees of the highest group of positions, light gray, consists of a one-piece-molded elongated head with a round cap in the middle and a side. On the front side there is a cockade.

    14.8. Hat-pill, felt for women, dark gray, consists of a one-piece-shaped elongated head with a round cap in the middle and a side. On the front side there is a cockade.

    15. Common items of uniform for men and women - employees:

    15.1. Winter hats. A hat with earflaps for men, adopted in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, made of natural black astrakhan for employees of the highest group of positions and of dark gray tsigeika for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions, for women - a Kubanka hat made of black natural astrakhan for employees of the highest group of positions and from the dark gray color for employees of the leading and senior groups of positions. A cockade is attached in the front in the middle of the circumference of a cap with earflaps or a Kubank cap.

    15.2. Pilot army sample dark gray, but with overlapping green edging on the left side along the side. A cockade is attached to the cap in front.

    15.3. The suit is specially insulated for the existing samples of dark gray color. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

    15.4. Special suit insulated with fur of existing samples of dark gray color. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

    15.5. Special summer suit of existing samples of dark gray color. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

    15.6. The tie is made of black fabric.

    15.7. Black trouser belt made of leather or leatherette.

    15.8. Shoes. Men's low shoes, womens shoes, men's boots(ankle boots) winter with fur and Women's boots winter ones with black fur. Seasonal footwear models meet the demands of fashion. Special low boots, special boots with high ankle boots, special winter boots with high ankle boots of established black color samples. High boots of established samples.

    15.9. Gloves and gloves are special in black.

    15.10. Fur mittens of the established samples.

    15.11. Comforter made of solid dark gray fabric.

    15.12. Scarf made of solid dark gray fabric.

    Insignia of officials of the Rosselkhoznadzor

    16. Shoulder badges are installed as insignia for class ranks for federal state civil servants of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (hereinafter referred to as employees, Rosselkhoznadzor).

    The shoulder marks are a quadrangle with parallel sides and a rounded top edge. Sizes of shoulder marks: length 14 - 16 cm (for women - 12 - 14 cm), width 4 cm.

    Shoulder badges of actual state advisers of the Russian Federation and state advisers of the Russian Federation are made of a special weaving braid, shoulder badges of advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation and secretaries of the state civil service of the Russian Federation with a smooth margin. The color of the shoulder markings field is set to dark gray.

    On the field of shoulder marks are:

    • - For the actual state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 3 embroidered emblems of the Rosselkhoznadzor;
    • - for active state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class - 2 embroidered emblems of the Rosselkhoznadzor;
    • - the active state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class service - 1 embroidered emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

    On the field of shoulder signs for advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation and referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation - there are three, two or one transverse strips of silver color 5-7 mm wide and 1 - 3 metal stars with a diameter of 20 mm in silver color with a silver shine between rays. In the center of the star is a smaller star filled with green enamel. The bottom strip is located at a distance of 10 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder plate, the distance between the strips is 5 mm:

    • - for the advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 3 stripes and 3 stars;
    • - for the advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, class 2 - 3 stripes and 2 stars;
    • - for the advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, grade 3 - 3 stripes and 1 star;
    • - at the referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 2 stripes and 3 stars;
    • - at the referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, class 2 - 2 stripes and 2 stars;
    • - the referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of 3 classes - 2 stripes and 1 star.

    The stars on the shoulder signs are located along the longitudinal axis of the shoulder signs. All shoulder insignia have green edging on all sides except the bottom. In the upper part of the shoulder signs there is a uniform button with a diameter of 14 mm, on the removable shoulder signs under the button there is a silver emblem (small) of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

    Shoulder badges are made in two types:

    • sewn-on - for winter coats for men and women, suits for men and women;
    • removable - for the rest of the uniform.

    17. To distinguish employees in the line of duty on representative, official and special uniforms, the wearing of the sleeve insignia of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor in the form of a green outline shield on a dark gray field with the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor depicted on it in the form of a silver image is established , topped with three crowns united by a ribbon of a two-headed eagle, supporting with its paws a dark green rectangular shield pointed downward on its chest. The shield contains a silvery image of a pillar of laws superimposed on two crossing ears of golden color. Above the emblem there is a silvery inscription "Rosselkhoznadzor".

    The sleeve badge is sewn on the outside of the left sleeve at a distance of 80 mm from the top point of the sleeve to the badge.

    18. Service badge - 70 x 90 in size, made of gold-colored metal and is a figured shield with semicircular cutouts in the lower part. The main color of the shield is green. The shield depicts the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor. Under the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor there is an image of a red ribbon with the inscription "Rosselkhoznadzor" in golden letters. In the lower part of the service badge, the serial number of the badge, consisting of five digits, of which the first two digits are separated from the following by a "-" symbol.

    19. The civilian cockade is a convex round silver rosette with a corrugated surface and serrated edges, with two concentric circles, the middle one is blue and the inner color is red.

    20. Silver-colored metal buttons with the image of the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor. The buttons are available in two sizes: 22 and 14 mm.

    Wearing separate pieces of uniform

    21. Representative caps (weekend) and service employees of the highest group of positions of the Rosselkhoznadzor are worn with a cap badge and sewing; employees of the leading and senior groups of positions wear caps with a badge.

    A cap with earflaps, a Kuban cap, a hat and a garrison cap is worn with a cockade. On a hat with earflaps and a Kuban hat, the cockade is worn in the front in the center of the fur ring. On the hat, the cockade is worn on the front.

    22. A cap with earflaps, a Kubanka hat, a cap, a hat and a garrison cap are put on so that the lower edge of a cap with earflaps, a Kuban hat, a hat and a garrison cap is one or two fingers wide, horizontally applied over the eyebrows, and the visor of the cap is on eyebrow level. The center of the cockade should be over the bridge of the nose. The cap is worn with a slight slope in right side, and a hat with earflaps, a Kubanka hat, a hat and a cap - straight, without an inclination.

    The removed headdress is held in the left hand, freely lowered; a cap with earflaps, a Kubanka cap, a hat, a cap and a garrison cap must face the cockade forward; the lower edge of the cap should be facing down, and the caps, earflaps, Kuban caps and hats should be facing the right.

    23. The cloak is worn in cold weather with summer uniforms and in warm weather with winter uniforms. The cloak is worn with a buttoned belt.

    24. The jacket fastens on the right (jacket - on the left) side with all buttons.

    25. A casual semi-woolen jacket is worn with two top buttons unbuttoned, or with an unbuttoned zipper to the level of chest pockets.

    26. Shirts (blouses) are worn buttoned up, with shoulder marks and a tie. The collar of a shirt (blouse) should be at the back flush with the top edge of the collar of a jacket (jacket, jacket) or protrude no higher than 0.5 cm above it.

    It is allowed to wear:

    • - shirts (blouses) with a tie without a jacket (jacket, jacket) with a summer representative (weekend) and summer official uniform, and indoors at any time of the year;
    • - shirts (blouses) with an unbuttoned top button without a tie, without a jacket (jacket, jacket);
    • - shirts (blouses) with short sleeves with an unbuttoned top button, no tie, no jacket (jacket, jacket) at daytime air temperatures above 20 degrees. A shirt (blouse) with short sleeves, with shoulder straps in necessary cases worn with a tie.

    The tie is attached to the shirt (blouse) with a clip between the third and fourth buttons from the top.

    27. Crafts and scarves are worn neatly tucked under the collar of a coat or cloak. Top edge the muffler and scarf should evenly protrude 1 - 2 cm above the collar.

    28. Gloves should be black.

    Wearing orders, medals, insignia and badges

    29. In a representative (weekend) uniform, jackets and jackets are decorated with insignia of special distinction, orders and medals, as well as service and other badges.

    In everyday uniforms, jackets and jackets are worn with insignia of special distinction, ribbons of orders and medals on the straps, as well as service and other badges.

    The service badge is worn on all types of uniforms on the left side of the chest during the performance of the employee's official duties.

    30. The procedure for placing orders, medals and ribbons of orders and medals on the strips is established by regulatory legal acts concerning state awards.

    31. Badges permitted for wearing on uniforms are placed horizontally on the right side in a row from the center of the chest to the edge. In this case, there should be no more than three characters. Wearing an end sign educational institution is required.

    The signs on the jacket (jacket) are positioned so that the upper edge of the badge is 70 mm below the level of the lapel angle, and in the presence of orders (medals) - 10 mm below them.

    32. If an employee has badges on graduation from two or more educational institutions, only one badge is worn. If there is a sign of graduation from a higher educational institution, the sign of graduation from a secondary educational institution is not worn.



IN THE ALTAI REGION AND THE REPUBLIC OF ALTAI from ____________________ 20___

(Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for Altai Territory

and the Altai Republic)


state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State border of the Russian Federation and transport


1. General Provisions

1.1. The state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State border of the Russian Federation and transport (hereinafter referred to as the department of border veterinary control at the State border of the Russian Federation and transport) belongs to the category of specialists senior group posts. The class rank of the state civil service is the referent of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class.

1.2. The state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State border of the Russian Federation and transport is directly subordinate to the head of the department of border veterinary control at the State border of the Russian Federation and transport.

1.3. The state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Directorate for the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Directorate).

1.4. The state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport, by the decision of the head of the Directorate, in the order of interchangeability, can temporarily perform the duties of other officials of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport during their absence.

1.5. The place of performance of the official duties of the state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport is the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic (5). The performance of official duties in other places is allowed by orders and orders of the head of the Department, the deputy head.

1.6. The state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport in his activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federation, orders and orders of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance and Administration, Regulations on the Department of Border Veterinary Control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and Transport, as well as these official regulations and other regulatory legal acts

II. Qualification Requirements

2.1. Qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills.


- the constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation within the competence of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation , The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, the structure and powers of state authorities and local self-government, the fundamentals of international negotiations, the foundations of organizing the passage of the state civil service and combating corruption, Official regulations of the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai , the procedure for working with service information, hardware and software, the possibilities and features of the use of modern information and communication information technologies in government bodies, including the use of the possibilities of interdepartmental document flow, general issues ensuring information security, rules of business ethics, rules and regulations of labor protection, technical safety and fire protection, the basics of office work, job regulations;

Systems of interaction with citizens and organizations, accounting systems that provide support for the implementation of the main tasks and functions by federal government bodies, systems interagency cooperation, public administration systems information resources, information and analytical systems providing collection, processing, storage and analysis of data, electronic archive management systems, information security systems.


Organization and ensuring the fulfillment of tasks (in accordance with the competence), practical application regulatory legal acts, qualified work planning, analysis and forecasting, competent consideration of the opinions of colleagues, organization of work on effective interaction with government agencies, effective planning working hours, working with internal and peripheral devices of a computer, working with information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, working in an operating system, managing by e-mail, working in a text editor, working with spreadsheets, preparing presentations, using graphic objects in electronic documents, working with databases, systematically improving their skills, effectively collaborating with colleagues, organizing information, working with office documents, adapting to new situation and the development of new approaches in solving the assigned tasks, qualified work with citizens to prevent personal conflicts;

Work with systems of interaction with citizens and organizations, work with systems of interdepartmental interaction, work with systems for managing state information resources, work with information and analytical systems that ensure the collection, processing, storage and analysis of data, work with systems for managing electronic archives, work with systems information security.

2.2. Qualification requirements for vocational education - higher vocational education in specialties that correspond to the job regulations, as well as the functions and specific tasks assigned to the department.

2.3. There are no requirements for the length of service (civil service of other types) or length of service (experience) in the specialty.

III. Job duties, rights and responsibilities

3.1. Job responsibilities state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport:

3.1.1. comply with international regulatory legal acts, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constitutions (charters), laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and ensure their implementation;

3.1.2. to execute job duties in accordance with the Regulations on the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in the Altai Territory and on the State Border of the Russian Federation and Transport, official regulations;

3.1.3. to execute orders of higher managers, given within the limits of their powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3.1.4. observe the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations in the performance of official duties;

3.1.5. maintain the skill level required to proper execution job responsibilities;

3.1.6. ensure that all the specialists of the subdivision comply with the office routine of the Office, the established procedure for recording working hours;

3.1.7. not to disclose information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal law, as well as information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, including information concerning the private life and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity;

3.1.8. to protect state property, including those provided to him for the performance of official duties, to comply with the established rules for the operation of official road transport;

3.1.9. comply with the established rules of accounting and reporting on the assigned property of the Department;

3.1.10. submit, in the prescribed manner, reports on funds received, inventory items, coupons and strict reporting forms;

3.1.11. to provide, in the prescribed manner, information about himself and his family members, as well as information about the income received by him and the property belonging to him on the basis of the right of ownership, which are objects of taxation, about obligations of a property nature;

3.1.12. report on renunciation of the citizenship of the Russian Federation or on the acquisition of citizenship of another state on the day of renunciation of the citizenship of the Russian Federation or on the day of acquiring citizenship of another state;

3.1.13. comply with restrictions, fulfill obligations and requirements for official conduct, not violate the prohibitions that are established by federal laws;

3.1.14. inform the representative of the employer about personal interest in the performance of official duties, which may lead to a conflict of interest, take measures to prevent such a conflict;

3.1.15. to notify the representative of the employer (employer), the prosecutor's office or other state bodies about all cases when any persons contact him in order to induce him to commit corruption offenses ”;

3.1.16 to carry out operational measures in the event of violations of the transportation of goods controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision;

3.1.17. comply with the requirements of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine on the state border of the Russian Federation (including checkpoints across the state border) and on transport, including the requirements for ensuring the protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the importation from foreign states and the spread of infectious animal diseases, as well as the import of dangerous animals into veterinary and sanitary relation of supervised cargo (including hand luggage);

3.1.18. to provide the senior state inspector and the head of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border and Transport with urgent information about the detained goods controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision, including violations of transit conditions;

3.1.19. timely submit to the Rosselkhoznadzor reports of the established form and the necessary documentation for the controlled area of ​​activity in the field of veterinary medicine;

3.1.20. if it is impossible to make an independent decision in the process of veterinary control of goods and vehicles transported across the State border of the Russian Federation, report to the senior state inspector and the head of the department of border veterinary control at the State border of the Russian Federation and transport;

3.1.21. prepare draft inquiries to government bodies and other organizations on issues related to the activities of the border veterinary control department at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport;

3.1.22. ensure the maintenance of the database of the automated system for planning and accounting for control and supervisory activities of the "Supervision" Department, timely enter information on control and supervisory activities and their results;

3.1.43. to carefully store the issued service certificate, not to transfer the service certificate to other persons, not to allow it to be damaged or lost.

3.1.44. based on the system of interchangeability, to fulfill the duties of other officials of the department in their absence in the manner determined by the head of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport.

3.2. Rights state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State border of the Russian Federation and transport.

A civil servant has the right to:

3.2.1. ensuring proper organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties;

3.2.2. familiarization with the official regulations and other documents defining his rights and obligations for the civil service position being replaced, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the performance of official duties, indicators of the effectiveness of professional service and the conditions of official growth;

3.2.3. rest afforded by the establishment normal duration office hours, the provision of days off and non-working holidays, as well as annual paid main and additional vacations;

When drawing up reports on the work of the control and veterinary center;

On the need for product sampling and examination.

V. List of questions

on which a civil servant is entitled or obliged to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions.

5.1. The state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport participates in the preparation of:

Proposals to improve control over controlled goods and their movement;

Reports and certificates to higher and other state bodies;

Answering inquiries from individuals and legal entities;

Written inquiries to government agencies and other organizations on issues related to the activities of the border veterinary control department at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport.

Vi. Terms and procedures for preparation, consideration of projects

management and other decisions, the procedure for the approval and adoption of these decisions.

6.1. The state inspector of the PKVP of the Department of Border Veterinary Control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and Transport, within the time limits established by the head of the Department or the head of the department, prepares projects of managerial and other decisions.

6.2. When an administrative offense is detected, the procedure and timing of the registration of the protocol are determined by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

6.3. When preparing responses to inquiries and applications of individuals and legal entities on issues related to the competence of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport, the period for preparing a response is up to 30 days from the date of registration of the application, unless a different period is established by the higher manager (urgently-3 days, promptly-10 days).

Vii. Service interaction procedure

civil servant in connection with the performance of his official duties with civil servants of the same state body, civil servants of other government agencies, other citizens, as well as organizations.

7.1. The state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport, within the limits of his competence and powers of the department, interacts with federal state civil servants of the Office, civil servants of other state bodies, as well as with other citizens and organizations, guided by the Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of Civil Servants of the Federal services for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision, approved by the order of the Rosselkhoznadzor, and the requirements for official conduct established by Article 18 Federal law-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

VIII. Indicators of effectiveness and efficiency

8.1 The effectiveness of the professional performance of the state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport is assessed according to the following indicators:

The volume of work performed and the intensity of labor, the observance of official discipline;

Timeliness and efficiency in the execution of orders;

The quality of the work performed (preparation of documents in accordance with the established requirements, complete and logical presentation of the material, legally competent drafting of the document, the absence of stylistic and grammatical errors);

Professional competence (knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, breadth of professional horizons, ability to work with documents);

Ability to clearly organize and plan the execution of assigned tasks, the ability to rationally use working time, to set priorities;

A creative approach to solving assigned tasks, activity and initiative in the development of new computer and information technologies, the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions and requirements;

Awareness of responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

8.2. Indicators that reduce performance are:

Prosecutor's submissions on the facts of violation of the current legislation in the exercise of the powers of the state inspector of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport;

Revealing deviations from established norms and rules for the execution of all procedural documents in the conduct of administrative office work;

Lack of control over the execution of orders to eliminate violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.


Surname, name,
an employee
for the position

Date and signature
employee (person)
after reading
with an official
regulations and
getting it

Date and number
order on
for the position

Date and number
order on
from occupied

The rules for wearing uniforms for civil servants of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor were approved by Order of the Rosselkhoznadzor dated February 29, 2012 No. 92 "On approval of the rules for wearing uniforms for civil servants of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor"

Federal state civil servants of the central office and territorial bodies of Rosselkhoznadzor, whose duties include exercising control and supervisory functions, have the right to wear uniforms.

The uniform of employees is established:

  • Service uniform;

Each of these forms is subdivided into summer and winter.

The uniform of Rosselkhoznadzor employees is worn:

Representative (weekend) uniform - upon receipt of state awards; on holidays; at solemn or anniversary meetings; at official receptions. It is allowed to wear a representative (weekend) uniform while on vacation, on weekends, as well as during free time from service on other days.

Service uniform - on duty and in free time from service.

Special (field) uniform - on duty in special conditions.

Dress code for male employees

Executive (weekend) uniform

Summer: A dark gray cap (for employees of the highest and main group of positions - light gray), a dark gray suit (for employees of the highest and main group of positions - light gray), a white shirt, a black tie, black low shoes;

Winter: A fur hat with earflaps, a dark gray winter coat with a fur collar (the fur of the collar must match the fur of the headdress), a dark gray scarf or a dark gray comforter, a dark gray suit (for employees of the highest and main group of positions - light - gray) color, white shirt, black tie, black boots (half boots), black gloves.

Service uniform

Summer: A cap of dark gray color or a cap of a dark gray color, a suit of dark gray color, a gray-blue shirt, a black tie, black low shoes

Winter: A fur hat with earflaps, a special warmed dark gray suit or a special warmed dark gray fur suit, a dark gray scarf, a special summer dark gray suit jacket, special boots with high ankle boots in winter black, fur boots, special black gloves , fur mittens

Allowed to wear: in the summertime, a semi-woolen casual jacket in dark gray with a gray-blue shirt, a black tie, a cap, a cap or a garrison cap; a white jacket with light gray trousers; white or gray-blue shirt with long or short sleeves, tie, cap or cap; with a summer uniform in cold weather, and with a winter uniform in warm weather, it is allowed to wear a dark gray raincoat with a cap or cap.

Special (field) uniform


Winter: A fur hat with earflaps, a special warmed dark gray suit or a special warmed dark gray fur suit, a dark gray scarf, a special summer dark gray suit jacket, special boots with high boots in winter black, high boots, special gloves black, fur mittens.

It is allowed to wear: in the summer, a casual dark gray jacket with dark gray trousers with a gray-blue shirt, a black tie, a dark gray cap or a dark gray cap; a white or gray-blue shirt with long or short sleeves, a black tie with dark gray trousers, a dark gray cap or a dark gray garrison cap; with a summer uniform in cold weather, and with a winter uniform in warm weather - a dark gray raincoat with a cap.

Dress code of women - employees

Executive (weekend) uniform

Summer: Hat-pill dark gray (for employees of the highest and main group of positions - light gray), dark gray suit (for employees of the highest and main group of positions - light gray), white blouse, black tie, black shoes ...

Winter: Kubanka hat made of black astrakhan fur, winter short coat made of dark gray raincoat fabric with fur lining, white scarf or muffler, gloves, dark gray suit, white blouse, black tie, black women's winter boots.

Service uniform

Summer: Charcoal pill hat or charcoal cap, charcoal suit, blue-gray blouse, black tie, black shoes

Winter: a Kubanka fur hat, a dark gray winter coat with a fur collar (the fur of the collar must match the fur of the headdress), a dark gray scarf or a dark gray comforter, a dark gray suit, a gray-blue blouse, a black tie colors, women's winter boots are black, gloves are black.

Special (field) uniform

Summer: Jacket in dark gray, special summer suit in dark gray, special black low shoes or special boots with black high boots

Winter: A Kubanka fur hat, a special insulated dark gray suit or a special insulated dark gray fur suit, a dark gray scarf, a dark gray field summer suit jacket, special boots with high berets in winter black, high boots, special gloves black, fur mittens.

Allowed to wear: in summer: a casual dark gray jacket with a dark gray skirt or trousers with a gray-blue blouse, a black tie, a dark gray garrison cap; a gray-blue or white blouse with long or short sleeves, a black tie with a dark gray skirt or dark gray trousers, a dark gray garrison cap with a summer uniform in cold weather, and with a winter uniform in warm weather - a dark gray raincoat with a pill hat.

For the uniform of employees, a dark gray color is established, for representative suits of employees of the highest and main group of positions - a light gray color.

In the case of a representative (weekend) uniform, a jacket (jacket) is worn with orders, medals or strips with ribbons of orders, medals, as well as badges.

Male set

  • Suit (jacket, trousers) made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Suit (jacket, trousers) for employees of the highest and main group of positions made of light gray fabric with sewing on the collar, with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Shirt made of white or blue-gray fabric with long sleeves with shoulder marks;
  • Shirt made of white or blue-gray fabric with short sleeves with shoulder markings;
  • A hat with earflaps made of black astrakhan fur for employees of the highest and main group of positions with a badge;
  • A hat with earflaps made of tsigeyka fur in dark gray color for employees of the presenter, senior and junior group posts with badge;
  • A light gray cap for employees of the highest and main group of positions with sewing on the band and visor and a badge;
  • Cap of dark gray color for employees of the highest and main group of positions with sewing on the band and a badge;
  • Cap of dark gray color for employees of leading, senior and junior groups of positions with a badge;
  • Black low shoes for summer and autumn;
  • Boots (ankle boots) for men, winter (with fur), black;
  • High fur boots;
  • Black tie;
  • Black gloves;
  • Special black gloves;
  • Fur mittens;
  • Dark gray color;
  • The scarf is dark gray.

Female set

  • Winter coat made of dark gray woolen fabric on an insulated lining with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Cloak of dark gray color with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Special dark gray insulated suit with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Special warmed suit with dark gray fur with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • A suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) for employees of the highest and main group of positions made of light gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Casual semi-woolen jacket made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Special summer suit made of dark gray fabric with sleeve and shoulder marks;
  • Blouse made of white or blue-gray fabric with long sleeves with shoulder signs;
  • Blouse made of white or gray-blue fabric with short sleeves with shoulder signs;
  • A Kubanka hat made of black astrakhan fur for employees of the highest and main group of positions with a badge;
  • A Kubanka hat made of dark gray tsigeika fur for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions with a badge;
  • Hat-pill felt light gray for employees of the highest and main group of positions, with a badge;
  • Hat-pill, dark gray felt, with cockade;
  • Pilot jacket made of dark gray fabric, with a cockade;
  • Black shoes for summer and autumn;
  • Special black low shoes for summer and autumn;
  • Special boots with high berets black for summer and autumn;
  • Women's winter boots (with fur) black;
  • Special boots with high berets winter black;
  • High fur boots;
  • Black tie;
  • Leather belt (or leatherette) for black trousers;
  • Black gloves;
  • Special black gloves;
  • Fur mittens;
  • Dark gray color;
  • The scarf is dark gray.

Uniforms for male employees

Office suit (jacket, trousers) for men for employees of the highest and main group of positions is made of woolen or semi-woolen fabric of dark gray color, a suit (jacket, trousers), a representative (weekend) man's suit for employees of the highest and main group of positions - of light gray fabric. A jacket of a semi-adjacent silhouette, double-breasted, with an offset side fastener, has six uniform buttons of a silver color, arranged in two rows, a turn-down collar and lapels, a green edging along the edge of the collar, on the collar there is a special pattern of silver sewing. Sleeves with a cuff 8 cm wide, on the top of the cuff - green edging. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Shelves with horizontal side slit pockets with flaps. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn. The trousers are straight, along the side seam there is a green edging, along the edges of which there are green stripes 2 cm wide.

Suit (jacket, trousers) for men for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions made of dark gray woolen or semi-woolen fabric. The jacket is a semi-adjacent silhouette, single-breasted, with a fastener on four silver-colored uniform buttons, a turn-down collar and lapels. Sleeves set-in two-shed with cuffs. Back with a seam in the middle. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Side pockets - horizontally located, welt with a flap. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn. Straight trousers, green piping along the side seam.

Made of dark gray fabric. The jacket is shortened, at the waist, with a central side fastener with uniform buttons, a turn-down collar, set-in sleeves. Lined shelves with a yoke, upper (chest) patch pockets, lower welt pockets in a frame with a zipper. Top pockets with rounded corners, finishing vertical pleats, figured flaps with a button closure. The valves are fixed in the seam of the yoke-to-shelf connection. Lined back with yoke. Sleeves are one-seam, with two folds and stitched cuffs at the bottom. The elbow seams end with incisions. Buttoned cuffs. In the area of shoulder seams- two belt loops for attaching shoulder signs. Turn-down collar with detachable stand. One-piece belt, with detachable edging, fastening on a uniform button, inner tape elastic in the area of ​​the side seams to adjust the width of the jacket at the bottom.

Men's raincoat made of dark gray raincoat fabric. A raincoat of a straight silhouette on a lining, with a removable insulated lining, an offset side fastener on uniform buttons, a turn-down collar and lapels, set-in sleeves, a belt. Shelves with side slit pockets with an inclined entrance decorated with a stitching leaf. On board right shelf for the inner fastener, the lapel of the left shelf, one loop is sewn. In the corner of the lapel of the right front and on the hem of the left front there is a button for the inner fastening. On the selection of the left shelf, an inner welt pocket is processed, decorated with a leaflet with set-in ends, fastened on hinge and a button. Back with a seam in the middle, ending with a slot. Belt loops are located along the waist line in the side seams. The sleeves are double-seamed, with straps threaded into two belt loops, fixed in the elbow seam. Tabs are designed to adjust the width at the bottom using buttons. In the shoulder area there are belt loops for removable shoulder marks. Turn-down collar with detachable stand. Detachable belt with buckle closure. The lining is stitched. The insulated lining is removable, with the lining of the upper part, edged cuts, fastened with a zipper along the sides and neckline, and in the lower part of the armhole with hinged loops and buttons. Set-in sleeve. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Turn-down collar, detachable yokes on the shoulders; in the embossed seams on the shelves, armhole and side seam and detachable shoulder yokes, fly yokes are fixed. Slant pockets, welt with a leaf, stitching. Belt with plastic buckle. Belt loops on the shoulders for wearing shoulder signs. On the sides, yokes, leaves, collar, sleeve, bottom of the product, belt - finishing line at a distance of 0.1 - 0.5 cm from the edge.

Winter coat semi-adjacent silhouette, with a warmed lining, with an offset side fastener (double-breasted) on uniform buttons, a turn-down fur collar and lapels, set-in sleeves. Shelves with cut-off side parts (barrels), front darts and side slit pockets with flaps. The ends of the valves are rounded. Back with a seam in the middle, ending with a slot. There are side straps along the waist line. The middle tab is attached to the side tabs with the help of shaped buttons. Two-seam sleeves with cuffs. Turn-down collar with detachable stand and detachable fur collar. Collar ends and lapels are rounded. The insulated lining is stitched, with the insulating lining of the back and shelves up to the hip line. There is an inner pocket with a leaf on the left shelf of the lining in the chest area. Collar made of natural astrakhan fur black for employees of the higher and main group of positions and of dark gray tsigeika for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions On the left sleeve there is a sleeve insignia of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. On the coat, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn.

Shirts made of white or gray-blue fabric, with a turn-down collar, with a cut-off stand, breast patch pockets with flaps, with a belt. Belt with slits and two buttons on the sides. Front with a slit to the bottom. Back with a yoke. Sleeves are long with slits and sewn-on cuffs, or straight short sleeves with cuffs. The front of the shirt, flap, belt, cuffs are fastened with buttons. On the shoulders there are belt loops for wearing shoulder signs.

Representative cap (weekend) for employees of the highest and main group of positions is made of the same fabric as the executive uniform (weekend). Consists of an oval bottom and four walls, a cloth or velvet band of green color, a visor. Along the edge of the bottom and the upper edge of the rim, the edging is green. On the front on the band of the cap is a general civil badge, and on its sides there is a silver embroidery of a special pattern. The visor is covered with patent leather on top, and black suede or woolen fabric on the bottom. A silvery embroidered ornament is attached along the outer edge of the visor. Above the visor, a braided silver cord is fastened to the band with two uniform buttons.

Service cap for employees of the highest and main group of positions made of the same fabric as the service uniform, similar to the executive cap (weekend), but without sewing on the visor.

Cap for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups The posts are made from the same fabric as the uniform. Consists of an oval bottom and four walls, a cloth or velvet band of green color, a visor. Along the edge of the bottom and the upper edge of the rim, the edging is green. On the front on the band of the cap is a civilian cockade. Black lacquered visor. Above the visor, a braided silver cord is fastened to the band with two uniform buttons.

Special insulated suit for men made of dark gray fabric. The jacket is elongated with a warmed lining, a snap-on hood, a turn-down collar, a central side zipper, closed with a windproof strap, set-in sleeves. Five-button placket. Jacket with adjustable waist and hemline. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are straps in the form of shoulder straps with snap fasteners. Shelves with yokes, with upper (breast) patch pockets with horizontal entry. Pocket entrance with zip closure. Bottom (side) double patch pockets: bottom - volumetric with horizontal entry; upper - with a sloping entrance. Flap pockets. Flaps with button fastening. The back is made of parts: yoke, middle and two lateral. Single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs. Cuffs with inner elastic band. On the right sleeve there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. On the left sleeve, there is a small patch pocket with truncated corners and a flap that fastens with a button. Turn-down collar, insulated.

Straight trousers with insulated lining, with a belt with belt loops. Front halves of trousers with zipper in the middle seam, stitched folds, pockets with detachable sides and an inclined entry. The backs are with darts, on the right half of the trousers there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. Stitched belt, quilted with zigzag stitching, with a front closure with two buttons, five loops. The length of the belt is adjustable with straps in the area of ​​the side seams and two buttons.

On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Special insulated fur suit for men made of dark gray fabric. The jacket is elongated on a warmed lining, with a detachable fur lining, a snap-on hood, a fur collar, a central side zipper, closed with a windbreak, set-in sleeves. Five-button placket. Jacket with adjustable waist and hemline. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are straps in the form of shoulder straps with snap fasteners. Shelves with yokes, with upper (breast) patch pockets with horizontal entry. Pocket entrance with zip closure. Bottom (side) double patch pockets: bottom - volumetric with horizontal entry; upper - with a sloping entrance. Flap pockets. Flaps with button fastening. The back is made of parts: yoke, middle and two lateral. Single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs. Cuffs with inner elastic band. On the right sleeve there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. On the left sleeve, there is a small patch pocket with truncated corners and a flap that fastens with a button. Turn-down collar, warmed, fur. The hood is insulated from parts, with a chin fastener on two buttons, a zipper for attaching to a jacket. The length of the front cutout is adjustable with a cord. On the middle part of the hood, there is a strap with two half rings to adjust the volume.

Straight trousers with insulated lining, with a belt with belt loops. Front halves of trousers with zipper in the middle seam, stitched folds, pockets with detachable sides and an inclined entry. The backs are with darts, on the right half of the trousers there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. Stitched belt, quilted with zigzag stitching, with a front closure with two buttons, five loops. The length of the belt is adjustable with straps in the area of ​​the side seams and two buttons. The insulated lining of the jacket and trousers is stitched. There is an inner pocket on the left shelf. The entrance to the pocket is decorated with a leaflet. Detachable fur lining of the jacket is used for additional thermal insulation of the product. Sleeveless lining, elongated, with rounded edges and edged cuts. The lining is fastened to the jacket along the sides and neckline with buttons. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Special summer suit made of dark gray fabric. Jacket with a central side fastener on six buttons, the top of which is located on the collar, with set-in sleeves. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are straps in the form of shoulder straps with snap fasteners. Shelves with a yoke, top secret pockets with horizontal entry and flaps fixed in the seam where the yokes are sewn. Flaps of pockets with button fastening, flap corners are truncated. On the shelves, vertical opposite folds are laid, which are a continuation of the counter fold of pockets, stitched onto the shelves with seamy side... The selection of the shelves extended to the cut of the armhole. An inner pocket with a horizontal entrance decorated with a leaf has been processed on the gusset of the left shelf. Sleeve cuts with piping. The back is made up of parts: a yoke, passing to the shelves, and a middle part. middle part with a vertical opposite fold in the middle. Backrest with short, detachable base fabric lining. Sleeves are double-seam, with two folds and stitched cuffs at the bottom. The elbow seams end with a slot. Snap-fastened cuffs, sharp angled outer cuffs. On the left sleeve there is a welt pocket in a frame, an entrance to the pocket with a zipper. Internal straps with a button fastening (to fix the sleeves in a rolled up form) are stitched from the wrong side of the sleeve in the form of a rectangle with diagonals. Collar with a detachable stand. Straight trousers, at the waist, with belt loops.

Front parts of halves of trousers with two one-sided pleats, zipper in the middle seam, side pockets with an inclined entry, detachable side parts. Folds in the middle of the front with finishing stitching. Back parts. On the back of the right half of the trousers there is a welt pocket with a flap fastened with a button. Truncated valve ends. Stitched belt with a button fastening in front. The length of the belt is adjusted by means of an inner elastic band in the area of ​​the side seams, between the second (from the fastener) fold of the front part and the belt loop on the back part. There are 4 belt loops on the belt: two - at the first (from the fastener) one-sided folds of the front parts; two on the back. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Uniforms for women - employees

Women's service suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) for employees of the highest and main group of positions is made of woolen or semi-woolen fabric of dark gray color, a suit (jacket, skirt or trousers), representative (output) for women for employees of the highest and main group of positions - of light gray fabric. The jacket is semi-adjacent, double-breasted, slightly elongated, with an offset side fastener, has six shaped buttons arranged in two rows. The collar and lapels are turn-down, the collar is edged with green cloth, on the collar there is a special silver-colored sewing pattern. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn. Straight cut skirt. Pants may be worn instead of a skirt.

Suit (jacket, skirt or trousers) for women for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions made of dark gray woolen or semi-woolen fabric. The jacket is semi-adjacent, single-breasted, slightly elongated, with an offset side fastener, has six shaped buttons arranged in two rows. Turn-down collar and lapels. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. On the jacket, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn. Straight cut skirt. Pants may be worn instead of a skirt.

Casual half-woolen jacket made of dark gray fabric, single-breasted, with a zipper, with a turn-down collar, with elastic tape in the area of ​​the side seams on the belt, lined to the bottom. Shelves with patch chest pockets with flaps, yokes and vertical reliefs and two side pockets in a leaf, located at an angle. Back with a yoke. Single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs with slits. On the left sleeve there is a sleeve sign of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. Regular buttons fasten the cuffs. Shoulder badges of the established pattern are worn with the jacket.

Women's raincoat from a dark gray raincoat fabric of a straight silhouette on a lining, with a removable insulated lining, an offset side fastener on uniform buttons, a turn-down collar and lapels, set-in sleeves, a belt. Shelves with detachable yokes with rounded ends, side slit pockets with an inclined entrance, decorated with a stitching sheet. The lower end of the leaflet is rounded. One loop is sewn along the side of the left shelf for the inner fastener. The right front hem has one button for the inner fastener. Back with a seam in the middle, ending with a slot, a fly-off yoke. Yoke with a seam in the middle, ending with a decorative slot with two loops for fastening with shaped buttons. Belt loops are located along the waist line in the side seams. The sleeves are two-seam. The outer seam of the sleeve ends with a slot with two loops for fastening with shaped buttons. In the shoulder area there are belt loops for detachable shoulder marks. Turn-down collar with detachable stand. The ends of the collar and lapel are rounded. Detachable belt with buckle closure. The lining is stitched. The insulated lining is removable, with the lining of the upper part, edged cuts, fastened with a zipper along the side and neckline, and in the lower part of the armhole with a hinged loop and button.

Women's winter coat semi-adjacent silhouette, with insulated lining, offset side fastener (double-breasted) on uniform buttons, turn-down fur collar and lapels, set-in sleeves. Shelves with cut-off side parts (barrels), front darts and side slit pockets with flaps. Back with a seam in the middle, ending with a slot. There are side straps along the waist line. The middle tab is attached to the side tabs with the help of shaped buttons. Two-seam sleeves with cuffs. Turn-down collar with detachable fur collar. Rounded collar ends and lapels. The insulated lining is stitched, with the insulating lining of the back and shelves up to the hip line. There is an inner pocket in the seam of the connection of the right hem with the lining of the front in the waist area. Collar made of natural astrakhan fur black for employees of the higher and main group of positions and of dark gray tsigeika for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions On the left sleeve there is a sleeve insignia of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor. On the coat, sewn-on shoulder signs are worn.

Blouses (shirts) made of white or blue-gray fabric, with a turn-down collar, with a cut-off stand, breast patch pockets with flaps, a one-piece belt. Front with a slit to the bottom and darts. Back with a yoke. Sleeves are long with slits and sewn-on cuffs, or straight short sleeves with cuffs. Front shirts (blouses), flaps, belt fastened with buttons. On the shoulders there are belt loops for wearing shoulder signs.

Special warmed fur suit for women made of dark gray fabric consists of a jacket, trousers. The jacket is elongated on a warmed lining, with a detachable fur lining, a snap-on hood, a fur collar, a central side zipper, closed with a windbreak, set-in sleeves. Snap placket (5 pieces). Jacket with adjustable waist and hemline. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are straps in the form of shoulder straps with snap fasteners. Shelves with yokes, with upper (breast) patch pockets with horizontal entry. Access to pockets with zip fastening. Bottom (side) double patch pockets: bottom - volumetric with horizontal entry; upper - with a sloping entrance. Flap pockets. Flaps with button fastening. The back is made of parts: yoke, middle and two lateral. Single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs. Cuffs with inner elastic band. On the right sleeve there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. On the left sleeve, there is a small patch pocket with truncated corners and a flap that fastens with a button. Turn-down collar, warmed, fur. The hood is insulated from parts, with a chin fastener on two buttons, a zipper for attaching to a jacket. The length of the front cutout is adjustable with a cord. On the middle part of the hood, there is a strap with two half rings to adjust the volume. The hood is insulated from parts, with a chin fastener on two buttons, a zipper for attaching to a jacket. The length of the front cutout is adjustable with a cord. On the middle part of the hood, there is a strap with two half rings to adjust the volume.

Straight trousers with insulated lining, with a belt with belt loops. Front halves of trousers with zipper in the middle seam, stitched folds, pockets with detachable sides and an inclined entry. The backs are with darts, on the right half of the trousers there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. Stitched belt, quilted with zigzag stitching, with a front closure with two buttons, five loops. The length of the belt is adjustable with straps in the area of ​​the side seams and two buttons. The insulated lining of the jacket and trousers is stitched. There is an inner pocket on the left shelf. The entrance to the pocket is decorated with a leaflet. Detachable fur lining of the jacket is used for additional thermal insulation of the product. Sleeveless lining, elongated, with rounded edges and edged cuts. The lining is fastened to the jacket along the sides and neckline with buttons.

Special warmed suit for women made of dark gray fabric consists of a jacket, trousers. The jacket is elongated with a warmed lining, a snap-on hood, a turn-down collar, a central side zipper, closed with a windproof strap, set-in sleeves. Five-button placket. Jacket with adjustable waist and hemline. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are straps in the form of shoulder straps with snap fasteners. Shelves with yokes, with upper (breast) patch pockets with horizontal entry. Pocket entrance with zip closure. Bottom (side) double patch pockets: bottom - volumetric with horizontal entry; upper - with a sloping entrance. Flap pockets. Flaps with button fastening. The back is made of parts: yoke, middle and two lateral. Single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs. Cuffs with inner elastic band. On the right sleeve there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. On the left sleeve, there is a small patch pocket with truncated corners and a flap that fastens with a button. Turn-down collar, insulated. The hood is insulated from parts, with a chin fastener on two buttons, a zipper for attaching to a jacket. The length of the front cutout is adjustable with a cord. On the middle part of the hood, there is a strap with two half rings to adjust the volume.

Straight trousers with insulated lining, with a belt with belt loops. Front halves of trousers with zipper in the middle seam, stitched folds, pockets with detachable sides and an inclined entry. The backs are with darts, on the right half of the trousers there is a large patch pocket with a flap fastened with a button. Stitched belt, quilted with zigzag stitching, with a front closure with two buttons, five loops. The length of the belt is adjustable with straps in the area of ​​the side seams and two buttons. The insulated lining of the jacket and trousers is stitched. There is an inner pocket on the left shelf. The entrance to the pocket is decorated with a leaflet.

Hat-pill felt executive female for employees of the highest and main group of positions, light gray, consists of a one-piece-molded elongated head with a round cap in the middle and a rim. On the front side there is a cockade.

Hat-pill, felt for women, dark gray, consists of a one-piece elongated head with a round cap in the middle and a rim. On the front side there is a cockade.

Uniforms of employees of the highest and main group of positions

Uniforms of employees of the leading, senior and junior group of positions

General Uniforms

Winter hats... A hat with earflaps for men, adopted in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, from natural astrakhan fur in black for employees of the higher and main group of positions and from a dark gray tsigeyka for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions, for women - a Kubanka hat made of natural black karakul for employees of the highest and main group of positions and of dark gray for employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions. A cockade is attached in the front in the middle of the circumference of a cap with earflaps or a Kubank cap.

Pilot army sample in dark gray, but with overlapping green piping on the left side along the side. A cockade is attached to the cap in front.

Tie made of black fabric.

Trouser belt black leather or leatherette.

Shoes... Men's low boots, women's shoes, men's winter boots (ankle boots) with fur and women's winter boots with black fur. Seasonal footwear models meet the demands of fashion. Special low boots, special boots with high ankle boots, special winter boots with high ankle boots of established black color samples. High boots of established samples.

Gloves and special gloves black color.

Fur mittens established samples.


Scarf made of solid dark gray fabric.

Insignia of officials of the Rosselkhoznadzor

Shoulder badges are installed as insignia for class ranks for federal state civil servants of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (hereinafter, respectively, employees, Rosselkhoznadzor).

The shoulder marks are a quadrangle with parallel sides and a rounded top edge. Sizes of shoulder marks: length 14 - 16 cm (for women - 12 - 14 cm), width 4 cm.

Shoulder badges of actual state advisers of the Russian Federation and state advisers of the Russian Federation are made of a special weaving braid, shoulder badges of advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation and secretaries of the state civil service of the Russian Federation with a smooth margin. The color of the shoulder markings field is set to dark gray.

On the field of shoulder marks are:

  • For the 1st class Active State Councilors of the Russian Federation - 3 embroidered emblems of the Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • For Active State Advisers of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class - 2 embroidered emblems of the Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • For the Active State Advisers of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class service - 1 embroidered emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor.
  • For State Advisers of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 1st class - 3 embroidered silver stars with a diameter of 22 mm with a green pentagonal insert in the middle of the star and a shine between the silver beams;
  • For State Advisers of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, class 2 - 2 embroidered silver stars with a diameter of 22 mm with a green pentagonal insert in the middle of the star and a shine between the silver beams;
  • For State Advisers of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, class 3 - 1 embroidered silver star with a diameter of 22 mm with a green pentagonal insert in the middle of the star and a shine between the silver rays.

On the field of shoulder marks for advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation and secretaries of the state civil service of the Russian Federation - there are three, two or one transverse stripes of silver color 5-7 mm wide and 1-3 metal stars with a diameter of 20 mm silvery with a silvery shine between the beams. In the center of the star is a smaller star filled with green enamel. The bottom strip is located at a distance of 10 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder plate, the distance between the strips is 5 mm:

  • The advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 3 stripes and 3 stars;
  • The advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation have 2 classes - 3 stripes and 2 stars;
  • for the advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, class 3 - 3 stripes and 1 star;
  • the referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class - 2 stripes and 3 stars;
  • the referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class - 2 stripes and 2 stars;
  • the referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of 3 classes - 2 stripes and 1 star.

The stars on the shoulder signs are located along the longitudinal axis of the shoulder signs. All shoulder insignia have green edging on all sides except the bottom. In the upper part of the shoulder signs there is a uniform button with a diameter of 14 mm, on the removable shoulder signs under the button there is a silver emblem (small) of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Shoulder signs are made of two types: sewn on - for winter coats for men and women, suits for men and women; removable - for the rest of the uniform.

Sewn on shoulder badges

Removable shoulder badges

To distinguish employees in the line of duty on representative, official and special uniforms, the wearing of the sleeve insignia of belonging to the Rosselkhoznadzor is established in the form of a green outline shield on a dark gray field, with the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor depicted on it in the form of a silver image crowned by three crowns united by a ribbon of a two-headed eagle, supporting with its paws a rectangular shield of dark green color, pointed downwards, located on its chest. The shield contains a silvery image of a pillar of laws superimposed on two crossing ears of golden color. Above the emblem there is a silvery inscription "Rosselkhoznadzor". The sleeve badge is sewn on the outside of the left sleeve at a distance of 80 mm from the top point of the sleeve to the badge.

Service badge- size 70 x 90 is made of gold-colored metal and is a figured shield with semicircular cutouts at the bottom. The main color of the shield is green. The shield depicts the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor. Under the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor there is an image of a red ribbon with the inscription "Rosselkhoznadzor" in golden letters. In the lower part of the service badge, the serial number of the badge, consisting of five digits, of which the first two digits are separated from the following by a "-" symbol.

Civil cockade It is a convex round silver rosette with a corrugated surface and serrated edges, with two concentric circles, the middle one is blue and the inner one is red.

Metal buttons silver color with the image of the heraldic emblem of the Rosselkhoznadzor. The buttons are available in two sizes: 22 and 14 mm.

Wearing separate pieces of uniform

Representative caps (weekend) and service employees of the highest and main group of positions of the Rosselkhoznadzor are worn with a badge and sewing; employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions wear caps with a badge. A cap with earflaps, a Kuban cap, a hat and a garrison cap is worn with a cockade. On a hat with earflaps and a Kuban hat, the cockade is worn in the front in the center of the fur ring. On the hat, the cockade is worn on the front.

A cap with earflaps, a Kubanka hat, a cap, a hat and a cap are worn so that the lower edge of a cap with earflaps, a Kubanka cap, a hat and a cap is one or two fingers wide, horizontally applied over the eyebrows, and the visor of the cap is at the level of the eyebrows ... The center of the cockade should be over the bridge of the nose. The pilot is put on with a slight tilt to the right side, and the cap with earflaps, the Kubanka hat, the hat and the cap - straight, without the tilt. The removed headdress is held in the left hand, freely lowered; a cap with earflaps, a Kubanka cap, a hat, a cap and a garrison cap must face the cockade forward; the lower edge of the cap should be facing down, and the caps, earflaps, Kuban caps and hats should be facing the right.

The raincoat is worn in cold weather with summer uniforms and in warm weather with winter uniforms. The cloak is worn with a buttoned belt.

The jacket fastens on the right (jacket - on the left) side with all buttons.

A casual semi-woolen jacket is worn with two top buttons unbuttoned, or with an unbuttoned zipper to the level of chest pockets.

Shirts (blouses) are worn buttoned up, with shoulder marks and a tie. The collar of a shirt (blouse) should be at the back flush with the top edge of the collar of a jacket (jacket, jacket) or protrude no higher than 0.5 cm above it.

It is allowed to wear:

  • shirts (blouses) with a tie without a jacket (jacket, jacket) with a summer executive (weekend) and summer official uniform, and indoors at any time of the year;
  • shirts (blouses) with an unbuttoned top button without a tie, without a jacket (jacket, jacket);
  • shirts (blouses) with short sleeves with an unbuttoned top button, no tie, no jacket (jacket, jacket) at daytime air temperatures above 20 degrees. A shirt (blouse) with short sleeves, with shoulder straps, if necessary, is worn with a tie.

The tie is attached to the shirt (blouse) with a clip between the third and fourth buttons from the top.

Crafts and scarves are worn neatly tucked under the collar of a coat or cloak. The upper edge of the muffler and scarf should evenly protrude 1 - 2 cm above the collar.

Gloves should be black.