Pickup phrases for girls who catch on. Pickup phrases are funny. Best Pickup Phrases

Not many people know that there is not only a male pickup truck, but also a female one. Its task is to seduce the object of desire by any means. After the goal is achieved, you can do anything - marry this person, continue dating or just leave him. But few women can achieve such opportunities, as they make many mistakes. On the way to the goal, there are several obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want. To avoid failing seduction, the basic pickup rules must be followed.

The story began in the United States in 1992 after the publication of a book by Ross Jeffries, which describes various manipulations, thanks to which any woman can be seduced. Of course, in response to such a terrible attitude towards female nature, the young ladies also decided to master this art in order to break the hearts of impudent men. The basis of the female pickup was a simple flirtation, thanks to which you can. At present, this science contains many more rules, but still its basis has remained the same.

Women's pickup truck and its basic rules.

The right choice of attire and accessories.

Everyone knows that first of all with the eyes. That is why it is very important to make a good first impression. In order for a guy to pay attention to a young lady, she needs to choose the right image. Of course, nothing will attract his attention like high heels and a beautiful, preferably tight, dress. According to statistics, in this case, the girl is guaranteed to get 90% of the attention from men.

It is worth choosing the style of the dress, which is like a certain shape of the figure. Color also matters, so you should not be based on fashion trends, but choose a dress of the shade that goes with your appearance. If a woman does not know how to walk in high heels, then it is better for her to limit herself to the average length of heels. There is nothing worse than a terrible walk due to too high heels. By the way, you can apply some trick. Now there are a lot of shoes that have rather high heels, but due to the platform, walking in them is much easier.

In addition to the outfit and shoes, it is very important to choose the right accessories. A huge bag will not fit a beautiful evening dress at all, but a neat little clutch will complement it perfectly. Excessive decorations can also spoil the overall look. It is better to limit yourself to a modest chain with a small pendant and earrings with a bracelet in a set with it. In general, earrings are recommended to be worn if the ears are open. Otherwise, you can not wear them. In the outfit, you should choose a maximum of 2 catchy items, for example, a handbag and a belt. If you use more bright elements, then you can become like a Christmas tree.

Beautiful and discreet makeup is the key to success.

A very important element is the right makeup. pretty understated makeup. Therefore, you should not apply too much makeup, especially if the date takes place during the daytime. Bright makeup is only suitable for special occasions, such as a formal event at work or New Year's Eve. You should not experiment before a date, as it is best to focus on the make-up that is used most often and is ideal for a certain appearance.

Establishing eye contact.

If the outfit and makeup made a splash, then it's time to take the next step. They will be eye contact with the object of desire. After giving him your modest smile, you should turn your head and continue the conversation with your girlfriend or sip your cocktail. If a man did not have time to notice such a beautiful person, then you need to attract his attention. But you should not flicker before his eyes, as this will only cause unpleasant emotions. is not too complicated, just by straightening her hair and shifting her legs, a woman has the opportunity to lure a man into her networks.

It is especially important to show some indifference to this object. You can even flirt with another man to arouse even more desire and interest in him. But do not overdo it, you should just let him know that he is not the only man in this institution. After such manipulations, he will have no choice but to approach the seductress and express a desire to get to know her.

The manifestation of sexuality and femininity in communication.

Having perfectly fulfilled the first rules that a pickup truck for women contains, many ladies make a lot of mistakes in the future. The behavior of a young lady tells a man a lot. He will either continue communication, or interrupt it, remembering serious and unexpected cases. Therefore, you should continue to lure the man of your dreams. You don't have to dress too sexy to show your worth. It is much more important to excite a man with his behavior, fleeting languid glances and a penetrating voice.

You can use some gestures to . For example, if a woman runs her hand over her neck and lowers it onto her thigh, then a man will definitely pay attention to this. He will awaken fantasies about what is hidden from his eyes under your clothes. It is also necessary, since, coupled with sexuality, this will be the perfect tandem for seducing a man.

Femininity is not only a pleasant and beautiful appearance, but also the behavior of a girl. A true lady will not drink men's drinks and say unpleasant words. Also, you should not talk in all colors about past relationships, as a couple of general phrases will suffice. If a woman has long hair, then this should definitely be shown to her interlocutor, seductively winding a strand of hair around her finger or simply sometimes throwing it back by turning her head.

Correct behavior when communicating with a man.

A very important point is a conversation with a man. Here you need to be tactful and show interest in the words of the interlocutor. You need to listen carefully to the man and ask questions if something is not clear, as he will be very pleased. You need to try to talk with him in the same language, using some phrases from his vocabulary in communication. During communication, you can accidentally touch his knee or shoulder, so a woman will show sympathy for this man.

There is a very interesting expression: “A man is ready to commit any meanness in order to achieve the location of a woman. Only a woman can surpass him in this. As you can see, girls have every chance to win any man they like. It is not necessary to visit where a pickup truck for girls is taught in order to. It is enough just to dress and do makeup correctly, as well as reveal your true feminine qualities, such as femininity, sexuality and the art of communication.

Constant attention, a sea of ​​compliments, gifts and a crowd of fans at your feet! Almost every girl secretly dreams about it. But for some girls, the ability to drive men crazy is given almost from the cradle, while others need a lifetime to comprehend the basics of the art of seduction.

A pickup truck, a modern set of manipulations for seduction, will help in mastering the secrets of such a complex science.

Rules and objectives of the women's pickup truck

The goal of the male pickup truck is the same - to put the girl to bed as quickly as possible. Representatives of the weaker sex have more inventive goals: to find - to get acquainted - to charm - to keep.

To achieve them, it is necessary adhere to the following rules:

  • Creating the "correct" image. Men love with their eyes. Therefore, the choice of attire and accessories is so important.
  • Beautiful make-up. Proper, discreet makeup will emphasize your beauty.
  • Eye contact. To capture his attention, you need to hook a man with a gesture, word or look.
  • "correct" communication. Naturalness, femininity and hidden sexuality are the main rules for a successful conquest.
  • "correct" behaviour. It is necessary to show interest in a person, to show interest in his words. A "accidental" touch will help "ignite a spark."

How to make a guy fall in love with you?

Do you think a man chooses a woman? You are right, it is. BUT! He does this only after receiving signs that she wants to be elected. And wise women can easily use it.

The main feature of a female pickup truck is the ability to create conditions in which the representative of the stronger sex himself must be imbued with a desire to get to know each other.

Its effectiveness lies, first of all, in the ability to advertise oneself in such a way that a man has no doubt that he is the initiator in the relationship.

Pickup rules for correspondence

SMS correspondence is one of the ways to test your feminine charm from a distance. Therefore, pickup lessons for beginner girls can start with her.

  1. It is not at all difficult to seduce a guy by SMS if stick to some rules:
  2. Hold a pause! Before answering, pause for half an hour and make him wait for the next message twice as long as you waited.
  3. Brevity is the soul of wit. Long SMS indicate excessive interest in him.
  4. Solid text. Do not use any emoticons and other unnecessary symbols - they speak of emotions.
  5. "Correct Image" He must be successful and independent.
  6. Emotional warming. From time to time, replace positive SMS with negative ones (you can always justify yourself that you made a mistake with the addressee).
  7. Keep intrigue. She generates interest.
  8. Remember goals. For every man, the information from SMS is not so important as its purpose. Do not forget about it!

Phrases and questions favorites

An equally important part of successful seduction is the ability to carry on a conversation. First of all, here you should naturally hold on and hide your excitement deeply.

Start the conversation with modest questions: “What?”, “Where?”, “How?” or “When?”, “Why?”. Well, the answers to give quite complete, capacious. In addition, any phrases should certainly be accompanied by a direct look directed directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Techniques for conversation

To seduce a man, first of all, you need to unobtrusively attract his attention.

In doing so, you can use the following women's tricks:

  • Smile and embarrassment;
  • Light thoughtfulness;
  • Relaxed posture and sensual movements;
  • An expression of boredom.

But to keep him must not be forgotten that perfect pickup girl

  • above all, loves and respects himself;
  • does not carry a bad mood;
  • does not throw in the eyes of its own complexes;
  • initiative and independent;
  • knows how to listen and accept the representatives of the stronger sex as they are;
  • capable of giving pleasure.

Let's summarize and highlight the main thing:

  1. Humility is the main secret. Do not forget that a man by nature is a breadwinner. Do not deprive him of the opportunity to conquer you.
  2. Unpredictability. Try to constantly bring newness into the relationship. Get over the routine.
  3. Sexuality is natural. In order for a man to believe in your sexuality, first of all, believe in it yourself.
  4. Playfulness and laughter. A positive attitude in a relationship is very important.
  5. Magnetism of the eye. Intrigue the chosen one with the depth of your gaze.
  6. Neckline. A beautifully accentuated chest is always a reliable weapon. She will easily bewitch any representative of the stronger sex.
  7. Seduce him with your feet. Try to constantly emphasize the beauty of your legs.
  8. Passionate whisper. Affectionate words uttered in the ear of a loved one will have an indelible effect.
  9. Caresses with hands. Light touches on the body are a sure way to ignite passion in your chosen one.
  10. Initiative in bed. Joyfully accept the caresses of your beloved, be liberated and from time to time take the initiative into your own hands.

The fashionable word "pickup", denoting the art of quick acquaintance with the opposite sex and seduction, until recently was applied exclusively to men.

At present, this method is quite successfully resorted to by girls who are not afraid to take the initiative into their own hands and do not have prejudices about non-committal relationships.

They don’t know the technique of seduction from birth, every girl can learn this if she takes pickup lessons, or gets acquainted with the basic rules of the method.

Rules and objectives of the women's pickup truck

The main purpose of a female pickup truck is to meet handsome guys for a short relationship. This does not exclude the further development of the novel. If you really interest a man, like him and make him fall in love with you, you can get a serious relationship.

However, many modern girls are interested in seduction as such, without far-reaching plans. Everyone defines goals for himself, while the rules of seduction for everyone remain unchanged.

Pickup lessons for girls - how to make a guy fall in love with you

The effectiveness of a female pickup truck will directly depend on how confident the girl feels in the role of a seductress. If the task is to make a guy fall in love with you, then you will have to make more than one effort.

A handsome young man is unlikely to be interested in a notorious and insecure person who does not know where to start a conversation.

To achieve what you want, you need to follow some advice:

Always control your behavior and not show too much interest in the person. The look of a she-wolf looking for another victim is strictly prohibited.

You should not try to find your happiness accompanied by a girlfriend, it looks rather pathetic. It is better to meet a guy in a cafe, sitting in splendid isolation, leafing through a book and throwing interested glances at him. You can even start an acquaintance yourself, but in order for it to go smoothly, you should think in advance what exactly is worth telling the young man. Complaints about his unhappy life and loneliness are unlikely to touch him, rather, they will scare him away.

You need to be able to be different from other girls, but only for the better. Seduction is a whole science, and mastering it can be difficult.

The main features of the female pickup truck are unobtrusiveness, intrigue, the ability to take the first step and profitably use their natural data.

Pickup lessons for girls when texting

Pickup may well imply seduction by correspondence - this is an ideal training for those who are not yet confident in their own abilities. You can seduce a man with beautiful words, using certain phrases, asking him questions.

Here are some rules for effective correspondence:

  • There is no need to rush to respond to the message, it is important to be able to pause and make the man wait.
  • Too long messages will show the girl's interest, so the young man should receive short answers.
  • You should create your successful and confident image, do not complain and do not demonstrate a depressive state.
  • Positive messages should be replaced by negative ones in order to keep the heat and emotionally warm up the man.
  • You have to be able to keep the intrigue.

Correspondence is a great pickup lesson for aspiring girls and the easiest way to make yourself known.

Pickup for girls phrases and questions

The ability to conduct a conversation greatly increases the effectiveness of seduction. A real master knows exactly which phrases are most suitable for this: they should be short, without excessive emotionality, while the gaze should be directed directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

A representative of the strong half of humanity, if he really likes a woman, will readily make concessions. Especially if he understands that sex is possible, and that his lady herself wants it.

It will not be difficult to attract his attention if you learn some lessons and use right tricks:

  • Show a slight thoughtfulness on the face
  • You can show a somewhat embarrassed smile.
  • Choose a relaxed posture, while the movements should be sensual.
  • Depict boredom, throw a languid look at a man.

The following pickup tips for girls will help you win and seduce a man:

  1. You need to be unpredictable, a man should not guess your every step.

2. You should let the guy conquer himself, because by nature he is a getter.

3. Create your sexy (but not vulgar) image and don't be shy about it.

4. Demonstrate a positive attitude, be playful enough.

5. Money is a forbidden topic of conversation, you should not look materialistic in his eyes.

6. An indelible effect on a partner can be produced by a passionate whisper in the ear and light touches of his hand.

7. All the advantages of the figure should be emphasized, the neckline is only welcome.

8. All men are very fond of compliments, so you need to remember to praise him from time to time.

9. One of the main pickup tricks is to mirror the partner's gestures.

10. You should be both sexy and restrained, modest and bold, open and a little mysterious.

You should not go too far in your games, especially if the guy really likes, and at the same time he shows sincere interest in the girl.

It so happened that the popular word "pickup" is first of all identified with the male art of seducing women. This "prejudice" was, at least until recently.

Today, women are more confidently taking over the baton in this simple matter, developing their own ways of easily seducing men and developing and improving the technique of the female "pickup".

Long gone are the days when, seeing a handsome man, women waited for him to dare to approach and speak. Now the fair sex, without hesitation, is increasingly taking this initiative into their own hands.

Women's pickup truck: goals set

What is a women's pickup truck? Whereas the men's pickup only aims to seduce more and more members of the opposite sex, the women's pickup is aimed at "collecting" dating men with the prospect of further developing more serious relationships.

A female pickup rather involves creating conditions for dating. After all, seeing a beautiful girl, a man does not always dare to approach because of self-doubt or, for example, a previous unsuccessful experience of dating. This is where female pickup methods come to the rescue.

To become a "successful" or "pikaper", a woman does not need to have chic external data. Naturally, you need to adhere to a neat, well-groomed look, but the most important role in success is played by a rather feminine look addressed to the man you like.

Learning the technique of a female pickup truck, you need to develop a sense of self-confidence. Do not be afraid not to please a man, because the essence of a pickup truck comes down to seducing as many of them as possible.

Female pickup truck: tricks and techniques of seduction

As already mentioned, a women's pickup does not imply direct acquaintance with a man who is interested in a woman, but rather the creation of conditions for this. A man must subsequently be sure that he was the initiator of the acquaintance. There are a huge number of secrets and tricks for any occasion of life and for any circumstances.

The look of a woman

The first signal that can interest a man is a look. It does not imply constant monitoring of a person. It is enough to throw a few slightly lingering glances. This will indicate that the woman is interested in the man, and will give him self-confidence to take the next step.

If a man, having caught the eye, began to actively show interest, without taking his eyes off the woman, then other methods can be introduced into the game.

Having met a man's gaze, you do not need to start drilling him. Men are scared off by women who are too self-confident, so it’s better, a little embarrassed, to look away. The appearance of a light blush in this case will serve as an indisputable plus.


Don't be afraid to show yourself. You can do this, for example, by slightly playing with your curls or by slowly putting your foot on your foot, while not forgetting that the actions being played do not look vulgar.

In addition to the latter, it should be noted that for seduction it is also not necessary to use too revealing sexual outfits, because the girl should remain a mystery, and not give the impression of an easily accessible person.

Style should be neat and restrained. It is better to focus on one detail, for example, a slit on a skirt or neckline. Any reproducible movements should be free and not create the appearance of a constrained woman playing learned roles.


To make it easier for a man to decide to approach, a woman can show that she is bored and not busy with anything. So he will not be afraid that his attempt to get acquainted will be out of place and at the wrong time.

More experienced and self-confident women can also use cardinal methods and, without waiting for the first man to decide to finally approach, talk to him. This, again, does not imply a full-fledged acquaintance, but only the creation of prerequisites for it.

Start of communication

So, one of the most popular and easiest ways is to ask for help. This technique is very successful, because rarely any man refuses to help a pretty girl and, for example, show her the way or carry heavy bags to the car.

Moreover, this is an open path to further acquaintance without much effort on his part. If the action takes place in a store, you can ask for advice on buying male attributes for your brother / dad / grandfather.

All women are actresses to one degree or another, and this means that they can use their acting skills for the purpose of dating. One way is to make a name for yourself and then immediately sweetly apologize. From the same series and the question: “Tell me, have we met anywhere before?”.

The car will help to fall in love with a man

As practice shows, women driving a car are given a greater choice of men and higher chances of meeting the person they like. In a competition with female pedestrians, autoladies undoubtedly win, because they can choose their own goal from a huge number of applicants and actively get to know each other, and not be chosen. For brave women, there are a number of tricks and tricks for the implementation of such a road pickup.

When it comes to finding your chosen one, most women act stereotypically. Many mistakenly believe that you can find your love in a nightclub, restaurant, shop, at work. Of course, many couples met in these places, who later were able to create a stable serious relationship, but sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and spend more than one night in nightclubs before a fatal meeting with the man of your dreams.

But after all, if you look, then most often men go to the same nightclubs with a girl or friends, and simply with a specific goal - to relax and have a good time. Therefore, luck can often smile only in the form of meeting a drunk visitor looking for a girl for one night. Such a search tactic is wrong, because the place of hunting for men should be their usual “habitat”.

The search for men needs to be moved to the very environment where they feel most comfortable. This is a kind of men's paradise, consisting of football, weapons and, of course, cars. Attending football matches is not difficult, but it takes time and patience, especially if football is in the last place of a woman's possible interests. With the purchase of a gun and further full involvement in the world of hunting on weekends, the situation is much more complicated. But as for cars, we need to talk about this in more detail.

Where and how to look?

You need to start with gas stations, because it is here that a woman can, leaving the car, show herself in all her glory. Of course, the presence of natural data does not solve the issue of guaranteed dating. In addition, you still need to be able to interest a man and pretend to be stupid in the right situation.

But after all, everyone knows that every woman is essentially an actress, so there should be no snags with the latter at all. And some women do not need to play any role at all, since nature endowed them with such characteristics from the very beginning. But that's a completely different story. The main thing is that men do not really like smart women and often bypass them. And if a man observes the manifestation of the female mind in automotive matters, then it is rare that further acquaintance can be discussed.

So, the situation with the gas station. You need to remember one little rule: before you stop at the gas station, you need to stop and touch up your makeup, because no one knows who you can meet in line at the checkout. Here you already need to turn on all your acting abilities to the fullest, using shooting eyes and innocent smiles, which can quickly interest a man who likes you. You can get used to the role of a lost girl and, coming up with a map in your hands, ask to show the route.

Or ask to listen to the rumble of the car, which seems disturbing to a woman who does not understand these matters, or to see if the tire really went flat, or it just seemed. Men tremble in the knees love to feel needed and useful, especially when it comes to an attractive stranger in trouble. These are just general ideas, but intricate ladies can create and act out a variety of scenes, as long as acting skills allow.

But if you don’t have your own car, this is not a reason to be upset, because no one has yet canceled an acquaintance in a taxi. You can write whole stories about the predilection of drivers for talking about bad roads, car brands and the difficult situation in the country. Here it is enough just to start a casual conversation, showing genuine interest.

Again, one should not forget about the need to pretend to be a fool, because with a woman who gives out advice and teachings all the way, the driver will only want to leave as soon as possible. But a girl who asks questions on automotive topics and listens carefully to the answers of an experienced driver who is ready to talk about it at least for hours, on the contrary, is able to interest him very much.

Of course, the above does not mean that all girls should only get acquainted with taxi drivers. After all, you can catch not only taxis, but simply passing cars. But in our time of criminal rampage it is not entirely safe - you can run into some kind of maniac or madman. Men are different after all.

But dating in a traffic jam is not only the easiest way to start communication, but also a way to pass the slowly dragging time. Again, it all depends on the woman and her initiative. It can be smiles, and the same request for help, as in a situation at a gas station. The easiest way is to just start a conversation, complaining about standing in a traffic jam.

In any case, success depends only on the woman and her ability to interest a man, regardless of the situation and mode of transportation.


Today, this area of ​​dating and seducing men is so popular that there are many trainings where every woman who wants can learn the technique of a female pickup truck. But visiting the latter is not at all necessary, because all that is needed to successfully seduce men is a little self-confidence and possession of the above simple techniques.

And you need to remember one thing: no matter what method is used, a man must be sure that the acquaintance is his idea. Men choose not women they like, but those who sent the necessary signals to make this choice.

In other words: the choice is always with the woman.

There is always a struggle between want and fear. Even if a man really liked you, it is quite possible that he had a bad dating experience. Help overcome his fear - hint that you are ready to get to know him.

The main difference between a male pickup truck and a female one is that girls do not get acquainted with the guys they like, they only create conditions for the man himself to show a desire to get acquainted. With the help of hints, you make it clear to the guy that you are ready to meet him.

The main thing is to attract the attention of men. For this:

Catch his eye, smile. Exchange glances. Look at him from time to time. Hold your gaze.

Showcase yourself. Play with your hair, gently run jewelry along your neck, along your curves. Straighten your hair, tilt your head slightly back.

be embarrassed. You seem to be embarrassed by your thoughts ... Ideally, if you can blush a little - this is charming. Tilt your head to the side, lower your eyes.

Light reverie. When you realize that he is already hooked, look away in a slight thoughtfulness. Your playfulness has been replaced by daydreaming or seriousness: try, guess!

Let pasha moveandI will be sensual, and the posture will be relaxed. Delicately play with a pen, fork, glass, without looking at the chosen one. Let his imagination run.

Show that you are bored. If you look too busy, you don't want to be distracted. Show that you are free and a little bored.

If he is interested - hold your eyes. Take a glance towards the restroom and give him another look on the way there. It is likely that you will encounter "accidentally" near the exit.

The second, more direct approach in the pickup is to speak to him first. It will require a little more courage from you, but learn to treat the dating process like a game. As if you are playing with a kitten with a bow.

When passing by, just say “Hello!”. To as if by chance.

Give some simple compliment(it should not be about his physical qualities or have a sexual connotation). For example: "Great tie" + the most charming smile in your arsenal of dizzying smiles.

Make a request. If you are in a restaurant, ask to pass a napkin, a menu, close the window. If you like someone on the street, ask them to show you the way, to help with something.

Identify yourself and immediately charmingly apologize. Acting data will be needed, but considering that all women are a bit of an actress, then I think that this will not be a big deal.

Call a friend. Ask to use the phone. You urgently need to call or write an SMS, and your phone is dead - that's bad luck!

Sit next to him in transport or at the airport, as if by chance. And then notice him and give him a warm smile.

"I'm here for the first time", "I don't know anyone here"- good phrases to meet at some event.

Ask for advice when buying. Choosing a tie for dad, brother, wine for a party, cheese for wine (it all depends on the specialization of the trading establishment where Cupid's arrow overtook you).

"We have met?" Wait until he is alone, go up to him and ask, “I see you have been watching me all evening. We have met?"

So, you hinted to him that "these eyes, on the contrary, do not mind!" Further, the initiative should completely pass into the hands of a man. He should have a strong impression that he was the initiator of the acquaintance! And if you exchanged phone numbers, don't call him first. Believe me, if a man wants to continue dating, he will definitely call you within the next three days. Well, if he doesn't call, then he missed his chance! The world is big and there are many men! One of the main laws of philosophy says: sooner or later, quantitative indicators turn into qualitative ones! Fate helps the brave!

Tip-exercise "Shooting eyes"

In front of the mirror, practice smiling in different ways, feeling sad, portraying seduction, surprise, joy, interest, intrigue, etc. See which smile seems the most attractive to you, which facial expression is the cutest - remember and use it on occasion. This is your arsenal.


Until you have made a final decision, you will be tormented by doubts, you will always remember that there is a chance to turn back, and this will not allow you to work effectively. But at the moment when you decide to devote yourself completely to your work, Providence is on your side. Things begin to happen that could not have happened under other circumstances... Whatever you are capable of, whatever you dream of, start doing it. Courage gives a person strength and even magical power. Make up your mind! Johann Goethe


Do you believe in love at first sight?

No, he replies.

Then look at me again, she asks.

The girl marries a millionaire. Her friend asks:

This is probably love at first sight?

You can't tell at first glance that he is a millionaire.

A man, in order to drag a girl into bed, is, in principle, capable of any meanness. Only a woman who has firmly decided to get married can surpass him in this.