Sinusitis during pregnancy, treatment with folk remedies. Medication for sinusitis during pregnancy. Why does sinusitis occur?

Any diseases are undesirable during pregnancy. But few women manage to avoid the most commonplace of them -. Untreated or prolonged infection is often more complicated.

Why does it arise?

As a rule, viruses or bacteria are the cause of sinusitis.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses located in the thickness of the upper jaw bone. They are called that - maxillary or maxillary.

On the inner walls of the sinuses, there are small holes (fistulas) through which communication with the nasal cavity occurs. The disease occurs when, for some reason, these holes are blocked. The mucus that forms in the sinuses does not find a way out. Plus, air ceases to circulate in a confined space. This is how the inflammatory process starts.

Another way of developing sinusitis is the ingress of harmful bacteria or viruses into the sinuses that infect the mucous membrane.

The factors that provoke the appearance of the disease include:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa (against the background, acute respiratory infections,),
  • the presence in the oral or nasal cavity of foci of chronic infection (for example, carious teeth).

In pregnant women, the rapid infection of the sinuses is facilitated by a physiological weakening of immunity, due to hormonal changes in the body.

Symptoms and complications

Acute sinusitis begins with a simple cold. In the initial (catarrhal) stage, patients are worried about thick, clear nasal discharge. With the transition of pathology to a purulent form, they become cloudy, greenish-yellow in color. Body temperature can rise to 37.5-39 degrees. There is tension in the cheekbones, temples, headaches appear. Patients feel sluggish, overwhelmed.

Lasts for 2-3 weeks and ends with recovery or flows into. In rare cases, the infection can spread to the brain and orbit, which is fraught with the development of meningitis, pansinusitis, and damage to the retina.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in early pregnancy is a danger to the baby. Violations of nasal breathing in the expectant mother can lead to fetal hypoxia or intrauterine growth retardation syndrome.

Diagnostics and treatment

There are a number of medicines that are approved for use during pregnancy. Among them are some antibiotics necessary for the treatment of sinusitis.

Usually, the diagnosis is based on the results of x-rays of the paranasal sinuses. But during the period of bearing a child, this procedure is prohibited, therefore, an otolaryngologist issues a conclusion to pregnant patients based on complaints and examination data. In some clinics, ultrasound methods of examining the paranasal sinuses are practiced. To determine the degree of edema of the mucous membranes and the presence of pus, special devices - echosinuscopes - help.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy depends on the stage of development of the disease and the general health of the woman:

  • To eliminate nasal congestion, the patient is recommended vasoconstrictor drops (Sanorin, Adrianol). They are used in short courses - no longer than 3-5 days.
  • In the early stages of the disease, the use of acetylcysteine, carbomethylcysteine ​​gives good results. They thin the mucus in the sinuses and make it easier to remove.
  • In the II and III trimester, if there are no contraindications from the gynecologist, we can take antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Flemoxin). For a complete cure, antibiotic therapy alone is enough. With a purulent form, the drug is prescribed in combination with other therapeutic measures. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
  • With mild to moderate inflammation, they are effective. There are two options for carrying out this procedure. The first is a trickle-drop lavage (or nasal shower). The patient is asked to tilt her head forward and open her mouth. The doctor pours an antiseptic solution into one nostril through a tube, which is then poured out of the other nasal passage. Due to the resulting pressure difference, the mucus is flushed out of the paranasal sinuses.

Another method is popularly called "cuckoo". Washing is carried out in the supine position. A medicinal solution is injected into one nostril in the same way. From the other it is pumped out by vacuum suction. To prevent water from flowing into the mouth, the patient is asked to continuously say "cuckoo".

  • In case of moderate sinusitis, the YAMIK method is used to cleanse the sinuses. The pathological contents are aspirated using elastic vacuum catheters, which create negative pressure in the nasal cavity. Pus is removed from the sinuses easily and painlessly. It may take from 2 to 6 procedures for a complete cure.
  • As an additional measure for acute sinusitis, physiotherapy is used: ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal cavity, magnetotherapy.
  • In case of failure of conservative treatment or in severe purulent forms of the disease, a puncture of the maxillary sinus is made (sinusitis). The operation takes place under local anesthesia. Through the nasal cavity, the doctor inserts a thin needle into the sinus and pumps out the purulent contents from it. Then he washes the mucous membrane with antiseptics and applies a local antibiotic. The millimeter hole left after the puncture is overgrown on the 3-5th day. If the process did not have time to go into a chronic form, then the procedure will not need to be repeated.

Only a doctor can choose the appropriate treatment option. With timely access to a specialist, surgical intervention can be avoided in 90% of cases.

It is highly not recommended for sinusitis to use such alternative methods of treatment as warming up or steam inhalation. The heat creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, therefore such procedures will only accelerate the course of the disease, and in the later stages will lead to the development of complications.

Prevention measures

Patients with chronic sinusitis should avoid hypothermia. For the period of pregnancy, it is better to refuse to visit the pool. In the cold season, you need to ensure that the legs and head are insulated as much as possible.

If you still cannot avoid a cold, it is important to prevent the infection from spreading to the sinuses. When the first signs appear, doctors recommend using vasoconstrictor drops.

It is necessary to bury the nose in a sitting position, slightly tilting the head back and turning it towards the nostril into which the solution is injected. Only in this case, the medicine will not drain into the nasopharynx, but into the middle nasal passage. When blowing your nose, each nostril should be cleaned separately by pinching the other with your fingers, otherwise the infected mucus will enter the sinuses.

The program "School of Doctor Komarovsky" tells about sinusitis in expectant mothers:

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes many changes, including a weakening of the immune system. It becomes easy to catch a cold, and with it - unpleasant complications, one of which is sinusitis. This disease is manifested by inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus. When the nose is blocked and normal aeration of the sinus is not possible, mucus accumulates in it, bacteria multiply and pus forms. Symptoms such as headache and facial pain, fever, and inability to breathe through the nose occur. Treatment should be started immediately, since the consequences of sinusitis can be very serious, especially for a woman in a position.

Possible complications of sinusitis in pregnant women

A permanently stuffy nose affects the work of the respiratory, and, therefore, the cardiovascular system. This causes an insufficient supply of oxygen to both the body of the woman herself and her child. Fetal hypoxia and impaired development may occur. With a long course of the disease without proper treatment, there is a likelihood of serious complications: meningitis, sepsis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, brain abscess, myocarditis, renal failure.

To avoid all the unpleasant consequences of sinusitis, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions. If you observe the dosage and the peculiarities of taking the drugs prescribed by him, then they will not affect the health of the unborn child in any way. Treatment with folk remedies in this situation is undesirable, since some herbs pose a serious danger to the development of the fetus. In addition, such recipes do not take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and her disease.

Sinusitis during pregnancy: how to treat

At the first signs of the disease, a woman needs to start adhering to a sparing regimen - rest more, drink plenty of warm liquid. Meals should be light, but with sufficient vitamins. To reduce the temperature, you can wipe your forehead with a cool sponge, use antipyretic teas with raspberries or currants, in extreme cases - paracetamol. You should definitely consult a doctor. Self-treatment can only do harm.

In the early stages of the disease, sinusitis is similar to a common rhinitis. X-rays can be used to determine inflammation in the maxillary sinuses, but this method is not recommended for expectant mothers. Therefore, most often a puncture, or puncture, of the nasal sinus is performed and its contents are taken for analysis. This is an unpleasant but necessary procedure. After all, if sinusitis is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not prescribed, it can lead to dangerous complications.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy includes relieving inflammation, resuming breathing, thinning and outflow of pus from the sinuses. This is usually achieved through drug therapy, but in the case of expectant mothers, a different type of treatment is preferred.

Active therapy

Since all medications have side effects to one degree or another, it is better for pregnant women to refrain from using pills and even most nasal sprays. But sinusitis is a serious disease that requires active measures. The safest ways to treat it are the following medical procedures:

  1. Punctures. The doctor pierces the maxillary sinus with a sterile needle and pumps out the pus with a syringe. Then, in the same way, he injects a special solution with antimicrobial properties inside. Such a procedure quickly relieves the patient's condition - breathing is restored, pains in the facial area and head disappear, and the temperature is normalized. It is important that this method eliminates the negative consequences of treating sinusitis, because you can choose a solution that, with local exposure, will be safe for a woman and a child, for example Miramistin.
  2. "Cuckoo". The method is based on flushing the nasal sinuses with a medicinal solution, most often with nitrofural. It is an antiseptic that destroys microbial cells and prevents them from multiplying. For the procedure, the woman must lie on the couch so that her head is below body level. Using a special apparatus, the doctor pours the medicine into one nostril of the patient, and from the other he pumps it out together with the pus accumulated in the sinuses. During this manipulation, a woman should say "ku-ku-ku-ku", since the pronunciation of this letter combination forms negative pressure in the nasal cavity. This ensures that the medicine and purulent masses pass only through the nose and does not allow it to be swallowed or enter the lungs. This procedure allows you to cleanse the maxillary sinuses and relieve inflammation in them.

Drug treatment

In the treatment of sinusitis, local vasoconstrictor drugs are usually used, since they relieve swelling of the nasal membrane and make it possible to remove pus accumulated in the sinuses. But most of these drugs are contraindicated in women during pregnancy. Therefore, they are prescribed in extreme cases, when the health benefits of the expectant mother outweigh the possible harm to the child. At the same time, they should be used for a limited time. The doctor may prescribe drops or spray, which are indicated for children. Xylometazoline is also an approved drug that should be used with caution.

Since the development of inflammation and the formation of pus in the nasal sinuses is associated with the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria in them, antibiotics are an effective treatment for sinusitis. Usually, third-generation cephalosporins, augmentin, or azithromycin are prescribed. When treating a pregnant woman, they try to avoid this, but in case of a severe course of the disease, such drugs can be prescribed: spiramycin, cefaclor, amoxicillin, clarithromycin.

An alternative to injectable and tablet forms of antibacterial drugs are topical agents. These are nasal sprays, drops and solutions containing an antibiotic. Thanks to nasal administration, the possible negative consequences of using this group of drugs are significantly reduced. Together with antibiotics, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines to relieve swelling in the nasopharynx area.

A special place in the treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women is occupied by the drug sinupret. It is based on plant components: yellow gentian, black elderberry, medicinal primrose, common sorrel, medicinal verbena. Therefore, this drug is allowed to be taken by expectant mothers, but only in the form of tablets - drops and syrup contain ethyl alcohol. You also need to be sure that the patient is not allergic to the components of this product.

The effectiveness of the drug is due to the properties of its plant materials grown in environmentally friendly conditions. It contains medicinal essential oils, flavonoids and saponins, which provide synupret with the following functions:

  • liquefaction of thickened mucus in the maxillary sinuses;
  • antiviral activity;
  • relief of breathing;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • increased immunity.

And yet, like any drug, a doctor must prescribe synupret. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Prevention of sinusitis

The expectant mother should take particular care of her health in order to prevent the development of the disease. Sinusitis is usually a complication of a runny nose, which has arisen against the background of a cold or hypothermia. The following actions will help prevent its appearance:

  • in the cold season, it is necessary to dress warmly and wear a hat;
  • avoiding crowded places, especially during an epidemic of colds;
  • rinsing the nose with saline solutions both for prevention and at the first manifestations of a cold;
  • proper nutrition - vitamins and minerals that enter the body with food ensure the normal functioning of the immune system;
  • taking care of the oral cavity sanitation - a tooth infection can spread to the respiratory system;
  • examination and treatment of chronic diseases before pregnancy;
  • with a tendency to sinusitis, breathing exercises are useful. Exercising several times a day daily can significantly improve sinus aeration.

Do not confuse sinusitis with a common cold. This disease is much more serious and requires compulsory medical intervention, especially in such an important period of a woman's life as pregnancy.

Of course, pregnant women are as susceptible to various diseases as non-pregnant women. During pregnancy, sinusitis can also develop. In particular, all those who have had chronic sinusitis before pregnancy are susceptible to it. As a rule, even the simplest runny nose against the background of a decrease in immunity during pregnancy can be complicated by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in the nasal cavity.

Causes of sinusitis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, sinusitis is often the result, first of all, of a noticeable weakening of the immunity of a young mother: the body's defenses weaken during the gestation of a child, which makes the woman more susceptible to the attack of various infections and viruses. At the same time, during pregnancy, sinusitis sometimes develops as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection, as a result of poorly cured colds. That is why you need to follow the doctor's recommendations, monitor your health and pay great attention to the mildest forms of colds and rhinitis. In addition to the fact that the treatment and symptoms of sinusitis are not the most pleasant, this disease is fraught with serious complications.

What is the danger of sinusitis during pregnancy?

It is characterized by sinusitis, first of all, the inability to normal nasal breathing and nasal congestion. Lack of oxygen in some cases can cause various hypoxic disorders that can affect the heart. An equally serious danger of the disease is that the inflammatory process can spread to the cranial cavity, which can lead to the development of serious diseases like meningitis, brain abscess, sepsis. Often, chronic sinusitis is the cause of sick teeth, and also provokes the occurrence of trigeminal neuritis, which causes quite severe pain in the face area. Constant congestion will have a detrimental effect on pressure, heart and lungs. It should be borne in mind that without timely treatment, with the development of sinusitis, complications can occur so serious that it will be impossible to cope without surgical intervention. Of course, any kind of surgery during pregnancy is very dangerous.

Symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy

The main symptoms include:

  • Headache;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Feeling of pressure and pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
  • Soreness and tenderness of the cheeks;
  • Heat;
  • Thick nasal discharge, with difficulty.

Due to the suppression of the woman's immune system during pregnancy, in some cases even a common cold sometimes gives complications. At the same time, any effect on the fetus (intoxication during illness, stress, medication) can have long-term consequences, especially if the effect is observed in the first 12 weeks.

Diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy

As you know, the main methods for diagnosing sinusitis include endoscopy of the nasal cavity, radiography, computed tomography. X-ray or computed tomography in the first half of pregnancy is highly undesirable. For the diagnosis (and further treatment) of sinusitis in pregnant women, a puncture of the maxillary sinus with a needle is most often used. Of course, any diagnostic measures and treatment should be provided only by an otolaryngologist. The puncture is done under local anesthesia, so pain is absent or minimal. New methods for diagnosing the disease include endoscopy of the nasal cavity. This procedure can only be carried out in specialized offices.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy

1 The meaning of "puncture" with a needle is that the doctor pierces the maxillary sinus, and then sucks the accumulated pus with a syringe. Then he pours a disinfectant solution into the sinus, which makes breathing much easier, reduces sinus pressure and headache.

2 Another procedure that involves rinsing the nose with special solutions is "Cuckoo". The point is that the medicinal solution is moved along the patient's nose while he says "ku-ku-ku-ku". In this case, the doctor injects an antiseptic solution into one nostril of the patient in a supine position, and from the other he tries to suck the solution along with purulent secretions. So the pus is removed from the sinus, and the solution, when rinsing the nasal cavity, eliminates the inflammation.

3 If we talk about drug therapy, then the treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics during pregnancy is carried out only in extreme cases, so very often doctors began to give preference to homeopathic remedies. At the same time, the use of antibiotics is possible in cases where permitted topical agents are used, which will be injected directly into the maxillary sinuses.

4 In case of sinusitis during pregnancy, rinsing the nose should become a regular procedure: rinsing the nose is allowed with herbal, antiseptic and saline solutions. Edema of the mucous membrane, as a rule, is relieved with the use of vasoconstrictor drugs (it should be noted that almost all such drugs are contraindicated for use during pregnancy). The use of vasoconstrictor drops will be justified only in severe cases, but in this case, preference is given to drugs approved for use by young children.

5 Of course, it is imperative to treat sinusitis during pregnancy. For this, proven folk recipes are often used, which include inhalation over boiled potatoes, soda, propolis, menthol. Linden and raspberry tea is used as a diaphoretic. For instillation - unconcentrated beet juice.

What is the danger of sinusitis during pregnancy?

Like any other serious disease, untreated sinusitis can lead to dangerous complications. Indeed, due to neglected or not carried out treatment, the renal pelvis is deeply affected, myocarditis, rapid meningitis, as well as brain abscess and sepsis develop.

Sinusitis is characterized by a lack of oxygen, so the disease often entails various hypoxic disorders that affect the fetus. Nasal congestion will also negatively affect pressure, lungs, and heart.

Chronic sinusitis causes dental disease and trigeminal neuritis, which can cause severe facial pain.

With the development of the disease, serious complications develop, which are difficult to cope with without surgery. Surgery during pregnancy is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

Pregnant women need to know that in their situation, sinusitis is a threat not only to health, but also affects the fetus. Therefore, the diagnosis of the disease and its treatment should be carried out as early as possible.

To diagnose sinusitis in pregnant women, standard radiography cannot be used, therefore, other methods are used for these purposes: diaphanoscopy (diagnostics using a directed beam of light), traditional ultrasound of the sinuses, examination with a thermal imager.

It must be remembered that sinusitis will not develop only with timely treatment. Therefore, pregnant women should be sensitive to the respiratory system of their body in order to immediately identify the first signs of the onset of the disease.

Tips for pregnant women:

1 You need to blow your nose correctly - from each nostril in turn. In this case, discharge from the nose will not enter the middle ear and the auditory tube;

2 When instilling drops into the nose, you need to tilt your head back, and then turn to the instilled side, because drops can enter the nasal passages, and not into the nasopharynx;

3 Do not self-medicate during pregnancy. Independent use of antibacterial agents in some cases does not help and can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

It is best not to use drugs to increase immunity during pregnancy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. In addition, it must be borne in mind that most nasal sprays and drops contain components that increase vascular tone. Because of their action, hypertonicity of the uterus occurs and the risk of miscarriage increases. Therefore, the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy should be completely under the supervision of a physician.

Unfortunately, ?? pregnancy does not protect a woman from disease. The immune system of the expectant mother is weakened. Even a simple cold can lead to complications, one of which is sinusitis. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is accompanied by severe symptoms - severe headache, nasal congestion, fever, general weakness and fatigue.

The disease must be treated as quickly as possible. In advanced cases, the infection from the nasal cavity spreads further, can spread to the lining of the brain, causing meningitis. ??

Therapy for any disease during this period has its own characteristics. First of all, this is a restriction on the use of medications that negatively affect the embryo. Sinusitis during pregnancy requires special attention, since the treatment must be effective for the mother and at the same time safe for the baby.

Sinusitis during pregnancy is not uncommon. This is due to several features of the body of the expectant mother:

  1. First, during this period, the amount of mucus produced increases, and at the same time its viscosity increases. This applies not only to the nasal cavity. The nature of vaginal discharge and saliva changes, which is associated with hormonal changes.
  2. Secondly, the immunity of a pregnant woman is reduced, and all organs and systems work in an enhanced mode, as if “for two”. Due to the increased thickness of mucus and the weakened ability of the body to resist infection, bacteria are not so quickly removed from the nasal cavity and begin to multiply actively.

Pregnancy is often accompanied by acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, and sinusitis becomes companions of these diseases. Excessive activity of microorganisms common for humans against the background of reduced immunity of a pregnant woman leads to the development of sinusitis. Temporomandibular sinusitis can be caused by infections such as staphylococci, streptococci, viruses, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and fungi. Prolonged contact with the allergen can become the cause of the pathology.

The success of recovery depends on early diagnosis and initiation of treatment.

Sinusitis during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

Headache with regular nasal congestion;

Pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, forehead, sinuses;

Thick nasal secretion, acquiring a greenish or yellow color, often with an unpleasant odor;

Temperature increase;

Decreased performance, general weakness of the body.

The initial stages of the disease may be asymptomatic, but over time, the signs of sinusitis intensify, become pronounced, supplemented by new manifestations.

??? Consequences of sinusitis suffered during pregnancy

Sinusitis during pregnancy, if treatment is started out of time, is dangerous for the expectant mother, negatively affects the fetus. In advanced conditions, an infection from the maxillary sinuses, spreading with the bloodstream, affects the kidneys, heart muscle, in severe cases of the lining of the brain. Sinusitis during pregnancy causes negative consequences for the health of the child. The main symptom of the disease is nasal congestion, leads to a lack of oxygen in the mother's body, and contributes to the development of complications for the fetus. Hypoxia causes hypertension, heart disease.

Infection in the nasal cavity is fraught with subsequent inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - a painful and intractable condition.

The earlier treatment is started, the more likely it is to solve the problem in a conservative way. In advanced cases, surgical intervention becomes the only way to overcome the disease, which is not desirable for the expectant mother. To minimize the likely severe consequences of sinusitis during pregnancy, you need to start therapy as soon as possible. Therefore, a cold, a lingering runny nose, headaches against a background of congestion require medical advice. Do not self-medicate and postpone a visit to the doctor. This will harm not only the woman, but also the future baby.

How and what to treat sinusitis during pregnancy

Standard therapy for sinusitis includes medication, special procedures, and, in some cases, sinus puncture. But the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy has features. Some intensive treatments can harm the fetus. An antibiotic for sinusitis, if necessary at this stage of the disease, is selected especially carefully during pregnancy. Many medicines are prohibited for use in expectant mothers or are allowed in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Drug treatment

Bacterial sinusitis often requires antibiotics. Many of them are toxic to the fetus, but the harm of modern antibacterial drugs is exaggerated. Today, there are options approved for use by expectant mothers that are safe for the baby. If the doctor prescribes antibiotics for sinusitis, do not be afraid. The consequences of an untreated infection can be severe. Treatment of sinusitis with antibacterial drugs during pregnancy will be successful if you strictly follow the doctor's instructions regarding the choice of medication, dosage, time of administration and duration of the course. In this case, the likelihood of side effects on the woman's body and the fetus is minimal. Most often, augmentin, isithromycin, third-generation cephalosporins are prescribed (if the inflammatory process is pronounced).

Sinusitis in the initial stage in the early stages of pregnancy is treated with the use of local antibacterial drugs in drops, sprays.

In this case, the antibiotic immediately enters the site of inflammation, into the maxillary sinuses, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, without exerting a systemic effect on the woman's body, on the development of the embryo.


In advanced cases, when emergency assistance is needed, a sinus puncture is performed. This method is often used in the first trimester of pregnancy when antibiotic use is severely restricted. The essence of the puncture is to pierce one sinus with a special needle in turn, then the other (if the sinusitis is bilateral) and rinsing with special medicinal solutions. After this procedure, there is an instant relief of the general condition of the patient. By puncturing the sinus, ensuring the outflow of pus, the doctor seeks to reduce the pressure in this area. Thanks to this, the headache recedes, the body temperature decreases, and the general condition of the body improves.

There is an opinion that after a puncture the disease will turn into a chronic state and will return regularly. This is not true.

Relapses of inflammatory processes in the sinuses occur due to incomplete therapy. It is very important to undergo comprehensive treatment. After the removal of acute inflammation, physiotherapy is recommended (heating, laser). They are not prohibited for pregnant women, they are carried out subject to agreement with the doctor. A puncture is rarely prescribed, often in advanced stages of the disease. If therapy is started on time, such a procedure is usually not required.


Homeopathy is allowed for expectant mothers. But it should be understood that incorrectly selected treatment greatly complicates sinusitis in pregnant women. As a result, not only the woman suffers, but also the unborn child. The pronounced therapeutic effect of homeopathic medicines is achieved only after long-term administration. Therefore, homeopathic medicines are used only as directed by a doctor as part of a comprehensive treatment. Homeopathy is not able to replace antibiotics, puncture, washing if necessary. The most famous means "Asinis", "Cinnabsin", "Euphorbium Compositum". As a rule, they are successfully combined with other medicines and procedures for sinusitis.

Europhobium compositum drops


Inhalations are prescribed as part of a complex treatment for sinusitis. They are not contraindicated in pregnant women. They are carried out with the help of a nebulizer or the usual "old-fashioned" method - steam. The first option is preferable. Firstly, such procedures are performed with cold, not hot steam, which is easier for the expectant mother. Secondly, the smallest particles of steam allow you to quickly deliver the medicine to the site of inflammation, due to which the procedure is highly effective. ?? Saline solutions (saline) are used to cleanse the sinuses, alkaline solutions (mineral water "Narzan", "Essentuki") are used to liquefy purulent discharge. Maxillary sinusitis is treated with antibiotic inhalation. The need for the appointment, as well as the drug, is determined by the doctor. Furacillin solution, tobramycin, floimucil are used as an antibacterial component for a nebulizer.

Heat inhalation can be done at home. They are made with essential oils that have antibacterial properties. It is good to breathe over potatoes. It should be remembered that folk remedies, including medicinal herbs, are not always safe for the fetus. Before starting such procedures, it is worth discussing their feasibility and the possibility of carrying out them during pregnancy with a doctor.

?? Rinsing the nose

If sinusitis and pregnancy limit the choice of antibiotics, then treatment by washing the sinuses is allowed and harmless. In a medical institution, this procedure is carried out according to Proetz. The method is popularly called "cuckoo". Its essence lies in the fact that a special medicinal composition with the help of a special apparatus is poured into one nostril at that time and exits through the other along with pus. During the procedure, the patient lies on his back on a couch. A prerequisite is that the head must be located below the level of the body. When washing, the woman constantly repeats "ku-ku", and this is how the method got its popular name. Thanks to this, the liquid does not enter the respiratory tract, but is removed through the nose. Rinsing the nose during pregnancy is also performed at home on their own with a special syringe or syringe. Most often, a saline solution is used for this.

Before the procedure, you need to drip nose drops to reduce swelling.

Local spectrum drugs

Treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women involves the use of topical medications. First of all, these are drops and sprays to facilitate nasal breathing, relieve swelling in the nasal cavity ("Nazivin", "Xylometazoline", etc.). Their use in the treatment of the expectant mother is not desirable, but if necessary, they can be prescribed. Vasoconstrictor drugs should be treated with caution, the dosage and duration of their use is determined by the doctor.

Sinupret is prescribed to thin mucus, relieve inflammation. It enhances the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment.

?? Prevention of sinusitis in pregnant women ??

One of the main causes of nasal diseases in pregnant women is a weakening of the immune system. Therefore, the prevention of sinusitis should be aimed at improving the functions of the immune system. It is important for the expectant mother to eat right, take vitamins, walk in the fresh air, and not overcool. In winter, you need to protect your head with a hat.

To improve air circulation in the nasal cavity, it is recommended to perform breathing exercises.

To do this, close one nostril with a finger, and take a deep breath through the other. The nasal passages alternate. The exercise is repeated 8 times. With sinusitis, as well as, with a tendency to it, gymnastics is recommended to be performed regularly, several times a day.

Sinusitis is a serious disease that, if improperly treated, leads to the development of complications for the fetus and the woman. Therefore, it is impossible to self-medicate, experiment with folk methods and homeopathic remedies in pregnancy! Therapy should be comprehensive and carried out under medical supervision.

Sinusitis during pregnancy is an extremely unpleasant ailment. In addition to uncomfortable sensations, it poses a danger to the health of both the expectant mother and the fetus. The inflammatory process is localized in the maxillary sinuses. It is characterized by purulent discharge and nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, pain in the head. Despite the fact that the choice of drugs for sinusitis for women in the position is small, there are other methods to get rid of the pathology. What treatment for sinusitis during pregnancy is safe and effective?

Sinusitis should be treated with caution. Purulent processes from the maxillary sinuses can spread to the membranes of the brain, causing serious complications. And given the reduced immunity of pregnant women, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all recommendations in order to avoid dangerous consequences for the child and mother.

Features and types of pathology

Sinusitis is also known as rhinosinusitis. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses. They are the airspace and communicate with the nasal cavity. The maxillary sinuses perform a number of important functions:

  • "Treat" the air- cleanse, warm and moisturize it when breathing;
  • change the timbre - give the voice an individual sound;
  • reduce the load- reduce the mass of the anterior part of the skull;
  • protect - isolate sensitive tissues (eyes, roots of teeth) from temperature changes.

The maxillary sinuses are quite voluminous, while they have narrow outlet openings that connect them to the nasal cavity. With the development of an infectious process in the sinuses, edema occurs, as a result of which the excretory axillary ducts narrow. This prevents mucus and pus from flowing out of them. So a vicious circle is formed and the clinical picture of sinusitis is aggravated.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a serious disease that requires competent treatment, especially if the woman is in an "interesting" position. The classification of sinusitis is presented in the table.

Table - Types of sinusitis

Inflammation causes

The main cause of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is the development of an infectious process in them, provoked by bacteria or viruses. Often, sinusitis is a complication of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract or nasal cavity. During pregnancy, the body's immune resources are depleted, which allows infections to "attack" more often and faster.

The accompanying factors provoking the development of sinusitis are:

  • chronic foci of infection- tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis;
  • improper treatment of rhinitis- sinusitis can be a complication of a common cold, flu;
  • nasal pathology - a curved septum, thickening of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, hypertrophy of the nasal conchas provoke stagnation of secretions in the maxillary sinuses;
  • molar inflammation- close location contributes to the "transfer" of the infection to the maxillary sinuses.

The chronic form develops against the background of improper treatment of acute sinusitis. Most often there are provoking factors. For example, curvature of the nasal septum or hypertrophy of the tonsils. Also, the occurrence of sinusitis is facilitated by the fact that many women postpone the start of therapy for common rhinitis until the last, fearing to harm the baby with drugs.

What worries

Signs of sinusitis are bright, so it is difficult to confuse them with manifestations of other diseases. The main ones are:

  • nasal congestion- along with this, there is difficulty breathing;
  • lack of smell- at the same time, a woman may also have a bad taste;
  • nasal discharge- purulent, greenish or yellowish, mucous (but not always with sinusitis);
  • pain in the head - localized in the forehead, in the paranasal region and the bridge of the nose, may increase when the head is tilted forward, as well as with light tapping of the fingers on the forehead, the pain can be felt inside the skull, "behind the eyes";
  • swelling - swelling of the eyelid and cheeks may appear on the side of the inflammation;
  • voice change- it becomes nasal;
  • discomfort - there is a feeling of heaviness and a foreign object in the head;
  • memory impairment, distraction, insomnia- when the form is running.

Most often, all these symptoms appear in the late afternoon, especially when the woman takes a horizontal position. There is also an increase in body temperature, which is often mistakenly associated with a cold.

How to confirm

The examination begins with the collection of information about the patient's symptoms and complaints, as well as an examination by an otolaryngologist.

The most common and reliable way that allows you to diagnose sinusitis and determine its shape is radiography of the paranasal sinuses. But this method is excluded in the 1st trimester. And in 2 and 3 it can be used without fear for the health of the baby, but only according to strict indications.

A diagnostic puncture is used - piercing the sinus, taking its contents for bacteriological analysis.

However, mainly during pregnancy, sinusitis is diagnosed on the basis of a complex of symptoms. If the doctor decides to carry out a diagnostic puncture, then it simultaneously serves as a treatment for the disease.

What is dangerous

Neglected cases of sinusitis can only be treated surgically, and any operations are highly undesirable during pregnancy. Ignoring the disease can lead to serious consequences for the body of the expectant mother:

  • sepsis;
  • brain abscess;
  • myocarditis;
  • meningitis;
  • damage to the renal pelvis.

All these pathologies pose a danger to the health and life of not only a woman, but also a child. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in a timely manner during pregnancy. And if the diagnosis is confirmed, perform the prescribed treatment for sinusitis.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy

Taking medication at your own discretion is unacceptable. Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy involves a set of measures, the use of systemic drugs and local sanitation. The options are as follows.

  • Antibiotics This is the first and most essential group of drugs. They are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of microflora and the duration of pregnancy. Permitted drugs are determined by the doctor in each case individually. Antibiotics are often given topically, that is, to be injected directly into the nasal passages, which communicate with the sinuses. These are aerosols or drops. For example, "Isofra", "Polydexa".
  • Vasoconstrictor drops... Prescribed to relieve swelling and relieve nasal breathing. Subject to dosages, they are safe for the mother and fetus. These are preparations based on xylometazoline (Otrivin, Dlyanos, Rinotaiss, Galazolin), naphazoline (Naphtizin, Sanorin), oxymetazoline (Nazivin, Nazol).
  • Solutions for rinsing the nose... They are used for complex treatment, most often on the basis of herbs or salt (Humer, Aquamaris). They are safe for the mother and fetus in the 1,2 and 3 trimesters, but before using them, you should also consult a specialist.
  • Puncture. Diagnostic puncture is used not only to identify sinusitis, but also to treat it. This procedure involves piercing the maxillary sinus with a special needle, with which mucous and purulent contents are pumped out. Then a bacterial solution is injected into the sinus, which is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not affect the body of a woman and a child.
  • Cuckoo. This method is based on rinsing the nose and is not contraindicated for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters. It is carried out only by specialists in a hospital setting. During the procedure, it is necessary to pronounce the sounds "Ku-ku" so that negative pressure is created in the nasal cavity. This prevents the treatment solution from entering the respiratory tract and helps to achieve the maximum effect of washing. The manipulation is carried out in such a position that the patient's head is located below her body. A medicinal solution is poured into one nostril, and it is pumped out of the second using a special tool.
  • YAMIK catheter. This is a device that is inserted into the nasal cavity. Specially inflated balloons create negative pressure, as a result of which the maxillary sinuses open. Their content goes into the nasal passages and is removed. YAMIK catheter is an alternative to maxillary sinus puncture, but not all clinics have these devices. In many cases, you have to purchase them yourself. It is a safe and effective procedure, but, according to reviews, it is not very pleasant or painful procedure.

In complex treatment, it is effective to use physiotherapy - UHF, magnetotherapy, UFO. However, how to treat sinusitis in pregnant women, and what methods to combine, should be decided by a specialist, based on the clinical situation.

Traditional methods

Herbal and other natural remedies are gentle on the body. Nevertheless, how to treat sinusitis during pregnancy at home using folk methods should also be agreed with a specialist. The following methods are known.

  • Silver water. You can make it yourself by leaving the peeled silver object in warm water for a day. Also, a special solution is sold at the pharmacy. It is recommended to rinse your nose with this water twice or thrice a day.
  • Sea salt . As an antiseptic, it is suitable for the preparation of rinsing solutions. It is recommended to dilute no more than a teaspoon of salt in 0.5 liters of warm water, stir the liquid until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  • Propolis. A solution based on it helps to cope with many infectious agents, as well as relieve inflammation. To do this, 15 g of raw materials are poured into 50 ml of boiling water, insisted for about two hours. The filtered liquid, one or two drops twice a day, is instilled into the nasal passages.
  • Eggs . Hard boiled chicken egg. Then he is allowed to cool slightly so as not to provoke a skin burn. Alternately, they should be driven on both sides of the bridge of the nose with rotational movements, warming the maxillary sinuses from the outside.

Relapse prevention

Chronic sinusitis is dangerous for exacerbations, especially during cold periods of the year. To avoid this, you should follow simple rules of prevention.