Gas formation during pregnancy: the first signs and treatment. Increased gas formation during pregnancy

Most women note that with the onset of pregnancy, digestive problems arise. Flatulence during pregnancy is a frequent complaint of expectant mothers both in the early stages and after 20 weeks. The formation of gases in the intestines (flutulence or winds, as the old doctors called them) and their excretion is a normal physiological process. But most often, bloating during pregnancy is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: cramping pains in the abdomen, heaviness, a feeling of fullness, which worries the woman and disappears only after the passage of gases.

Causes of flatulence during pregnancy

In early pregnancy, bloating (increased gas formation) is associated with an increase in the production of progesterone, which, in addition to relaxing the uterus for the normal course of pregnancy, also has a relaxing effect on the muscular wall of the digestive tract. At the same time, the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines slows down, fermentation intensifies, and the removal of gases is inhibited. All this leads to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, rumbling in the abdomen, belching,.

Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the production of hormones by the pancreas decreases and this also leads to flatulence. Sometimes bloating can be used as a sign of pregnancy.

Food during pregnancy also play a role. Therefore, first of all, doctors regulate nutrition.

In the later stages, the growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines and disrupts its normal function of moving food. Fermentation and the associated increased gas formation occur. Various chronic colitis and gastritis aggravate this process. Sometimes the cause of increased gas formation is .

Flatulence during pregnancy is not dangerous, but it is a sign of irritable bowel and sometimes bloating and pulling pains can be a signal of a threatened abortion.

Approach to the treatment of flatulence during pregnancy

If increased gas formation bothered a woman before pregnancy, then the main cause is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in this case, consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary to eliminate various kinds of exacerbations. All unpleasant symptoms and processes associated with flatulence that appeared with the onset of pregnancy must be eliminated if they cause concern, and you need to use means that are harmless to the mother and fetus.

First you need to adjust the diet. It is described in detail here. It is important to exclude from the diet those foods that lead to increased gas formation, as well as to eat small meals several times a day and preferably in the supine position. Feel like a queen during these unforgettable 9 months! You need to chew food carefully, do not rush and do not eat on the go, so that air does not enter the esophagus and create an air lock.

Top 10 Flatulent Foods

Products that cause increased fermentation and gas production in the intestines must be excluded or used in small quantities (if you really want to). The following products cause the strongest gas formation:

  • all types of cabbage, raw and cooked;
  • radish and radish, mushrooms;
  • fresh and cooked peppers;
  • eggplant in all forms;
  • fresh apples, apricots, plums, cherries, grapes, peaches;
  • dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes, raisins
  • juices: peach, grape, apple,
  • beans, beans, peas, lentils, corn, peanuts;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • lard and fatty meat;
  • fresh milk and kefir

Shown are daily walks in the fresh air, wearing loose maternity clothes, not smoking, lightly stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction. All of these methods are good if a woman's bloating during pregnancy does not cause much concern. Traditional medicine advises drinking decoctions of chamomile, mint, valerian root, dill seeds. The amount of gases reduces ginger tea. Ginger contains a substance gingerol, which actively suppresses the formation of gases bacteria of the large intestine. If, nevertheless, gases continue to torment, sometimes to relieve gases. But, as practice shows, the prescription of drugs that have a minimum of side effects is most often required.

Pharmacotherapy of flatulence

For treatment, carminative drugs are prescribed, which relax the intestines, increase its lumen and promote the removal of gases. The main active ingredient of medicines for the treatment of flatulence in pregnant women is simethicone. Preparations based on it are not absorbed into the blood, but relieve spasm of the muscular wall of the intestine, act on gas bubbles, merge with them and destroy them. based on simethicone are so safe that they are given not only to pregnant women, but also to newborns.

Obstetrician-gynecologists prefer to prescribe the drug espumizan to pregnant women. This medicine is harmless, affordable and has an excellent carminative effect. In addition, it is an excellent defoamer: it destroys gas bubbles, converting them into foam. Of the positive effects, it should be noted that it is not absorbed into the blood, does not affect the fetus, and forms protection in the form of a film on the intestinal mucosa. Apply it 2 capsules at night.

Iberogast is an excellent carminative and defoamer. It is based on alcoholic extracts of bitter Iberian and other herbs: chamomile, cumin, licorice, milk thistle, lemon balm, mint, celandine. That is, this medicine does not contain chemicals. Its selective effect on the intestinal wall is noted: with a spasm of a certain area, it relaxes, with a reduced tone, it increases it. There are also "side effects" - improved digestion, choleretic and bactericidal action. In addition, it has a calming effect. Although the annotation to the drug contains contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, it can be used, but only under medical supervision and for a short time. After all, constipation and the threat of interruption with flatulence are much worse than a few drops of Iberogast tincture. Apply it 20 drops before meals 3 times a day.

There are also preparations based on simethicone - diflatil, simikol, sub simplex, meteospasmil, which can also be used to treat flatulence in pregnant women and infants. Their mechanism of action is the same.

Diflatil and simethicone are used 25-30 drops 3-4 times a day after meals.

Simicol - 0.5 ml before meals.

Sub simplex - 30 drops during or after meals.

Meteospasmil - 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day before meals.

During pregnancy, you can not use - Maalox plus, liquid antacid "York", Maysigel, Nasigel cherry, zeolate, Almakon.

In the treatment of flatulence in pregnant women, it is also necessary to use drugs to restore the normal intestinal microflora: bifidum-bacterin, ecoflor, trilact.

And a little positive: doctors found out that astronomers have the greatest number of occupational diseases; sleepwalking, flatulence, star disease, not to mention a whole group of venereal diseases.

And let pregnant women never worry about "astronomical disease."

    Dear friends! The medical information on our website is for informational purposes only! Please note that self-medication is dangerous for your health! Sincerely, Site Editor

It is worth noting that the cause of gas in the abdominal cavity is not always poisoning or the use of low-quality products. During pregnancy, unexpected reactions of the body to any food that was previously absorbed perfectly are possible.

Causes of bloating in pregnant women in the early stages

During the first trimester, the fetus develops vital organs and the spine. At this time, taking even the safest drugs can do harm. In addition, eating unhealthy foods can adversely affect the health of the crumbs.

Causes of bloating in early pregnancy:

  • Hormonal changes. It is worth noting that before the second trimester, a huge amount of progesterone is released into the blood. This hormone relaxes the muscles, which prevents the separation of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus. But at the same time, the intestines also relax. Feces stagnate in it, which leads to bloating.
  • Improper nutrition. It is worth limiting the consumption of foods that can provoke increased gas formation. These include legumes, pastries and potatoes. It is undesirable to drink whole cow's milk. All these products, when broken down and fermented in the stomach, contribute to the formation of a large amount of gas.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Many diseases begin to disturb a pregnant woman for the first time. The fact is that in an interesting position, many ailments are exacerbated, which the woman did not even know about. An ulcer or gastritis of the stomach may occur, which can lead to bloating.
  • Stress. An interesting position is often associated with nervous strain. This is quite normal, but it negatively affects the condition of the woman. Stress leads to bloating and pain.

Why do pregnant women have bloating in the later stages

Large gas production is not the only cause of bloating in late pregnancy. The most interesting thing is that the feeling of fullness and overcrowding of the intestines may be completely unrelated to the functioning of the digestive system.

Causes of bloating during late pregnancy:

  1. Active growth of the uterus. With an increase in the uterus and the fetus inside it, some parts of the intestine can be squeezed. Accordingly, there are "plugs" on the path of movement of feces. Constipation becomes more frequent, which leads to bloating.
  2. Decrease in physical activity. In the third trimester, many women find it difficult to move around. Therefore, pregnant women limit physical activity. This is what causes gas and bloating.
  3. Consuming unhealthy food. Lack of fiber in the body often causes constipation and bloating. Waste leaves the organs very slowly, provoking fermentation processes. Consumption of a large amount of rich pastries increases gas formation.
  4. Violation of microflora. In late pregnancy, you should be careful with taking whole milk and sour-milk products. The number of enzymes that are able to break down lactose decreases, fermentation processes increase.

Symptoms of bloating during pregnancy

In fact, bloating during pregnancy is not always associated with flatulence and increased gas formation. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to the state of the body and respond to any changes in its work.

List of symptoms of bloating during pregnancy:

  1. Stool disorders. Both constipation and diarrhea may occur. Although most often due to muscle relaxation, fecal excretion worsens.
  2. The appearance of bad breath. This indicates putrefactive or fermentation processes in the intestines.
  3. Nausea. If you feel sick in the early stages of pregnancy, then most likely it is toxicosis. Particular attention should be paid to nausea in the third trimester. It can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  4. Constant gas formation. At the same time, gases often leave the pregnant woman. This symptom allows you to quickly diagnose bloating and alleviate the patient's condition.
  5. Cramping pain. When probing the uterus, no tension is felt. Accordingly, the cause of contractions is bloating.

What to do with bloating in pregnant women

There are many ways to treat bloating, but due to pregnancy, most medications are contraindicated. In an interesting position, drugs are prescribed that have a minimum list of contraindications.

What can pregnant women with bloating from medications

In most cases, with increased gas formation, silicone-based preparations are prescribed. They change the number of gas bubbles, contributing to their destruction. Molecules of gas, which is released as a result of the destruction of the bubbles, are excreted by the walls of the intestine.

The list of medicines for the treatment of bloating in pregnant women:

  • Espumizan. This drug is based on simethicone - a complex silicone compound. It is worth noting that the drug does not enter into any chemical reactions, its action is associated with the physical properties of the simethicone molecule, which reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles. The drug can be administered in the form of capsules or syrup. It has practically no side effects, as it is excreted from the body in an unchanged state.
  • Iberogast. Very effective herbal remedy. It contains no chemical components, so the medicine can be considered safe. It is worth noting that some of its components can cause uterine tone. Accordingly, the medicine is not prescribed for the threat of miscarriage. The drug is produced in the form of drops, which have a relatively pleasant taste. It is used to treat gastritis and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • metiospasm. This is a combination drug based on simethicone and alverine citrate. Usually the medicine is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. It is recommended during pregnancy and lactation, since simethicone molecules do not enter into chemical reactions with the amino acids of the body.
  • Sub Simplex. The medicine is made on the basis of simethicone. It is not absorbed in the intestinal walls. The drug destroys gas bubbles, reducing their surface tension. Accordingly, bursting and pain due to gases disappear.
  • Ecoflor. This is a combined preparation based on bifido and lactobacilli. In addition, the composition of the drug contains enterosrbent, which absorbs decay products formed during the process of decay or fermentation. Helps to restore the normal microflora in the intestines. It is made in such a way that probiotics are not destroyed in the acidic environment of the stomach and are characterized by maximum efficiency.
  • Trilact. It is a liquid extract of lactic acid bacteria, which allows you to reduce the release of gas bubbles. This is due to the normalization of microflora in the intestine. The drug is safe, as it is similar to the natural microflora in the intestine. Used to treat dysbacteriosis.
  • Linex. This drug is also a mixture of lactobacilli. These substances normalize the state of microflora in the intestine and help reduce gas formation. Over time, bloating disappears precisely because of a decrease in the number of gas bubbles that form as a result of decay or fermentation processes.

What can pregnant women drink from bloating from folk remedies

In most cases, traditional medicine recipes are quite safe. They contribute to the improvement of gas discharge. But it is worth noting that some herbs can cause premature birth. Therefore, before using any folk remedy, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Traditional medicine recipes for bloating during pregnancy:

  1. Dill. To reduce bloating, dill water is often prescribed, it reduces the amount of gases. The tool can be purchased at a pharmacy. This is very convenient, since the fennel seeds are already crushed and packed in filter bags. But if desired, dill water can be prepared from unground seeds. To do this, a tablespoon of the product is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. After that, the tincture is filtered and taken 150-170 ml before each meal.
  2. parsley root. Clean the spine and wash it under running water. Grind in a meat grinder or cut with a knife. Pour the shavings into a bowl and pour 250 ml of cold water. It is best to use cleaned. After the root has stood for 20 minutes, put the mixture on a small fire and warm it up. It is not necessary to boil the product. Strain the liquid and take a sip every 60 minutes. This tool actively reduces gas formation.
  3. Dandelion root. Dandelion roots contain a lot of bitterness, which improves liver function and contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Grind the dandelion root with a grater. You can grind raw materials in a blender. Pour 240 ml of cold water. Leave for a day, and then strain. Take 40-50 ml every two hours. This remedy stimulates the work of the stomach and internal organs.
  4. Collection of herbs. To prepare a decoction, mix 2 tablespoons of peppermint and one tablespoon of fennel and valerian. Mix the ingredients and pour a teaspoon of raw materials with 230 ml of boiling water. Steam the herbs for 2-3 minutes over low heat and cool. Strain the composition and take 120 ml in the morning and at bedtime. Valerian is soothing, while fennel reduces gas.
  5. Ginger. This root has recently been actively used in the preparation of drinks and pastries. But it can also help improve digestion. This is due to the antibacterial properties of the plant. Is it necessary to dissolve after eating? teaspoon dry ginger. You can add shavings of fresh root to tea.
  6. Potato. Potato juice has been used in traditional medicine for a very long time. It is necessary to peel the root crops from the skin and rinse in cold water. Grind the potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Take 120 ml of potato juice in the morning and before bed. It is advisable to do this before meals. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  7. Caraway. You need a handful of cumin seeds pour 550 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Leave for 2 hours to infuse and strain. Take 70 ml every 60 minutes. The product reduces gas formation and has antibacterial properties.
  8. Mint. Pour a handful of dry grass into a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Wrap the container with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Take instead of regular tea. You can add lemon and sugar to improve the taste.
  9. Bran. Oat bran is excellent for removing feces from the intestines. Regular emptying reduces the risk of bloating. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons per day of crushed oat bran. They can be filled with yogurt or kefir.
  10. chamomile. It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of chamomile flowers with boiling water and let stand for 3 hours. After that, the broth is filtered. It is enough to take 50 ml before each meal. This will reduce bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines.
How to treat bloating - look at the video:

The topic of increased gas formation during pregnancy (however, not only during pregnancy), despite its relevance, is at least uncomfortable. This causes a huge problem, because many women are simply embarrassed to tell even a doctor about it, not to mention relatives and friends. But in vain. First, because the condition is by no means harmless. And, secondly, because a woman who is carrying a baby under her heart and suffering from increased gas formation can be helped.

The fact that during pregnancy the body of every woman is rebuilt (every organ and every system "works" to ensure the normal development of the baby) is a well-known fact. But sometimes, because of these restructurings, problems arise that the expectant mother did not even suspect. This is especially true for such a delicate issue as increased gas formation in the intestines. And, despite the fact that many are in no hurry to talk about their problems in this area, statistics say that 75% of pregnant women face them. At the same time, the issue remains relevant for completely different periods.

Increased flatulence during pregnancy is characterized (in other words, flatulence), its rumbling, separation of gases. Also, symptoms of increased gas formation during pregnancy are an increase in the circumference of the abdomen and a feeling of fullness. In a woman in such a situation, her health worsens. All these phenomena in most cases are accompanied by soreness along the intestines. But it also causes great psychological discomfort.

It has been established that gas retention reflexively provokes various manifestations. These include elevation, shortness of breath. In addition, there are seemingly completely unrelated conditions - nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, lack of appetite - which is far from the best effect on the emotional state of the expectant mother. And stress, as you know, exacerbates these symptoms even more.

It is reassuring that gas formation is not a disease. This is a natural physiological process that occurs in the human body every day. Pregnancy - a special physiological state of the female body - becomes a period when gas formation increases for a number of reasons. All this leads to functional disorders of the digestive system. In order to know how to help a pregnant woman cope with this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to be aware of the causes of its occurrence.

What are the causes of gas formation during pregnancy?

So, almost every woman knows that, starting from the very first weeks of pregnancy, a global hormonal restructuring takes place in her body. First of all, the level of progesterone in the blood rises. This hormone relaxes smooth muscles, which is simply necessary to maintain pregnancy. Otherwise, the resulting uterine contractions can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, wise nature made sure that the muscles of the reproductive female organ for the period of pregnancy for the time being were in a relaxed state. However, as everywhere, there is a “but” in this issue. Progesterone relaxes more than just the muscle fibers of the uterus. It causes the muscles of other internal organs to relax. Therefore, the muscles of the intestinal walls also weaken. This, in turn, leads to the fact that food passes through the intestines much more slowly than usual, stagnation and increased gas formation. The reason for the accumulation of a large amount of gases during pregnancy is also a growing fetus. As a result, the uterus also increases, and significant mechanical pressure is exerted on the intestines. This situation causes not only increased gas formation during pregnancy, but also the occurrence of constipation. It is especially difficult for women who are diagnosed with chronic intestinal diseases and dysbacteriosis. During dysbacteriosis in the intestines of a pregnant woman, the dominance of pathogenic microflora is observed, which contributes to the decomposition of food and, as a result, increased separation of gases.

Another reason for the occurrence of increased gas formation during pregnancy is a sedentary lifestyle. Some women move little and do not lead an active way of life, because they are inherently lazy. Others - because of the threat of spontaneous abortion or.

An important role is also played by the culture of nutrition and compliance (or non-compliance) with the diet. If you eat rarely (1-2 times a day) and in large portions, you will not end up with problems. Especially if a woman consumes black bread, legumes, a large amount of raw vegetables, grape and apple juice in a sufficiently large amount. Separately, it is necessary to mention carbonated drinks. Firstly, this is a direct path to increased gas formation, and, secondly, this is a very dangerous product for pregnant women. This is true for both early and late pregnancy.

Also, increased separation of gases is possible as a result of taking certain medications. For example, iron supplements for anemia, as well as drugs that reduce pressure, affect bowel function.

Sometimes increased gas formation signals the presence of a pathology that requires thorough, and in some cases even surgical treatment. That is why you should not hide the presence of this problem from your doctor. Because sometimes you need to take urgent action.

Diagnosis of increased gas formation during pregnancy

One of the most common methods for diagnosing this condition is an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. In some cases, a colonoscopy is used. This is necessary if the excretion of feces is often accompanied by bleeding, which may indicate organic lesions of the intestine. Also, if there is a suspicion that a woman has an increased secretion of progesterone, it is necessary to determine its level. If suspicions are confirmed, take the necessary measures.

How to help a pregnant woman cope with increased gas formation?

Relief of the described condition in almost 100% of cases occurs after the natural discharge of gases. Since constipation is a frequent companion of gas formation, this problem must be solved. During constipation, the chair rarely leaves - once every two or three days, and even then in small portions. In this case, the act of defecation in most cases is painful and may be accompanied by the release of blood from the anus.

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to eliminate increased gas formation during pregnancy. Experts explain this by the physiological characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman. Nevertheless, to alleviate the condition is quite real.

What needs to be done? First, normalize nutrition, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The best solution is to eat small portions of food, taken quite often (5 to 7 times a day). Now the expectant mother needs to fall in love with foods that contain enough fiber. These include wholemeal bread, cereal grains, vegetables (stewed or steamed). In addition, it is worth taking care of a sufficient amount of fluid consumed per day.

An excellent means of combating increased gas formation is physical exercise. It is better if the complex is compiled by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the woman's body during pregnancy. In this case, there is an excellent opportunity to improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the regulation of bowel movements. It is necessary to perform such exercises before meals or within 2 hours after. To achieve the effect, you will have to practice at least three times a day. Swimming or aqua fitness for pregnant women will be especially useful.

If the measures described above do not give the desired result, the doctor will prescribe medications. The most harmless are those made on the basis of medicinal herbs such as fennel, cumin, dill, peppermint. Medications called "antifoamers" are also prescribed. They are able to break the walls of mucus bubbles that contain gas in the intestines. The composition of such drugs includes dimethicone or simethicone, which improve intestinal motility, reduce gas formation, and also have a systemic effect. As a rule, adsorbents (for example, activated carbon) are prescribed that can absorb part of the gas. But to abuse them, all the same, is not worth it. The same applies to laxatives that are prescribed to combat constipation.

Especially for Olga Rizak

The most amazing moment in a woman's life is the period of pregnancy. Throughout its entire length, it is necessary to keep your diet under supervision, not to sit at home, but to walk more, do physical education. But the expectant mother is waiting for one problem - there is bloating.

You can talk about bloating during pregnancy if the signs first appeared in the early stages. If flatulence was before, then the cause is in the chronic manifestation of pancreatitis, ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

Why does flatulence appear?

1. The body begins to change, this is due to the influence of progesterone. Early dates are the most dangerous. Progesterone relaxes the internal organs, in particular the uterus. This helps to keep the pregnancy in the early stages. But it also relaxes the intestines. The gases accumulated in it cannot come out in time, this causes belching and flatulence. In addition to discomfort, they can also provoke pain.

2. In the second trimester, the baby is actively growing, the uterus is enlarged, it presses on the intestines. It is in the second or third trimester of pregnancy that flatulence and constipation occur. Childbirth due to bloating in the later stages may begin ahead of time.

3. Improper nutrition, various diseases, congenital enzymatic deficiency - the cause of flatulence in the later stages. The number of active enzymes is reduced. Poorly processed food enters the intestines. Products practically do not break down, and fermentation appears. Because of it, gas accumulates in the stomach, which leads to illness.

4. During pregnancy, a woman is often nervous. This contributes to the release of hormones that cause abdominal cramps, gas accumulation, and constipation.

5. The microflora is disturbed, which also leads to flatulence.


Signs of bloating in women during pregnancy may include:

1. constipation or loose stools;

2. the appearance of bad breath;

3. nausea;

4. heaviness in the abdomen, frequent gas release;

5. feeling of irritability, insomnia;

6. constant feeling of weakness, tearfulness;

7. feeling of heartburn and loss of appetite;

8. pain that has a cramping character.

How to avoid gas formation?

You can get rid of the disease by observing a few rules:

  • Try to be active: do simple physical exercises every day, do small runs in the morning.
  • Take up yoga. It not only eliminates the symptoms of flatulence, but also prepares the mother for future childbirth.

It is important to remember that active gas formation in the early stages of pregnancy, along with physical activity, can cause a miscarriage, you should definitely consult a doctor.

1. Eat more often, but little by little, while chewing food thoroughly. Due to this, less gas will enter the stomach.

2. During pregnancy, it is better to wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics. She should not put pressure on her stomach.

3. Medicines are contraindicated. But the doctor can choose the most gentle version of the medicine. For example, Espumizan is considered suitable in the treatment of gas formation in pregnant women. Its components do not penetrate into the blood and do not harm the fetus. Drugs with Semiticon are also safe.

Iberogast also does not contain chemicals, it consists of natural ingredients - bitter Iberian, chamomile, cumin, licorice, milk thistle, lemon balm, mint, celandine. The main advantage is that it acts selectively: if there is a spasm, it relaxes, with a decrease in tone, it increases.

Medication intake must be supervised by a doctor.

  • If you do stroking movements of the abdomen clockwise for 15 minutes, this will relieve the symptoms of the disease.
  • After eating, it is useful to walk in the fresh air, the gases will go away on their own. Stay at home and in stuffy rooms as little as possible. This is especially useful in late pregnancy, when active physical exercises are already contraindicated for a woman.
  • Swimming not only relieves flatulence, but also prepares the body for childbirth in the later stages.

If you carefully follow the diet and the prescribed treatment, and the problem does not disappear, be sure to contact your gynecologist.


Bloating in a woman during pregnancy suggests a diet. It is important to observe it throughout the entire period if the symptoms do not go away. It should be painted by a specialist after the examination.

During pregnancy, it is better not to eat foods that can cause flatulence:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • beans, any kind of cabbage;
  • pears, apples, apricots;
  • caffeinated drinks, strong tea;
  • chewing gum;
  • high-fat meat, lard;
  • fresh milk.

If there are signs of flatulence, it is worth eating fermented milk products. They contain lactobacilli, which reduce the formation of gases. For example, with regular use of Activia or fermented baked milk, the manifestation of symptoms decreases.

Meals should be fractional, you need to eat more often and in small parts. During the day, you need to drink a sufficient amount of water, this will help avoid constipation, but you should not drink food. For drinking it is better to use a glass, the amount of air entering the stomach will be much less. Part of the liquid consumed during the day can be replaced with weak tea or compote. While eating, a woman should sit straight, chew food slowly.

Folk methods

Medicines contain chemicals. Therefore, it is better to eliminate the symptoms of gas formation with decoctions of herbs and infusions prepared at home.

1. For example, three teaspoons of cumin are poured with two cups of boiling water. Then the broth is insisted for two hours under a closed lid, after which it is filtered. It is applied every thirty minutes for a third of a glass.

2. Grind wild carrot seeds in a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder with 250 grams of boiling water. Leave for five hours at room temperature. Drink the tincture warm and in small sips for an hour.

3. A couple of teaspoons of dill seeds are poured with two cups of boiling water. The broth is infused for half an hour. Then it is filtered and taken in four divided doses, half a glass every hour.

Treatment with herbal infusions prepared at home is also good for flatulence during pregnancy.

  • In equal proportions, mix the roots of valerian, dandelion, calamus rhizomes, nettle leaves, buckthorn bark. Mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then the infusion is then in a water bath for about thirty minutes. Tincture is taken during strong gas formation in half a glass.
  • Anise, caraway seeds, dill, parsley seeds, fennel, mint leaves, chamomile flowers. A decoction is prepared according to the same recipe as the first infusion. But it is drunk three times during the day, preferably before eating.
  • Rhubarb, calamus, gentian, angelica root, St. John's wort, centaury are mixed in equal proportions, poured with half a liter of boiling water and simmered in a water bath. It is taken when flatulence occurs.

When choosing a decoction or infusion, consider whether you are allergic to any herbs.

The expectant mother should remember that whatever the causes of gas formation, and what treatment she would not choose, it is imperative to consult a doctor. If problems arise, he will be able to recognize them in time, adjust the therapy so that it does not harm either the mother or the child.

For the entire period of 9 months of gestation, a woman feels various changes in her body due to a change in hormonal levels. Not uncommon are gases in pregnant women, when digestion slows down, there is a feeling of overcrowding, pain in the lower abdomen and belching appear.

Causes of gas formation during pregnancy

Increased gas formation during pregnancy is caused by the accumulation of gases in the intestines. A concomitant factor is a heavy feeling and fullness in the abdomen. In this case, the pregnant woman may feel peculiar colic, slight pain due to the movement of gaseous substances. Not infrequently, belching or rumbling from the intestines joins flatulence.

It is extremely rare for gases in pregnant women to be accompanied by indigestion or, conversely, constipation. Also, flatulence, if the symptoms are due to pregnancy, is not a permanent phenomenon. Symptoms appear with some frequency, depending on the presence of provoking factors.

During pregnancy, gases occur primarily due to the active production of progesterone, which reduces the contraction of the uterine cavity, and at the same time, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract also decreases. As a result, the movement of food through the intestines slows down, which causes the fermentation process and the accumulation of gases.

There are other causes of flatulence during pregnancy:

  • a decrease in the production of pancreatic enzymes in the early stages;
  • an increase in the uterus in the later stages puts pressure on the digestive organs;
  • the presence and exacerbation of chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of movement or sedentary occupational activity;
  • poor nutrition during pregnancy;
  • drug therapy with the appointment of drugs that cause bloating.
If gases are tormented during pregnancy in the second or third trimester, then most often this indicates physiological factors. At this stage, flatulence can also be caused by tight clothing, various stresses or dehydration.

During gestation, symptoms appear with renewed vigor if increased gas formation was observed before the delay, due to hormonal surges. At the same time, already in the first trimester, by the presence of gases in a pregnant woman, one can suspect a successful conception.

How to get rid of gas formation during pregnancy?

Already in the second trimester, gas formation increases significantly due to the increased load on the female body, which is considered a normal physiological manifestation. It is completely impossible to get rid of gas formation during pregnancy, but there are ways to reduce the factors that provoke bloating.

The treatment of flatulence in the first three months should be accompanied by consultations with a doctor, since at this time, as a result of independent and unprofessional actions, it is possible to harm a still unstrengthened fetus.

  • massage with stroking the abdomen clockwise;
  • moderate physical exercise (yoga, fitness, swimming) is encouraged;
  • long daily walks in parks, with a large number of green spaces, will saturate the body with oxygen.
Such simple actions help, in cases, even if there is a strong gas formation. In some situations, when a woman has constipation, the opposite situation may be observed, while complaints are received that gases do not come out during pregnancy. With such a diagnosis, doctors always advise adherence to a special diet that will help normalize gas discharge.

Products that increase gas formation in the intestines during pregnancy:

  1. cabbage;
  2. radish;
  3. apple and grape juice;
  4. milk;
  5. drinks with gas;
  6. bean dishes;
  7. eggs;
  8. yeast baking.
Additionally, it is worth refusing dishes prepared by the method of roasts, as well as canned and spicy foods. Any sweet pastries become a provocateur of gas formation during pregnancy, so these dishes should be excluded.

The diet should consist of fermented milk products, including cottage cheese, a variety of salads seasoned with vegetable oil, dried fruits are recommended. In this case, the daily diet should be divided into 4-5 doses in order to reduce the load on the digestive tract.

If the gases do not go away, then you can use folk methods, which include decoctions of dill, parsley, mint or fennel. You should also remember to drink fluids to prevent dehydration.