VK groups with love stories from Caucasians. Magomed & Angelica. Mutual feelings

I have always been a very obedient daughter, but in our family it was impossible to do otherwise. I had everything I needed and even a little more, but at the same time I knew that my parents would determine my fate and choose my husband, not me. The only thing I didn't expect was that I would become a bride so early.

Our love story began with my future husband, as often happens in Dagestan, saw me at the wedding of relatives. I was only fifteen then, I did not even think about marriage. At that time I was entering the university.

Since Magomed is a man of action, he immediately approached my mother at the wedding and said that he liked me. Mom answered with a smile that I was his second cousin... This confused Magomed a little. He long time did not dare to undertake further actions... But time passed, and his desire to make me his wife did not pass.

Soon, relatives began to approach my parents. But at that time I was still very young, and my parents politely, but refused to matchmakers. So a year passed.

Unexpected event

All this time I was completely unaware that my fate was being actively decided. Having finished school early, I entered the DSU, but at the same time I was doing what I really liked. I drew.

This was what I would like to do in my life. Secretly, I cherished the dream that someday I would seriously be able to do, for example, modeling clothes.

While painting, I was completely immersed in some special world of colors and colors, and everything seemed so correct, natural and beautiful.

Two years later, Magomed did not abandon his attempts to capture me. Parents, seeing his perseverance, determination, knowing how much he good man, from a good family close to us, finally gave their consent.

When I found out at the age of seventeen that they were going to marry me, I confess that I was very upset. It seemed to me that it was still very early, that I was not ready. I am not ready not only to start a family, but also to give up what I have been doing so enthusiastically all these years.

Very soon I found out who I was marrying. I remember, even before the matchmaking, early in the morning on my birthday they brought me huge bouquet beautiful flowers... This then very moved me and made me happy, allowed me to hope that maybe everything is not as sad as I suppose.

I became the official bride of Magomed, but I already knew him in absentia, and then I tried to see, looking at him, what the future was in store for me.

Magomed turned out to be an attractive smiling young man, the matchmaking was very beautiful, there were many gifts and I was surrounded by the friendly smiling faces of my family.

The main thing that I noted in my future husband was his warm kind look, and this calmed me down a little. Of course, we did not fully communicate with him before the wedding, but at the same time we sometimes corresponded, he wished me good morning, or good night.

Getting to know you

Even without a reason he gave expensive gifts and flowers. Naturally, I wanted to know more about him, because it's still scary to marry unfamiliar person... And according to the stories of sisters and acquaintances, it seemed to me that he was a kind and generous person. I myself often noticed this, I liked his attentiveness to me, even his concern.

All this gradually calmed me down and resigned myself to the fact that I would have to give up a lot when I moved with him to another, completely foreign city.

I was often sad, thinking that I would have to leave my relatives, my brothers, sisters and, above all, my parents. Everything that surrounded me and that I loved so much. But every time, Magomed, in some strange way, even at a distance, managed to calm me down and instill at least a little confidence in the future.

In May 2015, we had a very magnificent and very beautiful wedding... It was attended by a huge number of people, many I did not even know. Everything was fun and for a long time remained in my memory as a bright unforgettable holiday.

After the wedding, over time, I realized that I was not mistaken in my husband, and I still think that only then did Love come to us for real. And it was after the wedding that our Love Story became real. Magomed really turned out to be a very kind, understanding and caring person. Even now he gives me gifts and little surprises to please. And today, when I am expecting our baby, I understand how grateful that he was my husband. And I am sure that we will always make each other happy.

Photographers: Shamil Hajidadaev, Ruslan Lepatrov

Registration: Wedding agency"Wedding day"

"How many people have so many opinions" Bahh Tee
Caucasians, Russians, Americans, Italians ... There are many different nations in our world ... But it is already clear from the title and preface which nations I will talk about. I myself am a purely Russian girl, ordinary, like everyone else, with my own principles, troubles and cockroaches in my head. Literally a year ago, I found out what kind of people these Caucasians are. At one word "Caucasians" some people develop anger, horror, and negativity. Some have the opposite. Others do not even know who they are. If you are interested in my opinion, I believe that in all nations there are good and bad ... Yes, yes, yes, now I may be condemned by many who read this ... But I will remain unconvinced, no, I am no one I do not defend, I am a patriot of my nation ... But how many people have so many opinions ...
And so my story is this, it happened a year ago in April, in my opinion on the 25th, at that time I was 14 years old, my birthday was in the summer and this summer it was supposed to hit 15, languishing from idleness, I was sitting in ICQ, while listening to music playing with a cat, well, how it usually happens when there is nothing to do and then He is added to me ... I immediately became interested ... I remember now:
-Hello, we are already met? I wrote right away
-Hi, let's get acquainted?
-I'm Ira, and you? :)
-And I am Mamed
After that, there was a long pause, since then for the first time I heard such a name ... For me it was so strange
-But as your complete name? I answered
-Magomed, you can call Maga
Honestly, the "Magician" option then suited me more, although I still tried not to call him by name for some time of our communication ... And when I did have to, I quickly leafed through the history of messages, found his name, copied and wrote .. It sounds funny ... But at that moment I was afraid of offending him, imagine if your name is distorted, it is not clear how ... We talked for days on end, even now I don’t remember what. As I already said, I was 14 years old and, like now, many girls who already at 13 or even 12 start to paint, then did not yet know what cosmetics are and even how to use mascara ... Many will now laugh at me, but me really then it was not interesting ... He was from my city, more precisely from a small village 25-30 km from the city, it turned out that many very Caucasian families live there. After two days of our acquaintance, that is, on April 27, he had a birthday, but on his birthday he did not lick from ICQ ... We agreed to meet on May 9 ... And then the long-awaited day came ... All day I was on pins and needles , especially since the meeting was scheduled for 5 or 6 o'clock, I don’t remember exactly ... I came to the meeting place, as there was a parade in the morning and in the evening I took part in some kind of formation, so I was dressed strictly white top, black bottom. I look, one guy came up Caucasian nationality, so coolly dressed, such a hairstyle, all of myself, for some reason I immediately decided that it was him ... But a minute later, another 5 people approached him ... Aaaa, I was ready to run away somewhere ... But my escape was unsuccessful because someone else's voice was calling me
I am silent
I turned around ... Yes, they were calling me
-Ira is it you? said some guy
-Yes it's me
-Well, let's get acquainted! -And he introduced me, everyone who was there, but at that moment the names that he pronounced sounded to me in the form of a hiss of the radio - absolutely nothing is clear, and only the name Mamed that he uttered seemed more familiar. "God, God, I alone and a bunch of Caucasians what to do" - sounded in my head. Indeed, he turned out to be that stylish, handsomely dressed handsome guy, I was then terribly shy and could not pronounce a word, in Russian speaking, I stood like an idol. And so they offered to go to the park. the right moment do not fall face down in the dirt. Finally, in the park, my fate has eased with me there were only two Mamed and his friend. Damn, damn, damn I need to run to the formation, I thought to myself. And having sent them to the stadium, where the construction actually took place, I went to my class. Everything seemed so slow, all I did was glance at my watch, and finally we came to the stadium, I tried to see their faces in the crowds of people and I found them, my friend and I went up to them. We struck up a conversation. But the guys had to go to the bus, after that we laughed lovingly at their names for a long time with my girlfriend, let the readers condemn me, but all this was new to me, and even more so the name Mamed was immediately associated with the word Maped (not in insult to guys with that name) Well, the next day I went into ICQ and what do I see there He. Well, we began to discuss everything that happened, and he offered to be friends, but I was a little fool who saw a pretty well-dressed boy and agreed, it seemed I was in love with him. After our meeting, he did not go to ICQ for days, or even weeks, and so two months passed during this time, we saw each other once, walked, went in, sat in a cafe, but that was enough to fall in love with him all so cute and the time is strictly a guy, only at the end of June, apparently, he decided to save the baby from suffering, saying that he had a girlfriend of Light and he did not care deeply about me. The first three days I walked upset, but over time everything passed, calmed down, I turned 15, I grew up, I still learned to use mascara and some other cosmetic devices. September passed dry and uninteresting ... And I had it in ICQ younger sister Sabina, and suddenly she and I started interesting conversation, about Mamed, about his girls, about everything. She allegedly promised that she would tell him to join me again ... Aliluya .... It happened, I was at the height of happiness, he began to throw at me insolent phrases in order to show that he was cool and he didn’t care about anything. But I was a girl and was able to melt his icy heart and, moreover, even persuaded him to meet. We met when I approached, he did not recognize me.
-Well, hello - I said
-Hi who are you?
- Are you kidding me if it's me Ira?
-Ira? On May 9, you were completely different (by that time I had even dyed blonde)
-Ha, May 9 was a long time ago
And so we chatted about what we could be interested in together, but I was terribly cold, he also began to warm me up, and since in all the stories about love, our eyes met and we kissed, then I kissed for the first time, he told everything. the truth is that this summer he did not even remember me, that he did not even take me seriously, but now he realized that he was wrong ... Naturally after that we began to meet, meetings, kisses, flowers, there was no such night that we did not speak on the phone ... was my first real love... But Mamed is very difficult person, and even more so a Caucasian ... In order to be with him I had to give up ICQ, from walking without him ... There was a terrible control, every week he demanded that I show the history of calls, messages ... asked the brothers to follow me ... I am very calm by nature person, and therefore never rebelled, well, he wants to see my history of calls, so let him look at my health that ... We were happy ... but apparently his brothers were against his relationship with the Russian, as soon as some opportunity fell out, they tried to put it up in every possible way I am guilty before Mamed and they did it. That was a huge minus, they are Caucasians, they are brothers, and a brother cannot lie to his brother, my naive boy thought so ... But thanks to the fact that I studied Mamed completely and already knew what and when to answer, I could always prove to him that I’m right and this made his brothers even more furious ... Until one time ... until his brothers sank very low ... just why they did not love me so I don’t understand .... I was walking to school past their house, suddenly his cousin stopped me and said:
-Ira I have a very important business for you, please, help, I need to talk.
- Yes, of course, what happened?
-Just not here, let's go, let's go to our yard, I'll tell
And I agreed ... Everything was planned, his first brother took me into the yard and the other quietly took pictures of him taking me into the yard. And he showed these photographs to Mamed, supposedly, look, he was leading her into the house ... Then I could not get off with any vows or anything, he had facts ... I roared into the phone asking him to believe me. His last phrase was: I thought you were normal, but you turned out to be a slut. These words killed me ... It was he who was talking on the street and some brother passing by his heard it and said to another and that to another, and so it reached my father ... But somewhere a week passed, we still established communication, but as friends ... already in November evening, my father calls me (my parents are divorced) and says: Where is Mamed now? I am stunned to say: dad, I don't know, really. He started not shouting, but yelling at me for getting in touch with Caucasians, the way they pour mud on me there, for me it was a shock, then all the same, my mother and I managed to beg him not to do anything, he I just met with Mamed's father, they seem to have talked well and agreed that his family will not allow me to continue our communication. That same evening Mamed called me and again it was not without his last shocking phrase: You are a traitor, you told everything on purpose. How I loved him, I didn’t eat anything, I didn’t smile ... I was like a zombie ... and now some guy is added to my ICQ, his name is Lech, he is from my city ... his style of communication, he does not make mistakes and writes competently, but there are a couple of words that he writes, since no one will write, for example: "Of course" he writes "horse but" or "fruit" - "vrukty" all his words with by mistakes, I naturally knew and immediately figured out that it was him. Soon he himself confessed that he loved me and that neither my father, nor anyone was a hindrance to him, and that he found out who had told my father about everything. And here again we have an affair, conversations until the morning, my mother, as an understanding person, allowed us to be friends ... Dad calls me only in extreme cases ... And again, one evening, I see my dad coming in, shaking me, I pick up the phone:
- Didn't you understand the first time? That you communicate with these lumps, you have few guys, you can immediately see that the mother brought up - it was heard from the tube, I was numb with fear, I just listened and was silent
-Give your mother a pipe
I silently answer the phone to my mother, the speakerphone was turned on, he says
-You can at least bring up a child normally, apparently not, I take her to me, let her live half a year with me, I’ll beat out all the nonsense from her - my tears rolled down, and he continued - she’s called his mother, I explained to my father how he was there that if he once again climbs up to my daughter, then I will deal with him myself, I promised I will fulfill this, now I will find out where he is, I take the guys with me and we go to him, without warning we will score somewhere him and that's it. I'm shocked knowing what my father really can, I roar what to do. Mom says: call Mamed and warn him. I called, warned ... Father came to them and Mamed and his brothers were already waiting for him on the street, as Dad said “I don’t want to touch the 17-year-old boy,” he asked the eldest of them Damir to watch if Mamed and I at least call once again to report him ... This evening I call Mamed without knowing it, the brothers had already managed to turn him against me, he was angry with me, and we said goodbye, but even then his brothers were able to make me guilty, right there that Damir calls his father and says: So and so your daughter called him right now, take action. Oh, how I got it ... After that, our communication temporarily ended, but I loved him ... And I, in order to be closer to Mamed, or at least know what happened to him and how he started dating his brother, who was in love with me ... He met me from basketball training, he studied, he had plans for the future, he studied law ... in a word, a prominent groom, but his heart yearned for that lazy person who knew that we had no future with different faith and the nation, but he kept repeating “You and I are one family” I still remember these words and they feel so warm ... And then one day, right before the New Year on December 27, I meet his brother from classes in a driving school and Mamed goes with him, his my brother came up, hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, and I stood and stared at Mamed ... and he boldly looked at me and walked on ... And I felt so sad ... I understood how I needed him and how unhappy I am with this guy and decided to say Of course, I heard the whole truth for him a lot and that I was heartless, etc., but I was free ... That same evening, Mamed from the left was added to me again, how glad I was, this time he was no longer Lehoy and Katyukha, who allegedly says that she is Mamed's girlfriend and asks me not to go to him anymore ... And so Mamed himself added to me and began to say, as if you were offending my girlfriend, don't bother her, of course it was an excuse, outside he seemed terribly callous, strict and angry, but I always knew how to melt his heart, and here we are talking again, but we were just friends, sort of ... on December 29, I left for Moscow with my father, naturally with him I couldn’t even talk to Mamed on the phone, I had to be extremely careful so that my father didn’t know anything ... For whole nights we corresponded with him about everything ... But I had a problem, Mamed and I had a falling out because of something and he began to call me, I did not bother to put on a soundless one, dad says: Pick up the phone, who is this. Mamed was recorded on my phone by name ... I didn't think about it then ... I take it and say: Hello, don't call here. I give it up. I say to dad: Yes, fans call different bored. Dad believed, but Mamed began to call again and then my cousin pulled out my phone, read the inscription aloud: Ma-me-d (from the look of dad it sounded like a sentence) ha, what kind of weirdo is that? Brother answers the call: Hello, who is this? Thank God the connection was bad. -Hallo, who is this I don’t hear, in short whoever you are don’t call here again ... My heart sank into my heels ... Father: Mamed ??? I began to invent on the go ... Yes, dad, this is not the same Mamed, that is, this is not any Mamed at all, this is Dima, but is written with the name Mamed because he has two SIM cards, one former Mamed's number and the other, but I did not rename and that's it, if you want to ask your mother (I knew that my mother would always support me) Aliluya! Dad believed me. Naturally, we made up with Mamed, I came from Moscow, we already had a meeting with Mamed, but suddenly he was sent to Moscow ... Oooh, these sleepless nights ... so he stayed in Moscow until the end of February, we had already made up with him completely, it was already considered that together he promised to bring a gift for Valentine's Day, and in early March we met it was ours last meeting and unforgettable ... We were at his house ... And now, after so many months we are together again, again I see him in front of me ... Just in those days I saw enough of Clone, and somehow it all reminded me of the meeting of Zhadi and Lucas, even the music it was: D I have the theme of Zhadi and Lucas A miragem on my call, and as soon as I looked into his eyes my mother began to call me and this song rang, I began to cry with happiness that he is now in front of me after so many events, despite the threats no matter what, here he is my most beloved person on Earth and he shed a tear and so we stood in the middle of the room to this music and looked at each other ... And suddenly he says: Ir well, take the phone all the same, I took the receiver crying from happiness. Mom anxiously asked: Ira, what happened, are you all right? (She knew where I was and what) I answered: Yes, mom is fine. I gave the phone to Mamed, he said: Everything is fine. Putting down the phone, he kissed me ... How happy I was then, you can't even imagine ... And since I'm doing belly dancing, I promised to dance to him for a long time, and that evening I fulfilled my promise, I danced for him and he, like a sultan, sat on the bed and watched it was unforgettable on me ... But even here it could not do without his disgusting brothers, suddenly some of his brothers called him, I did not hear their conversation, but after that Mamed came up to me and pointed to the door with his finger and said:
-Get out of here
-What's happened?
- Get out of this house
-Stop, explain everything, and I'll leave, again you fool your brothers believe
-You yourself are a fool, get out of here
I stood in the middle of the room, staring at him, he went to the window and began to beat the window
-Mamed, you know how much I love you, please explain everything to me. And suddenly I hear a crack, he broke the window ... I rushed to him ... He pushed me away and went to the sink, I ran up, his whole hand was covered in blood, I rushed to wash his hand, he pushed me away again, there was a tap in that house not running water, but the usual one that you need to pour water, and the water ran out and it was all the more far to go to the nearest water pump even though it was the beginning of March and there was still snow and frost ... I tell him: You have a first-aid kit here. He is silent. Then I looked into my pocket, I was 20 rubles, I started to get dressed, he said: Correctly leave and do not come back. Me: Don't close the door, I'll run to the pharmacy and come back. Suddenly he took 100 rubles from his pocket and threw it to me. I threw the money on the floor, put on my shoes and left ... It was too far to the nearest pharmacy, and I had to run ... I came running, shaking all over, I say: Give me two bandages and hydrogen peroxide. They gave me and the price was too expensive for me, but I persuaded the saleswoman to give it to me at least against a receipt, she agreed, I grabbed it all and rushed back, I run into the house, it is covered in blood, I needed water to rinse it his hand, I ran to the neighbors for water, it was then one in the morning, it’s good that the people who lived there didn’t send me, as they could, seeing my condition calmly, they poured water, I run, I begin to wash his hand, he pushes away shouting at me, and then for the first time in my life I lost my temper and started yelling: Listen, if you want me to leave, I'll leave, now I'll bandage your hand and leave, but for now, listen to me and sit quietly. He was quiet. I began to bandage his hand, tears rolled from my eyes, when I finished he looked at me and said: Ira I understood everything. I start to dress, squelching my nose and say: And what do you understand? He: I told you to leave, if I were you, I would turn around and leave, and you stayed with me, and even went to the pharmacy and bandaged my hand, I understood everything. Me: I'm glad I have more to say. He: I love you and I don't care who says what. He came up to me and began to wipe my tears, I burst into tears even more, he wiped away my tears and began to kiss me ... but his blood did not stop flowing, thus the bandage was soaked and he smeared all over me with blood, my jeans, T-shirt, sweater, face, hands, everything ... We were both covered in blood and suddenly he said: Oh, he almost forgot, and suddenly he takes out a small red velvet box in the shape of a heart he opens and says, reach out, and he takes a bracelet from there and puts it on my hand, the bracelet was gold, and then he says turn around, I turned around and he put it on my neck gold chain from the same set, how happy I was then, despite the fact that I was covered in blood, he pressed against me, I was shaking all over, he tried to calm me down ... At that time it was already about 3 nights ... There was no more water left to wash, I spent everything on him and on wiping off the blood, since the blood was everywhere on the floor on the carpet everywhere ... I called a taxi, we both sat in a taxi with blood, we kissed all the way in the car, but his hands were still in blood, and I had white fur coat... and now it's time for me to leave, I kissed him last, ... but then it was the most interesting thing, when my mother saw me, I went quickly into the house, my white fur coat was bloody, my face was covered in blood, of course, at first my mother thought that that I was deprived of my virginity, but after my story, my mother believed me ... Then we remembered this day for a long time, but we also talked for days on end, he had to go to the hospital in Voronezh, where he stayed for two months and then came one terrible day which I will never forget, it was mid-April, our relationship was due to frequent quarrels became very tense, his brothers did not stop shitting ... And then that topic about autumn came up again when his brother and I entered the yard ... Mamed broke off relations with me again, I was at a dead end ... He said: I cannot date a girl who slept with my brother. (They had a whole legend there) And so, crying into the phone, I swear to him that I had nothing to do with it ... And then I decided to take him with a ram, I say: Mamed, for the sake of truth, I am ready for anything, if you want I will now prove it. He: Yes Me: Now if you want I will do something to myself (at that time I was not adequate) and hung up ... He called, I did not answer. Then he wrote an SMS: I can't live without you, my love, goodbye. Then I started calling him ... After 5 calls, he picks up the phone ... I shout: What, what have you done? He: Ir I love you, really. Me: What have you done? He: Ir I feel bad. He spoke in a hoarse voice. Me: Mamed what happened. And silence…. He was in the hospital then, and suddenly I hear the door open, someone runs in and shouts: Are you sick or what, what have you done? The next day we phoned, it turned out he cut his veins, I almost died ... then I decided to call his brother and demand that he tell the whole truth, crying into the phone, I managed to evoke human feelings in him, he called Mamed and said how it was really in fact ... Thank God the conflict was settled ... but because of frequent quarrels ... We parted on his birthday on April 27, he called me a youngster and said that he needed a girl not 15 years old, but older, either his brothers washed his brain or he really got tired of it, we parted , but my heart was haunted ... somehow in ICQ I went to one chat in ICQ, the owner was Mamed's brother and just at the same time Mamed was sitting there, so I found out that he was already meeting with another, her name is Masha, she my age, he was very nice and kind to her as never before ... jealousy got through me ... But I left the chat without paying attention ... a month passed it was June 12, the day of the city ... I performed then, danced a belly dance, and suddenly during my performance I saw a familiar face, I'm filled with oval, after all the girls and I went to buy cotton candy, having fun, balloons with helium ... It was fun, I went home and then he calls ... And he says that I need to see you, I hung up ... He calls again ... I take
-What do you want? It's not enough for you how you insulted me then, do you still want? Leave me alone!
-Ira I am now at your house, with me Masha (his current girlfriend) she says this about you here, she says that you are no one compared to her
-And what do you want from me?
I hung up, He began to write SMS: I love you, forgive me. I was silent. And so he wrote SMS and called me until the morning ... I was unapproachable ... only in the morning I answered: Forget me, I've had enough of this mud and nerves, and tell Masha that she won't get away with it. This was our last correspondence ... Since my mother herself was already against it, she said that it was already funny that we would part again, and even more so if my father found out what would happen ... after that we did not communicate only he congratulated me on my birthday and that's all…. We are best friends with one of his brothers ... And he said that after that incident, Mamed left for Moscow to work and would come only for New Year... Since then I had a couple of guys ... But every day I remember him looking forward to his arrival ... They say and he wonders how I am here ... No one still could not notice my Caucasian first love ...
P.S. And that Masha got it, I somehow met her on the street, recognized her and said a phrase that I had been preparing for a long time: Maybe you are prettier than me, but before throwing mud you had to find out about my physical data. And I slapped her in the face, knocked her to the ground and hit her a couple more times, after that I did not hear about her ...

All Salam Aleikum) this is my first time writing history, so please do not judge harshly.
Strictly +18 so that children and those who do not like such things We pass by.

Morning. The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing in the trees. Despite the fact that it was September outside the weather was hot.
The phone rang (It was mine best friend Ferina)
A-Hello, I answered in a sleepy voice
F-Hi Zai
A-hello bobblehead
F-are you still sleeping?
A-just wanted to get up, you called)
F-You know that tomorrow is the first day that we go to college
A-Bliiin another headache (
F-No, come on: D Today we are going to the mall for shopping
A-Okay, but come on, I want to sleep in an hour.
F-No, I'll pick you up in an hour,
to be ready!
A-Okay: D
(Aisha was 17 years old. Not a lot about her appearance: her figure was graceful, the guys always drove up, but oddly enough she turned them off.
The eyes were dark brown that even almost the pupil was not visible, long straight thick eyelashes and a neat nose the lips were plump
Her hair was medium brown and fell to her back, as they say, she had everything with her.
Her family was rich. They lived in Turkey and were originally from Turkey. In her family, she had 5 people, counting Aisha: Papa-Revan (He was a strict man, but he also showed his love and care to his beloved family and often did not come home because of work and therefore visited other cities;
Mom-Inel (the woman was kind and very hardworking, she also worked, not because there was no money, but out of boredom and she worked for a designer of wedding dresses;
The magician (he loved Aisha's brother very much and at the same time was strict with her, he already had a daughter-in-law to whom he was engaged and the wedding should take place in 3 months;
Dinar ( little brother who goes to school, a cheerful kid) I think I have described enough and you will learn about others in the continuation of the story.
Aisha still decided to get up from her favorite bed. She went to the bath did all her own water treatments and left. I put on a dress gently beige colour with a black belt at the waist that clearly showed her figure and heels with a height of 10 cm in black. She straightened her hair and loosened it Delicate makeup and ready) and at that moment Ferina called
F-come down I won't wait)
A-how cruel you are, I'm already running)
She went down the table the family had already laid in the gathering. Everyone had breakfast
(Mom Dad Maga Dinar)
Good morning everyone)
Mama, Dad-Good Morning daughter)
Mom-sit down to breakfast
A-mom, I won't, I'm late, Fidanka is waiting for me
Mom, can you eat?
And we'll drop into a cafe there
Mom - say hello to Ferina
A-All Bon Appetit and bye)
Dinar stuck out his tongue
And Maga said, however, as always - for now, be careful and do not linger
Oh good
And her parents smiled after her.
Leaving the house she saw a familiar car it was
her best friend's white foreign car
A friend got out of the car and was not happy and it seems Aisha knew why) because she was late)
I won't tell you a lot about Ferina
(Ferina had long dark brown hair up to the priests, everyone always thought that she had black hair. The eyes were dark brown, like her friend's hair often said that she had black eyes, but if you look closely, it's completely different. The eyelashes are also long and thick, raised up. The lips are not plump, the nose is tidy. The ideal figure is shorter. Everything is with Him.
She was dressed in black dress which was below the knees and hugged her body and at the back of the dress there was a gold-colored zipper that was full length and heels were 8 cm black and her hair was straightened and gathered in a ponytail.
She was kind girl they were friends with Aisha from school and they were also relatives
Fidan had a Rich family and was very good friends with Arinkina.
I think I pulled you in with this and so on)
F-What are you taking so long?
A-Well, forgive me please dear)
F-Come on;)
On the way, they made fun of, laughed, chatted and did not even notice how they arrived at the shopping center)
Having made all the purchases, the girls decided to go to a cafe)
They went into a cafe and sat down at a free table. And they took the order and finally the waiter brought the dishes.
The girls began to eat and at that moment

The girls began to eat and at that moment a group of guys, consisting of 5 people, entered the cafe. They laughed and talked loudly sitting at the table and all the girls looked at them and the table of Aisha and Ferin too, but then they continued to chat and eat.
Guys from that company came up to them and sat down next to them:
P-girl can I meet you, he turned to Aisha
A-I don't meet Guys
R-Don't break, come on and don't show yourself touchy
A-Listen, fuck off said!
All this was watched by a group of his friends and Fidan.
F-Listen, can you get out of here?
S-Shut up. As silent and silent.
A-Don't talk to her in that tone!
Get out!
P-I see a long tongue, right?
Oh, fuck you!
A-easy! Yes-Fuck you! - rising from the table
F-let's get out of here Aisha
A-let's go, otherwise it's impossible to stand side by side with people like THIS
She was about to leave as he abruptly grabbed her by the elbow and sharply pulled her to him
W-Will you answer for the words you just said? - he said with a malicious smile
They looked into each other's eyes and Aisha took a glass of Coca Cola
And I say it again, Easy!
And poured every last drop on him.
The guy stood in shock and watched her as she left with her friend.
W-We'll meet again - the guy was furious
Friends looked at it with round eyes
Leaving the cafe, the girlfriends quickly walked to the car and got into it. And they locked all the doors and looking at each other began to laugh and make fun of:
F-you are so impudent, I didn’t know
A-ahaha herself did not expect this from herself)
F-but he really pissed me off
And - here I gave him to understand how to molest a girl
And they began to laugh and make fun of each other)
When they reached Aisha's house, they said goodbye and Aisha entered the house. There was no one. The girl was happy about it because she wanted to be alone. She went to wash her makeup, gathered her hair comfortably and changed into her pajamas, she lay down on the bed. It was 21:30, she wanted to sleep, she was tired.
She thought about today's guy about how others looked and with these thoughts fell asleep.
Morning. Time 08:30.
The phone rang. Barely taking an iPhone, she pressed on to answer and did not read who was calling it.
Well, you guessed it Ferina was)
A-hello-a hoarse voice sounded
F-good morning
F-Do you know what day it is?
F-Fool! The first day we go to college
I forgot! -Jumping out of bed quickly
F-get ready, I'll pick you up in half an hour on the road traffic jams so I won't wait quickly
Ah-well, don't distract me!
She ran to the bath, tidied herself up, washed, etc.
She quickly opened the closet and took a black pencil skirt below the knees with a slit in the back and gently pink blouse with black buttons.
I wore it all and looked gorgeous)
All that was missing was heels and a bag
She wore black heels with a height of 15 cm and a black Chanel bag is not shorter.
And she gathered her hair high on top, did her makeup and looked pretty ready.
She left the house, closed the door and went to the car.
Ferina was sitting there, they greeted:
F-how are you? Well, why are we going to eat?
A-okay, I'm very worried, and how are you?
F-too) you look gorgeous
A-thanks) you too)
(Ferina was dressed in a sundress, well, like a skirt and a blouse, but it was a black and white sundress all together.
Heels are white 10 cm and the bag is not as big as Aisha's and the hair was gathered in a bun, it also looked beautiful)
Having reached the institute, they got out of the car. The institute was very large and the pairs started in 10 minutes. The girls had nothing to wait and decided to find an audience quickly so as not to be late. While they were looking for an office, everyone looked at them with envy, someone with admiration. The girls, not noticing anything, were talking, smiling at each other, they didn't care)

It would be better if it did not care.
Passing girls walked without noticing yesterday's company of guys, there were also five of them. And the guy who remembered Aisha well.
Let's describe the guy so you have an idea of ​​him.
(The guy's name is Aylan is very handsome and sexy guy tall and very sexy physique. His nose is neat and not a big mouth, not puffy, and the most important thing in him was His eyes, they are either Golden or Light brown, and from this all the girls were blown away. Well, since you already know that the girls were blown away, then he is a Creepy Womanizer. He has very rich family... His character is very strict, but sometimes he is kind and he has no patience and he is cruel and completely Selfish. And if he wants something, then it will be he just leaves nothing and the smart guy loves to take revenge)
There were girls called Barbies with the guy.
Ailan saw Aisha and his girlfriend rhinestone recognized them. He was a little surprised, but still he did not forget yesterday and promised that he simply would not leave it. He decided to act. He walked away with his best friend from company.
And I decided to close up the plan.
(The best friend's name is Fariz, he was friends with him from the cradle. Fariz knew everything about Ailan. short haircut dark Brown eyes the pupil is not visible. A neat nose and a neat mouth. The kid was also a good physique (m "Jock"), okay, well, shorter.
Fariz was very smart guy and when he got bored of something and he gets bored quickly, he was rude. he always rolls up loves to touch girls.
The womanizer is short.
He will also play a big role in this story) well, I described the main characters to you, I think it's time to start
And so the plan:
A-in short, brother, look and listen carefully:
1. I will steal that bitch who doused Coca Cola.
2. And you are different.
3. And in short, when she is near, well, that bitch and you on the other, you call me and I'll put it on the speaker. In short, you threaten her that you will rape her, so do it like you pester her, but don’t do anything, and let her apologize to me and then we will release them ok?
F is bad idea maybe not worth it?
A-after what did she do? dishonored in front of everyone!
F-well, but let's just walk the couples right now and go hang out to relax?
A-great idea) thanks friend)
Friends without thinking anything went to a strip bar. They got drunk there without thinking about the consequences. Partying parties, etc. And it was time to leave.
F-Let's go Ailaaan)
A-Let's go)
And they were already on their way to the institute.
And at this time the girls.
We left the last couples and went to the cafe, which is at the institute.
We sat there and bought tea with all sorts of sweets:
F-I'm really tired (
A-be patient.
so every day
The girls talked what came to mind and so half an hour passed)
The boys were already in place and followed from the car. And each had its own car.
Approaching the girls to the car, the boys set to work.
Aisha got into the car and waited for Ferina, who was talking to her mother on the street.
Ailan imperceptibly approached the car, opened the door and put her to sleep, she did not have time to understand what was happening to her. After that, Aylan took her in his arms and put her on backseat he sat down and winked at a friend and drove off.
And Ferina, not noticing anything, continued to talk as they grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with her hands and dragged her phone somewhere, she fell out of her hands and the car also remained. The surname barely dragged her to the car and threw her into the back seat. She was already crying and wanted to leave as he closed all the doors and pressed the gas abruptly drove off.
At this time, Ailan was drunk and was driving fast, not paying attention to the traffic lights, while Aisha was passed out at that time.
Having arrived, Ailan stopped at big house you can say a mansion.
He went out, took Aisha in his hands and walked towards the house.
Fariz, too, did not lag behind on the road Ferina threw a tantrum:
F-let go! who are you!
Fa-do not shout and so your brains ache, just sit silently!
F-fuck you! She already wanted to break the glass
Fa-fool! I didn’t understand what I said! - shouted at the entire car interior
Fidan remained silent for 30 seconds and began:
F-please take me home, she cried
Fa-how will I take some business
F- where is Aish

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Video Caucasian Love Stories: Ramazan & Leila

Malika got married early - at the age of 15, so that even she herself did not have time to understand how it happened. During her wedding cousin, she liked nice guy from a neighboring village, and he came to the spring to see her. And her friend Marem, who envied the fact that such eligible groom, carefully watched the couple a little to the side. Suddenly, completely unexpectedly for everyone, she shouted loudly: “Kugh lazza! Kug lazza! " (I took my hand! I took my hand!), Although nothing like that happened. Why she did this remains a mystery. Probably, she wanted to dishonor Malika, but in fact it turned out that this involuntary "shame" was the reason that the stately handsome Shamil sent matchmakers to Malika that same evening. And the "disgraced" Malika married him, thinking that something terrible had happened.

Malika was pleased with her husband. Of course, rural life is not sugar, but Malika was accustomed to work with early childhood- to milk the cow and bake the bread - everything was done by her playfully. And her husband ... loved her, despite the fact that she had been married for 5 years, she could not give him children. Only the chores around the house and yard allowed her to forget and forget for a while about her trouble. But every evening she fell asleep with tears in her eyes and a prayer to Allah for a child.

That evening she prayed especially earnestly. She decided for herself that if this time it did not work out, she would no longer torment Shamil and would go to parental home... She offered him more than once to marry another, but he reassured her as best he could, not even allowing the thought of a second wife. “Even if we never have children, I will not marry another,” he ardently assured her, “… we have a big family, it's okay if I personally don't have children. Others have - and that's enough, the Salamov family will not end with me. "

But, despite such words of him, Malika could not allow her beloved, dear, native person remained childless. Therefore, she firmly decided for herself - she will wait another month - and that's it, home ...

Allah heard her prayers, and a month later she suffered ... At first she could not believe, and was afraid to say, and could not admit to herself that this had happened. Everyone listened to herself, everyone was afraid to say it out loud. And only when Shamil asked about it himself, noticing her slightly rounded belly, she replied: "Yes, I think I'm pregnant." Oh, how he circled her, how happy he was! What care and attention he filled her days! He categorically forbade doing hard work and was looking forward to the birth of the child ...

It is not clear what was the reason for the delay in the appearance of children, but since then children in the family of Shamil and Malika began to appear every year - as if from a cornucopia. Their house was filled with the voices of eight sons!

There was no limit to the happiness of Shamil and Malika. In the depths of her soul, Malika dreamed of a girl, but she did not dare to complain even alone with herself, since she was very grateful to Allah for the happiness sent to her!

The eldest son, Magomed, was the most playful and flirtatious. Probably because his parents pampered him more than anyone else, and all the other children were told that he was the eldest, he should be listened to, he should be respected and honored. He believed in his uniqueness and importance, and now and then "pleased" his parents with his pranks.

His favorite trick was to hide somewhere for a long time and wait for his mother to start looking for him. “Moh1mad, k1orny, michakh woo hyo? Hiavad Mom's! Sa gatdella sa! " (Magomed, baby, where are you? Run to mom! I missed you!) - Malika lamented, running around the yard, looking in all corners, but Magomed every time found a new place, and she never managed to find it. Having tortured her for some time, he jumped out of hiding with wild cries, and then they laughed together for a long time ...

... On the outskirts of the village of Goiskoye, the bodies of those killed during the "anti-terrorist operation to capture the militants" in the village of Komsomolskoye were dumped into a huge pit. The unfortunates dug in this pit, looking for their loved ones among the disfigured corpses, such dear and beloved ones with whom they were only yesterday ...
... Among all, an elderly woman stood out, with a face tied with gauze and mournful eyes in which, it seemed, all the sadness of the world was reflected ... She now and then pulled someone out of the heap of corpses, and said: "Hara sa wu! .. Hara sa wu ! .. Khara sa wu! " (This one is mine, and this one is mine, and this one is mine ...) The women standing at a distance were shaking their heads sympathetically and talking among themselves, not believing that all seven corpses that the woman pulled out of the dump were related to her. In their opinion, the woman simply lost her mind and pulled out everyone.

“Moh1mad, sa k1orny, michakh woo hyo? Sa sa gatdella! " (Magomed, my baby, where are you? I missed you!) - the woman began to lament, and those watching her were sure that she had lost her mind. Someone was crying, someone, who had no more tears, wanted to go up to her in order to take her out of there, and one of the women had already moved in her direction, but stood aside Old man stopped her with the words: “Leave her. These are our seven sons. She is looking for the eighth. " He could not hold back his tears. In embarrassment, turning away, he quietly cried. He did not have the moral strength to go to the pit.

"Moh1mad, k1orny, hya guch val, so qadella!" (Magomed, baby, come out, I'm tired) - repeated Malika. There was not a tear on her face ...

... In the bloody massacre in the village of Komsomolskoye, about 2000 people of the local population were killed. Including old people, women and children ...

She was 14 when she was married. her name was Zarema, amazing beautiful girl, a native of Chechnya, her mother was Ossetian and her father was Chechen .. father was killed during the war .. and mother raised her and older sister Madina.
the girls were extremely beautiful ... but not at all similar friend on a friend ... Madina has short and brown hair (in her father), eyes green as the sea, and thin lips.. but all facial features were in harmony, the girl looked like a doll ... Zarema, she was loved from childhood, from childhood she was distinguished by her character, decisive, fast smart girl with eyes black as coal, black hair, chiseled eyebrows .. slightly dark skin, plump lips and a straight, neat nose, her slim figure and the graces could only envy ... Zarema was a copy of her mother ... and inherited the character of her father ... a decisive, free, unconquerable ...
her boyfriend stole her, at 14 .. life seemed to have collapsed, she dreamed of a different future, they lived in Moscow, Madina got married long ago, she had children, everyone was glad that Zarema was getting married .. except for herself, her husband was so and could not fall in love ... but resigned herself to her fate, and lived with him ... her everyday life was spent alone, her husband constantly walked, not hiding it ... and for him she was only a label that he bragged about to friends ... from she began to go to the mosque ... the only place where he let her go ... there she met him .. Anzor, Tall, slender, free ... so simple ... and handsome ... they collided at the entrance .. frightened by the feeling that skipped in her heart, she ran away ... all night long drove away his image ... her husband (Ahmed) came at 4 o'clock, woke her up, and demanded dinner .. laughing loudly and teasing Zarema ... she got used to it ... silently cooked and left the kitchen ...
so she suffered for three years ... for three years she went to the mosque and secretly looked at him with fear that he would suspect something ...
one fine day Ahmed came and said that she was tired of him, that he loved another .. and that they were getting divorced ... as if a blow to the jaw, to death ... she packed his things and he left ... it became empty .. did not know what to do to scream with happiness ... or cry ... nobody needs her now ... life is ruined .. I went to the mosque .. I prayed, and when I went out I involuntarily burst into tears .. I sat down on a bench, put my legs between her legs and sobbed quietly .. what will happen to her ... she was in no hurry to go home ... Ahmed did not wait ... in principle, as always ... someone sat down next to her and asked ... who offended you ?! ... did not want to speak ... turned and ... saw him ... he smiled, so kind ... asked again .. who offended you sister?! ... she wanted to tell .. but instead she strictly said "go away" .. .and only then I realized that now everything was lost .. dusty with anger at myself .. and love for him ... went home ...
Anzor was from a wealthy family, he was given everything on demand .. but he grew up not spoiled simple guy because while his parents were working, he was raised by his grandfather, the grandfather is very religious and right person put all his knowledge into his grandson, and he had something to be proud of ... Anzor The only son... grew up for the joy of parents, for the pride of grandfather) ...
She no longer came to this mosque, fearing to meet him, she lived alone .. worked, learned and became completely independent girl, several times Ahmed came to Zarema and tried to return everything back, but she turned away .. she did not love him, and was independent girl.. and besides, she still loved Anzor ... without knowing his name of origin .. but only that image ... (from the author. Probably beauty in our life decides a lot, but not everything, nobility, warm eyes, kindness in the eyes, modesty, obedience to the Almighty, this is a lot of pledge)
she was 23, she went to the same mosque in the hope of seeing him again, passed a large number of time, but she never saw him ... probably he no longer comes here, thought Zarema, felt a little sad and ached in her heart, she came home, went to bed, and decided to go home to visit relatives from the Father's side, her sister who moved to Chechnya and lived there
Madina lived in Grozny in the heart of Chechnya ...
much has changed in those times when Zarema left her homeland, everything is so beautiful, her soul rejoiced and sang ... she was calm, she just got to the time when her brother got married, a celebration was to take place in a week, everyone was preparing hard for him! the preparation went on violently, and then the day came, everyone was celebrating the wedding violently, when all the elders were sitting, the youth gathered in a circle and danced lezginka, although Zarema grew up in Moscow, she danced gorgeous, but never showed her talent, then, to the noise of Lovzar, came out he is Anzor ... her heart almost stopped .. "what is he doing here? how can that be? is it really him?" her head thrashed, her feverish thoughts overflowed with happiness, he went out into a circle and pointed at her ... from surprise she did not want to go out at first, but he insisted ... then she went out ... wave of her hand ... a slender figure, proudly raised head, she was afraid to look him in the eyes so as not to show him her sympathies, but at the end of the dance, one sharp look directly into Anzor's eyes, as if time had stopped ... and everything around ... then she patted away somewhere behind the crowd .. and ran out into the street out of excitement, she could not speak ... everything inside was trembling ...
he recognized her, even then her image of an innocent crying girl crashed into his memory, he ran after her ... but when he heard that someone was coming she ran off the porch, behind the house ... hearing his voice, his legs went numb ... he stood a little without seeing her in the vicinity, and then decided for himself .. by all means will steal this paradise flower ...
a week passed after the wedding, she could not ask her brother who that guy was .. she was embarrassed .. once leaving the store, she went to light dress, in a white shawl, so sunny in summer and so summer light... like a butterfly soared from some kind of happiness, the road was sharply blocked by the Audi 6, he was driving ...
opened the window, turned his head and looked seriously into her eyes ... "Sit down" came from his mouth, and it seemed to break the silence ...
Zarema, a little in a stupor, could not understand what was happening ...
- Sit down (again he repeated sharply and quickly)
- but ... where .. and why .. and ..
- either you will sit down by yourself or I will sit down myself ?! it will be useless to break free ... I will never let you go anywhere again!
Zarema sat back and waited for him to say something ... but complete silence reigned in the cabin, he got under way and they drove for a long time listening to music ... he brought her to someone else's house (it was Anzor's house)
He went out, took her in his arms and carried her into the house ... out of shame and fear, she buried herself in his shoulder, brought her into the house and sat on a huge bed, and only then did he speak:
- I have known you for several years, even in Moscow I saw you .. but you drove me away, Why ?! then I left, my mother died .. and I lived here for a long time to look after the house and help my father, I lost hope that I will see you and here you are, and I will never give you to anyone, shut up ... I know rude, impudent, crazy, but I see my happiness in you! I will give you everything I will throw everything that you want at your feet, ask for everything you want, I will make the impossible possible ... I was silent ... I caught my breath, got down on one knee in front of her, took my hand and put on the ring ...
- I was married Anzor ... cried, told him everything ...
a long silence ... took off the ring and put it in his hand, got up and went to the exit ... turned around, hugged it so tightly and with such love .. as always dreamed, and whispered in my ear "do not break your life" ... Anzor sat with his head bowed ... firmly took her hand, raised his eyes and whispered ... "from this day on you have a different life, I am your destiny, and you are Mine! what happened before was before ... it hurts. I will erase from memory is all, but I won't let you go anywhere else ... "I put on the ring again and held it to me ...
now their son is 7 years old and daughters 5 years old, Zarema died in childbirth ... when she gave birth to Malika (the youngest daughter), her heart could not stand it ... Anzor took the children to France, and only children are a joy in his life ... after all, his life went with her ... his fate went with her ...
Take care of your loved ones, love with all your heart, appreciate every moment and never lower your head ...