Perfect hairstyle: what mistakes should be avoided in order not to look older. Perfect hairstyle: tips from stylists

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In the spring, women try to create new image thinking it through to the smallest detail

And the hairstyle plays a role in this, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. good haircut can "remove" a few years. An unsuccessful one, on the contrary, makes you older, and in general is capable of failing the whole image. In order to correctly emphasize your advantages, it is important to choose the right hairstyle option.

Unfortunately, perfect formula, answering the question of how to choose a haircut, simply does not exist. There are quite a few criteria for choosing a haircut. All of them are different, and most of them still have to be taken into account when choosing the “ideal” hairstyle.

You need to pay attention not only to the shape of the face, but also to height, neck length and even physique. When choosing the length of hair, it is important to take into account their structure, density and fat content. But that's not all. Ideally, haircuts should emphasize the style of a woman - if you know your style to the smallest detail, it will be much easier to choose a hairstyle.

It is also important to follow the news in this area - looking through the latest fashion trends, you can not only make a choice, but also find the hairstyle of your dreams.

Sometimes the choice of hairstyle can be influenced by the ability to diversify it - with the help of bangs and styling methods. Far from every haircut you can do a lot of manipulations. Therefore, if you are subject to frequent shift moods, choose a haircut that you can then style in completely different ways.

Your own taste is also very important. Even if you want to change, don't step on your own song's throat. So, lovers of braids to the waist are better not to choose short haircuts.

Determine the shape of the face

The easiest way to determine the shape of your face is to go to the mirror, pull your hair back, and draw a lip pencil along the contour of your reflection.

Taking a couple of steps back, you can quite clearly form an opinion about the shape of the face. If you do not want to dirty the mirror, you can guess the shape by visual features. You just need to determine the ratio various parts faces to each other.

For a round face

The round shape is equal proportions of length and width, while the chin has a rounded outline. The hairline also has a rounded appearance.

Chubby girls need to visually add the missing length to the face. Great solution - high styling, visually lengthening the shape of the face. For those who want to make a short haircut, it is better to opt for stepped options. For example, a cascade will do. The parting can be located in the center or diagonally.

A great idea for chubby ladies are long hair or haircuts middle length. Help balance proportions. large curls, and to make the face narrower - bangs removed to one side.

For a square face

The type of face "square", in addition to equal length and width, has an oblong chin. The forehead, cheekbones and lower jaw on such a face are approximately the same width. Therefore, when choosing a hairstyle, it is important to correct rough lines by lengthening the face and giving the chin a softened outline.

For square type fit high hairstyles. A parting located on the side will look better. You can leave loose long hair with curled curls or perform stepped haircuts.

For an oval face

Girls with oval type Lucky faces: an oval is the ideal face shape. Happy owners of oval faces will suit any variation of hairstyles.

For thin hair, it is advisable to choose haircuts to the middle of the chin, and profile the ends of the strands. Fans of bangs can safely wear them, any density and shape is allowed.

For a heart-shaped face

The triangular heart-shaped face is distinguished by a narrow chin and a “disproportionately” wide forehead and cheekbones. For him, you should choose haircuts that hide the width of the upper part of the face. It can be asymmetrical haircuts, side parting or long oblique bangs. It is better to open the bottom of the face, so a good choice for a heart-shaped face is short haircuts, tousled or curled hair. Strands that are too long and hanging below the cheekbones will draw unnecessary attention to the sharp chin, and the top of the face will visually make it even wider.

Selection by hair type

When choosing a hairstyle, you need to consider not only the shape of the face, but also the type and condition of the hair. Sparse or thick, normal or dry, straight or curly - the same hairstyles look different on different hair. normal or slightly curly hair- this, of course, is an ideal with which absolutely everything can be done. But what about the owners of oily or, conversely, very dry hair?

Greasy hair

Ideal for short or long voluminous haircuts that do not require a tight fit of the hair to the scalp. The hairstyle will retain freshness longer and will look more interesting.

Dry hair

If you have very dry hair, it is better to try to cure it first, and then cut it. No matter what you do with dry hair, it still won't look good. Frequent styling and washing is not to their liking. Almost the best way for dry hair - haircuts that are unpretentious for styling, as well as with natural layering and disheveledness.

Thin and sparse hair

The main thing for hairstyles with thin hair is volume, which is easy to create on short hair. For medium length, multi-layer will fit torn haircuts, with an even cut and even bangs, bob variations, and, of course, curls. The greater length thin hair looks very sad.

Thick hair

The ideal option for them is the average length. She looks spectacular, and does not particularly burden care. Straight or oblique bangs, rounded or even cuts - choose to your taste. The main rule for thick hair- do not overdo it with volume, so graduated haircuts and small curls owners thick hair not worth getting involved. Those ladies who have thick hair can choose almost any styling. You can try the popular layered haircut option when upper layer longer than the bottom.

Curly hair

Curly curls require haircuts that can keep them natural beauty and naturalness. Suitable long bob: the back of the hair will be cut shorter, and the front will need to let go of the elongated strands.

Regardless of the chosen length, experienced master can give naughty curls original shape and correct the oval of the face. The only rule is not to forget about the natural direction of hair growth.

Choice calculated by computer

If you do not want to suffer when choosing for too long, you can choose the perfect haircut using a computer - this service has long been provided by large hairdressers and beauty salons.

At home, you can also see which haircut suits you. Programs such as Cosmopolitan will help, Adobe Photoshop and others, where you can easily and quickly modify the length of the hair, their color and shape, and then supplement your new hairstyle beautiful accessories. Such programs even provide guidance on the most suitable makeup for the type of haircut you choose.

But it is worth remembering one thing - the results on the monitor are often very different from the real ones. Therefore, it is best, relying on the help of technology, to make a choice deliberately.

Important little things

The right haircut will not only give the face a perfect shape, but can also hide imperfections. It is enough to know some secrets.

A long nose looks good with a long one. thick bangs, wide or snub-nosed looks cute with hair combed up. BUT small features faces are perfect framed by small curls.

Close-set eyes can be “distanced” from each other with smooth strands along the cheeks. short neck do not hide under the hair, but edging with a triangular cut.

Large ears can be hidden with hair, leaving only the lobes within view.

Women vertically challenged look bad with a hairstyle in the form of large lush curls that increase the volume of the head.

And finally, the most important thing. The chosen hairstyle should be liked, because the awareness of one's own irresistibility - the best decoration women.

ARIES. Very often, women born under the sign of Aries have wavy hair. The energy of this sign is very powerful and mobile, which should be reflected in your hairstyle. You will feel best with a short haircut. Hairstyle can be sporty, or create an original dynamic look. Style the curls with fixatives to create a little creative mess on your head.

Short haircuts will make you younger and fill positive energy. With the right hairstyle, astrological sign will help you cope with difficult life situations, find answers to unsolvable questions .;

TAURUS. Medium length hairstyles that open the neck are suitable for you. Great fashionable option- graduated caret. The energy of your sign involves hair coloring natural remedies or with the help of balm in warm golden hues, it will improve your financial situation.

open neck and long strands on the sides they will show that the young lady of the calves is not very simple and extremely original, but golden and copper colors will give your mood flirtatious and sunny mischief or mysterious nobility. Your curls should be neat and loose. Avoid styling products that stick your hair together. The right hairstyle will direct Taurus energy to improve health and ensure financial success.

TWINS. The freedom and ingenuity of the twins will be emphasized by light, airy hairstyles, shoulder-length. If you have wavy hair, emphasize your volume with a cascading haircut. Straight hair can be volumized with with the help of a light chemistry.

According to the horoscope of hairstyles, you are recommended to make a simple haircut that can be styled in different ways, depending on your changeable mood. Style your hair with foam or mousse to add volume. This style will help you succeed in work, study and communication with new people.

CANCER. The hair of this sign is usually straight and thick. Your ideal hairstyle is a bob, straight or layered. For special occasions you can fix a decorative hairpin in your hair. Since ancient times, it has been noticed that such hairstyles give the body additional strength, improve health. The energy of the Cancer sign has a powerful genetic memory, so with the right hairstyle, you will improve relations with your parents, successfully select a life partner.

A LION. Representatives of this royal sign are recommended by astrologers to wear lush hair symbolizing the lion's mane. Hair can be cut in one line, and then fluffy with a hair dryer and comb. Another good option for you is a stepped haircut. When laying curls, it is recommended to curl a little with a hairdryer and mousse. Hairstyles characteristic of the lion sign give a person self-confidence, add strength and vitality.

VIRGO. The pedantry and diligence of the virgin will be emphasized by a neat little haircut, with loose strands. The main rule of your hairstyle is simple styling. Hair should be smooth and shiny, for this you can use shine products. Curls of medium length are recommended to shade with golden autumn tones. According to astrologers, Virgos tend to hide their natural beauty with the help of artificial wigs, hairpieces, overhead strands.

This helps them deal with large volumes monotonous work. Hairstyles in the style of the Virgo sign stimulate success in work, study, business, improve the functioning of the digestive system. Virgo astrologers recommend warm colors hair and golden hues, as well as give Special attention creating, maintaining and maintaining natural shine hair.

SCALES. Representatives of this sign prefer simple hairstyles with a twist. Your perfect style- classic. The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same easy time and graceful. Good option- haircut cascade on medium length hair. The main criteria are simplicity and sophistication, light, soft colors are preferred. Cascading haircuts and classic highlighting, but if you want variety and originality, then scales will be happy to try coloring. The highlight of the hairstyle can be given by highlighting, coloring or by changing the color from dark (at the roots) to light (at the tips). Classic style scales helps to establish contact with the right people helps you choose the right solution.

SCORPION. Feature for women of this sign - thick, heavy hair. In order to better accumulate the flow of energy, Scorpio is recommended to wear straight, smooth hair. To increase the splendor of the hairstyle, a bob haircut will help, which can be styled in different ways, depending on your changeable mood. According to the horoscope of hairstyles, your optimal style, which will add to you vital energy This is a vamp woman. Choose bright saturated colors for hair coloring, it will emphasize your sexuality and improve the situation on the "love front". Short cut hair will add fire to your life.

SAGITTARIUS. Distinctive features in the character of Sagittarius - this is freedom and dynamism. To reflect this in your hairstyle, you are advised to wear a light layered haircut on medium length hair. If the hair does not naturally curl, it can be slightly curled at the ends.

Sagittarians prefer a restrained style, avoid extremes - excessive severity and extravagance. Sagittarius will feel great both with a short haircut and with long hair smoothly combed up. Sagittarius hairstyles give a person confidence and help to achieve success in the social and business sphere.

CAPRICORN. Representatives of this sign prefer strictness and restraint in their hair. Familiar to everyone, a smooth medium-length haircut with bangs will be ideal for you. For parties, meetings and holidays, you can arrange a slight mess - disheveled hair, “naughty” strands whipped with wax and gel with your fingers. A good Capricorn hairstyle is one that can be easily styled in a few minutes. Long and medium hair can be tucked under a headscarf or bandana to help you focus your energy on your career. Capricorn hairstyles contribute to the improvement of the financial situation.

AQUARIUS. Women of this sign perfectly feel new trends in fashion. For you, there are no strict rules in the hairstyle, the main thing is that it be extravagant, original and meet the requirements modern fashion. According to the horoscope of hairstyles, you are recommended to dye your hair in bright, unusual colors. Decorate your hair with a bright hairpin. Aquarians are well suited for long and medium-length hair in a wave or perfectly smooth strands created with the help of “ironing”. An Aquarius-style hairstyle contributes to success in any endeavor, establishes contact with people. In terms of health, it controls the work of blood vessels and arteries.

FISHES. Representatives of this sign symbolize peace and harmony. A modest hairstyle, such as a “square”, and neat, smooth styling. Neat hairstyles for short hair style of Audrey Hepburn will make the fish sophisticated and irresistible.

Hair colors are calm, hazel, honey and soft chestnut tones. Hairstyles in the style of Pisces help to establish a connection with the cosmos, to gain inner harmony, improve overall health. Astrologers recommend that you weave braids, because woven strands combine cosmic energy flows together.

Today we would like to present the horoscope of hairstyles. After reading this article, you will know which haircuts and hairstyles are suitable different signs zodiac. When is the best time to go to the salon? Haircuts according to the zodiac sign, according to the lunar calendar, may help you change something in your life.


Most often, representatives of the Aries sign have blond, slightly curly hair. Representatives of the sign often wind straight hair on curlers or make perm. These hairstyles really suit them. Aries have unruly and coarse hair. Perhaps that is why they are often cut short, but at the same time they choose bright modern hairstyles: fiery signs prefer to stand out from the crowd.

When choosing a haircut, Aries should remember that often an unpredictable and spontaneous desire to change their hairstyle can play a cruel joke on them, and a hastily invented hairstyle can disappoint. Representatives of this sign are very haircuts male type(short) or unisex style, remember that standard hairstyles can get boring quickly.

The hairstyle should be stylish, asymmetrical options are allowed. It is better for representatives of this fire sign to choose such haircuts so that you have the opportunity to periodically change your appearance, for example, change the location of the parting, pin up your hair, wind it on curlers or style it differently.

In addition, Aries can use easily washable hair dyes, because if you often apply conventional paints hair will become brittle and thin. A sporty short haircut will help young representatives of this sign find their own unique style. Mature women with the help of a haircut will look younger for several years, they will look more attractive.

When is the best time to get a haircut?

Haircut days according to the zodiac sign Aries fall on the period when the Moon is in the fiery signs - Sagittarius and Leo. It is advisable to change the image on the days of the growth of the moon. In this case, the hair will grow quickly, and you can update your hairstyle more often or completely change it. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. Her day is Tuesday. This day should be planned for a visit to the salon. A haircut is not recommended during the days when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn and Virgo. Experts believe that during this period, hairstyles are too strict and do not really fit the image of Aries.


A very feminine and attractive earth sign of the zodiac, patronized by the beautiful Venus. Appearance in general and hairstyle in particular for Taurus have great importance. Representatives of the sign often prefer long hair, since it is they who are considered a symbol of femininity.

Haircut according to the zodiac sign Taurus should be of medium length. Hairstyles are strict and neat. To beautiful representatives This sign is suitable for loose hair. On curled hair, curls should be made perfectly: not tangled with other strands, lying separately.

In addition, face long caret. Moon calendar haircuts according to the zodiac sign of Taurus is as follows. You should go to the hairdresser when the Moon enters the earth signs - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. You should not change your hairstyle on the days of Water and Air. During this period, the hairstyle rarely turns out the way you dreamed of, and most likely will disappoint. It is advisable to go to the salon on Friday.


Which zodiac haircut suits Gemini, this fickle, dual sign that needs a change? Mercury, the patron planet of Gemini, did not give the representatives of the sign a catchy and bright appearance. Their attractiveness lies in the unique ability to find a common language with literally everyone.

As a rule, women of this sign are refined and slender, they are distinguished by a certain airiness, ease of movement, and therefore light hairstyles are suitable for them, which can be easily transformed. Hair curled on curlers or a perm will suit you. Do not overload your hair too much. Fit stylish but simple haircuts, light and slightly careless perm.

Gemini can experiment with color: ashen suits them more than others. To make the haircut perfect, it is better to go to the hairdresser on those days when the Moon passes through the signs of Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Do not plan a haircut on the days of Capricorn and Sagittarius. The hairstyle will fully meet your desire if you visit the hairdresser on Wednesday.


Pretty Cancer women are often distinguished by a slight roundness of forms, and their face is quite rarely narrow. The roundness of the forms of this sign is given by the Moon, the ruler is usually quite thick. Cancer women devote a lot of time to their appearance, they love to carry out home hair care procedures, because they feel much more comfortable in their own walls than in public.

For Cancers, haircuts are suitable that visually lengthen the face, for example, asymmetrical with side parting, long bob. If you want your hair to be thicker, the auspicious signs of the zodiac for cutting hair will be the days of Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer during the waning moon. Those representatives of the sign who dream of growing up quickly long curls, they should be cut when the Moon is growing in these signs. You will not be disappointed in your new look if you make a haircut on Monday - the day of the Moon and, accordingly, the day of the sign Cancer.

a lion

thick and coarse hair golden or chestnut color characteristic of this sign. Often they are quite tough. Lions emphasize attention to their hairstyle with various bright details. This fire sign, so its representatives are very fond of standing out. For women, it is important to make a hairstyle that will attract the attention of others and emphasize individuality.

To make your hair look lush, do stepped haircuts. Long hair is more suitable for Leos, but if you want to cut it, the hairstyle should still be lush. Don't forget to trim the ends of your hair regularly. It is advisable to do this once a month on the growing moon. Don't forget about auspicious days. A haircut according to the zodiac signs for Leo is recommended during the passage of the fire signs by the Moon: Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. The Sun rules Leo. It corresponds to Sunday, so this is the best day for haircuts and hair care.


Restrained earth sign, characterized by incredible femininity. The hair of the representatives is often dark or chestnut, blond are much less common. Virgo's facial features are usually small, but very pretty. Haircut according to the zodiac sign Virgo should be lush, you can make curls.

Avoid small details in the hairstyle and do not cover the face with hair. Virgos, as well as other signs, should adhere to the haircut calendar. Zodiac sign best time you is the period of passage of the Moon earth signs - Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Wednesday is the day of Mercury, which rules the sign of Virgo, so it is on this day that it is better to make an appointment with a hairdresser.


Feminine, airy and surprisingly light sign. Representatives of the Libra sign are characterized by the ability to find a common language with almost everyone, diplomacy and tact. Venus is the planet that rules Libra. Therefore, representatives of this sign know how to present themselves, they know many secrets on how to improve own appearance and make beautiful hair. These women are slim and beautiful figure, even at quite big weight the woman looks elegant and feminine.

Usually, blonde hair Libras are lush and shiny. Facial features are pretty, one might even say angelic: big eyes and a neat little mouth. Simple classic haircuts are suitable for girls, but with the addition of small details in the form of small and neat highlights. Hairstyles with a cascade look good - strands of various lengths will give lightness to the hairstyle, and if the hair is not too thick, the hairstyle will seem more voluminous and magnificent.

You should sign up for a salon when the Moon passes air signs - Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. A favorable day of the week for a haircut is Friday, the day of Venus.


Scorpio women stand out with a piercing and concentrated look. They have a well-developed intuition, which they skillfully use when choosing clothes, cosmetics, hairstyles. The hair of the representatives of the sign is hard, dense and completely naughty. The vamp style is often associated with this sign, and such hairstyles add mystery to their owners.

Haircuts according to the zodiac sign Scorpio are recommended to choose extravagance, original hairstyles with straight lines, for example, a bob with bangs. It is desirable that the haircut is smooth and neat. Plan to visit the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in water signs - Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces. Haircuts made on Tuesday, the day of Mars, will be the most successful.


Self-confident, active and purposeful persons are representatives of Sagittarius. They need a change of environment, impressions, communication and the opportunity to learn something. Due to the constant movement, they often simply do not have enough time for their appearance. For this reason, they choose the most simple hairstyles that are easy to style and can be left untouched for a long time.

Perhaps, with a light curl, but without extravagance, they will suit you. They look beautiful slightly disheveled, which can be easily laid with the help of a special foam. This hairstyle will look different every time.

You should go to the hairdresser on Thursday (Sagittarius day), when the Moon passes air and fire signs.


Serious and very hardworking zodiac sign. Representatives of Capricorn are quite critical of themselves. It is for this reason that they usually look flawless. True, often their style is a little heavy. He is businesslike and dry. This can be seen in hair as well. Capricorns don't like clothes bright colors and in hairstyles they prefer the classics.

Laconic and discreet haircuts are suitable for you, without cutting-edge techniques and jagged edges. Short haircuts are desirable neat and strict. Schedule a haircut for Saturday, the day of Capricorn, when the Moon is in Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus. You may be disappointed with your hair if you go to a salon on Cancer days.


most original and unusual sign zodiac. Women related to him attract attention with extravagance, which is sometimes expressed in appearance, character traits, and behavior. Aquarius can not stand when they are limited in something, they dictate something, they have a well-developed fantasy. They can take something most interesting from fashion, skillfully combine the incongruous, combine completely different trends and styles.

The haircut worn by the Aquarius woman this season can only come into fashion for next year, so it often seems unusual, different from everyone else. Stylish and unusual haircuts will suit you, which you can easily invent yourself. It can be contrasting colors, cascades, bright coloring, a combination of short and long strands.

It is better to go to the hairdresser on the day of Aquarius - on Saturday, when the Moon is in the signs of Air - in Aquarius or Gemini.


The most vulnerable, melancholic and mysterious sign zodiac. Pisces are intuitive, vulnerable, very feminine and gentle natures. Their hair is often wavy and soft.

More often Pisces prefer long hair. If they do cut their hair, it is mostly short. At the same time, at least for a while, they try to grow long curls. Choose haircuts without sharp corners. It is better if the hair is slightly curled. Even in the case of classic caret you can slightly curl the ends inward.

Haircut Pisces should be done on Thursday, when the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio or Pisces, as well as Libra and Taurus.

Hairstyle is an important step in creating your own impeccable image. Her choice depends on the natural structure of the hair, the size of the facial features and its shape. Hair color also matters dark shades visually narrow the face, and light ones can make its oval somewhat rounder and wider. The choice of hairstyle according to the shape of the face should affect everything. additional factors to create the style that best suits you.

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Determine the type of face

It is enough to carefully study the reflection in the mirror to choose the right hairstyle.

  1. Oval shape. As a rule, an elongated face with prominent wide cheekbones. The chin and forehead are approximately the same width. Characterized by smooth rounded lines.
  2. Elongated (rectangular) shape. It is distinguished by an elongated length, in which the width of the cheekbones, forehead and chin is equal, or has a slight difference.
  3. Square shape. The "square" is characterized by a wide lower jaw with sharp lines, contrasting with a narrow forehead. The height of the face in this case is approximately equal to its width.
  4. Heart-shaped (triangular) shape. Often found among Slavs. Differs in rather wide cheekbones, turning into a sharply narrowed part of the chin. For triangular type characterized by a pointed small chin and angular lines.
  5. Round form. It is distinguished by a uniform width of the cheekbones and chin, a narrow or medium forehead, smooth round transition lines.
  6. Diamond shape. The face looks like a rhombus: it expands around the cheekbones and has narrow forehead and chin lines. The rarest face type.
  7. Pear shape. Refers to rare and unusual types of faces. It is characterized by the visual heaviness of the cheekbones and mandible, noticeably expanding from the ear area downwards, a narrow forehead zone and parietal part.

We select a hairstyle

How to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of the face? The first thing to consider is the shortcomings and imbalances in proportions. The main task is visual correction of the face type and head shape.


  • What is prohibited? In general, there are no restrictions on choosing a hairstyle for an oval face. However, if the proportions still have a slight error, you can visually correct it. Not suitable for a narrow forehead smooth hairstyle with a straight cut.
  • Defect correction. If the oval face has a somewhat elongated shape, it is better to give preference to elongated haircuts and bangs. An excellent solution would be naturally falling strands with light basal volume in the forehead area. If the forehead is too high fit straight or oblique bangs.
  • Choice of bangs. Oval face Looks great with or without bangs. Most acceptable option- oblique layered bangs, if the natural type of hair allows this.
  • Length. For this form, any hairstyle is good: straight hair of the same length, multi-layered haircuts like a cascade, an elongated bob and a classic bob.

A circle

  • What is prohibited? It is undesirable for women with a round face to frame it with thick wide bangs. No need to perm - curls and waves can additionally emphasize round lines. Not the most profitable will be haircuts with tips near the cheekbones and cheeks (whether it be a square or a short flight of stairs). Also to the owners round type it is better not to dye your hair in a uniform tone. When choosing a hairstyle, you should avoid horizontal lines and even parting.
  • Defect correction. To bring a round face as close as possible to an oval shape, layered haircuts and hairstyles with volume at the crown are suitable. If the hair is curly by nature, it is worth growing the length and not experimenting with short haircuts. Visually lengthens the face ponytail with a smooth comb back. If the hair is thin and thin, it is necessary to cover the ears and choose an elongated type of haircut.
  • Choice of bangs. The basic rule is an even hair structure. The bangs should be predominantly multi-level and asymmetrical. Should be avoided straight edge and excessive splendor. Oblique bangs are allowed if the main length allows you to hide the ears.
  • Length. For chubby girls A great solution is a short layered hairstyle. An elongated bob without bangs is ideal, short bob, "Tom boy" and .


  • What is prohibited? The main thing to avoid is straight hair, open forehead, too short length, thick single layer bangs, symmetrical hairstyles with chin length, combed back hair.
  • Defect correction. To soften the features of a square shape, it is advisable to select asymmetrical haircuts and oblique bangs. Relevant flowing curls and curls framing the oval of the face. To visually narrow the chin, you need a light volume at the roots.
  • Choice of bangs. An oblique multi-layered bang, ending at the level of the cheekbones, is perfect here.
  • Length. The square shape fits any length. Short haircuts should be made as voluminous and asymmetrical as possible, long hair should be curled or styled. The main rule is the lack of perfect smoothness and straight parting.

triangle and rhombus

  • What is prohibited? Decidedly not suitable for this face shape is shortened and wide bangs, side swept back hairstyles and ultra-short boyish haircuts. It is undesirable to make a ponytail combed back and wear hair with a single length.
  • Defect correction. The task is to visually expand lower part and balance it with the forehead area. Perfect for triangular trapezoid haircuts, curls and caret with outward curled tips. Hairstyles are suitable, the widest part of which falls on the cheekbones and chin.
  • Choice of bangs. A heart-shaped face will be decorated with milled oblique bangs. If the forehead is especially wide, you can stop at an elongated straight version.
  • Length. The best option- elongated caret, haircuts to the middle of the neck and the beginning of the shoulders. Long hair needs extra volume at the ends. Curls and waves will look advantageous on them.


  • What is prohibited? It is better to avoid excessive volume in the crown area, long smooth hair, divided into a parting, hairstyles that completely open the face and emphasize its length.
  • Defect correction. You need to pay attention to the bangs that cover the forehead and shorten the length of the face vertically. This type requires additional volume, which can be created thanks to layered haircuts, curls and curls, especially relevant for long hair.
  • Choice of bangs. For the “rectangle” type of face, lush oblique and straight bangs are suitable, covering the eyebrows or ending below the cheekbone line.
  • Length. When choosing a hairstyle, you should stop at medium or moderate short length. Great option there will be an elongated bean, framed fluffy bangs. With long hair, it is desirable to create additional basal volume, curl curls, create styling in the style of "Retro", lay the tips inside.

Have you ever dreamed of having the same hair color or hair style as your girlfriend or celebrity? Have you ever had a style that looks perfect on her not look so perfect on you? It's all about the shape of the face. This is the key to the perfect hairstyle that will definitely suit you!

The perfect haircut is more than just a few hairpins. Before going to a beauty salon, you need to determine the shape of your face so that you know exactly what to require from the master. This can be done at home using a regular ruler. Take turns measuring the width of the forehead, cheekbones, chin, and the length of the face from forehead to chin.

If you have an oval face, like Ashley Greene, the width of your forehead, cheekbones and jaws is almost equal, but if you have a round face, like Charlize Theron, then the width of the face is almost equal to its length, and the lines of the jaw and forehead curve smoothly. People with a heart-shaped face like Halle Berry have a wide forehead and a narrow jaw, but if your face is equal in length and width, you have a square face like Olivia Wilde.

Elongated face shape

A prominent chin and a large forehead are two key features of those who have elongated shape faces. In this case, it looks much longer than it is wider, so a little balance is needed to make the face appear more proportional.

The best hairstyles for girls with an elongated face are short hair and shoulder length hair.

If you are a lover of long hair and you have an elongated face shape, do not despair! When it comes to haircuts, you can make a thick cascade to add volume along the line of the width of the face.

When it comes about styling long hair, you can take the advice of Sarah Jessica Parker and add width to the face with curls. You need to make a curl not from the roots, but from the middle of the curl. Another option is to comb the curls to one side of the face. The asymmetry of this style will help to balance the elongated face shape.

A young girl can raise her hair high on the top of her head (hairstyle "Malvinka") in this way to pay attention to the neck. And the voluminous part of the hair at the level of the ears compensates for the lack of width of the face.

If you have an elongated shape, then it is advisable to avoid parting in the center of the hairstyle, as this makes the face visually even longer. An excellent solution to the problem is thick straight bangs.

oval shape

Your face shape is defined by a wide forehead, slightly wide cheekbones, and a jaw that narrows. All of your facial lines are the same proportions, so you can thank your parents for their excellent DNA. Girls with a perfect face shape have no boundaries and can experiment freely with different haircuts and hairstyles.

The only rule for creating hairstyles and haircuts for oval shape faces is to avoid styles that put too much hair on the face and hide the perfect shape. Bangs and ladders, which involve moving part of the hair in front, will only add extra volume to your face.

heart shape

A heart-shaped face has a wide forehead and a narrow, pointed chin. It is also classified as an inverted triangle. Often, in such girls, the hairline is raised much higher, giving the impression of a protruding forehead. Among the celebrities heart-shaped actress Christina Ricci, film star Marilyn Monroe and reality star Kourtney Kardashian have faces.

The main task for girls with this face shape is to add volume to the chin area.

The best haircut is the short bob, which looks fantastic with curly or wavy hair just under the cheekbones to create volume in the narrow jaw area.

Bang - great way hide a bulging forehead, especially if you have heart-shaped bald patches along your hairline that you don't want to show. Bangs should not be short. Experts recommend making it thick and even, which does not reach the bridge of the nose a little.

As an option for hairstyles - curls at the crown and even bangs. This juxtaposition of contrasts goes well with a heart-shaped face.

Girls with triangular shape hairstyles that add height or hairstyles that are too slicked back should be avoided.

Round form

This form implies a wide face, devoid of noticeable points and angles, with the possible exception of a pointed chin.

A round face shape with full cheeks has the added benefit that such cheeks usually appear at a young age. So if you have a round face, you probably don't look your age. This is worth keeping in mind, because if you do not want to look older, then you should avoid complex and intricate hairstyles.

When it comes to the perfect haircut for girls with round shape face, main task becomes to reduce fullness and roundness. The best haircuts and round/full face hairstyles are the ones that add height. The famous singer Adele, in order to hide the roundness of her face, chose a beehive-style hairstyle for herself.

Side parting helps to visually narrow the face, as well as curly hair of medium length.

If you have opted for short haircut, a graduated bean that starts at the back of the head and rests on a point under the chin will become ideal solution Problems. long bangs the side can also visually narrow the round face.

Square shape

Do you know what you have square face when all lines - forehead, cheekbones and jaw line - are equally wide. In this case, you are not alone, and you are accompanied by such famous actresses as Olivia Wilde, Jessica Chastain and Mandy Moore.

The square, angular shape of the face creates an image of strength and power. Some of the most famous and memorable people in history have square faces.

If you don't want to hide your strength and power, like Demmi Moore, you can safely let go of long straight hair that emphasizes a square strong jaw. More to you help will come high open hairstyle.

However, most people want to make their face shape softer. Hairstyles with waves and curls, especially around the jawline, will help detract from the angular shape. Bangs that cover the eyebrows and fall to the side will balance the square of the face.

Experts recommend asymmetrical haircuts. A distinctive detail of this hairstyle is the different lengths of hair on both sides of the face. Such chaotic lines, tending to different directions, smooth out the angular shape. A high side parting will also give the hair an asymmetrical shape.

diamond shape

You diamond face if the cheekbone line is wider than the forehead and chin. This is the face of a style icon Victoria Beckham. Since straight long hair against wide cheeks can look too harsh, soft curls or wavy textures are your ideal style.

Always look great!