A quiz game dedicated to Valentine's Day with elements of the development of fine motor skills. Preparatory group

The 14th of February - special date, the day when we honor and praise love. On February 14, Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), we can talk openly about love. Love is a feeling that uplifts and inspires. Look for love, appreciate it, cherish it.

The quiz for the holiday of all lovers (Valentine's Day) contains 14 questions with answers.

Quiz Creator: Iris Revue

1. This thing is a guarantee of lovers' fidelity. A thing can be large or small, of different modifications, with or without names. It is hung in special places. What's this?
Magic cube
Padlock +
Palm branch

2. What city is called the city of all lovers?
Paris +
Abu Dhabi

3. What famous phrases that combine love and vegetables, you know?
"Love is not a potato, you cannot throw it out the window"
"Love has passed, tomatoes wilted"

5. What does love look like in a popular song performed by Alla Pugacheva?
In reality
To the volcano
Sleep +

6. What is the name of the famous bridge for lovers in Venice?
Bridge of Hugs
Bridge of Sighs +
Bridge of Smiles

7. What is love?
Miracle +
Mystery +
Magic +

8. When did the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day as “Valentine's Day” arise?
At the end of the XIV century +
In the 15th century
At the beginning of the 16th century

9. What is customary to give on Valentine's Day in France?
Montpensier sweets
Jewelry +

10. From which movie the phrase?
"Love, she, my dear, imposes certain obligations"
Answer: « Family happiness" - one
"Sir Henry's love only threatens Sir Henry"
Answer:"The Hound of the Baskervilles"
"Love is never without sadness, but it is more pleasant than sadness without love"
Answer:"Hearts of four"

11. On what flower do they guess for love?
On a rose
On camomile +
On the lily

13. In which countries of the world it is customary to dance till you drop at weddings all day and all night?
In Asia
In Africa +
In South America

14. If a person is deeply in love, then they say that he has
Demolished the tower +
Jammed in the brain
My nerves tickled


The 14th of February the whole christian world celebrates Valentine's Day- patron saint of all lovers. This is the most romantic holiday when everyone confesses their love to each other and gives cute gifts and valentines to their beloved.

For more than 18 centuries, there has been a holiday for all lovers.

According to one version, this holiday dates back to the Roman holiday Lupercalia - festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata. Everyone left their business, and the fun began. The holiday was overgrown with rituals. The purpose of the holiday was to find your soul mate and, as a result, after the celebration of the holiday, a large number of families.

According to other sources, the Luperkali holiday was held in honor of the god Faun (Luperk is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of herds, which was celebrated annually on February 15. And it was a feast of abundance. The day before Lupercalia was celebrated feast of the Roman goddess of marriage, motherhood and women Juno and the god Pan. On this day, the girls wrote love letters. The letters were placed in a huge urn, and then the men pulled the letters. Then every man started courting that girl love letter which he pulled out.

In ancient Greece this holiday was called Panurgy - ritual games in honor of the god Pan (in the Roman tradition - Faun) - the patron saint of herds, forests, fields and their fertility. Pan is a merry fellow and a rake, plays the flute beautifully and always pursues the nymphs with his love.

According to some reports, Valentine's Day was once called the "Bird's Wedding". Previously, it was believed that birds form mating pairs precisely in the second week of the second month of the year.

It is also believed that Valentine's Day coincides with the ancient Roman tradition of divination during new year celebrations since according to the Roman calendar New Year attacked precisely in mid-February.

Samuel Pepys, court chronicler of the English court, at the end of the 17th century. made a note that on February 14 lovers can exchange souvenirs: gloves, rings and sweets.

And so it happened that a gift for Valentine's Day must necessarily include some kind of sweets in the shape of a heart: cake, sweets, cookies, cakes, chocolate.

V Western Europe Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 13th century, in the USA since 1777. Now we have one more holiday, although Russia had its own holiday of lovers. It was celebrated on the eighth of July and was associated with the legendary love story of Peter and Fevronia.

Valentine's Day Traditions

Gradually, the holiday of St. Valentine acquired its own rituals and traditions, some of which have survived to this day. And they are different in each country.

In all countries this day was very popular arrange weddings and get married. Some argue that on this day a woman can go up to her dear man and politely ask him to marry her. If he is not ready for such a decisive step, then he must thank for the honor shown and give the woman a silk dress, and himself a silk cord with a heart strung on it.

In some countries unmarried women lovers give clothes. If the girl accepted the gift, then she agrees to marry this person.

There is a belief that the first man who met a girl on February 14 should be her Valentine, regardless of his wishes. Some people believed that if a girl saw a robin on Valentine's Day, she would marry a sailor; if she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be happy with him; if a goldfinch, a millionaire.

In medieval England the custom was widespread: to choose "Valentina" for oneself. Several young people got together, wrote the names of the girls on pieces of parchment, put them in a hat and drew lots. That girl, whose name fell out to the young man, on whole year became his "Valentine", and he became her "Valentine". "Valentine" composed sonnets for his girlfriend, played the lute for her, accompanied her everywhere, in a word, behaved like a real knight.

There was also a custom to dress up children as adults. Children went from house to house and sang songs about Saint Valentine.

A nowadays the British Happy Valentine's Day not only to people, but also to beloved animals, such as horses or dogs. In Wales, wooden "spoons of love" were carved and presented to loved ones on February 14th. The spoons were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant "you found a way to my heart."

At the beginning of the last century, Americans on Valentine's Day, they began to send marzipans to their brides. But marzipan contained sugar, which was very expensive back then. This tradition became truly widespread after the widespread use of sugar beets in 1800. The Americans urgently set up the production of caramel on the continent and began to scratch words corresponding to the holiday on the candies. Caramels were made red and white. Red meant passion, and white meant the purity of love. In the 50s, sweets began to be packed in cardboard boxes in the shape of a heart.

In Japan began to celebrate St. Valentine in the 30s of our century. The tradition did not start by itself, but with the filing of one large firm for the production of chocolate. Chocolate is still the most common gift on this day. And nowadays, the Japanese have turned Valentine's Day into "March 8 for men." On this day, gifts in Japan are given mainly to men. And all kinds of gifts are accepted Men's Accessories(razors, lotions, wallets, etc.). And on this day, an event is held called "Loudest love confession"- boys and girls climb onto the platform and take turns shouting love confessions with all their might.

The French It is customary to give jewelry on Valentine's Day. And the gallant French were the first to introduce "valentines" as love messages- quatrains.

Calm Poles they prefer to visit the Poznan metropolis on this day, where, according to legend, the relics of St. Valentine are buried, and his miraculous icon is located above the main altar. Poles believe that a pilgrimage to her helps in love affairs.

Carefree Italians Valentine's Day is celebrated in a very different way. They consider it their duty to give their beloved gifts, mostly sweets.

In Italy, this day is called "sweet".

Conservative Germans however, they stubbornly consider Valentine the patron saint of the mentally ill and decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons on this day, and hold a special service in the chapels.

In Russia and Belarus, as well as in other CIS countries, this holiday came in the early 90s and soon outgrew the framework catholic holiday, becoming truly popular and loved.

Although, it should be noted that Russia had its own holiday of lovers. It was celebrated on July 8 and was associated with the legendary love story of Peter and Fevronia.

Customs different nations different. But the essence is the same.

Love is always beautiful, it is always a holiday! May this holiday be with you not only on Valentine's Day, but also every day of your life!

02/14/2016 02/02/2018 by Vl @ dimir

It just so happened that no matter how many holidays you give people, everything will not be enough for them. Another one in the "bed" of winter - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, which The 14th of February celebrated by many people around the world.

Those who celebrate this holiday give their loved ones and dear people flowers, candy, toys, Balloons and special cards in the shape of a heart, with poems, love confessions or wishes of love - Valentines.

Valentine's Day history

The history of the Lovers' holiday dates back to Lupercalia Ancient rome... Lupercalia is a festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata and the god Faun (Luperk is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of herds, which, in those days, was celebrated annually on February 14th. The Lupercalia Festival was not invented for nothing. The fact is that at that time Rome was threatened with extinction. In 276 BC. e. as a result of the "epidemic" of stillbirth and miscarriages, the birth rate was exaggerated many times over. Then the Oracle announced that a ceremony was needed to increase the birth rate. corporal punishment(flogging) women with sacrificial skin. People who, for whatever reason, had few or no children, were viewed as damned and resorted to mystical rituals in order to gain the ability to bear children. According to William M. Cooper's Illustrated History of Kin, the main part of the Lupercalia festival was naked people carrying goat-skin straps who ran past and beat women. Women willingly expose themselves, believing that these blows will give them fertility and easy childbirth. This became a very common ritual in Rome, in which even members of noble families participated. Records say that even Mark Antony fled as Luperzi.

At the end of the festival, the women also stripped naked, and what happened after, we can only guess ...

These festivities became so popular that even when many others pagan holidays were abolished with the advent of Christianity, this still for a long time existed. Therefore, later it was modified and renamed in honor of the early Christian martyr St. Valentine. Some dioceses of the Catholic Church even commemorate this saint on February 14.

Valentines day today

In terms of modernity, this holiday is mostly secular and commercialized. Basically, only young people celebrate it, and older generation does not take Valentine's Day seriously (perhaps because for a long time we have - on the territory post-Soviet space, he was not taken into account). Young couples in love give each other funny gifts, exchange declarations of love, someone does it even for the first time in their life ... I like this holiday and married couples who have been living together for a long time. For them, Valentine's Day is a reason to retire and arrange for themselves romantic date"like the first time". Candles, music, dinner, a fun party or just going to the cinema that day is beautiful time spending time with someone close to you. If you have someone who you really like, do not hesitate, invite this person at least for a walk ... After all, as they say, to be loved / oh you just need to allow yourself! So allow yourself to be happy and loved, even on this beautiful and bright day, timed to her Majesty Love!

10 fun facts about Valentine's Day:

1. According to the USA Greeting Cards Association, today valentines are the most popular holiday cards after Christmas.

2. The British believe that from February 14, nature makes a turn towards spring, and the season of mating games begins for birds, even an old English proverb says: "On Valentine's Day, all birds in the air unite in pairs."

3. The legend of a secret wedding. In the late Middle Ages in France and England, the life of St. Valentine was surrounded by legends related to the secret wedding of couples in love. According to legend, in those distant and dark times the imperious and cruel Roman emperor Claudius II got it into his head that a single man - without a family, wife and obligations, better fights for his homeland on the battlefield, and forbade men to marry, and women and girls - to marry their beloved men. And Saint Valentine was an ordinary priest who sympathized with the unfortunate lovers and secretly from everyone, under cover of night he sanctified marriage loving men and women.

4. The first Valentine was written by the martyr Valentine himself. When the "tricks" of the priest Valentine became known, the authorities threw him in prison, sentencing him to death penalty... In prison, Saint Valentine met the warden's beautiful daughter, Julia. The priest in love, before her death, healed the girl of blindness and wrote her a declaration of love - a Valentine, and the execution itself took place on February 14, 269 AD.

5. In Italy, this day is considered "sweet". After all, it is on this day that all Italians give sweets to their beloved ones. The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains.

6. In Finland and Estonia this day is called Friends' Day. In addition to the fact that the holiday is celebrated by lovers, just friends (regardless of gender) give each other Greeting Cards etc.

7. In Japan, there is a competition for the loudest love message. Boys and girls climb onto the platform and take turns shouting with all their might - whatever they want - to their beloved. The winner receives a prize.

8. The British send love letters to their animals, especially dogs and horses.

9. In America these days 108 million roses are sold, mostly red, and 692 million dollars are being spent on sweets these days!

10. A significant part of "valentines" are anonymous and without a return address, written with the left hand or from right to left, which gives the message a mystery. But after the holiday, the work of private detectives is added: they receive a lot of orders to establish the identity of the senders of "valentines".

Interestingly, it was children who started the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day in Russia. I remember that about fifteen years ago, on February 14, in all schools, the mass production of notebook leaves began - by turning them into hearts, painted with red felt-tip pens, and by writing love poems (well, or rhymes). And with bated breath it was expected whether the valentine would come from HIM ...

And of course, our parents quickly felt this romance and adopted it. Mothers that day went about some mysteriously beautiful ones and baked cakes, and fathers rushed to flower shops after work. And until now, having become mothers and fathers ourselves, we support this tradition. It's so great when among cold winter there are flowers, sweets, "valentines" and, of course, LOVE!

Happy Love Day, Friends! And may you have as many such days as possible!

The most important feeling on earth is love. Love for a person, for the Motherland, for nature, for the world. Without love, our world would be much poorer. True love does not happen by half. If you love, then with all your soul, with all your heart. February 14, Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), I would like to wish everyone love, kindness, peace.

The Valentine's Day (February 14) quiz for kids contains 14 questions. All questions are answered.

Quiz Creator: Iris Revue

1. What is the symbol of love?
Heart +

2. When did they start celebrating Valentine's Day in Russia?
Since the beginning of the 90s of the XX century +
In the 19th century
In the XXI century

3. On Valentine's Day, it is customary:
Declare your love +
Share touching gifts and valentines +
Count the stars in the sky

4. What fairy tales speak of love?
The Little Mermaid by G.-H. Andersen
"The Scarlet Flower" by S.T.Aksakov
"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A.S. Pushkin

5. Without what object does a person in love not flirt?
No gingerbread +
Without a roll
No donut

6. What fruit did the boy Grisha bring to the bride from AP Chekhov's story "The cook is getting married"?
Apple +

7. What color were the valentines in the early years of the February 14th celebration?
Red +

8. What is the name of the story about the love of I.S. Turgenev, the main character of whom is Princess Zinaida?
"About love"
"First love" +
"Dreams of love"

9. Whom did Barbara-beauty fall in love with long braid in the film of the same name by A. Rowe?
Fisherman's son Andrey +
The carpenter's son Elisha
Emelya that slept on the stove

10. What is the name of the game in which everyone stands in pairs and holds hands, lifting them up, forming a corridor. The one who did not get a pair, goes down the corridor and picks it up for himself.
Small river
Brook +

11. What is the name of the film about youthful love, filmed in 1980 by director Ilya Fraz based on the story of the same name by Galina Shcherbakova?
"You can't figure it out on purpose"
"You never dreamed of it" +

12. What is the type of poetic work "Tili-tili dough, Bride and groom ..."?
Teaser +
Nursery rhyme

13. When is the Day of Marital Love and Family Happiness celebrated in Russia (with the approval of the Federation Council)?
The 14th of February
July 8 +
5th of December

Questions for the quiz,

I. Travel to Ancient Greece

  1. (Eros, Cupid, Cupid)

(Aphrodite) And in ancient Roman?(Venus)


(Hera, wife of Zeus)(Juno)


  1. (Lada)
  2. (Delight)

3. Lada had three sons.

love, undead, cherish. His name? (Lel)

(Polelya, i.e. after Lelya)

(Deet, or Deed)

  1. (Didilia, or Detilia)
  2. (Any)
  3. (Disliked)

III. Love serenades

  1. It's not the wind that tends the branch,

It is not the oak tree that makes noise -

(My heart is groaning

(And fleeting dreams

4. At dawn, don't wake her up,

Burning and beautiful eyes!

6. Open the dungeon for me

Give me the shine of the day

(Black-eyed girl,

Into the vastness of the river wave

(The painted ones run out,

On the Volga-mother in winter,

(The coachman, humming sadly,

Sparks go out on the fly ...

12. Burn, burn, my star,

Burn, welcome star!

(You are my only cherished one,

In an obsolete heart revived;

(I remembered the golden time -

(I will cover with kisses

17. Don't tell me about him:

The past is not forgotten yet;

(He is the only one to blame,

(You will not revive old desires

19. Have faded for a long time

Chrysanthemums in the garden

(But love lives on

21. Sweetheart,

You hear me

(I stand under the window

And the night was dark.

(One beloved couple

24. “Khas-Bulat is daring!

Poor is your saklya;

(By the gold treasury

IV. Love stories

(Romeo and Juliet)

(Peter and Fevronia of Murom)

(About Othello and Desdemona)

("Juno and Avos")

I know…


(Bunin, "Dark Alleys")

(Kuprin, "Olesya")

V. Poet and Muse

What are the names of the beloved ones?

Dante and ... (Beatrice)

Hamlet and ... (Ophelia)

Petrarch and ... (Laura)

Leili and ... (Majnun)

Gray and ... (Assol)

Pushkin and ... (Natalie)

Prince Guidon and ...(Swan Princess)

Misgir and ... (Snow Maiden)

Lel and ... (Kupava)

Odysseus and ... (Penelope)

Philemon and ... (Baucis)

Cupid and ... (Psyche)

Salvador Dali and ...(Gala)

Vladimir Vysotsky and ...(Marina Vladi)

Vii. Love strings

That it is hot light

The sheets fluttered ...(A. Fet)

In the alarm of worldly vanity,

I saw you, but a mystery

Your features were covered.(A. Tolstoy)

3. A golden cloud spent the night

On the chest of a giant cliff;

It's fun to play across the azure.(M.Lermontov)

4. Wait for me and I will return,

Just wait really hard.

Wait for the sadness

Yellow rains ... (K. Simonov)

5. Empty you hearty you

She, with a word of mouth, replaced

And all the happy dreams

(A. Pushkin)

Both rain and cold wind.

Thank you my clear

(Yuri Drunina)

M. Tsvetaeva)

8. For the second

You must have gone to bed

Or maybe you have such

I'm not hurrying

And by the lightning of telegrams

I don't need


Wake up and disturb.

(V. Mayakovsky)

(W. Shakespeare)

10. You are my only one,

Like the moon in the night

Like a pine tree in the steppe

Like spring in the year.(Y. Vizbor)

(A. Blok)

12. The blue fire swept around,

Forgotten birthplaces.

(S. Yesenin)

From the foam of the outgoing stream

(V. Vysotsky)

14. Ruined me

Your black eyes

They have unearthly fire

It burns hotter than the sun!(A. Koltsov)

They would always be friends.

They have such enmity ?!(E. Asadav)

16. Kissed, bewitched,

My precious woman!(N. Zabolotsky)

Determines the location in the ocean.(W. Shakespeare)

18. I can't live without you!

(N. Aseev)

Not because I loved her

(I. Annensky)

Without hesitation, I'll splash it out!

My silver springs,

My gold placers!(V. Vysotsky)

21. Let's keep quiet -

We haven't seen each other for so long ...

Let's keep quiet -

We haven't seen each other for so long ...

Ah, these words

Like fallen leaves

(A. Dementyev)


Vakhonina G.A. Valentine's Day.

Questions for the quiz,

dedicated to Valentine's Day

I. Travel to Ancient Greece

  1. Name three names of the wicked and mischievous god of love, piercing the hearts of lovers with his well-aimed arrows.(Eros, Cupid, Cupid)

2. What was the name of the goddess of love in ancient Greek mythology?(Aphrodite) And in ancient Roman?(Venus)

3. In the company of Apollo, the patron of the arts, there was a muse of love lyrics. Her name?(Erato)

4. The young man, who lost his beloved wife, went to the underworld of Hades and with his divine song touched the hearts of the owner of hell and his wife so much that they released the young man’s wife from their kingdom into the world of the living. Who is it about in this legend, what were the names of the lovers? And how did their story end?(Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus violated the ban, looked back on the way and lost his beloved forever.)

5. Which of the ancient Greek goddesses was the patron saint of marriage?(Hera, wife of Zeus)And what is her name in ancient Roman mythology?(Juno)

6. The ancient Greek patron saint of marriage bonds, who is sung glory at weddings?(Hymen)

II. Journey to the ancient Slavs

  1. Goddess of love, beauty and marriage in Slavic mythology?(Lada)
  2. Faithful companion of Lada, the god of fun, all kinds of bliss, feasts, festivities and delights. The first sip from the cup at the feast - to him, the first kiss from the lips of the beauties - to him. His name?(Delight)

3. Lada had three sons.

The first, senior, threw sparks from the hands and ignited the hearts of lovers. His name reminds us of the wordslove, undead, cherish. His name? (Lel)

The younger brother of Lelia is the god of marriage, the Slavic Hymen, the most revered deity, giving those who are getting married a wreath of blooming rose hips and a horn with intoxicating wine. His name is…?(Polelya, i.e. after Lelya)

The patron saint of conjugal love is the third son of Lada. In honor of him, a church was erected in Kiev, where married and married people prayed for a prosperous marriage and childbirth. Who is this?(Deet, or Deed)

  1. And what was the name of the goddess of female fertility, patronizing successful childbirth and raising babies?(Didilia, or Detilia)
  2. The Slavs represented the spirit - the guardian of the marriage bed as a golden-haired cat with an arrowhead stem in its teeth. What was it called?(Any)
  3. And what was the name of the black and evil cat with a henbane branch in its mouth, which Lyubov chased away from the newlyweds' bedroom?(Disliked)

III. Love serenades

Continue the lines from songs and romances about love.

  1. It's not the wind that tends the branch,

It is not the oak tree that makes noise -

(My heart is groaning

How autumn leaf trembling ... - Stromilov, "Luchina")

  1. I look like a madman at a black shawl

(And a cold soul is tormented by sadness. - Pushkin, "Black Shawl")

3. Do not wake up, do not wake up

Of my follies and frenzy

(And fleeting dreams

Don't return, don't return! - Davydov, "Romance")

4. At dawn, don't wake her up,

(At dawn, she sleeps so sweetly ... - Fet)

5. Black eyes, passionate eyes!

Burning and beautiful eyes!

(How I love you! How I fear you!

Know I saw you at a bad hour! - Comb, "Black Eyes")

6. Open the dungeon for me

Give me the shine of the day

(Black-eyed girl,

Black-maned horse! - Lermontov, "The Prisoner")

7. The ugly merchant went to the fair,

(Ukhar merchant, daring fellow. - Nikitin)

8. My sweetheart lives in a high tower;

(No one can move to this tall tower. - Ryskin, "Udalets")

9. Because of the island to the rod,

Into the vastness of the river wave

(The painted ones run out,

Sharp-breasted canoes. - Sadovnikov, "Song")

10. Here is the troika zip

On the Volga-mother in winter,

(The coachman, humming sadly,

Shakes his violent head. - Unknown author)

11. My fire shines in the fog;

Sparks go out on the fly ...

(No one will meet us at night;

We will say goodbye on the bridge. - Polonsky, "Song of the Gypsy")

12. Burn, burn, my star,

Burn, welcome star!

(You are my only cherished one,

There will never be others. - Chuevsky)

13. I met you - and everything is old

In an obsolete heart revived;

(I remembered the golden time -

And my heart felt so warm ... - Tyutchev)

14. He told me: “Be you mine,

And I will begin to live, burning with passion;

(The beauty of a smile, bliss in the gaze

They promise me the joys of paradise. " - Medvedev)

15. Don't leave, stay with me,

It's so gratifying here, so bright.

(I will cover with kisses

Mouth and eyes and forehead. - Poigin)

16. I was driving home, my soul was full

Unclear to herself, some new happiness.

(It seemed to me that everything with such sympathy,

They looked at me with such affection - Poiret)

17. Don't tell me about him:

The past is not forgotten yet;

(He is the only one to blame,

That poor heart is broken. - Perrote)

18. Don't stir up memories

Days gone by, days gone by

(You will not revive old desires

In my soul, in my soul. - Unknown author)

19. Have faded for a long time

Chrysanthemums in the garden

(But love lives on

In my sick heart ... - Shumsky, "Chrysanthemums have faded")

20. I remember the waltz sound adorable

On a spring night at a late hour

And a wonderful song flowed. - Sheets)

21. Sweetheart,

You hear me

(I stand under the window

I'm with a guitar! - Gerdel, "Sweetheart")

22. There are meetings only once in life,

Only once the thread breaks by fate,

(Only once on a cold gray evening

I want to love so much. - Herman, "Just Once")

23. The reeds rustled, the trees bent,

And the night was dark.

(One beloved couple

Walked all night until morning. - Unknown author)

24. “Khas-Bulat is daring!

Poor is your saklya;

(By the gold treasury

I will shower you. - Amosov, "Elegy")

IV. Love stories

1. They were actors of a small theater. Because of abuse the tyrant owner, she was forced to secretly flee and settle in the forest. The suffering young man in love could not find his beloved for a long time, and he would not have found it if a curious and fearless boy had not helped him. Who is this story about?(About Malvina, Pierrot and Buratino)

2. "There is no story sadder in the world than the story of ..."?(Romeo and Juliet)

3. Patrons of love and fidelity Orthodox Church honors two spouses who lived in the glorious city of Murom in the late 12th - early 13th centuries. The prince and princess "lived happily ever after and died on the same day." In the 16th century they were canonized. On July 8, Orthodox Christians in churches pray for love and harmony, marital happiness. What were the names of the prince and princess?(Peter and Fevronia of Murom)

4. This story is about burning, all-consuming, blinding jealousy. A courageous and glorious military man killed his wife, suspecting her of treason. Who is this story about?(About Othello and Desdemona)

5. The enamored "lady" with her lover killed her husband. But later, deceived by her beloved, out of revenge she drowned herself and new girlfriend beloved.("Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" by Leskov)

6. Following her husband - a state criminal - to Siberia, this heroic woman entered the underground mines and, upon meeting her husband, threw herself on her knees, kissing his chains. What is her name?(Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, daughter of General Raevsky)

7. Several centuries ago, the Russian merchant Rezanov arrived in South America... Falling in love with the daughter of the local governor, he went home for a marriage license, but on the way his ships were caught in a storm and he died. And his beloved took a vow of silence and waited for her beloved all her life. What were the names of the ships of the Russian merchant?("Juno and Avos")

8. She was smart, beautiful, fresh, like a lilac, and she managed to awaken in him the desire to actively live, act, enjoy life. But in the end, the habit of passive existence overpowered love in him, and he did not dare to associate his fate with the girl.(Goncharov, "Oblomov". Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Oblomov)

9. The girl wanted to love and be loved, but nature endowed her with a cold heart. And when, at last, her heart was awakened, warmed by the first feeling, the girl died - love killed her.(Ostrovsky, "The Snow Maiden". The Snow Maiden and Mizgir)

10. - So you will follow me everywhere? - he said.

Everywhere, to the ends of the earth. Where you are, there I will be.

And you are not deceiving yourself, do you know that your parents will never agree to our marriage?

I am not deceiving myself; I know it.

Do you know that I am poor, almost a beggar?

I know…

You also know that I have devoted myself to a difficult, thankless task, that I ... that we will have to be exposed not only to dangers, but also to deprivation, humiliation, perhaps?

I know. I know everything ... I love you.(Turgenev, "On the Eve". Elena Stakhova and Dmitry Insarov)

11. The heroes of this story were married and named husband and wife the moment they first saw each other. And then they parted for a long time. But thanks to a happy coincidence, they nevertheless connected.(Pushkin, "Snowstorm". Marya Gavrilovna and Vladimir Burmin)

12. She loved him, despite the fact that he was a frivolous and irresponsible youth. She loved him when his father defamed her parents and abused her. She left native home and, cursed by her father, agreed to live with him without marriage. She loved him and forgave him even when he was about to marry another and told her about the merits of the bride.(Dostoevsky, "Humiliated and Insulted." Natasha Ikhmeneva and Alyosha Valkovsky)

13. She carried in her hands disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers that stood out against her black spring coat. She looked around and suddenly saw him. And he was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes. He followed her.

Do you like my flowers? She asked.


She smiled apologetically and threw the flowers into the ditch.

This was the beginning of this love story.(Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita")

14. She was the first to confess her love to him, with naive frankness, violating generally accepted secular traditions, but received condescending morality in return.(Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin". Tatiana Larina and Eugene Onegin)

15. She drove me crazy different men, even the hardest in their ideological focus, but the one she loved led an underground lifestyle and, as a result, was shot by his class enemies... (Sholokhov, "Virgin Soil Upturned". Lushka and Timofey Torn)

16. They are young and want to be together, but he is held by the burden of the past - a mistress who does not allow him to build happiness with his sister. As a result, the wounded pride of the mistress destroyed everything. She blamed ex-lover in the death of her husband, and crippled her sister.(Gorky, "At the Bottom". Vasilisa Kostyleva, Natasha and Vaska Ash)

17. A dark-haired, black-browed woman, beautiful not for her age, entered the room. Before her stood a man whom she had not seen for 30 years, but loved all these years. She was never able to forgive his despicable act, and he, feeling guilty, immediately left.(Bunin, "Dark Alleys")

18. An intellectual, an ordinary person, weak-willed, timid, meets a girl who grew up outside of society and civilization. The feeling that arises between them is initially doomed to death, tk. the girl is not accepted by his company. She disappears, leaving her beloved as a souvenir with a string of rowan beads.(Kuprin, "Olesya")

V. Poet and Muse

1. She was an outstanding singer, a person of high culture, intelligent and attractive woman, brought a lot of happiness to the writer. But happiness and sorrow, joy and despair went alongside. His beloved woman could not become his wife: she had children, a husband. And their relationship has kept its purity and beauty true friendship behind which lurked high feeling love.(Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev and Pauline Viardot)

2. He taught her music and French, was twice as old. He also taught his 14-year-old student "how to kiss harder and harder." A beauty of herself, superbly educated, with a rare mind, according to many, ideal woman, she became a widow at the age of 16, having outlived her husband, the great poet, by almost 30 years.(Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov and Nina Chavchavadze)

What words of the wife are carved on the poet's tombstone in Tiflis?("Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you.")

3. Issued for incomplete 17 years for a general who was twice her age, the young general's wife met the poet in the northern capital. We met and parted: he went on a business trip, she went to the military garrison commanded by her husband. Six years later, the meeting was repeated at the estate of relatives, but it was no longer so fleeting, because it gave rise to wonderful poems that glorified the name of the beauty - "the genius of pure beauty."(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Anna Kern)

4. This story took place in the Kherson steppes, where the poet, after graduating from Moscow University, went to serve in a cavalry regiment in order to regain the lost nobility. Here the young officer fell in love with the daughter of a retired general, who had an ear for poetry and music. She reciprocated. The story ended tragically. The poor officer could not marry. The girl knew it. The unhappy Gordian knot of love was tightening. Cut his life apart. The young woman suffered a terrible death: she was burned ... alive. Whether through negligence while smoking, or deliberately committed suicide? .. Nobody knows.(Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet and Maria Lazich)

5. Russian poet and American dancer. The age difference didn't matter. Lack of knowledge of languages ​​- too. Only the language of love.(Sergey Yesenin and Isadora Duncan)

6. Having met this woman, the stern and courageous-looking poet seemed to have lost his mind. And what else can such lines from his letters testify to: “I am sitting in a cafe and the saleswomen are laughing at me…”? With all this, the husband was aware intimate relationships and remained husband and friend to both. Truly love is a mystery.(Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik)

7. "You are close to me as a friend, but I do not at all love you as a woman," he wrote to her. A year after the poet's death, a shot ended her life at the grave of her lover.(Sergey Yesenin and Galina Benislavskaya)

8. Russian poet and French actress with Russian roots. A marriage for which distances, boundaries and other obstacles did not become an obstacle. "Interrupted Flight" - so she called her book about him after his death.(Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi)

Vi. Names that are always there

What are the names of the beloved ones?

Dante and ... (Beatrice)

Hamlet and ... (Ophelia)

Petrarch and ... (Laura)

Leili and ... (Majnun)

Gray and ... (Assol)

Pushkin and ... (Natalie)

Prince Guidon and ...(Swan Princess)

Misgir and ... (Snow Maiden)

Lel and ... (Kupava)

Odysseus and ... (Penelope)

Philemon and ... (Baucis)

Cupid and ... (Psyche)

Salvador Dali and ...(Gala)

Vladimir Vysotsky and ...(Marina Vladi)

Vii. Love strings

1. I came to you with greetings,

Tell that the sun is up

That it is hot light

The sheets fluttered ...(A. Fet)

2. In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,

In the alarm of worldly vanity,

I saw you, but a mystery

Your features were covered.(A. Tolstoy)

3. A golden cloud spent the night

On the chest of a giant cliff;

In the morning on the road, she rushed away early,

It's fun to play across the azure.(M.Lermontov)

4. Wait for me and I will return,

Just wait really hard.

Wait for the sadness

Yellow rains ... (K. Simonov)

5. Empty you hearty you

She, with a word of mouth, replaced

And all the happy dreams

In the soul of a lover aroused.(A. Pushkin)

6. You are near, and everything is fine:

Both rain and cold wind.

Thank you my clear

For being in the world.(Yuri Drunina)

7. I will win you back from all times, from all nights,

All golden banners, all swords,

I'll drop my keys and chase the dogs off the porch

Because in the earthly night I am more faithful than a dog. ( M. Tsvetaeva)

8. For the second

You must have gone to bed

Or maybe you have such

I'm not hurrying

And by the lightning of telegrams

I don't need


Wake up and disturb.

(V. Mayakovsky)

9. If you stop loving, so now,

Now that the whole world is at odds with me.

Be the most bitter of my losses

But not the last straw of grief.(W. Shakespeare)

10. You are my only one,

Like the moon in the night

Like a pine tree in the steppe

Like spring in the year.(Y. Vizbor)

11. Scary world! It is small for the heart!

It contains delirium of your kisses!(A. Blok)

12. The blue fire swept around,

Forgotten birthplaces.

The first time I sang about love

For the first time I renounce making a row.(S. Yesenin)

13. When the flood wave

Returned again to the borders of the coast,

From the foam of the outgoing stream

Love quietly crept ashore.(V. Vysotsky)

14. Ruined me

Your black eyes

They have unearthly fire

It burns hotter than the sun!(A. Koltsov)

15. She was twelve, he was thirteen.

They would always be friends.

But people could not understand why

They have such enmity ?!(E. Asadav)

16. Kissed, bewitched,

Once married with the wind in the field,

All of you are as if in chains,

My precious woman!(N. Zabolotsky)

17. Love is a beacon raised over the storm,

Not fading in darkness and fog,

Love is the star by which the sailor

Determines the location in the ocean.(W. Shakespeare)

18. I can't live without you!

Me and in the rains without you - dry,

I feel cold even in the heat without you,

Moscow is a wilderness without you.(N. Aseev)

19. Among the worlds, in the twinkling of the luminaries

I repeat the name of one Star ...

Not because I loved her

But because I am languishing with others.(I. Annensky)

20. I would be rich as the king of the sea,

Shout only to me: "Catch the spinner!" -

The world is underwater and above water,

Without hesitation, I'll splash it out!

A crystal house on a mountain - for her,

Himself, like a dog, would have grown in chains.

My silver springs,

My gold placers!(V. Vysotsky)

21. Let's keep quiet -

We haven't seen each other for so long ...

Such a beautiful twilight stood out ...

And everything was forgotten that I didn't want to remember:

Your grievances and my loneliness ...

Let's keep quiet -

We haven't seen each other for so long ...

Such a beautiful twilight stood out.

Ah, these words

Like fallen leaves

And tears late for a lifetime ...(A. Dementyev)