Information for parents in the corner of the nursery group. Making a group and a reception room in a kindergarten with your own hands. Stand "Happy Birthday!" - congratulations to the whole group

tatiana viktorovna petrova

What does it mean? Each interested educator or narrow specialist prepared this information stand for parents... After summing up, their group journey began. Stands the group could be changed every 2-3 weeks. Stands were presented in fine arts, artistic design, OOZH, etc. It turned out very varied! The musicians had it in the form of a treble clef, the physical teacher in the form of a soccer ball. Others were decorated like a book, a tree, etc.

Here's my job.

And these are, in fact, sections stand.

Additionally, a card index and other speech games were presented.

Didactic games for the development of coherent speech.

Parents were grateful for such an interesting, varied and useful information in all directions.

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Stand for parents and children. Since the group has not been repaired for a long time, we decided to update it on our own. And one of our updates is this.

Prepared by the educators of the senior group Yurochkina N. A. and Martynov M. A. As they say, the theater begins with a hanger, and the group - from a locker room.

Dear Parents! We often hear from children "Mom, let's play!" But we do not always have free time for this. But after all.

Marina Bashmakova

Target: promoting the growth of the effectiveness of the educational process in preschool educational institutions and improving the pedagogical culture parents; creating conditions for solving problems information support for parents of preschool educational institutions.

Information corner for parents in a group - this is, first of all, one of the ways of communication of educators with parents... And to interest parents the corner should not only be equipped with all the necessary information but be interesting and well-framed. From information exposed in the corner parents can learn more about what classes are held with children, as well as about the events taking place in the group. Informational the corner carries a variety information: legal, advisory, practical, preventive, and educational, etc.

Children and their parents in the reception they are greeted with joy by the playful fidgets. Information at the parent stand presented by sections: information, announcements, our classes, menu, daily routine. Additionally, we place folders on the lockers - moving around on exciting issues of education and upbringing of children. Integral part information Wednesdays are also exhibitions of children's works (with a mandatory description of software tasks).

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In the reception room of our group there is a self-made stand. The material presented at the stand is aimed at outreach work with parents. The stand contains the following sections:

"Short info"- the section acquaints parents with short sayings of great people, proverbs and sayings, poems on the issues of raising and teaching children.

"We read and listen at home"- in this section, parents are presented with literary and musical works that can be used for home reading (listening).

"Do you know that…"- the section contains short messages about research in pedagogy, about methods of education in different countries in the present and past centuries.

"Psychologist's advice"- the section is devoted to child psychology. Placed interesting articles about age characteristics and mental processes of children, about their upbringing and mental problems; advice and recommendations of a psychologist on the upbringing of children.

"Memo"- a section containing brief information and recommendations for parents on various topics.

"Doctor's advice"- in this section, parents are provided with information about the height, weight of the child, and the daily routine. Brief consultation on the prevention of certain diseases.

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At that moment, I wrote a work plan for the next week on the lexical topic "Autumn gifts" to put it in the parent's corner and.

I would like to bring to your attention one of the options for decorating an information stand for parents. My group is called "Zvezdochka", therefore.

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This is a dressing room stand where babies who come with their mother can find their picture. With the help of the "Hello, it's me!"

15 stand design ideas for parents and children in kindergarten. Samples of the design of children's stands for preschool educational institutions: psychologist and speech therapist, Happy birthday, musical, for children's drawings and others.

Now in kindergarten there is a lot of information with which the teacher must acquaint the parents. A shield with universal pockets will help here, where you can put the necessary information: a photo of the group, the achievements of the children, the schedule, congratulations, the daily routine, the menu (it is very important that it be in each group, and the parent always knows what the child ate today), relevant regulations and announcements.

The stand shown in the figure is suitable for a reception room, or a parent's corner, which has a Khokhloma painting or arrangement in a folk style in its design. The stand is a continuation of the decoration of the reception, museum, group, and not just a notice board.

It can consist of one part or it can be composed of three parts. At the top of the central part of the stand, you can indicate the name of the group and its motto.

The pockets are of different sizes from A6 to A4, as well as an A4 flap system, which significantly increases the amount of stored information.

It will be very good if the information material itself is in its design, combined with the design of the stand.

Stand ideas for an English classroom

It is important to create the atmosphere of the country under study in the office. If these are preschoolers or primary school students, then first you need to acquaint them with the English-speaking countries and their culture.

Then the material being studied - children need to fix the alphabet, color names and numbers.

For elementary school or kindergarten students, a writing stand with awards in the form of titles or certificates will be useful. There are certificates in English on the blackboard in the background, in the center of each certificate there is a pocket where the student's work or photograph is inserted.

These can be different certificates, for example:

  1. Best Grammar Work Award: Grammar Award
  2. Vocabulary Award: Vocabulary Explorer Award
  3. Best Writing Award: Imaginative Writer Award

Such a stand will surely motivate children to further master a foreign language.

For the background of the English stand, you can take the symbols of Great Britain, a red telephone booth or a double-decker bus. Bus windows and booths - pockets to accommodate A4 or A5 sheets. These can be pictures from the Internet signed by the students themselves in English, or "reminders" prepared in advance by the teacher, decorated in the same style. You can also use coloring books or workbooks for learning English as templates. So the children themselves will participate in the production of materials for the stand.

DIY stand "Fine motor skills"

The idea of ​​a children's stand for the development of fine motor skills. For making, it is true that good skillful hands are needed, but the reward - the joy of the kids is worth it. Children explore everything, the stand provides them with a safe way to explore all kinds of latches, latches, taps, etc. It will be of great benefit to your child, play, learning and interaction.
The main thing is that the kids will have their own educational model, made with love by caring mothers and fathers.

The idea of ​​a hand-made layout is very simple: it is imperative for a child to develop fine motor skills that stimulate the brain and participate in all life processes, even as simple as tying shoelaces.

Children's stand with their own hands "Fine motor skills"

Our model not only develops fine motor skills, but also teaches you how to independently tie laces, buttons, rivets, dial and memorize numbers. It is easy to make it, you need a board, laces, buttons with elastic bands, rivets, an old phone board or an old mobile keyboard. Latches, old locks, clothespins with a piece of rope, switches and much more can also be used. All these items are randomly attached to the educational game model. Develop your kids!

Health Corner stand

The stand is intended for parents of young children, informing about the recreational activities carried out at the preschool educational institution, the plan of vaccinations and medical examinations, advice to parents about proper nutrition and hygiene.

It is made in the form of a wall board, it is placed in front of the kindergarten's medical office, as well as in children's sports centers.

The corner is made of aluminum profile or MDF using full-color large-format printing applied over the entire area.
The corner is equipped with pockets in the required quantity, made of transparent plastic for placing information.

The first graduation in a child's life is a kindergarten graduation. On this day, children say goodbye to their educators and to each other. A new stage in their life is coming - they are preparing to become schoolchildren.

It is worth preparing a stand of graduates for this day. It is a board with pockets. You can print a drawing on the board, such as letters and animals that you studied with the educators. You can also make a personalized inscription like "Graduates of kindergarten number ..." or simply "Our graduates."

The pockets contain photographs of children and educators, poems, congratulations, the best drawings of children, photographs of significant and funny moments from the life of the group.

But what to do with this booth when the guys leave? Funny stories from the lives of children, their best works will be a good advertisement for the kindergarten throughout the year.

Music stands in kindergarten are used for the lyrics of songs that children need to learn for the holiday, as well as those that children learn in music lessons, and parents can repeat with them at home.
In addition to training, this is a place to post announcements for music clubs and matinees.
One of the striking examples of a successful solution is this information board, which has the following characteristics:

Stand Road Safety

It is proposed to place the stand in the corridor or dressing room of the group for familiarization and repetition by the kindergarten pupils during the walk.

It is made out with bright pictures and texts explaining the traffic situations depicted on it.

The corner helps to visualize safe road behavior for young children.

The corner is made of an aluminum profile or MDF with attached A4 pockets from a plastic transparent material that allows you to insert additional information on A4 paper sheets.

Menu stand for kindergarten

The kindergarten must provide parents with comprehensive information about the stay of children in the institution, the daily menu is no exception. To notify parents about the child's menu within the walls of the preschool educational institution, during the day, information is posted on the information board of the kindergarten.

See how even official information can decorate a kindergarten with the help of the children's Menu stand.

The menu is updated daily, so the board has a pocket for A4 format, made of transparent plastic.
The background of the wall board is a combination of warm colors with a drawing of an animal or a fairy-tale hero, known to all the guys.

Stand for parents "In our kindergarten"

A stand for parents of toddlers entering kindergarten. Placed in the most conspicuous place, at the front doors, in the lobby, or in front of the doors of the office of the head of the kindergarten.

On the entire area of ​​the board there are thematic blocks made in the form of A4 plastic pockets for information on paper.

The information is grouped and divided into blocks, the blocks are signed.

For example, the “How to prepare a child for kindergarten” pocket may contain information: what the child should be able to do, what the child should know, and advice to parents on how to help the child adapt to the new environment.

Made with warm and bright shades of full-color large-format printing on an MDF profile. The background around the posted information can be complemented by a bright colorful story with a positive attitude.

Psychologist's stand in kindergarten

The psychologist's wall-mounted stand is a good tool for interacting with parents, inviting them to familiarize themselves with the developmental and corrective work of a specialist with children, other auxiliary materials for the early identification of problems and their solution.

It can be drawn up on a specific topic, taking into account the work plan of a psychologist at a preschool educational institution.

The number of A4 pockets is determined by the degree of the psychologist's participation in the educational process. The wall product is made of an aluminum profile with large-format printing in warm colors.

Kids still have difficulty pronouncing sounds that are difficult for them. Parents should know at what age it is necessary to start working with sounds: "F", "W", "R", "L", "CH", "Sh", "S", "3", "C". Here you can also place the visiting hours of a specialist for consultations.

Regular exercises help kids learn to speak much faster, which is why examples of exercises are posted on the bulletin board for each sound. After the children have mastered the material, the topics of the assignment can be changed to new ones.

Stand for parents "Life in our group"

Parents do not see their babies all day. At the same time, they really want to know what they are doing in the kindergarten.

A stand designed in a children's style will attract the attention of children, and help their parents understand how the child lives without questioning the teacher. With the help of a board with pockets for changing information, educators can talk about the achievements of children every day.

Decoration of children's stands in the style of "Seasons"

Children's institutions are decorated with bright drawings not only so that children feel the atmosphere of the holiday. Kindergarten design elements are also a handy teaching aid.
It is a good idea to arrange a series of "Seasons" stands, children will get acquainted with each season, holidays in each season, the peculiarities of the life of animals and plants, and learn other useful information. The pockets of the stand allow you to lay out current materials during the educational process.

Stand for children's drawings "Competition of artists"

Stands for children's works are used in contests in children's institutions. The most common type is a rectangular board with plastic pockets. Each of them will easily fit a landscape sheet. The position of the pocket can be any.

A thematic print is applied to the canvas of the stand. The title can be general for example: "Our works" or provide a replaceable block for the title of the competition.
Children draw on a given theme, all works are posted on a common stand, and all are winners!

Stand "Happy Birthday!" - congratulations to the whole group

A bright background with cartoon characters will surely attract the attention of the children to the stand.

There is a 15x10 cm pocket on the stand for a photo of the birthday person.

If desired, the designer can scale the background around the birthday person's photo, without closing the main composition, you can place several A4-size pockets for congratulating the guys and drawings.