Body change during pregnancy. How are childbirth. Structural and functional changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy

From the moment of the birth of life on Earth, the purpose of a woman is the continuation of the human race. The structure of its internal organs involves the possibility of functioning in a state of having a child. The body quickly adapts to elevated loads and changes, creating favorable conditions for the process of fetal development and subsequent resolution of pregnancy. Many processes in the body of a woman are rebuilt, the bodies change their dimensions and location, their adaptation to new, temporary conditions occurs. On the third trimester of pregnancy internal organs of a woman, due to the growth of the fetus, becomes closely. By increasing, the uterus increasingly presses and displaces the internal organs of the small pelvis.

  1. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman feels signs of change. The taste of feelings are changed: the future mother is manifested by a craving for salted, sour or sweet food. Unaccompaning some products, and on the contrary, a sharp desire to consume specific food, such as chalk or soap. Including there may be a sharply negative reaction to various odors.
  2. Often, pregnancy is manifested in an increased appetite. It is not surprising, because for the growth of a new life requires building material, vitamins and various nutrients. In addition, there is a global change in the hormonal background, which can manifest itself in the form of nervousness, irritability and sharp emotional differences.
  3. Without a doubt, the external signs of manifestation of the pregnancy process are, but it is only the top of the iceberg, because the global internal change is the cause of this.

Uterus and external genitals

  1. The first thing after conception begins their changes to the organ of the genital system of the mother. Immediately after implantation of the fetal egg, the uterus begins to increase in size. If in the usual state its weight is from 19.8 to 26 g, then in the middle of the term it reaches up to 50 g, and in the last weeks up to 1 kg and in height reaching the upper edge of the sternum. The internal volume by the time of birth increases more than 500 times.
  2. By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the uterus has the dimensions of the chicken egg, and at the end of the deadline - the view of the filled bag. The outer part is visible using mirrors, pale pink color with a smooth surface. The inner part of the uterus during pregnancy, which can be considered using the photo made by an endoscopic device for examining internal organs, looks velvety and loose.
  3. In the process of childbirth, the uterus is dynamically reduced, which contributes to the emergence of a child. Spasms occur through muscle fibers, the number and length of which increases rapidly since the conception.
  4. The inner mucosa surface of the uterus during pregnancy is breaking down, its walls acquire elasticity and compliance.
  5. External sexual lips are also amenable to change, become elastic, increase in size, change color.

All these changes are aimed at facilitating the appearance of a child and unhindered his passage by generic paths.

Changing the blood and cardiovascular system

Heart during pregnancy

  1. No matter how strange it sounds, but the blood and cordial system is also involved in the process of fetal development. During the tooling baby in the mother's body, the second full-fledged circulatory system is formed - placental.
  2. The amount of blood circulating in the vascular system of the woman is increasing. Since the fetus requires nutrients and oxygen, the heart of the pregnant woman works with additional loads. For 9 months, the volume of blood-traded blood in the body is added about 1.5 liters, and the frequency of pulsation increases to 100 shots per minute and above. Such changes lead to the actual increase in the mass of the heart muscle and more frequent heartbeat.
  3. The dynamic work of the heart indicates that the child lacks oxygen, so the muscle begins intensely pump blood, in order to fill its lack of mother's body. If you felt an increase in the rhythm of the muscles, lie on the back and lift the legs. So you improve the supply of placenta with oxygen.
  4. Since the heart, as one of the most important and fragile internal organs, is experiencing a larger load during childbirth, it must be soldered. Introducing the child, do not wear gravity, try not to overwork and eliminate power sports for pregnancy. Otherwise, after the child's appearance, the weakness of the heart muscle, hypertension and associated deterioration of the quality of life can develop.

Arterial pressure

  1. Arterial pressure directly depends on the functioning of the circulatory system. In the first weeks of pregnancy, women are often observed in the pressure, and in the latter, on the contrary, there is a tendency towards a planned increase in its indicators.
  2. Often during pregnancy is to reduce the hemoglobin of the mother's blood. Such a phenomenon is caused by the oversight of the growth of erythrocyte mass on the growth of the volume of blood circulating in the vascular system. In this case, drugs containing iron are prescribed.
  3. Blood pressure is an important factor affecting the state of the health of the future mother, pregnancy and development of the fetus. That is why his level is the object of the doctor's close attention throughout the 9 months, up to delivery. Each scheduled visits to the gynecologist begins with pressure measurement. Small deviations of the indicators do not cause concerns, but significant deviations are bells of violation of the normal process of pregnancy.

Venous system during pregnancy

  1. The venous system of pregnant woman is experiencing colossal loads. On the lower hollow vein that is responsible for blood circulation in the uterus, pelvic organs and legs, every day more and more gives the child than it deforms it, especially when a woman sleeps lying on his back.
  2. Without control, this process can contribute to the development of severe postpartum complications, such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Many people who took place suffer from this ailment more years after the birth of the baby.
  3. To prevent such pathological changes to women in the Regulations forbid to sleep on the back, and to improve blood flow under the legs, it is recommended to put a small pillow.

Respiratory system

  1. The respiratory system of the future mother should ensure the fetus with a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  2. The lungs function in unusual conditions, the diaphragm is experiencing a constantly increasing pressure from the increasing size of the uterus, their volume increases, and the mucosa, enveloping bronchi swells. The compressed bodies make it difficult to breathe, which is expensive and becomes deeper.
  3. To restore the measured respiratory process, women in pregnancy prescribe a mandatory set of exercises for the lungs. Such gymnastics is a prophylactic means against the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of the respiratory system. Daily hiking and moderate physical activity have a beneficial effect on respiratory organs.
  4. By the end of the pregnancy, the volume of lungs is reduced by about a quarter, but before childbirth, the pressure on the respiratory organs weakens, and the diaphragm is lowered, since the child, preparing for childbirth, descends below towards the generic paths.

Digestive system during pregnancy

  1. Changes in pregnancy relate to the digestive system of women. In addition to visible changes, such as appetite growth and adjustment of taste preferences, the digestive system undergoes more global internal metamorphoses.
  2. A dynamically increasing uterus displays the intestines, first it rises, and then moves out and goes to the sides, skipping the uterus with the fruit down to the generic paths. Such metamorphoses cannot but affect the intestinal work. The tone of the rectum is reduced, emptying becomes difficult. To facilitate the state, doctors prescribe abundant drink, a schedule of regular physical exertion and a special power schedule with a sufficient amount of fiber. To combat constipation, pregnant mommies are recommended to use prunes, pre-operated in water, as well as linen seed as a laxative.
  3. The stomach more than the rest of the organs suffers from the pressure of the growing uterus, especially in the later dates, it is very sensible for the female organism. Testing the enhancing pressure of the fetus, a lifting sphincter passes the gastric juice in the esophagus, which leads to heartburn. You can get rid of the unpleasant feeling of burning sensation with mineral water, as well as taking food with small portions and, if possible, not before bedtime.

Urinary system during pregnancy

  1. The bladder also reacts to pregnancy. An increase in blood progesterone Women contributes to the relaxation of the muscles of the bladder sphincter, which in combination with the pressure of the uterus leads to frequent urges to urination, even in early terms.
  2. Since the uterus presses on the bladder, it does not allow him to empty completely. In the later deadlines, pregnant women recommend a little raising the tummy when urinating, in this case the emptying of the bladder will be more complete, and to visit the toilet will have to be less likely.

Milk glands during pregnancy

Some women at the beginning, and the overwhelming majority in the middle of pregnancy feel changes in the dairy glands. The total hormonal restructuring leads to an increase in the level of prolactin, estrogen and progesterone, which causes metamorphosis with breast size and nipples in particular. Before childbirth and immediately after labor, the dairy glands begin to produce colosure, and then milk.

Liver during pregnancy

  1. The liver is the main filter regulating the metabolism in the body. It cleans blood from decay products, thereby neutralizing toxins and preventing harm to the fetus.
  2. Like all other organs, the liver, experiencing the pressure of the uterus, shifts the sideways and up. In this regard, the future mother may experience difficulties with bile outflow and as a result, periodic colic in this area.
  3. Hard food in such conditions, helps the liver cope with loads during pregnancy. Failure to comply with the recommended norms is fraught with the consequences in the form of a strong itching in the whole body. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of special treatment.

Kidney during pregnancy

  1. The kidneys during pregnancy although they do not change their position, but also experience increased loads, working for two organisms at the same time.
  2. In women with one kidney, the function of both organs is replaced by one. It should be remembered that renal activity reserves are not infinite. In this case, it does not matter which kidney is absent, although the right side is subject to great changes during pregnancy.
  3. Futive mothers with one kidney pay special attention, since they refer to a group of increased risk. In such women in the process of pregnancy, a multi-water and weakness of labor can develop. Although, with proper observation and pregnancy, the child is born completely healthy, with a normal body weight.

Bone system during pregnancy

  1. Hormones progesterone and relaxing, accumulating in the blood, lead to gradual washout of calcium from the mother's body.
  2. Forming bone tissue, the fruit also consumes a large amount of mineral. This process is extremely important, since the lack of calcium can lead to pathologies in the development of the child, as well as to the unpleasant consequences in the mother's body: the destruction of teeth, problems with the spine and bones. It was during this period that the bones of the pelvis and their articulations become elastic.

Gland internal secretion during pregnancy

The process of pregnancy affects the activities of the glands of the internal secretion. In addition to the increase in size, the prolactin hormone is beginning to be produced, intended for the formation of a colosure, and subsequently breast milk.

Ultrasound of internal organs during pregnancy

  1. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy reveals violations of the structure of the internal organs. Ultrasonic observation of pregnant women is held from the earliest time and up to childbirth.
  2. Specialists are followed by the correct development of the child, its condition, the floor determines, prevent possible pathologies, can identify or eliminate developmental defects, and also calculate the date of delivery.
  3. In the case of pain in the abdominal cavity, the ultrasound of the internal organs during pregnancy is shown for the timely detection of pathologies and eliminate them.

Mother of the nature of Mudra and prudent. She created a woman's body in such a way that the loads carrying during pregnancy are reasonable and warned. Changes in the size and position of the internal organs during pregnancy are completely natural and due to physiological processes in a changing body of a woman. All these changes are aimed at preserving the child and its full development. Sometimes pregnancy delivers discomfort, unpleasant and even pain, but this is a temporary phenomenon. After successful childbirth permission, the woman's body quickly comes to normal.

During pregnancy, the woman's body is constantly changing. And if the growing belly is noticeable to everyone around, most of the changes are often not the most pleasant - hidden from prying eyes, although they are not smaller than frightening centimeters in the waist. Mama.Ru offers a look at the change in the body of a pregnant woman at once from several points of view: the eyes of a graduate midwife, experts and readers themselves.

1. Why during pregnancy spin hurts?

In the body of a pregnant woman, relaxin is actively produced - a hormone responsible for the mobility of the joints. It is needed so that the pelvic bones can "dispense" and allow a woman to give birth to normal. However, the hormone affects not only at the pelvis, but also on joints and bundles throughout the body.

It is he who causes the so-called "duck gait" during pregnancy, he is responsible for the pain in the back and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Obstep and Associate Professor of the Department of Female Health University of Philadelphia Kim Tryut recommends women to do yoga.

Carebear: Pains in the lower back - a fairly common phenomenon. Try to sleep, with a pillow under the back, experiment. I was very well helped by rest, lying on my back - 15 minutes, but with a small pad under the lower back. And at night I always slept with a pillow between the knees, and the back in the morning was rested.

Alia Nigmatzyanova: Pains in the lower back, in Tazu and in Copchik - this is an eternal problem of pregnant women! The more period, the stronger pain, especially for 9 months of pregnancy. I cried from pain to everything else and insomnia was. Saved only bandage. And still need to relax more, preferably on the side.

2. Why do pregnant women increase breast size?

As Truut says, indeed, not all women understand and know what can happen to them for nine months of expectations of the baby. "For example, not everything is aware that the pregnancy size of the breast can change several times. However, many tend to consider this change even desired. "

Chest during pregnancy increases under the influence of hormones, preparing for lactation. The fatty tissue in the breast changes to the ferrous, the ducts increase and the volume of rally. This process is uneven: especially noticeable chest grows in the first ten weeks of pregnancy and before childbirth.

Carebear: It is clear that during pregnancy, the chest grows, but how much? Someone has two sizes and it remained, someone from zero until the 6th, and then it was kept. And how was you?
My granny and her sisters have breasts after childbirth and remained phenomenal sizes - 8 and 12, the bras sewed to order. I'm afraid to repeat the story. Is it possible to somehow affect the size?

3. Why do pregnant women increase the size of the foot?

Some women argue that during pregnancy they have increased the size of the leg. According to Kim Tryut, this is a common phenomenon, but there is no intentable scientific explanation. It is possible, the case in the growth of the pregnant body of growth hormone or in edema or in the fact that the arch of the footsteps is smoothed under increasing weight. Or in all this immediately. Special scientific research on the topic "Why are the legs grow during pregnancy?", As spent says, too little has been held.

An expert, doctor obstetrician-gynecologist Kristina Katurov:
In the shoes for pregnant women should be anatomical insole, good breathability or special antibacterial impregnation, the stop must be maintained from behind and side. Do not choose models with heels-studs, on a thin platform or with a heel shifted to the middle of the shoes. If the heel is above 5 cm, it can lead to pains in the back and increase the risk of falls: the center of gravity when heels in heels is significantly shifted, and the deflection in the lower back, which appeared against the background of a growing abdomen increases. More preferable more secure options: shoes on a small hidden platform or on a wedge, as well as sports shoes. Choose shoes better in the evening hours, since in the evening the legs sometimes swell, and the boots bought in the morning can be close. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the size of the shoes may increase: under the influence of relaxic (hormone, relaxing ligaments and the preparing pelvis to childbirth) and the growing weight in the late feet becomes wider and flat.

4. Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Obstetrician Truut notes that the cavity of the mouth of a pregnant woman really needs special care, because it is subject to infection due to the overall reduction of immunity during pregnancy. The expert advises to continue to visit the dentist and not be afraid of this - to treat his teeth while waiting for the baby in most cases it is not dangerous.

In addition, women should pay special attention to their nutrition: many, afraid of too much effort, limit themselves in food, depriving the body of many valuable substances - as a result of the teeth during pregnancy, they are actively destroyed.

Expert, dentist-therapist Tatyana Talenko:
"The removal of teeth during pregnancy is made exclusively at emergency testimony, that is, with acute pain - flux, purulent inflammation. But all the planned removal is better to spend at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. Also, doctors are trying not to remove the "teeth of wisdom" during pregnancy, since this operation is fraught with complications. If the removal of the teeth during pregnancy is still inevitable, doctors use special anesthetics. In their composition there are no substances capable of penetrating through the placental barrier. Anesthetic drugs used in operational intervention can harm the future child, and pain shock and is at all dangerous by severe negative consequences. The safest time for visiting the dentist is the period from 13 to 32 weeks. At this time, the fruit has already formed, and the woman has strengthened immunity. "

5. Why do pregnant hair get better?

During pregnancy, many women notice that the hair becomes curly and they are becoming more - they cease to fall out, and the condition of weak and lifeless hair is noticeably improved. For this process, hormones are answered, which also affect the skin.

However, not only the head begins to "rally": the appearance of hair on the stomach, on the back, around the nipples and above the upper lip. All these unexpected "guests" will disappear after delivery.

Leosana: With the boys I was beautiful, and immediately. The face and spin were clean. The hair was glittered as in advertising, did not burn at all. Now it seems to be a girl, the rash of the face got into the face of 5 months. Hair has become beautiful. And I also disappeared the mustache on the upper lip. And I fought with them all the time.

6. Where do pregnant stretch marks on the skin?

Kim Tryut indicates that during pregnancy a woman is waiting for many changes related to the skin: the appearance of chloasma, the dark line on the stomach, dark circles under the eyes and spots on the nose, but this does not exclude the so-called "pregnant glow" when a woman literally Shins due to changes in blood circulation in the face and hormonal perestroika.

During the battery period, the woman changes dramatically in physiological and psychological plan. Changes are undergoing all organs and systems, appearance, well-being. What you need to know about the upcoming changes in the occurrence of pregnancy?

When the changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy begins

The future mother does not know about his interesting position, and her body is already rebuilding his work. Changes in the body begin with the first days after successful conception. This is normal. The future mother does not feel toxicosis yet, and in her blood, the chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is already beginning to increase - hormone pregnancy. It is his doctors who call the main identification sign of a successful conception. HCG gives a start to the process of tooling the baby, the preparation of the body to childbirth.

It is worth noting that internal changes are felt in different ways. Along with the first weeks of having a child begins to nauseate, constantly clone to sleep. Others may not experiencing signs at all or the early toxicosis, despite the fact that everything changes inside the body. There are women who, almost without feeling physiological changes, change greatly in a psychological plan. They become touchy, plastic, evil, nervous. And these are also symptoms of hormonal perestroika.

How the body changes during pregnancy by months

If we talk about the first two months of to wear, then the external parameters of the female organism do not change. It is not felt in early gravity and weight gain. More often, on the contrary. Toxicosis leads to the fact that the future motley loses kilograms-two.

At the end of the second or in the third month, some pregnant women are worried about the increase in urination, which is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the bladder and the overall increase in the volume of fluid in the body.

Also in the first two months, a woman can feel the swelling of the mammary glands. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. Also, the zone around the nipples darkens and increases. The sensitivity of the chest increases. Some women may even perform a vascular grid. So the dairy glands are prepared for the supply of kid by milk.

In the first two months, women sometimes have bleeding. The degree of their danger can only determine the doctor.

By the end of the third month, the external parameters of the body almost do not change. If the woman had an early toxicosis, then well-being improved. It further goes to the toilet more often, but for the reason for the formation of an excretory system of the baby.

The first constipation and heartburn may begin. As for the weight, the increase can be a kilogram-one and a half. Up to 12 weeks of time Many women on clothes notice that they have expanded the pelvis.

The inconvenience in the third month of the baby tooling can cause the absence or on the contrary, the increase in appetite, headaches, pigmentation on the face.

From the fourth month of the livelihood of the fetus and mom, it's time to think about more free clothes. The tummy begins to grow, but others do not notice it yet. By the end of the fourth month, the bottom of the uterus is located 17-18 centimeters above the lane bone. It was during this period that the woman begins to change the gait. The upper part of the body leans a little back, and the stomach is served forward.

The inconvenience of this period is the disorder of digestion, the bleeding of the gum, fainting and dizziness, bleeding from the nose, lightweight swelling of the stop and the ankles.

Fifth month of pregnancy Many women feel the lack of calcium in the body. This is manifested by problems with teeth. If a woman uses little calcium-containing products, a seal can fall out, crumble teeth.

Another symptom of calcium shortage may be cramps in the legs.

The growth of the uterus is accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, constipation, early urinary patients. Dums can bleed, varicose veins appears with the legs or hemorrhoids.

Another thing that happens in the body of a woman is the skin pigmentation on the stomach.

By the end of the fifth month of tooling the baby, a woman feels the first movements of her child. Her growing tummy is noticeable surrounding. And she sees her herself how the hips are rounded, fat deposits appear on them.

On the sixth month, the risk of squeezing large veins is raining. This is manifested by progressive varicose veins, pains in the legs, their edema.

By 24 week of intrauterine development, the uterine cavity was fully filled. It increases, stretching that they feel all the organs of the small pelvis. A woman is noticeably round.

During this period, many pregnant women can feel training fights (or, as they are also called gynecologists, Bracston Giza contractions). They are not painful and not dangerous.

The seventh month of pregnancy. Matter rises high and already supports the diaphragm. The whole body feels the load and regular swelling appear. Many women complain of pain at the bottom of the abdomen, an increase in the discharge from the vagina, the breadth of the ears, the skin of the belly skin, back pain. During this period, as a rule, problems are starting with sleep, as well as the appearance of a colostrum. Most women by this period notices stretching on the body.

On the eighth month, the uterus is very sensitive to the movements of the child. A woman feels this tension of muscles. Many begins late toxicosis. In the body of a woman, the amount of blood is increasing for one liter.

By the 36 week, the uterus moves away from the aperture, it moves forward, because the kid's head presses to the entrance to the pelvis.

The inconvenience of the eighth month is shortness of breath, intensifying constipation, swelling of the face and hands, difficulties with sleep, heaviness when walking, fatigue. Visually a woman becomes clumsy.

The ninth month is the period of maximum increase in the load on the body of a pregnant woman. Belly goes down. The placenta has developed its resources, so the kid "insists" in life outside the womb.

The future mother is experiencing strong back pain, legs, at the bottom of the abdomen. To preserve the equilibrium, pregnant is forced to walk, leaning back. She goes slower, cautious.

Breasts are greatly increasing, and the appearance of colostrum is already foreshadowed.

Load on the body of a woman during pregnancy

Cardiovascular system adapts to additional loads. This is due to an increase in the mass of the heart muscle. By the seventh month, the amount of blood in the body increases by one liter. In the last trimester of many women concerns the increase in blood pressure. The activities of the lungs are enhanced. Increasing the volume of air, which is inhaled, facilitates the removal of carbon dioxide with the fruit through the placenta. Slightly increases by the end of the respiratory rate.

A huge load during pregnancy falls on the kidneys. Pregnant stands out a day to 1600 ml of urine, 1200 of them leaves the rest, the rest of the portion - at night. The tone of the bladder is reduced, and this can lead to stagnation of urine and contributes to infection.

Under the influence of hormones, the tone of the intestine is reduced, which leads to frequent constipation. The stomach is squeezed, some of its contents sometimes get into the esophagus, which causes heartburn in the second half of pregnancy.

With double load, both the main barrier organ is a liver. It neutralizes the products of the extension of the future mother and the fetus.

Increased pressure on the joints. Especially movable under the influence of the growing body weight becomes joint pelvis.

In the dairy glasses, the number of poles increases, the amount of adipose tissue. The chest can increase in the amount of twice. The greatest changes are the uterus, which makes it difficult to work all the organs of the small pelvis. The volume of its cavity to childbirth increases by about 500 times. This is due to an increase in the size of muscle fibers.

The position of the uterus changes in parallel with increasing its size. Already by the end of the first trimester, the authority "comes out" beyond the pelvis. The uterus reaches the hypochondrium closer to childbirth. She stays in the right position thanks to the bundles that stretch and thicken. But the pains that are experiencing in the third trimester pregnant are just caused by tensioning these ligaments.

Since the blood supply to the genital organs is enhanced, then on the genital lips is possible the appearance of varicose veins. The growth of the fetus in the womb contributes to an increase in the mass of its body.

By the end of pregnancy, a healthy woman increases an average of 12 kilograms. But an increase of 8 to 18 is allowed. In the first half of the term, the weight may increase by 4-5 kilograms. In the second half of the baby tooling, this figure is twice as much. Usually, a visual weight gain in full women is not visible, but humders are noticeably rounded. They are harder to carry the increasing burden on the body.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

With the onset of pregnancy, there is a new period in the life of a woman. By this time, in the body of the future mother, nature provided a number of changes in the physiological nature, designed to create optimal conditions for the baby tool. Thus, optimal conditions are created for the development of the fetus. For 9 months, much - self-satisfaction, mood, life goals.

The pregnancy is considered to be a special state of the body characterized by a whole complex of typical transformations.

You can observe the following changes in the body during pregnancy:

  • the absence of menstruation - due to the functional changes of the ovary, changes are observed changes in the state of the mucous membrane, lining the uterine cavity;
  • the long-term increase in basal temperature is due to the influence of the hormone of progesterone produced by the ovary;
  • placenta formation occurs;
  • the appearance of the future mother is also subject to change, weight increases markedly;
  • the cerebral cortex provides coordination of the functioning of various organs and systems in the direction, providing suitable conditions for navigating the fetus;
  • there are changes in metabolism, as well as the volume of blood circulating in the body;
  • the indicators of blood composition, as well as the systems for its coagulation and stopping bleeding;
  • changes are also subject to the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Thus, the body completely rebuilds its functioning, taking into account the new state of the woman.

Why do you need changes in the body during pregnancy

The baby tool is a natural process that is accompanied by the physiological rebuilding of the body of a woman. The body of a woman in this period functions in a new mode, there are reinforced loads on it.

During the course of pregnancy from the first days, a number of structural physiological changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy, which are aimed at achieving the following results:

  • supplying a developing fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen, as well as nutrients, important for the full development of the fetus and tooling the child;
  • excretion from the body of pregnant products of the fetal life;
  • preparation of various systems of the body of a woman to the upcoming birth of a kid, as well as his breastfeeding.

These tasks are generally aimed at maintaining the reproductive function of a person, so changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy can be called quite natural and physiological. If the body is not able to fully adapt, unfavorable child and pregnant state can develop. Under the influence of increasing loads on the body, in the case of the presence of chronic diseases or violations in the work of individual bodies, the deterioration of the health of the woman, as well as the development of pathologies of pregnancy, may be observed. In order to avoid possible problems, it is necessary in the early deadlines to appear in the female consultation for registration, pass the necessary analyzes and obtain consultations of specialists.

A pregnant condition can track and adjust the doctor as a result of inspections, as well as laboratory and instrumental research. After passing the tests, it will be necessary to determine the blood indicators, urine, etc. Taking into account the information received, preventive measures can be taken in order to avoid the development of any complications during pregnancy, and most effectively prepare for the upcoming birth. It is worth noting that for the physiological flow of pregnancy, their indicators are characteristic, in general, not coinciding with the norms for a healthy person. In addition, for each trimester of pregnancy, these indicators differ.

What can be observed changes in the body during pregnancy

There is a point of view that this period is for the female body a kind of endurance dough. Thus, overralling and overworking during pregnancy should not be allowed. In everyday life for a pregnant woman, it is necessary to create conditions so that it can successfully adapt to changing the conditions for the development of pregnancy and make a child safely.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: body weight and metabolism

During the pregnancy period, the weight gain is normally about 10 kg, generally reaching from 8 to 18 kg.

At the same time, weight gain is dispersed approximately according to the following principle:

  • the fetus together with the placenta, including also shells and spicy water - from 4,000 to 4500 g;
  • the uterus, as well as chest glands - kilogram. The weight of the uterus from 50-100 g increases to 1000-1200 g;
  • blood - about one and a half kilograms;
  • fatty fabric - 4000 g and tissue liquid - 1000 g.

In the first half of pregnancy, an increase is about four kilograms, in the second half - twice as much. In the presence of a body weight deficit before pregnancy, a more significant weight gain can be observed with its offensive. Due to this phenomenon, and in order to fully develop the fetus, attention should be paid to the diet of the future mother. It will be necessary to ensure a balanced nutrition, which includes the required amount of nutrients. It may be necessary to supplement it with calcium preparations necessary for the development of a child's bone skeleton, as well as iron - for optimal blood formation.

In order to ensure the needs of the disinnected fetus, the metabolism of the woman is significantly rebuilt. The amount of digestive enzymes produced by its organism increases. The lungs are saturated with a large amount of oxygen due to greater concentration in the blood of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. In addition, it increases the amount of nutrients, which are transported by the placenta in the blood of the fetus. Due to the strengthening of metabolism and the need to ensure the needs of the fetus, a woman needs to use more vitamins.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: nervous system and respiratory organs

During the course of pregnancy, the work of the endocrine and nervous systems of the body of the body is rebuilt. In the first few months, it is possible to observe a reduced excitability of the cerebral cortex, as a result, the reflex activity of the subcortical part and the spinal cord is intensified. Next, the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases and remains in such a state almost until the end of pregnancy. By the time of birth, the opposite phenomenon can be observed, while the activity of the spinal cord increases, which leads to an increase in the reflex and muscle activity of the uterus. Often it can be noted that pregnant women kind of immersed in themselves. The appearance of irritability, mood drops, drowsiness. In addition, it is known that the majority of pulses coming from the uterine receptors are known until the completion of pregnancy is blocked. These mechanisms are provided for CNS to preserve pregnancy.

Due to the increase in the content of progesterone, the smooth muscles of the bronchi walls are additionally relaxing, while the lumen in the respiratory tract increases. The need for the body of the future mother in oxygen increases. In order to supply oxygen a growing fruit, the volume of air inhaled for one movement increases, as well as (closer to the end of the pregnancy) breathing rate. Thus, the ventilation rate of the lungs increases significantly (by about 40%). Approximately one third of this amount of air is used to supply the fetus, 10% - for the placenta, the remaining part is used in the body of a woman. With the appearance of shortness of breath or other disorders of the breath of pregnant, you should seek advice from the doctor.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: cardiovascular system, blood pressure and blood composition

It can be said that the main burden in the course of the course of pregnancy falls on the cardiovascular system. For the supply of pregnant and fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, the heart and vessels pump more blood - its volume increases by about one and a half liters, reaching the greatest value in approximately the seventh month of pregnancy. At the same time, there is an increase in the left ventricle, the heartbeat is studied and the minute volume of blood increases. Thus, the heart and vessels function in high load mode. In this case, the emergence of systolic noise is not considered pathology, in most cases after pregnancy, these phenomena go.

Arterial pressure in most cases does not change in most cases. In the first trimester it can be somewhat lowered (there is a lethargy and drowsiness). At about the 16th week, the pressure can increase by 5-10 mm Hg. Art. It should be taken into account the original magnitude of the arterial pressure of a woman before pregnancy to judge his changes in the dynamics. The increase in systolic pressure by 30% is regarded as a pathological symptom. In addition, it is believed that the diastolic pressure should not exceed 70-80 mm Hg. Art.

The blood-forming processes in this period are in reinforced mode, the composition of the blood also changes - an increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, as well as blood plasma is observed. To enhance the synthesis of erythrocytes and improving blood viscosity, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of protein into food. In addition, the reception of iron preparations is often shown. During pregnancy, the number of leukocytes in the composition of blood can slightly increase. The platelet content is usually not significantly changing.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: genitals, endocrine system, inland secretion glands

In the field of external genital organs, enhanced blood supply is observed, the cervical canal of the uterus is expanded. Its fabrics, the most uterus and vagina are characterized by significant looseness, they acquire the softness and necessary elasticity for subsequent labor.

The endocrine system has an impact on future pregnancy before fertilization. The normal functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary glands and ovaries ensures the development of an egg cell and contributes to fertilization. For the normal development of the fetus, hormones produced by an endocrine system of women play an important role - they stimulate the development of its bone tissue, brain development, energy production.

Noticeable changes in the female organism during pregnancy are caused by the influence of the internal secretion glands. The ovaries are slightly increased, one of them contains a yellow body functioning to the fourth month of pregnancy. Next, the production of hormones (progesterone and estrogen) takes on a placenta. The number of blood vessels expanding and the taking care of the uterus increases, which increases and the completion of the pregnancy period reaches more than 30 cm in height. By the beginning of the second trimester, it goes beyond the zone of the pelvis, with the approach of childbirth, it turns out to have a hypochidic zone. The volume of the uterine cavity increases to a large extent, its weight increases to 1-1.2 kg (excluding the fetus). The magnifying uterus is held in the desired ligament position (thereby observes their thickening and stretching). Sometimes, especially when changing the position of the body, there are pain in these bundles caused by their stretching.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: digestive and allocation

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is often possible to observe the manifestations of early toxicosis - nausea, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting in the morning refers to its characteristic features. There may also be taste sensations, there are strange addictions in food. Most often, these phenomena cease to the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, sometimes later. Under the action of the hormone-produced hormones, an intestinal tone falls, so it is often a tendency to constipate. Over time, the increasing uterus shifts up the intestine, while the stomach is also shifted, which can cause a part of its contents to the esophagus region. Hence the appearing feeling of heartburn, to fight with which it is possible by receiving antacid agents. In addition, the last meal is recommended no later than two hours before sleep, as well as accommodation on a bedroom with a raised headboard.

The kidneys are functioning in high loads during this period, ensuring the removal of urea from the body, maintaining optimal pressure indicators and adjusting the water-electrolytic exchange. If there were previously inflammatory diseases in them, their exacerbations are possible with the onset of pregnancy. In the process of carrying the uterus, there is a tangible pressure in the bladder area, therefore, a call for rapid urination can be observed. The renal blood filtration is enhanced, while the amount of sugar may be observed in small quantities. Nevertheless, the appearance of a protein in the urine may indicate the presence of the process of inflammation or gestosis. At the final stage of the fetus, the appearance of small edema can be noted.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: bone-muscular system, leather, dairy glands

Due to the effect of the relaxin hormone, the joints of the joints occurs. Thus, the articulation of a small pelvis becomes softer, which increases their mobility and prepares conditions for the flow of labor. Sometimes there is a slight discrepancy between the womb - when the so-called "duck" appears in the pregnant woman, the doctor should be informed about this. Peculiar changes during this period can be observed on the skin. Frequently, pregnant women note the strengthening of the pygmentation of the face, in the area around the nipples, as well as on the stomach along the line rising to the navel. There is an increase in the chest glands, the number of poles and adipose tissue increases in them, the loading of the nipples. A collapse of a browse is launched closer to childbirth - when squeezing the nipple may appear several drops of thick light liquid. Sometimes on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel and at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as on breasts and hips, you can observe the appearance of arcuate stretch marks.

This kind of change indicates a physiological adaptation of pregnant to the fetal tooling. In order to prevent pathologies, it is recommended to take measures to contribute to the creation of suitable conditions for the development of pregnancy. These include the formation of a balanced power mode, the use of sufficient liquid, eliminating bad habits, ensuring a sufficient level of physical activity and in the fresh air.

Changes in the body during pregnancy - video

From the very moment of the occurrence of pregnancy in the central nervous system of the mother begins to flow the stream of nerve pulses from receptors (sensitive nerve endings) of the uterus, growing fruit eggs. The impact of this flow of pulses inhibits the bark of the brain and subcortical structures, which leads to drowsiness in pregnant women. This is not only the result of the influence of receptors, but also the effect of progesterone aimed at preserving pregnancy. This is a "hint" of the body that life originated inside it should be protected. Pregnant women are formed some detachment, "look inside yourself." Some even slow down in the intelligence, it makes it difficult to read, the decision of crosswords. Emotional lability are observed, light chalparijasity, reflectivity, memory and memorization suffer. Therefore, the learningability of pregnant women worsens.

These violations are characteristic of 1-11 trimesters of pregnancy. Then all this gradually passes. Before childbirth, the entire nervous system is activated, the body of pregnant as it wakes up, the tone of the spinal cord and the nerve elements of the uterus increases, which contributes to the beginning of the generic activity.

Changes in the cardiovascular system in the body of a woman during pregnancy

Mother's blood circulation also undergo significant changes to ensure the intensity of the delivery of oxygen and nutrients needed for the fetus and removal of metabolic products.

Increases the volume of circulating blood, and even in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the future, he increases, reaching the maximum by the 36th week. The volume of circulating blood in this period is increased by 30-50% to the initial volume, before pregnancy. Gradually is the preferential increase in blood plasma volume and to a much lesser extent - cell elements. There is some blood thinning, hydraimia, which ensures its best turnover. This improves blood flow through placenta vessels and other vital organs - kidney, liver, brain. At the same time, the so-called physiological anemia arises - a decrease in hemoglobin from 130 g / l to 110 g / l. At the end of I and the beginning of the II, the trimester is formed by a uterine-plazent circle of blood circulation. Although the blood of the mother and the fetus is not mixed, but mutual influence is confirmed. Changing blood circulation in the uterus affects blood circulation in the placenta and the state of the fetus, and vice versa. The vessels of the uterus and the placenta have low blood flow resistance, blood circulation is regulated passively, due to the vibrations of blood pressure from the mother. The walls of the smallest vessels - the capillaries of the uterus and the placenta become easily permeable for water, salts and light protein chains. This improves the metabolism between blood and tissues.

An increase in the volume of circulating blood loads the heart, and an increase in heart rate is an increase in tachycardia. An extremely normal is considered an increase in frequency to 90-96 shots per minute.

Changes in respiratory organs in the body of a woman during pregnancy

The breathing system of pregnant woman changes according to changes in the cardiovascular system. The increase in circulating blood and the increase in the rhythm of heart abbreviations entails the increase and deepening of breathing due to the constancy of the relationship between the amount of blood flowing through the lungs and the volume of inhaled air.

The developing fruit in the process of life is distinguished by an increased amount of carbon dioxide - CO 2. Finding into the blood of the mother, carbon dioxide causes the increased breathing in order to quickly save the body from excess carbon dioxide.

The increase in respiration occurs and due to the increase in the size of the uterus in the second half of pregnancy, which squeezes all the internal organs, including the chest, and this reduces the volume of the lungs, deepens and participate

But the frequency of breathing should not increase more than 20-22 breaths per minute.

Hormonal changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy

The offensive and development of pregnancy is accompanied by pronounced changes in the hormonal system of the body of the woman. The complexity of these changes is determined by the influence of the hormones of the placenta and the fetus on the activities of the domestic secretion of the mother.

The offensive and progression of pregnancy maintains the yellow body of pregnancy. This structure in the ovary is formed after ovulation, the emission of eggs from the ovary. In an empty follicle, a bubble in which the eggs developed to its final ripening and exit to "light", the shell cells are rapidly converted into lutephors (buttercup - yellow flower, lutein is a yellow pigment, so the structure in the ovary is called a yellow body), distinguish which provides the development of the embryo in the first 2-3 months. A significant role is played by progesterone in the process of implantation of a fetal egg in the endometrium. With the beginning of the development of the trophoblast, and then the placenta yellow body is gradually exposed to the reverse process. Further the development of pregnancy and the growth of the embryo and then - the fetus provides a placenta.

From the hormonal glands of the future mother, first consider the pituitary gland, the "tear", hanging in the lower edge of the large hemispheres of the brain. It forms all hormones, guiding the activities of the internal secretion glands.

They are in the front share, which during pregnancy increases by 2-3 times, because there is a complete redistribution of all members of this "Council". The prolactin increased 5-6 times (pro - for lactis - milk) blocks follicularity and luteinizing hormones, so the ripening of eggs and the menstrual cycles do not occur in pregnant women. With the development of the placenta, the pounding of the mammary glands and the development of colosity and milk and milk and the milk and milk (Lactos - Milk and Genesis - Education) takes on the development of milk and milk (Lactos - Milk and Genesis), i.e. Milk-forming hormone.

The products of thyrotropic hormone, TTG increase significantly. Accordingly, pregnant women increase the products of the TK and T4 - the hormones of the thyroid gland. They provide a proper level of metabolism, optimal for the growth and development of the fetus. Part of women even occurs some increase in the thyroid gland.

But this should increase the activity of the thyroxin-binding ability of the blood serum, which is due to the influence of the hormones of the fetotic placental system.

The function of the parachitoid glands is reduced, because of this, the calcium content in the blood of a pregnant woman may be disturbed, which causes painful convulsions in the ion muscles, in the footsteps.

Therefore, from the first week of pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the calcium content in the blood by taking products rich in calcium, or prescribing drugs, calcium salts. The soluble sa is most effective, it is much easier to digest in the stomach and intestines.

The rear share of the pituitary is not increasing. Oxytocin is formed in it, the physiological factor in the contraction of the uterus. In the rear share it accumulates during pregnancy. At the end of pregnancy, all accumulated oxytocin suddenly enters the mother's blood flow and launches the beginning of the generic activity - cutting the uterus.

Also, an antidiuretic hormone is formed in the rear lobe of the pituitary gland, which ensures the accumulation of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman.

Significant changes occur in adrenal glands. The bloodstream increases in them, and due to this, there is an excessive increase in the tissue of the adrenal bark, producing hormones. And in the blood, the content of the specific protein of translastin is increasing, which accompanies the hormones of adrenal glands to the blood, ensuring their connection to various sensitive cells - receptors in different organs.

Such a person's hormones are acting - they join receptors, as the key insert into the lock, ensuring their effects. The increased number of adrenal hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman is explained not only to the increased products of them in the adrenal glands, but also by entering the body of the future mother of the hormones of the fetus adrenal mines after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Adrenal hormones have an adaptation effect, increase the resistance of shells and tissues to stress. But there is also a side effect - the formation of brown pigment on face, nipples, nearby circles, on the white line (mid-belly) of the belly of pregnant women. On the chest, hips, the abdomen in the 2nd half of pregnancy appear blue-bugs - stretching of the skin with a discrepancy of connective tissue fibers. After childbirth, these scars acquire a whitish color, they become less noticeable.

Changes in consumption of different nutrients by cells and fabrics of a pregnant woman

Growing kid requires more and more vitamins and trace elements. Due to the enhanced need of the fetus in glucose, insulin enhances. A healthy woman usually sugar tests in the blood are within the values \u200b\u200bnormal for pregnant, but if the future mother is sick of diabetes, there may be various difficulties.

Also, the doctor's correction may be required if a woman has anemia. Pregnant lady especially needs vitamins E, C, vitamins of group in, folic acid, RR, iron, etc. Your nutrition and the appointment of the necessary vitamins and trace elements is controlled by a doctor.

Changes in the immune system in the body of a woman during pregnancy

The embryo receives 50% of genetic information from the father, which means half it consists of immunologically alien for a woman's material.

Therefore, the fruit is half-spite with the mother's organism. In the process of developing pregnancy between the organism of the mother and the fetus, complex immunological direct and feedback arise. Such relationships ensure the harmonious development of the fetus and prevent its rejection. The earliest barrier for antibodies is the shiny sheath of the fertilized egg, impenetrable for immune cells.

Alien for the parent organism, the elements of the trophoblast appear at the 5th week of pregnancy, and the same fabrics of the fetus - at the 12th week of pregnancy, the immune "attack" of the fetus is developing and progresses.

Immune protection of the parent body is provided by several mechanisms. First of all, these are blocking antibodies - protein "reflections" of antigens - alien proteins, corresponding to each other, as an electron and positron, and also interconnected. Secondly, it is placental lactogens and chorionic hormones circulating in the blood of Mother's blood and chorionic hormone, which inhibit the "meeting" of antigens with antibodies and the manifestation of an antibody-antigenic reaction - mutual destruction. The third mechanism is the influence of the specific fruit protein of alpha-fetoprotein, AFP, which suppresses the products of antibodies of the mother's lymphocytes.

And in the immunological protection of the fetus, the placenta plays a leading role. The trophoblast is resistant to immune rejection, because the layer of immunologically inert fibrinoide is surrounded from all sides (we talked about the development of the placenta about it).

This layer reliably protects the fetus from immunological aggression from the mother.

Changes in the urinary system in the body of a woman during pregnancy

The kidneys in pregnant women operate with an increased load, withdrawing products from the body of not only its metabolism, but also the waste of the fetal life.

Hormone progesterone weakens the tone of the ureters and bladder. Urination is expensive; Not only at the beginning of pregnancy, but also throughout the entire pregnancy, the amount of bladder emptying is higher than that of non-empty. Increasing the permeability of kidney vessels at the end of pregnancy sometimes leads to the appearance of traces of protein in the urine. And there is an unproved opinion that these fetus proteins, not the future mother. Sometimes sugar appears - physiological glucosuria of pregnant women.

To distinguish this from the manifestations of diabetes helps the glucose tolerance test - analysis of sugar load tolerance.

Changes in the digestive system in the body of a woman during pregnancy

Many women in the first trimester pregnancy appear nausea, smell sensitivity, sometimes vomiting. These phenomena are called toxicosis.

However, no toxins (poisons) are not detected. There is a theory explaining these phenomena with the unpretentiousness of the body to the development of pregnancy, reduced ovarian function. All these phenomena are held at the end of the trimester when the placenta is formed, replacing the hormonal function.

Pregnancy slows down the secretion of gastric juice and other digestive glands, food is stood in the stomach and intestines, both constipation are formed at the same time.

The liver function is significantly changed: the glucose depot is empty, translating it into the bloodstream and to the fetus that needs glucose as a highly energy material.

The exchange of fats changes. They are "simplified" to glycerol and fatty acids. In this form, fats come to the bloodstream and to the fetus. Therefore, in the blood of pregnant women, no increase in glucose, nor fat. The amount of cholesterol can be increased - this is a fat depot of hepatocytes - liver cells. The protein-educational function of the liver changes, aimed at ensuring the fetus by a significant amount of protein and its "bricks" - amino acids, the necessary fetus for nutrition and the construction of its own body. The number of coagulation factors produced by the liver at the end of pregnancy increases, causing increasing coagulation. This is the normal reaction of the body in the light of the upcoming birth.

The disinfection of the liver function during pregnancy is weakened, so the use of alcohol, drugs and toxins can be particularly destructive. After all, the body is almost naked and is not protected in the face of poisoning.

And in the second half of pregnancy, the growing uterus penshes the intestines to the back of the abdominal cavity. Yes, the hormone protesterone, which ensures the relaxation of the uterus, at the same time weakens the intestinal walls, braking the peristaltics - a sequential reduction in the intestinal walls, promoting the contents of the intestine. A certain meaning in the formation of constipation has a strengthened fluid delay in the body of the pregnant bowl content is dried. This can lead to the occurrence of cracks of the rear pass, which makes the defecation sharply painful.

And here already existing constipation aggravates conscious braking and postponing toilet visit. Stressing the feces in the intestine poisoning the body of a pregnant woman. And, as already mentioned, it is not protected before toxins.

The well-being of pregnant woman worsens, nausea appears, spastic abdominal pain.

The path to solving these problems is a few measures. The first is a drink mode: with nausea in the early periods of pregnancy, it is necessary to literally draw yourself up, drinks 5-6 water glasses, overcoming the tendency to accumulate fluid.

Second - Introduction to the food internally friendly products, small portions and more often.

When the intestines are pushed and the peristalistic is slowed down, it is necessary to enrich the diet with a plant fiber - beets, prunes, apricots or dried, radish, radishes, pumpkin. The fiber swells in the intestine and, as a broom, sweeps the stagnant contents from the body

You can apply laxatives that violate the contact of the carts from the intestine wall. Under the influence of gravity, cavalous masses move to the exit. Filling the rectum - signal to defecation.

Also, the use of eubiotics, intestinal microflora drugs - acipol with lactobacillims, bififorms with bifidobacteriums, etc., etc. These drugs have no contraindications for children or pregnant women and lactating women. Normalization of the intestinal microflora leads to the disappearance of rotary bacteria, capable of producing toxins.

Changes in genital organs in the body of a woman during pregnancy

They undergo significant changes. The chapter on hormonal perestroika has already stated that prolactin suppresses the ripening of eggs in the ovaries and menstrual cycles.

The external genital organs are significantly softened and acquired a blue painting, as they decrease in blood circulation. The cervix and the uterus also soften, especially - experiencing. This is one of the early and probable signs of pregnancy.

In the process of fetal development, the uterus is significantly increasing. Its mass to pregnancy 50-80 g increases to 1-2 kg by the end of pregnancy. All ligaments are thickened and lengthened, providing extrusion of the uterus in height and width. They also soften due to the impregnation with tissue fluid. The joints and the articulation of a small pelvis also soften. All this creates optimal conditions for the birth of the fetus.

Weight change in the body of a woman during pregnancy

Normal weight gain for pregnancy 7.5-12 kg. Such wide boundaries are explained by the difference in the initial growth of women to pregnancy. If a woman had an average of a body mass index 23-25, then it is possible to add 8-10 kg for pregnancy. If there was a reduced body mass index 17-20, then it is allowed to add 10-12 kg. And if a woman with overweight became pregnant, then it should be limited to 5-7.5 kg. Such restrictions are necessary, since the shortage of body weight, and excess weight with too strong weight gain threaten the emergence of complications from the side and pregnant, and the fetus.

Increasing the importance of the uninterrupted operation of the endocrine system

Uninterrupted operation of the entire endocrine system of a woman is extremely important for carrying a kid. Without secretion of hypothalamus hormones, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries and their associated collaboration, it is impossible to conceive and hatching the child. Therefore, any deviation in the work of the endocrine glands can make an imbalance into the work of the entire endocrine system and make it difficult to make a dream of maternity. The most common pathologies of endocrine organs affect the thyroid gland and sex glands.

Thyroid hormones are necessary for the formation of placenta, control of the process of embryogenesis, growth and development of all organs and systems of the kid, as well as to bookmark and forming brain functions. The thyroid gland operating during pregnancy can even increase in size due to the increasing load. It can also occur from the lack of iodine during the toaling of the baby, since most of it goes to the fetus.

Change load on the musculoskeletal system

Under the influence of hormones, the ligament apparatus of the joints becomes more relaxed, and the increasing body weight creates an additional load on them, so unpleasant and painful sensations in the joints of the joints may occur.

Because of the growing belly, the load on the spine, especially the lumbosacious department, is greatly increasing. In this regard, the future mothers may have pain in the spine.

If a woman before pregnancy had problems with posture, joints, muscle frame, then with the increased load on them it may require consultation of the relevant specialist. Exercise, wearing a bandage usually help solve such problems.