How often eyelash correction is done. Correction of extended eyelashes: types of correction, description of the procedure, care. Natural growth and renewal of eyelashes

You have become the happy owner of luxurious extended eyelashes, but after 3-4 weeks you notice that the results are not as accurate as they were right after the procedure? Such changes should not scare you - they are natural and inevitable. Physiology "interferes" with enjoying the amazing effect of building for an infinitely long time - natural hairs are constantly renewed, and thick long eyelashes will certainly replace the groomed ciliary row. It is easy to prevent such unaesthetic changes - it is enough to visit the master in a timely manner to perform the correction.

What is this procedure, what are its pros and cons, how often do eyelash extensions need to be corrected - these questions are relevant for girls who first decided on extension. We tried to collect up-to-date information and analyzed the opinions of leading industry experts to understand all the intricacies of salon services.


Carrying out the extension by the eyelash method, the master glues one (or two, three or more) artificial eyelashes to each natural one. On average, a human cilium "lives" up to 90 days, and then falls out, giving way to the growth of a new young hair. If the master strictly follows the technology, a synthetic eyelash can only fall out from the natural one to which it is glued.

But native cilia do not grow back at the same time, not evenly. According to the stages of growth, they are divided into the following types:

  • vellus or "young" - very soft, thin hairs on which synthetic material cannot be built up (due to the load, they can break off or stop growing altogether);
  • medium - rather strong, but still growing cilia, which are allowed to grow (but it must be borne in mind that as it grows, such a hair will move the glued eyelash away from the eyelid, and as a result it can curl, sag);
  • long - "adult" cilia, the main "carriers" synthetic material.

After a simple analysis, we see that at the end of 3-4 weeks of wearing extended hairs, up to 30% of our own eyelashes remain in proper condition. And since the synthetic ones glued to them fell out along with the natural eyelashes, the eyelash row became heterogeneous, sloppy, unkempt - bald spots appeared, the difference in lengths became noticeable. This means that it's time to visit the lashmaker.

Step-by-step technology for performing the procedure

Correction involves the restoration of the full volume of eyelashes lost during wear. The procedure is carried out by mechanical removal protruding, with a peeled-off base, overgrown synthetic cilia that have lost their direction. By this time, the natural hairs, which were too weak the last time, had already grown enough to adhere new artificial ones.

To understand how this is done, consider the technology for its implementation:

  1. Assessment of the condition of the ciliary row.
  2. Thorough cleaning of the working area from make-up residues, dirt.
  3. Gentle removal of broken off, strongly regrown hairs (in the direction of the growth of the ciliary row is applied special composition on oily base).
  4. Degreasing the skin of the eyelids, cleansing the space between the eyelashes.
  5. Delivery of the ciliary row (building new synthetic material to the vacant space).

A timely visit to the master for correction is an opportunity to maintain a luxurious volume, splendor, and length of eyelashes. It is better to plan a visit to the lashmaker on average three to four weeks after building up. But we remember that the growth rate of natural eyelashes is a very subjective characteristic. Some may need an update in a couple of weeks, while others will enjoy a flawless look for a whole month.

It is better to entrust the correction to a specialist who has extended the eyelashes. Why? It's simple - the materials for the procedure must be identical to those used for the extension (brand manufacturer, material parameters, type of glue). Ignoring this rule, you run the risk of getting a low-quality service.

"Pros and cons"

In the list of advantages of correction:

  • financial benefit (usually the service is estimated at 70% of the cost of a full extension);
  • time savings (update is about an hour faster than re-build).

It is rational to correct the lash line if your new look is no more than 4 weeks old and at least 50% of artificial hairs have survived. Many clients mistakenly believe that if they managed to deliver 10 cilia for each eyelid, then the master is simply obliged to carry out the correction, and there can be no talk of re-building.

If you wear cilia for more than the recommended period, then the volume of fallen out, regrown, unaesthetic hairs is already significant - it will be much more difficult to put in order the ciliary row. In this case, professional lashmakers advise you to remove artificial eyelashes and build up again.

As a result of the correction, the ciliary row is again flawlessly even, neat and well-groomed. But more than 40% of the hairs preserved after the first extension will soon fall out, which means that you will have to enjoy the luxurious effect less (each next session must be repeated after 2-3 weeks). Therefore, re-building is often a priority. The procedure is also preferable from the point of view of hygiene - removing all artificial hairs, the master qualitatively cleans the space between the eyelashes from makeup residues and dirt. When up to 50% of the old extension remains on the eyelids, it is impossible to thoroughly rinse the area between the eyelashes.

To determine which of the options is right for you, only a qualified lashmaker who is able to correctly assess the condition of artificial and "native" hairs will help. After all, the real professionalism of the master is manifested in the ability to create an amazing expressive look without harming the health of the eyes and natural eyelashes.

By giving your eyelashes an expressive look, increasing their length and volume, adding artificial hairs, you want them to remain attractive for a long time. But due to a number of reasons and natural renewal hairs, this desire is impracticable. What then needs to be done? This will require eyelash correction, which we will talk about below.

General information about the procedure

What is eyelash correction and how often should it be corrected? Let's figure it out. Within a month, the process of natural hair renewal takes place, while they fall out or grow unevenly, which spoils the appearance. Hair does not always grow in the same way. They are divided by age into:

  • cannon, those that have just appeared;
  • averages that continue to rise;
  • adult long cilia.

In the process of extension, the master sticks false eyelashes to natural ones, which grow unevenly. The growth of your own eyelashes by half leads to the fact that the extensions become visible to others.

Correction of eyelash extensions is cosmetic procedure, in which the master removes artificial eyelashes from regrown natural eyelashes, and builds up new ones in their place.

Thanks to this procedure, you can restore the beauty, length and volume of your eyelashes. Professional procedure helps to maintain their appearance in excellent condition.

For your information. It is impossible to glue artificial eyelashes on the fluffy cilia, they will break under the weight of the enlarged ones. If you stick on medium hairs that are still growing, they will look sloppy.

There are two types of adjustments:

  • bunches;
  • eyelash.

As a result of the first type of correction, a bundle of overheads is glued to its own cilia, and in the second type, the overhead is glued to the base of its own.

What corrections does the makeup artist make when correcting hairs:

  • removes aesthetic imperfections;
  • corrects the shape and shape of the eyes;
  • provides the hair with a natural effect.

This procedure is harmless and painless. You can make the correction in the salon and at home.

What better correction or overgrowth? In terms of time, the correction is less than a complete eyelash extension, and in terms of price it is 60% of the cost of a full extension. How long does the procedure take? Approximate time the work of the master, if you do the correction of eyelashes, - one hour.

There are reasons for which, after the extension procedure, it is necessary to correct the shortcomings. These reasons include:

  1. Natural hair renewal. When your own eyelash falls out due to natural renewal, it pulls the false eyelash along with it. This deteriorates the appearance of the eyes;
  2. Improper care. If a woman does not take care of false hairs, they break;
  3. Change of style. If you want to change the style of your eyelash extensions and give your eyes a slightly different look.

This is a small list of reasons why correction is needed.

How to make a correction

How often can a correction be done? The first procedure is carried out seven days after the extension. This must be done in order to see the compatibility of materials and the reaction of the skin to the applied adhesive. All subsequent ones - once every two weeks. There are a number of factors that affect the frequency of the procedure. Its frequency is influenced by:

  • how correctly the makeup remover products were selected;
  • how fast their cilia grow;
  • what hair care;
  • type of build-up and quality of the materials used.

The eyelash correction should be carried out by the same master who carried out the extension. What is it for? Firstly, it is difficult to make a correction after another master. For this procedure, the materials must match those that the master used when building. In this situation, the following must match:

  • manufacturer;
  • hair thickness;
  • kind of glue.

If you do not adhere to this, then the work will be done poorly.

To work, you need the following tools:

  • special glue;
  • a brush designed for hairs;
  • overhead elements.

Before starting the procedure, your master will do some preparation. He will ask you a few questions about how you feel while wearing and how you care for your eyelashes. Then he will discuss further adjustments with you and tell you what changes he will make.

The next step in the work of the master will be a thorough combing of the hairs, removing the weak and unnecessary when creating a design. Then the specialist will clean and degrease each hair.

During the adjustment, the following situations may arise:

  1. During the procedure, it is difficult for a make-up artist to remove sebum and cosmetics in the space between the eyelashes, which can cause inflammation and eye diseases;
  2. False new hairs are attached at the base, and those that were before are five millimeters from them. For this reason, when the master twists them, they will spin in different sides;
  3. The glue has a shelf life, so its action can greatly affect hair breakdown.

Before you go to the procedure, make sure that it is not contraindicated for you, you do not have eye diseases, they are not watery or red.

It must be remembered that all manipulations with your own eyelashes, especially if used Chemical substance, harm hair follicle, as a result of which their condition worsens. In this case, periodically you need to take a break in building up so that the cilia are restored. To do this, it is necessary to completely remove the enlarged elements for at least a month.

How is eyelash correction done in the salon, and what is needed for this? Let's take a step-by-step look at the adjustment technology. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the master puts a special overlay under the lower hairs;
  2. Then an examination is carried out, which determines the total number of broken and damaged hairs;
  3. Using tweezers, gently remove damaged elements. This must be done carefully so as not to injure the skin of the eyelids;
  4. From the surface of his own adult eyelash, the master peels off the glue on which the applied elements were kept;
  5. After that, a new one is applied to the cleaned eyelash and fixed with glue;
  6. At the end of the procedure, the overlays are additionally attached with special glue.

If you make corrections regularly in due date, then you can keep the volume and beauty of the eyelashes for a long time.

How to care for your eyelashes while wearing

In order for the extended eyelashes to retain their beauty for a long time, certain rules must be followed after the procedure. What are these rules? To do this, you need to fulfill several conditions:

  1. Makeup must not be removed cotton balls... Cotton wool can remain on the extended hairs and worsen their appearance;
  2. You can't sleep on your stomach - sleeping in this position will break the artificial hairs;
  3. Do not expose hairs negative impacts such as heat and chemistry.

Care after removal

After a few treatments, rest your eyes. Your own eyelashes should grow back and gain strength. During the break, it is advisable to nourish the hairs with castor oil. Oil is applied to the cilia at night, as a result of which they become elastic, grow faster and stop breaking.

The roots of your hairs need to be strengthened with vitamin E, which stimulates their growth. You can also use it to heal hair almond oil or oil from grape seed... The skin of the eyelids is well toned by decoctions of chamomile, calendula and yarrow.

Also, recovery will help massotherapy around the eyelids, which improves blood circulation and hairs grow faster.

Let's take a look at the picture of how the eyelashes look before and after correction.

The adjustment you made should please you. Now you know how the correction is done. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to preserve the beauty of the eyelashes for a long time after extension and correction.


Correction of eyelash extensions is a monthly salon procedure, which is done to restore and maintain appearance. Experienced master restores at least 50% of hairs from their original volume. It is carried out regularly, since the lifespan natural eyelashes limited and it disappears along with the artificial one.

Build up and correct with one specialist. Each master has an individual set of cosmetics, materials, and for a worthy effect, it is desirable that they coincide by manufacturer and brand. Even the glue affects the quality of the correction, and the hairs should be of the same thickness.

With the help of a greasy-based composition, broken and overgrown parts are removed. New ones are glued in their place.

To make the build-up look natural, the bundles are pre-painted. This is true for beam extension.

With every procedure own hair damaged and weakened. Rest your eyes, do not use these services too often. Strongly thinns 3D eyelash correction. It must be used in case of noticeable thinning or when they are disheveled. Try different build-up effects.

The time for correcting eyelashes and full-fledged extensions from scratch is about the same. This is due to the complexity of the process.

Preparation takes more time: removing old material, combing, cleaning, degreasing. When correcting, it is difficult to clear the space between the eyelashes from the accumulated cosmetics and sebum, which are harmful to the health of the eyes. Their inflammation and disease may occur. Then perfect result it will not work for the reason that the new cilia are fixed almost at the base, and the old ones are three or five millimeters from it. Because of this, when scrolling, they can be directed in different directions. The action of the glue also affects the breakdown of the hair. He has a certain period service and suitability.

Types of correction

There are three types of correction depending on the quantity, length, thickness:

  • American.

Artificial hairs are used equal length, but more natural.

  • Japanese.

The hairs are individually attached from short to long, creating a fan-like effect.

  • Hollywood.
  • Volumetric beam.

The most common correction is eyelash correction. It differs from natural eyelashes length.

How often should the procedure be done

How long will it take to visit the master again, you ask? For well-groomed eyelashes it is recommended to correct them 2-3 weeks after application, and then it is advisable to carry it out once every one and a half months. The frequency of the procedure is influenced by:

  • the correct choice of means for make-up remover;
  • the growth rate of natural eyelashes;
  • thoroughness of care;
  • type of extension, quality of materials;
  • the quality of the material used;
  • characteristics of the body.

Eyelash life (cycle 90 days) takes place in three phases:

  1. Anagen - active growth(is 2-3 weeks).
  2. Catagen - rest (lasts 4-7 weeks).
  3. Telogen is rejection.

Loss is normal phenomenon... 3-5 cilia are lost per day. Tufts fall out faster than single hairs. Oily skin will accelerate the wear of the ciliary material, while dry skin will affect how often the correction needs to be done. Taking antibiotics, hormonal surges also lead to the rejection of extended cilia.

Rest your eyes after 2-3 corrections. Real eyelashes need to grow back and gain strength.

Recovery will take two weeks (it will take three to four months). Natural hairs need to be looked after. Castor oil strengthens the roots. Vitamin E stimulates the growth of native eyelashes. For healing, use almond and. Apply the products gently so as not to get into your eyes.

From the herbs of chamomile, yarrow, calendula, you can make an infusion that tonifies the skin of the eyelids, which is important for healthy eyelashes... Sometimes a therapeutic massage of the eyelid area is required for recovery, which increases blood circulation, accelerating the growth of eyelashes.

How to prolong the effect without correction

It is not difficult to take care of extended eyelashes. The main thing is not to wet your eyes for 24 hours after the procedure, and not to visit the pool or spa for 48 hours. You should also be careful with the sauna - at high temperatures there is a risk of losing the beauty of the eyelashes (the artificial bend is straightened).

It is not advisable to sleep with your face in the pillow. This leads to a break in the eyelashes, shortening the period of their wear. Mascara should only be on water based... It must be applied to the ends. It is better to completely abandon this, since the mascara makes them additionally heavier, reducing the service life. In addition, applied to the eyelashes, it simply sticks them together and gives an ugly look. Removing makeup after build-up is more difficult. For the remains of the mascara, you will need a product that does not contain oils and alcohol, which have a detrimental effect on the glue.

Putting yourself in order before summer vacation for colorful pictures and videos, we must not forget that artificial eyelashes are afraid of sea and chlorinated water. Fans of splashing will have to deny themselves this pleasure.

To avoid damaging hairs and causing infection, do not rub your eyes. Wash your face warm water, gently rinse your eyelash extensions.

Do not dry your eyes, but pat them dry with a clean paper or cotton towel. Avoiding tangling, you should comb the hairs several times a day, without touching the roots, so as not to pull them out with your family. Do not comb wet eyelashes. By following the rules, you can save most of the hairs and delay the correction.

Do not think that the extension procedure in any way speeds up the process of eyelash loss. In any case, a competently performed extension will not affect the state of your own cilia in any way. But falling out cannot be avoided. The fact is that normally the cilia live from 30 to 50 days, after which they die and fall out, thank God, not all at once, but in turn. Thus, after 3-4 weeks, on average, half of the cilia has time to fall out. And this is in the event that you did not hooligan)) and did not violate the rules of wearing. Otherwise, eyelash loss will be more active.

Rules for wearing eyelash extensions

  • Avoid contact with water for the first 24 hours. Wash your face gently so as not to wet your eyelashes.
  • Avoid mechanical stress. Do not rub your eyes or wear sleep masks.
  • Do not use mascara on your extended eyelashes. It can also damage them.
  • Avoid getting funds on oil based... Most face creams and oils are harmful to your eyelash extensions. They dissolve the glue.
  • Remove eyelashes only professional means from the master. Remove eyelash extensions conventional means impossible. This will damage your eyes and your eyelashes.
  • Take care of your lashes with a special brush. It is necessary to comb your eyelash extensions daily. Otherwise they get confused, quickly lose attractive view and drop out.

Correction or new build-up?

It is better to make this decision together with the master. She has to see how many cilia "survived", in what condition the remaining extended cilia are and if at least half of them are "cheerful and cheerful", then it can be limited to correction. As a rule, in 3-4 weeks after eyelash extension of any volume, correction can be made without problems. And again, as a rule, after 1.5-2 months, when several of the most “persistent tin soldiers", There is nothing to correct there. The remains by this time grow back and stick out so much that it is pointless to leave them.

In any case, the decision is always individual. For example, for clients with very oily skin, it is better not to make the correction at all. The fact is that the extended cilia cannot be washed with high quality and sebum and scales accumulate between them during wear. When the selection sebum goes very actively, then by the end of the first month too much organic matter accumulates and if the cilia are not removed and thoroughly washed, the whole thing can become infected and inflamed. In addition, blockage of the base of the follicles leads to premature death of young and full of strength eyelashes. Therefore, we recommend to such clients to bring the eyelashes for a month and a half and to re-grow.

Correction for correction

Some clients think that a correction can be done every three to four weeks. This is not true. Already with the second correction, a hygienic problem may arise, precisely because scales and fat, which have accumulated for two months by this time, can lead to inflammation. We do not make corrections to such clients.

How does the correction take place?

Let's dispel the biggest myth that has become entrenched among lashmaker clients that a correction is simplest process,
when the master only needs to add a few eyelashes where they fell off. This is not true. Where they fell off, it is no longer possible to glue, there is simply nothing. The extended eyelashes fall out along with their own when they become obsolete. And the master sees a motley picture of the eye, where several cilia have grown a little and stand out slightly in the crowd of others, a few more cilia (which were glued to the youngest and actively growing ones) have grown so that they can no longer be left, and a few more twisted, and look who where. And besides, over the past three weeks, new young eyelashes have grown, on which there are no extensions. After diagnosing and determining the "scale of the tragedy", you need to remove those that have grown too much or become crooked. This is a painstaking process, when the master with tweezers selects each "rejected" eyelash and applies a special gel to it. After five minutes, he removes the eyelashes, applies a degreaser, primer and re-builds the eyelashes where necessary.

Time? Money?

Despite the complexity of the procedure, the correction takes a little less time. Depending on the volume, you will save 15 to 30-45 minutes. At a cost, about a third of the cost of building. We charge 500 rubles for the correction less than the cost of increasing the same volume. Come, we will correct, and maybe we will re-grow your eyelashes)

In the process of eyelash extension, each artificial hair is fixed to its own. For a certain period of time, their own cilia grow and fall out. As a result, it turns out that artificial hairs become more rare and begin to stick out in different directions.

The correction procedure helps to restore its original appearance. How often do eyelash extensions need to be corrected? How does this happen and what types of correction are there?

How often should the correction be performed?

The active growth of own cilia lasts about 30 days. Throughout this period, artificial hairs gradually move from the eyelid along the eyelash growth line and over time begin to grow heavy and sag.

Experts recommend to carry out the correction procedure 3-4 weeks after the extension, but these terms may vary depending on the characteristics of the organism. Also, correction may be needed faster if the client violates the rules for wearing cilia, which are as follows:

  • During sleep, eyelashes should not come into contact with the pillow;
  • Can not use cosmetical tools with a greasy consistency and alcohol content (negatively affect the glue that fixes the cilia);
  • Exclude the first 2 days after the procedure exposure high temperatures(trips to the sauna);
  • Exclude mechanical stress in the form of rubbing the eyes, curling the eyelashes with a curler and similar devices.

In some cases artificial eyelashes may disappear due to the unprofessional carrying out of the extension procedure. Violation of these rules will lead to the fact that the correction will need to be carried out after a week.

How is the correction procedure

At the beginning of the procedure, the master applies to the eyelids special tool, which will help get rid of the glue and degrease the correction area. After that, too grown and broken off cilia are removed.

Then, one or several artificial ones are fixed to each mature natural cilium (the amount will depend on the chosen technology). The duration of the procedure is about 1-2 hours and is usually cheaper than the first extension.

When is it better to re-build instead of correction

Each subsequent correction procedure will be carried out in less time... If the first time it is possible to correct the extended eyelashes after a month, then the subsequent procedure may be needed after 3 weeks. And these terms will be constantly reduced.

Experts recommend to carry out the correction only 1-2 times. Then remove the artificial hairs and rest your eyes. During this time, your eyelashes will recover and the extension procedure can be repeated.