How to get rid of any disease yourself. Conspiracy to get rid of skin diseases. Real cases of possession

In words about centuries old traditions there is no mistake, no exaggeration: each of the healers, whose knowledge became the basis for this book, comes from an old family and has behind him not only own experience, but also the experience of their ancestors, often transmitted in the old fashioned way. Turn to the old Russian conspiracy, make it a part of your life and become happier! Many who are fascinated by healing magic know that there are several ways to get rid of a disease that does not go away for a long time. Experienced craftsmen can reduce the disease to an animal, leave it in a cemetery, or bring it to a tree.

How to reduce the disease to cattle

Wipe the patient with a new towel, and then wrap the bread in it and give it to the cattle. Feed her bread and wipe with a towel. The cattle will die, and the sick person will recover completely.

Gives health

This conspiracy for health is read in the bath. When they wash and rinse, they say three times: Dirt was washed away with a bath, health was obtained with a bath. Saint Paul, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, congratulate me on light steam, with health. Amen

So that they don’t bring their illness to you

You should be careful if a seriously ill person asks you to look at his wound, bump, and the like. Better not to! Perhaps the patient was taught how to reduce the disease to a healthy person. And if, out of ignorance, you still looked, save yourself with a reprimand, which is published below, otherwise the patient will recover, and you may get sick. Conspiracy Mistress Mother of God, I pray You, protect me as You protected Christ, Your Son. How You sheltered Him from malice, human, from illnesses and dangers. Pray Mother of God for my soul, for my bodily preservation, as You prayed for Your dear Son. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

How to remove the shortening of life

Sometimes an angry sorcerer can shorten the age of the whole family of his offender. Here is what Elena Stanislavovna Kirza said: “... In our family, everyone lives no more than thirty years. After the death of our parents, we children were taken in by relatives. Two of my brothers and sister have already died. I was left alone. I am already 29 years old. So, not long left. Because of this, I didn’t get married, I don’t want to produce orphans. I know how hard it is to live without a mother. And it all happened because my great-grandfather hit the son of a witch in front of everyone. Then that sorceress publicly tore off the head of the rooster with her hand, saying at the same time: “Isaiah, here the rooster has become a head shorter, so is your family ...” Unfortunately, I don’t remember exactly what words were there. A few days later, my great-grandfather died, and then, before he reached the age of thirty, so did his children. We all know about it, but others are reluctant to talk about it. Or they don’t say anything at all, so as not to end up in a vacuum.” Unfortunately, the woman who wrote to me does not know the name of the sorceress who shortened the whole family. To get rid of such a spell forever, you need to grow a rooster from a chicken in your own backyard. When the comb and beard are well developed on the rooster, and the tail is also spiked, chop off his head. The head should be cut off only by the one who raised this rooster. Do it on the first day of the full moon, at night Put a new headscarf on the block. Exactly at midnight, swing an ax, cut off the head of a rooster and say at the same time How more this rooster will never peck grain forever and ever, do not scream at the dawn of the morning, so my family will not know shortening from now on and forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Tie the head of the rooster in a scarf and bury it under a tree. Give the carcass of the rooster to the dogs.

Another way to remove shortening from the whole genus

The youngest in the family must collect the web underground, winding it around a candle. They go down to the underground with their backs and rise in the same way. They do this on November 20, on the day of the martyr Fedot (Fedot is one of the thirty-three saints who were beheaded on this day). When you get out of the underground, light a candle and read as follows. As 33 holy heads were removed on this day, so I remove shortening from all my kind. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Take your sickness to the crossroads

On the 13th of any month, make as many knots on a new rope as you know of illnesses. As you tie each knot, name one of your sores out loud. For example, a cyst (nodule), shortness of breath (nodule), hemorrhoids (nodule), etc. When you list all your diseases, count how many nodules came out. So much later, after the crossroads, you will have to light candles in the church about your health. When you arrive at the crossroads, burn the knotted rope there. But the intersection should be one where there is no traffic and very rarely people go. It is better if it is in a dense grove or further in the forest. Before you leave the crossroads, you need to say: Devils, little brothers, quick kids, come quickly, take my gift. You ride on my knots, and I have to stay without my sores. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Whoever does everything right, he will soon get rid of his sores.

To get rid of sickness

Get up at three in the morning, count your fingers and toes. The last to count is the ring finger on the left hand. At the same time say: How not ring finger name, so that there is no place in my body for sickness!
Let the disease go to the wind
If you have been sick for a long time, and relief does not come, go outside, stand facing the wind and say: I let you go, my misfortune, to where the wild gate is for the wind. You, sickness, get off me and go to the violent wind. Fly to the windy gates to live, be there in a high house, in a high tower. You live in a wind house, and I, (name), live without you - do not grieve. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to reduce your death to cattle or a dog

If a person is ill, and doctors cannot help him and there is no good healer nearby, then you can help yourself like this. The patient should kiss the cattle and say: Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss, gave our Lord to the cross, to His death, and I betray you with a kiss, and for myself I give you to certain death. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Usually, after that, the animal dies, but the person recovers and lives a long time.

What prayer to read before the operation

Angel of God, my guardian! The goodness of the Most High entrusted me to your care. You took care of me from my infancy, and in my unworthy behavior you never left me. Accept my tearful prayer, holy guardian angel, faithful, my protector! I confess my soul to you. Without being ashamed or cunning, I sincerely say: fear has penetrated into my bones, mine into my mind, fear is eating away at my soul. I crushed my will, the fear of death from a knife, a doctor. Angel, my guardian, ask the merciful God for mercy for me: deliverance from an unexpected and imminent death. And prolong my years of life with prayers for me. I am glad that I have you. You are both a shield and salvation, and deliverance is in danger, my guardian angel! Be with me forever and ever. Amen.
On the day of the operation, never say: "If I die..." The word "death" is forbidden to you. In no case do not utter swear words, do not curse anyone, do not wish bad to the offenders. For how can your Guardian Angel ask the Lord for a successful outcome of the operation for you, if you yourself wish someone to die. If possible, confess and ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended, in case you die, and your guardian angel will pray for you to the Lord. When preparing for an operation, one should not have pins and hairpins on oneself - this is a bad sign. For more information about prayers, see here in the selection of materials Prayers

Conspiracy how to reduce the disease to a straw doll

This is the most powerful and common method of healers and healers, which is used to cure any disease from a person. By choosing this magical way getting rid of the disease and transferring it to a doll made of dry straw does not suffer an animal or plant, moreover, the disease is not transferred to another person, these black methods of reducing the disease are used only by warlocks. With the help of a conspiracy to reduce the disease, you can transfer the disease to a straw doll; you can heal terminally ill people by reducing their illness to a straw effigy or a doll made of dry straw. Clothes sewn from the clothes of a sick person are put on the doll. Having prepared the doll to relieve the disease, you need to leave the house and put the doll on the ground and draw a circle around it. After completing this ritual, read the words of the conspiracy to reduce diseases and ailments from a person
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I remove the disease from the servant of God (name), I put it on the soul of straw, dress it up, I say: You, the idol of straw, take sickness upon yourself, And remove the pain from the servant of God (name). And my word will be strong, Lepko and tenacious to the idol. Key, lock, tongue Amen. Amen. Amen
Having finished reading the plot of transferring the disease to the doll without removing it from the circle, burn the straw effigy on which the disease was transferred and return home. The patient should be on the mend soon.

How to reduce diseases to an egg

To independently reduce the disease to an egg, take in left hand an egg just laid by a chicken and run it around the patient from head to toe: first in front and then behind. At the same time, in a whisper, repeat the words of the prayer conspiracy to reduce the disease and speedy recovery Have mercy, Lord, on Your servant (name), born of the Mother, baptized by the Church, blessed by me. Remove all his torments and illnesses from him with an egg, For this egg is given strength and joy Through the Resurrection of Your Easter And as people rejoice at a painted egg, So give the servant of God (name), Lord, Joy and health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Transferring the disease to the dog

From time immemorial, healers healed a seriously, terminally ill person with the help of this conspiracy and a dog. Actually, the disease itself was reduced to this animal, which, if everything is done correctly and your prayer is heard, should die. For treatment, men used the hair of a dog, women - females. The magical procedure is carried out during the waning moon; the wool must be burned and the plot read into ashes, which are then buried under the aspen.

“From under the black stone I call dark power,
dark power, a sinful thing,
melancholy, dryness, heart ache,
remove the twig from the slave (name) of death,
send to the dog.
Damn Satan, hooves, horns,
help me, your servant,
instead of a slave (the name of the patient), destroy the dog,
bury, turn back the clock of life. Amen".

After the ceremony, for three days you can not give anything from home.
I will add - a woman who is being treated should not have menstruation during treatment. The bitch that will be the ransom should not be in heat.

Transferring a disease to a tree or removing a curse cast through a volt

In order to please himself, the sorcerer stretches out the envoltation over time, and the person is ill for a long time before dying. To cure the sufferer, you need to do the following. Read two conspiracies, one for the sick, the second for a dry tree (you can find it in the forest, and in the city too). A day to read per person, a day per tree, and so on three times.
For a person

"The muscle of the great God is unshakable,
how do you not have a lie, and even who can read my 12 names,
will not be able to approach the servant of God (name). And my names are:
the first - Viashchenets, the second - Byasitsa, the third - Transfiguration,
the fourth - the Killer, the fifth - Elina, the sixth - Loving,
the seventh is Imarta, the eighth is Uria, the ninth is Izeda,
the tenth is Negriuschaya, the eleventh is Golyada, the twelfth is Nadukia.
And the Archangel Michael tells us: "I conjure you, accursed Satan,
Jesus Christ, son of Mary,
and Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious
and all holy prayers. Come out of the body of the servant of God (name). Amen".

For wood

"Root, leaves, branches, bark.
how you stand dry, so take it upon yourself
damage and curse of the servant of God (name).

Throw spoilage on a towel

The master can try to remove some types of damage from his customer in this way. The spoiled one bathes (in a bathhouse or in a bathroom, but not in a pond) and after that he is allowed to dry himself with a new white towel.
On the same day, but before 4 p.m., the master takes this towel to the cemetery and, having found a grave where a person with the same name as the sick one lies, ties this towel on a gravestone (or cross).
Having become "at the feet" of the deceased, the master reads the plot (three times):

"Take damage, take sins, remove evil and drive away all evil spirits from (the name of the corrupted one). How can you not rise from the grave, do not walk around the wide world, do not trample the ground with your feet, do not walk, so evil and damage to (person's name) do not to be, not to live, not to torment him (her). White light, there is no way back, there is no way for corruption and filth. Exactly!"

After that, the master puts on the grave the raw egg, an apple and a piece of black bread (the bread must be broken off, not cut off), and say "Thank you!".
After that, the master leaves without looking back.
On the same day, you can order a memorial service for a year to the deceased, on whose grave the master worked, and for a year of congratulations for the spoiled one.
Important: the most spoiled person in that cemetery should never be in his life!

How the disease is transferred to the jewel

There is such a way. You can transfer the disease not only to jewelry, but to almost any thing.
A certain amount is set aside from each earnings during the year. Must be stored separately. When they put in another money, they say: "This is for me to relieve such and such an illness."
At the end of the year, on the waning moon, they choose a day in the middle of the week, go to the store and buy a jewel (well, if it is with a small stone. All the money set aside for this must be spent on this purchase.)
The decoration is put on and worn until the evening.
After sunset, they pack the jewelry themselves and everything that was given with it in the store: checks, bags, labels ...
While packing, read:

"The disease is not in me and not on me - it has gone to (the name of the jewelry), it has taken away all the pain. Whoever takes (the name of the jewelry) for himself, that illness will take with him! So be it!"

They go to bed that night, shifting the pillow and turning their head over to where their legs usually lay. A package with a charmed decoration is placed at the feet, and in the morning before sunrise they carry it to a crossroads far from the house and leave it there, repeating the plot.
You need to sleep on the contrary for 2 weeks.

How to give up failures at the crossroads

Has it ever happened that you are constantly haunted by failures, bad luck?
Do you know what they can give away? Give it to someone greedy or ignorant.
Take note of the intersection first. They are different. There are those that are more like a fork. This one won't fit. You need to find an X-shaped intersection, a cruciform shape. It is better if the road at this intersection is earth, not asphalt.
Buy a new one expensive thing. You can, of course, take the one that you have already used.
Gold products are well suited, but I do not recommend using gold with stones, just gold is better. Can be taken mobile phone. The main thing is not to be stingy, forget about stinginess when performing this magical rite.
Put this item on the table. Place two wax candles to the left and right of it, preferably not church candles.
Light them up and read six times:

"Depart from me all the troubles and misfortunes!
Get out of me dryness, maeta, damned bad luck!
I take off from myself, on (the name of the expensive thing lying on the table) I pass it on.
May all my misfortunes and failures go away with this (name of thing)!
Who (name of thing) will take -
He'll take you all at once!"

You take the thing spoken six times, go to the crossroads and put it closer to the center of the crossroads.
Turn around, throw six coins of any denomination over your left shoulder (throw one coin at a time). When the coins are tossed, say:
Leave without looking back. Whoever picks up this little thing will pull over your failures and misfortunes.

Bringing sickness to stone

Take natural stone about the size of a fist. It is better to find it where few people go. Wash the stone thoroughly and leave to lie in a bowl of water overnight.

Apply a stone (keep it right hand) to the center of the forehead. This is where the second chakra is located. Imagine how energy of blue color comes out of the forehead and is absorbed into the stone, carrying the disease.

Leave the stone to lie in the bowl, after replacing the water.

Repeat the next day. Only this time you apply the stone to the jugular cavity (on the neck, where there is a depression under the Adam's apple). At the same time, imagine how a stream of energy comes out of the throat. blue color, transferring your ailment to the stone. Energy covers the throat and neck, and the stone, like a magnet, draws everything negative into itself.

On the third day, put the stone for 15 minutes in the center of the chest on chest cavity, imagining how streams of green energy come out of the trachea, lungs, heart and take away the ailments of these organs into stone.

Fourth day. The stone is placed on the navel. Imagine how energy comes from the liver, intestines, stomach, genitals orange color, transferring the ailments of these organs to the stone. It is very good when, at the end of this procedure, your sensations will allow you to imagine how the energy has cleared and turned yellow, not orange.

On the fifth day, the stone is applied to the coccyx. Red energy comes from the coccyx to the stone. With it, ailments of bones, skin, muscles pour from the body, lymphatic system, circulatory system.

Two hours after the final (fifth) procedure, make a fire. You throw a stone at it, and let it stay there until it glows red or yellow.

After that, you dig a stone into the ground to a depth of about 50 cm, and in the same place an aspen peg is driven into the ground.

A few remarks about this method of treatment.

While the procedures are ongoing, no one should pick up the stone, except for the person being treated.

Throwing a stone into a fire and burying it in the ground should be the person being treated himself or very close person, relative.

During treatment, it is important to refrain from eating meat, fish, broths, fatty sweets. It is imperative to outline the important things that a person will do when he is freed from the disease.

Resettlement of the disease in animal figures

7 figures of animals are molded from clay or wax. I prefer to sculpt cat figurines. It doesn't matter if you are good at it, but the main distinguishing features (paws, head, tail) must be present.

In the manufacture of each figurine, it is assigned the name of the patient. That is, having molded the figurine, the Master puts it in front of him on the table (well, if there is a burning wax candle on the table) and says:

“From now on, you are called (the name of the patient). Remember, your name is (name of the patient). From now on and forever you (the name of the patient)! You were born and you will die (name of the patient)! Truly!”

Doing every new figurine, it is placed in a row, thus creating a column of figures.

The patient, when the figures are ready, must touch each of them, starting with the first, standing in a row, with the ring, middle and index fingers of the leading hand (right-handed - right, left-handed - left). At this time, the Master visualizes the disease, which passes from the patient's fingers to the figures.

It usually happens that the largest portion of the disease goes to the first figure, then the disease goes away in a reduced concentration.

Then the Master slowly rearranges the figures on the floor in the same sequence in which they stood before the start of the session, visualizing how the person’s illness goes away along with the figures. The figurines should "go beyond" the threshold of the patient's dwelling.

Then the Master makes the figures “walk” another 7 (seven) steps.

After that, he takes each figure in turn and melts it on fire (of course, it is better to build a fire). At the same time, he constantly says:

“Disease, sit in (the name of the figurine) firmly, reliably, forever, but don’t touch (the name of the patient), don’t return to his house again! May it be so!"

The session is held immediately after sunset. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 sessions to heal. It is better to start treatment on the full moon. If you want to additional holding procedure, then it is carried out after 3 or 7 days. But in this case, the figures should be different, i.e. represent other animals.

From a hernia

Most often, a hernia is formed in men from heavy physical work.
Usually they read on sour cream, smear it in the place where the hernia is located, and give the rest of the sour cream to the cat or let the cat lick the sour cream from the sore spot. Thus they do three evenings in a row

"God help me,
God bless.
I go from home through all the doors,
Through all thresholds, through all gates.
I close the gate behind me
locks on I lock the doors,
I don't take my keys with me.
I'm walking the road, I'll turn off the road onto the path,
I turn off the path into an open field.
There are seven bushes, under those bushes there are seven cats,
Everything gray cats,
And under the seventh bush is a black cat.
Cat, cat, gnaw everything from the slave (name),
All twelve hernias:
I'm becoming a hernia, inguinal hernia,
Frontal hernia, elbow hernia,
Hernia of the eye, egg,
cardiac, subcardiac,
popliteal, spot,
I'll stain, black hernia, white hernia,
Yellow hernia, red hernia
And all the hernias that she said, which
did not say.
Zaesh, gnaw, so as not to gnaw,
didn't hurt
From this hour, from my mandate, from my plot.
From now on and forever and ever and ever. Amen".

Transferring spoilage to prosphora

On a holy holiday, bring a prosphora from the church. On it, almost touching your lips, read the plot. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.

“Be our horomina most holy, blessed,
Every hole, every chink,
With doors, with windows,
with salary logs,
Around our mansion there is a stone fence
With green thyme.
Who fenced this fence - the Angels of the Lord.
They will speak the servant of God (name) from corruption.
From a big trouble, from a coffin board,
from grave ground.
Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it,
Neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon.
Not on a candle, not on a needle, not near a cemetery.

Transfer of the disease to the plant (according to Mstislav)

A certain amount of "mummies" (for example, blood, sputum, saliva, pus) is taken from the patient, mixed with earth and put this earth into flower pot. 3 seeds (bulbs, tubers) of a plant are planted in this land, the planetary sign of which coincides with the sign of the disease. Then, when a sprout appears, several centimeters high, it is necessary:
1) burn if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or sputum;
2) throw into the river in all other cases.
After that, the disease should recede. It is advisable, before burning the plant, to attach it to the patient's body for half an hour.
Moons: Rheumatism, gout, dropsy, allergic cramps, cuts, festering wounds, disorders menstrual cycle, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, lichen, epilepsy, sleepwalking, depression, drunkenness.
Mars: ear, lung, liver, colds, hemorrhoids, sciatica, migraines, non-healing wounds, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene.
Mercury: diseases of the brain, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, causeless fears, delirium, dental, external ulcers, boils, acne, boils, fistulas.
Jupiter: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo and hypertension, tonsillitis, ocular, musculoskeletal, poisoning. Venuses: genitourinary, renal, venereal, sexual, onanism, sexual perversions.
Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic system, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, senile dementia, fractures, eczema, diseases that cannot be diagnosed.
Sun: burns (any), frostbite, severe infections, influenza, erysipelas, severe damage to the heart and eyes, paralysis (due to injuries and strokes), thermal and cold neurodermatitis, nervousness, fainting (heat strokes), endocrine, abnormal metabolism (including fullness).

Moons: aster, veronica, datura, iris, camellia, cabbage, coltsfoot, carrot, cucumber, sedum, purslane, lettuce, fuchsia.
Marsa: artichoke, basil, cilantro, nettle, leek, pepper, plantain, wormwood, radish, radish, rue, beetroot, horseradish, garlic, thistle. dahlia, sweet peas, clover, levkoy, daisy, forget-me-not, parsnip, tomato, mignonette, phlox, chicory.
Jupiter: swede, cornflower, jasmine, watercress, sesame, lemon, mint, dandelion, peony, wheat, rose, rosemary, violet.
Venus: marshmallow, bergenia, begonia, carnation, geranium, gladiolus, common peas, quinoa, squash, couch grass, tulip, yarrow, beans.
Saturn: aconite, pansies, wild rosemary, henbane, belladonna, delphinium, potatoes, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.
Suns: Adonis, calamus, aloe, verbena, hyacinth, gentian, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, marigold, sunflower, rye, field chamomile, garden chamomile, thyme, sage.
- It is not recommended to plant plants in the form of cuttings, tendrils or roots (with the exception of horseradish) for this procedure, since the plant may die, and this is dangerous for the patient. If the seed simply does not germinate, there is no such danger.
- Sometimes the disease cannot be unambiguously attributed to a particular planet. For example, viral hepatitis, on the one hand, is a disease of the liver (Mars), and on the other, infectious disease(The sun). In such cases, both plants should be used, but planted in different pots definitely on the same day.
During the ceremony: both planting a plant and burning (throwing into flowing water) a sprout, your clothes: dark (black), all buttons are fastened, hair is collected, there are no metal jewelry.

From the disease, to transfer it to the animal through food

Take food (grain, meat or bread), light a candle and, holding it over food, read the plot three times:

“I will get up blessed, I will go out crossing myself,
I will go to the road, I will shout to God
You are the Lord Almighty, the all-healer, the all-bearer,
Tell Malanya the bone-biter, Agafya the lihoman,
Let them come out of the body, from the bones, from the blood and mucus
Servant of God (name), may they enter the grain (meat, bread).
How Jesus chased demons at his word,
So, according to my word, so be it. Amen".

Then during the day you need to feed the animal with this food. It should be noted that the animal must be of the same sex as the patient.

Keep 3 days of fasting and then hex on drinking.

Solomon, Peter, Jacob walked along the roads, they found three diseases, the first is the fire of the inside, the second is an ulcer of the body, the third is sick bile. The trinity took a sharp sword, cut, chopped diseases, healed. Take, Solomon, Peter, Jacob, and the disease of the slave (name). Amen.

Read the water plot and wash your hands with it, and then touch the patient’s body, his head and spine with your hands, reading the plot again:

Mother river water You wash the shores, you wash the yellow sand, you wash the stone, you destroy the mountains. Wash away from the servant of God (name) all pain, all suffering, damage, fear, stuttering, mug, hernia, evil eye (to name the disease of the sufferer) and leave, mother river, the servant of God (name) alone.

A bird flies over the seas, a beast runs into the forests, a tree into a tree, mother earth into its mother earth, iron into its mother ore. The black sickness would run into its tartararas, into the pitch darkness, it would run, it would not return back. So the servant of God (name) would be alive and well. And let the black sickness submit to my speeches. Birds will peck at you, tear at a hungry beast, winds will ruffle you, but you won’t spoil a man. Amen.

Take the sufferer three times at dawn to the threshold of the house, look at the water in the bucket yourself and speak a conspiracy. Then wash the patient with charmed water, splash it on your feet and pour the rest on the road.

Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden, deliver the servant of God (name) from pain, from illness, from flour, from ache, from evil fever, heavy pull, from Marya Herodovna, from all twelve shaking girls, so that legs and arms, all white the body of the servant of God (name) did not hurt, did not sweat, did not become numb from bad blood. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Remember where and under what circumstances you first felt ill (the onset of the disease on physical level), and perform the ritual of farewell to the disease. Repeat the ritual for three evenings in a row (at the evening dawn). It consists in the following: bow low to that place three times, each time saying:

Holy place, forgive me for Christ's sake.

Then read the Trisagion and return home. Before entering the house, bow to the threshold.

At midnight, after reading “Our Father”, you (if the sick person is a man and can no longer walk, then the son goes, instead of the mother - the daughter) go to the place where you first felt unwell. After leaving the gate, bow low three times on all four sides. Along the way, bow to all four sides three times at each intersection. When you arrive, bow again, kneel, kiss the ground and say:

Mother of the damp earth, forgive me, God's servant (name), cursed, that he stepped on you with an unclean foot and thereby offended you. Forgive me, forgive me mother earth.

Read at sunset a conspiracy over the head of the patient three times on all days of the waning moon.

Lord Almighty, doctor of the souls and bodies of the humble, heal the (name) of the infirm, visit with Your mercy (name), forgive the slave (name). Give healing from enmity and restore him from the bed of weakness, put away from him every ulcer, every wound, every fire and shaking. And if there is sin, lawlessness in him, then forgive me for the sake of Your philanthropy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read in the wind inclement weather, after sunset.

I, the servant of God (name), speak twelve mournful ailments from the servant of God (name), from shaking, from thorns, from lumbago, from fire, from pruritus, from hunks, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from deafness, from blindness and from black sickness.

You, evil shaking, calm down, otherwise I will send you to hell!

You worthless thorn, calm down, otherwise I will bury you in the ground!

You, backache, calm down, otherwise I will cover you with icy ice!

You, hunk, calm down, otherwise I will smear you with a terrible potion!

You, stabbing, stop, otherwise I will split you into small chips!

You jerk, stop, otherwise I'll drown you!

You blink, go away, otherwise I'll dry you up in a hot bath!

You, blindness, go away, otherwise I will pierce you with arrows!

You, deafness, perish, otherwise I will bury you in the wall and cover you with tar pitch!

You, black sickness, perish, otherwise I will rot you in marshy swamps-charus!

All ailments, evil writhes, all evil spirits, perish in the underworld, give up the slave (name) to this day, to this minute and forever and ever. Amen. My words are strong and formidable, what I say, I do, and whoever does not listen to me is in trouble!

If suddenly a thunderstorm occurs in winter, collect snow that day, melt it and speak the resulting water. With this water, wash the hands, chest and legs of the patient, reading the plot:

Thunder, you don’t need to shoot, scare with lightning, go, heavenly forces, on sore veins, on the body, on the face, on the inside, on the egg, on the bones, on the fat, on the liver, on the spleen. And blue, and red, and white, and yellow - for the entire skeleton of man, from now on and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Stand in the thick of the fog, name 7 names of the blood dead and read the plot:

I have come to give what you must take (name the disease). Amen. Amen. Amen.

When you hear sounds or a shout, do not look back and do not return to the place where the plot was read.

Speak half a liter of spring water either at sunrise or immediately after sunset (all rituals are for the waning moon). Drink three sips daily.

A sick slave, not sleeping at night, will kneel, ask for deliverance. You, pain-pain, get away from my doorstep, go further on the road. From whom the disease came, return to that. So that the guilty person could not, did not eat, did not drink, did not sleep. Let the one guilty of corruption suffer vehemently, from now on and forever to the servant of God (name) will lose the power of the word. Amen.

Speak the last snow at night, when the snow begins to melt in the container in which you collected it during the day.

The cold fell, disappeared in the fire, so my illness-infirmity would disappear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. This water should be poured over at dawn, after reading the Trisagion.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.(repeat three times with sign of the cross and a bow.) Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Cut the loaf of bread into 12 equal pieces. Spread them on the table and sprinkle a pinch of salt around each piece. Then read the plot 12 times and cross the bread three times. Gently place all pieces of bread in paper bag(be careful not to get moldy!). Give the patient a piece 3 times a day and make sure that he eats every piece to the last crumb.

12 sisters came, sat down at the oak table on 12 chairs, prayed 12 times, thanking the Lord God for bread and salt. They bit in silence from 12 plates 12 slices, got up from the table, left on 12 sides. Whoever eats those pieces, let the sickness from the servant of God (name) pass on to him. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Give the sick person to drink 40 sips of warm milk and before each sip say out loud one name of the spirits:

Agnel, Lobu, Sof, Allaliu, Iravi, Sakhna, Avalanche, Ruth, Gail, Zahi, Shufi, Nazi, Ram, Oki, Zharlo, Trench, Narmazi, Lafi, Lancer, Omazi, Iiya, Naali, Sutuzi, Soteli, Bones, Fur, Zamami, Oosa, Kototi, Steps, Hota, Lof, Lagomts, Raoza, Hutzia, Shari, Mahgari, Noh, Yusuf, Alovi.

Repeat the ritual three times.

Order a prayer service in the church for the health of the patient. Distribute 40 alms and light 12 candles for three nights. On the 4th day, let the patient eat a piece of incense, saying to yourself:

Not the white shroud.

Order a prayer service to the saint whose name is the sufferer, put three candles to the icon with the name of the patient (or to the icon of the Savior, if there is no personalized icon), read this prayer to this saint. Upon returning home for 7 days, at sunrise, read with a lit church candles at the head of the patient "Our Father".

Be sure to read the plot loudly, without hesitation, without being distracted by anything.

Heavenly angels, holy angels, take to the Lord God Jesus Christ all my words, all my request. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die. Who considered these diseases, who caught up with these diseases? Get up, sick people, shake yourself, go and descend into hell. Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name), so that his soul rises, and the body stops hurting. Bless, Lord, all my words and all my healing deeds, and what I missed, missed, the angel will tell for me. Lord, order the servant of God (name) to be healthy, not sick! Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Stay alone with the sick person. Light 12 candles. Pour water into three glasses. Read the plot and let the sufferer drink a sip from each glass.

Magdalena wept, mother Mary wept, the demon rejoiced, and Jesus was risen! God help me! Lift the slave (name) from the grave. Give joy to us, your slaves. Amen.

The patient must bake 12 loaves. Make a slander on bread and take it to church or give it to the poor.

The steppe river runs, an aspen bridge stands across the river, an old man walks along the bridge, carries a golden dish. Bread and salt on a golden platter. Take away, old man, from a sick person, distribute it at once to all four sides. Let the black crows peck at this disease. To whom is bread, and to the slave (name) health. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Collect a white, parchment-thin skin from a birch, wrap it in a tube at 3 a.m. with a slander, while adding 3 pinches of salt, 3 pinches of wood ash, 3 pinches of crushed eggshells from eggs cooked on Easter to the potion. Fill everything with holy water and let the sick person drink:

As on Bright Sunday Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so the servant of God (name) is granted deliverance and healing. Amen.

The patient should go to the field where there is a single tree, take off his undershirt, hang it on the bough of the tree, cross himself three times and go around the tree three times with the words of the conspiracy. After that, eat some earth. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.

I go three times, I pray three times, I cross myself with my finger, I heal myself with the earth. Mother earth is damp, Jesus Christ walked on you, healed people. Heal me too, servant of God (name). Amen.

Read three times the plot over the aspen bark, then rub it sore spot and put under the pillow for three days, after this time, burn the bark at the stake.

The Lord created the heavens and the earth and the whole universe. Most Holy Theotokos, cover the servant of God (name) with your holy veil and imperishable robe, deliver him from any disease: from the throat and from the chest, from dry and from wet, from wind and from bone, from the vein and from the vein, from the oncoming and from transverse. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To restore health, there is a proven technique! Learn how to get rid of diseases in just a few hours!

Illnesses can be very different, but they are all associated with a violation of the circulation of energy in the body¹.

Is there enough simple technique healing based on working with energy. It allows you to cure any disease in just one evening.

The only thing needed for practice is the skill of concentration.

How to get rid of diseases? A powerful technique for restoring health!

1. In order to get rid of illnesses, a practitioner sits facing east in the evening and begins to gaze with concentration into his own body with his mind's eye. It is very important to remain alone during the practice, so that no one and nothing distracts from the inner work.

2. Concentrating on your internal organs, at the site of the disease, a person tries to mentally imagine himself from the inside. He looks inside himself until he sees his disease.

3. At first it may appear as a dark spot, but as you concentrate, it becomes more and more distinct, takes shape. How longer practitioner will peer into the disease, the denser its black figure will be.

4. Looking at this figure, the practitioner over time will begin to notice that the figure will begin to lighten, and gradually acquire a white color.

5. Then, continuing to peer into the image of the disease, the practitioner will notice that the white figure will become glassy, ​​and then evaporate into space.

6. As soon as this happens, the practitioner can go to bed, in the morning he will wake up healthy.


If you often wonder: “How to get rid of diseases?” and want to use this technique, you need to know the following:

During such treatment, it is necessary to focus all your attention on the image of the disease. This practice takes at least 3 hours, but done correctly, it gives amazing results.

To immerse yourself in yourself and fully concentrate will help the mental utterance of the Buddhist mantra² “NARKHIA-GIARMIYATOSH-ADIBUDDA-THARIRUPA”.

Nina Khokhlova

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Mantra is a sacred text in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring the exact reproduction of the sounds that make it up (

What needs to be done in order to get rid of any disease yourself?

First. You need to make sure, believe that this is possible.

Although no one can say to what extent this case faith helps healing. Since the cause of the disease is eliminated, it is natural that the disease also goes away. Faith can play a role in terms of whether a person will work to eliminate the cause of the disease himself or will believe that someone should cure him.
There is one point on which it depends whether a person will try to get rid of the disease himself, or will consider that someone should cure him - this is the level of human development. People at a low level will definitely believe that someone should cure them - a “specialist”, or a folk healer, or a psychic. As long as someone is treating a person, especially if this someone makes money on him, it is difficult to become healthy.

Why does a person get sick? Because his connection with the Universe, or his "living space" - very little is open. He receives less energy, his strength is insufficient for the full functioning of his body. A person has no strength, no mood, no health, he has apathy, etc. recovery, healing, high quality life comes when the energy flows are restored.

There is simple truths which is important for everyone to know.
1. Each person has enough opportunities to get rid of almost any disease himself.
2. There are no incurable diseases.
3. A person is what he eats, he has bad karma, he “does not get out of sores” - this is true if he does nothing, and this is not true if he works on himself.
4. There is a way to prevent all diseases in general: you need to get rid of false thoughts and not do evil - then there will be no diseases.

We live in abundant universe, and good health and well-being, a good relationship with other people is the norm. Cosmic energies give people everything for a prosperous life, and they, like light from the Sun, constantly and in their entirety go to each person without exception. But how the obstacle closes sunlight, and different kind human mistakes block the energy flows going to him, and he gets sick, or he has problems. Having learned the cause of the disease, you can eliminate it - then the disease goes away and does not return. This spiritual healing different from other methods of treatment, healing. For people who work on themselves, even for a small step towards truth, towards goodness, towards the light, great help comes from above, which also extends to all his relatives, descendants, and it is hardly reasonable not to use it.
Spiritual healing is most effective now and will be the only one in the future. The meeting place can be changed!

It is said that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. But there are hundreds of diseases, which one would you like to prevent? There is a way to prevent all diseases and all problems in general, up to the prevention of asteroids from space, or at least significantly reduce their severity. To do this, you need to live in harmony with the Universe, and if the harmony is broken, then it needs to be restored - and live happily ever after. Space is not a lifeless space, it is not hostile to man, everything that happens in nature and in society depends on man.

People believe that they got sick because they got infected, caught a cold, that it is the planets that have such an influence, they refer to age - and so on. All this is true only if the person has the appropriate negative energies. The above circumstances are not the root cause of diseases. Causes only work if there is something in people that diseases can catch on to. In the physical world, plus is attracted to minus; in the spiritual world, like is attracted to like. Blaming circumstances or other people for your illnesses is a road to nowhere, and it means that you have to be treated all your life.

All our illnesses begin with a misconception about our life and selfishness, fear (of getting sick, dying, etc.), envy, resentment, condemnation, etc. based on this ignorance. Illnesses and failures are not a punishment for sins, they are a manifestation of the law of cause and effect, which, in an approximate version, can be considered as the law of karma. Our idea of ​​the world is correct in some ways, erroneous in others, and in accordance with the mistakes - we do the right thing somewhere, somewhere we don’t in the best way. Our mistakes made in thoughts, words and deeds accumulate and form negative thought forms in the subtle bodies of a person, in his field. Negative emotions are upsetting energy balance subtle bodies of a person, and he develops pains and illnesses. And the elimination of the causes leads to the fact that the disease disappears. What is called a miracle is not a violation of the laws of nature, it is their restoration.

The supernatural is the natural, not yet achieved by us(Sri Aurobindo).

The most big illusion- if a person is limited by something(Robert Monroe). The story of love healing (oncology)

There are ways to treat almost all diseases, ranging from traditional medicine, oriental medicine, healers, shamans and others. Not all of them are equal. It is known that many healers themselves have more than serious problems due to incorrectly applied abilities in practice: Superpowers: a gift or a curse?

And there is no such information about spiritual healers that someone would have problems. On the contrary, they themselves experience healing, various problems are solved.

What is the possibility of getting rid of all diseases in general? There is no mystery here at all. The beginning of all people's problems without exception is ignorance, fear, selfishness and laziness. " Main mistake people that they consider themselves outside of Being. This results in a lack of cooperation.” “Let people learn to banish many petty lies from life and learn to apply the truth to life. Nothing is so destructive as a conscious, harmful perversion of reality; it breaks the rhythm of the Cosmos” (Agni Yoga. HIERARCHY OF SPIRIT, 99, 332).
“To the one who fulfills the Heavenly Laws of the Gods, Mother Nature grants vitality, and the Heavenly Gods will grant the Family its happiness in the heart and wealth in children. “You live according to the laws of RITA and according to the laws of the God of the Sort - the Creator of the One, because all the Worlds and Earths, in all Universes, live according to these laws.” “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that nothing ever happens to a person on Midgard-Earth by chance, for chance is a pattern determined by Fate and God's Laws” (Slavic-Aryan Vedas).
“...neither in this world, nor in the next there is no death for him; for he who does good will never go on the path of sorrow, O My friend ”(Bhagavad-Gita, ch. 6, 40).
“A man consists of his thoughts: as thoughts are, so is he” (Bhagavad Gita).

A person who does this is under the FULL PROTECTION of the Cosmos and its energies. He will never get sick, and no one can harm such a person. Also under full protection there is a person who strives for perfection.
Castaneda asks don Juan what is the use of this knowledge if a sniper hides somewhere in the bushes and kills you? To which don Juan replied that he simply would not be in this place. Only those who, having bad karma, continue to make mistakes and show carelessness in their personal lives, get into accidents and various troubles. Well, and more - it also depends on the level of the person - more high levels people are given more challenging tasks, which means that those mistakes that are forgiven to people at a low level are not forgiven at a higher one.

The Lord saves both believers and non-believers, and those who want salvation, and those who do not want, but only those who want salvation - saves with tears of repentance, and those who do not want it - with tears of illness, sorrow and loss“.
And one more thing - it is important: those who want salvation - saves easier and faster, those who do not want it - more difficult and longer. Isn't it easier to get rid of mistakes, root, mental poisons in oneself, which can cause problems. Having negative thoughts over and over again is like drinking dirty water, after a while it will make a person sick.

If a person has pain, then it often seems indifferent to him how to get rid of it. But in fact, what do you want - to be treated, treated and treated, or to be cured? There are many methods, ways, techniques of treatment, healing, they are not equivalent. It is better to get rid of the disease so that it does not return: Healers and Levels of Healing

“People have died, and they are punished in accordance with how they lived their lives on earth, and the greatest punishment is given to the doctor. The doctor asks why? And they answer him: diseases are sent to people so that they do not sin, and you prevented them from understanding this.
This is manifested in the fact that doctors live 15-20 years less than their patients.
Alekseev A.A., Larionova I.S., Dudina N.A. Doctors are hostages of death.
Wallock K. Dead Doctors Don't Lie.
Gennady Mir, “Why Doctors Live 15-20 Years Less Than Patients“.

Why you need to forgive everyone and not hold a grudge against anyone: Unforgiving ourselves and other people physically destroys our body and creates a negative future “I WILL NOT FORGIVE” - a fairy tale from Elfiki

There should be no doubt about the justice of the World and existing laws. These laws are as real as the laws we know physical world. They are even more real, they are stronger than the laws of the physical world, and if necessary, cancel them. So Jesus said: if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain, move from here to there, it will be so, and nothing is impossible for you.
And if there are doubts about success, then they are not based on anything and they must be abandoned, for example, to say: “these are not my thoughts”, “I don’t think so”. Healing - even complete - is real. The thought of man is the most great power in the Universe. Do not let negative thoughts manage you.

Will is what makes you win when your thoughts tell you that you are defeated“(Carlos Castaneda, “A Separate Reality”).

« Great victory that mankind knows
Victory is not over death, and believe, not over fate,
You were given a point by the judge that judges the court of heaven,
One victory only - victory over yourself
"(Omar Khayyam).

It is necessary to add that this information is not medical, but healing in nature. This means that it does not override other treatments, especially on initial stage. In the end, the person himself decides which way to be treated, but it is better to additionally use other methods to help. Usually recovery in this way comes much faster.

Second. Spiritual and physical causes of diseases

There are studies by various practitioners who conclude that certain illnesses correspond to certain thinking errors. For example, V. Sinelnikov writes about such a formidable disease, from the point of view of a frightened layman, as cancer.

TUMORS, CANCER. “People have such a stereotype of thinking that cancer is incurable. And when doctors inform the patient or relatives similar diagnosis, then for many it sounds like a sentence. But do not despair. As the wisdom says: "There are no incurable diseases, there are incurable patients." Tumors form when you keep old resentments and shocks in your soul. You constantly “scroll” them in your head, cherish, accumulate them in a certain place of your body. I found that complete disposal of old grievances completely cures any tumor. There is another reason for the appearance of tumors - this is an increasing and increasing feeling of hostility towards the world, towards oneself, towards people. There is a certainty that "life will not bring anything good." This is an old, hidden resentment, anger and anger, hatred and a desire for revenge, which literally "devour" the body. This is a deep subconscious, spiritual non-healing wound. This is a strong and far-reaching internal conflict with oneself and with the outside world. Many people are now infected with a cancerous worldview. That is why mortality from malignant tumors statistically ranked second. Such people are ready to destroy the world in which they live, for its seeming imperfection. They despise, take offense, hate and take revenge, while mentally destroying the world, Universe. People with a cancerous worldview simply do not understand that the world around them is their world. And by generating destructive thoughts, they destroy themselves.
I deeply believe that the Universe is very harmonious, fair and perfect. Because it works universal law: "Everyone is rewarded according to his faith, according to his thoughts." People must understand that it is not the Universe that is imperfect, but their worldview, that is, not the world itself, but their model of the world “.

Everyone is rewarded according to his deeds and words and even thoughts, but not so primitively - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. None of the people work out their karma completely, even the most stubborn ones. And this is the reason why one should not be offended by fate, by the world, considering it unfair, by people who create problems, and so on.

Below are links to the Tables "Spiritual and Physical Causes of Diseases" compiled by various authors, practicing healers. They are similar in some ways, different in some ways. It is better to look through them all and write out for yourself what concerns a particular disease. The more errors are identified, the faster and easier the work to eliminate them will be done and the faster the disease will go away.
Metaphysical Reasons diseases 1
Metaphysical Causes of Disease 2
Metaphysical Causes of Disease 3 Spiritual and physical causes of diseases. A large selection of articles on the Spiritual and Physical Causes of Disease and Spiritual Healing.

Third. Eliminate the cause of the disease

Despondency, resentment, despair, fear, hatred for someone and others - almost every person commits. And in accordance with them - everyone has their own sores. It would be good for everyone, having mentally gone through his life from childhood to the present, to remember when he made mistakes that led to the disease, and ask, at least mentally, for forgiveness from those people in relation to whom they were committed. Quote: "… through forgiveness you can stop the wheel of karma. If you have really changed and are not going to follow your past behavior and you have gone through the process of forgiveness, then it is no longer a problem for you “.

It can be said that the time has come to separate the wheat from the chaff, when low energies and structures in our consciousness dissolve, harmonize and do not create problems for us in the future.

"Emotion is a compressed thought." If the thought manifests itself many times and long time, it becomes an emotion. Problems are rooted in thinking, on the physical level they appear later. “Sow a deed, you reap a habit, sow a habit, you reap a character, sow a character, you reap a destiny.”
To be healed means to become whole. It's like awakening from a dream, and then you will clearly see right ways problem solution. This is primarily the ability to forgive other people who seem to create trouble. This is the path to freedom and harmony of spirit, soul and body. It is important to stop being offended and judging yourself and others. Nice words: "I will forgive even that which is not worth forgiving." Well, right, why keep such a stone in your soul, carry such a load in yourself that creates so many problems, starting with headaches and insomnia. It is unforgiveness, condemnation and resentment that create problems for people to the greatest extent, blocking the connection with the higher reality.

This is important for parents. Expressions (which in fact are delusions, programs) like “I can’t stand them”, “they got me” and others. Mistakes - such as hostility, condemnation, resentment, irritability, discontent - are the main ones. It would be nice to make it so that, having mentally passed, remember when you had hostility, condemnation, resentment and other negative feelings towards them, and for each case mentally ask for their forgiveness. And in the future, try to control such emotions in order to prevent them, or reduce their strength.
Why is it not necessary to be offended even by the worst, from the point of view of children, parents? People who believe that they do not deserve those insults do not know who they themselves were in previous lives. And one more thing - it was these parents that the soul chose before incarnation, in order to work out its negative experience and learn to forgive.
Resentment should be remembered those cases where you were offended, and those where you offended someone. Don't be afraid to say to yourself: enough is enough, I don't want to continue living and thinking in the old energies that do nothing but create problems.

How negative energies are removed

If you notice judgmental and selfish thoughts in yourself, then it is important to deal with them and let them go. There is no need to carry your dark parts stored in the depths of your consciousness, to keep them in yourself. They are only on the surface, like your habits, and under their shadow lies your deepest love and pure peacefulness. It will show up over and over and then become your new a better life. Don't get discouraged. Let sorrows both come and go, not lingering in your field.

Love as a state / Lazarev S.N.

“I explained to people: if you went in the right direction, sooner or later you will help your children and grandchildren. But only information that is very important and supported by hundreds of aspirations in this direction passes to such deep levels. In order for your emotion to reach children and grandchildren, it must gain significant inertia. Momentary emotions do not penetrate such levels. Somehow a simple thought came to my mind. If you help yourself to increase the inertia of love, then the souls of descendants can be cleansed much faster. And now I tell people: if you want to help your children and grandchildren, you need to remove everything that interferes with love. When you turn to God, ask that your children never renounce love, never suppress this feeling, never discredit it. Ask that they may maintain a sense of love for God as their lives, their desires, their destiny fall apart. Pray that they always and in everything see the Divine will and know how to forgive others and themselves.

To help posterity, you need to remove at least 5 forms of aggression towards love:

1. The slightest claims to parents, starting from childhood.
2. Hundreds of times go through all the moments of resentment against loved ones and loved ones, forgive them, especially during puberty, first love, the period of creating a family and the birth of children.
3. Dissatisfaction with oneself, despondency, unwillingness to live. For women, such a program primarily affects children and grandchildren. Forgiving yourself is often harder than forgiving someone else.
4. All regrets about the past.
5. Any fears and worries about the future.

If you have any of these five points left, you will work, but there will be practically no results. In order to forgive the human, one must feel the Divine in oneself and proceed from it; in order to feel the Divine in oneself, one must learn not to renounce love, not to suppress it, and in every situation to take care, first of all, of preserving love, and then of everything else.

It is very important to know that you are going through this cleansing process for the last time. In fact, if you were now given a choice: do nothing now, live as you always lived - but your subsequent fate is unknown. Or work - a little! - now, thoughts are easiest to change, but through a short time after that, life awaits you at a much higher level, the transition to which is now taking place. Yes, some already live like this, others are following them. Undoubtedly, it is better to proceed according to the second scenario. The Golden Age begins with Disclosure

As a rule, after the work done, liberation from resentment, condemnation, hatred and contempt, the situation around a person changes, there is less negativity and more positive. This is a consequence of the arrival of new energies. You will be surprised at the changes that are taking place, you will want to leave behind the dream world forever, which was a nightmare compared to what awaits you. It is not superfluous to repeat that this is all the more important to do that for the slightest effort of a person in this regard, he gets a lot of help.
Positive energies are very important right now. Information has been going on for a long time, not even the first year - that it is very important to get rid of negativity in oneself, first of all from resentment and from condemnation of relatives and fate. This year, this information began to be repeated much more often, and from different sources - about the importance of this.
There is such a guarantee that there will be no big wars, excesses, and the main problems have already been resolved. Karmic reasons can be stopped at any time by the supreme power that controls the fate of mankind. It is very important to resist negative thoughts by adding your Love/Power/Light to the world. In the New Age, there will be no wars, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism and other negative phenomena on the Planet that prevent us from living happily. It remains to undergo a small cleaning - the last, and it is very important to do it.

It happens and so, we know from experience. When people have a problem, their thoughts work differently, and they are “ready for anything.” But now the problem is gone, everything returns to normal, the same mistakes that led to the problem begin to be made again, and the problem itself can, to some extent, return. To prevent this from happening, you need to “look” at the reasons from time to time and monitor your thinking. "I let you help me." A few words that can heal any disease.

People see themselves as people trying to be spiritual. It's time to look at yourself right - as spiritual beings having a human experience.
The 3D world, with all its concepts and beliefs based on duality and separation, is actually the lowest rung of a very high ladder. Most of humanity, seeing only this world, is afraid to climb this step, not realizing that there are an infinite number of stairs leading to new and wonderful places.
Love is the energy that binds everything within the One Whole. The energies of higher dimensions are the energies of Love, unity and wholeness. This is Ascension, or rather Transformation, but in order to resonate with higher frequencies - everything that still resonates with lower frequencies must come to the surface in order to be seen and cleared. The world will change and we will all change.

Ritual of apology

Having understood, even if not completely, that people themselves are to blame for their troubles, you need to try to remove negative energies from yourself, as far as possible. These are fear, resentment, despair, disbelief, contempt, condemnation - these are the main mistakes, character traits that have become the cause and which must be eliminated. common in cases severe conditions there is resentment against fate, against people. Which is not entirely fair, because a person's fate is never worse than he deserves.

“When the cause of the disease is found, you need to think about your behavior in the future. Having found a new form of behavior without violating the natural law, it is necessary to lay it on the subconscious in reflection, in meditation. To do this, you need to imagine yourself in situations similar to the one where the violation was made, and mentally act in a new way. It would be nice to work out 10-15 situations, and the more varied they are, the better.

Then do the following:
Call mentally the face of the person in relation to whom there was a violation.
Greet him and thank him for science.
Tell him what law you broke.
Show that in the future you will act differently, that you have worked out the law.
Sincerely ask for an apology, without hiding in your soul anger or resentment against him.

Illness is something that knocks a person out of the rut of life. Minor diseases incapacitate for a short time and do not have serious consequences, but serious diseases exhaust not only physically, but also mentally.

If you cannot cope with the disease with medication and believe that you can defeat it through magic, try reading a conspiracy to get rid of diseases, perhaps this is how you will reprimand your disease and it will come to naught.

Heal with love and the power of the word! Be healthy.

reprimand disease

A T-shirt of a sick person is taken, in which he slept without being erased, and rushes into the forest or field. At the time of the ceremony, no one should be around. A conspiracy against the disease is read above the T-shirt, after which it is burned. You should not wait for the complete combustion of the thing, as soon as it ignites, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. The most difficult and important thing about the ritual is that the author should not talk to anyone during the whole day. In no case should the ritual be performed on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Conspiracy words:

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
The Lord God is walking through the sinful earth, helping people, lifting them from the grave.
Lord, raise your servant (name) from the sickbed,
Bed of death
Save from bodily pain, turn away from death,
Bring back to life with your name, my deed,
Extend the age of your earthly servant (name). Amen".

Throwing the disease into the water

On an odd day, go to running water (river, sea), without combing, without eating, without talking to anyone along the way. Going to the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud voice:

"Come out of my body, trouble,
Sickness, disease and light.
Dive deeper into the water, to the very bottom,
To never get up from there.
Never return to my body
Stay at the deep bottom.
sea ​​roots
Let them be your treat.
You will live your life there,
The human body is no longer known.
May my words be strong
And things will be sculpting.
What did / l say, did not say / l,
Lord God help
And my illness will overcome.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Don't forget about redemption

Getting rid of the disease

Spitting over his shoulder, they say:

“As Judas lost his complexion After his death, So I will lose my ailment. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy from serious diseases

Take 9 aspen torches, set fire to it and say the following words on the smoke:

"Dym Dymovich, you are godfather of fire,
Do a good service for me.
From this day, from this time
Let all sickness and infection come down from the servant of God (name).
Go, ailment, through the old gates.
Come down to a deep grave
To destroy you there

Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Perform this ritual outdoors or by an open window.

To recover quickly

After midnight, go outside, look up at the waning moon and say:

"Month, you walk high,
Moon, you see far away
You wander through the villages, hills and forests,
In houses, baths, yards.
Take away, month, illness of the servant of God (name)
Where the birds don't fly
People do not walk, animals do not know the way.
Mother of God, take the sick blood
And bestow good health.
For now, for eternity, for eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Perform a similar ritual every other day throughout the entire phase of the waning moon.

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This ritual helps to cure almost all female diseases, the main thing is to do everything clearly according to the instructions. At dawn, pour clean water into a half-liter jar, then put a silver cross in the jar. Leave a jar of water by the window. In the morning next day get up again at dawn, tie a new scarf on your head, cross yourself three times, take the cross out of the water and put it on the window, and take the jar in your hands and read the prayer “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, and after the conspiracy:

“Women's diseases, go to the damp earth, there find yourself a hole in which you have to sleep, whistle and play. And to the servant of God (name), neither in sleep, nor in the afternoon, neither in honor, nor in jest, do not go, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

You need to read the plot six times, then put the jar and cross yourself three times. Sprinkle with charmed water from head to toe, and the remaining water should be drunk during the day. It is prescribed to drink water in three sips with breaks.

Spell to get rid of skin diseases

For the ritual, you need to buy a red cloth or scarf and wipe the sore spots with it for twelve evenings in a row, reading:

“Fight night and day, servant (a) of God (s) (name) be strong. Go, rash, to the swamps, go, illness, beyond the gate, to your yard, your house, there is your place and your throne. I remove the disease from myself, I cleanse the body and blood with my word, I return the illness to the dead, so that my body is clean and white, and now I don’t have any sores. Amen".

Before you leave the cemetery, leave gifts for the Mistress there.

On the waning moon, on the 13th day, go to the old cemetery, where burials are no longer made, in the afternoon, stand at the gate and say loudly:

“I came to the dead city, here the dead sleep soundly. I remove the disease from my body, I send it to you. I give you the disease, take it, put it in the coffin and kill it. Let my body be clean and white, so that from now on it will not have sores. Amen".

A red cloth or scarf is thrown into the cemetery with the right hand away from oneself. After that, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back, on the way home, keeping silence. You can talk only after you cross the threshold of your house, where the first thing you need to do is wash your hands with running water.

A conspiracy that helps a child's illness

If your child is often ill, take the following steps to improve his magical protection and immunity from negative impact external environment.

Take spring or pure water, pour it into a transparent jar, in which put a silver thing for a day, preferably a cross.

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways.

After a day, read the plot on the water, taking a jar of water with both hands and going to the middle of an empty room:

“May this water be transparent, healing, pure, to my child, the servant of God (name), good, like the thoughts of Christ. It will wash away misfortunes, ailments and grief, it will give peace and health to the sea. To the water so that angels fly from heaven, sing sweet songs over my child. His sores to be washed off, dissolved in the spring water. Forever and ever. Amen".

The charmed water is given to the child three drops per pure form or with the addition of any other liquid. This should be done every three hours. Also, this water is added to the bathing water, it is sprayed clockwise into every corner of the room in which the child is located. Also, with charmed water, it is necessary to moisten the threshold and the window sill.