How to paint eyes with shadows and pencil. How to paint your eyes to make them expressive. Correct eye makeup with hanging age

Each girl early or later begins to use shadows for the age. As a rule, acquaintance with decorative cosmetics begins in adolescence and is accompanied by typical errors. Well, if mom or older sister is taught on time, how to properly paint the eyes of shadows, a pencil, and even better - to be limited to ink in most situations. Another good option is to immediately sign up for Makeup courses "myself makeup artist" or the like, where the professional master competently explain how to paint eyes with shadows correctly and stylishly.

But we cannot stay aside and do not give several sensible advice in the field of beauty. Eye makeup with the help of shadows is a fascinating and extensive topic covering many aspects. To learn how to use shadows for an eyelid correctly, you need to know or at least in general terms understand the laws of color correction, dealt with decorative cosmetics and, preferably, actual fashion trends. We will look at the foundations to, leaning on them, you understand how to paint your eyes with the shadows correctly, and continued to have an independent comprehension of this art.

What eyelids are better? What eyelids to choose?
Modern manufacturers completely eliminated cosmetics buyers from the need to search for the right product, but they pushed new problems. The choice of cosmetics for the eyes was so rummaged that only the makeup wizher to thoroughly understand it. Nevertheless, you can divide the range of shadows for the age into several main categories:
Dry compact shadows for the eyelids are most affordable, economical and at the same time a universal means. Therefore, we will pay the focus on them. But I will definitely touch on how to properly use various shadows in the structure.

How to choose eye shadow under the color of the eyes?
Makeup for brown eyes, makeup for blue eyes ... such headlines are provided in the media, but they are completely erroneous. Because it is properly to choose the color of the shadows to the skin, hair and the color of appearance in general. Makeup for brunettes, makeup for white-skinned girls - this approach is much more correct. Of course, the pigmentation of the iris depends on the color, but when choosing and using eye shadows, it is necessary to repel from other data:

  1. Krinky eyes with shadows of two, maximum - three colors, harmoniously complementing each other. It can be two shades of one gamma: dark and light. As an add-on, you can use the shadows of white or beige color.
  2. Black shades are suitable for all the color views, but it is advisable to use them only for evening makeup. In the bright time of the day, replace the black shadow for the age of grate, gray or brown.
  3. Brown shades of eye shadows Choose especially carefully so that they do not show the yellowness of the skin. Avoid red, orange and any reddish subton in color. The colder your color bottle is the more gray-beige and the less brown, you can afford.
  4. The most universal set of shadows for the eyelids is the "Nude" palette, to create a "naked" effect or "makeup without makeup." So that the face looks fresh, and the eyes are expressive and shiny, you need to properly paint them with beige shadows, and then it is quite possible to do without bright colors.
  5. Blue, blue, lilac and other bright colors, traditional for the eyelids, lost relevance. Even if there are notes of these shades in your clothes, give up the purple eyeshadow and cover the eyes more calm, neutral shadows.
As for the brushes and other tools, it is enough to have two classic tubes in the form of a "cat tongue" and a narrow brush to study small parts for unprofessional use. All other makeup brushes are used to apply eyelid and other decorative elements that are not directly related to the shadows for the age.

How to paint eye shadows, depending on their shape?
What really should pay attention to paint your eyes correctly, it is on the eye cut, their size and proportion of the face. You can visually increase small eyes, using makeup to highlight deeply planted eyes, emphasize their almond shape, if you properly paint the eyelids:
The beautiful eyes of the right shape on the oval face of shadows can be emphasized, make it more expressive and even more, give them a "cat" cut. In this case, the eyes - a field for experiments in make-up, allowing to even disrupt some rules. It is such eyes that can be painted with creamy and liquid shadows, as well as experiment with colored pencils for the age.

As for the combination of different products among themselves, it is better not to mix dry and fat textures of shadows for the age. Try combining fatty shadows with a pencil. Shadow-pencil can be used independently to create a fashionable summer makeup in juicy shades of yellow, orange, sea wave. In the morning, apply one line along the edge of the upper eyelid, without quicing. Closer to the evening Add the second color or expand the initial line up and to the temple. These techniques and tricks are good for experienced makeup artists and all who are not afraid to try new cosmetics on themselves. All the rest, who prefer the classics in make-up, is enough to learn how to handle the eyes of the classical gamut to the shadows to always look great.

There is nothing more attractive than an expressive and languid look. The correct and appropriate eye makeup is able to supplement the image of the girl and give him elegance and dramatic. For this, dark shadows are suitable better.

Today we will tell you in detail about how to make eyes properly with dark shadows and gradually consider the technology of making makeup technology.

Makeup subtlety with dark shadows

Makeup using dark shadows is ideal for bold girls who are not afraid to attract attention. Depending on the outfit and image as a whole, such a make-up adds a woman of sexuality and audacity, or rigor and conciseness.

Important to remember! For saturated eye makeup fit quiet shades of lipstick. The combination of bright lips plus black shadows are appropriate only for the stage image or noisy night parties.

The palette of dark shadows is diverse, so each girl will find the desired shade to create an expressive makeup.

Preferred shadow tones depending on the color of the eyes:

  • Green-eyed - brown gamma and shadow shade "Khaki";
  • Blue-eyed and serubly - gray-blue gamma;
  • Karglase - black and saturated gray shadows.

Special attention should be paid to eye preparation for staining, it will provide a lot of makeup, and will also make it easier to apply it and decisive.

Attention! Do not make eyebrow design immediately before applying makeup, cosmetics can get into the wound from the extentive hairs and lead to inflammation.

Preparation of the eye to apply makeup

There are three stages of cooking to apply mekap.

Purification of the skin

This procedure involves washing or using lotion, milk or facial cleaning foam. Willing up the skin of the eyelid cubes of ice with the decoction of medicinal plants will perfectly remove the morning swelling and give elasticity.

Leather leveling in eye

In order to hide bruises and wrinkles use a consillion that protects the skin and gives her radiance.

Applying basic means

The basics for the eyes with a cream or gel texture make less noticeable folds and wrinkles in the age of age, and make an extraordinary resistance to make up.

Applying special funds designed to prepare eye to makeup

The use of a primer for the skin of the eyelid can not only align the skin, but also to strengthen the pigment of the shadows, make them more saturated. You can start using shadows literally after a few seconds after applying the base.

How to make eye with dark shadows grades

Additional means and tools

For eye makeup it is preferable to use special brushesthat will allow to make eye with dark shadows gradually and qualitatively perform a decisive.

Basic tools for creating excellent makeup:

  • Wide brush ideal for the decisiveness of dry basic means or shadows of natural shade;
  • Barrel-shaped brush - to designate the folds of the century with a darker shade of shadows;
  • Flat soft brush will help to decide the pigment throughout the mobile century;
  • Flat bevelous brush with rigid bristles will create a liner effect;
  • False eyelashes. In special cases, additional artificial cilia uses to reproduce the effect of open-end.

Using brushes specially intended for eye makeup, you can achieve more perfect application techniques.

All brushes should be clean and dry, with smooth Villas.

Step-by-step instruction painting

There are many makeup ways using dark shadows, we will look at the main of them and tell how to make eyes with dark shadows in stages, as professional makeup artists do. Here is a classic makeup version with dark shadows gradually.

Makeup "Smoky Eyes"

This is the most famous makeup that loves millions of girls, and is suitable for almost everyone.

Application technique:

Such makeup can be performed using any dark shadows.. The classic version uses a black shade.

Makeup "Megan Fox"

This is a favorite makeup option of a famous actress. Below is described how to gradually make eyes with dark shadows to become a celebrity.

Makeup "Megan Fox" is very expressive and not overloaded
  1. The eyelid must be covered with primer or cream basic means. Then with a wide soft brush impose beige shadows to the entire area under eyebrows and in the eyelid. We pay special attention to high-quality decisive.
  2. Black pencil designate the upper eyelid. We stretch the line so that it turns out a small arrow, about 3 mm long.
  3. Flat brush to summarize dark shadows. There should be a wide arrow expanding towards the temple. The tip of it into several mm should go beyond the area of \u200b\u200bthe century.
  4. We emphasize the lower eyelid pencil And he is chiping it so that it connects to the shadows at the outer corner of the eye.
  5. If you wish, we bring the lower waterline with a pencil - Kayal.
  6. Strace your eyelashes in mascara.

Proper design arrows

The arrow is a mandatory concurrent stroke in most saturated makeup. It is important for its proper design to be guided by the main rules:

  • Draw a smooth arrow recommended in two stages: From the inner corner of the century to the middle and from the middle to the outer corner, leading the arrow up.
  • The closer the arrow to the eye of the eyelashes, the more natural And it looks harmonious.
  • In order for the arrow to the maximum smooth , You can lean your elbow about the table.
  • The arrow is drawn on a semi-open eye.

If you can't draw even arrows, you can outline them with several points on the edge of the century, and then combine them together.

Painting eyelashes

For a spectacular framing, the eye is not enough to simply make it up with dark shadows and gradually growing. An important step of any makeup is painting in mascara. Here are the following principles:

  • Mascara must be applied, moving the tassel from the roots of eyelashes to the tips;
  • Movements must be a bit vibrating;
  • In the lower eyelashes there should be no excess carcass, it takes away the look and looks unnatural;
  • At the end, you can comb the eyelashes with a special plastic comb.

With which you can combine dark shadows

Makeup features in the evening

Evening makeup is distinguished by its courage and extravagant. Dark shadows plus a black pencil and sequins are a win-win option for a party. For evening image, makeup can be completed with graphic arrows, as well as pick up bright matte lipstick.

Makeup features for day

Day makeup does not tolerate excessive brightnessThe most appropriate use of dark accents only in the corners of the eyes or in the area of \u200b\u200beyelashes. It is recommended to statenly paint your eyes, ranging from bright and ending with dark shadows.

For a daytime image, it is necessary to combine brightly painted eyes with a lipstick or brilliance for the lips of natural, calm tones.

Dark shadows in day makeup perfectly harmonize with shadows of pastel tones

How to change the shape of the eye with dark shadows

Dark shadows are an excellent tool for correcting the wrong eye shape.With the help of them it is possible to expand your eyes, raise lowered corners, or make a look diagonal.

Proper definition of eye shape - the key to excellent makeup

How to change the shape of the eyes using dark shadows:

  • Small eyes. Excellently increases the eyes of a darkened fold of the century.
  • Widely planted. Dark shadows will help visually narrow eyes, to achieve this effect, it is enough to draw a "tick" from the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrows and to grow it.
  • Little Distance between Eyes. The darkened exterior of the century will help make a look at the layout.
  • Eyes convex. The form is corrected by applying and thoroughly decisive dark shades of shadows on the entire moving age. Their shade must be medium intensity.
  • Wound eyelid. This feature of the eyes can be corrected using the right makeup. For this, the matte black or gray shadows are isolated a line of several mm higher than the fold of the age.

It's important to know! Each view of the eyes can be brought into a beautiful "almond-shaped" form, it is enough to know how to make up with the shadows in gradually, and do not be afraid to use dark shades in makeup.

Tips for proper performing age makeup

The main function of makeup for women aged is to refresh and rejuvenate face. Therefore, the use of saturated tones in cosmetics is unacceptable. In the age makeup, the advantage is given to "Fresh", bright shades. Shadows should be matte, as shiny pigments emphasize skin irregularities and wrinkles.

Dark shadows in age make-up can only be used to create accents, and they must be medium intensity, matte texture and without shine.

According to the makeup artists, dark shadows in make-up play a huge role, With their help, it is easy to create an outstanding and spectacular makeup, with which no girl will remain unnoticed.

In order for you to be more clear how the Smoky Eyes is running, see the video lesson of one of the best stylists:

If you have liked Makeup Megan Fox, then learn a video clip with its execution technique:

If you are just starting to master the makeup, then you should watch a detailed video about how to do it correctly:

How to paint your eyes beautifully yourself without leaving home? This will require only to remember a number of rules and know some simple secrets, which we will share now.

Day Make-Up should be made in muted matte tones using natural paints to give naturalness. But making an evening or festive meikap flight of your fantasy can not be kept. It will be appropriate to look sequins, you can beautifully make eye with shadows of overflowing pearlescent shades, the eyeliner is useful for drawing the bold arrows. The main thing is to feel and do not cross the thin line between sexuality and vulgarity!

We propose to disassemble a couple of interesting simple options, which will surely come up with you for various occasions of life.

Nudee style makeup helps to successfully disguise dark circles and minor skin drawbacks in minutes. He is barely noticeable, so fit the young lady with the face of any form regardless of age. To fulfill it, follow the following priority of actions:

  1. Carefully through a sponge, cover the entire face with a tone base or explosion.
  2. In the lower centuries, place two drops of the consileder and light them with light movements.
  3. If the circles are still visible, you will additionally use the powder.
  4. To make eyelashes naturally, tin only their tips, not the whole length. Blondes and red-haired can take advantage of brown ink, and brown and brunettes are black.
  5. Make a pair of lightweight smears with light brown shadows.

Here you are ready to leave! The minimum amount of cosmetics will give your face a fresh rested appearance without having lost his features.

An important mekap rule is to make it in daylight, because artificial light is capable of several distorting reflection. It is best to stay on the balcony or just put a small mirror on the windowsill.

So, going to get out of the house in the morning, remember this:

Its database make up:

To make beautiful eyes, act in stages:

  1. Applicator applies a little beloved shadows on a moving eyelid. Gently grow them.
  2. Pencil moderately thick line. If necessary, drew the arrow.
  3. Apply several layers of carcasses.
  4. To give the look of expressiveness, add quite a bit of golden shadows in external corners.

Stylish "Smoky Eyes"

This is one of the most famous options for meikapa. So that it turns out perfectly, it will have to practice for some time and capture correctly painting your eyes by eyeliner or pencil. It is desirable, of course, to buy a ready-made palette for Smoka Ice, but you can choose three colors yourself.

To get a high-quality transition from dark to bright, follow the procedure:

  1. With the help of a masking (consilert), align the skin tone.
  2. Apply for the eyelids, the means of the base, so that the color of the shadows is more intense, and they did not creep.
  3. Perform a black pencil applying, the line should turn out to be quite thick. We grow in a rigid beveled tassel. For better expressiveness, you can outline also the mucous membrane of the eyelids.
  4. There is a turn of applying shadows. Flat brush with drivening movements impose on the upper eyelid the darker shade (the classic of the genre is black). Well-taped, because the basic rule "Smoky Ice" is the lack of clear transitions.
  5. Apply a little above intermediate tone (gray). We are growing, trying to achieve a smooth transition.
  6. The brightest shade (usually it is light gray) impose on the fold and rush again.
  7. And also, "Smokey Ice" - just unthinkable without fluffy eyelashes!

The classic version of "Smoky Eyes" is perfect for a trip to the club or various festive celebrations. Although his daily variation is possible, which implies the use of brown pencil, beige, light gray and light brown shades.

It is attractive - true art, to learn whom you can have a lifetime. Skillfully selected makeup retains the holistic perception of the individuality of the image, which advantageously emphasizing the advantages and hiding explicit disadvantages.

Collect the eyes with a pencil, shadows and ink, follows from their size, shape and depths of landing. Therefore, first of all, determine which eyes you are:

  • Little. Experienced makeup artists advise to use the shades of the bright palette, applying them from eyelashes to eyebrows. In the inner corners, apply white shadows, and in the external - dark. In the upper eyelid, swipe the black pencil with a neat line.
  • Large. Make a thin barely noticeable eyeliner of the upper and lower eyelid. Dark shadows allow to emphasize the depth, so they should be applied in the midst of the upper eyelid, rusting to the edges. Masculated mascara moderately, because its excess looks inactious and unnatural.
  • Round. It is important to carefully work out the focus on the fold, dialing it. Abso itself, on the contrary, clarify. In order to make eyes with a carcass correctly, striking the cilia only at the outer border.
  • Deep planted. Arrange light accents in the inner corners, and on the contour - dark. Arrows and abuse of masculine can only drag the look.
  • Widely planted. You should strive for a visual reduction of the distance between the eyes. From the inner corners up to the eyebrows you need to apply saturated shadows, well-having them. Especially carefully blame the middle part of the cilia.
  • Closely planted. Shadow shades should gradually donate from the inner corners to external. That is, you need to paint the eyes with shadows light and natural on the inner part of the eyelid, on the average - slightly darker, and at the outer border - the most saturated. Outdoor corner Move with a pencil. Skin the outer edges of the cilia.
  • Swamp. Dark shadows. Earn a fold over the upper century. Gently spend the arrow, and eyelashes - cover with ink. However, it should be done only in the upper eyelid.
  • Hanging eyelids. In this case, the emphasis should be made on the inner border of the eyebrows. Weigh the middle of the century, and where it hangs, apply the shade is intentable. Crash only the top cilia.

Some women choosing the color of the eyelids, believe that the brighter, the better. However, this is not all right and does not always look appropriate. Sometimes even the most modest meikap is able to create a miracle.

Correctly paint the eyes of the shadows - it means to skillfully select the color gamut in accordance with the color of the eyes:

  • Brown. Saturated peach and brown, gray, purple. Juicy pink or orange goes only to dark girls.
  • Gray. All sorts of shades of gray. At the same time, the color of the shadows choose the color of the brow-shell in order to squeeze it well.
  • Green. The entire palette of green, blue, yellow, purple. Light tones are good for day makeup, and more juicy - for evening.
  • Blue. Turquoise, purple, silver or golden. Blue-eyed girls need to be carefully experimenting with bright colors on the face. Female and cute looks gray eyeliner and gray mascara at eyelashes.

Main components of eye makeup

Women at any age are wondering how to make her eyes correctly, so that the look was particularly attractive? First of all, you need to master the basic components of the makeup, to which the ownership of shadows, pencil, eyeliner and carceliness belongs.

Learning to paint shadows

To beautifully make eye shadows, it is impossible to do without an applicator or a good professional brush. Under eyebrow you need to apply the brightest shade from the gamma used. Mobile eyelid is darker, and the outer corner is highlighted in the darkest color. It is important not to forget to pay due attention to the decisiveness of all borders so that the transition looked smoothly.

Although in general, the shadows can be applied in different ways: to the outer corners, along the contour, from the middle of the age to exterior edges. Beautifully looks at a few shades, applied by arc and well-ridiculous. A slightly shadows can be carefully imposed on the lower eyelid, using a cotton wand.

Making evening makeup, you can try to make eye shadows through humid application of appreciation. To do this, simply bleed with water. Wet technique allows you to single out eyelids, focusing on the bright color of shadows, harmony, for example, with color of clothes or decorations.

How to use a pencil

As for everyday and festive meikapa, it is preferable to use a pencil than liquid eyeliner if you are not very confident in your abilities. Choosing a pencil, pay attention to the degree of softness:

  • soft - will crumble;
  • solid - it will painfully scratch;
  • medium softness is the most ideal in use.

Want something interesting?

Collect the eye with a pencil, you need carefully by spending one solid line, without breaking away from the skin. If the clear line is not needed, simply grow it with a clean applicator, slightly pulling up. To get a beautiful shooter, slightly output the outline behind the century line.

The eyeliner compared with the pencil not only requires certain skills, but also has a number of benefits:

  • it looks clearer;
  • makes makeup rich;
  • keeps longer.

Let's find out how to properly paint the eye by eyeliner:

  1. Take a comfortable posture, providing a leading hand with a support (elbow rests on the table).
  2. The most beautiful thing is the contour line spent right at the growth line of the eyelashes.
  3. The result will be more perfect if the line is not solid, but point. Draw a few small points, connect them, check out the outline and spend the arrow with one light movement.
  4. On the tanned and dark-red leather, brown-red and black eyeliner looks harmoniously. On olive skin - blue or brown, and on the bright - gray or color of the sea wave.

We emphasize the look of mascara

In some cases, it is possible to give up without shadows or eyeliner, but it is unlikely to do without a carcass. How to put your eyes to paint? What special tools can help?

  1. Multiple squeaming tassels apply mascara from the line of eyelashes to their tips.
  2. Distribute the cilia with a special comb or washed with a brush from the old carcass. She will help divide them by removing lumps.
  3. You can use tongs for curling eyelashes so that the look has become more open and attractive.
  4. When the mascara will light slightly, substitute the brush with the mascara under the eyelashes and slowly peel. So you can proceed well tips.
  5. The eyelashes of the upper century can be painted several times to create the desired volume. The lower cilia is scratched only once.

  • Decide with the place and time. Casual make-up should be imperative light and light, and the evening is allowed for a juiciness and saturation.
  • Do not forget to clean, moisturize and degrease the skin of the eyelid. Apply a very thin layer of a tonal cream, a consilet or primer on it.
  • Make-UP must depend on the shape and size of the eyes, their colors and landing depths. He must competently emphasize your personality.
  • All cosmetics are desirable to use on a natural, and not on a chemical basis.
  • Conduct a revision in your cosmetics in a timely manner. Get rid of overdue cosmetics, even if it seems even very suitable. Restoration of the skin after using cosmetics with an expired shelf life will be much more expensive than buying new cosmetics.
  • Bright juicy colors can only afford women under 40 years old. And after 40, such a "coloring" will look vulgar, give out all wrinkles.
  • At any age, it looks feminine if you make eyes with shadows of soft pastel tones.
  • Makeup will seem unfinished if it does not pay attention to the eyebrows. Dark dense eyebrows sufficiently combing, and then fix the gel. Rare bright eyebrows should be carefully drawn with a pencil for 1-2 tones darker, carefully quaging each touch.

Remember that an expressive look can be more eloquent than any words. Therefore, the question of how to paint the eyes with shadows, pencil and ink is beautifully relevant for all women who want to make their gaze magically attractive. Using our recommendations, you can give your own soul mirror a special charm. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment in search of your unique image, trying various color gammas and make-up variants.

Women are the creatures of tender and air, seeking to hit everyone around their stunning beauty. And for this purpose there is such heavy artillery as makeup. And sometimes it seems that the entire Arsenal has been imposed on the face. How to make eye to make eyes, so that the effect of makeup is not pity, and the delight of others?

It happens, you look at the girl - everything seems to be fine, but something is not like that. And the case can be in the wrong color of the shadows. For example, some girls love to use silvery or golden shadows for day makeup.

In general, these colors are good, but in the sunlight create an incorrect impression - the face may look swollen and tired, and the upper eyelids of verbators. Whether the use of silver and golden shades for evening makeup, because it was for this that they were created. In the twilight, they, on the contrary, beneficially emphasize eyes.

I also want to celebrate the yellow and blue shadows. The first is more often used in order to stand out, the second were especially popular at the peak of the 90s. Probably, so far many of us remember the hydroporite blondes with bright red lips and densely smeared blue eyes.

In principle, these colors are also not bad, but everything should be moderately, since it is densely imposed yellow shadows give the face an unhealthy look, blue shadows - vulgar. Instead of the first day maker it is better to use beige, gentle-apricot or light brown shades. The second tint can not be replaced, but the shadows should be applied with a thin layer. Or it can be replaced with lilac and dark blue shades (apply a thin layer, and not to smear the ground).

Of course, the desire to stand out is not going anywhere, but you should not do this by infringement of your beauty. There are many makeup options using calm shades of shadows that many times will exaggerate what nature has given, and make a woman the most beautiful in the world.

To make your eyes correctly, you should take care of the accessories necessary for this. It:

  1. Sponge applicator for applying and decisive shadows.
  2. Thin brush for eyeliner.
  3. A wider brush for applying shadows.
  4. Very wide brush (in order to smash the shredded particles of the shadows)
  5. Cotton swabs.
  6. Special eyebrush for eyelashes.

Also you will need shadows suitable for eye color, liquid eyeliner or pencil for century, mascara and consilet (based on makeup).

To make your eyes correctly, select the right light. Ideally, the light source must be there, where it is a mirror, fall from above and be in moderation bright. Otherwise, makeup may turn out uneven. It is also desirable to use two mirrors: easy and increasing.

When everything is at hand, we start cooking the skin to makeup. On the face and eyelids we apply a moisturizing cream (each one). So makeup will go to the smooth. Applying cream forever, you need to try not to stretch their skin. After absorbing the consilet applied. It is undesirable to replace it with a tonal cream, as it takes off and dries the skin of the eyelid. Consiller can be chosen in the form of a pencil, but the means with a special tassel is still better.

Step-by-step instructions for applying competent makeup

General recommendations on how to make eyes properly, are very simple: first apply the shadows, you can have several shades. Then carefully rub the transitions between them, we make an eyeliner with a pencil or liquid eyeliner as close as possible to the eyelashes. The last barcode - we apply a volumetric or extensive mascara.

Yes, at first glance, it seems that there is nothing easier. But not everything is so unequivocal. To make a look more expressive, you need to adjust the shortcomings and emphasize the virtues of the eyes. For this there are several subtleties of makeup. Consider how to make eyes correctly:

How to visually improve the shape of the eyes?

Do not forget that the application of makeup depends not only on the color, but also on the eye shape. For example, closely planted paint so: the inner corners are lightened and will not be supplied, the outer is pretty and injected. Mascara is laid on the eyelashes at an outer corner. This visually increases the distance between the eyes and makes them more attractive.

Little eyes are better painted with light not matte shadows. The eyeliner must be thin, the mascara extension. Narrow eyes paint shades of several shades. Light, can be white, shadows are applied to the upper eyelid to the eyebrows, and the fold of the century is highlighted with a dark tint. The eyeliner should be narrow along the edges and slightly thickened in the middle and only in the upper eyelid. Mascara is better to use twisted.

If the eyes are slightly convex, then preference is given to dark shadows. They are applied with the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corners of the eyes and are well chosen. The eyeliner must be thin and at the top century. Casch is just enough to cry eyelashes. Eyebrows should be medium thickness.

Round eyes are silent like this: light shadows are applied to the top eyelid, then the tone is darker. They are riveted throughout the upper age. The lower eyelid is supplied by the same tint with an outer corner. Next, the arrows are drawn, slightly beyond the upper eyelids. Only the upper eyelashes are needed to paint, moreover, the outer edge is more thick.

Casual makeup for beginners (video):

It turns out, it is not easy to make eyes correctly. But if you take note of these tips, then the task is completely done!

Do you have your own makeup secrets? Share your tricks, useful advice and opinions! We are waiting for your comments!

To create a beautiful eye makeup, you need an individual approach that will take into account their color and size, as well as the color of hair and skin. For example, makeup, ideally looking at blue eyes, can look tasteless with Karimi, and vice versa. To date, unfortunately, universal makeup is not yet invented, which will be harmonized with any type of appearance. But you can always learn how to choose makeup and paint eyes beautifully. Step-by-step guide, how to make eyes properly and beautifully, is presented below.

Preparation for Makeup

Beautiful and high-quality makeup requires special training, namely the presence of tools and application on the skin of the basics of makeup.

The minimum set of tools so that the eyes look irresistibly:

  • sponge (for applying or removing the cream);
  • flat thin brush (applying circuit or arrows);
  • large fluffy brush;
  • cotton wands (correction of errors);
  • brush for eyelashes.

No need to strive to immediately make eye shadows. Stepodno should prepare them for this:

  1. Alternatively, we apply a moisturizing cream and give him to absorb. It will take about 10 minutes.
  2. We apply a camouflage to hide skin flaws, such as circles, etc. It is best to use a console with a tassel. The consiler itself has a softer texture than a tonal cream, and the dispenser bruster will help gently and easily apply it without stretching the skin. This means is applied and forever, and on the skin under the eyes. It is possible to replace it with another basis.

Such a preparation process does not take a long time, and makeup will look more professionally and keep it much longer than usual.

Applying shadows

The perfect eye makeup requires a few shades of shadows, preferably three. Experts also recommend take a few tones of the same color.

It is necessary to start to apply the shadows from an inner corner of the eye and eyebrow area. These places to create an accent are applied the brightest shade. If this is an evening makeup, then the prelimine is allowed, but in daytime - never. It is better to use neutral matte shades. Under eyebrow shadows, it is necessary to apply with accuracy to not overdo it. Otherwise there is a risk of getting too fried makeup.

The darker tone of the shadows is applied to the rolling part of the century, in the middle, and neatly chosen to a large brush. It is necessary to ruin the shadows towards eyebrows. So the eyes will look wider.

The darkest color can be used as a liner or pencil. In this case, the arrow is drawn by shadows and is rubbed along the growth line of eyelashes. This will emphasize

There are several more nuances of how to make eye shadows. Step-by-step instruction, which is represented, is entirely relevant, but the various types of eyes should be taken into account.


To visually not make small eyes even less, you should not use dark shades of shadows. Create makeup is needed in bright colors. The best shadows with shimmer or pearls are suitable. It is not necessary to get involved in the eyeliner and drawing of thick arrows, the liner line should be fine and neat.

Round eyes

Large round eyes, out of doubt, attractive and beautiful. Girls with such appearance can enchant and without additional help. But be able to know how to make up too. It should be started with the applying of light shadows. The tone on the tone is darker in the whole century with an emphasis in an external corner. The arrow should go abroad of the century, but only a little.

Narrow eyes

Visually make narrow eyes easy, the main thing is to do everything right. Shadows shades should be blond, the base color is better to choose white. The brightest tone is applied to the upper eyelid (up to the eyebrows), the shadows on the tone are superimposed on the fold. Taking narrow eyes should only be in advance and not very thick line.

Closely planted eyes

With the help of makeup, you can adjust even the distance between the eyes. For this purpose, light shadows are superimposed on the inner corners, the external is distinguished by dark. The eyeliner is applied along the line of eyelashes, but does not reach the inner corner. Similarly, painted eyes will seem to be located at a greater distance than it really is.


But for convex eyes, dark shadows are best suited. They must be applied to the middle of the century and grow in the direction of the external corners. You can bring the eyes along the top century thin line. View of such an eye with the help of a proper make-up can be made deeper and expressive.

Color selection

It is much easier and easier to make good makeup when you have a step-by-step instruction. Cooking the eyes of the Square will not work. But choose the right tones for makeup is not so easy. After all, it is necessary that the painted eyes are harmonized with the color of hair, skin, clothes. Below are the basic recommendations for the selection of colors, depending on the color of the hair and eye.

Karie "love" blue, purple, olive, gray and black. But the perfect choice will be any shades of brown.

Green, brown, bronze, purple and all shades of lilac are perfectly combined with green eyes. The best choice will be the palette of shades of gray. It may be any tone - from white to deep black.

For blue eyes, makeup will be perfect, consisting of pink, beige, gray or brown colors. Excellent will look white color in a pair with a lilac or a golden tint.

For blue-eyed girls, you need to pick up shadows in gray-beige, gray-blue, light purple, dark gray or pink gamma.

Almost all colors are suitable except for too bright shades. And if you choose the shadows of the gray color gamut, then they must be necessarily tone darker than the eyes.

Blondes and owners of light hair are perfectly suitable shadows of green, brown and gray tones. The green, gentle blue or ivory color is perfectly suitable for brunettes. And with red hair, copper shades and pistachio are well combined.

These are general recommendations for the selection of colors and shades of eye shadows. Each representative of the beautiful sex independently chooses the color palette to get perfect and beautifully painted eyes. Photos with examples of the most successful makeup are presented in the article.

Use pencil

An arrows made by a pencil give a look expressiveness and help profitably highlight their eyes. But before painting should be accessed slightly, so as not to spoil the already started makeup. After all, the arrows are applied after the shadows and in hand. The color of the pencil and lines created by them are selected depending on the color and shape of the eyes.

To large eyes, the pencil should be applied from the inner angle to the external, and the lower eyelid - from the middle to the outer edge. The liner line for a narrow eye should be fine and not very long. Pencil is always applied along the line of eyelashes. With closely planted eyes, starting to bring them a little retreating from the inner corner.

Universal color pencil is, of course, black. Such a liner will suit the shadows of any colors and shades. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the black pencil in the upper eyelid visually it expands it and lightes, and in the lower - increases.

Black arrows are most suitable for brunettes. And the owners of a blond or red hair color are recommended to use brown or dark sulfur shades.

You can also use white pencil. Paint eyes with small strokes with a white pencil make a look shining. It is applied from the middle of the upper eyelid to the inner corner.

On the upper eyelid - from the inner corner to the external. Apply a pencil follows with light and smooth movements. In order for the line to be smooth and neat, it is recommended to hold the eyelid with a finger, slightly stretching the skin.

Finish the eyeliner with a pencil best light and smooth bend towards the temple. To make the makeup does not look vulgar, the arrow should not go very much for the contour of the eye. When applied, it is not recommended to focus on the eyeliner. If it is used, it should be only within the contour of the eye, on the ciliary line.

To the lower eyelid, the pencil is applied in such a way that it is not noticeable to the inner corner, and the external clearly distinguished.

When creating a beautiful eye makeup, you can easily do without the help of a professional. To do this, you need to have the necessary tools and materials, as well as the desire to improve. A couple of trial attempts in order to "fill the hand" and find the perfect combination - and you can not be afraid of anything. Beautifully painted eyes and a mounted look - the key to success for every fair floor representative.