How to clean silver peroxide and alcohol. Effective methods for cleaning silver items. What silver does not black

Dammed silver products with time optionally give to clean in the jewelry workshop. Cleaning silver hydrogen peroxide is one of the most efficient folk methods for processing this metal at home from any kind of contamination. But it should be borne in mind that it is not suitable for all types of decorations. In this case, others will come to the rescue, no less effective techniques: soda, salt, ammonia, ethanol, dental powder.

To avoid the appearance of defects on silver, you need to observe a number of simple rules:

  1. 1. Abrasive and aggressive substances (alcohol formulations, acid, etc.) in pure form Untested for metal processing, especially for enamelled and gold-plated products, as well as decorations with precious stones or engraving.
  2. 2. After cleaning, the silver product should be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried with a hair dryer or paper towels. This will avoid aluminum sulphate appearance.
  3. 3. Expensive silver with a high 925th sample is undesirable to process folk methods. To avoid possible negative consequences, It is necessary to entrust the cleaning of professionals.
  4. 4. The radiated metal is chemically resistant to most means, but its surface is easily damaged if it is polished with it too rough material.
  5. 5. After processing decorations from the fall, they need to take a break for several days. During this time, a protective layer is formed on the silver surface.

But the main rule lies in the fact that it is impossible to clean the silver abrasive side of the sponge, a brush with rigid bristles, iron scrapers or rough coarse matter. Otherwise, too soft and plastic metal will cover small scratches. Grinding flannel, suede or woolen cloth.

Folk remedies

To clean silver jewelry Or cutlery from a dark fly, it is not necessary to resort to processing with expensive professional compositions. There are many people who are quite simple and effective. In addition, the primary means are inexpensive and carefully affect the fragile material. These include hydrogen peroxide.

For right choice Cleaning tools should be taken into account:

  • degree of pollution of the product;
  • metal purity, lack of additional impurities;
  • availability in decoration of semi-precious or precious stones;
  • relief;
  • the presence of gold-plated, black or enameled coating;
  • dimensions of the product.

Pre-treatment of jewelry

Before you begin cleaning silver, it needs to get rid of the accumulated layer of dirt and fat. More others are subject to pollution relief products, especially chains. It will help in this ordinary soap solution, made of 10 grams of grated in a shallow grater economic Soapbroken in a glass warm water. No less effective will be the usual washing or dental powder without dyes or dishwashing gel. The only condition - the granular means must be completely dissolved in the liquid.

Decorations should be placed on 3-4 hours, and then clean with a toothbrush with a soft bristle. If mud particles do not go out at once, the procedure is desirable to repeat.

The most effective compositions with hydrogen peroxide

it inexpensive meanswhich is found in any first-aid kit, it is able to eliminate a dark flare without prejudice to the appearance of the product, if you act carefully and for all the rules. It affects the oxidative process with oxygen and returns silver shine. Need:

  1. 1. Prepare a solution of 200 ml of warm water and a dining spoon of peroxide (3%).
  2. 2. Soak in it prepared jewelry for a few minutes.
  3. 3. Rinse the metal under running water.
  4. 4. Wash dry.

If there are impurities of other metals, stones, enamel, gilded or black coating, then the cleaning of this means is prohibited. As a result, you can get a darkened or yellowed decoration with stains, which will be subsequently impossible to return the former look.

Rather gentle, but effective way Cleaning is the composition based on peroxide and ammonia. Need:

  1. 1. Mix in equal proportions of 10% ammonia alcohol, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and soap solution.
  2. 2. Stir.
  3. 3. In the resulting mixture, put the prepared silver.
  4. 4. Wait 15 minutes.
  5. 5. Rinse decoration with clean water.
  6. 6. Dry.
  7. 7. Police a piece of woolen matter.

This method will help not only remove the flare, but also remove the sticking pieces of dirt even from the most hard-to-reach places. In addition, the ammonia alcohol gives silver shine.

Other methods

For silver jewelry of different types You can also use other productive ways:

Type of productPhotoCleanerProcedure
Silver rings, bracelets without incrustations
Baking soda

This method is well suited for unsolving contaminated silver products Without inlays, gilding, etc. It is enough just to dissolve the soda with warm water to the state of the Cashitz and clean the silver toothbrush with a soft bristle. There is a more sparing method of cleaning with soda. Need to:

  1. 1. Bring to boiling a glass of water.
  2. 2. Add 20 g soda to it.
  3. 3. Lower a piece of foil to the bottom.
  4. 4. Place silver into this solution for 15 minutes.
  5. 5. Remove, dry and polish the soft cloth to shine
Chains, embossed decorations without stones
Salt + Soda

This method is also suitable for highly particulate silver decorations without inserts from precious or synthetic stones. Need:

  1. 1. In one liter, boiling water dissolve on a tablespoon of salt, soda and detergent.
  2. 2. Put the decoration into the solution.
  3. 3. boil it for half an hour on slow fire
Relief rings, necklace and earrings with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, diamonds and other durable minerals
Pharmacy alcoholOrdinary alcohol can give white metal Glitter and shine. It is enough to immerse the decorations in it for 30 minutes, and then rinse with water and polish woolen cloth
Black and table silver
Water from under boiled potatoesSo that the rich layer of blunders do not come down, it is necessary to wash silver in the soap solution, and then put it in a warm potato decoction. This method will effectively cope with pollution and on table silver, especially if adding a piece of foil to the solution
Products S. natural minerals Small strength (except turquoise and pearls)
AmmoniaApply to a cotton swab or wand and thoroughly wipe products to shine, trying to touch the stones as much as possible.
Products with pearls or turquoise inserts
Soap mortarPearls and other fragile minerals are very sensitive to any substances and may suffer during processing. It is recommended to regularly rinse such jewelry with ordinary soapy water, pre-lay them in a linen bag
Gold plated silver
Soap and ammonia alcoholThe layer of gilding is little resistant to external influences. Clean the product can be mixed soap solution with several drops of ammonia
Enameled metal
Ammonia and dental powderEnamel is also easy to damage when cleaning, like gilt. To return the thing worthy appearanceshould wipe it with a wool cloth with the addition of ammonic alcohol, and then brush with a tooth powder and a soft brush

In the giving jewelry of the pristine appearance, the cleaning of silver hydrogen peroxide occupies a special place. Each girl has at least one jewelry made of such a metal like silver. Naturally, in its appearance, it is inferior to gold, but has the advantage that every woman can afford it. Despite the fact that silver products have an acceptable cost, sooner or later the situation arises when the decoration changes its original appearance. First of all, it is reflected on the color of the product, as it simply darkens. In such cases, it is necessary to clean this metal. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the features of the use of hydrogen peroxide for cleaning silver products.

Frequently used cleaning methods

Naturally, today you can find many all kinds of cleaning of this metal that are sold in special jewelry stores. But in order to save on acquisition similar funds, you can use ordinary folk Methods Cleaning silver from darkening. Indeed, in ancient times there was no mention of buying any import funds with which you can clean decorations. Many used preparations located in the household.

One of the frequently used tools for cleaning silver is considered hydrogen peroxide. Despite the fact that the peroxide is used quite often, to purify this means it is necessary to take extremely gently, as you can not improve the appearance of the product, but on the contrary, make it even worse.

Everyone knows that hydrogen peroxide is used to clean both gold and silver products. But in this case, it is worth understanding that the peroxide has the ability to enter into chemical reactions with other elements. Therefore, situations occur very often when silver is not brightened after cleaning, but on the contrary, it becomes more dull. Therefore, it is necessary to use it extremely carefully. Naturally, if the dark raid after the use of the peroxide appeared, it will be impossible to get rid of it. Therefore, the peroxide can be used in extreme cases. And it is better to abandon it at all.

Special place is occupied by cleaning silver by ammonic alcohol. Before switching to such a method Cleaning, you need a silver product to put in warm water for a short time. Then you can mix a small amount of chalk with the ammonia alcohol until it turns out the cashem. The resulting mixture it is necessary to lubricate the product from silver. After applying, the product needs to be left until the cashem dry fails. You can then wash the product well in warm water using soap and wipe with a dry and soft cloth.

Also for cleaning silver can be prepared at least effective tool. To do this, it is necessary to mix the ammonia alcohol and water. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the proportion when only 1 part of the alcohol is used on 10 parts of the water. Can be in 10 spoons ordinary water Stir just 1 spoonful alcohol. In the resulting solution, you can lower the silver product for about 20 minutes. At the same time, the time of silver in liquid should be determined by the degree of contamination.

What should be known for successful procedure

Before switching to cleaning silver, it is necessary to be guided by some advice that will not harm and will not chemical impact on a similar metal.

First of all, it is necessary to remember that to purify this metal, in no case cannot use all sorts of abrasive tools or excessively rigid sponges. The use of such sponges can lead to microcracks and small scratches. Very often, abrasive agents can lead to the fact that the decoration becomes even more dull and dark. Therefore, in such cases, many turn to the services of professional polishing metals.

Before switching to cleaning, it is desirable to overhaul a product in warm soapy water on little time. It will help even better get rid of pollution and quickly polish the decoration.

If you are not sure about cleaning efficiency with folk remedies, it is best not to risk and make a choice in favor of vocational tools that are sold in jewelry stores. The choice of such drugs is actually great, but there will be no harm to the product after their use. Therefore, it is better to treat silver professional meansrather than untested methods.

If a silver object or decoration over time has lost its radiance, darkened, then you need to find out how to clean the product at home by handicrafts or using a special solution, and boldly take into account. Recipes Return the glitter with silver a lot, but are they really effective?

Than to clean silver at home

Most silver products are drawn after a while, become dull. Superstitious people It is said that the reason for the damage to the owner or illness. According to scientists, the composition of the human sweat is affected by silver products: if the body is excess sulfur, then the metal with more likely It will darken, and if a lot of nitrogen, then silver will not darken. However, it happens that the products are simply lying in the box - for example, cutlery, dishes, figurines - and still covered with a raid. This comes from interaction with air containing hydrogen sulfide.

To know how to clean silver decorations at home correctly, it is necessary to take into account the alloy of silver, impurities, the presence of stones. Silver alloy happens:

  • matte;
  • coin;
  • black;
  • filigree;
  • sterling (925 sample).

So how to clean silver at home? Before you begin cleaning silver jewelry, dishes, degrease the product using any detergent. Deepends, curls swee with a soft toothbrush. Let the item lie for a few minutes in soapy water, and then rinse the decorations and proceed to the cardinal measures. There are plenty of money than cleaning silver, among which purification with:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • food Soda;
  • salts;
  • ammonia alcohol (ammonia);
  • foil;
  • citric acid;
  • coca-Cola;
  • toothpaste or powder;
  • special means (liquids, pastes, napkins);
  • mechanical method of purification by eraser.

Hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide for cleaning silver objects is very ambiguous. Cleaning silver hydrogen peroxide can how to remove the blackery with noble metalAnd run the reverse process. The hydrogen peroxide gives the oxygen atoms to restore or oxidizing the substance, depending on its composition, so the reaction to silver can be unpredictable if the silver alloiled metals are contained. In this case, there is a risk that the surface of the decoration will become spotted or completely black.

Such pollution delete at home will be difficult. We'll have to turn to the jeweler, and his work will turn into a solid penny. There are recipes, how to clean the silver house with the help of combined solutions based on hydrogen and ammonia peroxide. However, before placing the entire jewelry whole, make a sample - check the reaction on the closure of the chain or the inner side of the pans. If the place of contact is brightened, then boldly apply a solution to the entire surface of the decoration using a cotton disk.


Hospipes have long been known for the power of soda in the fight against pollution. It may be able to wash and silver items, but it is necessary to act without fanaticism, so as not to scratch the shiny surface. The method is suitable for small items, since scratches will be too rushing on plates and spoons. How to clean silver soda:

  1. Mix soda and a drop of water before the formation of Cashitz ..
  2. To apply your finger or a soft cloth to the surface of the product, slightly rub to the brilliance.
  3. Hard places are better clean with a toothbrush.
  4. Rinse decoration with water.
  5. Wipe dry.


Another quick, easy way - cleaning silver salt. Required normal salt, large or small, what is in stock, it does not matter. In a small bowl or a mug, the bottom of which is lined with foil, we smell, do not regret, salt, soda food, pour liquid for dishes. Decorations should be placed in this substance and boil 10 minutes. Then rinse the products under the crane and dry. Such the method will suit For small items, such as rings, cross, earrings, chains, coins. Plates, spoons, candlesticks, other kitchen utensils need to be cleaned by other methods.


Methods of cleaning silver by ammonic alcohol somewhat. You can use both pure alcohol and its combination with other substances. Two ways using exclusively ammonia:

  1. Take one part of ammonia and 10 parts of water and prepare a solution. Immerse the product in it to be misunderstood. If silver medium pollution, then the processing lasts from half an hour to an hour. Do not stand for too long to keep silver in the ammonia, you must follow the bleaching process. Slightly cloudy products can just wipe cotton disc, moistened by the ammonia.
  2. For too blackened silver items you will need pure ammonia. Treatment of 15 minutes. Then silver rinsed and dry.


Lemon Acid

Lighten old subjects and jewelry Cleaning silver with citric acid or vinegar:

  • It is necessary to dilute 100 grams of acids in 0.5 liters and put the solution to heat the water bath.
  • Lower a small piece of copper or wire and silver into the container. Boil time from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Then, as usual, rinse and dry the object.


There are already legends about the cleaning properties of Coca-Cola. What only does not clean this drink: tile, plumbing, dishes! For homemade life, it is an expensive and irregular way, but cleaning silver coca-cola is quite accessible and will not hit the pocket. It is necessary to pour a small amount of coca-cola into a glass and lowered silver products there. The process is long, takes about 12 hours, but to shine silver will be like new.


The cleaning of silver toothpaste is well acting on a slightly narrow-cut decoration. Smooth products can be wiped with a napkin with toothpaste, and decorations with a multitude of embossed parts are cleaned with a toothbrush. Choose a paste without additives and dyes so that the impurities did not lead to unwanted reaction With metal. After cleaning the product, rinse thoroughly to not formed white flag, polish the soft cloth.

Silver cleaning agents

In any jewelry store Can be found special means For cleaning silver products. Sound the problem consultant, and better bring the decoration with you - it will recommend a suitable cleaner: napkins, liquid or pasta. Specify whether it is possible to use for or another cleaning agent for products with stones: some do not tolerate aggressive cleaning, they can easily damage them.

Liquid for cleaning

Special mortar For cleaning silver consists of organic solvents, phosphates, surfactants, fragrances, water. This is a strong cleaning agent, so it is not recommended to use it for clarifying silver jewelry with pearls, amber, corals. For example, liquid of alladdin is a comfortable container with a special basket and brush: a product is put into the basket, then it must be immersed directly in the jar, withstand 30 seconds. Further silver rinse with water and polish the napkin. The effect is visible from the first time, but there is a flaw - nasty smell.

Special fluids can be sold in the form of spray, such as the Chinese sanlaight agent. In the kit there is a small brush to purify hard-to-reach places. How to packaged on packaging, spray SunLight is safe for all kinds precious metals and stones. The means is transparent, without a sharp smell, easy to use. It is only necessary to sprinkle silver, withstand a few minutes, and then rinse with water.


To cleanse a slightly darkened or losing brilliance of products, it is recommended to use napkins for cleaning silver. There are napkins made from microfiber and not containing chemical substancesnot to harm metal and stones. In addition, in stores you can buy disposable napkins with special impregnation for polishing jewelry, separately with impregnation for polishing jewelry with pearls or other organic stones. One such napkin is enough to grasp a small table service to the brilliance.

Cleaning pasta

The thick cream or pasta for cleaning silver effectively cleans the old black flare on jewelry, cutlery devices, antique objects. The paste has a delicate structure and leaves no scratches on the product. Before cleaning, it is necessary to degrease silver, flushing it in warm water with soap or detergent. Then apply a little paste on the napkin, rub the product and leave for a while, after which it is to polish the surface with a dry napkin.

How to clean silver from black

Cleaning silver at home is a troublesome business, you can scratch the product or spoil stones. Most famous methodsHow to clean silver at home, was considered above. It remains to figure out which of the considered methods is better to apply for jewelry, stones, and what kind of dishes, cutlery, antique objects and other items:

  • Silver dishes on which scratches from soda will be visible, it is better to clean the toothpaste. It is just suitable for items that were not badly injured. However, you do not need to use a paste too often, it can provoke an education on the metal of microcracks. Spoons, forks knives clean soda, salt and foil. With this method, it is not necessary to rub items, dirt is moving when boiling.
  • Eraser can easily cope with small decorations or coins, but you have to work hard. Instead of elasty, some advise use lipstickI appline a little on soft fabric and losing silver. Lipstick will not leave scratches and easily wash off soapy water. For small jewelry will suit Another Kashitz from the chalk and ammonia, which is applied to the product and then wash off with water.
  • Black silver At all, you should not clean up to shine, trying to wash off a noble patina, depriving the decoration of charm and sophistication.

Silver chain

Many people think that the most difficult is the cleaning of the silver chain, because there are small links or spiral. However, applying the knowledge gained on silver cleaning methods, you can easily cope with this problem. Vcsus will be required and 3 hours of time:

  • Soak the chain in acid without diluting it with water, and hold the specified time.
  • Perhaps process will go fasterif silver is not too running.
  • Vinegar copes perfectly with very strong darkens.

Silver with stones

If scary spoaling silver jewelry with stones household chemicals, it is better to clean special fluids for professional cleaning. You can buy them in a jewelry store. They not only carefully clean silver, but also cover the surface with a protective film. It is important to know the features of the stones in your decoration:

  • Turquoise does not make moisture, it is categorically impossible to lower it into the water.
  • Pearls do not tolerate ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, it is washed in soap aqueous solution.
  • Amethyst and topaz easily tolerate the effects of alkalis and acid concentrations, but will not survive with high temperatures - sweep.
  • Fianit, quartz are not capricious, they can be washed in soapy water.


In the process of storage or long-term socks, silver products, unfortunately, have properties to darmest and lose their beautiful shine.. To return the decorations initial ViewMany prefer to pass them into jewelry workshops. I suggest try to clean silver at home, using simple and affordable folk remedies.

Why darkens silver and how to avoid it?

Let's see what changes the color of the products. This largely depends on what silver interacts in the process of storage and socks.

The main causes of silver oxidation:

  • high humidity indoors;
  • frequent water contact;
  • contact S. cosmetics and food;
  • contact with human then;
  • storage in direct contact with other decorations made of precious and simple metals.

  • remove decorations During homework;
  • fit regularly their cloth napkin after each use;
  • store away from sunlight and heat;
  • storing, caseins or boxes, individual fabric bags or special stands;

  • wear jewelryalready after applying makeup and perfume;
  • do not take water Procedures in jewelry and be sure to remove them overnight.

To avoid cleaning silver immediately after purchase, give preference to the items subjected to parental. This deposition increases the density of the metal and protects it from oxidation and corrosion.

How to determine the method of cleaning?

To choose the most suitable way Cleaning silver products and generally decide whether it is possible to clean the concrete decoration with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to such parameters:

  1. Sample and product composition - Alloys can not be purified by abrasive means and aggressive compositions, and it is better to trust their cleansing to the masters.
  2. Presence of precious stones, enamels and elements from gilding - they can be damaged in the process of cleaning people in people and require more gentle and neat exposure.

  1. Degree and type of pollution - Not worth it once again Expose aggressive cleaning product if it is only a few small spots.
  2. The size of the decoration and the presence of a complex pattern - Some products are easiest to be made with a complete immersion in the container with a cleaning solution, while others are thoroughly wired with a wet cloth.

If you doubt that save the product product view during cleansing, it is better to trust this process to masters. Professionals clean the precious metal ultrasound. The price of a similar service can average from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Clean silver products: 7 folk methods

There are many ways to whom you can resort at home to clean the silver. The most popular of them are collected in the following table:

Illustration Description

Method 1. Toothpaste

The most popular silver cleaning option. Suitable and tooth powder.

Apply a paste or powder on old toothbrush, or any woven material. Thoroughly wipe the product special attention Pay hard to reach places.

You can leave the remedy for the exposure of minutes by 20-30 and then rinse thoroughly in water.

Method 2. Soda

The darkened silver products are well cleaned by soda.

You can make a cashem, dissolving 2-3 hours l soda in ½ cup of water. Immerse at 40-50 minutes in soda mortar Decorations or spend them with the resulting means.

Method 3. Vinegar

You can clean silver using a cloth moistened in 9% vinegar. Or soak jewels in containers with vinegar for 2 hours, and then wipe thoroughly.

Method 4. Summer Alcohol

This tool is used successfully used to clean silver products.

Cleaning silver by ammonic alcohol can be dipped by 15-20 minutes in the cooked solution.

There are three recipes:

  • several drops of means dilute in half a glass of water;
  • 1 cup warm soapy water on 6 drops of funds;
  • cashier from dissolved chalk in several drops of means.

Cleaning silver ammonia can be carried out with the help of flap fabric. It must be moistened in the liquid and grate the jewel.

Method 5. Lemon Acid

With it, you can get rid of stains and darkening. Instructions for preparing the solution:

  • 0.5 liters of water dissolve 100 gr. acids;
  • heat the resulting mixture on the stove;
  • for 15 minutes, immerse the product inside and then clean the brush or cloth.

Method 6. Potato

Unusual silver cleaning method. The metal is cleared due to a large starch content (it is easier to use starch in the package).

Potatoes are purified and digested on slow heat. Then immersed in cold water silver devices for 2 hours.

Method 7. Aluminum foil

Foil should be seized on the bottom of the tank, pour water, add a little salt and immerse the decoration for a few minutes.

After that, clean the silver brush and dry.


So, I shared with you the most common ways of cleaning silver at home with affordable funds. Try one of the options and share in the comments, which came up, and that in your opinion it turned out not very effective. If you want to visually explore the sequence of actions, I suggest familiar with the video in this article.

Silver is one of the most sought-after precious metals. Of it, many household items and jewelry are performed. Unfortunately, silver oversleep over time and blacks. Causes of patina - an unpleasant plaque, spoiling the appearance of the metal, are different. There are several methods for cleaning silver products at home with sweater. However, you need to be very attentive and caution to choose the cleaning method so as not to damage the surface of the product.

Silver Oncewood is used for manufacture various items Homemade domestic and decorations. Unfortunately, this metal with time is covered with a dark bloom, which will significantly spoil the appearance of products.

Patina - the product of silver surface oxidation, it is similar to rust on the gland. Patina on silver can be different shades. Most often, black color is formed when contact with gray (as part of hydrogen sulfide or amino acids).

Causes of the appearance of plaque:

  • high humidity;
  • contact with cosmetics;
  • interaction with products - onions, egg yolks, salt;
  • impact some detergents, household gas.

How to clean silver at home

Favorite silver jewelry want to wear. Without removing, and silver homemade utensils are proud of any mistress. Clean silver from black plaque at home is easy. There are several ways with which you can save metal from plaque in a few minutes.

Cleaning silver vinegar

Silver cleaning needed to 50 ° C table vinegar (preferably 9%). It is necessary to place in it a silver product for 15 minutes, and then rinse in clean running water and wipe with a soft cloth.

It is impossible to extract small jewelry naked hands, as this can lead to a chemical burn. For small items, like silver chains And earrings, finely suitable for small kitchen sieve.

Toothpaste and brush

Silver can be cleaned with an old toothbrush using a conventional hygienic paste.

Silver - soft metal, and this method of cleaning is rather hard and is not suitable for jewelry with enamel and stones, as noticeable scratches can remain on the glossy surface.

Do not deal with this type of cleaning over the sink in the bathroom - there is a chance to drop small object In the sewer pipe.

Mixture of ammonic alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

2 tbsp. l. ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. Hydrogen peroxide must be dissolved in 1 l warm water, then lower the silver products for 15 minutes into this solution. Rings, earrings and spoons will become like new ones.

If the flare is expressed slightly, you can moisten a soft cloth by ammonic alcohol and wipe the product. Also mixed in equal amounts of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, children's soap and water. Then lowered silver into the resulting solution for several hours, washed thoroughly and polished with a wool cloth.

With very strong pollution You can use ammonia solution in pure form. To do this, the silver product is bagped for 15 minutes into the solution, then wash and polished.

Ammonia - caustic substance with sharp odorSo cleaning is recommended to be carried out in a well-ventilated room and must be in gloves. Undesirable to use ammonia for cleaning silver dishesSince the remnants of the means can get inside the organism with food and cause poisoning.

Lemon Acid and Copper Wire

0.5 liters of water poured into the enameled saucepan, and 100 g of citric acid is poured. The resulting mixture is put on a slow fire or water bath. Silver ornaments on copper wire (imported direct contact of two metals), then lowered the bunch into the boiling solution. We boil about 20 minutes, periodically checking the purity of the product. At the end is washed cold water. Need to be careful having removed from the hot solution, to avoid burns.

Soda and water

The food soda is bred by water to the pasty state and rub the resulting silver product with a sponge. It is thoroughly washed at the end of the procedure - this will help avoid divorces. This method is abrasive, so it should be used with caution.

Vinegar, salt, soda and foil

The foil sheet is placed on the bottom of the enamel container, pour 1 tbsp. l. crash salt Both food soda, and from above poured a mixture of 0.5 glasses of boiling water and the same amount of vinegar. Silver must contact with foil. In this case, it will find the pristine whiteness in 5 minutes.

Cleaning jewelry with stones

The method of cleaning silver products with inserts depends on the type of stones:

  • for stones high density, for example, aquamarine and sapphire can be used any type of cleaning;
  • undesirable to use abrasive substances and tough cleaning in case of more soft stones, for example, turquoise, malachite or opal;
  • some stones (rubies, grenades, topazy) can in no way expose high temperatures - color may change;
  • cleaning products with amber inserts, pearls or coral can only be entrusted to experts, as they are extremely sensitive to any chemical substances.

If you do not know what stones your product is decorated, contact the jewelry workshop.

Cleaning frosted and black silver

To clean the matte and black silver you cannot use abrasive substances and hard cleaning. The best way - A solution of soap chips in which you can add some soda. The product is soaked for half an hour, then washed and watered with a soft cloth.

You can use the following "recipe": the peel of several potatoes omit the container with small quantity Waters and put the same decorations. After four hours, silver gets, and the remnants of black plaque are removed by the usual eraser.

How to keep silver cleanliness

  • do not allow cosmetics (creams, oils) to jewelery, put them only after applying and full absorption of funds;
  • to not allow long contact silver with moisture, during a wet cleaning or washing dishes wear gloves;
  • silver utensils and jewelry store in a dark and dry place, preferably wrapped in foil.