How to increase the immunity of a 3-year-old child with folk remedies. Healthy children - happy parents or how to increase the child's immunity with folk remedies at home: a selection of the best classical and original methods. Healing mixtures made from natural

Caring for strong children's immunity is the primary task of parents. In the fight for health, medications, folk recipes, and hardening are used. Compositions created at home based on medicinal plants are preferable, so parents should know how to raise the child's immunity with folk remedies.

There are many plants, fruits, rhizomes that increase the body's defenses. You should learn how to choose effective folk recipes, be able to correlate combinations of ingredients according to the age of children. To have an idea of ​​the program for restoring the internal reserves of the body means not to panic if the baby has weak immunity, but to know what to do, what strengthening agents to give him.

You must understand the age aspect of using folk remedies. And not to confuse how to strengthen the immunity of a child at 2 years old, what to give to children at 3 years old, at 6 years old, after 12 years old. For example, potent foods based on echinacea, ginseng, rhodiola rosea should not be consumed by babies, but for the health of the child and mother there is a choice among medicinal plants that act on the immune system in a gentle way. They help to urgently turn on protection against colds, infectious infection, to raise the resistance to viral and bacterial invasion.

If a child's system of counteracting negative external factors is disturbed from birth, then parents from the first days note anxiety, poor appetite, and an increased reaction to cold in the baby. Specific signs help to recognize weak immunity, about which pediatricians warn mothers, advising on the basics of nutrition for hepatitis B, and recommend paying attention to strengthening immune capabilities during the period of seasonal colds.

Typical symptoms of reduced immunity are listed in the list:

  • the baby is sick every season;
  • painful conditions are frequent in the absence of temperature;
  • the child is lethargic throughout the day or several hours a day;
  • in the armpits and cervical region, the lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • food allergies often occur.

If such signs of a baby are found, it is necessary to show the doctor, not to refuse vaccination, to conduct a diagnostic examination and to identify the causes of weak children's immunity.

Conditions for a decrease in protective functions may lie in improper feeding, uncomfortable living conditions, and genetic predisposition. Only an examination prescribed by a doctor will help to find out the true reasons. Only after it should one look for opportunities to feed the child's body.

Raising immunity with folk remedies

To do this, it is recommended to refer to recipes created by traditional healers and approved by medicine. When preparing preparations, follow the proven dosages, do not distort the combinations of the ingredients. Compliance with these requirements will help to avoid the risk of adverse side effects.

Honey and propolis

Beekeeping products contain a maximum of useful minerals that modulate immunity. The action of propolis and honey helps to quickly restore protective forces. In the season of colds, it is recommended to give the child milk with propolis dissolved in it. For stomatitis treatment, grease the sky with honey. Honey and propolis also have a calming effect and promote restful sleep.

The recipe for a popular folk remedy from propolis to restore immunity.

  • liquid natural honey - 4 tsp;
  • propolis - 1 tsp
  • ingredients are mixed;
  • the prepared mixture is taken half a teaspoon daily.


Children are forbidden to strengthen their immunity with alcohol tinctures, but an aqueous infusion on a medicinal root is a folk remedy that is not forbidden to give to children. The recipe includes a tablespoon of chopped root for 0.5 boiling water. It is infused for a day, filtered, then it is recommended to add boiled water up to half a liter. Drinking regimen for children - 100 ml before meals twice a day.

Aloe juice

For children's immunity, the juice of aloe medicinal is suitable. You need to take the leaves of a mature plant (3-10 years). For a pleasant taste, it can be drunk in combination with honey, lemon juice, milk. The folk remedy made from aloe with honey and nuts is called the elixir of health. It is prepared from the calculation of equal shares of aloe gel, honey, chopped walnuts, lemon juice. The mixture is allowed to brew for two weeks, then taken in the morning on an empty stomach for a teaspoon. You need to drink the mixture with warmed milk.

Rose hip

The berries of the plant are rich in vitamin C, the main immunomodulator. Rosehip decoction is useful for children and adults, it is drunk during a cold, as a diuretic, diaphoretic, cleansing agent, for diseases of the genitourinary system.

  1. Two tablespoons of berries must be steamed with boiling water in a thermos (1 l).
  2. Insist 4 hours.
  3. Strain through a strainer and drain the broth into a jar, bringing the volume of liquid to 1 liter.
  4. Drink before meals as tea for an adult, for children a quarter of a glass three times a day.


Ginger drink is a well-known folk remedy that boosts immunity. Microelements and vitamins that contribute to the adaptation of the body to critical conditions during epidemics are considered to be stimulating defenses. A piece of plant root is pre-washed, cleaned, frayed. Then the mixture is poured with boiling water, honey is added. From a teaspoon of raw materials, 250 ml of healing tea is obtained, which can be drunk by children after 6 years in a quarter of a glass before meals. It is not customary to give ginger tea to infants; after three years, consultation with a doctor is required.

For children under three years old, it is recommended to prepare a delicious vitamin mixture from lemon, ginger, honey. A folk recipe that strengthens the crumbs' immunity is created by grinding a peeled ginger root, lemon with a peel, but without seeds, and honey. Cut the lemon and root into pieces, grind in a blender, dilute with honey to a consistency that can be easily collected in a spoon. Babies are given half a teaspoon or added to tea. From three years old - in full, from 7 years old - it is allowed to use a couple of spoons.


Marsh berry cranberry helps to strengthen the immune system due to the presence of phenol carboxylic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamins in it. Cranberry recipes for kids are as follows:

  • grated berry with sugar, added to tea or milk;
  • a mixture of cranberries with honey and milk;
  • berry fruit drink;
  • cranberry juice;
  • fresh berry.

Carefully! A contraindication is an allergy to the product. Cranberries prepared according to folk recipes are a medicine and a delicacy, children drink berry drinks with pleasure.

Onion and garlic

The main popular advice is a simple proposal - place chopped chives and onions next to the bed during an epidemic to prevent disease. However, this effect is not on immunity, but on the disinfection of the environment. The body's defenses are strengthened by eating foods inside or outwardly.

Juice is squeezed out of the onion and used as nasal drops in a diluted form to counteract colds. Garlic with sunflower oil is a folk recipe for home medicine for future use.

  • Refined sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • Garlic - 1 large head;
  • Garlic cloves are peeled, filled with oil;
  • The mixture is infused on the refrigerator door for three days;
  • It is taken in a course of 2 weeks.

There are several ways of using it - by drops for small children as an addition to food, a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning for children after 7 years.

Chamomile and linden

Folk remedies made from chamomile and linden are allowed to be used for immunity by children under one year old, pregnant women, lactating mothers. Doctors consider lime-chamomile tea to be a natural immunostimulant of mild action. It is prepared from the calculation of equal shares of dry raw materials from chamomile flowers, linden and boiling water. For 0.3 liters of boiling water, you need to take a teaspoon of inflorescences and brew. Tea is infused for 30 minutes, then the still warm water is drained, a drink is consumed in a third of a glass 20 minutes before meals.

The same composition can be steamed a second time in a teapot and used for inhalation for diseases of the larynx. The tool has a diaphoretic, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect. According to popular advice, it is used during the cold season to strengthen the immunity of children and adults.

Fruits and vegetables

These are products that have everything you need to feed the body with useful substances. Natural immunomodulators in folk medicine are:

  • citrus fruits - orange, lemon, grapefruit as sources of vitamin C, other vitamins, microelements;
  • apples containing iron, carotene, vitamin A;
  • pomegranate and grapes - sources of increasing vitality, combating anemia;
  • exotic fruits - pineapple, avocado, kiwi, mango, containing a complex of vitamins and microelements that support immunity and have a tonic effect.

Fruits are consumed fresh, squeezed out of juice, made from them fruit mixtures with honey, cream, and other dairy products. Milk-fruit mixtures with bifidoflora are valuable for children. They help the digestive tract, heal the intestinal mucosa, which is a condition for strong immunity.

Whole grain cereals

Such products have a positive effect on immunity due to the following factors:

  • complex carbohydrates, digested at a slow pace, which trains the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fiber, which helps to improve digestion, absorbs harmful toxins;
  • whole grains contain all vitamins and trace elements, their constant use gives children and adults health.

Folk recipes for preparing whole-grain cereals suggest boiling them in water or milk. In order to quickly strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to do them on the basis of steaming in a thermos. Whole-grain cereals are brewed with boiling water and infused until the grains are loosened. Useful folk advice is adding honey, berries, fruits, jam, nuts to cereals. It is possible to infuse porridge in milk, kefir for three hours.

Attention! The minimum amount of oil is added. We recommend creamy, olive, sunflower.

Whole grain cereals are allowed to be eaten by children after 3 years of age two or three times a week, after 6 years it is permissible to eat more often, it is recommended to eat products from steamed cereals after 12 years. For kids from one to three years old, whole grain cereals need to be boiled until smooth.

Vitamin D fortified foods

For immunity, vitamin D is valuable in that it contributes to the health of the skeletal system, thyroid gland, and blood clotting. In another way, the vitamin is called calciferol, it helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strong immunity.

The People's and Medical Council says - eat these products at least twice a week so that immunity is always at its best. Children of all ages are advised to buy a vitamin D3 preparation - Devisol.


Nut mixtures are a storehouse of selenium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, vegetable proteins. The fats they contain do not contribute to weight gain; they help keep cholesterol levels normal. This means the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, insomnia, depression.

  • Walnut restores immunity after suffering illnesses, according to popular beliefs, it is useful for boys, strengthens their sexual constitution for the future.
  • Cashews promote blood formation, strengthen the heart muscle, cleanse the respiratory organs and blood vessels from harmful substances, plaques.
  • Almonds according to folk recipes should be consumed in order to prevent vitamin deficiency, liver and kidney diseases, and obesity.
  • It is recommended to eat hazelnuts to protect against oncology.
  • Pine nuts and pistachios have an antioxidant effect, provide a healthier gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Peanuts and Brazil nuts help to maintain hormonal stability by positively affecting the thyroid gland.

A popular folk recipe for a nut and fruit mixture for immunity helps children from the moment they learn to chew. You need to give half a teaspoon from a year on an empty stomach, gradually increase the dose over the years. The basic ingredient is honey. The rest of the ingredients are nuts plus dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs.

Advice! Combinations are allowed to be made at your own discretion. These are delicious vitamin mixtures that kids of all ages love.

Broth of oats

The folk recipe involves the use of three components:

  • oat grains - 300 g;
  • natural honey - 100 g;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - from one fruit.

A decoction of oats is prepared by boiling peeled grains in 3 liters of water. The cooking process lasts 20 minutes, the resulting product is poured into a thermos, insisted for a day. Then filter the solution and dilute it with honey, bring to a boil, and when it cools down, pour in lemon juice. Children from a year old are given a mixture of a teaspoon once in the morning, from three years old it can be consumed twice, after 6 years the dose is increased to a tablespoon, from 12 years old - 100 ml at a time. They drink twice a day, traditional medicine recommends a two-week course of strengthening the immune system every season.

Natural juices

Use juices for immunity according to the rules.

  1. Squeeze out fresh fruits and vegetables and drink within 15 minutes after spinning. Bacteria multiply quickly in them.
  2. Use a small serving straw.
  3. Take juices before meals for half an hour so that fermentation does not begin in the intestines.
  4. The best juices are pulp, they retain more useful components.
  5. Use lemon juice diluted with water, add honey to it.
  6. When using juices from stone fruits, pome fruits, mixing them with each other is not allowed.
  7. Aggressive juices - garlic, onion, radish, radish, horseradish are added to children drip in the drink.
  8. Beet juice in the drink should be 30%.

On a note! Immunomodulatory juices are carrot, lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, tangerine, mango, chokeberry, cranberry, wheat germ.

Dairy products to eliminate germs and restore microflora

The benefits of fermented milk products for the immune system have been confirmed by official and traditional medicine. Folk recipes recommend natural fermentation products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, varenets. Today, shops sell yoghurts, kefir, enriched with bifido-lactobacilli. They effectively restore the balance of intestinal microflora, that is, they directly work on immunity.

But the use of foods enriched with useful flora must be combined with plant adaptogens. They create conditions for maintaining an optimal combination of gastrointestinal microflora. In folk recipes, these are vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes. Doctors attribute the need for these foods to be high in dietary fiber to aid the digestive process.

Remember! Traditional healers call fermented foods, vegetables, fruits and grains essential components of strong immunity in children. If your child eats enough of them, then the body will be able to actively fight disease.

Seafood and fish oil

Seafood supports children's immunity according to traditional healers and doctors. They are indispensable after suffering ailments, since Omega 3, iodine, and other trace elements have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. It is enough to eat seaweed or crab meat a couple of times a week so that the resistance to diseases in children is at the level.

Fish oil according to folk recipes prevents rickets, pathologies of the central nervous system, helps the child's body to form. This is a true storehouse of vitamins A, E, D, Omega 3. It is given to children of different ages, but for newborns the dosage is agreed with the doctor. The recommendation of doctors is to give the child capsules purchased at the pharmacy. There is an instruction for the drug, so parental mistakes are excluded.

Bran, cedar nut oil, gentian, pine needles as immunostimulants

Folk recipes suggest the use of these products in order to increase the immune capabilities of the child's body. Bran is useful in that it stimulates digestion, helps to stabilize the intestinal microflora, the effect of which on immunity is undeniable.

For the preparation of a folk remedy, wheat or rye bran is taken. The technology for creating a mixture is as follows:

  • bran - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.;
  • dry inflorescences of marigolds - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.

Bran steamed with boiling water should be boiled for half an hour, over moderate heat. Then remove, strain, add calendula, put on the burner again for 5 minutes. Then the composition is chilled, it is strained and flavored with a spoon of honey. Two sips are taken by children under three years old and a quarter of a glass by older children three times a day. People's advice is to give a child a mixture with a weakened immune system.

Cedar oil useful for children during the spread of colds. The finished drug is sold in a pharmacy, it is given to children for a third of a teaspoon three times a day. National course of immunity support - 30 days. During admission, it is necessary to monitor the stool in babies, if diarrhea begins, the drug is canceled.

Gentian according to traditional medicine, it is considered a general tonic. A root of 10 g is poured with one liter of water, infused day and night, the next morning 1 kg of granulated sugar is added to the solution, the mixture is brought to a boil. After it cools and is placed in a dark place. It is useful to drink a folk remedy three times in half a glass. Children under three years old are recommended two tbsp. spoons.

Needles for immunity, according to folk recipes, it is used as an infusion for baths. Bathe your child with the addition of pine extract. Regular use has a tonic effect. Coniferous decoctions are the prevention of colds, they help prevent angina, are used as gargles and inhalations for a sore throat.

Rapid increase in the child's immunity

Folk remedies for a very rapid increase in immunity help a child in combination with proper nutrition, hardening, and taking multivitamins. Parents should learn the scheme of emergency strengthening of the body's resistance to diseases in detail.

  1. The use of dairy products with bifidolactobacilli, which contribute to the health of the intestinal mucosa.
  2. The presence of honey, whole grain cereals, onions, garlic, nuts on the baby's table.
  3. The presence at home of drugs with a multivitamin content. These include Pikovit, Vitrum-Kids, Alphabet, Supradin-Kids, Undevit, Kinder Biovital.

Folk remedies have a high immunomodulatory power - propolis with milk, a decoction of four medicinal herbs.

Propolis with milk in folk medicine is called the elixir of children's health. It is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of warm milk plus 100 g of propolis. Bee glue is diluted in milk and the mixture is cooked for 4 minutes. Then the wax top is removed from the solution, it is filtered through multilayer gauze. Children from three years old are given a teaspoon of folk medicine, from 7 years old - a tablespoon. Consumed three times a day

People's recipe "4 herbs", includes ingredients:

  • Birch buds,
  • St. John's wort,
  • chamomile,
  • immortelle.

For a tablespoon of raw materials, pour boiling water in a thermos and leave overnight. The infusion is drunk once half an hour before lunch. The amount of folk remedies for different ages - from two tablespoons for babies, up to a quarter of a glass - from three years old, half a glass for older children.

To accelerate the strengthening of immunity, folk recipes are advised to prepare decoctions of goji berries, black cumin. After 12 years, add strong immunostimulants of tincture of ginseng, rhodiola, rosea, echinacea to food by drip.

Remember! The best way not to harm children is to consult a doctor. With weakened immunity, a visit to the clinic is the responsibility of the parents.

Prevention measures

Strengthening immunity with folk remedies is part of maintaining the health of children. Traditional medicine puts other disease prevention measures on a par.

  1. Compliance with the regime of the day. Children should go to bed on time, eat on a schedule, spend their leisure time interestingly, and experience positive emotions during the game. Stable physical well-being, a favorable emotional background are the key to strong immunity. This is confirmed by traditional medicine, as well as by doctors.
  2. Rest, healthy sleep. The optimal combination of activity with rest and sleep is a requirement that must be followed strictly for the sake of the health of children.
  3. Hardening, walking. Fresh air, water, sunbathing help to maintain the vitamin balance, hormonal and immunological well-being in the body. Traditional healers, doctors, psychologists say that without sun and air, children develop a lack of vitamin D, without water, the body weakens.
  4. Morning exercises should be done daily to maintain vitality.
  5. Hygiene and cleanliness in the nursery is the key to eliminating bacteria and other microorganisms that provoke the occurrence of infectious diseases.

Compliance with the listed factors is mandatory for parents. These conditions form a healthy lifestyle without seasonal and systemic ailments.

Tempering technique according to Komarovsky

  • Traditional healers, as well as prominent pediatricians, are of the same opinion that strengthening immunity and hardening should complement each other.
    In newborns first 12 months the basis of hardening is the washing procedure. Gradually, manipulations with water become more complicated, washing of the legs begins. First, these are the heels, then the calves and feet are rinsed with water. The water is made colder, children with weakened immunity are advised by folk medicine to lower the temperature by one degree. The time for hardening manipulations is after washing the child in the bath. The water should not be colder than 28 degrees. After six months, they wipe the entire body of the baby with a mitten dipped in cold water. In addition, to strengthen the immunity of the baby, you need to walk in the fresh air so that he gets sunbathing. Massage is recommended when changing clothes.
  • 12 months to 3 years hardening procedures are the same, but it is allowed to make warm / cool baths for the legs. Traditional healers warn that children should not wash their genitals with contrasting water.
  • From the age of three, use a contrast shower on a regular basis. People's councils boil down to the fact that the child must get used to such a procedure. This requires the patience of the parents.
  • 3 to 7 it is allowed to carry out street dousing with water. Traditional healers, doctors advise at the same time to lower the water by one degree, to do the procedure in good calm weather.
  • From the first class it is necessary to pay attention to sports as a method of supporting immunity. Physical exercise at home, in the gym, in the stadium is a prerequisite for maintaining health.

Conclusion. Folk remedies will help preserve the health of the child, if combined with the other necessary conditions for creating comfort, cleanliness, and caring for children. Restoring immunity is more difficult than maintaining it throughout life. Always remember this rule so that your children grow up healthy, strong and beautiful.

Child immunity is what parents should first think about if their child is often sick. After all, being in kindergarten or school, a child can be exposed to various infections. With poor immunity, the infection quickly affects the child's body and leads to various diseases, for example, a runny nose, cough, sore throat, flu, and a number of others.

To prevent this, most parents begin to stuff the child with various drugs that contain not only useful substances, but sometimes harmful dyes or other chemical compounds. Yes, in a sense, they are useful, but do not forget to use folk remedies to maintain the child's immunity. After all, they are much safer and in some cases even more effective.

To make your child less sick and have good immunity, you should adhere to five simple recommendations:

  1. Regular walks. Regular walks in the fresh air are recommended every day. It is best to walk in parks or forests, away from highways and industrial areas.
  2. Healthy sleep. Your baby needs to get enough sleep to stay alert throughout the day. It has been proven that the lack of healthy sleep significantly impairs a child's immunity.
  3. Improving the diet. In order for your child to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals, you should include more different fruits and vegetables in the diet. Their natural components are easily absorbed, thereby providing maximum benefits for the body.
  4. Airing. You should regularly ventilate the room where the child is. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least 2 times a day.
  5. Refusal from harmful products. You need to try to exclude foods containing dyes, preservatives, flavors and other harmful substances from the child's diet to the maximum. Try from early childhood not to teach your child to various chips, crackers, carbonated drinks and other "healthy" foods.

Simple exercises to boost immunity

Suppose that your child often suffers from a sore throat. However, he also has weak lungs and bronchi, which leads to regular inflammation and bronchitis. To avoid this, you should regularly do a few simple exercises.

1) - how to approach the upbringing process so that it is most effective.
2) The need for rinsing the nose and contraindications, we described in this article.

Warm up the neck

The child needs to rotate his head clockwise and counterclockwise. It is enough to do such exercises 3 times a day for 10-20 repetitions. It helps warm up the lymph nodes behind the ears and protects them from inflammation.

Massage of the lungs and bronchi

Show your child a simple and fun exercise that will naturally help protect the lungs and bronchi from various diseases. Teach him to lightly tap himself on the chest and at the same time pronounce the sounds "a", "o" and "y".

If you do everything right and present it, for example, as a game, then a child will even like this self-massage.

Exercise "Lion Pose"

The child needs to try to reach the chin with the tip of the tongue for 5-10 seconds. This exercise improves blood circulation in the tongue and pharynx, while resolving the plugs, which can accumulate pathogens that cause sore throat and other diseases.

Nutrition to strengthen the immune system

For your child's immune system to function well, they need to eat right and get 3 main ingredients from food:

  • Proteins;
  • Vitamins (A, B, C, E);
  • Minerals: iron, magnesium, zinc and copper.

Consider several types of products that contain the necessary ingredients to strengthen the child's immunity:

  • Protein. The main suppliers of protein are: meat, fish, legumes, milk and dairy products;
  • Vitamin A - broccoli, green onions, parsley, peppers, pumpkin, apricot, tomatoes, dill, butter, peach, melon;
  • B vitamins- nuts, potatoes, buckwheat, offal, dried fruits, cabbage, eggs, beef, corn, turkey meat, cherries, strawberries, lemon;
  • Vitamin C- black currants, citrus fruits, parsley, bell peppers, red cabbage, cauliflower, beets, garlic, spinach, green peas, sorrel, tomato juice;
  • Vitamin E- soybean oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, walnuts, hazelnuts, soybeans, cashews, oatmeal, beans, pasta, bananas, carrots;
  • Iron- liver (beef, pork and chicken), seafood (shrimp, mussels, canned fish), chicken eggs, legumes, rye bread, corn, parsley, plum and tomato juices;
  • Magnesium - wheat bran, cocoa, dark chocolate, cashews, buckwheat, soybeans, rice (not polished), oatmeal, spinach, chicken eggs;
  • Zinc - pork, beef, chicken, lamb, pine nuts, processed cheese, peanuts, beans, peas, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, turkey and duck meat;
  • Copper - liver, peanuts, hazelnuts, shrimps, peas, pasta, lentils, buckwheat, rice, wheat, pistachios, oatmeal, beans, octopus.

Parents should pay special attention to the condition of their child's gastrointestinal tract. Because in the intestine, the synthesis of immunoglobulin is stimulated. In addition, improper bowel function leads to poor absorption of nutrients.

For normal bowel function, fermented milk products and food that contains a large amount of fiber must be present in the child's diet.

Massages to strengthen the child's immunity

Massage is an excellent option for strengthening your child's immunity. There are a large number of them. We will tell you about two simple but effective ways.

1) How to recognize sinusitis in children if there is no runny nose? In the article at the link, we gave basic recommendations.
2) The main components of children's toothpaste are we.

For him you need medium-sized rounded sea pebbles. Warm up some water and add 1 teaspoon of sea salt and 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar per liter. Moisten the prepared pebbles with this solution. Spread a towel on the floor and place the stones moistened with a warm solution on it.

The child needs to walk with bare feet on sea stones for about 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Such a "sea" foot massage will improve the body's defenses against a cold, cough, sore throat and a number of other colds.

Foot massage with oils

For this massage we need the following components:

  • 5 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon tree oil;
  • 30 ml of any base oil.

We mix all the ingredients and, with light movements of our hands, begin to rub the mixture into the child's feet. Thus, the massage should be carried out for 3-5 minutes. 1-2 such procedures per day will be just right. They are best done after bathing the baby.

Hardening is one of the most important ways to improve a child's immunity. But it should be understood that hardening must be approached carefully and gradually. We have a detailed article about hardening preschool children, which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Traditional medicines to improve immunity

Traditional medicines have always been and will be one of the most popular methods of treating various diseases. Even the majority of doctors at the reception recommend, in addition to drugs, to use various traditional medicine.

Consider a few of the most common folk remedies for treating and improving the immunity of children and adults.

Delicious Immune System Booster Blend

To prepare it, we need:

  • 1 cup shelled walnuts
  • 5 cups almonds
  • 5 cups raisins;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 5 cups honey, melted.

The recipe is very simple. We pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, including lemons (along with the peel). Add melted honey to the resulting mushy mixture and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We transfer the mixture to a jar and store in the refrigerator.

We give it to the child 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Recommended for children 2 years of age and older. This delicious blend is used not only to improve immunity, but also to treat many colds.

Egg shells to strengthen immunity

Eggshell is an excellent remedy for helping to strengthen the immune system. Indeed, it contains minerals that stimulate the production of lymphocytes in the human bone marrow.

It is recommended to use the shells of only domestic eggs, of which you are sure of the quality. We wash the shell well from various contaminants. We place it in a small saucepan with water, put it on fire and simmer for 5-10 minutes to be sure that there are no various bacteria. Then let the shell cool and dry completely. Then, using a mortar or coffee grinder, turn it into a powder.

The resulting powder should be given to children 2-3 times a day on the tip of a teaspoon with water. You can also add it to food if the child refuses to use it directly.

Another good option for improving immunity would be pine needles tincture. For cooking, take 2 tablespoons of coniferous needles, put in a saucepan and pour 0.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and set aside to infuse for 2-3 hours. Next, dissolve a tablespoon of honey in the tincture and everything is ready for use.

As we said earlier, a weakened immune system can be associated with problems in the gut. If symptoms of dysbiosis or constipation are observed, then a decoction of oats will help.

To prepare it, we need 100 grams of oats and 1.5 liters of water. Pour the thoroughly washed oats with 1.5 liters of water and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning we put the whole thing on low heat and cook for 1.5 hours. Next, we filter everything through cheesecloth, squeeze and remove the oatmeal.

  1. Children from 6 to 12 months - 1 teaspoon a day;
  2. From 1 to 3 years old - 2 tablespoons a day;
  3. Over 3 years old - 100 grams per day.

Such a medicine is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. It is recommended to carry out the course of treatment within 1 month. You should not pour out excess broth, it is better to use it for adults. It will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help restore the liver and improve the overall condition of the skin.

Cranberry and lemon

For this tool we need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 5 kilograms of cranberries;
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

Grind the lemon along with the peel and cranberries through a meat grinder, add honey and mix until smooth. If you are allergic to honey, then you can replace it with sugar. We store the mixture in the refrigerator and use 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day, depending on age.

Propolis extract

It is recommended to use propolis extract to strengthen the immune system. It is advisable to give the child 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach. For children over 3 years old, add 3-5 drops of the extract in 100 grams of milk or water. This method is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Such prevention is carried out for a month, after which you should take at least a month off.

Remember that your child's good immunity is the key to his health. After all, you will not be able to constantly control the child and must be sure that he will not be afraid of any infection.

Many children are exposed to frequent illnesses at an early age, so caring mothers are trying to apply dozens of remedies to strengthen the immune system. A disease is not always a weakened immune system, it is, on the contrary, a signal that the body is fighting a harmful virus. Find out how to boost immunity in a child 1 year and older.

On health issues, they must consult with specialists. The first person to contact is a pediatrician. He will prescribe the necessary tests, give recommendations on taking medications. Sometimes you need to consult an immunologist who will prescribe treatment, additional research, if necessary, will tell you in detail how to increase the child's immunity. When to contact an immunologist:

  1. The child was exposed to ARVI disease more than 6 times a year, or complications appeared after the infection.
  2. Frequent,.
  3. In case of diseases, the temperature does not rise (the body does not fight the virus).
  4. Allergy.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or armpits.

A few tips from immunologists on how to increase the immunity of a child:

  1. Do morning exercises, sports, play outdoor games during the day.
  2. More vitamin C in the diet (ginger tea, honey, lemon). Get ascorbic acid from your local pharmacy.
  3. Give plenty of fresh berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  4. Temper your children and go for a walk in any weather. Do a contrast shower, do not try to wrap up the child and teach them to drink cold drinks.
  5. Get seasonal vaccinations.

How to increase the immunity of a child with folk remedies

Natural treatment in order to strengthen the body's immune system effectively. The parent does not have to run to the pharmacy for expensive funds. How can you increase the immunity of a child using traditional medicine:

  1. ... Even the aroma of these vegetables helps to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. You can add finely chopped garlic or onions to dishes, or spread them around the house peeled.
  2. Fermented milk products... It is saturated with useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which improve the intestinal microflora. Calcium, contained in yoghurts, cheeses, sourdoughs, also helps to strengthen bones.
  3. Lemon... If you are not allergic to citrus, feel free to add a little lemon to your diet.
  4. Nuts... Mix different types of nuts or one with honey, let's eat healthy sweetness for the baby. Honey is also a great way to boost immunity: choose buckwheat or lime varieties.
  5. Decoctions and fruit drinks... Rosehips, chamomile, currants, and blueberries in drinks are very beneficial for promoting health and protecting against infections.

How to increase the immunity of a child after antibiotics

The use of antibiotics helps to cope with diseases, but it does not leave the body without leaving a trace. The protection of the immune system decreases, the microflora of the stomach is killed, so the child's strength needs to be restored after taking the drugs. What measures should be taken after the course of the antibiotic:

  1. Consult your doctor about taking remedies that restore the intestinal microflora and the body's defenses. These are not only medicines, but also fermented milk products.
  2. Natural remedies are among the most effective. It:
    • decoctions and teas (lemongrass, rose hips,);
    • aloe;
    • lemon.
  3. Reconsider your diet: eat less foods high in fat, sugar, spices. It is better to balance the food and use only the boiling or steaming process for processing. There should be more dairy products, dishes on the menu.
  4. Morning should start with exercise, and in the afternoon there should be outdoor games.
  5. Temper your child, do not avoid walking in the fresh air, go to the bathhouse.
  6. The elimination of toxins is perfectly carried out with plenty of drinking water.

How to increase the immunity of a 2-year-old child at home

Before strengthening the child's immune system using various means, eliminate stressful situations from his life. Also, make sure that your meals are balanced. Broths and infusions with a specific taste cannot always be offered to the baby, he may not drink them at all. How to increase the immunity of a 2-year-old child in this case? Healthy sweets will help you. Recipe:

  1. chop raisins, dried apricots, nuts;
  2. add a little honey, lemon juice;
  3. stir, store the mixture in the refrigerator:
  4. give the baby a teaspoon of this composition three times a day.

How to improve immunity in a 3-year-old child before kindergarten

Love is something that an adult parent can give to their baby at any time, and it will be the best cure for infections. When a child feels care, warmth, then the kindergarten is not afraid of him, he will not get sick, and stress does not threaten. Be sure to start the morning with exercise, give more vitamin C and fresh berries, vegetables, fruits. Alternate rest and active games, be sure to take a walk on a fresh vacation. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, after each walk on the street, use the toilet, teach children to wash their hands.

How to raise the immunity of a child at 4 years old after an illness

When the baby is ill, his body is significantly weakened, and it is necessary to prevent re-infection. What will improve the condition:

  1. Ventilate the rooms in the house, thoroughly do wet cleaning, dust off.
  2. Monitor your child's hygiene at home and on a walk so as not to replenish the "reserves" of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  3. You need to drink more fluids, eat right, eat less sweet, fried, fatty, starchy foods.
  4. A good mood greatly affects the strength of the body's defenses, so use active games that your baby likes.

Video: how to increase the immunity of a child with homeopathy

Treatment of children with folk remedies implies an increase in their immunity, so that it is necessary to treat their runny nose, cough, sore throat, flu as rarely as possible. So that the kindergarten does not become a source of danger for them, where they catch an infection within 2-3 days.

Treatment of children with folk remedies in order to strengthen immunity is not such a difficult task, but it requires constancy and consistency.

So that the child does not get sick, you need

1. Ventilate the room 1-2 times a day
2. Walk more often and move more
3. The child should get enough sleep.
4. Include in the diet as many fruits and vegetables as possible
5. Refuse products with dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc. Do not teach children to chips, crackers, carbonated drinks and other products of the chemical industry

How to raise the immunity of a child with folk remedies

Rinsing the mouth.

After each meal, the child should rinse his mouth with salt water. This method will lower the concentration of microbes and keep the teeth from decay. This procedure will not hurt adults either.

Healthy teas for children.

If the child does not want to rinse his mouth with salt water, you can teach him to drink a little infusion of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort after meals. Delicious tea is made from a mixture of rose hips, mint, chamomile. After eating, such a tea or infusion washes away food debris from the tonsils and has a bactericidal effect on the mucous membranes. This method is a good prevention of colds.

Immunity boosting drink for children
A very good remedy is to squeeze lemon juice into the water and drink it all day. The remedy will be even more effective if you add a little honey here, if the child is not allergic to it.

How to increase immunity in a child with simple exercises

If a child often suffers from sore throats, if he has weak bronchi and lungs, then the following exercises will help:

Lion pose

Ask the child to stretch the tip of the tongue to the chin and hold it there for 3 to 10 seconds. This posture of tension of the tongue and pharynx improves blood flow, the pharynx is sanitized, the plugs on which pathogens sit, causing sore throats and other problems are resolved. Have the child do this exercise every time they brush their teeth. With angina, it is advisable to do this every hour.

Warm up the neck

The child should slowly rotate his head to the right and left. This exercise works on the lymph glands behind the ear and protects them from inflammation.

Massage of the bronchi and lungs

Teach your child to gently beat himself on the chest while exhaling with fists with the sounds "a", "o", "y". Such self-massage of the chest develops the natural defenses of the bronchopulmonary system.

Delicious mixture for treating children with folk remedies

Pass through a meat grinder 1.5 cups of raisins, 1 cup of walnut kernels, 0.5 cups of almonds, 2 lemons, mix it with 0.5 cups of melted honey. Give this mixture to the child for 1-2 tsp. (depending on age) 3 times a day one hour before meals. This remedy is suitable for children aged 2 and over.

Nutrition in strengthening the immune system

For the immune system to function normally, it needs proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, E) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, copper, iron)
Protein- meat, fish, legumes
Vitamin A- yellow and red vegetables, liver, eggs, butter
Vitamin C- currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, parsley, bell peppers, strawberries
B vitamins- offal, seeds, wholemeal bread, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, sprouted cereals
Vitamin E- liver, seeds, nuts, sprouted cereals, butter and vegetable oil, oatmeal, buckwheat, flaxseed, eggs
Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron- nuts, offal, cereals, apples

Pay attention to the condition of the child's intestines, since immunity depends on the intestinal microflora. It is in the intestine that the synthesis of immunoglobulin is stimulated, in addition, the slagged intestine is an obstacle to the assimilation of nutrients contained in food.
To keep the intestines normal, try to get the child to drink more fermented milk products, bioyogurts and eat foods rich in fiber.

Hardening in the treatment of children with folk remedies

Throat hardening- drink cool drinks, eat ice cream. It is necessary to act with caution, to accustom the child's throat to the cold gradually and carefully. You can start by rinsing your mouth with cold water.
General hardeningorganism- wiping with a wet towel, pouring cold water, contrast shower, swimming pool.


1. This the remedy will relieve the child of frequent colds, tonsillitis etc. Take marine rounded pebbles. Pour warm boiled water over them with sea salt and a drop of vinegar. The child should walk barefoot on these stones for 3-5 minutes. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day.
2. Useful foot massage baby with oils: mix 2 drops of eucalyptus, tea tree and lemon tree oil with 20 ml of any base oil. Do a foot massage for 2-3 minutes

Shells in the treatment of children

Eggshell powder is a wonderful remedy for strengthening the immune system. Eggshell contains minerals that stimulate the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow.
Rinse the shell, heat it, then grind it in a coffee grinder until powder is obtained. Give children on the tip of a teaspoon 2-3 times a day after meals - drink water or add to food.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child with a decoction of oats

If the child has problems with the intestines (constipation, dysbiosis) and the immune system is weakened from this, then it is useful to take a decoction of oats. Rinse 100 g of oats, pour 1.5 liters of water, insist overnight, boil in the morning over low heat for 1.5 hours, cool, strain, squeeze. Children from 6 to 12 months take 1 tsp., From 1 to 3 years old - 1-2 tbsp. l., after 3 years - 100 g per day. Store no more than 2 days in the refrigerator. The course of treatment with this remedy is 1 month. Drinking excess for adults will improve the work of the intestines, restore the liver, improve the condition of the skin


To raise immunity, you can give your child in the morning on an empty stomach a tincture of propolis in 100 g of milk or an aqueous extract of propolis in 100 g of water. Use as a prophylaxis of diseases for no more than a month, then a month off. The number of drops depends on the age of the child - from 3 to 7 years old, give 3-5-7 drops.

Cranberry and lemon

Pass through a meat grinder 0.5 kg of cranberries and 1 lemon, add 1 tbsp. honey (sugar for allergies), mix well. There is a mixture of 1-2 tbsp. with tea 2-3 times a day.

Needles in the treatment of children with folk remedies

2 tbsp. l. needles pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, adults drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, children - 1 - 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, depending on age

And a few more tips for treating children with folk remedies- in early autumn and early spring, you can conduct a course of increasing immunity with the help of echinacea infusion, it is better to choose a dose by a doctor. Fish or seal oil also strengthens the child's body well, after taking it, children are much less likely to get sick

Try to make sure that going to kindergarten is not stressful for the child. Stress leads to a weakening of the immune system. In addition, the desire to stay at home and not go to kindergarten can become a psychological cause of the disease.

There are only three natural stimulants of immunity - hunger, cold and physical activity. Children should walk more often, they should not be wrapped up, it should not be hot at home, it is also impossible to feed by force, it is necessary for the child to ask for food himself.


Many parents are worried about the question: why does the baby often get sick, and how to raise the child's immunity with folk remedies?

Currently, there are negative trends in the incidence of colds and respiratory viral diseases in children. At the same time, their frequency and duration increase throughout the year, with the formation of the "often ill child" syndrome in the baby.

Why does the child often get sick

To answer the question: how to strengthen a child's immunity with folk remedies, you must first determine the causes of frequent episodes of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections during the year. These include external and internal factors that reduce the reactivity of the child's immune system.

Internal factors:

  • instability of functioning and immaturity of immunological reactivity of children of early and preschool age (up to 6-7 years old);
  • congenital anomalies of the respiratory, digestive and immune systems of the body;
  • weakened local immunity and the gradual formation of chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx and oral cavity (adenoid vegetation, tonsil hypertrophy, caries, sinusitis);
  • not diagnosed dysbacteriosis and candidiasis;
  • untreated infectious diseases;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • intrauterine hypoxia and intoxication during intrauterine development;
  • prematurity.

External agents contributing to the increase in morbidity:

  • an increase in the infectious load on the child as a result of contact with a large number of people or the beginning of attending kindergarten, school;
  • complicated infections and colds in infancy;
  • bad ecological situation;
  • violation of sanitary standards or an uncomfortable microclimate in the room where the child is constantly;
  • uncontrolled use of medicines, homeopathic medicines and improper use of immunostimulating drugs at home;
  • frequent change of climatic or time zones;
  • stress, prolonged psychological discomfort;
  • increased physical activity.

How to increase immunity in a child

Important points in reducing the incidence of colds, acute respiratory infections and frequent exacerbations of chronic foci of infection in children are:

  1. Elimination of the causes of frequent diseases.
  2. Strengthening immunity in various ways at home.

Consider how to raise the immunity of a child with folk remedies by increasing the natural reactivity of the baby's immune system.

Important for the restoration of the protective forces of the child's body are:

  • full, balanced nutrition of the child, especially in infants and young children (up to three years old) for the formation of the correct functioning of the body and the maturation of the immune system;
  • frequent walks with a child in the fresh air, creating a comfortable microclimate;
  • complete elimination of all stressful situations, increased physical exertion and other overstrain of the body;
  • full healthy sleep and rest - children who are often sick need to arrange an additional day off so that the baby can sleep and rest;
  • complete recovery from colds and respiratory infections;
  • the constancy and consistency of the general strengthening procedures;
  • elimination of the uncontrolled and frequent use of any medicines and folk remedies (it is necessary to strictly observe the doses, frequency and duration of course therapy);
  • remediation of foci of chronic infection.

It is possible to increase children's immunity only if:

  • clarification and elimination of all causes of the child's illness;
  • systematic and correct implementation of all the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • a course of taking herbal remedies in compliance with the doses, frequency and duration of therapy.

Increasing immunity with folk remedies

To restore immunity at home, the following folk remedies are used:

  • infusions of anti-inflammatory, restorative herbs and plant adaptogens;
  • propolis;
  • vitamin mixtures;
  • other methods (hardening, massage).

Propolis to restore immunity

Most often propolis is used in the form of:

  • mouthwash solutions after attending kindergarten or school;
  • additions to milk or vitamin mixtures and herbal infusions;
  • in adolescence, methods of resorption of a small ball of propolis are used with the initial manifestations of a cold.

The most effective way to increase immunity with propolis in children is a course intake of propolis tincture with milk or herbal infusions. The daily dose of the tincture is 1 drop for 1 year of the child's life.

The course of treatment is from 20 to 30 days, after application take a break (at least a month), you can repeat the course 2-3 times.

Anti-inflammatory, tonic and immunostimulating herbs

It is possible to restore immunity to a frequently ill child at home with the help of collections of medicinal herbs with a fortifying, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect:

  • chestnut flowers;

These medicinal herbs can be brewed separately or used with the collection of medicinal plants.

An effective infusion to increase immunity in children is prepared as follows:

  1. Take in equal parts willow-herb, linden flowers, calendula and chestnut, St. John's wort and lemon balm.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for 5-6 hours.
  3. In the finished infusion, you can add honey (in the absence of allergies) and a few drops of echinacea tincture (1 drop per 1 year of life) or propolis.

Give the child a multivitamin drink in the form of tea - several small sips 3-4 times a day.

The following broth also stimulates well the reduced immune reactivity in children:

  1. Take in equal proportions linden and horsetail flowers.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of the herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Let it brew until it cools.

Take this remedy in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day for no more than 10 days.

The use of plant adaptogens

Any immunostimulating agents, including herbal ones, must be given to the child with caution, under the supervision of the attending physician.

Plant adaptogens are very effective means for increasing the body's defenses, the most popular of which are tinctures of the following plants:

  • pion;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • echinacea;

Important! The immune system of a baby up to 6-7 years old has immaturity and instead of a stimulating effect, these plants can provoke a decrease in immunity.

It is better to take these drugs for schoolchildren or adolescents - the doctor determines the dose and duration of therapy.

You also need to remember that tincture of Eleutherococcus and ginseng can increase blood pressure and cause overexcitation of the nervous system. Therefore, these herbal remedies are contraindicated in primary arterial hypertension, VSD of the mixed type and in pathology of the nervous system. It is better to give these funds to children in the morning and afternoon, no later than 17 pm.

Tincture of peony root, together with immunomodulatory effects, on the contrary, has a calming effect... You need to take it before bedtime, observing the dosage of 1 drop of the drug for 1 year of the child's life. The duration of the course is no more than 14 days.

Also, an infusion of black currant leaves has an excellent immunostimulating effect. Pour a tablespoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours in a thermos, add lemon juice and honey. Drink in the form of tea 3-4 times a day for 14-20 days.

Non-specific immunity at home increases the intake of biostimulating agents:

  • Chinese or Far Eastern lemongrass;
  • royal jelly of bees (apilactose) or apilikvirit (royal jelly with licorice).

Courses are prescribed by a specialist after examining the child (immunogram) with local treatment of background and concomitant diseases. The course of treatment is 10 days, monthly, at regular intervals (20 days). The duration of therapy is from 3 to 6 months.

Vitamin Blends

Hypovitaminosis, intestinal problems, anemia, asthenia are background conditions in children who are often ill, which reduce the immune system and provoke further weakening of the body. Vitamin mixtures and decoctions improve metabolic processes, absorption, digestion of food, normalize sleep and appetite. These funds include:

  • mixtures of nuts, raisins and lemons with honey;
  • aloe juice with honey;
  • cranberry juice;
  • decoction of oats and flaxseed;
  • a mixture of viburnum, black currant and raspberry juices.

The most popular remedy for boosting immunity in children:

  1. Take a glass of walnuts, raisins, dates, half a glass of almonds, two lemons, 100 grams (agave) - pass everything through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour the mixture with 300 - 500 ml of liquid honey, stir.
  3. Put in the refrigerator and leave for 2-3 days.
  4. Give your child a dessert spoon 2 times a day.

Another recipe for a vitamin mixture:

  1. Take half a kilogram of cranberries, lemon and mince.
  2. Add two tablespoons of honey to this mass and mix well.
  3. Give the child a tablespoon of mixture 2 times a day with tea.

Restoring a child's immunity is a difficult, but quite doable task. The main thing is the systematic implementation of the recommendations of a specialist, the physical activity of the baby in the fresh air, proper balanced nutrition, massages, hardening, climatotherapy, elimination of stress and the prevention of respiratory infections.