How sympathy manifests itself in the sensations of touch. Recognizing a lover without words: how to understand a man's sympathy from non-verbal signals? Non-verbal gestures of girls

Probably every woman would like to understand the "secret", non-verbal signs of a man in love. When a person is agitated, irritated, upset, or infatuated, their body sends out certain signals. You just need to be able to recognize them. Psychologists say it's not that difficult. From the first seconds, you can tell a lot about the inner state of a person. This will be immediately noticeable by his facial expressions, gestures and even posture. What signs indicate that a man has sympathy for you?

  1. An interested man's gaze will slide from head to toe or linger on certain parts of your body. The more dilated the pupils, the more he likes you. If during the dialogue a man looks you straight in the eyes and does not make unnecessary gestures, then most likely you are just an interesting interlocutor.
  2. Our eyebrows are always slightly raised when we are glad to see a person, and frowned if the person is not interesting to us. When the interlocutor frowns, he is lying.
  3. If during a conversation your interlocutor tilts his head to the right or left, nods to the beat of your words, then he is clearly interested in what you are talking about. If not, perhaps he is not interested not only in your story, but also in you.
  4. The more a person smiles at you, the more he likes you. Fast, mildly nervous smiles, lip tightening, and any other asymmetrical lip movements are a sign that a man is uncomfortable.
  5. If a man is sexually attracted to you, he will constantly bite his lips or tap them with his finger.
  6. Automatically stroking eyebrows or hair are also non-verbal signs of a man in love and they mean interest in you. Rubbing your chin - on the contrary, you are bored with you, and maybe even annoying.
  7. Every man is afraid of being rejected. Therefore, in addition to sympathy and interest, he may experience insecurity, awkwardness and excitement. To relieve internal stress, a man begins to sway, rub his face, sway in a chair, fiddle with buttons or a tie. If in your presence a man shows signs of obvious confusion - he is not indifferent to you.
  8. The copying of actions can also suggest an attraction. For example, you take a glass - he too, you touched your ear or hair - and he did the same.
  9. When you attract a man, he wants to touch you. Therefore, he will try to be as close to you as possible or to imitate a hug: lean on the railing or the back of a chair behind you. The most harmless touch is, of course, a handshake. You can also learn something from it. If a man holds out his hand to you, palm up, he unconsciously acknowledges your will over him. If he clasps your palm with both hands, it means that he expresses sincerity and trust. Imperceptible handshake - unwillingness to draw the distance.
  10. Unconsciously, at the sight of a beautiful woman, a man begins to smarten up. It automatically pulls in your belly, straightens your shoulders, straightens your hair, jacket and tie. And even his gait sharply becomes light and athletic.
  11. An agitated young man will try to get your attention. At this moment, his gestures and facial expressions will become more expressive, and speech faster than usual.
  12. The most obvious sign from a man is hands on a belt or hips, legs wide apart. In this case, he has a clear attraction to you. This also includes such a gesture as unfastening a bracelet, removing glasses, taking out cufflinks.

If you notice non-verbal signs of a man in love and think that he liked him, but still doubt your guesses a little, try experimenting. You can approach him and see his reaction, whether he will do the same or will still move a little further. When greeting or saying goodbye, reach out to him first, smile. A man may not understand non-verbal language, but his facial expressions and gestures will involuntarily betray his emotions. You should also not consider each sign separately. Consider everything together, including his behavior, words and attitude towards you.

There are also gestures that indicate a person's indifferent and complete indifference. A man who does not want to make contact will behave as follows: often turn away, cover his ears with his palms. Look anywhere: at the ceiling, watch, hands, but not at you. Hidden palms, crossed arms or legs are not a sign in your favor. When the interlocutor is not interested in the conversation, he can be given out by such non-verbal gestures as: running eyes, fidgeting in a chair. Even the ends of the shoes can be directed towards the doors.

The ability to understand the non-verbal signs of a man in love opens up many opportunities. Studies show that a person's facial expressions and behavior provide five times more information about a person than words. Therefore, knowledge of sign language helps to better understand each other and exchange the necessary information without words. With its help, you can easily build relationships with people, including those with the opposite sex.

Psychologists say that during the manifestation of sympathy, men use certain signs by which one can assume the sincerity of their intentions.

A man's sympathy can be expressed by verbal and non-verbal signs.


  • Show curiosity about a woman's personality;
  • A man's stories about his personality: tastes, interests, hobbies, etc .;
  • Meeting friends and relatives;
  • Praise and compliments;
  • Providing services or assistance;
  • Surprises, gifts;
  • Verbal recognition of sympathy.

Non-verbal signs:

Facial expressions

The facial expressions of a sympathetic man are more "lively" and expressive than usual. This is due to the desire to stand out and attract attention. Such a man listens to every word and displays on his face the emotions that accompany him during the story (this is how he shows his respect, understanding and attention).

Gestures and postures

A sympathetic man uses certain gestures and postures in order to demonstrate his masculinity, courtesy, care and attention. Thus, he shows an effort to please the object of adoration and win the reciprocity of feelings.

A man, being in the company of a woman he likes, uses the following gestures and postures:

  • Tugs at the collar, straightens clothes, sometimes shakes them off - wants to please, attract attention, is embarrassed;
  • The toes of the feet are directed in her direction - a manifestation of interest;
  • Straightened shoulders, hands on hips and support on both legs demonstrate self-confidence;
  • Touching your hair - trying to attract her attention to yourself;
  • Putting your thumbs behind the belt is a desire to show self-confidence;
  • Tilting towards a woman when communicating, intruding into a personal comfort zone or reducing distance - an interest in communication and a desire to be closer to her;
  • Raises the chin, tilting the head slightly - instills a sense of authority;
  • Unconscious copying of gestures and postures is a manifestation of empathy;
  • Open posture: arms and legs are not crossed - an expression of acceptance and trust;
  • The legs are slightly wider than usual - a subconscious demonstration of manhood.


Being in the presence of a woman he likes, a man tries to attract her attention and get reciprocity:


By the look, you can determine the attitude and interest of a man:


A man who takes pleasure in seeing a woman he likes often smiles.

To understand the sincerity of his smile, you need to pay attention to facial expressions:

  • Wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Crow's feet on the sides of the eyes;
  • Raised cheekbones and corners of the lips.

An important fact is that true facial expressions are read in the first fractions of a second. If during a smile mimic signs near the eyes do not appear, then most likely it is used as a mask.

This does not mean that the man wants to cheat, but indicates the manifestation of pleasure due to the presence of the object of adoration. Lifting one corner of the lips is considered sarcasm., and this fact is worth paying attention to.



A sign of male sympathy is frequent talk about a woman - a man wants to know everything about her personality. He talks about putting him in the best light, trying to evoke reciprocal frankness or other desired feelings.

And also asks personal questions:


The man begins to scrupulously monitor his appearance:

All this helps to raise self-esteem, and as a result:

Communication Initiative

A man's sympathy can be determined by the manifestation of communication initiative.

He is interested:

  • First of all, is the woman free;
  • Everything about her personality;
  • Her habits;
  • Flavors;
  • Preferences.

A man shows such behavior to determine points of contact, compare views and habits, as well as for the correct choice of gifts and surprises.

An abundance of jokes

Signs of a man's liking are also frequent jokes. This helps him to attract attention and gain mutual sympathy.

In jokes, you can show eloquence and erudition, get a reputation as a positive person with whom it becomes desirable and pleasant to spend time with. Funny and witty jokes help to remember the past meeting with pleasure and smile and wait for the next date, because it is pleasant and fun to be with him.

From a psychological point of view, a joke can successfully fill an awkward pause, and laughter relieves tension.

Caring and attentiveness

Men know that being considerate and caring are the qualities that women value first. By these signs, a woman will judge him as a future husband and father.

He sincerely worries about the health and well-being of a woman, therefore he strives:

One of the signs of a man's sympathy is the importance of the opinion of the chosen one. Asking for advice from a woman, a man emphasizes her importance. At the same time, a woman feels like a useful and intelligent person.

She is pleased to experience such feelings, which increases the chances of mutual sympathy. Perhaps, in fact, a man does not think about this fact, but on a subconscious level it works this way, and he understands cause-and-effect relationships.

Often makes gifts and surprises

Giving a gift or a surprise to a woman you like is even more enjoyable than receiving a gift yourself. This is not necessarily something expensive, the main thing is to do it nicely.

Psychologists say that when a person is happy, it is pleasant to be next to him, he, like a magnet, attracts people to him. Will a man present gifts to a woman to whom he is indifferent? Perhaps, but it will mean that he expects something in return. In this case, you need to pay attention to the nature of the gift.

When a man sincerely tries to guess the woman's desire in his gift, to add something personal to it, then this fact indicates sympathy. If this is a cup, but there is an inscription on it concerning the personality of a woman, then this is no longer a banal gift bought in a hurry, but an individual sign of attention. Choosing him, the man put his feelings in and thought about her.

Initiates acquaintance with friends and family

Acquaintance of a woman with close people and relatives speaks of the seriousness of intentions, and light flirting is always more superficial. At the beginning of a relationship, a man looks closely, looks for points of contact, studies the personality of the chosen one, her interests, tastes and preferences.

And only at the next stage, when a man is confident in his feelings, he introduces her into the circle of his family and friends. If a young man for a long time does not seek to introduce his chosen one into the circle of people who are meaningful to him, then we are talking about being unprepared for a long-term relationship.

Expression of sexual interest

Expression of love

To express his love for a woman, a man does what she likes, namely:

With such actions, a man tries to win a reciprocal feeling, not to lose a relationship.

The more a man falls in love, the more he expresses his feelings. At the same time, not devoting all his free time to her, and meeting sometimes, a man is unlikely to experience true love, although he bears material costs.

And vice versa, devoting all his free time to her, he does not spend money on her - most likely this is not falling in love, but satisfying his own whims.

If a guy is young, shy and inexperienced or disappointed in a relationship in the past, then he can hide his feelings, be a timid and indecisive person. Such men surreptitiously look at the woman, and, once noticed, they look away.

Experts say that only good qualities are noticed during the period of falling in love. The minimal pluses are exaggerated and exalted, and the minuses are either not noticed, or analyzed and interpreted in favor of the object of adoration.

Sympathy from a colleague

A colleague is a person whom a woman sees almost daily. Knows his manners, habits, style, and so on.

For this reason, you should notice a change in the little things:

Sympathy from a family friend

A family friend can hardly be called a stranger. He knows personal characteristics, tastes, preferences, he can freely go home and call at any time.

He is not alien to the worries and problems of a woman - a friend. He already has many privileges that a stranger has to conquer. And yet there are signs by which one can determine that this man is trying to move from the category of "friend" to a closer relationship.

A family friend shows sympathy in the following ways:

  • Increased spending time together;
  • Increased eye contact, efforts to keep her constantly in sight;
  • An interested look with delays on the chest, hips;
  • Attempts to touch and interest in reactions to them;
  • Search for privacy opportunities.

The sympathy of a married man

The difference between the manifestation of sympathy for a married man is the need to hide his feelings from prying eyes.

It is possible that he does not plan to move to a more personal relationship due to his decency.

However, there are signs that are difficult or impossible to hide:

  • First of all, a man is always looking for a woman he likes with his eyes and looks at her with an appraising look;
  • Signs of attention;
  • Unobtrusive periodic intrusion into the zone of personal comfort;
  • Show interest in a conversation, touching on topics related to a person;
  • She does not accept criticism against her, she intercedes and justifies this woman.

The sympathy of an aged man

A distinctive feature of a man of respectful age is the difference in priorities. He, like a young man, will show signs of attention, admire a woman's appearance, but take more care of her physical and emotional health.
He will also try to give what he lacks himself, hoping for mutual return.

Such a man shows sympathy in the following way:

Sympathy for the signs of the zodiac

AriesMen of this sign are distinguished by courage and self-confidence. They will not walk around for a long time, and hint about their feelings. Feel free to invite on a date and declare their attitude. They try to attract attention by leading positions and demonstrating their achievements. Can spend money on generous gifts to achieve a cherished goal. Takes quick steps in developing a relationship, but can also quickly become frustrated.
TaurusMen born under the sign of Taurus do not reveal themselves immediately. Being practical people, they look for the same in a partner. For a long time they look closely and comprehensively study the personality of a woman. Show sympathy by expressing heightened attention, waiting for response, and welcoming women's initiative at the first stage of the relationship. A distinctive feature of this sign is comprehensive control over a woman and jealousy.
TwinsMen of this sign are distinguished by their eloquence. Showing sympathy, they will focus on compliments, and attract attention with their erudition, try to surprise a woman. During the period of courtship, they are interested in appearance more than the inner world, for this reason, when flirting, they are more inclined to consider than listen. They like to make surprises and cannot stand control.
CancerThe owners of this zodiac sign have a sensitive and subtle nature. In courtship, they show gallantry and attentiveness. They know how to hide their feelings for a long time, looking closely at a woman. However, having made their choice, they will show care in every possible way, invite on romantic dates, support and listen carefully. In most cases, a woman will understand what she likes only when he himself wants it. In this case, the main attention should be paid to non-verbal manifestations.
a lionShowing sympathy for a woman, a man of this sign behaves artistically and openly in the presence of an object of adoration. He demonstrates his vitality, fearlessness and optimism. Its appearance becomes more presentable. He is not indifferent to how the chosen one looks, therefore he will boldly and comprehensively consider her. Able to give a generous gift and invite to an expensive restaurant when the opportunity permits.
VirgoMen of this sign are distinguished by a sense of responsibility. Showing sympathy for a woman, they will protect her and do their best to help her. Their gifts are not very expensive and frequent, but necessary and practical things. Such men do not differ in generous manifestations of feelings, and their courtship can be seen in an increased manifestation of attention to all the little things concerning the chosen one.
scalesThe owner of this sign comprehensively evaluates the woman he sympathizes with. He will be intensely interested in her views, habits, social circle. Such men are capable of courting for a long time and keeping a distance in a relationship.
ScorpionMen born under this sign have good intuition. Much attention in relationships is paid to the inner world of women. They are erudite and well-rounded. During courtship, they demonstrate their skills and abilities. They are intensely interested in the life of the chosen one, are jealous of the manifestation of sympathy of other men, regarding their woman. They try to look presentable and notice every little thing in the appearance of the chosen one.
SagittariusA woman who is interested in a Sagittarius man will be surrounded by attention and care. They look after stubbornly and energetically, not hiding their feelings. If such a man sympathizes with a woman, then he speaks openly about it and takes responsibility for this person.
CapricornMen of this sign are cautious and prudent individuals. They are not generous with emotions. They think over and plan their actions. In a relationship with a woman, they tend to show initiative. They are interested in the preferences of their chosen one and make a decision. Such a man will rarely ask which restaurant his chosen one would like to go to. He will ask about her favorite dishes, music and surroundings and choose the best restaurant in his opinion. Such a man is not eloquent and does not tend to compliment. If he liked a woman, then he will win her heart with good deeds and good deeds.
AquariusMen born under this sign are creative and non-standard. They do not present trivial gifts and do not like to repeat themselves. Such a man, in order to conquer a woman, will arrange unpredictable surprises, and evaluate the emotional reaction to them. He is not too picky in the choice of a woman, but tends to adapt to her image. This person's behavior may be unpredictable. He can show signs of attention and courting for a long time, and then change his mind and marry another woman.
FishesA man born under this sign will show guardianship and care. Signs of attention of a sympathetic man will be expressed in concrete help and self-sacrifice for the sake of his beloved woman. They are standard in solutions and prefer banal courtship. Such men do not look closely for a long time, but quickly declare their feelings and rapidly develop the process of relationships. Women value literacy and a calculating mind.


Relying on verbal signs of male sympathy, it is difficult to assert with certainty about the seriousness of intentions. Eloquent phrases and beautiful courtship can easily mislead a woman.

Particular attention should be paid to non-verbal manifestations and a sincere willingness to provide help and support in a difficult situation. It is also necessary to take into account the importance of the importance of one's own behavior, take responsibility for the mistakes made and learn from the situations that have arisen.

Video about signs of sympathy for a man

5 main signs that you really like:

How a man in love behaves:

If you are in love with someone and dream of reciprocity, there are many things you can do to get their attention. To get started, try becoming his friend, supporting him and learning about his interests and hobbies. Show him all your amazing qualities, such as your sense of style, confidence, and fun. If you show sympathy for your adored object with small gestures, such as smiling at him and making eye contact, he may also fall in love with you.


Part 1

Flirt with the subject of adoration

    Show him your playful and fun side. If your adored person sees that you know how to have fun, chances are they will want to be with you to have a good time too. Try telling him funny stories about yourself or just acting funny and casual around him to show your funny side.

    To manifest playfulness and coquetry lightly nudge or pinch your loved one. You can also show your wits or make a joke in the presence of the chosen one or during correspondence with him.

    Compliment your crush on what you love about it. Perhaps he is a talented basketball player, or gets excellent grades in math, or makes a funny joke. Letting him know what exactly you like about him will increase his self-confidence, in addition, this way you will hint about your sympathy.

    • For example, you can say: “You have a great sense of humor!” - or: “I saw how you played football yesterday - you were at your best!”.
    • You can also say that you like their smile, outfit, or personality.
  1. Maintain secrecy. Instead of laying out all the ins and outs about yourself, take your time and allow the person to gradually learn curious details about you. Talking about yourself constantly will tire him out. Better to stretch information, making you want to get to know you better.

    If your object of adoration interested in your life, for example, asks: "What do you like to do in your free time?" - you can answer, and then ask a counter question so that the conversation flows naturally.

    Smile as often as possible. Smiling will immediately light you up, which is an easy way to draw attention to yourself. Try to smile more often when you are around your adored person, even if you are not communicating directly. This will make you look and feel happier naturally!

    • Smile at the person when you see them in the hallway or when discussing weekend plans.
    • If you are texting or using social media, try sending him an emoticon or emoji.


    Dating coach

    John Keegan is an dating coach and motivational speaker from New York City. He runs the consulting firm The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his knowledge of dating, social dynamics and attraction mechanisms to help people find love. Teaches people and gives dating masterclasses all over the world, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Humans of New York and Men 's Health.

    Dating coach

    Our specialist agrees: An easy way to please the person you are in love with is to smile and greet them with your eyes. Try winking at him and acting playful and carefree around him. It is enough to smile, look at a person, or wave your hand to instantly feel lightness and interest.

    Don't act unnatural to impress your crush, and stay confident. Try not to pretend that you are interested in things that you don't care about, just to please the person. If you are yourself, you will radiate more self-confidence than if you pretend. This will increase your chances of being liked by the chosen one.

    • Share your passions to show what attracts you and to see if you have common interests.
    • Remember that your adored person is an ordinary person, so do not be overly nervous around him.

    Part 2

    Make a friendship
    1. Share your interests with the subject of your adoration so that he gets to know you better. Tell him what you enjoy doing, whether it's sports, learning new languages, or being outdoors. By talking about your favorite and least favorite things, you will help the person learn more information about you, so that he understands if you have something in common.

      For example, invite your adored item to a basketball game if you love basketball, or tell us about the food distribution you lead to support your favorite non-profit organization.

      Find out what he enjoys. This includes things like music, sports, books, and hobbies. This will give you topics of conversation, and you might even find common interests.

      • For example, he may be interested in volunteering in a nursing home, sailing and carpentry.
      • To find out about a person's hobbies, ask him or one of his friends about it, or look for information on his profiles on social networks.
    2. Ask questions about his interests and life. This is one of the best ways to show a person that you like them while also establishing a strong bond. Ask him about family, pets, hobbies, or any other topic that will help you get to know him better. This will show that you are interested in his life.

      • For example, you might ask what he plans to study at university, what his pets are called, or how he learned to play the guitar.
      • As you ask questions, you are more likely to create a desire to ask about your life in return - this will help you get to know each other better on a deeper level.
    3. Spend a lot of time with him. The more time you spend with someone, the more likely they will like you. Try to communicate as often as possible with the object of your adoration, whether in a large company of people, with several friends, or one-on-one.

      Try to do different things when you are together. For example, go to the movies, take a walk in the park with friends, or just sit together for lunch.

    4. Be a shoulder that the person can lean on by actively listening to them. This means that you must show signs of a good listener: look the other person in the eyes as they speak and do not interrupt him. Try to remember what he tells you to show that you really listened to him and want to hear more.

      • Let him tell you all about his bad day, his exciting achievement, or what's on his mind.
      • If you are texting or chatting with him on social media, try to respond quickly to messages and give thoughtful responses.
      • For example, if a person tells you that he loves a certain musician, you can tell him when that musician will perform in your city. This will show that you are paying attention to his interests.
    5. Make friends with his friends. If his friends think you’re having fun with you, chances are your partner will think so too. Invite everyone to go to a movie together, attend a sports game, or just hang out with a friend. In the company of friends, you and your adored one will feel more comfortable.

      • Ask friends about his interests to get to know him better and find something in common.
      • If you make friends with friends of your adored object, perhaps they will put in a word about you in front of him.
      • Be careful not to flirt with this person's friends as this will send mixed signals.

    Part 3

    Show your interest
    1. Maintain eye contact to show that you like the person. If the object of your adoration looks at you, hold your gaze for a few seconds before turning away. This will hint at your sympathy, and possibly stir up feelings within him as well.

      • When dealing with the object of your adoration, look them in the eyes when you speak.
      • If he notices that you are looking at him, hold your gaze for a few seconds and smile.
    2. Bend over when talking to him. This will show that you are interested in what he says or does. Whether you are sitting across from him at a table or standing a few meters apart, try to lean a couple of centimeters toward him to show you are passionate.

      • For example, if you are sitting at separate desks in class, lean your body toward him as you ask a question or talk about how your day is going.
      • When we direct the body towards a person, we send a signal that he is attracted to us.
    3. Chat with your loved one outside of school. Even if the person does not attach much importance to your communication at school, get their phone numbers and send them messages after class to demonstrate your deep interest. Ask about things like homework, extracurricular activities, or weekend plans.

      • If he has accounts on VK or Instagram, try sending messages on these platforms as well.
      • Try not to overwhelm the person with messages or SMS, so as not to overload him.
        • If possible, talk about it in person, away from other people, so that the two of you can talk without pretending.
        • If you are too nervous to confess your love in person, you can send a message. The main thing is to be firmly confident in each word, since a message or SMS can be saved.
    • Try not to sit on the phone in the presence of your adored object.
    • If you are nervous about being alone with him, spend time with him in the company of friends.
    • Compliment the person to show that you are interested in them.
    • Try to communicate your feelings directly. Who knows, maybe the person will reciprocate you!
    • Pay attention to your posture when sitting or standing. Keep your back straight with your shoulders relaxed and do not slouch.
    • Wear clothes that showcase your sense of style.
    • Try not to push too hard. If you overwork the person, chances are they will lose interest in you.
    • Smile and / or wave at your adored person when you meet. This will show your courtesy and be able to take the next step, depending on the circumstances. If he smiles back, you can walk up and say something, but if he ignores you or answers rudely, he may not be the best option for you.
    • Don't act weird when you meet your adored person, stay calm and be yourself. Don't worry about whether he wants to date you or not.
    • Try to look smart (but don't overdo it) if you know you will see your adored item that day. If you run into it, try to stay calm, relax, and be yourself. If you behave confidently, the person you are in love with is more likely to show interest in you. Don't stare at him all the time so he doesn't think you are weird. Always be yourself, no matter what!