How to cheer the girl corresponding examples. How to raise the mood to a friend in a difficult moment? How to entertain a girl when she is sad and she has a monthly

It's no secret that girls are quite emotional creatures that are quickly upset or fall into depression. But it is easy to cheer and raise the mood even in correspondence, SMS and social networks. In this question, the internal attitude of the interlocutor is important, so being the most upset, it will not be possible to solve the situation. You also need to be natural and benevolent, attentive. Together we learn how to cheer the girl in the correspondence, according to SMS, even if she is not a lady of the heart, but only a friend.

How to cheer a girl by correspondence?

Before thinking about how to entertain a girl in VK, remember some of the main nuances:

  • Do not mind the case if you have bad moodbecause every her word will annoy;
  • Be careful, listen and be a vest in which you can cry;
  • Do not iron and do not exacerbate the situation, humor raises the mood, but only in good key;
  • Try to distract it from problem topic;
  • Give positive examples.

Cheer the girl in SMS is even easier than personally. Since there is time to think over the answer, catch the mood and talk a lot of pleasant things that live is scary.

How to cheer the girl in contact?

VKontakte is one of the most famous and visited social networkswhere most people communicate. Therefore, the problem is how to cheer the girl in contact, many guys occur. For a start, you can throw off the song, a funny video or a fun photo. If we are talking about your lover, then throw off joint pictures and clips to her, it will definitely raise her mood and show your support.

If you communicate not so long ago, the persistent calls can be unnecessary, but how to laugh a girl by correspondence, we will tell. It is important - not to write huge messages, and remember that most ladies do not like:

  • Jokes over girls;
  • Black humor;
  • Many obscene expressions;
  • Vulgar phrases.

It is better to make a few compliments to her, insert a couple of jokes, talk about your day and fun situations at work (with friends, studying). Do not forget to insert cute looking nicknameslike a bunny, ray, baby. Although in the question how to cheer the girl VK, you need to take into account personal features and character. Some prefer to express all the painful to make it easier. In this case, pods or looking names They will be inappropriate, and the above options, how to make a girl in correspondence may not work.

A couple more ways how to entertain the girl VK

Cheer the girl in SMS or the VK correspondence is not so difficult if there is a definite connection between you and you like to communicate. The best way - To tell funny story From your life, but not the one where you looked stupid. Also remember a couple of jokes, help translate the situation in ironic. When the girl can look at the situation on the other side, easier, then her mood will rise, and she will forget about what happened.

How can you cheer in contact yet? Speak jokes with hidden compliments, which will appreciate each and will become the new turn of the development of your relationship. Good alternative - jokes with meaning, which expands the horizons and allows you to translate the conversation to another steppe, distract.

No matter how a pinch of the girl you decide, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Do not try to be clown and in each sentence to insert similar phrases;
  • No need to use a lot of slang and incomprehensible words;
  • You should not start the topic of sex and sexual relationship;
  • Talk about disabled or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will aggravate the situation;
  • Conversation about past relations;
  • Do not speak in a drunken state, nothing good will come of it.

If you do not know how to pix a girl in correspondence, kindly, but funny, go to her photos or pictures. You can leave fun comments, communicate and complement the correspondence of other pictures. It is enough to include fantasy and be creative.

Another way - talk about simple things, developing the topic to the absurd, inventing unreal development scenario. It is fun and raises the mood to both. You can even go to the community group, where people are divided by funny events from life, and throw a girlfriend. Try different methods And you will realize how to cheer the girl by correspondence.

If you are lost, than to cheer the girl in contact, go to special humorous publics. A couple of funny pictures or video will raise the mood without special efforts. Especially creative can personally shoot video with their participation and send a friend. Such no one will leave indifferent.

How to cheer the girl VK? Individual approach!

How to cheer the girl in the correspondence, if it is sad, you can come up with, but not all ways will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the nature of the girlfriend. If some do not like black humor, then others refer to it ironically, they can let go of such jokes in response. It works exactly for all types of women - creativity, video and pictures, funny stories From his life. The rest is individual approach and the ability to "feel" a person.

If you know each other well, you can support, give good mood And cheer even in SMS. And the recommendations "how to cheer a girlfriend in contact" - do not need. For this not necessarily do dear gifts, rewrite jokes from the comedy or seem better than you are. Girls thinly feel the narrowest, false and insincerity. Also, do not try to take advantage of the lady state to incline her to relationships or sex. Such an approach gives the opposite effect and extensively spoil the relationship. Women love those who can listen to them, support, make a compliment and insert funny joke in place.

If you are able to laugh a girl, then with a big probability, you like it outwardly, you can charm her and get close to her. At the same time, humor can also free up the accumulated sexual tension, losing the well-known ice. Supporting a light mood and laugh at the girl who you like, you can build with her long relationship or friendship.


Part 1

Develop your sense of humor

    Stay on a positive wave. Positive attitude It is very important for your sense of humor. Positive thinking Helps relax, joke and be attractive for girls.

    • The ability to find positive moments even in unpleasant situations It will help you to enjoy cheerful, tactful and kind. All these features are attractive for girls. At first search positive moments It may not be so simple, but everything comes with experience. For example, shed wine on a shirt, you can say "this is a sign that it's time to buy a new shirt."
    • Think about people emitting positive fluids. If you have not yet learned so easy to get along with people, then maybe it is necessary to take the experience of them?
  1. Be playful. Playing is also an important element of humor. To do this, you can unobtrusively tease or look at everything life situations Through the prism of humor. Leave your seriousness for really serious cases and observe how the object of your attention becomes getting closer to you.

    Touch your jokes and humor. The sense of humor can be given from nature, but sometimes it is necessary to work on him. Introducing funny things or situations, you will be able to develop your sense of humor, which so attracts girls.

    Try to avoid inappropriate jokes or caustic sarcasm. Humor on the edge of the foul can insult the girl or simply push it away from you. Leave jokes on yourself on the topic of sexism, ethnic background and religion, as well as jokes, passing the boundaries permitted. Their absence only positively affect your relationship.

    Relax. Do not press the girl and do not force her to laugh against the will. Laughter must be a spontaneous caused by a funny situation. Trust your little in choosing suitable moment For a joke.

    Part 2

    Focus on the girl
    1. Show respect. Respect for the individuality of the girl and her personal qualities is the key to conquering her trust. Trust, in turn, allows you to spend time at each other's company and encourages laughter.

      Listen to her words. The ability to carefully listen to your half is very important for humor relevance. Good comedians will always notice the minor details of surrounding situations and build their jokes on emphasizing the fact that others could simply not notice.

    2. Laugh together. Laughter is infectious, and the joint laughter in a funny situation will harden the link between you or get closer to you. You can laugh spontaneously, and you can deliberately go to the places where you both be able to keep laughter.

      • Imitation jokes of the girl itself - one of the options laugh together. If she does not shy jokes on the verge of decency, then you can afford to joke. It should be very natural: if your humor is light and soft, then trying to adjust the black and sarcastic jokes will look stretched.
      • Judge in her style only if you understood it well. At first she may not know how best to react, so forgive her confusion.
      • Learn about her favorite comedies, comedies or TV shows. See them together or mention in a conversation to relax and create fun mood.
    3. Tear it, if appropriate. If you have a fairly close relationship, then tickling helps to make the girl laugh. The tickle is also able to cause mutual laughter and break physical barriers. You can ask for playfully, whether it is afraid of tickle, and then check the truth of her words during laughter.

      • For example, ask her, whether it is afraid of tickling the feet. Regardless of the answer ask whether it is possible to make sure that. If she says yes, remove her shoes and snatch the feet. After that, you can try to rush her ribs or neck.
      • Let her talk to you in response.
      • If she asks you to stop or you noticed that she is awkward, then stop not upset by the girl.
    4. Try to have fun together. Fun hobbies or entertainment cause mutual laughter. If you do what you like both, then you can create a cheerful mood that brings you closer.

      • Choose such entertainment together. You can ride on a double bike or a motorcycle, make a tour of the helicopter, ride water skiing, go to the local park or even just in the movies.
      • You can walk together or big company. If you stand out in the company with your sense of humor, it can increase your attractiveness in the eyes of the girl.
    5. Send funny messages to it. In case you can't have to be together, you can collect a collection of funny jokes for messages. Send her messages emails, funny stories, pictures or videos to support a conversation even in those moments when you are far away.

      • Find a site with cute animal pictures in fun situations. It can be kittens sitting in shoes, or piglets in shoes. You can periodically send such photos to it, especially if you know that she was a hard day.
      • Send to her fun jokes on the topic that will surely cheer her. You can find such jokes on the Internet or invent yourself.
      • Send fun photos with your image, both children's pictures and current photos.
      • Share with it links to sites with funny stories.
    • Use fresh events and current situations as a material for new jokes.
    • Your jokes should be close to the girl and are appropriate in the situation.
    • See comedy stand-up to learn from professionals. Record all fun comments that come to mind.
    • Come up with an easily memorable catchy phrase or a joke "for your own", which she can also repeat, communicating to your humor.

Women's nature is different increased sensitivityand it contributes to frequent drops of her mood. A few minutes ago, the girl who stays in the rainbow mood can not only fracture, but also to break. In this situation, the strong sex is often lost, and does not know how to cheer the girl. And to calm down sometimes enough to say only one phrase. But you need to know what!

To understand what you need a girl in this situation, you need to talk with it, but at the same time it is not worth expecting that she straight will tell the guy to calm her. He will have to understand this from her hints, facial expressions and gestures. What can a guy make, who wanted to cheer a hanging girl? Could significantly improve the mood of the lady, the following men's actions:

Sometimes, in order to calm her, just hug enough.

Having treated it with something sweet, because such a meal, as scientists installed, contains hormones of happiness, and although the result will not be instantaneous, but it is very effective.

Soothe and cheer the girl is able to compliment said from the heart. Because it is often its bad mood due to a complex of inferiority, from which even the most beautiful girls. All women want to hear frequent confessions in love, and the words of admiration for her appearance.

An unexpected pleasant surprise, which can be a bouquet of flowers, a cup of her beloved tea, a joint view of the comedy, or a romantic walk through the park.

Thinking about how to cheer the girl, men often allow a number of errors, even more aggravating her condition.

Wanting to calm the girl, do not:

To tell her anecdotes: the girl in the bad arrangement of the Spirit very acutely reacts to vulgarity and rudeness, therefore tears can become its reaction.

Offer her alcohol, they will only contribute to aggravation depressive state Girls.

Play it. Female sex, always negatively respond to the draws, and in this situation, such a man's behavior may seem overly rough and inappropriate.

Having an effective weapon in the hands, able to defeat the poor mood of the girl, the young man can very quickly cheer the girl, conquer her attention, location and love.

How to cheer a girl and raise her mood

The state of joy I. good mood It is possible to simply call, without resorting to all sorts of burnings. For example, traditionally sets up a positive way women's feelings Citrus family essential oil. IN natural form Similar essential oils There are in the skins of ripe oranges, lemons, as well as in mandarins.

Your girlfriend is sad, and you do not know how to raise her mood? Faster, give her the biggest and solar orange, clean it and see how quickly it is a simple tool. Just take care of learning in advance whether she has allergies to citrus, and then the result may be reverse expected.

But another method recommended by quite many sources, how to raise the girl mood\u003e with the help of chocolate. After all, it is in this delicacy that contains special substances that stimulate the development of women's body Unique endorphins, so-called hormones of happiness.

Only worth considering certain nuances. After all, your choices on this moment May adhere to a specific diet, and this method may not justify hopes. Although you can try to convince her that it is not corrected from dark chocolate, which is true truth.

10 ideas for dates with a girl

A young man in love with a girl is trying to organize her leisure in such a way that she would be interested in his society. For those men who are concerned about the question: "How to entertain a girl?" And the tips presented in this article are designed:

Traditional entertainment, is the invitation of young person in the cinema, theater or an exhibition. Later, comfortably settled at a table in a cafe, you can discuss seen. Similar practice It will allow not only interesting to spend time, but also to get to know each other better.

All joint things greatly bring together, so the guy should offer its chief playing together to play sports - visit the pool, gym, ride a bike or make evening jogging.

A variety of leisure, young people will constantly contribute to their relationship element of novelty, which will not allow them to turn them into a habit. Therefore, the summer evening, being with your beloved girl outside the city, you can admire a long time for a long time, and the coming night will lit a beautiful stars on the dark velvet sky. Similar impressions remain in memory of girls who are very romantic in their nature, so it is great idea For dates with a girl.

A not less memorable spectacle can be the sunrise. For this purpose, it is not necessary to leave the city limits, it is enough to climb the roof of a multi-storey house.

A variety of lovers will make a trip to the neighboring city, which can be done on a day off. Having arrived on him and after seeing plenty of attractions, young people always return home very satisfied with this journey, which is often accompanied by some fun incident.

Answering the question: "How to entertain a girl?", It is impossible not to mention such a wonderful idea for dates with a girl like a romantic evening. At the same time, it is possible to divide the duties, for example, a girl, prepares dishes for a festive dinner, and the young man is engaged in the original decoration of the room, using flowers, candles and air balloons.

My beloved girl needs to make gifts, and not necessarily - expensive. She will appreciate the furious toy, or a funny postcard made by the hands of her boyfriend.

Main rules for dates with a girl

Many young people are very interested in how to spend the evening, so that he would remember her for a long time. It is worth saying that two main terms have a good date -ORiginal and romance. Moreover, the originality is in the first place. That is why common cinema ideas for dates often turn out to be failed.

There are several secrets of a good evening.

Romance. As repeatedly mentioned earlier, everything without exception women love romantic. However, the face of honey romance and vulgarity in the consciousness of each girl is very thin, and men, no matter how paradoxically, do not see differences. Therefore, before arranging a dinner for candles on the seashore, you need to try to figure out, is it not closer to your chief three-day hiking hike with overnight stays by the fire?

In any romantic evening there should be a place pleasant surprises and surprise. It is strictly forbidden to use ideas for dates, exhibiting a person in a comedian position, it is also impossible to force the girl to change clothes or do what she does not want, in the process of "surprise". It is best to know in advance what she dreams about that it seems pleasant to her and fulfill this desire (for example, sing).

Important element Have a good evening - appearance young man, More precisely, its outfit. First, he must be submitted according to the setting (for the beach - jeans and light shirt, for a restaurant - suit), secondly, he is in obligatory Must be tidy. It will not be superfluous on the eve of visiting the hairdresser, as well as with particular addiction to choose perfume.

It is mandatory to work out the evening script. It happens very uncomfortable when the parents return from the cottages to the meeting or walked to visit friends, with the aim of seeing soccer game. It is necessary to envisage and eliminate all unforeseen invasions, or choose for romantic evening neutral territory.

Despite the pre-planned and prepared event, carefully follow the reaction of the beloved. Is everything going in that direction in which it was planned? Is the girl with what is happening? After all, one incorrect word, one joke, who fell into the "patient" place, can make this evening not only "unforgettable", but also last.

Finally, it is worth saying that women need not only romance, but also attention and care. It is possible that after a difficult day of working day, the "second half" hurts the head, she is tired. In this case, you should not torment it or songs nor candles. Samoa successful idea For a date, it will be if your favorite man will take her home, buy pills from headaches, makes the lime tea, and in the morning it will not forget to inform about her well-being.

Girlfriend is a cheerful, interesting comrade, support and support, assistant, critic and outstand. Such definitions must be approached for both sides, that is, if a friend near hard moment, it should be supported when it is sad and lonely. Such moments, unfortunately, come from everyone, and it is at that moment a sharp need is felt in each other. How to cheer a girlfriend and raise her mood, many think about. But not always something needed immediately comes to mind. Since the situations, because of which the mood fell, there are different, then how to raise it should be different.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the lack of mood. But you need to ask neatly and tactfully, manifesting care that a friend would doubt that she wants to help.

Possible reasons for the downtime

  • Personal life problems
  • Problems at work
  • Health problems
  • Physiological problems
  • Psychological problems

And many other troubles. From banal little things To global failures, because women are generally inclined to frequent mood drops.

Finding out the reason, you need to safely start action. If the mood is spoiled because of some little things, then the first thing to try to make it laugh, told the anecdote or a funny story. You can even remember any fun moments that are experienced together. And if the problems are more serious, then calm and make it clear that everything can be solved by bringing successful examples of acquaintances.

Ways to raise your friend's mood

Most young girls are upset by love reasons. If the girlfriend has a problem in relationships or if it threw a guy, then you can distract from love failures in a proven way - difficulty. Both mental and physical. First, you can suggest to prepare favorite dish, because it's no secret that many girls just get problems. Cooking and talking to abstract topics, and then tasting creation will undoubtedly be able to raise the mood. It is also well distracted by games, logical tasks, charaks. A joint campaign to the beauty salon is priced and will increase their self-esteem. BUT physical exercises In the gym will add light fatigue and make it forget.

If she is sad and lonely, then, of course, you need fun. These may be hiking in entertainment centers, Cinema, Club or Cafe. There you can make new acquaintances and it is interesting to spend time, communicating with friends. You can drive a girlfriend to the circus and laugh at clowns from the soul. And, of course, shopping! And what could be more interesting and more fun shopping hiking? For girlfriends, this is one of your favorite activities. After all, you can please the new clothes, not only a girlfriend, but also yourself.

Girlfriend is an important and needed man In the life of everyone, and therefore, when she is bad, you need to be near.

But not always the desire to fool a friend arises in bad situations. There are other moments for jokes and fun:

  • Simple communication
  • Correspondence
  • Holidays
  • Practical jokes

How to cheer a girlfriend in correspondence

When for one reason or another it is impossible to see and talk to the girlfriend, communication takes place on social networks, by phone or SMS. What to please a girlfriend in correspondence, is enough to add a few funny emoticons to the main text, write a joke or send cheerful video. IN modern worldPeople spend a lot of time on the Internet. Virtual Mir Unlimited, and it is possible to register in new groups and communities at least every day. If your girlfriends are together in one of the social networks, such as, for example, VK, then you can lay out a photo or collage with a friend, in the comments to which by making a compliment. Such. pleasant little things May please and raise the mood. And communicating on the phone, it has already been able to bother, because it is also favorite pastime girlfriends.

How to cheer a girlfriend on holidays

During the holidays, you need to cheer, mix and delight friends. For example, on April 1, you can make a girlfriend you can send it funny pictures, animation or video. And this will be enough, because the main thing is to cheer, and not offend. Therefore, thinking to play a girlfriend on this day, do not forget about the consequences. Jokes should be harmless and cheerful.

Well, congratulations best girlfriend For a birthday is a direct duty of everyone. It is best to bring congratulations in the morning, it will ask a good mood for the whole day. You can congratulate the colors and verses or another gift. Optionally expensive and purchased. A gift can be done with your own hands, considering the preferences and tastes of a friend. The main thing is that with the soul and from the pure heart.


Most likely, there is little women who do not have girlfriends. Although they say that female friendship It does not happen, but reality proves the opposite. Girlfriends are loved ones, favorite people who are ready to jointly divide and joy and sadness. On time to help and cheer at the required moment.

If a friend bored, you need to take urgent measuresTo cheer it up. Do not try to talk to talk and reveal the innermost secrets, wants, everything will tell himself. It may take her time to think about the situation. In the meantime, you can become a kind of "ambulance" and try to make tears dried in front of your favorite friend, and a smile appeared on the lips.

Walk - Medicine from sadness

First thing pull it out of the house. If a person is sad, it's not worth sitting in four walls. So go to the cafe, drink coffee, remember your friends, discuss latest news. Try a new dish, create small innocent nonsense, laugh. A walk through the park will also raise the mood. Physical activity It has the property to drive sadness and sadness, and in the park there are many people who are interested in watching. Of course, it is necessary to do it carefully, not attracting attention. Play "I know who you are." Expose a suggestion who can be an uncle with a briefcase under the arm and a beard with a clina, and what will prepare a mom with two children for dinner. It is interesting to invent various situationsIn which these people can get.

Comedy - what is needed!

How long have you wondered about the streets of your city without a goal? You run to work and back for the long-habitual route, not even noticing how the city changes. Suggest sad girlfriend stroll Where you can feed the ducks in the pond, where people live in one-story houses, and flowers grow in the parisader. Touching someone else's life distracts from its own problems. You will see that the girlfriend ceased to go to the nose, a unhurried walk and the spiritual conversation will produce on it good impression. I do not want to walk, go to the movies, preferably on comedy to laugh until you fall. And if at first a friend will complain that the movie is boring, at the end of the film she will laugh from the soul. But be careful, in the depressed, sad state of serious films and even with a bad end are contraindicated. You want to cheer a girlfriend, so try so that she is happy, and not hesitated over the spiritual world of heroes.

Good dinner against bad mood

If a friend wants to spend time at home, do not argue with her. Maybe in the native walls it will be easier. But try to make a little fresh wind in her apartment. You feel that sadness settled in the rooms. Races her. Together arrange festive dinner, eg, make pizza. Of course, it can be ordered, but the troubles in the kitchen will make a girlfriend forget about their troubles. Yes, and his own prepared pizza will be incredibly tasty, spoil this dish is quite difficult. Even better - do the pie, but not ordinary, but festively decorated. On the "Academy of Feminy"there are many photos of original baking. It will cost much cheaper than purchased in the store. You can eat the cake together, but it is better to invite other girlfriends to tea drinking. When girls gather together, bored and sadness becomes once.

But if a friend does not want to see anyone, but he does not stop pouring tears, show her love and care for her. Everyone appreciates attention, so bring your friend some special tea, the screwing of it, do a small gift. Let him be completely cheap, toy, notepad, knitted scarf or fabric doll Stant pleasant surprise For a girlfriend. She will appreciate it and will be happy with gratitude.

To cheer sad girlYou need to make an effort. Do not try to prove that her nonsense problems, believe me, they have great importance. Do not throw a girlfriend to this difficult moment for her, stay nearby, cake or vice versa, spoil. She should know that there is a person in the world who will always extend the hand of help. This is a friendship.