What is the most convenient way to store clothes? Tidy wardrobe rules! How to arrange things in the closet

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Each of us is faced with the need to store clothes, but not everyone thinks about how to do it correctly. Sometimes because of this, we accidentally spoil our dear and beloved things.

Today website will tell you about the mistakes you shouldn't make if you want to keep your wardrobe presentable.

1. Improper care of seasonal clothing

Be sure to dry clean your outerwear before storing your clothes seasonally. In no case, do not put unclean things in the closet, because because of this, your fur coats can fade and lose their original appearance, and leather things can lose elasticity and shine. Also, before storage, you need to treat things with special insect repellents.

2. Vacuum packing for all things

Nowadays, vacuum bags are very popular, but this storage method is unacceptable for natural leather and fur, since without air access, the product will "suffocate", acquire an unpleasant odor, the facial parts will stick together, the fur fibers will be wrinkled and damaged.

3. Incorrectly fitted hangers

Never skimp on hangers. If there are only 5 of them in your closet, and there are 10 times more things, then this is an obvious mess: you need to immediately run to the store and buy the missing hangers. It is also unacceptable that several things hang on top of each other: when 5-7 sets hang on one hanger, the clothes wrinkle and do not "breathe".

  • Choose hangers that are sized to fit your clothes so that bubbles do not form on the sleeves later.
  • Hangers should be appropriate for the weight and type of clothing: do not hang heavy fur coats and coats on small and thin hangers, and a delicate fabric dress on an old wooden hanger, to the surface of which the fabric clings.

4. Improper storage of sweaters and knitwear

Knitted and woolen items cannot be stored on hangers - they stretch and lose their shape. Hanging shelves made of fabric with narrow divisions are best for storing soft, fluffy sweaters. The woolen sweater feels perfect when folded on a separate shelf. A heavy pile of things on top creates creases on it.

5. Storing long dresses on a hanger

Long dresses and skirts that reach with their hem to the floor of the closet are best hung on the crossbar: this way they will wrinkle less and you will not have to iron them again.

6. Incorrect storage of trousers

In addition to the traditional hanger bar, modern wardrobes are often equipped with pull-out bars. But wool and knitwear stretch at the point of inflection, and if you use a hanger with clothespins, then marks can remain on the soft fabric. Therefore, the best way to store trousers for a long time is a hanger that clamps the trousers from below along the entire width.

7. Folding bras in half

By folding bras in this way, you risk ruining the style of the thing that has been entrusted with such an important mission - to support the breasts and emphasize their beauty. Better to place or lay bras on top of each other so that the right and left bra cups fit into the corresponding bra cups underneath.

Useful Tips

Do you think that you have nothing to wear, and at the same time your closet is filled with all sorts of rubbish?

Use these tips to create a neat closet that has room not only for the clothes you wear every day, but also for new things.

Read also:5 effective ways to free your life from junk

1. First, remove everything from the cabinet that is in it.

Before deciding which items to keep, ask yourself a few key questions that will help you get rid of unnecessary items and keep the ones you need.

2. Hang the items you want to keep in the closet. Do it so that you can see all these things in the closet at a glance.

Storing things in the closet

3. If you do not know if this or that item will be useful to you, use the reverse hanger strategy:

* First, hang all the things on the hanger, and hang the hanger with the hook towards you (i.e. the hook is looking in your direction). After that, hang any used things as usual - with a hook on the hanger from you.

* After six months or a year, check the closet - things that you often wear will hang on hangers with hooks looking deep into the closet (because it is more convenient to hang this way).

4. To keep everything in the closet neat and beautiful, try buying new matching hangers. When you see new matching hangers in your closet, you will love neatness and organization even more.

How to fold things

5. Use the lingerie organizers to categorize the lingerie according to the categories that are convenient for you - by season, by event, by color, etc.

* You can make an organizer with your own hands using only cardboard, scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil.

* You can also make shortcuts that will separate certain clothes in the closet. Before you put your things in the closet, think about how best to organize them. Do this so that you always know where and what clothes are.

* Look at things that you will no longer wear - which of this can be given / donated, sold or altered so that you can continue to wear it.

To do this, go to our articles:

  • DIY crafts from old things
  • What can be made from old jeans?

How to store things

6. Place heavy clothing, especially sweaters that may become out of shape, on the shelves.

7. Use all available space wisely, including shoe space.

8. Some shelves in the house can be used to store new shoes, accessories and handbags on them - this not only saves space, but also looks fashionable.

04 December 2013 Kaleidoscope

To answer the question: how to iron this or that thing correctly, you need to know exactly the composition of the fabric from which it is sewn. When buying, find a tag on the inside of the thing, on it the composition and ironing temperature will be indicated. It is known that linen items wrinkle more than others, and it is possible to iron them qualitatively only with an iron with a steamer and at high temperatures. Cotton clothes are a little easier to iron out, but they wrinkle almost like linen. It is better not to touch woolen and tweed things with an iron, and iron them only through gauze or thin fabric. Synthetic fabric or fabric with the addition of synthetic fibers almost does not wrinkle, and if, nevertheless, there is a need for this, then look at the ironing temperature on the tag.

How to iron trousers.

Two centuries ago, men wore trousers without arrows. Nowadays, it is considered indecent if classic trousers do not have well-steamed arrows. It would seem that it is so difficult to iron trousers. However, not everyone knows how to do it correctly. If you want to make life easier for yourself, buy trousers made of fabric with the addition of synthetics, they wrinkle less and the arrows on them last longer. If you are, after all, a lover of the classics, then our step-by-step tips will help you learn how to iron your trousers correctly.

    1. First, turn your pants inside out. Iron the waistband, pockets and lining so nothing will wrinkle during the main ironing.
    2. Fold the pants so that the inside seams line up and lay them like this on the ironing board. Use your hands to smooth out any wrinkles and creases. Start ironing the legs through cheesecloth (if the fabric is natural), but do not touch the arrows yet.
    3. Place the upper part of the trousers on the edge of the ironing board and iron it while rotating the garment around its axis. This way, you can iron the fabric well around the pockets, waistband and zippers. Do not stroke the arrows yet.

4. Now it's the turn of the shooters. You have to be careful not to iron out double arrows. To prevent this from happening, iron them in small pieces. If after washing there are no arrows left at all, fold the trousers again with the inner seams to each other, but steam the arrows on each leg separately. If the fabric slips, you can even baste the trousers with large stitches.

There are some tricks that came to us from the days when there were no steamer irons. To make the arrows last longer, you need to rub these places on the wrong side with dry soap, preferably with household soap, and then iron the trousers as usual. These arrows are stored until washing or rainy weather.

If the fabric from which the trousers are sewn slips and it is impossible to fold the trousers evenly, spray them with water from a spray bottle, then the fabric will become more obedient.

From socks, time and ironing, trousers sometimes shine. To avoid this, iron your trousers through cheesecloth, which you have previously soaked in water, adding table vinegar to it. Just do not overdo it, so that later you will not be haunted by this smell. With such a composition, you should not iron the pants completely, but only the places that shine. In addition, hands ironed in this way will keep a decent look longer.

As soon as the pants are ironed, do not hang them in the closet or put them on, as the warm fabric will immediately wrinkle again.

How often you iron them depends on how you store your pants in the closet. It is clear that they are not stored when folded. You need to hang trousers on a hanger (trempel) folded, after having straightened the arrows. You need to choose a trouser tremple with a thick crossbar, and it is better if it is covered with foam rubber. This way, you will need to iron your pants no more than once a week.

How to iron jeans.

Jeans became popular in our country in the last century. If you ask any resident of a Western state how to iron jeans correctly, he will probably be very surprised and hardly understand why they should be ironed at all. After all, it is enough to wash them correctly and then dry them properly. Everything related to washing denim trousers is indicated on the tag, that is, the water temperature should not exceed forty degrees, and the spin is very delicate.

But drying jeans is not so simple. If you wash by hand, do not wring out the pants, hang them up so that the water can drain. But it should be remembered that it is not worth throwing them over the rope in the usual way, since creases and loss of color are formed at the points of contact. The jeans must be hung up, fixing them with clothespins at the waist.

So that you do not have to suffer with ironing later, carefully straighten the damp cloth with your hands. It is easy to do, given the nature of the cotton, and after the jeans are dry, they will look ironed.

If, nevertheless, you did not take into account the rules of drying and the jeans are very wrinkled after washing, then you will have to iron them. Remember that denim is only ironed from the wrong side, otherwise it will acquire a shiny shine and may even lose color. Unlike classic trousers, you should not use a steamer when ironing jeans; it is better not to dry them out. Immediately after ironing denim pants, do not put them on, as the fabric from which they are sewn tends to stretch and lose shape.

How to iron a men's shirt.

If you do this often, the whole process will take you about four minutes over time.

    1. Let's start with the sleeves. If the sleeve on the shirt is short, then iron it on both sides, with an arrow. If the shirt is with long sleeves, then we begin to iron it with the cuff.
    2. Move on to the main part of the shirt. Place it on the ironing board and gently smooth the strip between the buttons with the tip of the iron.
    3. Next, iron the back and front of the shirt.
    4. Finally, the most difficult thing remains - the coquette. Here you can use the ironing board arm or the narrow section of the ironing board itself. The part of the yoke, which is located at the back under the collar, is more convenient to iron from the back, and the edges of the yoke - from the front of the shirt.
    5. The collar remains. To make it look good, it should be ironed thoroughly with a steamer.

How to iron a men's jacket.

Few, not only men, but also women, know how to iron a men's jacket correctly. This is a rather complicated matter, but your appearance depends on a jacket that looks neat and well-groomed.

First of all, it must be borne in mind that you can iron the jacket only after you have thoroughly cleaned it (we will tell you how to do this a little later). The jacket is always ironed only through the fabric, otherwise it cannot be avoided that it will become shiny. Here you will need an iron with a steamer, with which you can smooth out the folds at the top of the sleeves and at the place of the bend of the arm, as well as on the bulges around the elbows.

The jacket must be ironed with a not too hot iron, but after having read the recommendations for caring for the thing indicated on the label. Before ironing, you must carefully straighten the sides from the inside out. Turn the pockets inside out and iron them through a damp cloth, then carefully tuck them back in. Iron the sleeves until they are completely dry. In addition, you must try to make sure that the folds on the elbow seam are not smoothed out.

When the sleeves are ironed, you can go to the shoulders. The shoulders should also not be dry. They need to be ironed while they are completely damp until they are dry. Then you can start ironing the back through the fabric, then the shelves. The lapels are ironed first from the wrong side, and then from the front side. This part of the jacket requires special care, since the appearance of the jacket primarily depends on the lapels.

If, during ironing, the seam on the collar or lapel is pulled together, then it should be gently stretched with an iron until it straightens. Place a damp cloth on the seam, place the iron on it, straighten the jacket part with your hand, then gently straighten the seam with the tip of the iron. After that, iron the entire collar or lapel, but try not to stretch it. The seams on jackets made from woolen fabrics sometimes stretch out. This can also be corrected by ironing the seam through wet gauze, pressing down firmly on the iron until the gauze is dry.

How to clean your jacket yourself.

There is not always the opportunity and desire to take things to dry cleaning. But I must admit that it is quite difficult to clean the outerwear and jacket on your own. Nevertheless, we will give you some tips, and you will try it. On a large, flat and level surface (on the floor or on a table), spread the blanket (bedspread), and place the jacket on it.

Now you need to prepare the cleaning solution. To do this, you need to take a liter of water and dilute two tablespoons of ammonia in it. Soak a clothing brush in this solution and sweep over the jacket in the direction of the pile until it becomes damp. After that, iron the jacket through the fabric, then hang the jacket on a hanger and brush against the nap with a dry brush. To make the suit serve you for a long time, clean it with a dry brush after each wear, and once a week, do it with a damp cleaning.

Sludge and dirt on the inside of the collar can be removed with raw potatoes. Cut it in half, clean the collar, and then wipe it with a damp cloth, then wipe it dry.

Most often, the suit shines on the sleeves (cuffs and elbows). These areas should be wiped with a swab dipped in gasoline, and then brushed again with a cleaning solution, as described above. Then iron these areas through the fabric. And hang your jacket out in the air to get rid of odors.

You can also clean your jacket with a slightly different solution: three parts vinegar to one part water. Especially polluted places are treated with this solution. If the gloss has just appeared, then it will be enough just to steam it through a damp cotton cloth.

The cuffs and collar of the jacket can be cleaned with a solution of salt and ammonia. It is prepared like this: dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in three tablespoons of ammonia. Then hang the jacket out in the air to clear the odors.

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To store things we need:

1)Plastic containers(always with holes for air), different sizes. From very small, to the maximum height that fits on the shelf. You can also buy fabric containers for linen and socks

2)Set of different hangers, but one manufacturer, in one style. The closet looks much neater when all the hangers are the same. Rubberized hangers, as well as trouser clips must be present

3) Sachet with a mild aroma (used for moths). For a pleasant aroma in the dressing room, you can purchase an aroma - diffuser based on essential oils

4)Covers (wardrobe trunks) for clothes... Choose fabric with a transparent plastic insert so that you can see the contents.

5)Vacuum bags for storing synthetic winterizer things.

6) Marker and paper.

We store on hangers:

1) Blouses
2) Shirts
3) Dresses (all except knitted)
4) Trousers (made of creased fabrics)
5) Skirts (creased fabrics)
6) Jackets, vests
7) Coat

On the shelves we store

1) Knitted and cashmere sweaters, jumpers, cardigans (shoulders are extended on hangers)
2) Sportswear
3) Jeans
4) Trousers (made of non-crease fabrics)
5) Skirts (made of non-crease fabrics)

In the chest of drawers we store:

1) Underwear
2) Tights
3) Home clothes

How to arrange clothes in the closet:

1) It is advisable to arrange clothes on the shelves by color. Gray sweaters separately, red ones separately, and so on.

2) On hangers, it is best to hang clothes by type and length in each category. For example, dresses hang in groups from short to long. The same goes for blouses, tops and shirts.

3) It is advisable not to hang more than one thing on one hanger. The resulting volume is hidden behind the imaginary economy of space. Plus, you automatically forget about the "veiled" things.

4) Things that are removed for long-term storage must first be cleaned (the moth loves dirty clothes), cover it and put it inside the sachet.

5) It is also better to store rarely used fancy dresses in the case. Firstly, they will not distract attention when choosing an outfit on a daily basis, and secondly, there is absolutely no need to “overwrite” them.

6) Hang blouses and tops on rubberized hangers so that they do not slip. Yes, and do not forget to rip off the thin ribbons sewn inside (they are used for hanging in stores). When worn, they tend to come out, and this looks untidy.

7) It is more convenient to place trousers on special clips. Hanging on a hanger bar is less practical, although it is also possible. By the way, it is also more convenient to dry trousers on these clips, then it is much easier to iron them. I have a negative attitude towards multi-tiered trouser hangers, because I personally did not manage to remove some trousers without hitting all the others. Plus, it's the same extra volume.

8) But on multi-tiered hangers it is very convenient to place scarves and stoles. If you do not want to purchase special hangers for belts, then hang a lot of them on multi-tiered ones. And this also applies to ties.

9) I use the same clips for the skirts as for the trousers. The fact is that not all manufacturers intelligently sew on storage loops, and in this case, the clamps are a real salvation.

10) For coats, jackets and jackets, it is better to give preference to wide hangers to avoid possible stretching of the fabric. If you wear jackets often, you can get a special hanger for your car.

11) We store synthetic winterizer jackets on hangers, but if they are too bulky and when the cabinet is closed they cling to their sleeves and get confused, making it difficult to close the cabinet comfortably (I hope you understand what I mean), then you can turn the jacket sleeve sticking out towards you.
Use vacuum bags to store jackets in the summer.

12) Store items that are removed for a long time in plastic boxes with holes for air, preferably transparent in color, so that you can see the contents. Also, suitcases can be used as storage space. Unless of course you travel every month.

How to store shoes:

1) As you might guess, I suggest storing it in transparent containers.

2) If this is not possible, take paper, a marker, scissors and glue and sign the contents of the shoeboxes, with the information facing you accordingly. Yes, laziness. But! Firstly, for a long time, you will decide for yourself the issue of placing shoes in specific boxes, understanding where that will fit without problems, and secondly, you will experience a thrill when you get the right pair at the right time without any problems. I personally know a girl who even sculpted photos of each pair on a box. To be sure.

3) Either buy or store from the time of purchase, interlining fabric between the pair.

How to store things in the dresser:

1) It is convenient to store underwear, socks and tights in fabric containers, as high as a drawer. Or there are special wide containers with dividers.

2) For storing glasses, I also use a plastic container, because I absolutely do not remember in which case which pair.

3) If jewelry boxes or boxes that came with the kit are perfect for jewelry, then difficulties often arise with jewelry. Now there are a huge number of different section bags, but I don't like them aesthetically. In general, I do not like all sorts of hanging things with pockets, for example, for shoes. Therefore, I also store jewelry in wide containers with dividers.

Well, perhaps I have listed the main important points. Naturally, an excellent solution to all problems is a well-thought-out dressing room, with various options for storage systems. When everything is equipped according to your wishes, the pleasure of dressing up is guaranteed. But while the ideal cabinet is at the design stage, you can try to solve some problems in the listed ways.

A simple question and an obvious answer: of course, on a hanger. Where else can you store pants ?! Perhaps someone hangs them neatly over the back of a chair, but this is a risky option. The safest solution is to hang the trousers in the closet, neatly folding the arrow towards the arrow, and, if possible, provide space on both sides. Many people use a conventional hanger with a horizontal bar for this. As sometimes happens, the most common method is not always the most convenient.

Here is a classic hanger, the shape of which allows you to store a jacket and trousers on it at the same time. This is one of the reasons for its popularity - the ability to hang two pieces of clothing at once, saving space in the house. Its downside is that during long-term storage on trousers in the knee area, a transverse fold may form. This is especially noticeable on delicate fabrics such as wool, for example. The second reason for the ubiquitous use of this type of hanger may be simple ignorance of the alternatives. In the meantime, they are.

I would like to recommend a very comfortable trouser hanger. Its principle is that the trousers are clamped by two horizontal strips on both sides at the lowest part of them. That is, the pants hang in full length with pockets down. In this case, the risk of displacement of the fold is excluded (as in the first option). From my own experience, I can say that such a hanger will help maintain the clarity of the smoothed arrows for a long time. The only requirement is sufficient headroom in your closet. The image on the left shows a rather expensive sample from the American site www.hangerproject.com. I will share a secret: in order not to burden the budget with unnecessary expenses, you can use a wonderful replacement from Ikea for only 29 rubles.

Luxury Wooden Trouser Clip Hanger $ 30

Finally, the third option that deserves attention is a hanger with two metal clips (clothespins). However, it is primarily intended for storing items made from coarser fabrics: jeans, chinos, linen trousers. Plus, versatility: you can also attach shorts, a skirt and many other wardrobe items to such a hanger. Withstands rather heavy things. Not suitable for delicate fabrics such as satin, silk. The principle is the same as in the previous version: hang jeans or trousers upside down at the very bottom.

For some, this will seem more convenient than folding your pants on a shelf.
Of course, it is better to have wooden hangers in the house. Unlike plastic, they are much more pleasant to the touch, and also make your home more comfortable.
Hopefully these are some tips on how how to store pants, will be useful to you. Good luck!

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