How to fall in love with a womanizer: tricky tips. How to fall in love with a womanizer: useful tips

Taking upon ourselves the work of re-educating the ladies' man, one must be prepared for the fact that this work will turn out to be ungrateful. They say that womanizers are incorrigible, but some of these lovers of conquering women's hearts are capable of training.

Obviously, a lot depends on the behavior of the woman who took up the case. If you are ready to fight for the right to be the life companion of such a person, you need to know how to tame a womanizer.

Unusual behavior

To attract a womanizer to yourself, and then bind to yourself, you need to act differently from other women in his environment.... What do women in love usually do? After skillfully courting their gentleman, they very quickly surrender to his mercy and are ready to fulfill his every whim. Such girls get bored very quickly, and the man again goes out on the hunting trail.

Therefore, we must act exactly the opposite. Accustomed to easy victories, the womanizer in a cake will hurt himself, but will try to get you. And you let him come closer to you, then run away. He needs to know that he is attractive to you, but he will have to work hard to get what he wants.

Shoot down the arrogance

Lovelace is very confident in himself. Still, not a single girl on whom his eye fell could refuse. Make him doubt his own irresistibility. For example, he asks you out on a date. Be indignant, saying something like: “Why did you decide to invite me? I didn't seem to give a reason to think that I agree. " Also ask what his girlfriend or wife thinks about it.

Don't let him feel like the navel of the earth

A guy who is used to admiration will be greatly hurt that you give him so little time. It will also make him doubt himself, in a word, knock him out of the saddle on which he sat so proudly. You should have a busy life, interesting friends, exciting hobbies. This will help you not to get hung up on a relationship with him, and will make your life bright.

So, in order to fall in love with a womanizer, the following rules must be observed: violate his comfort zone, knock him out of the rut, make him think of himself. In a word, use his own methods. So, you need to give up the obsession, the desire to call, fall into his arms and focus on him, forgetting about yourself and everything in the world. Then your enterprise will be successful, and you will become one of those rare women who managed to cope with male frivolity.

In order to know how to attract the attention of a womanizer, you first need to figure out who is actually a womanizer. Some believe that a womanizer lives in absolutely every man. Supposedly every man has an insatiable appetite for the female sex. And everything is explained by the fact that it is just that nature laid down, because all men are polygamous. In fact, not all men can be called womanizers. There are several types of womanizer.

Types of womanizer

1. The first type includes those men who are very afraid to enter into a serious relationship with a woman. They are afraid to become attached to any woman and in every possible way avoid any emotional experiences. Such a fear of a serious relationship arises from self-doubt, from numerous doubts, and so on.

2. For the second type, only sex is needed from a relationship with a woman. At the same time, he does not feel any special feelings for his partner. He does not think at all about her feelings, is not afraid to offend and hurt, and even more so he does not think about the prospects of their relationship. For him, only the number of women that he managed to drag into bed is important. The more there are, the higher his self-esteem, respectively, and the cooler he is in his opinion.

3. There is a type of womanizer who is the complete opposite of the previous type. Despite the fact that he can change women literally every week, he has sincere feelings for everyone. He falls in love with each of his girls. However, his love does not last long and does not have time to flow into a more serious and deep feeling. Does his relationship with a girl last exactly until another girl appears on the horizon? whom he will fall in love with. # 4 ways to make a married man jealous #

4. Every person in life has been offended and betrayed by someone. But someone finds the strength to forgive and live on without carrying this burden, while someone does not succeed. So, this type of men, when a woman greatly offended, made him suffer and endure severe stress. Having failed to cope with the resentment and hurt pride, such a man goes to take revenge, but not at all to the woman who hurt him. He will take revenge on all women, seeking to inflict the same pain that he experienced. In fact, this type of womanizer is the most dangerous for women. This is because the ending is known in advance, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to change it. Such a man can easily get into trust, after which the woman is emotionally traumatized and then abandoned, thereby finishing her already depressed state.

5. The last type is most adored by women. And all because a man of this type knows how to understand a woman, and they constantly admire her. He literally worships a woman. And naturally she herself begins to go crazy over this man. However, he is not at all ready to admire only one woman. And therefore, he worships all women at once, without highlighting any one of them.

Womanizer's Conquest

Babnikov can be found quite often nowadays. They, as a rule, are witty, can easily make a girl laugh, have excellent eloquence and charming appearance. It is not easy enough to resist such a man. In addition, every girl, having met a womanizer, hopes in her heart that she will become the only one in his life, for the sake of which he will change and stop paying attention to other women. Of course it happens. But for this you need to interest him, show that you are not like everyone else. After all, there are a lot of beauties of the same type in his environment. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail how to win the attention of a womanizer.

1. First, of course, you need to get to know this man. It should be noted that acquaintance is a rather important part of a relationship. If you are the initiator of acquaintance, then it is you, as they say, who set the rules of the game. Most likely, a womanizer will think quite the opposite, but this will only be a plus for you. Therefore, it is worth finding your mutual acquaintances who can introduce you at some kind of general party. But you should also carefully consider your own image. And it's not just about your appearance. In order to arouse the interest of a womanizer, you need to intrigue him a little, he must see a riddle in you. However, remember that this will only work when you meet someone, and when you communicate at the very beginning. To keep it, you will have to work hard.

2. As you know, all men are hunters by nature. They like it when a woman needs to be achieved. Of course, they also like easier tasks, but they quickly get bored with them. While when he spends a lot of time and effort to achieve a woman, he no longer wants to quickly let her go and say goodbye to her. Moreover, this applies to the womanizer. He practically does not need to do the girls and so they themselves hang around his neck.

Therefore, the first time you should behave, a little detached. Don't let him get close right away. Don't go on a date with him right away. Then he will take more and more attempts to win you over. But the mistake of many women is that they do not know where to stop and go too far. So it is important not to allow this moment. Otherwise, he may simply get tired of knocking on a closed door to no avail, and he will find another. Therefore, first you need to keep him in uncertainty for a while, then you need to give him some incentive so that he understands that it makes sense for him to continue to seek your attention and then you can agree to go on a date with him.

3. Surrounded by a womanizer, there are always a lot of beautiful girls who do not spare cosmetics and shorten dresses and skirts more and more. Of course, you should also look attractive, but at the same time, you should give preference to discreet natural makeup, and modest beautiful outfits that will not show all your charms combined. Remember that naked, painted girls are enough for him. But, as you know, beauty alone is not enough. Therefore, you must show him that you are an intelligent, interesting person who has his own outlook on life and has his own opinion on everything, and not just a beautiful doll. It should be interesting to him with you, you should have common topics for conversation.

4. As you know, womanizers get into bed close enough to the desired girl. After that, oh, communication practically fades away. He just adds to the list of his victories, and does not count on any serious relationship. But you want something completely different. After all, you need a serious relationship with him. Therefore, you should delay the moment of your intimacy as long as possible. At least until that moment until you understand that he is sincerely interested in you and may even be in love.

The line of behavior with an inveterate heartthrob should be formed based on the ultimate goals of a woman. If she wants to become his next passion, in order to enjoy his charm and tenderness for a while, then there is no need to try too much, the womanizer will do everything himself. Charming all women in a row is his life credo. It's another matter if a lady is hungry for revenge or sincerely seeks to re-educate the evil one in order to build a strong couple with him. Then a well-thought-out strategy and strictly enforced tactics are needed.

How to teach a womanizer a lesson

It is quite difficult to teach a lesson to a gentleman who breaks women's hearts. Because by nature, he does not focus on the moral component of the relationship. He sees an object in a skirt, perceives it as an unconquered peak, directs all his energy to its conquest and loses interest immediately after physical rapprochement. It is not the hunting process that is important to him; his priority is to replenish the collection. Trying to get a new "exhibit", the womanizer becomes extremely kind and affectionate. He looks at the future victim with adoration, tirelessly showering her with compliments and signs of attention. But it costs him nothing, literally and figuratively. He is not wasted spiritually, since his interest is superficial. His repertoire includes a limited set of stereotyped techniques, a couple of smiles, and everything proceeds according to the same worked out scheme. And financially, he does not invest in a woman, because he does not see the point in this.

After a short proximity, the womanizer hides behind the horizon, on which another candidate is already looming. Is it possible to take revenge on him, cause him the same pain that an abandoned woman experiences? Only if you yourself turn into an insidious temptress. If you start flirting with other men in front of his eyes, this can hurt his pride. He thinks that he is the best. The cutest, the wittiest, the most resourceful, the sexiest, and so on. And since the lady turned her attention not to him, but to another, then she saw a flaw in him. This will undoubtedly unsettle the ladies' man, upset him and make him think. He will make another attempt to fool the girl who has switched to another. And here she must act coldly and ruthlessly. If a womanizer sees her weakness, he will wipe his feet on her, and her feelings will be humiliated completely.

How to fix a womanizer

But there are such ladies who are sincerely convinced of their own superiority over all others, believing that for their sake the world will turn upside down and the convinced Don Juan will be re-educated. A weighty rake awaits such desperate ones, which a decent number of no less presumptuous persons have already stepped on before them. Of course, ladies' men also marry, but marital status does not in any way affect the path they once chose. And after the wedding, they do not stop loving all the women that come into their field of vision.

An exception is possible only in the water case: if we are talking about a forced womanizer. Unlike a born specimen who bestows his passion on girls without malicious intent, out of the kindness of his soul, the forced womanizer seeks to break hearts on purpose. Simply because one day someone did the same to him and inflicted an unhealed wound on him. You can try to remake such a man if you follow certain rules.

It is important to show the burnt chosen one that love happens without deception and without betrayal... If you convince him that trusting and pure are possible, he can change his worldview. It is necessary to surround him with care and warmth, showing disinterested participation in his life. But in no case should you turn into a hen fixated on him. Lovelace needs constant communication, and in a potential spouse he is looking for a reliable companion and an intelligent interlocutor. An exceptionally self-sufficient woman is capable of winning his affection. Knowing her worth, but not self-centered. You don't need to control him and annoy him with excessive care. On the contrary, it is better to remain for him herself not fully guessed - then the ladies' man will not have a need for new adventures.

Falling in love with a womanizer is as easy as shelling pears - he wants it himself. But this is not what you are most likely interested in. And how to hook him and build a long-term relationship.

Women are often interested in how to fall in love with a womanizer... You can roll your eyes and ask - why ?! What nonsense! But, if you think about it - this is not the worst option and not the biggest female stupidity. The womanizer just closes the "three leaders" of the most unsuccessful choices made by girls.

The first place is taken by a married man. Not a single even the most written handsome man, clever and positive in all respects, a man can not compete with an ordinary married man, if a girl is into such a crush. Not a single free man will be told with such frequency how ideal, caring, real man, unique, irreplaceable exclusive he is, as about his married lover. Men, you don't want to get married, you are afraid that you will be deprived of freedom and other benefits, but you do not understand your luck! As soon as you have a stamp in your passport and a ring on your finger, the number of your fans will increase significantly. And this is not irony - that is, quite.

In second place is a man-tyrant or a man who humiliates a woman on a permanent basis. It is almost impossible to break with him on his own. Tyrants have tremendous influence over women. And no matter what they do, the victim is rarely able to break out of such a relationship. And if it succeeds, it almost always comes back.

And only on the 3rd place are women interested in men with all the signs of a "love of life". So not the worst case yet!

A man a womanizer is very attractive to most women, even those who see right through him and who are not very pleasant to such people. The fact is that just as men are instinctively attracted by a beautiful appearance, large breasts (or small for a change), a sexy figure, etc., women are also purely instinctively attracted to men, whose masculinity is immediately evident. Who does not need to be revealed, recognized, converged for a long time. Intellectually, we can understand that we do not need this at all, but it is sometimes difficult to resist a cheerful light character, charm, ease of communication, the ability to make gifts, compliments, be a good lover and have an attractive appearance. I am already writing and smiling)))

Women's psychology is such that each of us considers himself special and capable of becoming the only and irreplaceable even for such a frivolous person. Therefore, women do not often refuse relationships with such men, but then, of course, they suffer greatly.

How to hook a womanizer

Women who, by all means, want to fall in love with a womanizer, usually make 3 classic mistakes:
1. They try very hard in sex, show that there are no forbidden topics for them and that they are ready for anything.

2. Surround the man with care, demonstrating the benefits of family life and ongoing relationships.

3. Play out inaccessibility.

The nuance is that a womanizer is able to interest any of these points. For a certain period of time. A woman's mistake is that she considers the first success to be the final victory, or at least a hint that she is going in the right direction. But this is just a common interest. As soon as he gets used to it, the interest goes away. To know, how to hook a womanizer, you need to understand why all other women are acting wrong.

Let us examine the above 3 points. Since a womanizer deals with a large number of women, these women like it - it is logical that almost each of them dreams of getting him with their undivided use. Therefore, he has no shortage of excellent sex, home comfort and even inaccessibility for him as an element of the game. You will not be different from everyone else - which means that he will not have the desire to stop at you.

Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for conquering such men. Because each of them has his own image of the right woman in his head. Either this image does not exist, but only something of its own will respond in it - and we cannot predict what. According to this logic, he can go from a hot beautiful blonde to a cold brunette. Or vice versa. Or prefer a 35-year-old woman with tattoos all over her body and 3 earrings in her nose. Or a virgin. Or an Uzbek woman with 2 children. Or someone else. You will never figure out what exactly will trigger that very impulse in the brain.

But I can suggest one way. The efficiency is about 70%. Keep such a man in the friend zone - nothing turns on like sincere sympathy from a woman he is interested in, who nevertheless is not going to translate her into something more. By the way, this is generally a good way for all relationships - except for those when the man was placed in the friend zone as a fallback so that he could periodically go to a restaurant at his expense and nothing more. If I’m not mistaken, in the series “How I Met Your Mother” one of the heroes who cannot arrange their personal life in any way is advised “Try to just make friends with a girl for a start”.

Just because you keep the man you are interested in as a friend does not mean that you are not in a sexual relationship. The point is that you don't let him relax by showing that you consider yourself a couple. Therefore, you are independent both in behavior and in relation to it. He cannot make claims against you, because you did not agree on anything and, in general, claims can only be in marriage. Even if you just live together, you are still nobody to each other. Remember that masculine possessiveness is the driving force and foundation of all relationships.

How to interest a womanizer

To interest a womanizer you have to be interesting from the beginning. How do you want? The worst thing you can do is relax and assume that since he is interested in you, then this is for a long time. A man needs to see that you are special. But this is not enough either. Any woman ceases to be special when she dissolves in a man. So your main rule is to have your own life, interests and not live only by love for him.

The next rule is mirroring. The method is as old as the world, but always effective. He is not ready for a serious relationship, for the fact that you are the only one, you only need sex and meetings at a convenient time - okay. Behave towards him the same way. Pets of women are accustomed to adoration and are not ready for the fact that they will be rebuffed instead of devotedly waiting at the phone.

But there is one more - the most important and most difficult moment. To interest, keep, fall in love - all this is possible. But how to make you remain faithful? This is impossible with an ordinary man, and even more so with such. Exit 2 - either you resign yourself to his hobbies, content with the role of the main woman in his life. And, believe me, this is not the worst option in such a situation. Or - keep his psyche in tight hands. It was not in vain that I mentioned married men at the beginning of the post. Most of their mistresses have paralyzed will - so they sit for years in anticipation, even knowing that nothing will happen. For the same reason, they cannot switch to other men and other interests. Their whole life is subject to this relationship. You can do the same with a womanizer. To twist them so that he will not have the strength and will for other novels. But this is unlikely to bring joy to him or to you. Constant tension does not lead to anything good.

Girls, in pursuit of men, sometimes stumble upon such outcast guys who are called womanizers. Womanizer is such a peculiar type of men who know how to very skillfully seduce almost any girl. It often happens that they can hit even the most experienced girl and make her behave in a humiliating and inexplicable manner to defeat. And then the question arises before the girl: how to behave with a womanizer? fall in love with him or leave him?

It must be assured that not every girl who already has extensive experience with a womanizer is able to easily leave him. This happens because not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity know for sure that it is better to do this right away, until the feeling of a broken heart appears, which is quite difficult, with the support of friends, to heal from mental wounds. Womanizers very easily and quickly fall in love with women.

How to deal with a womanizer

If you belong to a number of those girls for whom a serious relationship is not important, but are looking only for a companion for one night, then womanizers are the guys you need. We can say that they are good lovers, whose task is to satisfy a woman, while increasing their rating and reputation. Therefore, if you are not an amorous girl and you have nothing to do with a serious relationship, then the easiest way will be to use the peculiar services of this type of men and say goodbye to him the next morning.

Fall in love with yourself or quit - it's up to you. But still, be prepared that both can be done with great difficulty. Because these are people who are capable of bewitching a girl and taking advantage of her naivety.

How to fall in love with a womanizer?

1) This is not to say that you will succeed one hundred percent, but you can still try. To begin with, you must understand that he has such a lifestyle, he loves women, so you should be patient and be ready for constant betrayal on his part. If you still decide fall in love with a womanizer then understand that it will be difficult for him to say goodbye to his past, but if you are confident that you are ready for difficulties, then success.

2) Such men, practically do not experience any emotional attachment or this kind of feelings, but love only superficially, so you should become such a girl for him, which he had never met before. For example, when you meet, reject him with some witty phrase of a daring bitch and leave without haste, after which he will want to get you even more.

3) Whatever man is, he definitely turns on and excites him female inaccessibility. But in this regard, it is also worth not overdoing it, because you may simply become not interested in this person and he will switch to a more accessible option. You need to be a kind of touchy coquette who wants a man to run after her and seek her. Maintain a gentle flirtation with him, shoot your eyes passionately, but don't even let him touch you. Believe me, it will hurt him, even very much. And you will become the first lady for him on the way to the heart.

4) If you have already had an intimate relationship with him, and this is most likely the case, then become for him unpredictable. Constantly intrigue him with unsuspected behavior. Even if he disappears, then send him a message with the following content: “Thank you, dear, it was good with you. That's just ... ”, believe me, it will really hurt him, as the question will constantly revolve in his head: what was wrong? The main thing is to keep an easy intrigue, but look not for playing.