What a feminine girl looks like. Video: Concept and development. Three psychological problems on the road to femininity

So what is femininity?

Of course, many girls have heard that young people like feminine girls. Representatives strong half of humanity, answering the question: "What traits attract you the most in girls when you think of them as future companions in life?"

But, firstly, when interpreting this concept, the guys, and the girls themselves, also have significant disagreements - they often have no clear idea of ​​what femininity is. And secondly, girls, wanting to be equal in everything with young people, often misunderstand equality as equal. This is what has to be debunked in the first place.

It is easier to talk about femininity, as they say, by contradiction. Let's try to define what non-femininity is.

Often girls do not understand that the equality of women and men does not mean that they are the same. Nowadays, many girls wear trousers or jeans, smoke, and drink wine on a par with men, and disgust disgusting swearing is passed on deaf ears, and rudeness is not noticed.

Non-femininity has many faces. For example, a girl of about twenty-seven, graceful and beautiful, always tastefully dressed, clever, with a good profession. Not married and never married. Where are only men looking ?! It turns out that they do look. But one has only to talk to her: in every judgment - harshness, directness, clearly formulated "truth in the eye." And how brilliantly witty and sarcastic! Sometimes it will "shave off" so much that you want to fall through the ground! No, not at all rude, just not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. But not all men, apparently, want to hear about themselves "the truth in the eye", and from the elegant wit they shiver. Should they be blamed for this? No, not worth it: everyone wants the woman he meets to be gentle, affectionate, able to understand, sympathize from the heart to a loved one and even to present the unpleasant truth to him somehow innocently, in a friendly manner.

It turns out that there is no femininity - no and female attractiveness? You see, these two concepts are linked together.

Sometimes a girl is active, energetic, feeling sympathy for the young man and remembering that a woman is now equal in rights, acts, so to speak, in "masculine" ways. For example, a girl came up to a guy and said: "I love you, let's date!" The young man mumbled something like “come on”, but he was afraid to come on the first date. Apparently, the girl's straightforwardness and excessive determination in such a delicate area do not attract, but rather scare away. It's somehow unfeminine.

So what is femininity? This, obviously, is, first of all, gentleness in handling and sensitivity, a subtle ability to understand another, share his worries and selflessly help. This is usually greater than that of men, emotionality, allowing a woman to more openly show her warmth and attention to others. This is the eternal female need for emotional contacts, and the ability to establish them. And even the shyness that some girls suffer from. The totality of such beautiful feminine features constitutes the concept of "femininity".

By the way, the natural inclinations of girls allow them to be exactly feminine. But the trouble is that often girls do not value these traits in themselves, they are ashamed of them and try to overcome them. And there are plenty of ways to “fight” femininity.

Often, girls, due to a misunderstanding of equality with boys, strive to keep up with them, to erase all differences. And in particular, they start smoking ... Many articles have been written and lectures given about the dangers of smoking, especially for a girl, a woman - a future mother. This is all true, but, unfortunately, it does not always work. Smoking girl not attractive to many men, looks unfeminine in their eyes. But the girl herself sees a cigarette as a sign of modernity and independence, a tempting means to achieve ease of communication.

It's the same with booze. If in the company guys pour themselves wine, not every girl thinks that she needs to lag behind the male. Yes, exactly to lag behind! "Why are we girls worse?" Not worse, just different! And it is not their daring in drinking that women conquer the hearts of men.

You need to understand that by their behavior, by their femininity, or, conversely, by their unfemininity, girls actually bring up guys.

If you want, it's like an unwritten duty - to be feminine! Be feminine for a man to be masculine. Girls tend to mature faster than boys their age. They take a closer look at human relationships. And from this point of view, it is natural and necessary that it is the girl who to some extent manage the relationship with the young man, of course, gently, tactfully, unstably. And again, only feminine girls succeed in this.

The word "led", of course, does not need to be taken literally. Unfortunately, the habit of some girls to command is formed already at school. But how difficult it will be for a girl if she transfers the acquired decisive, commanding style of communication to her relationships with young men, and then in her family with her husband. Sharp, domineering, unkind wives - "leaders" who decide everything family matters single-handedly and at the same time indignant at the indecision of the current men - trouble not so few families and, perhaps, the main cost of unfemininity.

At all times, it was the behavior of a woman that primarily determined emotional attitude in family. Whether the tonality of the behavior of family members is affectionate or rude, tender or loud, calm or irritable, soft or harsh - all this largely depends on the woman. And to establish a warm, soulful microclimate in the family feminine woman much easier.

And raising children! Doesn't the mother's femininity have anything to do with it ?! After all, children very often copy the behavior of their parents. And if the mother is feminine - in the sense, as we said above, there is a high degree of probability that the daughter will be the same. After all, with the feminine mother of the daughter it is warm, calm, sincere. It is hoped that the daughter will try to maintain this style of communication with her friends, and then with her husband and with children in her own family.

But what if a son is being brought up? He doesn't seem to need to grow up feminine ... On the contrary, it's bad. He needs to become courageous: decisive, courageous, firm, self-possessed. It turns out that a feminine mother and such upbringing succeeds better. The son will grow up - and he will definitely want to take on a share of responsibility and worries in the family, he will want to protect, protect his affectionate, vulnerable, feminine mother from troubles. And if the mother is only a harsh commander in the family, we do not think that this will help her raise a real man from her son. Rather, she will suppress his independence, bring up timid and insecure.

A common argument against femininity is the "masculine" professions of women. Say, how to be feminine if you work as a concrete worker, an electric welder? But you never know of them, traditionally not at all female professions! But femininity is about relationships with people, and the machines you have to work with have nothing to do with it. If you want, you can be quite feminine in any profession.

It is just as easy to imagine a woman that neither is a woman's profession - well, say, a teacher or educator in kindergarten- and at the same time harsh, quarrelsome, unfriendly, that is, completely unfeminine.

Nowadays they say a lot that femininity disappears in girls, and this means that one of the traits disappears, for which a girl is most loved. Is it possible to cultivate this quality in oneself if it has not been brought up since childhood?

There is a justified reproach to the parents: "... if you have not brought up since childhood." Parents should pay sufficient attention to raising femininity in their daughters - no less than their mental, physical and moral development... Moreover, femininity is an organic part of a girl's spiritual image. It will be very good if the parents themselves understand what is included in this concept and how to educate it, and they will talk to their daughters and help them grow up feminine and attractive.

Paradoxical as it may sound, not every woman looks really, feminine, although many strive for this. If you believe that you also lack this quality, then if you wish, you can acquire it!

What should be a feminine girl (woman)

How to look to be feminine

As you know, before starting a conversation with by a stranger, we draw the first conclusions about it by outward appearance and the manner of dressing. In general, even a cursory glance at a girl, one can understand whether she is feminine or not. So what are the primary criteria? Figure, hair, skin Overall, overall grooming is important. A feminine and self-loving girl does not neglect the care of her hair, skin and figure. This means that you should not have split ends, unpainted hair roots or dirty head... Your hair should shine with health and beauty. If you find it difficult to maintain in perfect form long hair, then you need to do more short hair- whatever the length of the hair, it should look well-groomed. Regarding the figure, do not allow excess weight to appear - go in for sports and eat right. There are undoubtedly many attractive girls out there who, according to general criteria have excess weight, but at the same time they look beautiful, feminine and effective - this happens if the proportions are observed. If you just have clearly visible sides and belly, and at the same time there is no hint of a lush bust and hips, then this is hardly attractive. It is also important to prevent the appearance of cellulite - in especially advanced cases, it can be noticeable even through clothes! Of course, pay attention to the condition of the skin not only on the body, but also on the face. If you notice pimples or blackheads, then do not try to mask them with foundation first. The skin needs to be treated so as not to start the process, and then not to acquire more more problems on this background. Be sure to see a dermatologist. Makeup and clothing style1) With makeup, it is important not to overdo it and apply it in accordance with the situation - during the day it should be barely noticeable, in the evening more colors are permissible. Choose tones according to your color type. For example, foundation in no case should it be conspicuous or look like a "mask". Pick it up with a consultant or good makeup artist... In general, pay attention to the makeup courses. Many girls are convinced that they are great at applying makeup, but often this is only a subjective opinion. Perhaps you are totally against makeup, believing that this only spoils your skin. However, in this case, you should not neglect facial care - buy at least a toner and cream suitable for your skin type. Take time to care for your lips - use balms regularly. Watch the shape of the eyebrows - you can entrust this matter to the master, or periodically remove the excess hairs by yourself. 2) Don't chase the latter fashion trends... Of course, it's important to know at least a little about fashion in order not to look ridiculous, but do not wear something that does not suit you. If you see that skinny trousers absolutely do not suit you, then you should not put on them, no matter how fashionable they are. Give preference to dresses - having measured many styles, you will probably be able to find the one that suits you perfectly. Well, and, of course, you shouldn't even remind that dresses, like skirts, are the most feminine wardrobe item. You should also pay attention to shoes and accessories. Choose sophisticated models of calm and delicate flowers... Don't forget about good perfume- you should not smell expensive fragrances a mile away, but it will be good if people near you smell a slight smell of some pleasant perfume emanating from you.

How real women behave

Openness Be friendly and open-minded. Of course, this does not mean that you should dump all information about yourself to the first person you come across, but try to forget about excessive cutesiness. Talk to people as if they were yours. good friends- make sure that your tone does not sound arrogant or sullen. After talking with you, people should have a good impression. Sincerity and modesty Being open-minded is important to remain humble and considerate. Do not overload the interlocutor with unnecessary information if he does not show special interest in the chosen topic of conversation. If a person is interested in some question that you know, and does not go beyond all personal boundaries, then try to give him the most sincere answer, without letting excessive mystery. Also, do not try to be the center of attention, drowning out everyone around you with your stories. It is sometimes helpful to prove yourself to be a good listener rather than a good storyteller. Demeanor The demeanor should not be defiant in the first place. Ladies are associated with femininity, and if you want to develop this quality in yourself, then you should feel and behave exactly like a lady. If you know that you have a loud voice, then watch how you speak - your speech should be calm and confident. Note that many people are annoyed by loud voices, but their sense of tact does not always allow them to say so. Also, do not speak too quietly or almost in a half-whisper, forcing people to listen to you - this may only be appropriate on an intimate date.

How to develop femininity in yourself

Accept yourself and love

Treat yourself with love and care. There are no perfect people, and you also don't have to be. Perhaps you have drawbacks, but absolutely everyone has them. If it seems to you that a person is ideal, then it means that he simply learned to hide his imperfections, or his ideality is only your subjective opinion. Try to improve yourself, but don't ask too much of yourself. Treat yourself to small ones more often. pleasant shopping, interesting trips and meetings with loved ones - this will allow you to be in a positive mood more often. In communication, try not to get upset over trifles and not take problems to heart - learn to be easy about life.

Give thanks and praise

Whatever the man does for you, thank him for his help. Even if it is some small thing, and in fact you think that it does not deserve at all special attention- your beloved will be pleased if you acknowledge his merits. Such behavior will become for him additional motivation and stimulus for new achievements. If he remembers that any of his help and participation finds a response in you and gives him positive emotions, he will strive for it again.

Be gentle, smile

It is quite difficult for a gloomy girl to look feminine, even if she is dressed without any complaints. Femininity is mainly associated in people with kindness, inner light, tenderness. It is important to develop all these qualities in yourself. Be nice, polite and welcoming to people - this will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your image.

Don't raise your voice and don't swear

The feminine person does not swear or hysteria. If she does not like something, she is sad or even tries to get out of conflict situation... Even if you get caught in unpleasant situation, and your interlocutor or interlocutors behave obscenely, do not descend to this level - try to "save face" and do not go over to unnecessary squabbles.

Be a woman with a mystery

It is important to be able to maintain this line - between openness and mystery. Be sincere with people, but leave a light trail of mystery - there shouldn't be too much of it, but a light intrigue never hurts a real woman.

A worthy woman through the eyes of a man

Which women do men more often pay attention to?

Men most often pay attention to women who have certain qualities... Note that we can talk not at all about all the qualities listed below, but about some or their overwhelming number. the beauty Perhaps, it is difficult to argue with the fact that mostly men are personalities, about whom they say "love with their eyes", and it just so happened that many of them really like beautiful women. It is also important to clarify that each of them has their own idea of ​​what should be " beautiful woman"- someone likes tiny thin women, someone is crazy about tall and stately ladies. In general, there can be a lot of variations. Sexuality Of course, a man will always pay attention to sexy woman- it is important not to be confused with vulgarity! Sexuality can manifest itself in many ways - in the timbre of the voice, the graceful figure, the bend of the shoulders, the look, the flick of the eyelashes, the manner of speaking, and so on. Kindness There is no need to even doubt that the representatives of the stronger sex like kind girls... In their potential companion, most men almost immediately begin to see future mother their children, and what should be a mother in the understanding of many people? Affectionate, kind, understanding. Naturalness Of course vulgar dressed women attract the attention of not only men, but also women and children, but guys really like, as a rule, completely different persons. You are more likely to meet decent man, if you will go out not with "war paint", but with neutral and neat makeup. Lightness of character Nobody likes bores, and, of course, men are no exception. An ideal woman, in their opinion, cannot be boring or grumpy - for such, sometimes, you do not want to return home. A man expects support and understanding from his life partner, and with a difficult character, this is not so easy to provide. Thrift Many men appreciate the comfort of the house and Tasty food and, of course, they like women who are able to provide it or strive for it. If a young man inadvertently finds out that you know how to cook complex and delicious dishes, then, most likely, your chances of getting his attention will increase significantly. Mysteriousness This is not about secrecy, but some kind of easy intrigue. It can also manifest itself in appearance. For example, a woman constantly wears hairstyles that imply collected hair, and the man involuntarily begins to fantasize about how she looks with her hair down. It can also refer to the past. For example, when asked how a woman spent her vacation, she light smile sweetly replies: "Oh, I'll tell you about this another time." That is, it should be understood that nothing terrible is hiding - on the contrary, there was some interesting case in her life. However, it is also important not to overdo it.

Feminine women are always surrounded by attention, and it is not surprising that from time to time some men want to see them in the status of their spouse. It is very important not to lose this quality by getting married. Take care of your femininity so that in the eyes of your spouse you always look like a fragile and tender person who you don't want to offend or hurt, but whom you want to protect. If you have a grumpy disposition and a lively character, then this will somewhat lower the chances of respect spouse. Almost any man hopes that at home, after the hardships of a working day, a quiet haven will await him, and usually only a truly feminine life companion can provide it. It is no secret that it is on the woman that the atmosphere will reign in her family and home to a greater extent. If there is enough wisdom and positive feminine energy in the “shore of the hearth”, then her family will feel peaceful and happy next to her.

Secrets of the femininity of the first ladies

Raisa Gorbacheva

For many people, the first ladies of the country are more often associated with femininity. In the Soviet Union, she was the wife of Gorbachev. If the previous first ladies of the country did not really think about how to look spectacular and elegant, then for Raisa Maksimovna it was very important - she did not get lost against the background of the Western wives of the heads of state. The wife of Mikhail Sergeevich was slender woman who tried to dress exquisitely, despite the fact that the country did not have much of a variety of outfits. Despite the fact that she could afford dresses and suits from foreign designers, Gorbacheva preferred to sew outfits in domestic ateliers. So the limited choice did not bother the president's wife at all, because having good taste, you can always hope for the help of a good tailor.

Jacqueline Kennedy

The wife of John F. Kennedy managed to gain a foothold in the memory of the public no less than himself. Jacqueline was very popular during her life, and remains in the memory of many fashionistas to this day. The thing is that she was considered a real icon of style and elegance, and many girls now continue to equal her taste. It is difficult to say that Jacqueline was by nature a recognized beauty, but she managed to ensure that no one paid attention to her shortcomings, because she competently beat them, turning them into advantages. Mrs. Kennedy has never been afraid to "stand out from the crowd" and show her personality. She liked exquisite headdresses bold combination flowers. She preferred strict and laconic outfits that fit perfectly on her figure. Jacqueline also understood how important it is not to overdo it with jewelry, so she avoided excessiveness in this matter - she put on a necklace, earrings, bracelets and so on only when, in her opinion, it was really appropriate.

Many representatives fair half societies believe that men choose women for such qualities as beauty, intelligence and financial position... In fact, this is not at all important for them, since often you can see not so attractive girl surrounded by men. All this because such girls can be soft, gentle and feminine. You don't have to have beautiful appearance and a subtle mind to fight men on the spot. Actually, it is enough to behave like true woman who is confident in herself and knows what she wants from life.

So, it's all about femininity. But how to be feminine, if such a science is not taught at school? It is worth understanding for yourself that it is never too late to learn femininity. Before you start to become perfect woman, you should determine for yourself the goals that are most important in this moment... Someone may wish, another woman wants to improve relations in her family, and still others simply dreams of being a softer and caring mother. Once the goal is determined, you should move in its direction, developing only the necessary aspects of femininity.

What can you learn on the path to femininity?

When a girl decides to become feminine and begins to take steps in the right direction, then she can reveal many of the possibilities of her nature that she did not know about before. The first discovery will be the emergence of communication skills. Above all, femininity is associated with charm, which makes it easy to find mutual language with anyone. This quality is very important for any modern woman... It will help you not only learn to communicate with strangers and make friends, but also provide career opportunities.

On the way to femininity, the girl will undoubtedly discover wisdom feminine... A kind of piggy bank of the wisdom of millions of women will open before the young ladies. Everything that every woman needs to know and observe, from appearance to behavior, will be accessible and understandable for her. Femininity is not a momentary quality, but daily work... Nature has given all women a unique appearance, and her grooming and beauty depends only on her.

In addition to communication skills and discovering beauty secrets, the girl will be able to learn how to control her body. This is very important point in the acquisition of femininity, since beautiful gait, a straight back and smooth movement are the pride of every girl. Such techniques can be learned by doing yoga, ballet, oriental or Latin American dances, and it is also useful. Not only the face should talk about femininity, but also the body, since only it does not know how to lie.

When a girl strives for femininity, she will have to learn how to properly present herself. This requires a lot of work. First, a girl needs to determine what type of femininity is right for her. It can be modest, relaxed or graceful in nature. When the type is determined, then you can begin to build a certain image, which will be composed of clothes, shoes, accessories and makeup. Also, do not forget about certain behavior in society and communication that suits the chosen nature.

How to become feminine for a beloved man? Be softer!

If a girl wants to become feminine in order to be more desirable and beloved for her man, then it is worth finding one important quality- softness. For every man, a woman is the personification of warmth, kindness and care. All this is because they saw this quality in their mothers, therefore they are looking for it in their chosen ones. All men love softness in everything from gestures and voice to actions and gaze. You can start striving for softness from the very simple, for example, wearing clothes made of fabrics that are very soft and pleasant to the touch.

On the path to softness, it is very important to listen to yourself, what and in what voice is said. If a young lady hears in her voice notes of resentment, anger or stress and, then they should be replaced with softer and more pleasant notes. You need to try to control yourself in a conversation not only with your beloved man, but also with friends and relatives. One should speak moderately quietly, measuredly and calmly. In a conversation with a soul mate, you can use sweet words, but they must also be pronounced affectionately.

Softness is very pronounced in the look and face. Of course, it can be extremely difficult to maintain this softness when fatigue and irritation press on a girl. But if you train and force yourself to smile every day, be affectionate and try to keep your eyes soft. This practice will not pass just like that, but will leave pleasant and gentle features on your face.

Appearance can also show the gentleness of a woman. Men prefer women with rounded silhouettes as they are softer rather than angular. Should not be worn strict haircuts and sharp shoulders, especially since they are not in fashion nowadays. You only need to walk with a straight back, making your gait more airy, light and unhurried. So not only those around, but also the young lady herself will feel more confident, attractive and will be very easy.

Frequent meetings with well-groomed girlfriends are a guarantee of femininity.

If a girl is still worried about how to become more feminine, then she probably rarely meets with her friends. Of course, friends should be an example for any woman, otherwise there will be nowhere to strive. You should select girlfriends who have feminine qualities. All men follow the example of their friends, adopting different habits, ways of thinking and demeanor. Therefore, girls also need to spend more time in each other's company and adopt useful qualities.

Femininity is a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

Besides emotional and psychological moments it is very important not to forget about the outer shell. The desire to be well-groomed is distinctive feature women. It should not be said that there is absolutely no time for self-care. For this process, it is imperative to highlight enough time and Money, since leaving requires some costs.

If possible, then you need to regularly visit beauty salons, where professionals will take care of the body, face, hair and nails. You can also take care of yourself at home, without spending large sums. Also, do not forget to wear skirts and dresses, as they make the appearance more feminine. Applying all of the above tips, every girl will certainly become more feminine and be able to conquer men's hearts and be confident in yourself. It is then that the question of how to become gentle and feminine will sink into oblivion!

Femininity: what is she feminine girl? It probably seems to many that men most of all give their preference to beautiful, smart, successful women. Perhaps in your social circle there is a girl with a rather modest appearance and ordinary mental abilities, which is always in the center of attention of many men and consists of happy marriage... And it's all about her femininity.

How can you learn to be feminine?

First, you need to decide on the main goals, why exactly you want to become feminine. For some, it is necessary to get to know a new man, for others it is important to establish relations with a spouse, and for others it is necessary to get more care and affection from men. To become feminine, you need to focus your attention on a specific point, developing those aspects of femininity that excite you the most.


For any man, first of all, a woman is the personification of care, softness and warmth. From childhood, these things were provided for him by his mother. The image of the soft a bright person forever leaves his mark in the memory of a man, so he is always looking for it in women. Men like femininity, which manifests itself in everything, be it gestures, voice, touch, actions, looks.

Try to listen to yourself, and if you often hear notes of a commander in your voice, or notes of resentment, anger and stress, try to change them to softer ones. You should speak with a man calmly, a little measuredly, moderately quietly. In order for you to be able, you should try to "smile" with your voice.

Femininity and female company

For many women, it is extremely important to be a part of the female company. In turn, male friends "infect" women with their male habits, way of thinking, demeanor, taking feminine energy... As for communication with women who are more tuned in to a positive outcome of communication, then it can nourish with energy. A feminine girl should go shopping with her friends, to beauty salons, or engage in some kind of handicraft.

Quite often, business people successful women make fun of their girlfriends who are engaged in decoupage and embroidery. But it is precisely this kind of painstaking work, which is associated with creativity, that very much pacifies a woman, gives her a feeling of goodness and tranquility.

Femininity and appearance

The very idea of ​​femininity is constantly changing over the generations. Even 150 years ago, the concept of femininity personified the representative of the fair sex - a young lady of noble manners, who always carries an openwork umbrella with her. Over the years, due to war, revolutions, technical progress, femininity began to imply a completely different meaning. Probably, one of the main reasons why foreigners prefer to marry Slavic women lies in the fact that for them learn to be feminine not difficult at all.

A woman's desire to take care of herself is not so much natural as it is obligatory. Beauty rituals, cardinal changes in the image will help to become feminine. Aromatherapy, SPA, massages develop sensuality, strengthening the olfactory and tactile sensations... If you want to learn how to be feminine, then you should not only enjoy massage sessions, but also take a short training course that will help increase the sensitivity of the palms and hands. Men just love soft hands.

Certainly to become feminine, try to wear dresses and skirts more often. You should also not ignore makeup, but at the same time you should understand that overuse of it will not lead to anything good. A feminine girl always knows exactly how to paint, while a properly selected scent will help to complement the image, which will only be associated with you in men.

If you are still thinking about what is femininity: what a feminine girl she is, then you should not forget that you must improve yourself, develop, accept new knowledge and experience.

A feminine girl is one who exudes femininity without sacrificing her personality and inner strength... She monitors her behavior, speech and appearance, but she is not self-centered, not rude, she always remains herself. She is the one that other girls look up to, the one with whom they want to make friends. To be feminine - personal choice each, and no one has the right to force you to behave in a way that you do not like. If you strive to become feminine, all you need to do is to instill new habits in your behavior and appearance.


Take care of yourself

    Take a shower every day. Feminine girls always take care of their personal hygiene. Shower and wash thoroughly with soap and water every day. If you want to be super feminine, you can buy a scented shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel.

    Use a moisturizer or moisturizing body lotion. Soft skin- an integral part of the concept of "femininity". Use a moisturizer or lotion every day and apply it to your face and body. If you have oily skin, a moisturizer will help inhibit secretion sebum... You can choose any cream, but be sure to read the packaging to see if this cream is suitable for your skin type.

    • You can be a feminine girl even if you have acne! Start drinking more water and rubbing problem areas benzoyl peroxide. Even if you have not been able to get rid of acne - don't worry, many people have acne!
  1. Take care of your nails. Of course, this does not mean that you need to cover your nails with new varnish every day. However, nails should always be kept clean and well-groomed. Trim and file your nails to keep them neat and smooth. Clean them every day (especially under your nails) and check to see if the polish has peeled off.

    • If you like changing the color of your nail polish, try pairing the color of your nail polish with your outfit.
    • If you do not want to constantly paint your nails, you can apply clear nail polish... This varnish looks very neat and feminine, and you do not have to worry about its condition.
  2. Comb and style your hair every day. Hair should always be combed and styled. There should be no knots or tangles in the hair, it should be clean. Find a hairstyle or haircut that suits you and try to style your hair every day.

    • You may need to wash your hair every day (depending on your hair type). If your hair looks oily by the end of the day, you will need to wash your hair every day.
    • The hairstyle doesn't have to be complicated or special! You can stick with yourself simple style: for example, make a parting, pull hair to one side and pin with a barrette. In addition, you can try to braid braids, make ponytail or curl your hair into a bun.
    • If you are at a loss for how to style your hair, ask a friend for advice or go to a salon or hairdresser.
  3. Wear deodorant and perfume. Good smell- an integral part of a feminine girl! Deodorant should be used every day. In addition, you can use perfume or toilet water- many women have a favorite perfume scent that they use every day. If you are not very good at choosing a perfume, try a light floral or fruity scent first.

    • In no case should the prafum become a substitute for the soul! Otherwise, those around you will notice it.
    • Perfume or toilet water should be used in small quantities, apply them to the pulse points: on the wrists and neck behind the ears (you can only on the neck, especially if you are wearing something with long sleeve covering the wrists). The perfume should have a subtle scent that will only be noticeable when man will fit very close to you. The smell should not hang in the air for everyone around you to feel it.
  4. Watch your oral hygiene! Feminine girls always keep their teeth clean. Brush your teeth every day, use dental floss, and be sure to use a mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. Wear dental floss with you to use after every meal or snack.

    • It's okay if your teeth are not perfectly straight or if you wear braces! Just keep them clean.
  5. Apply light makeup. Try to put on a little makeup to become a more feminine girl. It is light makeup that makes the face and general image more feminine, moreover, light makeup learning is much easier than full evening. Practice until you know how to apply "natural" light makeup.

    • Try using only lip gloss and mascara to get started.
    • Choose eyeshadow and blush light neutral colors, for example, light pink or beige.
    • If you want to apply tone cream or foundation, first find a shade that suits your skin tone.
    • More bright makeup looks great too! But first, practice applying your daily “natural” makeup.
  6. Buy feminine clothes. Of course, this does not mean that you only need to wear pink dresses to appear feminine. But try to wear something feminine every time you go somewhere. Dresses and skirts are the most popular choices, but don't forget trousers, capris, shorts and jumpsuits. Try button-down blouses and tops instead of T-shirts.

    • Pink, magenta and pastel shades- classic feminine colors. But if you don't like them, you can choose any other color. The main thing is to combine it with the style that suits you.
    • You don't have to constantly follow fashion trends or wear those things that are popular with most women. The main thing is to dress neatly and femininely.
  7. Wear womens shoes. Instead of sneakers and flip-flops, it is better to choose shoes if you want to look more feminine. Heels and platforms - great way look feminine, but if you don't want to wear high heels, you can wear ballet flats. Make sure that your shoes are always clean and tidy, without scuffs!

    • If you want to wear shoes with heels, but don't know how to walk in them, try stepping first on the heel and then on the toe. Practice walking in high heels at home before going outside!
  8. Carry a small purse. Feminine girls constantly carry a lot of necessary little things with them. If you haven't carried a purse before, now is the time to start! It doesn't have to be an expensive designer bag. Just pick whatever bag you like (whatever color and style) it should be the right shape and fit all your belongings.

    • It is best to choose a bag in a neutral color, such as black or brown - it will work with most of your outfits!

Create an atmosphere of femininity

  1. Choose soft bright colours to decorate your room. The bedroom, wardrobe, table and any other piece of personal space should express femininity. Choose bright, soft colors such as pink, lilac, blue, or yellow. You can buy new furniture, paint the walls or simply decorate them with ribbons, posters, stickers - all this will help make your personal space more "feminine".

    Be neat and organized. Feminine girls do not scatter sheets of paper around instead of writing all the information in a notebook. They do not leave food packaging and empty dishes all over the place. Get into the habit of cleaning up your home and putting things in their place every day. Keep your school supplies organized.

    • By the way, this a great opportunity buy girly things for organizing things - various boxes, clips, cases and pencil cases. This is a great way to express your femininity.
  2. Buy a dressing table or mirror. You need a place where you can put on makeup, do new hairstyles, and try on clothes. Buy a large mirror for your room, and don't forget a small pocket mirror to carry around in your purse. You can even buy a dressing table if you like!

    Show the creative side of your personality! Feminine girls are not afraid to be feminine. Decorate your personal space with cute drawings, cards from friends and homemade decorations... Buy multi-colored pens and draw some pictures or posters, do sewing or embroidery, decorate the room with your work.