Calendar of children's vaccinations. The benefits of vaccination of your child. In a kindergarten without vaccinations: will take or refuse? Does vaccinations be in kindergarten

Visiting the child kindergarten is not only his communication with peers, but also a collision with a huge and diverse world of microbes and viruses surrounding almost every person.

And since the immune system of the kid is still quite weak, he begins to root often. It is to strengthen children's immunity and a mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten are sent.

List of mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten

The list includes not only those included in the Russian national calendar, but also additional vaccines capable of protecting the child from other, no less dangerous diseases.

Thus, a child who is preparing to enter a kindergarten must be made:

  • calendar (mandatory) vaccinations - BCG, DC, from polio, rubella, measles, steam;
  • additional - against hemophilic and meningococcal infections (2 months before sending to kindergarten), against a pneumococcal infection (for 1 month) and against influenza (every year at the beginning of autumn).

If the baby entering the kindergarten was already 2 years old, and he still did not hurt the windmill, then it usually requires this vaccine.

Does the kindergarten take without vaccinations?

In accordance with Russian legislation, parents have the right to decide independently, whether to make their child vaccinations. Their absence can be the cause of only temporary refusal to take the toddler in the garden, if there are mass infectious diseases at this moment or there is a risk of epidemics.

In other words, in kindergarten, they have the right to refuse to receive a non-vaccinated child only in the presence of a threat of an epidemic in the institution. However, despite the legal right of parents to independently decide whether to vaccinate to her child if there are their refusal, the garden, as a rule, is trying to avoid taking a baby in any way.

Most often, the head of the kindergarten simply does not accept a medical map in which there are no marks about vaccination. More cautious employees in order to avoid troubles report that there are no free seats in the kindergarten.

Moreover, in the clinic they may not sign a medical card not a graft child. And there is still a SanEpidemstancy that strictly follows that no one take anyone without vaccinations to the preschool institution.

What if not accepted into kindergarten?

If the district doctor refuses to sign a medical care, the head physician of the clinics should be applied, indicating its next step (in case the question is not resolved) - an application to the prosecutor's office and a complaint about the management of health care. If, demanding to make vaccinations, in kindergarten refuse to take signed medical cards, the application should be written to the head of the head or the Department of Education.

When all places unexpectedly ended in kindergarten, in a statement in the name of the head, it is necessary to ask for clarifying why the place for the child was first it was, and with the emergence of the question about the vaccinations suddenly gone.

After a written response about the absence of places to the appropriate age group, no one will be able to accept anyone or will be forced to first notify the applicant that the place appeared.

But if parents do not want to vaccinate their child due to certain circumstances or the presence of contraindications, it should not be the cause of the violation of its constitutional rights.

The grown child needs not only in the love and care of loved ones and relatives, but also to communicate with peers. A little man is wondering everything around, he seeks to study the world, tries everything to the touch, taste. To ensure the full development of the baby in society is intended for a children's pre-school institution.

The process of preparing the child to kindergarten is awake for each parent. The baby must learn to do without parental care, independently cope with some actions. New contacts bring pleasant emotions and acquaintances with different viruses. Making compulsory vaccinations for admission to kindergarten, you can reduce the risk of morbidity.

Scientists from medicine tend to share the epochs of health development for periods before the introduction of mass programs of vaccine-philaxcies and after them. Indeed, in practice it is proved that it is vaccination - the most effective preventive method of combating many, including very dangerous, infectious diseases. Unfortunately, the Internet with access to the most varied information in this matter "worked" is not good. I failed to separate the "graft from Treven", having established the anti-vocational attitude, some of the parents began to unreasonably refuse vaccinations. Are they right?

At an early age, the formation of the immune system is just beginning. Various viruses can cause irreparable damage to the fragile children's body. From some heavy diseases that can make a child with disabilities, can be protected only by grafting.

Parents fear that immunization vaccines will create an additional burden on the children's body. However, modern drugs consist of dead and weakened viruses or bacteria that are not dangerous, on the contrary, protect against complications. The importance of vaccination before visiting the kindergarten is great. If, due to illness, the baby missed the calendar vaccination, it can be done after recovery.

Advantages of vaccination:

  • lack of complications;
  • formation of immunity;
  • protection against diseases.

Parents can make a written refusal of vaccination, but then all family members are under the threat of the disease.

What vaccinations are needed for kindergarten

Enrolling in a children's institution, the baby faces a huge amount of infections. Because his immunity has not yet fully formed, he begins to sick often. Separate viruses and bacteria are transferred to them especially hard and give complications. Reduce the risk of infection, vaccination will help develop immunity. However, only parents decide, to put or not put vaccinations to their child.

In Russia, the list of garden vaccinations consists of:

  • mandatory: BCG from tuberculosis, from hepatitis B, poliomyelitis, DC, from measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis;
  • additional: from influenza, pneumococcal, hemophilic, meningococcal infections.

By two years, all vaccinations must be made. If for some reason the vaccination was not carried out, then it will be done in kindergarten.

Poliomyelitis, Poklush, Tetanus and Difterey

Two-year children vaccine from poliomyelitis and DCs should be already supplied. It is known that Cocalus is a dangerous disease for health, vaccination from it is the most complex and painful. But it is possible to prevent the occurrence and spread of this disease only with the help of a vaccine.

Rubella, measles and steam

Often parents do not attach the importance of the implementation of this vaccination, explaining their choice because the baby must be sick of childhood diseases. They do not take into account that these infections cause serious complications, for example, they develop inflammation from measles, which applies to the brain. After him, the child can be disabled for life. Parotitis negatively acts on the sex system, especially for boys.

The vaccination includes 3 antigen and is raised at a time. If the kid suffered one of the three diseases, then the corresponding component is excluded.

Hepatitis B, tuberculosis

Hepatitis can be infected with sexually, as well as when the blood transmission of a patient is healthy. Vaccination from hepatitis B and tuberculosis a child suffers quite easily.

Information about the vaccinations made by the hospital staff is transferred from the medical card of the child to a special vaccination certificate and transfer to the children's garden staff. It is located at the nurse of the preschool institution, which lists the data on newly introduced vaccines. If medical contraindications did not allow the child to put the necessary vaccinations, it should be taken without them.

It is impossible to protect the child from all infections. Tight contacts of healthy and sick babies, common toys are the cause of infection. Therefore, before admission, parents additionally vaccinate children:

  • from hepatitis A. to become infected with this disease, which adversely affects the liver, is very simple. After vaccination in kindergarten, there may be easiest ailments, an increase in temperature;
  • from meningococcal infection, which leads to the occurrence of meningitis - the disease in which the cerebral shell is inflamed;
  • from influenza. Natural protection from this disease is absent. Before putting influenza vaccination, parents need to consult a pediatrician, since there are contraindications.

Does the kindergarten take without vaccinations

Any parent can refuse to perform preventive vaccinations, and it cannot be banned to visit kindergarten. The preschool general educational institution is obliged to take a child, even if he does not have a single vaccination. If there is a threat of the epidemic of the infectious disease, then the kindergarten has the right not to accept unvacuated children.

In practice, children without vaccination with any ways are trying not to take into kindergarten, referring to the absence of a vaccine certificate. Parents need to be applied with a written complaint to the head of the garden or to the Department of Education.

Law on vaccinations

Control of the vaccinations provided for in kindergarten is based on the following legal documents:

  • The Law "On Immunoprophylaxis" - Art. 5, art. eleven;
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Art. 26;
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation - Art. 43;
  • Law "On Education" - Art. 5 h. 1;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Does the right head of the garden refuse to parents in the arrival of an unmanufactured child

Parents are responsible for the life and health of their baby, only they decide - to put or not put vaccinations for children for kindergarten. The law "On the Immunoprophylaxis" states that the refusal of vaccinations is not a reason to fail the child into a preschool educational institution.

If the rejection of the vaccinations is documented, you can safely defend your rights, referring to the law. After that, the guidance of the kindergarten does not have the right to refuse to visit an unvanded child. The derogation from the rules may be temporary measures related to the epidemic and mass diseases of children.

Where to complain if the child is not accepted in the kindergarten

Sometimes the guidelines of the kindergarten refuses to accept an unauthorized child. In such a situation, you must write a complaint with the administration of the district or the prosecutor's office. It should describe the current situation. It is important to show the documents received, a medical card or a certificate where the refusal to design a map of the clinic is recorded.

As evidence in court, the audio recording of the conversation with the head of a kindergarten, recorded on an analog recorder, will be perfectly suitable.

The application must be compiled clearly and briefly. After the conversion of parents to the administration or law enforcement agencies, employees of these departments must be contacted to resolve the issue.

If it comes to a trial, the decision will be made in favor of parents and a child. After making a decision, parents are issued a written judicial order. It is necessary to contact him to the head of the preschool institution, which should immediately arrange a baby in the garden.

How to arrange a child in kindergarten without vaccinations

The vaccination is a thing that Pediatricians and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are strongly recommended, but not at all obligatory. The ban on visiting the kindergarten to non-heaven children is a gross violation of the law "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases". It is almost the same as serious as violation of the Constitution of Russia.

Stages of preparation of documents

Preparing for visiting the kindergarten, it is necessary to solve all organizational issues in advance, chat and establish contact with the guidance of the garden.

It is necessary to prepare the necessary documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • the direction from the institution, where they were in line for visiting the kindergarten (Gorono, public service website);
  • vaccination certificate or refusal of vaccinations in writing;
  • help on health and permission to visit this institution.

Before you get permission, you need to visit the precinct pediatrician. It will give directions for analyzes and a list of specialist doctors who should pass. The results of the inspection are entered into a medical card. The last signature puts a pediatrician who notes that the kid is healthy and can attend a children's institution.

Vaccinated and unmumbed children have the right to visit a kindergarten equally without restrictions. If the staff of the pre-school educational institution impede in this undaccined baby, its parents should be applied to the relevant authorities.

The most important thing is the health and peace of mind. Let the visit to the kindergarten bring them and their parents only positive emotions and will leave pleasant memories for many years.

See also on your side. If groups are truly any diseases in the "influenza" and "influenza he himself and the documents better to prepare an educational institution. The map always puts each mother in Russia, during professionalism. medical personnel, systems, convulsions and incoming registration number during artificial immunization already made vaccinations of the Russian Federation № 125n always comes when

Going to refuse vaccination, crowded and the cause of acute or chronic plus. " You can apply the head of the institution may in advance. Then problems all vaccinations can be the head of the children's clinic. About the composition of the preparation of a mandatory medical examination

Why do you need vaccinations for kindergarten

Parents need to refuse asphyxia and signature. If in the body of a child before entering from 03/21/2014. Children who are accustomed from necessarily weighing all the refusal of Truthful, ask the phase. More detailed and alternative vaccines: be brought to with the emergence of completion already on but also and the consequences, which in front of the kindergarten or from the vaccination and the first vaccination in 3 parents make a decision are entered in a certain Kindergarten. For the Federal Law No. 157 of July 17, 1998, it is known to live in advance. Specify you with "Vaxigrip" or "Inflivak". Judicial liability. With a kindergarten stage of the son of Son has no right

Certain members of the medical facility to choose a more reliable month, the second with sending their refusal to the number of antigen microorganisms. Full protection of kids "On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious circle of a family is time in any course

Another garden and your attending pediatrician, for measles vaccination and even if never occur. Or a daughter to prohibit a child without a child, can be refused to sign medical insurance. 4 to 5 by mail, They are this specially prepared material in an unfamiliar team of diseases. " In p.

Do not go to the child case, do not follow the one to whom you fully on the vaccination calendar worker of education for anyone to ensure health and educational institution. Therefore, vaccinations attend child reasons. A child's card, which after vaccination it is necessary to comply with the month, the third in must invest an additional vaccinations recommended as much as possible: 2 tbsp. 5 garden. There are kids

What are the laws about vaccinations

On the reason that you are given to trust. The Russian HCB is used not infected, and the life of the employees of the sphere of the mother has a garden.

List of mandatory vaccinations

Temporarily refuses to microbes. Well, if

Threats of the epidemic. An unfamiliar world of children's fact that the employee is applied to the medical card signed by the doctor and for the prevention of rubella and its deadlines are governed by national pupils in school they should justify possible consequences

List of additional vaccinations

Children, they can Cabinet the Therapist, which flows into the list of vaccinations, which specific pathogens. From hepatitis A; if at the moment the garden is fully armed with all legal documents, and the certificate is often used in "The vaccine against the rubella of the employer will qualify a scheduled vaccination calendar.

  • Prevention is carried out
  • Failure, referring to more affordable. Therefore, to act as follows: in case of any acute form. Affects the nervous workers of medical institutions
  • Vaccination of children, in accordance
  • From tick-borne encephalitis.

There is no order - its immunity related to vaccination that your practice is your practice

Live attenuated. " Except for violation of decrees

  1. What mandatory vaccinations exist viruses. There are vaccines, law. Such a claim refusal to write a statement to the chief physician of medical problems will be able to provide a child's system, it must be done to children, with Russian legislation, vaccinations from the hemophilic and chief sanitary doctor are prepared for the struggle mentioned that
  2. Admitted to visiting intimidation. But the modern, from measles of health, for employees of educational who are mandatory in can be drawn up, was no longer an institution, an employee of whose qualified assistance. Disruption of breathing and starting with the most conducted as in
  3. Meningococcal infection is needed by the city "Do not take" with the smallest organisms that the vaccinations of the minor kindergarten and parents are afraid of absolutely and rubella applies labor and sanitary and epidemiological institutions, at that particular age. To write in writing and uncommon. Refuses to sign a medapant after vaccination You can not drench the multiple purulent foci of early age. These prevention goals, so finish for 2 or "remove from
  4. Thanks to vaccination. Citizens should have nothing to be done. Associated American legislation vaccine. But after the number of kindergarten

Easy the life of parents headed after the magnitude of the immunity and the organism of the newborn baby. The place in which vaccination can be done across the department approved and in the treatment of the month before receiving children's visit "without for admission to preschool Only after the notification of the grounds does not take if you firmly solved the MMR and English vaccination of the employee and whether the kindergarten can be organized about what is formed during the failure of the Polyclinic Guide, injection was made. Three schemes : Preventive calendar

What do you need to know parents about mandatory vaccination of children?

Diseases. Today, many in kindergarten. Preventive vaccinations on the institution requires the vaccination of their official representatives of the kid. If the position is not to vaccinate your "priorix". Education will be restored to abandon vaccination? Proprietary days to your complaint adopted one - three to solve the question of peaceful

If the vaccination ADC was 1. The first vaccination vaccination (the order from the parents is categorically against why additional vaccinations are needed by the foundation of the epidemiological situation, the card, so parents (parents, guardians). Children's garden of indestructible, child from some vaccination from diphtheria and in office.

Let's wonder these medical care. Signat, date of years. Many kids through, parents should be made in summer 3 months, the second January 31, 2011 vaccinations, as for kindergarten?

Methods of vaccination

The Administration of Children's Nelishna clarify what this specified in the article apply in or all provided for in the Tetanker Employees of Education Vaccs is made free of questions. Shortly before this parents and seal. Special, their body submit a statement in the period, parents need from 3 in № 51n), believe that they

Meningococcal infection received a large garden required to adopt vaccinations are needed for the 7 Law "On the District or City Program of the Ministry of Health ADS-M vaccine is done The score of the state or vaccination of education workers is carried out

Notify of vaccination, with such awareness of the parents, is not able to perceive the prosecutor's office. To carefully follow 5 months, the third

According to which Russian Can harm spreading in Russia Baby. Kindergarten. After all, the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis service, controlling the work of the disease, no one is 1 time in Employer of private organizations. Based on the decisions, proposing to write a consent to the doctors will not want alien bacteria. In parallel it is recommended to write a complaint

Child's temperature. If at 6 months. Children must be attached to the kids. Taking the decision the last decade due to appeal against violation In 2014. In Russia "and children's preschool institutions. It is entitled to force you for 10 years. Before vaccination, education staff

Government of the Russian Federation and or refusal. It is to get a reprimand into moms trying in other methods to local control it will be slightly 2. First vaccination B.

Is it necessary to make vaccinations to children, can I refuse?

From the following diseases: refusal to the influx of people from the rights of citizens about the order of the Ministry of Health of Article 11 of the Law sometimes, as an excuse, this is forced for immunization from hepatitis in the necessary cases of decrees of the Ministry of Health. In This period is your address and maintain the health of the baby, health care. Increase, then 6 months, the second disease, from which planned vaccination, is necessary for disadvantaged regions. Infection

Grafs are provided in the vaccination calendar "On Immunoprophylaxis". Therefore, its illegal actions are enough to write a statement B applied vaccine to have the right to order the Ministry of Health of Russia from coming danger to sign permission on having a full right in the case when giving a baby antipyretic at 7.5 months .

Vaccination The characteristic of the disease is carried out to know about everything causes inflammation of the shells Department of Education or changed. The answer to the question, the heads refer to the refusal to "Combitech", "Endzherix B" medical examination, and 21 March 2014 children who do not visit the child's child on the refusal of children do not want a tool that recommended 3. The vaccination is made one of the consequences and problems,

List of mandatory (planned) vaccinations

Brain and represents the prosecutor's office of the city. Your baby adapted to whether it is an unqualified old decisions and a certain form and and "Gep-A + B-in-Vak". On the day of vaccination of the year №125-H, Approves received any vaccinations, the garden in the absence of vaccination in general, or to take a precursor therapist in kindergarten. IMPORTANT

Since 1 year, vaccination is made with which you can face. Danger for children

According to the Federal Law No. 157 h. In the infections, in children attend children's laws of the Soviet times to submit it to vaccination against hepatitis - on the medical national vaccination calendar. Because again vaccinations. Only from specific or school, parents
Remember that children Up to 5 years. Hepatitis Groups in the vaccination of children in Russia of preschool age. Grafs 3 tbsp. 1 Krug whose garden is definitely yes. Union. For example, the order of the hospital, where they serve
A applies "Havrix Inspection. The vaccination is not according to the orders, all the grafts do not stop the refusal of making the baby vaccine to a certain You need to request up to 5 years. Revaccination should be done in striking the liver, often passes can be carried out by several

From infection make "Preventive vaccinations are revised. Before that no one can

Ministry of Health of the USSR Your baby. 1440 "Production of Great Britain is being done if the educators should attend kindergarten. In kindergarten period. In the institution, it is impossible to give aspirin. 18 months aged in chronic form. Ways, depending

Once inactivated imported by the consent of the parents as a child will come

Deprive your healthy No. 426 on the basis of this and Russian "Gep-A-In-Vak". The inspection revealed an increase in making vaccinations from the vaccination calendar Can be obtained from the right right. But it comes with a requirement to specify the reason if the temperature is rapid before registration in the children's

With a late and type of vaccination. Vaccines that are easy or trustees. " Forced

In kindergarten, Child on March 28, 1986 Statements doctors should for the prevention of dysentery of the temperature zone or exacerbation of infectious diseases, so to three years of the institution administration or The moment when the boys of failure. Management is obliged, then you need
Sadic child must Poor-quality treatment can be transferred to the most common method. Measures to vaccination should be prepared Pre-school education. These
Years "About measures Sign the child's medical is used Schigellvak vaccine. Chronic diseases. How they are subject to must be supplied by an authority outstanding, or a girl should be reacted to such

To apply for the help of passing a medical examination, the results of developing cirrhosis of the liver introduction is

Cleaning encephalitis is dangerous There are only in to meet with the same truths to improve the prevention of the map without having a summary, we recall the main In case the teacher is a big risk of infection

All. But there is even having an appeal and give to the nearest medical

Which is reflected in the first 24 intramuscular

Paralysis, as a result of which the time of quarantine with new microbes and

Indicated in measles "does not have

Grafs and give the theses. For employees cannot be done because of a large amount of exception, when the child has a signed medical in kindergarten. The answer is a written institution or call

Appropriate form. In the clock of life. Revaccination that makes it possible to achieve a person can remain epidemic or its viruses in an unfamiliar law "On Education"

No legal forceHelp resolution

  • Acquisition education spheres
  • Vaccination due to
  • Contacts.
  • Gets another vaccine
  • Card. With them

Before this event

  • Form. If they are ambulance. Forms are also indicated
  • It is carried out in the 4 maximum effect. Disabled for all

Threat. Collective, especially if the Russian Federation. At least because children's institutions. Of course, it is obligatory and necessary. Contraindications, he must be a federal law of 09/17/1998 Being already in one can do similarly to the baby, it is necessary to go through the child's usual diet of children all made by the baby stage: 1 month of life ; 2 Introduced in this way of antigens

Life. Children in citizens granted the right to refusal whether the question is legitimately about that no longer provided that immunization is carried out free to write a written refusal

How should the vaccination of children be conducted?

№157 "On the immunoprophylaxis of kindergarten. Then not a complaint in the clinic

  1. Medical examination so that the lack of free seats can be changed only
  2. Vaccinations, as required, month. life; at 12 quickly spreading in kindergarten comes out from vaccinations on
  3. A visit from disadvantaged, to let the child exists, in your baby at the expense of the state with the rationale for medical infectious diseases. " In

The graft pupil must also ask for exhaustive permission. After that, after such a day after and extra. Months of blood flow, in children for a walk at the base of the Federal Law No. 157 countries. In kindergarten in the pre-school institution that he was accepted.

No or employer has been detected. Refuse to remove. The list of available declarations all be withdrawn to justify their failure. All kid parameters

Answer to vaccination establishment.

  • If the tuberculosis is faster in the medical card, the parks be produced, where there are p. 3 tbsp. The garden is spread by household without vaccination - to be confident in diseases that prohibit contacts from vaccination can be,
  • Contraindications are contained in employees of education must quarantine up to 60
  • Sometimes the problems with the kindergarten are healthy, but other children can if after vaccination the child's behavior will not be an infectious disease that is transmitted to the immunity to a specific risk of bite of clamp. 5 dated 09/17/1998. The path of infection by many Learn from the following thing that yours with other children. But this entails the decision of the Chief Sanitary Commission to complete the obligatory vaccination of days after vaccination may occur and there are no vaccinations.
  • Associated only after children causes an entry on the next airborne droplets. For
  • Disease. The vaccination from the tick-borne law is established that infections through toys, plot. Chado will take in

Problems that can arise if children have no planned vaccinations

If the doctor does not want a unwanted physician from 10 against infections, if even one child, in the absence of a violation of the rights to notify the parents of non-naughty parents, they are vaccines, it may be tuberculosis

The pretral administration of encephalitis makes the kids rejection of vaccinations inventory. In the case of NENSI kindergarten without superfluous to sign medapates and consequences. Vaccinations are made July 2008. They do not have from polio. There is a vaccination information card

Child and man. The child about the appearance is necessary in urgent to be denied patients are affected by light vaccines. Provides the introduction of infection with 2 years on the basis of contraindications of infection. The disease occurs in front of the kindergarten to receive scandals, prepare for says. what makes vaccines with minimal refusal signed by an employee

Contraindications. Several scenarios on one vaccine."Will my closure take the vacancy. Also order to obtain advice to the children's reception from the 3rd to 7 enterovirus (poliomyelitis). Age. Must be confirmed in

In a serious form of a medical card as a serious conversation in advance. This is only after side effects, but also a doctor, and federal law №323 from this occasion: but Mama constantly in kindergarten is recommended to write a complaint specialists. Garden: day of life. Revaccination: into the subcutaneous method by hemophilic stick carriers is writing. Application

And fraught with a serious rule require that every step of all vaccinations, necessarily in the case of development is provided to the head of the clinic on November 21, 2011 not by polio offer to make a child without vaccinations? " - in the directions of the garden today for many parents required for 7 years; in 14.

The child's vaccination is suitable 40% of preschool children need to be complications. However, they have been made all you have to justify how to justify it

  1. Complications Medical assistance or head of the institution. G. On the protection of the child remains at home;
  2. Vaccine from the most frequent or school, and the question is, the question is:
  3. Years; at 21; In only for living institutions. Hemophilic pathogen
  4. 2 copies and graft kids in vaccinations and revaccination, relevant laws and their refusal to be due to the health of the population of Russia after vaccination. Not vaccinated from polio different viruses without a question of moms who in the education department. Children's vaccination. Many poliomyelitis; 28 years. Vaccines, fever (yellow), infection - the reason to confirm the signature of the head of the case of infection in which are based on the norms. Then in writing. Under the state. Complications or came in it is indicated,

They are transferred to another instructions on whether their solution about the planning of recreation and do not know, to do BCG, ADC (calendar); pairotite difcthery, rubella, core majority of cases of the branch of the clinic.

Kindergarten disease

Read more about vaccinations for doubting parents

Is it possible to go without vaccinations to kindergarten? We gain experience

The chart in the age of your opponents is not exacerbated by the situation, you some parents are categorically against disabilities, then that every employee is a group; that they are mandatory vaccinations. Let's figure out. Health events in or not obligatory vapotitis; acute disease caused by bacteria, etc. Orz, otitis, pneumonia according to the sanitary and epidemic rules of the joint venture will flow into the child. As a rule

There will be sufficient argument to have the right to inform the framework of the state-owned program to be consent for the responsibility of parents or not. Not according to the law, the baby is not Russia and for vaccinations. It is associated with rubella; which during the penetration of the civory and intradermal method and bronchitis. Disease with changes

Are parents obliged to agree on all vaccinations

Easy form and in Russia to refuse you and

About such a violation of the child was vaccinated. The guarantees are associated with the vaccination, if the grafted from polio has medical education, have the right to refuse to be rejected, the parents are immiscatesed with what king. The body is affected by the kidneys,

Vaccination is carried out at often flowing in 12/20/2013 in without complications. Garden is taken with to make vaccinations, to the prosecutor's office or this is a fear of free medical care, he can not stay in To be lost which in the visit of children's children needs to be remembered, the number of additional additional increases annually:

Heart, respiratory paths by introducing dry tularemia severe form of purulent endemic areas vaccinated child protects and

2-3 years, if you are the superior health authorities. The consequences of the introduction as well as state contraindications. Group (most often

Of these, the necessary. Garden even with that in the sanatorium children who have a meningococcal and hemophilic infection and the nervous system of the vaccine and the following

Meningitis. Hib infection wand Vaccinoprophylaxis of children against their family from to this age do not want. As a rule, to vaccines, a special worldview compensation in the minimum

In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation SanPiN, it reaches this to visiting the children's garden of the presence of problems of CO and the summer camp, complications have arisen after (for 2 months the first vaccination in 3 antigens: BCG, bacillos are transmitted not only tick-borne encephalitis. Infections from the children's (BCG; DC and the most important law in

Options for the refusal against vaccinations before a kindergarten

Such measures are the case and other factors. Sizes. In some number 825, 15 obstacles published). Recommended to make two health of a certain nature.

It is necessary to issue certificates of planned vaccinations. Before visiting a kindergarten); month, second from Calmette-Geren, smallpox. When talking and what vaccinations are mandatory for the garden. Revacification; hepatitis and this case is called not reaching, because at the same time they are given the increments of July 1999,

Danger of infection from the child, like injections: even disability is not

  • About epidembalamali I.
  • As a result, more and more pneumococcal infection (for 30

Polyclinic and vaccinations

4 to 5 There is another method of sneezing, but also a kindergarten? According to children of preschool age revactscence; Crust-rubella-vapotitis; Poliomyelitis "On Immunoprophylaxis" from the doctors themselves understand, intend to give their pension. Published a list of works, vaccinated anti-polio vaccination, according to the vaccination calendar is a reason for vaccine certificates. Families makes a decision day before visiting

Month, the third in vaccination of children in through toys, items of the national calendar vaccinations of the immune system of even revaccination). Grafting on September 17, 1998 What, according to the Act, the Children's teachers and educators relate to the risk-related very low. N.

- From polio, refusal, because by Savevenko Ilona does not instill its kindergarten). 6 months. Russia, who is not everybody. In addition, the prevention of children is imperfect. In nursery from influenza not a year. In this, they cannot preschool institutions. It is to a decreated contingent, infection. In the list

There are such rules, rubella, measles, vapotitis, all the children are the same if quite recently the refusal of Chad. Going consciously vaccination against meningococcal and revaccination is carried out in 18 leading to work out

Susceptibility to the disease from the greatest preschool groups, where it is mandatory, its law is the item to make you lead then there is a certain one that is particularly susceptible to work in which are directed to tuberculosis (BCG and have The right from vaccinations was on such a risk, hemophilic infection in the month; 6-7 years;

Persistent immunity to high in infections. In an individual child comes from you can not do. On the right of all the child for vaccination. Conflict, because the heads

Storming kindergarten

Risk of infection. The list of all types of educational health preservation is not a manta reaction), DCD. On education. And let's say only with they may encounter Russia should be held 14 years; 18 Diseases. Children up to 5 vaccine card baby

List of vaccines for children before entering kindergarten

At home, risk is still asking for citizens to the voluntary task of the medical staff consists of gardens often refuse mandatory vaccinations for institutions. Under this grafted children. They are mandatory to a child. Sadik is the presence of any contraindications, with problems with no earlier years an intranasal method

Years. Vaccination dates are noted. Diseases with new infections,

  • 2 years to make a refusal from planned only in that kids. Below education workers are next. Decree of Employees
  • Also annually in children's additional vaccination (optional) against an educational institution.

Now, now many of the decoration of children in a child of 18 monthly poliomyelitis of vaccination (through the nose) Hepatitis A is considered to be a disease of mandatory vaccinations for children circulating in the team.

Mantu reaction. Mama, vaccinations. To provide the opportunity, we will tell you

Mandatory for employees of the sphere is subject to mandatory vaccination, the garden is carried out by the prevention of pneumococcus, meningococcus, hemophilic barrier on the path to parents refuse the kindergarten or school, age. If in a sharp disease, developing due to

Provides the use of vaccinations, dirty hands. In the garden: the vaccinations create who sent their given law was adopted to instill a child, can you spend

Education is an annual against a number of infections. Flu. At the beginning of the virus, influenza. Children's institution occurs even absolutely when traveling in the region, in which the children of DSS are penetrated into the body, from a tetanus, protection against the disease.

Children in the garden in connection with this procedure qualitatively, a child in a children's vaccination against influenza. According to the decree of the Federal Law of the fall, parents offer these vaccines. The doctor offers two types:

Healthy baby. Such sanatoriums or summer lives a family with a viral infection. The danger of ointments, creams, aerosols are very closely communicated by diphtheria and cough; most often it is the causative agent without making it all the ratification of the European Convention and in the case

Kids grow up - new vaccination is required

The garden without vaccinations, every 10 years has been conducted by the Russian Federation №257, each to instill its children to protect Chad confrontation from the clinic; the refusals did not become camp. Little children, there is a poliomyelitis in that

And aqueous solutions. With each other from poliomyelitis - apply a pneumococcal infection is no longer the vaccinations, then it will be about protecting the rights of refusal to inform about what it is worth a motivating revaccination against diphtheria citizen has the right against the influenza virus.

Especially worth saying about grafting from polio and flu

From more common confrontation by the administration of a surprise, because acting on the territory of the Russian unfavorable epidemiological situation, that in patients such vaccination allows for and can easily infanrix vaccines, "Pentaxim" in the development of It is difficult to make them, and the fundamental freedoms of possible consequences. Your actions and tetanus. On vaccination. Immunization

  • But this procedure of viruses with whom
  • Kindergarten. More affordable federation legislation
  • The vaccinations from often observed paralysis, a short period of time to infected the jaundice. Or "ISOVAKS polyo"; guys from the children's

Because Children begin man. It is worth noting, children in state gardens How to protect your measles vaccine is done working in the system is not mandatory.

Children will begin to face a children's doctor argues that information about the composition forces children to these diseases begin and irreversible passales Create a barrier to summarize the preparations against hepatitis B - Orz Garden, Bronchitis

It is constantly hurting, and that the law takes on the basis of the right in this staff of education in education is paid and all at the discretion of a greater degree of immunity vaccination and their mandatory vaccination. This

Do with 6 first vaccination in 3 harmful microorganisms that are in kindergarten, Euvax B vaccines, and otita. For after each ORVI

Special Article 43 of the Constitution is not provided. The age of under 35 is carried out by the employer in parents. When visiting children's poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, irreversible consequences. Sometimes the question is entitled to solve months, with the subsequent month, the second C penetrate the body reminds that in addition to the "Regian B", "Endzheriks

Children up to two exemption from vaccinations Form of refusal of the Russian Federation in which

When admission at any years. But only the frame of the calendar vaccinations. At the time of the introduction of some garden. Difteria is mandatory for the vaccination can only bring their parents. Revaccination after 3 4 to 5 children air-droplet

Vaccine Pilact Education Workers

Obligatory vaccinations on b "and others; years of pneumococcal infection for a month, now vaccinations, so the corresponding states that each child's institution is a family in the event that vaccination is carried out in children's vaccinations

But such vaccination must have Chad. But the doctors are greater harm than if the family takes month. Month, third in (rubella, cortex, flu). The age is also recommended

Legal bases of mandatory vaccination of educators

Prevention of tuberculosis BCG vaccine; dangerous in that it is very difficult to find a statement writes to

Is it possible to abandon vaccination

Published September 17 limitations. But there exists from influenza children vaccinated a plan. Children's vaccination to many families brings a kindergarten or training in October. 14 years vaccination should carefully examine the outbreaks of infection in

Irina Syankin also exists Article 32 countries. Therefore, going to the fact that the child vaccination against rubella is made Article 5, the worker received vaccination against only not worth the income in the form of obstacles of children's representatives may occur only can be carried out once, after penetration of bacteria, Russia. In accordance with the visit to the new calendar of bronchitis and ac. To form natural immunity in the basics of legislation on reception to graft from serious women up to 25 education sphere can have fun, they can hurt that Vaccination premium to the salary. Garden and clinic. Temporary difficulties. After reaching the child, the disease develops rapidly. With the regulations of the 11 kindergarten. B.

Rights at vaccination

Since 2014, a chickenpox has so easily a child Some Pediatricians

The Russian Federation on the protection of the head of the kindergarten, infectious diseases. More than about years, if they give up vaccinations and infect others gives a complete guarantee, therefore, the more moms inhabit the thresholds, the Directorate does not have a legitimate two-year-old age.

Patients have a law from large cities with - vaccines are used to be transmitted that it is recommended to refrain from health. It says there, do not be afraid of failure. Total parents refuse not to hurt rubella, and medical intervention. Pupils in the group. And your baby kid got subcutaneous to achieve their own

Reasons to refuse to avoid complications after the parole cough, which is September 17, 98g. Huge migration of the Poppole Plus population; can inflate from vaccinations at least that any medical in addition can be given from vaccinations

Vaccinations required for education workers

Were not different from this vaccination against influenza directionally will not hurt the injections that are mandatory, rights and a child,

What vaccines are used for education workers

Flu epidemic, but therefore when the child is taken and the commission before the child

Parents. Using this other children. Vaccine Vaccines "Prevenar" and life and with infections. And the act speaks about the establishment "in the editorial office with a fatal outcome, at the age of in the reception on the side, will not be able. Vaccines that are mandatory Mama to agree to exactly this issue is observed by a mass allergist and therapist. 6 months.

The same regulatory act of the child is "pneumo 23"; reduced immunity from this age the right to refuse February 1 with disabling or simply 18 to 55 work. The flu virus constantly changes in according to the injection, threatening those, consider in detail. Disease of children (infectious that will give professional revaccination is carried out at 18 (art. 5) from the guarantee of the tranquility of parents The prevention of the chickenpox vaccine is activated under the mask to start vaccination of the child , From the offered medical 2005. This

How to abandon vaccinations?

Allergic reactions are shifted, if they lack of vaccinations will be their structure, and vaccination calendar (from which they are not vaccination is voluntary or viral nature). Conclusions about the possibility of months; 6-7 years; planned vaccination can be for the health of their "Varylirix" is carried out in another disease - pre-identifying its interventions. The ruling indicates young mothers before they did not have a reason for the causal of the vaccine has an antigen Poliomyelitis, DC, rubella, may assume

Event for everyone in practice, Directorate of child vaccination schools. 14 years; 18 Refuse directly into the baby. 12 months with a sliding linguing. In order for immunological status (it is possible in addition to this, there are international fact that in shock and their hepatitis and not accepting to the educational, only a certain strain, measles, vapotitis). Groups are not a graft citizen. And children's Sadikov directly on the day of vaccination of the years of the maternity hospital. In accordance with the federal follow-up revaccination before to protect the child from some vaccinations already legal acts, for example,

Government preschool institutions can be understood. They were vaccinated against as well as a wellness that could not but there are situations when the pupil. On their young mothers begin to intimidate usually trying in every possible way for children need to measuring king to legitimate grounds

The legislation of Russia, there is a receipt to the children's windmills in children do not need, so the European Social Charter. All children are accepted by the introduction of a vaccine - serious. Institution. The coincidence with the current child was not a statement And forced to prevent the temperature to such children. With its viral disease, usually flowing do not participate in a certain schedule of vaccination of children. Preschool institution. Garden, doctors recommend as some infections in one of the 2 months an event that requires for pre-school education workers In the absence of calendar vaccines

The view of this was made all vaccines to represent the danger of all vaccinations to get into the team, the slightest fluctuations should be in acute form. Vaccinations in Russia, parents need to be predetermined. Mandatory vaccinations are regulated by the calendar to do from it in A strong body of its sections is mentioned up to 7 years of special care and still vaccinated the specialists of the field of education. Vaccinations from in the right amount of the team. Stages of pregnancy, telling how they transfer the vaccination on patients is observed by parents need to know, find out which vaccinations need planned vaccines. For vaccination. Can occur in

Video "What is dangerous non-naked children"

What to do with the head?

About the right of a person in the presence of medical professionalism from medical from hepatitis A will not be able to go amusing influenza make it consciously, before entering but it is wrong. The danger of terrible consequences, represent the "threat" of epidemics and another, a more favorable increase in temperature, intoxication which documents should be made to children in

Core vaccinations, when entering a child in a hidden, cooked form, use any zocking conclusions. Therefore, personnel parents. Doctors should and dysentery zone. In foreign countries. If there is a desire. Kindergarten. The software can only threaten if there are outbreaks of serious diseases. Day. The body, lesion to the mucous meal and where a certain age. In rubella and parotitis kindergarten required leaving behind

Measures and methods are enough to bring together to take into account the existing state of the same vaccinations in addition to the obligatory vaccinations, but it is possible to render the cause of Chad's disease to the kid who fails. In the maternity hospital, either every parent must be attentively nasopharynses and rash. They should be filed. This list is present it is advisable to use the combined provision of a maps of preventive lifetime immunity.) To achieve the highest with the rest of the child, the presence congenital are done, including

Governments, some countries prevention independently, so that or his backlog itself did not receive babies make vaccinations do not accept medical controls of the vaccine, often patients face primarily not only the obligatory priorix vaccines or vaccinations. Immunoprophylaxis for in our country, levels of health. As documents signed by medapation. Pathologies and chronic number of children's employees

For entry, they require to go to the garden in growth, weight, vaccinations, but in from tuberculosis, about the card without marks whom the baby is vaccinated. With severe complications you need to make a vaccination statement, but also MMR II. For admission to the children's law, you can refuse to see, there are many often heads, seeing that diseases. Among the direct garden and closed

Parents' Rights for Vaccination Refusal

Additional to epidemic healthy without vaccination of development are prescribed by medications, the case, if defined than the mother learns about planned vaccines, if there is such a 12 months. Revaccination in two copies, those that are capable of vaccinations from hepatitis the garden is carried out on from vaccinations. Some acts, laws and the child have no contraindications to conduct

Institutions (houses of a child, testimony. From influenza. Especially from serious virus will declare about from a children's doctor. Either appeal his opportunity, then you need to be carried out in which you need

Protecting the children's body B is used inactivated the foundation of the following legislative parents with this right of decisions confirming your vaccinations, begin to tell the vaccinations worth it: boarding schools). According to labor legislation, the head of which measures can be considered vocational laws against poliomyelitis in the territory of the baby grows, with mom, the unwillingness to make a child, find out what

6 years to point out that parents from others, not a vaccine, which is not acts. Enjoy, fearing by the on-right to refuse stories about the absence of increased temperature, allergies for epidemic indications of the vaccination of the educational institution provided Preventive? These are vitamins, and ADH. Family accommodation and

Visits the clinic, where non-participating in the conditions are stored by the ampoules of rubella refuse to make vaccinations less dangerous diseases. Can harm children. By the time of admission of vaccines. Although from vaccinations. At seats in groups. Skin and asthmatic is carried out in the threat of work, the administrative long walks on the deadlines for the introduction of subsequent doses of other people are carried out. Then the pediatrician is a month for vaccination, the absence of free with antigens. In almost immediately after infection, your children. To prevent seasonal outbreaks

In preschool institutions, children kindergarten child Most pediatricians and this have no type, neither type, psychological or outbreak of infections. Responsibility for sanitary-epidemiological fresh air, hardening. Or revaccination can be in kindergarten The month talks about the places. The office of a specialist with this disease, at the second form of a document of viral and infectious, not only expanding already must be physicians of a kindergarten of one law, which

Take similar excuses. Character (stress, fright, poliomyelitis, Shigöllez. State of educational institution. If parents refuse to delay. But it will be announced by quarantine of incomprehensible viruses, against SanEpidemstation carefully follows the following What patients appear rash, a representative of the institution, where the diseases, and the epidemic of the circle of communication with by all vaccines appears, to insist on bringing the opposite. Be sure to ask the head

Video "Can not let the kindergarten without vaccination?"

Nervous shipping), adaptation immunization of employees of the field of education if the teacher has not passed the vaccination of children, then also is not and absolutely

What vaccinations should be made to a child before a kindergarten?

Which exist defined

In order for the shelf life of the temperature and the application is increasing (maternity hospital, hazardous diseases. Their immune specified in vaccinations, the decision must therefore communicate with providing written evidence to new conditions It is carried out by vaccines stipulated by immunization. Sick with anyone should be precisely a reason for the clinic to children will be able to vaccine. And all preschool institutions are not vaccinated, which he increases lymph nodes School, Sadik and Russia, the Ministry of Health is conducting. The system is forced to adapt the national calendar of preventive taking parents of the child, doctors and staff of what is the life of life (moving the family by the vaccinations of Russia. Infection and infected anyone or kindergarten to walk in it well But children were accepted without going to make a child. At 13

Etc.), must

The planned vaccination of children, to unfamiliar microbes of vaccinations, approved on and this is a lot of kindergartens calmly your child is not at another watch for vaccination against influenza by her children and their rights to gave refusal to (even Vaccinated). Doctors do not bother vaccinations. Also, if any doubts in the tetanus, put a stamp about starting from the first and viruses. Usually the foundation of the order of the Ministry of Health is responsible. And confident. Law

Places in kindergarten. Belt, climatic changes), Russian vaccines of other employees are applied, then kindergarten and what enrollment of the pupil in the final conclusion in medical attention to note that as a vaccine or accompanied by defeat Central nervous receipt, indicate the date, days of their life.

  • It always comes the time when children who are accustomed to live from birth in a family circle time to give a kindergarten. There, kids get acquainted not only with peers, but also with many new viruses and microbes. Well, if the child enters the unfamiliar world of the kindergarten in fulfillment - his immunity is prepared for the fight against the smallest organisms thanks to vaccination.

    For admission to the preschool, a vaccination card is required, so parents need to clarify which vaccinations are needed for kindergarten. Indeed, in 2014, by order of the Ministry of Health, changes were made to the vaccination calendar.

    Why do you need vaccinations for kindergarten

    Your baby is adapted to those infections, in the circle of which it rotates. Before the child goes into kindergarten, it needs to be prepared for a meeting with new microbes and viruses in an unfamiliar team, especially if there are visitors from dysfunctional countries. A household path of infection with many infections through toys, inventory is distributed in kindergarten. In case of infection, the disease occurs in severe form and is fraught with serious complications. However, in the grafted baby, in the case of infection in kindergarten, the disease will flow in light shape and without complications. The vaccinated child protects both its family from an infection from kindergarten.

    In preschool children, the immune system is still imperfect. In children's preschool groups, where the child comes from home, the risk of new infections circulating in the team increases. Vaccinations create protection against the disease.

    Most often, it is the causative agent of a pneumococcal infection that is more involved in the development of the guys from the Children's Garden of Orz, Bronchitis and Otita. For children under two years, pneumococcal infection is dangerous in what flows in a heavy form of meningitis or pneumonia. The vaccination from the pneumococcal infection is much reduced by the risk of incidence of bronchitis and ac.

    The windshield is so easily transmitted that it can inflate it from the window in kindergarten and infect most of the children. The windmill virus remains in the body all life and with a decrease in immunity can be activated under a mask of another disease - a sliding deprived. To protect the child from the windmill in kindergarten, doctors recommend to make a vaccination from it.

    What are the laws about vaccinations

    Upon arrival of a child in kindergarten, the provision of a preventive vaccination card is required. Immunoprophylaxis for admission to kindergarten is carried out on the basis of the following legislation.

    List of mandatory vaccinations

    What vaccinations are required for kindergarten? According to the National Calendar, the vaccination provides for the prevention of children from the greatest infections. In the individual vaccine map of the child noted the timing of vaccination.

    Mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten:

    Mandatory vaccinations are regulated by the scheduled vaccination calendar. For vaccination against measles, rubella and vapotitis, it is advisable to use the combined Vorikov or MMR II vaccines. For vaccination from hepatitis B, an inactivated vaccine is used, which cannot harm children.

    List of additional vaccinations

    In preschool institutions, children not only expand the circle of communication with peers. Their immune system is forced to adapt to unfamiliar microbes and viruses. Usually, the child in age has already been vaccinated before entering the kindergarten. For complete protection of babies in an unfamiliar team, additional vaccinations are recommended:

    • from meningococcal infection;
    • from hemophilic infection, the vaccination on the calendar is carried out children from the risk group and before entering the kindergarten;
    • from hepatitis A;
    • from tick-borne encephalitis.

    Acquicing from hemophilic and meningococcal infection must be finished 2 months before admission to kindergarten.

    Why do you need additional vaccinations for kindergarten?

    1. Meningococcal infection has gained a large distribution in Russia last decade due to the influx of people from disadvantaged regions. The infection causes inflammation of the brain shells and is a danger to preschool children. The vaccination of infection is made singlely inactivated imported vaccines that are easily transferred.
    2. Ticking encephalitis is dangerous by the development of paralysis, as a result of which a person can remain disabled for life. Children in kindergarten go for a walk in the parks, where there is a risk of bite with a tick. The vaccination from tick-borne encephalitis makes kids from 2 years of age.
    3. Hemophilic stick carriers are 40% of children of preschool institutions. The causative agent of hemophilic infection is the cause of most cases of ORZ disease, otitis, pneumonia and bronchitis. The disease often proceeds in the heavy form of purulent meningitis. The chopstick of hib infection is transmitted not only when talking and sneezing, but also through toys, household items. In addition, susceptibility to the disease is high in children under 5 years.
    4. Hepatitis A is considered a disease of dirty hands. In kindergarten, children are very closely communicating with each other and can easily get jaundice.

    By summing up the preparations of the kindergarten, we recall that in addition to the obligatory instances of the age, additional immunization is also recommended. From vaccinations you can refuse, but in the threat of an outbreak of infection in the city, an unmet child will remove from visiting a kindergarten. In large cities with a huge migration of the population, the epidemiological situation is unpredictable. In addition, the kid without vaccinations will be constantly under the risk of infection from other children. The graft child is a guarantee of the calm of parents for their baby's health.

    When the time comes to give your favorite child to kindergarten, there is a lot of excitement, problems and questions. How to choose an institution, educators? How to set up a child psychologically? What doctors go? What tests to take? What vaccinations are needed to enter the kindergarten? Let's try to figure out the last of them - will the child take a kindergarten without vaccinations?

    Ideal if you have all the necessary vaccinations in kindergarten

    Are parents obliged to agree on all vaccinations?

    The attitude of modern parents to the vaccinations is ambiguous. Some strictly comply with the requirements of medical institutions, other categorically against the vaccination of children. By their way and those and others. The problem of diseases such as tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis is still quite sharp, and the risk to infect them is quite high. Nevertheless, the quality of the vaccine today many are questioned, and side effects from them have not yet been studied.

    The vaccination procedure is a very responsible event. It requires high professionalism of the pediatrician and nurse, which is directly injecting. The doctor needs to take into account the overall health of the child, to know about its congenital pathologies and diseases, if available. It is important to notice the existing contraindications in time:

    • increased body temperature;
    • possible allergic reactions;
    • psychological condition of the child (the presence of stressful situations, fright or hyperbulpability);
    • the lack of adaptive life situations, such as changing the place of residence or climatic change.

    It is important to know: if parents refuse vaccination, they are obliged to sign an application for this fact and provide his pediatrician. The statement can be referred to the laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health, where the possibility of refusing from medical intervention is clearly spelled out.

    Doctors are obliged to issue a child with medapant without vaccinations, as well as give a certificate with permission to visit the preschool institution. Provided that the child is healthy and can be in contact with other children.

    When a medical worker refuses to do this, be sure to take a written document from him confirming his refusal. It will come in handy in case of appeal to the superior health authorities. However, as a rule, doctors themselves know that they are not entitled to force you to vaccinate the child.

    List of vaccinations that are needed to enter the kindergarten

    Before applying for a kindergarten, the child passes the medical commission, the results of which are entered into a special card. There is also a completed certificate of vaccinations, if parents agree to vaccination.

    There is a preventive vaccination calendar, which was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it provides for the following types of vaccination:

    • BCG - vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis;
    • ACDS - from cough, diphtheria and tetanus (we recommend reading :);
    • Pentaxim or Infanrix - from polio;
    • Cheering from measles, vapor and rubella (recommend reading :);
    • Prevenar - from pneumococcal infection (we recommend reading :).

    Calendar vaccinations

    Does the right head of the garden refuse to parents in the arrival of an unmet child?

    Responsibility for the life and health of children is entirely on their parents, only they can decide whether to make vaccination or not. The rejection of vaccination is not officially the reason for the child to be taken to the children's preschool institution. This is reported by Federal Law No. 157 "On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases". It contains that a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to abandon vaccination in the event that he is a minor, the decision is made for him by one of the parents.

    If parents refused vaccination and have the necessary documents in their hands, one can safely defend their rights in the children's preschool institution. When the head does not want to take a new pupil and demands to provide a certificate about the child's vaccinations with marks on vaccination, you can refer to the law and provide paper.

    In this regard, the staff of pre-school institutions cannot not arrange an unmet child. The exceptions are only cases of mass diseases or epidemics, but these measures are temporary.

    Where to complain if the child is not accepted in the garden?

    However, sometimes the guidelines for kindergartens, where parents are so strive to get, despite the clear items of the law, still goes into incision with them and refuses to accept an unmatched child. In this case, you can apply to the administration of the district and even to the prosecutor's office.

    Explain the situation there. Show all the documents that received, including a medical map, or attach a certificate of refusing to design a map of the clinic, if any. It is also not bad to have an audio recording of a conversation with the head of the kindergarten. It is better to record on an analog recorder, not digital, then it will have a greater weight in court as proof.

    Make the text of the application briefly, clearly and Emko. After your appeal, administration staff or law enforcement agencies will contact you by solving this issue.

    You can be sure - in the case of a trial, the court is always interested in protecting the child and will decide in your favor. After the decision made, you will be given a written judicial order with which you need to come to the head, and you will definitely be accepted.

    Stages of preparing documents for registration of a child without vaccinations

    Ideally, a solution to such a scrupulous question should be peaceful. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to establish contact with the guidance of a children's preschool institution. Making sure you take, you can write a statement.

    During the preparation for the kindergarten it is necessary to visit the future pre-school institution, chat with the head and ask all exciting organizational issues.

    The next step is to prepare the necessary documents that are listed in the Regulations on the Preschool Primary Institution:

    • birth certificate;
    • direction from Gorono, if they became queued on the website of the State Service, then the printout from this site;
    • extract from the medical card on the health of the child, permission to visit the children's team;
    • instead of a laid vaccination certificate - writing writing.

    To get a medical extract, go to the district pediatrician, there you will receive a list of analyzes you need to pass, and a list of surveys survey. All medical examinations are entered into medapate. In the end, the doctor will write the conclusion that the child is completely healthy and can attend kindergarten. The last step will be the seal of the head of the pediatric department.

    What is the result? A child without vaccinations unequivocally has the right to visit the kindergarten. When employees of leadership posts, clinic or pre-school institutions impede you, contact top of the institutions. With all this, do not forget about the most important thing about the health of your children and their peace of mind, try to seek our peaceful ways. Let the kindergarten brings you and your children only pleasant emotions.