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According to popular beliefs, get a mirror as a gift is considered a bad admission. Mirrors are an unwanted presentation for a birthday, wedding or new year, as this thing can deprive a person of happiness for seven years and contribute to the development of serious diseases. The mirror surface, on folk signs, connects the world of people and the world of spirits, so the donator can bring a strong damage on the mirror, bring it to the dead man so that he was a man who took such a gift. There is a ritual of cleansing mirrors, which should be held over a presented thing to fully protect yourself from negative impact.

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Why can not be given a mirror?

For people who have extrasensory abilities, a mirror surface is an indispensable tool for rites of black magic. Therefore, this attribute was considered "the devilish" object, and the mirrors are not hung in the church.

You can make a mom or girlfriend with a mirror with a mirror only with good thoughts. It is impossible to look at it yourself and open a purchased gift ahead of time. Before serving, you need to sprinkle it with holy water and read one of the well-known prayers, for example, "our own".

You can not choose for a gift vintage or antique mirrors, objects with a mirror surface bought from hand.

It is forbidden for a long time to store a purchased gift at home. It is necessary to warn the person in advance to which he is addressed to be bought as a gift mirror, and suggest it to pay several rubles for redemption. If a woman has long dreamed of a beautiful tremor, you can go to the store with her and suggest her to choose the option you like, handing money for a gift. You can not choose the subject from the showcase, you should ask the seller to bring it from the warehouse in the sealed box.

Folk signs of a donated mirror:

  • The beauty of the woman will take the beauty of the woman if she will look at him with a clock.
  • An unmarried girl is forbidden to take a thing in which she can see his reflection, since such a present will not only deprive her attractive appearance, but will leave alone until the end of his days.
  • Even a small mirror, donated to the wedding, can make newlyweds.
  • Trellier, presented to the adolescent, can adversely affect the rapid consciousness of the child, as a result of which he will choose an incorrect life path for himself, will contact a bad company and crosses the feature of the law.
  • The trumpem, donated to the anniversary, shorten the life of the perpetrator of the celebration, and will deprive him of luck for many years.

How to neutralize bad admission?

If a woman is extremely embarrassing to give up a gift or she really liked a donated mirror, you need to hold the rite to clean its surface to get rid of the negative energy.

The procedure for conducting a purification ritual:

  1. 1. You need to take a donated mirror and rinse it thoroughly under the crane.
  2. 2. Then it should be placed in a container with holy water and not touch it within three days.
  3. 3. On the fourth day, remove the mirror from the tank and rinse it again under the crane.
  4. 4. Then the mirror surface must completely dry, but it is impossible to wipe it, the drops should evaporate naturally.
  5. 5. After that, you need to pack the thing into the box or a dark package, pre-clogged into the tight fabric of purple color.
  6. 6. On a box or package you need to pour a pack of salt, putting the packaged thing in another package and thoroughly clogged with a black cloth.
  7. 7. Then make a bundle in a dark place for three days, and after the specified period, you can safely use a donated mirror.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a fault, problems at work and in personal life pursued me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in you, all the failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad strength.

But who will help in a difficult life situation when it seems that all life rolls under the slope and passes by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when it was necessary for renting an apartment 11. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have affected.

It all started with the fact that I ordered myself personal ...

The mirror has long been surrounded by a halo of mysteriousness and mysteriousness. It was often used as an attribute of magical rituals, and also bind to many incomprehensible, almost fabulous incidents. Therefore, there is an opinion that it is undesirable to prevent a mirror surface. In what cases is allowed such insertion, and in what mirror as a gift is better not to handle?

The mirror is an ancient magic object, with its help, they guess, caused spirits and carried out a variety of magical rites. From a long time, it was believed that presenting mirror surfaces, it is a bad sign. There was even a period when the mirrors tried not to keep at home, considering it the door to the world of perfume.

It is believed that the mirror pulls the energy of the dwelling in which it is located. That is why with extreme caution should be treated with an old antique mirror, because it is impossible to say exactly who and when they used, what thoughts and feelings were in people who look at their reflection many years ago.

Canding the question whether it is possible to give a mirror as a gift, it is recommended to know first of all, is it fond of the theme of unknown and mysterious, does the meaning of the ancient belief and does it believe in the signs? If a person is too sueworthy and sensitive from such a gift it is better to refuse.

To date, such a gift, as a mirror is quite frequent. However, the public belief suggests that this subject of the interior is able to lead to large bellows and possible parting. Moreover, this does not apply to only the donor and being beloved, but also the family in which the mirror will be.

Some superstitions are constructed that mirrors presented evil spirits for free penetration from the other world. All magic rituals associated with the ancestors are connected with these beliefs.

There is also a belief that the reflection of a person in the mirror is actually its twin in the parallel world.

A mirror brought from the home of a deceased person is particularly dangerous - the energy of death in many beliefs is considered a bad and able to significantly harm living people.

Mirror as a gift to a woman

We present the mirror with women, both pocket and a great attachment under a wide variety of reasons. If you give such a bauble, those who are interested in mystical knowledge and rituals, it is possible that he invests in this definite, deeper meaning. Maybe the donor wants to harm or vice versa to protect you. A person who knows perfectly, which means a mirror as a gift in this way can find out the overall setting in the house and with the help of the surface of the mirror stretch the strength and female luck.

Today, many modern women are pretty skeptical about such superstitions. Such ladies, permissible to give a mirror, for example, as a present on a housewarming. And any doubt, about the presented mirror you can scatter, having a simple magic rite for cleaning mirror surfaces.

If you gave a mirror

Not all are familiar with people's beliefs, so if you, once presented a mirror as a gift should not be upset and scared. It is enough to carry out several manipulations and a presented mirror will no longer be dangerous:

  • Rinse the mirror with ordinary running water.
  • After the mirror is installed, put the burning candle opposite it and let it burn to the end.
  • Pour salt on the mirror and hold for 3 days. Then throw away the salt used.
  • Pay for a presentationimvolic amount.

When and how to give mirrors?

An elegant pocket mirror can be handed a friend, relatives or colleagues to work for the New Year, March 8 or a birthday. An impressive interior mirror gives a housewarming or large anniversary dates.

When choosing a mirror, follow basic rules:

  • Give only new mirrors.
  • Do not forget to beautifully pack the mirror. No one should look at him until the very moment of donation.
  • Choose a mirror in a large frame. It is considered a negative energy limiter.
  • Take a small redemption for your gift.

Knowing, which means those or other signs related to mirrors, you can prevent an insult and an unpleasant precipitate deeply superstitious person from the present you presented. Be careful and respectful to the opinions of others, and then the presented mirror will become truly the most desirable and memorable presentation for your loved ones.

A large mirror is a great gift for a housewarming, and a small mirror for the bag is a good idea for a symbolic present girlfriend. However, many people avoid making such gifts, referring to the people's admission, prohibiting the mirror.

The mirror in all times was numbered to mystical subjects. In the old days it was used for fortunes and conspiracies. It is believed that in the mirror the negative energy of all those who once considered their reflection in it are accumulated. The "dirty" mirror can bring in the house of the disease, failure and even death.

In ancient times, people not only did not give each other mirrors, but did not even hold them at home. They explained their refusal by the fact that the mirrors connect the world of living with the otherworldly world, which means that an evil spirit can penetrate through a mirror corridor.

For folk summary, a presented mirror will definitely lead to a quarrel and separation. And not only between the donor and the recipient, but also in the house of the recipient of the gift at all. If there are those who believe in mystical signs among friends and relatives, it is better to choose other gifts for them.

How to give a mirror

People who seem ridiculous, can prevent each other's mirrors. But, choosing a gift, you need to take into account the tastes of who they will use.

If this is a big mirror for the house, it should be perfectly fit into the interior of the dwelling, approach the size, style and color. With small mirrors a little simpler, they always have a place in the handbag, on the dressing table or at work.

According to folk signs, a man who bought a mirror as a gift should not look at him himself until the gift was handed a perpetrator of the celebration. If suddenly the recipient turns out to be superstitious, it is possible to take a few coins at the time of the gift to calm the soul, thus deceiving the "evil forces".

To clean the mirror from negative energy, it is recommended to rinse with clean flowing water, and then hide into a dark closet and not allowed to look at it for two weeks.

The mirror has long been an integral part of our daily life. It is difficult to imagine at least one day, spent without one single minute before its mirror image. It helps lead themselves in a neat view in the morning and maintain it throughout the day. Located in the hallway, in the bathroom, often in the lady's handbag, and is also often an element of decor. In general, so habitual for us that no one has long been thinking about - is it possible to give a mirror?

Although they accompany a person for quite a long time, at the dawn of their existence of the mirror were very expensive, so far from every family could afford to acquire such a useful subject. For a long period, they were an element of luxury and simultaneously drawn different types of signs that are now fascinated.

The most common belief is considered to be the fact that the mirror as a reflecting item has a direct connection with the other world. Someone calls him even a portal, other names in the window through which you can establish a connection with the spirits of ancestors, conducting various rites. That is why when someone leaves his life in the house, all the mirrors diligently wore the soul to be accidentally lost and calmly went into another world.

But there is less a mystical explanation to this rule. It is believed that the items have the ability to reflect the image, also know how to memorize, choose information and all that they manage to see, and after reflecting it back. Therefore, it is unlikely that someone will want to make a mirror that has gained all the negative, after many more years reflected him back to the house, destroying the normal atmosphere of rest and comfort. But anyway, why can not be given a mirror?

There is a well-known sign that makes many behave with mirrors carefully. She promises seven years of misfortunes for someone who breaks such a fragile subject. And if this happened, it is better to collect all the fragments as quickly as possible and get rid of them.

But the key cause of the question is why it is impossible to give a mirror for a birthday or any other holiday, it lies still in its charges. The ability to choose energy immediately suggests that antiques who passed through the century is better to avoid. Too many of all conspiractions, attempts to send damage and other unpleasant things was made by humanity and make sure that your mirror was all managed to avoid extremely difficult. Another thing, if you buy a new mirror, because it is essentially clean and the threat is not caring. Such a gift will be more correct, and it will also be easier to accept it. If the congratulator, handing the mirror, voiced only the best sparking of the wishes, then you should not give up this.

It has been repeatedly proven that those who believe in signs often become their victims, and those who believe in indifferent and do not intersect. Therefore, is it worth making a mirror or take it as a gift case solely every person.

Mirrors belong to the category of items that have a mysterious destination. And this is despite the fact that in everyday life they are found almost everywhere. People daily and take a few times in the mirrors and admire their reflections. But no one suspects that it carries a strong energy impact on appearance and upcoming events. Such a subject of interior entered the modern life so tightly that it is accepted not only to wear with me constantly, but also to give each other for various holidays, such as the new year or birthday. Is it possible to give a mirror to other people, despite the fact that this item carries in itself powerful energy.

The mirror can become an excellent gift, it is not difficult to do it.

If we take the origins of the occurrence of mirrors, then in ancient times, people with caution treated such a part of the house. The sign was based to a greater degree in ignorance that the plate bears capable of reflecting everything around. Therefore, adverse superstitions have developed with a reflective surface. Including a ban on birthday or the new year. Also, there was a ban on the adoption of a magical reflective plate. Snacks believed that the mirror acts as an ally of an unclean spirit. Therefore, giving such an item or taking him as a gift a man clicked trouble.

Subsequently, various magical rituals and a burning with a prediction of the future appeared with the reflection. It was believed that in such actions a person helped the unclean spirit and involved him in sinful acts.

People inclined to superstitions found that the mirror surfaces have properties to absorb the surrounding environment. Also, the mirrors accumulate energy particles of those who look at it. Modern mirrors are sold in shopping centers, where there is a large cluster of people. A naturally reflective surface assumed a huge mixture of emotions and sentiments, including negatively directed. By purchasing and giving out such a mirror you can still attract a bad condition in the friend's house. That is why, the answer to the question is whether the mirror can be given is obvious. Sometimes you need to purchase a piece of your own needs, and not as a gift. Then it is best to ask the seller to bring an unspacial surface that did not hang in the trading room.

How to use the magic subject

If everything is clear with the new gift, then is it possible to give a mirror with a story, magical power? Based on the information received, the answer is no. Vintage mirrors always require special appeal, even if they were not presented as a gift.

  1. Important in the home mirror has its size. If you use this interior object as a gift, then you should purchase a complete growth. It is important that all family members are placed in the reflection completely. There were no circumcision reflection on their hands or legs.
  2. When determining the place where the subject of the interior will be hanging, it should be remembered that it only needs to look at it. Family members should not emphasize their own attention on their own details in appearance during the passage by the house. It is not recommended to have a mirror surface in a person's sleeping places. If the house has a place where the mirror will not attract attention, then it will act as a good gift.
  3. The reflecting surface should surround two main factor - cleanliness and accuracy. Thus, if guests come to the house, after their care, the interior object should be wiped. Also, the mirror surface is recommended to be cleaned after large quantities, misunderstandings and a bad mood. Then it will leisurely to absorb what is happening in the house. The reflecting surface should be used extremely gently. Bear from cracks and pulp. The smaller on the sliced \u200b\u200bmirror, the greater the likelihood that it will bring positive energy to the house.
  4. The mood with which every morning a person is suitable in the ship will be reflected and double throughout the day. Therefore, every morning, sinking and preparing for the working day it is important to smile in a trumulous. In this case, you can hope for establishing a good mood for the whole day.

In Eastern countries, mirroring surfaces love and respected. Signals in the East believe that the true intentions of a person and his environment fall in mirrors.

You can always associate and interpret the signs associated with the reflection in a bad aspect. Is it possible to give a trumulous if you take all the rules and precautions? The answer is definitely yes. The main thing is that a birthday present or for the New Year was made with love and good intentions.

In case of a mirror gift

In Slavic countries, attitudes towards mirrors are based on long-time traditions and fears. Therefore, in the case of donation on the birthday, or on the day of the new year, a beautiful mirror surface is considered not unnecessary to perform some precautions. In the case of presenting a gift to the name day to a young girl, she has no need to fear. But the rite of cleansing from the unclean strength will be performed.

  1. The girl who receives a gift in the form of a mirror should make a ransom with a coin.
  2. Above the gift should hold a burning candle;
  3. Rinse a gift over running water.
  4. Stretch at the time of the gift from other people's eyes.

A gift hides from outsiders exactly two weeks.

If the girl does not make a similar ritual, she will have to either return presented, or for many years to remain the groom.

Folk signs

In addition to the question of why it is impossible to give a mirror from this subject there is a lot of adoption and rites. For example, for a long time in the house of the deceased, all mirrors should be closed with a dark bedspread. Believe such an action is pushing like this: the spirit of the deceased went into the mirror world, where everything is reflected on the contrary. So that it is not stuck between worlds, reflective surfaces must be covered.