Who as defined the floor of the child. Folk ways: according to external data pregnant. Useful information on the definition of the sex of the child

The sexuality of the future child is formed immediately after the merge merges. The toddler floor depends on the chromosome of the spermatozoa. With the fertilization of the X-chromosome, the girl, Y-chromosome, is a boy. It is impossible to predict, spermatozoa with which chromosome is fertilized by an egg, but you can contribute to the conception of the child of the desired floor. With the help of ultrasonic devices, the floor of the fetus can be determined already on the first screening. But there are methods that allow you to predict the gender of the baby and without an ultrasound.

Floor child on early term

The floor is installed immediately after fertilization, but so far only in DNA cells. The formation of genital organs begins at the seventh week. By the end of the ninth week, external genitals develop. After 11 weeks, sex dick and scrotum appear in boys, but the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity. By the end of 12, the beginning of 13 weeks the external genitals become visually distinguishable and can already be understood which gender in the baby.

The sex of the child can be revealed by determining the DNA of the fetus, starting with 8 weeks of pregnancy, with the help of an ultrasound - from 12 weeks of pregnancy, using home tests - from 8 weeks, using tables can be assumed to the floor before conception or from the first week of pregnancy.

Paul definition

There are special tables to determine the sex of the kid. Their accuracy is 50%. Such tables began to use long before the appearance of ultrasound diagnostic devices and methods for determining the DNA of the fetus. They are based on statistical data.

When comparing the results obtained by several methods, the likelihood of obtaining a reliable result reaches 75%.

Ancient Chinese Table

Used more than 700 years. The definition method is based on comparison of the age of the mother and the month of conception. Such a table allows you to predict the desired floor and determine it on any gestation period.

Example: At the time of conception, the woman was 27 years 11 months. The conception happened in January. According to the table, the girl is more likely to be born.

Japanese table

The Japanese table is divided into two parts. The first is the birthday of the father and mother. In this part, the Japanese table must define the code number (from 1 to 12). The second part is needed to find in it the obtained code number and the intersection with the month of conception. The more stars at the intersection site, the higher the chance of the birth of a child of this floor.

Example: Mom was born in July, his father was born in August. The conception occurred in July. Code number - 11. With a greater probability, a girl is born.

Table Vangu

Despite the name, Vanga is not the author of this method, a table of Lyudmila Kim, who studied Vanga was drawn up. Knowing the month in which there was conception, and the age of the mother on this table can be found in the child's gender on the early period of pregnancy. To determine the sex of the child, it is necessary to simply find the intersection of the required data in the table.

Example: conception occurred in August, when a woman was 18 years old. Probable sex of the child is a male.

Blood update method

The blood of women is updated once every 3 years, and the blood of the future dad is once every 4 years. The age of mom at the time of conception is divided into 3, and the age of dad - at 4. If the value of the mother's number is higher, the girl will be born, and vice versa. For example: Mother 33 years old, if divided by 3, it turns out 11. Father 35 years old, if divided by 4, then it turns out 8.75. Accordingly, it is highly likely to give birth to a girl.

I can determine the half of the expected child by the birth of parents: for example, a woman born in 1998, and a man - 1991. Mom's blood was updated in 2016, and the Pope - in 2015. Boy will be born if the pregnancy comes in 2016 if parental blood Updated one and the same year, it is impossible to calculate the floor. But it becomes likely multiple pregnancy.

If a big blood loss occurred or operation, the calculation is carried out, starting from this date or from the moment of blood transfusion. For example, blood was overflowed at 20 years, then the next update will occur at 23 years.

Blood group and rhesus factor

Inspect the sex of the child in the group of blood of the Father and Mother and their Resh. Watch the crossing of the graph in the table. The method is not reliable. Some and the same parents can be born of different children.

Example: Mother has 3 positive blood group, the father has 2 negative. According to blood groups and the reserves, the belonging probability of the birth of a boy is more.

Child Floor Counting Formulas

There are specially designed formulas for child counting:

  1. 1. (Mom's age at the time of conception + month of her birth + month of conception +3) / 2. An odd - a girl is expected if the number is even - the boy. Example: (26 + 6 + 6 + 3) / 2 \u003d 20.5 - Boy will be born.
  2. 2. (Age of Men + Age of Women) * 4/3. If the remainder of the figures received is even - a boy, odd - girl will be born. Example: (29 + 25) * 4/3 \u003d 72 - Boy.
  3. 3. How old is mom at the time of conception + month of pregnancy +1 . If the number is even - there will be a girl, an odd - boy. For example: 23 + 12 + 1 \u003d 36 - girl.
  4. 4. Age of Women -19 + Estimated Birthday Birthday Birthday. An even number is a girl, an odd - boy. Example: 27-19 + 7 \u003d 15 - Boy.
  5. 5. 49- (3 * month fertilization-age mom +1). An odd number is a girl, even - boy. Example: 49- (3 * 3-33 + 1) \u003d 74 - Boy.

In all formulas, the age of a man or a woman is an age at the time of conception.

When a woman knows what is pregnant, she, of course, is worried that everything is fine, and the pregnancy proceeds normally. But also the question of who will be born - a boy or a girl? Ultrasound is not always an effective method in the definition of sex and therefore many resort to people's methods to learn the floor of the child without an ultrasound.

Very often, folk signs are effective in determining the floor of the future child than ultrasound examination. Next, we will list the most truthful signs that will definitely be able to determine who will be born:

  • If the pregnant will take the round part of the key will be a boy, if for a long - girl. But if pregnant will prefer to take the key in the middle, then it is worth waiting for twins.
  • If pregnant choked at the time of meals, ask for it any number. Then compare the number of the letter of the alphabet and then call it the name on this letter. The name will indicate the field of the future child.
  • To accurately determine the gender floor, it is necessary to compare the age of mom at the time of conception and what year it happened. If the numbers are even or odd, there will be a girl if one is one number, and the other is a boy.
  • If you want a boy born, eat more salted to pregnancy, if a girl is sweet.
  • In order for the fate when conceived, you smile at and you got a girl, you need to put a spoonful of wood and scissors under the mattress, and under the pillow - a bow of pink color.
  • If in pregnancy, swelling of the legs is noticed, the boy will be born.
  • If a woman's pregnancy is observed on time, irritability is raised, then she will have a girl.
  • There is a hunchback from bread during pregnancy, a boy will be born.
  • If the hands during pregnancy dry and crack, the boy will be born.
  • To determine who will be born, you can take advantage of an old fortune track: you need to turn the chain through the engagement ring of the pregnant woman and hang it above the stomach. Woman should be in a lying position. If the ring swings back and go, a girl will be born, if the boy is in a circle.
  • If a pregnant woman is more graceful, a girl will be born.
  • If pregnant loves to sleep more on the left side, then the boy is born.
  • If showing your hands, the pregnant will turn their palms up, the girl will be born.

Chinese table

In order to accurately determine the floor of the future child very often resort to calculations on the Chinese table. In most cases, it provides 100% result. Some scientists suggest that it was composed on the basis of the Chinese lunar calendar, and others - that the ancient Chinese were able to identify the relationship of the age of Mom with the month of conception.

Below are two types of Chinese table. In the same table shows the age of the mother, the month of the intended conception, and in the other - months, the age and the percentage probability of the birth of a child of a particular sex. To understand who is born to need to spend in the Table line between the age of the mother in which she became pregnant and the month when it happened. To make sure in the truthfulness of the results, you can check on relatives or friends.

Chinese table

Chinese table

How to determine the floor of the future child to update the blood?

Thanks to this method, you can define the sex of the child. It is based on the fact that men's blood is updated every four years, and female - every three years. The parent, whose blood will be more "fresh", the child will be born. Also taken into account blood loss. To take advantage of this method, you can take a test on any site planning site.

Calendar Methods

There are several calendar methods that will help when planning pregnancy. Pregnancy is a very responsible moment in the life of every woman and therefore it treats her with all seriousness. Each future mother has its own wishes about the sex of the child, someone wants a boy, someone - a girl. Therefore, in order to accurately schedule not only the day of conception, but and what will the gender will be
you can use calendar methods. These include:

  • Moon calendar.
  • Japanese calendar.
  • Chinese calendar.

How pregnancy will be held, the conception will not depend on this method.


Very often try to determine the sex of the child in toxicosis, but to assert how much such a way no one can. Who coincides the forecasts, and there is no one. It used to be believed that if it was very sick at the beginning of pregnancy, then there will be a girl, and if there is practically no toxicosis - there will be a boy. In the 20th century, scientists even conducted observations, and it was found out that those women whom the pregnancy proceeded with increased toxicosis was eventually a girl was born. They argue that morning vomit urge is a consequence of an increased level of hormone.

What does the stomach look like?

Very often, when determining the floor, you can navigate the shape of the abdomen. This is considered the most common form of definition and the most reliable folk admission. It lies in the following: if the pregnancy of the belly "island", the belly is visible from his back, there will be a boy, and if the tummy looks like a ball - there will be a girl. But it is also worth saying that this sign is not always effective. Since there may be various factors affecting the shape of the abdomen.

Definition of the floor of the future child on heartbeat

The most ancient method is recognized - determining the sex of the child in the heart rhythm. It is based on the fact that the boy's heart beats a measured in one rhythm with the maternal heart, and the heart of the girl is chaotic. Also, many argue that the boys are the heart, even louder knocks.

Blood group

The most popular method of determining the gender of the baby among pregnant women is the definition of sex for the group of parents of parents. To do this, you need to know the Blood Group Mom and Pope. Below in the table will provide comparability of blood groups and the likelihood of the girl and the boy, depending on the dad and mom.

Blood typeFather
MotherI groupGroup IIIII GroupIV Group
I groupGirlBoyGirlBoy
Group IIBoyGirlBoyGirl
III GroupGirlBoyBoyBoy
IV GroupBoyGirlBoyBoy

By age Father

To determine the floor without an ultrasound, you can use the definition method by the age of the Father. It is considered unique and used very rarely. For this, the formula is applied for which it is necessary to know such indicators as:

  1. Pope's age during conception (x).
  2. Month of conception (y).

Formula: 49-x + 1 + y + 3

If the result is even need to wait for the boy, if an odd is a girl.

Mother's Floor Definition

How to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound with the help of mom's age? To do this, it is very often resorted to the Chinese calendar, which indicates the age of mom from 18 years to 45, since this is a reproductive age. In this article, this calendar was previously represented, which will surely help correctly determine and plan the floor of the future kid.

Breast definition

There is a belief that if a woman is waiting for a girl, then she has problems with beauty, rasions on face and chest may appear. Also, if the Area around the nipple became dark, it may mean that you are pregnant with a girl.

Emotional background

Also determine the sex of the child can also be an emotional background. If pregnant is constantly experiencing, cries, and then laughs, nervous and any little things annoy it, then it is most likely that you need to wait for the girl. If a pregnant on the contrary is constantly in a good mood, it does not have the differences, and there are no constant changes in their tastes, then you can safely wait for the boy.

Taste preferences

As for taste preferences, then there is a completely different hypothesis. Many believe that if a pregnant woman is constantly pulling on the sweet, then, most likely, a girl will be born, but if I want meat and salty - there will be a boy. But about this method argue, since the taste preferences may not always change during pregnancy, for example, who before pregnancy loved salted, they can love him during pregnancy, and in the end, wait for the girl.


Scientists believe that there are several myths in folk signs that can effectively indicate half a child:

  1. Fetal heartbeat. On this occasion, studies were even conducted, which refuted this theory of the floor definition, since it is impossible to do this. The baby's beat can be increased or lowering and this will cause some kind of pathological condition or other factor.
  2. The shape of the abdomen. It is considered a common admission, but not plausible.
  3. Morning toxicosis. Causes disputes among the gynecologists. Even with strong toxicosis, you can give birth to a boy. Toxicosis also depends on the mother's body.
  4. Toddler activity. It is impossible to trust her, since each pregnant has its own sensitivity and a different system of perception.
  5. Food preferences. There is no evidence that confirmed this theory. A pregnant woman can constantly change the taste and therefore it will take that if she eats a sweet, there will be a girl, since in two days she may want meat or a meat with a jam, will not mean that she has become a pregnant boy.
  6. Watches wedding rings. This method is similar to the spiritual divination and is considered absurd.
  7. Chinese calendar. It was compiled in the 13th century, but popular in China, but this does not mean that it will help to accurately conceive a child of the sex you want. This calendar, of course, can take into account the lunar phases, but not the individual characteristics of a woman.

Currently, in addition to the proposed ways to determine the floor by folk remedies, there is still a large amount that grows every day with each pregnancy. But not worth it to trust and check, since with such a complex process that proceeds in the female body, which is still being studied by scientists, it is impossible to say exactly who you will have.

Future parents try to find a way to find out the sex of the child, how to determine without an ultrasound who will be born - a boy or a girl. To obtain a response, there is enough ultrasound research procedure (ultrasound), which is trying to pass all future mothers. Nevertheless, the ultrasound does not have limitless opportunities, because to determine the floor of the baby will not be right away, but only at the age of pregnancy. In this regard, many are looking for alternative ways, as without ultrasound, determine the sex of the child.

How to find out the gender?

The main methods of determining the floor of the future child are:

  1. Use specially designed tests.
  2. By time conception.
  3. Calculation on Chinese tables (Fig. 1).
  4. Floor definition on calendar days.
  5. Food preferences.
  6. According to the external change of pregnant.

Figure 1. Definition of gender by Chinese tables.

In addition, there is a lot of fortunes and folk admission to identify the floor of the kid without passing an ultrasound research. At the same time, it is impossible to be confident in the reliability of these techniques, very subjective and often refuting each other, besides, the attitude towards them of any sensible person is somewhat ironic, with some fraction of criticism.

Nevertheless, there are reliable ways that have passed long-term medical practice and having high reliability (over 90%), with their help to determine the sex of the child without the use of ultrasound with quite great accuracy. Allocate 2 most famous methods:

  1. Analysis on blood DNA. The procedure is carried out in the laboratory, its value is relatively high. To get a reliable result, you will need time (about 5 days).
  2. Test in the urine of pregnant. In this case, the high-tech product "Testpol" is used. To do it, it is not necessary to contact the clinic, it can be done at home. The result is almost instantaneous, determined by the color of the urine of the future mother. Coloring in green means the birth of a boy, and in orange - girls. Test inexpensive and absolutely harmless to the health of pregnant women. It is allowed to apply on the early period of pregnancy. This drug is an excellent alternative to more expensive ways.

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Additional features of the child's floor definition

To identify the gender, the baby previously paid attention to the following signs:

  1. Our ancestors were noticed that with severe toxicosis in pregnant women were born in most cases boys.
  2. The shape of the abdomen. When round, you should expect a girl if the stomach is sharp, then a boy will appear.
  3. By signs. Pulling the abdomen to the right side - by the birth of the girl, to the left - boy.
  4. By internal pushes. The shocks of girls are given to the upper part of the abdomen, and the boy is in the bottom.
  5. Food. Waiting for the Son, the future mother absorbs much more food, unlike a woman who has a hatching girl.
  6. Food preferences. The use of acidic and salty food indicates the birth of a boy, and sweet and flour - girls.
  7. Breast shape. When changing the chest at the time of pregnancy, the appearance of a son should be expected.
  8. Tint of the Nipple Areola. Symptoms of Light Area point to the birth of a boy, dark - girls.
  9. With the active height of the hair in the hands, the boy will be born.
  10. Improving external data pregnant means that she wears a boy, worsening - a girl.
  11. Walked up the waist - there will be a girl. Accordingly, women with a pronounced waist should be waiting for the boyfriend.
  12. When the face is covered by freckles, various pigment stains, it means that daughter will be born.
  13. The blurred nose of the future mother means that there will be a son.
  14. The feeling of heat during pregnancy appears when having tolerance of a boy, chills is thriving his daughter.
  15. Feel the dry palms - there will be a son, humidity - daughter.
  16. Sleep. If you sleep better on the left side, you can wait for the boy.
  17. The bald dads are born sons.
  18. Underwear of the future dad. Wearing close suggests the appearance of a son, free - daughter.
  19. With frequent sessions, young boys are born.
  20. Day ovulation. The son will appear when conceived in an ovulation day, and daughter - in case of conception a couple of days earlier.

According to these signs, the sex of the future kid was determined from generation. It is worth staying in more detail on some of them.

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"Selects" is the beauty of beauty?

Such belief is one of the most persistent beliefs. There is an opinion that the worsening of female attractiveness during pregnancy is an indicator of the girl tooling, and the flowering of beauty is a boy.

As a rule, there is an absolute opposite of what has been said. Mom and son have some differences in a combination of chromosomes and, of course, a hormonal background. As a result, the maternal organism can be in conflict with childhood, the display of all this appears on the skin and the appearance of the mother. But the organs of the daughter and moms are characterized by more well-coordinated interaction.

Throughout pregnancy, female appearance can vary significantly as a result of hormonal impact. There is a "blurring" of the facial outlines, the appearance of acne on the face or body, the increase in the nose, the rounding of the facial oval, sometimes the appearance of the mustaches. Many women fear this, but all this is temporary: as soon as the child is born, appearance is restored. There are also opposite effects. The future mother is transformed for the better, the disappearance of insignificant cosmetic shortcomings is noted, the hair is added shine, density. In no way, the presence of signs or their complete absence has no connection with the floor of the future kid. May lose beauty during pregnancy Mom of any child - and girls, and a boy. On the contrary, the appearance of some women during pregnancy is improving.

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Communication between toxicosis and child

It has long been used by the admission: strong nausea at the first time of pregnancy means the appearance of a girl, and her absence is a boy. Modern scientists conducted research.

The assumption was put forward that nausea arises as a result of an increase in the level of hormone, called the human chorionic gonadotropin. Researchers argue that the increase in this hormone is noted when entering the fetus of the female.

However, it is not necessary to do unequivocal conclusions, as scientists celebrate an insignificant advantage in favor of pregnant girls. Consequently, only one characteristic, more precisely, by the presence of toxicosis, cannot be 100% output.

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The intensity of hair growth

Pretty frequent phenomenon among future mothers is an increase in the growth of unwanted hair. Some notice the suddenly emerged mustache, others - the appearance of the hair cover in the abdomen or legs. The owner of blonde hairs marked their darkening. Such a sign prophesies the birth of a boy.

Here, scientists do not argue. Hair cover spreads at an elevated level of genital men's hormones in the female body. However, there are exceptions.

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Belly shape when carrying a boy

Another way to learn the floor of the child without ultrasound is the definition of the belly pregnant, more precisely, in its form.

This sign is the most common and reliable.

If the abdomen is sharp, discovering forward so that behind the pregnancy is invisible, then there will be a son.

With a spherical, protruding belly on the sides are preparing for the birth of daughter. However, accurate statistics on this occasion is absent.

Each pregnant woman looks forward to the moment when you can define the sex of the child. This is not connected with this, however, the most reliable method is an ultrasound study (ultrasound). It gives more accurate information: the eating sweet or salted does not at all indicate, the girl will be born or a boy. On what week you can find out the sex of the child, we will tell in this article.

Forming sexuality

Many women try to impress the time of sexual intercourse before the onset of ovulation, if they want to have a girl. It is believed that conception on the day of ovulation is associated with the birth of a boy. However, it is possible to understand where the floor of the baby depends on whether it is possible without a different believer. For the floor of the future child, no days of the cycle of a woman, not a diet and not coincidence of blood renewal periods of parents, but a man. Moreover, alone: \u200b\u200bsex cells (spermatozoa) can be carriers of a female set of chromosomes (XX) or male (XY).

Who will be born, determined directly at the time of conception. It depends on what spermatozoa is able to get to the egg and fertilize it. The heter of XX guarantees the birth of a girl, a carrier XY - a boy. From a woman on the planning of floor planning, nothing depends anything. Her set of chromosomes is always the same - xx.

Immediately after fertilization on the chromosomal level, the sex of the child is defined, the color of its eyes, hair, approximate growth, ability and health status. All this and other information is contained in DNA. From the moment of conception, interesting and rapid cell division processes begin (the formation of the embryo). Sex cells are formed at the 5th week of pregnancy, but sex glands, despite the fact that the floor is already predetermined, it is beginning to be formed only at the 7th week of pregnancy on the obstetric period (from the first day of the last menstruation).

After two weeks, the embryo was formed ovaries (if it is a girl) or testicles (if a boy is conceived). Both those and other gerf glands are formed in the cavity of the baby's belly. There are 8 obstetric weeks (6 weeks from conception). Formation of sexual differences of boys is somewhat accelerated. Already by the middle of 8 obstetric week, their testicles begin to produce testosterone (male sex hormone). Under its action, the inner interior system begins to actively.

By external signs of sexuality, children will be seen only by 10-11 mama pregnancy. To distinguish on this time boy from the girl is difficult. Externally, the genitals and those and others are exactly the same. They are a sexy tubercle, which under the influence of hormones-steroids in the boys turns into a penis, and in the girls to the clitoris. This happens about 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 25 Jan 29 January 31, January 31, JUNE JUNE JUNE September 2013

Myths and the truth about the conception of boys and girls

Impatience gives rise to a lot of believes, many of which are unreliable.

Communication with ovulation

It is believed that spermatozoa with a "gentlemansky" set of XY faster and more prompt, and cells with female XX - lively, so the girl should be hooked before ovulation, the boy is directly at the time of ovulation. In fact, the spermatozoa with any set of chromosomes have approximately the same viability, activity and endurance. A sexual intercourse before ovulation cannot guarantee a girl how the boy cannot guarantee on the day of ovulation. The probability of 50/50 and other options are excluded.

Age of parents

The people firmly settled the opinion that the man's older woman has more chances to conceive the boy. If the situation is inverse, in their pair is more likely to appear on the light of the girl. From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, this statement is not founded.

Although a few years ago, scientific work on this topic was published by British scientists, which suggested that the age of parents plays a role in relation to the firstborn. The statistics given them made it possible to judge the probability of such a dependence of 30-35%. Not so much to be considered an infallible truth.

Time of year, Rh Factor and Parents' Character

Winter, spring or summer do not affect the development of a man or other spermatozoa, and therefore the probability of conception of a boy or a girl at a certain season is nothing more than prejudice.

Rhose-blood factor is an indicator of the presence or absence of a protein existing over red blood cells. On the sexual system is negative or positive resh does not affect any circumstances. The people's opinion that the strong and volition women are more often born boys, can be faithful in relation to certain cases, but there is no scientific convincing relationship, as well as convincing statistics.


Yes it's true. Artificial selection allows parents to choose a child of this or that sex, because in the conditions of test tubes, the gender of the kids is completely known even before the mammascus is a fertilized egg.


Often, on ultrasound, many women come after a delay in the next menstruation. Modern pregnancy tests, simple at home, usually after a couple of days after the delay (some to it), show two stripes. However, due to the availability of ultrasound diagnostics, most women and girls prefer the ultrasound, rather than conducting the test. The floor of the future child before the genitals are formed, a woman will not be able to name any, even the best diagnostic, working on the most modern equipment.

The first ultrasound at the very beginning of pregnancy is carried out transvaginally: this makes it possible to better review the uterine cavity. A woman is asked to fill the bladder until the gestation period is small. Already by the 12th week (especially in thin women) it is possible to carry out a transabdominal ultrasound (the sensor will lay down to the abdomen). Easy to examine may be intestinal gases, which in pregnant women often accumulate from the early toddler time of the baby.

Before visiting the Cabinet, the ultrasound is better to drink "Espumizan" or "Smekt", since the accumulation of gases can comprehend the abdominal organs and somewhat distort the picture that appeared to the ultrasound physician.

An experienced physician of ultrasound diagnostics theoretically can consider the difference in the corner of the Girls and boys and 12 weeks, but the probability of mistakes before this period will be big.

Parents can learn half of their baby during the passage of the first screening (if ultrasound examination is scheduled for 12-13 week of pregnancy). After 13-14 weeks exterior genitis baby well distinguishable, With the right position of the fetus and the free review for the diagnostics, you can touch the secret and find out the first assumptions of doctors about the child's sex.

Ultrasound at such a date does not set itself the task of determining the gender of the baby. The study is necessary for other reasons, the diagnostics will have to find out:

  • pregnancy;
  • place attachment placenta;
  • the number of fruits;
  • the viability of the baby (kids);
  • formation of fetus and possible deviations from the norms.

The sex of the child at 13-14 weeks can be seen if the child does not move too much at the time of diagnostics, is a face to the sensor, does not close the genitals with handles or umbilical. To see them on the monitor can experienced specialist working with an ultrasonic scanner of 15-20 years. The method of conducting an ultrasound for any period of pregnancy is almost the same. The accuracy of the definition of sex rises with each month, but in the second half of pregnancy it can decrease.

Uzi accuracy

The accuracy of the first ultrasound depends on the qualifications of the doctor, its work experience, the equipment class in the ability of the ultrasound. Results for the definition of sex on the first screening should not be taken for the unconditional truth, although the probability The exact "hitting" at the experienced doctor is about 75-80%. Often, the doctor on this period refuses to discuss the sex of the child and offers to return to this topic in a month.

A conditionally typical period at which it is possible to determine the child's sex with an accuracy of 90%, is 15-16 week of pregnancy.

When a woman passes the second screening, the question is quite acquitted. The answer to it from the ultrasound diagnostics will be confident. By this deadline, a member of the boy, his scrotum and sex lips of girls with a convenient to review the location of the fetus are clearly visible. At 20 weeks, it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the floor, although anything happens.

Ultrasound diagnostic doctors argue that the most freely considers the gender in the kids for 23-25 \u200b\u200bweeks Pregnancy. On this time, children still have the ability to sneeze, straighten into the uterus cavity, open the ultrasonic sensor overview. In the third trimester (after 32 weeks), when the baby becomes closely in the maternal womb, it can take very uncomfortable postures, see the genital organs is difficult, especially if the kid unfolds sideways and closes the genital organs with legs or backs.

Most children in the third trimester occupy a position head down (head preview). At the same time, the legs of the baby already have to be pressed. There is often umbilical bumps between the legs, therefore it is difficult to see the floor. If Chado is in the buttagon preview, consider the genital signs are still problematic.

Women who are confident that the doctor's ultrasound with a 100% accuracy sees the gender, it is worth remembering once and forever: the accuracy of ultrasound as a diagnostic method is not 100%. Never under any circumstances in any field of medicine. The probability of an accurate result of the ultrasound during pregnancy is about 85-90%. Therefore, one of the ten future mothers may have an error in determining the sex of the infant.

Diagnostic errors

Future mothers should understand that the ultrasound makes a person who, like all people, can be wrong. Most often, the diagnoses are confused by the floor not from the lack of experience or knowledge, but due to the difficulty review.

Here are some common ultrasound errors:

A boy is visible, a girl was born

It is possible that the diagnostacle accepted the loop of umbilical cords or under the hormonal attack of sexual lips for a penis. In the course of the study, they are shown to parents of the kid. However, in the later dates, the ultrasound shows another. Sometimes the floor can not be seen until childbirth. The probability of such an error is about 2-3%.

Waited for a girl, a boy was born

This situation is rare. Do not see the sexual member more complicated than to adopt the sealing lips or cord loops for it. However, in 1-1.5% of cases (conditional statistics), the doctors come across so "modest" workers that they can be fully considered by girls due to tightly shifted legs closing dick and scrotum. Therefore, if the doctors said one thing, but it turned out differently, nothing terrible: your child is yours.

Waited by one, turned out two

This is also possible, but in rare cases (if one kid is located after another, "hiding"). Usually to the second ultrasound of truth opens. The probability of such an error is less than 0.5%. In addition, modern methods (definition of hCG in the blood) will definitely pump a doctor for the thought of a possible double, because the level of hormones will be twice the norm.

Causes of medical errors

Most often, the causes of errors lie in the coincidence of several factors that lead to incorrect assessment of the situation. In addition to insufficient qualifications and experience, the doctor may be:

  • Outdated equipment. In female consultations of small settlements, experts sometimes are mistaken in determining the sex of the child due to insufficient technical equipment (4-5% of cases).
  • Persistence of pregnant. If a woman asks, the doctor simply cannot refuse her in the definition of Paul: it obliges it to this concept as medical ethics. Doctor's Assumption Future Mom often perceives as an accurate result.

  • Position of the fetus. Ultrasound at 21-22 weeks can show the boy, a study of 30-32 weeks - a girl. In this case, it makes sense to trust the earlier result, since in the middle of pregnancy it is easier to determine the floor than before childbirth.

Exact definition methods

Future parents are often interested in the question: there are more accurate methods of sex diagnostics. Yes, there are such methods. First of all, it is a non-invasive DNA test, which allows to determine the gender from 8-9 weeks of pregnancy with an accuracy of 99%. The method is based on the release of DNA from the erythrocytes of the fetus, which by this period begin to be determined in the blood of a pregnant woman. Such an analysis is considered to be a new method, it is carried out only in paid centers and clinics, its cost is several tens of thousand rubles.

Sometimes need find out the floor at any cost - not a whim of a pregnant woman and her relatives, but a medical need. The floor is of great importance if there are carriers of genes causing genetic pathologies in a family history of genetic pathology. For example, hemophilia belongs to such diseases - the inability of blood to coagulation. It is inherited only by mom, although hemophilia is sick. To eliminate the possibility of the birth of a sick child, a doctor can give a direction for invasive methods of sex diagnostics. If it turns out that a woman wears a boy, she will be asked to interrupt pregnancy for medical testimony.

Invasive methods are based on penetration with a thin surgical instrument into the uterine cavity (in a fruit egg) to take water analysis, fetal skin particles, its blood. At an early time, the biopsy of the chorion Village is made. The resulting material gives a complete and accurate (99.9%) idea of \u200b\u200bhow the floor is in the womb, whether he has pathology.

All these procedures are carried out exclusively by weighty medical records. They are traumatic, can lead to the infection of the fetal shells, waters, premature childbirth or miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death.

Curiosity Mom and Pope should not expose the health of the kid's danger.

Photo from ultrasound

Differences of boys from girls are different in the form and size of genital organs. However, in earlier deadlines (at 13-14 weeks), no one measures the genital organs of the child. It is enough that the sizes of the testicles in the norm constitute only a few millimeters. These indicators are approximately the same with the size of the ovaries of girls.

Carefully peering into a photo of strange spots and points (the picture of the first ultrasound), it should be remembered: the specialist made it in the transverse plane, so everything looks unusual. Sexual signs of the girl in the early pregnancy periods can be clear parallel strips. They can be from 2 to 4. Later in this place, the doctor and mom will be able to see big and small sex lips.

Such differences in early snapshot are great luck. More often, the genital area looks like a stain with a small tubercant, which can be both a penis and clitoris. Immediately you can confuse them. More noticeable differences will be visible later. It is better to ask the Doctor to make "photos" on the second screening. There you can see much more, especially if the ultrasound was conducted in 3D format.

Special difficulty for doctors represent individual categories of pregnant women for whom the sex of the child is of particular importance. These include women from strict Muslim families, where future fathers under the fear of divorce require the birth of the son, as well as women who already have two or three same-sex children.

With such women's doctors and psychologists of female consultations, try to work especially carefully: it is possible that the ultrasound will show not the floor that is waiting for pregnant. Sometimes doctors go to the conscious lie to keep the calm of a womanAfter all, she is able to harm himself and the fetus. Deception is not aimed at introducing a woman and her family in confusion: the doctor may not speak the floor of the child to protect the woman from a big mistake.

Waiting for moms and dads are not always justified, this is the usual situation. If I really wanted a girl, and the ultrasound showed a boy (or vice versa), psychologists recommend to calm down, try to take a fact.

It is important to think about what advantages are available in the current situation, what joyful and interesting weekdays and holidays will be, if two brothers appear the third, the daughter will have a sister.

How to find out the sex of the child at the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better - before conception? Many sites and printed publications are singing in various ways to look into the future. Someone offers to use Chinese tables to get a response to such an important issue to the parents, others to take into account the "blood age", the third recommend to eat in a certain way. Of course, a sensible person will immediately understand that all these ways cannot be considered as reliable, but so I want to believe in a miracle ... and therefore we will tell you a few simple ways how to find out the sex of the child in an early term, you can check their accuracy on your own experience. So, let's begin.

1. Taste addiction. Surely, you heard that women, pregnant women, are usually inclined to meat products and spreads. And wearing girls under the heart - to sweet, baked, as well as vegetables and fruits. You can believe it or not ... The taste addiction really many women are changed after conception, only it is unlikely that it is somehow connected with the sex of the child, rather the body thus gives signals about what he lacks. For example, citrus or green apples may want when vitamin C deficiency. Yes, and it is not necessary to miss a simple self-suggestion. Let's say, a woman who is passionately wanting to give birth to a son and susceptible to various kinds of unverified information, maybe from a strong self-sustaining really constantly wanting meat, although it may be unsafe. By the way, there is an opinion that it is possible to plan the sex of the child with a special diet that both spouses should adhere to.

2. Toxicosis. It is said that those who are interested in a simple way to find out the floor of the future child, you just need to watch the well-being of the future mother. If she has been experiencing strong toxicosis from the very first days, she will most likely give birth to a daughter.

3. External data. Have you ever noticed that some women are literally blossomed during pregnancy, and other skin becomes too dry or the opposite of oily, the hair begin to fall out, the nails get lazy, acne appear? It is believed that such negative changes are also associated with the hatching of the girl. "Daughters take the beauty of their mothers." Before birth, everything usually comes to normal. A negative external prenatal changes are rather associated with a shortage of any vitamins or trace elements.

4. Calendar methods. In many publications, you can find information that the blood in humans has the "Updated" property. And from the date of its last update will depend on the floor of the conjunctional child. If the blood of the mother is younger, wait for my daughter if my father will be born. And the blood is updated in women every 3 years, and in men - every 4 years. But it is also necessary to take into account such moments as blood transfusion (also in essence updates), as well as situations in which large blood loss occurs - serious operations, uterine bleeding in women, etc.

Interesting methodology on how to learn the sex of the child on the table. It was invented by the Chinese back in antiquity. Vertical needs to choose their age at the time of conception, horizontally - the month of conception. We look at the cell crossing of two straight lines and get the result - d or M.

Chinese Table:

18 D. M. D. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M.
19 M. D. M. D. M. M. M. M. M. D. M. D.
20 D. M. D. M. M. M. M. M. M. D. M. M.
21 M. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.
22 D. M. M. D. M. D. D. M. D. D. D. D.
23 M. M. D. M. M. D. M. D. M. M. M. D.
24 M. D. M. M. D. M. M. D. D. D. D. D.
25 D. M. M. D. D. M. D. M. M. M. M. M.
26 M. D. M. D. D. M. D. M. D. D. D. D.
27 D. M. D. M. D. D. M. M. M. M. D. M.
28 M. D. M. D. D. D. M. M. M. M. D. D.
29 D. M. D. D. M. M. D. D. D. M. M. M.
30 M. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. M. M.
31 M. D. M. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. M.
32 M. D. M. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. M.
33 D. M. D. M. D. D. D. M. D. D. D. M.
34 D. D. M. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. M. M.
35 M. M. D. M. D. D. D. M. D. D. M. M.
36 D. M. M. D. M. D. D. D. M. M. M. M.
37 M. D. M. M. D. M. D. M. D. M. D. M.
38 D. M. D. M. M. D. M. D. M. D. M. D.
39 M. D. M. M. M. D. D. M. D. D. D. D.
40 D. M. D. M. D. M. M. D. M. D. M. D.
41 M. D. M. D. M. D. M. M. D. M. D. M.
42 D. M. D. M. D. M. D. M. M. D. M. D.
43 M. D. M. D. M. D. M. D. M. M. M. M.
44 M. M. D. M. M. M. D. M. D. M. D. D.
45 D. M. M. D. D. D. M. D. M. D. M. M.

5. Observations. There are a number of ways to learn the sex of the child without an ultrasound in the earliest time with simple observations. For example, there is such a pattern that the boys are more often born in very young women, pregnant women for the first time. Women over 25-30 years old are more often born daughters. If we are talking about the second child, then the sooner it was conceived after childbirth, the greater the likelihood that he will be a great floor from the firstborn. If the first boy was born, look at his head, if the so-called "pigtail" leaves the hair down, it means that the next pregnancy will be a girl. Note that it is pregnancy. If it ends up with fetal fetus, or if you want to interrupt it, then the next child may be again male ...

Summarizing the foregoing

1. There is no way to reliably program the sex of the child or find out it without an ultrasound. Sexuality can be "ordered" only in the case of fertilization of the egg cell spermatozoom in the laboratory conditions (that is, with an extracorporeal fertilization). And on the ultrasound of the floor of the child, the doctor will be able to determine exactly from the second half of pregnancy, if the fruit will be in a position convenient for review, of course. Errors, contrary to popular belief, occur quite rarely.

2. If the conception occurred, then try to influence the sex of the child is useless. It is determined at the time of the merger of the sperm and egg cell, is determined by the chromosomal set of spermatozoa. That is, only a man depends essentially.

Do not fit in advance to the birth of a child of a certain sexuality. After all, you will love him no matter what - the boy will be born or a girl? There are couples that prefer not to know in advance the baby's gender, and perhaps, do it right ... Let it be a pleasant surprise.