Mistress: Future wife or temporary entertainment for a married man. Psychology of the mistress of a married man

The content of the article:

Family is a durable ship. A man is a captain of a huge ship swimming through the ocean of life, a woman is a multidisciplinary crew. Family life is not only a fabulous cruise into a happy future. Responsibility, obligations, an established system of values, life. Holding hard by holding hands, they easily overcome all obstacles. Mchat your ship forward, in a bright future. At high speed, the woman does not notice how the bottom gives to flow.

For her - betrayal, meanness, end of the world. Rare cute people respond to the adventures of their faithful calmly. For men, this is not always something significant, fateful. Often - a small island of joy and fresh air in the endless ocean of family life.

Several main reasons:

  1. Care from reality. Fatigue, pressing problems, banal monotony;
  2. "Character such". It sounds justification, but there is a category of men, in commonness "womanists". Loving people, loving. Charming, cute, consume - for all female species. Do not notice this feature of the lava is difficult. As a rule, the wife is subconsciously, ready to treason;
  3. Age. Young people are susceptible to conquer new territories, self-realization, improving self-esteem. We need to approve friends of friends. It is in young years that guys seem to be infidelity - it is fashionable. There is another extreme - adult men, forty. They held in a quarry, they have prosperity and, it seems, life lives. There are an unrestrained desire of novelty: feelings, emotions, sensations. Young mistress - delivers gray and creates the illusion of a new youth;
  4. Independent state. A man falls into the circumstances of deep stress, the loss of a loved one or other misfortune. It seems to him that no one will understand his pain. There is a random girlfriend, capable of dividing suffering;
  5. Alcohol (or other). It's not a secret to anyone that alcoholic beverages provoke on the feats of any person. But this is only a "wishes amplifier." The reasons for sure, much deeper.

Why does a man get a permanent mistress?

Infidelity is a single one, and sometimes a man prefers the same, constant mistress. Regular lie, dodging becomes lifestyle. The reason for this is simple - reluctance to change the durable, stable reality. The presence of children, joint business, an extensive circle of common friends. It is more convenient to keep a double game, enjoyable, except for sexual jeads, also from risk.

Why do men have mistresses? Psychology of a married man

Psychologists argue, treason comes from a lack of proximity between a man and a woman. Spiritual or physical. Loss of trust, lack of common interests, leisure. People live in inertia, each in a separate Mirka. The spouse dissolves in children, concerns. Husband is aimed at earnings money. Stability, confidence in tomorrow. But communication, there is no contact between them for a long time. A pretty colleague on work or a random fellow traveler on a way to a business trip: Young, beautiful, without daily claims, problems. Hears, will understand, prige.

The reasons for the infidelity of the man are taking deep childhood. Little boy family model plays a huge role. There are several options for developing events:

  • Mother - leader. Son has a strong attachment. The so-called "Mamienkin Son" was used to care, round-the-clock participation of the mother in his life. He is subconscious moms. Then, on the side - rests from its own choice;
  • Father - Wall. Son since childhood observes the "feats" of his older relative and unconsciously copies him, for him such behavior is the only true;
  • Mother - loner. A child growing without his father is often a "loved one" grandmother and mom. Feels the center of the Universe. For such a man of love is not enough and he will be checked by compensation on the side.

Strong Paul in nature conqueror. Marrying, he tries himself to limit. I achieved, conquered, assigned. Rudeless love, a fiery passion over the years cools. Dry and dusty life comes to replace the flaming feelings. Work, the same evenings on weekdays, predictable weekends. Children, lessons, cleaning, rent, insurance. Life lost paint, it became similar to a brought old film. The mistress in this case is a bright ray of light, a sweet piece of dessert, a new conquest object. Men are looking for mistresses to compensate for the missing new emotions, experiences. This is, in the end, a variety.

Why are men who have mistresses?

Changing mistresses like gloves, a man increases self-esteem. He seemed to prove himself that he had one number. For such a male, the next medal on the chest, the string in the notebook. This man will never leave the family. It happens that the husband has many mistresses from a feeling of insult, jealousy. He suspects a spouse in deception and unable to change the situation, takes her.

Why do men love mistresses?

Men love eyes. She is beautiful, young, light - the complete opposite of the beloved. Lovel tender, passionate, other. Criminal connection is forbidden. The feeling of danger is inciting the fire of love. And break out of the sappling flame is very difficult. This is the mystery of two - fascinates, the ookolds, delays. And it seems, here it is true love.

Whatever the causes of treason, for a woman it is always pain. Betrayal, hopelessness, shot in the back. In the current situation, choosing it: to forgive or leave. Will she take for the steering wheel of the ship, will it be able to bypass all the obstacles by saving the family? Or will throw a lifeburning circle overboard? It is important to remember that when a man finds his mistress, both to blame. Husband and wife should be best friends, passionate lovers and beautiful parents. Then their lucky ship will never give to flow.

See also:

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Monday, March 18, 2019(March 5, Art.)
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Finding the relics of BLGV. Princes of Theodore Smolensky and Chad His David and Konstantin, Yaroslavl Wonderworkers (1463)
Holy Memory Day:
MCH. Onions (I). MCH. Keonon Graduate (III). PS Mark Postnote (V). PS Isicia postnote (approx. 790). Prmch. Adriana Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavsky (1550). MC. Iradays. MCH. Energia, in Palestine. MCH. Evlampia. The acquisition of the relics of SVT. Luki isp., Archipe. Simferopolsky (1996).
Day of the memory of the confessors and new martyrs of the Church of the Russian:
Schishmch. Nikolai Pokrovsky Prester (1919); schishmch. John the Mini Homemaker Presbytera and PRMCH. Mardaria Isaev and Feofan Grafova (1938).
Day of reverence Icons of the Mother of God:
The icons of the Mother of God, called "Education".
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Gospel and Apostle:
At verse: -Genesis.3: 21-4: 7; Proverbs 3: 34-4: 22 On the 6th hour: -IS.4: 2-5: 7
On the morning: -PS.24-31; PS.32-36; PS.37-45 At verse: -PS.119-133

Love is the territory of only two, so there is no women in the world seeking serious relationships with married men.

In theory, everything is simple - a married can not be a "male of your dreams." It is simply not considered as a potential partner.

But real human relations are far from ideal. We do not always find out that a man is married (you can make sure of this by visiting almost any female forum).

The absence of a wedding ring acts soothingly, and about the missing wife, when familiarizing, they infrequently speak - after all, we meet first as a person, and not as possible spouses. And we sincerely rejoice, if interest and friendly relations go to the romantic stage.

But often it turns out that your prince is already married. And the woman begins to think about what to do and how to relieve a married man.

Why is relationship with a married man usually unpromising?

If you, having learned about the availability of my wife, do not lose interest and decide to continue the relationship with this man (many do it, since the love of the blind, strong emotions interfere with thinking rationally, and the question "Why and why I do it?" Does not arise) , the love triangle is inevitably formed, in which you are given the role of a mistress.

In some cases, the triangle quickly disintegrates, and the lover acquires the status of a legitimate wife. But such cases are rather an exception than the rule.

What do dreams tell about it?

Subconsciously, most women know this - no wonder dream book, which focuses the people's experience, predicts that a married man dreams of trouble. This is not surprising - women usually adversely perceive men who are breeding mistresses.

Dream interpretation also foreshadows the appearance of guilt and tension. If the woman is interested in the meaning of dreams and believes in signs, she can part with a married man in time. And if she is married, he will be able to pay attention to his marriage in time - the dream interpretation interprets such a dream as discontent with marriage.

Although the dreams of many modern women consider the archaic remnant, psychology and statistics in this case with them Solidarna - Sigmund Freud used dreams for psychoanalysis, and even made his dream book.

Statistics also argue that arising love triangles:

  • Often become "chronic" because all its participants are not able to part.
  • Psychologically injure all his participants, and the longer such relations are drawn, the hardest injury.

A woman, deciding to contact with a married man, usually does not take into account the psychological background of his behavior. Psychologists argue that in most cases Men's mistresses are hardened with certain problems (complexes, etc.).

Despite the popular opinion on male polygamy, men's psychology does not allow for stable, warm and sensual relations with his wife to start a novel on the side. Why are the men who are configured for married life sometimes make mistresses?

Why does men have a need for a mistress?

The mistress in the life of a normal married man appears when problems arise in his family relationships. Analyze the reasons for these problems and eliminate their husbands are not inclined (the exception is the lover's wife).

In most cases, with family troubles, a married man or goes to work, or is looking for understanding on the side. And then you appear on his horizon - not married, herself goes to him, do not condemn, do not ask "why?" And everyone understands how it is necessary!

And the mutual understanding arising between you (if it is missing in his family) - the reason why a love relationship arises, about which a man can then regret. Very often in such cases, your lover begins to rush between you and his wife, to which it is still tied.

He is beginning to torment the feeling of guilt. Search responses to dreams, guess, hope that he will leave for you forever, you can endlessly long. And in the end, most likely, he will not be able to choose: with whom the relationship is to save, and with whom - no.

A woman who entered into contact with a married man always expects to stay in his life forever not as a mistress, but in the role of a legitimate wife. But many men are quite satisfied with the status of the lover.

A married man needs another woman if:

  1. The wife often suits scandals, all the time demands something, and he wants easy relationship without any duties.
  2. Intimate life became unitable, but I don't want to share property and children because of this.
  3. He married too early or on the "flare", there is no special feelings to his wife, other women are of interest, but they are very tied to the child.

It is usually not planned to leave the family a spouse, since the household side of the marriage is quite suitable. Often the interest of such men causes a bright and married woman, as she rarely wants to part with her husband.

What promises a love triangle mistress?

Psychology and statistics argue that at the beginning of relations, not burdened by life and decorated with romantics (a married man is trying not only to like you, but also compensate for the presence of a wife), the majority of women who loved married.

The woman still believes that the lover is really going to part with his wife and paints the rainbow paintings of the joint future in the imagination.

Over time, she understands that it is the only one if it becomes, it will not soon, begins to look for a forum with similar stories, look into the dream book or try to clarify the future by other methods. Dream Interpretation focuses on external data of a dreaming man, the forum recommends breaking up, and a variety of predictions of foggy.

At the same time, the man still likes and breaking up with him there is no strength. The woman herself does not understand why she and her chosen one, but "I love him" outweighs all the arguments, and the dream interpretation, which allows different interpretations, gives false hope.

Over time, interest gradually fuses and the relationship is acquired by a painful shade. The question is that with these relationships to do, how to lay out the married man and how to part with him, in the late stage of the existence of the triangle becomes especially acute.

A woman is experiencing why she herself allowed it and why not stopped on time. In some cases, self-esteem falls, and the woman does not want to do anything herself to part with her lover.

Other men do not cause interest, because besides the peculiar dependence, the belief is formed that almost all men at least episodically give up mistresses. That is why, falling in love with married, it is better to think immediately, what to do to avoid the fate of the mistress.

If a married man causes you interest

Although the concept of "mistress" comes from the word "love", society refers to women with such a status is extremely unfavorably, but the "lover" is perceived more adequately. As a result, you are forced:

  • To endure the flour of jealousy and at the same time to thoroughly hide - Being married you can, as a last resort, to beat the dishes, but it already has these joys of life "there." And you he is looking for peace, sympathy and complete understanding.
  • Never call and do not count on it. If necessary, you can write SMS, selecting neutral expressions, but I love ".
  • Live in constant waiting for his visit. Regularly be in full combat readiness and maintain its interest.
  • Conduct holidays alone. Even if your lover marks some event surrounded by colleagues, take you with you instead of his wife it is inconvenient.
  • To tolerate his lies.
  • To put up with the fact that he has a child, Therefore, besides remorse of conscience, you are still waiting for "I can't today - a son has a sown, temperature, parental meeting, etc.".

At the same time, you also want to have children, but the child from a married man either remains completely without dad, or his dad is coming, "Sunday". Even if the woman thinks he can bind a lover to himself, and he will leave the family, at best she will simply turn into a secret wife.

Forum on this issue is a shot of sad stories about faith in what "loves", and about the unfulfilled hopes, but even sadder, when a child is noticed in these difficult relationships. Therefore, if you decide to create a full-fledged family, with your beloved, but married it is better to part, and it is better if you do it myself.

How to interrupt unpromising relationship with a married man?

Psychology claims that a person is not able to control love, but not to give love to grow into a deep feeling we are quite capable. If you realized that you like a married man, try to explore all the nuances of the situation.

Causeing your interest man may well do not live with his family (marriage exists only on paper). It is advisable to receive information not from the man itself, but in disinterested persons (common friends, etc.).

If the marriage is formal, you can give will to your feelings, and do not even look into the dream book.

If in the family before your appearance was not observed signs of "decay", and you do not want endless meetings with a lover who will never be a husband, you need to understand how to confuse a married man and what to do for this.


  • Take a timeout in communication. During this time you can get acquainted with a person who will have an interest in you and will not be married.
  • Imagine what you are married to him and that you will do in this case. In the process of courting, a person manifests itself from the best side, but it's not by chance that his family life is not ideal, because not only his wife is to blame for the situation (often the mistress believes that only the wives themselves are to blame for the fact that men are filled with mistresses).
  • If your relationship lasts for some time, you are most likely sure that he loves you, but still lives with her (explanation "why" always find). Your "love" does not allow soberly to look at the situationBut it is just necessary.

If the divorce did not occur in the first months of the new novel, according to statistics, it will never happen. In this case, it is exactly a man who must decide who he is more expensive - a wife or mistress.

If he really loves you, he will definitely decide on a divorce. But for some reason he cannot decide. So why spend your feelings and life on the one who does not deserve it?

Why me?

In addition, to understand how to forget a married man, it is important to analyze your past. Not every woman loves married and agrees to the role of mistress.

Psychology claims that women with low self-esteem married men come across quite often. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to increase your self-esteem, throw away the dream and fortune-money cards, to pay attention to yourself and surround yourself with new positive impressions.

Try to see the forum on this topic - communication with people in a similar situation will help you to take the right decision and avoid in the future men who are breeding mistresses.

Think, and whether you can trust this man if he becomes your husband. After all, once he decided to make a mistress, and for some men, the presence of mistresses is the norm.

Do not live illusions - the sooner you can easily assess the situation, the more chances you have to become happy. Without false hopes, interpretations of dreams, girlfriends and gadgets councils.

The psychology of a married man is built at his desire to get what he lacks in the family.

Usually, we look through the eyes of a woman to this situation, but in this article I want to go on the other side ...

So, I have been married for more than ten years, a normal family man, the relationship established, bother, everything is familiar, there are no surprises ... or wait, somewhere in the depths of the soul, at the level where I was before the wedding. Lord, how long ago there was a warm romantic evening, the rustle of a bouquet of roses, and she, flying towards and shining from happiness. It is also necessary, and I thought I forgot. As she then said: "You are so beautiful." And now? "Missing the garbage!", "When will you finally finish this damned repairs?!", And the trump "Are you a man or not?" And who do I think? .. Then I felt an eagle, but now ... with a sparrow plural. Then you looked at me with admiration, and now - with pity. The words of love were replaced by instructions and endless claims ... Eh! ..

But still you want to survive the happiest excitement on the eve of dates, spiritual trembling, and damn it, self-affirmation feelings! Let I stayed in everyday battles, but it was still enough for new feats! Wife to let dust in the eye will not work, knows me as irradiated. Sometimes it seems that looking at me, instead of a man she sees hypertension, overweight and hemorrhoids. What is the romance here? ..

Another thing is the new front - there I am a hero, whose long-awaited dream, and if lucky, and a sex symbol. Damn, it seems, blood boils, and a familiar hot wave wakes up from the inside ... ha! I'm still on horse! Here it is - exciting anticipation of hunting and new passion! ..

Stop. And what will the wife say? And where everything happened - after all, I experienced a feeling even more abruptly. Who are we turned into? .. Where is adrenaline, excitement, adventurism?! Offer I am now trying to cheer out former youth - look at me, as if I am with greetings. Locked, I'm afraid to seem like an idiot in my my wife's eyes! Maybe all the same on the side ... there I will get everything I want ... And what then? It does not matter what to be, not to avoid!

Approximately such a set is characterized by the psychology of a married man. Say, a lot of thoughts. Think many where they communicate little. When was the last time you spoke (a) for souls with your second half? Why on the Internet the frequency of the request "Psychology of a married man in relations with a woman" is steadily growing? After all, the same treason can be avoided if you simply talk together and find out who and what is missing, and how to fill in mutual desire and actions? It is not really difficult. Are you afraid of revelations? And who can you still be sincere, how not with the closest person? Who are you lying and who avoid? After all, you still have to go on the life field and go together. In fear, losing your husband, the woman is silent, trying to please, crying secretly. So what? All the same, that the singer to take a shovel and manifically dig a hole between you.

What kind of representative of the weak floor do you think, reading the phrase "the relationship between a married man and a woman"? Who said that we are talking about the mistress? .. These words equally belong to it, that to his wife, who often forgets after the wedding about his female nature and the essence. Dear wives, I understand that the children - all the children have that work - so where without her, life lies and problems. What about your husbands for which you still have time and strength? So they care about themselves. Remember, the secret of the psychology of men is that they are afraid of boredoms of the plague! I do not encourage to entertain them, but sometimes to bring something new to a married man in a relationship with a married man.

Are you afraid of treason? Fear is a bad fellow traveler. I will reveal the secret: you can change without leaving the house, in thoughts. Do so that the husbands are distracted only at you, and not on your own fantasy. How exactly? Each woman has its own recipe. Someone beloved loves to listen to, someone prefers touch, the other is to spend more time together. Consider carefully. And do not shake my husband. Live into your pleasure, do your favorite thing, promote your psychology, and his instinct of the conqueror will spur towards himself. Well, if you don't need to whine that he does not need anyone, dinner is not ready and everyone forgot about him - the question is involuntarily: "Do I need to be afraid that such a weight?" Guys, if anyone recognized himself - no offense. And who has something to add from the reasons why we are pulling to the left, add in the comments to this article. Open cards ...;)

/ For those who are interested in the psychology of a married man, I propose another interesting article "

What pushes girls and women to become a mistress of a married man? Love, sober calculation or hopelessness of loneliness? Each woman has its own motivation that encourages to decide on such a step, therefore, and its psychology.
Based on the practice, psychologists say that most of the mistress is divided into three main categories: women who fell in love with a married man, women decided to contact married from loneliness, women who for one or another went consciously to create a love triangle.

Love evil love married

I saw and fell in love with first glance, as it turned out, in a married one. She believed that he answered reciprocity. Previously, herself condemned such women, but cannot cope; It entails him, despite all the prohibitions. The first few months a loving woman enjoys his love without thinking about the future and the current situation. Over time, it begins to be angry with the fact that a man is trying to hide his relationship with her from colleagues, friends and acquaintances; He is humiliated when you have to hide so that the wife does not recognize about the treason of her husband. She is offended that on his family circumstances have to cancel the long-awaited meetings. The whole life of such a mistress begins to develop in the endless waiting hours, which brings it to despair.

A loving mistress is constantly tormented by doubts and suffers from the conscience that it creates evil for his family and children. At the same time, she does not cease to hope that a man will leave his wife. At times, the degree of waiting reaches the critical point. She begins to make himself make himself and man questions when he divorced and they will marry. Sometimes the mistress is trying to seek meeting his beloved to ask her, let go of her husband.

Usually a man does not approve of such behavior. Having received the charge of love adrenaline, he goes to the family to children and his legitimate wife, and those who had surrendered reproaches and quarrels inevitably lead to a rupture.

Lover from solitude

The reasons to become a lot of married to a lonely girl. Years go, one-eyed working weekdays are not visible to the end, and personal life does not develop. All girlfriends have long been married, but she has no one to pass the lonely evenings. I want to be near a reliable male shoulder and gentle hands that can heat and console. Over the years, the need to feel the joy of intimate intimacy with a man is becoming more acute.

Usually in the "field of view" lonely girls are not so many single men. Therefore, she believes that you should not miss a chance if married attention paid attention to it. It must be comforted by what is. At first, the mistress suits his attention: gifts, flowers and romantic dates. Over time, rare meetings are not enough, but spending weekends and holidays alone very hard and hurt. She begins to jealous a lover to his wife, reproach and blame him that he is not in a hurry to associate a joint life with her. She really wants to marry and have a normal family. The fear of the upcoming loneliness is in its mind. The consequence of this is apathy, depression, falling self-esteem. After all, the promises that gave a lover are usually not fulfilled.

Some other psychology in a divorced woman. After an unsuccessful marriage, she wants to feel again beloved and desirable, gain incentive to life: to be successful and attractive. In addition, it drives the desire to take revenge on the former spouse and prove to him that she enjoys success in men. Let him know what treasures he lost. A divorced woman understands that with a married lover it is unrealistic to build plans for the future. It is satisfied with such relationships. She will not blame the lover that he hurries from her to his family, and will try to extend the relationship as long as possible. But if suddenly her connection with a married fan will develop in love, it brings suffering and becomes dangerous for the psyche of a woman.

Mistress for calculating

A woman who becomes a mistress by the calculation, proudly calls himself a bitch. This is her image and lifestyle. Such behavior adds adrenaline to life, makes it more rich and interesting. Such a woman is more busy career and does not plan to marry and give birth to children in the foreseeable future. But from love passion to the opposite sex, it does not refuse. On the contrary, considering himself a real predator, she chooses to sacrifice a man and any means achieves him. She usually does not care that the man has a family and small children. Often, under the sight of such a woman, their chiefs come across.

Knowing that the wife of the chef is occupied by whole days to raising children and pay less attention to his spouse, it is planning a plan of action, how to brighten his monotonous life. And it often succeeds. The boss gets into the "drawn networks" his subordinate and she becomes his mistress. Having achieved his goal, such a woman appreciates its position. It fills the partner's life by manifestation of passionate feelings and herself enjoys. The mistress does not compromise a man, on the contrary, it tries that the colleagues and family do not guesses themselves about their proximity. She knows that their relationships can sooner or later end and does not require anything from a partner.

The lover for the calculation does not go down to the hysterics, always polite, kept in judgment and confident. She tries to always be well-groomed, beautiful, stylishly dressed. Such a mistress is sure that it is more beautiful and smarter than his wife, but will never tell a partner about her badly; Nothing asks him, but all his presents accepts as proper. When she sees that men are cooled, she can offer to interrupt relationships.

It would seem, what psychology here can be? After all, everything is extremely clear: people meet with love, relaxing from their problems and happy to run. And there is. But just at first. Over time, as in any other relationship, lovers have misunderstandings, resentment, reproaches and other "joy" of life.

The scenario of the development of events is predicted from the very beginning. Just a couple, drowning in Passion, until it thinks about it. What thoughts here can be if a person loses control not only over reality, but also over himself?

However, those who ultimately want to be at the broken trough should be smarter. And it is necessary to remember the following - whatever passions and feelings, you need to stop in time, discuss the nuances of future relationships, arrange priorities and come to mutual agreement.

Why do the relationship of lovers require certainty? So that in the future it could be avoided in disabilities to alleviate parting when the need arises or vice versa - honesty helps you get close to even more. And, as you know, the best way to avoid unpleasant events in love is a conversation.

What is worth talking seriously, so it's about what you both await from a love connection. It is clear that in the future it can turn into something more or less, but still:

  • Only sex and point.
  • Caring and understanding.
  • Financial support.
  • Distraction from life, routine.
  • An attempt to get away from her husband to a more worthy satellite of life. The partner should have a similar desire. It turns out how successful an attempt was only with time.

Also relations with the lover will depend on what roles you have chosen for yourself. Who do you see yourself, and by whom your partner? The roles can be the following:

  • Casanova, Lovelaks - with a male position and frivolous person - with female.
  • Serious satellite of life.
  • Calculable user.
  • Mentor who needs to behave, share life experience.
  • Adult child, deprived of caress and care in childhood.
  • The victim seeking a pursuer even in love novels.
  • The pursuer controlling every step with his beloved or beloved.

So, put up your intentions immediately, so that later you do not have complaints and shortages. Of course, to admit that you are a victim, a pursuer or "Casanova" is not entirely easy. Sometimes a person himself does not know what he is looking for. But you can always say that in relationship you need only sex without commitment, or rest from family problems. If the first, then the woman needs to immediately understand what to complain and reproach a man in the absence of on holidays or in the days when I want to cry on the male shoulder - taboo.

The same applies to the situation when the partner acts as a sponsor, and you are as an exclusive user. If you have nothing to talk about or his attitude does not satisfy your sensitive nature, these are your problems.

And for a man: knowing that the lady prefers to have a secret romance for sex for the sake of sex, no need to dedicate that you have the only one. And having learned that there is still a couple of lovers to her, do not pry - you knew about the frivolousness of the ladies from the very beginning.

What could be the problems in the relationship "on the side"?

From the male face "Love Contract" holds on ordinary and understandable conditions: I give you my care and support, and in return I get great sex and freedom from any obligations. From the female side everything is more complicated. Sometimes beautiful features voiced by one, but implies another. Or she can be confident in his words at the beginning and abandon them after the novel is gaining momentum.

The psychology of women is the unpredictability of weak gender. And the most common option of relationships between secret lovers is this: a woman from the first minute sees in a partner of a potential father of her child. It is clear that the chosen one does not recognize this. Initially, even his mistress herself is poorly guessed about their true intentions. When the question is clarified and she dafts inform about their desire to beloved, development options may be the following:

  • A man is not ready for such a turn, because he already has children, therefore breaks the connection.
  • He is not ready, but still remains odd girlfriends in the hope that through time she will refuse the thought of becoming pregnant.
  • He is ready at the moment, but after birth, it does not withstand and runs away.
  • He wants a child, after birth, does not run away, but also a lover, as such ceases to be. You entered his list of family life, because he is forced to look for an inchoon in some third part.

Woman's behavior can be motivated and financial needs. If the money is the only thing that needs from a partner, then the child can be a way to "reject" means. Perhaps this option is perfect for you, but think about how you look from the side. In addition, the chosen one cannot be in ignorance all the time, sooner or later he guess what you went for your own benefit. And if he wants to teach you and leave one day without material assistance? How will you raise a child?

So, it turns out that good and prolonged relationships between lovers are determined by the degree of honesty in front of each other. However, like everywhere.

If you observe your needs and desires, the connection will continue until you by mutual agreement do not solve it to terminate.

There is nothing bad to confess that over time you would like to get pregnant from your loved one. Just like a man can seal the opposite desire and terminate the connection before it happened. Love that begins with lies - anti-abnormal. Although in this situation, judged ridiculous, because the love of people consisting in different marriages has already begun from lies.

What are the intentions of a male lover?

In the end, the moment comes when it is necessary to define: the novel "on the side" or a legitimate marriage. If the men are more or less clear with men - 90% remain with their wife, then with women again confusing a little. Often they succumb to sensual gusts and decide to build a family with another.

Making a choice, an excellent lady needs to know about a person as much as possible. She knows her husband enough (maybe, because it does not want to be with him) But the lover ... how to find out what his true intentions are?

Remember why it all began. The beginning of the novel must become a reference to determine what to do next. The chances of strong relationships with the lover, as well as the future marriage more, if from the very beginning the partners experienced not only a sexual attraction, but also mutual interest. Interest as personalities. But if a strong half originally built a connection, based on sex without commitment, then the chances of being together as a couple, small. Although everything can be. Sometimes people agree purely sex, but over time they are tied to each other in such a way that they wish to consolidate the union marriage.

Another problem is the representatives of the strong floor do not always express their emotions in words, because the lady is difficult to understand what the satellite is on the mind. Psychologists advise paying attention to the non-verbal manifestation of feelings. The beautiful half of humanity has a fine intuition, because it will be easy to determine what a cute friend really experiences. Watch him: behind gestures, views, behavior. If you are interested in him, he will never interrupt you in a half-word, he will be attentive and a bit to your problems. You will feel at the level of unconscious, that they found a response in his soul. The seriousness of intention is also in the nature of meetings. Dates should consist not only from secret sex, but also from joint walks, rest, desire to be together in humans.

But the partner who initially says a lot, promising rings, wedding and family, usually "pudritis brains." He and in thoughts there are no serious intentions. You should remember this when deciding your destiny, choose between satellites.

Also pay attention to behavior (views, gestures) favorite after sex. A man who comes only for this is easy to recognize - it becomes cold, alienated and immediately rushes to solve some urgent things.

So, let our advice sound funny, but, deciding to the novel, keep prudence. Only prudence will save you from unforeseen surprises and pain.