Methodical recommendations for conducting. Methodical recommendations for maternity day in kindergarten. Last Sunday November celebrated Mother's Day

Novikova I.A., ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Education, Measured me. E., senior teacher of the Department of Theory and Methods of Education, Davopjanova G.Yu., methodist of the department theories and methods of upbringing.

From the history of the maternity day

The Day of Mother of Russia, celebrated on the last Sunday of November, was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998. The initiative to create this holiday proceeded from the Committee (State Duma of the Russian Federation) on the affairs of women, family and youth.

This year "Mother's Day" falls on November 28, and will be celebrated already in the 12th time.

The holiday is aimed at raising love and respect, caring and careful attitude towards the mother, the creation of family traditions, cohesion.

This day has become one of the most beloved in our country. It is not always aware of lush celebrations, although for a family holiday it is probably not necessary.

Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries, let it have a different name, different traditions, but the essence of the holiday is one: mom for each person is the beginning of not only life, but also the beginning of understanding of love, harmony, beauty, kindness.

According to some sources, the tradition of the mother's day celebrations originates in the female Mysteries of Ancient Rome, intended to be honored with the Great Mother - Goddess, Mother of all the gods. It is also known that in England of the XV century there was a so-called "maternal Sunday" - the fourth Sunday of the Great Post, dedicated to the honors of mothers throughout the country. Gradually, this holiday has acquired a different meaning - not to honor the mothers, but "Mother Church", so the holiday became partly church. On December 12, 1912, the International Mother Day Association was established to disseminate the conscious celebration of this day.

On this day, women who have achieved large results, single mothers, etc. are recognized on this day. The most sincere and warm words sounded to women who have experienced maternity happiness. However, it is not necessary to forget that the most important and pleasant congratulations on this day are waiting for women from their children.

Holiday today

Events dedicated to the Day of Mother pass these days of practical in all institutions of the edge.
Akipkro employees take an active part in them. About how they are preparing for the holiday the smallest tells the mother of the wonderful 5-year-old daughter Vicky Koneva Alena.

November 25, in the sixth group of kindergarten No. 250 g, Barnaul passed a matinee in honor of the Mother's Day.
In the morning, the daughter warned that today a surprise awaits me, so I was looking forward to the night of the evening all day.
Entering the kindergarten, I saw the elegant guys and not one hundredfolders. The children said that today is a very good holiday. After talking with the guys, I learned the names of their moms (it turned out that every mother wears the most beautiful name in the world), a favorite flower, a favorite song, a favorite time of year, as well as the dream of Mom. As it turned out, almost all moms love roses and tulips. But the favorite song for all moms is the same - the song of the crocodile genes (here, I think the kids simply said about their preferences). But the time of year, our mommies love differently: both winter, and summer, and autumn and no one called the spring. Only three people knew about the dream of his mother: Margarita, who said that her mother dreams to be done by themselves; Sonya, who said that Mom dreams of a large apartment; And Ilya, who is the question, what a dream is your mother, said that his mother's dream, like mom's "gentle" herself.
About preparation for the holiday, children not only told, but also showed everything.

With special attention Mom listened to the poems prepared by the guys.And after the congratulatory speeches, the real fun began. In all games and relay, the culprits for celebrations themselves were actively involved.There was a sea of \u200b\u200bcontests in which the children dressed up their mothers were recognized by the vote of their most expensive and relatives. Surprisingly, all with ease coped with a difficult task.

Then everyone sang songs together and danced, we (Moms) even for a while forgot that already adults and solid, and again plunged into childhood.
After the matinee there was a tea party, but the surprises did not end on it, there the children gave us medallions from the salt dough, and more pictures that they painted themselves, and in the drawings were, of course, we !!!

Mothers were satisfied with the matinee, and children. All the way home my daughter asked if the concert liked us, gifts, said how much she found out about the holiday and ... how she loves me and proud of me.How insanely nice to realize that there is a little man on Earth, which is impossible and selflessly gives you all his love, so every day I want to give him love, kindness, tenderness and affection!

Koney Alena,

methodist department of dissemination

NMC maintaining the upgrade of the formation of akipkro

"... In our hearts, two very important concepts" Mother "and" Motherland "live inseparably

Traditionally, at school No. 128 (Municipal general educational institution "Secondary school No. 128 with an in-depth study of individual subjects") of the industrial district of Barnaul is a number of events dedicated to the Day of Mother. This exhibition of drawings of 1-4 classes "Everyone has a mother", "My mom is the best in the world", a contest of writings and creative works on average and, of course, a concert dedicated to Mom.

This year, the "Day of Mother" was timed to the competition of talents and discoveries "School Starslet". Basni, dancing, poems, miniatures appreciated the most grateful jury - Moms.

High school students (10 and 11 classes) with cool leaders (Batanina T.N., Gubareva V.I., Nikulina T.V., Potapova E.V.) conceived open class hour"We will forever glorify that woman whose name is a mother!" They told about the history of the holiday, the traditions of the celebration in different countries, awards awarded for the maternal feat, they remembered the large families of their classmates, as well as the fact that in our hearts inextricably live two very important concepts "mother" and "homeland"!.

collective MOU SOSH No. 128 Barnaul

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Love Makarova
Methodical recommendations for holding the day of the mother and the abstract of classes on the spiritual and moral education for the mother's day

Holiday of the Blessed Virgin

Nowadays the holiday of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated as a day Mother.

At all times people worried the image Mother. Therefore, it is not by chance that artists are painters, icon painters, artists-graphics in their work appealed to this image. Even in the works of people's masters, in the early kinds of folk art, a female image was one of the common motives.

So the main figure in the embroidery, in painting and wood carving was a woman - this is the cult of the Great Goddess of the whole earthly. Called this image - "Mother - Cheese - Earth".

Virgo Maria is the mother of Jesus Christ.

The Mother of God called the Russian people. Madonna is called in Europe. Its image wrote Russian icon painters, glorified the great and nameless painters of all Christian countries in the paintings. Many Russian icons are dedicated to the Virgin. One of them - « Virgin Vladimirskaya» - It is considered the patroness of Russia.

On the classes And in conversations, children are invited to consider embroidered products depicting a female figure. Attention is drawn to various female images in character.

You can consider the reproductions of icons and paintings by artists ( « Virgin» , V. Vasnetsova, K. Petrova-Vodkina).

The attention of children is drawn to thin, tempecked traits of mother, femininity, sadness, care for a child, alarming for the fate of your child.

And with all this sadness and sorrow face Our Lady is fine.

Based on the verbal description and on the presentation, children draw the image of the mother.

Abstract Claim for spiritual and moral education with

children of senior preschool age

"The Most Holy Mother of God is a protector and patroness of people"

(educator MBDOU DS OV number 21. Azov MO Seversky District

Makarova Lyubov Dmitrievna)

Software tasks:

Contribute to the understanding of the children of relationships Mother of Heaven and Mother Earthly through the reverence of the image of the Blessed Virgin as a variety of women mother;

To form in children a careful and respectful attitude towards the most expensive person - Mom;

Promote an increase in cognitive interest;

To form in children emotional responsiveness, the desire to help each other and those who need help;

- educate Respectful and reverent attitude to the whole holy.

Preliminary work:

To acquaint children with a Bible for children, illustrations icons, lamps;

Familiarize children with the tradition of honoring icons; Teach to learn on the icons of the Virgin, Jesus Christ;

Acquaintance of children with concepts "The world is visible" and "invisible", "world creation";

Learning poems about mom;

A visit to the children of a circle "Bell" Stanic Temple; Conversations with a clergyman.

Equipment: Photo exhibition "My beloved mother", icon of the Virgin, Exhibition objects of female needlework, bell, candles, music center, multimedia equipment, slides icons of the Virgin

In the hall on the wall, the photos of mothers hang, in the center of the icon of the Blessed Virgin.

Children enter the hall, sit on chairs.

Leading: How many words of relatives and loved ones!

But among them everything is more expensive,

To pain in the heart word "Mother".

Mother is too strictly, better "mum",

From him we started in childhood

And than the adult became,

I was also called my mother.

Children, each of us has a mother, the most beloved and the most native.

There is no closer and nobody on the whole earth.

Cute women! Dear moms!

All the colors are meant today,

With love, thanks to hot

Guys are famous for your names.

What is the first word?

What is the lightest word?

What is the most important word?

It is never written with a mistake.

On the first page it is in the letter,

He is pronounced everywhere with a smile

And each kid speaks in the yard ...

What is the first word (refers to the child) Artemka?

What is the brightest word, Ksenia?

What is the most important word, Dasha?

Chewing him quietly, Polina.

Tell him a ringing, Nikita,

The main word of any child ...

Children. Mum!

Stageing songs "Good next to mom"

mUZ. Filippenko sl. Volgina.

Photos of your mothers hang in our hall, at the most honorable place, and among them there is an unusual photo, it is correct to call it - icon. Lick, whose mom is depicted on this icon?

Children, maybe someone from you know? (Children's responses).

This icon is called - the Most Holy Mother of God, as every son or daughter, from all the people, closest to his mother, and the Most Holy Virgin - Mom Jesus Christ.

We consider the icon of the Uming (Slide 37)

See how gently Mom-the Mother of God presses his son, what kind of gentle and sad full love eyes look at him.

With some gentleness and sorrow gentle

Prechiland, looks from the canvas!

Coming hour sorrow inevitable

How would she feel ...

To the chest, she presses the baby

And they admire, about him ...

Like God, he permeates the eternity

And careless, like a child!

Today I will tell you about the life of the Blessed Virgin.

It was a long time ago. Just like you, she was a child, and called her Masha - Maria. Maria grew in a particularly clean and deeply believer family. It was very good, smart, obedient, friendly with everyone. And when she turned three years old, the parents arranged a holiday. They called her girlfriends, everyone dressed in the best white clothes, gave burning candles, and they went to the temple together.

Lights, as the Great Holiday burn.

And young maids are all in white

Maria parents to the temple lead

And in the temple on the vow, it will be given it.

In the temple, Maria met a priest. From now, Maria has become living in the temple. Here she prayed, read the sacred books. Engaged needlework: Sent linen, wool, embroidered with silks. This skill was transmitted from generation to generation and our mothers also learned to this skill and teach you. Look, what beautiful works are made by the hands of your moms.

The presenter draws the attention of children to the exhibition of needlework.

Maria was a good child. She was surrounded by angels and loved to play with her. Let's play and play.

Everyone was amazed by the perfection of the soul of Mary, she was humble with a heart, respectively, diligent. But most of all in the world she loved God and prayed to him!

And then once appeared in the marvelous light, sparkling clothes and wings of Archangel Gabriel. He brought her grace news:

"Rejoice, Maria! - he told her -

You'll Mother Presvanta

You give birth to God for people! "

It's time, and the Divine Baby was born in the Most Holy Virgin - Jesus Christ. Now everyone began to call her the Mother of God. Listen to this word Baby.

It was a great event for all people.

Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary captured great poets, artists, sculptors, musicians, icon painters in their works.

Show 1-2 slides with icons: Education(15, miraculous (54)

Time went ... Jesus grew ...

Mary was very kind and affectionate mother. She regretted her son, taught while he was small, and then he studied with him. And endlessly and gently loved how your mom loves you.

Church choir performs a song "Mum" (Collection spiritual chants / Sost. Hieromona Stephen (Kiselev).

After the death of the son of the Most Holy Theotok, His disciples helped, she together with them helped the poor, poor, poor, sick, who was in sorrow, difficulty. She went on the ground and preached - told people about God. The Mother Mother - Jesus Christ is closer to him therefore, so, asked her son for all people in the world.

But, all the time, he grew up for his son, asked for prayers to take her to his sky. But Jesus Christ wanted a mother to go longer on earth, helping people who addressed her for help, while praying with all his heart, all the soul.

... pray, ask for tears

So that life approved us

For repentance of Time

I gave a little more.

So that anger is your fair

For grace changed us

Enemies soul saving

The sinners won.

The Mother of God left for his son to heaven, but did not leave our depression. If one of you fell ill, or your loved ones, something saddled, faced with difficulties, then you can contact the Mother of God with a prayer for help. It will definitely help Jesus Christ on the prayer of the Virgin about us, will not leave in sorrow.

... did not die - fell asleep

And in eternity you live,

For all people in the world

In the prayers of tears pour.

After all, you are our mom,

Pray for us, pray:

We are without your prayer

You yourself do not escape ...

Russia has become a house of the Virgin. In Russia, thousands and thousands of Icons of the Virgin. Many of them became miraculous, healing, guarding.

Show 1-2 slides with icons: Healer (42, Bride Sporizer (45)

Praying lights a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin and ask for help. Westing icons - the expression of our love for God, the Virgin. In Russia, believed that Mother God especially protects children. Therefore, in every house above the crib, her icon hung her icon, and the children in the morning and in the evening prayed in front of her.

(I light the candles, and repeat the prayer)

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

Go around the hall and put candles on the table of the Virgin Mary.

The final word tells the Ieria Sergius, the abbot of the Static Holy Gerori temple.

Muds "RMK Zarechensky District Tula"

cool clocks dedicated to the Day of Mother

From school experience

Nizhny Novgorod.

"Yes, the name is yours!"

(Literary and Music Living Room dedicated to the Day of Mother)

Music sounds.

Teacher's introductory word.

Teacher. We dedicate the Day of Mother's Literary and Musical Living Room. Everyone is someone's son or someone's daughter, each of us has or was a mother. Therefore, the mother's holiday is really nationwide, it is the brightest, good afternoon. And we begin it.

The student reads an excerpt from the poem R. Gamzatov "Take care of mothers"

I sneeze what is forever new.

And although not at all the anthem I sing,

But in the soul born word

Own music

And, I do not obey the will,

Takes up to the stars, the surroundings are collapsed ...

Much of joy and pain

He rattles - soul of my orchestra

But when I say, for the first time,

This word is a miracle.

Word - light, -

Stand up, people!

Fallen, alive!

Stand up, children of stormy years!

Stand, pines of century boron!

Stand, straighten, stems herbs!

Stand up all the flowers!

And stand up, mountains,

Sky on the shoulders of his lifting!

Stand all and listen standing

Preserved in all its glory

The word is ancient, holy!

Stretch! Stand! ...

Stand all

How the forests get up with dawn.

How blasting robes to the sun swell

Stand up everything, having walked this word,

Because in the Word of this - life.

The word is calling and spell,

In this word, the soul.

This is the spark of the first consciousness, the first smile of the baby.

Word it will always be

And, breaking through any plot,

Even in the heart of the stone will awaken the muffled conscience.

The word does not deceive this name

It is concealing the life of the creature.

In it - the source of everything. He is not the end. Stand! ...

I say it: "Mom!"

in words: "Stand!" - Guys get up.

Standing listened to the ending poem:

"I say it:" Mom! " Then sit down.

1 presenter.

In whatever language, it sounds like this word, "Nagnka" - in Ukrainian, "APA" - in Kyrgyz, "Nana" - in Ossetian, it equally gently caresses the hearing, the same hurts his heart and makes him think about much. He misses his child in the cradle, with reverence pronounces an adult man and reverence - a deep old man.

(Spiritual music begins to sound)

Against the background of music says 2nd lead

(on the screen of the icons of Vladimir Mother of God, "Sikstinskaya Madonna")

From ancient times and to this day, the image of the mother is sacred. It is in the Gospel of Virgo Maria - the mother of Jesus Christ, it is in the Bible, the "book of all books" Virgo Maria with Christ in his arms is called Madonna. Therefore, the image and likeness of all the artists of all epochs Mother with a child in their hands are called Madonna.

Further, the student talks about the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, another student - about the "Sicstinian Madonna" of Rafael (their image on the screen). The girl reads a poem: There is a saint sign in nature and prophetic, vividly designated in the eyelids, the most beautiful of women-jellish with a child in his arms! Let her forever the Sun handcrew, so she will live in the centuries, the most beautiful of the women-Jewish with a child in his arms! (Spiritual music and slides ends)

The other music begins to sound (as early)

1 presenter.

Estimation of the century mother personified his desire for peace, peace, life. She hated war, where and whenever it happened, distant if the past, in our days, when the mother go to the path of their sons, wanted them in a distant Chechnya and bring living or dead home.

Mother is always right, because she creates life and serves life. Stage from IX Fairy Tales "Fairy Tales of Italy" M. Gorky

(On screen - photos, illustration of mother with baby)


IN Flour and suffering Mother gives a man life. From the first day of the child's life, she lives his breathing, his tears and smiles. The sun warms everything alive, and her love warms the baby. She fills his life with spiritual strength, helps to comprehend eternal values.

Performed song "Mamino Heart".

Music sounds, on the screen - the pages of the military chronicle.


Do not heal wound wounds. How many of them, uncooked graves, incomplete fate, who did not return with the sons and daughters from the war! And how to pass the suffering of a mother who lost her son or daughter! The student reads the poem of Yulia Drunk "Zinka"

First children leave

For the length of the maternal step,

For the length of the maternal hand.

Greater, children leave

On the length of the maternal call

For the length of the maternal look

Kids grow up

For the length of maternal anxiety,

For the length of maternal love.


It was love who was dictated by the feat of the Mother of Mankurt, who rushed contrary to common sense, to save his son, who was attempted to awaken his memory in him.

Read by heart the passage from the novel Ch. Aytmatova

"And longer than a century lasts day" (Legend of Mother of Mankurt)

There is a light on Earth shelter,

Love and loyalty live there.

All that sometimes only dreams to us

Forever sheltered there.

That is the heart of the mother.

It is so gentle, right! Destined

He live the joy of your

To bear the yoke of your sorrows.


Let's bow low to their mothers for their unrelated labor, patience, for selfless love, self-sacrifice. For what they are. For the fact that in a difficult minute for us, we have, where to browse your head, pour your soul and be sure that we will understand us and will help us.

Sounds Song "Talk to me Mom"

1 master

But we do not always appreciate the work of the mother, we pay tribute to her, we express her love and gratitude to her. But nothing warms the soul like good, affectionate words of his daughter or son, who is so waiting for mom, because she deserved them. We will listen to what words find poets and writers for their mothers.

Read poems.

1. "Beautiful Moms"

2. "I'm shore my own"

3. About the faith of our mothers

4. "Mother's Mother is easier to offend

5. "Her strands" hair "

2 master

Time is inexorably. Mothers are aging, become grandmothers. Between grandmothers and grandchildren are satisfied with the most friendly trusting relationships. Grandmothers are trying to divide their sorrows and joy, advocate, warned against rampant actions.

Story about grandmother "Oh, these grandmothers!"

2 master

The meaning of mother's life is in children. The happiness of the mother is the happiness of her children. She is nearby, hand in hand with his children until the end of his children and drives her love for her child. Mother's love is absolutely disinterested. Maternal love forgives. "If the spark crashed in the heart of sons, a thousand times less maternal love," says Ukrainian folk wisdom, and then. This spark was burning, there was a human non-residential flame. Humanity exists because there is maternal love. There is nothing holy and disinterested love of mother - you are these words, I think there is not a drop of exaggeration.

The student tells the legend about the parent heart

(From the letter to Sukhomlinsky Son)


And we think about: Are we attentive enough, good to our mothers in life? Many worship their parents when they no longer hear. Children go to silent hollys on maternal peace and ask for a mother for forgiveness. And the reapplicant feeling of guilt will pursue them all his life, to blame their conscience to the unkind wound.

Pupils (boys) read the poem R. Gamzatov:

"If the mother bury sons"

If the mother bury sons,

Crying mother and tears can not help

On the grave of his mother

Son conscience sensitively disturbing.

So now, mom, I stand

Before the hill, rearing guilty,

I remember my life with pain,

Everything was upset of you once ...

I would like sown duty

Abruptly, mother is dear,

Be with you, you protect you.

Me b like a watch in the post

A day when you bowed tiredly,

Reflect your weapon

What came to you with a skeleton.

I b, like an oak over the river,

Drink roots water, but stubbornly

Think that a moment will come so -

And there will be no moisture of the life-giving ...

Mom, how many times I asked,

From which not to see Nagrai.

But made me mighty shaft,

And I forgot yours, I forgot, unfortunately,

I was late, my mother, late!

I did not have time to hand your fallen!

Listed me in such a distance! ...

And you hurried very much

I used us although February -

After all, February of all months in short!

If the mother bury sons,

Crying mother and tears can not help.

On the grave of his mother

Son is silent. And the Son conscience is gnawing.

"I do not need medicines and doctors"

I do not need medicines and doctors,

And you whose mother is leaving alive,

Do not waste heart words

It will seem to me: they are fake

I do not blame you, I do not feed evil,

But I will not help your fate:

As long as my mother was alive was,

I would not compare not capable too.

Than those regret, whom it is not alive,

Than crying puzzily with me,

Show better mother's mothers

From their own adversity, from strangers

Get them any price.

I ask you: now, and always

You are my mother's mothers feel cute.

Not that, believe me, the trouble is waiting for you -

You do not forgive yourself to the grave.

And I suddenly choke among the day,

Suddenly wake up with a screaming among the night.

The day of modern mom is painted literally a minute.

At the same time, time for communicating with the child, unfortunately, is minimized.

With children in the most important moments of their life,

at best, there are grandmothers, and then the governess, nanny.

Given this, the role of joints with the parents of events in the DW increases significantly.

On the last Sunday of November, the mother's day is celebrated.

^ Basic purposes:

Maintaining the traditions of careful relationship to the mother;

Consolidation of family fears;

Special allocation of the role of the most expensive and loved one - Moms - in our life.

^ Events common to all age groups:

The exhibition of home toys "What played in childhood our mothers and grandmothers" (participants - children, parents, teachers);

Entertainment "Hospitable hosts" (participants - children, parents, teachers);

Exhibition of family collages "Favorite lesson Mom. Family drawing in the form of a house "(homework for parents);

Friendship of children's work "Portrait of my mother", "My mother is the most - the most", "Let there always be mom", "Moms are needed" (they perform children with the help of teachers and parents);

Letters of love and gratitude to mothers and grandmothers written by pupils (Thank you that you // live in the world. // there is no one // Mile and Rodney! // You wish a lot // Clear days, // Acceptance from us in love / / Recognizing these! // You are kind of kind // I surround your own, // always attentive, // Cachet, gentle ... // Probably you and yourself // Do not know how we are sometimes needed // Your love is needed!);

Exhibition of Photos Mom and Child from Family Photo Album (participants - teachers and parents);

The contest collectors of proverbs and sayings about the family (participants - parents) - ("The child grieves his finger, and the mother - the heart", "Mother's care and at the bottom of the sea saves");

Conducting the Question of Mom "What is the present mother?"

  • Do you think that your family has mutual understanding with children?

  • Do children speak with you souls, are they advised on personal matters?

  • Are children interested in your work?

  • Do you know friends of your children?

  • Do your child's friends have at home?

  • Do your children participate with you in economic affairs?

  • Do you have common classes and hobbies?

  • Do children participate in preparing for holidays?

  • Do children prefer to during children's holidays you were with them?

  • Do you have together with children in theaters, at exhibitions, concerts?

  • Do you discuss with the children of telecast?

  • Do you discuss your reads with children?

  • Do you participate in excursions, campaigns, walks?

  • Do you prefer to spend your free time with children?

In addition to the above events, each group can conduct discussion and ethical conversations, differing only by the theme by the age of children:

  • Early age: "Maternal Folklore in Family Education";

  • Junior and middle age: with children - "What are moms and dads exist?", With parents - "On the upbringing of a knightly attitude towards a woman in a boy";

  • Senior and preparatory age: with children - "In what men and women are similar and what is different from each other," "We are careful with your mother," with parents - "An example of a mother for daughter."

^ Moscow Department of Education

UNESCO Bureau in Moscow

Resource Center "Moscow Family - Competent Parents"

How to spend your mother and father in kindergarten?

About the history of new Russian holidays

For ten years in Russia marked Mother's Day on the last Sunday of November. The holiday approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 120 of January 30, 1998. The initiative of the institution of this holiday belongs to the Committee of the State Duma on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

Currently, in the Russian parliament there are discussions about the feasibility of giving the official status to the celebration of the Father's Day in Russia, by analogy with the Mother's Day, so that the value of Russian paternity is recognized at the state level on a par with motherhood.

Many of the territories of the Russian Federation (Volgograd, Vologda, Ulyanovskaya, Magadan, the Republic of Sakha, Komi, etc.) weaned in the festive calendar of the Father's Day, although all the dates of the celebration are different. For example, the Volgograd region became one of the first regions of Russia, where a new holiday appeared on November 1 - Father's Day. A number of subjects of the Russian Federation have chosen other days of November, and some on July 8. According to the Orthodox calendar, it is the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia - family patrons and marriage.

On the fourth of November, now has been celebrated as a World Male Day, which was declared the UN Office in Vienna. Overseas Day Father and Mother's Day as national holidays exist in Canada, America, Finland, Germany, Estonia and many other countries. They pass as an expression of love and gratitude to women and men in their roles of loving and responsible parents who are actively and sincerely participate in the upbringing of children. The official celebration of these days is designed to emphasize the importance of perpetual family values: the faithful marriage, caring parenthood, strong kinship.

We recommend pedagogical teams of pre-school educational institutions as part of the end of the year of the family to devote the corresponding calendar time to carry out a single, joint holiday - the day of the mother and the Father.

Purpose: Express public recognition of the unique share of the contribution of both the mother and the Father in the general parental labor.

* Prepared by E.P. Arnautov, scientific co-head of the resource center

What is perfect motherhood and paternity?

The course of the historical and economic development of society has largely promoted rapprochement, but not the coincidence of the roles of men and women. Maternity and paternity are the components of the Institute of Parentation, they are in unity, identifying parental love as integrity. The child is formed a peculiar combination of mother and father's relations in their parent and marriage roles. This is the versatility of influence on the development of the child of the Institute of Parentation.

Mother's love is ideally unconditional, she is the first and most significant side of parental love, the child needs it from infancy both physiologically and mentally. Mother is an emotional, felt, feeding and meaning medium in which the "start" takes the entire subsequent mental life and child activity. Famous psychologist and sociologist E. Fromm emphasized that ideally maternal love is unconditional, mother loves a child, because it is her child, he "does not need to achieve and deserve" the love of mother; "If it is, then it is equal to bliss." If it is not, as the author emphasized, "it's all the same as if everything is wonderful from life" and the child can not do anything to create this love. Food love, unlike the maternal, is due, it must be deserved by the child and may be lost if he does not meet the expectations of the Father. Therefore, the maternal principle of love sounds: "I love you for what you are." Father's principle: "I love you, because you satisfy my expectations, you fulfill your duties, like me." Only one beginning - maternal or paternal, not enough for the harmonious development of the child, only both parents can provide such a basis. N.M. Karamzin, historian and writer, said that "no good fathers have no good education," emphasizing the significance of the harmonious combination of both parents in the full development of children.

The traditional feature of the Father is to provide social support and family authority, the mother's function is to provide child safety in life, embody the spiritual and emotional principle. Fathers mostly than mothers make their behavior depending on the floor of the child and, therefore, play a crucial role in its sexual socialization. Mother in most of their most belongs equally carefully both to the son and to her daughter, and in this sense, their sexuality takes place less. Mother is more about children, the father provides freedom and independence. With the educational role of the Father, questions of authority, authority, rigor and disciplines are connected. Mothers do not tend to take the risk in the behavior of the child, they more often stop children's actions that fathers allow. A man awaits the child to human society, leads him to people, mother - gives the child the opportunity to feel the intimacy of human relations. Father is a source of knowledge about the world, work, technique, encourage the child to experiment, competition, provoke him to risk and overcoming difficulties, contributes to the orientation of children to socially useful goals. He teaches the child, leads them to be able to cope with the problems that society confronts. For example, verbal and non-verbal impacts of mother and father have different social content for a child. Maternal touchs carry tenderness, peace, peace, warmth, ease, while father will encourage activity, manifestation of power. The same style of paternal behavior can be completely acquitted, and strongly unacceptable, depending on how behaves and what gives the child a mother that they trust each other in their upbringing.

The idea of \u200b\u200bweakness and reducing the educational role of contemporary fathers is one of the common stereotypes of mass consciousness, a sociologist I.S. notes Con. Most scientists emphasize that today no one has become worse than he is given to nature, nor husbands, no wife, nor fathers, no mother. The nature of the Love Father and Mother is mediated by gender differences and later the emergence of the paternity institute compared to the Institute of Maternity. However, there is a deficit of the interaction of them as "teams". Studies show that modern fathers are not only inferior, but also exceed the fathers of past generations in care for children and communicate with them. The nature of the manifestation of paternal maturity is changing against the background of increasing attention to the emotional and spiritual parties to life and relations in the family. Fathers are emotionally closer to the current generation of children, they know better than them, more will value them with love, they are more attached to them. As emphasizes D.S. Akivis, even the weakest today's father is stronger than the fathers of previous generations.

However, according to forecasts of specialists, the upcoming generations threaten "non-cardschina". Statistics are such that against the background of increasing the number of divorces and extramarital births Almost half of born children, a prominent part of the preschool period of childhood live without actively participating in their education of fathers, because In case of decay, families remain with the mother. The phenomenon of the Phantom Father leads to a decrease in the role of the family in a full-fledged polisher development of children, which directly and indirectly strengthens the further feminization of family education and failures in the socialization of children.

Famous psychotherapist A.M. Poleev notes that the contribution of men and women in education can not be assessed by one "measurements". Many scientists recognize that warm relationships with a woman have a special value for a man, but a deep psychological analysis of the nature of the father's feeling, especially in the situation of divorce and adapting a man as a stepfather, practically absent, and fragmentary information is contradictory. According to modern studies, only a third of the divorced fathers often (every week or every two weeks) see their children and can in some extent to their upbringing. Even with frequent contacts, less than half of the fathers take over the courage to assert that their influence on children is great. Thus, the educational activity of fathers, including in the case of a divorce, depends solely on their goodwill.

The image of the father is formed in a child in many ways influenced that a child hears from mother, grandmother, neighbors, educators, which reads in their eyes when it comes to the fathers.

How to fill the day of mother and father in kindergarten?

It is advisable to devote to the content of educational work with children and communicate with parents with the values \u200b\u200bof a happy parenthood to express respect for paternity and motherhood as a unique phenomena in a person's life.

The arrangement of the thematic program puts the following socio-pedagogical tasks:

Focus on the unique role of the father and the mother in the harmonious polls of the development and prosperous socialization of children;

^ Approximate list of options for working with children and communicating with parents:

  • Thematic Questioning, Testing, Express Polls Fathers and mothers in order to involve adults in the discussion of the problem of modern parenthood: "Fathers with the eyes of mothers and mother with the eyes of fathers"; "For what I respect my husband as a child's father," "For what I respect my wife as a mother of a child"; "What are you, in your opinion, a modern mother and modern father"; "What does the perfect father look like (mother)?" etc. (See application biblography 1).

  • Interview, ethical conversations in order to form at preschoolers, ideas about the peculiarities of the behavior of people depending on the floor: interview "For which there are dads and moms"; ethical conversations "I and Pope in the house are caring men", "We are with my mother in the house of caring women"; drawing up stories(including, by type of unfinished proposals): "In what men and women are similar and what they differ from each other."

  • As part of the "Week of Game" expedient creature In the age groups of the subject-gaming environment for the organization of amateur games of heroic and family-household, for example: "Police", "Rescuers", "servicemen", "Family receives guests", etc.; participationmothers and fathers, grandparents in gaming sessions; holding Didactic, verbal, wall-printed, folk games: "On professions of men and women", "Find clothes (shoes) for boys and girls", "seasonal games and rites", etc.

  • Home Toy Exhibition: "What played in childhood moms and dads, grandparents and what children play today" with accompanies of adult stories about their games and toys and joint games with children.

  • Sports and leisure and educational entertainment with the participation of children and adults: "Competitions of bold, deft and attentive", "hospitable hosts", "We will show your ability to needle up", "Pleasant gifts for men and women, boys and girls"; Quiz, like: "Who, where and when is the day of the Father and Mother's Day notes?", "We know the proverbs and sayings about the family" and others (see Appendix 2).

  • Fine activity Children and adults in kindergarten and at home: "We draw letters of love and gratitude to the fathers and grandmothers, mothers and grandmothers"; Friends of children's drawings: "Portrait of my mom (dad)", "My friends are boys and girls"; "Dad we have, what we need," "My mother is the most-most"; Exhibition of family collages "Favorite Pope (Mom)"; "Family drawing in the form of a house."

  • Music and poetic and folk in the evening: "Fathers and motherhood - permanent values"; "Motherhood and paternity, suspended in literature, music and painting"; "Traditions and ceremonies of the father's and maternal education of past generations" and others.

  • Creation and display of thematic videos: "The Secrets of the Spiritual Leadership of the Men in the Family"; "Maternal folklore in family upbringing." Preparation of thematic booklets: "loyalty to the parent duty", "so that there is no consent shortage in the house."

  • Family contests: "Children's photograph from family photo album of my parents"; "Best family holiday scenario" and others.

  • Honoring mothers and fathers: Presentation of grateful letters of letters to fathers and mothers showing parental responsibility and public activity; Presentation of the parents "Awards" for the father's and maternal chadolyubie made by teachers and children. Photopanoram: "Wisdom of fathers and mothers."

  • Promotions: "Let there always be dad", "Moms are different are important", "Large mothers and fathers", "Fathers Day for all children", etc. Taking into account the categories of parents in the kindergarten, including incomplete families and re-marriage . In the framework of the shares, greeting cards made by the hands of children can be distributed in the form of laconic reminders - motivated, neutral information about the stock on the kindergarten website, etc. In the choice of means of promoting ideas of responsible parenthood, it is important to be delicate and tactful, respect the borders of the private Life of people.

  • Discussion meetings and disputes On the role in the family of fathers and mothers: "Feminization of education - pros and cons"; "The punishment person is no more than abstraction! What is your opinion?"; "Father is a biological necessity, but social accident: whether you agree with this statement of the ethnographer of childhood Margaret MID"; "On the upbringing of the" knight "attitude towards a woman in boys"; "An example of a father for daughter", etc. It is important to put topical issues that may be valuable for participants in the meeting more valuable answers.

  • Exercise examples and gaming tasks to parents during discussion meetings, quiz, etc.:

    • Z. acting in pairs: "Come up with a metaphor that characterizes modern paternity (motherhood)";

    • ^ Collective exercise with cards: "Rank words and phrases about the role of mother and father in the family." Structure exercise: Parents receive cards with phrases and attach them to demonstration silhouettes, then in general discussion justify their elections.
Approximate set of phrases: Protected by work, it takes tolerance, ensures the reliability of life, shows condescension, introduces to her home work, uses physical punishment, abuses the assessment, inferior, abuses criticism, manifests, develops femininity, develops masculinity, disciplines, caresses, develops Feeling, engaged in feeding, provides emotional support, protects, controls, loves, protects, cares, abuses power, ensures physical care, dominates in education, develops responsibility and deliberateness, makes requirements, encourages freedom and independence, plans the future, manifests desepass, subordinates , Takes back, plays, punishes, develops the body, develops the mind, is an example for imitation, ensures the material support of the family, shows a connivance, shows weakness, shows tenderness.

  • Comparative express survey of mothers and fathers: 1. What father is my husband? 2. What is it never happening? 3. What father does he happen and do I respect him for it? 4. What father does he happen, but this is not enough good? 5. What father he wants and is trying to be, but not always it turns out?
Similarly, questions are formulated to mothers.

  • Exercise in pairs: "Determine the description of the children's rooms, which belongs to the girl, and what a boy" (see the article by the author of Zh. Korobanova "Gender stereotypes of parents and their influence on the development of a preschooler" // Kindergarten from A to Z, 2006, №1, p. 150 or KN. Elium J., Elium D. Education of the daughter. - SPb, 1997, p.64-65).
Attachment 1

Bibliography of books:

Akivis D.S. Father's love. - M., 1989.

Arnautova E.P. Questionnaire for Father: "Journey to the world of paternity" // Survey as a method of studying the family education of preschool children. - M., 2007, p. 121-124).

Bern Sh. Gender psychology. - St. Petersburg., 2002.

Dobrynina N. Rast the man // Pre-school education, 1995, No. 6.

Kenfield K. Father's heart. How fathers can change the future of their children. St. Petersburg Kiev, 2001.

Claud G., Townsend D. Factor Mother. How to avoid typical mistakes that make mothers (per. From English). - M., 2005.

Klyuev N.V. Test technique for fathers // Psychologist and family: diagnosis, consultation, training. - Yaroslavl, 2001, p.146-148.

Kolomiychenko L.V. Concept and program of social development of preschool children. - Perm, 2002.

Lopatina O.G. Features of the physical contact of the mother with the child and its role in the development of the emotional sphere // Problems of humanization of the educational and educational process in kindergarten, Perm, 1993. P.119-131.

Makhov F.S. Who are we growing: conversations about maternal and father's upbringing. - M., 1989.

Ovcharova R.V. Parental love as the unity of the love of mother and father // Psychological support of parenthood. - M., 2003, p.96-114.

The teachers' pedagogical education program "Together with Pope" // Program of pedagogical education of parents in the system of interaction between preschool institutions and family / ed. TA Berezina - St. Petersburg, 1997, p.23-28.

Repin TA Problems of polyassal socialization of children. - M., Voronezh, 2004.

Sallylven S.a Encyclopedia for fathers. - M., 1999.

Solovyov N.Ya. Father's role in the family // Culture of family relations / Ed. G.E. Kremnev. - M., 1980.

Spevakovskaya A.S. How to be parents (about the psychology of parental love). - M., 1986.

Tarkova L.P. Raise a man. - M., 1992.

Fromm E. Love between parents and children // ART OF LOVE. - M., 1999.

Bibliography of journal articles

Andreenko N. Father and Son // Family and School, 1984, No. 5.

Artamonova V. Men in the house // Family and School, 1981, No. 9.

Babich D. Papina Games // Game and Children, 2002, No. 2, p.29-30.

Gubarev I. Dad is the best friend of the child // Game and Children, 2006, №4, p.18-20.

Kindergarten from A to Z, 2006, No. 1. The topic of the number: Policole socialization of preschoolers.

It begins with love for mothers // Family and School, 1984, No. 3.

Russanov N. Son's eyes of the Father // Preschool Education, 1980, No. 3.

Lone Father // Motherhood, 1998, No. 2.

Ostrovskaya L.F. Father's debt // Pre-school education, 1981, No. 4.

Ostrovskaya L.F. Citizen, family man, caregiver // Pre-school education, 1978, № 6.

Fathers and daughters // Family and School, 2000, № 11, p.10-11.

Prokofiev L., Valetas M. Fathers and their children after divorce // Population and Society: Inform. Bulletin of the Demography Center and Ecology of the Human Institute of Peaceological Prediction of the Raen, 2000, No. 50.

Family coat of arms // Game and Children, 2004, №4, p.8-9.

Sidorova L., Yagykina T. Pay attention to dad // Game and Children, 2006, No. 4, p.16-17.

Fedoseeva L. Growing Son // Preschool Education, 1981, No. 6.

Chernov O. Fathers and daughters // Our kid, 1998, No. 2.

Appendix 2.

Leisure scenario involving children and adults

"Pope holiday" *

Objectives: Contribute to the active manifestation of themselves as representatives of male and female;

Create a joyful mood in children and parents and a sense of satisfaction from joint communication.

Preliminary work:

  • Attract boys and girls to participate in the design of the musical hall for leisure.

  • To learn the poems with children and "Pape Song" S. M. Tanich, Muses. V. Shainsky.

  • Prepare with children Invitation tickets for guests and festive gifts to parents.
Guests of the holiday occupy places in the hall. The music of V. Zolotareva sounds "boys and girls" walk. Children under music enter the hall and get up semicircle.

^ 1st Child: Papin Holiday - Main Holiday

All boys and men.

2nd child: And congratulate the dads of your loved ones today so rush!

3rd child: We wish the dads of happiness, the sky peaceful for them!

^ 4th child: We love our boys, respect from the soul!

5th child: We always protect us, at least so far.


Dear our dads! Congratulations on your holiday, wish you success in matters, happiness, good!

We gathered today together

To celebrate the holiday of men.

Bold, smart, brave and good -

So the son wants you so much.

All show your knowledge,

Strength, dexterity, skill in the fight.

You dare our men,

And confident be in yourself.

Performed "Song about dad" cl. M. Tanich, Muses. V. Shainsky.

Leading. In this joking song you heard that dad can anything. Now they will prove it in practice.

Competition: "We are aircraft designers" .

On the tables are white sheets of paper. Pope and son or daughter are plane from paper. The speed and quality of work is estimated.

Leading: Now let's start the aircraft and see whose plane will be the fastest and fly further. Pope along with children launch airplanes. By flight range, the results of the competition are summed up.

Music sounds: audio recording "Multicolored game" from the collection I.V.Burnino "Rhythmic mosaic".

Leading: Something sues our moms and girls! Pope, invite moms to dance, and the boys invite girls! Children and adults are dancing.


Competition "Gonday the riddles".

Leading: And now we will split into two teams: a team of dads and boys, team - mothers and girls. Check which of the teams will be able to fastest riddles!

^ Riddles for Competition participants :

Four-wheeled beast

In the garage we now.

From wheels flowing dust

Rides our ... (car)

As an ax, she buzzes

We hurry to cut the beard.

In the morning with a bristle battle

Because seriousness ... (razor).

Here is the object from black leather,

With his view with a bag of similar.

To work every day

Daddy beret ... (portfolio)

Papin number to score, tube to the ear,

We will bring. With dad will connect quickly he -

Our mobile … (telephone)

What a silk ribbon

Under the collar I hope?

Says to all dad: "Hello",

A slightly corrected fashionable ... (tie).

Leading: And now we offer tasks in which you need to show power, dexterity and skill.

Dad and children are distributed to two teams. The following gaming tasks are offered:

  • Who will quickly bring the key to the gate?

  • Who can simultaneously raise the greatest number of balls?

  • Racing "Whose horse is faster?" (Children are "riding" on the dads, which on all fours depicts "horses").
Leading : What are the clever and fast dads, and we also have more boys! Just well done!

Leading : Our holiday ends, girls and boys tried very much to delight all guests and, especially, dads. In conclusion, children want to tell you, dear dads that you are the most favorite, most, most, most ...

^ Children read dads poems.

1st child: My dad is beautiful and cute such

My daddy is the most.

He always raises his hat

Meeting on the street with a lady.

2nd child: Pope work!

Pope care!

And once with us to play!

And we love him, and we wait for it!

But if our dad takes a day off,

How great with him he is such a clockwork!

All children choir: Dads are very important for us!

Our dads we really need!

Children run to dads and give gifts made with their own hands.

Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory

GOU "Krasnodar Regional Institute of Additional Professional Pedagogical Education"

Unified Alliaban class hour in educational institutions and classes in preschool educational institutions

"Earth Life of the Blessed Virgin"

Currently, the concepts of "modern national educational ideal" and "basic national values" are fundamental in pedagogical practice, which are formed on the basis of socio-historical, cultural, family traditions of the multinational people of Russia and are transmitted from generation to generation.

0 EU Currently, the concepts of "modern national educational ideal" and "basic national values" are fundamental in pedagogical practice, which are formed on the basis of the socio-historical, cultural, family traditions of the multinational people of Russia and are transmitted from generation to generation.

In many countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated. For example, in the USA, Japan, most European countries are celebrated in May, in Belarus - in October.

In Russia, Mother's Day is a relatively young holiday. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998, Mother's Day is celebrated in our country on the last Sunday of November.

This year on November 30, in the educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory, within the framework of the Day of Mother's Day, the Unified Alliabensian class "Earth Life of the Most Holy Virgin" will be held, which can and should be an effective means of practical consolidation of the All-Russian tradition.

A class hour is aimed at introducing a child into a world of spiritual, cultural and family values, the traditions of their people and awareness of the need for the continuity of generations. The purpose of the classroom is to support the traditions of a caring attitude towards a woman, consolidate family foundations, especially note the importance in our life of the main person - Mother. Acquaintance with the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and his understanding, organized in accordance with the age characteristics of students and taking into account the fact that they can be members of families belonging to other confessions should be cultural, explaining and educational character.

The topic of the interconnection of the mother of heaven and mother earthly chosen is not accidental. It is well known that Christianity, like any other religion, considers the mother love sublime, sacrificial. All over the world, the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is revered - "the oldest song of motherhood", as the ideal of a female mother. Being the earthly mother of the Savior Jesus Christ, she foresaw the coming suffering of her son. The eternal maternal compassion gained the highest completeness, her heart, "pierced" the Son's Great Flies, almost responded to countless human suffering. This is confirmed by the statement of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill: "Everyone can contact her for help, as to his mother, because her motherhood applies to all of us. Mother of God - Mother of all mankind, loving us no less than our own mother. "

We recommend to pay special attention to the fact that the earth's life of the Most Holy Theotokos largely reminded the life of a simple person, but at the same time he was distinguished by humility, hard work, meekness, self-sacrifice and mercy. From childhood, Maria was not like others. All those surrounding the extraordinary development of her mind and hearts. Every day, the Virgin Mary was distinguished by special purity and hard work. Following the established order, she stood up with a morning dawn, three times a day made a prayer. The rest of the time she was reading the books of the Holy Scriptures and Needlework: Sent Len and Wool, embroidered with silks, surpassing all his girlfriends and a natural reason, developed reading, and in the art of crafts. All the perfection of her soul amazed. She was humble in a heart, good in conversation; He spoke little and only necessary, to reading was diligent, always hardworking, to everyone respectful. The poor and suffering showed mercy and did not refuse to help anyone.

The basis of the story of the Earth Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary may become acquaintance with the Orthodox Virgin Holidays (the Christmas of the Virgin, the introduction of the Blesco Mother of God, the Pokrov of the Virgin, the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin), carried out, taking into account the age-related characteristics of schoolchildren. At any age, the word "holiday" causes positive emotions, and its meaning is understandable and accessible to everyone. However, attention should be paid on the originality of church holidays, their raising and moral meaning.

It is preferable to organize this special class hour by teachers of the foundations of Orthodox culture together with parents (first of all with mothers), with the support of school psychologists. It is advisable to invite clergy.

When preparing and conducting an event, you should move away from the formal supply of the material, oriented, first of all, on the emotional attitude of students. The main thing is to reach the consciousness and heart of every young Kuban. Traditional forms must give way to creative finds, both the teachers themselves and schoolchildren. It is advisable to create initiative groups that combine children and adults. A class hour should become a collective creative business, to leave the trace in the minds of children for a long time, make them think about the purpose of a female mother.

Advanced tasks will be productive. Preschoolers and students of junior classes can be offered to prepare drawings, photomontizes, mother collages; Make an oral story on the topic "My mother!", "My mom is the best in the world!", Or learn poems about mom, grandmother. In the middle and older school, it is preferable to use the technology of work in groups to fulfill search character tasks. For example, collect material about the holidays of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tracing her earthly path, or about the importance and role of individual Virgin Icons who defended the Holy Rus against enemies; Prepare multimedia presentations on the topics "Iconography of the Blessed Virgin", "Virgin Temples", etc.

A significant educational value will be manufactured during a gift lesson for mom, or younger family members.

The event performed must be reflected on school sites, in the local printed organ, or on stands.

· Exhibition of creative students of students who have become the result of the execution of an advanced task (drawings, photomontractions, collages, mini-writings, reports, illustrative support of research projects);

· Exhibition of literature on the theme of the class hour (the list of recommended editions is attached);

· Reproductions of the Virgin Icons;

· Thematic exhibition: "The Crafts of the Virgin" (stitching, beads);

· Thematic multimedia presentations;

· Musical accompaniment (for example, S.V. Rakhmaninov "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice!"; A. Fomin "Virgin Virgin"; Ponomarenko "Virgin Mary Delo, Rejoice") (see the application - disk);

· Fragments of the video movie "Our Lady Vladimirskaya" from the cycle "Tretyakov Gallery. The story of one shine. " WMO "State Tretyakov Gallery" 1999 (see the application disk);

· Fragments of audiobook "Earth Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Children." Publisher: Deonika LLC. 2007 (see the application drive);

The proposed classroom recommendations will allow the teacher to design their own implementation of its implementation, focusing on the needs of the specific class students, their age, the level of preparedness by choosing one concise storyline.

Pupils of primary pre-school

The conversation may be accompanied by music that causes joy, surprise, admiration, festive elevation or light sadness that contributes to active empathy, affecting feelings and consciousness. During the occupation, you can invite pupils to display your vision heard in the drawings. It is important to subsequently consolidate the information received in everyday life with children, in all types of children's activities. In conversation, it is very important to constantly handle questions for children, trying through the concepts and phenomena for them, to convey the deep meaning of the earthly life of the Most Holy Virgin.

If there was no tradition of acquaintance with the basics of Orthodox culture in Dow, the educator can dwell only on one story, for example "Introduction to the Most Holy Mother", sharpening attention on her virtues, who manifested from an early age, or the "Pokrov of the Most Holy Mother of God", allowing to understand the purpose Mother as defenders and patroness of their children, their people and the whole human race. Such a lesson can be the first of the whole cycle of introductory thematic conversations telling about other episodes from the Earth's Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

1 - 4 classes

Given the age and psychological features of younger schoolchildren, we recommend building a class hour scenario from the plots related to the education of the sense of love and respect for the mother, the development of the ability to take care of members of your family, about loved ones to form the idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditions of Orthodox culture, the importance of icons The Blessed Virgin Mary in the history of the country.

A class hour for elementary school may contain elements of a cognitive conversation, an oral magazine - presentation or to take place in the form of a dating with Orthodox Virgin Holidays based on students' search activities.

Based on children's ideas and attitude to mom, it is preferable to reveal the image of maternity in a conversation on "Why my mother is the best in the world?" To form a certain emotional attitude, the teacher can offer the attention of schoolchildren to the story about the mother of Jesus Christ, the lifestyle and the destination as the mother of all mankind.

5 - 9 classes

The most important goal of the class hour in 5-99 classes is cultural and educational. A class hour should be aimed at continuing to work on the formation of spiritual and moral, patriotic and civil qualities of middle-level students, with a support for knowledge of the foundations of Orthodox culture, literature, cubanov, history, MHC, iso, music.

It seems appropriate to use interdisciplinary communications, paying attention to the historical function of the icons. One of the most revered icons of the Russian Earth is the icon "Our Lady of the Vladimir" beginning of the XII century. For centuries, the Holy Image did not once saved Russian land from enemies. In the XIV century Russian people with her help stop the invasion of Tamerlane. At the beginning of the XVII century. They expelled the Polish and Swedish interventionists. During the Great Patriotic War, under Stalingrad managed to fundamentally reverse the situation and proceed to counter-offensive against the fascist invaders. Such miraculous power had other icons with the image of God's Mother. The "Our Lady of Kazan" kept our warriors during the years of the Patriotic War of 1812, patronized M.I. Kutuzov. "The August God's Mother", which is today in the Ekaterininsky Cathedral of Krasnodar patronized Cossacks in the harsh years of the First World War. "Grebenskaya Mother" defended Madok from Shamil's raids in the XIX century.

In high school, you can beat the situation of viewing the album pages dedicated to the vitality of the Virgin.

The sheets of the album may be somewhat, and maybe two or three. It all depends on the time frame of the class hour, the filling of classes, the volume of content, the preparedness of the teacher and children.

The second sheet of the album can be devoted to information about the great holidays dedicated to the Virgin.

The third sheet of the album represents the Holy Virgin as a mother of the land of Russian.

The fourth leaf of the album introduces the image of the icon of the Virgin in the literature, in the works of Russian artists.

The fifth leaf of the album is the final. It tells about the connection of the content of the classroom with today's realities.

The theme of album sheets and their contents are variatives, one topic can dominate the rest. The main thing is that children feel the importance of this event, admiration heard and joined the treasures of the cultural heritage of mankind.

Other forms are also possible, which implies the use of elements of game technology, such as a tour of the Museum of the Virgin Ornation Icon or traveling on the pages of biblical stories related to the Earth's life of the Most Holy Virgin.

10 - 11 classes

A class hour in high school should be aimed at implementing the principle of landing on students to discuss real social and moral problems, manifestation of social, spiritual and moral maturity.

A class hour can consist of two interconnected modules, each of which has its own task.

I module - information. He forms an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life path of the Virgin, as the cultural and spiritual value of Russia.

In the process of work, students should be able to find the required information in various sources, interpret and systematize it, to express their own point of view. The direction of their reflection and searches can determine the following directions of the conversation: "The Most Holy Mother of God in the fate of Russia"; "The Most Holy Mother of God in the ancient Russian literature and folklore", "The Most Holy Mother of God in the secular artistic literature", "The Most Holy Mother of Fine Arts", "The Most Holy Mother of Music Works".

The II module - a discussion involves the inclusion of students in the discussion of real social problems, relevant for modern and future mothers in the form of a philosophical table, or a literary and musical living room in the directions "Your ideas about the Most Holy Mother of God", "The meaning of the image of the Most Holy Virgin in your family", " Feat motherhood "etc.

Compilers: Specialists KKIDPPO: Gullytvo L.M.,

Basi V.N., ChUP O.V., Bubnova D.S., Ivanova G.G.,

Kiseleva N.A., Borisova N.V., Shikhova T.I.

In the preparation and conduct of the All-Russian Museum of the Museum of the Most Holy Mother of God, "information on activities in Russia of representatives of non-traditional religious associations" of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 12.07.2000 No. 549/28-16 should be taken into account Recommendations Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated December 15, 2005 No. 15-1066 "On countering extremism and the spread of theological literature".

When choosing and using literature, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the Grid "recommended or admitted" to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as for the presence of recommendations of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory, the Spiritual Censored Committee, the blessing of the Holy Patriarchs of All Russia, etc.

We present an exemplary list of publications and Internet resources to assist in the preparation of the All-Russia Classroom Help.

1. Barskaya, N. A. Plots and images of the ancient Russian painting [Text] / N. A. Barskaya - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - 223.: Il.

2. Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God [Text] // Borodina A.V. Basics of Orthodox Culture: the world around and within us: studies. Handbook for grade 2 in 2 hours. - Part 1 / A. V. Borodin. - ed. 2nd, copy. - M.: Basics of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 136c.: Col. Il.

3. The Bible, retold for the newcomers. - M.: "Ark", 2006.

4. God-in-scenario [Text]: The scenario dedicated to the terrestrial life of the Virgin / Shoryigina T. A. Orthodox holidays for children: allowance for teachers Nach. and high school. - M.: Liberia - Bibinform, 2008. - 144 p.

5. Borodina, A.V. Basics of Orthodox culture [Text]: Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: for children of preschool age / A. V. Borodina. - M.: Basics of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 16 p.

6. Borodina, A. V. House of the Virgin: Holy House: Lesson 32 -33 // Basics of Orthodox Culture: Orthodoxy - Cultuous Religion of Russia / A. V. Borodina. - ed. 3 - E. - M.: Basics of Orthodox Culture, 2007. - P. 196 - 206.

7. Borodina, A. V. Religious art // Fundamentals of Orthodox culture: studies. Location. For the main and older school / Borodina, A.V. - ed. 5th. - M.: Basics of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - C.161 - 208.

8. Borodina, A.V. About Christmas and earthly Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: "On holiday icons I remember the Gospel" // Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture: what the icon and the Bible say: studies. Location. for 3 cl. / Borodina, A. V. - ed. 2- e, copy. - M.: Basics of Orthodox Culture, 2007. - p. 63 - 73.

9. Grichens S.I. [And Dr.] "This is the eternal word - Mom": Literary and Music Living Room / S. I. Grichane [et al.] // Cool leader. - 2009. - № 3. - P. 3 - 7.

10. Defender of the Land of Russian [Text] // Borodina A. V. Orthodoxy is a cultural religion of Russia / A. V. Borodina. - ed. 2nd, copy. - M.: Basics of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 208c., Col. Il.

11. Earth's life of the Most Holy Virgin / Sost. S. Snesserova. - Yaroslavl: 1994.

12. The Earth Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary // As a gift for Mother and Daughter - M.: Veltitsa, 2003. - P. 3-25.

13. Kostrova L. "Anna with Joachim to the temple of Maria lead ...": Lesson-theatrical view / L. Kostrova. // Spiritual and moral education. - 2008. - 1. - P. 100 - 103.

14. Lepakhin V.V. The value and purpose of the icon. - M., 2002.

15. Meretsev, D., Priest. Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos / D. Mestesev // Volnaya Kuban. - 1998.

16. Unforgettable Cute Image: Literary Hour to Mother's Day for students 7 - 8 classes // Creative work experience with book: Library lessons, reader hours, extracurricular activities / Sost. T. R. Tsymbalyuk. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - P. 44 - 64.

17. On Christmas and Earth Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Text] //

Borodina A. V. What tells the icon and the Bible: studies. Manual for grade 3 in 2 h. - Part 1. / A. V. Borodina - M.: Basics of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 104c.

18. Semenova, Avgustovskaya Icon of the Mother of God: the intercession of the diligent / g semenova, // God's peace. - 2010. - № 4. - P. 8 - 9.

19. Semenova G. Icon of the Mother of God Sweet Lobzia: the intercession of the diligent / g Semenov // God's world. - 2009. - № 6. - P. 8 - 9.