Methods and modern approaches to the organization of health and fitness classes with preschool children. Modern approaches to physical education of children


1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen ", St. Petersburg

2 Federal State Budgetary Institution "St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture", St. Petersburg

The article discusses the problem of increasing the effectiveness of physical culture and health-improving work of a preschool institution in the context of maintaining and strengthening the health of children. The question of the implementation of an individual approach in the process of physical exercises with children is considered on the basis of taking into account the indicators of their physical condition. The paper draws attention to monitoring as a prerequisite for fulfilling federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education. The main emphasis in this study is made on the assessment of the level of physical fitness of children. The article presents the results of the analysis of various testing systems described in the scientific and methodological literature, on the basis of which the problems of their application in the educational process are highlighted. A methodology for determining the level of physical fitness of senior preschoolers is proposed, including an assessment of the development of their physical qualities and the formation of motor skills. The idea of ​​identifying: "risk zones", "age norm zones" and "ability zones" has been substantiated, taking into account the permissible range of indicators due to the individual capabilities of preschoolers. The expediency of using heart rate monitors to increase the objectivity of assessing the reaction of the body of children to physical activity is shown. On the basis of the study, the approaches to assessing the physical condition of preschool children have been formulated, taking into account the modern requirements for the implementation of the content of the field "Physical culture" by teachers, within the framework of the preschool education program.


health status


physical fitness

preschool children

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Introduction. In recent years, there has been a tendency towards deterioration in the health of preschool children. Over the past decade alone, the level of general morbidity in the child population has increased by 1.5 times. The data of the official statistical reporting of preventive medical examinations carried out among graduates of preschool educational institutions indicate that healthy children only 20-25 % , having functional deviations - over 50% and those suffering from chronic diseases - nearly 30 % . Among children under the age of 7 years, in 13.5% of cases, deviations in physical development are revealed (lack of body weight or its excess, short stature).

The current situation indicates the need to identify conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of children's health. A huge role in solving this problem is played by the competent organization of physical culture and health-improving work in a preschool institution. The implementation of this provision should be based both on the knowledge of the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of the development of preschool children, and on the basis of the individual characteristics of each child.

The problem of individualization of physical education of children based on an assessment of their physical condition has been studied by the authors of the article for more than ten years. However, the changes taking place in the preschool education system require continuation of research to determine modern approaches to its solution.

The need to eliminate the inconsistency of the existing system of preschool education with the requirements of modern society led to the introduction of federal state requirements (FGOT) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education. The introduction of the FGOT is an attempt at standardization in education, that is, activities aimed at establishing norms, rules and requirements in order to ensure the safety of life and health of direct participants in the educational process, improve the quality of education, save all types of resources, and uniformly measure the results of the educational process. It should be noted that the process of standardization of educational systems is a worldwide trend.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the Approval and Implementation of Federal State Requirements for the Structure of the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education", which entered into force on March 16, 2010, general education programs consist of two parts: 1) an obligatory part and 2) part formed by participants in the educational process.

The obligatory part of the program should contain sections reflecting the organization, content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas by children "Physical culture", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", " Reading fiction "," Artistic creation "," Music ", as well as the planned results and the system of monitoring the children's achievements of these results.

Monitoring as a method of scientific research is widely used in various sciences. The transfer of this concept to the field of education changed its meaning, and in modern conditions educational monitoring can be defined as a system for organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about the activities of the pedagogical system, which ensures continuous monitoring of its state and forecasting development.

As part of educational monitoring in a preschool educational institution, quality is monitored: firstly, the results of the activity of a preschool educational institution; secondly, the pedagogical process implemented in a preschool educational institution; thirdly, the conditions for the activity of a preschool educational institution. Educational monitoring tools involve the development of measuring tools: criteria and methods for carrying out diagnostic procedures within the framework of monitoring.

The content of the "Physical culture" area is aimed at achieving the goals of forming an interest and value attitude in children to physical culture, harmonious physical development through solving such problems as: a) development of physical qualities; b) accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children; c) the formation of the pupils' need for physical activity and physical improvement.

The main content of the study... Assessment of the physical condition of preschoolers involves the study of four indicators: health group, physical development, physical fitness, functional state. The first two indicators in preschool are assessed by health professionals. The physical fitness of children is determined by a physical education specialist or educator. Assessment of the functional state of children involves the joint activities of teachers and medical workers.

The definition of the health group is carried out in accordance with the system adopted in pediatrics. The health group gives a broader picture of the health status of each child and the population of children as a whole than the diagnosis. The indicators of physical development that are used in the practice of preschool institutions are height, body weight and chest circumference. By the combination of these values ​​and on the basis of somatoscopy (external examination), the body type is judged.

Determination of physical fitness of preschoolers consists of determining the level of development of physical qualities and the degree of formation of motor skills. Determination of the functional state of the body of children usually includes a characteristic of the state of the musculoskeletal system and an assessment of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

It should be noted that the assessment of the physical condition of preschoolers at the present stage is impossible without taking into account regional characteristics, reflecting the diversity of the ethnic composition of the population, the characteristics of the way of life, climatic conditions, as evidenced by the results of many studies.

Currently, preschool institutions work according to various educational programs that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. Each of them provides for the need to control the physical fitness of children to determine their individual educational route.

However, many of the proposed testing systems do not allow to objectively assess the readiness of children to master the program material on physical culture, since they do not take into account their individual characteristics and the specificity of the organization of physical culture and health-improving work of a preschool institution. The authors of many methods, borrowing a number of tests from other programs, often do not subject them to a more or less thorough analysis. This situation leads to the fact that the principles of the personality-oriented approach in the education of the child are divorced from the practical assessment of his motor abilities.

The analysis made it possible to identify the main problems of the proposed systems for assessing the physical fitness of preschoolers:

  • some of the tests were borrowed by researchers from the system of diagnostics of schoolchildren and, even though they seem to be adapted to the peculiarities of the development of preschool children, they cannot objectively characterize the physical quality to determine which they are used;
  • the result of individual tests is influenced by the somatotype of the child, but this, as a rule, is not taken into account;
  • the dimensions of the gyms and the standard equipment of preschool institutions do not allow the use of a number of tests offered in the literature;
  • some tests can only be performed outdoors, which makes it difficult to use them in winter;
  • test system developers offer a large number of tests; the significant amount of work and time spent makes testing an unpleasant duty and is done for reporting purposes only;
  • many tests duplicate each other; moreover, the sum of the results of these tests approximately (often one-sided) characterizes the physical fitness of preschoolers;
  • a series of tests involves the use of sophisticated equipment or special training of preschool staff in testing technology;
  • the results of some tests largely depend on the level of proficiency in the technique of the proposed exercise, and not on the level of manifestation of the tested physical quality;
  • in some tests offered in the methodological literature, there are significant discrepancies in the starting positions when they are performed, which does not allow an objective comparison of the indicators of children;
  • the narrow "specialization" of a test developed for a specific research does not allow the teacher to use its results in the educational process.

Our proposed monitoring of the development of children in the field of "Physical culture" by determining the level of their physical fitness is based on the following provisions:

1. Determination of the physical fitness of older preschoolers is quantitative and is carried out in two blocks: determination of the level of development of physical qualities, which is carried out using tests: "shuttle run 5x6 m", "long jump from the spot", " 30 sec ", and determination of the level of formation of motor skills, which is carried out using tests: throwing a small ball at a vertical target with a comfortable hand (from a distance of 3 meters, height to the center of the target 1.5 m), jumping over a short rope in 30 sec., hitting the ball off the floor with a comfortable hand in 30 seconds.

2. To determine the level of physical fitness of children of senior preschool age, a complex assessment is used, which is the sum of points scored separately in each block, in accordance with a 6-point scale. The results of children obtained during testing are divided into 3 zones, which are conventionally designated as "risk zone", "age norm zone", "ability zone"; The "risk zone" corresponds to the sum of the points scored during the performance of all exercises - from 0 to 2; “Age norm zone” corresponds to the sum of points from 3 to 12; "Zone of abilities" corresponds to the sum of points from 13 to 15.

3. Preschoolers of the same age and gender group, regardless of the type of constitution to which they belong, showing results in the "age norm zone" and "ability zone", belong to children developing in accordance with the age norm, and can be allowed to engage in physical exercises for any program permitted in preschool institutions; children, whose results are below the lower limit of the age norm range, are referred to the "risk zone" and must undergo additional examination by various specialists in order to identify their psychological, anatomical, physiological and other disorders that affect their physical fitness and development.

The studies carried out indicate that the results of the majority of children, both boys and girls, in the first block of tests (development of physical qualities) have similar points, corresponding to the “age norm”. There are few children with results above and below the “age norm” (about 2.5-5%). This fact confirms our opinion that children with significant disabilities affecting their development are rare. However, the teacher's knowledge that there is such a child in the group makes it possible for the teacher to adjust the physical education program in accordance with the recommendations of other specialists of the preschool institution. Children with indicators exceeding the “age norm” limit are found in all age groups (3-5%). The high results of children in one exercise, as a rule, are combined with high results in other exercises.

At the same time, a specialist in physical culture should not strive to ensure that all children show the results of the "zone of abilities", since this is an indicator of the child's individual motor giftedness. Violation of this principle can lead to various negative manifestations both in the state of health of children and in a decrease in their interest in physical exercises. The teacher's knowledge about the child's ability to show results (both in individual tests and in total), corresponding to his individual developmental characteristics, is the basis for the implementation of an individual approach.

The analysis of the data shown by the children when performing the second block of tests assessing the degree of formation of motor skills showed that the results tend to improve with the age of children in both boys and girls. However, high results in mastering motor skills are extremely rare, but indicators below the "age norm" are often found. Most of the children have results that characterize them as corresponding to the "age norm", although the score they scored is small.

The analysis of the sums of points scored by children separately in the first and second blocks showed that children with high results in the development of physical qualities do not always show those in terms of the level of formation of motor skills. This confirmed our assumption that the mastery of motor skills in preschool children does not depend on the level of development of their physical qualities, but on the professional competence of the teacher who organizes the motor activity of children. In this regard, the results of the study can be used to evaluate innovative programs that offer a change in the content of physical exercises.

An increase in the level of physical fitness of children is possible with a competent organization of physical culture and health-improving work. Modern technical means help to make the right choice of physical exercises, as well as to conduct a qualitative assessment of the functional capabilities of the body of children. One of the most promising directions in solving this problem can be considered the use of heart rate monitors.

In our work, we used POLAR S 625X heart rate monitors. The data obtained on the assessment of the reaction of the cardiovascular system of children to various types of physical activity made it possible to identify the boundaries of 6 "corridors" of heart rate indicators, on the basis of which the level of physical fitness of preschoolers can be differentiated. In the system for assessing the reaction of the body of children to physical activity, the following were identified: "risk zone", "age norm zone" and "fitness zone".

The studies carried out indicate that the results of children exceeding the "training zone" do not have a correlation relationship with their health indicators. This requires further research on the problem under consideration.

Conclusion. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate approaches to assessing the physical condition of preschoolers in the light of federal state requirements:

a) the assessment of the physical condition of preschool children should be carried out in conjunction with the teachers and medical workers of the preschool institution;

b) assessment of physical fitness of older preschool children should be quantitative and determine the level of development of physical qualities and the level of formation of motor skills;

c) in children of younger and middle preschool age, a qualitative assessment should be used, which determines the correspondence of the level of mastery of movements to the age norm;

d) the assessment of physical fitness should be of a comprehensive nature, allowing to neutralize the influence of the individual characteristics of children on the final result;

e) indicators of the formation of children's motor skills can be used to characterize the quality of physical culture and health improvement work in a preschool institution;

f) it is advisable to use high-precision technical devices for a qualitative assessment of the functional capabilities of the body of children;

g) in assessing the physical condition, it is necessary to switch to the concept of "corridor of results", which takes into account the range of indicators due to the individual capabilities of preschoolers.

The implementation of these approaches will contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of physical culture and health improvement work and the successful mastering by children of the program implemented by a preschool institution.


Zyukin A.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Gymnastics, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg.

Churganov O. A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Medical and Biological Technologies of Sports, St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg.

Bibliographic reference

Petrenkina N.L., Filippova S.O. MODERN APPROACHES TO ASSESSMENT OF THE PHYSICAL STATE OF PRESCHOOLERS // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 6 .;
URL: (date of access: 25.02.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The integrity and harmony of the formation of a preschooler's personality presupposes timely physical development. In the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution (1995), the task of protecting and strengthening the health of children is a priority. The activity of an adult aimed at solving this problem is the content of physical education.

The methodological basis of the problem is the axeological (value) and practice-oriented approaches. Health, as a value, is the basis for the comprehensive, harmonious development of a child. Success and achievements in any activity are determined by the physical condition, the level of performance of the child's body. The formation of an active, healthy, harmonious development of a person was considered by doctors, teachers, researchers (E.A. Arkin, L.I. Chulitskaya. E.G. Levi-Gorinevskaya, A.I. Bykova, N.I. Aksarina, TN Bogina, EA Timofeeva, AV Keneman, TI Osokina, YF Zmanovsky and many others).

The draft State Standard for Preschool Education reveals the content of work on physical development:

Adults create conditions for the psychophysical development of children;

Promote the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle in children;

Create ample opportunities for physical activity of children;

Develop a child's interest in various sports;

Contribute to the formation and development of physical competence of children (valeological knowledge, abilities, skills), In modern programs of the new generation ("Rainbow", "Childhood", "From childhood to adolescence", "Origins", "Development"), the content and conditions of pedagogical work on physical development is specified depending on age.

A professionally educated kindergarten teacher in his work constantly operates with special terms of the theory of physical education. Let's give them a description. In the SI dictionary. Ozhegov under health means "the correct, normal activity of the body" (see Ozhegov SI. Dictionary of the Russian language). The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being. That is, health is not only a biological, but also a social category. Harmony, how the complementarity of the various constituents is the basis of good health.

Physical development- This is the process of changing the forms and functions of the body under the influence of living conditions and upbringing. In the narrow sense "this the term is used to denote anthropometric and biometric concepts (height, weight, chest circumference, posture, lung capacity, etc.). Broadly understood the term includes physical qualities (endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, balance, eye). Physical development is not only a biological process that characterizes the formation, changes in the forms and functions of the body, but a social process. The activity of the personality itself, her attitude to her health, mastering experience in the process of socialization develop the natural anatomical and physiological prerequisites of the organism.

The mastery of movements, the technique of their implementation, the development of physical qualities occurs with the active participation of an adult. Thus, physical education is leading in the development of the child's personality. Thanks to pedagogical work, the child has a need for a healthy lifestyle.

Physical education- pedagogical process aimed at creating conditions conducive to the achievement of good health, physical and motor development of the child. The teacher carries out this process from the standpoint of the integrity and harmonization of tasks

development (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor). Physical education is based on examination data of children of the level of physical development, its harmony, compliance with age-related physiological indicators is determined.

The term "physical education" introduced P.F. Lesgaft, who created the original system of physical education in Russia (See. Lesgaft PF Guidance on the physical education of schoolchildren. Pedagogical works in 2 volumes - M .. 1993).

Physical education- a complex process, organized by an adult and aimed at mastering professional knowledge, motor skills, physical qualities, healthy habits


Physical fitness is the result of physical education and upbringing. Under physical fitness it is understood that the child has a certain level of competence in terms of physical development, the level of development of motor skills and abilities, physical qualities. Researchers have developed standard indicators of physical development and requirements for the quality of their implementation. These data are used in the development of programs for preschool institutions (T.P. Osokina, G.P. Leskova, V.A.Timofeeva, L.G. Golubeva, A.V. Keneman, D.V. T.L.Bogina and others).

The concept of "physical fitness" is closely related to the concept "Physical perfection" which reflects the ideal goal of physical development. As a rule, physical perfection is understood differently at each historical stage of the development of society. But its components are a harmonious combination of all aspects of physical development, health, physical fitness.

Physical perfection reflects the state physical culture as part of a general culture that characterizes the achievements of society in the field of physical, mental and social health of a person.

In the modern educational-methodical and scientific-theoretical literature, the main tasks, content, means, technologies of physical development of preschool children are presented.

Physical development difficulties children are explained by the fact. that an increasing number of children have an unfavorable health picture. According to research by specialists, 75% of adult illnesses are inherent in childhood. Every fourth child of preschool age gets sick more than four times during the year (data of T.L. Chertik, Z.S. Makarova, M.N.Belova, B.N.Kapustyan, etc.). Only 10% of children enter school completely healthy. The reasons for the increased morbidity in children are dysfunctions of the body with limited physical activity ("physical inactivity"). Modern children experience "motor deficits", that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm. This, in turn, leads to physical inactivity, which causes the development of metabolic disorders and excessive fat deposition, contributes to obesity in children (30-40% of children are overweight).

In recent years, more and more attention of scientists has been attracted by the problem of children's stress, as a result of the lack of positive emotions in the child and the negative psychological environment in the family, the lack of flexible regimes in preschool educational institutions. In the book of N.M. Amosova "Health and happiness of your child" - M .: Knowledge. 1987 emphasizes that the child is faced with three vices of civilization: the accumulation of negative emotions without physical discharge, overeating and physical inactivity. As a result, there is a discrepancy between the external data of the child's body (growth and weight increase at an accelerated rate) and internal organs that lag behind growth, therefore, various diseases and deviations occur.

A modern approach to the organization of physical development involves taking into account the natural sciences, psychological, pedagogical basics.

The natural-scientific foundations are based on the teachings of I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlova and their students. This position is about the threefold unity of the organism: the unity of the physical (bodily) and mental; the unity of all body systems; the unity of the body with the environment. This is the doctrine of the reflexes of the brain, the importance of the development of the cerebral cortex, the central nervous system. The study of the relationship of two signaling systems (which is reflected in the combination of showing actions and verbal instructions). The doctrine of a dynamic stereotype of behavior, when conditioned formations of stable reflexes are created for time and its content. Hence, the DOW mode. the group is built on this principle.

Modern physiologists (P.K. Anokhin, N.M. Amosov, I.A. Arshavsky, M.I. Koltsova, M.V. - the biological basis of the body to perform certain physical activities.

Psychological foundations modern physical education reveal the importance of developing children's interest in the physical "I"; the formation of the need-motivational sphere (lines of awareness, consciousness, stability of motives, inclinations, etc.); the formation of the child's ideas about himself as a subject of motor activity; development of physical abilities; taking into account the theory of installation by D.N. Uznadze, as a specially motivated "trigger" mechanism (LN Bozhovich, NG Morozova. LS Slavina. AL Venger, AN Leontiev, VA Petrovsky, D.N.

Uznadze, etc.).

Pedagogical Basics include the goal and objectives, factors and principles, means, content, conditions.

Physical development goal- protection and strengthening of children's health. Most authors subdivide their tasks into three groups:

I. Wellness: 1. To preserve and strengthen the health of children. 2. Develop the functional and adaptive capabilities of children and improve their performance. 3. To form the ability to maintain correct posture. 4.

Satisfy children's need for movement. 5. To promote the development of all morphological and functional systems of the child's body, the correct functioning of internal organs.

Thus, in the group wellness tasks a special place is occupied by the protection of life and health promotion of children, their all-round physical development, in the center of attention of all participants in the educational process is the natural biological basis of the child's body.

II. Educational objectives: I. To form ideas about your body, about health. 2, Introduce children to different ways of doing basic movement. To form ideas about the regime, about the relevance of rest. 4. To create conditions for the child to show agility, speed "and other physical qualities.

In this way, educational tasks provide for an active position of the teacher on the implementation of the content of the physical development of children.

III. Educational tasks: I. Raise interest in active physical activity. 2. To develop the moral and volitional qualities of the child (organization, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, independence). 3. To educate the child's subjective position in various games and exercises. 4. To educate cultural and hygienic qualities

In this way, educational tasks are aimed at the diversified development of children, the formation of interest and the need for systematic physical exercise.

The successful solution of the assigned tasks is possible only under the condition of the comprehensive use of all factors and means of physical education. Psychohygienic factors include regime, balanced diet, hygiene of clothes, shoes, premises, physical education equipment. The main means of physical education that actively influence children are hardening, physical exercise, morning exercises, educational games, sports and outdoor games, physical education, swimming. In the manual by M.D. Makheneva "Raising a healthy child" - M.: ARKTI, 1999, the triad of health consists of a rational regime, hardening and movement. V educational program "From childhood to adolescence" are called three lines of "defense" of health: mode; nutrition; physical education(see "From childhood to adolescence": A program for parents and educators on the formation of the health and development of children 4-7 years old. (T.N.Doronova, L.G. Golubeva, N.A. Gordova and others - M .: Enlightenment, 2002.).

Given the multifactorial impact on children's health, work in a preschool educational institution should be based on the following directions:

Creating conditions for physical development and reducing the incidence of children;

Complex solution of physical culture and health problems in contact with medical workers, psychologists, parents, music director, physical education instructor;

Improving the pedagogical competence and business qualifications of preschool workers.

Pedagogical conditions include:

Creation of a subject-developing environment. So, the group should have "health paths", stationary sports complexes and exercise equipment (if space permits), ministadiums. The gym is a health center with gymnastic walls, booms and benches of different heights, fitness balls, targets, small sports equipment and toys. There can be inflatable trampolines, exercise equipment. Many preschool educational institutions have swimming pools, water showers.

At the kindergarten site, it is advisable to equip a sports ground with areas for mini-football, basketball, treadmills, obstacle courses, etc. In the preschool educational institution, you can equip mini-clinics where medical and preventive work is carried out with children. Variants of the organization of the motor environment are disclosed in article 3. Fertik (see. Fertik 3. Organization of the motor environment in preschool institutions and primary grades. // Preschool education. 1995. - No. 2.);

Creation of a favorable way of life for a child in kindergarten, a positive microclimate;

Proficiency by teachers of various technologies for organizing the life of a child.

Compliance is essential regime- sequential alternation of time intervals filled with one or another content. Scientific studies of the influence of the regime on the health of children, the organization of their life were carried out by T.N. Bogina, N. Terekhova, N.A. Notkina. Yu.F. Zmanovsky, B.P. Nikitin and others. Mode, in their opinion, should be health-preserving, flexible, gentle. The “flexible day” is considered in three aspects:

Dynamic daily routine for children;

Flexible working hours for staff;

Different length of stay of children in groups.

The experience of working with this mode is described in the manual by M.D. Makhaneva, where a variant of the regime for children and employees is presented (see. Makhaneva M.D. Raising a healthy child. - M .: ARKTI, 1999).

Pedagogical Regime Requirements determine the positional orientation of an adult: constancy; systematic; meaningfulness; variety of organization of the sphere of life of children.

The health-preserving regime takes into account the biorhythms of children (Yu.F. Zmanovsky), meteorological storms, days of the week, holidays (in winter and spring), the emotional and physical state of children, it is important not to overload children, their fatigue, and a decrease in functional capabilities.

should be adequate to age, individual characteristics, take into account the health groups of children, in the Instructional and Methodological Letter of the Ministry of the Russian Federation No. 65/23 - 16 dated 03/14/2000 "On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education" ^ given hygienic regulations of the educational load. So, the maximum permissible number of training sessions v The first half of the day in the younger and middle group does not exceed - two, and v senior - three. Their duration is no more than 15 minutes (junior and average age), in the senior group - no more than 25 minutes, in the preparatory group - no more than 30 minutes. In the middle of the lesson, a physical minute is held. Among the total time of classes, 50% should be allocated to activities that require mental stress from children, the remaining 50% - to classes in the health-improving and aesthetic cycle. Physical education classes for all age groups must be carried out at least 3 times a week. One of the three physical education classes is held all year round in the open air (see "Hoop" 2000. - №3).

Each preschool educational institution has the right to its own physical education system. The principles of the system implementation are as follows:

The principle of a wellness orientation, main rule- "Do no harm to health";

The principle of versatile development of personality, the main rule - "In a healthy body - a healthy mind";

The principle of humanization and democratization, main rule- "If you want to eat, be healthy";

The principle of individualization, main rule- “Opportunities and health are different for everyone”;

The principle of the unity of all participants in the educational process, main rule- "We will provide each other with help and support."

Physical education system presented in general (complex) and partial programs.

An interesting approach is given in the program "Origins", 2003. The program includes the beginning of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, associated with active movements, giving the child a feeling of "muscle joy" (IM Sechenov). Children receive a fairly large amount of competence about their own body, learn to adequately respond to changes in the environment

environment, which allows you to be more conscious about your health. The problem of physical development is associated with safety, with reasonable care, with the foresight to avoid injury that can lead to impaired health and emotional-physical well-being.

The program "Origins", like the program "Development" (2000), "Rainbow" (1989), draws attention not only to the technical, but also to the expressive-expressive side of the child's motor sphere. It manifests itself in the fact that the child's movements express his emotional state, feelings about various events. The development of the "language of movement" allows the teacher to penetrate v the emotional sphere of the preschooler, to ensure the integrity of the child's psychophysical well-being. In the program "Origins" health is called the basis of physical development, which is considered in a separate section.

This section presents the approximate regimes of the day in kindergarten: the characteristics of the hygienic conditions are given; reveals the features of hardening, its types: methodological advice for different groups of children's health. The skills that strengthen the health of children include the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. The general conditions for their development are meaningfulness, an increase in the volume of cultural and hygienic skills, their awareness and "rationality". V the center of pedagogical work in the "Health" section costs mental health, when a child is in harmony with himself, with others, he feels protected, has freedom of behavior, does not experience anxiety, oppression and tension. Pedagogical work provides emotional comfort, psychological, stable and positive climate, humane relations, personality-oriented communication. Indicators of success in mental health promotion are: a cheerful, active, emotionally positive state of the child, his successful adaptation to a preschool institution.

Interest is valeological program T.A. Tarasova, L.S. Vlasova "I and my health", Chelyabinsk, 1997. A system of work on the formation of a conscious attitude to their health in children is proposed. The authors include the following forms in their pedagogical work - classes, developing games, experimentation, cognition of their physical "I". Visual and demonstration materials satisfy the need for preschoolers to understand their body. The program material of the valeological manual "I and my health" provides an active position of a preschooler in understanding the characteristics of his body, possible health pathologies and ways to correct them; foundations of health management and survival in modern life conditions, i.e. “Already a small child must become a doctor, psychologist, physiologist, teacher, psychotherapist, trainer for himself” (T.A. Tarasova).

Education valeologic culture, the formation of an understanding of a healthy lifestyle (as a system of the child's relationship with himself and the factors of the external environment) is closely intertwined with the education of morality, humanity, mental well-being, the ability to correct not only his health, but also his relations with peers and adults. Thus, valeological education is connected with the social and moral.

The upbringing of valeological culture is considered in the methodological recommendations of S.A. Kozlova. O.A. Knyazeva, CE. Shukshina "My organism" - M., 2000. The authors' position is based on the concept of social development of a preschool child (author SA Kozlova).

The actions of a socialized person are directed not only at themselves (to take care of themselves, about their health), but at other people. The task of the educator is to form children's interest in another person who has knowledge that enriches the child when interacting in joint activities. Developing the foundations of valeological thinking, an adult teaches children not only to develop their own version of a healthy lifestyle, but also. if possible, share the knowledge of health improvement. Thus, the social and moral orientation (in the form of altruism, that is, disinterested actions in relation to another) becomes the basis for the education of valeological consciousness and behavior of children.

The research of V.T.Kudryavtsev and B.B. Egorova (see. Developing pedagogy of health improvement. - M .. 2000. Programming manual). The main idea of ​​the authors is to recognize the role of developmental education, which contributes not only to the physical, but also to the personal growth of the child. The prestige of physical culture, its pedagogical value lies in the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

A healthy child is a standard and practically achievable norm of child development - this is the credo of this pedagogy of health improvement (see V. Kudryavtseva. Physical culture and development of a healthy child. // Preschool education 2004.-№1 or Developing pedagogy of health improvement. // Hoop 2004.- № one).

The valeological approach is also disclosed in another program "Healthy preschooler" - the author's program of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu.F. Zmanovsky. This program, dedicated to the problems of educational and recreational work in preschool institutions, has its own characteristics that fundamentally distinguish it from other programs operating in kindergartens. First, an integrated approach that includes various components, the totality of which is combined in the concept of a child's “healthy lifestyle”. (At the same time, the implementation of the program is predominantly individually differentiated). Secondly, the presence of a physiological rationale in each of the sections of the program, along with taking into account the patterns of age-related psychophysiology, educational psychology and sports medicine. Thirdly, due to the simplicity of most of the recommended means and methods, the absence of the need to purchase expensive equipment, and the lack of special training of personnel (with the obligatory conscientious implementation of the recommendations), this program can be applied in any preschool institution. A number of sections of the program provide for taking into account the climatic, geographical and other ecological characteristics of the region.

The first section of the program is to determine the baseline indicators of the state of health and physical development of children.

The second section of the program is the rational organization of children's physical activity, in the theoretical introduction, the provisions on the vital importance of movements for the development of physiological systems of a growing organism (the energy rule of skeletal muscles of I.A. , on all physiological systems, biochemical processes and mental functions.

The most important section of physical culture and walking classes is outdoor games with cyclic exercises, and for older preschool children, elements of sports games and exercises. When performing all these movements, it is necessary to create conditions for the emergence of positive emotions in children, which is achieved, in particular, with musical accompaniment to all physical education classes held in the hall, in the open air and walking.

A mandatory fragment of each lesson is warm-up and gymnastic exercises, performed with the participation of muscles and ligaments of the limbs and spine, as well as exercises that improve posture. In a number of classes held in the hall, children are taught muscle relaxation techniques. The content of the classes is very variable - along with the classical structure (introductory, main and final parts), you can conduct classes that include several outdoor games, sports and dance exercises. An effective means of increasing physical activity is "homework" for parents to do physical exercises with their children on weekends and holidays.

Third section of the program- a system for effective hardening of children. The scientific basis for this section of the program is the approach to hardening as training the thermoregulation system. The definitions of physical and chemical thermoregulation, their main mechanisms in an adult and the characteristics of formation in ontogenesis are given.

The use of special temperature hardening procedures is the essence of active hardening, along with the traditional principles of their use, formed at the beginning of the century by G.N. Speransky (systematic and consistent, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and the state of his health, the presence of positive emotions in children during the procedures, etc.).

The program details two main hardening methods that can be used both in preschool and at home. These are contrast air baths with a gradually increasing air temperature difference (starting from 4 °, 6 ° and up to 10 °, 15 °) in two rooms (when children run from one room to another). The most effective unconventional method of hardening is a contrast shower. His technique is similar to the above with two to three changes of warm - cold water with a gradual increase in the difference to 10 -

The fourth section of the program- a complex of psychohygienic and psychoprophylactic means and methods used in preschool institutions.

The fifth section of the program- ensuring rational nutrition for children, the theoretical part of this section contains general provisions of the concept of balanced high-calorie nutrition and the latest theory of adequate nutrition, one of the creators of which was A.M. Ugolev. The "golden" rules of food preparation approved by the World Health Organization are set out: the choice of products processed using modern safety technologies, thorough heating of food, its correct storage, etc.

The sixth section of the program is the creation of conditions for health-improving regimes for children. The theoretical justification for the need to fulfill a certain routine for a child is biorhythmology, the subject of which is the study of cyclic processes in living organisms.

In the conclusion of the program, it is emphasized that its effective implementation is possible with the conscientious fulfillment of their duties by the personnel of preschool institutions in constant interaction with parents.

Thus, modern approaches to the physical development of children are based on scientific and theoretical foundations, recognition of the importance of preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of their habit of a healthy lifestyle, the integrity and harmony of physical development determines the specifics of the content of tasks, technologies of purposeful pedagogical activity. The presence of complex and partial (author's) programs creates software and methodological support for the implementation of the tasks of physical development of children.

Questions for self-test:

1. How is the integrity and harmony of the development of preschool children manifested?

2. What are the theoretical foundations of the physical education of children?

3. What is the relationship between the basic concepts of the theory of physical education?

4. What is the specificity of the content of the physical education of children? What is it caused by?

5. What is meant by "triads", "defenses" of children's health?

6. What are the tasks of physical education? What is their specificity?

7. What is meant by means, conditions of physical education? How are they implemented in copyright programs?

Natalia Utkina

Educator of the municipal

preschool educational

institutions "Kindergarten No. 6

combined type "

Stavropol region

Art. Essentuki

Utkina Natalia Sergeevna

Caring for the all-round development of the younger generation is constantly in the spotlight. A very important, integral part of a harmonious personality is physical perfection: good health, agility, strength, endurance.

Upbringing all these qualities must begin from childhood. One of the urgent tasks physical education preschoolers is developing and using modern methods and means, which contribute to the functional improvement of the child's body, increase its performance, make it persistent and enduring, has high protective abilities to adverse environmental factors. To implement the tasks and goals of a healthy lifestyle and the entire system of educational educational work in the senior speech therapy group, I used a fundamentally new complex of health-improving and preventive programs, modern non-traditional approaches to the physical education of children... In the process of work, I set the main goals and tasks:

Form subgroups children based on their health status, pace physical development, functional state in accordance with medical indications;

Seeks to stimulate every child's interest in activities or sports;

Correct the movements and posture of every child who needs it, gently, using encouragement;

Develop in children personal hygiene skills;

Develop in children elementary ideas about the usefulness, expediency physical activity;

Maintain the occurrence of children in the process of physical activity of positive emotions, feelings "Muscle joy";

Involve parents in shaping the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle in their child.

In my work, I widely used a variety of forms of work, traditional and non-traditional physical exercise, formed the need for movement, developed motor ability and enriched motor experience children on the example of walking, in sports games, camping trips. Increased the level of independence and the ability for self-control and self-esteem. During the academic year, she developed moral and ethnic qualities and motor creativity.

To achieve my goals, I used a variety of forms and methods of work. I built them in accordance with the tasks for a given period, based on several main principles:

1. The principle of harm "Do not harm".

2. The principle of priority of real health care pupils.

3. The principle of the triune view of health (physical, mental, social).

4. The principle of continuity and continuity of health-preserving activities.

5. The principle of compliance of the content and organization of training with age characteristics pupils.

6. Taking into account the ecological and hygienic factors of the natural and microsocial environment that affect health children.

7. The principle of medical and psychological competence educator.

8. The principle of control over results.

In my group, I introduced health and fitness Events: morning exercises in the open air, aerobics classes, health jogging, breathing exercises, corrective exercises, prevention of flat feet using non-standard equipment, prevention of vision organs (I used gymnastics for the eyes, tables, sandals, acupressure, self-massage, phyto-aromatherapy. , psycho-gymnastics, music therapy, color therapy, isotherapy, logo rhythmics, finger gymnastics.

I constantly improve my pedagogical level at refresher courses. In my work, I used modern technologies: art therapy (expression of emotions and feelings associated with the experiences of their problems and the child himself) and fairy tale therapy. These are special forms of influence with the world. The effectiveness of therapy was confirmed by children their individuality, originality and significance.

In my work, I used hand-made equipment, which very effectively helped us in the work of hardening the child's body. This is the use of tables for vision correction; massage rugs in the form of snakes, crocodiles; ribbed boards for the prevention of flat feet; a classic in a group room in the form of a magic caterpillar, where children strengthen not only physical activity, but also reinforce the forward and backward counting in mathematics. Conducted a variety of contests for the best hand-sewn by parents and children aroma toy with medicinal herbs, which were used with children during daytime sleep. Together with a psychologist, I conducted aerofitotherapy sessions to relax the body, calm the nervous system, and increase efficiency. Twice a week, in close contact with the head nurse, I prepared herbal teas for the children. I also used aroma medallions with garlic for a year, especially during the period of flu prevention.

With the children, we annually create a vegetable garden on the window in the group. We grow herbs, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, lemons. Children are happy to eat vitamins grown by their own labor.

In addition to educational value, feasible work also has a health-improving influence: improves the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, increases metabolic processes, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, increases endurance, performance, improves coordination of movements, new conditioned reflex connections appear. Labor training and community service provide a good opportunity for instilling hygiene skills in children.

With great pleasure, the children took part in various types of massage. (point, play, finger) For example: "Sculpt your face" or "Gymnastics of Little Wizards"... In combination with breathing exercises, I did psycho-gymnastics "Shell"- where the children listened to the sound of the sea. I use relaxation, music therapy in all forms activities: during lunch, during daytime sleep, on walks. For this purpose, I used a selection of cassettes with the recording of the sea surf, birds singing, the murmur of a stream. The available technical means in the group make it possible to apply this method systematically.

In my group, children love to be active, both work and rest. Holding various holidays, days of health, games and fun, hardening events, water procedures, air baths - all this allows you to evaluate the result of health-preserving work and physical condition of children.

In its program "Health" P.P. Baldurchidi proposed an interesting system of teaching correct breathing using breathing exercises. In my group, I have implemented and used all the elements of these exercises. The content of the corresponding work is completely built on the combination of elements of breathing exercises with sound. For this purpose, I used the following exercises how: "Horse", "Crow", "Yawn", "Laugh" and etc.

This combination contributes to the development of meaningful motor skills during breathing, as well as the development of correct posture, as a factor in full breathing. Since the upright vertical posture is not hereditarily fixed in humans, the problem of its formation arises through a special system of movements and actions that take shape in vivo. In my group, I tried to trace and form a natural tendency in the development of posture. This work required a long time and constant monitoring. In my work, I tried to use special exercises for the correction and formation of posture "Freeze"(imitation of photographic images, "Sculptor and Clay"(the child creates a sculpture out of clay, independently inventing control poses-inversions "The dog on the fence", "Cat in a Mouse Hole", "Passenger in a suitcase" and others. Children spend a significant part of their time at home, so I recommended that parents monitor their gait children, posture during sleep, create children proper conditions: work furniture and bedding must meet hygienic requirements.

To implement the tasks of a healthy lifestyle and the entire system of educational educational work in our kindergarten and in my group is possible only in close contact and cooperation of parents and teachers.

Representation at children and their parents about a healthy lifestyle should be formed from the earliest childhood of their child. Coming to kindergarten, parents immediately face the problem of preserving the child's health and full development. A great responsibility for the health of the younger generation falls on me as educator... My task was to involve as many families as possible in creating a subject-developing environment at home and in a group, targeted involvement of all children and parents demonstrated in sporting events "Dad, mom, I'm a sports family", a theater for children - where she promoted a healthy lifestyle. At parent-teacher meetings, I conducted a survey on health and safety, traffic rules, healthy lifestyles; round table talks on theme: "Unconventional methods of health improvement children» .

Constantly in consultations for parents, I have recommended topics on health-preserving technologies on theme:

"What a handkerchief can do"

"Regime and personal hygiene children»

"Alone at home"

"Health without drugs"

"Medical and pedagogical control in the classroom physical culture»

Together with parents at parent-teacher meetings, they held discussions on theme: "Alone at home", "On the discrepancy between good looks and good intentions"... We looked at typical dangerous situations with strangers. How to behave as a child if he is left alone at home. Parents used the consultations received from me in relation to their children, successfully and effectively.

She constantly held contests for the best toy made jointly by parents and children. Together with their parents, they visited the district library, museum, memorial of Eternal Glory.

The result of my work with children was influenced by the close contact with narrow specialists of our Preschool: head of kindergarten, senior educator, psychologist, head nurse.

Among the tasks of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet, which is extremely important for a growing, constantly changing organism. Food should ensure the intake of such substances into the body that form the basis for the formation of new tissue cells, reimburse the body's energy costs, and contribute to normal physical and neuropsychic development, improving performance, increasing the body's defenses against infection. Diet children saturated with vegetables and fruits.

First and most important skill: the child should eat a variety of foods that contain all the components necessary for his development. Of such components six: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water.

Have children certain knowledge and persistent skills in food hygiene have been developed.

Children have a good knowledge of school.

They love to participate in all the activities that are held in our group.

The diagnostic results show a high level of knowledge and skills obtained during the visit to the group. Expanding knowledge children in the arts, together with my parents, we went to the theater and ballet "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty" where children got a lot of pleasure from beautiful costumes, amazing music by Tchaikovsky.

Children can play all kinds games: mobile, plot-role, etc. children formed the ability to coordinate their actions with the possibilities. Children are very active and love all the activities, especially the physical culture, LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. They know a lot of works about sports.

Have children ideas about truthfulness and justice were formed. Brought up in children, such qualities as the expression of their attitude to their actions and the actions of their peers.

The results of my work is an:

1. Have children personal hygiene skills are developed;

2. Preschoolers have elementary ideas about the usefulness and appropriateness physical activity;

3. The preschoolers have developed an interest in activities, sports games, according to their individual inclinations and abilities;

4. At a high level, work is underway to prevent and reduce the incidence of the child through various forms of work;

5. Created a subject-developing environment conducive to education values ​​of a healthy lifestyle;

6.100% visit to the group.

Doing exercises

Every day in the morning

Doing exercises

We like it very much

Do it in order.

So that we do not get sick

And do not catch a cold

We are always charging

We will study.

Let not everything be good

It may turn out

Do not be sad, friend,

You have to learn.

Prokina Nina Vladimirovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU Belovsky kindergarten "Sun"
Locality: Chelyabinsk Region Uysky District Belovo Village
Material name: Methodical development
Topic:"Modern approaches to the development of children's motor creativity by means of non-standard physical training equipment, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard"
Date of publication: 26.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

"Modern approaches to the development of children's

motor creativity by means

non-standard physical education equipment with

taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard "

Qualifying work
Completed by: N.V. Prokina Belovo village MKDOU Belovskiy village "Sun" 2016 one
“Taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, mental development, the strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. "V. A. Sukhomlinsky 2


1. Regulatory support
In the modern world, in the era of the XXI century, new, higher requirements are imposed on a person, including a child, to his health and knowledge. The constantly increasing influence of various negative environmental factors on the child's body leads to a deterioration in the state of health, to a decrease in the mental and physical condition of children. Caring for the health of the child began to occupy priority positions all over the world. Indeed, the quality and duration of his life depends on the state of human health. Good health gained during childhood serves as the foundation for overall human development. The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that every citizen has the right to health care. The state finances federal programs for the protection of "strengthening the health of the population, taking measures to strengthen human health, the development of physical culture." In the federal law "on the based guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" Art. 10 it is established that the federal executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies carry out measures in state and municipal educational institutions that provide for the prevention of diseases, medical diagnostics, and medical and recreational work. In the Federal Law, Art. 51 “on education” it is said: a health institution creates conditions that guarantee the protection and strengthening of the health of pupils. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, article 3, paragraph 3, defines the care and protection of children, responsibility to the norms established by the competent authorities in the field of safety and health and in terms of the number and suitability of their personnel, as well as competent supervision. Preschool education from top to bottom should be permeated with concern for the child's physical health and psychological well-being. This is stated in the Concept of Preschool Education. The actual task of physical education is the search for effective means of improving the development of the motor sphere of preschool children, based on the formation of their need for movements. The development of interest in movements is carried out on the basis of the vital need of the child to be strong, courageous, dexterous when interacting with peers. According to the Concept of a preschool educational institution, physical education permeates the entire organization of children's life in a children's institution, the organization of the subject and social environment, the regime and various types of children's activities, taking into account age and individual characteristics. Parents are their child's first educators. The Family Code of the Russian Federation states: parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children, are obliged to take care of their health, physical, psychological, spiritual and moral development. 3
In the document "Criteria for assessing the content and methods of education and training implemented in preschool educational institutions" in the section "Physical development and health" it is said what conditions for full-fledged physical development should be created in kindergarten: 1. Teachers of preschool educational institutions create conditions for various types of physical activity of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics. 2. In organizing physical education and outdoor games, teachers implement an individual approach to children. 3. Teachers of preschool educational institutions contribute to the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle in children. 4. Teachers of preschool educational institutions create conditions for the creative self-expression of children in the process of physical activity. 5. Educators use various forms of organizing children's physical activity. 6. The preschool educational institution is working to prevent and reduce the incidence of children. Thus, the normative documents of the Russian Federation emphasize the priority of physical education in preschool educational institutions, the need to create conditions for increasing the volume of children's physical activity.
2. Value
People say that money cannot buy health. We must actively fight for it. “Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should firmly enter the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, full and joyful life,” wrote Hippocrates. Already in the second half of the 17th century. advanced ideas in the physical education of children were expressed by one of the most educated people of that time - Epiphany Slavinetsky. He created a wonderful document - "Citizenship of children's customs". In this book, a special chapter is devoted to the games of children and indicates their great educational and educational value. In the future, progressive public figures I.I. Betskoy, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev considered physical development in close connection with the mental and labor education of the younger generation. Of great importance for the development of questions of physical education were the statements of the Russian revolutionary democrats: A.I. Herzen, V.G. Belinsky, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubova, D.I. Pisarev. They defined physical education as part of comprehensive education, its connection with mental, labor and aesthetic. The purpose of physical education they saw in 4
development of physical strength and strengthening of the child's health through systematic exercises, games, walks and hardening of the body. Important role at the same time, they assigned the regime, expressed in the alternation of work and rest, normalization of sleep, nutrition, considering this a necessary healthy basis for good spirits, the ability of a person to fight for a better future. N.K. Krupskaya attached great importance to the physical development of the child. She considered physical education to be especially important in connection with the task of educating a strong generation, emphasized the need to take into account the age characteristics of the child when developing methods of education and training. A wonderful teacher K.D. Ushinsky attached great importance to games, gymnastics, being outdoors. He recommended taking short breaks in classes with children to perform short-term movements that help restore attention. Considering our Russian folk games as powerful means of education, K.D. Ushinsky recommended them for widespread use and encouraged teachers to collect these games for children. K. D. Ushinsky made high demands on teachers, believing that they must know such sciences as anatomy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy in order not to make mistakes in leading a child. The creator of the original theory of physical education in Russia is P.F. Lesgaft is the largest scientist - teacher, doctor of medicine and surgery, he was one of the foremost people of his time. P.F. Lesgaft has developed a complete system of physical exercises for children. He based the selection of physical exercises on the age-related anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of children, the gradual complication and variety of movements. He strove to ensure that a certain system of exercises led to the all-round development and correct functioning of the human body, contributed to the gradual training of his physical strength. Physical development P.F. Lesgaft recognized only in connection with mental, moral and aesthetic development and work. Lesgaft considered the main task in teaching exercises to be the cultivation of a conscious attitude, which makes it possible to do more work with less effort. Lesgaft emphasized the meaning of the word, addressed to the mind of the child, excluding mechanical imitation of the show. P.F. Lesgaft developed the theory and methodology of outdoor games. He defines outdoor play as "an exercise by which a child prepares for life." In these games, he acquires skills, habits, character is developed for him. The rules in games have the meaning of the law, the attitude towards which children should be conscious and responsible. Their fulfillment is obligatory for everyone, therefore they have great educational power. Games develop moral qualities - 5
discipline, honesty, truthfulness, endurance. Lesgaft viewed play as the most valuable means of personal education. If P.F. Lesgaft, as the founder of physical education in Russia, laid the scientific basis for physical education of the younger generation, then the successor of his work V.V. Gorinevsky developed on this basis the age specificity of physical education. His table - "Exercise for a given age" - was widespread. V.V. Gorinevsky is the founder of medical and pedagogical control over the implementation of physical exercises and sports. A.I. Bykova developed a system for the development of the movement of preschool children. She substantiated and revealed the process of teaching children with movements - its meaning, content, organization and methods. She emphasized the upbringing nature of training, its originality, which she sees in close connection with play, the widespread use of techniques in classes with children, the emotionality of their behavior. The development of the theory and practice of physical education of preschool children was significantly influenced by the scientific and methodological works of N.A. Metlova, M.M. Kontorovich, L.I. Mikhailova, A.I. Bykova. Together with other authors, they have developed programs for the physical education of children, textbooks for pedagogical schools and collections of outdoor games for preschool institutions. Thus, based on the above, we can conclude that in the methodology for the development of the motor qualities of preschool children, the means, methods and techniques of teaching movements, the development of motor qualities and abilities, as well as moral, mental, labor and aesthetic education should be merged.
I. Theoretical part
The third year of life is an important stage in the development of a child. The pace of physical development slows down, but the body as a whole gets stronger, the movements improve. However, the musculoskeletal system is relatively poorly developed, the motor experience is small, movements are often unintentional, their directions are random, emotional manifestations are unstable, active inhibition is poorly developed. K.S. Babina writes that in the first years of life, the child's independent motor activity is constantly increasing, but what was missed at this age is compensated for in the future with great difficulty. She highlights the approximate indicators of the anatomical and physiological development of children 2 - 3 years old. Age Growth, cm Increase in Mass, Gain in Thoracic Circumference Respiratory rate Frequency of bullets 6
height, cm kg weight, kg cells, cm, min ca, strokes per min 2 years 86- 88 12-13 12- 13 2.5-3 50-51 25-30 110- 115 3 years 94- 95 7 -9 14- 15 2 51.5- 52.5 25-30 105- 110 The table shows that during the year there is an increase in the indicators of the child's physical development. However, these indicators are not the only ones that indicate the general development of movements and motor activity of a small child. As Babina K.S. notes, at an early age, the bones of a child are elastic, flexible, easily deformed and bent, since the skeletal system of 2-3-year-old children has significant areas of cartilage tissue, weak, soft joints and ligaments. All this must be taken into account in physical education. We recommend that you pay special attention to the development of the arch of the foot, since it is flattened in the second and partially in the third year of life. Therefore, it is useful to exercise kids in lifting, walking on an incline and a ribbed board. In research Teplyuk S.N. it is noted that small children breathe shallowly, often, unevenly, since the respiratory muscles are not yet fully formed. The development of the child's body, mastering walking, leads to the restructuring of the breathing process, the capacity of the lungs increases. Breathing quickens only with excitement or physical exertion. Teplyuk S.N. writes: "Physical education should be carried out in a clean, well-ventilated room or in the fresh air, remembering that exercises in which the child voluntarily or involuntarily holds his breath are highly undesirable." In order to strengthen the respiratory muscles and pulmonary ventilation, he suggests using breathing exercises. According to Zaripov T.P., if the baby experiences positive emotions, then this activates him, contributes to the normal activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The content of the exercises should captivate, interest the child. You should not force him to engage in - compulsion causes a natural protest, gives rise to negative emotions. 7
Taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children 2-3 years of age (weakness of inhibitory processes and a tendency to excitement, slight physical and mental vulnerability, rapid fatigability), it is necessary to take into account that they need a frequent change of work and rest. This must be borne in mind when conducting physical education. As Osokina T.I. notes, the thinking of children of the second and third years of life is concrete - they better understand what they see. The initial demonstration of movements should be vivid, imaginative, holistic. Regardless of whether they are new or familiar exercises, they are carried out together with an adult and according to his demonstration. At the beginning, as a rule, children perform new movements inaccurately, with excessive stress. Therefore, you need to make minimum requirements for them. The movements of a child of a given age are considered correct when, repeating the exercise after the teacher, he reproduces only the most basic. The lack of high precision and precision in the execution of the movement, as well as the inability to recreate its individual elements, are not considered a mistake for the child. During this age period, the baby is mastering a new movement in general terms (as a whole). Further improvement of the movement, its detailed development and accuracy of performance are carried out in subsequent ages. Volosova E.B. argues that positive emotions, emotional saturation of classes are the main conditions for teaching children to move. Imitation creates emotions that activate the child. In addition, interest has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, especially those who are sedentary and inert. Based on the research of V.A. Shishkina .. we can conclude: movements in children of early and preschool age have their own characteristics and are constantly changing in terms of their quantitative and qualitative indicators. Well-organized physical education work helps each child to master the basic movements faster. This or that movement appears and is formed earlier in some children, later in others. It depends on individual characteristics, conditions for the development of babies, the influence of adults, the organization of children's activities and the process of upbringing and education itself. Shishkina V.A. notes that in the second year children can walk, keep balance on a limited, uneven, elevated surface, etc., are able to throw, roll any object, crawl and climb a lot on a step-ladder. However, they master the basic movements unevenly, therefore, in their training, they need individual help from adults. In the third year of life, motor coordination improves significantly - coordination of movements of the arms and legs develops. At this age, running and jumping appear and form. Children walk well, types of throwing become more diverse, they begin to orient themselves better in space. This allows you to use in your work some formations and rebuildings (in a line, circle, column), as well as games with simple rules. eight
Volkova K.S. advises gradually to accustom children to the correct perception of sound and visual signals, the speed of reactions to them, as well as to independence. Performing a new exercise that is being taught to a child should cause him some effort, but be available to him. Consolidation of the learned skills and their improvement are achieved by repetition of movements with mandatory complication (increase in physical activity, variation, change in content). Thus, teachers and medical workers note the importance of the influence of physical activity on the health and life of a young child. As a result, a reliable key has been selected for the correct organization of the child's life in kindergarten and family, for the formation of his health, mental activity. This key is movement. Leading scientists - teachers (V.A.Shishkina, M.G. Borisenko, N.A. Lukina) are engaged in the problem of the development of movements at an early age. They write that in recent decades there has been a significant decrease in the physical activity of children. Physical inactivity in childhood leads to a decrease in vitality, a decrease in the body's defenses, and delays the mental development of children. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the excessive organization of the upbringing process, and as a result, insufficient consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children. Already in childhood, there are diseases caused by a lack of physical activity - flat feet, poor posture, etc. It became necessary to compensate for the lack of movement with specially selected physical exercises. motor activity. The main value for a person is his health. Moreover, this value appears on two levels: personal and social. Preschool age in the development of a child is the period when the foundation of his health and culture of movement is laid. In modern society, high demands are placed on the psychophysical preparedness of children. One of the priority tasks of forming a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is to create motivation, teach and instill healthy lifestyle skills in children. An important direction in this area is a properly organized subject-spatial environment. First of all, it is a motor subject-developing environment. It should be not only developing in nature, but also diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional. To do this, in kindergartens, it is recommended to use non-standard equipment developed by specialists, or made by the joint efforts of teachers and parents. Unfortunately, in kindergartens there are still children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: stoop, sluggish posture, flattened foot, valgus position of the feet. All these violations are easily prevented when using non-standard equipment, since the implementation of exercises with aids 9
and didactic tools increase interest in classes, improve the quality of performance. The effectiveness of the classes is influenced by high-quality and deeply thought-out preliminary work on the preparation of all the necessary manuals and equipment that will help to carry out the set of exercises vividly, emotionally, and interestingly. It must be admitted that the intellectual development of the child is becoming a priority in modern society. Most children experience "motor deficits", that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below normal. This increases the statistical load on certain muscle groups. The strength and performance of the muscles decreases, which entails a violation of the body's functions. Therefore, it is necessary to search for new approaches to attract children to physical education and sports, developing an interest in movement as a vital need to be dexterous, strong, and courageous. We are aware that physical and intellectual development should take place in parallel. The solution to this problem is seen in the totality of social pedagogical conditions. This is facilitated by the use of non-standard equipment in the work on the physical education of children. Movement is a vital need, a means of strengthening the body. The kid is by nature a doer, and his activity is expressed in movement. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intensive intellectual development is. For the full development of a child, it is necessary that in motor activity he gets acquainted with as many different physical education aids and objects as possible. There is a well-known scientifically grounded conclusion that neither imitation nor images give such a positive result when performing motor tasks as equipment and aids. The success of physical education, and the effectiveness of physical education of children in general, depends on the forms, methods and techniques, an individual approach to children, as well as to a large extent on the availability of the necessary material and technical base. The subject environment is of great importance for the development of the activity of children, the formation of their initiative behavior and creativity. Insufficient material support, the inability to purchase expensive equipment, an ardent desire, despite everything, to make physical education activities entertaining and effective, diverse and exciting, prompting many teachers to search for new forms of work. Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive for health and fitness work. Therefore, it is never superfluous. It is possible to update the game equipment in the gym at no special cost, if there is a desire and a little imagination. The great value of every person is health. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing the preschool institution. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children 10
It should be noted that at present there is a low level of knowledge about the value of their parents' health and about the health of their children. As you know, health most often depends on lifestyle, slightly less on the environment. Heredity and the state of health care in a country affect the health of a generation to a much lesser extent. Therefore, the task of parents and teachers is to instill in a preschooler respect for their own health and the obligation to take care of it. And start forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers as early as possible. In the preschool period, there is an intensive development of organs, the formation of functional systems of the body. It is very important at this time to lay children a certain base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, to form the need for regular and systematic physical education and sports. Since a healthy lifestyle is understood as an active human activity aimed at maintaining and improving health, this activity should include such components as proper nutrition, rational physical activity, hardening of the body and maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state. It is these components that should form the basis of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler. Regime, daily routine of the child Mainly in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers and the correct attitude to their health in preschoolers are appropriate games, watching films, cartoons, reading and discussing fiction, quizzes, walking, health days, sports holidays. It is these events that are most interesting for children, and in this process it is more productive to form the desired attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers. In the course of physical culture and health-improving work, namely physical culture minutes, minutes of health, motor relaxation, relaxation elements, etc., the physical, mental and moral qualities of children are laid, independence and creativity are brought up. It is necessary to pay serious attention to cultural and hygienic skills, to form the habits of correct washing, wiping, taking care of the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and correct behavior when coughing and sneezing. It is necessary that children have the opportunity to move systematically. To do this, it is necessary to promote the development of basic motor qualities, to maintain a high level of working capacity throughout the day. However, it should be borne in mind that a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers involves an alternation of active and quiet games, so that a reasonable balance between physical activity and rest must be maintained.
Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: what you need to know

to parents
Healthy lifestyle for preschoolers 11
Preschool age, according to experts, is one of the decisive ones in creating the foundation of the child's mental and physical health. Until the age of seven, the most intensive development of the child's body takes place. At the same time, the character, habits are actively formed, the life priorities of the individual are laid. That is why it is very, very important in these years to actively instill in children the basic knowledge, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers. In the modern educational process, the priority direction in the upbringing of preschool children is to improve the health of children, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, as well as the upbringing of the need for regular classes and gaining new knowledge. It is worth noting that at this age, preschoolers lack such qualities as: - perseverance, - control and correction of emotions and mood, - the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another. Therefore, adults, teachers and, first of all, parents are faced with the task of forming these skills in the little person, which will help to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the baby. Parents of a preschooler need to learn that the health of a baby is not only the absence of illness, emotional tone and poor performance, but also laying the foundations for the future well-being of the child's personality. Based on this, the main direction for strengthening the health of preschool children is the formation of an idea of ​​health among preschoolers as one of the fundamental values ​​of life. Kindergarten teachers, parents at home must constantly teach the child the correct behavior in various life circumstances, be prepared for unforeseen situations. During this period, the child must clearly learn what is good and useful, and what is harmful and bad. Parents and grandparents should constantly instill in the baby the correct attitude to their health and responsibility for it. then the direction in the upbringing of a preschooler should be solved by the creation of an integral system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child. Particular attention should be paid to parents of such components of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers: - Compliance with the daily routine, activity and sleep. - Physical activity, walks, outdoor games. - Correct, healthy diet. - Compliance with the rules of hygiene. Instilling in the child a love for physical cleanliness. Learning to watch your body. - Hardening. Formation of the body's ability to withstand unfavorable natural factors. 12
The main tasks for parents to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: Hygiene and hardening of preschoolers The formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers should be carried out constantly without days off and holidays. From infancy, a child must learn that it is good to be healthy and bad to be ill. To always be healthy, he must follow certain rules and not do things that can lead to illness or injury. The kid always follows the lifestyle of the elders, mom and dad. Therefore, parents, first of all, should lead a healthy lifestyle themselves and not set a bad example for their child. Thus, an integrated approach to the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers will allow them to instill in them the necessary habits and skills that will be the basis for their future life. In recent years, the number of physically weakened children has noticeably increased. Ecological problems, parents' employment, low level of family physical activity - all this does not strengthen the child's health, but on the contrary. Many parents are overly keen on the intellectual development of their children, completely forgetting that strengthening their health, promoting physical and mental development is currently especially important. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children, the Scientific Center of Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased 5 times and is only 9% of the contingent of children entering school. Only 5-7% of preschoolers are healthy, 30-35% suffer from chronic diseases, over 60% have functional deviations. That is why the problem of deteriorating health of the country's population and especially children is becoming national. The Decree "On increasing the role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population" signed by President V. Putin showed the state's concern for the future of the country. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation timely adopted the target program "Children of Russia". A special place in the program is given to the "Healthy Child" subprogram, the purpose of which is to preserve and strengthen the health of children and adolescents at all stages of development. And the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education” clearly defines the task of achieving a new modern quality of education by updating the content of education and improving the mechanisms for monitoring its quality. The urgency of this problem is also defined in the Law "On Education" (subsection 2, art. 1, part 1), the Federal Program for the Development of Education, the National Doctrine of Education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children. Proceeding from the fact that the problem of the formation of children's motor activity is urgent, I have carried out a diagnosis of the physical development of preschoolers. Diagnostics showed that the basic movements of children are not sufficiently developed, 21% of children have a high level, an average level - 35%, a low level - 44%. thirteen

High Medium Low I was faced with a pedagogical problem: by what means to increase children's interest in physical culture and creativity in physical activity. Based on the importance of this problem,
find ways to form motor activity in preschool children by means of non-traditional physical training equipment and the following
1. Study and analyze the pedagogical and psychological literature on this topic. 3. Draw up an action plan on this topic (GCD, leisure, entertainment, Health Days). 2. To develop a system of work on the formation of physical activity in preschoolers, using non-standard equipment and check its effectiveness. 4. Develop pedagogical guidelines for parents and educators. 5. To involve teachers and parents in the manufacture of non-standard physical education equipment. 14

The work on solving the assigned tasks was carried out taking into account the following

1 .
The principle of systematicity and consistency.
This principle assumes that the assimilation of educational material is in a certain order, system. When planning, the sequence of the disclosure of the topic is established, the connection of the new material with the previously mastered educational activity, the experience of children is thought out.
2. The principle of accessibility -
involves the correlation of the content, nature and volume of educational material with the level of development, preparedness of children. 3.
The principle of visibility.
This principle corresponds to the basic forms of thinking of preschoolers. Visibility provides understanding, strong memorization. To make learning visual means to create visual images in a child, to ensure the perception of the environment, to include directly in practical activities, to link learning with life. 4.
The principle of coordinating the activities of teachers, specialists and parents.
It assumes cooperation and coordination of actions of educators, music director, teacher-psychologist, medical workers, assistant educators in achieving a common goal. Educators know that the main burden in terms of the physical development of children falls on educational activities directly. What needs to be done to make physical education more interesting, exciting and effective for young children. Indeed, sometimes the professionalism, emotionality of the teacher is not enough to stimulate the interest of preschoolers in physical culture. L.N. Tolstoy emphasized that the child is willingly engaged when it is interesting to him. S.Ya.Fainshtein argued that neither imitation, nor images give such a positive result when performing motor tasks as equipment and aids. This prompted me to search for and introduce new non-standard equipment for use in physical education, in order to increase interest in physical development classes, to strengthen the health of children and develop their motor creativity. I began my work by studying the relevant scientific and methodological literature, made a Plan for equipping a subject developmental environment for physical development in groups. Requirements for non-standard equipment Non-standard equipment must be:  safe; • as efficient as possible;  convenient to use; Compact;  universal;  technological and easy to manufacture;  aesthetic. 15
The non-standard equipment developed and manufactured by me and my parents is simple, inexpensive, versatile, and small-sized brings an element of novelty to every event with children. These manuals are multifunctional, which makes it possible to apply them in various activities. Children are attracted by the unusual shapes, the colorfulness of such equipment, which contributes to a higher emotional tone during direct educational activities and children's interest in them, forms the need for movement. The children learned that colored pencils can be used for more than just drawing: they can easily turn into a massager for fingers and toes, just like buttons. The “Freckles-rattles” manual, made of plastic containers, braid and various noise elements, was very much appreciated by the children. It is used not only when performing OSU, but also in various types of walking and running, when performing outdoor games. Children effectively use it throughout the day in various forms and types of activity, which means they enrich motor experience and creativity at the level of their individual capabilities.
To a non-standard developed and independently made by us

equipment includes the following types and options:
1. To carry out the ORU: unusual bags, scarves, gloves, mittens, vegetables, amazing pencils. 2. To perform ATS: multi-colored cord, magic rugs, "River path" path 3. "Colored chains" - handles from kinder surprises are attached to the ends of the ropes, used to perform general developmental exercises. 4. "Massagers" - to strengthen the muscles of the back, chest and legs. 5. "Birch logs" - teach children to step over, jump, run over objects. 6. "Sultans, ribbons" - to teach how to perform ORU with objects, to develop attention, dexterity. Use in holidays, dances, outdoor games or just for a good mood. 7. For walking, climbing, jumping, stepping over we use soft octopus. Children play with it with pleasure, developing dexterity, balance, self-confidence, strengthening the muscles of the legs and feet. 8. "Soft balls" - to develop children's eyes, dexterity, to educate volitional qualities, attention, reaction speed, the ability to regulate and coordinate movements, to form self-control skills. 9. "Funny pencils" - to help prevent flat feet, foot massage. Improvement of blood circulation in fingers, hands and forearms. Usage: palm massage (rotation of the pencil barrel between the palms), fingertip massage, massage of the back and the inside of the palm. Foot massage. 10. "Pigtails" - used for training outdoor activities, for outdoor games. 11. Cups for the game "Drop the ball". For the development of eyes, dexterity, speed of reaction. 12. "Funny rattles" - made of reels of scotch tape, pasted over with colored cardboard, used for outdoor switchgear and in game activities. sixteen
16. "Noise plates" - used for outdoor switchgear, in morning exercises, made of two disposable paper plates and noisy materials. 17. "Breeze in a bottle" - used for breathing exercises. Develops the respiratory organs. 18. "Bilbock" - designed to hit the target. Develops an eye, attention, quickness of reaction, dexterity and synchronization of movements, as well as patience and accuracy. 19. "Quiet simulator" - used to develop the development of coordination, spatial imagination and perception, understanding spatial relationships (right-left); training of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, hands of the child. The use of non-standard manuals brings a variety of direct educational activities, outdoor games, allows me to use various exercises more widely, to vary tasks. Carrying out activities for physical development using non-standard equipment showed that interest in them is possible due to its effective use, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently form motor skills and abilities. I have developed abstracts of direct educational activities and entertainment using non-standard physical education equipment I have made, and I am successfully applying them in practice. In each age group, a sports corner or "Health Corner" has been created, where manuals for the development of physical activity are located in an accessible place for children. This is both factory sports equipment and non-standard, made by teachers and parents. Here you can see various massage and ribbed paths, for the prevention of flat feet, ring toss, colorful ribbons, pigtails, sultans and much more. Non-standard equipment is used in our kindergarten in all types of health and fitness work: during morning exercises, health exercises, in game activities, educational activities, entertainment, leisure. Educators know that a positive result can be achieved only by making parents their allies. I tried to arouse their interest in physical culture, strengthening the health of their children. For this purpose, a questionnaire was conducted on the topic "Physical culture in your family." The survey showed that the physical education of the child is mainly engaged in kindergarten, while at home the children spend most of their time in a static position. The parents admitted that they spend little time with the child in the fresh air. Taking into account the results of the research, we decided to make parents our allies by organizing cooperation through: - parent meetings on current topics. - printed and electronic consultations - joint holidays, leisure, entertainment; - placement of information in the parent corner; - on the website of the preschool institution. Therefore, I held a parent meeting on the topic “Children's health is in our hands”, in which I opened up the topic of protecting and strengthening the health of children, talked about the benefits of hardening, about modern sports games that can be played by the whole family. 17
She gave practical recommendations on how fun it is to do exercises at home with your child. I also held a workshop with my parents "How to make interesting non-standard equipment with your own hands." Parents were shown schematic drawings and drawings of non-standard equipment. Most of the parents initially reacted to this idea without enthusiasm, and only 6 families were interested in non-standard equipment and made it according to our samples. The results were not slow to affect: parents noted an increased interest of children in physical movement exercises, an increase in their physical activity, and a decrease in morbidity. A review competition was also announced among the parents.
The result of the competition pleased and helped in further work with children.
In the future, I plan to carry out the following work with my parents:
 consultation "Hardening of the child's body and prevention of flat feet" with watching videos;  Drawing up a photo essay about your family "Active rest on weekends";  The final meeting "In a healthy body - a healthy mind", where parents will share their positive experience of family education in terms of physical development;
In my work, I work closely with colleagues:
 spoke at the teachers' council with the report "Planning the direction" Physical development "in conjunction with other educational areas";  held consultations: "Prevention of flat feet and correction of posture", "Equipping sports corners with non-standard equipment";  held an open review of physical education activities directly using manufactured equipment.
In this way
, performing exercises with non-standard equipment increased children's interest in physical education, improved the quality of exercise performance, diversified physical culture and health-improving work. Effective use of physical education equipment means ensuring the optimal duration of its use throughout the day in different forms and types of activities in order to achieve mastering by children all types of physical exercises, their motor creativity at the level of age and individual capabilities. One of the methods for increasing the efficiency of physical education equipment is novelty, which is created by introducing new non-standard equipment, changing portable equipment of various benefits into peculiar complexes (obstacle courses, houses, fences). Children of all ages perform exercises with non-standard physical education equipment with great pleasure and achieve good results. Using non-traditional equipment for physical training, games and game exercises, relay races, outdoor activities, we increase the interest of children in various types of physical activity, increase the volume of physical activity, and raise the emotional mood. Knowing that positive results can be achieved only by making parents our allies, we tried to arouse their interest in physical education and health promotion of children, to show how much their interest in classes increases when using non-standard equipment. The parents of the pupils are actively helping us in the production of the necessary manuals, as well as they are active participants in sports events held at the preschool educational institution. We store all our equipment in our 18
physical culture corner We believe that children are comfortable and cozy in the objective motor environment we have created. I would like to note the results we have achieved: the increased interest of children in different types of movements, inventiveness in independent motor activity, an increase in emotional tone in physical training, the desire to achieve higher sports results. All this is just the beginning of work on improving non-standard equipment, inventing new types of it and introducing it into work with children. Sports and play non-standard equipment is designed to facilitate the solution of both specific tasks of the purposeful development of children's motor skills, and the solution of the tasks of their all-round development and personality formation, namely: * children have learned to feel themselves in space, to navigate in it; * conditions were created for the manifestation of maximum independence, initiative, volitional efforts; * taught children to use items of sports and play non-standard equipment in independent activities; * aroused interest in sports games, classes, to expand the range of ideas about various types of physical exercises, their health-improving value. It is the use of non-traditional physical training equipment that makes it possible to: increase the interest of children in performing basic movements and games; develop children's observation, aesthetic perception, imagination, visual memory; develop a sense of shape and color; promote
Non-standard equipment allows:
- fully engage in the health improvement of preschoolers; - provides versatile physical development of children; - forms a general strengthening effect on the child's body; - allows you to timely and effectively influence the formation of the musculoskeletal system.
Non-standard equipment provides:
- development of children's interest in physical education. - improving the quality of exercise. - formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet. - improved coordination of movements, increased strength and muscle endurance.
I use non-standard equipment:
- in physical education classes. - on holidays and entertainment. - in individual work with children. Children are attracted by the unusual shapes and colorfulness of non-standard equipment, which contributes to a higher emotional tone during classes and children's interest in various types of motor activities, the development of children's independence, the formation of the need for movement. Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health-improving work. Using these aids and equipment increases the amount of exercise for different muscle groups and also allows 19
apply a differentiated method of working with preschool children. Summing up the results of the work done, we can note positive results: the interest of children in different types of movements increased, inventiveness in independent motor activity appeared, the emotional tone in physical education increased significantly The interest of children in physical exercises increased. equipment, replenish the card index of health-improving gymnastics, continue to equip sports corners, as well as a gym with non-standard physical equipment in accordance with the age characteristics of children, generalize the experience of family education of parents who are most actively involved in sports with their children. In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of non-traditional equipment has a huge variability and integrability. It performs several tasks at once: it strengthens the health of children and improves mood, relieves stress. And playing with such equipment is a pleasure! I wish you health and good mood. Thank you for your attention. twenty

K.S. Babina “Complexes of morning exercises in kindergarten: A guide for the teacher of children. garden. " - M., Education, 1978. Borisenko M.G., Dateshidze T.A., Lukina N.A. “We crawl. We walk. We run. We jump ”, (Development of general motor skills). - SPb .: "Parity", 2005. Volosova E.B. "Development of an early age child" - M.: 1999 Volkova K.S. "How to raise a healthy child" - Kiev: 1981 Vilchkovsky E.S. "Physical education of preschoolers in the family" - Kiev: 1987 Efimenko N.N. "Theater of physical development and health improvement" - M .: 2006 Zaripova TP "Planning of health improvement work" - Office of preschool educational institution No. 1 2004 Isergina K.P., Presnyakova L.S., Inshakova T.V. “Our adult kindergarten. From work experience "- M .: Education, 1991. LV Kochetkova. "Health improvement of children in a kindergarten" - M .: 2005 Kartushina "We want to be healthy" - M .: 1999 M. Makhaneva. "Raising a healthy child" - M .: 1999 Osokina T.I. "Physical culture in kindergarten" - M.: 1986 Overchuk "Health and physical development of children in preschool institutions" - Moscow: 2001 Sivacheva L.N. "Sports games with non-standard equipment" - M .: 2001. Teplyuk S.N. Activities for walks with children of primary preschool age. - M., 2005. Shishkina V.A. "Movement + movement: a book for a kindergarten teacher" - M .: Education, 1992. "Hoop" magazine No. 4/2001. Page 38 "Sports games with non-standard equipment" Journal Д / В №6 / 2002. P. 42 "Exercises using non-standard equipment" 21

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

on the physical development of children No. 13 "Zvezdochka"

(MBDOU d / s No. 13)

Consultation for preschool teachers

"New approaches to physical education and health improvement of children"

Compiled by:


on physical education

A.A. Sobolev

2018 Nov.

The protection of life and the strengthening of the physical and mental health of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education in accordance with the Model Regulations on Preschool Education.

The health of the younger generation is a global problem of the 21st century. One example of the importance of this problem is the data on the impact of the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world, which led to the fact that 25% of diseases and 23% of deaths in the world are caused by the influence of adverse environmental factors, which was the cause of every third disease in children under 5 years of age. Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It was during these years that the foundations of health and harmonious development of the child were laid. From time immemorial, our ancestors paid constant attention to physical education.

Ensuring the protection and strengthening of the health of preschool children is always a priority in the work of preschool institutions. The importance of this direction is due to the fact that the unfavorable trends towards a decrease in the level of health among children have not yet been overcome. Physicians and teachers continue to search for ways to improve the efficiency of health-improving work in preschool educational institutions.

The main areas of innovation in the field of physical education in a preschool educational institution are:

  1. Systematization of medical, health-improving technologies used in modern preschool educational institutions. Currently, the preschool educational institution uses health-improving technologies, some of which are traditional, others are innovative.
  2. One of the conditions for the successful implementation of innovative activities is the individualization of the assessment of the level of psychological, physical and social development of the child.
  3. Creation of a physical culture and play environment in a preschool educational institution as a necessary condition for the implementation of the content of physical culture and health culture.
  4. Formation of a culture of health for children, parents and teachers

Children become the object of almost any innovation process.

Innovations have become so firmly embedded in the theory and practice of education that the work of a modern preschool institution is no longer conceivable without the use of certain innovative pedagogical technologies. Any innovation introduced into the system of traditional education is most often considered as an innovation. Special attention should be paid to innovations in the field of physical education of preschoolers, which, with many positive aspects, in particular increasing the creative role of the teacher in the educational process, often have certain costs. Thus, a significant share of innovative developments in recent years is based on the idea of ​​integrating the physical and mental education of preschoolers. In the practice of traditional education, this direction was realized in various forms of physical activity in order to maintain the mental performance of children in the course of classes (physical education, dynamic pauses).

Currently, the first thing that can be noticed in children is the poor physical development of children. Therefore, many children need special technologies of physical development, in which the whole complex of somatic, physical and intellectual problems must be taken into account. These technologies should, first of all, contribute to the correction of not only psychomotor, but also speech, emotional and general mental development.

One of the ways to solve this problem is the purposeful use of well-known physical culture and health-improving techniques and innovative health-saving technologies, adapted to the age characteristics of children, in the process of physical education of preschoolers.

Health-preserving technology is an integral system of educational and health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and a doctor.

The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach

use the knowledge gained in everyday life. Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in

different types of activities and presented as: conservation technologies and

promoting health; technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles, correctional

technologies. It is necessary to create pedagogical conditions for the health-preserving process of upbringing and development of children, the main ones of which are: the organization of various types of activities of children in a playful way; building the educational process in the form of a culture model; organization of cultural creativity of preschoolers; equipping children's activities with equipment, toys, games, game exercises and manuals. All this work should be carried out in an integrated manner, throughout the day and with the participation of medical workers. It is necessary to pay special attention to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle, applying in practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-preserving process.

In our preschool educational institution, special attention is paid to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle, applying in practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-preserving process.

Children's mental health requires a balance of positive and negative emotions to maintain peace of mind and life-affirming behavior. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, control their behavior, and hear their bodies. For this purpose, in my work, I use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole body - relaxation.

Respiratory gymnastics is carried out in various forms of physical education -

health-improving work using sound pronunciation on the exhale. In children, oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its work in general.

Finger gymnastics is carried out individually or with a subgroup of children daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, speed of reaction. Useful for all children, especially those with speech problems. Held at any convenient time.

Corrective orthopedic gymnastics is used for the prevention of flat feet using massage paths, perfectly massages the baby's feet, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

Health-saving educational technologies are, first of all, a technology of upbringing valeological culture or a culture of health of babies. The purpose of these technologies is the formation of a child's conscious attitude to human health and life, the accumulation of knowledge about health and the development of the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it, the acquisition of valeological competence, which allows the preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior. In other words, it is important to achieve such a result that children, crossing the threshold of "adulthood", not only have a high potential for health, allowing them to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also have a store of knowledge that allows them to do it correctly.

Regular physical education strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in the classroom helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child's body.

Self-massage is also of great benefit.

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself in a playful way. It improves blood circulation, helps to normalize the functioning of internal organs, and improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche.

Funny poems, vivid images that play up massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the ability to use in different environments and at any time.

Other health-preserving technologies are also used that bring enormous benefits to the health of the child: rhythmoplasty, various corrective gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, etc.

Thus, each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and the health-preserving activity used in the complex ultimately forms the child's habit of

healthy lifestyle.

We can say with confidence that not a single, even the best, innovative health-preserving technology can give full results if it is not implemented in collaboration with the family. It is necessary to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, including in matters of strengthening the health of children, to include them in the process of active interaction with preschool educational institutions. In the process of organizing a single

health-saving space for preschool educational institutions and families. Our garden uses a variety of forms of work. Display stands acquaint parents with the life of the group, with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with the age-related physiological characteristics of children, individual consultations are held, sports events are held together with parents. The ongoing physical culture and recreation work allows parents to be attracted to joint efforts to improve the health of the child's body during the entire stay in the preschool institution. The use of health-preserving pedagogical technologies in work increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations for teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, and for the child - a persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, innovative health-preserving technologies can be considered as one of the most promising systems of the 21st century and as a set of methods and techniques for organizing the education of preschoolers, without prejudice to their health.