"Naughty mouse" in the technique of origami. Abstract of the lesson in the circle. Simple origami mouse diagram

Origami mouse. In this technique, it is especially exciting to create animal figurines. At first, these are sketchy figures, and with the development of skill, they will look more and more like real ones. According to the schemes, it is easy to make a mouse in various origami techniques.

A simple scheme for the little ones

This craft can not even be called one hundred percent origami. But with its help, you can show your child how to create paper animals with your own hands: Take a rectangle of the desired color from paper. Fold the rectangle in half, then fold the small squares in half again.

Mark the fold line by bending the corners towards the middle.

Fold the corners inward along the lines.

Bend the ears of the mouse and glue the tail.

A simple origami mouse is ready. It will please both the novice master and the small child.

Mouse in classic origami technique

Origami mouse does not involve the use of scissors or glue. It will be interesting to try yourself to make an animal, for those who have just begun to get involved in paper crafts. How to make an animal:

We bend the square diagonally. We place the product in the form of a rhombus. Bend the right and left corners to the center line.
We also bend the lower corners in the form of airplane wings up.
We open the element not to the end. Now we work with the right side. We bend along the line of a large triangle.
We repeat with the left side.

We bend small triangles to a horizontal line.

Fold up the triangles. We turn over the work.
Bend the top corner down just below the center of the figure.
We bend the side of the product from the top point of the center line to the right corner, as in the photo. We repeat with the left side.
Fold the product in half along a vertical line.
We bend our ears back.
Open the ears so that they are rounded. Press down at the base to secure.
To make a tail, prepare the folds. Fold down the corner towards you.
We open part of the product at the tail and place it inside along the folds. It comes out like this:
Once again, open this part and raise the tip of the tail. Bend the base inward.
To remove the visible transition between the body and the tail, we model the shape of the tail. We open the product a little and narrow the tail inward.

Now the origami mouse is ready. Draw or stick on the eyes and nose.

Paper bat

This is also a kind of mouse! The product will serve as a good decoration for Halloween or an additional accessory for a costume. It will be interesting to make a toy for a child.

For the manufacture will need a square of paper and scissors. For young children or beginners, you should take a square of at least 15 by 15 cm.

From the square we make the element "double square" (fold the square along the diagonals, verticals and horizontals, fold inward along the lines).
Open the workpiece and bend along the lines into the following shape:

Bend the protruding ends of the triangles to the sides - these will be the paws of the bat.

Place the product with the top of the triangle up. This will be the muzzle of the animal. Cut out the ears and make a figured incision on the wings.

It remains to draw or stick eyes and the product is ready. Mouse in the technique of modular origami This three-dimensional figure of an animal consists of triangular modules. For the reliability of their fastening, you can use PVA glue. One module is made from 32 pieces of A4 sheet. For the first row, we make three triples: two modules are connected with one - this is a triple. I'll put the pieces together. This is the first and second row.

Now we are working on the increase. We attach 2 to each module. Now there are 12 parts in a row.

4 and 5 rows are also 12 modules each. After 5 rows, turn the product over.

Up to 13 rows, the modules are staggered. We fasten the 14th row of modules with the short side.

We fasten the 15th row with the long side. So we made the transition from the head to the body.

We also collect up to the 18th row. We cut the 18th row in half: we make 6 modules by inserting four long sides into one module. For the ears, we use pink triangular modules. We fasten the paws at the bottom with glue. The tail can be made in the form of a tube.

Here is such a mouse in the technique of modular origami turned out.

Origami mouse has more than one way of folding. All of these methods are quite difficult to implement. But simpler ones are suitable for beginners or young children. It is also easy to make a bat out of paper for the holiday using paper, glue and scissors.

The mouse - gray or white has a curious nose and tail. The mouse loves his mink, especially looking out of it, he also loves cheese and is very afraid of cats. Making a mouse out of paper is quite simple if you follow the simple instructions on the picture diagram.

Origami scheme: Mouse from a piece of paper

(Click on the image to enlarge the picture)

1. Fold the square piece of paper along the dotted lines so that the edges meet in the center.

2. Fold along the dotted lines to make creases and unfold back.

3. Open the parts indicated by the arrows and align.

4. Fold inwards along the dotted lines.

5. Roll in the opposite direction along the dotted lines.

6. Roll in the opposite direction along the dotted lines.

7. Fold in half.

8. Fold along the dotted lines. Back side also.

9. Open the part indicated by the arrow and smooth out.

10. Fold along the dotted lines to make a crease and turn back.

11. Fold the pocket along the dotted lines.

12. Fold in pocket.

13. Fold inward. The back also.

14. Draw the muzzle of the mouse (eyes, nose and antennae) and the curious mouse is ready.

Origami is a fun activity, especially for spending time with kids. Making paper figures improves fine motor skills and promotes the development of imagination. Below we consider a few simple schemes for creating origami from paper.

Curious origami mouse

A square sheet of paper should first be folded in half diagonally, the fold line will become a guide for other manipulations. After that, along the intended diagonal, we add the sides of the square, first on one side, and then on the other. We straighten the resulting folds so that small triangles protrude - the future ears of our animal. Next, with the help of folds, we form the sharp muzzle of the animal on one side of the figure, bend the ears, as shown in the diagram, and make them voluminous in the form of cones.

The point is small: we make a thin tail, first bending the free part of the figure inward, and then outward again. The tail needs to be additionally bent along the entire length so that it is even thinner. To complete it, you need to paint on our animal's nose and eyes. Place it on the floor or on the table, and the origami mouse will "observe" your actions with interest.

Origami: mouse on the side

Traditionally for origami we need a square sheet of paper. First of all, you need to bend it in half to get the control fold. Next, we close the sides of the square with this fold in the middle. For convenience, the resulting rectangle can be folded in half 2 times to get marks on paper. Having turned it back, we bend a quarter inward from one edge, straightening the paper from the middle up and down, as shown in the figure. We bend these corners along the center of the rectangle. On the other hand, we make small bends and pull the paper from the inside until triangles are formed at the top and bottom.

Next, the whole figure must be folded in half along the intended middle. One of the resulting tails must be hidden inside the figure, and the other bent to the front side. The muzzle of the mouse is formed from a triangle on the other side. We carefully bend the ears, and form the back triangle so that it turns out in the form of a paw. On the muzzle you need to draw the eyes and nose. The origami mouse turned its face towards us.

Animal in sitting position

So, we continue to make origami out of paper. A sitting mouse will require honed paper folding skills, because the lines are not always straight and obvious. To begin with, a square sheet is folded exactly in the middle, after which the triangular parts of the paper are folded along one of the diagonals of the resulting rectangle. The intact corner is folded inward until two pointed parts of the figure are formed. These elements are bred in different directions and folded back to form the muzzle of a mouse. The bottom of this part is bent simultaneously with the internal folds to obtain a three-dimensional figure. The top of the muzzle is bent to highlight the ears.

Forming even ears is the most difficult part. They should be more or less oval and neatly folded over the entire figure. You need to bend the paws of the mouse so that they do not go out of the nose itself, and bend the false tail. The origami mouse is ready.

Making paper figures with family or friends is a great way to spend time together. We hope that you have added a funny paper mouse to your collection of crafts after reading this article.

Galina Karpova

Target: Keep children interested in making crafts using the origami technique.

Program tasks:

Learn to do crafts based on a literary work;

Exercise in the ability to fold a square diagonally;

To consolidate ideas about the signs of a square;

To form the ability to act in accordance with verbal instructions;

Enrich, activate vocabulary, develop speech;

To promote the development of creative imagination.

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse"; games with paper crafts.

Equipment and materials:

Craft sample.

Technological map-scheme of the implementation of the basic form of origami "triangle".

Operational map of making a mouse.

Presentation "Mouse Tales".

Square (15.0x15.0 cm) - for the teacher.

For every child.

Squares (10.0x10.0) gray for mice; folding, glue stick, cardboard (background) and felt-tip pens for decorating crafts.

Lesson progress:

The teacher meets the children in the studio, says hello. Then the teacher invites the children to listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale:

The mouse sang at night in a mink:

"Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I will give you a bread crust

And a candle stub.

Questions for children:

What is the name of this work?

Who are the main characters?

Describe the mouse-mom, mouse.

(Didactic exercise "What, what")

What other fairy tales do you know where the characters of the mouse or mouse act?

(Show presentation "Mouse Tales") .

Well done, all the fairy tales were correctly named, and now, let's play.

Physical education minute "Cat Timosha"

Timosha the cat lived on the roof.

raise your hands up

Below, in the house, lived mice

lean forward, arms

touch the floor

Mice climbed the wall

Not afraid of the cat on the roof.

fingers to "step" from

ankles - up the lower leg

- to the knees - to the thigh

The cat guarded the mice,

Taking the plugs out of the ears.

turning the head to the side

hands to ears

He prepared mousetraps

clap - slam the mousetrap

But the mice were smart.

jumping in place around you,

hands on the belt

Hiding behind Tishka's back,

Mice played hide and seek with him.

palms in front of the face, peeking out from behind

them on one side, then on the other

II part.

Teacher: - Let's make the main character of the fairy tale - a naughty mouse. Look at the operational map.

What geometric figure is the mouse made of? (From the square). What is this figure? (This is a rectangle, a quadrilateral, it has all sides equal). Let's discuss how to make a mouse. From what basic form will we add it? (From the basic "triangle" shape). How to get this form? (Fold the square diagonally). What do we do next? (We fold the resulting triangle in half to outline the middle line, and unfold it again). And then? (We add a large angle to the base of the triangle, iron it, and fill it inside the workpiece). What is the next step? (We add the resulting figure, slightly stepping back from the edge). And the last action? (We bend back the resulting small triangle - the "ear" of the mouse). The mouse figurine is ready.

Before we start doing crafts, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "The mice came out once"

The mice came out once

See what time it is. (“We walk” with our fingers on the table.)

One, two, three, four - (forefingers knock on the table)

The mice pulled the weights. (Clench fingers into a fist.)

There was a terrible sound. (We clap our hands.)

The mice ran away. (“We walk” with our fingers on the table at a fast pace.)

III part (practical).

Children perform crafts, following the step-by-step verbal instructions of the teacher, exercising visual control, pronouncing their actions. When the children are done with the main part of making crafts (mouse body), the teacher invites them to play the game again:

And now, let's check how you remember the words of the physical education lesson about funny mice and Timosha the cat.

Physical education "Cat Timosha"

Part III (practical - continued).

The children stick the mouse on the background-substrate (the teacher reminds the children about the composition: the mouse should be glued not in the center but on the side, leave room for the mother mouse, draw eyes, nose, antennae, paws and tail. At the end of the lesson, they admire the result.

And at our next meeting, we will make a mother-mouse for the mouse.

Note. This lesson I spent with children 4-5 years old. If you conduct a lesson with older children, you can do two crafts at once. For the mouse, take a larger square.

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