Nina krygina lectures about family crisis situations. About female emancipation - nun Nina (Krygina)

Today, one can often come across lectures and talks by Nina Krygina, a nun and candidate of psychological sciences, in various sources. Its main theme is Russian Orthodox psychology. She copes with any questions of this plan easily and wisely, exploring everything with her own technology of deep psychological analysis. Nina Krygina gives the right advice and guides many on the right path. This nun is a person who for our contemporaries opens the foundations of family, love and human relations and even provides professional recommendations. So who is she? Let's try to figure it out.

Nina Krygina: biography

There is very little information about the biography of Nina Krygina, sometimes only from the lectures some details of her life leak out. It is roughly known that she was born in 1969.

She received her higher education in Moscow, then taught at Magnitogorsk University. After a while, she became a professor and defended her Ph.D. thesis in psychology. Communicating with her students, Nina Krygina saved up vital material for her lectures, which gave her wide fame and popularity. And then she became a novice

personal life

The nun herself said that she was married, although her parents did not immediately approve of her choice. She was very attracted to the Orthodox life according to God's commandments, but her husband did not share her aspirations with her.

In marriage, they had a son, who, according to her, also went to the monastery, and this was his independent and balanced choice.

In one of her conversations, she casually talks about her twin sister, who was also tonsured a nun and now lives in the same monastery as Nina. Once her sister got very sick, and only sincere prayers of a believing mother helped her overcome this insidious disease.

Monastery life

Today Nina Krygina is a resident of Sredneuralsky, built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of Breads".

This monastery is engaged in all sorts of social activities, helps the elderly, orphans, disadvantaged and beggars, single mothers, refugees, disabled people and provides them with all kinds of help, spiritual and material.

Sisters-nuns are also engaged in educational activities, while they attend kindergartens and schools in the city of Sredneuralsk and the entire Sverdlovsk region.


Long ago nun Nina began giving lectures on psychology, and thanks to the series of lectures "The Warmth of the Hearth", she became famous. Then her articles “On female emancipation”, “On the role of the media in the destruction of traditional sex-role models”, etc. appeared. This was followed by her speech on the theme "The royal family - the ideal of the Christian family" and other, no less interesting and useful topics.

In her speeches, Nina Krygina mainly carries faith in God, which is harmoniously synthesized with her professional activities and life experience. It makes a deep impression on a large audience of listeners, because it brings tremendous saving benefits.

However, there are also critical people who do not accept her lectures, as she has to raise questions of sexual relations between spouses. However, this does not bother her, since she already had experience in family life.

But here we should also note her charm, attractiveness, charisma and inner beauty that comes from her. At her speeches, the feeling is created that she constantly listens to herself and only then gives information coming from within.

The recordings of her conversations are distributed by the Center for the Protection of Motherhood "Cradle" of the Yekaterinburg Diocese, the Hotel of Social Service. According to her methodology, the "Parental universal education" was also organized.

The vector of direction in the spiritual development of a woman is changing. Modern Eve is offered an inverted system of values. Instead of submitting to her husband and helping him, there is a proud, self-righteous equality with him (and in fact, often the desire for domination over him). Instead of giving birth and raising children, for it is said that “a woman is saved by childbearing” ...


“Eve” means “life” in translation. This name, revealing the essence of its owner, was given to the first woman. It captures the Creator's plan for the purpose of all women who have a common ancestor, regardless of whether they remember it or not. This predestination concerns not only and not so much physical procreation, childbirth, but the fate in eternity of the woman herself and those who must be born of her, whom she, together with her husband, must raise for life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Such a high destiny can be fulfilled only when the potential carriers of life themselves live in accordance with the commandments of God, and do not oppose them. “To whom I will look,” says the Lord, “only to the meek and silent and trembling of My words” (Exodus 66: 2). Do modern Evas always live up to these characteristics?

Unfortunately no. Moreover, at present there are various social movements whose activities are aimed at “destroying to the ground” in the minds of people ideas about the God-established world order. Among them is the feminist movement, which calls for women to emancipation, which means emancipation from the traditional system of values.

The family is a small Church. The semantic blow of the developers of feminism ideas is aimed at the value, spiritual choice of those who are in the very center of the “home Church” ( Rome. 16: 4), who is the link between the husband (the head of the family) and the children (the future founders of “small churches”).

In Orthodoxy, there is a clear family hierarchy: the man is the head, breadwinner and protector of the family. He, being in obedience to God, has unconditional spiritual, moral authority. A woman should be subordinate to her husband, for it is said: “Wives, obey your husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife, just like Christ, the head of the Church” ( Eph. 5: 22-23). A woman is expected to be a caring spouse (“helper” ( Gen. 2:18)), a tender mother, raising her children together with her spouse in accordance with the commandments of God, and a conscientious mistress. Children are perceived by their parents as a gift from God and grow up in obedience and respect for their elders. This is how it should be according to the plan of the Creator.

But what do modern emancipators offer? They urge you to do the opposite. Here are some excerpts from the publications of convinced supporters of emancipation. Irzhina Smeikalova-Strickland, a philosopher and culturologist from the Czech Republic, believes that the word “feminism” conceals statements about female oppression in patriarchal culture, ”which is proposed to be combated by all available means. Her American associate Barbara Berg, in her work “The Gate of Remembrance: The Origins of American Feminism,” focuses on the achievement of greater individual freedom by women.

She states: “It is the freedom to decide your own destiny; freedom from gender-determined roles; freedom from overwhelming restrictions on the part of society; freedom to fully express your thoughts and turn them into action. Feminism demands the recognition of women's right to individual conscience and judgment. ” And all of the above is understood "as a struggle to end oppression on the basis of gender."

The godless essence of female emancipation lies, in our opinion, in the fact that sin, as a transgression of God's commandments, is elevated to the rank of virtue. First of all, it concerns the sin of pride. Modern Evas again strive to become "like gods who know good and evil" ( Gen. 3: 5).

The vector of direction in the spiritual development of a woman is changing. Modern Eve is offered an inverted system of values. Instead of obeying and helping her husband, there is a proud, self-righteous equality with him (and in fact, often the desire for domination over him). Instead of giving birth and raising children, for it is said that “a woman is saved by childbearing” ( 1 Tim. 2:15), - an unrestrained desire to engage in personal and professional self-realization, which, upon closer examination, most often turns out to be a primitive selfish desire to live for oneself. But “procreation is not only the fulfillment of God's Covenant,“ be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth ”( Gen. 1:28), but also a kind of service to God, inalienable from the marriage life ”. But what about the commandment of Christ: “Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Me” ( Mt. 16:24)?!

The call to “live for yourself”, “think first of all about yourself”, so widely replicated by supporters of emancipation, is in fact a trap that leads to “public loneliness”, when the presence of other people around is subjectively perceived as a desert. When no one but yourself is, by and large, interesting. When the main goal of life becomes to achieve an illusory equality with representatives of the opposite sex. When it is proposed to look at everything around through the embrasure of one's own sick self-esteem.

Nevertheless, the militant representatives of the “beautiful half of humanity”, carried away by the idea of ​​emancipation, also want to be happy in their lives. They sincerely believe that, acting in life as men, they will receive from her everything that the “representatives of the stronger sex” have and, in addition, what is due to them as women. They expect, and sometimes literally demand respectful and careful attitude from others.

Demonstrating a masculine style of behavior at work and at home, which includes such characteristics as “imperiousness”, “decisiveness”, “toughness”, etc., they literally demand to be treated as a representative of the “fairer sex”. “Liberated” women are also inclined to show love and attention from their husbands, care and obedience - from children in their own family.

When convinced modern "emancipation", outwardly held in life, talk about themselves, you usually hear the same thing: "I have everything." And then it turns out that there is everything except happiness.

And such an outcome is inevitable. Human happiness does not depend on external circumstances, but on the state of the soul. “Passion” and “suffering” are related words. By feeding and cultivating his own passions, a person of either sex thereby increases the measure of his own suffering; it becomes impersonal, disfigured to the extent that it departs from what was intended by the Creator.

Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin) in his book "In Search of Truth" describes his dialogues with an old noblewoman. In one of the conversations cited, there is, in our opinion, a very accurate image of feminists, which arose in the interlocutor of the archimandrite even when emancipation in Russia and in the world was just beginning to gain momentum. A woman who was wise in life, in particular, said: “I have never been a feminist, like some women from my circle.

Feminism gave me a feeling of disgust. In ancient times, the Scythian tribes built statues near the road - human figures carved from boulders: they consisted of a torso and a head, but they did not have hands and faces. It was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman; they were called “stone women”. Feminism seemed to me to be the production of stone women. Women wanted to equal men and turned into some kind of rough, formless creatures.

Losing feminine beauty, they did not gain masculine strength; losing the subtlety and grace of the soul, they did not acquire the breadth of the male mind. Feminists, who defiantly emphasized equality with men by riding bicycles down the street with a cigarette in their teeth, seemed to me to be traitors to female dignity, some kind of living caricatures ”. This is a rather harsh and at the same time very accurate image of emancipated women, painful for many of her representatives, and, nevertheless, so recognizable today.

But why was emancipation even possible? What is the spiritual root cause of such a widespread dissemination of the disfigured, caricatured female image?

From the point of view of the Russian philosopher A.I. Ilyin, “life without shrine is the first great disaster of our time. … After all, our earthly life has its own innermost, highest meaning. He is not on the surface of the daily routine of petty vanity. ... He demands from us unconstrained recognition and decisive preference ... If we do not satisfy this requirement ... then the higher meaning of life will slip away from us and its desecration will imperceptibly begin. And not because it will become meaningless by itself, but because we will begin to live as if it were meaningless. " “This vulgarity devoid of a saint can cling to everything, take root in everything; and where it penetrates and expands, everything degenerates - both in an individual person and in the life of entire generations ”[ibid., p. 11]. In our opinion, all of the above is directly related to the emancipation of women.

The opinion of the Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin is in many ways consistent with the research of psychologists. Analyzing the image of a woman in history, the American researcher J. Hunter came to the conclusion that the process of female emancipation since the days of deep antiquity was directly associated with the disintegration of morality, with destructive social consequences, and the destruction of the family.

As a psychologist, I have repeatedly had to consult “liberated” women who asked for help in solving serious family problems. Some of them, accustomed to “pushing through” and “relying only on themselves” all their lives, admitted in a personal conversation with pain: “Well, what can I do. I can not love. I don't feel grateful. I didn't know what mother's love was. I cannot give anything to my children and my husband. I just feel bad". Scary and painful! In a house without love and gratitude, there is always a grave coldness. And there is only one way out - to let God into your heart and into your home, to start living according to His commandments, and not contrary to them.

Lectures by nun Nina (Krygina) have been restored! Thank you for your help in finding your lost audio recordings!

Professor, Ph.D. in Psychology, a resident of the Sredneuralsky nunnery in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Contestant of Breads"
nun Nina (Krygina)

From this series of programs, you will learn about the most pressing issues facing young people both in the premarital period and after marriage. In addition, they will be of interest to spouses who have been living in marriage for a long time and raising children - future fathers and mothers.

"Differences between a man and a woman" Download

"Family roles" Download

"May the wife of her husband be afraid" Download

"About premarital relationships" (1 part) Download

"About premarital relationships"(Part 2) Download

"Starting a family" Download

"First year of married life" Download

"Relationship between spouses" Download

"Relationship with new relatives"Download

"The power of the woman in the family" Download

* * *

Family theme

First conversation: "Happy family - utopia or reality?"Download the first part and second part

How to find your “soul mate”, prepare for marriage, preserve and increase love between husband and wife, how to learn how to wisely drive a family ship, how to turn your home from a battlefield into a place of Salvation.

Second conversation: "Mom, he is the best!" Download

On the motives of marriage, "trial" families and other modern models of relationships between men and women.

Conversation three: "I would have known where to fall .., or a honeymoon for life!"Download

About the peculiarities of conjugal love, about ways to overcome family crises, about adultery, their reasons and about many other subtleties that can extinguish or warm up the warmth of the hearth.

Conversation four: "Family problems in questions and answers"Download the first part and second part

Questions that spouses have in communicating with each other and in raising their own children.

Fifth Conversation: "Parenting mistakes"Download

Sixth Conversation: "A boy and a girl are growing in the family" Download

On the psychological differences between boys and girls; about why effeminate boys and masculine girls often grow up in our families; and about many other issues related to the upbringing of sons and daughters.

Seventh Conversation: "Difficulties of the transitional age"Download

About the joys and sorrows of raising modern children, about the main problems that parents face, about what mistakes are often made and how they can be corrected.

Eighth Conversation: "About sex education and sex education"Download

On the fundamental differences between sex education and sexual "education"; about why anti-family and anti-parental attitudes are formed as a result of "sex education", and who is interested in this.

You can find many lectures of nun Nina (Krygina) in the VKontakte group:

Excerpts from the surviving letters of Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov):

“In the summer of his youth, a person is engaged in the acquisition of information necessary for the possible expansion of his range of actions in the material world, into which he enters as an actor. This includes: knowledge of different languages, fine arts, mathematical sciences, history, - all - and philosophy itself. When he begins to incline towards old age, when the time is approaching when the husk should fall off, the fruit remains (the husk I call the body, the fruit - the soul); when he prepares to enter the immeasurable realm of eternity, the realm of the Spirit; then the subject of his research is no longer a changeable substance, doomed to end and destruction, but the Spirit is abiding, endless. a petty thought, when the mind is preparing to leave many-mindedness, to move into a vision that is higher than thoughts and silence, produced by the unlimited God in limited beings, the creature his niyah. The study of the Spirit gives man a permanent character, corresponding to eternity. The horizon expands for him, his gaze reaches beyond the bounds of earth and time, from there they bring unearthly hardness. Take my sincere advice: engage in deep reading of all the works of St. John Chrysostom; it is all in French; interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew, of the Epistle to the Romans, there is also something else in Russian. Until Fate has brought you back to the field of domestic service, take up the definitive education of your spirit in freedom. I recommend to you that Church Writer who, with extraordinary purity, clarity, and power of Christian teaching, lifts the reader above the earth; this spiritual eagle soars at the height of the sky, and from there it shows the earth to its pet. I think: the greatest acquisition for a statesman is to look at the earth from this height; not to mention what a gain it is for a Christian and a man - an heir to eternity. "

"Fate has visited you with its blows; She said:" whom I love, I beat and punish. " The Cincinnatians left the sword for the plow, then left the plow for the sword! with my letter: my word always goes out under this banner! My word - both the proclamation of peace and the proclamation of war - calls for courage, victory, and the conquest of the world the mysterious army of Israel: the thoughts and feelings of a Christian. "

"With consolation and affection, I read your lines and reread them: hope in God and a humble view of my abilities - these fruits of experience and everyday sorrows - are the true pledge and harbinger of God's grace and success."

"Also, I cannot help but admit that I am ignorant before the great science of Theology, despite thirty years of continuous study of this subject. God is infinite, and the science of Him is infinite; man is limited and therefore naturally unable to acquire a complete and perfect knowledge of God."

"First of all, I consider it necessary to tell you a few words about the place of my stay: this description will explain to you the main reason and the reason for the final or the purpose of my trip. Optina Pustynia is located in the Kaluga province, four versts from the city of Kozelsk on the elevated and sandy bank of the Zhizdra river with on the west side, on the other sides it is surrounded by a tall pine forest. To the east of the Hermitage, a hundred yards from it, in the middle of the forest there is a Skete belonging to the Hermitage. Optina Hermitage is one of the most populous Russian monasteries in terms of the number of brethren and, of course, the first monastery in Russia according to the moral quality of the brethren; especially this dignity belongs to her Skete, in which many nobles live. Some of them are very educated, familiar with the latest and most ancient languages, are engaged in spiritual literature, mainly translating the most profound works of the Holy Fathers. called their Elder, Hieromonk Macarius, 68 years old, from the nobility, from the youth an awful monk enriched with spiritual reading and spiritual experiences; he lives in Skete; Optina Pustyn owes him its moral well-being. Many monks from other monasteries, many nuns, many worldly people, dejected by sorrows and in need of guidance, flock to Optina Hermitage to Father Macarius for saving advice and a word of consolation. His ease, simplicity, frankness are completely opposite to that tense and tough holiness, which various Countesses and Princesses look after. The skete family of monks is similar, in religious terms, to the roots of a tree, toiling in the darkness of obscurity and obtaining, however, the necessary vital juices for the tree. The title pages of the writings of the wanderers do not contain the name of the author; it was replaced by a modest line: the Optina Pustyn edition. In the monastery itself, the rule is cenobitic, that is, a common meal, common clothing, a common library, a daily and lengthy church service, general and special labors. The church service is sent to Skete twice a week, on Saturday and Sunday; on other days of the week, the day and night reading of the psalter is performed by the brethren in turn; the brethren work in the cells, but their labors are predominantly mental. The female sex is not allowed to enter the Skete; and whoever needs to leave the Skete from the Skete brotherhood must each time ask the Elder's blessing for this; the monastic brethren are given entrance to the Skete at all times of the day to meet their spiritual needs. The meal at the Skete is the most lenient.

From this description you can see how close Skeet is to me! Thorough reading and study of the deepest Scriptures of the Holy Fathers brought me to the monastery, supported and nourished in it. In Skete I find my occupation, my own kind of thought; in the Skete I see people living in the exact sense for humanity in its spiritual, high purpose; I see people with whom I can share thoughts, feelings, before whom I can pour out my soul. The head of the Optina Hermitage and the main monks of it have known me for about 30 years; and with about. Makarii I am, dare I say, in the most friendly relations. Finally, the local climate is beneficial for my health. All the reasons, outside and inside me, unite in order to make me use all my efforts to move me to the Skete. To at least spend the end of my life on human rights and for humanity in the spiritual and broad sense of the word. - On the contrary, all the reasons, inside and outside me, make me use all my efforts to escape from St. Petersburg and the Sergiev Hermitage. What is required there from a clergyman? Parading, one parading; no reason is required of him, no knowledge, no spiritual strength, no virtue. All this is imputed to him as a vice: his attention should be focused on one parade, on one man-pleasing, meanwhile, how both are done, (p. 456) according to a natural, psychological law, alien to the mind and heart, busy looking deep and enlightened man - a spiritual being, clothed in a body for a short time, placed in the material world for a short time, who must study eternity and its laws during the days of his stay in the body. Parading and spiritual contemplation cannot dwell in one soul; they are in irreconcilable enmity; one by the other must surely be supplanted. What was my position in Petersburg during my 23-year stay there? It was the position of a moving statue that had no right to word, feeling, or law. If I heard a few friendly words, then these words were weaker than those that are pronounced to a beloved poodle or bulldog, and to which, if necessary, are answered with silence, which preserves the dignity of a statue in the silent. According to the immutable law of righteous retribution in the field of morality, those who turn people into statues themselves turn into statues, depriving the development of the mind and heart and being chained in one sensuality. Imagine: what is the mental state of a person who has left everything for the development of humanity, perfected by Christianity and deprived, during 1/4 centuries, moral existence, all rights and all hope for it!

In addition, the Petersburg climate destroys the remnants of my strength and health.

I wrote to you in such detail about myself so that you can see my way of judging people, since every person judges others by himself. "

"Such a heart is alien to flattery and intrigue; it is opened by time, because at first glance it may seem cold, while a flatterer and deceiver at first glance may seem very warm."

"At the end of winter, that is, during Great Lent, rumors circulated in St. Petersburg that you would receive another appointment. These rumors led to the severity of your character for your subordinates, many of whom retired from their useful service."

"The Providence of God (a man is only an instrument!) Made you the ruler of this country at a time in which the Supreme Government itself became convinced that its internal enemies - bribe-takers, thieves, servants without honor and without conscience, led by the stupidest selfishness, are unbearable for Russia. do not bridle them in good time, they will destroy the fatherland. You are called to fight against them! Do not retreat and do not yield. Your feat is not brilliant, but essential and useful. Arrows and daggers are fired at you. Heart wounds are inflicted on you; these insubstantial weapons and ulcers are visible to God and appreciated by Him: for not only, according to one prominent saint, feat and death for Christ is martyrdom, but feat and suffering for righteousness are counted as martyrdom. everyone else, because you are prepared for him. stood before the power of evil and betrayed the public good to it; You will be comforted by the judgment of the Savior, who said: Blessed are those banished for righteousness! blessed when, for her sake, your name will be showered with evil rumor in the company of men. Rejoice and be merry, as your wages are many in heaven. Strive, but strive only for God and virtue, and not for history and people's opinion of you: both history and human opinion are ruthless to egoists who seek by all the tricks of earthly glory; on the contrary, they revere the minister of virtue, who nobly forgets about them and means the glory from God in eternity: they give him justice sooner or later. "

“Not only spiritual beings temporarily clothed with bodies, that is, humans, but also such beings who are not clothed with bodies, and therefore are called spirits, take part in the activities of mankind on earth, although in the proper sense there is only one God - Spirit. as all human activity depends on thoughts and sensations, the spirits, dominating this spiritual or mental area, are at the head of human activity. in good and evil, some of them struggle with effort against evil, while others against good.The Scriptures call them Principles and Powers; Paganism itself recognizes both their existence and participation in human activities, calling them geniuses and dividing geniuses into good and evil Exactly: the beginning of any important or unimportant matter with all its consequences is a thought, and a thought, already taken as truth, is an opinion, to power over a person and over people. All this is said to explain that the Ascetic of Truth must take precautions and arm himself not only against malicious people, but also against malicious spirits who cunningly bring their insidious and pernicious suggestions, disguised with the mask of righteousness. The Holy Fathers, in their profound writings, set forth the signs by which the thought brought by the evil spirit is recognized. This thought is always dark, brings the heart into confusion and sorrow, and its innermost goal is to prevent good; he is convicted by the Holy Scriptures, or the Word of God. "

"Faith in God, always accompanied by the abandonment of hope in oneself, overcomes all sorrows and temptations, overcomes all obstacles. The thought of faith in God is light, sheds consolation, joy and strength in the heart that accepts it; it is brought by an Angel from the mental paradise. Those who hope in the Lord are like Mount Zion: they do not move for ever!"

"Faith in the Providence of God and obedience to it constitute the strength of the soul and carry it along the waves of the sea of ​​life, preserving it from moral drowning."

"I had the honor to receive your letter of December 22nd on January 6th. I sincerely thank you for your memory of me! You also remembered that I suffer from breastfeeding, you find the southern climate necessary for me. All this is true. But I have no patronage. I find - I will not say joy: this is very little - I find pleasure in self-sacrifice. How much it gives strength! Walking above the earth, it shows man the fate of humanity from a very special point, from the point of Divine Management and Providence. Self-denial - from faith. "

"Accept my earnest congratulations on the coming New Year, which may the merciful Lord grant you and all of us to have a good fortune! May He keep the Angel for a while, who has to sound the trumpet and disturb the universe with the voice of this trumpet."

“I don’t know any news other than the generally known. Even among the strata of the common people there is a rumor about the liberation of the peasants from the rule of the landlords, the rumor is probably empty or premature.

"Accept my sincere gratitude for your constant gracious attention to me, in which I see with love and spiritual consolation the pledge of love deeply planted in your heart. reserve, with constancy and depth of character, give the heart's pledges solidity and strength. Long-term experiences of a fool do not mean anything. They seem to make a fool even more foolish: they completely confuse him. "

"In addition to the news you know, I am reporting news that will be close to your heart: a black cloud is gathering over the Caucasus; the name of the cloud is Vasily Antonovich Izharsky, recently appointed Vice-Director of the Chancellery of the Caucasian Governor. This Izharsky was for four years the manager of the estate of Prince Baryatinsky [Baryatinsky Alexander Ivanovich (1814–1879), prince, since August 26, 1856 - Caucasian governor.]; Properly delivering income from the estate to the Prince, which the previous managers did not fulfill, Izharsky stuffed his pocket tightly with significant exhaustion for the peasants. two circumstances remained unknown to the Prince; in view of him there was only one thing left - the proper delivery of income, a high concept of Izharsky's abilities based on him and the consequence of both - a power of attorney to him. to make the Caucasus his lease, and the Prince his instrument. Pity everyone! What a move nowadays to all malicious and vicious people! In vain Isto Ria actually teaches that the source of disasters for all States was the immorality of the State people, who, due to this immorality, by their natural demand, surrounded themselves with monsters of self-interest, and these ruined both the people and their patrons. You need to know that Robespierre and the brethren were already people formed and ready at the beginning of the French Revolution: they were born, matured and strengthened under the shade of the modern monarchy and aristocracy. The will of God be done! "

"It is a pity for Little Russia - this granary not only for Russia, but for the whole of Europe. And here the harvests are bad. The beginning of spring was accompanied by extraordinary cold weather, and the cold was followed by a drought."

"Accept my earnest congratulations on the day of your Angel and wish you all true blessings. I do not know if I have recommended you the book Letters of George, the Zadonsky Hermit. This book is excellent for a practical Christian, and you need to read it a little. If I have not introduced you yet. with this book, then accept my present review of it, as a spiritual gift, for the day of your Angel. "

"The seal of God's election lays on you. Try to make it decisively brand you, become an eternal property for you, and make you an inalienable property of God for eternal bliss. God seals us according to His election, and it depends on our will to accept His seal and be sealed. it or to reject it. ”The Holy Apostle Paul says: The Lord loves him, punishes him: he beats every son, but he accepts(Heb. 1. 6). This is the sign of God's choice! here is the seal of God! The sign of election and the seal of God are the essence of sorrow. Then this seal is accepted when a Christian thanks God for his sorrows, according to the will of the Apostle, and even more so according to the will of God Himself: thank everyone: this is the will of God in Christ Jesus in you(Sol. 5.18). Here it is said in Christ Jesus: for in Him, in His incarnate Son, having subjugated Him during all the time of His earthly life to many different sufferings, God will manifest His will so that the Ods of Christ - Christians - undergo many different sufferings. If this is the will of God, then for its manifestation, all-good and all-wise, by mathematical necessity, one must thank God. When a person thanks God for tolerated sorrows, then consolation is poured into the heart of the one who gives thanks. From this consolation comes a living faith in God. From the action of living faith, a person will begin to surrender to the will of God and the guidance of God. Then the grace of God overshadows the mind of man, and his gaze opens up a magnificent eternity, before which earthly affairs take on their correct dimensions, that is, they turn out to be completely petty. "

"You have expressed a desire to spend some time with me in conversation. Fulfilling this desire, I am attaching to you by the same mail the Manuscript -" The Word about Death ", compiled by me for my own mental benefit and for the spiritual benefit of those who truly desire to be saved. this is the fruit of my private solitude: it is my sincere conversation. I believe it to some of my closest friends, Peter Al-ch has a copy of it. If your eyes are weak, then tell yourself to read the Word to yourself a person prepared for serious: such reading as You Yourself will see , not to everyone. When the need for the Manuscript is over, please send it to me. "

"Accept my earnest congratulations on the upcoming Holiday of Holidays and my zealous desire for all true blessings to Your Excellency. I received the book" The Word of Death ": excuse me for troubling you (p. 469) reading it. However, it contains all the main things that it teaches The Holy Eastern Church also had to know true Christians, most of whom were monks, of whom one matured his soul, descended from the body, others saw and heard spirits in reality while refining their bodily feelings by voluntary or involuntary deed, and from others. , sincerely devoted to me since childhood, revered by many as a proud man for his inhuman pleasing, who preserved his virginity until marriage and chastity in marriage, saw the ordeals, the procession of souls, saw the heavens opened and there the same thing that St. Andrew saw, as described in the "Word about Death. "It was impossible to expose all this with evidence in the Word, but it shows that it was written not from only theoretical concepts and knowledge."

"For a monk, there is neither resignation, nor his own will: they are shoved where you don’t think, and asking for consent is not fashionable in the spiritual department. I rely on the Lord God.”

“But rarely a person will have a chance to live as he would like and thought, especially to a monk. And therefore, despite all my considerations and assumptions, which seem correct and sound to me, I surrender myself completely to the will of God. (P. 470) The Holy Church utters from faces of all Christians and often repeats the following excellent comforting prayer: We ourselves, and each other, and our whole life to Christ God we will give."

"I heartily rejoice at my acquaintance with Natalia Grigorievna, and with pleasure I remember the subordination in which you keep your dearest daughters. Saving subordination would not hurt for all modern youth. The Holy Fathers affirm that only he will receive the knowledge to command well, who previously acquired the knowledge to obey . "

"My position is similar to yours. My shelter is extremely secluded, and this is what I need, and I love it. I spent a very hard winter, never leaving my room, undergoing various painful fits; it seems that much here belongs to the action of the Caucasian waters. To such an extent was weak, that he did almost nothing. And now I can not say anything definite about my health. And what is it for! Old leaves must give way to new ones on the tree, which remains the same as it was, despite the change of leaves. Almost all are good my Petersburg acquaintances have departed for eternity. New leaders are the most alien both in years and in direction. It remains, standing aside, to wish, as a person and a Christian, sincerely all the best to both society and private people. "

"And the fate of this man serves as proof of the definition with which the wise Solomon captured all the temporary, earthly positions of man. Misfortune came to Prince Baryatinsky when he ascended to the peak of happiness, and there, at this peak, struck him."

"The century is moving quickly - should I say forward? - although not forward, but still it goes. Those who have bad legs, or dull reason, and need their procession to stop and look around so as not to fall into any hole, The rest of the days, especially for people who have completely lost their health, like me, or have lost it to a large extent, like P. his."

"The common people say that enemies from foreigners are setting fire, or they set it on fire and were going to set it on fire. Now news of fires has ceased. According to my remarks, mankind rarely enjoys a lasting and lasting calm. As far as I can understand, in my memory the most peaceful time for Russia was the last ten years of the reign of Emperor Alexander I, at the end of the wars with Napoleon I.It was calm after the pacification of the Polish Uprising, but from 1840 or somewhat earlier, new theories began to appear; they were strengthened, strengthened, and it is not known what result will be resolved. "

"You know what a lively part I take in you! And therefore you will not be surprised at my letter. And before I wrote to you, and now I confirm that I see over you a special Providence of God. He led you along the thorny path of various sorrows, bringing you up with them. , and retained in order to oppose Napoleon III, as Kutuzov-Smolensky was preserved and opposed to Napoleon I. A person who is not prepared for this (p. 478) business is not good! a slave of human opinion is not suitable! Hard work, combined with selflessness lies ahead. To accomplish the feat, you need a capable person, educated theoretically and practically, a person who would not need anything except the good of the fatherland. It is justly said in the biography of Joseph, the son of Jacob, sold by the brothers into slavery, that "the Providence of God usually plunges into the crucible of sorrows those people whom he prescribes for great deeds."

"Now or after, but Russia needs to reckon with Europe. Human efforts cannot destroy and change God's destinies. Russia is destined to be of great importance. It will prevail over the universe. It will achieve this when its population corresponds to the space. This population is growing annually more than per million; Russia must enter the coming century with a population of 100 million. The attack of envious enemies will force her to develop strength and understand her position, which will already constantly arouse envy and intrigues. This will require tremendous work, feat, dedication; but what to do when the hand of incomprehensible Destiny leads them to them! must achieve tremendous material development before the end the world, and conclude with its end the history of wandering on the lands of the human race. The mentioned chapters of Ezekiel are referred to in the 20th chapter of the Apocalypse; the multiplicity of the army, which will be in the State, is likened to the sand of the sea. Saint Andrew of Crete, the church writer of the 7th century, explaining the 20th chapter of the Apocalypse and finding its prophecy identical with the prophecy of Ezekiel, says: “There is a people in the north, hidden from other nations by the hand of God, the most numerous and militant people. Before the end of the world, he will suddenly open up and overcome all nations. " Exactly! Europe recognized Russia after America, almost only from the time of Peter the Great. (p. 479) Peter I came to Paris as a guest in 1714, and in 1814 the Russian army arrived there. What a speed of events! Today, to meet the enemies threatening us, one can say in the words of the 2nd psalm: The tongues are wandering, and people have learned to be in vain. Enemies will wake up, shake Russia, produce an involuntary development of power in it, but they will not humiliate Russia: they will elevate it, this is its predestination. "

“The Holy Fathers very justly said:“ God's destiny is an abyss. ”It is impossible to foresee all the circumstances, many of them are unexpected. Did Napoleon think that by his victories he would prepare himself a link to the deserted rock of the Ocean?

In the temple of God, the prayer was very often repeated: We ourselves, each other and our whole life to Christ God we will give. This prayer is often repeated, because it is soulful: it comforts, encourages, strengthens the soul with faith and devotion to God. "

"And I use the solitude of the Babaevsky Abode, so much necessary for my disordered health. When difficult questions appear in my mind, I try to resolve them with the above prayer."

"I humbly ask you to accept favorably the book" Ascetic Experiments ", which Petr Alexandrovich will present to you. This book was written and revised for 20 years, in accordance with the observations made over oneself and over others. It leads to self-view, to pacification and edification by Faith and the Gospel Truth. Instead of a personal visit, I come to you with my book, and, through it, I wish to be with you constantly. "

Prof., Ph.D., a resident of the Sredneuralsky nunnery in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Contestant of Breads" nun Nina (Krygina)

Conversation 1. Happy family. Utopia or reality

How to find your “soul mate”, prepare for marriage, preserve and increase love between husband and wife, how to learn to wisely drive a family ship through all the dangers of the outside world and your own passions, how to turn your home from a battlefield into a place of Salvation - says nun Nina ( Krygina), candidate of psychological sciences, former professor at Magnitogorsk State University.

Topics covered in the conversation: Spiritual laws of life that operate regardless of whether we know them or not. What should a woman do if a man does not take responsibility? The power of female sensitivity (empathy). Do brutal men have the ability to empathize? How to be? The family began to collapse. Abortion and its impact. What research on the psychology of death shows. Film "Silent Scream". What is "clean" and "dirty" psychology? Male gender role stress. Male violence in the family or behavior at risk. Infantilism and alcoholism of men in the family. Woman with claims. How is a screaming woman different from a drunk man? Psychological slaps in the face. Female gender role stress. Psycho-emotional fatigue of women. Family scandals and an increase in divorce are like at home at war. Destruction of the value of motherhood. Consumer infantile and selfish attitude when creating a family. Tired of parents from their problems and "abandoned" children. "So mom and dad don't like me." Small and one-child families. How to revitalize and improve your family. At what age to send a child to kindergarten? Why doesn't the child start talking for a long time? Who is to blame for the divorce? They usually leave not to a person, but from a person. What happens to a child who grew up in a divorced family? A boy who grows up without a father. So what's now? What are family crises for and how to get through them?

Conversation 2. Mom, he is the best!

Nun Nina (Krygina), Ph.D. in Psychology, former professor at Magnitogorsk State University, tells about the motives for marriage, "trial" families and other modern models of relationships between men and women.

Know where to fall ... or honeymoon for life.

The conversation will focus on the features of conjugal love, on ways to overcome family crises, on adultery, their reasons and on many other subtleties that can extinguish or warm up the warmth of the hearth - says nun Nina (Krygina), candidate of psychological sciences.

Conversation 4. Family questions in questions and answers.

Nun Nina (Krygina), Ph.D. in Psychology, tells the many questions that spouses have in communicating with each other and in raising their own children.

Conversation 5. Errors in parenting.

The conversation will focus on the joys and sorrows of raising modern children, the main problems that parents face, what mistakes are often made and how they can be corrected - says nun Nina (Krygina), Ph.D. in Psychology.

If Mother Nina told me this alone, I would listen, but not for long. However, she teaches the Church from the TV screen, and this is already verbal vomit in her mouth. Everything seems to be smoothly said, but not by rank. Yes, and this smoothness, only one appearance. I do not like her lecture, not because it speaks of the priority of the husband in the family, but therefore: 1. Wives in the church are silent. And this could have ended. But I will develop the idea. It is difficult to imagine that in the Zion Upper Room, after the Resurrection of Christ, she would teach believing men (not to say the Apostles), and one of the brethren, Mary Magdalene. Although she was the first to meet the Resurrection.
Where women do not teach us: in churches, where we need to stand (and they are supported by the priests); on Orthodox radio; on the Soyuz TV channel; at home in the Small Church. I'm not talking about the world, I'm talking about the Body of Christ.
2. Should a bishop be helped to become a bishop? He is already ordained and has authority and honor. The dignity of anointing to the episcopate is so high that even if the henchman concealed sins, even mortal ones (for example, murder), during the appointment, they are blotted out with the anointing. And the peasant does not need a woman's hand to help him become the head of the family, at the wedding he has already received all the promises of God and power over the house, he needs to take it and rationally nourish his household. And what kind of wife can help her husband, except by fulfilling her office, without becoming a new creature in Christ. One has to learn godliness and lead a family oneself. Where everyone is in their place, and serves. In our time, the peasants simply jump off their position in the home Church, for various reasons, and flow not burdened with spiritual abuse, but the woman wants to take power, but cannot stand before the Lord - not according to the order. So the family suffers from distorted development, like small children who fall ill with a serious illness. It seems they are growing (financially well), but the psyche is not in order (spiritual paralysis).
3. Mother talks about a peasant - a rag, now there are a lot of them, and about some of their reactions to pregnancy. But he does not disclose the reasons for the massive appearance of such men. And I wonder what they are? Ask the priest, maybe he will answer you. But I know, from the Apostle, that you have to ask your husbands. And they don't answer. It seems to me that there is more than one reason. The main thing is not the knowledge of God by the modern people of God. "I want mercy, and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings" (Hos. VI, 6). The knowledge of God is not the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but the achievement of the closest communication with God, unity in love.
An important reason is the feminization of society. For many decades, mothers have been raising sons in our country: single mothers, mothers whose husbands are under their thumb, etc. In kindergartens and schools there are women teachers, the mentality is Soviet: "Girls must stand in front"; "Girls must yield." So such a son is growing up - the defender of the Russian land, the warrior of Christ. I myself saw on the street how my mother, staring her eyes, yelled at a bespectacled boy, about 12 years old: "Where did you go, come here!" And when the mother gets old and the son brings her daughter-in-law home, she cries from the young attacks and asks for protection from the child, but it's too late to drink "Borjomi" - he has the skill to obey his wife's voice since childhood. Oh, if he knew and remembered the words of God addressed to the sinner Adam: "Because you listened to the voice of your wife ..."