New Year's humorous riddles - snags for children and adults. Ideas for creativity and needlework

We are looking forward to it very much.
Let's pour him a glass of wine.
We will spend the evening with him
He's our dear... dispatcher?

Visit us for the New Year
The bearded grandfather is walking
Meet him soon
After all, Grandfather is hurrying to us ... Mazai?

Santa Claus sits under the tree
Children read poetry.
And for such efforts
He will give everyone ... a bump?

Love this holiday
And obedient, and a prankster.
We celebrate it in winter
He is very mischievous.
Santa Claus brings congratulations,
Without a doubt, it's... a birthday?
New Year

In the New Year you hear a sound from them,
As a result, there is also fear.
They are like bright roll calls,
We will call them together ... lists?

What kind of old grandfather is coming
Carries a bag with gifts.
He has a red nose
Lots of gray hair.
He put in a lot of effort
And his name is ... Vasily?
Santa Claus

New Year comes to us
But does not ask for a hundred grams.
He has a red nose
And the work is dangerous.
He gives gifts to everyone
And don't ask for them in return.
He is like a New Year's talisman,
And his name is ... Ivan?
Santa Claus

If we get bored
Call good friends
What will give us joy
On a winter holiday... a birthday?
New Year

Bake it in the oven
And seasoning lubricate.
Piglet will decorate it,
They will fill with goodies.
It will be served to the table in a dish.
What is his name? ... Grapefruit?

It sings not only bass
They even use alt.
And they use soprano.
And everyone says
To listen to him
Mandatory ticket.
Let's all go together
Listening to... a concert together?

You are warm and comfortable in the house.
Throw a log at her.
Show your dexterity.
Is it a warm...oven?

Repeats after me
Like a diligent student.
I say you are good! -
You're good! - He speaks.
I'll teach him soon!
What kind of bird? Sparrow?

The holiday is cheerful and perky,
Magical and miraculous.
Favorite children's day
When laziness lies down at night.

When Santa Claus comes
He finds gifts for everyone.
The holiday is full of excitement
It's... the eighth of March.
New Year

They prepare gifts for us,
Taxi hails on New Year's Eve.
They don't want to be late
A few nice guys.
They are atmosphere makers
Our faithful... militiamen?

We are looking forward to it
Delicious, hearty meal.
We will be with him in the New Year,
Is this our loyal... cat?

We give them to each other
They don't care about volume.
The main thing is that from the heart -
Put whatever you want there.
And the color doesn't matter at all.
It's from the heart... a bracelet.

Old but brave grandfather
Who doesn't come at lunch.
Brings gifts to us
And his name is... Ivan.
Santa Claus

Does it have cream in it?
And there is dough in it.
And they all eat it together
If there is a celebration in the house
Suddenly big things happen.
And everyone calls him... pizza?

What kind of tree is
Dark green, forest?
We brightly decorate it,
We dress up in bows cheerfully.
Its trunk is quite rough,
Well, of course it's... oak?
Christmas tree

We will wrap it with a beautiful ribbon,
We put it in a big box.
There is nowhere like this
We'll give our best friend ... a convertible?

NEW YEAR'S HUMORISTIC MYSTERIES - FAKE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS. Think in the new year and reward the most attentive who have never made a mistake with a souvenir or sweetness! FAKE FOR KIDS: 1. Many, many, many years Grandfather gives us gifts, Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations, This holiday is the Day ... ? birth? (this is New Year's holiday) 2. Who is he, with a white beard, Himself ruddy and gray-haired, He is the best and kindest of all! Guessed? - ... Barma ... ? lei? (No. Santa Claus) 3. Come to our ball! So that no one recognizes you, Let your mothers sew you Carnival ...? What? Pajamas? (no, costumes!) 4. Forget about whims, Everyone - sweets, everyone - surprises! On New Year's Eve there is no need to cry, There, under the tree, ... old .. bast shoes? (no, gifts!) 5. To brighten up the night, Grandfather must be helped. All the children say on the holiday Chorus: “Christmas tree, ... go out?” (no, Christmas tree, burn!) 6. I like to skate on ice. Hooray! Winter is getting closer! I'll go to the skating rink with my friends And put on ... skis? (no, skates) 7. We will be able to name all the months of winter without error. Let's call first. Of course, it's a month... ? which? May? (no, December) 8. The snow woman has a funny nose, It is long, bright vegetable! Now we need to think together, Which vegetable we need to choose. Who guessed - well done! Of course it's… what? cucumber? (no, carrot) 9. Are you a friend or not a friend, Get in a circle soon! Holding hands, the kids drive together ... ? bear by the nose? (no, they dance) 10. Santa Claus came to us, brought his young granddaughter. Children are waiting for her gift - This girl is ... Mermaid? (no, this is the Snow Maiden). 11. Who is the helper of Santa Claus? Who has a carrot instead of a nose? Who is all white, clean, fresh? Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin? (No, Snowman) 12. Here she is, beauty, All shimmers! They brought it from the frost, This tree is ... Birch? (no, Christmas tree) FAKE FOR ADULTS: Guess when you need to say "Santa Claus", and when - other words: tasks for adults On the window, bouquets of roses Draws for us ... (Santa Claus) I brought a pack of cigarettes to school I brought our ... (not Santa Claus, but ...) A gray-haired beard Good old ... (Santa Claus) Paints the nose red for All the guys ... (Santa Claus) Who covered the fields with snow? It's just ... (Santa Claus) Pulled the girls to tears By the pigtails ... (not Santa Claus, but a bully) Ate a fresh tray of snow for breakfast ... (Santa Claus) The shawl is silvered on the branches of birches, This outfit was presented .. (Santa Claus) He loves runners, does not tolerate wheels - He rolled on a troika in a sleigh ... (Santa Claus) Who brought us gifts? Well, of course, ... (Santa Claus) This is a simple question: Santa Snegurka - ... (Santa Claus) On New Year's Eve, an electric locomotive Gave me. .. (Santa Claus) My father's Volga doesn't have wheels: At night, a bad one stole them ... (not Santa Claus, but a thief) Invites all the guys to cross-country skiing ... (Santa Claus) He grew up in hot Africa, Black-skinned. .. (not Santa Claus, but a Negro) He plucked us all seriously on a Winter morning ... (Santa Claus) We dressed up in costumes of Mice, butterflies, dragonflies. Light the Christmas tree soon For the kids, ... (Santa Claus) He didn’t freeze in the fierce cold, Only the cold is glad ... (Santa Claus) At the school of "twos" a whole cart Earned ... (not Santa Claus, but ...) Waiting with longing for spring thunderstorms, Only glorious ... (Santa Claus) On Women's Day, a bouquet of mimosas Gives mom ... (not Santa Claus, but dad or son)

Fun and easy: for the New Year we offer to play New Year's changelings from famous New Year's songs.

Rules: all words from well-known New Year's songs are replaced by opposite ones in meaning and are compiled into a phrase-shifter.

Necessary: guess the song (words from the song) by the shifter.

1. The huge birch is hot in summer. (The little Christmas tree is cold in winter).
2. Aspen dried up in the swamp, it collapsed in the swamp. (A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest).
3. Birch, birch, swamp stink, she doesn't need ugly rags at all. (Herringbone, Christmas tree forest fragrance, she really needs a beautiful outfit).
4. The old day is slowing towards us, nothing is happening slowly. (The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon).
5. Wow, hot, hot! Roast him, his canary. (Oh, frost, frost! Do not freeze me, my horse).
6. Tell me a movie about 60 seconds. (I'll sing you a song about five minutes).
7. Near the swamp, in the thicket, Summer lived out in the palace. (Winter lived in a hut near the forest).
8. And so he ran away from us, shabby on weekdays. (And here she is smart, she came to us for the holiday).
9. Your worst fear is me! (My best present is you!)
10. The fog falls, falls, falls. (Snow is spinning, flying, flying).
11. Red, red rain fell on the road. (Blue, blue frost lay on the wires).

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Funny trick riddles with a trick for the New Year, for Birthday, which are very fond of children and adults, will be good entertainment. New Year's funny riddles, jokes, anecdotes for adults will amuse any company.

You need to read the poems of the snag riddle quickly, and you will see that “on the machine” both children and adults (especially if adults have already begun to see off the old year) give the wrong answer. Riddles-tricks are very useful - for the development of attention and ingenuity. And it's also oh-so-fun.

Who is he, with a white beard, himself ruddy and gray-haired,
He is the best and kindest of all! Guessed? — …

Santa Claus (not Barmaley)
* * * * *

Who with a huge bag walks through the forest ...
Maybe it's Cannibal?
- Not.
He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the Christmas tree.
Overgrown with a gray beard. Who is this?

(Santa Claus)
* * * * *

For many, many, many years, Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations. This festival - …

New Year (not birthday)
* * * * *

Santa Claus has arrived. I brought my young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift - This girl is ...

Snow Maiden (not Mermaid)
* * * * *

The prickly needles of the elegant ...

(Christmas trees)
* * * * *

Here she is, beauty. Everything is overflowing!
Brought it in from the cold. This is a tree - …

herringbone (not birch)
* * * * *

With grandfather on the street rushes in a sleigh ...

(Snow Maiden)
* * * * *

Who is Santa's Helper? Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh? Who is made of snow? — …

Snowman (not goblin)
* * * * *

Come join us for a ball! So that no one recognizes you
Let your mothers sew carnival ones for you ...

suits (not pajamas)
* * * * *

All dressed in white is approaching us...

winter (not summer)
* * * * *

At night, every window peeps into us ...

moon (not sun)
* * * * *

He is eared, cross-eyed. You recognize him immediately.
He knows a lot about carrots. Who it? Certainly…

hare (not wolf)
* * * * *

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course the redhead...

squirrel (not fox)
* * * * *

We welcome all guests:
Drink them freshly ground...

coffee (not tea)
* * * * *

He walked boldly through the forest, but the fox ate the hero.
At parting, the poor thing sang. His name was...

bun (not Cheburashka)
* * * * *

And beautiful, and sweet, only very small!
Slim figurine. And the name is...

Thumbelina (not Snow Maiden)
* * * * *

Even the kid knows that Matroskin is ...

cat (not mouse)
* * * * *

He lived in Prostokvashino,
Smart dog...

Sharik (not Artemon)
* * * * *

He is a big naughty and comedian. He has a house on the roof.
Boastful and arrogant. And his name is...

Carlson (not Dunno)
* * * * *

I get up early in the morning. I'll drink everyone's milk.
I chew grass across the river. What's my name? …

cow (not sheep))
* * * * *

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of yearsfinally saw the light
He has grown a beard, This kind ...

old man Hottabych (not Santa Claus)
* * * * *

With blue hair and big eyes
This doll is an actress. And her name is...

Malvina (not Alice)
* * * * *

There are four lions under the tree. One is gone, one is left...

three (not two)
* * * * *

Found five berries in the grass. And I ate one, left ...

four (not two)
* * * * *

The mouse counts the holes in the cheese: Three plus two - total ...

five (not four)
* * * * *

dog (not an owl)

* * * * *

Birthday on the nose - we baked ...

cake (not sausage)
* * * * *

Dad tells us in a bass voice: “I love sweets with ...

(not with meat, but with nuts or jam)
* * * * *

Both capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten ...

(not mother, but daughter)
* * * * *

Always dressed in rompers, sleeping in the garden with a pacifier…

(not grandfather, but brother)
* * * * *

Dresses for dolls, panties always like to sew ...

(not boys, but girls)
* * * * *

For vaccinations and injections, mothers take children to ...

(not to schools, but to the clinic)
* * * * *

You will sleep in the lessons - you will receive an answer ...

(not five, but two)
* * * * *

Mom asked Yulia to pour tea into her ...

(not a pan, but in a cup)
* * * * *

I was able to pick up a pair of mittens for myself for ...

(not for legs, but for hands)
* * * * *

And in Voronezh, and in Tula, children sleep at night on ...

(not on a chair, but on a bed)
* * * * *

Frost crackles in the yard - You wear a hat on ...

(not on the nose, but on the head)
* * * * *

All wheezes, Lada sneezes. Ate a lot...

(not chocolate, but ice cream)
* * * * *

I wanted to paint myself with blue varnish ...

(not the body, but the nails)
* * * * *

Probably two hundred years Petya ...

(not to the bride, but to the turtle)
* * * * *

Only the fearless enters the class for first-graders ...

(not a diver, but a teacher)
* * * * *

There is no point in all this argument - take the fabric cut ...

(not an ax, but scissors)
* * * * *

The coldest place in our house is ...

(not a stove, but a refrigerator)
* * * * *

He is a reliable guard, the door cannot be without ...

(not without a tap, but without a lock)
* * * * *

To iron a T-shirt, shorts, mom plugs in the outlet ...

(not a watch, but an iron)
* * * * *

Bought for my little sisters by the summer ...

(not boots, but sandals)
* * * * *

Hockey players are heard crying, the goalkeeper missed them ...

(not a ball, but a puck)
* * * * *

Old women go to the market to buy for themselves ...

(not toys, but products)
* * * * *

Irinka and Oksanka have tricycles…

(not sleds, but bicycles)
* * * * *

The alphabet is easy to remember. Number one letter...

(not O, but A)
* * * * *

The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly ...

(not five, but four)
* * * * *

The teacher told Ira that two is more than ...

(not four, but one)
* * * * *

You look at the bird. The bird's legs are straight ...

(not three but two)
* * * * *

The horseshoes on the hooves of ...

(not cows, but horses)
* * * * *

A friend of animals and a friend of children, a kind doctor ...

Aibolit (not Barmaley)
* * * * *

Crows awake, dear, kind ...

cockerel (not a piglet)
* * * * *

As soon as the light of the day went out, hummed in the darkness ...

owl (not a rooster)
* * * * *

Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! Who raised a cheerful cry?
Don't scare this bird! Made a noise...

sparrow (not a parrot)
* * * * *

I bark and bite. I guard your house.
I always look into my eyes. What is my name? …

dog (not an owl)
* * * * *

From the palm tree down, onto the palm tree again deftly jumps ...

monkey (not cow)
* * * * *

A simple question for kids. Who is the cat afraid of?

dogs (not mice)
* * * * *

Fan tail, crown on head.
There is no better bird than...

peacock (not crow)
* * * * *

A clubfoot passed by the hive ...

bear (not crocodile)
* * * * *

Who gnaws on a pine cone? Well, of course it is...

squirrel (not a bear)
* * * * *

In more often, with his head up, he howls with hunger ...

wolf (not giraffe)
* * * * *

Kwa-kva-kva - what a song! What could be more interesting
What could be more fun? And sings to you...

frog (not a nightingale)
* * * * *

Run out to the shore! Floats toothy ...

crocodile (not a parrot)
* * * * *

Who speaks all languages?

* * * * *

What can you see with your eyes closed?

* * * * *

You are sitting in an airplane, a horse is in front of you, a car is behind you. Where are you?

(On the carousel)
* * * * *


How can you live humanly
if every year is the year of some ... cattle !!!
* * * * *

New Year is a new hope to change your life for the better,
doing nothing for it.
* * * * *

Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
As long as I can remember, they do not get sick, do not age, and there is always money for gifts!
* * * * *

There is a grandfather, dressed in one fur coat. They say it doesn't exist
But really, who knows?

(Santa Claus)
* * * * *

Grandfather came for dinner, no one needs it! Called for dinner!

(Santa Claus mixed up)
* * * * *

How could this happen -
Is the new year knocking on our door?

(call broken)
* * * * *

Kind Santa Claus, cotton beard.
Make everyone in the Kremlin and the Duma like our salaries!!!
* * * * *

In the New Year, everything comes true, even what cannot be sold at other times!
* * * * *

Every adult in the New Year is waiting for this miracle.
And she hopes that the director will bring it!

* * * * *

Baba is about forty years old, but he jumps like a fool.
- Give the correct answer. - Who is she?

(Snow Maiden)
* * * * *

What at the festive banquet jumped, jumped,
And under the very beat of the clock, it fell under the Christmas tree!

(Santa Claus)
* * * * *

Good Santa Claus, cotton beard,
I'll buy everything for myself, increase my salary!
* * * * *

This year I will write a letter to the Snow Maiden ...
She, as a woman, must understand me!
* * * * *

Not a gun, but shoots, not a snake, but hisses. Not vodka but...

* * * * *

Shoots, not champagne. Twists, not the police.

* * * * *

It nourishes in autumn, warms in winter, amuses in spring, cools in summer.

* * * * *

Stands pale, full to the brim. Whoever loves her, she destroys.

(a bottle of vodka)
* * * * *

Prickly, odorous, they brought it from the cold. What's happened?

* * * * *

If you, after a feast, waking up early in the morning,
Found under it ... congratulations, you are a gift!
* * * * *

If the crackers are clapping, the little animals have looked at you,
If a good gnome brought the Christmas tree to your glorious house,
The next one will probably be in the house ...

* * * * *

Fire passed first, and then water and copper pipes. What's this?

* * * * *

Adults and children know. That sober, at a banquet,
All that's left is the holiday...

(Christmas tree)
* * * * *

What quality of a Christmas tree makes it related to every real woman

(trying to dress up)
* * * * *

Your Santa Claus is not real ... Some sober one.
* * * * *

Why does Santa Claus deliver gifts alone, and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden?
Features of the national character. Santa Claus will get home after the New Year's Eve, and Santa Claus must be dragged by someone.
* * * * *

Old New Year is not a holiday.
This is a control shot in the liver!
* * * * *

I woke up at 19:00 in the morning… I immediately made the discovery of the century.
And only half an hour later - the opening of the second century ...
* * * * *

Hello Dedushka Moroz. Here is the thing...
Well, you brought the bag, you need to hide the body ...
* * * * *

Needle in an egg. The egg is in the duck. Yes, we had a fun New Year in surgery!
* * * * *

Always dressed in winter, but she herself does not care about it.

(Herring under a Fur Coat)
* * * * *

We poured oil on it, served it under a fluffy fur coat,
Indeed, not an appetizer, but a find - an ordinary one ...

* * * * *

He is the main guest on the whole table in every Russian family!
Are you tired, sir? Relax in….

(Russian salad)
* * * * *

Who goes where, according to portfolios food.

(corporate final)
* * * * *

Most popular paper size?

(roll 54 meters)
* * * * *

To whom a sauna and backgammon, and to whom Chinese firecrackers.

(social inequality)
* * * * *

Without arms, without legs, reacts to electric current.

* * * * *

What a wonder? What a miracle Smoke and roar from everywhere.
The roof of the house was torn off. Mom fainted.
Suddenly the New Year flies up beautifully ...

* * * * *

Barbie doll "resting", she is not in his scale,
After all, he has long been sighing for another - for a snow woman.

* * * * *

If you crush it a little, it will become hard, like a potato.

* * * * *

A cloud tried, a bunch was piled up.

* * * * *

Like snow on your head, but not snow!

* * * * *

The most important, most needed guest for the New Year in the family.
Entertains as best he can, and does not ask for Olivier.

* * * * *

How to make a man just pissed off in bed?

(pick up the TV remote)
* * * * *

He owns me at night, we have not slept with him for a long time.
He loves to do everything with light, and is called ...

* * * * *

We are daring guys, we love genital gaps

* * * * *

What does 90/60/90 mean?

(speed at traffic cop)
* * * * *

Which wheel does not spin when turning right?

* * * * *

What's on a woman's body
Jew on the mind
Used in hockey
And on the chessboard?

* * * * *

Earrings for suckers.

* * * * *

Hanging pear - scary to eat. Why?

(boxers will beat your face)
* * * * *

The husband argues with his wife for a long time. Completely exhausted, he says:
- Okay, in honor of the New Year, let it be your way ...
- Late! I already changed my mind!
* * * * *

She: - Who will you dress for the New Year?