What does the color of urine indicate? Reasons for discoloration of urine. Bright yellow urine - possible causes

One of the important indicators that allows you to assess the state of metabolism is the color of urine. Most often, the fluid that the kidneys excrete is colored yellow, however, abnormalities are often found. A dangerous signal can be bright yellow urine and the reasons for the formation of urine of this particular color can be varied.

Do foods affect urine color?

The composition of urine is determined by the following factors:

  • Food products that a person usually consumes;
  • normal functioning of the digestive tract;
  • system state.

The pigments present in urine give it a certain color, and also reflect the activity of metabolic processes that occur in the human body.

Medical practice shows that the brighter this process proceeds in the tissues of the body, the more yellow the fluid that the kidneys secrete, and vice versa.

Human waste products are stained with urobilin, and its presence in the human body makes it possible to answer the question of why urine is yellow. The starting material from which urobilin is subsequently formed is bilirubin. It is this pigment that is processed:

  • the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder

However, the kidneys also process bilirubin, since often the organs do not cope with their task of completely removing this substance from the human body.

In this regard, it is possible to observe a rich yellow color of the urethra in patients when a large amount of bilirubin has been processed in the kidneys, and the resulting urobilin was sent to the bladder. A darker and brighter color of urine in adults and older children will be observed when there is an increased load on the kidneys.

Do not forget the fact that the color of urine can be influenced by the food that a person consumes. The fluid excreted by the kidneys can turn bright yellow or reddish yellow when the following foods are consumed:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • sparkling water with colored dyes,

It is for this reason that when specialists diagnose a change in the color of urine or the appearance of red discharge, first of all, the question is asked about what products he consumed the day before. In the event that urine analysis is carried out in the stronger sex, the level of physical activity on the body is additionally specified.

Causes of the formation of bright yellow urine

Most often, the saturated color of urine indicates its increased concentration and the following reasons may be the reason for this color:

  • violation of the water regime, that is, during the day a person consumes an insufficient amount of liquid;
  • heavy sweating, which indicates that the body is losing a lot of fluid
  • period of the breast;
  • the progression of various diseases in the human body, which are accompanied by the development of tissue edema;
  • the course of acute intestinal infections in the body;
  • taking laxative medications.

In the event that the process of entering a sufficient amount of fluid into the human body is disrupted, then this causes an enhanced reabsorption of water in the kidneys.

It is for this reason that urine stains in a rich yellow color, and this can also be observed with increased fluid loss. During the day, up to several liters of liquid in the form of sweat can evaporate from the skin of a person. During breastfeeding, a woman loses a certain amount of fluid along with milk, and it is for this reason that experts recommend drinking as much water and other drinks as possible.

Dehydration can develop if an acute intestinal infection enters the human body. In such a situation, the patient begins to complain of the following symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • seizures;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased sweating.

In some cases, bright urine can be observed if the patient is taking laxatives, as well as with severe toxicosis while carrying a child.

In medical practice, there are pathologies that cause fluid retention in the human body, but are accompanied by signs of dehydration. Among these types of diseases are:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system of a chronic nature;
  • the development of cirrhosis;
  • progression of gestosis in the body of pregnant women.

With the development of such pathological conditions, a certain part of the blood accumulates in the intercellular space and the result is the formation of edema.

Saturated yellow urine in children

In childhood, urine can change its color even within one day. Immediately after the appearance of the baby, the urine has a transparent color and within one week the body of the newborn adapts to existence in the external environment. Gradually, all the baby's organs begin to actively work to perform their vital functions, however, in some cases, a certain failure may occur.

In the event that the process of such adaptation of the child's body to external conditions is delayed or abrupt changes occur in it, this can cause urine to turn into a rich yellow color. However, the identification of a bright color of urine does not mean at all that any treatment should be carried out for the child.

Often, for some time after the detection of such a pathology, the color of urine can return to normal. In the event that the urine excreted by the kidneys in a newborn does not change its saturated color, then this may indicate the development of various types of diseases in the child's body or an insufficient intake of fluid. In fact, bright yellow urine is not always an indicator of dangerous diseases in the child's body, but it is better in such a situation to still show alertness and attention to the baby's condition.

Urine during pregnancy

Analysis of urine during pregnancy is the main type of study, according to the results of which one can judge the state of the whole body of a woman. It is for this reason that the expectant mother submits urine for examination before each visit to the gynecologist, which makes it possible to track any changes in its composition and color. In the event that during pregnancy the urine acquires a bright yellow color, then this is not always a true sign of the pathological state of the body.

During pregnancy, urine staining bright yellow can occur for the following reasons:

  • eating on the eve of foods that can change color;
  • taking vitamins colored yellow, which are often prescribed to expectant mothers during pregnancy.

In a situation where these reasons cannot serve as the reason for the staining of urine in a saturated color, then at the first suspicious signs, you should seek the help of a specialist for examination.

A feature of the female body is the fact that during pregnancy it is engaged not only in ensuring the normal development of the fetus, but also takes an active part in all continuous life processes. During the gestation of a child, the excretion products of the cut from two organisms are excreted, which is not an entirely simple task.

What to do with bright yellow urine

In the event that the urine is colored in a rich yellow color, then this does not necessarily indicate the development in the body of any heavy one. That is why one should not panic, but it is necessary to analyze the past days well and answer a few questions:

  • Have you taken any medication in the last few days?
  • Have you eaten brightly colored foods and drinks?

In addition, it is important to reconsider your drinking regimen, and if an insufficient amount of fluid enters the body, it must be replenished. However, in the event that the saturated color of urine does not change over the next few days, then you should contact your therapist for advice.

While watching the video, you will learn the necessary information about the analysis of urine.

The specialist will identify the cause of such a pathological state of the body and, if necessary, prescribe an effective one.

The color of urine can be used to characterize how normal the body's metabolism is. The norm is the color of the liquid that the kidneys excrete, characterized by a yellow color. The degree of color intensity is subordinated to what is the concentration of urine, and what is the amount of pigments that it contains. After drinking a lot of liquid, the urine becomes lighter, close to the "straw" color. Urine of bright yellow color in women and men belongs to one of the options provided by the norm. However, the presence of an overly bright color in the form of urine may indicate a problem in the body.

A number of reasons provoking the problem

Urine of bright yellow color occurs mainly in situations where its concentration is increased, due to:

  • insufficient fluid intake by a person;
  • more intense, in comparison with the norm, the work of the sweat glands;
  • lactation period;
  • edema in some diseases;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • taking laxatives.

In the case of insufficient intake of fluid into the body, the kidneys reabsorb water more strongly, due to the compensatory mechanisms that occur in them. In this regard, a bright yellow color of urine appears. The same mechanism is activated in a situation that is provoked by an increased loss of fluid. The reason for this may be, for example, a hot climate, or high physical activity, forcing the body to lose a large amount of water, which is released during active sweating. During the day, a person can lose several liters of liquid in the form of sweat. Breastfeeding mothers lose a certain amount of water, which the body uses to produce milk. In this regard, women are advised to ensure that a certain amount of natural purified water, tea, and juices must be drunk per day.

Acute intestinal infections, accompanied by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, high fever, provoking increased activity of the sweat glands, can also lead to dehydration. Taking drugs not agreed with the doctor, laxative nature of action, toxicosis in pregnant women, which mainly accompanies frequent vomiting, can also be due to reasons that the body will produce concentrated urine.

In the case when the urine has a rich yellow color for a long time, it is imperative to seek specialized medical help from a doctor. Especially if the condition is complicated by additional symptoms:

  • back pain;
  • spasms in the right hypochondrium;
  • fever;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Additional sources of violations

The reasons for the change in the color of urine may also lie in the individual or hereditary characteristics of the metabolism. For example, increased salt formation, physical activity, difficult working conditions, profuse sweating can cause the urine to turn bright yellow (especially in men).

If measures are taken not immediately, but after a certain period of time, then the process of sand formation may begin in the kidneys, which later will lead to the formation of larger stones. If the concentration of urine does not return to normal for a long time (urine does not acquire a lighter appearance), then as a result, the mechanism of stone formation in the kidneys will be launched.

The reason for the change in the color of urine can be the intake of antibiotics, vitamins, medicines, food, food dyes. So, for example, both carrots and carrot juice present in the diet can cause a change in the color of urine even to an orange appearance.

The composition of urine directly depends on:

  • products that form the human diet;
  • the quality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the functioning of the organs that form the genitourinary system.

Foods that change the color of urinary fluid include pumpkin, beets, juices, candy, and sweet water with added dyes.

This explains the reasons why a doctor asks a patient complaining of a discoloration of urine questions related to the daily diet, and for a man, the doctor will definitely additionally clarify the presence of a sufficient level of physical activity in the daily schedule.


Analysis of urine is also carried out, taking into account the degree of its transparency, which will decrease with an increase in the presence of secretions in urine, which are products of the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Features of the male body

An excess amount of leukocytes in the body of a man (occurs more often than in a woman), entails the presence of a certain amount of specific secretions in the urine. Their color can range from yellow to yellow-green hues. The reasons can be identified only as a result of a comprehensive diagnosis. Basically, the number of leukocytes in the body increases, as a result of a reaction to the course of the inflammatory process in it.

With urethritis, prostatitis, kidney disease, inflammation of the urethra, the number of leukocytes increases, which changes the color of urine. When such processes occur in a man's body, the sponges of the urethra generally have a sticky appearance, since their surface is covered to some extent with these secretions.

Features of the female body

During pregnancy, the waste products of the female body change their color under the influence of:

  • ongoing hormonal changes;
  • increasing the load on the kidneys and bladder;
  • increasing the amount of food consumed daily;
  • occurrence of various failures in water-salt metabolism.

Changes in the color of urine in women while waiting for the birth of a child should not be regular, systematic and prolonged. There should be no purulent discharge in the urine, they will indicate various pathologies. At the same time, the doctor will insist on a detailed analysis of how the kidneys, adrenal glands, and bladder work. The functioning of the latter during this period of a woman's life is especially at risk of developing an inflammatory process.

Pregnancy can be accompanied by periodic moments, when the color of urine can even be brownish-yellow. Such a change is not a reason to see a doctor if everything returns to normal during the day. In this case, it was only the response of the internal systems of the body to the influence of one or another obtained product that was expressed in this way. The long-term duration of such color changes demonstrates malfunctioning of the kidneys, liver, and bladder.

Do not immediately panic about why the urine has changed color. After checking the influence of all neutral factors, if the presence of risks of developing negative changes in the body is revealed, or there is a fear that within several days there is no normalization of color due to disturbances in the body, you should consult a doctor.

The presence of foam in the urine in a woman is provoked by an excess of protein in her, in a man - by the ingestion of products related to the composition of sperm into the urine. Doctors strongly advise all people in such situations to undergo a clinical study and check the condition of the organs of the genitourinary system.

The color of urine is an important indicator by which one can judge the state of human health and the functioning of the body's systems. Yellow urine is perceived as a good indicator, but few pay attention to changes in shade from time to time and think about what determines the color of urine and whether bright yellow urine can indicate the development of infection in the body.

Urine color is an indicator of the health of the genitourinary system.

Causes of the appearance of yellow urine

The saturation of the urine color can be due to the high concentration. Such changes occur due to lack of drinking, with increased secretion of sweat on the skin surface, excess accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body, due to diseases that damage the digestive tract. Concentrated urine may cause breastfeeding or occur after constipation medications.

Yellow urine in children

The color of urine can constantly change, even throughout the day. Urine in the first days of a baby's life can be transparent. Further, in the process of adapting to existence outside the mother's body, the body adjusts its functions for a full-fledged independent life. A change may be evidence of these changes and do not carry any danger, the urine is brown (for example, due to the baby feeding on colostrum) after a few days it changes to pink, then turns into a rich yellow, and then it can become transparent again. Changes in urine can also occur several months after birth.

A change in the color of a child's urine is not always indicative of a health problem.

Since children cannot always tell about their well-being, one should carefully monitor the change in the color of the urine in the child. If the shade does not return to normal within a week, it is worth consulting a doctor, since such manifestations may indicate the development of an ailment. Independently giving the child drugs or giving water to infants without a doctor's prescription is fraught with a deterioration in the baby's health.

During pregnancy

During gestation, the color and smell of urine is considered one of the main indicators of the health of an expectant mother. In order to prevent various kinds of diseases, at each planned consultation with a specialist, a pregnant woman takes urine for analysis, one of the criteria of which is the color of the sample. The intense lemon color or bright yellow color of urine does not always indicate the presence of an infection. Non-hazardous reasons that the urine has changed color include:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. Carrots, beets, pumpkins, blackberries or cherries can change the light shade of urine to yellow due to the presence of natural food colors in them.
  • Various confectionery products and sweet (carbonated) water can stain urine. These products are often high in synthetic dyes, so if the urine turns dark yellow after dessert, this is not a cause for concern.
  • Taking vitamins for pregnant women makes the urine yellow.

The work of the body during pregnancy has not been thoroughly studied, therefore, not always bright yellow urine in women indicates a deviation in bearing a child. Pregnancy rebuilds a woman's body, adjusting to new conditions, since strength and energy during such a period are used by two people. An additional load on the body, especially on the kidneys, changes the color of urine, it can turn copper, light yellow, and discoloration of urine also happens. In this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor, having previously remembered the names of the drugs taken and your menu for the last days.

Causes in men and women

In men and women, dark urine appears due to a lack of fluid in the body. The lack of water is due to a violation of the drinking regime, taking medications without a doctor's prescription, and gastrointestinal infections. In the case of an infectious bowel disease, there is a high fever, increased sweating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. At high temperatures, diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a significant amount of fluid, which stains the urine dark. If the urine is dark yellow in the morning, this is not a cause for concern. During the night, an accumulation of coloring pigment occurs in urine, which is included in the concept of norms.

Products with coloring properties, tablets, can discolor the urine.

Other causes of urine discoloration

The normal color of urine in a person can sometimes differ from generally accepted concepts due to personal characteristics of metabolic processes or hereditary factors. Also, the strongly pronounced color of urine is explained by the high level of salts in the urine. This process leads to the formation of sand and crystals in the organs of the urine excretion system. Under such conditions, the result of the saturated yellow color of urine can be kidney stone disease, manifested by the deposition of calculi in the kidneys. The beer color of urine can acquire with hepatitis. In women, bright yellow urine sometimes indicates urethritis (increased proteins). If the urine turns yellow in men, prostatitis may begin.

Urine is a liquid that is secreted by the body, and with it the metabolic products. Some of them give the urine one color or another. For example, urobilin, urochrome, uroserin, uroerythrin, and the like. Thanks to them, the urine is colored yellow with varying intensity.

Normal urine color ranges from pale to bright yellow, depending on the presence of a pigment called urochrome. The color of the urine may not always be normal. Vitamins can change it to a bright green, carrot color can turn it orange. Porphyria is a disease affecting the skin and nervous system, it changes the color of urine to the color of wine.

Causes of urine discoloration

The color of urine depends on several factors. First, on the metabolism and the amount of metabolites that are excreted, as well as on the volume of fluid excreted by the body. So, unconcentrated urine will always be lighter than concentrated urine. Secondly, from age. Child's urine color will always be lighter than that of an adult. In infants, urine is light yellow, and in newborns, it is almost colorless. But the presence of a reddish tint is allowed for two weeks from the moment of birth. This is due to high levels of uric acid.

What kind of foods you eat also depends on what color of urine you will have in the future. For example, green urine is the result of eating rhubarb or asparagus, pink or even red urine is from beets, and orange is from carrots. If the color of the urine changes during treatment, this may be the result of taking medication, which will most likely be written in the instructions for the medication.

But it should be noted that discoloration of urine more often it still happens as a result of diseases and pathological processes. So:

  • Dark yellow urine can be a symptom of an acute infection or kidney congestion. In addition, it is observed during dehydration of the body or in the presence of burns.
  • Pale yellow urine, almost colorless, is a symptom of polyuria of various etiologies (diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, chronic renal failure of the initial stage).
  • The color of the urine, which is caused by a high level of urobilinogen as a result of hemolytic anemia, will be dark brown.
  • Dark colored urine, almost black is observed in acute hemolytic kidney, alkaptonuria or malnosarcoma.
  • Red urine may indicate that fresh blood has got into it. This occurs as a result of urolithiasis, hemorrhagic cystitis, kidney infarction, or tumors of the urinary system.
  • Red urine, which is more reminiscent of the color of meat slops, indicates the presence of altered blood in the urine (glomerulonephritis).
  • The color of urine changes to greenish-brown or dark beer as a result of parenchymal jaundice or the appearance of bilirubin and urobilinogen in the urine.
  • With jaundice, mechanical urine becomes greenish-yellow.
  • The presence of lymphatic fluid in the urine will cause it to be milky in color. The reason for this is various pathological processes that are accompanied by lymphostasis in the kidney.
  • Fatty degeneration of the kidney will lead to the appearance of pus, fats and phosphate crystals in the urine, which will give it a whitish hue.
  • Colorless or slightly yellow urine most often appears as a result of copious drinking and is the norm. If this symptom is permanent, then it indicates the presence of advanced kidney disease.
  • If yellow urine, but at the same time there is a sandy sediment, then this is a clear sign that the patient has a tendency to form stones in the kidneys.
  • Brown urine, which is very similar to the color of strong black tea, signals the presence of liver and gallbladder disease.
  • Cloudy urine with flakes is a symptom of urethritis, cystitis, kidney inflammation.
  • If the urine foams (mainly observed in men), then the sperm has entered the urinary tract.

During pregnancy, a woman should regularly visit a gynecologist, and during each visit she is usually assigned a urinalysis to identify possible pathologies in the early stages.

Normal urine color during pregnancy should be yellow, different shades are allowed and considered the norm. After all, the kidneys already have to work on two organisms and the growing fetus gradually begins to press on them.

The urine should not change color throughout pregnancy. Of course, every expectant mother worries about her health and the health of her baby, so she worries at the slightest deviation from the norm. But there is not always a reason to panic. For example, urine that is dark brown does not always indicate pathologies and may be the result of the mother eating something. The normal color will return in a day.

Bright yellow urine can appear as a result of dehydration, when pregnancy is accompanied by severe toxicosis and little fluid enters the body. A very bright color of urine signals chronic dehydration, during which you may not want to drink, but this can lead to the formation of stones in the kidney tissues.

Even at the dawn of the birth of medicine as a separate science, it was noticed that human urine reacts to the development of diseases. It changes color, impurities and foreign odors appear.

At that time there were no laboratories and reagents, however, doctors could determine the presence of sugar in urine by dipping a finger into the collected biomaterial and then licking it. Not the most elegant way to study analysis, but quite effective.

A lot of time has passed since then and a huge amount of information has accumulated. The need for risky experiments has disappeared, and various methods of examination have appeared. Numerous laboratory studies have made it possible to find out the nature of changes in biological fluids.

Modern medicine is able to answer many of the questions associated with discoloration of urine. Let's try to explain in an accessible way why in the morning in women the urine becomes dark yellow. What is the reason for the release of light yellow urine, and the intake of vitamins makes it rich and bright. In what cases, the appearance of too yellow urine warns of the development of diseases.

Most women have a dark yellow color in their urine in the morning. Subsequent portions of urine excreted during the day acquire a natural light yellow (straw) color. This is totally normal.

First of all, the color index of urine is influenced by a person's fluid intake and the amount of urination. The more water you drink, the lighter the urine becomes, and the more often the bladder is emptied.

At night, people practically do not drink and rarely visit the toilet room (1-2 times in 6-8 hours). However, the kidneys continue to function and form urine, which accumulates in the bladder. However, due to the rare urination and insufficient amount of incoming fluid, the final urine is concentrated in the reservoir (bladder).

There is a greater, in comparison with the daytime, accumulation of coloring pigments (urochrome, urobilin, etc.), salts, slags. Under the influence of the listed substances, urine acquires a dark yellow tint.

After the woman wakes up and the usual drinking regime is restored, the normal work of the body resumes. The kidneys filter the blood more intensively, and the urination becomes more frequent. As a result, all subsequent portions of urine acquire the usual light straw color.

However, in some cases, the dark yellow tinge of the urine that is secreted lasts all day. What does this situation mean?

Reasons for rejection

First of all, you should know that this may be based on various factors, both completely natural and pathological.

Natural causes of dark yellow urine include:

The first, and more often the main, reason leading to the release of too yellow urine is dehydration. As you know, humans are almost 70% water. Accordingly, for the body to work properly, it is necessary to constantly maintain a certain water balance.

For this, women are advised to consume at least 2 liters of drink daily. In the event that the volume of the liquid is less than 1.5 liters, then slight dehydration develops, while the urine becomes concentrated and acquires a dark yellow tint.

Discoloration of urine with dehydration. Source: kardiobit.ru

It is also important to take into account the fact that excessive sweating and loss of moisture are caused by a hot climate, work in "hot shops", a passion for bathing procedures and solariums. Intense sports, promotes fluid loss. Therefore, athletes are advised to have a small bottle of water with them to evenly restore lost moisture.

In addition, there is a whole list of food factors that can lead to darkening of urine.

  • Eating bright root vegetables (beets, carrots, pumpkin, legumes).
  • Abuse of foods that contain bright colors.
  • Passion for strong coffee or black tea.
  • Taking vitamins.
  • Excessive enthusiasm for multivitamins or their incorrect dosage leads to the appearance of not only a bright color in urine, but also a pronounced odor (ascorbic aroma). Intense staining is observed with the use of vitamins E, C, B, PP, K.

Too yellow urine after consuming vitamin complexes may be associated with insufficient drinking regimen. The kidneys free the body from residual fractions of medicinal / vitamin preparations. In the event that a woman, when taking vitamins, consumes a large amount of liquid, then there is a constant and uniform removal of residual substances from the body.

If life-giving moisture comes in very limited quantities, then the kidneys are not able to systematically filter and remove "garbage". As a result, the drug is concentrated, and the urine turns bright yellow.

Actually, the situation itself does not threaten a woman's health. It is necessary to establish a drinking regime, and the problem will disappear by itself. However, you should be aware that prolonged neglect of too yellow urine after taking vitamins can lead to the development of an allergic reaction to a certain type of drug.

Pathological causes

Pathological processes in the body, affecting both the urinary system itself and other organs, can lead to the release of dark yellow urine. It is important to take into account the shades of urine, the presence / absence of turbidity and impurities (mucus, flakes, etc.).

Dark urine, reminiscent of black tea, appears with liver damage, when liver pigments bilirubin and urobilin are released into the blood. Most often, this symptom appears with the development of infectious hepatitis (jaundice, Botkin's disease), impaired patency of the bile ducts. The accompanying symptoms are:

  • Bitterness in the mouth.
  • Nausea. Vomit.
    Loss / decrease in appetite.
  • Pain / heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  • Discoloration of faeces (up to white).
  • Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes.

Too yellow urine with an amber hue may accompany:

  • Cystitis.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Pyelonephritis. Glomerulonephritis.

In these cases, a whole galaxy of symptoms is noted:

  • Turbid urine, sediment, odorless.
  • Urination is frequent, infrequent, painful. During the emptying of the bladder, cramps, burning, pain appear.
  • The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. However, little urine is excreted.
  • Pain in the back or lower abdomen, pulling, stitching, cutting. With the development of renal colic, the pain becomes pronounced, forcing the patient to rush, constantly move in search of a comfortable position.
  • There is an increase in body temperature, headaches, weakness, lethargy.

If dark urine is accompanied by additional symptoms, then you should immediately contact a medical institution. It is practically impossible to determine the exact cause of the appearance of amber urine on your own, without proper examination.

Pale yellow urine

The normal shade of urine in a conventionally healthy adult is straw yellow. In the picture above, this shade is numbered two (# 2). It is often called straw, that is, the color of mature wheat stalks (straw).

The intensity of the color depends on the amount of fluid consumed per day, type of food, physical activity and climate. Variations from a lighter shade (# 1) to a darker shade (# 3) are considered acceptable.

The color indicators of urine are influenced by the density of the liquid and the presence of coloring pigments (their concentration). For example, during the period of use of diuretic (diuretic) drugs, urine loses its density and acquires a very light shade.

Roughly the same thing happens when a large volume of liquid enters the body with drink or food (soups, broths). In the summer season, many women increase the consumption of watermelons, melons, and these are very diuretic products, respectively, the excretion of fluid from the body increases, the concentration of urine decreases. The result is a pale yellow urine.

The release of pale yellow urine also provokes the abuse of diuretic drinks, such as coffee, green tea, and various sweet soda.

It is important to remember that a prolonged period of abundant urination with the release of light yellow urine provokes the leaching of useful microelements from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically adjust the amount of drink consumed. In this case, one should clearly follow the slogan: "Moderation in everything!".

If, even after establishing a drinking regime, colorless urine continues to be released, then it is necessary to visit specialists (urologist, endocrinologist, therapist), since such symptoms can signal the development of pathological processes in the body.

Colorless urine can accompany the development of diabetes, sugar and insipidus. For diabetes mellitus is characterized by dry mouth, dry skin. The urine has a sweetish odor and the underwear becomes hard ("starched").

In the presence of non-diabetes mellitus, patients are tormented by pronounced thirst, which forces them to drink a large number of drinks. The kidneys try to eliminate excess moisture, urination becomes more frequent, and urine loses its color.

Pale urine can accompany the development of renal pathologies, such as chronic renal failure.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the appearance of yellow urine in newborns. Almost immediately after birth and for some time, the urine of infants is almost colorless. However, there is a gradual adaptation of the child's body to the conditions of the outside world, nutrition. Accordingly, there is a change in the color of biological secretions: urine and feces. This is a completely natural process.

It is important to remember that a child's body needs fluid management much more than an adult's. Therefore, if the baby has vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), then the urine quickly enough becomes concentrated, dark (rich yellow). At this time, it is vital to restore the water balance of a small organism, since dehydration in children develops much faster.

If the baby has dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, vomiting), it is necessary to call the observing doctor or visit the nearest medical institution. While waiting for a specialist, you can start rehydration therapy, that is, the restoration of the water-salt balance.

For this, clean drinking water (without gas), decoctions of berries (raisins, rose hips) are suitable. As prescribed by a doctor, special rehydration mixtures are used (Rehydron, etc.). You need to give your child a drink often, but not in large portions. Half a teaspoon of your chosen drink every 15 minutes will greatly alleviate the situation.

Changing the color of urine is an important criterion for assessing the state of functioning of the excretory system in particular, and the body as a whole. Normalization of the diet and the establishment of a drinking regime allows you to adjust this indicator.

However, changes in color indicators can be based on various, both completely natural and frankly pathological, processes. Therefore, a long, more than 3-4 days, period of changing the color of urine should be a signal for contacting a medical institution. A timely examination allows you to identify pathologies at the earliest stages, when the treatment gives the maximum effect.