Volumetric hairstyle for the new year. Hairstyle tail on long hair. Evening laying options for medium hair

On New Year's Eve, everything should be impeccable - makeup, hairstyle. From the image of the girl should have charm and mysteriousness. To create a wonderful image and look stunningly, it is not necessary to resort to the services of beauty salons. Some hairstyles can be done with your own hands.

There is nothing difficult in creating a festive laying. Following the step-by-step photo in this article you can themselves gradually make any hairstyle. To work, you may need: hairdryer, iron or flock, rectifier, calcination, equipment for laying (varnish, foam, mousse, gel or wax), gum, hairpins, invisible, hair decorations.

Want to be irresistible at the New Year's party and catch the admiring views of men? Take care of a stylish hairstyle. Now I will tell you how to make stylish styling with hairpins of different lengths.

Short hair beam

Incredible seductivity will give your image asymmetric laying. To begin with, make the side sample on the top. Leave some of the hair, the rest are tightened into the bundle. Framed straps willow with ironing. Fix the hairstyle varnish - and ready!

Bundle with braids on medium length hair

Based on the basis of many stylish hairstyles. If you add them to weaving, add accessories, then the casual styling is easily turning into a festive. So, if you are the owner of the chapels below shoulders, pay attention to such a hairstyle.

Cut the curls, divide, as shown in the photo. The upper central part is drawn, collect in the "shell", fix invisible.

Low part to put in a bundle, having having every curl with a pin. From the side strands, we will braid French braids, wrap around the beam, for reliability, scam.

Snaw lacquer hair, decorate a beautiful cloth flower.

Luxury curls

Holders of long chapelurs I propose to demonstrate the beauty around the beauty of your hair. Romantically look at well-kept curls-curly.

Divide the lap on strands, each screw. And turn the curls from the roots, and the curl is kept vertically. First, put the side sections, after them - the head and the upper part of the head. Scallicle with rare teeth neatly spread strands, sprinkle with varnish.

Fast and light new year hairstyles

Evening hairstyle should be easy in performance, beautiful and elegant. At first glance, it may seem to achieve such harmony difficult. However, it is not. Below you will find several phased options for creating evening hairstyles that are easy to repeat with your own hands.

Laying with French oblique and beam

Stash your hair back, start weave the French braid. At the hair growth line, assemble the tail. Screw using a cloth or iron. Each strand at the same time, immediately pinch the hairpin in a beautiful beam. Link with strong fixation.

Such a hairstyle will suit the holders of the hair of medium length.

If you do not know how to weave the French braid, look at this video. Weaving technique is shown so available that everything will turn out from the first time!

Holders of long hair can be infinitely experimenting with braids.

Fish tail to the party

Such a hairstyle will look great with major earrings. Make it very simple. Divide hair. Separate strand, braid the usual braid. Secure on the back of the head. Repeat the weaving by taking strand on the other side. After that, remove the one-way technician, turn the fishe tail. The tip of the braid fasten the transparent elastic band or decorate the flower.

On the next photo you can see how the fishe tail is wearing.

Hairstyle on loose hair

Romantic and festively watched loose curls. Excuse the hair from the roots on the top of the top, collect the back, consolidating invisible - and ready!

Long straight hair can be turned up.

Just and very romantic!


Such styling will suit those who do not know how to weave braids. Looks very stylish and romantic. Despite the ease of execution.

Start the hair with a rare scallop, collect in the tail. Screw around a separate strand, secure invisible. Give the tail volume, carefully laid, fix with varnish.

The best hairstyles do it yourself

To the magical New Year's night there is quite a bit of time. Surely, you have already started picking out the outfit, think through the image. A beautiful dress must be appropriate makeup and hairstyle. Let's consider several options for festive styling, which can be easily made with your own hands.

Romantic Spit

Divide your hair into pieces, braid from each ordinary spikelets. After that, connect all three braids into one. Give your hands extra, slightly stretching strands.


Want to look like a mysterious princess? Then weaving waterfall just for you. It looks very cute on wavy curls. Therefore, if you have a straight lap, you can first screw down with the catch, and then rub the braid.

Make a side sample, separate the two strands, cross each other. Grab your hair from above, skip between them. To re-impose the curls to each other, grab a new strand from above and place it again between two crossed.

Continue weaving until you reach the opposite temple. Secure the braid beautiful hairpin or rubber band.

French Spit "inside out"

New Year's hairstyles with braids look very beautiful, gently and at the same time brightly. Let's transform the usual "spikelet" by turning it out. If you do not know how this is done, see this video.

Now you can start creating a festive laying.

Stash your hair back, divide into two parts. Low screws. Topper draw, fix the volume by sprinkling varnish. After that, we do not turn too much tight spikelet on the contrary. Having reached, secure the rubber band, make a bundle. Ready!


Tilt your head, turn the "spikelet". Collect the tail on the painshche, make a loop, divide into two parts. Sweet endroad to strands. Severate the center of the loop in the center to turn out. Wash the second under loops. Be sure to use varnish so that the hairstyle serves you longer.

Short hair can also be easily given a festive look.

Choose any option you like and start preparation for the holiday. You will definitely be the most charming. The main thing is not forget about a great mood.

New Year's hairstyles for girls on the matinee

On the eve of the New Year's matinees, Mama girls have a lot of work - pick up the outfit for a small princess and the corresponding hairstyle. Two main children's hairstyles:

  • baby should be comfortable
  • laying must be well fixed in order not to fall asleep during participation in mobile competitions.

Elegant beam

Apply a little means for laying on your hair. Make a high tail. Using a special roller, tighten the bundle, strengthen with studs. Decorate the hairstyle with a bow or diadem.

Adult hairstyles on girls look very interesting, cute and surprising.

Gentle animals

Apply a little mousse on the moistened hair, wrap the hair curlers. After drying, unwind the curls, make a small start on the back of the head. Rides straight with your fingers, secure the laying of varnish. Decorate hair with accessories.

Hairstyle for girl christmas tree

Simple, but at the same time, beautiful and original festive hairstyle for your baby.

And, of course, you can endlessly experiment with a variety of weaves using beautiful accessories.

Spend a little time, patience and your baby will be the most irresistible on the New Year's matinee.

Hairstyles on middle hair at home step by step

Beautiful hairstyle allows girls to look spectacular and attractive. Step-by-step photos of creating festive styling will help you create your own unique attractive image.


Divide your hair on 6 parts, tighten the harnesses. Take two extreme strands, connect in the center, secure with studs. Just do with all the harnesses, leading them inside. The resulting beam decorate the hairpin.

Romantic weaving

Divide the hair as shown in the figure. Make the Volumetric French Spit "inside out." Connect, turn inside, fasten. Fix the hairstyle of varnish, add hair decorations.

Spit from nodules

Divide hair. From two sides, braid spit-nodules, collect on the back of the head. Take a fishe tail, turn by the "cutter", fixing with stiletts.

Elegant beam with braids

Make a smooth sample, braid braid from two sides. And start with French weaving and smoothly go to the usual braid. Below assemble your hair into the volumetric bunch.

A rim from Koschik

Separate a thin strand near the ear, turn the classic pigtail, secure the invisible from the opposite side. Start your hair, giving the volume, fix the styling tool - ready!

Now you know how to impress the party, making a stylish hairstyle with your own hands.

Hairstyles for girls in school in 5 minutes Light beautiful

10 stylish hairstyles for long and middle hair, with which your daughter is simply irresistible. Perhaps the first time you will leave for more than five minutes, but do not despair! Practice - and you can also quickly, as the author of the video create a beautiful image of your daughter.

With any of these hairstyles, your girl will be the most beautiful!

Hairstyle for girls in kindergarten

Simple, but incredibly beautiful hairstyle will make your baby as an asterisk on a matinee in kindergarten! Beautiful dress, shoes will complement the image of a young princess! I present a small collection of festive hairstyles on the hair of different lengths.

Short Hair Laying

Moisten the hair to work easier with them. Separate two curls at the forehead, connect on the back of the head. Take a thin strand at the temple, wrap in the tail. Also more with several strands, repeat the procedure from the opposite side. Write free ends, sprinkle with varnish. Give your hands the desired volume.

And a few more interesting ideas.

Bundles from tails

Such laying is ideal for girls with long hair lengths below shoulders. Divide your hair into three equal parts, make tails. Wrap each inward, secure the rubber bands. After that, each loop rises, fixed with studs in a negligent beam. Fix with varnish, add a stylish accessory.

I wonder the bundles and tails with braids

As you can see creating the perfect image with your own hands very simple. Choosing a hairstyle remember that it should be combined with dress and accessories. And do not forget about a sincere smile and a wonderful mood. Upcoming holidays! Love yourself! Do not forget that you are the most beautiful and charming!

Before the New Year, there were few days and ... many unsolved questions. For example, in what way to shine at the main party of the year. We decided the task with the outfit, picking up for you. Today we will pick up no less impressive 10-ku. It will be spectacular and easy to perform hairstyles that will approve any evening outfit. Therefore, we will cancel the recording to the beauty salon and create the beauty yourself.

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Short hair beam

This hairstyle is ideal for (to shoulders), and be sure to give them volume and density. Before creating a beam, you can make a small nobody on the back of the first strand and consolidate the effect of varnish. So hairstyle will look more volume and festively. And do not forget about the reason: decorated with shimmering hairpins a beam will look at the New Year's party especially winning.

Bunch of Kudrey.

No parade of evening hairstyles will no longer be a beam from Kudrey. Hairstyle requires some preparatory work - elastic curls. Kudri can be created with the help of a curl, bigwood or the most ordinary forceps for straightening, as shown in the instructions. Do not forget every curly to sprinkle with a lacquer for fixing, because the New Year's Eve is the longest per year, and look implied until the morning.

Low twist

Low twist is suitable for hair length, which can be collected in a low tail. Next - we just hide the remaining hair length in the base of the tail and fix the effect of invisible. Try to experiment with decorations: Before you collect, you can wear a rim or decorate the hair with a decorated bandage. Or add an image of the evening hairpin at the end.

Two-level tail

Despite your complex look, the hairstyle is incredibly easy to perform. Here the main thing is the volume: it should be present at the roots, and along the entire length of the hair. Therefore, we pre-recommend using the spray for the volume and, if you wish, cut the hair slightly. And a small shimmering hairpin will make such a magnificent more spectacular.


Festive Must-Have for thick and such an original weaving does not require weaving as such and fully keeps on thin rubber bands, which means that the form will last longer. Instead of conventional thin rubber bands, try products with flickering metallized threads or decorated gum.

Greek with bandage

Another classic of the evening genre - - the creations of ancient masters. They look romantic and incredibly feminine. Here we offer to beat the traditional Greek hairstyle with a bandage in a new way and, before hiding the hair in a dressing, braid them in 3-4 braids. Let it be a "fishe tail", which looks very original. And in our you will find more Greek hairstyles, each of which is ready to take a worthy place in your evening image.

Careless french twist

This hairstyle comes from the business environment, successfully tried on the evening roles. What will distinguish such a festive shell from a strict original option? First, it is a roasting volume that all sorts of sprays and mousses will give your hair. Secondly, easy negligence: after graduation, take care of the hairstyle and release a pair of strands at the temple. Finally, a brilliant decoration: decorated scallop will have to be quite by the way.

Thousands of girls around the world break their heads, and in the literal sense. Before the new year, everything remained nothing, and the right New Year's hairstyle is not yet selected.

Each of the beautiful sex representatives wants to conquer its appearance around others, and even more so on such a day. Not only is it difficult to choose a hairstyle for the new year, so also forces for it need to spend a reasonable amount.

The main rule - the hairstyle for the new year should be original and convenient for the girl to be natural and did not think about each curl separately. When you come to the first consultation to a specialist clearly, say the end result. If it turns out, make a trial, rough version.

Christmas hairstyle: beam

The beam is the easiest, but very beautiful and elegant, the type of hairstyle for the new year. To make it yourself - it will take some time and effort, but the result will not disappoint you.

So, proceed:

  1. First you need to clean your hair well and dry them with a hairdryer. On clean hair, the hairstyle will look even more winning and you can immediately appreciate it. Dirty or not fresh hair can create a false idea of \u200b\u200bhairstyle.
  2. Next, make a straight sample, release bangs and a pair of temples. As two hands, collect the "remaining" hair into the tail, and that their level comes with as low as possible, right at the neck level and begin it to go. Because of the tail is better done by scallop with small cloths. Follow the top of the hair a little varnish on the very top of the hair and with the help of a thoroughly grind it on the surface of the head.
  3. And now attention, the most difficult part of the operation: the tail is removed inside, and fasten the bulk bump with spills. And what to do with strands? They need to be tightened into dense harnesses, gradually turning ribbons in them in different lengths.
  4. And now we move to a diagonal consolidation: the left is harvested to the right side of the kidney, and the right to the left.

This Christmas hairstyle is perfect for long hair. You can decorate such a already unearthly beauty to your liking, adding feathers or hairpins.

Hairstyle for the New Year: how to make a shell?

It is not known why she continues to be called retro, maybe this hairstyle is already popular for several decades. But let it be so.

Such a Christmas hairstyle is perfect for any image. Such a retro hairstyle for the new year 2019 will turn you into an elegant beauty of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

Now we will tell how to make a New Year's shell at home, without resorting to the help of specialists.

  1. So that the hair listened, all the length evenly apply mousse a strong fixation, then lift the hair with your hands and fix with stiletto.
  2. To achieve the greatest volume, screw the hair on an artificial roller, it is worth it, starting from the most tips. So that the roller remains not touched, secure it with black studs.
  3. The seashell will be glossy, if you treat your hair with a spray, giving them natural radiance.

You should not overload your style with additional accessories, you can simply add your favorite earrings.

New Year's Hairstyle "Nest"

Gathered in a restaurant or nightclub? Great, do not forget to take a "nest" with you. This is the name of your new hairstyle for the new year, which will certainly work out a furor at a party. Of course, in the good sense of the word.

  1. For starters, grab a minor part of the hair, and make a small nobody. Fix it with a hairpin.
  2. From the rest of the hair, build a bump or tail.
  3. A fixed strand lay out the bizarre pattern, this can be done using a vertical roller.
  4. Next, with the help of your imagination, make a similarity basket.
  5. Fix the result with beautiful hairpins and forward, for a holiday.

Fashionable Hairstyle for New Year 2019: Bow

An excellent option for a young and sucking girl who is not afraid to experiment and pull the public. Having made this beautiful New Year's hairstyle, you will remember in society as stylish and original features.

  1. The most important thing before we proceed to hairstyle, think about - where do you want to build a New Year's bow? Side or well in the middle? Depending on the location of your future bow, collect part of the hair in the tight tail in the right place. Little elastic bands will help you.
  2. Produced hair into a rubber, make a loop of them. Just note that the loop should not be long, it is used at the final stage of your hairstyle.
  3. The tail remaining from the loop move to the forehead area and fasten with studs or invisible.
  4. After that, you need to divide a large loop into two parts to visually it resembled a bow. Be careful, symmetry is important here, otherwise your hairstyle will turn out not just the original, but shocking.
  5. The remaining strand must be put in the very center of the New Year's bow and on top to securely fix with varnish and studs.

That's all, your beautiful hairstyle for the new year is ready! Banta can be made of all hair or leave some of them away. Optionally, hairstyle can be decorated with stiletts with pebbles, original hairpins or ribbons.

Fashionable Hairstyle for New Year: Harness

This wonderful New Year's hairstyle can afford only owners of long hair.

  1. First you need to collect your gorgeous hair in a tight tail on the top of the top.
  2. Then subside a single tail into two tight strands, follow the symmetry.
  3. Split each of the tails counterclockwise, do it quickly, but carefully, so that the harness does not crumble.
  4. If everything happens, then twist them with each other and fix the rubber band.

Also in "Zhgut" you can need beautiful ribbons, consolidate it around the head or come up with a variety of combination of a harness with other beautiful hairstyles. Dark and create!

"Curly" New Year 2019

Kudri or curls - universal hairstyle not only for the new year, but also in everyday life. She will give the New Year's image of playing and romanticity.

  1. First you need to handle the hair to the mousse for laying and wind the curves of the most different diameter.
  2. Next, do your affairs and go back to hairstyle only after 3 hours.
  3. Run hair and you will see a stunning result, your head will be filled with funny curls. You can try on them a mini-hat or decorate the hairstyle with ordinary tinsel.

"Floral" New Year

Come to your image is non-standard, and somewhere even boldly. One of the original New Year hairstyles implies the use of flower wreaths or fill in real colors into the hairstyle. Some of you think that this option is suitable more for the wedding, but believe me, if you correctly think about the New Year's image, it will look for such a hairstyle very beautiful and appropriate!

It is better not to rely on your own taste and choose a suitable bouquet along with a professional florist.
A good specialist will definitely select those flowers that more than others emphasize your style and individuality. There is such a New Year's hairstyle for a short time, a maximum of January 1, but will remember for the whole year!

New Year's party - a bright, noisy event. New Year's meeting is one of the few holidays, during which is allowed to drastically change the image, wear the most unthinkable outfits, make fantastic laying.

New Year's hairstyles for adults should be interesting, fashionable, with a highlight. Become a queen of Bala, hit guests with a subtle taste and original laying. Create a stylish, spectacular hairstyle.

What image to choose for a new year meeting

Get away from tradition, ride boredom. Optionally, buy the costume of Snow Maiden, East Beauty, put on a more bold dress, create a creative hairstyle.

Take into account the features of the figure, the owl of the face, the warehouse of the nature so that the image does not work out comical, incomplete. Not everyone will understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, if a snowflake will come to the celebration with an excessive fullness or slender high girl in a trees suit with a huge design on her head.

If you picked up an elegant evening dress for New Year's Eve, the laying must be appropriate. Lush or strict bundle, smooth shell, luxury curls will look perfect.

Use colored hair polish, original hoop, luxury flowers, rain accessories, blasting, diadem, large hairpins. Follow the accessories to fit to the dress, they did not oversee the beauty of strands.

Some girls pick up the hairstyle based on recommendations that give stylists for a specific year. For example, in the year of the fire monkey, the laying must necessarily be unusual. Make the color of the hair saturated, the image is bold, playful to enjoy the "mistress of the year".

Important! Experiment, move away from the standards, but know the sense of measure. Be sure to consider the guest's contingent, the level of the institution where you go to the New Year's ball. It is important to feel "in its plate."

High-hair hairstyle options

Create a spectacular image will help:

  • more thorough styling, underlined carelessness or, on the contrary, the ideal smoothness of the hairstyles;
  • because, creating spectacular retirements, cute curls;
  • selection of individual strands with high-quality gel, waxing for laying;
  • using a color powder or hair lacquer of an unusual shade;
  • original accessories - hairpin, rim, ribbon, gentle flower, snowflake;
  • changing the color of strands (2 weeks before the celebration), ombre on the tips;
  • melting, coloring, pick up other fashionable staining techniques with a stylist.

Tip! If you have an unusual outfit, make the same original laying. It will suit the bright color of the strand, active shine or the selection of strands with contrasting color. Be sure to use strong hair polish: during the celebration, the strands should be perfectly fixed.

Take a look at the photo. The hairstyle in the style of a true lady and the "bold girl" is equally well looking at the strands of different shade.

Festive styling for medium and long hair

Choose an option depending on the nature of the celebration. If you like to dance, remove strands from the back to avoid unpleasant manifestations because of the heat.

Luxurious tail

Create an original design on the top of the top, side or closer to the back. The tail may be slightly smooth or more voluminous, with the start. Popular flutter retrojects with a maximum start.

Original beam

An excellent option for the new year is a bundle with decoration. It may be snowflake, pearls, beautiful ribbon, rhinestones, original bow. The decor depends on the general image, the style of the costume.

The beam can be fairly smooth or more voluminous. Wrap smooth or curled strands around the gum, braid the pigtails from the tail, also fasten around the base. Options - weight.

Unusual shell

Make a feminine, gentle shell. Let's release a few strands in the temples. Write them, leave smooth depending on the general image. Luxuriously lush, the volumetric seashell from strands.

If you are invited to an event where "Bohemia" gather, make a smoother, strict laying. This design is perfectly combined with an elegant evening dress.

New Year's waves and curls

The holders of medium and long hair can fantasize indefinitely, create dozens of luxurious styling with wavy hair.

Write elastic or softer curls - and now, a new image is ready.

What to do with curly strands? Try one of the laying options.

Long strands Naboka

Screwed hair pick up from the zone below the ear. Gradually twist the harness, lead it to the opposite side. Secure the tail of a thin rubber band, invisible, decorate under the dress style.

Cold waves

This retro-tab looks perfectly on healthy, shiny hair. It does not matter, you have dark or bright curls, the luxurious image will be harmonized with a dress in the floor or a stylish short outfit.

Hollywood curls

Luxury image is popular not the first year. For the New Year's celebration, add more shine, live radiance. Use liquid hair crystals, shimmering varnish.

To create a stylish laying, use magic curlers Magic Leverge, a good fluff. Elastic curls are obtained after applying the innovative Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl.

Note! Household appliances stores present original hairdressers to help fashion suites. If possible, collect a collection of several devices or buy a multistageler with various nozzles. You will get a fluff, iron, triple and spiral curl "in one bottle."

Luxury braids

One of the trend trends. Original weaving will certainly attract attention to you. If you are satisfied with this option, boldly pleading a stylish "fishe tail", "snake", feminine French braid.

Place one or two braids as a rim closer or further from the forehead zone. When certain skills, braid a spiral pigtail behind or create a simpler version, but no less effective lateral braid.

You did not make a longing so long ago? Pay attention to the feminine "French waterfall". Soft jets easily, gently descend on shoulders, make you admire the wonderful game of shades on the melted strands.

Many girls have mastered this popular weaving technique. This hairstyle for the meeting of the new year is easy to create independently.

Tip! Combine braids and curls, decorate weaving with interesting accessories. Use large and small flowers, hairpins with pearls on the end, snowflakes. Ensure that the decoration does not cover the braids, otherwise the beauty of the original weaving will be lost.

On New Year's Eve you must shine, have fun, nice to spend time. Then the whole next year will be the same carefree and successful. Beautiful hairstyle is also important for good mood at the festival, like a stylish dress, exquisite accessories and elegant shoes.

Take a look at the photos of popular hairstyles for adults. What are different and mischievous images! Select the appropriate option, a week-other to the celebration, create original laying yourself. Several workouts - and you can easily create a masterpiece on your strands regardless of their length.

Option of the festive New Year Hairstyles In the following video:

Everyone and we are waiting for the most magical night a year - New Year's Eve! Time to make up the cherished desires and build big plans for the coming year, this night I want to look beautiful and bright. We invent the image in advance, we are looking for an outfit and choose a hairstyle, because this is an important addition of the image.

On what hairstyle stop to celebrate the new year 2019? The choice hairstyles depend on many nuances:1. New Year's venueFor example, for the restaurant, you can choose an elegant hairstyle of a beam or Hollywood curls, and if you meet New Year in a noisy company of friends, you can make a high tail, or decorate the hair with accessories. 2. The outfit you chose. The hairstyle should definitely harmonize with the dress, the choice of hairstyles depending on the type of dresses can be viewed here. For example, if you have a gorgeous dress with an open back and you want to emphasize it, then the hair is better to collect in a bundle or for example, to make a braid side.
3. Length and type of your hair. Of course, the choice does not directly depend on your hair length, if you have a kara haircut, then the braids are unlikely to suit you, but you can pay attention to hair decorations.

4. Trends- When choosing a hairstyle for the new year 2019, pay attention to current trends. For example, it is worth abandoning lacquered by Kudrey, which looks frozen. Now in fashion naturalness, lightness, some negligence. We will talk about this more.

Hairstyles for the new year 2019 - current trends

1. Naturalness and ease. Perhaps the main trend of the season, it is expressed both in the lines, styling, and in the color of the hair. Now, as ever, the natural color of the hair is also popular or the variant of painting the maximal approximate to naturalness - such types include the tent and bally.

2. Graphicity and clear lines are not in fashion now, therefore, from such a kind of stacking, it is better to refuse to choose a hairstyle for the new year 2019.
No hair lacquer and glued strands. Try to choose a means for laying, which will save their hays and mobility. Mousses and foams are toughly weighting hair.

3. The perfect option is light and air curls. But do not think that it is boring, on their basis you can make a lot of beautiful hairstyles, such as a low volumetric bunch. Locks can be labeled the side, or assemble in a high hairstyle. Understandings only on hand, several emanating strands will give the way naturalness and playfulness.

4. Also in trend bright strands in her hairstyle, and you do not have to resort to hair coloring, and change the image. There are special cosmetic products that will easily paint hair for the magic night, and in the morning you can easily wash it easily.

Hairstyles for the New Year 2019 - Bundles, knots, Dulks

The collected hair go all the girls, and if it is also a properly selected beam, then you will look stunning. The bundle allows you to emphasize the beauty of the face, the clarity of the oval, the neck line and neckline.
Low volumetric bunch based on curls - One of the best hairstyles for the New Year's Eve. This hairstyle is especially suitable, for example, if you celebrate the New Year in the restaurant. With the help of an elegant beam, you fight pushing the male half!

To create a beautiful beam, you do not need to have special skills, since the accuracy is just not in fashion.

How to make a hairstyle on the new year 2019 do it yourself:

1. Wash your hair and dry them well.
2. Screw the hair on the curl or curlers - it will be the basis of our hairstyle. Thanks to the curls, the hairstyle will be volumetric and air.
3. Select a place for a beam, and collect all your hair in the tail. Do not tighten your hair strongly. Pull the hair a little to the hair to add a hairstyle.

Place a beam can be any:

Classic option Low beam from behind, very elegant and laconic, suitable practically for any type of dress
- A bundle on the side of a more playful look, this hairstyle is visible and in front and rear, a great option for those who do not want to remove all hair.
- High bundle on the painter - Ideal for girls with an oval face and correct features. Very spectacular hairstyle, suitable to dress outfits, to dresses with open back, restrained dresses of cases.

4. To make a bundle volume, it is better to use a special round roller with a nozzle - it is put on the tail at the very base and serves as a hairstyle.

5. Now distribute the hair on the roller in a chaotic order, somewhere you need to twist strand, somewhere leave it free. Create a delicate beam texture and fix straightened by pins.

6. Be sure to leave a pair of strands at the face - it is always a winning option.

The hairstyle beam is very diverse, you can add weaving to the beam, or decorate it with a beautiful decoration with beads. One thing can be said exactly - the bundle is ideal for the celebration of the new 2019.

Video Beam creation lessons

Youth New Year hairstyle

The hairstyles that are now at the peak of popularity in young people are two beams or two braids. Such hairstyles look unusual and bright! And above their variations you can also think.

For example, you can make bundles from the hair of the hair, or part of the leave is leaving.
And braids will look ultramodotted with a woven canilene :)

Video Creation Lesson Hairstyles

Styling with loose hair for the new year

Locks - It is always incredibly feminine, especially if you have long hair. Also, the curls are suitable and not very thick hair, since the correct laying will add the volume of the hairstyle.

In addition, they are suitable for hairstyles for the new year 2019, as they are easy to make them at home. But this season should be paid to just light and natural curls.

On the basis of loose hair and curls, you can also make interesting options for hairstyles.

For example, if you collect the top of the hair in a small tail, and leave the hair from the bottom to be leaving. At the same time, the tail can be decorated with a bow or hairpin. Also, it is also possible to braid a bulk braid.

Lokona Naboka - Another option hairstyle for the new year. Especially if you have a beautiful ridge behind them, so that they are fixed on one side.

Hollywood waves- Also one of the locations of the curls, at least this hairstyle and from the 60s, but it does not lose relevance to this day, being an attribute of a sophisticated style and an elegant taste.

Video creating curls

Hairstyles for the new year 2019 with braids and weaving

Of course, we could not get around the attention and braids - the unsolding type of laying. However, not all braids are now relevant.

What options for weaving should be paid in 2019?

1. Careless volumetric braids.This is probably the main correct when creating hairstyles with braids. No way do tight pigtails on your head. The exception is only two French braids with a cancheckon, which in this case will be an attribute of a certain image. The rest of the braid should be air, not tightened.

2. Spit on the side - Trend season 2019, Different types of weaving are suitable from the classic French braid before weaving the fishtail.

3. Spit - as an element hairstyle. It looks very cool, when not all hair is woven into the braid, and this is just some kind of element.

4. Spit waterfall
- The combination of curls and weaving is ideal for a holiday!

Several rules when creating hairstyles with braids

🗸 Choose such hairstyles if your hair is not shorter than the level of the blades, otherwise it will look like you would like.

🗸 Do not use a lot of stamping tools, remember your task to save hair in natural form
to create a bulk braid, it is better to wind the hair with a purcial and not combing them, but divide the strands with your fingers. This will create a beautiful texture.

🗸 Refuse complex braids, stretched braids on the head, baskets from Kos - it may be original, but not fashionable.

🗸 If you do not have thick hair or lack length, use strands on the hairpins.

Hairstyles with braids - video lessons

Konsky Tail - Can it be hairstyle for the new year?

Why not! And the usual tail can be made interesting and original.

We offer you two options for the new year 2019:

1. Smooth high tail with strands on hairpins.Here the task is to create a thick long tail, and make hair shining. Do not forget to buy a means of glowing hair and any knocked strands. The hairstyle is especially suitable if you want to make bright makeup and expressive eyes.

2. Careless tail with twisted curls.Here the rule is completely different - the ease and freedom of curls. Leave strands at the face and screw them off.
Remember that the tail can also be supplemented with stylish decorations and accessories. For example, if you have original earrings, then it is an excellent reason to show them;)

Video creation hairstyles with tail

Hairstyles with bright strands

So, this is a great option for those who want to look bright and does not want to bother with hairstyle. Bright strands definitely allow not to do complicated hairstyles and at the same time you will attract attention. Especially if earlier you did not make experiments with hair. To make bright strands to paint the hair not necessarily, it is enough to use special shallow for hair, which in a few minutes will make the desired shade on the strands. Watch the video:

Styling and hairstyles for new year on short hair

For the average length of hairstyle variants, and what to do girls with short haircuts or hair kara?

It should be paid to the styling of hair, as well as decorations and accessories. In fashion, natural light laying, air waves.

You can also use strands on hairpinsTo create a new unique image! Unlike hair extensions, you can wear strands on the hairpins when convenient, and only to create hairstyles for special occasions.