Obsidian: a mirror that reflects your inner world. Obsidian stone - interesting properties and who suits

Obsidian - a talisman that protects against all diseases, a stone of shamans and magicians, thanks to its chemical composition and physical properties, has retained its popularity for many millennia in a row. Obsidian is formed as a result of a sharp cooling of lava, not without reason its second name is “volcanic glass”.


Obsidian as a product of labor used since the Paleolithic. Various knives, axes and spears were made from it by our ancestors.

A millennium later, during the period of antiquity, the obsidian stone took the place of trendsetter for gems. In ancient Rome, rings, statues and sculptures were made from obsidian, some of which have survived to this day.

Over the centuries, obsidian has become increasingly popular. For example, in ancient Egypt, craftsmen made of obsidian and prepared pots for incense, the Aztecs made daggers and ritual mirrors from it.

In the Middle Ages, Christians made a rosary from it.

Continuing to roam from century to century, obsidian gained popularity in European countries. In the 18th century, every noble lady had items made from this mineral in her arsenal.

Obsidian passions broke out with renewed vigor and their wave swept over the end of the 19th century, when Faberge began to produce products with obsidian inserts.

Description of the stone

As a rule, the mineral has a black color, but there are gray, red and brown colors of this natural stone. There are also unique specimens with alternating staining zones, see the photo below.

Volcanic glass got its name in honor of the soldier of Ancient Rome, Obsidia, who brought this mineral from Ethiopia.

The stone still has names, thanks to its mystical appearance, different peoples came up with their own names for it. For example, in Transcaucasia it was called " fragments of the claws of Satan himself", in America is still called" Apache tears". They also speak Montana jade, wasserchrysolite, muslin stone, bottle stone, mountain mahogany, royal agate.

Varieties of stone

They are classified by color:

  • Peanut or snowy has a black color, and spherical crystals of cristobalite give it gray-white spots.
  • Rainbow has unique color overflows, reminiscent of drops of oil. This is the most expensive and valuable type of mineral.
  • There are also stones in nature with shades of red, blue-blue and green.

The healing and magical properties of the mineral

It has been known since ancient times that obsidian is endowed with a unique set of healing properties. Our ancestors, using jewelry from it, believed that obsidian strengthens the immune system stabilizes blood pressure and stimulates kidney activity.

Lithotherapists of our time use the properties of obsidian, they are treated with:

  • Rheumatism,
  • cold
  • mental illness,
  • nervous disorders,
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal system,
  • Diseases of the genital area, both male and female.

Since the time of the Aztecs, this stone has been used in magic and serves talisman of people of psychic abilities. Some magicians still peer into the obsidian ball and look through, thus, the future. Modern magicians use it as a savior stone and use it as an amulet. If the stone is used correctly, then it:

  • help concentration,
  • suppress aggression,
  • keep from bad deeds,
  • relieve tension.

In India, its properties are used to free from negative thoughts and phenomena.

obsidian and zodiac

Astrologers are sure that the stone has the most beneficial effect on people born under the sign of Capricorn. It is they who are shown the stone most of all, because obsidian is able to change them for the better, giving determination. Obsidian - Sagittarius and Leo stone. Obsidian will take these people under guardianship and act as a protective amulet against diseases. You can also use obsidian jewelry for Scorpions, Aquarius and Gemini. But the mineral is definitely not suitable for Cancers and Virgos, it turns them into vengeful and irritable persons.

Legend of Transcaucasia says that once Satan was so angry that, along with lava, pieces of his nails flew out to the surface of the earth. Since then, the local population has referred to the mineral as "Satan's Nail".

american legend tells that once colonists attacked the Apache camp. Local warriors did not want to surrender to the pale-faced invaders, so they rushed off the cliff into the very mouth of the volcano. The remaining women mourned their husbands for three nights, their tears turned into beautiful black stones. Therefore, the local population calls obsidian "Tears of Apaches."

Application of stone

Since our time, obsidian has been used in various fields of knowledge.

  • It is used for making surgical instruments,
  • Used as a hydraulic additive
  • It is a raw material in the manufacture of dark glass,
  • Serves as a thermal insulator
  • It acts as an ornamental material, various caskets, candlesticks, souvenirs and interior items are made from it.

The price of a stone, differences from a fake and care

You need to buy obsidian and jewelry with it in trusted specialized stores. Today, it is very often passed off as a fake natural stone, although it has an affordable price. For example, pendant with cabochon in silver, whose diameter is up to 3 cm, costs about $ 30, small minerals will cost $ 5.

More expensive rainbow obsidian, specimens with heart-shaped stains on the cut are especially valued. Their price fluctuates in the range of 200 - 500 USD.

In order not to get into trouble when buying, since instead of obsidian you can be sold colored glass, you need to know its distinctive features, as follows:

  • Natural mineral, along with a rich matte color, has a clear sheen.
  • An artificial substitute, when enclosed in a fist, will quickly heat up, a natural mineral will keep cold for a long time.
  • Natural stone always has a variety of inclusions, it is not homogeneous.
  • Dip half of the stone into the water. If after a certain period of time the stone loses its luster or acquires a blurry color, then most likely you have an artificial analogue.

This mineral is quite fragile, so it is important to carry out careful care. It is necessary to remember:

  1. Store jewelry with a stone in a separate soft case.
  2. Do not leave the mineral for a long time in water or in the sun.
  3. Protect obsidian from strong impacts and temperature extremes.
  4. Do not expose to various chemicals.

Clean with mild soap and cold water, then rinse and dry with a soft cloth.

Types of obsidian

The amazing obsidian stone attracts the eye with its extraordinary beauty. Mother nature herself endowed volcanic glass with unique properties, and the universe bestowed upon it tremendous power. Even in the ancient world, the mineral was very popular, which has survived to this day.

There are legends about him. Its magical properties are valued by people with superpowers, and jewelry made from an unusual stone is in demand even among the most sublime and stylish beauties. Where did this beautiful creation of nature come from? What is its origin?

Obsidian - what is it? The history of the origin of the stone

A merciless volcano has awakened! Lava flows rushed to the small Armenian village, sweeping away everything in its path. People ran to a small rural chapel to hide from the fury of the elements and pray to God for salvation from the devil, who hated Armenia because the country was one of the first to heed the Christian religion.

A beautiful Angel, the messenger of the Lord, came to save the inhabitants of the village from the wrath of dark forces, but splashes of merciless lava fell on the wings of Seraphim, singing them. The feathers shattered into small pieces, turning into black stones, sparkling with the bright colors of the rainbow.

Good and evil, ice and fire, love and death - all this contains a unique mineral, which by its origin is a frozen volcanic glass. The name of the gem comes from the Roman warrior Obsidia, who, according to legend, brought it to Europe from Ethiopia.

Obsidian is a semi-precious stone that holds all the power of the cosmos.

The meaning of the stone

In the Caucasus, the stone was considered the brainchild of the devil and was called "fragments of the bones of Satan", and the American Indians called it "Apache's tears." According to an ancient legend, when Indian women mourned their men who died during battles and battles, the tears froze, forming stones of amazing beauty.

In ancient Egypt, it was read that black obsidian is the stone of the dead. It was customary to put it in burial places so that the dead could rest in peace in another world.

The mineral has the powers of three planets: Saturn, Pluto and the Sun. His element is Earth. The gem is also called the savior. It protects its owners from dark magical influences, bad love, as well as from sinful thoughts and deeds. Talismans and amulets with this stone are very popular.

Physical properties

The composition of obsidian includes 75% silicon oxide SiO2, 25% magnesium oxide MgO and iron oxide Fe3O4.

The gem has the following physical properties:

  • hardness on the Mohs scale - 5-6;
  • density - 2.6 g / cm³;
  • glass shine with overflows;
  • high fragility;
  • dense non-crystalline structure;
  • translucency.

Varieties and colors

The color of the mineral is mostly black, with stains. There is brown obsidian, as well as grayish or greenish. The color of the stone depends on the content of magnesium oxide and iron oxide in it.

Depending on the color and pattern, the stone has several varieties:

  • black obsidian;
  • peanut mineral;
  • iridescent gem with green, red, blue-blue and other tints;
  • snowy, the most beautiful, with the effect of scattered snowflakes due to white-gray inclusions of cristobalite.

Mineral deposits

Huge deposits of volcanic glass are found in Mexico and Ecuador, where there is the greatest volcanic activity. Found in Iceland, Japan, Ethiopia, Armenia, Turkey. In Russia, the gem is mined in Kamchatka, the Caucasus, the Kuriles, Central Asia, and Siberia.

magical properties

Obsidian has powerful magical and energetic properties. He is able to reveal the true essence of all things, to help find the right solution to any, even the most confusing situation, to bring to light all deep and repressed feelings and emotions.

The gem is a great healer of both the mind and soul, causing people to remember their past incarnations.

The power of the universe itself allows the owner of the stone to reveal all the secrets of the universe. Mineral talismans contribute to spiritual development, clarify the mind, help their owner see the true reality of the world around them, develop love and compassion for their own kind.

With the help of obsidian, people can realize all the negative that they have, harmonize their state of mind, overcome all their fears and feelings, and become more self-confident.

Magicians and mediums have long used a mysterious stone that helps them in communicating with the spirits of the elements. The mineral contributes to the disclosure of clairvoyance and superpowers.

Medicinal properties

Obsidian is widely used by lithotherapists. The healing properties of the mineral are no less unique than the magical ones.

He is able to heal many ailments, such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • nervous and mental diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • sexual disorders in women and men;
  • gynecological problems.

The stone perfectly fights colds, increases immunity, and also stabilizes blood pressure.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

Obsidian is most suitable for Capricorn. This zodiac sign, under the influence of a mineral, can change his life for the better, getting rid of the negative traits of his character. Aries helps to curb their difficult temper, making them more calm and insightful.

Snow Obsidian Bracelets

Lviv and Sagittarius gem is able to take under his wing. It is also good for Aquarius, Gemini and Scorpio, but this stone is absolutely contraindicated for Cancers and Virgos, as it causes them aggression and irritability.

What names fit?

The gem has a strong connection with the male name Ilya, which gives vitality and energy, craving for change, helps to survive in difficult life situations. Also, the stone is excellent friends with Daria, Maxims, Tatyanas and Natalyas. He helps them avoid rash decisions and choose the right path.

Talismans and amulets

The mineral is popular among bankers because it allows them to avoid undue attention from others. Obsidian is the talisman of creative people, writers, artists, inventors, who gives inspiration and many creative ideas.

He protects the military and travelers from dangers.

Also, the gem helps flight attendants, pilots and captains, making them fearless and hardy. Stone amulets have a beneficial effect on people suffering from mental disorders.

Amulets with a stone will protect from fires and lightning, and will also bring good luck in money and love affairs.

Obsidian is an excellent protector from corruption, curses and the influence of dark forces. It will cleanse its owner from "dirty" energies and the negative impact of others, and will also return joy to life to those who have lost hope for a brighter future.


Obsidian in silver

The gem is in demand in jewelry. The stone is considered ornamental and is used to make various jewelry, especially bracelets and necklaces.

The mineral looks best in silver. It is rarely framed in gold. This metal unfavorably sets off the natural beauty of volcanic glass, and also causes cracks and chips on it.

The mineral is often found in men's rings and rings. Such a product will add courage and nobility to the representatives of the stronger sex.

No fashionista will refuse a ring made of a mineral or a magnificent pendant.

Other uses of the stone

Obsidian is widely used in industry to make dark glass. They make surgical instruments out of it. In construction, volcanic glass is used for the production of heat-insulating materials.

The gem is valued as an ornamental stone, from which various souvenirs and other decorative products are made.

Despite the fact that the mineral is considered diabolical, Orthodox icons are produced from it, due to the fact that it lends itself well to processing (polished, polished). These products look amazing! It doesn’t matter what a beautiful creation is made of, but its meaning is important.


Since the gem is ornamental, its cost is low - from 50 rubles per kilogram. The rarest and most valuable type of obsidian is iridescent, which is valued more. Its price per gram ranges from 500 to 700 rubles, depending on the deposit and processing.

They say that there is the rarest type of stone - Chilean green obsidian, which is valued more than a diamond.


Kamushek loves to be treated properly. It must be handled as carefully as possible, since the gem does not like sudden changes in temperature and is afraid of blows.

Mineral jewelry should be cleaned from time to time with special soft cloths without the use of chemicals. You can use a solution of soap in cool water. After washing, the product must be wiped dry.

If a gem is worn as a charm, then once a week it should be placed under running water for several hours in order to cleanse it of the negative energy accumulated in it.

How to distinguish a fake?

It is quite rare to fake natural stones, since obsidian is an inexpensive mineral, however, there are times when black-colored glass is given out as a gem.

It is quite easy to distinguish a fake, you just have to hold a pebble in your hand - a natural stone will remain cold for a long time.

The natural mineral has a clear luster and a rich matte color. When lowered into water, a fake gem will lose its color purity and luster. If the pebble you purchased is too transparent, then most likely it is a fake.

Real stones are rarely homogeneous - they always contain some inclusions.

artificial obsidian

In addition to stone fakes, which were mentioned in antiquity by the ancient encyclopedist Pliny, there is currently an artificial gem, which is obtained by mixing various volcanic rocks - glass, ash, etc. They sell such pebbles called "helenite" or Helen's stone.

Also, an artificial mineral is obtained on an industrial scale by melting sand, plain glass and other materials. Bijouterie, jewelry and crafts are made from it, passing them off as products made from natural obsidian. Sometimes matte or mottled glass slag is passed off as volcanic glass.

A black obsidian mirror is considered a witch mirror. In it you can see both the past and the present, as well as the future. It is successfully used by fortune tellers to predict the future. They also say that the obsidian mirror is a portal to enter parallel worlds. This mirror costs a lot of money.

Obsidian Mirror

The mysterious and mysterious gem has experienced a lot in its long life - they looked into the future through it, fought in merciless battles with its help, admired it at magnificent festivities and bowed to it in numerous temples.

Despite everything, he dispassionately looks at all the vanity of the world... Although the devil's stone can do a lot, it is not in its power to change human nature and stop the wheel of samsara.

The ancients considered obsidian a dangerous gem, but its black color is just another side of the world of our soul, and it is with the help of an amazing mineral that we can fearlessly look into the face of our fate - into the unknown of our own soul.

The Russian name of the stone comes from the name of the Roman Obsius, who first brought obsidian to Europe from Ethiopia. Different nations gave this stone their names. In Transcaucasia, for example, obsidian was called "fragments of Satan's claw". In America, some varieties of this stone are still called "Apache tears". Also, obsidian can come from the Greek "obsis" - a spectacle, since in ancient times this material was used to make mirrors.


Obsidian refers to inexpensive ornamental stones. The cost of a cabochon with a diameter of about 3 cm is 5-7 dollars. A snow obsidian pyramid will cost $15. However, a piece of iridescent obsidian with a heart pattern and the same shape will cost about $200 or more.

Origin and chemical composition

Obsidian is a glassy rock of volcanic origin, or, as it is also called, volcanic glass. It is formed as a result of the rapid cooling of lava that has poured onto the surface. Obsidian does not have a crystalline structure, it is amorphous. The chemical composition of obsidian is silicon oxide.

Physico-chemical properties of obsidian

  • Chemical formula - SiO2; MgO, Fe3O4.
  • Color - gray, brown, reddish, black.
  • The syngony is amorphous.
  • Hardness - 5-6 on the Mohs scale.
  • Density - 2.3 g per cm3.
  • Fracture - conchoidal.


A black mineral with the inclusion of spherical crystals of gray-white cristobalite is called snow obsidian. Sometimes in nature you can find stones iridescent with blue-blue, reddish and greenish hues. They are called rainbow obsidian.

Usually this stone is black due to the smallest particles. However, there are also red, brown, gray, green and other varieties, including transparent ones with inclusions. On the "snow obsidian" snowflakes seem to be scattered, it is also called "peanut obsidian". The rarest and most valuable is iridescent obsidian, similar to Labrador, with its color tints resembling a drop of oil.

Processing and use

Polished obsidian is used in the production of inexpensive beads, key rings, rosaries and other things. Decorative crafts are also made from it. But obsidian found its main use in construction - it is used to make expanded material -.

obsidian deposits

Most of the world's obsidian production is concentrated in Ecuador, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan, Ethiopia, Peru, Saxony (Germany), Turkey, Armenia, the Aeolian Islands, Iceland and the USA. All mineral deposits are associated with volcanic processes - ancient or modern.

In Russia, obsidian is mined in Kamchatka, the Caucasus and Siberia. Iridescent obsidian is mined in Hawaii and Nevada.

magical properties

Obsidian is one of the most powerful stones that protects a person from negative external influences. Therefore, for example, in Transcaucasia, it has been used since time immemorial as a children's amulet.

It has long been believed that obsidian helps to adequately endure even the most difficult trials that relieve a person from illusions. The stone stimulates people who lack initiative, charges them with energy and desire to change their lives. Keeping obsidian with you is worth it to anyone who suffers because of their own softness. However, the use of a stone is not safe for those who strive for power at any cost, as it can instill a sense of power that a person does not possess.

Obsidian helps to get rid of the obsessive attention of others. If a person wants to remain unnoticed, he puts on an obsidian jewelry or picks up an obsidian rosary. It is believed that obsidian is the only stone that can help pay back debts. Bankers especially believe in this feature of the stone and willingly buy it.

The Avestan school considers obsidian to be a magical stone of great power, helping in defeating spirits and subordinating them to oneself. This is the talisman of practicing magicians and scientists. Obsidian beads contribute to the development of clairvoyance. An obsidian ball or mirror is an excellent divination item that works no worse than rock crystal.

If you put a stone under your pillow during daytime sleep, you can get information from your bright ancestors. Do not risk doing this experiment at night - the direction of the power of black stones at this time of day is unpredictable. Obsidian turns away from love, which will not bring happiness.

Medicinal properties

In India, obsidian was used by yogis and mystics to connect with the energy of the earth. Many nations had an opinion: in order to protect yourself from diseases, you must wear an obsidian amulet. Since ancient times, they have been treated for both colds and rheumatism, as well as mental and nervous disorders.

It was believed that the stone restores the condition of the skin after injuries and burns, accelerates the healing process of wounds. It was believed that obsidian is an indispensable assistant in the fight against gout, it helps with diseases of the genital organs, and also cleans the organs at the cellular level. Rosaries, beads and pendants made of obsidian have a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the kidneys, stabilize blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

Today, obsidian is successfully used in surgery. With the help of obsidian instruments, many operations have already been performed, including eye operations. Obsidian, as a material for surgical instruments, has a great future, especially since, according to doctors, the incision sites after obsidian knives heal faster.


Astrologically, obsidian suits Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Scorpio. It is better to set obsidian in silver.


As early as the Stone Age, obsidian was used by primitive people to make knives, scrapers, and arrowheads. And even after the development of iron by man, obsidian tools remained sharper than metal ones. Jewelry from this mineral, which looks like glass, began to be made much later.

Obsidian got its current name in ancient Rome. An unusual stone found in North Africa was first brought to the empire by a legionnaire named Obsius. Rings, statues, sculptures and many other products made of obsidian immediately gained popularity. The Egyptians believed that incense would retain its properties better if stored in obsidian rather than ceramic vessels. In addition, according to ancient legends, a brother with thoughts helped its owner, so writing instruments were often made from it.

The inhabitants of the Caucasus considered obsidian to be fragments of the devil's claws, and the place of its birth was the underworld. In general, the glory of the ritual attribute haunted the stone for a long time. Indian yogis used obsidian to unite with the energy of the Earth, and in some European countries it is still permissible to wear it only at funeral ceremonies.

Obsidian became popular in secular circles with the light hand of the jeweler Carl Faberge at the end of the 19th century. Since then, the mineral has been a fairly popular ornamental stone, the demand for it is not too great, but stable from year to year.

Having fallen on the surface of the earth from the dungeon, the stone appeared before the people as a tear of sparkling. A very mysterious and special mineral. He was often feared and even more admired. What it actually represents, we will consider below. In nature, there is not only black, but still the black color of this stone is the main one.

More often, black stone is mined in India, Mexico and Sweden, in some places in the USA, in the Transcaucasus and in the north of Russia. In other words, it is mined in those places where there is volcanic activity that began more than 4 billion years ago.

At the moment when the lava from the volcano under various circumstances, for example falling into cold water, cools down sharply. At such moments, it does not have time to crystallize and turns into an amphora. In this way, the structure of obsidian is obtained.

The oldest obsidian is about nine thousand years old.

There are legends that in the times of polyolite stone was used for products of spearheads, blades and axes.

Another legend says that the ancient Romans brought black obsidian of rare beauty from distant Ethiopia. Very quickly, he gained popularity in Rome, where they began to make jewelry, amulets and various sculptures from him. At the direction of Emperor Augustus, elephants were made from it, the color of which was black directly for the temples.

Another legend tells about the origin of the name, from the word "obis", meaning a spectacle. In turn, we can say that he served as a mirror for a long time because of his brilliance.

Magical and healing properties

Magical properties have become famous since antiquity. Various cultures in different parts of the planet used obsidian stone for various rituals and rituals. There was an opinion about the content of the energies of the Sun, Uranus and Saturn in the stone, for this reason mirrors and balls were made from obsidian to look into the future.

Obsidian is a stone that is formed when volcanic lava solidifies. Obsidian got its name from the ancient Roman warrior Obsidia, who discovered this stone and showed it to the Roman world. Due to the patterns and iridescence that are often found on the surface of this stone, it is unusually beautiful and is popularly called "volcanic glass". For its dark color, obsidian is called "tar stone", and for its characteristic luster - "bottle stone".

At its core, obsidian is a volcanic glass, namely, frozen lava flows that have poured out to the surface. Obsidian is not a crystal, it is an amorphous mineral in structure. If we talk about the chemical composition, then this stone in chemistry is called silicon oxide. Its colors and stripes on the surface are determined by the composition of the lava and the direction of its flow. So, the most common is black obsidian, peanut and snow shades are also found.

Varieties of stone and its colors

Obsidian is the kind of stone that boasts a huge variety of colors and patterns. Color is predominantly black. You can find in nature its gray, brown, red and green varieties.
In nature, there are several varieties of it:

Peanut obsidian has peanut-like inclusions.

Rainbow obsidian irradiates with red, blue, green or blue hues so that the stone resembles a piece of a rainbow. When cut, the color looks like spilled oil. This is the most expensive and rare subspecies of stone.

Snow obsidian is black in color, with white inclusions of cristobalite crystal, resembling snowflakes.

Magic properties of Obsidian

The magical properties of the mineral do not leave indifferent magicians and soothsayers, sorcerers and witches who use the obsidian mirror as a tool that establishes contact with the past and future. It is also used in their sessions and necromancers. In the mysterious world of magic, this stone is called the "heart of the demon" and "fragments of the meteorite."

In ordinary life, it is a stone of caution, protecting from bad love and bad deeds. The power of obsidian helps a person to concentrate on difficult tasks. It is able to eliminate the fuss around its owner and create the necessary working atmosphere. Therefore, the mineral can be an excellent assistant for scientists, designers, lawyers and other people who conduct persistent research activities. Obsidian stone can control a person's actions, directing them to a good course. It removes bad intentions and promotes introspection. At the same time, this volcanic mineral makes people get rid of stereotypes, the owners of obsidian are always ready for changes in life.

Healing properties of obsidian

Obsidian must be used with caution, as its healing properties are controversial. Wearing obsidian stone contributes to the prevention of many diseases, however, the long-term presence of the mineral on the human body can reduce the efficiency of the kidneys. It is believed that obsidian is good for those who have liver problems and want to lose weight. Obsidian copes well with colds. In addition, it can normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Volcanic glass is useful for neuroses, diseases of the spine, and rheumatism. It helps with gout, diseases of the reproductive system, both in men and women, and also does an excellent job of restoring the skin after various degrees of burns and injuries, accelerating the healing process.

Talismans and amulets

Obsidian stone is first of all the strongest protector from negative energy. Such a charm will protect its owner from the machinations of evil forces and any negative information. It has long been believed that obsidian carries the energy of a volcano, which means it is very strong, so it was used as a talisman in all world religions. Obsidian is worn when they seek to protect themselves both from the extraneous evil eye and from their own dishonest thoughts, to improve the sharpness of thinking and perception, concentration. The mineral concentrates the power of the three planets: the Sun, Saturn and Uranus. Therefore, interaction with him requires caution. Obsidian was believed to be able to predict the future. It can become an excellent amulet against unkind people and all negativity.

obsidian in astrology

In the Zodiac, obsidian is a stone. Obsidian allows representatives of this sign of the Zodiac to gain power over others and hone their syllable in oratory. This stone is also favorable for such zodiac signs as and. The fire element of the Zodiac, which can also wear obsidian - and. And astrologers do not recommend such signs as Virgo and Cancer to contact the stone.

Obsidian compatibility with zodiac signs

obsidian for

Aries should not wear obsidian all the time, contact with the mineral should be limited. You can use the stone as a temporary helper. Under the influence of obsidian, Aries can become quick-tempered and irritated, the stone will only aggravate stubbornness and pride. Best of all, the mineral will help Aries in matters related to the monetary sphere and career. Aries obsidian will surprise him with his own capabilities, the strong and necessary qualities of Aries obsidian will develop and direct to a useful cause. Obsidian also calms and suppresses anger. Aries man with obsidian will work hard and will soon get something big and pleasant, surprises in his life will happen often. Obsidian surprises and captivates the Aries woman. The Aries woman will spin in the spotlight, feel something new. In love, she is a winner. There will be no problem with an Aries child who buys obsidian. This child is full of strength and desires, constantly striving for something.

obsidian for

Taurus usually do not get along very well with obsidian, it is difficult for them to constantly wear this stone. Although he is very impressed by the purposefulness of the representatives of this sign, Taurus extremely does not like change and prefers stability, which is contrary to the essence of obsidian. However, the stone will become a reliable assistant if you do not use it too often. It will reward its owner with courage and endurance. It will give strength and the ability to resist any negativity. Obsidian, one might say, guarantees self-sufficiency and independence for the Taurus. With obsidian, Taurus will be able to understand in advance where to step and what to do, so that every step and every action matters. For the Taurus of the stronger sex, obsidian strengthens relationships with loved ones and eliminates misunderstandings with management. For the weaker sex, obsidian will open “new pages”, allow her to act a little differently, but not change herself.

obsidian for

The gem also has a positive effect on Gemini. It is believed that if a Gemini woman wears a stone, she is less prone to gynecological diseases and rheumatism. The obsidian ring will be her talisman and healer. The Gemini sign gives this mineral the energy and strength of the volcano. But at the same time, it will not allow aggression to break free. It will help to cope with vices and shortcomings. Able to keep from committing rash acts. To skillfully control your thoughts, astrologers recommend wearing a pendant with obsidian. Obsidian is considered to be a completely magical stone, with its help you can see the past and the future. Obsidian helps to get through hard times and suppress anger. The Gemini man with obsidian is strong and energetic. Obsidian will plunge this man into a world of wild adventures and numerous surprises. With a woman with the Gemini zodiac sign, obsidian will quickly find a “common language”, bring new impressions and help avoid old mistakes.

obsidian for

Obsidian is not recommended for those born under the Zodiac sign Cancer. Obsidian makes representatives of this zodiac sign anxious. Cancers, already subtle natures, become extremely suspicious. The stone helps to realize their negative sides. But Cancer is already too focused on its shortcomings. Wearing obsidian can increase the caution of the representative of the sign and turn him into a coward, afraid to make decisions and do any significant actions. Representatives of this sign are already very careful and logical, they are used to analyzing and weighing their steps a lot. Obsidian will do a disservice by making these people absurdly cautious and zigzag between different choices.

obsidian for

Astrologers consider obsidian very useful for Leo. The stone is a conductor of earth energy. A talisman with this stone will protect you from rash acts. Under the influence of obsidian, proud and independent female lions will adequately accept all changes in life. They will also be able to be more critical of themselves. Obsidian in relation to Leo is a stone of confidence and pride. Obsidian helps to cope with difficulties and relieve stress. Obsidian also has a magical trait - to foresee the future. Leo men with obsidian are hard and irresistible. The stone will not allow the Leo man to be knocked down. The main issues will be resolved without delay. The Leo woman, with the help of obsidian, is even more powerful and beautiful. Obsidian keeps in good shape and does not give up.

obsidian for

Obsidian for Virgo is a strong stone that can develop the gift of foresight. Obsidian also relieves feelings of anxiety, anger and tension. Too strong and active energy of obsidian can be dangerous for Virgos. It has the opposite effect on this sign. That is, it can awaken pessimism and suppress mood. Black and dark minerals generally have a depressing effect on Devs. Able to plunge into depression and despondency. Men born in the sign of Virgo, with obsidian jewelry, are hard to miss in the crowd. Usually such men are of great interest. Obsidian women will simply be covered by a wave of popularity, the Virgo woman will be immediately and everyone needs it. Seducing any man is not difficult for her.

obsidian for

Nothing bad will happen if this gem is worn by Libra. Obsidian will reveal its properties to the Lions quite fully. To enhance its good influence, the Lion Woman can wear it in a ring. Best of all - on the middle finger. Libra obsidian establishes inner harmony, helps to suppress bad thoughts, indicates the mistakes and merits of Libra, will achieve a good place, both at work and in personal life. The Libra man will finally find out who he is destined to become in life, and obsidian will gladly help you master new opportunities. For Libra women, obsidian is also very useful in undertakings and self-realization. Also for the Libra of the weaker sex, obsidian also acts for health purposes.

obsidian for

Scorpio is cold-blooded and pragmatic. He is well suited stones of dark colors. Obsidian is an ideal talisman for people of this sign. He will protect his master from the evil eye and damage, cleanse the mind. It will keep you from sin and make you control your emotions. It will heal not only the soul, but also the body. He can help his master with diseases of the genitourinary system and gout. Although scorpions with obsidian sometimes have to sweat, the results are more than pleasing. Scorpios are more prone to learning and developing in anticipation of the future. All difficult times, together with obsidian, the Scorpio man will overcome and take out his pluses from them. Obsidian will also give the Scorpio man love adventures. A Scorpio woman, carrying obsidian with her, will become more successful, both in the work sphere and romantically.

obsidian for

Sagittarius stone helps well, stimulating mental activity in the representatives of this sign. Obsidian usually does not have a negative effect on them. For all Sagittarians, obsidian will become a reliable protector and "companion" in any matter. Obsidian helps to understand oneself and predict the future. Obsidian will endow a man who was born according to the Sagittarius horoscope with courage and stubbornness, which will allow him to achieve a lot in life. For the Sagittarius woman, obsidian has also reserved a steadfast position of a conqueror and winner. The child will like obsidian because with the help of some stone magic, the little Sagittarius will not know troubles, and studying will seem to him an exciting game. Sagittarius in the house figurine of obsidian brings peace and relaxation. In work, this talisman affects the promotion.

obsidian for

Obsidian is one of the main stones of Capricorn. The Capricorn man receives from this stone, first of all, the protection of his inner world. The mineral affects the ability to reason sensibly and make informed decisions. If problems cannot be avoided, it helps to adequately endure the blows of fate and not break. For Capricorns, obsidian is considered a strong amulet. With him, a Capricorn woman can easily survive life's difficulties. Especially if he carries with him a pebble of a dark red hue. An Aquarius woman can use this mineral in earrings, bracelets and rings. With such a talisman, her intuition will never let her down. And there is always a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation.

obsidian for

For Aquarius, obsidian brings great luck and gets rid of any kind of negativity. Obsidian, based on magical properties, is able to show the future. Obsidian will help men with the sign of Aquarius to take on important matters on time, without wasting time and energy on trifles and trifles. With the Aquarius woman, obsidian is softer. The stone can bring many warm moments filled with love into the life of an Aquarius woman. For an Aquarius child, obsidian will attract more attention and rewards. The child will become more diligent and attentive. At home at Aquarius, an obsidian figurine is able to charge all rooms with calmness and spiritual harmony. At work, obsidian has a beneficial effect on the success of Aquarius among colleagues and superiors.

obsidian for

Fish can sometimes use a stone. They are not too determined, so obsidian will help them become more confident, but if worn for a long time, it will begin to press and cause anxiety. Pisces obsidian can help in creative matters. In general, obsidian has the main property - the gift to look into the future. For Pisces men, obsidian promises a good job, good earnings and ever-present good luck. Pisces women with obsidian are famous for their creativity and ability to emerge from any situation as a winner. For fish at an early age, obsidian trains logic and memory, promotes simple learning and teaches courage. At Pisces, the house where the obsidian figurine is carefully kept is located in the comfort zone. A Pisces career with obsidian will go way up.

Obsidian - the magical properties of the stone