Permanent baking paper. How to use baking parchment correctly? What is it for, which side to put

Have you decided to bake a pie for your family or fry fish without oil? Food technologist Andrei Babaev recommends thinking about high-quality parchment paper - choosing a cheap one, you can end up putting a real poison on the table.

“Indeed,” says Andrei Babaev, “one of the types of paper is made with the participation of sulfuric acid. There is no need to explain what kind of dish you can cook with it. And with the right baking paper, you can cook healthier and less nutritious food without oil, save money and not wash the baking sheet after baking, just rinse with water! "

There are 4 types of paper that are sold in stores for baking: parchment, parchment, siliconized parchment, siliconized paper. As a rule, the name is indicated on the package.


The parchment is paper, but not heat-resistant at all. There are unscrupulous manufacturers who cheat and pass it off as parchment. This is fake! Yuriy Balashov, an expert who has been importing baking paper to Ukraine for more than 20 years, told us about this: “On the Ukrainian market, 90% of parchment is counterfeit. Cheaper and inferior types of paper, which are often not intended for baking, are issued as parchment. There are only 5 factories in the world that produce real parchment. "

There is also a trick that manufacturers go for. In large letters they write parchment, and in small letters in the composition they indicate the real material: subparchment.

Parchment is the highest heat-resistant paper of a pure cellulosic paper. Parchment can withstand prolonged heating up to 230C.

In siliconized paper, heat resistance is provided by a special silicone impregnation. The paper itself is not heat-resistant, so the edges will brown.

But the siliconized parchment will perfectly withstand the oven. The parchment itself is heat-resistant, and the siliconized coating enhances temperature resistance. This will be the best option.


If the paper allows grease to pass through, it flows into the mold and starts to burn. There will be a smoke screen in the kitchen. The paper will stick to the mold and it will be difficult to remove the cake from the mold. And there is a good chance that the cake will burn. Burnt food can no longer be considered healthy.

The parchment will tear - you can hardly pull it out. He will skip fat. The form will be oily and with a burnt bloom. The paper itself will also tear, it will be impossible to pull out the cake normally. If the form is not fastened, then it is difficult to do. And if there is some kind of decoration on top, then the top will be spoiled. This is due to the fact that pulp is shredded during production. Between the small fibers of cellulose there are pores through which fat passes. The parchment is intended for packaging products with a moisture content of up to 15% and a low fat content. Batter is beyond his power.

Parchment: Very little fat will enter the mold. This means that the fat is soaked almost just before the end of baking. And the sooner it comes through, the more it will burn. After the parchment, you can wash the mold with a light movement of the sponge and a little detergent. A special technology ensures fat resistance of parchment. First, a fiberless paper web is made from bleached pulp. And then they dip it into a solution of sulfuric acid and dissolve the canvas. The melt products fill all pores and gaps. Therefore, parchment has a monolithic structure - like glass. All fibers and pores, through which oil and water can pass, disappear. The use of sulfur is not dangerous here, because then the canvas is washed and dried. All acid is completely neutralized.

Siliconized paper - the form will be almost dry, but there will still be a little fat. The fat also did not have time to burn, as in the case of the parchment. It is a 100% cellulose paper with fibers and pores. But silicone covers them, filling in the gaps between them, but it does not melt the paper itself like sulfuric acid. Still, in some places there are unfilled pores, through which the fat managed to seep.

Siliconized parchment will do the best - not a trace of fat. You don't need to wash it at all, the mold will be absolutely dry. And all because the parchment itself has a solid structure, it is also covered with silicone. Grease and water simply have no chance of penetrating through it. This is the best variant.


Paper is the most environmentally friendly material for food contact. And cooking can be done without oil. The less oil a product contains, the less calories it contains. Therefore, baking paper can become your real assistant in the struggle for a beautiful slim figure.

Siliconized paper will come off easily, and siliconized parchment is generally like butter. The parchment will adhere very tightly to the dough due to the fact that the protein curls up from the high temperature and sticks to the paper, therefore it is difficult to separate - you need to hold it so that the dough does not remain on the paper. For easier separation, it is better to lightly grease the parchment with oil. And on the parchment, almost the entire bottom of the pie will remain, and in some places pieces of parchment will remain on the pie. And the bottom will be burnt.


According to the results of the test by Andrey Babaev, it became clear how many times one sheet of paper can be reused for baking each type. Most of all - 5 cakes Andrey Babaev baked on siliconized parchment. Slightly less than 4 - on siliconized paper, on parchment - 3 cakes, least of all on parchment.

It is better to pay a little more for siliconized parchment, but the dishes will turn out delicious, beautiful, healthy, and the paper itself will last for a long time. But in the experiment, Andrei Babaev used puff pastry, and it was easily separated from both parchment and siliconized paper. But for liquid baking, it is still better to use parchment with a siliconized coating - it does not allow liquid to pass through, and the dough does not stick to it.


Designed for packaging products with low moisture content - up to 15% and low fat content: baked goods, waffles, sausages. It is economically correct to use subparchment for these needs.

Designed for both storage and baking. Very fatty and moist products are stored in it: butter, margarines, spreads, curd products. And also can be used for baking bakery and confectionery products. If the parchment has an additional repulsive siliconized coating, then you can also use it for baking liquid greasy dishes, or you can not use oils at all.

Baking paper suitable for storing and baking products with a medium fat content - confectionery, hard cheeses.

how to use parchment and baking paper

Tip 1: Thin dough cakes are rolled out on parchment to transfer the product directly onto them into the oven without damaging it along the way. Some types of shortcrust pastry are rolled out only between two layers of parchment.

Tip 2: Underparchment is used as a pastry stencil. Cutting out any shape in paper and putting it on a cake or biscuit, you will get a stencil - all you have to do is sprinkle with powdered sugar, cocoa, chocolate or colored coconut, nuts and the like.

Tip 3: Underparchment will keep your kitchen hygienic. For example, when cutting fish, especially herring, housewives often use sheets from old newspapers or magazines so as not to stain the board. It is not very hygienic. But parchment is fine.

Tip 4: You can also fry on parchment. Put a sheet of parchment on the bottom of the pan - this way you can fry fish, meat, poultry without using fats.

Tip 5: The parchment will help to easily separate the baked goods from the baking dish and prevent them from sticking. In addition, by using parchment paper, there is no need to grease a baking sheet, baking sheet, or sheet with oil. Thus, you can prepare delicious and appetizing meals while controlling your fat intake.

Tip 6: If you are microwave cooking or reheating food and are tired of struggling with burnt fat, cover the dish with a sheet of parchment or parchment before microwaveing ​​it to prevent splattering of fat.

Tip 7: This French way of preparing paper-wrapped food is close to steaming. When cute bundles resembling gifts (separately for each of the guests) are unrolled at the table, the wonderful aromas are impressive and urge you to quickly taste the delicious dish. The shape of the bags does not matter (the classic is a crescent moon made from a rectangular sheet).

Many housewives have long forgotten that baked goods can stick to a mold or a baking sheet, and all thanks to modern devices - silicone and non-stick molds. But you can't always use them. Sometimes you need to bake a cookie, casserole or roll on a regular one. And then, in order to avoid sticking and sticking of the dough to the metal sheet, use special paper or parchment for baking. In this article, you will learn how to use it and what paper is best to buy.

How to use baking paper?

As you can imagine, the main benefit of using baking paper is to eliminate the need to wash out a dirty baking sheet. However, baking paper has other equally significant advantages. In particular, it is very convenient to cut pies on it without fear of scratching the dishes. Paper is very relevant when preparing cheesecakes, tiramisu and other similar products: it helps to preserve the integrity and beautiful appearance of such a dessert. And many housewives roll out the dough directly on paper so that there is no risk of tearing thin cakes when transferring to a baking sheet.

Baking paper is used not only in the oven, but also in the microwave. It is absolutely safe, since it does not emit any toxic substances when heated. Also, baking paper can be used in a multicooker. This is usually used to more easily remove biscuits and other baked goods from the bowl.

And, of course, paper can be used to line a baking sheet for baking a wide variety of products - sweet pastries and meat pies, cold pastries and hot casseroles. But for baking products that emit a lot of juice, it is not recommended to use paper: it will inevitably get wet.

Many, by the way, are interested in: do they grease baking paper with oil? Experienced chefs answer as follows: some types of paper simply need to be greased with margarine, butter or vegetable oil, while others do not need it. It depends not only on the type of dough, but also on the type of paper.

Types of baking paper

Baking paper, or, as it is also called, baking paper, is different:

  1. The thinnest (and usually the cheapest) resembles a tracing paper. It is white and transparent. Such paper is easily soaked, and at high temperatures it can crumble into pieces, which are very difficult to separate from the bottom of the confectionery product. Tracing paper is suitable for shortcrust and yeast dough, but it is better not to use it for muffins and biscuits (or grease well).
  2. Parchment paper has a brown tint - it is thicker and smoother. It is more resistant to both high temperatures and moisture. To bake a dough that contains a lot of vegetable fats, it is not necessary to grease the parchment.
  3. Silicone, which has recently become very popular, has found application in the manufacture of baking paper. The thinnest layer of silicone coated on some types of paper helps to easily separate the paper from the baked goods. In addition, such paper does not need lubrication, does not allow moisture to pass through, and practically does not absorb grease. Silicone coated paper can even be reused.
  4. The professional baking paper nowadays used in bakeries is coated with a thicker silicone layer and is sold in single sheets, not on a roll.
  5. And, finally, there is tracing paper and parchment on sale, which are lined with curly forms. Paper cupcake molds are especially popular.

Along with butter, flour, sugar and eggs, one of the essential ingredients in baking recipes is baking paper... It is recommended to line it on a baking sheet, roll out the dough, put baked goods on it, and also cover the baked product with it. But what is this paper?
Baking or baking paper- it is durable, moisture resistant, impregnated with a special lubricant, to which nothing sticks. It is made of porous filter paper-base by the method of treatment with 50% sulfuric acid, after which it is forcibly dried. Thanks to this, it becomes moisture and fat resistant, without changing its properties even with prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
Baking parchment withstands temperatures up to 215 - 232 degrees Celsius. It is best to use it in a conventional oven or convection oven, but not when roasting, grilling or in a toaster, otherwise it will turn brown, crumble, or may even catch fire. Above this temperature, the parchment will deteriorate and turn dark brown. Both sides of the parchment are the same, that is, it doesn't matter which side you put it on the baking sheet.
One of the great benefits of baking paper is the “non-stick effect,” so it eliminates the need to grease the baked goods before baking. Baking can be removed easily, without sticking and dirt. By the way, most likely you will not even need to wash the baking sheet after baking! Baking paper can be used several times, especially when baking cookies, etc. When laying paper on a baking sheet, it is recommended to grease the baking sheet with oil, as a little oil will help the parchment stick to it, which means that the dough will not fall on the baking sheet when you pour it.
This paper can be used to decorate cakes and pastries: shape it into a cone, cut off the tip and fill with icing. You can also cut out stencil forms, put on the cake, pour out the icing sugar and remove the paper.
Below are 8 ways to use:
1. The main purpose of using baking paper is to maintain the shape of the product by significantly reducing the likelihood of the dough sticking to the baking sheet. This function is relevant not only for hot dishes, but also for cold pastries, such as tiramisu or cheesecakes.
2. Baking parchment is a magic wand for every housewife! To prepare thin brittle cookies without labor and nerves, you just need to use parchment. The biscuits do not crumble, do not break, they can be easily removed from the baking sheet.
In addition, you can cook in it not only baked goods, but also pizza, pasta, meat, fish, chicken, etc.
3. To avoid clutter and smudge the minimum amount of dishes while cooking, use a sheet of paper to mix dry ingredients such as flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and then pour it all into a bowl.
4. Use parchment paper to separate leftover food such as chicken breasts, pizza leftovers, pancakes, rolls for storage. This method is also suitable for freezing food.
5. Artfully wrap baked goods: paper makes an excellent substitute for wrapping gift paper. It looks simple and elegant. After wrapping, tie with tape.
6. The easiest way to cook something simple and healthy is to bake fish or meat in baking parchment. First, place vegetables, meat on paper, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with spices, wrap tightly and bake. Again, you don't need to wash anything after cooking.
7. Are you expecting friends with children for dinner? Cut out large baking paper napkins and place under the plates. Forget how messy the kids are, just throw away the paper napkins after dinner.
8. Instead of paper towels, cover the microwave with baking paper to reduce splashes. Your microwave will thank you!
Those who have already cooked using parchment for baking know that it is very inconvenient to simultaneously spread the dough on it and hold it so that it does not curl. Here are 3 ways to straighten the parchment and make your cooking process easier:
1. Remove the magnets from the refrigerator and place in the corners of the lined paper. Do not forget to put them back in place before baking!
2. Cut the paper and place between the trays until your next culinary masterpiece. By the time the paper is needed, it will straighten under the baking sheet press and be ready for use.
3. Rolling the dough out between two sheets of paper is a good way to prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin, but the constant sliding of the paper is annoying. Spray water on the paper next time. It will become damp, stick to the dough, and it will be easier to roll it out.
In addition to the above, you can think of another 1000 and one way to use paper in the kitchen, since this thing is really necessary for both the most experienced and qualified chefs and simple housewives. You can buy such excellent quality paper at not very high wholesale prices.

There are several ways to use baking paper. In addition to the classic lining of the inner surface of the form, other methods can be used:

  1. Cut a square of the desired size from the roll. Place the products prepared for baking in the center. Now take the opposite corners in your hands and connect them together with a skewer. Do the same with the other two corners.
  2. Cut a rectangular piece of paper from the roll. In this case, lay out the products on one side of the rectangle. The rest will be used as a lid. Then the edges of the rectangle must be tightly twisted together.
  3. Cut out two circles from paper. On the first place, we place the products. Cover with the second. Now we tuck the sides like a pie and pinch them well.

All options for use are good in that they prevent the food from burning and drying out during cooking. You now know how to bake on parchment paper.

What kind of baking paper is there?

Manufacturers offer several varieties of parchment. The simplest option is tracing paper. It is very thin and gets soaked easily. It is not recommended to use it for baking biscuits and muffins, the recipe of which includes a lot of oil. Tracing paper will be appropriate for yeast and shortcrust pastry products. It must first be lubricated with oil.

Parchment is considered more durable. This paper is distinguished by a smooth surface and a brownish color due to a special impregnation. Sulfuric acid is used as such. It is she who makes the parchment more durable and resistant to high temperatures combined with moisture.

All-purpose baking paper is the most popular. The thin silicone coating allows baked goods to be removed without damaging the parchment, so it can be reused. This paper can be used for roasting meat and fish.

The best type of parchment paper is silicone.

Thick paper can be used for cooking fish, meat and vegetables, as well as baking.

Parchment paper is a thick, smooth-surfaced paper specially designed for use in baking and food packaging.

Its advantages include:

  • high moisture and fat resistance;
  • withstands t ° at 230 ° C for a long time.

The use of parchment paper during baking does not allow the dough to stick to the bottom and sides of the baking sheet, and also makes it possible to roll out super thin layers of shortbread and puff pastry, placing them between two parchment sheets and transfer them directly to the baking sheet. How can you replace parchment paper when baking, advice from experienced chefs.

One of the oldest and most affordable ways to replace parchment paper is to use tracing paper, a thin, transparent paper used in sketching and sewing patterns. You can buy it at a regular office supply store.

Advice! Since tracing paper is a rather thin material, it should be well greased before use, preferably on both sides.

You can use tracing paper instead of parchment sheets when baking products with a high fat content:

  • buns, yeast dough pies
  • shortcrust pastry cookies
  • cheesecakes based on oiled crumbs and tiramisu

Attention! Tracing paper, despite its popularity, cannot act as a full-fledged replacement for parchment paper in the baking process, as it has some disadvantages:

  • sticks to the bottom and sides of baked goods;
  • due to prolonged exposure to temperatures of more than 200 °, it is darker, cracks, burns out, crumbles.

Tip # 2: Silicone-coated parchment, silicone paper and rugs

Silicone coated parchment is one of the modern types of baking substrates. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Reusable up to 8 times.
  2. High heat resistance, withstand temperatures up to 300 ° C.
  3. Prevents dough from sticking to tins and baking sheets.
  4. Protects the dough from overdrying, keeping the natural moisture in baked goods.
  5. Does not require grease.

Attention! In addition to baking, it is used:

  • for steaming dishes and individual products
  • for cooking vegetables, fish, meatballs
  • for roasting fish and meat
  • for frying seafood, poultry, eggs
  • to create desserts
  • for layering sheet dough and other products before freezing
  • for use instead of dishes when heating dishes and baking in the microwave

Silicone paper has a thicker coating, and, accordingly, is designed for more applications.

Non-stick properties also have silicone mats, which cover the bottom of the trays. They not only protect the baked goods from sticking, but also keep the trays from getting dirty. With their help you can:

  • freeze various foods;
  • roll out the dough;
  • bake.

Attention! Many silicone mats have special markings that allow you to cut the dough into strips of the desired width. This can only be done if the rug is not hot.

Usually, foil It is used for baking vegetables, meat and fish, but if necessary, it can also be used as a substitute for parchment paper for baking. To do this, it should be greased with oil. Foil-wrapped baked goods can sometimes burn as they increase the baking temperature.

One of the varieties of parchment is subparchment. This type of special paper used in the confectionery industry is intended for baking at low temperatures - 100 - 170 ° C. The underparchment is able to retain fat, but does not retain moisture. Its advantages include high environmental safety.

Use of special silicone mold for baking allows you to bake without the use of parchment paper.

Their pluses:

  1. Does not require greasing.
  2. The dough does not stick to such forms.
  3. Ready-made baked goods can be easily removed.
  4. They can withstand temperatures up to 250 ° C.
  5. Environmentally friendly and easy to clean.

Features of using silicone molds:

  • they must be placed on a hard surface before filling the dough;
  • fill only 1/3 of the volume of the form;
  • remove from the oven together with the baking sheet.

Usage paper forms also eliminates the need for parchment paper when baking:

  • cupcakes;
  • muffins;
  • cupcakes;
  • Easter cakes.

Paper molds also serve as an additional decoration for baked goods and ensure high hygiene of products.

The baked goods will not burn or stick to the bottom and walls of the mold:

  1. If it is greased with butter and sprinkled with a thin layer of flour, semolina, bread crumbs or bread crumbs.
  2. If you cover the bottom of the baking sheet with a baking sleeve.
  3. If you put fax paper on the bottom of the form.
  4. If you use the most ordinary A4 writing paper soaked in margarine, vegetable or butter, lard as a substrate. For this purpose also use blank notebook sheets or blank printing paper.
  5. If the bottom of the baking sheet is lined with paper butter wrappers (not foiled).
  6. If the bottom of the baking sheet is covered with a cut flour bag (usually a flour bag is made of light brown parchment paper).
  7. You can do without parchment paper if you use a greased, Teflon-coated baking dish for baking.

What not to use to replace parchment paper

  1. Newspapers cannot be used as a substitute for parchment paper, as they are highly flammable and are also a source of toxic substances contained in printing ink.
  2. Scribbled paper.
  3. Non-oiled writing paper.
  4. Polyethylene, because it melts when exposed to high temperatures.

Handy tools will always come to the rescue if the kitchen runs out of parchment paper for baking, allowing you to please loved ones with delicious homemade cakes.