Outline of a lesson on the outside world (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War." Summary of GCD classes in the preparatory group on the topic: Heroes of the Second World War

"Bow to the ground, soldier of Russia,

for a feat of arms on earth. "

Problem: Modern children do not know what war is. Therefore, it is important to tell them about the 1941-1945 war.

Idea: On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, to acquaint children with the heroic past of our country.

Project type: by the method - information - research; content - "Child - Society"; child and adult; frontal; creative, group, long-term.


The patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long, purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from childhood. In this regard, the problem of moral and patriotic education of children before school age becomes one of the topical.

As a result of systematic, purposeful educational work, elements of citizenship and patriotism can be formed in children.

You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with the Motherland, not knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved, cherished and defended it.

It should also not be forgotten that war is one of the most important historical experiences and practices in the formation, reproduction, education and perception of a real man. The image of a warrior remains one of the key symbols of masculinity. This is especially important for boys as they grow up. For normal development, boys need the vague image of a real man to gradually become a reality, finding its embodiment in specific people. Moreover, it is very important that the heroes are their own, easily recognizable, close. Then it is easier for the boys to relate them to themselves, it is easier to be equal to them.

Thus, it was decided to develop and implement the project "Children about the Great Patriotic War"

Objective of the project: creating conditions for enriching children with knowledge about the Second World War, fostering patriotism, a sense of pride in their family.

Project objectives:

  1. To acquaint with the history of the Great Patriotic War, full of examples of the greatest heroism and courage of people in the struggle for the freedom of the Motherland;
  2. Lead to the perception of works of art about the war;
  3. Clarify knowledge about the Victory Day holiday, explain why it is so named and who is congratulated on this day.
  4. To form moral and patriotic qualities: courage, courage, the desire to defend their homeland.
  5. To give children an idea that the people remember and honor the memory of heroes in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: poetry and songs are composed in honor of the heroes, monuments are erected.
  6. To acquaint children with the military awards that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.
  7. Organize cooperation with parents, provide support and assistance to families in fostering patriotic feelings in preschoolers.
  8. Form an opinion on the inadmissibility of a repetition of the war.

Project participants: psychologist, music workers, physical training instructor, museum "Museum of military glory" school № 105, "Museum of military glory" House of culture "Oilman", parents of pupils, educators, children.

Target group of the project: The project is addressed to middle and senior preschoolers.

Duration of the project: Long term.

Terms of project implementation: September - May.

The main forms of project implementation: Excursions, conversations, organization of GCD, mini-exhibitions, storytelling, collecting, physical education, consultations for parents.

Estimated result of the project:

  1. Awakening in children of interest and respect for the history of Russia.
  2. Involvement of parents in joint work.
  3. Knowledge about the Great Patriotic War has been expanded and systematized.
  4. The algorithm for creating a project has been mastered: setting a goal, searching for various means of achieving a goal, analyzing the results.
  5. Formed a respectful attitude towards the participants in the war, home front workers; respect for family photographs and relics (medals, certificates, etc.).
  6. Understanding the importance of the holiday - Victory Day in the life of a Russian person.
  7. Decoration of an exhibition of children's creativity for Victory Day.
  8. Musical and sports festival "Victory Day".

Organization of project activities.

1. Activities of teachers.

Preparation of methodological and didactic materials.

Conducting interesting classes, organizing exhibitions.

Reflection of this topic in the creation of thematic planning of the curriculum.

Reading fiction: With Alekseev "They defended Moscow", L. Kassil "Your defenders", S. Mikhalkov "Victory Day", memorizing poetry for the holiday.

Individual and collective conversation about the Great Patriotic War.

Listening to songs of military-patriotic themes.

Thematic content of the book corner.

Selection of postcards, illustrations, photographs for the design of the albums "Our native army".

Examination of postcards, illustrations depicting the types of troops, monuments to soldiers, obelisks.

Listening to musical compositions: marches - D. Kabalevsky "March" (for children), P. Tchaikovsky "March of wooden soldiers", G. Sviridov "Military march", V. Agapkin "Farewell to a Slav."

2. Children's activities.

Participation in competitions, holidays, conversations.

Independent artistic activity, making crafts on military themes as a gift to dad, grandfather, an exhibition of children's drawings.

Memorizing proverbs and sayings about honor, duty, soldier's service, friendship and camaraderie suggested by teachers; drawing your favorite subjects on a military theme based on the books you read.

Execution of role-playing games "Border Guards", "Sailors".

3. Activities of parents.

Participation in all events organized in the group.

Drawing with children plots on a military theme.

A selection by children together with their parents of historical material (photographs, letters) about their relatives who took part in historical martial traditions.

Subject-developing environment:

Decoration of the "Battle Glory" corner.

Didactic games with patriotic content.

A selection of visual - didactic material on the theme of the Great Patriotic War and soldiers' everyday life.

A selection of fiction - stories, poems, proverbs and sayings about the war, the holiday of May 9, the military, about peace.

Selection of songs of the war years.

A selection of various materials for the productive activities of children.

Preparation of an attribute for role-playing games on a military theme.

Work plan:

Stage 1 Preparatory (September)

Defining a project theme,

Formulation of the goals and objectives of the project,

Selection of the required material.

Stage 2 Main (project implementation) (October-April)

GCD, conversations, questionnaires, quizzes, exhibitions of drawings and military equipment, reading art. literature, learning poems, watching presentations and cartoons on military topics, holidays dedicated to the defenders of the fatherland and the Victory Day.

Stage 3 Final (May)

Celebrating Victory Day,

Project presentation,

Exhibition decoration.

A long-term plan for patriotic education MBDOU d / s No. 466 for 2014-2015 academic year. year


Types of children's activities

Working with parents

Preparatory stage


Junior group

Joint searches for information.

Collection of documents and photographs from family archives about the participants in the war.

  1. Conversation with children about dad with examining photographs "My dad is in the army."
  2. Sports entertainment "Together with dad".

Middle group

  1. GCD "Russian flag"
  2. Viewing photographs "Photo chronicle of the war days"
  3. Reading stories: "Taiga gift".
  4. Reading poems: "Mother Earth" I am Abidov, "Remember Forever" M. Isakovsky
  5. Listening to musical compositions: marches - D. Kabalevsky "March" (for children), P. Tchaikovsky "March of wooden soldiers".

Senior group

  1. Conversation "Our native army"
  2. Examination of illustrations of the combat arms, photographs showing the everyday life of the army
  3. Religion with the worst literary J. Dlugolensky "What soldiers can do"
  4. Sports entertainment "Obstacle course"

Preparatory group

  1. Collection and analysis of literature on this topic
  2. Conversation with children "What do I know about the war?"
  3. Reading a story: "A gift from the taiga."
  4. Informative conversation: About the Great Patriotic War,
  5. Viewing photographs "Photo chronicle of the war days"

ZPR group

1. Conversation "Monuments of military glory."

2. Organization of an exhibition of books about the war

The main stage

Junior group

Consultation: "Fostering in children a sense of respect for their country, pride for the Motherland and people through familiarization with the events of the Great Patriotic War"

  1. Examination of the painting by Vasnetsov "Three heroes".
  2. Memorizing poetry about the army, courage, friendship.
  3. Productive (application) "Beautiful flags on a string"

Middle group

  1. Talk-story "Women Defending the Fatherland"
  2. Reading stories: "Irishka is a machine gunner."
  3. Reading poems: "Mass graves" V. Vysotsky, "Soviet warrior",
  4. GCD "Our homeland"
  5. Conversation "The Great Patriotic War in the visual arts."
  6. Execution of role-playing games "Border Guards"

Senior group

  1. Conversation "The Motherland Calls!"
  2. Reading verse-I by O. Vysotskaya "My brother went to the border"

Preparatory group

  1. Hearing songs about the war: "Holy War" lyrics. V. Lebedev-Kumach, "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov, M. Blanter "Katyusha", V. Alkin "Farewell to the Slav."
  2. Reading works of art: L. Kassil "Monument to a Soldier", "Your Defenders"; S. Baruzdin "Stories about the War"; S. Mikhalkov "Victory Day"
  3. Physical culture leisure "Competition of the strongest" (with the participation of boys of preparatory groups)

ZPR group

1. Role-playing game "Military"

2. Modeling "Airplane", "Star"

Junior group

Assistance in creating a collection of medals and orders

  1. Conversation: "The city in which I live."
  2. Examination of pictures depicting the sights of our city.
  3. Productive (drawing) "May there always be sunshine"
  4. Application "Coat of arms of my city".

Middle group

  1. Informative conversation: "Stalingrad blockade".
  2. Gcd « Let's remember those days "
  3. Creation of a collection of medals and orders
  4. Reading the story "Father's Field" V. Krupin,
  5. Reading poems: "The War ended in victory" by T. Trutnev, "The Overcoat" by E. Blaginin
  6. Examination of reproductions of artists dedicated to episodes of the Great Patriotic War: "Parade on Red Square" (K. Yuon, "Victory" (P. Krivonogov, "Rest after the battle", "Victory salute" (Yu. Neprintseva, "Return home" (In Shtranikh, V. Kostetsky) and others.
  7. Examination of postcards, illustrations depicting the combat arms.

Senior group

  1. Drawing on the theme "My dad is the defender of the Motherland"
  2. Reading A. Gaidar's story "War and Children"

Preparatory group

  1. Social - communicative development / cognitive: "Russia is my Motherland"
  2. Drawing "Where the Motherland Begins".
  3. Speech development "My Fatherland Russia", learning a poem about the Motherland, reading art. literature.
  4. Learning proverbs and sayings about love and protection of the Motherland, its defenders, about heroism, courage and bravery of hero soldiers, soldier's friendship and comradeship.
  5. Conversation about the approaching date and the Great Patriotic War. Examination of illustrations, paintings with fragments of the war years.

ZPR group

1.. Drawing "Monuments of the military glory of our city"

2. Organization of outdoor games "Tug of war", "Signal flags"

Junior group

Selection of postcards, illustrations, photographs for the design of the albums "Our native army";

  1. Watching the cartoon “One, two. Grief is not a problem. "
  2. Conversation about the defenders.
  3. Reading stories, poems about the war, proverbs.

Middle group

school number 105

  1. Reading fiction: L. Kassil "Your defenders".
  2. Examination of reproductions of artists dedicated to the episodes of the Great Patriotic War: "Rest after the battle", "Return home" (V. Shtranikh, V. Kostetsky), etc.
  3. Collective work on molding "Military equipment"
  4. Execution of role-playing games "Sailors".

Senior group

  1. Conversation on "Great Battles"
  2. 2. Reading fiction: U. Brazhnina "Overcoat"

Preparatory group

  1. GCD "Hero Cities"
  2. Examination of the postcards "Cities of Heroes".
  3. Painting
  4. Listening to the music of B. Mokrousov "March of the defenders of Moscow",
  5. Learning poems,
  6. Reading the works of SP Alekseev "Brest Fortress".
  7. Didactic game "Find a city on the map", "Which city I'm talking about."

ZPR group

1. Release of the photo album "Children of War"

2. Modeling "Tanks"

Junior group

Screens, advice to parents, what and how to tell children about the war.

  1. Examination of illustrations about the branches of the armed forces, about the Second World War.
  2. Creation of a mini-museum "Military equipment"
  3. Productive (design) "We are constructors"

Middle group

  1. Conversation with children "Feat in War"
  2. Viewing photos

"Unkown soldiers grave".

  1. Reading the story of A. Mityaev "Grandfather's Order"
  2. Examination of reproductions of artists dedicated to the episodes of the Great Patriotic War: "Victory Salute" by Y. Neprintsev
  3. Learning proverbs and sayings about honor, duty, soldiery, friendship and camaraderie.
  4. Album design "Our native army";

Senior group

  1. GCD "War machines"
  2. Organization of an exhibition of combat vehicles (toys)
  3. Creation of the album "War machines"

Preparatory group

  1. Excursion to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War in the area.
  2. Drawing: "Eternal Flame"
  3. Speech development: telling about monuments, learning poems,
  4. Reading artist. works: J. Taits: "Cycle of stories about the war." (Discussion of texts, answers to questions by children).
  5. Musical development: listening to muses of works

ZPR group

1. Did. games "Assemble the car", "Expand and name correctly"

2. Creating a presentation for children "Little Soldier"

Junior group

Drawing up individual stories of children together with their parents about the history of their family during the Second World War.

  1. Making gifts for dads.
  2. Drawing "Airplanes are flying"
  3. Singing songs, memorizing poetry about the army.
  4. C / r game "We are soldiers"

Middle group

  1. GCD “Adults and children need peace on the whole planet »
  2. Talk-story "Four-legged assistants at the front"
  3. Reading stories:

"Why is the Army native" A. Mityaev.

  1. Production of the poster "We are for Peace".
  2. Examination of postcards, illustrations depicting monuments to soldiers, obelisks
  3. Listening to musical compositions: marches - G. Sviridov "Military March", V. Agapkin "Farewell to the Slav."

Senior group

  1. Manual labor "Gifts for dads and grandfathers"
  2. Sports festival "Boys want to serve in the army"

Preparatory group

  1. GCD "Glory and pride to the soldiers"
  2. Drawing "Our native army", "Border guard with a dog",
  3. Application "Thirty-three heroes",
  4. Modeling "Military equipment",
  5. Speech development: Telling about the painting "Heroes", learning poems
  6. Reading A. Mityaev "Why is the Army dear to everyone"
  7. Viewing the presentation "Military equipment of war"
  8. Browsing albums
  9. Moose. development: F. Schubert "Military March", A. Pakhmutova "Our heroic strength",

ZPR group

1. Role-playing game "Sailors"

2. Manual labor "Sea voyage"

Junior group

Decoration of a thematic exhibition in the book corner.

  1. Meeting with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
  2. Making a gift for a veteran.
  3. Reading stories about the defenders of the Fatherland.

Middle group

  1. Excursion to the "Museum of Military Glory"

House of Culture "Oilman"

  1. Reading fiction: From Alekseev "They defended Moscow".
  2. Talk-story "Children and War"
  3. Examining the photographs “Children are heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Senior group

  1. GCD "Music of War"
  2. Examining the thematic photo album "Eternal Glory"

Preparatory group

  1. Excursion to the Museum of Military Glory
  2. Speech development: retelling of L. Kassil's story "Sister", learning poems
  3. Musical development: listening to music. works
  4. Role-playing game "Hospital"
  5. A story about letters from the front that came to the families of pupils during the Second World War.

ZPR group

1. Exhibition of drawings "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"

2. Creation of a design project of a flower bed in honor of Victory Day

Junior group

Competition for the best drawing, crafts for Victory Day.

  1. Exhibition of hand-made articles "To our veterans".
  2. Excursion to the museum "Our Motherland and its defenders".
  3. Productive (modeling) "Airplanes are flying"
  4. Productive (drawing) "Salute"

Middle group

  1. Informative conversation: "Victory Day"
  2. GCD “Spring. Victory Day"
  3. Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov "Victory Day", memorizing poetry for the holiday.
  4. Meeting with a war veteran, wartime children.
  5. Learning a poem:

T. Belozerov

May holiday - Victory Day ...

Senior group

  1. Organization of the mini-museum "Shelf of Military Glory"
  2. GCD "Workers of the Home Front"

Preparatory group

  1. GCD "The Great Patriotic War: Faces of Victory, Children of War."
  2. Reading from the collection of stories "Children - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War";
  3. Application "Postcard with tulips"
  4. Didactic game "Orders and Medals"
  5. Molding "Military awards"
  6. Musical development: learning the song "Solar Circle" by A. Alexandrov
  7. Drawing "I paint the world"
  8. Drawing competition "Glory will not stop these days"

ZPR group

Layout competition "These days will not cease glory ..."

The final stage

Junior group

Assistance in organizing excursions.

  1. Conversation about the Victory Day holiday.
  2. Design of the stand "This Victory Day".
  3. A targeted walk along a festively decorated street to memorable places.
  4. Laying flowers at the Eternal Flame.
  5. Productive (drawing) "Eternal flame"
  6. Games: Airplanes, Obstacle Course, Collect Fireworks

Middle group

  1. GCD "Thank you for the Victory!"
  2. Festive morning performance dedicated to the Great Victory Day
  3. Excursion to the monument "In memory of the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War"

Senior group

  1. Presentation of the mini-museum "Shelf of Military Glory"
  2. Musical activity Listening to songs of victory

Preparatory group

  1. Musical and sports festival dedicated to Victory Day
  2. Construction: Victory Day layout
  3. Drawing "We are going to a holiday with flags and flowers", "Festive fireworks"

ZPR group

1. A holiday dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

2. Artistic manual work "Gifts to Veterans".


Material and technical: bus for excursion, slides "Great Patriotic War", family photographs of the war years, photo album, cardboard, glue, colored paper, projector, camera, tape recorder.

Educational and methodical:

  1. Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschoolers [text]: guidelines / N.V. Alyoshina. - M .: TsGL, 2005 .-- 205 p.
  2. Veraksa N.E. Design activities for preschoolers. [text]: a guide for preschool teachers / N.Ye. Veraksa, A.N. Veraxa. - M .: publishing house MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2008. - 112 p.
  3. Eremeeva V.D. Boys and girls. To teach in different ways, to love in different ways [text]: neuropedagogy - to teachers, educators, parents, school psychologists / V.D. Eremeeva. - Educational literature, 2008 .-- 160 p.
  4. Kondrykinskaya L.A. For preschoolers about the defenders of the Fatherland [text]: a methodological guide on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions /. L.A. Kondrykinskaya. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006 .-- 192 p.
  5. Nechaeva V.G., Makarova T.A. Moral education in kindergarten [text]: for teachers of preschool institutions / V.G. Nechaeva, T.A. Makarova - M .: Education, 1984 .-- 272 p.

In preparing this work, materials from the site were used

MKDOU d \ s "Malyshok" No. 16

Educator: Frolova I.N.

Conversation:"Children about the Great Patriotic War"

(preparatory group)

v. Vostochny


Conversation: "Children - about the Great Patriotic War"

PURPOSE: Formation of moral and patriotic qualities in older preschool children.

    To acquaint children with the events of the Great Patriotic War. Explain what the term "Great Patriotic War" means; to give an idea that it was liberating, was conducted in the name of peace, prosperity and well-being of our Motherland.

    To foster a sense of pride in our people, the desire to be like those soldiers who defended our Motherland.

    To consolidate the acquired knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War and who the "war veterans" are

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Artistic - aesthetic.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Reading stories on the theme of the Great Patriotic War; books, drawings, military equipment. Children visiting the memorial. Examination of medals in pictures.

EQUIPMENT: posters about the Great Patriotic War, photographs of the veteran.


Educator: Children, listen to the poem:

The sun is shining

Smells like bread

The forest is noisy, the river, the grass ...

Well under a peaceful sky.

Hear kind words.

Good in winter and summer,

On an autumn and spring day

Enjoy the bright light.

By a bell, peaceful silence.

(M. Sadovsky)

Educator: Children, let's listen to the silence of the world. In this silence, you can hear the noise of the wind, the singing of birds, the hum of cars. The sound of shots, the roar of tanks is not heard in it.

The war began more than 70 years ago. With whom did our people fight?

(with the fascists).

The fascists wanted to take over our country and turn our people into slaves. But they didn't succeed. Our entire people rose to defend their country, to fight the fascists.

Take a look at this poster. It was painted by Irakli Moiseevich Taidze and called "Motherland - Mother Calls!"

Where did the Motherland call - the mother of our people? Children: To defend the Fatherland.

Educator: What else do you see on the poster?

Why are there so many weapons behind a woman?

(children express their suggestions)

Educator: This woman - mother calls on her sons and daughters to join the ranks of the army: to be honest, brave, disciplined fighters, to the last breath, to be loyal to their people.

See the illustration "Seeing the Soldiers to the Front".

Educator: This war was very cruel, it brought great destruction and a lot of grief to our country. How many of you know something about her, heard from adults, saw a movie.

(The stories of children are listened to, the teacher complements the answers).

The soldiers fought for every piece of land, not wanting to yield to its enemies. They were running out of shells, grenades, Molotov cocktails. But the attack of our soldiers was so strong that the Germans could not stand it and fled in panic. (Display of paintings with soldiers fighting). The courage of our people, the willingness to defend their homeland to the last drop of blood were reflected in many musical works of that time. Among them there is a song, which in terms of strength of mind is among the best works of the era of the Great Patriotic War. It's called The Sacred War.

Children listening to the song

Educator: At the front, different representatives of the troops are needed: Pilots, tankmen, artillerymen.

Look at the pictures of how Russian soldiers showed miracles of heroism during the war against the Nazis. (A story about the feat of A. Matrosov).

With all the hatred and rage accumulated in their hearts, the Russian soldiers rushed into a harsh battle with the fascist army, rushing alone against the tanks.

Educator: Now we will close our eyes and be transported to the past. Open your eyes. Come to me. We came to the battlefield, we will shoot accurately, quickly run along the line of fire.

(The game "Sharpshooter" is being played)

(Two teams throw balls into baskets, the team with more hits wins)

Our boys, when they grow up, will serve in the army in order to protect our homeland from enemies in case of danger. In the meantime, let's practice dexterity and ingenuity.

(The game "Minesweepers" is held)

Educator: Guys, what proverbs about the Motherland, about the army, about exploits, about glory do you know?

    "There is none in the world more beautiful than our Motherland"

    "Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother"

    "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song"

    "Russian fighter - well done for everyone"

    "Hero - Mountain for the Motherland"

Educator: Our people sacredly honor the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War. Monuments, obelisks, memorial plaques are erected to the soldiers of the heroes. And in our village, there is a monument to which we always lay flowers.

(Photo show)

He reminds us of those who gave their lives heroically fighting for their homeland.

Educator: The number of surviving heroes - defenders of our Motherland every year becomes less and less. These people are called veterans. On the day of victory, they put on their military awards: military orders and medals. War veteran Laptev Ivan Mikheevich also came to us for the holiday by May 9th. He told you how he fought, about his awards.

(Displaying a photo of a veteran)

Educator: The war ended on May 9, 1945. This day became a great holiday in our country. In honor of the winners, a parade was held in Moscow. The soldiers brought their banners to Red Square. And the Germans - with black crosses - were trampled into the ground as a sign of victory over fascism. And now every year on May 9, a festive fireworks blaze in the sky over Russia.

(Screening of the painting "Fireworks")

And now we all live and rejoice that there is no war and we are all free! Guys, let's listen to the poem and repeat it all together.

You and me need peace. Clean air at dawn. Bird noise, children's laughter. Sun, rain, white snow. Only war, only war. Not needed on the planet!

State budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten number 64
Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Synopsis of direct educational activities

Topic: "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War"

Age: 6-7 years old

Educational area: cognitive development

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Boytseva Lyudmila Borisovna


St. Petersburg

Abstractdirect educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the theme "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War", carried out in the process of direct educational activities of a teacher with children

Target: Expand children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War.



1. Consolidate children's knowledge about Victory Day;

2. To enrich knowledge about the life of people during the war at the front and in the rear;

3. To improve knowledge about veterans, their role in liberation from the German invaders.


1. Develop coherent speech, thinking, attention;

2. Expand vocabulary.


1. To foster in children a cognitive interest in the history of the country;

2. To cultivate love and respect for the participants in the war;

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the theme "Victory Day", listening to military songs, reading patriotic poems, making postcards.


Cocked hat letter, photographs, magnetic board, TV set, presentation "The Great Patriotic War", St. George ribbons, tape recorder, metronome recording, video film "Eternal Flame".

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive, social and communicative, physical development

The course of direct educational activities

Hello guys! Please say hello to our guests.

Please come to me.

Guys, I recently went to visit my grandfather, Yuri Ivanovich. She showed me a very unusual letter, and she wanted to show it to you. With my grandfather's permission, I took the letter. Here it is.

The teacher shows the letterchildren.

Let's take a closer look at it.

What shape is it?

Was it recently written or a long time ago?

Who do you think wrote this letter to my grandfather?

Let's read it.

The teacher reads an episode from a sister's letter to her brother.

So who wrote this letter?

Right. And her name was Lyudmila Ivanovna.

The teacher fixes on the blackboard photographs of people in military uniform with medals.

My grandfather Dolgopolov Yuri Ivanovich and his sister Lyudmila Ivanovna are veterans of the Great Patriotic War. For services to the Motherland, for courage and heroism, they were awarded orders and medals. See how many of them are on your chest.

Who are the veterans?

People who participated in the war.

1st child:

Veteran is a seasoned fighter,

I've seen a lot in my life.

He is brave in battle

Defending his country!

Today we will talk about the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our army in it and, of course, about those whom we must congratulate on the May holidays.

Guys, what do you know about the Great Patriotic War?

Sit on the chairs.

The teacher shows the presentation "The Great Patriotic War"

Slide 1.

On June 22, 1941, people heard the announcement: "Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without declaring war, German troops attacked our homeland."

German planes with bombs rose from the airfields, which bombed cities, airfields, railway stations, bombs fell on children's camps, kindergartens, schools, hospitals and residential buildings.

Slide 2.

All the people, young and old, stood up to defend their beloved Motherland. Not only men went to the front, but even children often ran away from home to fight the Nazis. Young girls also strove to the front, many were nurses, signalmen, scouts, even pilots. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory.

Slide 3.

Everyone who remained in the rear worked in factories and factories. They made tanks and planes for the front; cast shells and bullets; sewed clothes and boots for soldiers; made bombs and guns for soldiers.

In those days, the slogan appeared: “Everything for the front! Everything for the victory! "

Slide 4.

The Great Patriotic War lasted four years. On May 9, 1945, our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the most important building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag of Victory was hoisted, the color of which signifies fire and courage.

Slide 5.

In all cities of our big country, good news swept through. People took to the streets and congratulated each other. All participants in the battles were awarded orders and medals. And the sky that day was lit up with a festive fireworks.

There is a word in the world

Necessary and important

Like the sun

This word warms everyone.

This word is important

Warm as summer.

Peace for all peoples

Peace on the whole planet!

Who protects our homeland from enemies?

Let us become swami soldiers. Stand by your chairs.

Physical education "Soldiers"

Like soldiers in a parade, we march row after row

Left-once, right-once, look all at us!

Everyone clapped their hands - together, more fun!

Our legs knocked - louder and faster!

Let's hit the knees - quieter, quieter, quieter!

Raise handles, handles - higher, higher, higher.

Sit down in your seats.

The life of the soldiers at the front was not easy. What qualities should a real soldier have?

But not all soldiers returned from this long war. Many died in battles defending their homeland. In memory of them, monuments and memorial complexes have been erected in all cities of our vast country.

The teacher fixes images with monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War on a magnetic board.

2nd child:

From the heroes of the old days

sometimes there were no names.

Those who have accepted mortal combat

became just earth and grass ...

3rd child:

Only their formidable valor

settled in the hearts of the living.

This eternal flame

bequeathed to us,

we keep it in our hearts and in our chest.

Let it be for a minute

All speeches will cease ...

And in memory of them

Candles are lit.

Let us honor the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence.

The teacher includes a video film "Eternal Flame" with the sound of a metronome.

This year we are celebrating 70 years of the great Victory. Unfortunately, fewer and fewer veterans remain who participated in that war. Those to whom we owe our freedom. We thank the veterans of the Great Patriotic War for the clear and bright sky overhead.

Synopsis of direct educational activities on the topic "Dedicated to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War"

Target: Formation of patriotic feelings in children, emotional and value attitude towards the Motherland, towards the heroes of the Great Patriotic War


    Develop a sense of pride for your country, for its heroes

    To consolidate children's ideas that the heroes of our Motherland sacrificed their lives for us, to form the ability to capture this connection

    Strengthen children's ideas about the awards of the Great Patriotic War

    Strengthen the skills of children to rebuild from one rank to two

    Continue to develop the ability of children to create collective work, work in a team

    Develop the speech of children, the ability to coordinate words with hand movements (through pronouncing and showing with hands poems about the Victory in the Second World War)

    Develop memory and imagination

Integration of educational areas:

- cognitive development;

Speech development;

Social and communicative development;

Physical development;

Artistic and aesthetic development

Required materials and equipment:


Multimedia equipment for viewing photographs depicting how soldiers from the war are met; for listening to audio recordings with songs about war and victory, Levitan's voices on the radio about the surrender of Germany

Illustrations depicting awards of the Great Patriotic War

Illustrations depicting soldiers returning to their homeland, where they are met

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about the events of the Great Patriotic War, about how hard it was for our soldiers to get this victory

Learning with children poems about Victory Day and their explanation, discussion. Showing these poems with your hands.

Search for necessary audio recordings and illustrations

The course of educational activities:

Children come to the song "Victory Day".

Educator: - Guys, we all know that a great holiday is coming for our country. What kind of holiday is this? (children's answers - Victory Day) And when will our country celebrate this holiday? (9th May).

Educator: - That's right, May 9. The day when 72 years ago, in 1945, the Soviet people learned that the long-awaited Victory Day over fascism had come. This brutal war lasted for 4 long years.

Guys, when we entered the hall, a song was playing. What do you think it is about? (children's answers)

What words in the song do you remember most? Why?

The teacher shows poems about Victory Day (on his hands) with gestures, the children recite them in chorus, also accompanying their speech with hand movements:

Victory Day

May holiday -

Victory Day

Celebrated by the whole country.

Our grandfathers wear

Combat orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the solemn parade.

And thoughtfully from the doorway

Grandmothers look after them.

Victory Day

A holiday of peace in the country and spring.

On this day we remember the soldiers

Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we feel the grandfathers,

Who defended their home country

To the people who gave Victory

And who returned us peace and spring!

Educator: This is how the Soviet people on May 9, 1945, first learned about the victory of the Soviet Union over Germany on the radio. And I invite you to plunge into the time when this event happened. Imagine that you are the people of that time. What would you feel when you learned about the Victory? Let us be soldiers and stand in a line. I will be your commander.

So, platoon, pay off for the first or second!

Children are calculated on the "first-second". "The second" take a step forward. Thus, the guys are divided into two teams. For them, on two tables, there are Whatman paper and pre-prepared medals of war heroes made of paper. Teams make collages, 2 collective works are obtained.

Guys, we talked a lot about the heroes of the war, about what awards they received. Someone was awarded them during his lifetime, and someone received awards posthumously. But few people know that after the war, our compatriots also found it very difficult to live. I had to starve and freeze. Our guest is a resident of that time - Zoya Stepanovna Berdysheva. She came to tell us about how they lived in the post-war years.

Zoya Stepanovna tells, shows a photo. Then we give her a collective work and perform the song "Scarlet sunsets".

Irina Yankevich
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "The Great Patriotic War"

Software content: to acquaint with the events of V.O. wars... Explain what the term " The Great Patriotic War". To give an idea that it was a liberation. To deepen and clarify the ideas of children about the celebration of Victory Day in our country.

Introduce the hero Great Patriotic War- Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Continue to develop the ability of children to conduct a dialogue between the teacher and the children on the topic of the conversation.

Foster a sense of pride in your people, the desire to be persistent, able to defend their homeland; develop the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia. To foster a sense of respect for WWII veterans, a desire to take care of them.

Preliminary work: reading and memorizing poetry and stories about war, reading stories about the exploits of soldiers, watching videos and photos of the war years.

Dictionary: The Great Patriotic War, Red army, hero, St. George ribbon, Victory Day.

Equipment: photo presentation about war; portrait of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya; Giorgi ribbon; song recording "Victory Day".

Course of the lesson:


They stand by the eternal flame

Over the Volga, near the Mamaev Kurgan.

They are for you and for me

Fought, dying too early.

They stand near Brest, near Moscow,

Submachine guns were frozen on their chests, -

They stand, peace on their faces, -

Reliable Soviet soldiers.

They are washed by winds and rains

The sun scorches them with summer heat.

And they can't leave their post anywhere,

Neither stone nor bronze heroes.

Now we will see photographs of the war days.

Displaying a photo presentation on the screen.

On June 22, 1941, our country was attacked by enemies - fascists. A huge, well-armed fascist army conquered many European states and now sought to conquer our great homeland... The Nazis thought that they were the most important in the world, and all other people should obey them. Started The Great Patriotic War which lasted 4 years. The whole people rose to fight the fascists. Enemies struggled to reach Moscow, dreaming of capturing the capital as soon as possible - the very heart of our country.

Wars The Red Army and all the people rose to defend their homeland. Not only soldiers of our army went to the front, but even children often ran away from home to fight the Nazis. During wars many heroic deeds were accomplished, many soldiers became heroes.

Educator: What do you think is "feat"?

Children: This is a brave, courageous, good deed.

Educator: What is the name of the person who accomplished the feat?

Children: Hero

Educator: There are children heroes. I’ll read you a story about such a hero, about a girl who has just graduated from school. And her name was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

In June 1941, a 10th grade student Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya passed her final exams, and a few days later she began war... In those harsh days, when German troops stubbornly rushed to Moscow, Zoya turned to the Komsomol with a request to send her to the front. Soon she was sent to a partisan detachment.

At the end of 1941, after completing a combat mission, group the partisans were supposed to return, but it seemed to Zoe that they had done little. She decided to stay and penetrate the village of Petrishchevo, where the Nazi garrison was located. The small, wooded village was overflowing with German troops. On the first night, Zoya managed to set fire to several German-occupied premises... On the second day, when it got dark, she came to the village, crept up to the stable, where the horses of the fascist cavalry unit were. She tried to set fire to the stable and release the horses, but the sentry grabbed her. The fascist executioners subjected the partisan to cruel torture. They demanded recognition from her, who and why her ambassador, with whom she came on the mission. The courageous girl did not answer a single question from the Nazis. She didn't even give her real name. After long and painful torture, Zoya was hanged in the village square of Petrishchevo.

In this war there was no equal to the Soviet person in stamina, courage, skill. It was these people who turned the tide wars not only in their own direction, but also in favor of the allies and brought victory to the countries of Europe, which changed the entire course of history.

Look, each of you has a black and orange ribbon. Why did you wear it today? What does it mean?

Such a two-color ribbon is called St. George's. It belongs to the Order of St. George, which has traditionally been the highest military award in Russia. The colors of the tape - black and orange - mean "Smoke and flame" and are a sign of the soldier's personal prowess on the battlefield.

The Great Patriotic War ended on May 9, 1945. When Yegorov and Kontaria hoisted our flag over the Reichstag building in Berlin.

(Song recording sounds "Victory Day")

The game "Say it differently"

Defender Fatherland - warrior, soldier, fighter.

Fatherland - Motherland, Fatherland.

A brave soldier is courageous, brave, fearless, brave, valiant.

May 9 is a national holiday. This year our people celebrate 70 years Great Victory... it "Joy with tears in my eyes"... On this day, both joy and sorrow are near. There is no family in Russia that the war bypassed... Therefore, on this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who after wars established a peaceful life. And they also congratulate those warriors Great Patriotic War who live today, and their number is decreasing, and the youngest of them are already over seventy years old. And many veterans have not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren.

On this day, they remember those who remained on the battlefields, those who wars established a peaceful life.

Let us honor the memory of all those who died for the Motherland with a minute of silence.

Many Soviet people died for their homeland. That's how about war tells the Soviet soldier.

"SWEEP FIGHT" A. Tvardovsky.

The unknown battle, which we will talk about today,

Was, passed, forgotten soon…. And will they remember him?

Fight in the forest, in the bushes, in the swamp, where war paved the way,

Where the water was knee-deep for the infantry, the mud was chest-deep.

Either you fought in the Caucasus mountains, Or fell for Stalingrad,

My fellow countryman, the same age, brother.

True to duty and order, Russian toiler-soldier!

Where in a quagmire, in a rusty porridge, unrequited, does not count.

We walked, crawled, lay ours, day and night long!

Let that fight not be mentioned in the golden glory list,

The day will come - people will still rise in memory alive!

And Russia - a dear mother - will give honor to everyone in full.

Another battle, another time, one life, and one death!

There were many feats on war.

The people have created thousands of proverbs and sayings about soldiers and military valor. They reflect the valor of the Russian people for our soldiers, who bravely fought against the enemies.

You cannot take a fortress without courage.

Hit the enemy with a rifle, hit and dexterity.

Fight is a sacred thing, go to the enemy boldly.

A fight is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.

The exercise "Pick up the signs".

Whoever he was, he was always a soldier.

A soldier (what)- brave, fearless, courageous, brave, intelligent, valiant, diligent, hardworking.

Educator: And what else happens on this day, listen to the riddle.

Suddenly from the dark darkness

Bushes grew in the sky.

And on them - something blue,

Crimson, gold

Flowers are blooming

Unprecedented beauty.

And all the streets below them

They also turned blue

Crimson, gold, multi-colored.

Educator: What is it? (Answers of children.)

Educator: That's right, fireworks, have you seen the fireworks? (Answers of children.) This is a salute for all people who participated in this terrible war... Who died and

who returned alive.

Outcome classes.

Children, what new have you learned on occupations? Why do you think we were able to win in Great patriotic war? (children's answers).

Well done. I wish you peace and a clear sky over your head!

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