Why at 18 weeks. Possible deviations from the norm. Exercises for the most important muscles in the body of the expectant mother

The second trimester of pregnancy continues, and the woman increasingly feels how a new life is gaining strength. The 18th week of pregnancy is the 2nd week of the fifth obstetric month, because. obstetric month lasts exactly 4 weeks. And by this time, the difference between the calendar and obstetric months is becoming more and more noticeable.

  1. Many expectant mothers at this time already feel the movements of the baby. While they are still barely perceptible, but after a few days, the movements of the crumbs cannot be confused with other sensations in the body. More slender women will feel the movement earlier, and those who are not the first pregnancy, able to feel the movements of the fetus and at the 16th week of pregnancy. Once you are sure that it is the baby pushing, try to track the frequency of the movements. Normally, this is from 4 to 8 movements per hour. In the evening, the activity of the child is higher, which often interferes with the sleep of his future mother.
  2. Many women at this time report pain in the lower back. This happens because the center of gravity shifts forward, and the pregnant woman, in order to somehow balance it, begins to bend her back back. Sometimes pain in the buttocks and thighs is disturbing, which is associated with compression of the nerve plexuses by the enlarging uterus.
  3. Periodic aching pains in the abdomen are possible. They are especially noticeable when changing the position of the body, for example, when you get up or lie down on the bed. Similar unpleasant sensations arise due to the distension of the uterus.
  4. Weight gain at the 18th week of pregnancy reaches 5 kg, and the usual clothes for a woman become cramped. It's time to think about purchasing specialized underwear that supports the muscles of the abdomen and back.
  5. The stomach has already risen significantly, and now it is in the center of attention of others. The expectant mother herself can feel a dense formation the size of a coconut between the navel and the pubic bone. At the same time, the woman experiences some discomfort, pressure on the navel area from the inside.

  1. Some women experience slight dizziness. It is associated with a decrease in blood pressure due to the redistribution of blood circulation. You should avoid a sudden change in body position, for example, if you were lying, then you first need to sit down, and only after a few seconds get up on your feet. Otherwise, there is a chance of falling.
  2. Frequent urination. But these feelings are no longer new. And they will not leave the woman soon, because. the uterus will increase in size every week and put pressure on the bladder.
  3. Sleep is becoming increasingly difficult for the expectant mother. Yes, and the choice of positions for sleeping is limited - it is strictly forbidden to sleep on the stomach, and it is also impossible to sleep on the back. On the stomach, of course, so as not to compress the uterus and the baby. And if a pregnant woman sleeps on her back, then there is a risk of pinching the inferior vena cava, through which blood from the lower body enters the heart. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep on your side, while putting a small pillow between your knees. If desired, you can get a special pillow for pregnant women. Many women claim that it was she who became their real salvation.
  4. Edema is noted on the limbs and face. To reduce them, you need to limit yourself to salt intake. But the amount of water drunk per day, there is no need to limit. Water without gas is necessary for both the pregnant woman and the baby.
  5. Discharge from the genital tract will be considered normal if it is whitish or slightly grayish in color, odorless, or with a slightly sour smell. At the 18th week of pregnancy, their more abundant manifestation is possible. Pregnant women are more likely to develop thrush. And if the discharge has acquired a curdled character, and itching and burning have appeared in the vaginal area, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.
  6. Often, pregnant women in the second trimester feel a surge of energy, an irresistible desire to clean the house, to equip it somehow in a special way. The expectant mother increasingly wants to spend time with the people closest to her. And even very sociable women prefer the solitude of the "nest". Here she can sit in silence for a long time without doing anything and just listen to the stirring of the child inside her. Sometimes a woman can plunge into thoughts about the upcoming birth of a child at the most inopportune time, for example, in the midst of a meeting, an important business meeting.

Some may be frightened by confusion in thoughts, when a woman can hardly remember simple words or concepts. This is a temporary phenomenon that will take the entire pregnancy and part of the postpartum period. The main thing is that a pregnant woman remembers important things for her, and forgetfulness in trifles can be reduced to a joke.

Sometimes some women have unreasonable panic attacks, especially at night. In this case, there is an increase in heart rate, difficulty breathing and a feeling of squeezing the chest. You just need to try to relax, turn on quiet calm music, open access to fresh air, and convince yourself that everything is in order.

Avoid negative emotions and stress, otherwise it may affect the condition of the baby. He will experience oxygen starvation due to a disturbance in the mother's circulatory system. As a result, this can lead to a slowdown in development and even to premature birth. In addition, stress can have a depressing effect on the immune system.

18th week of pregnancy: fetal development

At 18 weeks, the baby reaches a length of 12-14 cm, and weighs about 150 g.

This week continues the active development of the brain. The number of neurons progressively increases, the furrows and convolutions deepen. A sheath (myelin) begins to form around the nerves themselves. It is designed for protection and transmission of impulses.

The thymus gland (thymus) appears on the anterior surface of the fetal neck, which is responsible for the production of lymphocytes. They play an important role in the child's immune system. Interferon and immunoglobulin begin to be produced, which are involved in protecting the baby's body from infections. At the same time, the function of the adrenal glands starts. Now the adrenal glands are the largest endocrine gland.

Facial features are more and more clearly defined, and the baby is already able to grimace. The ears are in their final position. The rudiments of future molars are formed. They are located much deeper than the rudiments of dairy. The vocal cords are fully developed.

The skeletal system is strengthened. The arms and legs are fully developed, and the phalanges are pronounced on the fingers. Moreover, an individual pattern called “fingerprints” has already formed. And on the fingertips, future nails are already visible - nail buds. The length of the foot during this period reaches 2.5 cm. Interestingly, the ratio of the foot to the length of the thigh and lower leg is laid during development and persists throughout life.

The baby becomes active, and because. there is still enough space for him, then he does all kinds of somersaults, flips, crosses his arms and legs, touches his face and sucks his thumb. It is believed that such active movements are very useful for the baby: they have a good effect on his muscular system and brain development.

During this period of development, the ability to respond to light appears with the eyes still closed. The baby also responds well to sounds. Therefore, singing, talking and fairy tales will not be superfluous on the part of the parents. The main thing is that the sounds are not harsh, but the intonations are calm and gentle.

Vessels show through the thin skin, and therefore it appears bright red. And the skin itself is covered with a kind of lubricant, which is produced during this week of development. This lubricant protects the skin of the baby from damage during constant exposure to the aquatic environment.

The first signs of accumulation of subcutaneous fat appear. Girls have formed uterine (fallopian) tubes and uterus. In boys, the external genitalia are already clearly visible, although the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity.

18th week of pregnancy: ultrasound

Between 18 and 20 weeks, a second scheduled ultrasound is scheduled. First of all, its goal is to exclude defects in the development of the fetus, the detection of heart defects, as well as Down's disease. At the same time, the circumference of the abdomen and the head of the child is determined, the frontal-occipital size is measured, as well as the length of the limbs: the dimensions of the humerus, femur, forearm and shins.

The study of the site of attachment of the placenta is very important for assessing risks and deviations from the norm - the diagnostician pays considerable attention to this issue. It is optimally attached to the posterior wall of the uterus. However, the main thing is that there should be at least 7 cm from the lower edge of the placenta to exit the uterus.

Information such as the number of fetuses, the date of the upcoming birth and the age of the fetus is confirmed.

With a convenient location of the fetus during ultrasound, you can determine the sex of the child.

With the help of the study, the presentation of the fetus is determined. In other words, that part of the child's body is indicated, which is closer to the area of ​​​​the exit from the uterus. Doctors call the cephalic presentation of the fetus ideal for childbirth, because the head has the largest dimensions, and it will be easier for the rest of the body to be born. In about 20% of cases, a breech presentation is determined. If, due to the fact that the child is located diagonally or transversely, during the examination, the presenting part is not indicated by the doctor, you should not worry in vain. The final evaluation of these data will be carried out at the 30th week of pregnancy, and only then will the tactics of labor management be chosen.

The amount of amniotic fluid and their transparency, the tone of the uterus and the size of the cervix are also subjected to close attention.

Pregnant women at high risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities are screened. In this case, the indicators of three more markers are taken into account: hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and estriol. It should be noted that the indicators of these analyzes are not decisive, but serve to select the direction in further research.

18th week of pregnancy: medical examination

  1. Examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist. With timely registration, this should be the 4th visit in a row. One of the important, but not the only, is the examination in the gynecological chair. During this procedure, the condition of the uterus is assessed, the nature of the discharge is taken into account, swabs are taken for the flora (to exclude possible inflammatory processes and some infections) and cytology (the nature of the cervical cells is assessed).

Equally important is the measurement of blood pressure and pulse count, as well as weighing and evaluating the kilograms gained. The circumference of the abdomen is measured and the height of the fundus of the uterus is determined. Using a stethoscope, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat.

  1. Urinalysis (to exclude diseases of the urinary system).
  2. Complete blood count (to exclude the development of anemia and other diseases that can complicate the course of pregnancy).

18th week of pregnancy: nutrition

A woman should approach the issue of nutrition with the utmost responsibility. Nutrition should be healthy, properly balanced and varied as much as possible. Carefully monitor the calorie content to avoid gaining excess weight. By the 18th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappears, and many women "break down" and become extremely immoderate in food. In no case should you drink alcohol, smoked meats and pickles. The latter can cause fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman, which will inevitably lead to edema. You should also exclude fatty foods and significantly limit sweets.

A developing baby is in dire need of trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, cereals (especially buckwheat), beef liver, tomato juice should be present in the diet. These foods are high in iron. To maintain the correct balance of calcium in the body and the expectant mother and baby, it is necessary to consume dairy and sour-milk products. A good dinner will be a glass of kefir and fat-free cottage cheese.

To normalize digestion, do not forget about vegetables and fruits. They can be consumed in any form, but it is advisable to give preference to raw, or with a slight heat treatment in order to preserve the maximum of vitamins. Note for yourself that vegetables cooked in a double boiler or slow cooker almost do not lose their valuable properties. Wholemeal flour products are also useful.

Please note that it is better to use fruits that are grown in the same climatic zone with the region where the expectant mother lives. They will be easier to digest and will bring more benefits than exotic ones. Pregnancy is not the time for experiments, because it is impossible to predict the body's reaction to a particular new product.

Protein should also be included in the diet, as the main building material for all systems of the child's body. Protein foods include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs and beans. At least once a week should be fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or sardines.

During this period, the developing organism of the baby is in dire need of folic acid and vitamin C. You can provide it with these essential substances by including cabbage, beets, celery, and apple juice in the menu.

According to the authoritative opinion of obstetrician-gynecologists, a close to ideal daily menu should be approximately as follows: 200g of cereals (cereals, pasta, bread), 2.5 cups of vegetables, 1-2 cups of fruit, 150g of meat and legumes and 3 cups of dairy products.

And remember that not only will junk food not bring your baby any elements necessary for development, but it can also harm.

  • From this week, make a good habit of talking to your future baby, remember, he is already listening to you carefully. No less useful for both the expectant mother and her baby will be listening to calm relaxing music.
  • A very good soothing effect of music will complement the foot massage. In addition to relaxation, it is useful in terms of preventing edema.
  • Note the regularity of fetal movements. With a decrease in the activity of the baby within 1-2 days, seek the advice of a specialist.
  • Visit the toilet regularly. An overfilled bladder not only creates additional discomfort, but can also contribute to inflammatory processes both in the bladder itself and in the kidneys.
  • It will not be superfluous to start preventing stretch marks on the abdomen and chest.
  • Visit a dentist. Caries is the cause of many diseases.
  • Buy high-quality underwear to strengthen and maintain the muscles of the back and abdomen.
  • When choosing casual clothes for pregnant women, give your preference to natural fabrics. At the same time, clothing should not restrict movement, and the skin should be well ventilated.
  • When driving a car, it is advisable to get special seat belts. Their peculiarity is that they correctly fix the stomach without squeezing it.

  • If you are planning to travel by plane, be sure to check with your doctor. It will determine whether you can experience overload, and whether the stress associated with a change in time or climate zones will not hurt.
  • Add comfortable low-soled shoes to your wardrobe, they will go a long way in reducing back pain. If you can’t imagine your life without heels, then choose shoes with a small and stable heel.
  • It will be very useful and informative to attend prenatal classes, where they will tell you everything about preparing for the birth of a baby, about proper breathing and relaxation methods, learn about the basics of caring for a newborn and much more.
  • Try to avoid excessive physical exertion, frequent bending of the torso and a long stay in an uncomfortable position. This threatens with serious consequences, up to miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Refrain from hot baths and saunas, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun. It is advisable to take solar procedures before 10 am and after 5 pm. Please wear a hat and sunscreen. During pregnancy, under the influence of estrogen, age spots often appear. Often their number depends directly on exposure to the sun.
  • If you visit open water during pregnancy, try to make sure that it is environmentally friendly enough so as not to harm you and your baby. If there is no such confidence, it is better to refrain from swimming in it.
  • If your work involves a long sitting position, take care of the footrest. And at home for a few minutes, lay your legs so that they are above the level of your head. To do this, it is enough to lie on your back and rest your legs against the wall. These simple manipulations will improve blood flow in the limbs and protect against possible varicose veins. In addition, you need to get up from your chair every hour and do a light workout.
  • But for those whose work is associated with constant being on the move, if possible, it is better to change the type of activity, or in general, refuse such work during pregnancy.
  • Sleep should last at least 8-9 hours - only then your rest will be complete.
  • Spend more time walking outdoors, preferably in a park area. So you saturate the baby's body with oxygen.
  • Start doing pelvic floor strengthening exercises (Kegel exercises). In everyday life, these muscles are practically inactive, and eventually weaken. Training will also help facilitate the movement of the child through the birth canal during childbirth. In addition, these exercises can enrich your intimate life.

The exercises are extremely simple and are based on the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum. Sit upright with weight distributed on the pelvic bones, not leaning on the sacrum. Squeeze the muscles of the perineum as if holding a stream of urine. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then slowly relax. For the first time, 5 repetitions will be enough. Gradually work up to 20-30 sets at a time. It is enough to perform kegler exercises 2-3 times a day. With regular performance, the effect will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. Your ultimate goal is to feel the pelvic muscles and control their work.

18 weeks pregnant. Photo ultrasound

18 weeks pregnant. Video

The 18th week of pregnancy is almost the middle of the entire gestation period, a favorable period for mother and baby. The hormonal background of a woman by this time, as a rule, stabilizes, and ailments remain in the past. The tummy is already quite large, and the movements of the baby become obvious and are felt more and more often.

We determine the term

To determine the obstetric period, it is enough to remember how much time has passed since the last menstruation

The gestational age is determined in two main ways:

  • from the date of the last menstruation (obstetric);
  • from the estimated day of conception (embryonic).

Doctors adhere to the obstetric method of calculating the gestation period, because it is problematic to know exactly the day of conception. Even if you know exactly the date of "productive" sexual intercourse, fertilization could occur earlier or later, depending on the maturation of the egg in the body. Focusing on the obstetric period, doctors can calculate the preliminary date of birth, adequately assess the results of tests and ultrasound at different stages of bearing a baby.

So, 18 obstetric weeks is:

  • fifth month of pregnancy;
  • second trimester;
  • approximately 16 embryonic weeks;
  • about 14 weeks from the date of the delay of menstruation.

Analyzes and examinations

Tell your doctor about any changes in how you feel, even if they seem minor.

The woman regularly visits the antenatal clinic, passes routine tests. Before each visit to the gynecologist, she takes urine samples to the laboratory. This analysis allows you to identify inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, malfunctions of the kidneys. If anemia (iron deficiency) is suspected, manifested by weakness, dizziness, a blood test for hemoglobin is prescribed. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes iron supplements.

At a routine examination, the doctor measures the height of the uterine fundus, blood pressure, the weight of the expectant mother, and listens to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Second trimester screening

For screening of the second trimester, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein and undergo an ultrasound

At 16–20 weeks, a second pregnancy screening is usually performed. This examination includes blood tests and an ultrasound. Studies are carried out on the same day or with a minimum time gap. Blood samples for analysis are taken from a vein. The so-called triple test includes tests:

  • the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • protein alpha-fetoprotein;
  • estriol free.

The obtained results of blood tests and ultrasound are entered into a computer program that evaluates the data and displays a forecast regarding the risk of having a child with developmental anomalies. If this risk is high, the woman is referred to geneticists for a more detailed examination. Specialists conduct a special ultrasound on high-tech equipment, take blood samples for examination again. If an increased risk of fetal developmental pathologies is again detected, with the consent of the woman, an amniocentesis procedure (taking amniotic fluid for analysis by puncturing the abdominal wall) can be performed. This study is more accurate than standard screening, but has a number of contraindications and may adversely affect the course of pregnancy. A non-invasive fetal DNA analysis is considered safe, which allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities and even accurately determine the sex of the child, but it is only paid and is not cheap.

Ultrasound as part of screening

The baby on ultrasound can be viewed from different angles

Ultrasound is performed to identify possible malformations of the baby or complications of pregnancy. Particular attention is paid to the following parameters:

  • biparietal size (BDP);
  • femur length (DBK);
  • humerus length (DPC);
  • head circumference (OG);
  • amniotic fluid index (AFI);
  • location of the placenta;
  • place of attachment of the umbilical cord;
  • development of body parts and internal organs of the fetus;
  • cervical length.

The doctor will also pay attention to the position of the baby in the uterus. It can be head, transverse or pelvic. As a rule, the fetus is still small and moves freely in the uterine cavity, it will change the position of the body more than once before childbirth, but already from the 18th week, experts have been monitoring this indicator.

Determining the sex of the baby is not mandatory, but it is possible at this stage. The genitals are already formed, and if the baby is not located with its back to the ultrasound sensor, does not cover the genitals with a leg, they can be seen.

In rare cases, ultrasound fails to determine some parameters due to insufficient visualization. This can happen due to the woman’s thick abdominal wall (fatty layer), outdated equipment, “unfortunate” placement of the fetus.

Changes in the mother's body

If swelling occurs, you should inform the doctor about it in order to prevent preeclampsia

If in the first trimester the expectant mother was worried about the symptoms of toxicosis and there was no appetite, then in the second trimester there is an active weight gain. The body requires additional nutrition, because often the calories received from food are spent on the development of the baby. The total weight gain by week 18 can be 5 kg. The optimal rate of weight gain now is about 500 g per week. In general, the health of the expectant mother is stable, but short-term dizziness, bouts of fatigue are not ruled out. Mom can also notice her inattention, absent-mindedness. This is due to the fact that most of the body's resources are devoted to the development of the fetus, which is why the mother's body, including the brain, may lack components for productive activity.

Also at week 18, mom may notice the following changes:

  1. Skin pigmentation. Dark spots, as from a sunburn, may appear on the face and body, appear crossing the abdomen from the bottom up. This is due to hormonal changes and the active production of melanin. It is useless to fight pigmentation now, usually the spots disappear by themselves a few weeks after childbirth.
  2. Stretch marks. Another skin problem is the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, abdomen, and hips. The skin may be too dry and itchy. It is recommended to use special creams and gels for expectant mothers against stretch marks. The stripes that appear will not disappear, it is very difficult to deal with them.
  3. Frequent urge to urinate. This phenomenon is explained simply - the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, its "resource" decreases. Pressure is also placed on the intestines, which causes constipation.
  4. Edema. The body stores fluid necessary for the development of the fetus. There may be slight swelling of the extremities. Try to change position more often, do not sit for too long, rest with your feet on a hill, reduce salt intake. Excessive swelling is a sign of incipient preeclampsia (late toxicosis) and requires medical treatment.
  5. Leg cramps. Often occur at night. This phenomenon is most likely caused by a lack of calcium, which is actively spent on building the tissues of a growing fetus.
  6. The appearance of colostrum. Breasts that have enlarged over the entire period of pregnancy may secrete a small amount of a whitish or yellowish liquid. Never try to express colostrum, as this can cause uterine contractions.


If the discharge has become abundant, use panty liners

Natural vaginal discharge may become more voluminous than before. Normally, they are mucous, translucent or whitish with an unexpressed sour smell. Beware and consult a doctor if the discharge:

  • acquired an uncharacteristic color (gray, brown, green);
  • became blood;
  • have a strong unpleasant odor;
  • texture curdled, heterogeneous.

Such changes can be a sign of a genital tract infection, thrush, or an incipient miscarriage.


Very soon, the baby's kicks will be able to be felt by his father, putting his hands to his mother's stomach.

Women who are carrying their first child begin to feel fetal movements at 18-20 weeks. Moms who were pregnant again could feel the movements of the crumbs earlier by 2-3 weeks. These sensations are easily confused with the work of the intestines, because the baby moves freely inside the uterus. Do not be alarmed if you have not noticed the movements yet, each organism is individual, most likely they will become apparent in the near future. The confirmation that everything is in order with the baby is his heartbeat, which the doctor listens to with a stethoscope at each appointment.


The shape of the abdomen depends on many signs, but not on the gender of the baby.

The uterus is comparable in size to a small melon or a coconut, and the mother's tummy is already large enough, it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide it under clothes. The belly not only grew up, but also rose higher to the navel. The shape of the abdomen often becomes a reason for predicting the sex of the unborn baby. However, doctors are sure that this indicator does not depend on the gender of the fetus. In multiparous mothers, the belly is usually larger and grows faster than in first-time pregnant women. The position of the fetus in the uterus, the place of attachment of the placenta affects the shape. A large belly is observed in multiple pregnancies.

Photo gallery: tummies at 18 weeks

Take a photo of yourself every week and watch your tummy grow Wear clothes that don't put pressure on your tummy Try to wear flat shoes with a stable sole
In thin girls, as a rule, the tummy is more noticeable than in full ones.

Possible problems

Sometimes mom can feel pressure drops, headache, weakness

The risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy is now small, compared with the first trimester, but not excluded. The reasons for such an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy can be hormonal disorders, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, low placenta previa, uterine hypertonicity, and other factors.

In the case when the fetus dies in the womb, but there is no miscarriage or premature birth, experts speak of a missed pregnancy. The child stops developing, there are no heartbeats, but he continues to remain in the uterine cavity. If a problem is detected on an ultrasound scan, a woman is sent for curettage of the uterine cavity or artificial birth. It is not always possible to determine the causes of this phenomenon, but most often it is faced by women who have suffered from infertility in the past or have had abortions, miscarriages. Bad habits of the mother, genetic disorders, and infections can also cause a stop in development. Often, a frozen pregnancy does not show specific symptoms, it is detected only on ultrasound. Mom can only feel the cessation of movements, the disappearance of pregnancy symptoms (breast reduction, cessation of abdominal growth, and others). To suspect the absence of fetal vital activity, the doctor at a scheduled examination, when he fails to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

The following symptoms should alert the mother and serve as a reason for going to the doctor:

  • intense pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • change in the nature of vaginal discharge;
  • increase in body temperature.

During pregnancy, any disease is dangerous, whether it is a cold or an exacerbation of chronic ailments. In no case should you self-medicate, many drugs and folk remedies can negatively affect the baby in the womb. Letting the disease take its course is also unacceptable. If you suspect a disease, consult a doctor who can professionally assess all risks to the fetus and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Video: what happens at week 18

Fetal development

The body of the baby becomes more and more proportional

By the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby reaches 15–20 cm in length, and its weight is 160–200 g. The baby feels the mood of the mother, hears the surrounding sounds. In addition, the following changes occurred in the baby's body:

  • furrows form on the surface of the brain;
  • the hormone myelin is released, which ensures the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • rudiments of molars appeared;
  • facial expressions develop, the baby reflexively smiles, frowns, makes grimaces;
  • the production of blood lymphocytes begins;
  • functioning adrenal glands;
  • in girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed;
  • in boys, the genitals are almost developed, but the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum;
  • the fetus is actively moving - it is repelled by the legs from the walls of the uterus, sucks a finger, touches the umbilical cord;
  • there is a fingerprint pattern on the fingertips;
  • the body increases in size, becomes more proportional, the head no longer seems too big.

On an ultrasound, a mother can see on the screen the outlines of her baby's body, which are easily recognizable. During the procedure, the baby can yawn, hiccup, suck a finger.

It's time to start looking for things for the baby

An enlarged tummy already at this stage can cause excessive stretching of the ligaments, which causes pulling pain in the back and lower abdomen. Maybe it's time to start wearing a maternity bandage. This accessory supports the stomach from below, preventing muscle stretching and weakening the load on the spine. If you are prone to varicose veins, choose compression stockings that prevent the expansion of veins in your legs. Visit the dentist - it is now possible to treat teeth with the use of medications that are prohibited in the first trimester.


A trip to the sea should not be too long and exhausting.

In the second trimester, if the pregnancy is going smoothly, you can still go on a trip. Choose countries with a similar familiar climate and time zone. Swimming in the warm sea or pool is a log for the expectant mother, but hot baths, baths and saunas should be avoided. It is also not recommended to swim in ponds with stagnant water because of the risk of catching an infection.

When planning a flight by plane, get the approval of a doctor in the form of a certificate indicating the gestational age and permission to fly. This document has the right to demand the airport staff, seeing your tummy. Without a certificate, you may not be allowed on board due to fears that childbirth may begin in the air, especially if the tummy is already large.


Often at 18 weeks, a woman's sexual desire increases

The 18th week of pregnancy is considered a favorable period for the mother and fetus, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, sex is not prohibited. Many women note increased libido and vivid orgasms during this period, which is associated with a rush of blood to the genitals. Choose the most comfortable position that eliminates pressure on the stomach, and avoid sudden movements. It will be necessary to limit intimate life with the threat of miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity, multiple pregnancy, leakage of amniotic fluid.

Physical activity

Yoga and meditation will help mom relax physically and mentally

At this stage, all physical exercises should be aimed at relaxing the muscles of the back, strengthening the pelvic floor. Do gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women, go to the pool, practice Kegel exercises. Eliminate excessive exercise, weight training, jumping and running. Do not allow excessive fatigue, classes should be enjoyable.


Include fresh fruits in your daily diet

The development of the baby largely depends on the diet of the mother. The daily menu should include:

  • meat or fish;
  • cereals;
  • soups;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • milk products;
  • cereal products.

The body's need for protein, calcium, iron, and magnesium increases. Vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers, which are taken throughout the entire period of gestation and breastfeeding, will help prevent nutrient deficiencies.

With excessive weight gain, give up too fatty, high-calorie foods, sweets. Dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber will help to cope with constipation.

If you are concerned about heartburn, try to eat fractionally, cook food in gentle ways, and avoid spicy and salty foods. After eating, take an upright position, rest on a high pillow. Kissels and cereals help prevent the symptoms of heartburn.

The gestational age of 18 weeks corresponds to the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy according to the usual calendar, 4.5 months of the lunar calendar, 16 weeks of your baby's life. 18 obstetric week is counted from 1 day of delayed menstruation, while fertilization occurs two weeks later.


At 18 weeks of pregnancy, sensations are associated with a rapidly growing tummy, which begins to cause more and more inconvenience. It becomes difficult to find a position for sleeping, and the further, the more difficult it will be. Get used to sleeping on your left side, in this position the blood circulation is as physiological as possible, and it is easier for the child to take the correct position in the uterus before childbirth.

Weight gain at 18 weeks is already significant, and can be up to 6 kg, depending on the woman's build. As a rule, if you were underweight before pregnancy, you gain more; if you were overweight, you will gain less. With the correct calculation of body weight gain, the body mass index before pregnancy is necessarily taken into account.

Your breasts at 18 weeks pregnant can also bother you. Some women may already have discharge from the nipples at this time. They are yellowish white and can stain laundry. You don't need to squeeze them out. Any manipulations with the nipples lead to a reflex increase in the tone of the uterus, if the doctor recommends preparing the nipples for future breastfeeding, this should be done carefully. This is prohibited in the event of an interrupt threat.

The 18th week of pregnancy is generally a very happy time. Your tummy speaks unequivocally about your interesting position, you feel quite well and are still very active. Enjoy this time.

Your condition

You now have an excellent appetite, you should restrain yourself, try to eat right. Nutrition at the 18th week of pregnancy should be varied, and very healthy. Pasta made from dark varieties of wheat no more than 2 times a week, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat - be sure to exclude or at least limit fried, fatty, salty and spicy as much as possible. Do not eat a lot of bakery products, avoid sausages, coffee, strong tea, soda and sugary juices.

Sometimes pains in the abdomen can disturb, more precisely, these are not pains, but simply pulling sensations, especially when you take an uncomfortable position. This rapidly growing uterus is stretching the ligaments. It's time to buy a prenatal bandage.

Sex becomes monotonous. There are only four basic poses available to you, and this brings a bit of boredom. Side stance, kneeling stance, oblique stance and cowgirl stance. On your back, you are uncomfortable, you may even feel faint due to the fact that the uterus is squeezing the inferior vena cava.

your child

The fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy has a weight of up to 200 grams and a length of about 20 cm. If you have a second pregnancy, you can already feel its movements. The size of the fetus is now already such that its tremors and movements begin to be felt quite distinctly, but even if there are no movements yet, this is not scary, some expectant mothers will recognize them only by the 22nd week.

A child at week 18 becomes very active, he already hears perfectly and may be frightened by sharp sounds. This is the time to communicate with the unborn child, talk to him more often. The development of the central nervous system and the organ of hearing of the fetus allows him to already remember your voice.

The baby's bones are now actively accumulating calcium, it takes it from you, this can cause problems with the mother's teeth, do not forget that a pregnant woman should visit the dentist more than once. Be sure to include enough dairy products and cheeses in your diet, this will give you enough calcium for two, and fresh fruits and vegetables will provide enough vitamin C for absorption.

Now the child periodically sleeps and is awake, sleep intervals are up to 4 hours. His organ of vision is formed, he can see the light.

The baby's regimen may not coincide with yours, often women feel the first movement at night.

your tummy

The belly at the 18th week of pregnancy has risen almost almost to the level of the navel, and now it is increasing very quickly. Maternity clothes have become a necessity.

You may experience back pain and discomfort while sleeping. These are solvable problems. Bandage and gymnastics will relieve back pain, do not forget also about comfortable shoes. Pillows make it possible to find comfortable sleeping positions, special pillows for pregnant women are especially good.

If your lower back hurts, let it rest more often, it is very good to periodically take a knee-elbow position. It is also very beneficial for the kidneys, as it improves the outflow of urine.

Sometimes it seems to some women that the stomach is small, but this only indicates that you have strong abdominal muscles. The uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy has already risen by 18 cm, and yet the tummy of most expectant mothers cannot be hidden by any clothes.

Analyzes and examinations

The pregnancy calendar at 18 weeks prescribes a planned visit to the gynecologist, a control urine test, if an ultrasound scan has not been done, it can be scheduled this week. Ultrasound at 18 weeks pregnant is one of the most exciting examinations.

On subsequent ultrasounds, you will no longer be able to see your baby completely, he will be too big, but now you can see how he moves, sucks his thumb, rolls over. Take a flash drive or disk with you, the doctor can record the examination for you, and it will forever remain a wonderful reminder of this time of your pregnancy.

A visit to the gynecologist will now always be accompanied by measuring blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat. Urine tests will have to be taken often, as there is a risk of developing late preeclampsia.

Possible complaints and problems

The feeling that the stomach is pulling, many women experience at week 18, this is not pain, but simply discomfort. They are associated with stretching of the ligaments of the uterus, while the uterus itself does not come into tone. Painful sensations are localized on the sides of it. The problem is solved by wearing a bandage. This also causes complaints that the lower back hurts.

If you are worried about nausea, the reason may be that the enlarged uterus disrupts the functioning of the digestive organs, or that serious problems have begun (headaches and nausea are common with increased blood pressure), be sure to complain to the doctor.


If you are 18 weeks pregnant, your stomach hurts seriously, your uterus becomes toned, you feel painful contractions, you need to see a doctor. It is especially dangerous if discharge appears, brown, scarlet, they indicate that an abortion may occur. Bleeding is an obvious symptom that needs no explanation, call an ambulance immediately.

Even at such a late date, a frozen pregnancy is possible. If the death of the fetus is not noticed in time, the manifestations are the absence of movements, discharge from the genital tract, often also brown, and body temperature may rise. Any unusual symptoms require a consultation with a gynecologist.


Pregnancy 18 weeks, twins require a lot of space. If the children are not lying correctly, the stomach may not seem too big, but still you can already quite clearly feel the difference, especially if this is the second pregnancy and was previously singleton.

In general, with twins at 18 weeks, the condition is no different from what other pregnant women feel, only because the uterus grows too quickly, the risk of abortion increases. Your doctor at the antenatal clinic probably invites you every 2 weeks

18 obstetric week of pregnancy is the 16th week from the moment of conception. In the fifth month of pregnancy, something new happens every day in the life of a baby.

How does such a rapid development affect the well-being and feelings of the expectant mother?

18 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo, how does the baby develop and feel?

At this time, the child becomes very active. But the periods of wakefulness and sleep are already systematized. The baby falls asleep every 4 hours. Active production and accumulation of subcutaneous fat begins.

From this moment on, the baby's body acquires roundness. In volume, it is similar to a pomegranate, or mango, its weight is 150-200 g, growth - 14 cm.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the child look like at 18 obstetric weeks?

At this stage, the pineal gland begins to function in the baby. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the brain. With the help of it, the baby learns to distinguish day from night. In addition, the pineal gland produces serotonin, the hormone of joy.

During the day, the fetus swallows an average of half a liter of amniotic fluid surrounding it - and it removes the same amount with urine.

Amniotic fluid is cleaned more than 10 times a day. The liver takes part in the process of digestion, the thyroid gland partially functions.

The joints on the fingers and toes are finally formed.

The retina is formed, allowing you to distinguish between light and darkness. The eyelids of the baby produce the first movements. A little more and he will be able to open his eyes.

The brain and bones continue to improve.

At week 18, the rudiments of molars and milk teeth are fully formed.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At this stage, a second planned ultrasound is performed, the purpose of which is to identify possible pathologies and disorders in the development of the child. During the study, the child's heartbeat is heard, its size and position are evaluated.

Mom will be able to see her baby with a finger in his mouth or playing with the umbilical cord. The outlines of his face are already fully formed, which delights all expectant mothers without exception.

Video: Ultrasound 8 weeks pregnant

Fetal heart rate at 18 weeks obstetric

Throughout the second trimester, the baby's heart rate should be 130-170 strokes in a minute. Small deviations (5%) from the norm are not dangerous.

If the indicators do not meet the standards, most likely the baby has pathologies that require competent treatment.

From the 18th week, each mother can independently listen to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope.

What happens in a woman's body at the 18th week of the obstetric period?

Due to the constant growth of the uterus in the body of a woman, a shift in the center of gravity occurs. Now she may have a peculiar gait, inherent in all pregnant mothers, and frequent back pain.

A light massage of the lower back will help to alleviate the condition.

During the period of bearing a child, it is imperative to monitor blood pressure.

Due to the strong blood flow, many pregnant women may lose vision by several diopters.

After childbirth, vision is usually restored. But visiting an optometrist at this stage will not be superfluous.

The pregnant woman is still worried about problems with the stool and frequent urination. Still there is a possibility of age spots.

There are difficulties with falling asleep. Slow evening walks will help overcome insomnia.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 18 weeks pregnant

The bottom of the uterus rises. The uterus itself extends beyond the small pelvis and is located in the abdominal cavity. So, the tummy this week is already visible to the naked eye. The shape of the abdomen in all pregnant women is different. As a rule, there is no relationship between its size and the size of the fetus.

The breast of a pregnant woman continues to grow. The first colostrum may come out of the nipples.

Throughout pregnancy, you should not carry out any manipulations with the nipples, as it can provoke a threat of miscarriage!

The first movements of the fetus at the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy

At this time, only 50% of pregnant women feel movement. Despite the fact that the baby moves often, the mother feels only the strongest shocks. The first movements will be timid and timid, but over time they will become stronger.

Scientists have discovered that by pushing the placenta with their legs, the child affects its receptors - thereby stimulating blood circulation. If the baby is too active - perhaps he does not have enough oxygen.

This means that mom needs to spend more time outdoors.

Video: 18 weeks pregnant

What is possible and impossible for a woman at the eighteenth week of pregnancy of the obstetric period?

As the level of blood flow is increased, there is a risk of developing anemia. Therefore, a woman needs to focus on foods rich in iron.

In the second trimester, pregnant women may want to eat "for two." Indulging herself, a woman runs the risk of gaining excess weight, which will be very difficult to lose after childbirth.

It is necessary to increase the number of calories, but it is desirable to increase the nutritional value of products through lean meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Important! Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets in a child.

Many doctors advise women to wear a prenatal bandage. What are its advantages? It helps to reduce back pain during prolonged exertion. Also, the bandage helps to avoid stretch marks. You need to buy it only in a specialized store - and wear it no longer than 3-4 hours.

Moderate physical activity will be very beneficial. From this point on, you can do Kegel exercises. These simple exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina, which will help you give birth with the least discomfort - and avoid tears.

Until the end of pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid contact with potentially hazardous chemicals.

18 weeks pregnant - how to understand that everything is fine?

If the level of hormones is normal, and the doctor hears the fetal heartbeat, there is no reason to worry.

Those women who are constantly worried can purchase a special doppler to listen to the baby's heart. With this device, the mother can at any time make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

All pregnant women need to remember that nervousness is transmitted to the child. Therefore, it is important to learn how to protect yourself from unpleasant thoughts - and try not to dwell on the negative.

Popular questions about the 18th week of pregnancy - the specialist answers

18 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic period - what is the difference?

Embryonic term is the period from the moment of conception. The difference between them is, on average, two weeks.

Allocations at the 18th week of pregnancy - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

Small spotting at this time may occur due to the too low position of the placenta. Therefore, this fact must be addressed quickly.

If there are no abnormalities, the pregnant woman should have ordinary discharge. At times they can be more abundant than usual, but without impurities of blood and pus.

If at the 18th week of pregnancy the heartbeat of the fetus is not heard?

By this week, cardiac activity should be well heard during ultrasound. The beat of the heart can be heard clearly or muffled - but it should be.

If, after several attempts to fix the heartbeat, it will not be heard, this indicates the intrauterine death of the baby.

If at 18 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

This is quite normal. Coughing, sneezing, or a sudden change in position causes the muscles to tighten, hence the pain.

In order not to confuse these pains with a possible threat of termination of pregnancy, you need to monitor your well-being.

Acute, prolonged pain radiating to the lower back and hips is an alarming symptom. You need to consult a doctor without hesitation!

Worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at 18 obstetric weeks - causes?

The most common cause of such pain is a sprain of internal ligaments.

Many muscles and tendons are located close to the ovaries. Therefore, such pain is often mistaken for pain in the ovaries.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 18th week of pregnancy, it stopped feeling sick, I don’t feel pregnant, there was blood?

If the mother has any suspicions, and at the same time there is bloody discharge from the vagina - you need to inform your gynecologist as soon as possible!

18 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

As in previous periods, doctors examine the blood of a pregnant woman for hormone levels. If necessary, make a fence for the analysis of amniotic fluid or cord blood sampling.

To prevent an early miscarriage, sutures may be needed in the cervix.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at the 18th obstetric week, or does it rarely freeze during this period?

Frozen pregnancy - as well as miscarriage - is possible at any time. Symptoms of this phenomenon occur quite late, when it is no longer possible to help the baby.

It is possible to suspect something was wrong only after the abrupt disappearance of all symptoms of pregnancy. This diagnosis can be confirmed after an ultrasound.

Are SARS, influenza and other diseases dangerous at the 18th week of pregnancy of the obstetric period?

At this stage, colds are no longer as terrible as at the beginning of pregnancy. But they need to be treated only under the close supervision of a doctor and absolutely safe means.

Infectious diseases such as measles, hepatitis, chicken pox are still dangerous.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared, and I feel good ...

During this period, many mothers begin to feel good. It seems that nature itself gives mom the opportunity to finish all the important things - and solve the necessary issues before childbirth.

Just do not be too active in current affairs. It is better to take care of yourself, because in a few months the mother will really need strength to care for the newborn.

The 18th week of pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. First, most of the ailments disappear. The pregnant woman begins to feel cheerful, active, cheerful again. Secondly, some mothers can feel the first movements of their baby. Thirdly, it's time for outdoor activities. We will consider in more detail about the well-being of a pregnant woman and the fetus at this time below.

18 weeks pregnant: how many months?

This is the fifth week of the second trimester - the most wonderful period of pregnancy. Most women experience symptoms of early toxicosis: vomiting, nausea, fatigue, lethargy, weakness, drowsiness. Appetite returns to normal, “strange” taste preferences rarely appear, the attitude towards “unloved” dishes is fixed. A woman returns to her usual way of life, can travel, play sports, swim.

According to obstetric data is 18 weeks of pregnancy. If we count from the moment of the delay of menstrual days, then only the fourteenth week comes. And according to the parameters of fetal development, there is the sixteenth. To find out the month of pregnancy, obstetric data must be divided by 4 weeks. That is, we are talking about four months and two weeks.

Despite the improvement in the mother's well-being, the fetus is at risk. Improper diet, bad habits, excessive physical activity, sports, chemical and radioactive substances can lead to a threatened miscarriage. Doctors will not be able to leave the child, since the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy is not ready for independent existence.

What does a pregnant woman feel like?

Hormonal changes are actively reflected in the appearance and inner well-being of a woman. Hair can become unnecessarily oily, shiny or dry, their color changes. The skin of the majority is covered with age spots, acne, moles become darker.

Some women get a runny nose. This is due to swelling of the nasal septum. Sometimes it protects a woman from unpleasant odors, but it is better to consult a doctor to prevent the occurrence of chronic rhinitis.

Emotional swings also disappear, the woman begins to react more calmly to others. However, they are also very vulnerable. So, when watching a children's cartoon, a woman may burst into tears, or be offended by her husband. On such an “emotional” wave, the entire period passes, not only the 18th week of pregnancy.

What happens to intimate relationships? Under the influence of hormones, attitudes towards sex change. A woman may more passionately desire intimacy with her spouse or become indifferent. Doctors point out that the activity and regularity of sex is good for the female body. First, an orgasm, by its very nature, resembles contractions. Secondly, the emotional closeness between spouses is strengthened. Thirdly, the child feels the love of his parents, receives positive emotions.

Indifference to sex can mean either frigidity or a defensive reaction. If the reason is the first, then both spouses need to contact a sexologist. If the reason is the second, then there is a possible risk of miscarriage, so the woman feels apathy for sexual relations.

A pregnant woman may experience lower back pain, which is associated with a shift in the center of gravity or spinal injuries. Swimming (avoid pools with chlorinated air), homeopathic ointments, light massage, a bandage for pregnant women, a warm blanket, special exercises will help improve well-being. Be sure to consult a gynecologist, as the situation may have more serious consequences than it seems.

18 obstetric week of pregnancy may be accompanied by visual impairment. If this phenomenon occurs in healthy women, then after childbirth all unpleasant "neoplasms" will disappear. Pregnant mothers with visual impairments may have other disorders. For example, retinal detachment (flies before the eyes). Then they will make cauterization of the retina, which will in no way affect the development of the fetus.

With improper unbalanced nutrition and the absence of a regimen, constipation, heartburn, and increased gas formation will occur. Eliminate foods that make your stomach swell. Eat small, frequent meals at least six times a day. To avoid constipation, drink more water, but no more than two liters (thirty-five milliliters per kilogram of weight). For persistent heartburn, see your doctor for a medication that is safe for the fetus.

Sometimes at 18 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach hurts. Aching constant pain or cramps can mean an increase in the tone of the uterus, so go to the doctor right away. With early signs, treatment can be at home with pills and suppositories, but if the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, then the pregnant woman is hospitalized.

Most often, women may have low blood pressure. The reason is a decrease in hemoglobin. Here it is important to undergo a blood test to find out the iron content and exclude the appearance of anemia. If a woman is absolutely healthy, and dizziness remains, then this indicates a lack of clean air. Walk more in the woods away from polluted areas.

According to external changes, a woman's breasts and abdomen increase. The chest becomes less painful. The belly rises at 18 weeks of pregnancy, as the weight of the mother adds about five to six kilograms. Although there are thin women whose pregnancy is not noticeable until the seventh month.

Moms with a noticeable tummy experience discomfort with sleep. If a woman in a dream takes a position that puts pressure on the fetus, she immediately wakes up from discomfort. But from the fourth month, many mothers can rejoice at the first barely noticeable movements of the fetus. An ultrasound of many parents is pleased with the news about the sex of the child.

The main danger of this period

The underlying danger remains the threat of miscarriage. The reasons for this are:

  • Hormonal disruptions. When the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands is disturbed, then some hormones become more, others less. More often, a miscarriage occurs with a lack of progesterone.
  • Negative Rh factor. This phenomenon does not always cause a miscarriage or pathology of fetal development, but tests will have to be taken very often. The 18th week of pregnancy is just the period for a second ultrasound.
  • Genital infections. Changing sexual partners can lead to sexual diseases (syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis) that cause miscarriage. Other infections (herpes, thrush) can cause developmental abnormalities in the fetus or infect the baby during childbirth.
  • Viral diseases. Influenza, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, viral hepatitis, rubella, appendicitis can also lead to miscarriage or change the normal course of fetal development.
  • abortion. If before pregnancy there were cases of abortions, miscarriages, then the risk of a threat to the life of the fetus increases. This is due to a malfunction of the ovaries. Therefore, be careful at 18 weeks of gestation: the size of the fetus, the number of shocks and other parameters of ultrasound diagnostics will help to identify developmental anomalies.
  • Medicines. Preparations with hormones, antibiotics or ordinary herbal teas with nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort, parsley, tansy, cornflower cause bleeding.
  • Stress. Any strong positive or negative emotions cause uterine hypertonicity, which causes a miscarriage.
  • antisocial lifestyle. Alcohol, smoking, drugs lead to miscarriage or cause abnormalities in the development of the child.
  • Wrong nutrition. The lack of a full-fledged vitamin-mineral complex in the mother's body leads to the threat of miscarriage at 18 weeks of pregnancy. The size of the fetus at the time of delivery may go beyond the norm and gain more than four kilograms. Remember that all doctors are wary of large kids, attributing to them a bunch of all kinds of diagnoses.
  • Sports, heavy physical labor, sexual intercourse can also cause bleeding.

Lifestyle of a pregnant woman at week 18: nutrition

Meals should be six times a day, divided into small portions. The last dinner will consist of kefir, which you can drink at nine in the evening. Nutrition must be built in such a way that until one o'clock in the afternoon to eat dishes with proteins and fats (fish, meat), and then prepare a menu of vegetable, dairy or cereal products. These rules do not cause difficulties for a woman, since the “taste” oddities must pass by this time (18 weeks of pregnancy), the sensations become adequate.

Be sure to follow the diet. Do not chew constantly, between meals should be at least three hours, dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime, and the night break is at least ten hours. Discipline helps not only to facilitate the work of the mother's gastrointestinal tract, but also teaches the baby to feed at certain hours.

Pregnant women must always eat freshly prepared food containing nutrients. Do not eat hot meals, drink at least two liters of fluid (by the twenty-sixth week, reduce the amount of water to one and a half liters per day). Remember that malnutrition leads not only to overweight of the mother, lack of nutrients by the fetus, but can also cause allergies in the baby.

Gymnastics at 18 weeks pregnant

Motor activity is not prohibited during this period. Athletes and trained women are allowed any sports where there is no heavy burden on the child. For physically unprepared women, the 18th week of pregnancy is also favorable for sports. If necessary, the gynecologist can show a special set of exercises. Due to this complex:

  • the flow of oxygen to the child increases;
  • mother's muscles are stretched;
  • a woman is preparing for childbirth;
  • the occurrence of flat feet is excluded;
  • a woman learns to breathe correctly.

Exercises are walking on toes, heels, outer and inner sides of the feet; slow slopes; raising and lowering on the feet; light squat; abduction of legs to the side and back; lying and sitting exercises to relieve back pain.

A set of exercises for each period of pregnancy has its own characteristics. But the main thing is to avoid jumping, active running, deep squats, aerobics, tension of the abdominal muscles. Despite the favorable period for sports (meaning the 18th week of pregnancy), a woman's feelings are of paramount importance. If you feel unwell, stop all activities. Do all exercises slowly, plastically, with the restoration of breathing.

Activity of a pregnant woman at week 18: travel

The second trimester becomes a vacation for many pregnant women. During this period, expectant mothers accumulate strength before childbirth and possible sleepless nights. It is for this purpose that many couples go on vacation. To do this, you need to remember a few recommendations from experts.

  • Optimal gestational age. Until the twelfth week of pregnancy, when the internal organs of the fetus are being laid, and after the thirty-second week, when premature birth can occur, travel is not recommended.
  • Transport. You can travel by any mode of transport during the optimal period of pregnancy, the main thing is to create the most comfortable conditions for the mother and fetus. Don't forget to have an ultrasound at 18 weeks pregnant before you travel.
  • Climate. Choose a vacation spot with the same climate zone.
  • Bathing. Swimming in open water is not prohibited if there are no contraindications (infections, placenta previa).
  • Tan. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun, to visit the solarium. Under the direct rays of the sun and hormonal changes, the skin can become covered with age spots.

What analyzes to hand over to this term?

A woman undergoes a routine gynecological examination, blood and urine tests. In case of poor analyzes, the pregnant woman should re-pass urine according to Nechiporenko or for bacterial culture. To exclude bad tests, it is necessary to follow the rules for collecting urine in a clean container.

You also need to go to the dentist, as many women begin to bleed gums due to a lack of calcium in the body. In addition, cavities and bleeding gums cause a baby to be born underweight, and sometimes infections can lead to premature birth. A deeper defense against cavities is oral fluoride, so check with your doctor about dosage.

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's movements can be seen on an ultrasound, which is prescribed up to 22 weeks. Ultrasound diagnostics is also prescribed for women with pregnancy complications, with “bad” heredity and older children with congenital defects. This also applies to women whose first pregnancy occurred before the age of sixteen and after thirty-five years.

18th week of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus?

By this time, the growth of the fetus is twenty centimeters, weight - two hundred and fifty grams. The strengthening of bone tissue, the formation of milk teeth are actively underway, so a mother with a calcium deficiency may experience cramps or pain in the joints. Remember that for the full development of the child, it is necessary to consume three hundred milligrams of calcium per day. The fatty layer of the skin is still folds covered with a special lubricant and fluff. But after a couple of weeks, the baby's skin will smooth out.

The brain continues to develop. Vision and hearing begin to function. The fetus reacts to bright light, loud sounds. Pregnant women begin experiments with musical compositions and sounds of nature in order to determine the taste of the child at this time (18 weeks of pregnancy).

What happens to innate reflexes? The baby already knows how to swallow and drinks amniotic fluid with pleasure. The lungs continue to develop, but the baby is not ready for birth. First, the organs of the respiratory system did not take the necessary form. And secondly, the lungs only by the twenty-fourth week will begin to produce a special substance (surfactant) necessary for independent breathing.

At week 18, you can determine the sex of the child, since the formation of the genital organs is almost over. The baby gets in touch with his parents when he first starts to push and move. The activity of movement contributes to the development of muscle mass, however, hyperactivity may indicate a lack of oxygen.

Ultrasound parameters

How a child develops in utero will be shown by ultrasound diagnostics of this period (pregnancy 18 weeks). A photo of the fetus usually contains the following data:

The intestines continue to produce meconium, which consists of the remains of amniotic fluid and substances from the digestive tract. The process of defecation in the fetus is normal after childbirth. But if a child is born, and the composition of the water contains meconium feces, then this indicates fetal asphyxia. It is not yet possible to see the state of suffocation in a child in fetal development through ultrasound by the color and content of amniotic fluid. For this purpose, the pregnant woman is sent for an amnioscopy procedure.

In the male fetus, the prostate gland begins to form. This is what parents like about the 18th week of pregnancy: the sex of the child allows you to purchase the necessary goods for the newborn.

During the examination, you can find the baby sucking his thumb, yawning, rubbing his eyes with his fists, or in motion. Despite modern equipment, the development of the fetal nervous system cannot be studied. His nerves are protected by myelin, which transmits impulses along the nerve trunks. However, the functioning of the brain can be judged by the work of the sense organs. By the eighteenth week, the organ of vision and hearing is formed.

Immunity develops, the fetus already produces some substances that resist infections. They are called immunoglobulin and interferon. The health of the child and the success of adaptation to public collective places (kindergarten, school) will depend on the immune system. Therefore, check with an immunologist how to strengthen a woman's immunity during pregnancy.

Brief conclusions

If there are no prohibitions from the doctor, then a woman in the eighteenth week of pregnancy can travel, swim, play sports, yoga, swimming. The main thing is to take care of your health. A child at 18 weeks of pregnancy shows her discomfort with jerks. During the second trimester, it is important to gain more positive emotions, spiritual strength, restore an emotional connection with your spouse and baby.