Why do chlamydia appear during pregnancy. What are the consequences of a severe form of chlamydia. How does infection occur? Stages of infection development

Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted diseases dangerous infection detrimental to pregnancy.

Chlamydia during pregnancy is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the mother, and the fetus may die in the womb.

This sexually transmitted disease is very contagious for women and men, affects the reproductive and urinary system, rectum, eyes.

The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time, causing harm to the organs of the reproductive, urinary system, etc. Respiratory chlamydia is rare, affecting more often children. He is confused by signs with the usual acute respiratory infections (ARVI). The virus is transmitted through the respiratory tract (airborne droplets) from the carrier of the infection.

Causes of the disease

The causative agent is the bacterium Chlamydia, more often it affects a person (inherent only to him) type of bacteria - chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia trachomatis).

Newborns can get this infection from their mother. In this case, it can affect any organs of the child, but more often it is the lungs. Great chance infection of a child with respiratory chlamydia during passage through the birth canal by the mother herself or through contact with non-sterile objects or hands of personnel.

Of the sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia is extremely contagious. The immune system suppresses the infection if it enters the body a small amount of chlamydia. Where does this infection come from? Infection can occur through vaginal, anal, oral sex, during childbirth to an infant from an infected mother and very rarely through household items. At unprotected sex the risk of contracting chlamydia is 50%.

In external environment the bacterium quickly dies. However, in places of congestion of people (pools, saunas, beaches), infection is possible by household means. It is necessary to observe hygiene standards.

When infected, the incubation period is 1-3 weeks. However, a person can live for a very long time without suspecting that they are infected. The disease proceeds without obvious symptoms. Chlamydia colonies feel at ease inside the cell, using it as an incubator. In the cells of the epithelium, chlamydia can stay from 3 to 6 years. And only tests can show their presence in the body.


About 60-70% of women do not suspect that they are infected with chlamydia, which initially does not show any symptoms. And primary, in the form of mucous vaginal discharge, may not matter. Do not miss anxiety symptoms infections:

  • mucopurulent discharge (with an unpleasant odor, yellowish) from the vagina;
  • moderate pain in the areas of the external and internal genital organs;
  • itching in the genitals and burning during urination;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen (especially during pregnancy).
  • increased pain before menstruation;
  • bleeding during the intermenstrual period.

There may be a slight increase in temperature, general weakness.

Symptoms are similar to many infectious diseases genitourinary system Therefore, only a doctor can specifically determine their origin. The main thing is not to ignore these symptoms in order to start treatment on time.

Why is chlamydia dangerous during pregnancy?

At chronic can you get pregnant with chlamydiabut how to save pregnancy and give birth healthy child. In the first trimester of pregnancy, chlamydia leads to plantar insufficiency, resulting in reduced nutrition and oxygen supply to the fetus.

Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) leads to defective formation of organs and systems of the child. And in severe cases, it ends with fetal fading or miscarriage. If this was avoided, then the baby can be born with muscle tone pathology of the nervous system.

Nutrient deficiencies lead to the birth of a baby with low weight, anemia and beriberi. AT late dates the liver and pancreas, kidneys of the child can be affected.

During childbirth, the child receives an infection from a mother with chlamydia. To mitigate these risks, one mustchlamydia treatment during pregnancy.


Previously, doctors could not determine the presencechlamydia in the blood and during pregnancydiagnose this disease. Cases of miscarriages and fading of pregnancy were inexplicable. Currently, immunological and serological research methods allow diagnosingchlamydia during pregnancy and consequences for the childreduce by using adequate treatment.

To do an analysis for chlamydia during pregnancy, a woman is taken biological material: discharge from the vagina, urethra, cervix (smears). The procedure is painless and not dangerous to the fetus.

Chlamydia affects the development of the fetus. An analysis is taken to determine if the fetus is infected. amniotic fluid. Manipulation is carried out by controlling the child's condition with a special ultrasonic device, With minimal risk for him. The procedure is prescribed only if necessary, if there is a concern intrauterine infection child. If it is established that the fetus is infected, then the treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women is carried out in order to protect the child from serious consequences.

Additional diagnostics are also carried out (tests are taken) to determine if a woman has other infections (gonococci, herpes, syphilis, HIV), which happens not infrequently. Need to analyze chronic diseases(kidneys, liver), so that the drugs prescribed in the treatment of chlamydia do not worsen the general condition of the woman.

Only a professional doctor can prescribe complex treatment chlamydia during pregnancy and monitor its results. It is not easy to choose the necessary drugs, given the pregnancy and the patient's individual indicators. You cannot self-medicate. Not all medications can be used, you can not decide how to treat the disease.


Lasts from 3 weeks, carried out under medical supervision. All sexual partners should be treated at the same time.

Well complex therapy includes antibacterial and antifungal drugs, vitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

Topical antimicrobials are also used, especially if the patient has urethral discharge.

Chlamydia and pregnancy

Treatment to begin after the 20th week of pregnancy. If you suspect infection of the fetus in the womb - after 12 weeks. Chlamydia cannot be completely killed during pregnancy. Treatment is necessary to stop the process of their reproduction, prevent infection of the fetus and reduce the negative impact of the disease on the child.

After childbirth, it is necessary to undergo an effective course of treatment. Then take tests to check the effectiveness of treatment. Give up in a month repeated analyzes to make sure that the disease is defeated. But, remember that this does not exclude re-infection, since immunity to chlamydia is not produced.

Antibiotics of the tetracycline group should not be used in the treatment of a pregnant woman, which, if side effects occur, can affect the development of the fetus. More suitable preparations of the macrolide group.

Treatment can help with a single dose of antibiotics to which chlamydia is susceptible. But more often a longer complex treatment is required using:

  1. Antibiotics (erythromycin, ofloxacin amoxicillin).
  2. Immunomodulators. With indicators laboratory research, indicating the presence of disorders in the immune system, drugs are prescribed to increase immunity.
  3. Enzymes. Enzymes during treatment chlamydia a use during pregnancy for:
  • normalization of the permeability of cell membranes;
  • decrease allergic reaction on the drugs used in the treatment;
  • analgesic and anti-edematous effects;
  • amplification therapeutic effect antibiotics;
  • improvement of blood circulation in peripheral vessels;

After the end of the course of treatment, vitamins and enzymes are prescribed to restore the body.

After treatment of chlamydia, the body does not acquire immunity and re-infection is possible.

Can you get pregnant with chlamydia

What to do if a woman becomes pregnant, and when registering she is diagnosed with chlamydia. In 10% of these patients, it is diagnosed in antenatal clinic. Chronic chlamydia during pregnancy should be treated. This disease can lead to miscarriage, miscarriage, premature birth. Babies are born premature and can get chlamydia from their mother.

Chlamydia live in the germ cells of a woman, gradually spreading to the epithelial tissues of the genitourinary organs, the lower part of the small intestine, in pregnant women it penetrates into the amniotic membranes, affecting the fetus. If the infection chlamydia a during pregnancy found in blood , then it is necessary to treat chlamydia during pregnancy.

Before conceiving a child, a couple should be checked by a venereologist for diseases such as chlamydia. Because they can cause pathologies of fetal development and very often occur without obvious symptoms. A person may not suspect for many years that he is a carrier of this infection, especially if the course of the disease is chronic.

Is it possible to get pregnant after chlamydia

Chlamydia causes tangible harm internal organs of a woman, even if she does not show clear symptoms. Sometimes the disease can lead to irreversible consequences and the inability to get pregnant (infertility) or ectopic pregnancy.

Will pregnancy occur after treatment? It depends on the extent of the disease reproductive organs women. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the uterus (endometriosis), which reduces the possibility of attaching an embryo to the wall of the uterus and pregnancy. If a woman has cured the disease without complications and is completely healthy, pregnancy after chlamydia can safely occur.

To minimize the risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection, you need to: control your sexual behavior, avoid casual sex, use condoms, visit a doctor and get tested for chlamydia. Be examined (both partners) when planning pregnancy.

Many pregnant women are often surprised when they see mandatory testing for sexually transmitted infections in appointments. After all, the pregnancy is normal and there are no symptoms of these diseases. Unfortunately, it is these infections that affect the course of pregnancy, the birth of a woman and, most importantly, the well-being of the newborn. Chlamydia is also no exception to the rule.

The consequences are serious and can even lead to the death of the fetus in the womb.

General information about the disease

Chlamydia is an infectious disease caused by chlamydia. Microorganisms simultaneously have the properties of bacteria and viruses, so they have a specific development cycle. Infectious agents can exist both in the cells of the reproductive system themselves, causing their inflammation and destruction, and outside the cells. The presence of chlamydia in the genitourinary system leads to the emergence and development of adhesions, significantly depletes the human immune system, which is unacceptable at the stage of waiting for the baby.

Treatment of the disease with antibiotics is not always effective due to the dual characteristics of the pathogen. In addition, the disease initial stage resolves without symptoms and, if left untreated, it quickly becomes chronic.

It often happens that an incorrect or insufficient therapy leads to the fact that the disease develops as a persistent ("sleeping" form). The infection subsides for a while and becomes active during the period of influenza, bronchitis and other viral and colds when the body's defenses weaken. The immune system of a pregnant woman "shares" its protection with the baby's body and works a little differently than usual. Therefore, chlamydial pathogens in the body future mother feel free and have bad influence on the health of women and children.

Possible consequences of chlamydia during pregnancy

Chlamydia during pregnancy are considered dangerous neighbors. Gynecologists emphasize that in practice they rarely encounter normal course pregnancy and childbirth without complications in women with this diagnosis. In addition, problems arise with the health of the mother and the newborn. But in cases of a competent approach to the management and treatment of such a contingent of pregnant women, a favorable outcome occurs in 95% of cases.

Consequences for a pregnant woman

Pathogens feel best in the tissues of the genital organs of a woman, and they often penetrate into the lower part intestinal tract. During pregnancy, microorganisms infect amniotic fluid and the fruit itself. Among the serious complications that they provoke in the body of the expectant mother include:

  • miscarriage, that is, a miscarriage that occurs at any stage of pregnancy. Moreover, in a woman who has had chlamydia earlier, miscarriages can be observed in all subsequent pregnancies. Previously past infection in a woman causes endometriosis, as a result of which the fetus is not able to firmly fix on the uterine wall. Gynecologists note that chlamydia is considered one of the causes of ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg cannot gain a foothold in the uterus, therefore it develops nearby - in the fallopian tube, which dooms it to death;
  • various inflammatory pathologies organs located in the pelvis. Harmful bacteria invade the uterus and appendages, thereby provoking local inflammation. Among them, doctors often note salpingitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis;
  • Chlamydia is the cause of Reiter's disease. This is a serious ailment with a combination of diseases such as urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis;
  • a change in the structure of the urethra - it narrows due to the appearance of adhesions and scars, so urination in expectant mothers is painful, and further ignoring the treatment of chlamydia leads to cystitis.

During childbirth, the consequences of the inflammatory process are premature passage amniotic fluid and weak labor activity, which threaten problems for both the woman in labor and the newborn.

The consequences of the disease for the child

Infection of a child during conception (if the expectant mother was infected with chlamydia before pregnancy) or in the first weeks of waiting for a baby leads to serious and sometimes irreversible health problems little man. The most tragic outcome is a miscarriage or intrauterine cessation of fetal development. The inflammatory process in the uterus and placenta provokes their abnormal activity, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the child. Moderate hypoxia is the cause of the pathological development of children internal organs and systems. Significant hypoxia invariably leads to fetal death.

What else for the baby:

  • pathogens penetrate into the amniotic fluid, which is swallowed by the baby in the process of growth and development, as a result of which the normal development pancreas, stomach, liver and kidneys;
  • chlamydia affects the fetus to receive the necessary nutrients, so newborns infected with pathogens are born with low weight, lack of vitamins and anemia;
  • the child becomes infected during labor activity women - chlamydia penetrate the mucous membranes of the child during passage through the birth canal. The disease after a while manifests itself in the form of acute conjunctivitis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, convulsions.

Other consequences of the disease for the child - there is muscle tone in varying degrees of severity, complex disorders of the nervous system.

Pediatricians diagnose Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome in such newborns, which manifests itself as perihepatitis with complicated peritonitis and ascites.

In the case of timely diagnosis of chlamydia in the expectant mother, as well as competent treatment of the disease, in most cases, the adverse effect of bacteria on the health of the newborn baby can be avoided.

Will pregnancy be normal after chlamydia

Many young women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant and endure healthy baby after an illness. Inflammation causes serious damage to the female reproductive system. The infection disrupts the normal functioning of the internal organs, but may not show any symptoms. However, a timely diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease allows a woman to become healthy. Therapy for chlamydia should be carried out not during pregnancy, but even at the planning stage. At the stage of treatment, it is necessary to postpone the conception of a child, and a few months after taking the necessary drugs, you can begin to carry out your plan.

Treatment of infection while expecting a baby

In cases where the disease was diagnosed already at the stage of pregnancy, doctors do not recommend interrupting it. However, it is required mandatory treatment. modern medicine has a lot effective methods treatment of infection that will not harm mother and baby.

Statistics show that women with chlamydia also have other sexually transmitted infections. The expectant mother is being tested for herpes, syphilis, HIV, cytomegalovirus. Studies are conducted on the basis of a blood test and secretions from the genital tract. After complete examination and obtaining the results of relevant tests, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment that will not harm the well-being of the expectant mother and baby. Based on identified infections, other diagnosed diseases, and general condition health, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics allowed during pregnancy (Levofloxacin and macrolides of the latest generation), immunomodulators, special enzymes that help destroy microorganisms. After completing the course of treatment, the doctor recommends taking medications that increase immunity. Each case requires individual approach and the appointment of a specially selected treatment regimen that minimally affects the fetus.

Doctors warn that it is dangerous to self-medicate chlamydia during pregnancy, especially since the symptoms of the disease are inherent in others. infectious diseases genitourinary system and require other therapy.

in happy and difficult period carrying a child, a woman can face many difficulties and problems that are fraught with any, even the simplest disease.

Moreover, pregnancy and medications are not entirely compatible.

That's why it's so important to prepare to become a mother by doing everything medical recommendations to be examined for various infections and illness, to take tests. This will insure you against unpleasant surprises during pregnancy.

One of the insidious and dangerous infectious diseases that can be asymptomatic for a long time and not make themselves felt is chlamydia. It is through the fault of its negative influence that various pathologies arise, miscarriages or infection of the fetus occur.

Urogenital chlamydial infection in the structural group of all STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) is practically the leader. The simplest microorganisms that carry it with them cause many different lesions, that is, inflammatory processes can begin not only in the genitals, but also in the joints, as well as organs respiratory tract and vision.

Microorganisms have properties of both bacteria and viruses. Since they themselves do not produce energy, they need to get it from the cellular structures of the human body.

This disease is quite widespread.

The main cause of infection is unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner.

The probability of catching the disease through personal items (for example, a towel) is very low, because chlamydia is not very viable outside of its usual habitat - the mucous membranes.

During pregnancy, the infection can be transmitted vertically, that is, from mother to child. Microorganisms can enter through amniotic fluid and infect or infect the fetus.


The insidiousness of the infection is that it often does not manifest itself. An infected person may not even suspect that they have chlamydia.

Sometimes there are minor symptoms, but if you have not made any attempts to detect the infection and treat it, then it will flow into a chronic form.

Also, the disease can manifest itself from time to time even after taking medications, since microorganisms have already adapted to one or another type of antibiotics.

If chlamydia managed to "infiltrate" the epithelium of a person or the cells of his immune system, then they can even exist there for years, causing various foci of inflammation.

If you did not take tests and were not examined before pregnancy, then here's what you should be alerted to (depending on the level, how and where chlamydia is located):

  • the presence of permanent, but (usually they have bad smell and );
  • itching and burning in the vulva;
  • inflammation of the appendages, cervical canal;
  • discomfort during urination, urethritis;
  • chronic respiratory diseases, frequent arthritis or conjunctivitis can also become alarms;
  • when combined with other bacteria and infections, similar symptoms are possible.

Be sure to consult your doctor if you find at least some manifestations of infection. Treatment of chlamydia should be timely and of high quality so that it does not lead to any more serious complications.

What is the danger of the disease, what consequences can be for a pregnant woman and fetus?

Despite the fact that antibiotic therapy during pregnancy is an undesirable phenomenon, the infection is still best treated.

The doctor will make a decision based on the individual situation. Maybe in your case you only need local treatment, and perhaps also a complex general.

The fact is that chlamydia, like many others infectious diseases, usually greatly aggravated during pregnancy against the background of a decrease in the body's immunity.

That is, the rate of development and manifestation of the infection will depend on how strong your the immune system. However, doctors warn that chlamydia during pregnancy can lead to many very grave consequences for a child:

  • provocation spontaneous abortions or miscarriages;
  • risk of delay prenatal development the fetus until its death and;
  • damage to the main systems and internal organs of the child due to or;
  • malnutrition of the fetus nutrients(resulting in the birth premature babies with clear signs of anemia or beriberi, with critically low body weight);
  • infection of the baby when passing through the birth canal, that is, the child will be born with congenital chlamydia (fraught with manifestations of chlamydial pneumonia, conjunctivitis, encephalopathy and other diseases).

In addition, your water may break prematurely, and labor will not begin according to plan. Also often chlamydia is one of the causes habitual miscarriage child or even infertility.

How to diagnose chlamydia during pregnancy?

It is recommended to conduct examinations for the presence of chlamydia in the body even when planning a pregnancy.

If this has not been done, then the doctor will focus on your complaints or identified symptoms in order to refer you for analysis.

Chlamydia is diagnosed using various laboratory methods.

The material is taken in conjunction with the ultrasound procedure, so that you can observe how the baby behaves and how he reacts to what is happening in order to save himself from unnecessary worries. Timely detection of infection will significantly reduce the risk of its harmful effects on the fetus.

For all types of tests for chlamydia take a fence necessary materials: blood, urine, scrapings of mucous membranes (from the cervical canal, vagina or urethra).

One smear in the case of chlamydia is often not enough, as they are located in colonies, which often leads to inaccuracies in the results. Since the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases must be carried out by both partners, men donate sperm for analysis.

polymerase chain reaction method

The study by PCR has received the definition of a kind of "gold standard" all over the world. This analysis belongs to the molecular biological group, since it determines the genetic material of the microbe.

During the study, a certain sequence of the desired region of the DNA nucleic acid is accumulated. This is done with the help of special enzymes in artificial conditions.

Doctors say that it is this analysis that is characterized by the greatest sensitivity in diagnosis (especially viral infections) and gives results with an accuracy of 80-100%.

But it is necessary to strictly observe all the rules for the delivery of material sampling, as well as clear sanitary and hygienic standards for its processing and transportation. If they are violated, false-positive or false-negative results are possible.

The PCR method will detect bacteria even at the initial stage of development or, if any, after the treatment. Normally, the test should be negative.

Linked immunosorbent assay

With the help of ELISA, doctors will be able to determine the content of chlamydia in your blood during pregnancy. Antibodies to chlamydia: IgG, IgA, IgM must be produced by the body in response to an infection. This test will require your blood and a scraping of mucus material.

In the course of the study, it is possible to identify the causative agent of the disease itself, and the stage of chlamydia (chronic, acute, asymptomatic), and the degree of its course.

That is, if certain antibodies are present in the body (usually the first of them appear 2-3 weeks after infection), then this indicates the presence of an infection.

The method is considered indispensable in the complex diagnosis of the disease, but in itself it gives very insufficient results with an accuracy of up to 60%.

Only a doctor should decipher the testimony of your tests.

The fact is that it is far from always possible to judge how intensively the inflammatory process develops, or at what stage the disease is, based only on the titer value. In any case, you will need additional examination.

According to indicators for the presence of infection, titers are distinguished:

  • low - IgM (1:100 and below);
  • moderate - IgA (from 1:100 to 1:200);
  • medium - IgG (from 1:200 to 1:400).

It is also worth paying attention to the dynamics of individual titers, for example, if you were tested and treated before pregnancy. By combinations of antibodies, one can also judge the nature and development of the disease:

  • at high rates IgA and IgM, but a low IgG titer speaks of early stage process;
  • in the absolute absence of antibodies - about the absence of infection;
  • if IgG is present, but IgM is not, then this means that you are just a carrier of chlamydia for the time being or have some immunity after the disease has already been transferred. Usually treatment in such cases is not prescribed;
  • the presence of acute primary chlamydia is diagnosed in the absence of IgG, but a large titer of IgM;
  • IgA appear after IgM. The presence of IgA together with IgG indicates that the disease is developing successfully. If the IgA titer is low, and there is no IgG at all, then this indicates the persistence of chlamydia in your body. With opposite indicators, we can talk about a kind of “immunological scar”, which indicates a long-standing infection that you once suffered;
  • with elevated titers of all types of immunoglobulins, doctors confirm the cause of inflammatory processes or developing foci of infection.

Determining the stage of an infectious disease based on the results of ELISA studies of IgM, IgA, IgG

Stage (form) of the disease Antibodies in order of appearance in serum Dynamics of titers (in the range of 2-3 weeks) Detection of the pathogen by PCR in smears
Acute with primary infection IgM, IgA, IgG or - IgM, IgG, IgA low avidity or early early IgG - simultaneously with IgM Increase in titers (or decrease in IgM, depending on the time elapsed since the onset of infection) Good
Acute with secondary infection or reactivation (relapse) IgG, IgA, almost complete absence IgM, early early IgG - simultaneously with IgM Rapid rise or fall in titers Good
Chronic IgG, IgA, sometimes IgA only or IgG only Constant low titers may be permanently high in case of severe ascending infection or systemic lesions. Unstable, because infectious agents may not be included in the sample. It is recommended to retake the biomaterial 2-3 times
persistence, carriage IgA or IgG Constant low titers (several weeks) of antibodies are not always detected due to the altered antigenic structure of microorganisms Unstable, because pathogens may not get into the sample (2-3 times re-sampling of the biomaterial)
long-term illness IgG Consistently low titers Not detected

In addition to these studies, the following can be carried out in parallel: crops for chlamydia (cultural method), taking smears for microscopic analysis, examination for an immunofluorescence reaction, and routine blood sampling.

It is better to confirm the diagnosis using several diagnostic methods in order to be absolutely sure of the test results and get the right prescription for complex treatment or prevention.

How to treat an infection: choosing a safe treatment

During pregnancy, this task is quite difficult.

Due to the fact that microorganisms are located inside your cells, the doctor will hard choice between medical means, after all, not all antibiotics can penetrate into the zones of chlamydia colonies.

In addition to having different side effects, such drug therapy just can not be used during pregnancy (especially in its early stages).

However, it is impossible to ignore the disease and run it even further. Even if you avoid possible complications chlamydia, and the fetus will not be infected in utero, it still remains high probability infection of the child during childbirth.

The course of treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor, focusing on the results of your tests, detailed examinations, the course of the pregnancy itself and individual characteristics your body.

  • If you have chronic form a disease that does not cause any complications, then treatment is usually prescribed after the 20th week of pregnancy, so that all the main organs and systems of the baby have already formed.
  • At high probability the risk to the life of the child or the slightest sign intrauterine infection therapy may begin after 12 weeks or even earlier.

When choosing antibiotics, the doctor is guided by the main principle: do not harm the health and well-being of the child. Macrolides are usually chosen because they are the safest (due to obstruction through placental barrier), unlike tetracyclines. Several methods of treatment are used:

  • a single dose of a drug that is highly sensitive to microorganisms;
  • a short course of antibiotics;
  • general therapy, which includes complex treatment measures.

In addition to antibiotics, the doctor prescribes various immunomodulatory drugs designed to boost your immunity. There will also be prescribed vitamins and minerals to promote general health, topical antimicrobial or antifungal medicines, agents to restore intestinal microflora, enzymes to promote body regeneration.

Microorganisms during pregnancy cannot be completely destroyed, but you can stop their reproduction and reduce the distribution area.

The doctor will probably ask you to make a detailed diagnosis to exclude the presence of other infections. Both partners must undergo a comprehensive course of treatment. After a month or two, it is necessary to pass tests and conduct an examination again.

Easier to prevent than to cure

Prevention measures for chlamydia are almost the same as for any other infection of this type:

  • avoid promiscuity;
  • if you are unsure about your partner's health, use contraceptives;
  • observe elementary norms personal hygiene;
  • regularly visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations;
  • do not start your health (treat general and infectious diseases, emerging inflammatory processes, preventing them from flowing into a chronic form);
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life.

The female body can be seriously affected by the effects of chlamydia. Infection negatively affects the state of internal organs, health reproductive system. Therefore, it is often difficult to get pregnant after an illness.

Be sure to get tested before conception to protect your baby from the threat of disease. If you find an infection while already in a position, then you should make every effort to minimize it as much as possible. Negative consequences or eliminate them altogether. Timely access to a doctor will be the key to successful treatment.

During pregnancy, any disease causes a lot of trouble. future mother, and especially sores of the genitourinary system. On the one hand, the disease can affect the development of the fetus, and on the other hand, its treatment can turn into unpleasant consequences. That's always worth it actual question: to treat or not to treat?

Chlamydia is a fairly common and very unpleasant disease. It is sexually transmitted and is caused by the microbe chlamydia, which is a "mixture" of viruses and bacteria. Chlamydia first affects the mucous membranes of the body, then enters the epithelial cells, and then into the cells of the immune system. Naturally, the body reacts to such an introduction with inflammation, which, in turn, in case of untimely or improper treatment leads to changes in tissue structure. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it for a long time is asymptomatic, and only late stages discharge appears, pain during urination is possible.

According to some reports, up to 10% of pregnant women experience this infection. During pregnancy, treating chlamydia is even more difficult, because you need to take care of the baby in the womb. If the chlamydial infection is not treated, then it can cause many complications both during gestation and in pregnancy. postpartum period. That is the cause of miscarriages, non-developing pregnancy, premature detachment placenta. Chlamydia also affects the development of the fetus and is transmitted to the baby at birth. Chlamydial infection in newborns leads to otitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis.


Many doctors believe that chlamydia should not be treated during pregnancy. In their opinion, the harm from drugs is much more dangerous for the fetus than the infection itself. Others strongly advise expectant mothers to take responsibility for the treatment of chlamydial infection. However, it is better to do this in the second half of pregnancy, having established an accurate diagnosis.

Difficulties in the treatment of chlamydia are manifested in the fact that you should choose the most effective, but at the same time safe drug that will not affect the development of the fetus. In this regard, the course of treatment is reduced to a minimum, the antibiotic is taken for only a couple of days, mainly local preparations are preferred.

It is known that antibiotics from the tetracycline group are contraindicated during pregnancy due to the mass of side effects. Macrolide antibiotics are safer for pregnant women. However, you must understand that self-medication in this case is madness. Only experienced specialist will be able to choose a method of treatment that is safe for you. Chlamydia is usually treated in several ways:

  • a single dose of an antibiotic highly sensitive to chlamydia;
  • long-term complex treatment, which includes antibiotics, immunomodulators, enzymes, vitamins.

The European treatment regimen looks like this: a single oral dose of Azithromycin (1 g) or for one week 2 times a day taking Doxycycline (0.1 g).

Erythromycin, Ofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Josamycin are considered safe drugs during pregnancy.

Quite often, Viferon is prescribed for the treatment of chlamydia. It has an immunostimulating and anti-chlamydial effect, but only in combination therapy stops the growth and spread of chlamydia.

No matter how advertised and safe drugs, almost all of them have contraindications and side effects. A pregnant woman should pay special attention to her health and consult a doctor at the first suspicious symptoms.

Both sexual partners undergo a course of treatment and for the entire period it is necessary to exclude unprotected sexual intercourse, and also observe personal hygiene measures with special care.

most the best prevention chlamydia is a regular visit to the gynecologist, special vigilance when choosing a sexual partner. And if you decide to give birth to a baby, then during the planning period of pregnancy, you should definitely carry out and cure chlamydia in advance, if the diagnosis is confirmed.

Remember, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. If you still failed to save yourself, then you should not be upset. Be patient and proceed with the treatment with all responsibility.

Health to you!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

permanent relationship, long-awaited pregnancy and registration in the antenatal clinic and ... dozens of tests for sexual infections. Why is this needed? - many women are perplexed.

Many expectant mothers are confused by the very possibility of detecting chlamydia infection during pregnancy. However, there is nothing strange about this. According to statistics, more than 10% of pregnant women are carriers of chlamydia.

The detection of chlamydia during pregnancy in no way means that the woman was acting disorderly. sexual life. This infection is found in 60% of men and 70% of women. childbearing age, and only two-thirds of them suspect the presence of an infection in their body. The rest of the patients learn about it only during a routine medical examination or registration for pregnancy in the antenatal clinic.

At the same time, chlamydia during pregnancy is not something out of the ordinary. This is what distinguishes it from other STIs - the infection is so widespread and has such minor symptoms that it is often started to be treated only after the accidental discovery of traces of pathogenic microflora or other tests.

Smear for genital infections - compulsory procedure for pregnant women

Chlamydia bacteria in pregnant women provoke the same processes as in other women. Invading the cells of the body, they lead a secretive lifestyle - about 70% of patients do not even suspect that they are developing. Meanwhile, chlamydia and pregnancy - the combination is by no means favorable. According to gynecologists and urologists, more than 50% of all health problems of the unborn baby are associated with this particular microorganism.

Danger for the expectant mother and baby

The most popular question of expectant mothers - why is chlamydia dangerous in women during pregnancy? It is asked in most cases after the infection was detected during registration in the antenatal clinic. Unfortunately, many do not take the disease seriously, talking about the relative safety of the infection, since it does not cause any inconvenience, that is, it occurs in latent form. However, one should not hope for a good neighborhood with chlamydia.

Methods of treatment during pregnancy

It is possible to cure chlamydia during pregnancy in a relatively short period of time. With a competent approach, this process usually does not cause difficulties. To begin with, the doctor finds out which organs and tissues have been affected by the activity of chlamydia, what symptoms are present, and to which drugs the microorganisms are sensitive.

You can treat chlamydia during pregnancy with medications recommended by your doctor.

With inflammation of the mucous membranes (vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, endocervicitis), local treatment with antibacterial drugs is used against the background of taking antibiotics approved for use during pregnancy. With inflammation of the appendages, chlamydia in pregnant women is treated only with antibiotics that do not penetrate the placental barrier (to reduce negative influence to fruit).