Cognitive development seasonal changes spring middle group. Synopsis of GCD on cognitive development "Spring-green" in the middle group. Viewing the contents of the document "Outline of the GCD" Spring Miracles "on cognitive development for the middle group"

Abstract game lesson for the middle group kindergarten for children with visual impairments.

Integration educational areas: "Cognitive development", " Speech development", "Physical development".
Topic:"Spring Seasonal Change".
Markova Elena Vladimirovna
Description of the material. The lesson material is accessible for perception by middle-aged children; v game form knowledge of hard and soft sounds is consolidated, the ability to compare two sets is developed, knowledge of spring changes in nature is refined and expanded.
Target: clarify and expand children's ideas about changes in nature in the spring.
educational: consolidate knowledge of hard and soft sounds, the ability to compare two sets; continue to form children's ideas about changes in nature with the advent of spring;
developing: develop dialogical speech ability to use comparisons, adjectives, sound culture speech; educational: to cultivate an ecological culture, respect for the interlocutor; correctional: to develop articulation, speech breathing, fine motor skills, visual perception.
Preliminary work: reading, conversations on the content of the works of G. Skrebitsky, N. Sladkov, E. Charushin; reviewing and writing stories plot pictures, according to the paintings of artists; organization of evenings of riddles and signs about spring, watching videos about the awakening of nature in spring.
Materials. Demonstration: two toys of kittens with green and blue bows, a bag with multi-colored balls (five pieces) and the inscription "Tim and Tom", a large image of a drop, thawed patches, snowdrops, ice drift, lungwort, springweed.
Dispensing: allowance "Soundbolt" (a strip of white cardboard A3, divided by a black narrow strip into two equal parts, the gates of green and of blue color, five pieces of green and blue circles), A4 sheets with the task "Connect the fish by dots".
Technical means: disc of E. and S. Zheleznov "Tim and Tom".
Equipment: magnetic board, laser pointer, visual simulator according to Bazarny. Orgmoment"Let's say hello." (Children in the circle: "Invented by someone simply and wisely at a meeting to say hello:" Good morning! "And everyone becomes kind, trusting. Let good morning lasts until evening!
1. Motivational stage.
(Meowing of kittens is heard in the group (audio recording).
-Who is this? Let's look! (Find).

Why did the kittens run to the kindergarten? (answer options: they want to play with the children, the hostess drove them away, there was a fire in the house, etc.)
-The kittens' names are Tim and Tom (written on the bag), and which one is Tim and which one is Tom?
Children: "This is Tim with a green bow, his name begins with a soft sound, and this is Tom with a blue bow, his name begins with a hard sound."
- Say hello to the kittens.
2. "Kittens Tim and Tom play with children."
- Choose a ball, start the game!
(children choose a ball in the bag, for example, blue).
Kittens offer the game "Spring soundball". (Kittens "stand" on their gates of the corresponding color; the picture is shown alternately, then with an initial soft sound, then with an initial hard sound: ice drift, drops, thawed patches, lungwort, snowdrop, spring; children compare the number goals scored circles, sum up the game).
-Choose a ball, start the game! (Children choose a ball in the bag, for example, red).
The game "What is red?" (berries, flowers, etc.)
Visual gymnastics on the simulator (the teacher reads a poem and leads the simulator with a pointer; it is performed while standing, the head is straight, the shoulders are relaxed, only the eyes work).
I. Tokmakova. Spring is walking towards us with quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible on the margins.
It can be seen that spring has very warm feet.
A. Leontiev. Cap-cap!
Tears fall from the roof.
Drip-drip! White snowflakes are melting.
Cap-cap! The sun is jumping on the roof.
Cap-cap! And winter sits and cries.
-How does winter cry? (Children imitate crying, stretching their lips forward: "Whoo!")
-And how do children enjoy spring? (Children rejoice, opening their mouths wide: "Ha-ha-ha!")
- Ball, choose the game, start! (Children choose, for example, Green colour.)
The game "What is green?"(leaves, grass, etc.)
-Choose a ball, start the game! (They take out a yellow ball.)
The game "What is yellow?(sun, lemon, etc.)
- Kittens are invited to play "Repeat, make no mistake!" (CD "Tim and Tom")
- Choose a ball, start the game! (ball orange color; orange, fox, etc.)
- Did you have fun with the kittens? Let's prepare a surprise for them. (Drawing on the points of a fish).
The kittens thank the children.
3. Summing up.
- Who came to visit?
- What did you like?
- What is the mood?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution kindergarten "Fairy Tale" with. Stanovoye


educational activities

area "Cognitive development" -

acquaintance with the natural world

on the topic: "Journey to Spring"

for children of the middle group


Solomatina Elena Viktorovna

With. Stanovoe

Target: summarize children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in spring.



develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare, draw conclusions;

to lead children to an understanding of relationships in nature.


clarify children's ideas about forest inhabitants (plants, birds, animals, insects);

to teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships between changes in animate and inanimate nature;

to teach to identify changes associated with the sun (shines brighter, warms more);

to consolidate children's knowledge about spring, its signs, features, be able to understand the signs of spring.


bring up in children moral qualities: kindness, mutual assistance, careful attitude to nature, plants, animals;

educate emotional responsiveness, aesthetic perception of nature by means of music.

Materials and equipment: electronic media with presentation recording, audio recording: "Voices of birds", "Sounds of the spring forest". An envelope with a letter, a picture of a magpie, a ball, pictures - puzzles with flowers, pictures of insects with riddles, a picture "Life of forest animals in spring", a basket with a slingshot, a stone, a stick, a gun, small cardboard suns (according to the number of children).

Methods and techniques:

Visual: slide presentation, pictures.

Verbal: conversation, guessing riddles, search questions, discussion.

Gaming: game situation; surprise moment; games: "Spring Riddles", "The Fourth Extra".

Practical: picking up split pictures.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations of the spring forest, birds, insects, reading poems about spring, about migratory birds, guessing riddles, observing seasonal changes in nature. Working with the calendar of nature, weather, listening to audio recordings about the seasons. Games-experiments with water, ice, snow. productive activity on a spring theme.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive Development"

"Socially communication development»

"Artistically aesthetic development»

Pedagogical technologies: ICT, health-saving ( communication game, breathing exercises, technology of musical impact); gaming technologies.

Educator: Boys and girls, today is a wonderful day. Let's welcome him.

Hello golden sun! (They show the "sun": the hands are crossed, the fingers are spread out.)

Hello blue sky! (They show "sky": hands are raised up.)

Hello free breeze! (Smooth movements of the hands above the head.)

Hello little oak tree! (The forearms are connected together, the hands are spread apart - “crown of the tree”.)

Hello morning! (Gesture to the right.)

Hello day! (Gesture to the left.)

We are not too lazy to say hello (both hands to the chest) (spread their arms to the sides!

Educator: Guys, you hear someone chirping outside the window, let's go and see.

They approach the window, the teacher takes out a picture of a magpie to the beak of which a letter is attached.

Educator: Guys, look who flew to us?

That's right, a magpie flew to us, and she has a letter in her beak. What a beautiful envelope. Want to know what's in this letter?

Let's read! (The teacher invites everyone to sit down and reads the letter).

“Once upon a time there were four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. They lived together and ruled the whole world in turn. But one day Winter decided that she was the most important and did not want to give way to Spring. The plants were saddened under the snow cover. The birds stopped singing. People are tired of going to warm fur coats. Worried about Autumn and Summer. And Spring said: “Do not be sad! I have a miracle that will help overcome the cold.”

Slide #1

A picture of the sun appears on the screen.

The sun. Guys, I am the Sun. I need to help spring overcome the cold, melt the snow, but I don’t have enough strength to rise higher above the ground. If you help me and complete the tasks correctly, my day will become longer and I will be able to help Vesna. And to help, I give you this ball. He is not simple.

Slide #2

Educator: Look at the screen, how low the sun is above the ground, it cannot melt the snow. Guys, let's help the sun rise higher, shine brighter, so that it warms more. And if we help the sun, then we will help Spring overcome winter. Then we need to urgently recover on the road. Where do you know where to go? So we have a glomerulus helper. Guys, it turns out that the ball can talk, he tells me that he will lead us into the forest and show us many surprises, he says that there will be tasks.

How can you get to the forest? (car, train, bicycle, plane, etc.)

The ball offers to go to the forest on foot. Why do you think? (do not disturb the life of birds and animals, do not step on insects, do not crush flowers)

We went to the forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Here we come to the clearing. Look how beautiful it is here: the birds are singing, the trees are all around. Guys, someone left us a basket with a note. Listen carefully.

Here's a slingshot, guys, to shoot the birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you to scare the little animals.

This heavy stone can destroy nests,

With this stick - lifesaver, knock all the flowers.

Guys, that's right. Explain, please, how to behave properly in the forest. (Don't make noise, you can't break branches, ruin nests.)

slide number 3

caregiver: Well done, look at the screen, the sun is smiling at you.

Oh, guys, the ball wants to play with us. To whom he jumps, he will answer. Be careful. Listen to spring riddles:

Winter is cold, but spring? (warm)

The sun is cold in winter, but in spring? (warm)

It snows in winter, but in spring? (rain)

Frost freezes water, but heat? (melting)

What runs in the spring, murmurs? (stream, river)

slide number 4

caregiver: Guys, what changes have occurred in the picture? (the sun has risen even higher and shines brighter, thawed patches have appeared).

Guys, you noticed that there are a lot of birds around in the forest. What birds do you recognize here?

slide number 5

Educator: While you were naming the birds, more birds appeared on our screen, name them. (Starling, rook, swallow, bullfinch). Among the birds there is an extra one, the ball tells me, find it.

The game "The Fourth Extra" is being played.

Children must identify and explain why the bird is superfluous. (Bullfinch).

slide number 6

caregiver. Guys, look at our picture. What other changes have occurred in the picture? (the sun has risen even higher and shines brighter, the birds have arrived).

Educator: The ball is calling us on the road. We continue our journey.

Physical education minute

We went to the forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

caregiver. We found ourselves on flower meadow. But all the flowers hid. In order for them to bloom, you need to get them out of the magical multi-colored envelopes and fold them like a puzzle. (Children do the task)

Educator: What a beautiful clearing we got, how many flowers on it.

Breathing exercises.

Educator: Let's smell the flowers. Take a deep breath - with your nose, as you exhale, say " Oh, how wonderful the flower smells". Children pronounce the phrase on the exhale 2-3 times.

Educator: Among the flowers under your feet you can see different insects, they will now fly to the scent of flowers if you guess them.

1. All four petals moved at the flower

I wanted to tear it off, it fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)

2. A violinist lives in the meadow, wears a tailcoat and walks galloping (Grasshopper)

3. Many craftsmen cut down a hut without corners. (Ants)

4. I buzz loudly, flying,

Collecting healing honey.

Helpful and nice

Busy (bee).

5. Who is above us upside down

Walking - not afraid

Not afraid to fall, flies all day,

Everyone gets bored (fly)

6. Red, small lump,

Few dots on the back

Doesn't scream or sing

And it crawls along the leaf. (Ladybug.)

7. On the chamomile at the gate

Helicopter descended

Golden eyes.

Who is this? ... (Dragonfly)

8. Someone is flying in the dark

making a loud sound.

Who is arguing with the plane?

Well, of course, May ... (beetle)

The children guess and, having guessed the riddle, the child puts the insect on his flower.

slide number 7

Educator: Fine! And they completed this task. We look at our sun smiling brightly at us, which means we are on the right track!

Educator: The ball tells me that we are not alone in the forest.

Look through your binoculars over there. In the gap between the trees wild animals. Let's sit down and watch. In order not to frighten them, we will speak in a whisper. Who do you see? Why didn't we see bears in winter? (they slept). And with the she-bear cubs. Where and when they were born (in winter in a den). What did you feed their mothers? (milk). And what do bears eat in spring (grass, insects, fish)

And who is it that runs along the path on short legs, with thorns on its back, and behind it the cubs? (hedgehog with hedgehogs)

In the spring, the hedgehog also has children - hedgehogs. In winter, hedgehogs sleep under the stumps, hiding from everyone.

And the fox with the cubs? But look what kind of mink it is, and there is someone big with a long muzzle, with fluffy tail and nearby are the same only small animals. Redhead mom knows how to yelp her very good hearing. She immediately heard from afar that we were walking in the forest.

Educator: Well done! Let's not interfere with the forest dwellers, let's go our own way.

We went to the forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

slide number 8

Educator: Guys, look, again there have been changes in the picture, what are they? (The sun rose even higher and shines brightly, the bear and the hedgehog came out of hibernation; the hare is shedding, the squirrel has become red)

Relaxation music

Educator: Let's sit on the stumps and relax and listen to the magical voices of the spring forest (Children listen to the murmur of a stream, spring thunder, birdsong, etc.)

Sit back, close your eyes. Breathe calmly. Let's remember today's spring day and magical forest where we are now. Imagine that you are walking along a path along which sprawling trees rise, unfamiliar bushes grow and very beautiful flowers. The sun is shining, and you feel how it warms you, how warm and affectionate it is. A gentle breeze blows, which refreshes you. The sun shines through the leaves of the trees. You go further and further into the forest. Most often there is a bench. Sit on it, take a rest.

Listen for sounds. You hear the birds singing, the murmur of the stream. You smell the flowers, there are so many of them. Now open your eyes.

slide number 9

Educator: Guys, look at our picture. What has changed on her? (The sun rose high, the snow almost all melted, animals woke up, birds flew in)

Surprise from the sun (little suns for each child as a token of gratitude for the help)

Summing up the lesson.

Did you enjoy our trip through the forest? What were we doing in the forest? Whom did we help today? What did you like? What was difficult for you?

Educator Guys, our journey through spring forest ended. It's time to go back to our favorite kindergarten.

Summary of educational activities

Educational area "Cognitive development"

Topic: "How the sun helped spring"

Middle group (4-5 years old)

Teacher MBDOU kindergarten

No. 10 "Cinderella", Okha, 2016

Program content- clarification of ideas about spring changes in nature.


To acquaint children with the characteristic signs of spring, to teach them to identify changes associated with the sun (it shines brighter, warms more, daylight hours lengthen).

Learn to recognize birds appearance. Introduce folk signs associated with birds (sparrows chirp in unison - to a thaw, a crow screams - to a snowstorm, birds circle in the sky - to frost).

Develop observation, bring children to an understanding of the relationships in nature.

To educate aesthetic experiences from the spring awakening of nature.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: slide presentation, schemes for making insects.

Verbal: conversation, guessing riddles, clarification of execution techniques, encouragement, search questions, creative task- Compliment game.

Game: game situation; surprise moment; games: "What does not happen in the spring", "The fourth extra", " Migratory birds».

Equipment and inventory: multimedia board, presentation, large colorful envelope with a letter, game guide "The Sun", small cardboard suns (according to the number of children), panels (image of early spring).

Preliminary work: observation on a walk of the changes taking place in nature; examination of reproductions of paintings: I.I. Levitan "March; conducting experiments with snow; talking about birds.

The course of educational activities:

Educator. Guys, look, this morning at the door of our group room I found an envelope with a smile painted on it and the inscription "To the children of the Smile Kindergarten." I decided to wait for you and see what kind of letter we received. Want to know what's in this letter?

Let's read! (The teacher invites everyone to sit down and reads the letter).

“Once upon a time there were four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. They lived together and ruled the whole world in turn: three months - Winter, three months - Spring, three months - Summer and three months - Autumn. But one day Winter decided that she was the most important and did not want to give way to Spring. The plants were saddened under the snow cover. The birds stopped singing. People are tired of walking in warm fur coats. Worried about Autumn and Summer. And Spring said: “Do not be sad! I have a miracle that will help overcome the cold.”

Educator. What do you think of this could be a miracle that will help Spring cope with the winter cold? (children's answers). Indeed, the sun is the greatest and kindest miracle.

The sun. Guys, I am the Sun. I need to help spring overcome the cold, melt the snow, but I don’t have enough strength to rise higher above the ground. If you help me and complete the tasks correctly, my day will become longer and I will be able to help Vesna.

Educator. Guys, let's help the sun, which means we'll help Spring overcome winter. Look at the screen, how low the sun is above the ground, it cannot melt the snow. Guys, let's help the sun rise higher, shine brighter so that it warms more.

Game "Compliment"

Children call various epithets for the word "sun" - the sun is radiant, the sun is a bucket, affectionate, beautiful, kind! The sun is our friend, our joy...

Educator. Here it is and smiled at you!

Look, pictures have appeared on our magic screen.

The game "What does not happen in the spring?"

(From the series of pictures shown on the slide, the children mark the extra one).

Educator. Guys, what changes have occurred in the picture? (the sun has risen even higher and shines brighter, thawed patches have appeared).

Educator: Birds appeared on the screen, name them. (Magpie, sparrow, crow). The children name the birds. Folk omens associated with the behavior of birds (sparrows chirp in unison - to a thaw, a crow screams - to a snowstorm, birds circle in the sky - to frost). With the advent of spring, birds fly to our lands.

The game "The Fourth Extra" is being played.

Children must identify and explain why the bird is superfluous. (Bullfinch).

Educator. Guys, what other changes have occurred in the picture? (the sun has risen even higher and shines brighter, the birds have arrived).

Physical education minute

There is a forest on the mountain

circular motions of the hands

He is neither low nor tall

sit down, stand up, hands up

eyes and hands up, stretch

Two tourists on the path

Went home from afar

walking in place

They say: "We have not heard such a whistle yet"

raise your shoulders

Educator. Some animals sleep all winter in burrows and lairs under a thick snow cover. With the onset of spring, they wake up.

  1. "The owner of the forest,

Waking up in the spring

And in winter, under a blizzard howl,

He sleeps in a snow hut ”(Bear).

  1. "Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

And there is not one thread ”(Hedgehog).

  1. "Where the pines have a strong smell,

In the thicket of the forest, in silence,

Putting a paw on the belly,

I only sleep on my back” (Badger).

Educator. Guys, again there have been changes in the picture, what? (The sun rose even higher and shines brightly, the bear and the hedgehog came out of hibernation; the hare is shedding, the squirrel has become red).

Summing up the lesson.

Children sit in a common circle, each name the spring change in nature and pull the ribbon out of the circle lying on the floor (Sun Benefit).

Educator: It turned out the sun, and you are its kind and smart rays, from which everyone is warm and joyful.

The sun gives children small suns as a token of gratitude from spring and the sun.

Topic: « Spring is red»

Integration of educational regions:

Artistic and aesthetic development

cognitive development

Socio-communicative development

Physical development

Speech development

Target: generalization of children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature spring.

Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in the animal world, in nature.

Tasks developing: develop the ability to transform words into a diminutive form.

Educational tasks: consolidate children's knowledge of the signs spring about wild animals and migratory birds.

Dictionary work: activation vocabulary children concepts "calls", "migratory birds", "wild animals".

Methods and techniques for managing activities children:

Goal setting and activity motivation children: conversation, giving personal significance to upcoming activities;

Activation of children's activities in the process GCD: conversation, game exercises, puzzles;

Organizations of practice children: completing tasks;

Maintaining interest children: visual material, various forms GCD organizations;

assessments and self-assessments: performance analysis.

Creation environments to organize and conduct GCD: projector, wild animal pictures, flannelograph, costume spring, attributes of a starling.

preliminary work (by educational areas):

Artistic and aesthetic development: looking at books about spring, application "Birdhouse", Painting "Tree", learning songs "Spring Hello", "Starling";

cognitive development: conversations "It's coming Spring» , How do animals prepare for spring» , viewing illustrations "Migratory birds", did. games "Name the Baby", "Find a migratory bird";

socio-communicative development: conversation "How to behave in the forest";

physical development: outdoor games "Find your home", "Sun, rain, breeze", finger gymnastics "It's a bunny";

speech development: reading fiction - L. Tolstoy "I came Spring» , E. Baratynsky « Spring, Spring» , invocation "Go Spring go red", guessing riddles about spring.

Working with parents: exhibition of drawings « Spring in the forest» .

Types of children's activities in GCD:




Reading fiction;



Planned results:

The child shows independence in the game, designing, communication.

Possesses elementary ideas about seasonal changes in nature spring.

Uses language to express thoughts and feelings.

Lesson progress

Guys, we have guests today! Let's say hello to them.

Hello golden sun! (Show "Sun": hands crossed, fingers spread out.)

Hello blue sky! (Show "sky": Hands up.)

Hello free breeze! (Smooth movements of the hands above the head.)

Hello little oak tree! (Connect together forearms, hands spread apart -"tree crown".)

Hello morning! (Gesture to the right.)

Hello day! (Gesture to the left.)

We say hello (both hands to chest) not lazy ( spread their arms to the sides!

Guys, do you know who I am? (Spring)

Now solve the riddle:

Old snow melts in the sun

The wind plays in the branches

Here she came to us. (Spring)

Let's tell what happens spring. Start your answer with the word « spring» . (show presentation)

In the spring ... the sun shines brightly.

Snow melts in spring.

spring thawed patches appear.

Puddles appear in spring.

Buds swell in spring and then leaves appear.

Streams run in spring.

Grass appears in spring.

It rains in spring.

Guys, a long time ago people called spring call. Here, listen to what I know.

Larks, larks,

Fly into the field

Bring health.

Cow - cow,

Sheep - sheep,

And we are human.

Let's repeat it together.

Today we will go to the forest. But first, let's remember how to behave in the forest. (Don't make noise, you can't break branches, ruin nests.)

How can you get to the forest? (car, train, bicycle, plane, etc.)

I suggest you fly today on the clouds. (Children sit on paper clouds, hold hands. A song sounds "Clouds are white-maned horses")

While we were flying I caught sunbeams. Do you want to play with them?

The game "Call it sweetly"

I will give you sunbeams and say the word, and you say the same word, but affectionately.


A cloud is a cloud.

The sun is the sun.

A stream is a stream.

A flower is a flower.

A branch is a branch.

A leaf is a leaf.

Ray is a ray.

Cloud - cloud.

Icicle - icicle.

Wind is a breeze.

Guys, let's show how a strong wind blows.

And now, like a gentle breeze.

Guys, are you listening? What's this? (Birds sing.)

Yes, the birds have already flown to us from warm lands. What migratory birds do you know? (Rook, starling, swallow.)

Approach the screen. Let's see the rook. What is he? (All black.)

And what starling? What swallow?

How do we prepare for the arrival of birds? (We build birdhouses.)

Let's build birdhouses too. What figures do you see here?

(Children make birdhouses from geometric figures: circle, triangle, square.)

Well done boys! And now I will turn you into starlings.

Fizminutka "In the birdhouse"

(Children put on the attributes of starlings.)

Guys, who else lives in the forest?

Guess which animals are hiding.

Walks without a road in summer

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

Hides the nose from the cold.


I walk in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts.


The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.


Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

Lying quietly

Then she suddenly ran away.

small, white,

Jump through the woods!

On the snow poke-poke!


Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?


At wild animals cubs appear in spring. Help to me:

The fox has cubs.

Squirrels have squirrels.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog.

The bear has cubs.

The she-wolf has cubs.

Look, the animals are walking in the meadow. Let's help them find their mothers.

The game "Find Mom"

Well done! Now let's play with the animals.

Finger game.

This is a bunny

This is a squirrel

This is a fox

This is a wolf

And it's in a hurry, hobbles awake

Brown, furry, funny teddy bear.

Guys, did you like today's walk in the forest? Whom did we meet in the forest? What birds did we see there? Who did we help find their mothers?

Guys, now let's remember the call with which we met today:

Larks, larks,

Fly into the field

Bring health.

Cow - cow,

Sheep - sheep,

And we are human.

Take the baked larks in your hands, raise your hands up and let's say this invocation together.


1. Gorkova L. G. Scenarios of classes on environmental education of preschoolers. - M.: Vako, 2005.

2. Lobanova A. S. Journey to spring// Child in kindergarten. -2012.-№2.- S. 11-13.

3. Kladova L. S. On a visit to Spring// Reference book of the senior educator. -2014.- No. 3.-S. 70-75.

4. Kliminova Yu. V. Hello, spring // Educator. -2014.-№3.-S. 75-79.

5. Molodova L. P. Gaming environmental activities With children: Teaching aid. - M.: TsGL, 2003.

6. Nikolaeva S. N. Methods environmental education preschoolers: Tutorial. – M.: Academy, 2009.

Synopsis of GCD in middle group"Spring"

Educator: Novikova I.G.
MAUDO " Kindergarten No. 7 "SP No. 1,
G. Yalutorovsk, 2017. Consolidate children's ideas about spring, its signs.

Clarify and summarize children's ideas about characteristics spring, expand children's knowledge of spring;
Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic;
To form the ability of children to work in a team;


illustrations on the theme of spring, a letter with riddles, the game "Seasons".

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, the sun is shining down on us. What is it?
Children: Cheerful, radiant, yellow, spring
Educator: Let's smile at each other, like the sun to us, give each other good mood. Guys, the winter with frosts lasted a very long time, strong winds, snow, gray, gloomy sky. We all had to wear warm clothes (warm jackets, fur coats, hats, winter boots, boots).
But in nature, everything goes on as usual, and the harsh winter is replaced by a new season. And what is it called, now you yourself will try to guess. (Take an envelope.)
Educator: Someone threw me at the window
Look at the letter.
Maybe it's a ray of sunshine
What tickles my face?
Maybe it's a sparrow
Flying, dropped?
From whom did the letter come?
Do you want to know?
Then you have to try
You solve riddles!
Educator: Let's open the envelope and guess the riddles:

In the blue sky a scarlet ball
He is bright and hot. (The sun.)

white carrot
In winter it grows
And how the sun warms
Bitterly tears pour. (Icicle.)

Housewarming at the starling
He rejoices without end.
So that a mockingbird lives with us -
We made ... (Birdhouse)

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream)
Here on a branch someone's house,
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks live warmly there,
This house is called ... (Nest)

On the river and crackling, and thunder,
It means icebreaker
There is ice on the river
This means ... (Ice drift)

white carrot,
It has been growing all winter.
The sun warmed
Ate all the carrots (Icicle)

He has a carrot nose
He loves frost
In the cold, he does not freeze.
And spring comes and melts. (Snowman)

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw.
He is not afraid of frost
Though small (Snowdrop)

She comes with kindness
And with my own story.
Waving a magic wand
Snowdrop will bloom in the forest (Spring)

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life
The day is coming.
When does it happen? (In the spring.)

Educator: That's right folks, it's spring. Look at these illustrations and tell what they show. What season is in this picture?
Children: Winter.
Educator: What do we see on it?
Children: There is a lot of snow, children are sledding, trees are covered in snow, children are warmly dressed, etc.
Educator: What is the time of the year in the second picture?
Children: Spring.
Educator: In what subjects did you guess that it was spring?
Children: The sun is shining brightly, icicles, streams, thawed patches, birds have arrived, etc.
Educator: Let's give spring beautiful words. What spring?
Children: Warm, beautiful, sunny, fragrant, sonorous, bright, green, blooming, noisy.

Educator: Let's play a game « Miraculous Pouch» . Look at my bag, yes there is something in it! Want to know what's in it? I'll tell you a secret that it has a lot of little picture cards. You will come up to me, take out one picture at a time and name what is drawn on it and at what time of the year it happens. It is necessary to put winter pictures on the field where winter is depicted, and spring pictures for spring. (Children take turns coming up, take a small picture, name what is drawn on it and correlate it with the season.)
Educator: Guys, name, once again, the signs of spring.
Children: The sun is warming, the snow is melting, streams have appeared, icicles hang from the roofs, thawed patches, the day has become longer, the night is shorter, birds arrive, children and adults put on light clothing blowing warm wind.
Educator: After what time of the year does spring begin?
Children: Spring comes after winter.
Educator: Guys, do winter and spring look alike?
Children: No.
Game Say the opposite.
Snow is white in winter and gray in spring
In winter the snow is clean, and in spring it is dirty,
Cold days in winter and warm days in spring
Days are short in winter and long in spring
The sun is dim in winter and bright in spring
The skies are gray in winter and blue in spring
The wind is cold in winter and warm in spring.
Educator: What month does spring start?
Children: Spring begins in March.
Educator: How many months does spring have? Name them.
Children: March, April, May
Educator: March-dropper, protalnik.
April-Aquarius, birch.
May-herb, pollen.
Educator: Why do you think people called the spring months so?
Children's answers.
Educator: What is the wind like in spring?
Children: Warm, fresh.
Educator: And what about the spring sky?
Children: Clear, bright, high, pure.
Educator: What other signs of spring do you know?
Children: Birds are returning from warm lands (Demonstration of paintings with birds). The trees are budding. (A willow branch with buds is demonstrated.). Buds burst and green leaves grow. Green grass appears, the first flowers are snowdrops. People dress in light clothing.

Physical education:
The sun, the sun, Children walk in a circle, holding hands. Golden bottom.
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
A stream ran in the garden, They run in a circle.
A hundred rooks flew in, "Flying" in a circle.
And the snowdrifts melt, melt, Slowly squat.
And the flowers are growing. Stretch on tiptoe, hands up.

Educator: Children, what do you think, who brings spring to us?
Children: Sunshine
Educator: Of course, the sun. The sun helped streams, ringing drops, buds on trees, the first grass, the first leaves to appear.
Most main feature spring - the gentle spring sun that shines brightly and warms the earth.
Educator: What is your mood when there is no sun?
Children: Sad, bad, sad.
Educator: Show how you are when you are sad. What is your mood when the sun is shining?
Children: Cheerful, joyful
Educator: Show how you are when you are funny.
In Russian folk rhymes said:
Spring, red spring!
Come bright spring!
Come spring with joy
Come spring with mercy
With the hot sun
With abundant rain
bring the harvest
To our happy land!
Everyone has a lot of worries in the spring. Birds build nests, hatch chicks. Animals take care of their offspring. And a person has a hot time in spring. The field must be plowed, wheat must be sown. Plant vegetable gardens. And everything must be done at the right time. No wonder the people say "Spring day-year feeds."
Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.
Winter scares spring, but it melts.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies
Educator: Guys, now we will show you how flowers grow.

Finger gymnastics "Flower"
A tall flower grew in a clearing. Show flower with hands.
Opened the petals on a spring morning. Spread your fingers.
All petals beauty and nourishment Movement of the fingers together and apart.
Together they give underground roots. Palms down, back side
To each other, spread your fingers.

Educator: What season are we talking about today?
Children: About spring.
Educator: What signs of spring do you remember?
Children: The sun is warming, the snow is melting, streams have appeared, icicles hang from the roofs, thawed patches, the day has become longer, the night is shorter, birds arrive, people put on light clothes, a warm wind blows.
Educator: Everyone tried hard today. Well done.