Presentation of a school camp with a day stay. Presentation "REPORT on the activities of the school summer camp" Solnechny ". The logic of building a shift

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Summer health camp PROGRAM

"Journey through the Solar System"


Municipal educational institution multidisciplinary lyceum No. 20 of Ulyanovsk

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Explanatory note

Summer is approaching - the time for children to rest in summer school camps. A camp is a sphere of active recreation, a variety of socially significant leisure activities, different from the typical edifying, didactic, verbal school activity. The camp provides an opportunity for any child to open up, approach high levels of self-esteem and self-rehabilitation.

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Today, in the camp, school students can gain additional knowledge, improve their health and just relax. The entire teaching staff of the camp focuses their work on personal development. In the activities and communication of children, teachers, parents, cooperation, co-creation, co-management, equality and equality of personal positions of all participants in the pedagogical process are cultivated.

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Every adult dreams of being healthy. Children, unfortunately, do not think about it. We are obliged to help the child to realize that there is nothing more wonderful than health. “Every day is a holiday for a healthy person,” says eastern wisdom. We believe that sports and outdoor games, as well as competitions and physical exercises, should be at the heart of the game library of the summer health camp. The goal of the school health camp program is to identify the child's abilities and develop them in sports, tourism, art, technical creativity and other types of play activities. The core of the program is the Galaxy Journey project. Children, counselors and educators take part in the role-playing game.

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The goals and objectives of the educational work of the school camp "Orbita"

Objectives: organization of recreation, health improvement and creative development of students in the summer; ensuring the employment of children in the summer; creation of optimal conditions for a good rest for children. Tasks: promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, fostering a value attitude towards one's own health; development of children's creative abilities; education of moral and aesthetic qualities of a person; broadening the horizons of children; the formation of skills and abilities of organizing relationships with adults and peers; self-realization, self-development and self-improvement of children in the process of participating in the life of the health camp. The program is divided into 2 blocks: Morning block - organizing events Day block - conducting trainings, sports events, hiking trips, games, KTD, role-playing games

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Camp Legend

We decided to go on a journey across the planets of the solar system on our ships in friendly teams - detachments for planetary exploration and, possibly, acquaintance with unexplored worlds.

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In a health camp for a child, conditions are created for choosing his position, a way of behaving in difficult social situations. A child lives in a big world and it is important for him to understand what place he should take in it. Camp "Orbita" is open for 21 days. It will have 4 squads. Each will have its own name, emblem, motto, its own detachment corner. Children will participate in squad and camp activities. The goals and objectives of the shift are realized through the plot - role-playing game "Journey through the Solar System", the participants of which are all children and adults. In a peer society, where interaction is based on equals and status must be earned and able to maintain, the pupil chooses the necessary communication skills, partnership and leadership qualities.

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Forms and methods of work

1. Excursions; 2. Sports games and competitions; 3. Concerts, discos; 4. Contests, quizzes; 5. Situational role-playing and business games. The program is implemented during one camp shift and lasts 21 days. The camp is financed from budget funding. "Orbit" - health camp Chief commander - head of the health camp Deputy commander - assistant head of the health camp Chief pilots of ships - educators (pedagogical team) Second ship pilots - counselors (pedagogical team, students undergoing practical training, high school students). Orbit Council - educators, counselors, leaders of circles, sections, muses. worker, physical education teacher. The heads of the spaceships are the squad leader (child).

Self-government bodies

Terms and conditions of stay of children

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Self-government structure

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Report on the work of the school health camp with daytime stay of children "GAYDAROVETS" at the school № 14 Moscow region. Voskresenky district of the village of Horlovo JUNE - 2013

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Organization of school camps is one of the most interesting and most important forms of work with students during the holidays. The main mission of the day camp is to organize free time for children, rest, their health in the summer. The school health camp with a day stay "Gaidarovets" is based on the base of the secondary school No. 14 During the reporting period from June 03 to July 02, 2013, 60 students of grades 1-5 rested in the Gaidarovets summer camp. 30 to 14.30 with 2 meals a day.

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The main forms of implementation of the tasks of the school health camp: excursions, travel, competitions, discussions, contests, quizzes, conversations, games. The following worked in the camp: The head of the camp The teacher-organizer The educators Thanks to them, the life of the children in the camp has become fun and unforgettable. They made it possible for every child to show their creative, physical and mental abilities. The daily work schedule has been developed, taking into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements and physiological characteristics of children of different ages.

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And then the long-awaited day has come. Summer came to us like a ray of sunshine. Cheerful children's voices filled the Gaidarovets school camp with joyful chirping. An interesting camp life began. Every day of the camp shift began with a meeting of children with educators. And morning exercises to the music gave the children a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

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According to the work plan, on the first day, the children began to prepare for the opening of the shift. Together with the teachers, they prepared the name of the detachments, mottos, songs. After that, the teachers introduced the children to the rules of conduct in the camp. The second day was held under the motto “Let's get to know each other again”. This day gave children many unforgettable impressions. The camp shift of 2013 has begun. All the detachments carefully prepared for the holiday - this was evident from the business cards. And the fun disco added good mood and communication to everyone

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Hometown Day was held in the library. Children gladly visited the library, where they heard and learned a lot of interesting things about our native land. Attention developed children's initiative, awakened in the soul of every child a love for their native land.

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June 18 was held under the motto "A healthy mind in a healthy body." Everyone loves outdoor sports. This day was also full of various sports competitions.

In the summer of 2011, our school camp "Romashka" worked according to a new program, drawn up by me, "Academy of Creative Vacations". The difference between this program is that it consists of two blocks: 1) leisure - holding general camp activities, thematic days; 2) project - the work of temporary creative groups of interests.

The goals and objectives of both blocks were achieved. This year we will again work on this program, as everyone was satisfied with the result: both children and adults.



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MOU Inzenskaya elementary comprehensive school REPORT on the activities of the school summer camp "Romashka"

Summer is a small life ... This year our school camp worked according to the new program "Academy of Creative Holidays" (compiled by E. A. Shabashova, head of the camp). The main difference between this program is that it consists of two blocks: 1. Leisure - holding general camp activities, thematic days; 2. Project-based work of temporary creative interest groups.

The tasks of the leisure block were completely fulfilled: stimulating the creative activity of children; developing the skill of collective interaction; development of initiative, ability to plan, organize and analyze their activities

The tasks of the project block were also implemented: the development of new types of activities by children; creation of conditions for self-realization of everyone; mastering the methodology of design and research activities.

Major shift projects. № Name of the mini-project Purpose Leader 1 "Theatrical" development of creative, artistic qualities of pupils. primary school teacher Suntsova V.V. 2 "White boat" development of intellectual abilities and qualities, stimulation of the cognitive activity of children. educational psychologist Voronina O.S. 3 "Palette" development of children's artistic abilities, the ability to see and appreciate beauty. teacher from Malysheva N.V. 4 "Star Factory" development of creative abilities, ability to perform on stage. music teacher Saratseva T.I. 5 "Crazy hands" acquaintance and development of non-traditional methods of working with waste material. primary school teacher Mikhailova L.V.

6 "Znayka" development of skills and abilities to work with a computer, the Internet, the formation of research skills. primary school teacher Manushina T.V. 7 "It is fashionable to be healthy" promotion of healthy lifestyle, development of physical qualities, abilities and skills, replenishment of knowledge about healthy lifestyle. primary school teacher Nikitina E.N. 8 "Eco" - the formation of an emotional and moral attitude to nature, the development of skills for studying nature, the formation of skills in working with natural materials. primary school teacher Shabashova E.A. 9 “Start with yourself” the development of patriotic feelings based on the study of the culture and history of the native land. Deputy Director for UHF V.P. Kamenskaya

The implementation of the goal and objectives of the program was carried out through the organization of general camp events on thematic days and the work of temporary creative groups. The shift was divided into three parts, each of which consisted of the same stages: 1. Recruitment of temporary creative groups - 1 day; 2. Group work on mini-projects - 2-5 days; 3. Festival of projects - 6 day. Temporary creative groups were created from 10 children at their request and worked under the guidance of a specialist teacher in this field. The duration of the lessons is 1.5 hours. Based on the results of the work, each group at the "Festival of Projects" presented a report in any form (performance with a demonstration of their skills, mini-performance, slide presentation, concert, report, exhibition, etc.). Each participant of the mini-project at the general camp gathering received a certificate of awarding him the title "Creator", "Leader", "Executor". Simultaneously with the work of groups in the camp, themed days, general camp and detachment events, excursions of children to the city's enterprises, to nature, to the cinema were organized according to the general plan.

In the camp, 30 students of our school (7-11 years old) were recovering.

Thanks to the new reporting form in the camp (without certificates from the parents' place of work), children who are ESPECIALLY IN NEED were able to visit the camp: 9 children - from low-income families; 14 - from single-parent families; 4 - from large families; 2 - under guardianship;

Despite the rainy weather, the attendance was 100% The life of the children in the camp was very busy: every day, after working on projects, the guys under the guidance of experienced educators TV Manushina, L.S. and Malysheva N.V. went on excursions, to the cinema, to the disco, played, had fun ...

In any weather, the guys did exercises

The excursion to the fire department of the city was especially memorable.

Many boys wanted to be firefighters!

The children were shown a modern fire engine.

Having visited the factory of non-woven materials, the guys learned that they even produce a special insulation that is used in spaceships!

We are always welcomed at the bakery ...

The children were shown modern bakery equipment.

The guys visited the local history museum.

On the birthday of A.S. Pushkin, we visited the library.

The guys especially liked the "Merry Starts"

They just played, watched, drew, talked ...

We also took care of the monument to P.K. Kyanzhin

And how many talents have been revealed ...

On the day of the closing of the shift, all the children received certificates for their activity!

The rest in our camp will be remembered by children for a long time !!!

Summer school camp with day stay

Malova A.R.

  • Create conditions for organized recreation of children.
  • Introduce children to creative activities, the development of creative thinking.
  • Promote the formation of cultural behavior, sanitary and hygienic culture.
  • Create favorable conditions for strengthening the health of children.
  • Provide the child with an opportunity for self-realization on individual personal potential.
  • To form in children the skills of communication and tolerance.

Always shine, shine everywhere!

  • The principle of humanization of relations.
  • Type matching principle

cooperation of psychological

age characteristics of students and

type of leading activity.

  • The principle of democracy.
  • The principle of differentiation of education.
  • The principle of creative individuality.

  • Contests, quizzes, brain-rings.
  • Holidays and performances.
  • Conversations and observations.
  • Games and competitions.
  • Master classes.
  • Practical lessons.
  • Exhibitions.

City nursery


RT museums

Cinema "Mir", "Korston"


« SUN"

Places of residence

City newspapers, radio, television

School of Music

Traffic police

Summer health school camps


schools and cities

City Department of Culture and Sports

School playground

  • strengthening the health of children;
  • improving the social and psychological climate in the camp;
  • a decrease in the growth rate of negative social phenomena among children;
  • strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages and nationalities;
  • the formation of abilities, skills, the acquisition of life experience of adequate behavior in extreme situations;
  • development of creativity, initiative and activity of the child;
  • instilling self-service skills;
  • increased sense of patriotism;
  • respect for native nature;
  • improvement of the material and technical base of the organization of summer recreation and health improvement of children;
  • creation of favorable conditions for the improvement of children through cooperation with institutions of additional education, traffic police











Labor activity

  • Operation Green Patrol (weeding the school grounds).
  • Operation "Merry Stream" (watering at the school site).
  • Landscaping work.
  • Canteen duty (daily).

Directions and activities


Sports and recreational activities

  • Charging (daily).

Sports mobile

outdoor games.

  • Conversation "Rules of conduct for outdoor games".
  • Conversation "Safety rules at the stadium".
  • "Fun starts with the ball and balls."
  • Sports - game program "Call of the jungle".

Directions and activities


Ecological - valeological activity

  • Environmental game:

"A clean spring in your home."

  • UDB Quiz: "Our Common Home".
  • Cognitive - entertaining program "Cats are cats".
  • ICB Ecological Journey:

"Traveling with the tortoise Tortila".

  • CSI KNPP excursion to the LVDC environment.
  • UDB Ecological Brain - Ring:

"In the kingdom of flora and fauna."

  • Contest of handicrafts from natural materials "Gifts of the forest".
  • MCB Ecological Brain-Ring:

"Who is the most important in Lake Udomlya?"

  • Conversation "First aid for sunstroke."

Directions and activities


Aesthetic education

  • Competition for the best design of the detachment corner.
  • House of Crafts. Master Class.

Decoration made of natural material: "Wind chime".

  • Competition "Miss SUN".
  • House of Crafts. Master Class

"Guardian on a spatula".

  • Conversation "The Country of the Polite".
  • Conversation "Rules of Etiquette".

Directions and activities


Patriotic education

  • Electronic game - video travel dedicated to the Independence Day: "I love you, my Motherland."
  • Literary - patriotic quiz: "We know about the war from stories ...".
  • Presentation dedicated to the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War "70 years of Victory".
  • Literary and musical composition: "Glory to you, victor, soldier."

Directions and activities


  • Conversation "Be careful on the road."
  • Game "Who's the boss on the road."
  • Sports and game holiday "Young Firefighter".
  • Conversation "Rules of conduct in case of fire"
  • Competition "Road Marathon".
  • Drawing competition "Country Svetoforiya".
  • Conversation "Rules of conduct on the bus"
  • The game "We are passengers".
  • Conversation "Caution, stabbing objects."
  • Competition on knowledge of traffic rules "Caution - ROAD!"
  • Conversation "We are pedestrians!"
  • Conversation "Be always careful and attentive."
  • Practical lesson "If you are in an extreme situation."

Legal education

Directions and activities


  • Holiday "Happy Childhood".
  • Contest of drawings on asphalt "Summer is a small life".
  • Exhibition of drawings "That's such a SUN!"
  • Opening holiday of the camp shift

Educational and

leisure activities

"Summer is a small life".

  • Contest "Multi-console" - a wonderful country ".
  • Pushkin Day of Russia. The game is a journey: "And the scientist cat told me his tales."
  • House of crafts master class

"Photo frame made of cereals and legumes."

  • Competitive game program: "The Frog - the Traveler".

Educational and

leisure activities

  • Children's game club "Neskuchayka" - children's dance and entertainment program.
  • Drawing competition "Flower-seven-flower".
  • Literary brain-ring:

"Riddles of the wise owl."

  • Entertainment program: "About fairy tales for fun and in earnest."
  • Competitive game program:

"Catch, fish, big and small."

  • House of crafts master class

"Doll-amulet made of threads."

  • Entertainment

"An evening of fun games and contests."

  • Camp Shift Closing Celebration

"Goodbye, SUN!"

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Creation of conditions for good rest, health improvement of children, development of their internal potential, assistance in the formation of key competencies of pupils on the basis of their inclusion in various, socially significant and personally attractive activities, meaningful communication and interpersonal relations in a multi-age group, development of children's creative abilities.

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Create conditions for organized recreation of children. Introduce children to creative activities, the development of creative thinking. Contribute to the formation of cultural. behavior, sanitary and hygienic culture. Create favorable conditions for strengthening the health of children. Provide the child with the opportunity for self-realization on individual personal potential. To form in children the skills of communication and tolerance.

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Always shine, shine everywhere! The principle of humanization of relations. The principle of correspondence of the type of cooperation to the psychological age characteristics of students and the type of leading activity. The principle of democracy. The principle of differentiation of education. The principle of creative individuality.

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camp "SOLNYSHKO" City Museum of Local Lore Swimming Pool at the School of the Central Intelligence Service KNPP Cinema Hall Playground at the School City Department of Culture and Sports Summer Health School Camps School and City Libraries Places of Residence City Children's Polyclinic EMERCOM of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Music School City newspapers, radio, television

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strengthening the health of children; improving the social and psychological climate in the camp; a decrease in the growth rate of negative social phenomena among children; strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages and nationalities; the formation of skills, skills, the acquisition of life experience of adequate behavior in extreme situations; development of creativity, initiative and activity of the child; instilling self-service skills; increased sense of patriotism; respect for native nature; improvement of the material and technical base of the organization of summer recreation and health improvement of children; creation of favorable conditions for the improvement of children through cooperation with institutions of additional education, the traffic police, the Ministry of Emergencies.

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DAY MODE 8.30 - 8.45 Gathering children 8.45 - 9.00 Charging 9.00 - 9.15 Ruler 9.20 - 10.00 Breakfast 10.00 - 12.00 Outdoor games, walk, city-wide events, detachment events. 12.00 - 13.00 Circle work, wellness procedures 13.00 - 13.30 Lunch 13.30 - 14.30 Club hour, walk 14.30 Leaving home

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Master's law. The Law of Accuracy. The Law of Raised Hands. Everyone is responsible for what happens to him. Believe in yourself and your strength.

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Directions and types of activities Activities Labor activity Operation "Green Patrol" (weeding on the school site). Operation "Merry Stream" (watering at the school site). Landscaping work. Canteen duty (daily).

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Directions and types of activity Activities Sports and recreation activities Exercise (daily). Sports outdoor games. Conversation "Rules of conduct for outdoor games". Conversation "Safety rules at the stadium". "Fun starts with the ball and balls." Sports and game holiday "Young Firefighter". Sports - game program "Call of the jungle". Intercamp Spartakiad.

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Directions and types of activity Activities Ecological - valeological activity of UDB Ecological game: “A clean spring in your house”. UDB Quiz: "Our Common Home". Cognitive - entertaining program "Cats are cats". ICB Ecological journey: "Traveling with the tortoise Tortila". CSI KNPP excursion to the LVDC environment. UDB Ecological brain - ring: "In the kingdom of flora and fauna". Contest of handicrafts from natural materials "Gifts of the forest". MCB Ecological Brain-Ring: "Who is the most important in Lake Udomlya?" Conversation "First aid for sunstroke."

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Directions and types of activity Activities Aesthetic education Competition for the best design of the detachment corner. House of Crafts. Master Class. Decoration made of natural material: "Wind chime". Competition "Miss SUN". House of Crafts. Master class "Amulet on a spatula". Conversation "The Country of the Polite". Conversation "Rules of Etiquette".

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Areas and types of activities Activities Patriotic education UDB Electronic game - video travel dedicated to the Independence Day: "I love you, my Motherland." SB Literary - patriotic quiz: "We know about the war from stories ...". Presentation dedicated to the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War "65 years of Victory". UDB Literary and musical composition: "Glory to you, victor, soldier."

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Directions and types of activities Activities Legal education Conversation "Be careful on the road." Game "Who's the boss on the road." Sports and game holiday "Young Firefighter". Conversation "Rules of conduct in case of fire" Competition "Road Marathon". Drawing competition "Country Svetoforiya". Conversation "Rules of conduct on the bus" Game "We are passengers". Conversation "Caution, stabbing objects." Competition on knowledge of traffic rules "Caution - ROAD!" Conversation "We are pedestrians!" Conversation "Be always careful and attentive." Practical lesson "If you are in an extreme situation."

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Directions and types of activities Activities Educational and leisure activities Holiday "Happy childhood". Contest of drawings on asphalt "Summer is a small life". Exhibition of drawings "That's such a SUN!" Opening holiday of the camp shift "Summer is a small life". МЦБ Competitive - game program: "Case with Evseika". Contest "Multi-console" - a wonderful country ". UDB and SB Pushkin Day of Russia. The game is a journey: "And the scientist cat told me his tales." House of Crafts master class "Photo frame made of cereals and legumes." МЦБ Competitive - game program: "The Frog - the traveler".

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Educational and leisure activities of the RDK Children's game club "Neskuchayka" - children's dance and entertainment program. SB Literary quiz dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. Volkov: "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Drawing competition "Flower-seven-flower". UDB Literary brain-ring: "Riddles of the wise owl". Entertainment program: "About fairy tales for fun and in earnest." МЦБ Competitive - game program: "Catch, fish, big and small". House of handicrafts master class "Amulet doll made of threads." Entertainment program "An evening of fun games and contests." Closing holiday of the camp shift "Goodbye, SUN!"

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Day 1 DDT Holiday "Happy Childhood" Conversation "Be careful on the road." Game "Who is the boss on the road" Competition of drawings on the asphalt "Summer is a small life" Day 2 UDB Environmental game: "A clean spring in your house" Self-government. The choice of an asset, the design of the detachment corners: the name of the detachment, the chant, the motto, the emblem. Conversation "Rules of conduct in the dining room." Organization of the shift Day 3 UDB Quiz: "Our common home" Group I Exhibition of drawings "This is a SUN!" Sports competition: "Funny starts with the ball and balls" Conversation "Safety rules at the stadium" Day 4 UDB Quiz: "Our common home" Group II Opening holiday of the camp shift "Summer is a small life" Day 5 ICB Competitive game program: " The case of Yevseyka "The Central Information Center of the KNPP excursion to the LVDC environment Conversation" Rules of conduct in the library "Contest" Multi-remote "- a wonderful country" Day 6 UDB and SB Pushkin Day of Russia. Game - journey: "And the scientist cat told me his tales" House of crafts master class "Frame for a photo of cereals and legumes" Informative - entertainment program "Cats are cats" Conversation "Be careful with pets"

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7 day RDK Children's game club "Neskuchayka" - children's dance and entertainment program of the ICB Competitive and game program: "Frog - traveler" Sports - game holiday "Young firefighter" Conversation "Rules of conduct in case of fire" 8 day UDB Electronic game - video travel dedicated to Independence Day: "I love you, my homeland" ICB Ecological journey: "Traveling with the tortoise Tortilla" Conversation "Be attentive on the river" Competition "Road marathon" 9th day of the SB Literary quiz dedicated to the 120th anniversary of A. Volkov's birth: " The Wizard of the Emerald City "Drawing contest" Seven-flower flower "Conversation" Be careful, avoid injuries ". Medical assistance for bruises Day 10 UDB Literary brain-ring: "Riddles of a wise owl" House of crafts master class Decoration from natural material "Wind chime" Entertainment program: "About fairy tales for fun and seriously" Conversation "Rules of conduct on the bus" Game "We passengers "11 day ICB Competition - game program:" Catch, fish, big and small "Contest" Miss SUN "Conversation" Rules of etiquette "Day 12 UDB Ecological brain - ring:" In the kingdom of flora and fauna "Group I House of crafts master class "Doll-amulet made of threads" Competition and game program "Call of the jungle" Conversation "First aid in case of sunstroke"