The causes of dandruff formation. The causes of dandruff and its types. Thick fatty type

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale, which is present on the hairy skin of every person. Under the influence of various negative factors, the vital activity of the fungus is activated, its quantity increases and the life cycle of the cells of the epidermis of the head is disrupted. Instead of the prescribed twenty-eight to thirty-two days, they live only eight, which leads to the accumulation of dead particles on the surface of the skin. That is why dandruff is a medical, not a cosmetic problem, and it should be solved under the guidance of a dermatologist or trichologist.

The appearance of dandruff is not affected by the quality of the hair - it can occur regardless of whether they are dry, oily or normal. As for the age factor, it plays an important role. It is noted that young people 14-25 years old are most susceptible to its appearance - it is at this age that sebum is secreted in excess, which is an additional provoking factor. In older people, sebum secretion is minimized, therefore, dandruff is practically not found.


The causes of dandruff are based on a number of factors associated with functional failures in the body's systems, mainly endocrine, nervous and digestive. In addition, the appearance of excessive flaking is often due to external causes related to the environment and skin care.

Diseases that contribute to dandruff:

  • neurological disorders: stress, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome,;
  • unbalanced diet: eating too many sweets and flour products;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: and the duodenum,;
  • chronic diseases of the urinary system:,;
  • genetically determined features of the structure and secretion of the scalp;
  • improper scalp care: using inappropriate shampoos and other skin care products;
  • rare or, conversely, too frequent hair hygiene contributes to dandruff;
  • aggressive chemical composition of tap water used for shampooing;
  • exposure to dry air: using a hair dryer, ironing, hair curlers, central heating in the cold season;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body: A, Z, group B, zinc, magnesium, healthy vegetable fats;
  • an allergic reaction to the fibers that make up the headwear;
  • lowered immunity;
  • skin diseases:,;
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol.

It is noted that the risk of dandruff appears significantly in the cold season - the reason for this phenomenon lies in a small amount of ultraviolet radiation, which has the ability to neutralize the fungus, and in the presence of a large amount of synthetics in hats.


There are three types of dandruff:

  • Dry dandruff is characterized by a large number of dry scales on the surface of the epidermis of the scalp, resulting from a lack of sebum production. With dry dandruff, the scales are easily separated from the hair, crumble and remain on clothes. Their number varies depending on the degree of the disease - in the initial stages they are noticeable only upon closer examination, and in difficult cases they cover the entire head of the patient. This type of dandruff is often accompanied by dry, brittle and split hair.
  • Oily liquid dandruff occurs due to increased sebum production, which, in turn, is a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. The pathology is easy to recognize by the appearance of the skin - it becomes shiny, covered with enlarged pores. The hair takes on an unkempt, unkempt look: it is as if it is smeared with fat and lies on the head in sparse, thin strands, studded with yellowish scales. The processes occurring in the epidermis when oily seborrhea occurs, often lead to a loss of bactericidal properties, as a result of which painful and poorly healing abscesses form on the head. Oily liquid dandruff often leads to baldness.
  • Oily, thick dandruff, just like liquid dandruff, occurs due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, but at the same time it is accompanied by a blockage of their ducts. The disease is often complicated by the appearance of acne and follicles on the scalp, the hair becomes stiff, their shafts thicken, and the number increases.


The symptomatology of the disease depends on its type and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • scales covering the scalp - depending on the type of dandruff, they can easily come off or adhere firmly to the surface of the epidermis and the base of the hair;
  • violation of the balance of sebum production - the skin becomes too dry or, conversely, too oily;
  • untidy appearance;
  • itching and other discomfort;
  • increased hair loss, baldness.

The listed symptoms may also apply to other dermatological diseases of the scalp (seborrhea, lichen), therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out a qualified diagnosis with the help of a specialist.


In diagnosing dandruff, the main emphasis is on the symptomatic manifestations of the disease. But since dandruff is only an external manifestation of the internal problems of the body, it is the doctor's task to examine the patient in order to identify them.

Methods for identifying diseases:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general analyzes of urine and feces;
  • hormone tests;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract.

If necessary, other diagnostic methods are also involved in identifying the causes that provoked the appearance of dandruff, and other specialists are also involved - a gastroenterologist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist.


Dandruff treatment is divided into two directions - the first is to neutralize the causes that caused it, and the second is to get rid of external symptoms. If the first stage completely depends on the results of the examination and the diagnosis made by the doctor, then for the second, as a rule, pharmacy antifungal shampoos, lotions, serums, balms and masks are used. Natural shampoos based on tar, St. John's wort, sulfur, boron, fermented milk products, salicylic acid, ichthyol also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp.

Other therapies:

  • hormonal and vitamin therapy (taking zinc, sulfur, B vitamins);
  • ultraviolet treatment;
  • drugs that normalize bowel function;
  • immunity-enhancing drugs.

To stimulate the production of keratin (a protein that plays a direct role in the formation of the hair structure), vasoconstrictors are topically prescribed.


Long-term absence of dandruff treatment is fraught with such negative consequences as weakening of hair follicles, thinning and thinning of hair, their fragility, and as a result - loss of an attractive appearance. The disease can also provoke various inflammatory processes in the skin, the cause of which is the scratching of the constantly itchy skin and the introduction of infection into it.


Preventing dandruff comes down to following the general rules of a healthy lifestyle, as well as observing hygiene standards.

Measures to reduce the risk of dandruff:

  • Thorough yet moderate hygiene: the ideal frequency of washing your hair is 2-3 times a week. At the same time, products for scalp and hair care should be carefully selected taking into account individual characteristics, have the most natural composition, and if a person has a tendency to form dandruff, then periodic use of special therapeutic agents is desirable as a preventive measure.
  • A healthy balanced diet, which must include legumes, nuts, dairy products, plenty of fresh, boiled and stewed fruits and vegetables. You should exclude from the menu or minimize the use of all foods that can negatively affect the digestion process, provoke or diarrhea (white flour baked goods, carbonated drinks, fast food, chips, fried foods, etc.).
  • Monitor the state of the nervous system: do not interfere with work and rest, try to rest more, fill life with positive impressions.

Preventive measures also include maintaining a healthy immune system (playing sports, swimming, staying in the fresh air for at least two hours on weekdays and at least four hours on weekends, appropriate for age and physical fitness), and giving up bad habits.


The initial stages of dandruff usually take 4 to 6 weeks to heal. In more advanced cases, especially those aggravated by endocrine disorders, this period is extended by the time required for a complete cure of the underlying disease. If the disease is chronic, then dandruff treatment must be carried out several times a year.

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Dandruff can occur for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are:

  • Disorders in the functioning of internal organs. As a rule, certain malfunctions occur precisely in the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. This phenomenon can be provoked by various gastrointestinal diseases, problems in the thyroid gland, as well as endocrine disorders. Dandruff can also cause severe nervous breakdowns, constant stay in stressful situations.
  • Wearing dirty hats, using stale bedding. In order not to suffer from dandruff, it is necessary to regularly change bedding and wash hats. If this is not done, ideal conditions are created for the development of fungi that are located on the scalp.
  • Using the wrong shampoo. It is not recommended to use low-quality and very cheap products, because they can cause the development of seborrhea.
  • Rare hair washing. The head should be washed as it gets dirty. In some cases, this has to be done every day. Do not neglect this rule, as the accumulated dust and dirt can seriously harm the health of your hair.
  • Disruptions in the process of cell renewal, which must take place every 25 days.
  • Harmless yeast fungus. It lives on the body of every person, but when favorable conditions are created, it begins to multiply intensively. An increase in the amount of fungus occurs as a result of a change in pH. The onset of the development of seborrhea is provoked, which is accompanied by a rather strong feeling of itching. The scalp begins to itch constantly, the number of white flakes increases sharply.
  • Improper scalp care. Dandruff can occur as a result of too frequent coloring, abuse of a hairdryer or an iron to straighten hair, or the use of inappropriate caring cosmetics. Often seborrhea is provoked by an incorrectly selected shampoo or balm, masks. As a result of excessive use of foam or varnish of strong fixation, a film is formed that clogs the scalp, therefore, the water-lipid component changes.
  • Improper nutrition. The development of seborrhea occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. The scalp can begin to itch badly as a result of vitamin deficiency, dramatic weight loss, excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion, constant depression, and overstrain create ideal conditions for the development of yeast. As a result, the head begins to itch strongly, the correct metabolism is disrupted, and ugly flakes appear.
  • Hormonal disruptions. Such changes can occur as a result of age-related changes, in violation of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy.

1. Changes in metabolism are one of the factors.

In addition to the above reasons, dandruff often appears from a bad, improperly selected shampoo. One shampoo for the whole family, budget options and the use of shampoos designed for the opposite sex lead to all sorts of diseases of the scalp and hair.

You should not save on health, because the treatment will cost much more. In the store, you need to select shampoos for each family member separately, including children.

The cell renewal period is 25-30 days. They are born in the basal layer of the epidermis, and moving to the surface of the skin gradually lose moisture and become flat, as a result, completely keratinized.

In the process of washing, they are easily washed off the head. BUT, if this period is suddenly reduced to 7-10 days, then our cells do not have time to "mature", remaining still sticky, as a result sticking together, they form well-visible white flakes.

All this can be accompanied by itching, sometimes severe, causing mechanical irritation of the head and even wounds due to scratching.

Dandruff can also be of the oily type. When the sebaceous glands work very actively, they form a greasy layer on the scalp and separate yellowish clusters in the form of plaques.

As for how often and who has dandruff more often, the answer will be unequivocal - in men and women equally, in children and the elderly - less often. By the way, in children, dandruff usually appears at a transitional age, and in the older generation "over 50", on the contrary, it loses its activity.

Actually, as I understood, dandruff is becoming less common in our time, usually it is already mother seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

There are the following reasons for the appearance of dandruff:

  • weather conditions that disrupt the work of the sebaceous glands (for example, sudden temperature changes in winter, heat and dry air in summer, high humidity in autumn and spring);
  • hereditary factor;
  • lack of vitamins, which usually occurs in the winter-spring period;
  • improper diet, the predominance of fatty and spicy foods in the diet, which disrupts the normal metabolism;
  • hormonal changes in the body associated with age-related changes or health problems;
  • improper scalp care, very frequent or rare hair washing, choice of unsuitable means of cleansing, styling, fixing;
  • all kinds of infections and allergies;
  • being in an unstable emotional state, stress, depression.

Dandruff is loose skin and is a mild manifestation of a condition such as seborrheic dermatitis. If we turn to the Latin language, then the literal translation of the word “dandruff” sounds like “bran”.

This is due to the fact that the separated skin particles in appearance resemble a well-known dietary product.

While dandruff is a common occurrence for many people, it is a medical term that causes small particles of skin to flake off at a significant rate. He worries the patient for a long time, sometimes throughout his life, the localization of the pathological process is the scalp. To get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder, you need to know about the causes of dandruff and how to deal with it.

The top layer of the scalp is an accumulation of keratinized cells, which eventually flake off the surface, thereby making room for new growth.

The nucleation of cells occurs in the deepest layers of the epidermis and, passing the way to the uppermost layer, the cells lose moisture, become flatter and thinner.

Typically, scalp cells are renewed every 3-3.5 weeks, but if this process shrinks to just one week, the cells no longer have time to fully form. As a result, they are pressed together, forming white porous flakes - dandruff on the head.

Causes and Symptoms

The more common name for dandruff is seborrhea. Proceeding as an inflammatory process in the scalp, this disease is characterized by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the secretion of sebaceous secretion increases or decreases.

In some cases, with seborrhea, the chemical composition of sebum is also disturbed.

Fungal skin lesions

The most common cause of dandruff in men is poor diet. Refusal or excessive consumption of sweets and other complex carbohydrates leads to an increase in the sweat glands on the scalp or dry skin.

Hormonal imbalance can also lead to this problem. The highest point of hormonal activity in men is the period of puberty. The good news is that dandruff most often disappears after the end of this period, of course, if during this time the situation is not aggravated.

In addition, men rarely choose their hair care products carefully. Very often, instead of shampoo, ordinary soap is used. This is the third most common cause of scalp and hair problems in men.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor always makes a diagnosis first. The same is in the fight against dandruff: first you need to find out the reasons for its appearance, and then get rid of the "snowflakes".

There are several reasons leading to the accelerated separation of dermis particles on the head.

There are certain factors that, under the influence of each other, aggravate the existing problem:

So, let's figure out why dandruff appears on the head. Dandruff is the body's response to an irritant.

Conditionally, the reasons for its appearance are divided into two categories: endogenous and exogenous. The former are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the human body, the latter are caused by external influences on the skin and hair.


  • infectious diseases caused by a fungus;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, E;
  • serious malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • improper functioning of the digestive system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • serious stress.


  • frequent staining;
  • overdrying hair with a hairdryer, curling irons;
  • the use of substandard or expired hair care products;
  • hypothermia of the head or prolonged exposure to the sun.

Of the above reasons, the main ones are fungal infection and metabolic disorders.

The scalp infection is caused by the yeast Malassezia Furfur. It lives on the epidermis of both the patient and the healthy person.

It feeds on sebum and normally, in terms of the number of individuals, it should not exceed 30-50% of the entire microflora of the scalp. But if you create suitable living conditions for him (dirty and oily skin, improper skin and hair care, etc.), then the fungus begins to multiply vigorously, which irritates the epidermis, and this leads to the fact that skin cells develop incorrectly and flake off too early.

Metabolic disorders are the second most common cause of dandruff. Incorrect metabolism causes disruptions in the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin, and the sebum secretion regime is disrupted.

It is important to start treating dandruff by identifying the cause.

Pediculosis, seborrheic dermatitis, fungal skin lesions - all these diseases cause such an unpleasant symptom as itching of the scalp. We will consider the reasons for negative feelings in the article, and also talk about methods of treatment and prevention.

We will consider the types of dandruff remedies here. We will also tell you how to choose the right drug for getting rid of dandruff correctly.

And in this thread We will learn how to select an effective anti-dandruff shampoo and how to use hair washing products.

Noticing dandruff on their heads, most immediately run to the store to purchase the advertised shampoo. However, the problem can not always be solved by changing the hair detergent.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of dandruff, and in order for the treatment to pass quickly and, most importantly, successfully, you need to know exactly what triggered the imbalance.

Conventionally, all the causes that cause dandruff can be divided into two types: the so-called internal and external.

The first should include disturbances in the work of the organism itself, caused by a weakening of immunity or some kind of disease.

The external reasons include all those factors that affect the scalp from the outside.

Dandruff varieties

Dandruff is divided into dry and oily. Determining its type is quite simple.

In the event that after using the shampoo there is a feeling of dryness and itching on the head, as well as white grains, then this is dry dandruff. As a rule, this type of dandruff indicates a metabolic disorder in the body, as well as a violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

In the event that itching on the scalp worries, and after the hair has been washed, it seems unkempt, then such symptoms indicate oily dandruff. This type of dandruff is more difficult to spot on hair, but if left untreated, it can cause hair loss.

There are two types of dandruff - oily and dry. The main feature of dry dandruff is a reduced level of sebum production.

Its development can occur with increased dryness of the skin. As a result, small scales appear in the parietal and frontal regions of the head, which easily come off.

This creates a light spray effect.

With an increased level of sebum secretion, oily dandruff is formed. The scales in this case are quite large and noticeable.

They stick together to form "flakes". If untreated, the scales turn into a sufficiently dense mass that prevents oxygen from reaching the scalp.

Hair loses its natural shine, becomes very oily, and begins to shine ugly.

Finding the cause alone is not always enough: before treating dandruff, you need to decide on its type. This is a very important point, because the principle of treatment and the choice of anti-dandruff remedies depend on it.

So, dandruff can be:

  • dry (scalp flakes, there is a feeling of tightness);
  • oily (first, a greasy shine appears on the hair, they become greasy, and then dandruff appears).

A simple experiment will help to correctly determine the type of dandruff: wash your hair and after 2-3 days press a napkin or paper towel to your hair. If there are traces of grease on it, then you are dealing with the second type of dandruff.

In any case, if peeling and itching give you noticeable discomfort, it is better not to experiment, but to see a doctor right away, especially if a child has dandruff. He will diagnose and prescribe the correct solution.

Dandruff can be dry and oily. The first is caused by the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale, which lives in the body of every person.

With poor immunity, it accelerates the growth of epidermal cells, as a result of which the scalp is quickly renewed. With oily dandruff, the scalp melts like an orange peel with enlarged pores and yellow pustules, the hair quickly turns oily and the crusts are difficult to separate for this reason.

Dandruff on the head is different, and conditionally it is divided into two types: oily and dry.

Dandruff symptoms


Dandruff with seborrhea is a well-visible, exfoliating particles of the stratum corneum. Depending on the type and thickness, these scales are scaly, leaf-shaped, layered, rough, easily detached or firmly adhered to the skin.

The color can range from white to grayish silver and yellow. In people with dark hair and seborrhea, dandruff is more noticeable, and when brushing, the scales shift along the entire length of the hair.

The fact that a person suffers from dandruff is indicated by the following symptoms:

    The appearance of white scales on outerwear, on the hair and shoulders, on the comb and on the hat. These scales represent the detached layer of the epidermis of the head.

    Most often, with dandruff, the scalp is dry, however, it can also be oily. Both of these pathological conditions of the dermis are the result of metabolic disorders.

    Hair looks unhealthy. They become brittle and dull.

    If the painful condition progresses, then the exfoliated scales of the dermis become larger, yellowish-gray crusts form on the head, and spots appear.

    The scalp is itchy.

After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment

You need to start with nutrition. During treatment for dandruff, you need to establish your own diet.

You should also refrain from alcohol during treatment. It is very important to add to your diet foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, copper, calcium and zinc.

In order to achieve positive treatment results, you need to follow the correct daily regimen and choose hair care products.

How is dandruff treated?

Dandruff diagnostics

So, if you decide to fight dandruff, then you can try using folk remedies. Many herbs and infusions are capable of eliminating it if it is only a cosmetic defect.

Dandruff is characterized by white flakes. In some cases, a two-week treatment with folk remedies is quite enough.

However, if this did not bring results, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.

At the same time, if there is a worsening of the situation, then it is imperative to consult a doctor. This could be a dermatologist or trichologist.

The doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the disease and the severity of the situation. During a consultation with a specialist, you should accurately name the means that you use, talk about the nutritional characteristics.

Several signs that distinguish dandruff

  • From the course of school anatomy, we know that the largest organ is the skin. Therefore, dermatitis can develop on any part of the body, including the head. The initial stage of dermatitis is accompanied by itching;
  • Seborrheic eczema is a form of chronic dermatosis. It manifests itself as reddening of the scalp, especially behind the ears, as well as throughout the body. The disease can fade and worsen. As a rule, elderly people suffer from it.
  • Psoriasis is often localized not only in the knees and elbows, but also on the head. With this disease, silvery scales are formed, which is accompanied by itching and redness. Often, the development of psoriasis is accompanied by hair loss.
  • Microsporia is a fungal infection. This disease is transmitted from person to person. Microsporia is characterized by the formation of pink spots that flake off. The development of the disease is also accompanied by hair loss.

Today, a large number of different methods and means for combating dandruff are known. They need to be selected taking into account the reason that provoked its appearance.

Anti-dandruff hair shampoo

An anti-dandruff shampoo NISORAL® is a remedy for the treatment of seborrhea on the head, which helps to achieve a lasting result. The active ingredient of this drug is ketoconazole, a substance with a strong antifungal effect.

Thanks to this, NISORAL® not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but also successfully fights against the cause of dandruff - a fungus that causes the development of seborrhea on the head (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).

The effectiveness of ketoconazole against pathogens has been confirmed by the successful results of 64 clinical studies. This remedy can help defeat the pathogenic fungus and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea in 2 weeks, after which the hair becomes clean and tidy and looks healthy.

  • use of flaxseed oil in your daily diet;
  • shampooing with raw eggs;
  • rinsing hair with fermented milk products or thyme broth;
  • rubbing olive, burdock, castor oil into the scalp and hair roots, as well as calendula tincture an hour before washing;
  • the use of baths with a solution of sea salt;
  • using a garlic mask of crushed garlic and vegetable oil two hours before washing;
  • using a mask with colorless henna in case of oily dandruff.

If the use of home measures did not work, you need to contact a specialist (trichologist or dermatologist) to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

  • Related article: Platinus V Professional mask for weak hair.

Remember that the presence of dandruff is associated with poor immunity, so the first thing to do to eliminate this problem is to pay attention to your own health, switch to a healthy diet, temper the body and organize proper scalp care.

Video tips on how to get rid of dandruff at home:

Traditional methods of getting rid of dandruff include using shampoos that contain an antimycotic component. To decide on the choice of a suitable remedy, it is worth visiting a trichologist.

The fact is that dandruff can be a sign of serious disorders in the human body.

It is necessary to revise the diet, to increase the content of foods rich in fiber in it. In addition, for the period of treatment, one should refrain from exposing the dermis of the head to any aggressive substances, in particular, it concerns chemical staining, drying with a hairdryer, using an iron, curling iron, etc. ...

Anti-dandruff shampoo

Each and every patient will be prescribed the use of shampoos and lotions with antifungal agents.

Shampoo name



Ichthyol (Dermasence shampoo)

    It has not only antiseptic, but also analgesic effect;

    Relieves inflammation;

    Normalizes the rate of cell division, which promotes less scale formation, thereby eliminating the problem.

    Contains sulfur which has exfoliating properties.

    Improves metabolic processes.

    Does not contain antifungal component;

    The development of allergic reactions is possible, in the form of a rash and hyperemia of the scalp.

    Do not use if you have hypersensitivity to ichthyol.

Clotrimazole (Cloderm shampoo)

    Stops the growth of fungi and promotes their destruction;

    Has a wide range of not only antifungal, but antibacterial activity;

    It is not absorbed into the bloodstream when applied to inflamed skin areas.

    The development of allergic reactions from the skin, the appearance of a rash, itching, peeling, swelling and burning sensations is possible.

Bifonazole (Bifon shampoo)

    Possesses high antifungal activity, destroys the cell membrane of the fungus, contributing to its death;

    It is possible to use it in infants under medical supervision;

    It works for two days after use.

    The development of side reactions is possible - redness and burning of the skin;

    There is a possibility of developing allergic reactions.

Ketoconazole (part of the shampoos Sebozol, Perhotal, Mycozoral and Nizoral)

    Possesses antifungal (fungicidal) activity;

    Helps stop the growth of fungi;

    Effective against certain bacteria (gram-positive cocci).

    Forbidden for use during breastfeeding and during breastfeeding;

    The main active ingredient, ketoconazole, has a large number of side effects, so it is forbidden to use it without a medical recommendation.

Zinc pyrithione (Freederm Zinc shampoo)

    Has an antifungal effect;

    Helps relieve inflammation, eliminate dandruff symptoms;

    Possesses antibacterial activity;

    Use during pregnancy and lactation is possible;

    It has no side effects if you use the drug in accordance with the instructions.

    It is forbidden to use in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the product.

Octopirox (Seborin shampoo)

    Has a fungicidal effect;

    It is harmless when applied topically.

    The development of allergic reactions is possible, in the presence of high sensitivity.

Cyclopirox (Sebiprox shampoo)

    It has a high antifungal activity.

    It is forbidden to use under the age of 10 years, while carrying a child and while breastfeeding;

    Perhaps the development of local reactions in the form of itching of the skin, a burning sensation;

    Prohibited for long-term use (more than six months).

Salicylic acid (salicylic shampoo)

    Has an antibacterial effect;

    Has anti-inflammatory effect;

    It has a keratolytic and keratoplastic effect;


    Suppresses the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

    Itching and burning may occur;

    Redness of the skin is possible;

    Allergic reactions are possible;

    Cannot be used in children under 3 years of age.

Quassia Amara Extract (found in Quasix Cream)

    Possesses antimicrobial, antifungal properties;

    Helps relieve inflammation.

    Development of allergic reactions is possible;

    The active substance is of plant origin, the scope of which in medicine is limited.

Medical tar (shampoo Friderm Tar, Sebuton, T / Gel)

    Improves metabolic processes;

    Has antiseptic properties;

    Reduces flaking of the epidermis.

    Do not apply if the integrity of the skin is violated;

    Development of allergic reactions is possible;

    Contact dermatitis may develop;

    Prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Selenium sulfide (Sulsen shampoo)

    Blocks the division of cells in the epidermis;

    Reduces the production of corneocytes.

    Development of allergic reactions is possible;

    Local alopecia, discoloration of the hairline is not excluded;

    It is forbidden to use for exudative dermatitis and for injuries of the skin.

A higher therapeutic activity can be shown by means that include not one, but several active active substances. These are tools such as:

    Keto plus based on ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione;

    Algopix based on tar and salicylic acid;

    Quelual DS with cyclopiroxolamine, zinc pyrithione and queluamide;

    Phytosylic with cypress, frankincense and tea tree oils and salicylic acid;

    NodeDS with climbazole, zinc pyrithione and salicylic acid.

The best anti-dandruff shampoo

Sulsen Paste 2% is a means for effectively eliminating dandruff. The selenium disulfide included in its composition acts in such a way that it eliminates not only the visible scales of the epidermis, but also eliminates the very causes of their active division. Among the positive effects of using Sulsen's paste:

    Contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, eliminating excess sebum from the scalp.

    It has a preventive effect and prevents the formation of dandruff.

    Relieves itching caused by dandruff.

    Promotes the activation of the hair follicles, strengthens the hair shaft.

    Helps to stop destructive processes in the area responsible for hair growth.

    Has an effect on the renewal of epidermal cells.

    Improves nutrition of hair follicles.

    Unlike most dandruff remedies, Sulsena has a pleasant herbal scent and does not require further weathering of the hair.

    During the use of the paste, the head can be washed less often, which is associated with the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

    During treatment, you can use other cosmetics for hair, since there is no data on the incompatibility of Sulsen with any substance.

    Not only visible, but also the smallest invisible exfoliated dermis scales will be removed.

    The paste can be used as needed as it is pH neutral.

    The tool helps to eliminate toxins entering the scalp from the external environment, which is an obstacle to their destructive effect on the hair root apparatus.

    Has a prolonged effect.

Regular use of Sulsen's paste allows not only to get rid of dandruff, but also to enhance hair growth, making the dermis of the head and hair follicles healthy. The use of the agent is recommended as a prophylactic one.

Drugs used to normalize lipolysis processes

In order to normalize the process of splitting fats into constituent fatty acids, it is possible to use Riboflavin (takes part in the metabolism of fats, normalizes the process of their oxidation and reduction) and Methionine (regulates the synthesis of phospholipids from fats).

In addition, general strengthening treatment may be recommended for patients with dandruff. To do this, it is important to get rid of immunodeficiency, dysbiosis and hypovitaminosis. For this purpose, vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators and probiotics are prescribed.

Getting rid of dandruff is impossible without lifestyle correction. This applies to the emotional sphere, general physical condition and diet. If you cannot cope with stress, psychosis and nervousness on your own, then you should contact a psychotherapist. It is possible that it will be enough to take mild sedatives, for example, Persen.

Treatment of dandruff on the scalp, ideally, should begin, first of all, with a visit to a dermatologist or trichologist. The specialist will be able to more accurately diagnose and identify the cause of this problem.

However, there are general rules, observing which, you can prevent the appearance of dandruff or get rid of the hated white flakes that have already appeared in the hair.

It is very important to balance your daily diet. So, at least for a while, you should completely exclude sweet, fried and fatty foods, as well as foods that contribute to the accumulation of fat - all kinds of spices and smoked meats.

With dandruff on the head, it is important to eat more coarse fiber, cereals, vitamins B1, B2, B6, A.

Drinking plenty of fluids is also essential. Only preference should be given to ordinary purified water, avoiding coffee, strong black tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. With dry dandruff, water supplies the scalp cells with the necessary moisture, and with oily dandruff, it removes toxins from the body.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, correctly selected medical shampoo and folk remedies, you can cure dandruff on the head using special physiotherapeutic methods, among which the most common are darsonvalization and cryomassage.

  • Darsonvalization is a massage using a pulsed current. As a result, the skin is irritated, which leads to an increase in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, an improvement in the blood supply to the hair follicles, and the normalization of metabolism.

Thanks to this procedure, pustular inflammations heal, the cauterizing and disinfecting effect becomes noticeable.

Darsonvalization is especially effective for oily dandruff on the head.

  • Cryomassage acts on the scalp with liquid nitrogen. At low temperatures, typical for cryomassage, blood flow to the scalp significantly increases, the nutrition of the hair follicles improves, and the general condition is normalized. Cryomassage is more suitable for treating dry dandruff on the scalp.

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Additional funds

The benefits of folk remedies for dandruff are undeniable, but other methods should be used when treating the scalp.

  • Massaging daily will help improve blood circulation to the scalp, and dandruff will be significantly reduced. Do it 3-5 minutes a day.
  • Exercising your neck will also improve blood circulation to your head.
  • A custom comb is just as important as a personal toothbrush or underwear that you don’t want to change with anyone. In matters of hygiene, it is better to be an individualist.
  • Tar soap is hypoallergenic and indispensable for healing cracks in the scalp. Apply to roots of wet hair and then rinse thoroughly.

Dandruff is not a sentence. Regular care and competent prevention will help you get rid of this ailment and restore shine, beauty and strength to your hair.

Be healthy!

Why does shampoo dandruff appear?

Dandruff on the head requires the most careful approach when choosing a hair detergent. You shouldn't buy the widely advertised anti-dandruff shampoo, which promises to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

To treat the scalp, you must first contact a dermatologist, who will prescribe a special therapeutic shampoo, depending on the cause of dandruff.

Conventionally, anti-dandruff shampoos can be divided into several types, each of which works in a specific direction.

  • Antifungal shampoo contains nizoral or ketoconazole, which effectively fight the fungus.
  • Exfoliating shampoo with sulfur, zinc and selenium salts effectively slows down the growth of skin cells. As a result, the number of scales decreases, the work of the upper layer of the epidermis is normalized.
  • Sebum-regulating anti-dandruff shampoo can significantly reduce the production of sebum from the scalp. As a rule, such shampoos contain products of coal processing - tar or tar.
  • Shampoo without dyes and preservatives, with sodium ichthyol, protein and mineral supplements. This shampoo enhances blood circulation, improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. At the same time, it is very delicate, does not cause irritation and allergies, and therefore is suitable even for the most sensitive scalp.

Cosmetic shampoos can also help get rid of dandruff, but it is better to use them for preventive purposes, or in the very early stages of the appearance of dandruff.

They contain all the necessary components, but only in small quantities. In advanced cases, preference should be given to specialized pharmacy brands.

When choosing a detergent, it is equally important to consider the type of hair. Anti-dandruff shampoo cannot be universal and equally suitable for absolutely everyone.

Dry dandruff, oily or mixed, can only be determined by a specialist and will help you choose the most suitable drug.


In the absence of timely and correct treatment for dandruff, various complications may appear.

Hair becomes brittle, brittle, due to the large number of pathogens, they begin to thin out, fall out.

Due to the appearance of a sebaceous crust, the scalp breathes with difficulty, therefore, metabolic processes inside the epidermis are disrupted.

The consequences of untreated seborrhea are pustular diseases, serious fungal and bacterial infections.

Dandruff can cause hair loss on the scalp, so you need to take it very seriously.

Prevention of dandruff formation

In order not to look for methods to eliminate dandruff, you need to follow simple tips:

  • Wash your hair not with hot, but with soft warm water. After all, too hot water provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands.
  • After washing your hair, do not keep it wrapped in a towel for a very long time, as ideal conditions are created for the development of the fungus.
  • Hair should be washed as needed. Even every day if necessary. However, in this case, you need to choose a mild shampoo suitable for frequent use.
  • You should try to dry your hair less often with a hairdryer and use irons and curling irons for styling.
  • After each use of foams or hair sprays, it is imperative to rinse off these products in the evening.

Video on how to get rid of dandruff:

  1. It is helpful to massage your scalp regularly to improve blood flow and stimulate hair growth.
  2. The hairbrush should be individualized and washed once a day to avoid re-infection. The same applies to hats.
  3. It is advisable not to weigh your hair down with styling products.
  4. You need to protect yourself from worries and stress.
  5. In the summer, it is recommended to use a product to protect the scalp and hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
  6. It is important to establish proper nutrition.
  7. Once or twice a year you need to take a multivitamin complex.

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- This is a flaking of the scalp, as a result of which scales are formed due to desquamation of the epithelium. The appearance of dandruff is a sign of various disorders in the body, since it is not an independent disease. According to the WHO, more than 70% of the population note dandruff symptoms from time to time. When dandruff occurs, the first thing to think about is proper hair care. Excessive drying with a hairdryer, coloring and highlighting, perm, etc. procedures negatively affect the condition of the hair and can cause dandruff. Dandruff treatment consists in giving up these procedures, using hair care products specially selected by a trichologist, undergoing physiotherapy and cryomassage.

General information

- the appearance on the scalp of layered fatty or small dry scales of a whitish-yellowish color. It is accompanied by an itchy head, hair becomes dull, dry and brittle, or oily and shiny. It can serve as a manifestation of seborrhea, psoriasis, fungal skin lesions, nervous tension, vitamin A or group B deficiency, as a result of improper hair care, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff is a common cause of hair loss and is a significant cosmetic problem.

Dandruff reasons

The main cause of dandruff is a change in the condition of the scalp caused by an overgrowth of the fungal culture Malassezia Furfur. This fungus is an optional microflora of the scalp and under normal conditions its activity is asymptomatic.

The activation of M. furfur can be triggered by stress, disruption of the sebaceous glands, malnutrition, hormonal changes such as pregnancy, puberty, menopause. Very often, dandruff appears with improperly selected hair care. Frequent dyeing, perm, the use of styling products, drying with a hairdryer, neglect of hats in the cold season and vice versa, prolonged wearing them indoors lead to a shift in the microflora of the scalp. Broncho-pulmonary diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and a decrease in immunity can also lead to activation of the fungus. As a result of its activity, the cycle of development of epidermal cells changes, they peel off without having time to go through it completely, which is clinically manifested by the appearance of light-colored scales. Depending on the activity of the microorganism, dandruff can be observed in a specific part of the scalp, or it can be total.

Dandruff symptoms

Dandruff does not go unnoticed and, first of all, it is an aesthetic problem for patients, since the appearance of a person with dandruff in their hair becomes unkempt and unpleasant. Excessive washing and combing out dandruff with a hair dryer only aggravate the symptoms. In people with dark hair, dandruff is more noticeable, it is located in the form of scales throughout the entire mass of the hairline, since when combing, the scales of the exfoliated epithelium move downward. Patients note itching, sometimes the scalp is macerated due to scratching. Hair becomes dull, brittle, split ends, due to the fact that a layer of dandruff interferes with the normal functioning of hair follicles. If dandruff is common and no measures are taken to eliminate it, hair loss may begin. People, for whom dandruff is a problem, try to wear hats, dye their hair in lighter shades to make it less noticeable, which further aggravates the scalp condition.

Dandruff diagnosis and treatment

It is quite simple to diagnose dandruff, it is much more difficult to find the pathogenetic link that triggered the activation of M. Furfur. And, if at the consultation of a trichologist when interviewing a patient no obvious pathologies that could provoke the appearance of dandruff were identified, then first of all they adjust the mode of life and change the means for caring for hair and scalp.

It is necessary to limit the use of spicy, fried and fatty foods, the diet includes foods rich in fiber, vitamins of group B. If the cause of dandruff is a violation of the water balance, then the use of water (tea, fruit drinks, mineral water) quickly solves this problem; usually, in addition to dandruff, in this case, dry skin is observed, accompanied by flaking.

For the entire period of dandruff treatment, aggressive hairdressing procedures, drying with a hairdryer are excluded; it is recommended to use combs made of natural wood, which must be changed every few months, since wood absorbs sebum well.

Prescribed remedies for hair care, the problem of dandruff is solved by shampoos, which include antifungal components. The newest anti-dandruff treatment programs that are used in trichology are based on the use of complex therapy. The Folten Pharma treatment program contains a healing lotion and shampoo. The shampoo fights fungus, and the lotion heals the scalp by exfoliating existing dandruff, further nourishing the scalp and moisturizing the hair. The use of such programs, which already include keratolytic components and antifungal agents, help to reduce the appearance of dandruff by more than 90%. If dandruff tends to appear at certain times of the year, the treatment must be repeated to prevent it from occurring.

When medicinal cosmetics cannot cope with dandruff and in the presence of internal diseases that led to its appearance, physiotherapy is indicated. Cryomassage causes a consistent compression / expansion of the vessels of the scalp, which improves microcirculation and nutrition of the hair follicles. As a result, the local immunity is increased, the activity of the fungus is blocked, and the symptoms of dandruff disappear. Medicines applied to the skin after cryomassage are better absorbed.

For dandruff, darsonvalization of the scalp is indicated using a comb-type vacuum electrode. Irritation of the scalp causes a reflex improvement in vascular tone, which improves metabolism. The high-frequency current helps to cleanse the scalp from dandruff flakes, has an anti-inflammatory and cauterizing effect, which is especially important, since with dandruff, scratches and scratches are often observed. In addition, darsonvalization has a calming effect on the nervous system. Considering that the presence of dandruff is a psychological problem, and constant stress only aggravates the symptoms, physiotherapy in combination with medical cosmetics helps to eliminate both dandruff and nervous excitement.

Dandruff is not a life-threatening condition, it can be corrected quite well, but a combination of therapeutic therapy and self-treatment is unacceptable, since an excess of active substances can lead to seborrhea, which is much more difficult to treat.

The more common name for dandruff is seborrhea. Proceeding as an inflammatory process in the scalp, this disease is characterized by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the secretion of sebaceous secretion increases or decreases. In some cases, with seborrhea, the chemical composition of sebum is also disturbed.

The causes of dandruff on the head

Fungal skin lesions

The cause of seborrhea on the head is the spread and increase in the amount of a fungus from the genus Malassezia Furfur / Pityrosporum Ovale (Malassezia Furfur / Pityrosporum Ovale). These microorganisms live in the scalp of most people without harm to their health. If the amount of fungi does not exceed 30-50% (according to the article by T.V. Ileshina, TsKVI, Moscow) of the entire microflora of a given zone, i.e., its normal value, then dandruff does not occur. However, under suitable conditions, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, feeding on sebum. As a result of fungal infection and the development of seborrhea, increased keratinization of epidermal cells develops, skin cells grow and divide unevenly, not having time to go through the entire exfoliation cycle and sticking together. The keratinized particles mix with fats and form scales, from which dandruff appears on the scalp.


In this disease, there is an accumulation of many dead skin cells that stick together into dense gray dandruff flakes. Usually, the affected areas are localized on the knees, elbows, trunk, less often on the scalp. In the latter case, psoriasis is difficult to distinguish from fungal seborrhea.


Eczema on the scalp is a relatively rare cause of dandruff. However, if this disease is accurately established, the likelihood of an increase in the number of flaking scales on the affected area of ​​the skin is very high.

Contact dermatitis

This disease is most often a reaction to cosmetics. The reason for the negative reaction of the skin to the use of shampoos, masks, lotions, gels, as well as hair dyes is the sensitivity of tissues to some components of these drugs, most often to paraphenylene diamine.

Other diseases

For unknown reasons, people with neurological diseases (such as Parkinson's disease) are more at risk of developing seborrhea on the scalp. Also at risk for dandruff are people with cardiovascular disease, weakened immune systems, or gastrointestinal diseases.

Factors affecting the development of fungal infection

Seborrhea on the scalp (the correct name is seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp) can appear in almost anyone, but there are a number of factors that contribute to dandruff.

Mature age

Scalp dandruff is most common in people between the ages of 30 and 55. This risk of developing seborrhea is associated with the age-related manifestation of systemic disorders in the body, weakening of the immune system.


Dandruff is more common in men than in women, which is why it is hypothesized that male sex hormones play a role in its occurrence. Also, the likelihood of a favorable environment for the fungus and the development of seborrhea in men is higher due to the presence of more sebaceous glands in the scalp.

Oily skin or hair

To feed the fungus Malassezia (Malassezia), fats are needed, which are produced by the sebaceous glands. Therefore, increased oily skin is a risk factor for the development of seborrhea on the scalp and the appearance of dandruff.

Improper hair care

The cause of dandruff can be the use of shampoos containing aggressive surfactants, too frequent or, conversely, rare washing and combing the hair. In addition, seborrhea on the scalp can be associated with the use of various styling products (foams, varnishes), blow-drying and styling with hot tongs.

Improper nutrition

Seborrhea on the head can be caused by malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and a weakening of general immunity, which in turn arise from the abuse of fried, salty, spicy, sweet, fatty foods, and alcohol. A risk factor for dandruff is a lack of fermented milk and milk nutrition in the diet, as well as products that contain vitamins A, B, C and E, copper, calcium, zinc, selenium.

Cold season

Symptoms of seborrhea often occur in the cold season, since the development of the disease is facilitated by frequent temperature changes (street - room). The fungus that causes dandruff on the scalp thrives well in the warm, humid environment that often occurs under winter caps.

Symptoms of seborrhea


Dandruff with seborrhea is a well-visible, exfoliating particles of the stratum corneum. Depending on the type and thickness, these scales are scaly, leaf-shaped, layered, rough, easily detached or firmly adhered to the skin. The color can range from white to grayish silver and yellow. In people with dark hair and seborrhea, dandruff is more noticeable, and when brushing, the scales shift along the entire length of the hair.


In addition to dandruff with seborrhea, itching appears, provoking intense scratching of the skin. As a result, redness, inflammation and partial softening of the epidermis can occur.

Deterioration of hair condition

Since the layer of dandruff with seborrhea interferes with the normal functioning of the hair follicles, the hair does not receive sufficient nutrition and becomes dull, brittle, and split. If you do not find out why this pathology has arisen, and do not take any measures to treat it, hair loss may begin.

Dandruff treatment with NISORAL® shampoo

An anti-dandruff shampoo NISORAL® is a remedy for the treatment of seborrhea on the head, which helps to achieve a lasting result. The active ingredient of this drug is ketoconazole, a substance with a strong antifungal effect. Thanks to this, NIZORAL ® not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but also successfully fights against the cause of dandruff - the fungus that causes the development of seborrhea on the head (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).

The effectiveness of ketoconazole against pathogens has been confirmed by the successful results of 64 clinical studies. This remedy can help defeat the pathogenic fungus and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea in 2 weeks, after which the hair becomes clean and tidy and looks healthy.

What causes dandruff? This problem worries 30% of the world's population. To fight it, you need to know the reason for its appearance.

What is dandruff

In humans, there is a regular renewal of skin cells. Dead cells are constantly being pushed out by new ones. This process is the exfoliation of old cells from the top layer of the skin.

Dandruff is precisely the small scales that peeled off the skin. The frequency of renewal of skin cells in a healthy person is no more than a month. Flakes appear that are small in size and are few in number in quantitative composition. For this reason, they are difficult to spot.

When there are any negative changes in the body, the process of skin renewal is intensified. This happens at intervals of 9-11 days. A lot of scales exfoliate from the surface of the scalp. They stick together and peel off in large, noticeable blocks. This is why dandruff appears on the scalp.

The waste products of the fungi Malassezia restricta and Malassezia globosa cause rapid cell renewal. Every person has this type of fungus. But they begin to bring inconvenience only when their number exceeds the permissible norms.

Active reproduction of fungi provokes a dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. They begin to either secrete a secret in excess, or produce very little. For this reason, there are 2 types of dandruff:

  1. If the dandruff is oily, then its scales are large. They stick to each other and to the strands. The hairstyle quickly gets a greasy messy look. The skin is itchy.
  2. If the secretion of fat is reduced, then the skin becomes dry and exfoliates easily. Dandruff particles are small and concentrated mainly in the forehead and crown of the head. In most cases, this is accompanied by itching.

Dandruff is a fairly common chronic condition that occurs on the scalp. This disease is not dangerous to human health. It only brings significant inconvenience.

Causes of occurrence

Scalp dandruff is easily recognized in adults and adolescents. It consists of white scales of dead skin that stand out well on hair and clothes. Itching is added to the scales, and sometimes a feeling similar to dryness of the skin.

A special type of dandruff called newborn seborrheic dermatitis occurs only in babies. It always disappears on its own during the first year of a child's life.

Possible stressors provoking the accelerated reproduction of fungi, leading to the formation of dandruff:

  1. Systematic overstrain and stressful situations can negatively affect the scalp and scalp.
  2. Due to a lack of vitamins (A or B), the presence of fatty and hot dishes on the menu (that is, improper nutrition), dandruff may appear.
  3. Digestive system ailments, for example, dysbiosis.
  4. Dry skin is the most common cause of the disease. This leads to the fact that it appears more often in winter. During this period, the room is filled with more dry air, and the person consumes a minimum amount of liquid.
  5. Frequent use of a hair dryer to dry your hair can provoke dandruff. If the ailment is caused by dry skin, then the white scales are smaller than usual and not so oily and sticky.
  6. The wrong approach to hair care. This is expressed in too frequent shampooing or, conversely, the hair is rarely washed. In the first case, the natural lubricant (sebum) is washed out, and the skin dries out. If the head is not washed often enough, then dead cells will appear and accumulate on its skin. They mix with the fat and stick together, turning into large flakes.
  7. Scalp dandruff can occur due to poor circulation. To improve it, you need to do a head massage or take a contrast shower.
  8. Seborrheic dermatitis (oily and irritated skin) is a common cause of dandruff. The disease affects all areas of the skin, replete with many sebaceous glands: eyebrows, the area near the nose and behind the ears, the groin and chest area.
  9. A chronic skin condition is psoriasis. During its development, there is a rapid division of cells located in the upper layer. This leads to the accumulation of many dead cells at the hair roots. They form dense, shiny flakes. In most cases, psoriasis develops on the skin of the knees, elbows, and trunk. Sometimes it also spreads to the scalp.
  10. If the occurrence of pathology is associated with the use of new hair care products (shampoo, styling or hair dye), then this is contact dermatitis. It appears due to the increased sensitivity of the skin to this drug. If you stop using the allergy-causing agent, the dandruff disappears.
  11. Rapid multiplication of yeast-like fungus. The reasons for the increased proliferation are not fully understood. There are stressors that provoke its accelerated reproduction. They are due to:
  • the presence of oily skin;
  • changes associated with hormonal status;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • the use of oral contraceptives;
  • constant stress;
  • long-term ailments of internal organs;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • immunodeficiency.

Dandruff development factors

Any person can get ailment. Some stressors increase the likelihood of its occurrence. These include:

  1. A number of diseases. Patients suffering from immunodeficiency, neurological ailments, who have undergone severe conditions (patients with strokes or heart attacks) are more prone to developing seborrheic dermatitis. This can result in dandruff.
  2. Poor nutrition. In the absence of a sufficient amount of unsaturated fats, zinc, B vitamins in the menu, there is a possibility of the development of pathology.
  3. Age limits. Dandruff often occurs at a young age and lasts until middle age. But this does not mean at all that at an older age it cannot develop. Dandruff is usually not seen in children.
  4. Increased fat content of the scalp. Malassezia fungus feeds on fats produced by the sebaceous glands. Excessively oily hair is conducive to dandruff.
  5. Floor. Men are more likely to suffer from this disease. Male sex hormones play a decisive role in its development. Even the male sebaceous glands are much larger than those of the fairer sex. This is the main reason why you are more prone to dandruff.


By following these tips, you can significantly reduce your risk of dandruff:

  1. Learn to control yourself in stressful situations.
  2. Take proper care of your hair.
  3. Minimize your hair styling chemicals.
  4. Try to eat right, eat foods with essential minerals and vitamins.
  5. Get regular exposure to the sun and fresh air.

In most cases, it is quite difficult to get rid of dandruff completely. The treatment process itself is long. But almost always, the disease begins to give in to control.

If a mild form of the disease has appeared (not tied to dermatological or neurological pathologies), then to eliminate it, it is enough to reduce the level of fat content of the skin. You just need to change the shampoo to one that will not irritate the skin.

For more difficult cases, special medicated shampoos can help. Experts recommend taking complex external antifungal agents.