Cool and funny statuses about female friendship. Cool statuses about female friendship

There is always a lot of talk about female friendship. Someone recognizes its existence, but most deny female friendship, as such. We will not deal with this complex, philosophical and epochal issue, but will approach it with humor ...
● Two friends are walking along the seashore. And suddenly one of them found a bottle. I opened it, and Jin flew out.
- Quickly say three cherished wishes!
She says:
- I want to live long and always be young and the most beautiful!
Jin grunted something there - she became a written beauty, rejuvenated immediately.
- I also want to be rich!
Jin muttered something - credit cards, bucks, gold-diamonds began to pour around her.
- And I want to live with Brad Pitt!!!
Jin grumbled and vanished. Suddenly a helicopter flew in, Brad Pitt jumped out of it, picked her up and carried her away in his arms to the helicopter.
The second friend looked after the first lucky woman, pouted, and went further along the beach. Look - and there is another bottle. She opened it, and there was Ginyonok.
- I want, - she says, - to be Miss World, to live forever, to be the richest, and always have the most beautiful men around!
- I, - says Dzhinok, - is still small, I am not even a thousand years old, I can fulfill only one wish, and even then, so far only metal objects are good for me.
The second friend thought a little and said:
- Zakuy then forever my girlfriend in a chastity belt!
The wife did not come home to spend the night, and in the morning she told her husband that she had spent the night with a friend.
Husband called 10 best friends - they all said they didn't have her.
The husband did not come home to spend the night, and in the morning he said that he had spent the night with a friend.
Wife called 10 best friends. 5 said that he spent the night with them, and another 5 said that he is still with them.

Compliments for a friend ;)

● You've lost so much weight! You even have pantyhose on!
● What a cool dress you have, I would also look for something like that for curtains!
● Mmmm! What a wonderful smell! Is this a sampler from last year's fashion magazine?
● Oh, what a cool suit you have on! I want to buy one for my mom too!
● What an amazing ring! And inexpensive, right?
● You don't walk, but flutter straight! Like Carlson!
● I'm looking at you and I just can't understand - and what did the men find in me?
● Can you tell me where is the nearest decent second-head? You must know.
● Do not be so upset! This sweatshirt didn't suit me at all.
● Listen, how do you manage to look so different, but all the time in the same dress?
● Which one of ours did you see? Oh, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting that you're minus seven...
●Are you getting better? Listen, it suits you! No one can get better, but you go! And don't listen to anyone!
● Well, today someone will covet you!
● So what if you're a bitch! But look how this handbag goes with your sandals!
● What are you - again on a diet, and it does not help?
And finally, a few definitions about female friendship
● The friendship of three women is just a conspiracy of two against a third.
● Female friendship is when friends envy each other silently...
● Women's friendship as such does not exist, it's just a non-aggression pact. For example, like this:

There's no reason for us to fight
We both want one
"Don't touch my man
I won't touch yours!"

These are all jokes ... Women's, men's - she either has friendship, or she simply does not exist ...

My friend knows too much about me, so it remains to either kill her or be friends with her to death.

Personally, it worries me when my girlfriend puts the status I think ... She is blonde ...

A friend is a friend. You call her at night, tell her that you fell in love. And she just says in a hoarse voice "Sleep!" and hangs up. Then he will call back and say: Open the door for me. Only quietly.

The best friend, just like special forces all rolled into one, will come to the rescue anywhere in the world: along with alcohol, dry rations and a shoulder to cry on.

We sit with one friend, grind the bones of another friend. FEMALE FRIENDSHIP IS A FINE MATTER!

A true friend will never ask why? She silently buys, brings, opens and pours ...

A conversation between two girlfriends: - And I also feel that wings are growing in me ... - It's good that it's not horns!

Women's friendship is when no one has been married yet, but the friends have already decided who will be the witness at the wedding, who is the godmother of the first child, and who is the second.

When you fall, a real friend will not give you a hand, but will fall next to you and will laugh like crazy.

I came to a friend to cry for life ... We laughed until the morning ...

I always wait with fear for my friend’s phrase: “take a fotik, I want a new ava”.

Female friendship can be explained in one sentence: Well, girls, against whom are we friends?

Buying a fur coat, the lady asks the saleswoman:
- Can I ask for it to be delivered to my house, but, before ringing at my door, would they mistakenly look at my neighbor first?

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.

What is female friendship? This is a temporary mutually beneficial relationship!

A friend is one who has seen you without makeup, but still thinks you are beautiful.

A girl's best friend is diamonds. And also - men of non-traditional sexual orientation.

True friendship is when the message “I AM SICK” is written to you “WHAT ARE YOU STUNNED AT ALL ????”

Friendship doubles the joys and cuts the sorrows in half!

Girlfriends are like watermelons: to find one worthwhile, you have to try a thousand.

My best and beloved friend arrived, whom I had not seen for more than six months!
And today we will not return home early ... Because this is real WOMEN'S FRIENDSHIP.

Girlfriends is a news service, a liquor store, and a psychological support center.

Women's friendship still exists! Proven by time and nerves.

When a female friendship ends, you learn a lot about yourself.

Your girlfriend forgot about you and got a boyfriend? Set the status to "Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend...

The best friend is not a stylish thing that comforts you when you are separated from a guy. It is rather a person who will be delighted from the bottom of his heart with how amazing you look.

I always argued with the male sex that female friendship happens ... Guys, I'm sorry, I was wrong ...

Is there a female, or male, or friendship between a guy and a girl, but what's the difference?
It just so happens that it is impossible to do without a loved one in any way. And it doesn't matter at all
what age, gender, height he is ... You would have got to the bottom of the hair structure, damn it. The main thing is the closeness of souls,
here's exactly what happens. Everything else doesn't matter in the slightest.

The best friend is not a stylish thing that comforts you when you are separated from a guy. It is rather a person who will be delighted from the bottom of his heart with how amazing you look.

My own desires are the law for me. I always listen carefully to what the voice of reason tells me, I turn to the Lord if help is needed. And I'm sure: female friendship exists!

Female loneliness is rather the absence of a close friend.

The girls understand the meaning of the expression “to be friends with the three of us” in their own way: the third is always the subject of discussion between the two.

Life is a joyless phenomenon, sometimes, however, grief happens to a friend.

There is no female friendship, they are united by the unity of views.

Female friendship is a wonderful thing. Your friend will never say that in this situation you behaved incorrectly. But he will immediately begin to pour into your ears that this young man is not worthy of you.

Often ladies prefer loneliness to friendship. Compared to captivating love, it seems gray and tasteless to them.

You can not bring to the attention of your boyfriend what flaws you have. Your friends will take care of it with pleasure.

When talking to each other, the ladies portray friendly solidarity, trust and frankness, which usually does not happen in conversations with the opposite sex. But female friendship is just an appearance, in fact, women are constantly on the alert, they do not trust each other. And this, I must say, has a good reason. André Maurois

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

There are few joys in life, but it still happens that a girlfriend is not lucky. – Yanina Ipohorskaya

There is something of a boxing handshake in a kiss between two women. — Henry Louis Mencken

Women kiss each other when they meet because they can't bite. – Magdalena the Pretender

It is easy to forgive an enemy, but how to forgive a girlfriend? – Wanda Blonsky

My peers are aging so quickly that it's just nice to look at. — Betty Davis

My friends, there are no friends in the world!

Female friendship is when two women envy each other silently.

Did you know that the girls are friends in triplets, that is, three people each, so that the two of them can discuss the third.

A woman can enter a burning hut alone, but you need to go to the toilet only with a friend.

“Alcohol, men and smoke! Let's get drunk to get drunk for the whole week! Well ... this, of course, only if there are no tickets to the theater ... "

Female friendship has one advantage: a friend will never tell you that you are wrong, but for the hundred thousandth time she will tell you what a bastard your boyfriend is.

The fact that true female friendship does not exist is a well-known fact. The fact that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, too. The question is only one: so with whom to be friends with the female sex??

Men, playing with friendship, like with a soccer ball, leave it intact, and women, playing with it, as with a crystal phase, break it sooner or later.

Women are able to give to friendship only that and so much that and in what amount they borrow from Love.

As long as the interests of girlfriends do not intersect, female friendship can continue to exist.

Women's friendship can be called simply a non-aggression pact.

You can not tell your man about the existing shortcomings, as your beloved girlfriends will do it with great pleasure.

Friendship between two women is nothing but a conspiracy against a third female.

Joy rarely happens, but sometimes a friend is still unlucky.

The best friend can be called the one who really forgets about her problems, because she sincerely understands that your problems are more serious.

True female friendship is when you stumble and fall, and your girlfriend first laughs at your absurdity, and then falls next to you.

Who is a friend? A friend is the person who has half of your wardrobe in their closet and vice versa.

If life gave you a friend, be sure to tell her that she is good.

A true friend knows how to hear between the lines, to hear what has not been said.

The most beautiful moment in my life is the moment of realizing that in my life there is a girlfriend, like-minded person.

You know, you will always be my best friend because you know too much about me.

A childhood friend is the person who will help you move to a new apartment, but a good friend is the person who will help cover up all traces of the crime you committed.

You need to praise your girlfriend in public, and scold only face to face.

Women-girlfriends do not exist, there are only like-minded people.

I love my friend most of all for her shortcomings, which you can talk about ...

A friend is a female friend who notices everything and forgives everything - even dignity.

Female friendship: we were friends, we were friends ... and we made friends ...

Sometimes a friend is an enemy on standby

Friends can be fake but enemies are always real...

Friends help us live and interfere with work

On weekdays, friends should appear only by invitation, and in misfortunes - without an invitation, on their own

Friends come and go, but enemies pile up...

True friends are those who are devoted to you, who betray you, who are devoted to you ...

My girlfriend! Let's dot all the points ... from A to Z ...

Girls, of course, know how to keep secrets, but together ...

Girls! Who are you against?

A real friend, she is like skin - close to the heart and always supports

The secret of happiness: never compare health, wife and salary with others.

A real guy should smell like alcohol, sex and her perfume.

The average woman prefers to be beautiful over smart because the average man sees better than he thinks.

The best friend, just like special forces all rolled into one, will come to the rescue anywhere in the world: along with alcohol, smoking, dry rations and a shoulder to cry on.

If my friends can easily do without me when I feel bad, I can easily do without them when I feel good.

When you fall, a real friend will not give you a hand, but will fall next to you and will laugh like crazy ..

No female friendship? Lies ... Girlfriend - a reflection of my soul.

There are no ugly women, there are blind men!!!

There is something of a boxing handshake in a kiss between two women.

“Ethologists - experts in the behavior of animals and people say unequivocally: there is no friendship between a man and a woman and cannot be. Relationships between men and women of reproductive age always have a secret or explicit hint of sex on at least one side, and with the male one - almost completely show. maybe. Relationships between men and women of reproductive age always have a secret or obvious hint of sex on at least one side, and almost always on the male side. Except in rare cases when a man is fed up with female attention, but then in this situation, hints will certainly be from the female side. Unconscious imposition of a friendly form of communication usually comes from a woman. For her, this is one of the ways of collecting a “collection” of instinctively second-rate fans, on the principle of “so that they are”. In other words, at least one of the “other …

A friend is a friend. You call her at night, tell her that you fell in love. And she just says in a hoarse voice Sleep! and hangs up. Then he will call back and say: Open the door for me. Only quietly.

They say: “there is no friendship between a guy and a girl” and “female friendship does not exist”. So, who am I supposed to be friends with?

Female friendship does not exist, there are only those who are ready to assent in exchange for the same service.

There are two blind people in the world ... You - because you do not see how much I need; and I, because I see no one but you.

You're purple on me, then I'm speckled on you

Men play with friendship like a soccer ball, and it remains intact. Women play with friendship like a glass vase, and it breaks. (Anne Lindberg)

Don't always say what you know, but always know what you're saying.

Being friends does not mean knowing someone for a very long time ... It means accepting into your life someone who will never disappear from it.

I used to think that I was in love, Now I realized that I loved to think 🙂

I give a smile to everyone, Friendship to some, Love to one ...

Where are you friend?

We are cute .. Beautiful ... Happy ... We love lollipops ... Sometimes we cry at night ... We smile ... We laugh .... We are together ... We are friends ....

There is nothing better in the world than eating candy with your best friend!

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around!

And for me, this real friend is the one who first cracks, and then asks: “Damn, doesn’t it hurt?”

It is true that the best friends can make you crazy, but without them, our life is not so rich.

Buying a fur coat, the lady asks the saleswoman: - Can I ask for it to be delivered to my house, but before ringing the bell at my door, would they mistakenly look first at my neighbor?

Female friendship: the girl did not spend the night at home, the guy called all his friends in a rage, but he never found her ... three are still sleeping ...)))

Women's friendship is not changed for x * d !!!

Judging by your new girlfriend, I left, taking everything from you ... and even the taste ...

He asked me if I love him. I proudly replied that no, I do not. He laughed, hugged me and whispered: - but you have to 🙂

True friendship is when the message “I’m sick” is written to you “what are you doing fucked up ????”

Let them say that there is no female friendship, let them talk, but I know that ...

How to lose two people close to you at once? - Introduce your best friend to your boyfriend.

If a friend happily jumps into your limousine, but does not notice you standing at the bus stop, then is this a friend? Oprah Winfrey

Monday 9am… 29 friends online. Well done! All work!

Diligently avoid all friendship with fools and rogues, if the word friendship is generally applicable in relations with such people. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield on Friendship...

Friendship is when you yourself send a friend on a date, and then the whole evening you are angry with her because you have nothing to do.

True friendship is born in equality.

A real friend is a girl who knows your favorite song and reminds you of her tune when you yourself forget it.

If a friend is drowning, you need to become an island for him. An island of friendship where he can rest, find solace, gain strength and patience and return to the ocean again.

I have a sweater with a picture of my friends, but I call it a ram sweater.

And why is she so jealous of me because her friends should share everything

Joint activities of idiocy breed friendship.

The fraternal closeness of like-minded people is stronger than any walls. Antisthenes of Athens

You need to praise your girlfriend in public, and scold only face to face.

But only mom believes that you will be happy with him, despite what her friends say It's not destiny!

Test a friend, but love a tried one. Unknown author

A true friend is the greatest of blessings, and at the same time that blessing, the acquisition of which is least thought of. François de La Rochefoucauld

True is the ancient proverb that equality creates friendship. Plato

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Shota Rustaveli

It is a value in our time to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, seasons or challenges.

Not sure - don't betray. Maxim Zvonarev

To have many friends is to have none. Rotterdam.

Friendship between a girl and guys weakens with the advent of night.

Whoever associates with the wise will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will become corrupt. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

A true friend is known in a wrong deed. Ennius.

The girl who never gossips simply doesn't have any girlfriends to talk about.

The loyalty of the rascals is as unreliable as they are. Pliny the Younger

Friendship is based on mutual benefit, on common interests; but as soon as interests clash, friendship is terminated: look for it in the clouds. Arthur Schopenhauer

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. William Shakespeare

If my friends are crooked, I look at them in profile. Joseph Joubert

There is no better friend in the world than your best friend!

Mothers confess, they are frank with their girlfriends.

Friends help us to live and interfere with work.

He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Make friends with a smart one, for a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy. Rumi.

Friendship is such a holy, sweet, lasting and constant feeling that it can be kept for life, unless, of course, you try to ask for a loan.

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Rustaveli Sh.

A true friend knows how to hear between the lines, to hear what has not been said.

It is not worth remembering the friends of traitors ...

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, O God! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Henri de Monterland

  • Women's friendship is like a crystal vase: no matter how carefully you store it, sooner or later it will break anyway.
  • It is very difficult to find that one friend who can tolerate and understand all the changes in my mood.
  • The best friend, when you fall, will not regret and will not extend her hand to you, but will fall next to you and will laugh like crazy.
  • Girlfriend - she is a friend in Africa. If you call her at night, tell her that you are hopelessly in love, she will simply say: "Sleep!" and hang up the phone. And in 15 minutes he will call back and say: "Open the door for me, just be quiet."
  • The kiss of two girlfriends has something of a boxing handshake before a fight.
  • The best friend is special forces in action: in case of emergency, she arrives anywhere in the world with dry rations - wine, sweets and a reliable, moisture-absorbing shoulder.
  • The best friend is a person who does not need to tell anything, because she can see what is happening in her eyes.
  • The third is not superfluous, the third is a spare.
  • A true friend is not the one who does everything you say, but the one who does what you really need, even if you don't.
  • Nothing adorns a woman like a well-chosen girlfriend.

  • If my friend was a guy, I would marry her.
  • Sometimes it seems to me that friendship is just the name of processed cheese.
  • The enemy is easy to forgive. But how to forgive a friend?
  • A woman gives to friendship only what she borrows from love.
  • The most common types of female friendships are friendship-enmity and friendship-rivalry.

  • True female friendship is as common as a blooming fern.
  • Women's friendship is just a joint survival in the world of men.

Maria Matskevich

  • In conversations with each other, women imitate the spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this semblance of friendship - how much vigilant distrust, and how it is, to be honest, justified.

André Maurois

  • For too long a slave and a tyrant lurked in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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