The child steps on his toes. How to teach a child to walk on full feet. Causes of improper walking at different ages

Should I see a doctor if a child walks on tiptoes at the age of 2? What diseases can such a gait speak of? How can you help your baby with activities and exercises? Read about this in our article.

A toddler at the age of 2 already walks quite confidently, actively explores the world around him and shows more and more independence. At the same time, some mothers notice with concern that the child often steps on his toe, like a little ballet dancer. Can this be considered the norm or a serious reason for a visit to the doctor?

Why does a child walk on tiptoe at 2 years old: reasons

If the baby is moving quickly, wants to get to some high-up object or to look at something, then in such cases, tiptoe walking is quite a common phenomenon caused by emotional arousal. In other situations, a 2-year-old child should normally walk, stepping on a full foot.

Factors that can cause abnormal gait include:

  • Hypertonicity of muscles Is the most common cause of tiptoe walking. With muscular dystonia, the tone of the calf muscles is unevenly distributed over the baby's leg and foot. Most often, such a violation is eliminated as they grow older. You can help your child with the help of special exercises, gymnastics, swimming.
  • Pyramidal insufficiency - such a "diagnosis" by a doctor indicates problems with the locomotor system without establishing a specific cause. In fact, in early childhood, the parts of the brain that control motor functions may still be underdeveloped. The doctor may recommend further observation and assistance in the form of physiotherapy exercises.
  • Long-term use of jumpers and walkers ... Such devices are often liked by babies and make life easier for adults, but constant stay in a walker can provoke an incorrect foot position. The kid gets used to leaning only on his fingers when moving and in the future follows the developed habit.
  • Imitation of adult family members - sometimes a child wants to be taller, trying to keep up with older children or copy a mother who wears high-heeled shoes.
  • The psychological climate in the family - if there is a conflict atmosphere in the house, the baby may feel discomfort, subconsciously he tries to “hide”, become invisible, stepping, barely touching the floor.
  • Excessive excitability and hyperactivity - children born prematurely, excitable and too active often tiptoe. In such cases, a consultation with a neurologist is necessary.
  • Discomfort when walking ... If the baby steps on something sharp or his feet are cold on the cold floor, he instinctively tries to reduce the area of ​​contact of the foot with the floor.
There are many reasons for walking on tiptoes.

Child 2 years old, walks on tiptoes: what to do?

With this type of movement, the foot does not receive support on the heel zone, therefore this part of the foot does not develop, the calf muscles are in hypertonicity, the forefoot increases disproportionately, the tendons and muscles of the ankle joint atrophy, and deformity of the arch of the foot can be observed.

Parents cannot independently determine the cause of the child's improper gait. To exclude the presence of pathology, you must contact the following specialists:

  • pediatrician
  • orthopedist
  • pediatric neurologist
  • neurologist

According to the identified diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give the necessary recommendations. Any medications are used only under the supervision of a physician.

In the case of incorrect or untimely therapy, quite serious consequences can arise:

  • poor posture
  • flat feet
  • clubfoot
  • deformity of the foot

How can I help my child?

Regardless of the cause of the improper gait, parents should not constantly pay attention to it, pull back and scold the baby. Such behavior of adults will not help to eliminate the problem and create a stressful situation in which the child will feel fear of new reproaches.

You can help correct your gait with activities, games, and regular exercise.


Exercise therapy helps to increase blood circulation and reduce muscle tone:

  • jumping with landing on both feet
  • alternate walking on the inside and outside of the foot
  • Duck gait
  • walking in a semi-squat
  • squats

Such exercises can be repeated, alternating, several times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy for the development of correct gait


The massage activates blood flow, improves the elasticity of ligaments, muscles and tendons. Massage the child must be done at least once a day, with smooth movements, in addition, you can use hypoallergenic baby oil. It is best to carry out the procedure after an evening swim before going to bed, when the body is as relaxed as possible.

  • Perform circular movements with the baby's feet alternately in one direction and the other.
  • Stretch your foot by drawing a figure of eight with your finger.
  • Rub your calf muscles gently from the bottom up.

Massage promotes the development of the muscular system and fine motor skills


Pool activities are beneficial for children from a very young age. Swimming helps to improve coordination of movements, develop motor skills, and stimulate the work of all muscle groups.

Special footwear

The use of medical orthopedic footwear in children is possible only after consulting a specialist.

  • If the reason for walking on tiptoes is not related to serious motor impairment, it is better to allow the child to walk barefoot at home, which is much more beneficial for his development.
  • For walking, you should buy shoes that are suitable in size, made of natural materials, with good fixation of the instep and a closed heel.

Activities in a playful way

Activities-games help not only in the physical development of babies, but also establish an emotional connection with adults, strengthen trusting relationships.

  • Jumping. Invite your child to jump from a small height - a bench or chair, dropping exactly on both feet.
  • Heron. Ask your baby to stand and jump, first on one leg, then on the other.
  • Steps. Walking, in which the weight of the body is completely shifted from one leg to the other, improves coordination of movements and the formation of a correct gait.
  • Fitball. Place the child on a gymnastic ball and roll it under the baby's feet, asking to walk. It is better to do this with 2 adults together, so as not to drop the crumb.
  • Walking on various types of surfaces - hard, soft, inclined, textured (grass, sand, small pebbles, shells).
  • In the cold season, you can carry out such exercises at home by preparing a special massage mat. You can make it from different pieces of fabric - smooth, fleecy, fur, sew on small smooth buttons, beads, braid, glue beans, coffee grains, smooth pebbles.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky: What if the child walks on tiptoe?

The baby's first walk is a joyful event for each parent. While mastering this skill, he diligently steps on his tiptoes and tries to walk in the direction of the object of interest. In the process of learning, the baby still does not know how to stand on the foot. The question arises when you need to worry if a child walks on tiptoes? Is this gait the cause of the baby's painful condition or a violation of the musculoskeletal system? Let's figure it out.

Age norms: Komarovsky

As a rule, the child learns to walk on toes closer to the year. Jumping, running, the baby learns to step on the toes without touching the heel to a hard surface. Such awkward steps at the age of 2-3 years are considered the norm, so there is no cause for concern.

Doctor Komarovsky! Walking on tiptoes for toddlers is a stage of testing new opportunities, striving for freedom of movement and knowledge of the world around them.

If a healthy child steps on a toe, it means he has increased muscle hypertonicity. Closer to 5 months, the reflex will fade away, if this does not happen, and the baby continues to stand on its toes, then a specialist consultation is necessary. Sometimes the cause of improper gait can be neurological diseases. Usually such violations are accompanied by other symptoms, which should alert mom and dad. To solve such a problem, it is necessary to communicate with a neurologist.

Causes of improper gait

The reasons why the baby stands on tiptoe up to three years old, Dr. Komarovsky attributes:

  • tries on tiptoes to reach for toys or unfamiliar objects that are located higher than his height (on the shelves, in the closet);
  • the child is hyperactive (increased mobility, a surge of energy), so it is convenient for him to walk on tiptoes;
  • steps over obstacles - small parts of the designer, toys, other obstacles scattered on the floor;
  • the desire to show parents what an adult he is;
  • if the baby is cold, it is cold, it is also a common reason for walking on tiptoe.

In children under 3 years of age, the load on the muscles of both legs is unevenly distributed, so they cannot fully step on the foot. Walking experimenting in different ways is not a problem or a deviation from the norm of development. As they grow up, the child independently learns the skill and no longer steps on his toes.

Diseases affecting the formation of walking

Doctors distinguish 3 main groups of diseases, due to which the child cannot lower the heel to the surface and walks on toes, namely:

  1. Muscular dystonia- observed in infants from 9 to 12 months. There is an uneven distribution of muscles - hypertonicity and hypotonia. Only thanks to the child's daily physical activity (crawling, walking) - complete recovery occurs. The correct diagnosis and therapeutic therapy will be advised by a pediatric neurologist after the examination.
  2. Pyramidal insufficiency syndrome- occurs as a result of birth trauma. In this condition, the baby's calf muscles become stiff, because in order to take a step, he must stand on his toes.
  3. Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy)- a serious illness, which can be caused by prematurity during pregnancy, oxygen starvation, infectious diseases. With such an ailment, children lag behind in development from their peers, and when they begin to walk, they cannot stand up to their full feet.

Possible consequences

When the baby walks on tiptoes, you should come to an appointment with a pediatrician and a neurologist. If you do not take action, the forefoot will develop disproportionately. As a result, by 6 months the child will have bent walking, which is extremely dangerous to health.

A timely uncorrected gait can have the following consequences:

  • The appearance of scoliosis (posture).
  • Deformation of the left and right feet (clubfoot).
  • Cervical dystonia (torticollis).
  • Lagging in physical development.

Only diagnostics of the condition of the crumbs can establish the true causes and symptoms of such behavior of motor functions.

When help is needed

Often mothers ask themselves the question of how to wean a child from walking on tiptoes? Doctors believe that medical attention is not needed in all cases. The well-known doctor Komarovsky cites a long stay in a walker as one of the reasons for tiptoeing. If you get rid of them in time, the children will begin to sink to the heel faster when walking. Sometimes it is enough for parents to perform a set of special procedures, consisting of therapeutic exercises, massage and exercises on fitball.

For the formation of a correct gait in a child, he / she definitely needs orthopedic shoes. Pay attention to the material of the product, the back of the shoe should be closed and close to the foot.

List of additional procedures:

  • Physiotherapy- The duration of the course of treatment depends on the diagnosis.
  • Electrophoresis- Prescribes a physiotherapist to relieve muscle hypertonicity.
  • Left and right foot massage- this procedure is available for home use if you know the technique of massage movements. Better to trust an experienced professional.
  • Relaxing baths, using herbal infusions (string, chamomile, fennel).
  • Paraffin boots- are prescribed by the attending physician to improve lymph flow in the tissues and relieve spasms in the muscles of the foot. The procedure is contraindicated for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in children.
  • Physical therapy gymnastics- aimed at developing the ankle joint and stretching the necessary ligaments and muscles.

Experts say that all babies up to four months have muscle hypertonicity. With a constant visit to a pediatrician and qualified assistance, you should not worry too much. By the age of 2, the baby will be rebuilt and will be able to walk normally, resting firmly on his heels.

According to mothers' reviews, regular swimming in the pool and therapeutic massage provide a good result in the treatment of muscular dystonia syndrome. In just a few weeks, the child will have no problems with the development of the muscular muscles of the legs, which was observed in the early stages of development.

Gymnastics and massage

Massage and gymnastics can be done at home. Here is a list of suggested massage recommendations that will significantly help parents develop feet and teach their child to walk properly on their toes:

  1. Use the tips of your index fingers to massage the soles of your feet, drawing a figure eight.
  2. Work your calf muscles and ligaments regularly from the bend of the knee to the heel.
  3. Do alternate foot extension.
  4. Fitball - a special large ball will help to stimulate the first steps. Classes are best done together. One participant rolls the ball, and the second encourages the child to walk, flexing the Achilles tendon, calves and ankle.

Preventive measures

Doctor Komarovsky claims that it is not problematic to wean children from tiptoeing, in the absence of serious violations. The main thing is to correctly perform simple exercises that are aimed at developing the muscles of the legs. If you have the skills and experience, then they can be carried out at home.

Various games with young children will also help to solve the problem with walking on socks. What activities at home will be interesting and useful for the little one?

Independent walking is an important developmental stage that every child goes through between the ages of 10 months and 1 year. The first steps that the baby takes will forever remain in the memory of his family and often become a reason for affection and jokes. But what if your beloved son or daughter walks in a strange way, for example, on socks? What can cause this, when not to worry, and when to see a doctor?

There are many reasons why the little man walks in such a peculiar way. Some of them lie in the psychoemotional sphere or simple developmental problems and can be easily corrected, others require the close attention of doctors. Why does the child behave this way?

There are such harmless reasons:

1. The child is used to being in a walker, and now he still walks on his toes, since before he could reach the floor surface only with his fingertips. Remember how long your daughter or son has been practicing in this convenient device, and perhaps there will be no reason for further anxiety.

2. The child is hyperactive and inquisitive.
The increased and lability of the processes of the nervous system lead to the fact that the baby can very actively explore the world around him, reach out to the objects around him, trying to move as quickly as possible. This is probably why your offspring began to move around like this.

3. The child is experiencing a stressful situation.
With a difficult situation in the family, frequent conflicts between parents, children from 10 months and at 1-2 years old do not feel safe and thus may try to avoid drawing attention to themselves and therefore began to walk like that all the time.

4. The child imitates an adult or character that is significant to him.
Small children between 10 months and 1–2 years of age can often copy adults, such as a mom or other women, who wear high heels. Or the baby could see an image of a person who moves in a similar way and is now under the impression. It happens that a child started to play in this way and it became a habit.

If walking on toes is caused by the above reasons, then a baby up to 3 years old walks in this way sporadically.

What health problems can cause this manner of movement in children, why does this happen?

  1. Different types of cerebral palsy... If your child has this disease, then you certainly have already visited a neurologist and noticed a number of other alarming symptoms that accompany the "ballerina's walking" - perhaps the offspring has other problems with psychomotor development, noticeable much earlier than at 10 months (maybe he is bad says he began to hold his head and sit later?).
  2. Dystonia of the muscles of the lower extremities... Due to excessive hypertonicity (excessive tension) of the leg muscles in some children, the foot cannot completely stand on the ground, and this forces them to walk on tiptoes. Sometimes the hypertonicity of some muscle groups is combined with the hypotonia of others, which are also the reasons for this behavior and the answer to the question "Why?"
  3. Birth trauma, prematurity, hypoxia during pregnancy and childbirth... If childbirth was complicated, the child was born prematurely, or the mother suffered from some pathologies during pregnancy, then the child's central nervous system could develop with impairments or suffer during the passage of the birth canal. This leads to various problems in the motor sphere if the baby is under one year old.
  4. Pyramidal insufficiency... We are talking about problems with the motor cortex of the brain, the causes of which cannot be accurately determined. Since it is impossible to understand why this happened, it remains to deal with the consequences.

If "ballerina's walking" is caused by problems with the nervous system, then a child aged 10 months and older up to 3-5 years old walks on tiptoes constantly.

How to wean walk on tiptoes

Concerned mothers often ask themselves the question - how to wean a child under 3 years old from such a habit as walking on their toes? In this matter, it is better to trust your doctor. Since it is he who, having figured out what is happening with your son or daughter, will be able to choose the right methods of rehabilitation.

With young children, classes should be carried out in a fun way. Special exercises will help to develop the correct gait.

  • It is useful to teach a child over a year old to walk on an inclined plane or on steps, leaning alternately on each leg;
  • If the baby is 1.5-2 years old, she can alternately walk on the inside and outside of the foot, move on the heels or squat down;
  • It will be useful for the baby to squat without lifting his heels off the carpet or floor;
  • If you involve your dad in the classroom, then you can try three of us to do exercises with a fitball. A child from 10 months to 2-3 years old moves on the surface of the ball, and adults hold it on both sides.

For more specialized exercises, ask your health care physician at your clinic. It is important to remember that the above exercises should be done regularly. You can not quit classes at the first improvement, as the achieved effect may disappear.

Orthopedic shoes are indispensable for correcting the gait of children. Its main difference is a firm heel, a lock on the instep and a snug fit to the foot, perfect for your sibling. If your son or daughter walks on toes, choose shoes with double Velcro straps. Shoes for children must be marked "Orthopedic" for the child to become healthy.


Correctly performed massage for children 1-3 years old helps to improve muscle tone, especially in the case of dystonia. To do this, it is not necessary to invite a masseur, each mother can master a set of simple techniques, massage and make the baby healthy.

  1. We start the massage by stroking the area of ​​the feet. Movements should be smooth and gentle.
  2. With two fingers of both hands, knead the calf muscles of the baby, alternately touching each leg.
  3. With the index fingers, we depict an infinity sign (the usual eight) on the feet of our child, while slightly pressing on the muscles located under the skin.
  4. We continue the massage, do flexion movements in the ankle joint of the child, swinging the child's feet back and forth.
  5. Gently shake the legs, which the baby raises, at the same time taking each one in his palm;
  6. We squeeze each finger on the crumbs' legs in turn, squeezing it with our thumb and forefinger.
  7. We finish the massage by stroking the area of ​​the feet again.

The course is designed for 8-10 weeks of daily use.

Walking barefoot

An effective prevention of flat feet and a method of correcting other foot problems in children is walking barefoot. To do this, let your son or daughter, taking off their shoes, learn to walk on a special orthopedic mat.
You can make it yourself if you sew large buttons and flat beads of various textures on a thick fabric.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that if a child is 3 years old or less (over 10 months), then the baby can try different ways of walking, learning about the world around him. If, at the same time, the boy or girl does not have other pathologies and neurological symptoms, then it is worth choosing the tactics of observation.

Komarovsky emphasizes that each child develops individually, and not all cases of walking on tiptoes, if the baby begins to move like this, require immediate prescription of pharmacological drugs.

However, as Dr. Komarovsky noted in one of his speeches, if the mother was sick during pregnancy, or the childbirth was complicated, then it is therapy from 10 months and earlier that can help, such a baby will develop fully and catch up with his peers.

As Komarovsky points out, it is massage, swimming, various physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, paraffin therapy) and the normal psychological climate in the family that contribute to solving problems with gait in children if the baby tries to move like a ballerina.

My child walks on tiptoe. What to do?

Is walking on tiptoe harmless?

Doctors in Europe and the United States believe that in the absence of any health complaints, if a child at the age of 10-12 months only walks on tiptoes, especially occasionally, then there is no point in treating him.
In most cases, the problem is solved on its own after a few months, especially when the baby is 2-3 years old. To speed up the rehabilitation process, it is suggested to attend a wellness massage.

Which doctor to contact

If your child has a "ballerina gait", then a visit to doctors should start with a visit to the office of the local pediatrician.

In the future, you will have to visit an experienced pediatric neurologist as well as an orthopedic surgeon. It is useful to get acquainted with physiotherapists, medical instructors in exercise therapy, a medical rehabilitation therapist, who conduct group classes for such children from 2-3 years old, since.

How is pyramidal insufficiency treated?

One of the most common modern diagnoses in children is pyramidal insufficiency. But how to deal with it in order to give your child an ordinary, normal life?

  1. A course of drugs that affect the central nervous system, which your son or daughter will drink as prescribed by a neurologist. These can be B vitamins, as well as drugs that improve cerebral circulation.
  2. Performing therapeutic exercises at home and in the gym under the guidance of a specialist.
  3. Massage, it is advisable to repeat the courses 2-3 times a year until the problems in the motor sphere disappear completely.
  4. Special orthopedic footwear.
  5. Water treatments such as swimming in the pool, aqua massage, herbal baths and micronutrient-rich sea salt.

Walking on tiptoes in children is not a sentence, but a reason to think about the health of the baby and, if necessary, under the guidance of doctors, start correcting it, since the reasons for this can be very different. With the right treatment (physiotherapy, massage, pharmacotherapy, orthopedic shoes), the child will not have any problems in the future, when he is over 1.5-2 years old.

What is pyramidal insufficiency - Dr. Komarovsky

Moms and dads can't wait for their children to stand up and take their first steps. However, such a joyful event is often overshadowed if parents notice that the baby begins to walk like a ballerina.

Why does the child stand on tiptoes, can this phenomenon be considered a norm or a violation? Experts are sure that the correct answer depends on how often your child behaves this way. Sometimes this behavior is not a symptom of the disease.

Amusing gait is quite common among young children. A baby can be 10 months old, one or two years old - sometimes or constantly he walks on tiptoe.

At first, this method of movement causes affection among the relatives, but a little later they begin to worry and worry if everything is in order with the baby.

In any case, if the child does not step on the entire foot when walking, the true reasons for the occurrence of such a phenomenon should be found out.

Why does the child walk on tiptoes?

You should not sound the alarm if you first saw that the baby is walking on tiptoe. Sometimes the sources of such walking lie on the surface and have nothing to do with pathology.

  1. Curiosity and thirst for knowledge makes the kid stand on his toes in order to "grow up" a little and get the object that interests him. In this case, children will alternate ballet gait with full-foot stepping. Over time, they will learn to walk correctly.
  2. Sometimes the reason for this movement is an attempt to repeat someone's behavior - a mother walking in heels, or a ballerina dancing on pointe on the TV.
  3. The desire to bypass any obstacle (door threshold) or pollution (for example, there is a puddle on the path of the baby).
  4. A child of one year and older learns to walk and experiments with the manner of walking, that is, walking on tiptoes is just an alternative to the usual gait.
  5. If babies spend long periods of time in a walker, it is now difficult for their feet to get used to normal movement.

During normal development, children walk on tiptoe very rarely, usually in the same situations. However, if such cases become more frequent, then parents need to pay attention to this and wean the kids from this walking style.

Otherwise, there is a risk of habit formation, and hence disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Pathological causes

The most common provoking factor for ballet gait is oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth. As a result, the child has muscle hypertonicity.

Here are a few more possible reasons.

  1. With muscular dystonia, the tension is unevenly distributed: in one part of the foot it is increased, and in the other it is decreased. Because of this, the weight on the foot is not distributed correctly.
  2. Sometimes a pathology such as cerebral palsy manifests itself in the seemingly harmless walking on toes.
  3. Birth trauma as a result of difficult childbirth or complications that have arisen during childbirth.

In any case, only doctors will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis or recognize the harmlessness of such a method of movement.

The pediatrician or neurologist will assess if there is a delay in the formation of the motor system, establish the causes of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

Possible effects of tiptoe walking

If parents do not promptly eliminate provoking factors, children may experience more serious health problems in the future. The consequences of an uncorrected ballet gait in time can be:

  • improper posture;
  • torticollis;
  • development of foot deformity - clubfoot;
  • delay in general physical development.

Also, due to improper and defective contraction of the calf muscles, gait problems are possible.

How to wean a child from walking on tiptoes?

Treatment is prescribed by a pediatrician and usually includes physiotherapy (electrophoresis, paraffin boots), therapeutic exercises and special massage. Parents need not only to visit the clinic, but also to perform the required procedures at home.

What else should mom and dad do to fix the tiptoe problem?

  1. Swimming in the pool will help develop coordination of movements, gross and fine motor skills.
  2. With the baby, you should engage in jumping, walking on the outer and inner arch of the foot in turn. Walking on an incline can also help.
  3. Relaxing foot baths with the addition of chamomile or lavender infusions.
  4. Purchase a ball for fitball, put the child on it with full feet and slowly roll the ball with the crumbs on it back and forth. Do this exercise with your spouse: mom holds the baby, and dad rolls the ball.
  5. Talk to a podiatrist about purchasing special shoes. When buying, pay special attention to the following - a hard back, the instep of the foot can be firmly fixed with lacing or Velcro.

A timely and correct course of treatment will certainly help develop a beautiful gait in children, and in the future they will completely stop walking on their toes and begin to rely on their entire foot when moving.

Massage is a very effective and widely available remedy for correcting walking on toes. Parents are able to independently, without special preparation, perform several simple exercises at home:

  • write invisible eights with your fingers on children's feet;
  • gently massage the calf muscles with your index and thumbs;
  • gently move the child's foot back and forth, in different directions.

If children react to these exercises with crying, screaming and whims, it is necessary to stop the massage and understand what makes them nervous.

In order for this procedure to bring only joy to the baby, pay attention to the following important points:

  • manipulations should be done only with warm hands;
  • make sure again that your nails are cut short;
  • remove any jewelry and watches from your fingers and wrists;
  • Talk to your baby lovingly throughout the procedure.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, walking on tiptoes is often a symptom of certain neurological diseases, which manifest themselves in a violation of muscle tone.

However, in this case, you can see other visible signs.

If the baby develops normally, but at the same time walks on tiptoe, a well-known pediatrician advises leaving him alone for up to three years. He does not need treatment.

And yet, if you notice that your child walks on tiptoes, you should consult a doctor.

He will be able to allay your concerns or prescribe adequate and effective treatment. Surrounding your child with care and attention, you are sure to achieve good results.

Other information on the topic

  • Learning to communicate correctly! (from 9 to 12 months)

  • When does the child start to sit up? The main stages of the development of this skill

  • What to do with childish jealousy?

What measures are not taken by parents to wean their child from tiptoeing! Some strictly forbid the baby to climb on his toes, others begin to actively drive the baby to the doctors, take tests and look for the culprit behind the disease. And all this is because in this way of moving, adults necessarily see some kind of "abnormality".

With complaints that the child walks on tiptoes, parents also turn to the famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, who is happy to explain what such a gait can mean and how to react to it to parents.


Most often, tiptoeing is not a sign of any pathology, says Evgeny Komarovsky. For children under the age of 2 years, occasional attempts to walk on tiptoes are an absolute norm, which should not in any way worry mom and dad.

Anatomically, this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that children, even those who have not yet begun to walk at all, have a rather developed gastrocnemius muscle. And when the baby gets up on his feet and tries to take the first independent steps, it is the tone in this calf area that can easily put the child on tiptoe. This is okay, because as the rest of the muscles develop, the calves will be less muscular, and the foot will take the correct position when walking.

Quite often, parents are themselves to blame for the fact that the baby walks on tiptoes. This may be due to the fact that from a very early age, sometimes even before 6 months, devices such as walkers are used. Doctor Komarovsky spoke about the dangers of these devices from the point of view of the load on the immature spine many times.

There is one more disadvantage in their use - the baby in the walker rests on the socks. He does not always reach the floor, and then it is rather difficult for him to get used to the fact that he can lean on his foot in some other way. In such a situation, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, the child then needs to be retrained, to instill in him a new useful habit of walking correctly.

However, not all 100% of children who walk on tiptoes have such harmless reasons for walking. There are situations when walking on tiptoe is a sign of one of the serious neurological disorders associated with impaired muscle tone and pathologies of the central nervous system:

  • muscular dystonia;
  • pyramidal insufficiency.

But when a child has one of these diseases, walking on toes will clearly not be the only symptom. In addition, most likely, parents will find out about the disease much earlier than the baby begins to walk. And therefore, if at 2-3 years old a child feels well, nothing hurts him, nothing bothers him, and the only thing parents complain about is walking on their toes, then there is no reason to worry, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

Such a child does not need treatment, you can not torture him and not take him to numerous doctor's offices.

Babies also have psychological reasons for walking on their toes. The toddler sees that he is being praised for growing up, that he is already big. Naturally, he wants to be even bigger and taller, and therefore he also rises on his toes from time to time. Often such a gait is characteristic of curious, very mobile, hurried, impressionable children, who are always in a hurry and run somewhere.

How to fix gait?

If the child has no pathologies, as well as neurological diagnoses, then the parents may be faced with the question of how to correct the baby's gait. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that there is no need to do this purposefully until 3 years old. But some of the steps parents have taken will help the child quickly master the correct foot placement skills:

  • you can buy shoes for your child that will fix the leg well. She should have closed toes and a solid heel. Evgeny Komarovsky advises choosing such models that have a small heel - this will additionally help in the prevention of flat feet. It is good if the shoes are tightly fastened with Velcro or laces, fixing the leg in one position. No special orthopedic shoes are required when walking on toes;
  • more time should be devoted to active walks in the fresh air associated with walking, running, jumping. It's great if the kid learns to ride a bike, because he will have to rely on his entire foot;
  • at home and in the yard (if the family lives in a private house), the child should walk barefoot more often;
  • with a pronounced habit of walking on tiptoes, you can do physical therapy, for this it is enough to contact your local pediatrician, who will give a referral to the exercise therapy office;
  • a child with a habit of walking on tiptoes should definitely do a daily restorative massage. To massage the legs and feet, you should consult a massage therapist to show you the points for acupressure, which can effectively relax the calf muscles and stimulate others.