The child fell on the back of the head with a bump what to do. The child fell and hit his head, but there are no injuries - we monitor the general condition of the baby

The energy of kids contributes not only to the knowledge of the world, but also to getting various kinds of injuries. In crumbs with uncoordinated movements, for the most part, the head suffers. In preparation for the arrival of a new family member, it is worth assessing the home environment in terms of the presence of traumatic objects (for example, furniture with sharp corners) and try to remove them.

But even this will not completely protect the young researcher, because he can fall even on a flat floor, learning to walk. In the event that a child hits his head, you should quickly, without panicking, assess the severity of the injury. It depends on the strength and place of the blow whether it will be just a bump or whether it is worth rushing to the hospital.

Indeed, often a forehead blow is accompanied only by a bruise of soft tissues - a lump appears on the head of a child. It is formed in the same way as any bruise, but it will be convex due to the large number of small vessels that burst and fill nearby tissues with blood.

Serious injuries with such a blow are unlikely, since a strong frontal bone reliably protects the head. But you should play it safe and call a pediatrician if a newborn hits his forehead. The younger the victim, the more serious the consequences of a hematoma on the forehead.

However, a strong blow can provoke a traumatic brain injury. The open injury is obvious: there is a wound on the head and obvious damage to the bones. It is treated surgically in combination with the appointment of drugs.

In a closed injury, the skin and bones are intact externally, but there are internal injuries, the signs of which should be known.

Closed craniocerebral injuries vary in severity:

  1. When a brain injury usually occurs loss of consciousness, breathing is disturbed. There may be ear or nose bleeding, dark circles around the eyes, speech problems, facial expression disorders due to damage to the facial nerve. For the treatment of a mild bruise, a course of drugs is prescribed, and only a surgeon can eliminate the consequences of a strong one.
  2. A concussion from a blow is often diagnosed by doctors and is usually treated with medication without further complications. With a concussion, a child may be unconscious for several minutes, and then experience nausea, vomiting, and a headache. If the doctor prescribed medication and prescribed home bed rest, but the patient has consistently restless sleep or other disturbing signs, it would be useful to call a pediatrician at home.
  3. A skull fracture may be suspected by bloody discharge from the ears and nostrils. It is urgent to go to the hospital to do an x-ray. Treatment in this case involves surgery followed by medication.

A blow to the back of the head is no less dangerous

A blow to the back of the head can lead to visual impairment. The occipital lobe of the brain is responsible for the functioning of the organs of vision. Moreover, the consequences may not affect immediately, but after some time. Therefore, even in the absence of complaints from the victim, it would be wiser to quickly show a specialist who knows what to do if the child hits the back of the head.

A rare, but extremely unpleasant complication occurs if the child hits the back of the head on the left side. Sometimes victims develop disturbances in the perception of the surrounding space on the left, they begin to forget everything, sleep poorly, and suffer from headaches. Similar phenomena can be observed with damage to the occiput on the right.

A strong blow to the back of the head can cause a head injury in the same way as a blow to the forehead.

What to do when a mother falls

  1. Pity and calm the baby after the fall, and then examine it from all sides, starting with the head, for scratches, bruises, bleeding wounds on the forehead and on the back of the head.
  2. Calm down yourself and assess whether the fall was really serious. If the baby slid off the sofa onto the carpet and bumped, then he cries more from fright and gets off with a bruise. But if he fell out of a high stroller and hit his head on the asphalt, mom should worry.
  3. A grown child is able to talk about what happened. You should ask him if his head hurts or not, if there is clouding in the eyes. Pupils should not be constricted or dilated.
  4. Measure the pulse and compare the data with the age norm (in newborns it reaches 130-140 beats per minute, then it becomes less frequent as they grow older). Deviations from the norm should alert.
  5. Eliminate noisy entertainment and visual stress, but do not let sleep. During sleep, it will be more difficult to diagnose a concussion, if one is present.
  6. It must be borne in mind that if, after hitting, the child does not cry for several minutes, then most likely he lost consciousness.
  7. Treat damaged skin. Small abrasions are disinfected with hydrogen peroxide, after which wound healing ointments are applied. And if the child has stuffed a lump, then cooling compresses are applied to it for 3 minutes to avoid swelling. In case of severe bleeding that could not be stopped in a quarter of an hour, as well as the appearance of the above symptoms, it is worth calling a doctor.
  8. Schedule a visit to the clinic soon. It is necessary to show a child who hit his head to a pediatrician to assess the general condition, to an ophthalmologist to rule out visual disturbances after a blow, and to a neurosurgeon to get a referral for a brain examination.

Warning signs to avoid staying at home

If a child falls and hits his head, the most frightening consequence is brain damage. Moreover, its symptoms may not appear instantly, but after a few hours.

Calling an ambulance should be immediate if the following symptoms appear:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • deviation of the pulse rate from the age norm;
  • bleeding from the ears or nose;
  • vomiting, diarrhea with traces of blood;
  • blue or pale skin;
  • darkened skin under the eyes and behind the ears;
  • deterioration in coordination of movements, twitching, numbness of the limbs;
  • change in pupil size, strabismus;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, change in the mode and nature of sleep, tearfulness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the child has a bump that is too swollen or has a hollow instead of a bump.

While waiting for the doctor to arrive, you should put the baby to bed, while distracting him and not allowing him to fall asleep. When vomiting, it is better to turn it on its side so that no liquid enters the respiratory tract. Pain medications taken before the doctor arrives can interfere with the assessment of the baby's condition.

If the child fell on his back and hit, then there is a possibility of spinal injury, you need to handle him very carefully to avoid additional displacement of the vertebrae.

What to Expect Upon Admission to the Hospital

The doctor will examine the victim, ask him or his parents to tell about the blow, clarify whether he hit the back of the head or forehead, assess the damage and inform about further actions.

Probably, the baby will be sent for computed tomography of the brain to exclude hemorrhages and fractures.
Patients up to one and a half years old are examined through a fontanel that has not yet been closed.

How to protect your child's head from blows

With a baby, you should always be on the lookout. This applies even to a newborn, who, it would seem, cannot even turn on his side yet. After all, it is the absence of a mother that can encourage a baby to learn coups right on the changing table.

Such tables are convenient for parents, but, from a safety point of view, a large soft surface (a bed or a blanket spread on the floor) is preferable for changing clothes. Let the baby be always supervised or in a safe area - in the arena.

It is unwise to neglect the seat belts in a wheelchair. Although the baby is not yet able to get out of it, nothing can guarantee that the stroller will not turn over when it hits a bump. Straps will keep the little passenger from falling onto the road. It is not in vain that belts are also provided on high chairs, because a fall from such a height onto the floor or tiles can result in injury.

When the baby begins to explore the space at home and often hits, you need to look at the surrounding objects from the height of his height and secure each sharp corner with silicone pads. For children learning to walk, there are special socks and tights with non-slip soles.

Toddlers often stumble and bump when going down stairs, so you need to keep the child's hand in your hand. While climbing the stairs, you must also hold your hand or secure the little one from behind, as there is a danger of falling on your back.

A lot of injuries happen on the playground. It is dangerous to play next to older children, it is better to distract and take your baby away. If you can’t leave, then the mother should be next to the child. You need to be especially vigilant near swings, carousels and other moving structures.

Children who have shown a desire to learn roller skates or a balance bike should immediately be taught that it is imperative to wear a helmet. The young athlete should also be explained how to fall correctly.

Parents should know what to do if the child still hit his head. And you need to patiently explain to your children how important it is not to bump. Babies just need to be protected, and older children should be taught household safety rules.

Children in their early years explore the world very actively. But the lack of experience makes itself felt and sometimes the study ends with injuries, including head injuries, the consequences of which can be very different, and the symptoms are often incomprehensible and even contradictory.

Babies under one year of age fall very often, mostly rolling off changing tables when the parent turns away for literally one second. The main reasons for such falls are the extreme curiosity and mobility of the child, the inability to control his body and the large proportion of the head.

The safety rules to prevent such situations are very simple:

  1. Even for a second, turning away from the baby, you need to transfer it to a crib with sides, or take it with you, then there will be no risk that the newborn will hit his head
  2. It is desirable that the changing table be low
  3. It is better to put a soft carpet down on the floor, because even with safety precautions, the baby is not 100% safe from falling
  4. It is possible to put the child on this carpet during absence, if the floor is warm and safe enough
  5. When changing diapers, you need to additionally hold the baby with your hand

Babies also fall from sofas and armchairs, when mom or dad went away for a minute, and also fall out of strollers. Therefore, you need to pick up a stroller with high sides, it itself should be low, and the “passenger” must be fastened so that the child does not hit his head on the asphalt. Falls also occur when the baby, sitting on a high chair at the table, pushes off from him with his feet and, together with this chair, pushes back.

Children a little older can fall from a sitting or standing position, and children 3-5 years old often fall from swings, ladders, trees, just while running and outdoor games. At the same time, after the age of five, the number of head injuries in children is markedly reduced.


Situations when a child fell and hit his head are quite dangerous in infancy, because the baby is still forming the bones of the skull, the connections between them, the brain, cerebral vessels and nerves. True, sometimes such a “softness” of the head can absorb a blow, but you should not count on it. But the negative consequences can be very serious, reaching the emotional and mental lag in development.

The most harmless type of head injury is, of course, simple bruises and bumps. In fact, this is the only situation in which the help of a doctor is not required. In second place is a concussion, which occurs in 9 cases of falls out of 10. The next in severity are brain contusion and compression of the brain, resulting in rupture of blood vessels. And finally, the most dangerous head injury in a child is an open craniocerebral injury, in which the meninges are damaged (for example, by broken bones of the skull). It heals very hard and is accompanied by the threat of infection.


The symptoms of trauma when a child falls and hits his head are quite different from the symptoms in the same situations in adults. With a concussion, children lose consciousness for a short period, but it is not so easy to notice in infants, so you need to detect how long after the fall the child began to cry. If at least a minute has passed, then we can conclude that a loss of consciousness occurred.

Other symptoms of concussion in children:

  • pale skin
  • cold sweat
  • vomiting (including repeated)
  • loss of appetite
  • such a contradictory situation as drowsiness with a simultaneous sleep disorder can be observed.

Signs of a brain injury: loss of consciousness up to 60-70 minutes or more, respiratory and heart failure. When the bones of the skull are fractured, a clear liquid, the so-called cerebrospinal fluid, can flow out of the nostrils or auricles, and bruises appear under the eyes. These symptoms may appear immediately or some time after the injury.

In older children, the degree of brain damage can be tested by asking various simple questions and watching their reactions, as well as by giving them a small “test” on their coordination of movements. The speed of response to the question and the adequacy of motor reactions directly characterize the severity of the child's condition. Children of this age should avoid excessive visual load during rehabilitation after an injury.

When to See a Doctor After a Baby Falls

The main signs in which you need to see a doctor if the child hit his head:

  • deterioration of health, the baby "falls asleep on the go"
  • muscle twitching, leg cramps
  • pupils that do not constrict in bright light or pupils that are unequal in size
  • severe blanching of the skin
  • muscle paresis or paralysis
  • in older children - dizziness
  • blood in urine, stool, or even vomit

The only consequences of a fall that do not require a doctor's call are the usual bumps and abrasions. However, it is worth noting that seeking professional help is still required if the fall occurred from a height exceeding 1 meter. As a rule, after the examination, the doctor decides whether it is possible to continue treatment at home, or whether additional diagnostics and hospitalization are necessary.

Diagnosis of a child, as a rule, includes:

  1. Computed tomography of the brain
  2. Neurosonography - a study of the baby's brain using ultrasound with a frequency of 5000-7500 Hz through an open fontanel. The procedure allows you to establish the fact of hemorrhage, as well as determine the amount of intracranial pressure.

Before the doctor arrives, you can give the baby first aid, but you need to be extremely careful. After hitting his head, the child needs peace (however, at first it is better not to let him sleep) and the absence of irritants: bright lights and toys, loud sounds, pungent odors.

It is good to apply compresses from a towel soaked in cold water to the cones. If blood starts to flow, then it can be stopped with a cotton or paper swab, you just need to remember that with prolonged bleeding (more than a quarter of an hour), you need to see a doctor.

The situation when a child hit his head is very unpleasant, but not critical. Compliance with safety precautions will reduce the event of a fall to a minimum, and with timely contact with a specialist, the negative consequences of such excesses can be completely avoided.

Today we will talk about what to do if the child fell and hit the back of the head. In this article, you will find out what such a fall can lead to, what consequences can occur if you do not see a doctor in time, what symptoms indicate the seriousness of the condition of the peanut. You will also learn how to give first aid and what to do to try to prevent possible bruises on the back of the head.

Anxiety symptoms

It is possible that a blow to the back of the head will pass with little or no characteristic symptoms. Or maybe it just hurts the place of the bruise. But parents should know when any signs and features appear in the behavior and well-being of the baby, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and sometimes urgently call an ambulance.

  1. The baby's limbs were numb.
  2. In the eyes of the peanut, everything forks.
  3. There was nausea, which may be accompanied by severe vomiting.
  4. Identification of differences in the size of the pupils, short-term twitching of the eyes.
  5. The skin turned pale. A blue tint may appear.
  6. The child cries a lot, do not calm down for more than 15 minutes.
  7. There were seizures.
  8. There was a nosebleed, hemorrhage in the eyes.
  9. Change in coordination of movements, imbalance.
  10. Clear discharge from the ears, mouth, or nose.
  11. It is difficult for the child to turn his head to the side.
  12. Speech retardation.
  13. The child hit the back of the head, the lump grew very large - be sure to see a doctor.

Possible impact results

Parents should be aware of what injuries, in addition to a minor bruise, their child may have as a result of a blow to the back of the head:

  1. Brain injury. This can happen if the child hits the back of the head on the floor. Since in small children the skeletal system is not yet fully formed and not strong enough, and in particular the bones of the skull, a brain bruise may occur after a fall. If the form of such an injury is mild, the doctor will prescribe medication, in case of severe injury - surgery.
  2. Concussion. It occurs quite often with blows to the back of the head. As a rule, treatment takes place without complications, with the help of medications.
  3. Fracture. Often accompanied by discharge from the ears or nose of the child. They can be presented as a clear liquid or blood. Treatment is conservative.
  4. Traumatic brain injury. Can be closed and open. The treatment process is the longest. Symptoms of the presence of this pathology are severe drowsiness, fainting, vomiting, convulsions.

Once my son fell on the street and hit the back of his head. At the same time, there was even an abrasion with slight bleeding, which was successfully stopped. Everything went well without medication.

Once, when my friend and her daughter were returning home from kindergarten (in winter), they slipped, fell and hit their heads. Everything worked out for her mother, and the girl was diagnosed with a concussion and appropriate treatment was prescribed.

There was also a case with a neighbor boy. He was visiting his grandmother and one day she washed the floor in the hallway and told him not to leave the room until it was dry. But then the cat Vaska jumped out from under the sofa and rushed into the corridor. Sashenka, who had been trying to get the cat for a long time, ran after him, forgetting about his grandmother's warning. He slipped, fell and hit the back of his head hard. At the moment, a big bump jumped out, he cried for about five minutes without stopping, either from pain, or from resentment that Vaska managed to escape again. Mom took Sasha to an appointment at the clinic, where, on the recommendation of a doctor, they underwent x-rays. Fortunately, everything worked out. They were prescribed medication to dissolve the bumps.

The child hit the back of the head, the consequences

It is important to know that as a result of a blow, the child may develop certain consequences. Depending on how serious the injury was or with what delay the parents went to the hospital (that is, assistance was not provided in time), the following consequences can be distinguished:

  1. The child has problems with the perception of the environment. What is typical: if the blow was delivered from the left side of the back of the head, then problems will also be observed on the left side.
  2. The child may become distracted, he will have trouble concentrating his attention. Which will adversely affect the learning process in kindergarten and school.
  3. There may be problems with both short-term and long-term memory.
  4. The child's sleep is disturbed, he constantly sleeps badly, often wakes up, may even cry or fight in hysterics.
  5. The child is tormented by constant headaches, possibly the appearance of pressure problems.

As a rule, if assistance was provided in a timely manner, it is possible to avoid almost all possible consequences. Of course, if we are talking about a traumatic brain injury, then the child cannot do without tangible consequences at all, the injury is too severe.

First aid

  1. The first step is to calm down and not panic.
  2. It is important that the baby is at rest after the impact.
  3. Examine the site of injury, check for abrasions and bruises.
  4. When a hematoma appears, it is necessary to apply a cold or ice object to the site of the bruise, but do not forget to wrap it with a cloth first.
  5. If the site of injury is bleeding, you need to disinfect it, for example, with hydrogen peroxide. Use cotton swabs.
  6. If visual damage is invisible, explain to the child that he now needs peace and only quiet games. And keep an eye on his well-being for several days.
  7. If you have identified any symptoms that characterize the complication of the baby's condition, you need to call an ambulance. This should also be done with severe bleeding, fainting and other alarming symptoms.
  8. It is important to know that if the baby loses consciousness, it must be put on the barrel. It is also important to do this in the presence of vomiting, so that it does not accidentally get into the path of the respiratory system.
  9. Even if, at first glance, the child is doing well, sometimes it is better to play it safe and go to the doctor.


Try to do everything possible to make your child's time as safe as possible:

  1. Take care of special pads on the corners of furniture.
  2. Wash the floors when the child is not at home or he is sleeping.
  3. When there is ice on the street - put on the child and on your feet special shoes that will resist falling.
  4. Get rid of the paths in the apartment, which can "ride" on the floor, thereby endangering the child.
  5. If the little one moves around the apartment with the help of a walker, watch his movements.
  6. Do not leave your baby unattended on the bed. If you leave the room, it is better to put him on the floor. At the same time, you need to be absolutely sure that all the corners in the room are already safe and nothing poses a threat to the health of the child.
  7. If the baby is learning to skate, rollerblade or bike, take care to purchase special equipment, including a helmet.

You already know that you cannot be completely sure that nothing will ever happen to the baby. Children are very active, they like to run, jump, they are not always attentive. Therefore, no one is immune from a possible fall and from hitting the back of the head on a hard surface. Remember how to behave in the event of such an injury in order to alleviate the condition of the baby and prevent the consequences from developing.

All babies are very mobile, so various bumps and abrasions are normal for them. In most cases, they fall headfirst. Nature has taken care of protecting the children's brain, so basically such blows are not capable of causing significant harm to the crumbs. Although there are injuries that pose a danger to the baby. If a child hits his head, what should adults do in this case?

Headbutt Danger

As soon as the baby has learned to move independently, he often falls, and bumps appear on his head. Parents, as a rule, do not pay attention to this, considering this condition to be normal. How do you know if it's worth worrying about?

Forehead strike

The consequence of the fact that the child fell upside down, hitting his forehead, is the appearance of a bump. This is due to injury to small vessels and filling the surrounding tissues with blood. The result is swelling and hematoma. Due to the fact that the bones of the forehead are quite strong, these injuries are not dangerous. But, if a lump appeared in a baby after a fall, then it must be shown to a doctor who can determine the degree of damage and eliminate serious consequences.

Back of the head

Sometimes, the child may fall on his back and hit the back of his head. In this case, parents should hurry to the doctor. This is due to the fact that such injuries cause serious problems in the future. Due to the fact that in the back of the head there are nerve endings that affect the functioning of the organs of vision, it can be disturbed. The child is able to lose consciousness, he has tremors in his legs and general weakness of the body. And all this can be even with a small cone.

Seeing that the child hit the back of the head, hurry with him to the doctor, even if he does not make any complaints. There are times when signs of such injuries may appear after a long period of time.

First aid

Falls and bumps for children, especially one-year-olds, are common, so you should always know what to do if a child hits his head hard. Correct and timely actions will help prevent the development of serious consequences of the injury. First, the damaged area must be carefully examined. Adults should try to determine the severity of the blow, regardless of where it fell (forehead, back of the head or temple):

  1. The appearance of a hematoma in the place where the blow occurred. Cold (ice) should be applied to the site of edema as soon as possible. A bottle filled with cold water or a handkerchief soaked in water will also work. It is necessary to hold such a compress for about 5 minutes to alleviate the condition and reduce swelling of the affected tissues.
  2. After the fall, there was an abrasion and blood appeared. The wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide. This will prevent various pathogens from entering through the wound. If you cannot immediately stop the bleeding, call an ambulance.
  3. The kid could hit, but there is no damage in this place. Parents should carefully observe him for several more days, noting any deviations from the norm in his behavior or condition. The child may feel headache or dizziness, become moody and irritable, sleep for a long time or get tired quickly. All this may indicate a concussion or some other serious injury. Noticing a sharp deterioration in his condition, loss of consciousness, the occurrence of nausea and vomiting, it is urgent to call a doctor.

Adults should reassure the child and provide him with complete peace. To do this, it is better to put the baby to bed, read a fairy tale, explain that nothing dangerous has happened and after rest he will be able to play again.

At the same time, the main thing is to do everything so that he stays awake for several hours, because many of them immediately begin to fall asleep. This is done in order not to miss serious symptoms and to identify the severity of the injury.

Doctors recommend waking your baby up at night to test coordination. After a few days, if he continues to feel well and nothing bothers him, then the parents can calm down. In the first time after the injury, he should spend more time walking on the street, but avoid active pastime.

anxiety symptoms

Each baby can fall down to the floor or hit his head on furniture or any other objects. If this happens, parents should follow him. In this case, any physical activity should be kept to a minimum. Older children need to limit brain activity - to prohibit reading, playing on a computer or watching TV. A child who complains of weakness or dizziness should be seen by a doctor.

After a forehead blow

Children often hit their foreheads. A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if the parents notice:

  • In the place where there was a bump, a depression formed.
  • The kid complains of nausea, vomiting appeared.
  • Unable to calm down for a long time.
  • The lips turned blue and the skin turned pale.

Tatyana Gurevich, head of the movement disorders clinic at the Tel Aviv Medical Center, talks in detail about head injuries:

  • Pupils greatly increased in size or strabismus appeared.
  • Too big bump appeared at the place of impact.
  • He cannot turn his head to the side, it is difficult for him to move.
  • There is bleeding from the nose or ears.

If at least one of the above signs is noticed, you should immediately show the child to the doctor. Even in the case when it seems to adults that the injury is insignificant, consultation with a pediatrician is required!

Before the arrival of the doctor, the victim should not be given medications so that the doctor can assess the real picture of the damage. The baby should lie on its side while waiting for the examination.

After being hit with the back of the head

If the blow falls on the back of the head, the symptoms that should alert you will be almost identical. Additionally, numbness of the limbs, loss of consciousness (may be prolonged), visual impairment (blurring, complete absence, etc.), tinnitus, severe dizziness, impaired coordination of movements and memory loss may appear.

Such blows are often the cause of a concussion. And even if the baby just plopped down on the floor, hitting the back of the head, this condition cannot be ignored. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is better to immediately show the child to the doctor.

Older children and teenagers can be injured by falling backwards while rollerblading, cycling, or during a fight. To avoid trouble, it is important to teach the baby how to fall correctly as early as possible, and when riding a bicycle, it is necessary to use a protective helmet.

Possible consequences

Children can fall in any direction. The type of injury, signs and consequences will depend on where the blow fell. Even if the child seems healthy, adults still need to observe his condition and behavior for several days.

It is possible that the state of health will begin to deteriorate after a while. Children may complain of headaches, memory problems. They become capricious, sleep and appetite are disturbed.

On forehead strike

Falling forward and hitting the forehead, children can most often. In such situations, the simplest manifestation of injury will be a bump. There are 2 types of traumatic brain injury:

  1. Closed - without violating the integrity of the bones of the skull and skin. Separate light (not threatening the baby) and complex injuries (when treatment is necessary).
  1. Open - damage to the skin and bones occurs. As a result of the fall, the baby's consciousness is disturbed and bleeding appears.

Neurologist M. M. Shperling talks about traumatic brain injuries. We listen to the doctor:

Closed injuries include:

  • Brain concussion. The victim may lose consciousness (as a rule, this lasts for several minutes). After that, dizziness, nausea and vomiting will appear. There is pallor of the skin and blue lips. Although, it is possible that the child will not have any manifestations of concussion. But it's too early to rejoice. Parents in such situations should analyze the behavior of the baby during sleep. With a concussion, sleep is disturbed, he often wakes up. If this is the case with your child, then you need to show it to the doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child needs bed rest.
  • Brain injury. In this case, after the impact, the children lose consciousness. The skin around the eyes darkens, and the ears and nose may bleed. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. Other signs of a brain injury include: impaired speech and facial expressions, damage to the facial nerve.
  • Soft tissue injury. This injury is the easiest and most harmless. In this case, a bump or hematoma appears at the site of impact. The child quickly calms down and his condition returns to normal.

Consequences of hitting the head

When hit in the back of the head

Falling on the back of the head is very dangerous. Therefore, after such an injury, the baby should be immediately shown to the doctor in order to avoid serious consequences:

  1. Perceptual disturbance. When the blow came from the left side, the baby may not perceive the space that is on the left and vice versa. This condition is considered very serious and dangerous, but it is extremely rarely diagnosed.
  2. Children may become inattentive. Sleep is disturbed, memory deteriorates. The child suffers from constant headaches.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about childhood head injuries and in which cases it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor:

Such consequences can be avoided if the child is shown to the doctor as soon as possible after the injury.

Injury Prevention

Any fall can result in a headbutt. To avoid this, young children should not be left unattended by adults, wherever they are (on a sofa, changing table, in a crib or stroller). They may roll over or try to crawl, and as a result, they may fall and hit. If you need to leave the room where the baby is, place him in the playpen or lay him on the floor where he will be safe.

While dressing the crumbs, hold it with your free hand. When the child is sitting on the bed, even if you are nearby at this time, put a few pillows on the floor. Children are incredibly mobile and it is not always possible to keep track of them.

Safety precautions should not be neglected while walking in a stroller. When choosing a stroller, pay attention to models with high sides. And seating a child there, be sure to fasten it with seat belts.

Children who are learning to walk fall especially often. At this time, their legs are not yet strong enough and it is easy for him to stumble or slip. To make the baby comfortable, put on socks with special rubber inserts on the feet that will not allow him to slide on the floor. It is equally important to protect the surrounding objects and furniture. Specially for sharp corners, silicone pads are sold. Parents can also cover such areas with a soft cloth.

While descending the stairs, you need to firmly hold the child's handle, as the baby can easily slip and fall down. And this is extremely dangerous. One of the most traumatic places for children is the playground. To prevent injury to babies, parents should always be near them. This is especially true for swinging or playing on high structures.

For older toddlers who are starting rollerblading or cycling, always wear a safety helmet, which can always protect the baby's head from injury in a fall. It is important for children who play sports to learn how to fall correctly and group themselves at the same time.

The head is not only the most important, but also the most vulnerable part of the human body. Therefore, she needs to be treated with respect. The main task of adults is to control the baby and in a conversation with an older child, during which he needs to explain the importance of safety in everyday life. If, nevertheless, it happened that the child fell and hit his head, he must be shown to the doctor in order to exclude the occurrence of serious injuries.

A seemingly insignificant blow to the back of the head can actually be a serious injury and lead to unexpected consequences for the victim. In the brain structures of the occipital part, bundles of nerve fibers responsible for the functioning of the visual system are concentrated. Even a slight bruise to the back of the head, not to mention more significant and serious injuries to this part of the head, can lead to the development of visual impairment or complete blindness, as well as the appearance of consequences associated with a violation of the nervous system over time.

If you hit the back of your head, then in order to reduce the likelihood of complications, a person who has suffered from an injury to the back of the head should without fail be diagnosed by specialized doctors and, in case of violations, follow their further recommendations.

Consequences if you hit the back of the head

A head injury, like all traumatic brain injuries, in the absence of proper treatment and a recovery period, can lead to irreversible and serious consequences. An imaginary improvement in the first months and the absence of symptoms characteristic of a head injury often leads to the fact that the patient returns to his usual lifestyle immediately after treatment and at the same time ignores the doctor's recommendations for a sparing regimen. The consequences of such actions begin to appear months or years after the bruise of the back of the head in the form of the following signs:

  • Visual disturbances in the form of unilateral spatial agnosia. The patient does not perceive part of the space from the side of the trauma that occurred earlier, as a result of which he cannot orient himself in the objects surrounding him, for example, to distinguish their correct location and the distance between them.
  • Post-traumatic asthenia, which manifests itself in the form of an unreasonable change in mood (from irritability to apathy), distraction, sleep disturbance, decreased performance, memory, concentration and mental activity.
  • and headaches arising from bad weather, alcohol intake or nervous overexcitation.
  • Susceptibility to the emergence of depressive moods, unreasonable fears and anxieties.
  • Clouding of the mind and the occurrence of hallucinations.

To reduce the risk of manifestation of the described consequences, even with a slight blow to the back of the head on a hard object, you should consult a doctor for advice. This recommendation especially applies to children in whom the main vital systems and brain tissues are in the stage of growth and formation.

First aid for head injury

If a person hits the back of the head, then the nature of the actions that must be performed in case of an injury to the back of the head directly depends on the severity of the blow and the symptoms that appear in the first minutes.

With a slight blow to the back of the head, the presence of consciousness, as well as the absence of nausea and signs of disorientation, the victim should be given the following assistance:

  • put it on a sofa or bed;
  • ensure silence;
  • apply a cold compress to the back of the head in the form of ice wrapped in a towel every 15 minutes with a break of half an hour;
  • treat an abrasion or hematoma if the skin is damaged as a result of the impact;
  • show the victim to the doctor to rule out a mild concussion.

Loss of consciousness even for a short period of time, nausea, dizziness and disorientation in space may indicate a more serious traumatic effect: or the formation of intracranial hematomas. In such cases, those who are with the injured people should promptly take the following actions:

  • Carefully transfer the victim to a flat and hard surface. If there is a possibility of damage to the vertebrae of the neck or back, then it is not recommended to move it. In this case, you should turn the gently injured person on his side so that he does not choke on the masses in case of vomiting, and raise his head a little.
  • Call the medical team immediately and do not let the victim fall asleep until they arrive.
  • Measure the injured pulse and ask him about his health, then to report this information to the doctors.

With severe symptoms, the victim should not be applied to the site of injury compresses and give painkillers. The reduction in symptoms and blunting of sensations as a result of taking them can make it difficult to diagnose an injury and lead to the appointment of inappropriate treatment.

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

Treatment of an injury to the back of the head

Treatment of an occipital injury is prescribed by a specialized doctor (neurologist, traumatologist or neurosurgeon) after diagnosing and determining the severity of the injury.

After a certain time, even if you feel well, you need to visit a doctor for a preventive examination. This will reduce the likelihood of complications and subsequent manifestations of unpleasant sensations that interfere with a full life.