Soul mates! How do you know if you have a soul mate next to you? Soulmate: don't try to look for it

You must have more than once heard or said words to sometimes barely familiar people: "He, she is my soul mate"? As a rule, this is due to mutual sympathy and understanding, which, as if by chance, arise between people. But is it so and is it accidental? Why do people recognize each other as soul mates? Is it because they just look alike? What does this concept really mean? Who are these soul mates and what role do they play in our life?

There is a theory of multiple reincarnation (or reincarnation), according to which a group of souls unites by kinship even before it incarnates on Earth. And in this unity one can meet friends, parents, and lovers - all those close to us and those who walk with us hand in hand and help us build our earthly lives. When we first meet with our kindred spirits, we "recognize" each other, and between us suddenly there is a feeling of mutual sympathy, ease and such understanding in communication, which does not require going into additional exhausting explanations. Similar thoughts and feelings, the same tastes, outlook on life, a sense of humor and even gestures, facial expressions and gait, understanding at a glance or just one glance - this kind of kinship of souls develops over more than one life. Their energies vibrate at the same frequencies. It is with such people that the most fruitful interaction is obtained: with them you do not have to waste any nerves or extra energy to explain your mood and convey the necessary thought.

There are two ways people think about soul mates. Some believe that there is only one and only truly kindred soul in the world. Their union is the union of the two halves into one whole or the oversoul, divided into two bodies. When a person meets her, he realizes that he has finally found what he has been looking for all his life.

Others say that a person has many kindred souls. These are the souls that help a person to go through all his life lessons and go through them themselves with him - and so karma is accomplished. Some of them follow with a person the entire path of his life, while others leave as soon as they complete their task.

It would be wrong to say that the first theory is completely wrong. Indeed, throughout life, a person meets many people who could be called soul mates. But the closeness of relations with them is not the same, which means that there is still one most ideal person, the very second half that you will definitely meet in this or the next incarnations. In the latter case, this is not a reason to be disappointed in life. If a person does not meet his most ideal soul mate, it is only because he does not want it and is not at all ready for such a meeting.

A person attracts exactly those kindred souls that correspond to his level of development. And they are different depending on his age. But, no matter how different soul mates are, they still appear to fulfill one goal: to help overcome all difficulties and fears, all those obstacles that are encountered on the joint path. Although their help is sometimes not painless, "what does not kill us makes us stronger."

If you are engaged in self-development and spiritual growth, then you will have more chances to meet. In one thing, you can be absolutely sure: your souls have been familiar for a long time, since you have been together for more than one life. You had such a serious relationship and strong feelings that you are now tied for centuries by strong bonds, through which you will definitely find each other.

How to find your soul mate?

One of the biggest mistakes a person makes is to think that he has only one chance to be happy, and if he misses his ideal, then he will no longer be happy. Thinking so is wrong because it means denying the benefits of the experience gained from the past relationships, and the ideal is often illusory. It so happens: to pass the lesson you have to lose something, but in return you will find something more: comprehension and new relationships of a higher level.

If you still haven't found your soul mate, then you haven't solved some of the problems that divide you. If you still want to meet her, then you need to let go of the past: unleash attachments with old partners and resolve family problems (for example, bad relationships, the divorce of parents could program the subconscious of their child for loneliness or unhappiness in love). Overcome the fear of losing what you now have, know that you will never lose what is truly yours.

A person is looking for his soul mate always and everywhere, whether he realizes it or not. But, even if they meet, he may not recognize her because, without knowing himself, he cannot know the energy of his ideal half and, accordingly, what it should be in reality.

It also happens in another way: kindred spirits find each other, meet, but then part forever. This is not to say that such relationships may not be correct, they are needed for a given specific time and the spiritual development of both partners. To let each other go and move on, they need to understand what lesson they met and what useful experience (it certainly is) they got from their relationship.

In order to be ready to meet your soul mate, first of all, you need to start acting: you will not attract a soul mate into your life with just one desire. You need to understand yourself, understand what you really want, and not what, but how a soul mate can make you truly happy. Loneliness and dislike are contrary to the concept of human life: everyone is given to be happy according to his faith, so trust life and be fully confident that it will bring you to the right track. And then, you will be open to new high relationships and meet your truly kindred spirit!

So, kindred spirits take us into this world, playing the role of our parents, they also help us grow and develop, fulfilling the roles of our friends, teachers, as well as with them we love, learn the taste of life and create a new world, being in love.

; Why do we meet our Soul Mate? Such a phenomenal, out of the ordinary meeting does not happen just like that and it is far from just a romantic meeting. Meeting with a Soul Mate is always true, real and unconditional Love and it can be experienced, even by those whose consciousness is not yet ready for such a high Love. But they will also experience unconditional Love. And somewhere in the depths of the soul, everyone who has met their Soul Mate will hear an inner voice that will say - "THIS IS FOR SOMETHING MORE."

The first meeting with a Soul Mate is always for that experience and those experiences that we have never experienced before, for the purification and growth of our consciousness, cognition of Oneself and cognition of the Highest - the original Source of Love. And you, undoubtedly, will feel in this meeting incredible and, at the same time, such natural and close to you sensations of inexplicable breadth, lightness and openness. You will feel the Kinship.
Yes, this spiritual Kinship can be experienced in very different ways, but it will always be Kinship - something that is difficult to describe in words, but something that is felt very vividly and undoubtedly.
What is “more”? It is you - in the broadest spiritual and personal perspective. Having met your Soulmate, you meet yourself, the greater, you meet a part of yourself - forgotten, ancient and so close and understandable to you. Phenomenal forces and abilities wake up in you, you remember your past incarnations and acquire your primordial talents, acquire a greater Self. Yes, not the whole thing yet - it will be when meeting with the Gemini half, but more, much more.
Meeting with a Soul Mate is Love, it is Strength, energy, this is your wisdom and Knowledge, this is your Life! Maybe, having met your Soul Mate, you will feel yourself Alive for the first time in your life! How can this be overestimated? What could be more expensive? Nothing can be more important and closer than Life! Therefore, having met your Soul Mate, feeling it (him) and feeling yourself, you can forget about everything in the world and will love only Life, you will love only Love. You will receive all the most important, the most real and the only worth in your life.
This is what your meeting with your Soul Mate can mean if such a meeting is 100 percent maximum.
Of course, meetings are different and Soul Mates are also different and you may be completely ready for such a meeting, or not at all ready, but ... No matter how it was, in whatever form your meeting took place, you will never be able to forget this - you will not be able to forget the feelings of Kinship. It's unforgettable!

A meeting with a Soul Mate can bring a lot into our life, surprisingly, phenomenally much. The words that our Soul Mate tells us fall into our soul and begin to live there - it’s as if strings suddenly sounded inside us, music began to play, so beautiful and so dear ...
Soul mates can be the best Teachers and psychotherapists for each other, not because they are unusually smart, but simply because OUR OWN SOUL SPEAKS TO US THROUGH THEM (!!!). Our Native Higher Forces, our guardian angels, speak to us through our Soul Mate. This is what our meeting with a Soul Mate can mean. And much more and much more.

And our Soul Mate looks like our soul mate (not outwardly, of course) and we feel and experience exactly the same way, we feel that this is our soul mate, but it is not ... How to figure out, how to understand how not to make a fatal mistake, which can lead to the life drama of both? After all, Soul Mates are not true halves and THEY WILL NEVER BE FULLY CONNECTED, and the desire for just such a connection will remain and it will torment both, making their life incomplete, incomplete.
With a Soul Mate, as well as with your Twin half, you can reach the highest states of consciousness, to comprehend the Divine, the Primordial. And, from the very moment when you know the original Source of Love in each other, from this moment the differences begin, then you can without a doubt know who you are to each other - Soul Mates or Twin halves. If you, until then, doubted, then after cognition of the Source, after merging with the Absolute, there is no doubt, everything becomes more than obvious. You will learn all this and see for yourself, with your own eyes.
Until then, doubts may remain. Doubts are not always, sometimes a couple or one of the two clearly knows that they are only Soul Mates to each other and nothing more. But sometimes both have doubts.
In any case, one way or another, only having reached the highest manifestation of Love, having reached the Source of Love, you will be able to completely and without doubt resolve all questions for yourself.

A meeting of Soulmates, like a meeting of Gemini halves, is always for something more, for more than we knew before this meeting, and certainly for more than just the romance of love and the subsequent program of family life. This is more and does not exclude romance, love, or family life, but all this acquires an ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT QUALITY - HIGHEST QUALITY, DIVINE QUALITY.

And, in conclusion, we can say that, indeed, our life is in many ways a School where we teach lessons, as well as our life is given to us for pleasure and meeting with a Soul Mate is both indescribable pleasure and a great lesson, and until we learn this lesson to the end, until the mission of meeting our Soul Mate is completed by us, until we can reconnect with our true half. These are the rules of the Game, these are the Laws of the space of Soulmates - the space in which a man and a woman live and improve together, because only together, in their true unity, they are able to "learn" all the lessons and enjoy the highest bliss, uniting absolutely and making their great return to the Primordial Source of All, returning Home.

Modern youth does not really think about what random meetings and close relationships with a person about whom they know very little can lead. Often a guy starts dating a girl without any serious intentions and without feeling any affection for her, just to have at least some kind of partner and not to suffer from loneliness.

With time relationship go far, and the guy realizes that he was wrong with the choice, but continues to meet with her out of pity or convenience. Due to their upbringing, many guys do not dare to leave the girl with whom they already live together, but they do not feel affection and love for her. By marrying a girl out of pity or material gain, the guy loses the opportunity to find his true happiness, which could have been if he took his time and tried to find his soul mate.

All people dream meet a soul mate, that is, a person who understands him perfectly, shares his interests, anticipates all his desires and loves him as he really is. Very few people meet such a person on their way, many are in a hurry to tie their fate in bonds, only succumbing to the outburst of passion that flared up.

Agree to marriage to man to which you do not have strong feelings should not, so you are deprived of the opportunity to become happy and waste most of your life. A marriage with a person who is only interested in your money and success, at some stage in the relationship, inevitably leads to disappointment in life, despair and fatigue.

Find a soul mate not everyone succeeds, but you should not lose the conviction that you definitely should not meet her. History knows many examples of couples who accepted each other with all their shortcomings, loved each other sincerely and did not force them to compromise. These are Napoleon and Josephine, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Cleopatra and Mark Antony. These are prime examples of soul mates who are fortunate enough to meet. They were tied by invisible threads, which made it possible, even at a distance, to understand what the other was thinking.

Everyone has the opportunity to find his soul mate, just do not rush. It is possible that at the initial stage of relations with partners you will make mistakes. But you need to gain experience and learn patience. Usually, those who managed to meet a soul mate describe their state as follows: “From the first minute of our meeting, I was seized by a feeling as if we had known each other for a thousand years. outlook on life coincide. "

If you date someone and try always adjust to his mood, abandoning his interests and wanting to present himself in the best light, then this suggests that you have not been able to find a soul mate. A soul mate is one with whom a person feels like in paradise, despite all the difficulties of life. If you are sure that you are loved for who you are, and do not demand that you change for the better, then your chosen one is the one you are looking for.

With such a person quarrels and conflicts are impossible, this is your significant other, with whom you will live an interesting and happy life. It's easy and simple to communicate with your soul mate, so you can even find someone who shares your beliefs and thoughts on the Internet. After talking on Skype or chatting, people begin to understand that they are similar in many ways. It is believed that a person can meet several soul mates during his life, but not all of them become lovers. Some of them are our friends, girlfriends, sisters, brothers and work colleagues.

Many psychologists believe that the concept " soul mates"this is nothing more than a myth invented by women. No matter how the partners approach each other, at a certain stage of their relationship scandals and quarrels are inevitable. The same fact that a man and a woman at the first meeting understand that they have found a kindred spirit is a sign of insane love at first sight or a trick of memory that awakened memories of first love or a loved one due to external similarity. That is, the attraction of kindred souls, in their opinion, is based on the banal recognition of familiar features of a once dear person.

According to a psychiatrist from Frank Pittman Atlantes, nothing brings so much disappointment and suffering to a woman as the myth of the existence of a soul mate. If people were brought up in different families, then they have different views on life. At the initial stage of the relationship between spouses, negative feelings are turned off, but over the years, their occurrence is inevitable. Therefore, psychologists recommend getting married only if you are already in love or are sure that over time you will be able to fall in love with your chosen one. Only then is a married couple able to exist in complete harmony, and not live together under one roof, trying to adapt to the mood of the other in order to avoid another scandal.

As soon as I saw him, I realized that I had been looking for him all my life. "

“We felt it immediately. None of us has yet had time to say a word. "

This is how people usually describe an encounter with a soul mate. It is believed that during our life we ​​meet several kindred souls, but not all of them will be our beloved. Some will become friends, colleagues, relatives, even enemies. Sometimes we recognize our soul mate the moment we first meet. However, many dream of only one thing - to meet their romantic soul mate, a person with whom complete happiness is possible. What if you can't find it?

If you are unsuccessfully looking for your soul mate, be sure to ask yourself why you are so eager to find it.

Many people say that without a soul mate they feel inferior. This is an understandable motive, but it raises questions about your self-worth, personal integrity, and your relationship with yourself.

It is useless to hope that someone else will solve all your problems and help you feel your wholeness. It doesn't work that way. You yourself must feel whole, and therefore happy, before you can make someone else happy. Otherwise, it will turn out that you are just looking for a plaster to seal the gaping wound in your soul.

Maybe you have had a series of difficult relationships in which you have always repeated the same pattern of behavior, without realizing that you are partly responsible for the fact that your relationship does not develop the way you would like.

Of course, we all dream of finding that person ... the only one with whom we want to live until the end of our days. Dreaming is not harmful, it is more difficult to really start looking and finding. Do you rely solely on fate? Of course, you can believe in fate, but without your participation, something good is unlikely to happen to you. Destiny needs you to push it in the right direction in order to find that one person who is so lacking for happiness.

To begin with, in order to find your soul mate, you need to find yourself. What qualities are most important to you? What are your life values ​​and aspirations? How do you express your love, and what do you expect in return? You need to answer these questions for yourself in order not to make a mistake in your choice.

Nowadays, it is customary to simply meet with people, not really thinking about your choice and the seriousness of the relationship. Dating is fun, but you shouldn't date just anyone because you're afraid to be alone. Look closely to your partner, perhaps she / she contains the qualities that you have been looking for for so long. Make no mistake about letting the relationship get too far.

If you find that the relationship is not going to lead to anything good, it is best to end it immediately. The desire to continue a comfortable relationship or date out of pity only complicates your true goal of finding your soul mate.

Finding your soul mate will take a long time, be patient and don't stop searching if you fail.

It is necessary to highlight the main signs by which you can determine that you have found your soul mate:

1. Strong physical attraction to each other.
2. Great interest in each other's inner peace.
3. Common interests.
4. The presence of common values.
5. Respect for each other.
6. He / she will make you feel truly special ...
7. Someone who really ignites a flame of passion in you, will help you to open up, become better.
8. Sharing common emotions.

These are the most important signs that you have found a soul mate. In fact, when this happens, you yourself will understand. And if you meet such a person, be careful. The main thing is not to rush, try to get to know each other better, take a closer look at each other, build the foundation of your relationship thoroughly, do not succumb to impulses of passion. When you both feel that you have found your dreams in each other, then you can move on to a new level of relationship. The fact that you will move towards your overall happiness is the surest sign that you have found the right person ...

There are several ways to know your soul mate in your life. The first (and most obvious if you think about it) is ask. If you are working with your Guardian Angel, talk to him about your desire to find a soul mate. Listen carefully to what he has to say to you. Or, if you communicate differently, pay attention to the signals, events and dreams that come to you after the conversation. Guardian angels can communicate with each other if asked by people, so ask your Guardian Angel to find your soul mate's Guardian Angel and join forces to arrange your meeting.

Another possibility is seek help from an archangel or an enlightened master. You can either ask for the right spirit to respond to your request, or you can turn to the archangel Hamail, the angel of romantic relationships. Many angels work with him, and they will help you find your soul mate. Hamail helps to search for the lost, be it a physical object, a loved one or a relationship. When you ask him for help, believe that he is with you and will answer your call. Snore patience and know that your soul mate will come into your life at the right moment for both of you.

Write about your desires. Most of us think about what they would like to find in their lives, but rarely write down these requests. But the very process of putting our needs on paper enhances their ability to attract what we want. So it makes sense write down the characteristics of the soul mate you would like to meet. Ideally, you shouldn't go into too much physical detail, because you can get so carried away looking for someone who resembles this description that you will not notice a soul mate, which may look completely different. Instead, focus on the character and personality, as well as the relationships that you would like to create. And always ask that your relationship is for the benefit of everyone involved.

List your preferred soulmate traits to help them come into your life.

Once you've finished listing your soulmate qualities, put the list in a safe place and trust that the request will be fulfilled at the right time. You can re-read it periodically, but do not dwell on it so much that you forget about the rest of your life. You don't know in advance when and where you will meet your coveted soul mate. This can happen at a party you don't want to go to, in a supermarket where you’re in a terrible rush, or even at a bus stop.

Dream. Your teachers may not approve of your daydreaming at school, but this is a very effective way to attract what you want into your life. Why not dream of meeting your soul mate? Listen to your intuition. When you meet your soul mate in a dream, let your whole body be filled with love and delight. This will help you draw her into your life. Your unconscious mind does not see the difference between dream and reality, so, for example, your heart starts to beat faster when someone is in danger in a movie. You can use this by telling the unconscious that what you want has already happened. In response, it will attract this event so that it actually happens.

If you still haven't found your soul mate, then you haven't solved some of the problems that divide you.

According to reincarnation, a group of souls unites by kinship even before it incarnates on Earth. And in this unity one can meet friends, parents, and lovers - all those close to us and those who walk with us hand in hand and help us build our earthly lives. When we first meet with our kindred spirits, we "recognize" each other, and between us suddenly there is a feeling of mutual sympathy, ease and such understanding in communication, which does not require going into additional exhausting explanations. Similar thoughts and feelings, the same tastes, outlook on life, a sense of humor and even gestures, facial expressions and gait, understanding at a glance or just one glance - such a relationship of souls develops over more than one life. Their energies vibrate at the same frequencies. It is with such people that the most fruitful interaction is obtained: with them you do not have to waste any nerves or extra energy to explain your mood and convey the necessary thought.

There are two ways people think about soul mates. Some believe that there is only one and only truly kindred soul in the world. Their union is the union of the two halves into one whole or the oversoul, divided into two bodies. When a person meets her, he realizes that he has finally found what he has been looking for all his life.

Others say that a person has many kindred souls. These are the souls that help a person to go through all his life lessons and go through them themselves with him - and so karma is accomplished. Some of them follow with a person the entire path of his life, while others leave as soon as they complete their task.

In one thing, you can be absolutely sure: your souls have been familiar for a long time, since you have been together for more than one life. You had such a serious relationship and strong feelings that you are now tied for centuries by strong bonds, through which you will definitely find each other.

This person may have been your spouse or friend in a very colorful past life full of events and actions. Even if it was many incarnations ago, a vivid karmic imprint of these events remains at the cellular level. Moreover, your Higher Self knows everything. Someone suddenly enters your life and overwhelms by their very presence. He may not even have said a word, and is generally not very sociable - but you can feel how every cell of his body screams: "I know you!" This is most likely your soul mate. The attraction to this person turns out to be a surprisingly strong manifestation of the energy of the past. Spark is the word that most accurately describes what can happen between you. If you find such love, cherish it and do not let it fade away, for it is sacred and carries the seeds of the Spirit itself.

Richard Bach "Bridge over Eternity":

A soul mate is the one who has the keys to our locks, and whose locks our keys fit. When we feel so secure that we can open our locks, then our most authentic selves come out to meet each other, and we can be fully and truly who we are. Then we are loved as we are, and not as we are trying to be. Each reveals the best sides of the other. And in spite of everything that makes us suffer, with this person we feel well-being as in paradise.

A soul mate is one who shares our deepest aspirations, our chosen direction of movement. If the two of us are moving upward like balloons, it is very likely that we have found the right person in each other.

A soulmate is the one thanks to whom you begin to live a real life ...

I want to cry - cry, I want to scream - scream, I want to laugh - laugh. Only love - and first of all love the soul in yourself. Then she will definitely attract her kindred ... Elchin Safarli. Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus.

Many are confused about the terms "soul mate" and "partner".

  • A soul mate is a person who teaches you, enriches you, pushes you forward and helps you reach the higher spheres of being and consciousness.
  • A partner is a life companion you trust and rely on for your entire life.

Men rarely combine both. So it would be better for you in advance, even before marriage, to decide what type of life partner you need.

Here are the 5 main differences between a soul mate and a partner:

Your Soulmate Teaches You Life Lessons

A soul mate can come into your life under the guise of a friend, relative, or lover. This person satisfies your passion for knowledge.

Once this desire is satisfied, and the lesson is learned, the soul mate usually leaves you, breaking your heart.

The partner shares your interests. This person is your support, support and safety net.

Unlike your soul mate, your partner always stays close, no matter what difficulties and troubles you encounter on your way. Your partner has a spiritual and emotional connection with you, not clouded by selfish considerations.

The feeling of kinship is completely different.

Soulmates feel a deep connection to your heart and mind. They hurt your very ego. Relations with them are stormy and changeable.

These wonderful experiences often end in a broken heart. Soulmates teach you the karmic lessons that you are supposed to learn in this incarnation.

Partners appear in life at the moment when you love and accept yourself. You no longer need to fill an inexplicable spiritual vacuum.

Partners usually have similar life experiences. They come to stay with you for a long time.

“A soul mate is needed to shake you, tear your ego to shreds, show you your limitations and attachments, break your heart so that it can fill with new light, bring you to such a degree of despair and helplessness that you have to change your life ". (Elizabeth Gilbert)

You have a timeless craving for this person.

When you meet a soul mate, you feel like you've known each other for ages. You understand each other perfectly, your thoughts converge.

You have similar childhood memories. It is from here that the attraction between soul mates is born. You are attracted to each other by a certain "knowledge".

These relationships can be chaotic and disruptive because you mirror each other in everything, including flaws and habits.

The partner, meanwhile, usually has a very different life experience. Your differences strengthen the emotional connection between you.

You want to learn more and learn new things from each other. It is easy for you to be together, and a true and long-term friendship quickly develops between you. Every day you love each other more and more.

"Important meetings are planned by souls long before bodies meet in reality." (Paolo Coelho)

Your soulmate knows you intuitively

You experience a higher connection between thoughts and feelings. You read each other's thoughts and desires.

Soulmates never find it difficult to exchange ideas and emotions. A soul mate always understands you, because she knows your feelings.

Partners attract each other physically and strive to learn each other's values.

Such relationships are based on logical and intellectual stimulation, not emotional love with its ups and downs.

A soulmate appears to you at the moment of the most important experiences

A soul mate always appears at a time when you need to comprehend something. These relationships provide valuable lessons.

Love between you is ecstasy, although sometimes it is full of sharp edges. Two soul mates are trying to grope the ground in a relationship that brings out their best and worst sides at the same time.

The relationship with your partner is always simple. They start out effortlessly. They persist against the backdrop of everyday events.

Such a union does not depend on the experiences of the past or the future. It only exists in the present tense.

These relationships lead to healthy marriages because both parties are willing to strive for unity without compromising their individuality and sincerity.

A soul mate may well turn out to be a life partner. And vice versa: a relationship with a partner can easily develop into a spiritual connection.

The main difference between a partner and a soul mate is that the first is your choice, and the second is not. This is not to say that any of these relationships are better or worse. The connection between you is generated by your soul and your feelings. Every person in your life is both a teacher and a student.

“A soul mate gives you a sense of integrity, as if all the pieces of the puzzle have finally come together. A partner can be an excellent support and long-term companion in life, but he is limited in his ability to enrich you spiritually. "