Erase random features - and you will see: the world is beautiful. Erase random features and you will see: the world is beautiful

ANNA AKHMATOVA "Beauty is terrible" - They will tell you - you will lazily throw a Spanish Shawl over your shoulders, Red Rose - in your hair. "Beauty is simple" - You will be told - You will clumsily cover a child with a colorful shawl, Red rose - on the floor. But, absent-mindedly listening to All the words that sound around you, you will think sadly And repeat to yourself: “I am not terrible and not simple; I'm not so scary to just Kill; I'm not so simple, To not know how terrible life is. Alexander Blok There are moments when the fatal thunderstorm does not disturb us. Someone will put his hands on his shoulders, Someone will clearly look into your eyes... And instantly the mundane will sink, As if into a dark abyss without a bottom... And over the abyss, silence will slowly rise in a seven-colored arc... And the melody, muffled and young Hidden will touch the silence The strings lulled by life As tense as a harp, the soul. Alexander Blok Prologue Life is without beginning and end. Chance awaits us all. Above us - the inevitable dusk, Or the clarity of God's face. But you, the artist, firmly believe Beginnings and ends. You know Where heaven and hell guard us. You have been given an impassive measure Measure everything you see. Your gaze - let it be firm and clear. Erase random traits - And you will see: the world is beautiful. Know where the light is, you will understand where the darkness is. Let everything go slowly What is holy in the world, what is sinful in it, Through the heat of the soul, through the coldness of the mind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexander Blok

Blok's music, born at the turn of two eras, absorbed the acceptance scary world with his torment and death, and enchantment strange world, "wrapped in colored mist". With her came the inescapable responsiveness and unprecedented responsibility of the poet, susceptibility to world pain, anticipation of a catastrophe, a premonition of inevitable retribution. Alexander Blok is a revelation for many generations of readers.

“The most convenient thing is to measure our symbolism by the degrees of Blok's poetry. This is living mercury, it is both warm and cold, and it is always hot there. Blok developed normally - from a boy who had read Solovyov and Fet, he became a Russian romantic, wise German and English brothers, and, finally, a Russian poet who realized cherished dream Pushkin - in education to become on a par with the century.

Block by block, we measured the past, as a land surveyor divides boundless fields into sections with a thin net. Through Blok, we saw Pushkin, and Goethe, and Boratynsky, and Novalis, but in a new order, for they all appeared to us as tributaries of Russian poetry rushing into the distance, united and not impoverished in perpetual motion. Osip Mandelstam

SAINT PETERSBURG, 7 August. Exactly 90 years ago, the great Russian symbolist poet Alexander Blok passed away. When he was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, there was silence, no one said anything. Today, the opposite is true - fans of the poet's work in St. Petersburg read poetry and recall stories from his life.

A memorial service was held today in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ - next to the Smolensk cemetery. The temple is under restoration, but it was opened on purpose for one day, because it was there that the poet was buried in 1921. After that, the memorial service began at the Literary bridges of the Volkovsky cemetery, where Soviet years Block's remains were transferred. By tradition, on this day, poems by "the most St. Petersburg poet" performed by museum staff, actors, and writers are heard here. Everyone can read immortal poetic lines.

Moreover, the voice of Alexander Blok himself, recorded at the beginning of the 20th century, will sound today in his last St. Petersburg apartment on the former Officerskaya Street. The recording was made at one of the evenings when the "tragic tenor" of the era of revolutionary unrest read poems from the "Russia" cycle. Visitors to the museum-apartment will also hear romances based on the poet's verses performed by Valery Agafonov, Oleg Pogudin and Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

We add that the Day of Remembrance will end with a literary and musical evening in the museum-apartment of the poet. Blok's poems will be read by Honored Artist of Russia Vitaly Gordienko. Blok's fans will commemorate the poet by reading poetry at the Volkovskoye cemetery

In an apartment located in the old St. Petersburg district, which was formerly called Kolomna, Blok lived the last nine years of his life. In 2005, a literary exposition was opened in the poet's apartment, including his manuscripts, letters and books published during the life of the writer, portraits.

The morning eye opened
The radiance flows endlessly.
My spirit flies there, to the East,
Toward the thoughts of the creator.
When I meet the day with a prayer
On the bright morning line -
Newborn to meet
I will go in spiritual purity.
And after the earthly journey
In the rays of the evening fire
It's easy for the soul to come back again
For tomorrow's prayer.

A. Blok

Erase random features - / And you will see: the world is beautiful
From the poem (prologue) "Retribution" (1911) by the poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880-1921):
Your gaze - let it be firm and clear.
Erase random features -
And you will see: the world is beautiful.
Know where the light is, you will understand where the darkness is.

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  • - ERASE *sauterie f. Dances. Countess Schleitz, one of the most poignant representatives of the politically motivated high life of the capital, had a small "creton ball", or rather a sauterie for young people. D. Pozdnyak In a foreign environment ...

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  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

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These illustrations are hooked - a lot of different associations, reflections...

In general, see for yourself!

Erase random features - And you will see: the world is beautiful.
Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

In the heart of one who passionately strives for beauty, it shines brighter than in the eyes of the contemplative of it.
Gibran Kahlil Gibran

No outer beauty can be complete unless it is animated. inner beauty. The beauty of the soul spreads like a mysterious light over the beauty of the body.
Victor Marie Hugo

Beauty, true happiness and true heroism do not need big words.
Wilhelm Raabe

In character, in manner, in style, in everything, the most beautiful thing is simplicity.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The cup of life is beautiful! How stupid to resent it just because you see its bottom.
Jules Renan

The beautiful cannot be known, it must be felt or created.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Live in harmony!

We live to be happy
To spend the day, do not regret.
Our life is like a thin thread
But I want to do everything.

While the thread still holds a little,
At least fate makes itself known.
Fortunately, we are looking for the right path,
And I just want to say...

Live in harmony
Live in love.
Through the eyes of lovers
Look at the world. Live in harmony
With an open mind.
Let life be like a melody
It will be foldable.

Life is full of unsolved mysteries
But there are keys to everyone's secrets.
Heaven decides everything for us
And they give their message about it.

Even the poor sometimes
More happy than the rich.
Open the doors in your soul
And then you will see the result.

Michael Whelan is one of the world's leading fantasy and science fiction artists. Most of the time he works on his own paintings, however, among other things, he has painted more than 350 book covers for Stephen King, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, as well as albums for bands and artists such as Sepultura and Meat Loaf.

Nearly every major US publishing house is Michael's client. As well as national geographic and Roadrunner records. He has received more awards and honors in his field than anyone else. For example, he has 15 Hugo awards (a kind of "Oscar" in the field of science fiction), and the Superhugo award, presented to him as the best artist of the last 50 years. In addition to paintings in the genre of science fiction, fantasy and horror, Michael produced calendars, posters, sculptures, licensed T-shirts.

The amazing colors of his works, their composition, as well as the author's desire to anticipate his words in life - this is what fans from all over the world love Michael so much for. “I have been fascinated with fantasy images since childhood,” says the artist, “And all my work, whether it be paintings, illustrations or something else, comes down to one goal - to create a “feeling of miracle.” My illustrations reflect my vision of books, to which I made them. But in my paintings, the themes are more personal. The best words to describe my work are “imaginative realism.”

In his paintings, Michael touches on many topics - here is the fight against hopelessness, and religion, and metaphysics, and much more. And the weight is shown in amazing worlds fantasy and science fiction.
More galleries with his work are available on Michael's website: